#goodbye big brother
luvliewriting · 1 year
I'm a firm believer in Tilly Jackson being the little sister of Arthur and John, I fully believe Hosea adopted her and that's why Arthur and Tilly got so emotional saying goodbye to each other and that's why Arthur is closer to her than the other girls
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wormdramafever · 5 months
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ovenproofowl · 2 years
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I just keep wondering, when did you become such a gigantic gay-wad?
You can’t say that anymore, it’s offensive. Dad had a lot of things wrong, it’s on me and you to do better.
PAPER GIRLS 1x04 It Was Never About The Corn
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Summary: After the Bite, Evan spent years being manipulated into helping William commit crimes against humanity. Now, William's in jail, Evan is in 21-year-old Mike's custody, and Evan just wants to stay at home taking care of the stray animals he finds in the woods outside. Michael tries to convince his little brother that it's not healthy to hide away in the house for the rest of his life.
Au: saffron pawn au
word count: 1,375
The sixteen-year-old sitting cross-legged on the couch didn’t move. He didn’t even look up at Michael; his attention stayed glued on the fox laying asleep in his lap as he ran his fingers gently through its fur. 
With a mighty huff through his nose, Michael knelt down in front of the couch so he was eye-level with his younger brother. Evan couldn’t get up and walk away with the fox asleep in his lap, or the squirrel balanced carefully on his shoulder, or the raccoon laying on the couch curled up against his thigh. 
“Evan.” Mike put more care into keeping the gruffness out of his voice this time. “Ev, can you look at me? Please?”
Evan grunted.
Michael waited. He didn’t have anywhere to be; he could kneel here all day if Evan chose to play things the hard way. 
Finally, Evan looked up. His green gaze drilled holes into the lower part of Michael’s face as he adamantly refused to meet Michael’s eye. 
Michael’s chest moved slowly in and out as he took a deep breath, reminding himself that it was okay. Evan didn’t need to meet his eye; he just needed to listen. 
“C’mon, Ev. This isn’t good for you, and you know it.”
“I told you, I’m fine.”
“You’re sixteen. You should be getting out of the house, having fun, being a dumb kid,” Michael corrected. “You should be meeting new people and making friends.” 
“I have friends!” Eyes lifting, Evan looked up at Michael with a glare.
‘Well, at least he’s finally looking you in the eye.’
Michael sighed, as much at the sardonic voice as at Evan’s outburst. “Your animals don’t count,” Mike said firmly.
“Then I don’t need friends.” 
“Yes, you do.”
“That means a lot, coming from the guy whose definition of ‘friend’ is anyone who comes into his stupid parlor more than once. You can’t tell me I’m not normal when the only time you bother leaving the house is going to work or the store because you’re too scared to leave your psycho little brother home alone.” 
Michael blinked at Evan. Blood rushed to his face and anger reddened his cheeks at Evan’s insults. “Low blow, Evan.” 
The fox in Evan’s lap raised its head and looked sleepily around the room as though troubled. 
Evan shrugged, and the squirrel on his shoulder jumped onto the back of the couch and climbed away. Evan watched it go with a frown. “Psycho, remember?”
‘Deep breaths, Michael. Deep breath in, then out…’
“You’re not a psycho.” 
Evan wasn’t looking at him anymore. He wasn’t petting the fox anymore, either; just watched it stand and stretch its legs as though waiting for it to jump away and leave him. “Then I don’t know what I am.” 
“A lonely kid?”
Evan snickered. “That’s what Therapist #5 used to say.” 
“Was that the one with the mole?”
“No, the pink glasses.”
“Riiiiiiight,” Michael clacked his tongue as the memory returned to him. “That’s the one I freaked out when I told her we were moving.” 
Evan rolled his eyes. “You told her that she ‘didn’t have very long left’ after the whole town accused us of being serial killers.”
“I was just talking about the number of therapy sessions she would have left with you!”
Michael knew he shouldn’t, but… he couldn’t help but laugh remembering the way that woman’s eyes had widened, how she had taken a step back and her manicured hand had floated over her heart, how she had looked about five seconds away from passing out like some dramatic Hollywood actor…
Evan’s lips flickered upward in a brief smile, too.
With its legs apparently sufficiently stretched, the fox curled up again in Evan’s lap, and the sixteen-year-old reached out to scratch the underside of its chin. As though jealous of the attention, the raccoon at Evan’s side stood and crawled into Evan’s lap as well, and the kid reached out to pet it with his other hand. 
“Listen, Ev,” Mike started carefully. “I’m just… trying to be honest here. I know what it’s like to… to lock yourself away from the world. I did it all the time when I was your age– hell, I did it when I was younger than you, and you’re right. I still do it now, because… I felt like I wasn’t good enough. Like… like just existing in the world would be a punishment for everyone around me.”
Memories flooded Michael’s mind. Being pushed away and rejected as a kid until the only people he could surround himself with were a group of delinquent kids who did nothing but encourage each other’s worst tendencies; hiding his face behind a Foxy mask because he couldn’t bare to look at himself in the mirror and he needed to be something other than the stupid, weak little kid he saw there; the months when Evan had been in his coma and Michael would find notes that read ‘murderer’ in dripping red paint stuffed inside his locker; staying locked inside his room for days in fear of their father or his teachers or his classmates taking out their anger and judgement on him…
“I know what that’s like,” Micheal whispered. “I know how awful it is, and I know that I don’t want that for you, Ev.” 
The smile was gone from Evan’s face, replaced by shiny eyes and the splotchy red color his cheeks always got just before he cried. 
“Please, please, promise me you won’t lock yourself away.” 
Evan shook his head, though it didn’t look like an answer so much as him being overwhelmed and confused and hurt. 
“You don’t have to do anything big, just– something, Ev. I… I even called around, and… did you know there’s an animal shelter looking for volunteers not far from here?”
Evan’s teary eyes lifted to meet Michael’s. For a second, he seemed touched by the olive branch Michael had extended him. But the hope died in his eyes quicker than it had appeared. 
“Th-they’ll just find out what I a-am, and– and then we’ll have to move again. There’s n-no point.” 
“Or,” Michael said. “Or maybe they’ll see how much you love animals, how good you are at taking care of them, and they’ll be happy for the help. Maybe you’ll make a friend or two.” 
Evan was already shaking his head. “They won’t want me, Mikey. They won’t, they w-won’t, they won’t! You didn’t ev-even want me; why the hell would they?!” 
Michael’s eyes squeezed closed for an awful few seconds. There it was. 
Standing up, Michael stopped kneeling in front of Evan and moved to sit beside him on the couch. 
Evan leaned away from him on instinct, but he couldn’t move very far with the animals still on his lap.
“I love you, Evan. And I know– I know– if you give the right people the chance, they will, too.”
Evan’s entire body was shaking now, one of his hands floating up to his face and covering his mouth as he sobbed with his head low enough that his chin practically touched his chest. 
The raccoon and fox on Evan’s lap seemed to look at each other for a moment. Then, the raccoon got to its feet and scurried away. The fox followed not long after, and a fresh sob ripped from Evan’s chest as it left. 
Michael’s hands fluttered in the air, unsure if he should try to comfort Ev or if this was one of the times when touch would make it worse. 
Evan ended up answering that for him by burying his face against Michael’s shoulder and pounding his fists against his big brother’s chest. 
With a strangled gasp as he was suddenly winded, Michael grabbed at Evan’s hands. He transferred Evan’s wrists into one hand, keeping his little brother’s hands pinned down as he wrapped his free arm around Evan. 
“I hate you,” Evan sobbed. “I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!”
“It’s okay,” Michael whispered as Evan trembled in his arms and tried yanking his hands out of Michael’s grip. The words felt awkward on his tongue despite the echoes in his mind of countless therapists harping on about how important it was to communicate now. “I am not going to let you hurt me, but you can let it all out, Ev. It’s okay.” 
Evan just sobbed louder. 
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Here's my petition of the tumblr sexymen big brother au, I think it would be funny, listen, stop running-
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month
*flips hair* I have never blocked anyone because I'm nosy, but I want to know #4!
What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I am also nosy...to my detriment sometimes. Which is why it takes me so long to actually block people that I should probably have blocked a lot sooner. But I do have a story.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I've kind of vaguely mentioned this when asked before but I'll talk a tiny bit more specifically here. Not too specific because I'm not trying to start shit buuuuut....also they are definitely not the only person I've blocked but I think they might be the most recent one? I don't know.
About a year(?) ago I had to block a couple of people because they were starting to make me uncomfortable. I was being tagged in all sorts of posts (and to be clear the posts weren't bad, they were even positive! kind posts even) and something about what was happening was rubbing me the wrong way.
Actually before I keep talking about this, I feel like I need to talk a tiny bit about myself because it's important context. This also might surprise people considering how much I overshare on here, but I am, at my core, an extremely private person. I do not like attention. I get anxiety when my follower count goes up here (genuinely love all of my followers and this is definitely a me problem). I live in fear of being secretly recording for some stranger's tiktoks. I don't want my face seen by people. I do not wish to be perceived. It is 100% a trauma response and I am aware of all of this. And this is extremely important to why I blocked these people.
It is slightly easier for me on tumblr than it is in real life, but this is quite literally my safe space that I have built for myself. It's why I'm comfortable sharing things here. I have no issue being tagged in posts. I have no issue with people wanting to talk about things I've said or if they tag me because they want me to see something. So getting tagged in seemingly genuinely kind and positive posts should be fine, right?
Well, yes and no. The posts I was being tagged in felt...hollow to me. Like I was being tagged in an attempt to build a platform instead of because they actually wanted to tag me. I was being tagged in posts thanking me for participating in a fandom which kind of made it seem like the reason I was posting about anything was for accolades and that...is simply not why I'm here. I am not here to gain a following. I am not here to build a platform or to help others build a platform. I am here to post silly little posts about my shows and my life and also now keep track of character's glasses. If I wanted to build a platform, tumblr is not what I would be using (and honestly if I wanted to, I genuinely think I could be pretty successful at building a platform and gaining followers and other platforms. I would consider myself highly marketable if I wanted to go into that industry).
But the last straw for me? What finally did it? Why I finally blocked the people whose vibes have felt off for me and clearly did not know me well enough to know that doing what they were doing was quite literally the opposite of something I am comfortable with? It was when someone (again not naming names because I don't think they had bad intentions but were just so horrendously misguided as to allow themselves to ignorantly do this) who did not follow me, did not reblog any of my posts, did not like any of my posts, had never replied to any of my posts, nor had they ever interacted with my blog or with me in any type of way (I checked because I'm nosy enough and petty enough to have checked that) tagged me in a post. To thank me. For participating in a fandom. And I am not saying anyone has to do any of those things. But if you're gonna tag me to thank me for participating...perhaps maybe at least like one of my posts about the thing you're thanking me for?
To be clear, this was a show that a lot of people were talking about at the time. I was not the only person tagged in these posts. I was for sure not the only person talking about the show. In fact, I probably posted a tenth of what other people posted. If that. And my posts, honestly, weren't very well thought out or coherent. They were my typical little silly posts. And I know people like those. But they weren't the same as what other people were posting. And to be tagged by someone that seemed to only care when it was something that could gain them notes and followers instead of someone who actually enjoyed what I was saying? Felt strange to me. And rather than start beef with a stranger on the internet I blocked them.
Blocking them solved the issue that was making me uncomfortable as peacefully as I felt I could. They no longer had the ability to tag me in strangely performative posts and I didn't start yelling at a stranger and potentially ruin their day. Or start drama that no one else needed to be involved in. I did make a small post about it at the time mostly because I felt so weirded out and I did feel a little bit bad about blocking them. But it was such a quiet thing that no one noticed and everyone moved on with their lives. Made things happier. For me at least. Probably happier for them too.
Choose Violence Ask Game
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kiwibongos · 1 month
im back thinking again. regarding my last post with how i interpreted ibuki and fuyuhiko's friendship im heavily thinking abt him and hiyoko. hiyoko more specifically tbh. its hiyoko appreciation time. will contain spoilers
imo she should have lived. also tbh kazuichi shouldve died, not her. thats a whole other sauce tho (again) but like. i feel like hiyoko deserved to survive way more, in general. her potential was really there man
i used to hate hiyoko, i still kind of dislike her in a certain way but its because all of that points blame to the writers of sdr2, for the god awful pacing they thought was good, and how they just didn't really bother to show a lot of growth from her before her time was wrapped up? i enjoy how she was the mean character bc there's always gotta be That One Bitch, but i really would've loved for her to survive, for her to heal and live on for mahiru and even to grow close with fuyuhiko, ibuki, hajime and sonia, and she would perhaps even express sadness towards ibuki and mikan's deaths
its like everything that had happened in the game, and all the time they spent focused on hiyoko and what she was going through just went to waste, and they spent the rest on weaker material or scenes. hiyoko should have been given the same character arc fuyuhiko lived to see. and both of them have so much in common already, they'd make a pretty good duo. e.g., they both lost someone they loved (mahiru & peko), they're both mean, stubborn, and quippy but secretly soft around the right people, also hello they literally look related anyway ... the blonde hair and the rosy cheeks . come on. someone on spike chunsoft saw them. but it didnt work out. anyway i feel like they would bond amazingly, albeit very slowly, but they're definitely the duo to just gossip all the time about other people LOL, and fuyuhiko would try to comfort her as well, because he's lost two people
hiyoko wouldn't just easily forgive him of course, i dont think she ever could, hence why i emphasized they'd slowly bond because the tension would be agonizing. she was furious, and still mourning mahiru when she had just died, but she would at least understand him and grow to accept his company and genuine kindness overtime (and she had almost seemed to near the very end??). if she lived to see his genuine growth and saw that he actually cared and that he would do anything to make it up to her, she'd be way less cautious of him. and she'd realize that the fact that they're both stuck on an island in a killing game, and fuyuhiko genuinely seems to be the only one who seems to bother, and the only one who actually sees her. so if not him, who else does she really have, you know. at least, at that moment
afterwards, hiyoko would just calm down and be more cooperative and helpful overtime, she's not dumb at all and she knows what to say, though she might butt her head in at the worst times, she also doesn't put up with bullshit, the same way sonia doesn't, they both act thoroughly bc they're smart. she'd also be really helpful in the trials tbh, i think she'd be the kind to spot out little details
later on she'd have sonia and hajime to support her too! someone has to help her with her kimono.... fuck it they'd all collectively just tolerate her but also encourage her. compared to fuyuhiko she hadn't really done anything bad, she was just hurt. she just needs someone, now that her own someone was gone
of course id love if she stayed hotheaded but just not call everyone a skank or a pig every two seconds, keep her mean side i love a bad bitch, she just wouldn't have kept that mask up, and she'd learn like, "Oh Shit, these people are all i have, and i need them". if she stuck around, hiyoko wouldve been such a good help as a survivor. and just generally more interesting to see, she woulda stuck out to me more in general. wouldve LOVED to see her shine in chapter three, or the final two chapters
hiyoko fans please rise with me. i love her and her dumb pigtails. tldr im MAD she didn't get her redemption like she deserved she was so cool despite also being nasty but she had a CHANCE dude the potential was shining bright in front of our eyes
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slight au where team russia worked a little faster and eddie and max make it out scathed but alive, unlike vecna who finally got his comeuppance
eddie and steve have an unnamed thing in the months after eddie gets out of the hospital but without an earthquake wrecking hawkins, eyes are everywhere and rumours are hard to kill in a small town and eddie's sick of the way they're all being treated. he thinks it's all because of him, thinks it'll fix everything if he's not around, thinks steve deserves to find his wife and have his nuggets.
so eddie runs away in the middle of the night, just leaves a note for wayne with a promise to call and hitchhikes to cali with his guitar and not much more than the clothes on his back. he works hard and makes it big with his band, they win awards, sell out arenas, front magazine covers but eddie just takes it day by day. time passes without him really recognising its passing, just going from one gig to the next. another town, another state, another country. they've travelled the whole world by now and although his bandmates make a big deal out of birthday's, another trip around the sun eddie! whenever he thinks of home, everything and everyone are just as he left them.
it's the late nineties, eddie and wayne sitting on opposite ends of a phone line having their monthly catch-up when wayne casually mentions that he's going to a divorce party on the weekend. eddie laughs cos parties aren't exactly wayne's scene to start with, but eddie misses small town drama so he asks who at the plant got divorced? and wtf is a divorce party anyway?
and wayne knows he's fumbled the ball in a big way but all he can do at this point is just explain and eddie's sorry but... what?!
steve's getting a divorce! eddie's steve? eddie didn't even know he'd got married! he knows The Party are still close and that when eddie had been dragged into their weird little group, wayne had too. he knows that they keep a good eye on wayne, that he's still one of them.
and wayne was true to his word with not updating eddie on their lives because he knows if he'd heard any of it he'd've come running home immediately but wayne's getting on in years and this little bit of info just sort've slipped out.
so now, guess what? eddie's booking himself a flight because how can he miss this now that he knows it's happening?
so steve's getting drunk surrounded by all the people who love him. he and tina ended things amicably enough, she fell in love with robin and what was steve supposed to do? he could hardly blame her! tina and robin despised each other, had from the moment steve introduced them but robin was going through some work stuff and she'd needed a break. so steve had twisted her arm and she'd come to stay for a month and well, shit happens! they hadn't crossed any boundaries, robin wouldn't ever do that to him but the mother of your kids being in love with your best friend kinda puts the kibosh on your marriage.
it was dustin's idea, the party, he thinks steve needs cheering up, which he probably does because he'd had everything he'd always dreamed of and now his life's in a shambles for the second time even though he's only in his early thirties. except eddie, blast from the past, love of steve's life, took steve two solid years to get over him, steve's eddie, showing up unannounced (because gatecrashing is just eddie's way of not having to deal with all the nerves he's been feeling since he stepped into lax) kills the party.
everyone's furious! steve's drunk, thinks eddie's an hallucination but dustin takes a swing at eddie, which is sobering to say the least. hop's yelling, wants to drag eddie outside "i just wanna talk, i swear!" luckily for eddie, joyce and murray know him better than that. max is ripping him to shreds, erica's hyping her up and no-one is brave or stupid enough to get in their way.
and eddie's only just now registering that it might've been a terrible idea to just drop in on people you trauma bonded with and then abandoned over a decade ago and wayne's trying to gauge whether he needs to get his nephew the hell outta there or whether it's best to just let it play out and steve might be hammered and in a state of shock and eddie might deserve everything max is saying but he just can't stand there and let it happen.
so steve grabs eddie by the wrist and drags him outside and no-one follows because they all think it's fair that steve gets first crack at him. except steve isn't all that angry, he might be tomorrow, but right now he just tugs eddie into his chest and wraps himself tightly around him.
there's a thousand questions they both want to ask, things they definitely should be talking about but eddie just melts in the circle of steve's arms. he's forgotten why he ever left this space, where he can feel steve's heartbeat and smell the cologne that he still wears and that underlying something that's just steve. then steve squeezes him tighter and sighs so heavily it seems the whole world is on his shoulders and all eddie wants to do is drop everything and help him carry it.
"wayne let slip, huh?" steve says instead of something normal like hello.
"he didn't mean to," eddie defends even though he knows he doesn't need to. he'd seen the hug they’d shared before he'd waltzed in, even though they're all older than eddie thought possible, nothing about The Party has changed.
"sorry about your party," eddie mutters. he does feel bad for ruining their good time, he doesn't know now why he thought he could just pick up where he left off. steve just shrugs, huffs a laugh into eddie's hair
"you're a much better surprise than the strippers they’d booked for me anyway," steve admits. and eddie can't help himself he starts to laugh, it starts off with jiggling shoulders and escalates until there's tears running freely down his face. it wasn't even that funny, the absurdity of this situation isn't even that funny, it's all just... it's a lot.
"jesus h christ! i've missed you," eddie says when he's calmed down enough to speak.
"i missed you, too," steve confesses with such a raw honesty it gives eddie pause, makes him pull his head away from steve just enough to see his face.
"really?" eddie's a little awestruck but he tries to keep his voice level, he fails miserably.
"yes, really! what you thought you'd disappear and we'd all just, what? forget about you?" steve scoffs, looks into eddie's eyes, really looks and then rolls his own "oh my god! you did, didn't you? you're unbelievable, eddie munson! why'd you think the kids are so mad with you?" steve asks remarkably calm. must be a dad thing, eddie thinks because the lump in his throat prevents him from speaking, he can only shrug, "because they love you, you idiot! and you abandoned them but they still love you. dustin waited for two hours outside your indy concert before realising he was waiting outside the wrong door and that you'd already gone. poor kid was a mess for a week!" steve sighs heavily, cups eddie's face, wipes away the fresh tears falling down eddie's cheeks with his thumbs.
"you're not mad," eddie croaks almost accusatory, misery filling him because the one person he wants to love him, the one person he's never stopped loving, is holding him, yes, but thinking about it eddie would've been happier with the fury dustin had shown him because dustin's mad because he loves eddie but steve isn't mad at all.
steve smiles, tired and a little soppy, kisses eddie on the forehead and pulls him back against his chest.
"not yet, but i've no doubt in the morning i'm gonna be livid. you better still be here to see it!" and it's the first time there's been anything warning in steve's tone, it makes eddie hold him tighter.
"i'll be here," he promises. eddie's tucked so closely into steve's chest he doesn't hear his uncle approach, doesn't see the smile he and steve share over eddie's head. wayne knew eddie was safe out here with steve but The Party's getting antsy.
"time to face the music, boy," wayne can't fight his grin when eddie turns in steve's hold, like he used to when they were young and eager to head to bed and wayne would say "those dishes won't wash themselves" and eddie would huff and fuss from the confines of steve's embrace, being dramatic for the sake of it. other than a change in hairstyle and a few new lines on their faces, wayne doesn't see any difference.
eddie grins when he realises that steve is equally reluctant to let go, propping his head on eddie's shoulder and holding him close, they both make puppy dog eyes at wayne, except wayne isn't about to cave like he would with the dishes. his friends are furious but they love him and they're worried that steve's murdered eddie already.
except wayne knows there's no safer place for his boy to be. steve's spent many a night in wayne's trailer, reading through articles, watching award ceremonies, listening to the albums eddie sent to wayne. sleeping in eddie's old bed, both when eddie first left and even more so recently, not that either of them have mentioned that to the others. it's a secret exclusively for the two people in the world who love eddie munson the most.
wayne gives eddie a pointed look and eddie sighs, nods to himself, he can do this. these people love him deep down, even if they don't like him very much right now.
"ready, big boy," eddie teases waggling his eyebrows at steve, who laughs and calls him an idiot affectionately. eddie classes it as a win. steve gives him one last squeeze, reluctantly letting go as the three of them head back inside but steve's hand never quite leaving the small of eddie's back (even when dustin tearfully tackles eddie into a bearhug) might be the best thing he ever could've hoped for.
and eddie thinks that maybe, just this once, his inability to fight his impulse control might've finally worked in his favour.
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Man I love Nekomaru. Not even in a romantic way, he's just a really awesome guy. I would love to be his best friend! He's so inspirational and cool and awesome! Everytime I hear his VA in other media I'm instantly like :0!!! Nekomaru!!:D!! Reblog if you want a good bear hug from Nekomaru and a reassuring head pat
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kopykunoichi · 4 months
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Don't forget your promise to come back soon, Echo.
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floral-hex · 3 months
woke up at 4am feeling the weight of my life crushing me, so I’ve been sitting out in my car for the last couple of hours because I just need. to. be. somewhere else.
#tumblr ate something like this but I think I deserve to shout uselessly into the void#shits rough dawg#I know it’s rough for everyone. I feel shitty even talking about myself. still… compelled to vent… big butts#haven’t really been on here much since it hasn’t really scratched that itch lately & just makes me feel lonelier#it’s cold#saw the Jazzercise studio open across the street. 5am for Jazzercise? wow. early.#and then everyone left an hour and a half later. lights out. everybody gone. weird schedule. I am perplexed.#went down the road and got a soda and I’ve been sitting in my driveway contemplating for the last 2.5 hours#guy at the gas station tried to talk to me but I just half assed a smile and nod and left#even though I know I’d love to just… talk to someone. I suppose it has to be ‘on my terms’ whatever those are#I miss having a therapist. or even just when my little brothers would talk to me. when anyone would. blegh#my insurance is still a mess and I’m about to run out of one of my blood pressure meds this week#maybe I’ll have a stroke. scary to think about. I think about dying a lot but that potential feels too real. just… pop! and I’m done.#I’ll try today to finally push to straighten it out but everything feels daunting#woke up with so much anxiety. about my health. my hearing. no money. my life. had to get out of the house even if it’s just right outside#hate to say it but I need(want) thc. haven’t wanted to spend money on it but I could have really used it this morning#can’t be sad if you can’t feel anything (jokingly but also not. whichever is less sad sounding)#actually treated myself to Dune 2 last week and it was so so good. wish I could go again. but it’s drugs food or movie right now. so…#I know. dumb priority but BIG SCREEN. maybe it’ll hit theaters again for the next awards season hopefully. just a real nice loud experience#anyway… I should go inside. almost 7am. need to take my brothers to school then drive my mom to her daily appointments#I’ve felt so hollow and angry and sad for so long it feels like. I feels so weak and sad and I’m tired of it. I’m so tired.#I’ve been eating about 1 meal a day and sleeping a lot. this is the worst my body has ever been. I feel like I’m just waiting to die.#is this relatable?#just have to look past it. it is nothing. this body is nothing. just enjoy your soda.#gonna look at pictures of butts now#ok gotta go I love you goodbye forever#you can ignore this#text
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johhnymac · 10 months
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When Red wins pressure cooker and puts up Jared!?
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vigilskeep · 5 months
just found out if i get morghaine to level 9 gloomstalker they can have the fear spell back
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theminionjcfucked · 9 months
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lukeslywalkers · 10 months
Hisam is better than me for hugging them out I would’ve pulled a Cody
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Wah good chapter
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