#green witch pendant
moved2024 · 2 years
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MagicMagpieJewelry "Elven Witch Amulet"
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jarognieva-art · 1 month
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charlieswebb · 4 days
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i made necklaces for our suvi ame and eursulon
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goldberry-edition · 3 months
Cornelia's color green
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itzayahuatlmermaid · 7 months
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A Clear Quartz necklace that I made and have available!
Wire-wrapped with copper, this raw Clear Quartz point is supported with soft, black cotton cord, and length adjusting loops so you can choose your perfect fit!
Clear Quartz ~ Is a stone that encourages overall healing and protection, calm, clarity, transformation, enhancing, and the strengthening of your intuition 🌊 Clear Quartz is associated with the elements of Earth + Water, divine feminine energy, and all chakras 💫
~ this necklace is now available on my Depop, linked in bio, for $12 with free shipping! If interested in this or any of my other jewelry pieces, please feel welcome to dm me here so you can ask questions and/or buy it directly from me ♡
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wait if eclipse never gets access to the pendant in this au that means either kc still has it or it makes its way to moon...
oh man can you imagine kc trying to raise another child immediately after leaving both of his sons in the middle of nowhere without any warning
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covenkrustallos · 1 month
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Recently got into wire wrapping and today was the first time someone complimented my piece while wearing it. Made me feel so accomplished and proud 🥰
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ianthinecreations · 1 year
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I’m officially going to be reopening my shop very soon. Make sure to favorite the shop on Etsy so you can be the first to know when the next update goes live!
🔮  Ianthine Creations on Etsy   🔮  
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reyenii · 21 days
since edwin is very closed off, except for when he’s with his best friend, charles, costume designer kelli dunsmore reflected his buttoned-up mentality through his bespoke suit, complete with bowtie and collar. edwin’s outfit, along with charles’ period garb, were designed to help them stand out more in modern day port townsend. “i knew edwin would, because no one dresses like that now,” says dunsmore.
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dunsmore wanted everything about charles to feel “a little bit cool and underground,” from his union jack and the who bull’s-eye patches to his checkerboard pins. his little cross earring and chain on the outside of his shirt are also meant to be homages to the ’80s.
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in the show, crystal’s hero color is purple, which you’ll notice in her velvet coat and long silk letterman jacket, which dunsmore thought of as a psychic cloak with hand-embroidered patches, including the wilting rose of england.
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her brown trench coat represents an explosion of everything going on in her mind. dunsmore decided the scribbled words and drawings are a result of crystal writing all over it to express her inner turmoil. there are even lyrics on there from the song she’s listening to on the tube when she meets the dead boys.
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david’s connection with crystal seeps into her wardrobe, too. since david wears a flower shirt, dunsmore’s team hand-painted flowers onto crystal’s black boots. and niko is wearing a dark sweater with flowers on it when we first meet her, as an homage to crystal. the costume department also drew the same rune pattern the dead boys use to exorcise david in episode 1 onto crystal’s trench coat and on the tab of her wool bomber jacket. “so she’s always got some sort of protection,” says dunmore.
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every color niko wears is inspired by what’s happening in that episode, from the green post-sprite exodus to blue when she’s feeling sad. niko only wears a white look, with nods to her japanese heritage, in the finale as a reset. the charms on her obi belt represent the colors she’s worn all season.
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night nurse is someone who’s in control all the time and likes things to be in their proper place. dunsmore looked to vivienne westwood for inspiration, since everything in night nurse’s world is a bit exaggerated. (by the way, niko’s orange monochromatic look is a nod to her scenes with night nurse and night nurse’s red hair.)
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since david is a demon, he finds a london boy that looks cool enough for crystal to find attractive. that meant dunsmore dressing him in a shearling jacket you’d find in “all the guy ritchie movies,” black pants and creeper shoes. the costumer’s mood board for “david the d” featured radiohead and amy winehouse and her husband blake, who often wore hats similar to the one you see david wearing in the show.
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pay close attention to monty’s leather jacket and you just might spot an inlaid crow feather or two.
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it’s not only esther who wears clothes with a gilt, old-gold color — cat king and night nurse also do as a nod to their villainy. (esther and cat king also have similar fur coats.) amidst her beauty, dunsmore wanted esther to be a little rough around the edges. she wears a cuff around her hand that’s adorned with a snake and a ring with teeth all around it to represent the teeth she’s collecting from all the little girls. her eye necklace is meant to be her witch pendant.
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mischievous as ever, cat king has (cat) eyes everywhere and is aware of edwin’s affection for charles. so he wears charles’ socks the first time he meets edwin.
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flamingpudding · 11 months
The Ghost King is my Uncle Drabbles #2
A/N: Some more linked to a prompt week writing I did
Original this builds on: Link
Rowdy Cousin
Batman swore internally, from the outside he stoically sat in his chair and did nothing to indicate the absolute chaos that was going on in his mind. The Meeting rooms light flickered and the speakers once more started up loudly blaring a song all over the Watchtower. He was pretty sure one of his sons had told him once that playing that song was a meme.
"Someone do something about that kid! He is Rickrolling us!" Green Lantern screamed above the music.
"Constantine is already trying to do something." Superman's hands covering his sensitive ears as the music must sound to him even louder.
Batman very much only looped one thought in his head. -It's only for world ending purpose, I cannot use it right now.-
He had a responsibility to uphold, he was the patriarch of the earth branch family. This was not something that required him to use that. No he would not use it. He refused. This was not a world ending matter. Surely Constantine or anyone else of the Justice League Dark would solve this problem any second now.
The screens flicker and Batman did anything he could in his mind to not let his eye twitch even if no one would be able to see it. Cat videos were playing where second earlier statistics and observatory programs had been running.
No he would not, they could handle this problem no need to involve family.
The music stopped and some of his hero colleagues let out a relieved sigh only for a familiar laugh to echo through the watchtower and a new song starting to play. One that apparently counts all 100 dumb ways to die.
"Why is Klarion even targeting the watchtower like this?!" The Flash shouted over the lyrics before turning to him.
"Did one of your kids piss him off or something?!"
"No." At least not as far as he knew, though considering the recent discovery as well as the surprise visits his uncle had done lately he might have a guess why the witch boy was targeting them right now. Didn't mean he would elaborate this reason to the other heroes present.
Before Wonder Woman could comment John Constantine stormed in the room and slammed his hands down onto the table staring right at Batman with blood shot eyes. "Call him."
"Don't play fucking dumb bats. You know who I mean. This is not the witch brat alone. There is another entity and if you don't want the fucking watchtower crashing into earth you call him right now."
"Bats, he is not talking about who I think he is?" Superman carefully asked while the other heroes looked at him just as questionable.
He held his staring contest with Constantine a little longer before he grunted and reached into his utility belt pulling out a small bat-shaped pendant. A personalized upgraded calling card, his uncle had gifted to him as well as each of his children and extended family members.
This was not how he imagined a meeting in regards to his new discoveries and a possible sure fire contingency plan against world ending emergencies would go. He rubbed his thumb against the engraving waiting for a short moment for it to pulse, before tapping the pendant three times, paused and tapped it two more times. This was a non-emergency call, even if his colleagues might disagree.
He still thought they could very well handle this situation without the help of his uncle.
The present heroes watched in stunned fashion how a white haired, 20 years old man stepped out of a green portal and instantly zoomed across the room to hug THE Batman around his head rubbing his cheek against the bat's cowl mindful of the pointy parts.
And Batman was letting the man do that only looking resigned.
"We agreed that I would only call on you with this pendant for emergencies."
The white haired man only hummed before his head turned sharply and green glowing eyes narrowed at Constantine, who visibly paled and took a step back standing straight and looking very much like he regretted what he had asked Batman to do. "Trading game is not being rude to you is he?"
The bat only grunted and the white haired man finally let go of him, humming as he took in his surroundings, eyes glinting in mischievously as he saw the flickering lights, animal videos on screen and heard the blaring music over the speaker. "When I okey-ed Klarion to go playing with his cousins I didn't think he would seek you two out. He had been talking about his older cousins starting another game of 'who's the better demon lord' in different dimensions. I thought he was joining their bet."
Wait did he say two? Batman grunted and the white haired guy chuckled. "I will be back in a second."
Not even the Flash could react as fast as the white haired man disappeared and reappeared with Klarion next to him. Clearly pulling on the witch boy's ear like a father would when their child had been naughty. The flickering lights and blaring of music over the speakers had stopped.
"Ow DAD what in the name of chaos are you doing here."
"Your Cousin called me. You are disturbing his work and risking them crashing into earth with Technus' help."
"Technus get out of their network or I will lock you up on a Medieval Island for three decades."
As if the present heroes weren't confused enough a face appeared on one of the screens. Glaring at the white haired man. "You wouldn't dare."
"Watch me, if you stay in there any longer. I will also dig out the old thermos and soup you additionally for a decade or more."
The face on screen grumbled and the heroes nearly flinched back as a ghostly, green skinned man came out of it, looking every bit frustrated and annoyed. "I was just getting a good look at this modern technology, you have banned me from any big shot Industries…"
"We had that discussion 100 years ago, Technus. Back to the Ghost Zone." The white haired man commanded by opening a portal next to them with the wave of his hand and surprisingly, the green skinned guy listened.
"Sorry about this Baby Bat and Little Demi. Klarion will be grounded for a bit and re-educated in how to bond without risking potentially killing any bystanders. Oh and remember I will come by later for Baby Ghost to get his checkup with Frostbite!"
"Dad, please no grounding! Anything but that!"
"I am sure your Grandpa will be happy to have your help during your grounding."
"Dad! NO! I don't want to keep time in order! I live for chaos not order!"
The man was just smiling and completely ignoring Klarion's complains as he turned towards Batman and Wonder Woman, for reasons the hero's didn't understand.
"Well we will be on our way then Baby Bat, Little Demi!"
Batman grunted and the white haired man chuckled, leaving through the portal and dragging along a whining Klarion, who apparently was that man's son.
Just before the portal closed, the man stuck his head back out looking towards Wonder Woman with a mischievous smile. "Oh before I forget! Pops Clockwork sents his regards Little Demi . He doesn't want me saying this, but he is glad about the path you choose. Says you're set on a pretty good timeline!"
The head disappeared into the portal again and it finally closed. Wonder Woman was left blinking at the empty space, her mouth slightly open with the silent question of "What?"
"Bats, who was that?" The Flash was the first to break the silence that had followed as eyes turned to the dark knight.
"His Uncle." / "The Ghost King."
Superman and Constantine spoke at the same time. The JLD member flinched back as he looked at the glowering bat. Muttering something the man took his leave or rather escaped the room as quickly as possible as Batman kept glaring. Meanwhile Wonder Woman was slowly having a crisis of her own as suddenly family relations that had been hinted to her through Pandora made sense. "Clockwork... no, Titan Cronus? The Ghost King... Uncle Daniel?"
Chaos broke among the present heroes.
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brokentrafficknight · 1 month
Wholesome au cinder breaks a vace by mistake ands to ptsd from the madame she falls begging fir forgiveness from her new parents witch leads to group hug and lots of parental head kisses and " its okay mommy and daddy are here"
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There is no feasible way for me to do this with just chibis lmao
Have poorly written fanfiction instead c:
The crash came before Cinder even had a chance to turn and catch her mistake. She’d been told countless times not to chase Ruby through the house and now, as she turned to see just what they had done, the rush of playing with her sister had died. Scattered across the floor of the living room were the pieces of her mother’s vase.
“Oooh…” Cinder didn’t have to look back to know Ruby was peeking her head out from the kitchen, no longer confused why their game of tag had been abruptly cut short. “C-Cindy—”
“Get the broom, Ruby,” Cinder choked the words out, head held low as she counted the shards of porcelain. Her hands balled up into shaking fists until her whole body started to tremble. She could already hear Jaune, Pyrrha and Summer’s footsteps approaching. Their words were drowned out by the sinking feeling in Cinder’s chest as memories of the Glass Unicorn resurfaced.
A shaky hand clutched for the Madam’s collar, waiting for the shock to come as her throat tightened and every breath became more and more difficult to take in. Tears welled in Cinder’s eyes against her will. Poisonous words filled her thoughts and dropped her to her knees scooping up the broken vase together into a pile,‘This is my fault, they’re going to hate me.’
‘They’re going to put you back in a collar. How could anyone love someone like you?’
‘You’re nothing. Broken. Unwanted. Unwelcome.’
Gentle hands took hers and gently squeezed, snapping her out of the fog as she looked up into warm, deep blue eyes. There wasn’t a hint of the anger and hate that she had been dreading, only the concern and care of her father. Jaune’s voice was calm and soft as he said, “You’re okay, just breathe.”
“I’m sorry… I’m so, so sorry… Please don’t hate me, I’m–” Another hand covered hers and Cinder’s eyes met her mother’s, Pyrrha’s. Her mother merely smiled and shook her head at every apology Cinder made. Her hand yanked away from Jaune’s to clutch at her collar, only finding the jewel pendant they had given her for her birthday.
Summer drew her into a hug, rocking her back and forth just whispering, “It’s going to be okay, Cindy. We love you.” Hot tears streamed down Cinder’s cheeks, stinging her face as she broke into weak sobs and clung to Summer for dear life. Jaune and Pyrrha hugged both of them tight, laying soft kisses to Cinder’s head and rubbing her back as she began to catch her breath. “It’s just a vase.”
The pieces of the vase were gathered up after Jaune carried Cinder off to the kitchen to get her some water and a snack. The table the vase had sat on would go without it for a month before Pyrrha would proudly set a ‘new’ one there. The cracks were sealed back together with a powdered gold lacquer. Standing behind the rest of her family, Cinder admired the work from far nervously.
Amber eyes met emerald green and Pyrrha smiled brightly, motioning for her to come closer, dropping low to be closer to her daughter’s height. Cinder approached slowly, cautiously, before being pulled into a warm hug that she couldn’t help but smile. When Pyrrha whispered into Cinder’s ear, she felt her heart swell, “Something precious being broken doesn’t mean you have to throw it away. Not when you can fix it. I think it looks prettier like this.”
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sailorgoon13 · 1 month
Regulus Black
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Full Name: Regulus Arcturus Black
Nickname: Reg, Reggie
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 28 June, 1961
Heritage: English
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Walnut, Phoenix feather, 11", Rigid
Hair Color: Black hair, natural curl
Eye Color: Grey eyes
Skin Tone: Light
Height: 5'9"
Body Type: Slender, lean.
Style: Tailored robes of rich, deep colors—charcoal black, midnight blue, and emerald green. Beneath his robes, he favored crisp, white shirts paired with fitted trousers. His hair, dark and tousled, fell effortlessly across his forehead. Around his neck, he wore a simple pendant
Features: His hair dark and possibly slightly unkempt. His stormy grey eyes. Stoic exterior
Traits: Determination, Integrity, Compassion, Selflessness
Likes: Music, Art, Nature walks
Dislikes: Arrogance, Close mindedness, Prejudice, Injustice
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading
Fears: Voldemort, What Voldemort planned on doing
Family and Friends:
Father: Orion Black
Staunch believers in the supremacy of pure-blood wizards and witches
Likely authoritarian parents who expected strict obedience and adherence to family traditions from their sons. Their rigid upbringing likely contributed to the conflicts and tensions within the Black family.
Mother: Walburga Black
Was infamous for her enchantment of the Black family tapestry, which displayed the family's tree.
She blasted off the names of any family members who were disowned or deemed unworthy, including Sirius when he left home.
Friends: Regulus upbringing within the pure-blood supremacist Black family, suggests that he may not have had many genuine friendships, especially outside of those who shared his family's beliefs. His relationship with his brother Sirius suggests that he may have harbored feelings of loyalty and affection towards him, despite their differences. Though strained by their ideological divide, their familial bond could have provided a foundation for understanding and mutual support.
Special Abilities: Was taught Dark Magic at a young age
Boggart: Voldemort
Patronus: He could not produce one
Polyjuice: Would appear to be black with silver specks. Smells like old parchment and ink, mixed with earthy tones. The taste would be subtle and similar to dark chocolate with a hint of bitterness.
Amortentia: Subtle undertone of smoky incense or burning parchment, a faint scent of lilies and fresh air after a storm
From a young age, Regulus Black was groomed to uphold the traditions and beliefs of his prestigious pure-blood family. His parents, Orion and Walburga, had high expectations for both him and his older brother Sirius, expecting them to excel in their studies at Hogwarts and uphold the family's legacy of loyalty to the Dark Lord Voldemort.
As children, Regulus and Sirius were inseparable, bound by their shared experiences and the weight of their family's expectations. They dreamed of making their mark on the wizarding world together, fueled by their ambition and thirst for recognition.
But as they grew older, Sirius began to question their family's beliefs and rebel against their parents' authority. His defiance strained their relationship, leaving Regulus torn between his loyalty to his family and his affection for his brother.
Desperate to prove himself to his parents and earn their approval, Regulus stepped up to fill the role that Sirius had abandoned. He embraced the teachings of Voldemort and joined the ranks of the Death Eaters, believing that he was serving a noble cause and fulfilling his family's expectations.
However, as Regulus became more deeply involved in Voldemort's dark agenda, he began to witness the true extent of the Dark Lord's cruelty and ruthlessness. Horrified by the atrocities committed in his name, Regulus started to question his allegiance and the values instilled in him by his family.
It was during this tumultuous time that Regulus learned of Voldemort's Horcruxes—objects containing fragments of his soul that ensured his immortality. Fueled by a sense of duty and redemption, Regulus resolved to atone for his past mistakes by destroying one of the Horcruxes—the locket hidden in the cave.
In a daring and selfless act, Regulus defied Voldemort and ventured into the treacherous cave, facing countless dangers to reach the locket. Though he ultimately succeeded in retrieving it, he paid the ultimate price for his bravery, sacrificing his life to ensure that Voldemort's reign of terror would be brought to an end.
Regulus Black may have started his journey as a pawn of his family's ambitions and Voldemort's manipulation, but in the end, he found redemption in an act of courage and self-sacrifice, leaving behind a legacy of bravery and defiance that would inspire others to stand up against darkness and tyranny.
Best Subject: DADA
Favorite Subject: Potions
Favorite Professor: Slughorn
Worst Subject: Muggle Studies
Least Favorite Subject: Divination
Least Favorite Professor: McGonagall
Student Life:
Regulus was quite active and had a love for being on the Quidditch team
Was in a few extracurricular activities such as Dueling Club and also Slugclub
He was one of Horace Slughorn's favorite students and excelled at potions
As Sirius began to rebel against their family's beliefs and traditions, tensions between the two brothers would have escalated
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
Wait, We Have a Talking Cat?!? (Shanks x Fem Reader)
@kazenomegaminowanpisu ask for shanks x fem reader and that fem reader adopts a magical cat. I got my inspiration for my sassy magical cat from Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I wanted a really sassy cat and Salem was the sassiest! Well, I hope you like it and thanks for the request my friend!
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Being the only girl on the Red Force could be lonely.  Yes, you were with Shanks.  He was the best boyfriend ever, but you know what they say.  Boys will be boys.  And boy, did those boys live by that phrase.  “Hey Shanks,” you asked one night while laying with him in bed, “can I get a cat?”
He looked over at you puzzled.  “I mean sure Y/N but why?”
You sighed, “I used to have a cat as a kid named Bingo and I loved that cat.  I think it would be fun, plus I’m the only girl so I’d be nice to have a companion that isn’t a grown man.”
Shanks looked at you.  His gray eyes looked into your (e/c) ones.  He caressed his lovely girlfriend’s right cheek with his hand. “Then on the next island you can go adopt a cat.  I’ll tell the boys now.  It’ll be like we have Uta back!”
“Are you comparing your own daughter to a cat?  Why?”
“Both can be adorable but will rip your head off when angry.”
“Oh god,” you laughed while rolling your eyes.
When you reached the next island, you headed straight for the shops, while Shanks and the rest of the crew headed to the bars.  You saw one little pet shop called “Ms. Crystal’s Pets and Magical Goods”.  You walked inside and it was not like any shop you had ever seen.  The walls were a dark maroon shade while all the lighting was fairy lights or pendants that looked like stars or moons.  The shelves were lined with not only pet toys and pet food, but also small little trinkets.  You approached the old orniet oak counter where a sweet looking old woman stood.  “Hello dear,” she said with a smile, “what can I help you with?”
You smiled back, “I’m looking for a cat.  Do you have any?”
“Of course.  And I know just the right one for you.”
She disappeared into the back, while you awaited your new little furry friend.
“So he lost his arm saving my namesake,” your cat Luffy asked you.  The sweet old lady at the pet store told you that this cat was special, it had magical powers.  Besides talking, he could also create objects out of thin air, which came in handy when you ram out of important materials and supplies on the ship.  Everyone knew about Luffy’s powers on the ship, everyone except Shanks.  All the other boys found out when Luffy accidentally started talking to them about giving him a pet.  Benn Beckham’s came when he asked him what Benn was short for: Benjamin, Bennet, Benedict, Bennifer.  Luffy talked in front of Shanks, but he was drunk and thought he was seeing things.
“He did lose it saving Luffy,” you replied, “Luffy is a devil fruit user and was drowning so Shanks went in and saved him, but a Sea King ate Shanks’ arm.”
“So my name sake is an idiot?”
“No, he was seven and was thrown into the water.”
Luffy laughed.  He was definitely a sassy cat, but you were just as sassy.  “Well, I’m hungry, so I’m getting a snack.  Do you want anything?  Tuna? Maybe a devil fruit like the other Luffy?  Then you can go for a swim.”
“I’d love one…wait, are you trying to kill me?  Never mind you can’t live without me,” the black cat said, putting emphasis on me.
“Tuna it is then.” you laughed walking out of the room to the kitchen.
A few moments later someone walked into yours and Shanks’ room.  Luffy spoke up, “I hope you brought me the nice tuna from the blue can, and not that garbage kind in the red one.”
There was no answer.  Luffy looked up and noticed a surprised Shanks, grey eyes wide open. 
“Oh crap,” the black cat said with his emerald green eyes wide in shock.
When you return from the kitchen you notice your main man and your magical cat staring at each other.
“When were you going to tell me our cat talked? Does the rest of the crew know?” Shanks asked, grabbing your shoulders, staring at you in complete disbelief.
“All the boys know. Luffy’s talked to you a lot, but you’ve been really drunk,” you laughed.
“I was also the one who created that necklace you bought Y/N for her birthday,” Luffy interrupted.  Shanks stared at the cat and then at you.
“He creates objects too!  Oh my god I love this cat. What else can you do Luffy?”
“That’s about it but don’t ask me to make you a new arm.  I like you, but I tried that once with my old owner.  Now she has an extra leg.”
“You’re not mad about the cat?” you asked.  You were scared that he would want you to get rid of the cat since you never told him.
He smashes his lips into yours.  “Of course not.  Even if Luffy wasn’t a cool magical cat and instead hated me, I’d let you keep him.”
You kissed him on the cheek and said, “I love you Shanks!  If you excuse me, I’m going to go get water.”
“Love you too,” he answered back.
He sat with Luffy for a few seconds in silence until his new favorite feline asked, “So Beckham, does Benn stand for Benjamin or Bennifer?”
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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sundaybossanova · 4 months
Witch's Love Chapter 1
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Paring: San x OC
AU: Fantasy
Word count: 4,1k
It was a normal day for Sera, brewing potions, visiting the market and trying not to blow her cover but a sudden uninvited guest changes everything. Lying on her doorstep is a young man on the brink of death and she has no idea what she's gotten into after saving his life.
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With a heavy sight Sera finally stepped back from her cauldron having finished putting the last bits of dried lavender into the now finally finished potion. With the sleeves of her ebony blouse, she carefully dabbed away the sweat drops on her forehead. It has taken her longer than expected to craft the potion seeing as she ran out of marjoram halfway through the making process. “Maybe if I had checked my stock before starting this whole thing would have been done quicker” the white-haired witch said to nobody in particular. Walking slowly to the tiny window in the house she admired the glowing moon that was shining brightly in the dark night sky. Beside the last crackles of the dying fire the house was silent with the feeling of peace hovering in the air. Two soft knocks could be heard breaking the tranquil silence and making Sera give one last glance to the moon before moving on to open the wooden door of her humble abode. “Why do you come home at this hour Bram?” the girl asked opening the door wider to let the large black dog enter her home. Without much of a response the familiar trotted to the kitchen, went past the cauldron containing the finished potion and finally settled down close to the extinguished fireplace laying down trying to preserve the last bits of warmth offered by it. “Oh come on tell me what you have been up to, I missed you while you were gone.” Pouting slightly the girl continued “Did you meet someone interesting? Or have you found new customers in the village?” Still the dog seemed not one bit interested and simply answered “It was a long day and even though I haven’t interacted with a lot of people, actually none, I am still exhausted.” He repositioned his head so he could watch the witch make her way to a cabinet taking out ingredients for their shared dinner which turned into a late-night snack. “Did you finish your potion we have to bring it to the customer tomorrow.” Bram reminded the girl still remembering times where the young witch would forget the deadlines for her potions causing a lot of her clients to become angry and dissatisfied with her work. The young witch just hummed as a form of saying yes, too concentrated on cutting the ingredients for their shared meal. “Everything is finished I just have to fill it into a flask, don`t worry so much.” And with that she continued her task with a small smile on her lips.
As the first rays of sunshine slowly appeared Sera was already finishing getting dressed in dark green woollen dress with a white ruffle-sleeved blouse underneath it. Her delicate hands grabbed onto the necklace laying on the small dressing table in front of the mirror. After looking at the three green stones embedded in the pendant, she quickly put it on and started braiding her hair. “We have to leave soon I feel like there will be a storm coming and I would rather get home with my fur still dry” came Bram’s voice from his place on her bed. His comment made her hurry up grabbing her black cloak, basket and coin pouch ready to leave if it wasn’t for her familiar calling out to her: “Haven’t you forgot something? Maybe a little thing you worked for all night long?”. With that said Sera turned around and swiftly grabbed the flask from her worktable muttering a quiet “Thank you. Now let’s go”. The black dog was following the witch through the still quiet woods where the animals and plants had yet to awake. The fog was slowly lifting as the two neared the village and could hear faint voices from the marketplace in the centre of the town. Making their way into the bustling streets the screams of many sellers became louder and they had to push themselves through the crowds of busy villagers on their way to get groceries and what not. “Remind me why I had agreed to join you today?” Bram’s voice was laced with regret not enjoying being nearly being stepped on and pushed around by people. “It was your decision don’t try to put the blame on me now.” She answered with a light chuckle finally seeing their destination coming closer. The little shack seemed to be quite old and rundown she guessed nobody has used it in some time. “Doesn’t it feel weird that the customer has requested to meet here out of all the places? This place seems abandoned and there aren’t any people around” her familiar spoke up with questions that have also been going through her mind. “Honestly I don’t know who ordered it, in the letter it only said she needed the potion as soon as possible and I feel like when somebody asks for this particular one, they are very desperate, so I wanted to help without asking any questions.” The girl finally admitted realizing her own mistake of being too naïve and taking on requests she couldn’t be sure were worth her time or would endanger her life. “I do think you know to not do such stupid things ever again, if they find out a witch has helped getting rid of a child you will be solely accused of killing an innocent child they won’t care or believe that you only acted out the mothers wishes.” Bram’s voice was stern trying to control his anger that comes from his underlying fear of the girl getting hurt by the strangers living in the village.
Before she could continue apologizing for her wrongdoings, they could hear light footsteps coming near. “Excuse me Miss but are you the- “the hooded figure was slowly coming to a halt in front of the two nervously looking around “are you the witch?” she finally finished her question after stumbling over her own words. Sera raised her head to look the person in the eyes finding a pair of storm grey eyes filled with worry. “Yes, I am the one you’ve been searching for I presume you are the one who wrote me the letter” Shily the girl nodded and tried to crack a small smile, yet the only thing visible on her face was her nerves. “Here take the potion” she pulled out the flask and handed it to the shaking woman. “To make it more enjoyable, mix it into some tea and drink it before going to sleep. This potion will cause you to miscarry, you might feel a sharp pain in your stomach and become a bit dizzy the next morning but as soon as the miscarriage has ended those symptoms will pass eventually.” Sera has spoken those words without breaking eye contact with the person in front of her. “I hope after this you will be happier and if you need anything else you know where to find me my dear.” She ended her little speech with a comforting smile patting the girl’s shoulder before making her way in the direction of the forest. Too stunned to speak the young woman nearly forgot to thank and pay the witch for her service. “Wait up! Here`s your money I am ever so grateful for your help. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without this potion, so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.” With those final words the younger one put the gold coins into Sera’s hand and ran off without looking back quickly disappearing behind corners and buildings of the village. “She seems too young and innocent to get pregnant, this whole thing gives me a bad feeling.” Her familiar finally spoke up after the girl was out of sight. “Maybe it was an accident, maybe she was forced we will never know, and we especially shouldn’t intervene with the business of others. We’re doing our job by providing the people with potions and remedies for their problems, nothing more nothing less.” Continuing their way home they stopped at a few booths with Sera picking up items she ran out of and Bram staying close by her side looking out for any potential dangers. Unfortunately, it had begun pouring down some time after they entered the forest again. “I told you we should have left earlier to avoid the rain.” The witch chose to ignore the familiars’ words and just kept on following the small path home. The rain has started to sicker through her cloak and slowly she began to feel the cold creeping up on her. When the small hut came into the girl’s view, she sighed out of relief . “It wasn’t that bad, was it? If you want, I can make us some hot supe and meanwhile you dry yourself in front of the fireplace? Deal?” she suggested looking behind her to face the dog. “This actually sounds like a good plan, I am in.” the wolflike creature answered but before he could add anything Sera let out a short scream while falling on the ground. Confused and utterly shocked the girl looked down at her feet seeing something she hadn’t expected to find. “How, why…. When” She couldn’t find any words while staring at the severely wounded man lying on the ground. The guy tried to get up by pushing his right hand into the mud pulling his upper body a few centimetres off the ground, head only raised long enough for them to make eye contact before he collapsed again letting out muffled groans. Finally, the silent whimpers and expressions of pain pulled Sera out of her thoughts, and she suddenly rushed to the stranger’s side holding his bloody face in her hands. “He’s burning up, we have to get him inside as quickly as possible.” She said in a rushed voice, already preparing to carry the man’s body into her hut with the help of Bram.
Her kitchen table was turned into a makeshift hospital bed after they had laid the young lad onto it. Running around collecting the needed items Sera didn’t realise that the boy had awoken and tried to stand up. “What do you think you are doing?” said Bram in a stern voice. The witch turned on her heels and pushed the upper body of her patient back down. “Lay down, you are severely injured and you’re only making it worse.” She was quite angry, yet her touch was gentle while putting him back into place. With efficient moves she prepared all of the tools she needed and started to work on healing his wounds. The only sound coming from the man were muffled groans and yelps of pain while Sera was putting different ointments and herbs on his many wounds. “This one will hurt a lot.” She said in a quiet whisper lazed with concern as she slowly poured alcohol on the deepest wound on his chest that was oozing blood. “You’re quite lucky the arrow didn’t hit your heart”. Bram was watching everything from a distance not wanting to disturb her while she was in her trance of healing. The sweat on her forehead was glistening in the dim light of the room as she placed the final dressing over her patient’s upper body. Huffing out a sigh of relief she turned her body to the familiar, a small smile escaping her lips. “He is doing fine now; you can go to sleep. I will stay and look after him” Not fond of this idea the wolfish creature stated it would be best for her to rest and he will wake her the moment the stranger shows signs of waking up. Finally feeling the exhaustion taking over her body Sera gave in and made her way up the stairs into her bedchamber and after lying down on her comfortable little bed it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.
“Get away from me you damn beast” was the first thing the young witch heard upon waking up the next day. Without a thought she ran down the stairs to find her dear familiar being threatened with a knife by the person who just yesterday was lying in front of her abode on the brink of death. “What do you think you are doing?” she was enraged, and the man suddenly turned upon hearing her voice. “What do you mean, I am defending myself from this creature.” After that comment Bram couldn’t take it anymore and with a venomous voice he finally spoke up “I did nothing to you! Ungrateful brat. You are the one pointing weapons and wanting to fight.” With that said Sera had enough and in one big stride went to the strangers’ side gripping onto his arm completely taking him by surprise. “I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in my house! And you should lie back down, or your wounds will reopen, and all my work will have gone to waste.” Flabbergasted, the man let her lead him back to the kitchen table he had previously laid on and sat back down. The witch was mumbling incoherent words while scurrying around the room doing who knows what. Before he could speak up, he was interrupted by the woman. “How about we start over. After all this seems like one big misunderstanding.” Now that he has somewhat calmed down, he took in the appearance of his apparent saviour. A petite girl of similar age to him, with long white hair, fair skin and eyes a shade of green he only knows from the depths of the forest. It took him some time to speak up himself: “I agree also I am sorry for threatening your ehhh… pet wolf?” While in the end his sentence sounded more like a question Sera had to hold in her laugh. “He is not a wolf but a black shepherd and my familiar. His name is Bram.” She said, smiling faintly while putting a kettle over the little fire she had started. “Oh, how rude of me, my name is Sera.” she added, turning around to face him. “San” Was the short answer from the stranger who still looked wary of his surroundings. “It’s nice to meet you San, I am curious how you got into the state you were in yesterday”. Patience was not one of her strong suits therefore she just had to ask him. Her green eyes full of curiosity were now fixated on him waiting for an answer. “Well, you see, I have been running away from the royal guards with my brother and to distract them we split up upon arriving in the forest but they defied my expectations and kept up with my pace even getting close enough to hit me with an arrow” his hand was subconsciously hovering over the bandages around his chest. “After falling to the ground I thought it was over but because of whatever reason they ran back to the castle after hearing the sound of a horn, without that I would probably be dead by now” pausing for a moment he lifted his head locking his brown eyes with hers. “And if you wouldn’t have found me I also would be dead, so thank you again I own you my life”. The sincerity in his voice was so eminent that a smile crept itself on her face. “I would do it again in a heartbeat.” she said confidently, finally breaking their eye contact to hand him one of the mugs full of deliciously smelling tea. The following silence was not an awkward one but rather one of mutual understanding and want for some peace.
“Do you live here alone?'' It was his time to ask a question again and she nodded her head taking off the bandages carefully. “Ever since I was 16 but I have Bram, so I am never really alone” The wolfish creature's ears peaked after his name was mentioned and his curious eyes followed his master's movements meticulously. “I see, still I can’t really imagine how it must feel to live like this coming from living with seven other guys. Your situation seems like the complete opposite” he said, cracking a smile at the end a little lost in his thoughts about his brothers. Would they be searching for him, maybe they thought he was dead in the end? He just hoped they wouldn’t do anything stupid because of his absence. “My turn. Why were you running from the guards?'' The wound was now fully unwrapped, and she began applying a self-made ointment on it. “Should have known you would ask” he mumbled quietly trying to avoid her forest green eyes. “I may or may not have stolen something from the palace” Her hands stopped working, eyes looking up searching for his. “You really stole from the king?” her voice was low still in disbelief waiting for him to start laughing or telling her it was a joke. But to her further surprise he kept his sheepish posture confirming her it was the truth that he spoke. “Wow… this is unbelievable but what was so important to sacrifice your own life? There is nothing more valuable than life itself?” her answer surprised him, instead of flipping out after finding out he committed treason she was wondering about his reasoning. “We simply stole money and riches, we didn’t even take a lot to stay unnoticed but on our way out we were spotted by a guard, it rarely happens so we weren’t really ready.” “Wait so you did this more than once?'' Now the shock was evident in her eyes as she dropped the new bandages she prepared. San finally raised his head showing the serious expression that was previously hidden behind his hair. “I know this sounds horrible and I understand if you do not want me here anymore but please don’t tell anyone and let me leave. I promise to never come back” he sounded so earnest taking her hands in his pleading her to understand. It took her a moment to realise she had been staring blankly at him. He took her lack of response as a sign to leave dropping her hands and trying to get up from the kitchen table. This was finally enough to rip her from her daze. “No stay you’re still hurt” her hands were pulling him back gently while her facial expressions made him feel at ease taking away the fear and panic that began bubbling inside him. “It is true that stealing, especially from the king, is a severe crime but I’d like to believe that you have your reasons to do so. Furthermore, I cannot let you walk around the forest in this state knowing I could have helped you more.” The sincerity in her eyes took him by surprise making him smile showing off his dimples. Letting out a breathy thank you he still couldn’t believe she wasn’t about to kick him out or worse tell on him to the guards. “Are you sure you want to help a traitor of the crown?” he asked willing to give her one last chance to avoid the mess she was about to get into. “Don’t worry about me, if the king were to find me helping you would be the least of my crimes. After all being born a witch will forever be my biggest crime.” The smile on her face seemed forced her eyes not meeting his while she busied her hands to finish bandaging his chest. He was too stunned to speak her bravery admirable to him, yet he caught on to the change of mood and he couldn’t imagine how it must feel to be in constant fear of being caught. “Well in my eyes your powers seem more like a blessing then a curse it just scares the ones who are afraid of change and the possibility of losing their power.” This made her heart speed up, he wasn’t afraid of her instead he seemed rather fascinated and intrigued about her abilities. For the remaining time they stayed silent, the only noise coming from her working on changing his bandages.
“You should stay the night to rest and gain more energy to go back home” was the first thing Sera said while they were having dinner. Mid-bite San raised his head looking at her, “sounds like a plan thank you for your hospitality” the smile on his face shone so brightly making her join him. Waving one of her hands dismissively she tried to explain how she liked to help people and would do it again any day. The rest of their meal was filled with random topics, some stories of their past and a lot of laughter. He told her more about his brothers, how one of them tried to cook but instead nearly burned down their house or how the oldest reminded him of her because he was the one who would take care of their wounds. Through the evening they got a lot closer realising how similar they were yet so different at the same time. “They would love to meet you” he commented with a big grin. “I’m not so sure about that one, they don’t even know I exist, and they would probably think I am awkward.” The last part was more a whisper to herself, she knew that her social skills were lacking and just thinking about meeting all of his 7 brothers made her shrink in her seat. “What do you mean? I can already see Seonghwa thanking you for taking care of me and asking about all the salves and ointments you used.” His eyes seemed so sincere that Sera felt more at ease, yet in the back of her mind the fear of judgement was still present and would probably not leave any time soon. “You should try to get some sleep now, it’s getting late and we want your wounds to heal as quickly as possible right?” the young witch said with a small smile, starting to clean the table. “You`re right, let me help you” and after a quick argument about how he should rest and not clean dishes right now, which she lost, they finished tidying up and she showed him to her room. “You can take my bed, I'll give you some clothes for you to sleep in.” Before he could disagree with her statement the girl was already going through her drawers picking out a pair of loose fitting trousers and a linen shirt. “Take these I will be downstairs, just call me if you need anything. Sleep tight:” and with those words she quickly left to get some sleep herself after all the day had been quite long. With her leaving the room San looked at the clothes in his hand and felt a weird sense of comfort, one he had only experienced when being in the presence of his brothers.
The first rays of sunlight hit the white sheets and reached the golden skin of the person underneath it. Scrunching his nose San tried to avoid the light by covering his face with the fluffy piece of cloth yet his efforts of going back to sleep were in vain as he heard soft footsteps and a knock on the door. “Good morning, I prepared breakfast if you want some '' he heard the soft spoken words come from the other side of the door. Suddenly realising that he isn't in his own bed in the comfort of his own room, San takes a moment to grasp the whole situation. “Ah yes of course I will come down in a minute” he stumbles over his words while trying to get up as quickly as possible. A sudden pain in his abound makes him groan in pain altering the young witch outside. Without a knock she rushes into the room to assist San, chestering him for being so careless. He felt her soft hands supporting his back, subconsciously rubbing soothing circles while he waited for the pain to lessen. “You should be more careful, you were on the brink of death yesterday. You can't just get up like nothing happened or you will make it even worse.” Her hands are now all over his body checking the bandages and the wounds on his face, concern clearly evident in her actions. “I'm sorry, I acted before I could think.” his lips were formed into a small pout which she couldn't help but think of as cute and endearing. “Come on now you need to eat something and then take the medicine i prepared for you” Sera patted his shoulder one last time, giving him a reassuring smile and leaving the room. San sat on the bed for a little longer, trying to root himself and get rid of the light red tint on his ears.
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This is my first fanfic ever so I am really nervous, I still hope you enjoy it!
devider by @cafekitsune
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batrogers · 6 days
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LINK, WIELDER OF THE FOUR SWORD Four Swords Adventures, Four Swords Manga
[From my original Linkverse, That Broken Promise]
GENDER: Male (amab, intersex via genetic mosaicism) PRONOUNS: He/They HEIGHT: 5'2" AGE: 24 HEALTH: Myopia in left eye (red = severe/ vio = moderate), Seizures (green/blue when split)
WEAPONS: Ordinary sword, Bow, Fire rod ITEMS: Cursed pendant, Roc’s Feather, Moon pearl, Blue bracelet, Power bracelet SPELLS: Quake, Bombos
Four was Zelda’s childhood friend, close enough to be asked to join her and the Sages when they tried to check on the Four Sword. He was there for Shadow’s first appearance and Vaati’s return before he pulled the Four sword to go after them and split for the first time. After some time fighting with himself as much as Shadow and any o Vaati’s minions, ending only wit Vio’s betrayal and their reconciliation, they made it to the Palace of Winds, destroyed Vaati and sealed Ganondorf into the Four Sword.
Four is unsure himself how much of what he’s like now was true before he pulled the Sword. He is disinterested in talking about his past and frequently straight up lies about it. He and Zelda are still very close and often he runs her errands. He sought out a cursed pendant from the young witch in the Village o the Blue Maiden, in order to split back into four and to summon Shadow again. He’s on good terms with his father, but tells him little of his current life.
Four speaks when comfortable, is literate (except Red, who cannot see well enough), and does not know any sign language.
Four has various feelings about sexuality and taste: Green & Blue are involved with each other, Vio & Shadow are involved, and Red has had little interest in any partners. Given their complicated situation, only Vio ever takes outside partners for short term flings.
Five Times Link Hurt Himself (And When He Stopped) The Great Sea, mainline story (Shadow's POV) All Fours (my art)
Songs from the playlist for Four: Shake It Out, by Florence and the Machine Be Better At Listening, by Pomplamoose
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like-likes · 2 months
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Stardew Local Public Access (I am modding a mod) There is a mod on Nexus called "Always on Plasma TV" https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20491
The mod makes your TV display images randomly on screen. It appears to pick about 5 or so images per day out of 57 total. It has little images of the movies from the theatre and your regular scheduled broadcast.
I've begun taking the images into photoshop and editing sprites to show villager channels and such and It's been so fun and I wanted to show you a few I have so far and a list of everything I've worked on as well. I'm just about halfway through the 57 images.
Here is the list:
1 - Willy Fishing show - spring
2 - Willy Fishing show - fall
3 - Marnie Chicken Show
4 - Tower at the full moon (sebs card game)
5 - Krobus spotlight from movie
6 - Those weird green and pink guys
7 - Pierre's special on bouquets
8 - Morris Joja Special on Seeds
9 - Bear wants mayple sryup
10 - black and white movie still of a dude
11 - movie still of the little sapling
12 - Prarie king still from movie
13 - Safari Dude talkng about Parrots
14 - Cityscape background with 2 rando characters
15 - Living off the Land
16 - Gremlin henchman at the witches hut
17 - Concerned Ape (hat with a static background)
18 - Sports Ball - Grid ball - Fans
19 - Book Selling guy
20 - Mermaid show 1
21 - Mermaid Show 2
22 - Sandy Sells Starfruit Seeds
23 - Trash Bear
24 - Gunther discussing a prismatic Shard
25 - Qi talking about Blue Beans
26 - Emily Sewing show
Ooof - I Have 30 more channels to go!
I plan to do Traveling Merchant, Desert Trader, Adventure Guild, Junimos, Mr. Wizard, The Mermaid Pendant Guy, Krobus in the Sewer, Dwarf Shop, Some Gossip News highlighting Lewis, Night Market stuff, the New fishing events, Shane and blue Chickens, Leah's Sculptures, Robins shop, Sam's Band, Haley's photos, Elliot's book reading or playing piano, Gus's Bar Specials, Harvey's clinic, Joja cola Commercial, Movie Theatre, Evelyns Baking show, Demetrius Science show, News interviewing Linus.... that's 23...
I have 7 more slots. Please feel free to suggest a channel!
I've attached some screenshots of some of them.Everything is a work in progress.
I'm thinking I might make a gossip show with my future husband where I'll tell him all the juicy gossip around town and he reports it. Obviously it's gonna to be the guy who likes to stay home with his computer...
What do you think?
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