#good fucking night heheheh i'm going to SLEEP
sentientsky · 6 months
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a tiny little ficlet based on this lovely comment from @queer4cryptids on this post! (i accidentally made it angsty, i’m so sorry!! but there’s comfort and gay yearning in there, i swear!) when the night falls low and settles against the side of the Earth; when the the dark begins to carry a certain weight, he shifts his stance. he lets himself breathe air he doesn't really need into lungs that exist simply by virtue of his inclination to breath. it's the same pattern Crowley's watched unfold a hundred million times times over—the stretching of a thread until it frays, three women, a set of blades; a wicked inevitability carried in the lines of time-weathered hands.
and still it never changes, never lessens the welling of grief that builds and breaks in his chest, that stagnates and stratifies like layers of sand upon gravel upon so many eons since he first fell from the sky and lost the right to mourn a woman hungry only for bread and a little kindness.
he leans back against a headstone, swallowing down a familiar hollowness. the sparrows have all taken root in the knots of tree trunks. the moon blinks back at him, clouds swaying like an eyelid closing to sleep.
he turns his face away from the light, sucks in breath for which he still has no need. the rough-hewn granite is going to scuff his coat; he knows this with the certainty of having lived in a world full of serrated edges for so many years. and yet he doesn't care. Crowley can't find it in him to give a damn because finally, finally he's there. he's there and he's real and tangible and it's been eleven months, two weeks, and four days since he's last felt the warmth of angelic skin so close to his own. not that he's been keeping count, of course. and Aziraphale's got that faraway look again. the one pressed into the lines of his face in the aftermath of a flood that tilted against the sky; the same one Crowley saw in the stark daylight of a death warrant unfurled and stamped with the name of the holy Mother herself. it's the same, hollow, teeth-gritted look Crowley himself wore as he stood on a hillside reeking of freshly-cut wood, bearing witness to yet another child of the Almighty thrown to the wolves. Aziraphale turns, then, and blue eyes meet black lenses meet amber-gold. "Crowley—" Aziraphale manages, choking it out in a half-whisper, like it hurts—like it scrapes his throat with bits of barbed wire. and, just like that, something in him is breaking and the oak trees are all whispering dangerous things and still, still he can't find a version of this story in which he doesn't lean closer, doesn't press himself forward into air that smells of earl grey tea and old books and something celestial and hallowed and holy underneath it all. and as though he's drowning—as though the moon doesn't watch them with a flickering gaze and the trees can't hear the brush of skin meeting skin—Aziraphale presses his fingertips to the side of Crowley's wrist. he moves no further. the air holds still, time seeming to freeze around them. it's intentional, he realizes; it's fire and it's heat and it's utterly fucking terrifying. even now, so far above ground, Crowley can nearly feel the weight of hellish eyes on his back. a shudder runs the length of his body. and yet. in the atomic space of that hungry, desperate, throat-baring yet, he turns his hand, trembling, to the side. he finds the angel's touch like a bird bearing North—like a compass forever calibrated to a single, fixed point.
"I know—" he rasps. “Angel, I know.” he twines his fingers with Aziraphale's, and it's positively electric. every cell in his tragically, wonderfully human body has turned pure gold, conducted and galvanized and sparking. a sharp, stilted inhale; a quiet anticipation carved out in the space between their pressed hands (and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss...). the graveyard is still. the grief is there, still. the grief might always be there. but the sharp edges dull, the welling in his chest grows steady and slow and gentle. and the world becomes a little less difficult to bear with the two of them holding it up.
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harunayuuka2060 · 10 days
Azul: MC...
Azul: My "poor" friend...
Azul: How are you? 🥺
Chubby MC: Mf I see what you did there.
Azul: I know you are having a difficult time right now, so I am trying to cheer you up.
Chubby MC: Don't try when you're not good at it.
Azul: 🙄
Azul: Anyway, where are you? I texted Jade and he said you went out for a walk.
Chubby MC: Yeah. And looking for a job too.
Azul: You still didn't get a job?
Chubby MC: I got one, but I'm looking for a second.
Azul: Why???
Chubby MC: My house has been invaded and I want to move out.
Azul: ...
Azul: Is the situation really that bad?
Chubby MC: I don't like seeing couples in my own house.
Azul: Fair enough.
Azul: Hey, why don't we talk on the phone?
Chubby MC: So you can use your hands to sign contracts?
Azul: Yes. Texting is decreasing my productivity.
Chubby MC: Yeah, sure.
Jade: *is stalking MC*
Vivienne: It appears they are not aware of their surroundings.
Jade: ...
Jade: Why have you come here? Didn't I explicitly instruct you not to leave the house?
Vivienne: I'm worried about you. *nonchalant expression*
Jade: My, that's a waste of emotion.
Vivienne: It's not if it's you, Jade Leech.
Jade: *not amused*
Chubby MC: Damn, I'm standing in front of the supermarket now.
Azul: How long have you been walking?
Chubby MC: Am I supposed to measure that?
Azul: Hmph.
Chubby MC: Should I go inside or not?
Azul: You should. I'll send you money.
Chubby MC: No need. I have money here.
Azul: Huh? You haven't started working in your new job yet.
Chubby MC: Yeah.
Azul: Then who did you get your money from?
Chubby MC: Vivienne.
Azul: ...
Azul: Why?
Chubby MC: I don't know. Maybe payment for staying in my house?
Azul: So you're accepting rent now?
Chubby MC: Can't I?
Azul: Well...
Chubby MC: Ah, I'm buying seafood. Oh, the octopus is on sale.
Chubby MC: It's begging for its life.
Azul: I hate you!
Chubby MC: *didn't buy anything and went straight home after teasing Azul*
Chubby MC: I'm going to bed early.
Jade and Vivienne: *waiting for them at the entrance*
Chubby MC: ...
Jade: *smiles warmly* Welcome home.
Vivienne: Hm. You didn't buy anything.
Chubby MC: Yeah, because it's not my money. *returns it to her*
Chubby MC: If you'll excuse me, I want to go to bed now.
Jade: How about dinner?
Chubby MC: Go serve your wife. *then walks inside*
Jade: ...
Vivienne: ...
Floyd: Beluga-chan?
Floyd: Beluga-chan~? Are you sleeping???
Chubby MC: *was messaging Floyd, but fell asleep immediately*
Floyd: Hehehehe~ Good night, Beluga-chan~.
Vivienne: *holding their phone* They're close to Floyd Leech too.
Jade: *snatches the phone from her* That is an invasion of privacy.
Vivienne: ...
Vivienne: Aren't we both invading their privacy?
Jade and Vivienne: *individually decided to enter MC's room*
Jade: Oh, but I have their consent.
Vivienne: Huh. How convenient.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Subtop amab sevika please? Making her beg to fuck you and call her a good girl when she makes you cum 🥺
hehehehe gonna combine this with another ask i got too
sevika begs to eat you out ? 😋
i'm gonna continue the amab ceo trend we've got going on, because i've become emotionally attached to her lmaoo. thank u @love-sugarr for the inital prompt that started it all <3
men and minors dni
as much as she likes taking charge, and as good as it she is, sometimes sevika needs to turn her mind off.
she works really fucking hard during the days. you're constantly impressed by her knowledge, her ability to read situations, her quick decision making and her mental math. she's incredible.
and sometimes, she gets burnt out.
sometimes she comes home from work and collapses into a heap on the bed, groaning and wanting nothing more than to fall asleep and turn her brain off.
before you were together, she'd spend these nights drinking and smoking and flipping through shitty tv shows.
but now, she's got a much better way to turn her brain off.
it doesn't happen often, but when it does, you can always tell.
like today.
by lunchtime, sevika's eyes had glazed over with exhaustion..
on the drive home, she was completely silent, not even teasing you when you hit the curb pulling out of the parking lot.
at home, she walked right past her home gym, heading to the bedroom to starfish out on the bed and stare at the ceiling.
and now it's dinner, and sevika hasn't even tried her food.
enough is enough. it's time for you to take care of your girl.
sevika's got her head in her hand, her eyes glazed over and staring off into space. she doesn't even register you getting up from the table.
sevika blinks back to reality when you pull her chair out from the table and sit yourself down in her lap.
"wha?" she asks. you grin.
"hey, baby." you say. sevika blinks and gulps.
"hi." she whispers. you lean forward and press a kiss to her forehead. sevika's eyelashes flutter.
"you okay?" you ask. she hums.
"'m fine." she says. you smirk, reaching up to scratch against her scalp. she sighs.
"you're spacey." you say. "and tired." you add on.
sevika huffs. "i'm okay, really." she says, always hesitant to admit her weaknesses. you glare at her and she sighs, rolling her eyes. "fuckin' hate it when you do that." she says. you laugh.
"do what?" you ask.
"see right through me." she grumbles. you lean forward to press a kiss to her cheek.
"you like it." you say. sevika's lips twitch up at the sides. "plus, you're not hard to read. 's just that everyone else's too scared to call you out on it."
sevika chuckles. "and you're fucking insane and have no sense of self preservation." she says. you laugh.
"or i'm smarter than all those stupid fuckers and i know a catch when i see one." you say, winking. sevika snorts and winds her hands around your waist.
"something like that." she says, nuzzling her head against your chest.
for a few minutes, you just hold her against you, letting her nuzzle against your tits and breathe in your scent. you scratch at her scalp, kissing her hair every other minute.
when the tension in her shoulders disappears, and she's putty in your hands, you know you can start the next phase of your plan.
winding your hand through her hair, you gently tug sevika's head back so you can look in her eyes.
"wanna turn your brain off for a bit?" you ask. sevika blinks up at you.
"it's too early for bed." she says, confused. you laugh and swoop down to kiss her lips, swiping your tongue over her bottom lip before nipping it, pulling away when she gasps.
"i was thinkin' about something else. the bed'll be involved, but we won't be sleeping." you say.
you watch as sevika's mind slowly catches up to you, her eyes growing wide, her lips parting. she gulps, then speaks.
"yes, please." she whispers. you grin, and kiss her again.
dinner grows cold on the table, forgotten as you and sevika make out on your bed.
she's always so sensitive when she's like this. right now, she's shivering beneath you as you suck on her tongue and gently scratch your nails down her sides.
it takes a while for her to melt into her subbier head-space, but you know she's there when she starts whimpering beneath you, unable to take her eyes off you each time you pull away, her hands clawing into your hips and her thighs squeezing together beneath you.
"you okay?" you tease her. she whines.
"i-- i--"
you kiss her nose, and sevika's eyes cross as she tries to keep her gaze focused on you. when you pull away, sevika gulps.
"i'm okay." she whispers, her voice shaky.
you giggle. "you seem a little flustered, babe." you tease her. she blinks, too far gone to defend herself.
"want you." she admits. you smile.
"so bad." she says, nodding.
"how do you want me?" you ask, starting to grind little circles against her bulge from where you're straddling her lap. she takes a shaky breath.
"however you'll have me." she whispers. you laugh.
"gonna have to be more specific than that, baby. i got about a million things i wanna do to you at any given moment."
sevika doesn't answer, she's too busy squirming beneath you. you laugh and flick her forehead.
"i asked you a question." you say.
"i, uh, what was it?" she asks, a blush blooming on her cheeks. you smile.
"what do you want from me?" you ask. sevika gulps.
"your cunt." she says honestly. you grin.
"i know that, honey, you gotta tell me how you want it." you say as you slowly begin to unbutton her shirt.
she's distracted again, panting like she's run a marathon as she watches your fingers slowly free her chest of her button up. you pull it over her shoulders, then unclasp her bra, freeing her tits. when she still doesn't answer, you flick her nipples. she squeaks and jumps.
"answer my question." you demand. sevika takes a shaky breath and shakes her head to clear it.
"on my mouth." she says. you smile.
"there you go honey, there's my good girl."
the nickname does something to sevika, and suddenly the distracted cloudy look in her eyes vanishes, replaced by pure desperation and lust. you laugh at her.
"gotta tell you though, baby," you continue, "that's a pretty big ask." you tease.
in reality, you're soaked. your clit's throbbing at the prospect of getting sevika's mouth on you, and you'd never deny an opportunity to get head from your girl. sevika knows this, too, or at least, she usually does.
right now, though, she's all subby and sweet and stupid, licking her lips as her big puppy eyes look up at you, waiting for your next command.
"you might have to beg for it." you say.
sevika whimpers, and in her pants, her cock twitches.
you slide off her lap and she pouts at the loss. you take your time laying against the pillows, seductively spreading your still clothed legs, and beckoning sevika forward with a crooked finger.
she scrambles to get between your legs, desperate to be near you again. you laugh and sling your hands over her shoulders, pulling her down for a kiss.
she moans against your mouth, sinking her hips against yours to grind her clothed cock against your cunt. you tug her hair and she whines.
"who said you could do that?" you ask, glaring up at her. she gulps and looks away.
"'m sorry." she whispers. you smirk and press a kiss to her cheek, then shove her away from you.
"get naked." you command. sevika nods and almost falls on her ass with how quickly she scrambles off the bed to pull her pants off. you have to reach out to grab her elbow and steady her as she trips over the legs of her pants, eager to get back to you on the bed.
when she's back between your legs, you can practically see her tail wagging in excitement as she awaits your next command. you smile and lean forward to peck her lips, then pull away to take in her naked form.
her cock's hard and twitching, bumping against her abs each time it pulses. there's a very tempting little bead of pre forming on the tip, and you have to bite your lip to remind yourself that you're the one who's in charge tonight.
"now strip me. but no touching." you say, pointing at her. she nods, then shoots forward to tear at your clothes.
you hear a few seams rip in her hurry, but decide not to chastise her. at this point, you're way too fucking horny to care about your clothes.
in a flash, your naked beneath her, and sevika's licking her lips as her eyes trail up and down your body. you laugh.
"see somethin' you like?" you ask. sevika nods, not taking her eyes off your tits. "wanna touch?" you ask. sevika nods again.
"yes, yes, please." she whispers. you smile.
"anywhere." she replies. you laugh.
"gimmie your hands." you demand, reaching out to take her hands into yours. you slowly trail her hands down your sides, until they're on your hips. "keep 'em there." you say. sevika nods so hard a piece of her hair escapes her tiny ponytail, falling into her face. you smile and reach up to tuck it behind her ear.
"there's my baby. my pretty girl." you praise her. you watch in fascination as sevika's hips hump the air and her chest trembles with the shaky breath the words bring out of her. "you like that?" you ask. sevika nods.
"yes." she whispers. her hands are clawing at your hips, her lip between her teeth.
"you still wanna taste me?" you ask.
"yes." sevika says desperately, her eyes snapping back up to yours. you smile.
"beg for it." you say. sevika blinks, then her mouth falls open and the dam breaks.
"please please please lemme taste you. want it so fuckin' bad you look so fuckin' good i need it baby, fuck i need it. please, i promise i'll be good-- i've been good, haven't i?" she asks, her voice wobbly. you smile and cup her cheek.
"you've been so good." you say, nodding. "but i'm gonna need a little more than that."
sevika whines and trembles, and you reach down to play with her tits. "i don't-- what do you-- please!" she whines.
there are tears forming in her eyes, and you decide to take mercy on her.
"go ahead." you say.
sevika doesn't even wait until you finish your sentence to flop down on her stomach between your legs and get her mouth on your cunt.
fuck does she have a good mouth. it's wicked-- she's been touching you for approximately twenty seconds and you're already on the brink of orgasm.
she's messy, especially when she's like this, not caring about the drool leaking from her lips or the cum covering her face, just absolutely devouring your pussy and moaning into it like she's the one getting head.
you tangle your hands in her hair and tug. "slower!" you demand.
sevika whines, but complies, her harsh fast sucks easing, becoming long, languid licks up and down your cunt.
"there you go, baby." you whisper. "good girl."
sevika moans against your cunt, her eyes snapping up to look at your face, begging for more praise. you smile down at her and scratch at her scalp, admiring the way her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"so good sev, so good. 's is all you need, huh? just need some pussy? need me to take charge, let you turn your brain to mush?" you ask. sevika's trying her best to nod against you, her nose bumping your clit with every bob of her head. "you're so perfect. such a hard worker-- fuck like that-- so fuckin' hot in your suits 'n ties... oh god, your mouth, baby. perfect fuckin' mouth."
below you, sevika starts humping against the sheets. you tug her hair harshly.
"cut it out. that cum's mine, you understand?" you ask.
sevika pulls away from your cunt to let out the most delicious, pathetic little whine you've ever heard from her. you grin, then push her face back against your pussy.
"you're so fuckin' cute. 'n you're all mine, aren't you?" you ask. sevika nods again, her nose bumping your clit repeatedly, making you gasp. "fuck, 'm close. 'f you make me cum, i might let you fuck me." you say.
sevika buries her face even further against you at your words, her eyes looking up at you, big and wet and watery, reverent and desperate.
"my perfect girl. my baby. fuckin' love you baby. love you so much. you're mine." you grunt out as your orgasm draws closer. "mine, mine, mine." you continue.
between your legs, sevika's nodding fervently and moaning against your cunt.
she pulls away for just a moment to suck in a gasp and whisper, "yours," before diving back down and sucking your clit into her mouth.
that's all it takes for you, and you cum with a loud gasp. "oh, sevika!" you groan as your orgasm washes over you.
she growls against your cunt, her fingers digging into your hips so hard you're sure she's drawn blood, her hips starting to hump against the bed again.
when you catch your breath and realize what she's doing, you tug her hair harshly and pull her up your body until she's hovering over you.
her face is soaked. there's even some drool or cum in her eyebrows, which makes you chuckle. you reach up to wipe her clean, and she keeps her big, eager eyes on yours the whole time.
"such a good girl." you whisper. sevika lets out a happy little sound and nuzzles against your hand.
"thank you." she says. you smile and pull her down for a kiss, moaning at the taste of your cum on her lips. she hums against you.
between your legs, sevika's cock is poking your thigh, swollen and wet and angry. your stomach clenches.
sevika's seemed to completely forget her own arousal, happy to just cuddle against you, but you haven't. you reach down to grab her ass and laugh at the little squeak it pulls out of her.
"now be a doll and fuck me. 'f you make me cum, i might let you try 'n knock me up. but only if you're good."
sevika's eyes nearly cross in excitement and lust, and she lets out a small whimper as she remembers the lower half of her body.
"really?" she asks, disbelieving, like you've ever denied her an orgasm before. you haven't, you don't have the heart, but it's cute the way she seems to completely forget everything else when she gets like this.
"maybe." you lie.
she nods eagerly and then pries her eyes away from your face to line her cock up with your hole, looking back up at you the second she's got herself situated.
when she pushes in you sigh and sevika whines, collapsing on top of you and burying her face against your shoulder.
"f-fuck!" she whimpers.
you reach up to wrap a hand in her hair, the other wrapping around her back, holding her in a half hug and rubbing in small circles against her as she collects herself on top of you.
"you okay?" you ask, clenching your cunt around her.
"ah!" she squeaks. you laugh evilly.
"i asked you a question." you remind her.
sevika takes a shaky breath. "'m tryin' not to cum." she whispers. you laugh again, wrapping your legs around her hips and squeezing them, pulling her impossibly closer to you.
"now fuck me." you command.
sevika whines against you. "but--"
"fuck. me." you demand.
sevika lets out a shaky whimper against your shoulder as she starts slowly thrusting in and out of your cunt. she starts with shallow little thrusts, teasing you while she tries to collect herself.
eventually, she gets herself under control, and her thrusts get harder, quicker, deeper. you sigh.
"there you go, that's a good girl." you say. sevika grunts against you. "y' always know how to fuck me just right, don't you baby?" you ask. "such a good fuckin' girl for me, so perfect."
sevika sinks her teeth into your shoulder at the praise, trying to keep from cumming at your words. you giggle.
"awe, 're you close?" you tease. sevika whimpers.
"n-no." she lies. you laugh.
"you're a bad liar, babe. can feel your dick throbbin' inside me." you say. sevika whimpers again.
"y' just feel so good." she whines.
"awe, i know. 's like this cunt was made for you, huh?" you ask. sevika whines and nods. "like your cock was made for me." you whisper. sevika nods again. you press a kiss to her hair. "'s all yours, baby. all for you." you say. "and who are you?" you ask.
she pulls away from your neck to stare down at you.
"yours." she whispers. you smile and nod up at her.
"say it again." you say, reaching down to fiddle with your clit.
"yours!" she says, gasping as your cunt starts twitching and clenching around you. "y-yours, momma, all yours. 'm yours." she says.
"oh, baby, i love you." you say.
suddenly, sevika tenses up, her face scrunching and a pathetic little "no!" escaping her lips as she cums inside of you.
you gasp at the sensation, then let out a full belly laugh as sevika buries her head against you, her hips still grinding against you as she fills you with her cum.
"'m sorry." she mumbles. "'m sorry, felt so good, 'm sorry." she says.
you kiss her hair. "keep going." you say.
"wha?" she asks. you tug her hair.
"keep. going." you say. "still gotta make me cum."
"but i--"
"better hurry before you go soft." you say.
sevika's eyes go wide, and she gulps, before she starts fucking you again.
she's whimpering with each thrust, her dick sensitive and overwhelmed, her arms shaky where they hold her up. each time she humps into you, she lets out a sweet little, 'ah!' she's adorable.
you start toying with your clit again, you've been close since she got inside you, but now, with her cum leaking out of you with each thrust and her sweet little over-stimulated whines in your ear, you're on the brink.
"that's it, baby, keep goin'." you encourage her. sevika bites her lip, her brows furrowed as she nods. "you're so perfect. such a good fuckin' girl. so fuckin' cute-- can't even control yourself. cummin' the second you get inside me, you're pathetic. fuck i love you." you ramble as you get closer. above you, sevika's gasping at your words.
"'m sorry." she whimpers, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes from her overstimulated cock.
"don't be sorry. say 'thank you' for letting you fuck me." you demand. sevika nods.
"thank you, thank you, thank you so fuckin' much. feels so good. so warm so wet, fuck, thank you." she grunts.
you cum from her words, your clenching cunt pulling a pathetic, pained wince out of sevika as she collapses on top of you while you fall apart beneath her.
for a few minutes, the two of you just lay together, catching your breath. then, when the stars in your eyes fade and sevika's shuddering breaths even out, you reach down to smack her ass. she jolts against you and giggles.
"you're so perfect." you say. "i love you so fuckin' much, baby."
"lub y' too." sevika mumbles against you, already half asleep. you laugh and push at her shoulders and she groans as she flops onto her back. you crawl on top of her, her cum dripping out of your cunt and onto her abs, and pepper kisses across her face.
sevika giggles like she's high, her whole face scrunched up as you assault her with smooches.
"i love you i love you i love you i love you!" you say between kisses. sevika's giddy beneath you, the cute little gap in her teeth on full display with her grin.
"i love you too." she says. you smile down at her. "thank you." she adds on. your smile turns into a smirk.
"y' don't have to thank me anymore, baby. i should be thanking you." you say. she chuckles.
"i mean thank you for lettin' me turn my brain off. 's nice. you're the only one i can be stupid around, 'n you still take care of me."
you melt, leaning down to press your lips against hers, sighing against her as she wraps her arms around your back.
"i'll always take care of you, y'know?" you ask. sevika nods, sincerely.
"i know."
"i love you." you say. she smiles and reaches up to tug you back down for another kiss.
"i love you too." she mumbles against your lips.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
House of Gaunt 🐍
Marvolo: *drunkenly walks into The Three Broomsticks and sees Ominis and the lads* Oh fuuuuuck *turns to leave*
Garreth: Hey, Ominis! Your brother just walked in!
Marvolo: *under his breath* Shiiiiiit.
Ominis: *Drunkenly stands nearly falling over* Marrrrvoooooloooooo, you prick, come over hereeeee! *drunk chuckle*
Marvolo: *sighs and wanders over* Look at the fuckin state of ya, ya little twat *drunk chuckle*
Ominis: I'm *hicc* FINE.. You seem DRRRRUNK tooooo....*his face turns from happiness to concern*
Marvolo: ....Omin-
Ominis: *throws up on the floor*
Marvolo: *sighs heavily*
Sebastian: *drunken giggle* Looks like Ominis has had enough..
Marvolo: *sigh* guess I'll fucking take him home.. *throws Ominis over his shoulder and leaves, wandering down the streets, with Ominis chuckling and mumbling to himself*
Ominis: Hehehehe, Where am I?
Marvolo: I'm taking your drrrrrrunk arse hoooome, shuddup.
Ominis: But I was having funnnnn
Marvolo: You threw up, Ominiissss.
Ominis: Goodness. Heh...Did I?
Marvolo: *sigh*
20 minutes later
Marvolo: *Awkwardly tries to open the front door while still carring Ominis, as Ominis drunkenly hums some tune, Marvolo stumbling into the hall way*
Ophelia: *from the living room* What the hells going on?
Marvolo: Ominis is truly wasted, Mother *chuckles* And I'm not much betterrrr.
Ophelia: *clicks her tongue in irritation* Go and put him to bed..
Marvolo: Pllllllanning on it *wanders up the stairs and into Ominis's room*
Ominis: Hehehehe, What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailoooooor? Earrrrrrrrly in the mooooorning!
Marvolo: *chuckles as he dumps Ominis on his bed* Go to sleep..You fuckin damn fooooool *goes to leave*
Ominis: Volo?
Marvolo: Yiiis?
Ominis: You're....Ok.
Marvolo: Pffft, cheers..Nicest thing you've ever said to me *wicked grin* Night..
Ominis: Mhmm *already half passed out*
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frankenjoly · 19 days
"Just a few... more... lines..." / "You've been at it all night. Take a break." + Louisa & Lucy
"I can never forget that taste" + post-vampirism sskk
heheheh (i'm straight up tagging the lucy/louisa as shippy but it works both ways)
montcott + “just a few more lines” “you’ve been at it all night, take a break”
“Just… a few more lines…” Louisa said, her voice sounding more sleepy than she had intended to, when feeling someone entering the room. 
“C’mon, Lou. You’ve been at it all night.” Lucy replied (or should one say ‘countered’) almost instantly. “And I mean all night for the rest of the world, which means a shitton of time more for you. Take a break.”
“I’m almost finished, promise.” That wasn’t just talk to talk; it was true.
“And sun’s almost up.” When she was finally in her field of vision, one of the first things Louisa noticed was how Lucy had gone there not wearing pajamas but her street clothes… which did wonders in cementing how it had gotten too late. Or too early, by that matter. “I gotta work, but I’m not leaving till making sure you’re gonna rest, ‘kay? You can go to sleep here, in your own bed. Or I can put you inside Anne’s room and have her babysit you.”
“What? Y’know this ain’t a bluff.” That wasn’t a question, and Louisa indeed knew (and very well). Lucy wasn’t playing, nor would any strategy work out against such an unstoppable force. So she nodded, closing her notebook and standing up to move away from the desk and towards Lucy, who was waiting for her with a hand held out in Louisa’s direction.
“I’m walking with you to your room.” She then announced.
“To check if I actually get ready for sleeping or to spend a bit more time with me?”
“Yeah.” Was Lucy’s answer, as she snickered.
sskk + “i can never forget that taste” (post-vampirism)
“So even after some time already, it happens that I–” Akutagawa was already whispering, but before continuing, his voice’s volume became even lower. “I can never forget that taste.”
Those words made Atsushi turn his head, as if to process them and make sure he wasn’t making that up and… and since he didn’t stop walking while doing so, ended up crashing against the exact same column he had made a point to avoid. The ramune bottle he had been carrying also fell off from his hand, hitting the ground and shattering into a million pieces before he had the chance to save it from such a demise.
Despite being already aware of how distress could outpower reflexes, he still found himself greatly surprised, as well as startled by the noise of glass breaking.
“What the hell, jinko.”
And he hadn’t been the only one alerted by that sound, since barely a minute later there was not one but two frowning Akutagawas staring at him.
“Were you eavesdropping?” Gin instantly asked, as their brother stood up and actually approached Atsushi, using Rashômon to pick up what remained of the bottle.
“Sheesh, no. Just passing by, I swear.” That answer didn’t seem to satisfy any of them, but at least  Gin did nothing more than roll his eyes and go back to her phone; it was Akutagawa who he would actually have to deal with. “What, you don’t believe me? I don’t go around snooping on people’s conversation, and the fact that I overheard ‘cause my tiger hearing’s crazy good didn’t mean I actually intended to or anything, alright?”
Well, fuck.
“So you did still hear that.” Akutagawa pressed on, disposing of the glass shards and offering him the miraculously intact marble, which Atsushi took with now sweaty hands.
“Listen, I–” Denying it now would be senseless, especially when his cheeks were starting to turn pink. “I–” There was only one way to go; forward. “Glad you find me that tasty, gotta say. And… I can’t forget that moment either.”
“You– what?” The frown on Akutagawa’s face relaxed a little, and he furiously blushed shortly after too.
(Also on ao3.)
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theragethatisdesire · 11 months
cowboy jean nsfw alphabet please i beg of you🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
oh you guys are going to kill me. kill me dead!!!! but i .....i cannot resist. i lowkey thought everyone had forgotten about our yeehaw boy but he haunts my dreams so i MUST. i'm so excited hehehehe.
nsfw yeehaw daddy headcanons below the cut minors get outta here
A. Aftercare
cowboy!jean is a good ole boy. he'll never leave you sitting there panting and covered in cum, he's always going to be a gentleman and clean you up, sweetheart that he is deep down. not big into the tender loving bathtime together or anything, but he'll cuddle and make sure you're well taken care of.
B. Body part
grew up on a farm, so he appreciates a well-muscled woman, jean loves your legs, like could stare at them all day. definitely a sucker for kissing you ankle to thigh before he eats you out, takes his time. he loves late nights on the porch where you swing your feet into his lap and he can just rub on your legs for awhile as you chit chat about nothing.
C. Cum
i think cowboy!jean is the most guilty of a breeding kink. doesn't want to cum anywhere but inside you. once you tell him you've gotten on birth control and it's actually safe to cum inside you and live out his fantasy without the risk of actually getting you pregnant, he's never "wasting a drop" again, as he puts it. can't wait til the day he can put a ring on your finger and toss your pills out for good.
D. Dirty secret
would love if you took charge in the bedroom. i feel like this jean comes off as being less enthusiastic about subbing than pretty girl jean, but even though he'd never ask for/initiate it, he would go crazy watching you pin him to the bed and using him however you want to get yourself off. wants to be your personal fuck toy once or twice lol.
E. Experience
idk why all of my variations of the boys are hoes, but yes, as we saw peeking through his window (lol), jean is a true, old-fashioned wild west cowboy that has slept his way around as he travels working on different ranches, so he knows his way around a woman's body quite well. weirdly, i hc that cowboy!jean lost his virginity very young too, so he's been at it for longer than most his age.
F. Favorite position
mating press, 100%. loves seeing you pinned underneath him, powerless and wiggling against his strong grip, especially when you cum like that. also the best position to get you pregnant in (not like he researched it) again, breeding kink!!!
G. Goofy
cowboy!jean is a pretty serious person in general, very quiet and contemplative most of the time, so i wouldn't say he's too into joking around in the bedroom. afterwards, he'll stay up and giggle and trade stories with you all night, but just not during.
H. Hair
let's be real here. you're both living and working on a ranch, no one's got time to shave when they're waking up at 4:30 every morning! always has a little thatch of curly blonde hair behind the zipper without fail, and never expects you to shave for the same reason.
I. Intimacy
once you've started seeing each other more, you learn that cowboy!jean loves nothing more than a slow, sweet night between the sheets. intimacy isn't something he's well-versed in, but it comes very naturally to him. missionary, holding hands, soft little kisses, the whole nine yards. he loves to treat you like the precious little thing you are to him just as much as he loves to reduce you to tears.
J. Jack off
working on a ranch is a hard-ass job, and more often than not, jean's so achey and beat by the end of the day that he doesn't even have the energy to jack off, especially not once you've invited him to your bed. he'd much rather walk straight past his cabin over to your little house and let you take care of him with your mouth, something you're always happy to oblige. i think he literally only jacks off when you're unavailable and he really needs to, otherwise it's just not something he makes time to do when it's a choice between that or valuable sleep.
K. Kink
breeding kink obviously, but i think what really tipped him over the edge is the voyeurism kink he didn't know he had when jean realized you'd been watching him fuck around. ofc he'd never do it to you again, but the thought of you peering in, doing something so unthinkably nasty really really got him going. again, also 100% a switch, loves the rare times when you take control and take what you want from him, especially after an especially hard day at work. i think he'd also get off going to visit you at work, watching you bat your eyes at the bar patrons (for tips, ofc), knowing that he gets to be the one to take you home that night. not sure if it's a kink, but it definitely turns him on.
L. Location
once he gets over his paralyzing fear of your father, i could see cowboy!jean really having a public sex thing? like wants to take you up in the barn and fuck you in the hayloft, or take you out to a field in his truck and fuck you in the bed of it. he's just so comfortable with nature and wide open spaces that it's become a bit of a fantasy for him.
M. Motivation
cowboy!jean loves watching you get down and dirty on the ranch, especially riding your horse. one of your favorite things to do together is take your horses out and get lost in the trails and jean literally can't hold himself together and ends up fucking you against a tree out in the middle of nowhere.
N. No
definitely no impact play beyond light spanking, doesn't like to mark you up too too much in case someone on the farm could see. cowboy!jean is a gentleman, so he's not too into degradation either. think of him as the ultimate soft dom.
O. Oral
nothing, and i mean nothing in the world makes jean feel better after a long day than a sloppy blowjob. you're the best he's ever had, and he takes advantage, always beckoning you to "come get on your knees for me sugar, was thinkin' about this pretty mouth all day". and who are you to complain, i mean look at him
P. Pace/Q. Quickie
so i'm combining these solely because of cowboy!jean x reader's schedules. while a quickie isn't your preferred method of sex, it's what you're often stuck with due to his hours on the farm, your complete opposite schedule as a bartender in town, and both of your respective exhaustion after a long shift. jean won't ever let you go without even if it's just ten minutes, always makes you finish with his mouth or his fingers if he cums too quickly to get the job done fucking (which is rare). because of the nature of your schedules, jean fucks fast and hard, just the way you like it. but if you've ever both got a few days off? you're not leaving the bed, let's just put it that way.
R. Risk
cowboy!jean isn't really a risktaker in bed in my opinion. he's pretty traditional and has all of his kinks well-identified. if you really wanted to try something, i think he'd be game, but i think he prefers it to just be you and him and some consistency between you both after all the inconsistency in his life up to this point.
S. Stamina
again, cowboy!jean is such a sleepy boy LOL he needs his rest! but if he can get a day off? this dude can go for HOURS i mean like nonstop round after round after round. you're more tired on jean's day off than you are when you work a double lol. def makes the most use of his time when he can find it.
T. Toys
understands that toys are useful, but again, he likes consistency and he gets off knowing that he's the one making you feel so good. does, however, go insane when you send him videos of you playing with yourself with your toys. he has a whole folder under lock and key on his iphone 8 (LMFAO u know this man is not technologically advanced okay) of videos of you stuffing yourself with toys, moaning about how you miss him when he has to go over to other ranches to sell horses and shit.
U. Unfair
between the two of you, you are absolutely the tease. jean's just so fun to rile up. after you start sleeping together, you don't stop the antics you used to get his attention in the first place, in fact, you get worse. shorter dresses, shorter shorts, oh no! forgot to wear a bra to come check on ace down at the barn! it drives jean crazy, especially when the other stablehands are making eyes at each other and not-so-subtly nodding at your ass when you bend over to pick a few things off the ground. believe me, you're going to pay for that later.
V. Volume
dirty talker, but louder than pretty girl jean. again, lots of grunts and groans, loves to compliment you, tell you how good you're doing and how good you feel, how pretty you look, etc. again, he's the ultimate soft dom.
W. Wild card
i sort of already said this, but he loves outdoor sex. like out in nature, in the trails, bed of his truck, after swimming in the lake, etc. he just can't get enough. something about having his wild girl out in the middle of nowhere split open on him just really does it for jean.
X. X-ray
i'm going to go seven inches, but he's pretty. like, pretty pink tip, smooth, veiny. every time he pulls his pants off you just want to put him in your mouth.
Y. Yearning
i think that while jean is always super exhausted from work, when he decides in the middle of the day that your shorts are a little too tight or you've batted those pretty eyes at him one too many times, it's over. he's coming over to yours to fuck you silly, come hell or high water. with exhaustion and stress comes the need to find something to take your frustration out on, and luckily for jean, he has your body to do whatever he wants to. lucky lucky you!
Z. Zzzz
oh yes. literally within 10 minutes of you both getting cleaned up and snuggled into the sheets, jean's asleep. usually you're the one setting an alarm for the both of you so he can sneak out of your house before your father's started marching around the grounds. poor thing is just so worn out and so content laying in your arms, he's snoring before you can even turn the lamp off. precious<3
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
For Chef Rowan series, I would love to see if/when Aedion finds out Rowan indeed was the one who taught Aelin's cooking classes. Does it just casually come up or..?
I'm going to combine this with the following anon request:
Ok but chef rowan I can just imagine Aedion getting mad at Rowan next time he sees him because he took his baby cousin home after the first date and they have a bro-fight of sorts, both being incredibly overprotective. Obvs they end up making up after because they're bros and good friends too
because the two go together so well hehehehe
word count: 1,435
warnings: language, mentions of sex, territorial males and their pissing contests
Territorial Brutes
Aedion had hardly slept, thoughts of his baby cousin and his best friend together intruding into any bit of mental stillness he managed to achieve. Beside him, Lysandra’s breathing was deep and even, her soft hair spilling across his chest as she slept. He tried--godsdammit, he tried so hard to shut off his brain and go the fuck to sleep, but he just couldn’t get more than snatches of dozing before an uninvited voice crept into his mind and clanged the “Rowan took Aelin home!” alarm bell. 
Of course, there was no hiding his lack of sleep from his girlfriend. 
“Babe,” Lys murmured when she awoke. “You’ve been hyper-fixating again.” 
“Can’t help it,” he mumbled. 
She huffed. “Babe, Aelin might be your little cousin, but she is a grown ass woman and she is more than capable of making her own choices. And so is Rowan.” 
“I just don’t know how I’ll face either of them,” he groaned, burying his face in his hands. “Fuck, I don’t know how I’ll hold back from punching Rowan the next time we hit the gym. If there’s a next time,” he added, rolling his eyes sardonically. 
“Don’t be overdramatic, Aeds.” 
“I’m not being overdramatic!” 
She raised a brow. “Mhmm.” 
“Shut up,” he mumbled, flushing a little. “Fine. Maybe I am. But I can’t be held responsible if and when I accidentally forget to spot Whitethorn at the gym.” 
Lys snickered. “You two go fight your bro fights and leave me and Aelin to discuss in great detail how her night was.” 
“Fuck,” Aedion groaned, screwing his eyes shut. “No!” 
Lysandra’s cackle followed him out the door. 
Aedion was crackling with nerves and irritation and a hundred other emotions when he arrived at the gym, noting that Rowan’s car was already in the parking lot. Hmm. Guess the bastard decided to climb off Aelin and get his ass to the gym, then. He strolled into the gym, swung by the locker room to drop off his things and take off his sweatshirt, and headed into the weight area, finding Rowan waiting by the free weights, scrolling through the day’s sets on his phone. 
“Hey, Aedi--” 
Aedion cut off his friend’s greeting with a shove. Not very hard, just enough to knock Whitethorn off balance so he wobbled. 
“What the fuck was that for?” Rowan snapped. 
“Aelin,” Aedion growled. “You had no right--” 
“Stop right the hell there.” Rowan glared at him. “One, Aelin is a mature, responsible adult and she has the right to make her own decisions. Two, why the fuck do you think you get to control what she does?” 
“She’s my cousin, ass, and if you think for even a minute that you can just waltz in and take her home and then break her heart, you’ve got a few more things coming.” 
“Ashryver, I’m not going to fucking break her heart.” 
“How the fuck do I know that?” 
Rowan shoved a dumbbell at him. “Use those three brain cells of yours. If they even work, that is.” 
“Dumbass,” Aedion snorted. 
Rowan rolled his eyes. “You’ve known me for what, ten years now? Don’t go all jackass on me just because I took Aelin out and then took her home.” He smirked at Aedion in the mirror. “Oh, and remind me just who, exactly, set up the date?” 
Aedion was silent. 
“That’s right, blondie, it was you.” Rowan’s grin grew. 
“Shut up, tattoo boy,” Aedion grunted, focusing his attention on his set. 
Rowan snickered a little. “If it makes you feel any better, Ashryver, I swear on all things holy that I’m never gonna hurt her.” He was barely breaking a sweat as he went through a set of curls. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Aedion returned. “Dammit, Whitethorn, I was with her when that dick broke up with her because he wanted to stuff his cock in some other chick, I saw how much it hurt her.” 
“Bet you wanted to pummel that jerk,” Rowan snorted. 
Aedion grinned viciously. “Who says I didn’t?” 
“Just reminding you that you can’t pummel me, blondie, so don’t even think about trying the first time you get all protective.” 
“Oh, tattoo boy, I could definitely pummel you.” 
“Remind me again which one of us can fillet a fish in under sixty seconds?” Rowan smirked, all dominance. 
“Dammit,” Aedion grunted, rolling his eyes. “Oh, that reminds me, d’you know who teaches cooking classes in town?” 
Rowan raised his brows. “Awful big change of subject, blondie. Why d’you ask?” 
“Dick,” Aedion huffed. “Aelin told me her class cost three hundred fucking dollars, and since I lost the bet, I’ve got to pay her back the cost. I’m just wondering who the fuck charges that much for four weeks of classes?” 
Rowan shrugged. “Three hundred is a decent price for a month of classes, actually. I know a few places that teach cooking classes and charge three or four hundred for a three-week program.” 
“The fuck?” Aedion gaped. “Gods, that’s fucking price gouging!” 
“Maybe, but if it’s a quality class, it’s worth the money.” Rowan racked his weights. “I teach a class at my restaurant and we charge three hundred or three-fifty for the program. It’s a monthlong one and it’s for adults, so I’ve never had an issue with the price.” 
“You teach a class?” Aedion put down his weights. “I didn’t know that.” 
“Yeah, basically got forced to teach because I’m exec chef.” Rowan raised a brow. “Why, you interested?” 
Aedion snickered. “Unlike my darling cousin, I can cook basic food without setting fire to the kitchen.” 
Rowan chuckled. “I dunno about ‘unlike’ Aelin, blondie. She’s come pretty far since college, yeah?” 
“If by ‘far’ you mean whatever class she took miraculously made her able to cook a damn good dinner, then yeah.” Aedion’s eyes narrowed. “And quit calling me blondie, tattoo boy.” 
“Never,” Rowan smirked. “But I am proud of Aelin and her cooking, indeed.” 
“You say that like you know how she learned,” Aedion mused, mind churning.  
“Maybe I do.” Rowan slung his towel around his neck and headed for the locker room. “I am dating her, y’know.” 
“And you’ve just got to remind me,” Aedion groaned. Then his gaze sharpened. “Wait a damn second. Do you know where she took cooking class?” 
“Course I do.” 
“That--Whitethorn, who the hell taught Aelin to cook?” 
Rowan held open the door to the locker room. “I did.” 
Aedion stopped short, eyes bugging out in shock. “The fuck?” 
“Your ears not working?” Rowan teased. “I taught that class, Ashryver. She’s really quite competent, once you give clear instructions and don’t just let her try to figure it out with no prior knowledge.” 
“Huh.” The explanation seemed to satisfy Aedion. “So she--wait a goddamn second, does this mean it wasn’t actually a blind date?!” 
“Well--” Rowan rubbed his chin. “Yes and no?” 
“Explain,” Aedion huffed, rolling his eyes. “You and your one-syllable answers, tattoo boy.” 
“Says the one who speaks in punches, blondie.” Rowan smirked. “Yes, it was a blind date until she showed up, because I had absolutely no idea Aelin is your cousin and you conveniently never said her name. But no, it wasn’t a true blind date, because we already knew each other from the class. Granted, we got to know each other very well after that date--” 
“No!” Aedion yelped, clamping his hands over his ears. “Fuck it, Whitethorn, I do not need to hear that!”  
“Someone’s sensitive,” Rowan snickered. “Fine. No, it wasn’t really a blind date after we realized we already knew each other, but yes, it was a blind date until Aelin showed up. See?” 
“Fair enough,” Aedion muttered. “All right, Whitethorn, you’re allowed to date Aelin.” 
“How very generous of you,” Rowan drawled, all sarcasm. “And here I thought we’d discussed Aelin being more than capable of making her own decisions.” 
“Ass,” Aedion grumbled, elbowing Rowan in the ribs. “But if anything happens to her, I’m gonna beat your face in.” 
“If I do anything to hurt her, you have the right and the permission to beat my face in.” Rowan offered his hand. “Deal?” 
Aedion shook. “Deal.” And he went home satisfied with the agreement and starting to adjust to the idea of his buddy dating his cousin. 
At least, he’d started to adjust until he came home to find Aelin and Lysandra sitting on the couch, snickering and giggling over their iced coffees, and caught the words “dick” and “massive” in close succession. 
He’d had to go back out to his car to scream out his discomfort at that. 
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stormsarrows · 2 years
✉ ✘ & hehehehe
A text that wasn't sent:
You aren't gonna hate me forever, are you? I guess that's okay but.... I miss you.... no that's stupid forget it
A hateful text:
When Saladin gets back I'm gonna tell him how big of a pussy you're being right now. Fuck this I'm gonna go sleep on the roof for the night or something. Maybe then you'll actually leave your room for once.
A loving text:
I uh.. I left some tea and toast outside your door. Just so you know so you don't trip or anything... it's not very good, but I tried. I hope it's okay.
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bldcatlog · 1 month
blog entry #4
I woke up early today to go volunteering at meals on wheels. It's nice! Very different from working in a kitchen as there's really no stress involved at all. I'm just preparing ingredients and portioning meals. I spent time dicing celery. I was doing it one at a time till I realized (from another volunteer) to do like 10 at a time LOL. I also spent time making salads aswell and peeling carrots. They were like "Wow! you're so fast at peeling carrots!" Got that kitchen experience heheheh.
After I got home around 12:30, and ate then took a nap. I only had like 3 hours of sleep last night. I woke up like 30 minutes ago and I went on TikTok and oh my god.
TikTok was showing my scenes from past lives and man. Past Lives was such a good movie. It's so so so bittersweet and a little difficult to digest because of that "what if" and moving on element. But also nostalgic of her past life as she carries on to her new life in America. And how he is a symbol of her heritage aswell as she dreams in Korean and rekindles her friendship with him. Oh my god it's so bittersweet that end scene too holy fuck!
I saw a letterboxd review on how if I was Arthur in the bar scene I'd fucking kill my self. Now it makes me just want to bedrot HAHAHA. God so tenderhearted! Moving on is such a hard thing to do. For me at least. I think trying to fix or restart or lingering is a flaw of mine. Maybe like her I need a catharsis and let it out unexpectedly after it all is done!
I think I'll just go workout today and take today as a break from bold.
Aaron, Kishan and I will go hiking during the long weekend in Banff and I'm excited!
4x12-10-8-8(bw) pullups, 4x8 (80lb bbl) bent over row, 4x12(135lbs, 145lbs) lat pullover, 4x12(105lbs) seated row, 4x12 (22.5lbs dbl) seated incline bicep hammer curls, 4x12(60lbs bbl) close grip/widegrip bicep curl, 4x12(75lbs) face pulls.
Overall, I felt good during this workout. I felt strong and I felt confident in the way I looked aswell. My shoulders are definitely coming back and are bouldering. My veins are popping and I felt good the whole workout!
Quran surah 16, The Bees. I enjoyed this chapter. It talks about the things Allah gives and provides and all the beauty he has given to this world. As well as his grace and things we all should be grateful for. I liked it a lot, about all of the beauty we see. It also mentions a lot of disbelievers and false idols. And repentance and time to repent. Overall personally a surah I'm more fond of.
Do writing on "Change"
Read surah 17 and 18
Go through at least a module in T.O.P
work on the animation
do my leg workout
Make carrot cake cookies w cream cheese frosting n salted caramel sauce
0 notes
yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
Alone- Yeosang (FWB)
Note♥︎- This is part two to FWB! i remember @yeotlny mentioned something about me adding a part two to this and so i did it hehehehe.. Please i don’t write angst so this was pretty much my second time trying this. .As always if you want to be added to my taglist, here it is
Genre♡︎- Angst
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Mention of sex, grinding, cheating, Sad life man
Pairing: Yeasang X F | Wooyoung X F!
Word count♡︎- 1871+
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❥- You ran home with tears in your eyes, regretting everything. Your heart hurts just thinking about everything that happened. Your boyfriend was always so sweet to you, always treated you right, gave you everything you wanted, loved you the way you’ve always wanted and you ruined it all.
You’re a cheater and have been for 2 months. You would still kiss your boyfriend’s lip even after you blew Yeosang somewhere. Yeosang was your best friend, and your fuck buddy. It’s always been that way since college.
At first, you were just his friend who had a pathetic little crush on him. Your crush has been carrying from freshman year until junior year in college when you had the guts to finally tell him. He frowned at you and wouldn’t have talked to you for at least 2 months. You spent those 2 months crying and working on yourself. Bettering yourself.
Yeosang finally came back to you the moment you were willing to find self love in yourself, the moment you were happy again. You had some words to tell him.
He asked to speak with you first and you were ready, or so you thought. The moment you stepped into his house, you were pushed against the door by Yeosang. His lips were kissing all around you, bucking his hips into yours. Your mind is only thinking of one thing: your crush is trying to have intercourse with you. He let go of you and looked into your eyes “Do you want to do this with me for real?” He asked and you nodded quickly.
You woke up in his bed the next morning, thinking you both were a couple. His exact words were “look, yesterday was fun, but I would rather us just be friends. I'm not ready for a relationship.” There went your confidence you spent months working on.
There was nothing that could fix your sadness, not even your bestest friend, Mingi.
Surprisingly, you were the one who ran back to him, kissing him. You were the one who told him ‘let’s become friends with benefits
Of course with some hesitation, Yeosang agreed.
A year later, you found your boyfriend, Wooyoung. You two were so happy together. He always did what he had to for you to be happy. He loved you like no other, gave you all of his attention and loyalty, unlike you.
Not even two month in the relationship, you cheated with Yeosang. You just couldn’t get over Yeosang and his cock. He fucked you too well for you to run away that fast, to walk in general.
Today was your breaking point, you felt so bad at how easily you walked in the house like you did nothing behind his back. He would kiss you, cook for you, run your bath, everything to make you happy. You were just treating him like trash.
Yeosang bringing up Wooyoung in your sex session today has made you realize you were a horrible girlfriend. You cried until you got a headache.
You know what you have to do. Wooyoung deserves better and a better girlfriend.
You spent the rest of your night crying until you went to bed.
You woke up in the worst mood ever. You didn’t even want to check your phone at all, but you knew you had to.
You checked it and saw that you had 20 missed calls from Wooyoung, 1 missed call from Yeosang, 12 missed calls from Mingi, and 2 missed calls from San, Wooyoung;s best friend.You panicked, not knowing what to do. San never calls you. you were scared
You felt that it was less stressful if you called Mingi back, so that was what you did.
You didn’t even get your words out before Mingi started storming off on you.
“What did we talk about already huh? You promised me you were going to leave Yeosang alone! And what happened? You got yourself in some shit. I’m not helping you this time, you’re on your own.” Mingi nagged and you started crying.
“Mingi- please I don’t know what to do.”
“Uh uh- maybe next time actually try to listen to me, okay? I’ll be here if you need a shoulder to cry on, sweetheart.”
You ended the call with one question on your mind.
How the fuck does Mingi know? Wait-
You quickly called San and to your misfortune, he answered.
“I’m disappointed in you. I told you not to hurt him, and that’s exactly what you did. You should be ashamed of yourself for this horrible behavior.” San told you, voice light.
“That’s not what I called you for though. Wooyoung said ``meet him at his house now.”
Before you asked any questions, he ended the call.
Now you were really panicking. Your body felt super heavy.
This was all your fault. Everything was your fault and you knew that. You just weren’t ready to actually take accountability for it.
You wanted to run away and never look back.
You were regretting everything.
You shouldn’t have done anything with Yeosang.
You got ready for the day as slow as possible, not looking forward to it. You wondered if you could just sleep your problems away and ignore everyone. You know you can’t. You can’t run or sleep away from everything.This is your mistake and you must own up to it.
No matter how many times you tell yourself this, you know it’s not making you feel better.
You walked to Wooyoung’s house, slowly of course, thinking about all of the laughs you shared with Wooyoung, the kisses, the hugs, the small gifts you use to give each other unexpectedly. Everything was ruined quickly with a snap of the finger all because you wanted dick..
You hate yourself right now.
You really lowered your standards to someone who doesn’t even care about your happiness. Someone who only thinks of having sex with you, nothing else.
Why would you do that to yourself? How could you do that to yourself?
You squeezed your eyes together tightly, trying to see if you’re dreaming. You have to be, there’s no way you’re not dreaming.
You opened them and were in front of Wooyoung’s house. You nervously knocked on the door 3 times. You hoped he wasn’t here so you could run home.
Your stomach dropped down when you heard the door opening. So this was happening right now..It was time for confrontation and honestly, you were nowhere near ready.
Wooyoung was staring through your soul right now. You fiddled with your fingers, suddenly finding the ground entertaining.
“You can come in.” You winced at how cold his voice was. He sounded like he hated you and you couldn’t blame him.’
You were just confused on how he even found out.
You tried to shake your nerves off as you walked in the house, surprised to see Yeosang sitting there, smirking at you. “Hey.” He waved.
You nervously waved at him and sat down on the chair next to him, across from Wooyoung.
“I’m going to ask you this once.”
This is really happening right now.
“Did you cheat on me?”
You looked down and gnawed on your lip. You didn’t want to look him in the face. You didn’t want to see him sad, you didn’t want to see him angry.
“Well?!” His voice raised a little higher and you jumped. Yeosang just looked, daydreamed.
“I did.” You cried out. Tears streaming down your face endlessly. You felt so bad. Your heart hurts
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung looked away, jaw locked.
“I don’t want to hear it.” Wooyoung pulled at his hair and walked away.
“I knew you were doing something sneaky behind my back. I just couldn’t pin-point it.”
He walked back to you, eyes glossy. “I would’ve never thought you would’ve been the one to cheat on me. What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough? Did I not give you everything you wanted?”
You thought you were crying earlier, You’re balling now.
All you could do was apologize to him. You can feel his heart shatter right in front of you and Yeosang.
The unanswered question was finally answered.
“Yeosang sent me a video.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Yeosang who wasn’t paying you no mind.
“He told me that he felt bad he was fucking you while i was waiting for you.” His tears dropped
You watched as Yeosang nodded.
“I want to break up.” He had his eyes closed as he said his statement.
You saw this coming. You just weren't prepared for it. at all.
You nodded your head, and looked back down, embarrassed that this is all happening in front of Yeosang, upset that he was the one who snitched and got away, and overall disappointed in yourself for letting yourself down like that.
After all of these years of being hard on yourself, not having self love and having to build all of that, you’ve learned nothing.
You deserve everything that just happened.
You can’t even be mad at Yeosang. You deserved it all.
“Was this fun to you?!” Wooyoung harshly questioned, showing you the video of you and Yeosang’s last sex session. You watched, defeated.
“Was it worth our relationship?” He was harshly wiping his tears. “I thought we were something. I didn’t know that sex affected our relationship that bad.” He shook his head, finally ready to accept defeat and go on with his life.
“Don’t say anything, just leave, both of you.” He walked to his door and slowly opened it.
Yeosang got up first, bowing and walked out with you following.
Once you both left, you turned him around. He faced you with a blanked face.
“Why did you do that?! I wanted to do it on my own. I didn’t fucking need your help.” You spat out
He rolled his eyes and pushed your hand off of his shoulder. “You’re just as wrong as I am. You came to me first with your ‘yeosang, i’m horny’ ‘yeosang touch me please’ ‘yeosang he can’t fuck me like you’ bull shit and now you want to cry because you got caught in your bullshit. We’ve been fucking for 2 months without your poor boyfriend knowing. I don’t want to longer fuck a cheater. “ He stood still, dark eyes piercing through yours.
“But you were with me in this.” You cried harder.
“And now I'm not. If you’ll excuse me, I have a date to go to today.” He brushed past your shoulder and your eyes widened.
A date?
Is this why you outed me? So I could get out of your way? So I could lose my relationship? Or because you simply thought it was entertainment?”
Yeosang turned around with a loud sigh, getting frustrated at you yelling at him. “I’m ready for a relationship now, I no longer want to have play time with you anymore. It’s your choice whether you accept it or not but you will respect it.”
That was his last words to you before completely moving out of your life.
You ruined everything.
You have nothing, nobody.
You were alone now.
Krusty crew: @serialee @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @a-soft-hornytiny @yeotlny @lizsvcks @build-a-roleplay @moonxteez @yeosang99 @yunsangoveryonder @twancingyunhoe @seongsangsgf @chvngbxn @ki6hyun @latte-fairytaekwoon @sansbun @little-precious-baby @ateezappreciation @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @empenguin01 @violetwinters @its-bsma @underratedmisfit @sourmist @lunarteez2
Network Ping: @8makes1teamnet
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Thank you for your request and patience for the reply ❤❤❤❤❤
This Is Not Their First
Pairing : IkeSen Sasuke x MC
Rate: M (Smut)
Type: One Shot
This is not the first time.
Not the first time they are doing it but..
"Hmnn.. Ah..!"
She roll her head back, grinding and twitching to his touch on her wet entrance. His nimble hand has been rubbing all over it, passing her bud and fondling it between his long fingers, patting it lightly but the wet sounds enough to fill the silent room.
"Mmf- S-sasuke..!"
His other hand has been squeezing her breasts, one after another. This makes her crazy, especially when he keep on sucking on her perked nipples, pinching the other, the sound from his tongue and her wet clit increased the need of him to be inside her.
"D-don't you think.. You've been teasing me so much..?"
He paused, but then again he pulled her zipper to fully expose her whole body to him. "You know..?"
"I'm glad we are married in the future."
"Wh-what do you mea--AAAAAHHH!!!"
He plunged all of him fully inside her.
"A..ah..! Oh god..!"
She came.
Her legs quiver from the sudden peak of pleasure and it took her a while to adjust to the feeling, as well as to his thing that were inserted inside to fill her walls without any preparation. Sure, she has done more before this with him but to feel something more than one sends her over the edge before she could start the sex with him.
"A..AH! S-sasuke!!"
He didn't wait for her to calm down as he has started moving in and out of her. "I'm sorry.. MC. I couldn't hold back anymore."
"Mmmh Sasuke..!"
He grunts, clenching on both sides of her waist to thrusts back and forth non-stop; his movements starts to get more and more frantic and rough until she couldn't catch up with his pace.
He really glad they get married in the future. Of course, they got to bring the warlords along to attend the wedding. It was a really memorable wedding especially when his admired warlord is there (a.k.a Ieyasu), and his Lord and best friends and..
Sasuke watches how her breasts bounces to his movements.. Ah, what a view. This is his most favorite part when they are having sex. Licking and sucking on it is very pleasureable but to see her breasts bounce so hard for him..
It arouses him more.
"Mmhh! It gets bigger..!" She moaned to his swollen dick that reaches to "Ahhnn!! Sa-sasuke..! You are reaching the baby's room..! Mmnnn are you trying to make me pregnant on our first night..??" She said that, but her eyes is full of lust--she licked her lips--she loved this kind of "play" afterall.
And everytime she does that, it aroused him MORE.
"..That's.. a foul play.. MC. Are you trying to stir me?"
She spread her legs wider, grinding to his thrusts. "We have the room to ourselves isn't it?"
A.k.a "You.. No, WE can do lots and lots of rounds until we faint".
Yes, they do.
Once again, he is glad he is married in the future. He have sponsored the lords for their rooms in the hotel and for him and MC in a royal suite FAR from those rooms or any rooms so he can have MC all to himself without any disturbance.
So he can hear her beautiful voice.
So she can sing for him.
So he can hear and crave it into his mind forever. For him and only him.
Shingen smirked at the Lord of Kasugayama beside him. "Told you that I will win the bet. Now hand me your dessert, Kenshin."
"Oh no you don't, Shingen-sama..!" Before Shingen could take Kenshin's cake, he already took it from him. "But Yukiiii~~ I won the bet okay? Just spare me already ( T ʖ̯ T)~~"
"Stop using "bet" as an excuse. You know this thing will.. *blushes* happen anyway--"
Kenshin took another sip from his cup, minding his own business and ignoring every single banter from Shingen. "Ahh I'm going to bring this back to the past." He smiled as he drink it directly from the bottle of sake.
When he's done, he smirked. "Nevermind that. They have their night and we have ours. Like me, with this exquisite drink."
"Indeed it is." Mitsuhide snickered as he continue to doodle on the sleeping face of Masamune with the permanent marker that were provided for guest book.
"Mmmnn Sasuke.. Ah, ah..! Sasuke..!"
They are in a sitting position now. His suits and her gown scattered all over the bed, only her with her garters on. Why? He said it was sexy and it will urge him to do more throughout the night. Suddenly she winced and he halts his thrusts. It caused her to whine from it, and continue to move by herself as she grew impatient.
"What's wrong-.. Oh."
He remembered.
They've returned to their room for the purpose of helping MC with her wounded ankle (from the high heels) but when she said to him "So.. It will be our first night huh? Hehehehe not really a first tho.." She giggled innocently. But to him, its a call to drop his "cool" demeanor and pounced her right there and then after that.
"MC.. Wait.. Unh, your ankle-" He said that but he resumes his pounding inside her. He groans in his throat, because practically he was stucked between wanting to help but also wanted to continue. The sensation around his rod is just too good, doing it once was never ENOUGH for him.
She shakes her head, whimpering from Sasuke's slow thrusts,
"I don't want to..! I don't want to wait..!"
They gave each other a smooch, again and again, moaning when Sasuke kissed her all over. "Don't mind about my ankle..! I just want you right now, Sasuke..!"
Both of them kissed deeply, swirling their tongue with one another until Sasuke pushed her into spooning position and rammed her until the bed shake so much. She screamed to how good it was, biting on the sheets as her eyes rolled back everytime he reach again into her deepest parts.
"Hya..! Sasuke..!! Please stop- oh god..! Oh fuc- aaaaccckkk!!! If you keep on doing that I'm going to cum again..!"
It's like a jolt of electricity run through her body when she came for the second time.
The sheets ripped from the edge of the bed the moment Sasuke riding through her orgasm, pumping his own seed out of him, releasing it all in within her right after she came. It was too overwhelming until her body unconsciously wriggle away from him, as if wanted to escape from his deep plunge within her. "Shit..! Oh shit..!! It's coming out..! Aaaahh!! Sasuke..!!!!"
Another scream with a mix of moan escapes her throat as she spread her legs apart, pissing on the mattress.
Sasuke had grabbed her legs, and pound her dick into her pissing pussy. "Sasuke..! Don't..! I'm still-- A-AAAAAHHHH!!!"
"GOD...!!! OH GOD!!!!"
Sasuke pulled out briefly as she pissed again. His dick throbbed to this scene in front of him, it really excite his need for her. The moment she pissed like this and moan whenever it flowed out endlessly for him, he loves the look on her face when he forcefully fuck her again and again. Such a guilty pleasure of him but he won't feel embarassed to admit he loves it when his lover squirts for him.
"Sasuke..! H-have mercy on me..! No more..!"
She hold onto the wall for support as he is fucking her into a standing position now. "Cum. Cum more for me, MC." He licked her neck, biting on it, savouring the sound of the her cum and his mixing at their connecting sex, as well as the sound of slapping skin of one another.
Ah, her moans and beggings too. He couldn't get enough of it. He peek at the transparent window next to them, licking his lips to the painted glass where MC had pissed on it before the 3rd round of sex. She had begged him to stop, but before she could fully pull out from him herself, he had pushed her onto the wall again.
"Sasuke..! You are really intending to make me pregnant aren't you..??"
"Why do you think so..? Obviously I am, because.." He leans to her ear, she had shivered when he said "You have been squirting my cum out with your piss, so I have no choice but to release more into you until you are pregnant with my child."
He growled when she clamped him so hard as he continued, "Pregnant or inflate you with my cum, as long as I can see your belly grow for me."
"Mmh.. MC..!"
And the circle of pissing and cumming continues. On and on until they are satisfied for their first night.
Sasuke has glowed the next day, and as for MC, she is all red when Sasuke has to bride carry her for their breakfast.
"We are still rejoicing in our 'husband and wife' first day moments." Worked on Yukimura and Mitsunari.
As for others.... They just smirk. And smile. And grin.
Except for Ieyasu who put an ear plugs before he could hear Masamune's big mouth about "First Nights 101".
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Robert's Fear warning clowns.
It was a quiet autumn afternoon, the air was a bit chilly, the leaves are starting to change, and the air was crisp.
Luka and Amanda were sitting at the picnic table carving pumpkins for Halloween.
Amanda: And there. All done. (shows Luka) Waddya think, pop?
Luka: Lookin' good. Mine all done. (Shows her)
Amanda: Awesome. Nice work, Popsicle. I'm really looking forward to-- ... O-Oh... Oh, my god. Dad...
Luka looks at her with a worried expression, Amanda looks back with look of pure horror on her face, hold up her hands that was covered into pumpkins guts.
Amanda: PUMPKIN GUTS!!! (Holds up pumpkin seeds and guts)
Luka: AAAAGHH!!! PUMPKIN KILLER!!! STAY AWAY!!! (runs off as Amanda began to change after him)
Kodama jumps up and runs after them barking.
Meanwhile, Robert and Mary were walking pass Brian's house, he stepped on switch and an evil clown prop popped out right next to him.
The screaming was could be hread from behind Luka’s house, the stopped and listening. Amanda blink and looks at Luka with a real scared look on her face.
Amanda: Who's screaming??
Luka: I don't know. I'll go check. Stay here with the dog.
Amanda nods, as Luka runs out of the back yard too look.
Meanwhile Mary was looking at Robert, who was on ground, starring terrifyingly at the evil clown decoration.
Mechanical Clown: Hehehe. Trick-or-treating... Ehhehehe Hehehehe Hahaha.
Mary: Robert, calm your tits. It's a stupid decoration.
Mary: Oh, for crying out loud. It's not real. Look.(slaps the prop)
Brain opens up the door, to see what was all commotion was about when saw Mary slapping the clower, and runs over.
Brain: Hey, hey! Don't tough it like that!!
Mary: Alright, alight, big guy. My bad.
Robert was getting his feet panting heavily, hand over his heart.
Robert: Jesus, Brian, clowns!? Seriously!? What kind of sadistic individual likes clowns?!
Brian: ... I... Like clowns.
Robert: Then you, sir, are insane!!
Luka: (runs over) Hey! I heard someone screaming! What happened!?
Robert turned too look at him.
Robert: I-I'M FINE!!! Nothing's wrong! I-I ... Gotta walk Betsy! I'm spending the night at your house! No butts!
Before Luka can say anything Robert Power walk to his house his face beat red.
Luka stood there, absolutely confused. Return to Mary and Brian to ask what just happened, The notice Brian's house completely covered with Halloween decorations, jack-o'-lanterns and creepy clowns covered his whole lawn.
Luka: ... Um... Wow. That's terrifying.
Brian: Hahaha. Yep! (smiles proudly) Going all out this year.
Mary: I like it. I give you props, Brian. You manage to scare Robert.
Luka: Oh. So Robert was the one screaming.
Mary: Hahahaha. Yep, it was funny. (starts laughing hysterically) He hunts ghost and monster, and yet funny colorful clowns scare him. Haha.
Luka: Mary. (crosses his arms) It's not funny mocking someone's fear. You're scared of heights.
Mary: Yeah, doesn't mean I make fun of myself for that.
Luka: ... Fairpoint.
Later on Robert sitting on the couch, watching a ghost show with Amanda.
Luka was in his Studio working.
Amanda: Commercial break. Snacktime.
Robert: Snacktime is the best time.
Amanda: Sure is. We got popcorn.
Robert: buttered?
Amanda: Only the best.
Robert: Heheh. That's my girl.
Amanda stands up and goes to the kitchen. Luka walked out the studio, so that the curtains in the living room were drew back.
Luka walked over to them and was about to open them, when Robert jumped to his feet.
Robert: No! Do not open those!
Luka: (gives him a puzzled look) Why?
Robert: There's no reason to open 'em.
Luka: Well, my plants need the sunlight, and it too dark in here, so--
Before Robert could get a word in Luka Open the curtains, ooked out the window, and saw Brian's house.
The whole place was covered in creepy evil circus clowns.
Luka: Geez, Brian is really going over bored with those clowns, huh, Robert? ... Robert?
Luka turns to Luka at him, but he was no longer standing next standing in the hallway, shaky
Luka stood there confuse on where Robert had gone and suddenly remembered Robert's fear of clowns.
Luka: Oh, boy. (Close the curtains) S-Sorry. I-I kind of forgot.
Robert: (pokes his head out from the hallway) Do. Not. Open. Those. Curtains. Ever.
Amanda: (pops up behind him) Popcone's done.
Robert: AAAHHH!!! (jumps) THEY'LL EAT MY SOUL!!!
Amanda: ... What?
Robert: N-Nothing.
Luka: Robert's a little freaked of the clowns cross the street.
Robert: LUKA!!
Amanda: Oh. Okay.
Robert: I-I'm not scared of them!
Amanda: Robert, it's cool. My Best friend Emma P hate clowns.
Luka: And your Daddy used terrified of them as well.
Amanda: Oh, yeah.
Robert blinks and looks at Luka.
Robert: W-Wait. Alex the bone crusher, your husband who is a heavyweight champion was scared of clowns??
Luka: Oh, yeah. He... was never a fan of them. I remember one time when we were started dating around Halloween. Alex was trying to impress me by going into a haunted house. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wanted to go to prove he was big strong and tough was to me. So went in, a clown jump out scared the the living crap of Alex and he fainted.
Amanda: Oh, yeah. Daddy told me that story all the time around Halloween. Heh.
Luka and Amanda laughed, Robert looks at them, but then slowly started to calm down and felt more relaxed, and Luka headed into the kitchen to make everyone tea, and came back with small tray with three mugs of hot tea, while Amanda and Robert were talking.
Amanda: Yep. Totally hate spiders. Can't watch The Return Of The King or Read Harry Potter and Chamber Of Secrets with out freaking out. (takes a sip of her tea)
Luka: And I hate snakes and I'm scared of the dark.
Witch is why I sleep with the bathroom lights on every night.
Robert: ... (takes a sip of his tea) When I was about 6 years old, I want to this kids birthday party, don't remember the kids name, but there was ... Guy dressed up as a clown, Frankie Smiles... God... Even say his name gives me chills. I need to go to the bathroom, so I went off my own trying find one, couldn't Turned around to ask someone when ... Frankie jumped out from in front of my, smiling that creepy ass clown smile and said: 'Hello there little boy, you wanna balloon?'
... I literally wet myself , and started screaming and crying my mom and dad. (Face turns bright with embarrassment) That... was pretty traumatizing.
Luka: Awww, Robert.
Amanda: (puts her cup of tea and hugs Robert) I couldn't imagine how scared you were.
Robert: (put an arm around her and kissed her on the of the head) Thanks, sweetheart.
Amanda: When I was 7 years One of my school bullies dump the shoe box of spiders me.
Robert: What!?
Luka: Yeah, it's true. We got a call from the principal, Alex and I showed up, Amanda was there already in tears, and Alex and I were livid, and of course the kid's parents said they're son did nothing. Tried to blame Amanda and say she was being the bully. The other kid's dad after called terrified our 7 year old daughter a wussy for being scarred over ‘few little spiders’. Alex was about to fistfight the jerk.
Robert: ... Hey, I would've kick the fuckers ass too.
Luka smiles at him. Robert smiles back.
Robert: Heh, hey thanks for not makin' fun of me, and talkin' about has been kinda therapeutic.
Amanda: Of course. There's no judgment here. We all have fears.
Robert smiles at Amanda and pulls into a hug and kisses the top of her head.
It was getting late, Amanda said good night and headed off to bed, while Robert and Luka washing the dishes.
Robert: Hey, thanks for being ya know, cool with my fears.
Luka: No problem.
Robert: I’ve alwyas been told that real men don’t have fears and well, you’re a pussy for bein’ scared. My dad literally told me to man the fuck up, when he found me cryin’. Tellin’ a 7 year old boy to man the fuck, goddamn.
Luka didn’t say anything, just nods, and sighs.
Luka: Yeah... My dad was the same way too.
Robert looks at him, As they were getting the last dishes done, they hread something Tapping.
Luka: The hell is that?
Robert looked up facing the window and saw a red noise white face peering into the window.
Both Robert and Luka jump back hugged each other.
Luka: A-AAHHH!!!
Brian: Bhahaha!!! Got ya both. (pulls off the The clown mask) Ah, priceless. Well, have a lovely night, you two. (walks away, still laughing)
Luka: ... What... an asshole.
Robert: ... No shit.
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hanniejji · 6 years
So I was tagged three times and since I wasn't able to do it on my phone I had to do it on my computer lmao anyway I got tagged by my sweet cakes(@hyunjinsgiggle ), the sunshine (@felegs ), and this cutie (@stayuwu ) this is going to be long btw im sorry and the ending is very depressing ignore it
Bold Tag
Rules: bold the ones that apply to you!
I’m over 5'5 / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blonde hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and talents:
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies on TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work brakes / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend I have known for over ten years / my parents are together / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / my crush have confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / the sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities/ I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am Multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBR
I'm about to answer 33 questions wow I feel like I'm on an examination
11 questions tag
by sweet cakes:
1. what is your fashion sense?
I have a lot of styles depending on the weather or my mood. I mostly do the sweater/jacket + high waisted shorts hehe or turtle neck + shorts + cardigan/jacket. when I'm lazy, which is always, I wear an oversize hoodie and shorts and the occasional cap hihi I have a weird sense of fashion
2. what is your favourite season?
I like rainy, or windy. any is fine as long as I don't sweat like hell adfaslsja I hate summer
3. if you could go on holiday anywhere, where?
I love going to beaches but tbh anywhere with good views is fine, it doesn't matter since the most important thing for me is that I get the experience and take lots of photos if they have a lot of delicious foods then that's better oof
4. what is one quote you live by?
"learn to stand on your own feet" has a very special place in my heart
5. would you ever get a tattoo, and if so, what and where?
I would want a snowflake, because we're not alone falling down
6. what is your favourite song at the minute?
at the moment, it's nobody knows by youngjae and fine by yugyeom ✨✨
7. what is one album you would listen to for the rest of your life?
I still listen to Linkin Park songs because of the meaningful and relatable lyrics
8. what is your favourite memory from the last year?
it has to be the one time my mom said she's proud of me :')
9. what is one regret you have?
not being able to make friends easily :'( I find it hard to do
10. would you change aforementioned regret?
maybe :'(
11. if you could have any food in the world to eat right now, what would it be?
How dare you make me choose I can't possibly choose between different varieties of foods :'( fries, frappe, and shawarma w/o cucumber pls
by sunshine 🌞
1. what’s one thing that helps you relax?
probably sleeping with soft background music
2. what’s your favorite novel and author?
I'd rather poetry :') sea of strangers by lang leav is amazing
3. are you an affectionate person? if so, how do you show affection?
I'm more like the closet affectionate person hehe but when I'm tired or sleepy I get clingy a lot but I'm mostly through small actions, I'm not comfortable with saying "I miss you" or whatever unless I'm typing them
4. are you an early bird or a night owl?
totally a night owl
5. if you’re comfortable with it, do you have a song you connect to something or someone, and if so, what is it?
sorry by halsey, broken home by 5sos
6. if you could go back to a place you’ve been to before, where would it be?
the beach we went to last vacation :')
7. what does your favorite piece of clothing - that you own yourself - look like?
a very comfy oversized hoodie, it's black with front pocket, sweater paaaaws, and it has a small doodle of neptune on the back
8. who’s your bias and why?
bias? I don't know her
9. do you believe in luck and miracles?
yas, my aunt is actually a fortune teller? idk? but she knows a lot about those and spirits thing but since I have low self confidence I mostly sound like I don't believe in them
10. what’s your favorite type of decorations?
aesthetic and pastel colors ✨
11. do you prefer being outside or inside?
by cutie :
1. Are you a daydreamer? If so, what do you dream about?
sometimes I just space out without even realizing
2. What’s your favorite place in the world?
3. What’s home to you?
somewhere that no one can judge me, a safety place, a place where I can let loose and be comfortable and not give a care about anything
4. This is not a question but quote a vine.
"oh hell noOooOoOOoOooOooOO"
5. Grey’s anatomy or House?
what i don't watch any of these
6. Do you have any pets?
a lame excuse of a cat
7. What kind of friend are you? (You know, the mom friend, the meme friend, etc).
the mom friend, scolds you 25/8, gives advises everywhere, comforts you, takes things seriously, drops everything just to listen to you unless I'm in a very bad mood, sacrifices for you, boyfriend material (according to my friend), secretly soft, lazy but exerts effort when needed, randomly does weird things and dances to fortnite, supports you, but lowkey doesn't do the same for myself lol because I'm emo and you can hear me saying bad things about myself 27/10 and pushing you away lol
I don't share my food unless you're important lmao
8. Do you hate someone? If so, why?
fake peopleeee
9. What’s your dream job?
to be a journalism
10. What MCU character resembles you the most? (not physically, more like mentally and emotionally).
probably wanda
11. I won’t use this eleven question as an actual question, use your right to answer to this to talk about whatever the fuck you want. Rant, fangirl, talk about what you did today or yesterday or whatever. Just talk.
I just want to cry to someone but I don't have the heart to tell anyone, I don't know why but I get stressed so easily and that one time our nurse had a seminar and asked if anyone is depressed, I just want to raise my hand but I'm too scared someone will judge me and think of me as a weak person, like now, and she started this speech about how to beat depression and I just can't understand how is that going to work because it doesn't work on me. I'm getting tired of constantly getting sad for no reason and it's bothering my classmates and I hate bothering them I feel like I'm annoying so I kept these thoughts to myself. It's hard trying to avoid spacing out and being so quiet all of the sudden, I'm getting mad at myself for being pathetic and I did the "do" once because I was so desperate to feel something other than sadness and I couldn't even tell anyone and right now I feel like this rant I'm doing is bothering everyone I hate being like this :'(
I'm doooonneee hehehehe that took me like a long time and I should really sleep now :') I will reblog this with my 11 questions and tags because tumblr has limits ugh
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