#gods of nebulis
Oh boy, Mona has a ref sheet now! Good for it!
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This uh. Thing! My beloved crazy bitch :)
All its info + hex codes under the cut!
CW: Experimentation, violence, descriptions of gore, implied cannibalism
Full name: It just goes by Pheromone
Aliases: ‘Mona’ (don’t call it that unless you feel like being eaten alive)
Species: Imp (Concept Species 12)
Planet of Origination: Concept Universe (“the Void”)
Age: 132
Height: 6’5”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as genderless
Pronouns: It/Its/Itself — She/Her/Hers (CLOSE FRIENDS ONLY)
Sexuality: Prefers not to label its sexuality; simply refers to itself as gay
S/O: Astrallon
Family: Unnamed parents, unnamed sister
Curious traveler from the Concept Universe, created by the Goddess of Ykka.
Experimented on and transformed into… something.
After escaping the experimentation facility, it settled in the Fae Forest with another victim of the experiments.
It enjoys scaring the living hell out of people it doesn’t like. It utilises its new abilities to do so to the furthest extent.
Loud, sassy, and easily upset. It’s not the kindest when socialising, but it definitely loves to talk, and is never not seen speaking its mind. The experiments done on it had some odd effects, including thicker, bioluminescent blood, the newfound ability to shapeshift specific parts of its body (specifically its wings and the length of its tail), and strangest of all, effective immortality. Even if its head were to be completely detached, it would still be able to move both its disembodied head and the rest of its body, and reconnect the parts. One of the surgeries conducted on it removed the vast majority of its internal organs, replacing them with inorganic structures with unknown uses. Its modified body responded to the foreign objects by forcibly ripping them out, developing odd tentacle-like organs in place of them. The tentacles are coated in an acidic substance capable of burning through most organic materials, including bones if left for long enough, that its body protects itself against with a coating of an unknown substance, that acts similarly to how the stomach prevents its acid from digesting itself.
It usually stays in the forest, occasionally leaving to visit its Earthling friends, or to find something to eat when food in the surrounding forest is low or not to its liking (it is mostly carnivorous, and it has a very large appetite; woodland animals tend to not be enough to fill it).
It utilises its tail and stingers to attack, immobilise and kill its prey, occasionally using its teeth to simply bite through sensitive areas, or scratching through to the internal organs with its claws. When it feels like it, it might also use its tentacles to burn and rip its prey apart.
Hex codes
#000000 — Nose / Fishnets
#131313 — Eyes
#141613 — Hair
#33392F — Skin 2
#EBF3E7 — Skin 1
#EEF0E8 — Wing bones
#FFFFFF — Claws / Teeth
#5FFF28 — Pupil / Blood
Before escape:
#919191 — Chains / Collar
#B4B8B1 — Bandages
#CCE8E0 — Medical gown
After escape:
#101010 — Harnesses
#232323 — Shirt
#184200 — Sutures
#35443F — Shorts
#C4DFB6 — Scars
#C1C1C1 — Metal… things? I’ll be honest, I don’t know what those are called
#111111 — Feathers base
#001D01 — Flight feathers fade
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tetrix-anime · 3 months
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Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka? (Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?) x Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen (Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World) x Kami wa Game ni Ueteiru. (Gods' Game We Play) Heroine Crossover Collaboration Visual
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*throws her at you* HERE HAVE ANOTHER NEXT-GEN OC
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Meet Pura, the next-generation Warrior of Heart!!
Wow… he said an oc would be introduced later after mentioning them in another oc’s intro… and he actually did it for once……… I didn’t know that was possible
Anyway, here’s her info!
Full name: Pura
Age: 15
DOB: 21st of August
Birthplace: the Void
Height: 5’10”
Gender identity: Agender (she/her)
Sexuality: Panromantic, asexual
S/O: Inifya, Mirror Inifya (Mira/Shini)
Occupation: Vocalist, musician, freelance artist/animator
Heart Spears
Pure Focus
(She has many more abilities, but she’s the only one of her kind still living, and she does not know them yet.)
Extra Info:
She is a Void-Born Astral, meaning she was created by Nebulis. Her birth wasn’t intentional — it was actually due to great amounts of positive energy overcoming Nebulis, causing them to create a new being to release that energy. Because of her direct relation to actual God, she is very powerful — as powerful as the first Warrior of Heart — though since she’s the only remaining Void-Born Heart Matter Astral, she has very little knowledge of her magic and unfortunately has nobody to teach her how to use it.
Found by Elfilis after landing in Whispy Woods’ forest and was raised by them and Fiktra as their daughter. (It was difficult for them, considering Pura is fully Heart Matter and her parents are Dark-Heart Matter and Dark-Dream Matter.)
Very, very cheerful and kind. She’s incredibly optimistic and has a positive outlook on the world, and it’s very difficult to make her mad. If you managed to piss her off, you have royally fucked up.
Being the only member of her group with five fingers, she of course plays guitar, and keyboard on occasion. She also does backup vocals and creates art for her band, The Absolutes — this group consists of her, Nycto as the drummer, Mira as the bassist, and Inifya as the lead vocalist. In the process of writing this I realized that I might’ve accidentally made these four a magical girl group. Oops.
Void made the Dimensional Cape she wears specifically for her. Neat!
One of the next-generation Heroes of Yore, specifically the Warrior of Heart. Once she’s an adult and is able to do knight stuff, she’ll gain the title Absolute Heartbeat Hero, Halo Knight Pura.
This is the Hero I was talking about designing after Tippi btw. Love both of them
Genuinely too tired to write more so. Peace!! Enjoy the her :)))
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goblinbugthing · 9 months
oopsie didnt notice this, allergies want me dead
allow me to talk about my girls, the absolutes, since i dont do that enough even though i love them
(in reference to this post)
AUGH, my girls!!!!!! The four lovely little non-ladies that i accidentally made a magical girl group <3
There is so much wild lore behind these kiddos, but unfortunately, I can’t talk about all that shit because SO MANY SPOILERS FOR SOUL JOURNEY.
Ahem. Lemme actually talk about them now.
These four — Inifya, Mirror Inifya (Mira/Shini), Pura, and Nycto Tolaris — are a group of teenage Astrals with great powers that they rarely use outside of training. Instead of specifically following their destiny to become the next Four Heroes of Yore, they decide to create a band they call The Absolutes, because Void and Gala always refer to them as The Absolute Heroes. Gala is a massive history geek, and he knows quite a bit about the original Four Heroes of Yore, and the girls remind him of them quite a bit. Void themself says that they are the originals reborn, which they very well may be, seeing Pura’s absolutely insane abilities as a Void-Born Astral. (That means she was created in the Void, AKA Nebulis’ homeland/realm/test area, not that she was created by Void. Those are Galactics.)
They’re still much too young to begin their duties as Star Warriors, Ini, Mira, and Pura being 15 and Nycto being 13, and the first few are still in their training stages (Nycto is a fast learner — striking reflection of her… father? Of Elfilis. I guess they’d be the dad, since Gen carried her, or something like that. Genetics are fucking weird, especially when it comes to Astrals), so they haven’t been officially titled as Holy Knights yet, but they will be eventually.
Now it’s time to talk about them as separate characters!
First of, Ini. She's the future daughter of Kirby, and her name is kind of obviously based on the word infinity, and the concept of naming her ‘infinity’ comes from— actually, I can’t say that, that’s afterstory stuff. Just know her name has some deeper connections past being based on the word ‘infinity’.
Anyway, they’re the future Warrior of Soul. When they come of age and are officially knighted, they’ll be titled Absolute Infinity Hero, Soul Knight Inifya. Here’s an excerpt from their section of a little “history book” about the Four Heroes i wrote a while back:
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(By the way, Lord Yk is Nebulis, aka the son-daughter-child of Galactica, who is THE God, but nobody in-multiverse really knows about Them and think Nebs is THE God. Which isn’t necessarily wrong, I guess)
As I said before, these girls have SO many K:SJ spoilers attached to them. That’s what makes them so fun to talk about though, I get to be mysterious and vague and tease things and put foreshadowing everywhere.
ANYWAY. The censored stuff is all regarding their Big Crazy Ability that I can’t mention bc they inherited it from Kirby, who uses it in the climax of the fic that I might not even finish. All you gotta know is it’s incredibly strong, and absolutely terrifying. Which makes it awesome. I wish I could talk about it, but it’s existence is a major plot point, so I can’t. Major L for me.
Next is Mira! She’s the future daughter of Shadow Kirby, and is younger than her main-universe counterpart by about 10 minutes, since Void helped with the creation of the two, building their bodies and Souls from scratch. Gotta love being a creator entity, being able to do shit like that.
She’s got the same name origins as Ini, and the same abilities as them, but she prefers using her Dream magic over her Soul magic, and she’s the future Warrior of Dreams. When they’re older and knighted, they’ll be titled Absolute Dreamscape Hero, Mare Knight Shini (or Mare Knight Mira). Here’s an excerpt from her section in the same “history book”:
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(The Eterna Hero is Galacta’s predecessor, as in he was supposed to be a recreation of her. She was also capable of using this Big Crazy Ability that I can’t name bc spoilers. She’s shown off more in two oneshots I made titled MERCY, which is about her death, and Once So Great, which is from her mourning friend’s point of view 17 million years later. Read them if you like!)
The censored stuff here is also regarding the Big Crazy Ability. I’ve just now decided that I’m going to make a google doc with everything about K:SJ like I’m doing with my hollow knight AUs so I can get all this information out of me and have a reference for if I ever keep working on the fic.
Ok Pura time!!!!! She’s the future Warrior of Heart, and she was created by Nebulis from excess positive emotions, and since she doesn’t have any biological parents, she was taken in by Elfilis and Fiktra and raised as their eldest daughter. Because she’s a Void-born Heart Matter Astral, she is incredibly powerful and very likely the only one of her kind, so she has nobody to properly train her to use her abilities. The only two Heart Matter Astrals around who can train her are Galacta and Kirby, but they’re both Heart-Soul hybrids, Kirby’s busy being the only active Star Warrior in Gamble Galaxy, and Gala is nowhere near as powerful as her, so she’s kinda stuck when it comes to abilities only she has.
When she’s knighted she’ll get the title of Absolute Heartbeat Hero, Halo Knight Pura. Because of her Heart-matter origins, she’s a very kind and compassionate person, and it takes a lot to piss her off. If you manage to make her mad, you’ve dun fucked up and I suggest you run. Aside from those very incredibly rare moments, she’s the sweetest kid in the universe. A very forgive-and-forget type person, with almost no exceptions.
As usual here’s an excerpt from the fake history book:
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Wow, nothing needed to be censored this time! Incredible!
I’m currently working on redesigning her, and the base design is almost done!! Yey :)
FINALLY. We have Nycto Tolaris, the youngest of the four. She’s the future biological daughter of Elfilis and Genesis Fiktra, and the future Warrior of Dark, and she’s the most well-trained out of all the girls. She already knows all known techniques of Dark Matter combat, and has begun doing her own stuff, combining her Dream magic with her Dark magic to create incredibly powerful and sometimes mind-breaking attacks. Trust me, you don’t want to get caught in one of her storms. You will die, or lose your mind in the best-case scenario. Her battle skills are insane.
Once she's grown and knighted, she'll gain the title Absolute Shadow Hero, Hollow Knight Nycto Tolaris. Yes, that is a hollow knight reference. Currently, with her quick learning and her already knowing what she’s doing, she’s the most combat efficient of the Absolutes, and also the most terrifying. Dark Matter and Dream Matter combined is fucking crazy when you know how to use the magic. Inducing night terrors, causing hallucinations, breaking your mind and essentially exploding your brain without even touching you — Dark-Dream Matter Astrals are incredibly powerful and are absolutely fucking horrifying to fight. I suggest avoiding negative confrontation with Nycto at all costs.
Something something history book excerpt:
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Aaand that’s all of them! Damn this took a while to write. I’m gonna return to my hollow knight insanity now, and eat my ice cream. French vanilla good. Yummy
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xboxthedrawkill · 3 years
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have this thing ive been worried about posting!
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njotaku · 3 years
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Top 10 Females from the Autumn 2020 Season
10. Akira Kotokawa - One Room
9. Saya Orisaki - One Room
8. Scarlet - King’s Raid
7. Sora Narukami - The Day I became God
6. Izanami Kyouko - The Day I became God
5. Arisugawa Kaname - Tonikaku Kawaii
4. Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX - Our Last Crusade
3. Yuna - Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
2. Claudia Bruford - Warlords of Sigdrifa
1. Tsukasa Yuzaki - Tonikaku Kawaii
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jones-friend · 2 years
So I just played a bunch of BOARD GAMES and now I wanna talk about em
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In Unearth five ruins are before you with various colored stones atop them, one ruin you own that is hidden, and a set of wonders. Your tools are a d8, a d4, and 3d6. Each turn you pick a ruin and roll a die. When the dice on the ruin total at or above the top left number it “breaks”, and scores to the player with the single highest die. If a 1-3 is rolled, you collect a stone from the ruin (or if empty one from the bag) to build. You create hexagons using these stone tiles and these earn you wonders based on the color combos used and you can “reuse” stones by continuing to make hexagonal “circles” that earn more wonders. The game ends when all ruins in the deck are claimed. Delver cards are earned if you don’t score the ruin helping you win the next one.
This game surprised me a good deal. It was a blind buy that had me intrigued. You can’t go full stones or full ruins, you have to play both games to win. Delver cards are an excellent rebound after losing value and as long as you don’t roll a 4 each roll means something to the game. The late game does suffer from some RNG as you can get screwed on crucial rolls but its not enough of a problem to ruin the experience. I highly recommend Unearth, I’ve played it a number of times and enjoyed each one.
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Dice Forge
The flavor of Dice Forge is we’re all champions of greek mythology making offerings to gods to perform heroic deeds. The mechanics are your dice give you one of four currency on rolls: gold, blue crystal, red crystal, or victory points to buy die faces and cards. Earn and spend currency to fix your rolls and give yourself more chances to roll or earn points.
As a dice game its RNG based, but what I love is each player rolls both dice every turn they take. You get to roll both your custom dice a satisfying number of times. Gold builds up fast but there’s a variety of sinks to use for it, the array of dice faces and blue/red costed cards making it so each player can reasonably pursue a different path to victory. My rule for games is it needs to play differently, and it sure does! I like Dice Forge and feel its as fun as the back of the box says it is.
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Abyss - Kraken Expansion
In the Kraken Expansion to Abyss a new faction is available: Krakens. They’re a wild card used for any faction when buying but expending them forces you to gain nebulis, difficult to spend black pearls. Each one counts as -1 point for the end and the player with the most (who has the kraken token) gets -5 points.
I love Abyss. I think every board game player should have a copy of Abyss right next to Betrayal House on the Hill and Seven Wonders. The game is all about measuring the edge you give your opponents and I love the inclusion of nebulis in that respect. A very cheeky way of hindering your opponents when used right. I do wish there were more locations that used the loot deck because the flip till bust mechanic to assign it points is fun and I want to see it more. Overall fantastic addition to an already great game.
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Res Arcana - Lux et Tenebrae
The first expansion to the engine building game Res Arcana, Lux et Tenebrae introduces Demon type artifacts, magic items, a number of new mages, places of power, and monuments to find new synergy with and enjoy.
Res Arcana was a blind buy I had mixed feelings on until this weekend, and I do believe this expansion helped. The demon type doesn’t clutter the overall experience in fact it gives you more to look for. My only gripe with Res Arcana is all the pieces to a good game are there, but we had to make our own setup rules (inbox me if you’d like to hear it) to get a better game out of it. I love the art, the flavor, and the mechanics and how they work together to make a satisfying engine making experience.
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Great Western Trail 2nd Edition
GWT is a euro game (you know its european when the nickels are copper and the pennies are silver) where you herd cattle up the board to ship across rail lines. As you move your customizable cowboy along a select number of spaces you take actions related to the workers on your board, the buildings on the main board giving you better spaces and actions, the hand of cows you cultivate for high scores, and the train up top to ensure you’re delivering well. It is a dense game with many moving parts.
GWT ranks among the more difficult games I’ve played. It is definitely a takes 1hr to set up and explain and 2-3hrs for the first game kind of game. For reference my previous hardest game was Underwater Cities. Its a very solid experience for tabletop veterans who want more out of board game night and want their skills tested. Its a good time and you get to give your cowboy a hat.
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Vault Wars
Lastly, Vault Wars is a game where we all take the role of newbie adventurers looking to get a start by buying out vaults of slain adventurers for loot, a dnd esque storage wars. Each player has a number of vaults to play. When yours is played you play the role of auction master, looking at the loot inside and showing other players glimpses of one or two cards. One card is revealed to all players and an opening bid is made by you. All other players bid for the vault. When one player wins they claim the vault and its contents. End of round players can offload junk, sell cards for cash, or pay on storage for cards kept as points for the end of the five or so rounds. Players have two adventurer cards and choose one to modify their points end of game.
If you enjoy Sheriff of Nottingham you’ll enjoy Vault Wars. Measuring what you show vs what you set bidding to is a measure of gold and value thinking to try and rip off an opponent or give yourself a sweet deal. This is one I’ll be looking to pick up, the flavor alone was enough to seal the deal and the functional and fun game behind it only sweetened the deal. Getting a vault triggers the same serotonin release of opening a booster pack, sifting through loot and deciding what to sell, use, or score. I recommend it!
I’d also love to hear what board games you played over the holidays or what new tabletop you tried! Happy 2022 and stay safe out there!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
TV Anime Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World 2nd PV Announces October 2020 Premiere
    The official website for the forthcoming TV anime adaption of Kei Sazane's fantasy light novel Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World announced that it is set to premiere in Japan in October 2020 and posted a two-minute second PV to introduce its main character voices and ED theme song "Kouri no Torikago" (The Ice Birdcage) sung by Aliceliese (CV: Sora Amamiya).
  It is also announced that the anime's OP theme "Against." is performed by Kaori Ishihara, who is also cast as Nene Alkaston.
  Main voice cast:
Iska: Yusuke Kobayashi (Subaru Natsuki in Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World) 
Aiceliese Lou Nebulis IX: Sora Amamiya (Aqua in KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!) 
Jhin Syulargun: Shunichi Toki (Glenn Leitbeit in Monster Girl Doctor) 
Mismis Klass: Nao Shiraki (Yoshino Kawaguchi in Tamayomi) 
Nene Alkastone: Kaori Ishihara (Tiese Schtrinen in Sword Art Online) 
Rin Vispose: Yumiri Hanamori (Nadeshiko Kagamihara in Laid-Back Camp)
    2nd PV:
    【放送情報】 TVアニメ『キミと僕の最後の戦場、あるいは世界が始まる聖戦』の放送時期が2020年10月に決定! 10月の放送開始までもう少しお待ちくださいね!https://t.co/UxnMjiPyrm #キミ戦 pic.twitter.com/6ojlNzc2vQ
— 「キミと僕の最後の戦場、あるいは世界が始まる聖戦」公式 (@kimisen_project) July 15, 2020
  "The Empire": a mechanized utopia with highly developed science and technology. "The Curia Nebulis": a nation feared as the "Land of the Witches" whose people use paranormal power. The two countries have been constantly at war for more than one hundred years, but now two heroes have appeared in their respective lands.
  Iska has come to be recognized as the greatest military asset of the Empire at the youngest age in its history. Aliceliese is the Princess of the Curia Nebulis, called the "Ice Calamity Witch" with fear by her enemies.
  The two meet on the battlefield and become mortal enemies. Prides lock horns as they both fight uncompromisingly to protect their respective nations, families, and comrades.
  But as they get to know each other as real people during their fierce battles, they start to become attracted to each other’s ways of life and ideals... though they are fully aware that fate will mock them cruelly, not allowing them to be together.
  ...Sure enough, the world's tension heightens even more, and conspiracies of the major nations become more entangled. But even in such a world divided, this boy and girl cannot stop their feelings for each other…
    Source: TV anime "Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World" official website / Twitter
  ©2020 Kei Sazane, Ai Nekonabe/KADOKAWA/Kimisen Production Committee
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Chapter 6
Ephesus was a famous city, the metropolis of Asia Minor, upon the Ægean Sea, now called the Archipelago. In it was the temple of Diana, one of the seven wonders of the world. St. Paul had staid there two years, and preached another year thereabouts. The chief design of this Epistle was to hinder the Ephesians, and others in the neighbouring cities, from being seduced by false teachers, who were come among them. In the first three chapters he extols the grace of God, in mercifully calling the Gentiles. St. Jerome observes that this Epistle, especially the first three chapters, are intricate and difficult; probably owing to the sublimity of the subject. The last three contain the most interesting morality.
Chapter 6
Duties of children and servants. The Christian's armour.
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is just.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. No explanation given.
2 Honour thy father, and thy mother, which is the first commandment, with a promise;
Ver. 2. With a promise. This commandment being delivered with a special promise of a long life, which promise is to be understood conditionally, especially in regard to Christians, i.e. unless it be a greater favour to be taken out of the world young. (Witham)
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest be long lived upon earth.
Ver. 3. No explanation given.
4 And you, fathers, provoke not your children to anger: but bring them up in the discipline and correction of the Lord.
Ver. 4. No explanation given.
5 Servants, obey your carnal masters, with fear and trembling, in the simplicity of your heart, as Christ:
Ver. 5. Your carnal; temporal masters, whether Christians or heathens. (Witham)
6 Not serving to the eye, as it were pleasing men, but, as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,
Ver. 6. Not serving to the eye; to please men only, but to do the will of God. (Witham)
7 With a good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:
Ver. 7. No explanation given.
8 Knowing that whatsoever good every one shall do, the same shall he receive from the Lord, whether he be bond, or free.
Ver. 8. No explanation given.
9 And you, masters, do the same things to them, forbearing threatenings; knowing that the Lord both of them and you is in heaven: and there is no respect of persons with him.
Ver. 9. Forbearing threatenings; forbearing, and remitting the punishments which you might perhaps threaten them with, and they deserve. (Witham)
10 As to the rest, brethren, be strengthened in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Ver. 10. No explanation given.
11 Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the snares of the devil.
Ver. 11. No explanation given.
12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood: but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness: against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.
Ver. 12. Flesh and blood, which may either signify temptations of the flesh, or raised by mortal men. --- Principalities and powers; i.e. devils, or apostate angels, who before their fall were in such ranks of spirits, and who are permitted to rule over the wicked in this world of darkness. (Witham) --- By which we are to understand the fallen angels. For as by nature, and from their creation, they were the governors of this corporeal world, and were deprived of this their power on account of their pride, they received it (though limited by certain restrictions) in order to tempt man. (Estius) --- Rulers of the world of this darkness. By these are meant the devils who exercise their power and authority in our inferior and dark atmosphere, by raising winds, storms, tempests, &c. By darkness may be understood the wicked, in whom Satan reigns as in a citadel. (Menochius) --- Our inferior world is called dark and misty in comparison of the world above, which is always bright, serene, and clear. Our atmosphere is called the cloudy and dark heavenly. Cicero, in his Tuscul Quæst. Prudentius likewise, in Hamartigenia, writes thus:
Non mentem sua membra premunt, nec terrea virtus
Oppugnat sensus liquidos, bellove lacessit;
Sed cum spiritibus tenebrosis nocte dieque
Congredimur quorum dominatibus humidus iste
Et pigris densus nebulis obtemperat aer.
Scilicet hoc medium cœlum inter et infima terræ
Quod patet ac vacuo nubes suspendit hiatu,
Frena potestatum variarum sustinet, ac suo
Principe Belial rectoribus horret iniquis.
His colluctamur prædoribus, at sacra nobis
Oris Apostoli testis sententia prodit. ------ (Estius)
--- Against the spirits of wickedness: or wicked spirits in the air, says St. Jerome. Literally, in celestials. (Witham) --- High places. That is to say, in the air, the lowest of the celestial regions in which God permits these wicked spirits or fallen angels to wander. (Challoner)
13 Wherefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect.
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice,
Ver. 14. Your loins....with truth, both as to doctrine and a good life, keeping your baptismal promises. --- Having on the breastplate of justice, not only of the particular virtue of justice, but of all virtues in general. (Witham)
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace:
Ver. 15. Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel; i.e. prepared to walk in the ways of the gospel, as a soldier must be prepared and in readiness to march or to fight. (Witham)
16 In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one:
Ver. 16. The shield of faith. A lively faith working by charity, which will enable you to conquer your greatest enemies, and to escape their fiery darts, their greatest temptations, and attacks. (Witham)
17 And take unto you the helmet of salvation; and the sword of the spirit, (which is the word of God).
Ver. 17. No explanation given.
18 By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit; and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints:
Ver. 18. No explanation given.
19 And for me, that speech may be given me, that I may open my mouth with confidence, to make known the mystery of the gospel:
Ver. 19. No explanation given.
20 For which I am an ambassador in a chain, so that therein I may be bold to speak according as I ought.
Ver. 20. No explanation given.
21 But that you also may know the things that concern me, and what I am doing: Tychicus, my dearest brother, and faithful minister in the Lord, will make known to you all things:
Ver. 21. No explanation given.
22 Whom I have sent to you for this same purpose, that you may know the things concerning us, and that he may comfort your hearts.
Ver. 22. No explanation given.
23 Peace be to the brethren, and charity, with faith from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ver. 23. No explanation given.
24 Grace be with all, who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruption. Amen.
Ver. 24. Who love our Lord Jesus Christ. Literally, "in incorruption;" with purity of heart and mind. (Witham)
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burgardrecords · 7 years
I found the one and trying 110%
Hello everyone it’s been a while,  I’ll keep this breif since there’s a lot I want to talk about, however there is more than cliff notes. I’ll have to fill you in on what the title means. Idk if you believe in other gods than just the lord. I try my best to be great friends with all of the cosmic laws, including demi-gods, cosmonauts,  mother nature and mother earth, while including everyone who does good to help make this connection I have with a very special someone make the bond stronger like double bonded. I lost her trust, however we came to realize we trolled each other whether she see’s it as only my fault. The funny thing is that it’s not just my fault it’s also her’s as well let me explain. The one for me set up a trap and I walked right into it in terms of a false ad, via social media site. She posted a very luring ad that seemed legit, however being the one who always tries, I responded to the add, because it said “Does anyone try anymore in the title?” Being the only guy who really tries these days to be the outliar that I am I responded. I said “You’re right there’s not to many people these days who try. Hi my name is John and I’d like to get to know you a little bit more over coffee. If we have anything in common that would be cool (555)-555-5555 - John with “attatched picture avatar””
Thats what I said, now what I don’t understand is why would she posted an ad in the first place if she wasn’t already looking for something else? I confronted her. “She said “Because I felt like listening to my head and just double checking, even though my heart said I don’t need to.” It was pretty clear that she thought my ad was trying to get with another girl and thats not what happened at all. I clearly explained that I was trolling, I had no intention to meet, for I want to give people more hope that there is someone out there who listens and tries. I told her I respond to ad’s that say “Is there anyone trying anymore”, or “Am I the Only One”, or “There’s no one for me”. These ads infuriate me because I feel the same pain they feel so I respond to give them the hope they need to carry one with their life and make others feel better too.
Honestly I really feel like I am the only old school guy who tries in this city. However we both realized we betrayed each other and it will be a long time before she trusts me again and as well as I her but I love her too much so I already bleed . However this time around I am trying 110% on everything it’s really tough... Probably one of THE most toughest things. HOwever I AM IN IT TO WIN HER BACK! Let the nebuli and cosmic constelations help as well. 
Also being 2 years a head of the future The cannon lake processors are awesome and work with 64gb of ram better by taking advantage of double tasking a dual layer anyways I came back to change my life and the course it was suppose to take. However for all you music nerds listen up serum is awesome, but spectral synthesis takes the cake. However with wavetable being the rage right now, just wanted to let you know the mosty useless informational bit on the planet, but I will still be fighting a 110% on everything and of course no walls. I will bleed always :D :”( :D 
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Random fun fact: i originally intended for my sona Koko and Nebulis to be the same person.
Since I am the creator of my own universe, I figured it’d just make sense for the character meant to represent me was, y’know, god.
But, plans changed, and now they’re just best friends!
Also, it just seemed weird and disrespectful for my sona’s true form to be a POC when I am pale as hell.
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curiositt · 7 years
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U melanholiji kroz smijeh svetim vašim-lažima-rođene rane, uz ples preporoda na krovu s pogledom na srušene iluzije, a vi me gledajte.
Ovo što nemate nikada nećete imati, a mogli ste zauvijek i vječno. Gubitak se povećava. Do zadnje molekule na planeti, do zadnjeg atoma u sunčevom sistemu, do zadnjeg nukleona u nebuli, do zadnjeg bozona u galaksiji – ja sam samo svoj sa svojim ožiljcima i njima se niko neće približiti.
A ja čujem glasove koji me proganjaju, ali integritet ih otjera uz pomoć samopouzdanja. Maskuliziranost umiješana u kriterijume ljudske prirode gleda me u oči i smije mi se. Ali smijem se i ja njoj, pijemo čaj i gledamo se. Koliko god ona ne želi da bude dio mene, toliko ja ne želim da ona bude dio mene. Zapravo želi da joj zavidim, da je gledam kao osnovu sreće. Ali zapravo su mi dovoljni ples, knjiga i štit.
Jao, taj štit. Ovaj put ga koristim za sebe, jer je ispod njega sigurnost a vi ste htjeli samo prenoćište prije avantura. Zaštitnici nikada ne plaču.
Zaslijepljen sam svjetlom i tresem se. Ali osjećam olakšanje, probudio sam se i abortirao mrtvilo koje me koštalo. Ranjiv i bez odjeće plešem, ali ne dopuštam da mi se pridružite.
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goblinbugthing · 1 year
Ko wants to ramble. So Ko will ramble.
In Alternate Creativity, I mentioned in a throwaway line that there were townspeople where Nebulis and Galactica live. Well, I figured I’d have Nebs explain his homeland!
(The prince clears his throat.)
“Well, you see, as a Creator Entity and God, I have many ideas for what I’ll put in my universes. The original concepts live up here with me, in a place I call the Void. Despite its name as a dimension, it is not a void — it was originally, however, when I first decided I wanted a home to live in, but that’s not the point.”
“Anyways, when I have an idea, I create it and incorporate it into the Void. A plant, for example — I will keep thinking about that concept for a plant and work on it until it fits well to whatever planet I put it on in whichever universe, and then add it to that planet’s native wildlife. Some plants, though, don’t end up going through that full process. Either I forget about them, or they don’t end up fitting into the universe intended for them. No matter the cause, if a concept plant doesn’t get fully completed and perfected, I either destroy it (which is very, very rare of me to do), or I keep it as native wildlife here in the Void.”
“It’s a similar case for living creatures. For example, about 380,000,000,000 years ago, I had the idea of Angels. Over time, I evolved them, like I would anything I create, but they never seemed to fit into a universe. So, I kept them here! There are many variants of Angel, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about.”
“My original concept for Dragons live here as well! I liked them too much to get rid of them completely…”
“Oh, and the friend of mine who sent Galactica a letter was an Angel. Type 4. They’re a lovely person!”
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
Nebulis walked alongside the Elven girl, who had her spear prodding his back gently, just enough so that he could feel it through his layered clothing and corset. Whenever he slowed, she pressed the tip of the blade into his back a small bit harder, egging him on.
After a while of walking in an uncomfortable silence, the duo arrived at their destination; in front of them, a natural path led into a clearing in the bushes and trees, where a village was built. Nebulis didn't say anything; he didn't want to annoy the Elf any more than he has by just being present. "Come along now," she said, and pushed him forward, urging him to continue walking. He complied, and they moved through the village, earning strange looks from the other Elves and Faeries inhabiting the area.
"We have arrived, nuisance," the Elven girl spoke. Nebulis turned towards her when he heard the uneccessary insult. She didn't return the look, so he directed his vision bakc to his front, where a large tree stood, a hole in the front of it which led into a large, well-decorated room. The girl pushed him inside, making him stumble slightly, digging his claws into the ground to steady himself. She followed him into the hollow tree, shoving her way in front of him, and she called out to someone.
"Queen Solaris, we have an intruder. I do not know what to do with it."
"Hold on, just a moment, dear!" another voice responded, followed by rushed footsteps down the spiraling stairs. Another person entered their sights; A tall Faerie, about six feet with long, leaf-green hair and dark brown, almost black skin, with eyes the colour of gold. "This must be Queen Solaris," Nebulis thought, greeting her with a shy wave. "Oh my, you are quite the specimen," Solaris spoke. "Are you Draconic, perhaps?" "Ah, no ma'am, I am a Creator entity," he responded, The girls' eyes widened. "Creator entity?" the Elf questioned. Nebulis turned to her. "Yes." "What is such a creature?" Solaris asked him, and he turned back to her.
"Well... I am the creator of this world. Some would refer to me as God, but the true God is Lord Galactica, who is my creator," he explained, and Queen Solaris' eyes lit up with intrigue and excitement. "You are the child of God?!" she exclaimed, walking up to him and taking ahold of his clawed hands. "Oh, my, it is an honor to meet you, my lord! I have been awaiting a visit from you for so long!" "I-- ah, thank you?" Nebulis said, unsure of how to respond to the sudden enthusiasm coming from the Queen.
She let go of his hands and spoke. "Oh! Hold on, just a moment, my lord! I have prepared a gift for you!" she said before jogging back up the stairs, returning moments later with a shining object in her hands. She held it out towards him, and he studied it for a few moments before taking it into his claws. A golden crown, adorned with many different gems. “A crown?" he said, twisting it in his hands, taking in all its details. The gems were carved very carefully, made to be perfectly symmetrical; two multicoloured stones were set at the front of the crown, placed in such a manner that made it look like a heart, with a diamond-shaped ruby underneath.
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"Yes, my lord. You are the child of The Great One, are you not? That makes you royalty--royalty that rules the entirety of the world, all across the sea of stars!" Solaris said, ending with a small, polite bow. How odd, a Queen bowing to someone she's never met. "It's only fitting for royalty to have a crown," she continued, gesturing to her own shining accessory. The Elf beside him nodded. "She is correct," she said. "It simply isn't right for you to not have a crown, Prince..." she trailed off, realizing she doesn't know his name. "Prince... ah, what is your name, my lord?" she questioned, awaiting his response.
Nebulis hesitated for a moment. "Should I really give them this information?" he thought. He'd already told them quite a bit about himself, including his origins and creator. "Mmm, whatever. I've told them so much already, knowing my name wouldn't hurt anyone," he concluded, placing his new crown atop his head. His flaming hair flicked around the metal, giving it a beautiful shine from the multicoloured glow. "My name is Nebulis. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
OC Lore: Old God, New Royalty (pt. 1)
He carefully stepped out of the interdimensional rift and onto the soft, lush grass of a forest. He inhaled through his nose, taking in the scent of the nature around him. "Ah… how nice. Just as I had wanted it to be," he spoke to himself, the rift closing up behind him with a quiet breeze. He dulled the fire at the tip of his tail, making sure to not burn anything, and began walking through the terrain.
As he walked, he thought. "I am ever so proud of what I have made," was a line that crossed his mind more than once, likely because it was incredibly true. He couldn't put into words how much he loved what he'd built; it all emerged from nothing into everything, all because of him and his great power. He truly loved and cherished it, from the bottom of his godly heart.
This was the exact reason he decided to visit his most favoured creation, the planet Earth of the Milky Way Galaxy. Lord Galactica said that it was a bad idea, since if the planet's natives saw young God, it could possibly cause a break in reality. He did not want that, goodness no, but he craved to feel what his Earthling creations felt as they lived on their planet. A feeling that could only be felt on Earth, and on Earth alone. He wanted to experience that.
And so, here he was, Nebulis, The Child of the High One, taking a calm stroll in one of Earth's many beautiful forests.
Nebulis took in the sounds around him. Birdsong of various types, light breezes rustling the leaves of the trees surrounding him, his own soft footsteps against the grass… and a sudden inhale. "Oh, wait, oh goodness-- did someone find me? Oh no--"
He turned to his right and came face to face with the tip of a spear, weilded by a young Elven lady with dark brown skin and curly, shoulder-lenght pale green hair, her narrowed eyes a shade of bright emerald. "You there, intruder," she spoke in monotone, though it was clear she was angered. "you are trespassing on Queen Solaris' territory. What say you, in your defense?" Nebulis blinked nervously, struggling to find a response. "Um… I was just going for a walk," he said after gathering his thoughts. The Elf furrowed her eyebrows. "You are still trespassing," she said, moving her spear a bit closer to Nebulis' face. Backing away, he continued speaking. "O-oh, well, I didn't know this was the Elven Forest! There are many forests here on Earth, I-I simply picked this one at random to visit! The scenery here is quite beautiful, thanks to the native flora and fauna… a fit area to experience this planet's highest euphoria."
"Are you delusional?" the Elf questioned. "No--" "What in the name of the Queen herself are you talking about?! 'This planet's highest euphoria?' What does that even mean?!" Nebulis swallowed nervously, his tail flicked about behind him. "Well, each planet in existence has its own unique type of emotion given to its inhabitants that can only be experienced in the proper conditions--" he began to explain, offering a nervous smile to the Elf before she cut him off, holding the sharp edge of her spear against Nebulis' neck. "That was a rhetorical question, you imbecile," she spat. "Ugh. You will be coming with me, Queen Solaris will decide what to do with you."
Since his only choices were to follow the Elf or get stabbed, Nebulis decided on the latter, and slowly nodded. "Good choice," she said, moving to his side and holding her spear against his back, prodding it gently. "Now then, this way. We haven't all day, and in all honesty, I'm sick of your ungodly bright hair." Nebulis' ears lowered sadly. "I don't think insults are necessary..." "Hush and get walking, intruder." "...My apologies."
(I posted a more basic and kinda shitposty version of this part of the lore, but I felt like it didn't show enough detail of what actually happened, so I decided to flesh it out and turn it into an official lore post. Enjoy or something maybe)
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goblinbugthing · 2 years
OC Lore: A Second Chance at Mortal Life
He rested his head on the palm of his clawed hand. The multicoloured flames that made up his hair flicked around his claws. He stared sadly into the rift showing his favourite world.
He sighed, and closed the rift with a flick of his wrist. "Poor humans," he said softly. "Always missing chances they never knew they had. But I guess that's my fault, is it not? For not showing them what they are capable of doing?"
"Not at all, my son," spoke a voice next to him. Their Royal Majesty, Lord Galactica, stood by his side. "They are simply oblivious to the wonderful things you give them."
"I am the one who made them how they are, though. This all leads back to me, my lord. I am the one at fault," responded the young God.
Lord Galactica frowned. "Dear, you do not have to refer to me so highly. You are my son! Please, use my name." No response came from the child. He was such a kind being, always letting his beloved creations off without even such as a warning; he truly believed everyone deserved a second chance. Were he a mortal creature, that thoughtless kindness would likely get him killed in the world he had created. His most treasured creation, the planet Earth, had developed quite a bit since it first was brought into existence. While mostly improving, there were of course a few downhill slopes in the development of human society--the mortals expressed rudeness, unhappiness, and hatred, gaining a genuine distaste for the world around them, sometimes choosing to end their own lives, and/or the lives of others. A flaw in their designs that the Prince of All had overlooked for much too long, long enough for the problem to progress past the point of no return.
"My son, young prince, you are far too kind for your own good."
"Yes, I am aware. But where is the problem in being a loving, caring overlord? I do not see it; in fact, I do not believe such a problem exists, Galactica."
Silence filled the room, only the slight hum coming from the starry walls being heard between the two royals.
"They all deserve a chance, no?"
"So I will give them one; all of them, every single one; this gift cannot be missed."
"Nebulis, what are you planning on doing?"
Prince Nebulis turned to look at his parent, a determined look filling his multicoloured, glowing eyes. "I will create something new for all living beings to contain, that will let them live on post-mortem, and give them a much deserved second chance. I will call them…
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