llyfrenfys · 8 months
Do you know any free and/or online resources to learn Welsh?
Hello @runin-reads Just getting round to this ask now but there's a few things I know of which might help. Followers feel free to add on any more as well!
Free Welsh coursebooks from DysguCymraeg available to download on their website
Free collection of Welsh dictionaries available to view on The Internet Archive
Cysill and Cysgeir are free to download here. Cysill is a Welsh grammar checker that checks for correct spelling, mutations etc. Cysgeir is a Welsh dictionary app. Both were developed by Bangor University and are free to download on Windows.
Gweiadur is a free online Welsh dictionary which not only has a comprehensive guide to Welsh words, but also provides example sentences, idioms and conjugation tables.
Followers add on any more if you can think of any!
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
sorry you're like the first welshman i've met online that i didn't meet irl before so this is an experience thank you lol
(and you like rdr2, which is also amazing thank you)
Helo!! The welsh red dead community is reallyy small so it's nice to meet other welsh fans, a rarity for sure!! I love your analysis posts so much 🫶
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meddwlyngymraeg · 2 years
adrodd -> to report
dadlau -> to argue dadlau â/gyda (rhywun) -> to argue with (someone) dadlau am (rhywbeth) -> to argue about (something)
eithriad -> an exception
ar ben fy hun(an) -> on my own
Mewn gwirionedd, alla i ddim dadlau â hi, dyw hi ddim yn eithriad. Mae ei holl ffrindiau hi wedi adrodd yr un peth. In fact, I can't argue with her, all her friends have reported the same thing.
Roedd e'n dadlau gyda'i ŵr am ba raglen i wylio ar y teledu. Meddai ei wr, "Os ti eisiau wylio Pobol Y Cwm, byddi di'n ei wylio fe ar ben dy hunan! Mae nofel ddiddorol gyda fi mod dwi eisiau darllen." He was arguing with his husband about which program to watch on telly. His husband said, "If you want to watch Pobol Y Cwm, you'll be watching it on your own! I have an interesting novel I want to read."
Grammar notes on the sentences:
gyda + ei -> gyda'i
...mod dw i... -> that I am... (conjugation of bod -> that, for 'I')
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fairys-enid · 22 days
allô mon amie ^_^ can i req a nations rasplin stimboard ? the season depends on you but anything related to him will be fine :3
Shwmae fy ffrind <3
Unfortenetly i've never watched Nations nor Rasplin, but I tried to the best of my abilities to create something i think you'd like! If you don't like it, please feel free to request again with changes you'd like made!
diolch <3
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Rhwybeth fi wastad yn caru: pan fi'n neud post yn Gymraeg, yn disgwyl cwpl o Gymry Cymraeg i sylw neu ail-flogio a neb mwy, ac mae un o'm mutuals di-Gymraeg yn sylw hefyd. Ac nid unrhyw beth fel "I understood half!" neu ta beth, sy'n jyst yn sôn am y ffaith maen nhw'n defnyddio Gymraeg - sylw priodol ar y pwnc.
Sai'n gwybod, fi'n meddwl bod rhywbeth am weld tystiolaeth o rywun sy'n gweld post random mewn iaith dramor, a treulio amser cymryd y geiriau i mewn Google Translate yn ofalus er mwyn gadael nodyn i ymuno ago... heb neud y peth amdanyn nhw.
Fel dweud "Ti'n deall fi yn Saesneg, bob tro; bydda i'n trio dy ddeall yn Gymraeg." Neu falle, "Fi moyn deall be' ti di sgwennu. Ond fydda i ddim yn gofyn i ti'n cyfieithu amdana fi. Mae dy iaith di'n bwysig - fydda i ddim yn dy stopio di."
Sai'n gwybod. Mae'n teimlo'n neis, bob tro. Mae gen i un mutual yn arbennig sy'n neud ma bob tro. Fi'n disgwyl bydd hi'n neud e eto am y post ma.
Helo, ti. Fi'n dy weld di.
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afon-o-luniau · 29 days
Mae'n ddrwg gen i bawb am y boops
Ma nhw'n rhy hwyl i stopio
Os ti eisiau fi i stopio, jysd gofyn :)
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b1odeuwed · 2 months
dwi’n ceisio meddal am eiriau gymraeg gallai ddysgu i chi gyd on mae fy ymenydd yn blanc felly… danfon eich eiriau rydych chi eisisu mi i cyfieithu yn yr blwch “ask”/gofyn ^_^
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herogers · 9 months
Stevetonygames 2023 fill for Team Present | Square: Intimacy | 297w | Language: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
My first fic in my mother's tongue! I haven't written something like this in welsh in so so long! Was to help beat language record for the games!
“Am y tro ola, arosa’n llonydd.” Medda Steve yn tynnu’r siswrn i ffwrdd eto.
“Dwi yn llonydd, tud gweithia dy wyrth, Rogers!” medda fo hefo gwen mawr ar ei wyneb. Winciodd arno trwy’r drych.
Roliodd Steve ei lygaid, yn cwffio gwen fo ei hun. 
“Dwi’m yn gwybod pam ti’n gofyn tha fi allan o pawb i tori dy wallt, pan ti’n nabod digon o pobl profesiynol.” Frwsiodd ei fysidd trwy gwallt tywyll Tony, i fod yn onast, oedd well gena fo gwallt ‘bach yn hir, mwy i chwarae hefo. “Ma siwr ti’n aros yn llonydd i nhw.” mutterodd.
“Ti’n artist, dwyt? Ti’n dda hefo dy ddwylo.” Crynodd o yn  ysgafn o dan ei gyffwrdd. “A ti di torri gwallt o’r blaen do?”
“Yn yr fyddin, dwi’m yn meddwl ti eisiae buzzcut na?”
Arosodd Tony’n dawel, hymian yn ddistaw o dan cyffwrdd Steve, oedd yn trio cadw fo’n llonydd. 
Chwerthodd Steve yn dawel o dan ei wynt. “Ok, ond trim bach, ma gwallt chdi digon hardd dwi’m eisiae difetha fo.”
“Neidi olchi fy ngwallt wedyn hefyd? A geidi steilio fo hefyd os genti fynadd.” 
Gwenodd Steve a cusanodd ei foch. “Eisiae sylw ti, del?” cwestiynodd, brwsio’r gwallt odd i ar ei ysgwydd.
Frathodd Tony ei wefys. “Hoffi bod yn agos hefo chdi.” Trodd ei ben i rhoid sws idda fo. “Hoffi’r petha bach fel hyn.” Sibrydodd. “Unrhyw esgys i gael chdi i nghyffwrdd.”
“Wel, dwi’n licio bod yn agos hefo chdi ‘fyd.” cusanodd o’n dol. “Dwin caru bod yn agod hefo chdi,  dwi’n hapus i bod mor agos a ti eisiae, pryd bynnag ti eisiae.” Gwenodd yn erbyn ei wefysau.
Pwysodd Tony ymhellach i fewn iddo. “A dwi’n caru chdi.”
Rhoddodd y siswrn i lawr a lapiodd ei freichiau o gwmpas ei cariad yn dyn. “Caru chdi mwy.”
A bit rusty in my writing so if you're native welsh reading this, Naddo nesdi ddim<3 lol I am from the common north so I will post a translation later because google translate is making me look insane and I actually wrote more proper here than I speak so I did my best hehe
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videgme · 1 year
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🇿🇦🇳🇦 5️⃣1️⃣ 51 Afrιkᥲ́ᥲᥒs - ᥲfrιkᥲᥲᥒs - Afrιkᥲᥲᥒos Eis kinders om #defekte vry te wees en #volmaaktheid van die mensdom is #subtiel en onreg 🇰🇷 5️⃣2️⃣ 52 Corᥱᥲᥒo - hᥲᥒgᥙgᥱo - Korᥱᥲᥒ 아이들에게 #무료를 요구하고 #인류의 완벽함은 #미묘하고 불의를 요구합니다 🇦🇱 🇽🇰 5️⃣3️⃣ 53 Aᥣbᥲᥒᥱ́s - Shqιρᥱ̈ - Aᥣbᥲᥒιᥲᥒ kërkoni që fëmijët të jenë #defekte të lira dhe #përsosmëria e njerëzimit është #delikate dhe padrejtësi 🇸🇪 5️⃣4️⃣ 54 Sᥙᥱᥴo - svᥱᥒskᥲ - Sᥕᥱdιsh kräv barn att vara #defekter fria och #perfektion av mänskligheten är #subtil och orättvis 🇹🇭 5️⃣5️⃣ 55 Tᥲιᥣᥲᥒdᥱ́s - ภาษาไทย - Thᥲι เรียกร้องให้เด็กเป็น #ข้อบกพร่องฟรี และ #ความสมบูรณ์แบบของมนุษยชาติคือ #ความละเอียดอ่อนและความอยุติธรรม 🇹🇷 5️⃣6️⃣ 56 Tᥙrᥴo - tᥙ̈rkᥴ̧ᥱ - Tᥙrkιsh çocukların #kusursuz olmalarını ve #insanlığın mükemmelliği #incelik ve adaletsizlik olmasını talep edin 🇺🇦 5️⃣7⃣ 57 Uᥴrᥲᥒιᥲᥒo - украї́нська - Uᥴrᥲιᥒιᥲᥒ Вимагайте, щоб діти були #без дефектів, а #досконалість людства #тонко і несправедливість 🇻🇳 5️⃣8️⃣ 58 Vιᥱtᥒᥲmιtᥲ - Vιệt - Vιᥱtᥒᥲmᥱsᥱ yêu cầu trẻ em được #khuyết tật miễn phí và sự #hoàn hảo của nhân loại là #tinh tế và bất công 🇲🇰 5️⃣9️⃣ 59 Cᥲtᥲᥣᥲ́ᥒ - ᥴᥲtᥲᥣᥲ̀ - Cᥲtᥲᥣᥲᥒ exigir als fills que estiguin #lliures de defectes i que siguin la #perfecció de la humanitat és #supèrbia i injustícia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 6️⃣0️⃣ 60 Gᥲᥣᥱs - Cყmrᥙ - Wᥲᥣᥱs gofyn i blant fod #rhydd o ddiffygion a dyna'r #perffeithrwydd y ddynoliaeth yw #haerllugrwydd ac anghyfiawnder (en Nagpur) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co01Il2tNqH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Frank, wyt ti'n siarad Cymraeg? Dwi 'di gofyn o flaen, ond dwyt ti ddim 'di dangos bod ti'n siarad yr iaith. Dwi eisiau siarad Cymraeg efo ti! :]
That makes me feel better.
ETA: actually the only Welsh I know is just the names of places, and I've never read a Welsh language book
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llyfrenfys · 8 months
i must admit i know nothing of welsh history or language. im reclaiming learning the irish language bc i know the history of it and bc i think it's essential to protect native languages of various places. but as someone who doesn't know welsh history, i see "its not like welsh people were beaten for speaking it" and i recoil in a sense of distaste. because while i may not know the history, i very much doubt no one ever in the world has been beaten for speaking welsh, that's a pretty huge assumption to make even if a language isn't being legally oppressed (assuming thats what op really meant). but also, i just loathe the idea that only minority languages are worth saving or caring about if they're being beaten out of people. genocide happens in many ways and only some of them are actually active violence/assault, most are subversive, and purposefully so
idk if i should even be speaking on this bc i dont know the history of welsh but i feel like you literally dont need to know the history behind it to see something very wrong with "speakers of a minority language should shut up if they're not actively being killed for it"
Sorry I took so long in getting to this ask (post anon is referring to) but yeah- that post was gobsmacking to me as a Welsh speaker. I've studied language loss and revitalisation and I can name several endangered languages in which children (and adults) were beaten and abused for speaking their native tongue. For example, we covered the Tlingit language in Alaska (one of the few North American languages I've studied) which is subject to a revival- some Tlingit wanted to learn the language, while others (usually older people) had an aversion to the language. One man said that whenever he speaks Tlingit he can taste soap because he was punished as a boy for speaking Tlingit by having a bar of soap put in his mouth. Language loss via abuse is real and prevalent in many, many endangered languages. The audacity to assume Welsh is somehow immune to that was astounding.
But even if Welsh *was* immune to that somehow (it wasn't) you're right in that we should care about the decline of a language even if it doesn't involve overt suppression. More surreptitious kinds of linguistic genocide lie within the state apparatus. For example, when Wales was merged into the Kingdom of England (see: the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542) the language of the legal system in Wales was changed to English-only, depriving monolingual Welsh speakers (Welsh was spoken in pretty much every part of Wales at this point) of legal services. This meant that Welsh speakers were effectively pressured indirectly to learn English in order to have a chance at any legal services in court. Over time, the privileging of English over Welsh created a pressure to abandon Welsh in favour of English, because there were 'more opportunities' in English than in Welsh.
Similarly, the true Treachery of the Blue Books wasn't that the British Government in 1847 had ordered a review into Welsh schools and found that too many people were speaking Welsh- but that Welsh-speaking parents began to forbid their children from learning Welsh and supported the findings of the inquiry because they too had felt that pressure of English-language supremacy. Believing that there's more opportunities in English than in Welsh. It's an unfortunate legacy and attitude which still persists today- and none of the Commissioners of the Blue Book Inquiry shed any blood in doing so. But the impact was nonetheless dire. It's also a self-creating cycle: There are no opportunities in Welsh -> People learn English instead of Welsh for opportunities -> There's fewer Welsh speakers to create more opportunities in Welsh ->There are no opportunities in Welsh.
But yeah, I have no idea what the OP of that other post was thinking but it was offensively ignorant in any case. I'm glad though that Welsh's struggles are seen by others at least, in this day and age.
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pontiobangor · 3 months
Taith Gomedi New Welsh Wave gyda lein-yp gwych yn Pontio!
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Kiri Pritchard-McLean sy’n cyflwyno noson gyda’r gorau o gomedi Cymreig a thalentau anhygoel sydd wedi eu meithrin yn y wlad, yn cynnwys Bella Humphries, Cerys Bradley, Siân Docksey ac Anna Thomas fel rhan o daith o Gymru gan Little Wander.
Mae Kiri Pritchard-McLean, yn ddigrifwr stand-yp sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr, yn awdur ac yn ddychanwr. Mae ei hymddangosiadau teledu diweddar yn cynnwys arwain Live at the Apollo, Have I Got News For You, 8 Out of 10 Cats a The Russell Howard Hour (y mae hi hefyd yn ysgrifennu ar ei gyfer). Mae hefyd yn gyfrannwr cyson i New World Order Frankie Boyle. Yn aelod rheolaidd o’r sîn comedi byw, mae sioe ddiwethaf Kiri, Home Truths, wedi teithio ledled y DU gan ddenu adolygiadau gwych.
Bydd Kiri yn cyflwyno pedwar comedïwr di-guro ar y 9 Fawrth, gan gynnwys Bella Humphries, comediwr a chaiff ei disgrifio fel ‘dymunol mewn ffordd ddigywilydd’, wrth iddi adrodd hanesion am symud i Gymru a gofyn yr hen gwestiwn … pwy yn union ydw i? Mae Cerys Bradley yn ddigrifwr stand-yp amgen awtistig ac anneuaidd ac (yn dechnegol) yn athrawes mathemateg. Mae wedi ennill yr Autistic Excellence Award yn yr Edinburgh Fringe 2022. Ar ôl treulio’r Edinburgh Fringe yn gwneud dawnsio polyn yn ddoniol i adolygiadau gwych mae Siân Docksey yn dychwelyd at ei brand unigryw o stand-up hwyliog rhyfedd gyda zing gwleidyddol. Swrrealaeth offbeat a llinellau miniog yn cael eu cyflwyno gyda holl swyn stiwardes awyr. Yn wreiddiol o Borth Tywyn yn ne Cymru, enillodd Anna Thomas wobr y BBC New Comedy Award yn 2021. Ers hynny, mae hi wedi cefnogi pobl fel Joe Lycett, Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Hal Cruttenden, Lauren Pattison, a Max Fosh. Enwebwyd Anna hefyd ar gyfer gwobr Sean Lock gyntaf Channel 4 yn 2023. Dywedodd Osian Gwynn, Cyfarwyddwr Celfyddydau Pontio, ‘Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i gael rhai o gomediwyr gorau Cymru yma gyda ni yn Stiwdio Pontio fel rhan o daith ehangach New Welsh Wave. Mae yna egni gyffrous o gwmpas y comedïwyr yma ac mae’r lein-yp yn dyst i dalent eang y sîn gomedi yma yng Nghymru.”
Mae Taith Gomedi New Welsh Wave Little Wander gyda Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Bella Humphries, Cerys Bradley, Siân Docksey ac Anna Thomas yn Stiwdio Pontio ar Nos Sadwrn 9 Mawrth, 7.30pm a chynelir y noson drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg. Tocynnau ar gael ar pontio.co.uk
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meddwlyngymraeg · 1 year
Idiomatic Expressions
Dim gobaith caneri! -> Not a chance!
Yn anffodus, dim gobaith caneri! Unfortunately, not a chance!
Ond Rue, chi'n gofyn, pam caneri? Doesn't it mean a canary?
Yes, it does! And this phrase goes back to the old mining tradition of taking a canary down with you to the coal mines. The canary was more susceptible to fumes than people, and if the bird that was sent ahead began to lose consciousness, it was probably best to head back out!
The canary was taken care of, mind. The miners didn't just leave the canary to die. They would put it in a little airtight cage connected to an oxygen tank so it could be revived and breathe freely again, and they would take it back up the mineshaft.
Nowadays of course, we have better tech for this kind of thing and don't need to put a bird at risk, but quite a few miners actually missed having their little friend down the mines with them when they stopped using canaries. Nonetheless!
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A canary cage, taken from the Science and Industry Museum blog.
So (efallai) dyn ni wedi dysgu rhywbeth newydd heddi, we've (possibly) learned something new today!
Caneri -> Canary
Gobaith -> Hope (noun)
Anffodus -> unfortunate
(yn anffodus -> unfortunately)
Gofyn -> to ask
Some extras, thrown in:
**Pwll glo (p: pyllau glo) -> colliery (collieries), a coal mine
Mwynglawdd (p: mwyngloddiau) -> a mine for any other mineral
Eg. Mae mwyngloddiau copr a mwynglawdd aur yna. There are copper mines and a gold mine there.
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fairys-enid · 1 month
HEY! I'm so glad you're back!
I love your lifesteal posts!
Aw thank you! Happy to see that my post are being enjoyed.
I'm glad you like my lifesteal posts; they're some of my favourites to create!
Hopefully wont be disappearing again anytime soon (though don't take my word on that), so will be hopefully be able to create more boards.
Hwyl fawr and thank you for the kind words <3
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rohanseoewe · 4 months
TURKEY  Official Turkey ETA Visa Online - Immigration Application Process Online  - Cais Fisa Twrci Swyddogol Ar-lein Canolfan Mewnfudo Twrci.
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TURKEY  Official Turkey ETA Visa Online - Immigration Application Process Online  - Cais Fisa Twrci Swyddogol Ar-lein Canolfan Mewnfudo Twrci.
Dylai unrhyw un sy'n dymuno ymweld â Thwrci ar gyfer Twristiaeth neu Fusnes fodloni'r rhagofynion Visa, sy'n gofyn am gael fisa Twrci cyfreithlon o'r wefan hon. Gall ymwelydd cymwys nawr ofyn yn hawdd am fisa electronig, sef y ffordd symlaf i ddod i mewn i Dwrci. Anghofiwch am y ciwiau hir yn Embassy. Mae fframwaith eVisa Llywodraeth Twrci Ar-lein 100 y cant ar y we o liniadur neu ffôn symudol. Mae teithwyr yn llenwi ffurflen gais electronig ac yn cael y fisa cymeradwy trwy e-bost mewn tua 24 awr, weithiau hyd yn oed llai na 4 awr.
Mae fisas ymweliad sengl a lluosog ar gyfer Twrci ar gael ar ôl i chi lenwi ffurflen ar-lein ar y wefan hon am ddwy funud a darparu manylion personol a phasbort. Felly, beth yn union yw eVisa Twrci. Mae'r fisa electronig ar gyfer Twrci (eVisa) yn awdurdod i fynd i mewn neu ganiatáu ymweliad â Gweriniaeth Twrci. Gall trigolion llawer o genhedloedd gael eu eVisa Canada Visa Application Online  Twrcaidd trwy strwythur ymgeisio ar-lein syml i'w ddefnyddio. Mae'r eVisa yn disodli'r sticer pasbort a'r fisa stamp pasbort a roddwyd yn flaenorol yn Llysgenhadaeth Twrci. Oherwydd yr eVisa ar gyfer Twrci, dim ond mynediad gwe sydd ei angen arnoch o ffôn neu liniadur i gwblhau'ch cais. Dim ond 24 awr sydd ei angen ar gais fisa Twrci ar y rhyngrwyd i'w brosesu. Pan gaiff ei gymeradwyo,
 anfonir yr eVisa atoch yn syth trwy e-bost. Mae swyddogion rheoli mewnfudo mewn meysydd awyr neu borthladdoedd porthladdoedd môr yn cadarnhau cyfreithlondeb yr eVisa Twrcaidd yn eu polisi mudo. Cariwch yr eVisa a anfonir atoch trwy e-bost neu'n well byth, cymerwch brint rhag ofn i'ch cytew ffôn farw. Yn dilyn cenhedloedd ac ethnigrwydd yn gymwys ar gyfer Twrcaidd Visa Ar y we, Antigua a Barbuda Armenia Awstralia Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Canada Tsieina Dominica Gweriniaeth Dominicanaidd
 Grenada Haiti Hong Kong BNO Jamaica Kuwait Maldives Mauritius Oman St Lucia St. Vincent a'r Grenadines Saudi Arabia De Affrica Taiwan Ymunodd â Bedouin Emirates UDA America Anybody wishing to visit Turkey for Tourism or Business to the should meet the Visa prerequisites, which require having a having a legitimate Turkey visa from this website. Qualified visitor can now easily request for an an electronic visa, which is the simplest way to enter Turkey. Forget about the long queues at Embassy. Online Government of Turkey eVisa framework is 100 percent on the web from laptop or mobile phone. Travelers complete an electronic application application form and get the approved visa by email in about 24 hours, sometimes even less than 4 hours.
 Single and multiple visit visas for Turkey are accessible after you fill an online form on this website for two minutes and provide personal and passport details. So, what exactly is the Turkey eVisa. The electronic visa for Turkey (eVisa) is an authority to enter or permits visit into the Republic of Turkey. Residents of many nations can obtain their Canada Visa Application Turkish eVisa through a simple to utilize online application structure. The eVisa replaces the passport sticker and passport stamp visa previously given at Turkish Embassy. Because of the eVisa for Turkey, you just need a web access from phone or laptop to complete your application. The internet based Turkey visa application just requires 24 hours to process. When approve, the eVisa is sent straightforwardly to you by email.
Immigration control officials at airports or sea ports ports confirm the legitimacy of the Turkish eVisa in their migration policy. Carry the eVisa sent to you by email or better still, take a print out just in case your phone batter dies. Following nations and ethnicities are qualified for Turkish Visa On the web, Antigua and Barbuda Armenia Australia Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Canada China Dominica Dominican Republic Grenada Haiti Hong Kong BNO Jamaica Kuwait Maldives Mauritius Oman St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Saudi Arabia South Africa Taiwan Joined Bedouin Emirates US of America.
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Mae dy tumblr yn doniol a fy gwneud gwenu bob dydd. Dw i'n meddwl, "mae Elanor yn cwl iawn, mae Cymru yn anhygoel" a dw i'n teimlo'n ysbrydoledig ymarfer fy gwersi Cymraeg. xD
(Canadian dw i, dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg am hwyl a dw i'n caru hyn.
Efallai deulu Cymru neis bydd fy mabwysiadu os dw i'n gallu askio yn Cymraeg??)
Diolch yn fawr am dy tumblr a meddwliau doniol. ♡
Aww, diolch yn fawr! A diolch am ddysgu Cymraeg! Ac yn onest, bydd teulu Cymreig neis yn BENDANT dy fabwysiadu os rwyt ti'n gofyn yn Gymraeg. Mae teuluoedd Cymreig yn mabwysiadu unrhyw beth. Fel ieir. Bydda i'n dy fabwysiadu, os ti moyn.
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