#happy pisces season btw
boookends · 4 months
good morning happy thursday welcome to my kitchen
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gloryfore · 3 months
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That breakup glow up 🩷🪿
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5eraphim · 1 year
Yo cancers just be kinky huh? -fellow cancer who's been following this blog for months
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well i mean this is our symbol, soooooo-
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sadasspisces · 4 months
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i really liked this shirt 🥹 happy pisces season btw ✨
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
In Sri Lanka, we celebrate the New Year (also known as the Harvest Festival) when the sun moves from Meena Rashiya (the house of Pisces) to Mesha Rashiya (the house of Aries). It also marks the end of the harvest season and of spring.
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Sinhalese and Hindus follow particular traditions for all their day to day activities like clothing, eating, bathing etc.  Government Issue a traditional timetable only for the New Year season (we bathe and eat and go out at particular times). There are colors specified to wear on that day and people mostly used to wear the traditional clothing in Sri Lanka. 
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There are traditional food items indigenous to the Sri Lankan society, like milk rice, which is made with milk and cooked rice, and oil cakes called Kawum. There are so many yummy things to eat during this time! We call this avurudu kawili (New Year sweets!). 
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My favorite part of Avurudu (New Year) other than the food of course is all the games. We play soooo many traditional games (as a community - school, workplace, neighbourhood, etc) and it’s so much fun. Let’s have a look at some of my favorite games!
Kana Mutti (like hitting a piñata, but there is coloured water inside). I am very bad at this lol.
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Tug of war (this is so fun ahhh)
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Playing Raban (drums) - this is usually done by the women and the tunes are such a bop 
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Bun eating with your hands tied (I’m a pro at this btw)
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Goni (sack) race my beloved 
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And of course kotta pora (you have one arm tied behind your back and you have to hit your opponent with a pillow (kotta) until they lose the balance and fall off the thingy. (I've never played this and never will either lol)
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Put the eye on the elephant (self-explanatory)
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Lime and spoon race (I am also a pro in this)
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Lisanaha gaha (climb the greasy pole)
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And of course the infamous Avurudu Kumari (a beauty pageant!!) where women (and men) dress up in our traditional clothes and walk around. I got invited to judge it once and I was gay panicking the entire time.
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Anyway! I just wanted to share it with you all because it’s such a fun time and even though Sri Lanka is going through a difficult time with the economic crisis, people are still celebrating because it’s nice to have something to celebrate and be happy about. 
Happy Sinhala and Tamil New Year to everyone who is celebrating ♥️
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aemoonie · 1 year
happy pisces season btw 🧍🏻‍♀️ if you even care 🚶🏻‍♀️
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almightybigbrain · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Mimiii! 💖
Just learned today (23) it is your birthday today. I love that we share March as birth month, even tho your're not a Pisces like me. I'm mentioning zodiac signs because all the people I know that are Aries are incredible badass people - assertive, energetic, intense, creative, confident, fun people I admire a lot - I just know you fit the mold.
#BossGirl-Diva-Energy ✨ (Lady Gaga is an Aries too btw)
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Anyway... I hope you had an amazing birthday, that your loved ones made you feel as precious as you are and that you have laughed until your tummy hurts (wishes extended for the all the next years too), but even if it's almost March 24th, remember it's still your BIRTHDAY WEEK! 🎂👑So, I hope you enjoy these next few days. Do a lot of the things you love and that you pamper yourself to a fault. Buy yourself a gift, eat your favorite food, visit favorite places (and favorite people) as possible.
Oh well... I remember turning 23, dear, and... [granny vibes now, sorry] ... time goes by so so fast, really; we don't even realize and before you know it you're turning 30. LOL I wish you to make the best of this new season of your tender age, that you can live your best life and, as you get maturing along this year, you may feel every prouder each day for the woman you're becoming. May you make other people happy by sharing your light with them and may wonderful people come to you to shed their light on you too.
In the end, what I mean is: Live happily and joyful everyday moments, enjoy your days with the ones you love and go make yourself some amazing memories, girl!! ✨ Happy birthday!!! ✨😚
You're the absolute sweetest thank you so much!! 😭❤️ god i envy those Aries people because I sadly don't fit the model at all since i am tired all the time and have like 0 Confidence 🥹
But I appreciate your words A LOT and i am glad that you know such amazing people 🫶
(I feel honored to share her Zodiac sign because i love her and used to listen to her so much as a kid 🥰 now it’s only Elvis-)
Oh yes it was definitely great thank you! <3 (Of course i got Elvis stuff) And yessss! i will try to pamper myself as best as i can with my limited free time because of school 😌
[noo never apologise! Been feeling like one since everything hurts 🤣] but you’re so right! Time really flies. I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH YOU'RE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU 💖🥹💖
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skincafe · 3 years
the signs as skincare
i like astrology and skincare so here we go
this is also just my opinion :)
aries- face masks
aries being the first sign is all about establishing their own identity and purpose. masks tend to have a focus on a specific purpose or skin issue, such as hydration or unclogging pores
they will have active ingredients selected and tailored to their purpose and active ingredients can be found in higher concentration which means they are meant to have a significant impact, def cardinal energy
debating btw aries and libra but aries is a more personal sign while libra is an air sign, more outward
taurus- moisturizer
at first moisturizer was giving me water sign probably bc of the name but it was also giving me fixed sign energy bc its a rlly foundational step of the routine that can be built upon
but fixed and water is scorpio and that did not make sense
but taurus makes sense bc moisturizer locks in all the other beneficial ingredients and steps in the routine and allows the skin to take them in
it also feels nice and soothing to apply
taurus being venusian and fixed is here for locking in actives, the benefits, the feel, and the dewy glow
gemini- retinol
ik every derm and skincare person has preached abt retinol and its wide range of benfits
also retinol is only one type of vitamin a derivative but i used it as an all-encompassing term here bc most ppl know it as retinol
bc of the various benefits, aging, acne, pigmentation, brightness etc. def a mutable sign very adaptable
also definitely a mercurial sign since it is one of the most well-researched ingredients and clinically approved
i was debating btw virgo and gemini, but i went with gemini for their air sign qualities, able to set their mind to various endeavors at once whereas virgo would focus on a single goal
cancer- spf
cancer is very protective and so is sunscreen, it is crucial to protect against skin damage from the sun, aging, and skin conditions
cancer is sometimes referred to as the mother of the zodiac (in reference to archetype), it is a necessary step to allow all the other ingredients to have a lasting effect
cancer is also the cardinal sign in western astrology that begins the summer szn
you should wear sunscreen yr round tho
just as uv filters can help absorb uv rays into the skin without damage, cancer is empathetic and can absorb the emotions around them
leo- toner and essence
originally this gave me water sign energy and ik leo would want to be a spotlight skincare step BUT here’s my reasoning
leos actually enjoy helping and protecting others, think the “king of the zodiac” archetype, but more of a benevolent ruler. they enjoy seeing their friends prosper with their help. they’re also a fixed sign
fixed signs do not like change, they prefer consistency and toners were originally created to re-balance the ph level of the skin (back when cleansers were too harsh). nowadays different toners do a lot to balance out the skin: manage oil production, hydration levels, calm irritation, etc.
essences allow for products to absorb better into the skin and work better.
leos are also very creative and toners and essences tend to have many new and interesting ingredients in them, unlike spf or moisturizers which have multiple trusted and reliable ingredients and less experimental ones.
virgo- salicylic acid & benzoyl peroxide
salicylic acid is a BHA which is an exfoliant too but this is more in an acne fighting sense, exfoliation is lower
these are both two very common but very effective acne fighting ingredients
similar to gemini, virgo is mercurial and would appreciate that both these products are well researched and clinically approved i had a prescription w benzoyl peroxide before
also have many great uses and can work with different skin types and different types of acne
libra- spot treatment
spot treatments are fast-acting, filled with active ingredients usually at higher concentrations than all-over-the-face products, usually work quickly and effectively
definitely cardinal energy since w/ a good spot treatment we see the results quick, and expect that change
i was thinking libra or aries, but libra is more about relationships and communication with others/ the outside world. it is also venusian so more about aesthetics than aries
the skin is one of the outermost parts of our body and the outermost organ, so naturally it will communicate more. whether you are blushing bc you are happy, or look tired, or pale bc you dont feel well etc.
scorpio- exfoliation
all about intimacy, finding what is hidden, transformation, and deeper meaning
exfoliation is all about removing the dead skin, and (if its an intense professional chemical peel it will remove a whole layer of skin), and seeing the healthier skin underneath, very transformative, very scorpio
can also be a bit intense depending on the strength of the product
sagittarius- serums
serums are definitely a mutable sign, the most adaptable and people often change them for different needs, i think you are more likely to buy an anti-aging serum to add to a routine or an anti-redness serum or a vitacin c serum, than you are to buy a whole new moisturizer with each active
constantly exploring new and interesting ingredients in serums, provide a lot of variety
sag does not like to be tied down and is always exploring new philosophies
capricorn- facials
while chemical peels and the laser treatments fall under this category, this is less specific, just the overall variety professional facials
capricorn is a very trusted and reliable sign and very wise and pragmatic. they are also a cardinal sign making them ambitious
with professional facials, you are going to get very effective, reliable treatment based on expertise just like a cap
and you expect to see a significant change, reflecting the cardinal qualities.
professionals would alter the facial to meet your needs making it very practical and no nonsense as well.
aquarius- laser and led treatments
aquarius is very innovative and seeks new technology to better the world around them
in more recent years, a lot of new technology is being introduced into the realm of skincare, which all screams aquarius to me but i put laser and led treatments bc they are pretty well known
i feel like new technology could give cardinal sign energy but i think fixed energy makes sense. it indicates a time of focus imo. there is less influence from a changing environment
pisces- cleansing
cleansing has mutable energy to me, i think of taking the entire day’s worth of makeup and dirt and oil off
mutable signs indicate the changing of the seasons, and pisces is the end of winter, like the end of day
pisces is very reflective and being the final zodiac sign they can look towards all the past experiences and bring the cycle to an end.
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sarahisslytherin · 3 years
Hellooo!! happy spooky season! I just took a look at your blog and loved it btw!
May I ask for a 🔪ghostface?
fandom: harry potter
I am a 5,3ft female, my pronouns are she/her, I’m a ESTJ and you can call me Bella! My HP house is Ravenclaw. My sign is sun- libra, moon - libra, rising - pisces. and my love languages are quality time and physical touch. alsoo i am a brazilian 🇧🇷
My favorite hobbies are cooking and listening to music (i have a very broad music taste)! Oh and I love to sing and study new and interesting subjects. When I meet people i’m really shy at first but once that shyness wears off after i get closer to the person i meet… I cant stop talking! I am a perfectionist and often give off the ‘goody two shoes’ vibe, but once i am with my friends that vibe goes away and I get really goofy and sarcastic.
Also i consider myself a very competitive and observant being! Oh and another thing, i’m am a VERY rational person.
That’s it! I hope you are having a great day🤍
keep it up with the amazing work
i ship you with james potter! i think he would think your shyness at first is cute and then he'd be even more delighted when you talk his ear off. he'd be your polar opposite in the sense that he is the furthest thing from a perfectionist and would play so many pranks on you for being a ravenclaw 'goody two shoes'. he'd love goofing around with you and exchanging sarcastic comments, and omg the competition when y'all play quidditch pls bye
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antifragi1e · 2 years
happy pisces season btw ^_^
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monstermoviedean · 3 years
1/5 Based on my experience on a film set (as a background), they keep filming a scene/shot until the director is happy with it. But keep in mind though that they don't just film a scene 2-3 times then move on to the next one - they'll film it however many times from one angle, then the actors get a break while the crew sets up the lights and camera for another angle, and repeat for however many angles that chunk of dialogue requires. (Assuming Supernatural worked with one or two cameras on-set.)
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okay, this is absolutely fascinating on SO many levels. finally have the time/spoons/appropriate level of insanity to respond to this - thank you for your patience anon! before i say anything I should make it clear that i don't know shit about the entertainment industry and i do not have any background in media studies/analysis, so take anything i say with a healthy dose of salt. also, i believe this was originally in response to this post (i'm just really late). under a cut because i got very excited.
they zoom out for the shot of dean turning to look at the empty and the handprint shot, and that's basically it. everything else is from the shoulders up. and it's just! weird! what were they doing from the shoulders down that we couldn't see?
like you said anon, medium and full-body shots allow for shifting and hand usage, which seems really important in a scene that is almost entirely two people standing still? and especially for these two? i'm thinking about the 07x02 shot of dean clutching the trenchcoat after he pulls it out of the water. that was an incredible shot, and i don't doubt that similar choices were made in this scene.
like you said anon, medium and full-body shots allow for shifting and hand usage, which seems really important in a scene that is almost entirely two people standing still? and especially for these two? i'm thinking about the 07x02 shot of dean clutching the trenchcoat after he pulls it out of the water. that was an incredible shot, and i don't doubt that similar choices were made in this scene.
so as far as the tinhatting goes - or as you politely put it, dramatically different takes - logically, you're right. it makes sense! but that makes it all the more confusing to me that the takes of jackles that were used were (relative to his standard) so unemotional. he described it as "taking the air out of a scene." i get the concept, but i am baffled by the execution. why would you want to take the air out of arguably the most emotional scene in 15 seasons worth of television? maybe the intent was to soften the blow of dean not looking for cas in the final two episodes - but then why go to all the trouble of showing his grief? why him sobbing on the dungeon floor all night? why him begging chuck to bring cas back? why him sleeping on the floor with a bottle for a pillow? if they provided reasonable, on-script takes of average emotionality, shouldn't we see a moderately cohesive scene?
it just doesn't add up! it doesn't make sense! even the worst-case scenario (poorly edited to reduce our emotional buy-in so we think dean won't miss cas) is completely undercut by the next two episodes. i know the writers write separately but i assume the editors are at least in communication about a few basics like "dean is sad this episode" or "s*nger directed this so zoom zoom zoom." if they were supposed to erase dean's grief, they either weren't told or did a really bad job of it.
so let's go full tinhat and assume they did their True Vessel thing (love that phrase, btw). that gives the editors less footage to work with and leads to the doctoring. maybe they could only show close-ups because they were standing two inches apart...or holding hands. maybe dean fell the wrong way because he grabbed cas back and spun them so that dean was between cas and billie, and then cas threw him. maybe jackles DID cry unexpectedly (although that one i seriously doubt...pisces man). maybe they both cried in all the long- and medium-shot takes. i don't know! i just refuse to believe that the scene we got was the best misha and jackles had to offer (even though i think they both did an excellent job in the scene we saw).
what about blowing every take on purpose like with the kirk/uhura kiss in tos? anon, you've made me feel that this is unlikely. however, at this point, i'd believe basically anything about this show. thank you for enlightening me, anon. i learned a ton and i feel more insane than ever. ❤️❤️❤️
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jojotichakorn · 2 years
I meant “sun” sign actually. 🤦‍♀️ But I understand, I won’t undermine your judgment. I was just curious about how the “making of” those natal signs. ☺️
And omg, lmao, I obviously don’t speak Russian! 😳 Also, yes of course it’s the Russian Orthodox church and their Julian calendar. 🤦‍♀️
And finally, in my enthousiasm I may have used the wrong term, but I didn’t mean to side with any team! 😥 It’s just that I have been obsessed with Pat’s shirt in ep. 6, pt. 4…well…ever since ep. 6, pt. 4 😊 So to me it kind of felt like I finally had my confirmation. 😅 But as a proud bisexual who finally completed her
Well anyways, I just hope you have wonderful days. A wonderful weekend.
— Thel. 💚
P.S. And because I am an annoying nosey parker…may I ask why you don’t celebrate Christmas? 🧐 I.e.: is there another holiday when I can send you my well wishes for? 👼 (apart from 31 March ofc 🏳️‍⚧️ -> you may celebrate me on my birthday the day after 🥳)
ah, that makes more sense, yeah! basically, i analyze the traits of every sign in every placement and think which one fits the character best, then i write out all the traits of that sign that line up with them. as for the specific reason why i think pat is definitely a pisces rather than an aries - he is not nearly stubborn or hot-headed enough to be an aries in my personal humble opinion (not a dig at aries AT ALL btw, i love y'all to bits, just as a fact).
of course, i think headcanoning pat as bi or pan is equally valid, everyone can choose whichever they like best!!
as for why i don't celebrate christmas: it is solely a religious holiday here in russia. because soviet union was a strictly secular country, we couldn't have nationwide celebrations of any religious holidays, and so everyone started celebrating new years instead. and as i am not christian, i don't celebrate christmas (since there is no such thing as "culturally" celebrating christmas here). so yes, the winter holiday that you can congratulate me on is indeed new years, on the 31st of december! and if you wish, you may also say happy birthday to me on the 6th of march!
hope u have a wonderful rest of the holiday season!
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mosiacbroken · 3 years
team ben yes!!! i am so happy you finished the show, the ending has got my heart aching so much fhwbdjqj. i’m doing good today! thank you <3 my favorite season is spring actually! i love how its just a mix of all seasons and not to mention its cloudy mornings and rains ♥️. its also my birthday season! maybe thats why i have such a connection to it but ahh i love spring so much - 🦢
hi elfie!! we were robbed from so many ban x devi moments in the show they hardly had any sweet moments together and it makes me so sad!!! and yes the ending omg poor ben :(( I'm glad you're doing good and hope that your day will continue to be as awesome!! (although it's probably already like evening for you now). I've never experienced it, but spring sounds so wonderful!! rain is a blessing here where I live because its like hot nd humid all the time and I hate it. do you prefer the cold or the hot? I would say my favourite season is fall not just for the aesthetic of it but also because it has the perfect temperature!! and crunchy leaves!! whats your star sign? I'm not much into astrology just curious to know hehe. I'm a pisces btw!
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quirrrky · 3 years
Heyy🥰 can I request a haikyuu matchup for Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Sagittarius Rising, Capricorn Venus, and Pisces Mars. I am straight btw.
Some facts about me:
-I am 5’5 1/2
-People usually describe me as kind, cute, optimistic, and intelligent
-My mbti type is INFJ and my enneagram is 9w1
-My favorite subjects are English and Psychology
-I run for my schools track team
-I care a lot about others and try to make everyone happy by making them laugh or listening to them
-Im a creative person and love drawing/writing
-Music is my life. I can’t go a day without listening to my favorite songs and finding new ones. It’s very calming and relaxing for me
-My favorite seasons are spring and summer because the nice sunny weather makes me feel happy and at peace
Thank you sm and I love your blog❤️❤️
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You complete Keiji in ways he doesn’t expect at first. He’s the kind of guy who always holds his perception and feelings towards people thinking it doesn’t really matter if they’ll know what he thinks of them. That’s why he’s truly fascinated by the constant encouragement you give him until he has you in his system and realizes that he wants someone like you in his life because you make him better.
You two are one hell of an inseparable duo who are very supportive of one another. Keiji’s the type of boyfriend who’ll reserve cinema tickets for the both of you and who’ll remember whatever it is you want to try out so he can watch out for it. 100% down for whatever you’re up to.
At the same time, you both love staying in just listening to music all cuddled up together probably talking and just giving each other kisses here and there.
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A/N: Enlo, anon! I wish you like this match-up! your placements are kinda’ similar to Akaashi I know but it makes it super cute ♡
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thorsthot · 3 years
happy pisces season btw
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