#grimoire organization
thatdruidgal · 1 year
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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lunasapphire · 2 years
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Some books that I have read and would suggest to a beginner or for anyone to read! They are very good in my opinion, I do suggest you read Wicca by Harmony Nice as a first option, she goes into a lot of detail about her path but also paths in general and how everyone is different but also is the same thing and how no one person is better then the rest, it’s a great read. 10/10 recommend!
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stagewitch · 1 year
Correspondences Running Master List (M-O)
Manifestation - balm of gilead, dittany of crete, mastic, lemon balm
Meditation - bodhi, gotu kola
Mental Clarity - fluorite
Mental Powers - caraway, celery, eyebright, grape, horehound, lily of the valley, mace, mustard, periwinkle, rosemary, rue, summer savory, spearmint, walnut, fluorite
Memory - fluorite, carnelian, rosemary
Money/Wealth - alfalfa, allspice, almond, basil, orange bergamot, blackberry, bladderwrack, blue flag, briony, bromeliad, buckwheat, calamus, camellia, cascara sagrada, cashew, cedar, chamomile, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, clover, comfrey, cowslip, dill, dock, elder, fenugreek, fern, flax, fumitory, galangal, ginger, goldenrod, golden seal, gorse, grains of paradise, grape, heliotrope, high john the conqueror, honesty, honeysuckle, horse chestnut, irish moss, jasmine, lucky hand, mandrake, maple, marjoram, may apple, mint, moonwort, moss, myrtle, nutmeg, oak, oats, onion, orange, oregano, grape, patchouli, pea, pecan, periwinkle, pine, pineapple, pipsissewa, pomegranate, poplar, poppy, rattlesnake root, rice, snapdragon, sassafras, sesame, snakeroot, black snakeroot, squill, tea, tonka, trillium, vervain, vetivert, wheat, woodruff
New Beginnings - blue goldstone, black moonstone
Organization - smoky quartz
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wildwitchofthewest · 2 years
I've thought about it, and I'm going to move all my witchy information from my old composition book to this 3 ring binder.
My organization in the composition book was really all over the place, and it was getting messy (even though I still like how portable it was)
This time, I'll have full reign over the organization and I can now move pages to wherever I please.
Besides, I needed the upgrade.
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corvidpng · 10 months
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{ 7/9/23 }
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witchboychan · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world
Hm...either someone wants advice to see whether they wanna be a satanist or not, or its their leader wanting some criticism.
Well either way, I never opened this website before. I m word vomiting out all my first impressions on the website. I ll admit the only satanic thing i read was anton levays work before stopping because holy fuck that was alot to take in. But either way, lets get started.
Website design is a 3/10. The blue, red, and the black background, with the occasional white for links is making my artist side freak out. Why isn t there a satanic web designer come on!
I read through the read text essay next to the links, on one hand i feel like i m on 4chan with the"Our Past is Being Systematically Destroyed To Keep the LIE of Christianity Going. Expose 5he Conspiracy!! Click Here!!" Feels i m bout to get a virus. However the other half of me is agreeing with most of this.
I read the making a commitment to satan part and i never read anything more cliche in my life. SIGN YOUR NAME IN BLOOD TO ME MORTAL!!!! Like what the fuck guys? I get it, but at the same time its a tiny bit extreme? Like please don t lay awake at night questioning why they hate you when you were initiated through stuff like this.
Thankfully, they DO mention your legal rights and list them all out, and they even mention what to do if you re in custody, things to do with your job, dealing with harassment, EO officiers, even stuff for kids and teens in public schools (this is specific towards the USA though). This doesn t just go for satanism, it goes for all aspects of witchcraft and should be treated as such!
Despite how I praise the website, and how you said they re pro choice, I doubt that. I also found nothing on the main page about the gods your talking about, since only demons were mentioned from what I read. Also, I found an blacklist made from another user (I fact checked it, they re accurate) thats going to be linked in the comments. I found an entry about every main satanic group, heres what it had to say about the joy of satan community:
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I found none of this on the website, however why would you? Plus, I just read so many fucked up stories on the r/satanism subreddit. Maxine (someone related to the joy of satan organization) has also repeatedly stated nazi like bullshit. Their sister site 666blacksun shows their true colors. While joy of satan is their "professional" side, 666blacksun is who they truely are, conspiracy theorists and nazis.
So, in conclusion, stay away from this organization. And if you still decide to be a part of it, stay away from me. My old school was in a jewish town, my best friends were muslim. I already spoke to every color under the sun when I was only 10. They were the nicest people I ever met, and I won t tolerate any uneccessary hate towards them, or ANY minority. You ve been warned.
Feel free to add whatever you d like in the reblogs.
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maxhpart · 3 months
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How to Maintain Your Magic Accessories: an overview for novice mages
Many spellcasters-to-be imagine how exciting life will be once they've acquired some skills and a wand, but very few picture the everyday upkeep of said wand. That's why we at the Mage Guidance Department created this guide: to spread awareness so that prospective mages can know what to expect when choosing a life of magic. It's not all fun and mind games—it's a commitment to care!
(This is my piece for Dottolus' Dotnomicon: Grimoire of Wonders, a magic book zine organized by @dotzines. Below the cut are the static versions. It was fun to play with the idea of a book with magically shifting content!)
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lunar-witches · 7 months
✨ Creating Your Grimoire ✨
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In the realm of witchcraft and the arcane arts, a grimoire is a sacred vessel—a repository for your magical knowledge, spells, and experiences. To create your very own grimoire is to embark on a magical journey, a testament to your personal growth and a reflection of your unique spiritual path. With each page, you breathe life into a magical world that is uniquely yours. 🌙📜🔮
So, let us delve into the mystic arts and learn how to craft your very own grimoire, a treasured companion on your magical journey:
✨ 1. Choose Your Tools: Begin by selecting a journal or a notebook that resonates with you. It could be leather-bound, handcrafted, or a simple, beautifully designed book. Let your intuition guide you.
✨ 2. Dedicate Your Grimoire: Before you start filling its pages, dedicate your grimoire to your magical practice. Create a ceremony or ritual that signifies its importance in your spiritual journey.
✨ 3. Organize Your Content: Decide on the sections or categories for your grimoire. Common sections include spells, herbs, crystals, divination, moon phases, and personal reflections. Organizing your content will make it easier to reference.
✨ 4. Decorate with Intention: Use art, symbols, and colors that hold significance in your practice. Incorporate symbols, runes, and illustrations that resonate with your magical path. Each stroke of your pen can carry intention.
✨ 5. Record Your Spells and Rituals: Document your spells and rituals with care. Include ingredients, steps, and the outcomes. Personalize them to make them your own and infuse them with your energy.
✨ 6. Herbal and Crystal Wisdom: Devote sections to the properties and uses of herbs and crystals. Describe their magical associations and how to work with them in your spells and rituals.
✨ 7. Lunar and Planetary Magic: Dedicate pages to the phases of the moon and the influence of planetary energies. Include your observations and experiences with these celestial guides.
✨ 8. Divination and Tarot: Share your insights about divination methods like tarot, runes, or scrying. Document your readings and interpretations.
✨ 9. Dream and Meditation Journal: Dedicate a portion to dream and meditation experiences. Record your visions, insights, and messages received during your spiritual journeys.
✨ 10. Personal Reflections: Your grimoire is not just a book of facts but a record of your spiritual evolution. Write about your experiences, your magical progress, and how your practice has shaped you.
✨ 11. Protection and Secrecy: Consider creating a page or section dedicated to protective spells or enchantments to safeguard the contents of your grimoire.
✨ 12. Regularly Update: Your grimoire is a living, evolving document. As you learn, grow, and experience, continue to add to its pages and update your knowledge.
As you craft your grimoire, remember that it is a reflection of your unique connection to the magical world. With each entry, you breathe life into your practice, making it a powerful, personalized tool for your mystical journey. May your grimoire be a testament to your magical evolution, a record of your discoveries, and a key to the secrets of the universe.
📜🔮✨ Blessed be, as you embark on this enchanting journey of grimoire creation. 📜🔮✨
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Digital Notion Grimiore/Book of Shadows Template
A digital grimoire/book of shadows is a must-have for modern witches - and Notion is the PERFECT platform to organize it. My Notion Grimoire/Book of Shadows Template features tons of pages, sub-pages, linked properties, and TONS more to keep you organized and help you in your witchcraft journey. <3
Available in both light mode and dark mode!
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February week 1
Energy Work
This next few weeks we are going to be dealing with rather a lot of definitions and new pages. These definitions can either all go on one page so that you have a sort of dictionary of your own within your grimoire, or you can leave the pages separate and have each definition on each separate page.
Lab notebook/ new page- Definition - what is Energy Work? How do we incorporate it into our craft? How does it work?
New page - Visualization- what is visualization? What does it actually mean and how does it work? What is its purpose and how do we do it? How do we practice getting better at it?How does it work and help us within the context of our craft?
New page- Energy Manipulation -start with the basics and work your way deeper into it. How does one sense energies? See them? Feel them? How does one begin to manipulate them? What methods are used?
Grounding - define grounding within the context of energy work. What is it? How do you do it? What forms are there? What is the purpose of grounding? How does it help us in our craft? What herbs, gems and tools are associated with grounding?
Charging - define charging within the context of energy work. What is it? How do you do it? What forms are there? What is the purpose of it? How does it help us in our craft? What herbs, gems and tools are associated with charging?
Centering - define centering within the context of energy work. What is it? How do you do it? What forms are there? What is the purpose of it? How does it help us in our craft? What herbs, gems and tools are associated with it?
Research- pick another herb off your list! Find out as much information as you can. Mundane and magical, historical too!
Sending, receiving - is it possible to send and receive energy? How is this done? What purposes does this serve? How do we use it in the context of our craft? What associations does it have?
Raising - Define raising energy. How does one raise energy? What is the purpose of raising energy? How do you perform it?
Channeling - Define it. What is energy channeling? How does one do it? What is the purpose? How does it work and help us in the context of our craft? What are some associations for channeling?
Astral work - Define astral work. What is it? How is it done? What are various methods? What is the purpose? What are some things associated with it? What is its history?
Energy fields - Define it. What are energy fields? How do you sense them? Can you manipulate them? How do you sustain them? What sustains them? What do we do with them?
Research - pick another gem or other magical item/ component/ ingredient and research as much as you can about it!
Replenishing - How does one replenish their energy? What are the methods you use? When and or how often do you do it?
Sensing - how does one sense another person’s or another source of energy? Are there different methods? Are there tools that can help? What all things can you sense energy in?
Meditation - what is meditation? There are various philosophies and techniques. If you prescribe to one, which is it? How do you accomplish it? What is the purpose of your meditation or meditation in general? Are there tools that help you meditate?
Auras - what are auras? Define them. What do they look and feel like? How do you sense them? Can you manipulate them?
Dream Work - What is dream work? Lucid dreaming isn’t the only way to work with dreams. What methods of working with dreams are there? Do you journal your dreams? What are dreams, to you?
We made it. That was a lot of definitions this week! The next couple weeks will have a lot of definitions! Along with the normal prompts. Again all of this is just meant to inspire research and creative thinking as well as actually inspire creative decoration ideas and organization for our grimoires! Don’t feel obligated to do it all week by week. The challenge will stay up after the year is over so we can all look back and utilize it!
-Mod Hazel
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lunasapphire · 7 months
What it looks like to be an actual witch✨
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Research on top of research on top of research - welcome to my unorganized but organized research grimoire scrapbook
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nyx-twix713 · 9 months
does anyone else out there just not have a big fancy organized grimoire? i just started my practice so all of my research is just in with my notebook full of random thoughts and doodles. its all stuff that i love and i actually kind of like having it all together. it makes my practice feel more personal and close to my heart. i know once i become more advanced ill want a dedicated grimoire just to make things easier, but for now i kind of love it
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grimeclown · 2 years
Thanks for showing me your spell books and grimoires. Your arcane library is so cute. I love the way that you’ve organized your guides on runic theory alongside your treatises on the applications of sigilcraft. Like those are totally the same thing, right? Lol. Very cute.
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lets-boogie · 10 months
Lowkey really don’t like the people in the witchcraft community who see their practice as an aesthetic and nothing more. Like, witchcraft, paganism, and occultism in general definitely do have very aesthetic qualities to them, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying those aspects. However, you should be focusing on the craft and the beliefs more than you focus on the looks.
You don’t need to have an organized or pretty looking book of shadows or grimoire
You don’t need to have all your herbs in labels glass jars
You don’t need to have cool looking crystals
You don’t need to have a “nice” looking alter
You don’t need to have a Pinterest board dedicated to the aesthetic of witchcraft
You don’t need to have photos of trees with quotes from books that you may or may not have actually read next to them
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying these things, I cannot stress this enough. You can do all these things, and there’s nothing wrong with it. But you don’t NEED to in order to practice your craft. So don’t worry about having things look nice if it stresses you out. If you are only, or mostly, practicing paganism for the aesthetic, then you do not have your priorities straight.
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hexpositive · 9 months
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Hex Positive, Ep. 038 - Creating Your Personal Grimoire
Since magic and writing first existed together, there have been books of magic. Grimoires and other mystical tomes dot the historical record, from illuminated manuscripts to beloved props of modern pop culture. For the modern witch, a grimoire is as much a personal reference guide as it is a self-written textbook of the craft. This month, we’ll discuss how to build your own grimoire, with tips for staying organized, suggested topics, and a journaling exercise to get you started!
Partial Transcript
Additional Resources:
Wikipedia Article - Grimoire
Wikipedia Article - Book of Shadows
Wikipedia Article - Key of Solomon
Wikipedia Article - Pseudepigrapha
Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, Owen Davies, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Cited Podcast: Historical Blindness, Ep. 116 - The Key to the Secrets of King Solomon (May 02, 2023)
Visit Here Comes The Witch on tumblr for more grimoire inspo!
Harvest Witch Market
Sunday, Sept 17 2023, 12pm-6pm Diversity Richmond, 1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond VA Hosted by River City Witch Markets
⁠Hex Positive is now on YouTube⁠!
Check my ⁠Wordpress⁠ for full show notes, as well as show notes for past episodes and information on upcoming events. You can find me as @BreeNicGarran on TikTok, Instagram, and Wordpress, or as @breelandwalker on tumblr. For more information on how to support the show and get access to early releases and extra content, visit my ⁠Patreon⁠.
Visit the ⁠Willow Wings Witch Shop⁠ to purchase my books and homemade accoutrements for your craft!
Proud member of the ⁠Nerd and Tie Podcast Network⁠.
“Spellbound” & “Miri’s Magic Dance” Ad - "Danse Macabre - Violin Hook" and “Feelin’ Good” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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