#god. the GUILT bro
wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
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hey guys if you see stuff about bombs on tv tonight blame it on driving school
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lesbiansforboromir · 1 year
"If Tolkien were here he-" "Tolkien's intent was-" "Tolkien would be rolling in his grave if-" "You soil Tolkien's vision when-" "-which was Tolkien's whole point when he wrote-" "Tolkien would actually support x social issue-" wooooah there bucko.. buckeroono, buckyboy... was Tolkien your fucking dad? Your priest? Was your uncle a Tolkien? Was Tolkien literally without moral fault? No? Then please ask yourself #1 how the fuck you would know any of that and #2 why the hell you should even care in the first place. Love is love, stories are stories, discuss Tolkien's work without invoking him like some kind of avenging angel of literature 2023. He's literally just a guy.
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spacedlexi · 3 months
the way the ericson group were at the outbreak just a bunch of troubled kids who made various mistakes or committed crimes and were judged by a system that punished and abandoned them instead of giving them the support and love they needed, are then nearly a decade later put into a situation where now they must judge a troubled child for the mistakes and crimes hes committed against them. and 5 to 3 vote them out 😭
#twdg#i love the way s4 connects back to lees whole 'murderer' thing back in s1 😭 guilt...atonement.....systems of punishment#i love thinking about s1>s4 themes and crying#anyway this is partially why i hate when i see the ericson cast reduced down to 'just some teens' its so much more than that#them being abandoned in a boarding school for troubled kids is SO IMPORTANT its not 'just some school'#anyway its also probably why theyre my favorite cast#theyre literally one of if not the most mature group of the series even while being a bunch of kids who make choices i dont agree with#because they actually love and care about each other. even when theyre mad. because theyre all they have left#i do think the vote was a fair way to handle it even tho i still ultimately find it cruel. they couldve talked it out#but this is still a story that needs conflict to resolve so is what it is#they would rather they leave than have to face their confused feelings. the most immature thing they do. but understandable#they did such a good job crafting that cast for clem GOD an entire ensemble built around her and aj....delicious#zombie/post apoc media about love and community my beloved 😭#sorry but get tf out of here with that 'humans are evil and everyone dies' lame ass bullshit we are nothing without community#the amount of love pouring out of s4 is like getting my ass kicked but then they give me a big hug and kiss after and send me on my way#s4 my absolute beloved i really love it more and more every time. so much to appreciate even with it the way it is#the themes bro the themes........ the connections between seasons 1 and 4 you are everything to me#it speaks
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zosonils-art · 2 years
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look out, gooigi!
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corvidexoskeleton · 8 months
I actually had forgotten that an entire phase of the final boss fight with ares in the original god of war game includes kratos being sent into a hallucination in his head where he has to fight off an endless stream of copies of himself that are all trying to kill lysandra and calliope, the mechanics of which involves trying to keep their health from dropping while they both scream for help, and also the ability to hug them both to sacrifice your own health in order to restore theirs
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anyoldfandom · 9 months
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"You better get some control of yourself, mijo."
"Or what? You'll use that thing on me?"
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viscerast · 22 days
hey non oomf. please don’t shoot the messenger. your ex would like you to know that their dni is set up like that (and it includes kins of their comforts as well) because they are delusional and are uncomfortable with doubles. also no one is friends with your abusers anymore, because harpy is dead. she died last august. not much to say on that one but thank god tbh.
hey noomf thank you for reaching out and telling me this. id like to preface this post that no ill will goes towards you, anon, but towards PF. you're welcome to screenshot and send this post to damien if you want. very curious on how you know damien/PF but. wtv youre anon for a reason
for context, this is the post anon is talking about. also for simplicity, i'm going to be using the names i remember everyone using, but strictly they/them pronouns instead of the ones i remember them using just to avoid misgendering, i know a lot of people had gender discoveries over lockdown and coming out of lockdown and PF is not free from the transgender beam /silly
i will not comment on damiens DNI any further because, frankly, im staying as far as i can from any delusion related discourse as possible. as a potentially schizophrenic person, i know how sensitive the topic of delusions can be, especially D/A's, erotomania and platonic erotomanic delusions. i still think its a bit off that damien, a singlet, as a core part of being a system in their dni but. thog doesnt caare /ref i don't know their story at all
quite frankly, i'm glad to hear that no ones associating with my abusers anymore. part of me was always a little worried for the remaining members of the group (especially the younger ones), i didn't want anyone to have to deal with the blatant toxic bullshit that i had. even if you lot had a falling out with harpy in some respect, i want to say that i'm sorry for your loss. i remember how close PF was in general, especially with harpy.
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i'll tentatively accept the offer to talk with damien, but maybe later. maybe when we're more stable. i'll unblock them for now, because honestly i had no quarrel with damien, just that they were still associating with PF.
this, however, is not an open invite to anyone who associated with/was apart of PF to contact me. in fact, fuck the rest of you completely. stay off my page.
i hate how you guys keep finding our accounts. you almost put us into the hospital with the stunt ezra and karen pulled a few years back joining our personal server. to this day we don't feel safe anywhere we go, irl and online, because of how you guys acted. i know we weren't the best person, i know we were rude and lashed out and were generally hard to deal with, but we were fucking 15 or 16. we had known you guys since we were 13, we trusted your voices and opinions more than anything. if PF said the sky was red, then the sky was fucking red. we trusted you guys enough to give you our address. we were dealing with the horrors of being the only openly trans and queer kid in a small town catholic middle/high school ON TOP of having a slough of undiagnosed disabilities and disorders. and then going home to cope with how stressed we were and talking to our "friends". we should have turned tail and ran the second chai was kicked out. we should have realized earlier how chai had hurt us and cut ties with the rest of you, because no one seemed to care how weirdly romantic chai and i were getting. no one seemed to care about how weird ezra treated us, that the almost adult was jokingly calling the 14 year old their husband. PF actively encouraged our identity delusions and spirals. i was expected to have the emotional and mental capacity of a fully grown adult when i barely even knew who i was. i remember semi-frequently having our possibility of undiagnosed BPD (and potentially NPD? i cant remember if thats something they ever mentioned) recognized by ezra and harpy(?), but the fact that we were untreated, experiencing symptoms of the disorder they were sure we had, struggling to understand our emotions let alone regulate them was all thrown out the window the second we made even the smallest of mistakes. our bpd and delusions were used against us as a way to keep us in line, or when we were noticeably in a spiral we would have our identity delusions towards danganronpa villains invoked to encourage us to be cruel to other people- either members of PF or strangers on twitter.
tldr fuck peach fuzz. yall messed us up. sorry for the long vent/rant we just. really really needed to get that off our chest. we have for years and it feels like we were only able to heal enough this year to actually confront it and say something about what happened. there was a lot more than just this but this is what was fucking us up the most. sorry . i gotta go take a walk goodbye
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imblocking-you · 6 months
Watching Death's Game because I like suffering 👍
#death's game#netflix#// maple#ion wanna kin bro but i feel like im headed there#'do you travel to the afterlife on a plane?' BYE#SIWON? i forgot the cast is like stacked lmao#feels like a world hopping novel i like it#talk about karma T T also i didnt expect how graphic it was BYE#THIS FALLJNG GUY BYE LMFAO#and he reverts back to the teenage form when the stronger opponent arrives#GOD THE GUILT#yung bulgogi sa spoon :(( wala na iyak na ko guys talo mga may single parents talo mga walang nanay hahahahaha#after death told him that he's only thinking ab himself oh this life is purposeful UN HUH#but we know it's doomed to fail kasi nga second ep pa lang BUT MAN i hope something changes...#'everything is fine yee jae' it is it truly is the fact the mom was calling him before he jumped oh you just know she was ready to tell him#exactly that OH this breaks my heart#choking and holding back tears while eating FELT#NO NO *bunches up hair* I WONT FALL FOR IT THIS IS JUST A PLOY TO GET ME ATTACHED TO THE CHARACTER BEFORE YOU INEVITABLY KILL THEM#Lee Ju Hun HAHHAHAHAHA LARO#tinago niya 'yung pera para next life makukuha niya gagi pangmalakasang ungkatan ng past 'to LMAO#why does this one prisoner dude look like sohee#BYE WHAT IF IT'S JINSANG WEBTOONS TEND TO DO THAT#HELP I KNEW WE'RE TYING UP LOOSE ENDS HAHAHAHAHA#I just know taekang other son is tied up in all of this too#gagi part 1 pa lang pala yata 'yung drama na 'to mapapabasa ko ng wentoon ng 'di oras#jinsang you overgrown chuuni 😭#i feel great for getting jinsang beat up but like we all taesang is dying so...i wouldnt be so comfy if i were u lol#OOH THAT NAME DROP FELT SO GOOD AVENGE HIM BROTHER THATS RIGHT#yall him being given the chance to print shit and he immediately goes to grimes core is obviously a sign that he's pretending to be a psych#NAURR the vendetta just ruins it
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littlepetbee · 1 year
growing up evangelical christian is an inherently traumatizing experience, it really is
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
#i experience an emense amount of guilt ovet not being able to focus on work. go into the lab and run into a lab mate and hes like#u leave Thursday? why tf r u here? and that makes me feel a lil better lol#ive just being data entering all day. that takes so fucking long. and then helping an undergrad#exept my code was out of date so i was like welp i can only get u this far bc i did not write this code. i do not work with the#supercomputer on a regular enough basis. and i gave my 30 days notice today so ill be working remotely until the 18th#i probably should have done it way before but like ive still got so much to do i might as well get paid for doing it#the undergrad was like id probably work to the end bc i feel lost when im not working and i was like. bro. im so fucking brunt out that ppl#around me r like yo r u ok? theres a thing as too much work. dont cross that line. snd ill still probably work to the end bc i dont wanna#have to do it on top of other shit. but god. in a few days i never have to go back in that building again#sometimes having to be in that lab would make me feel physically ill i thibk just bc i have so much stress associated with standing at that#lab bench but woof i will not miss it. its not great. the ppl r nice but like the institution kinda sucks. but i probably#wasnt the best fit for the school. i only cane out here for my advisor and on that front i have no regrets#god im so tired tho. just make it Thursday already so my parents can b helping me move >~< lets fucking goooooo#srry for not posting much drawing wise. i prob wont b able to for a while as i transition across the country lol#also. a note to myself. i should get a proper sketchbook so i can actually draw out ideas and store them in a place. that would b convenient#god. its so hot 😖 let me leave#unrelated
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deevotee · 1 year
seeing someone call elizabeth a bitch: 🚩🚩🚩🚩
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cvpids-arrow · 2 years
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the sun king and his most beloved
I will love you until your face is fogged by distant memory. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else–and i will love you if you never marry at all, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all. That is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.
fellas. a mage reborn got me rn. i thought that maybe the demo prepared me but it didnt 😭 major props to @mage-parivir for the AMAZING writing. i highly recommend getting the book even if you've read the demo already!!
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biillys · 2 years
sorry if this is the most obvious theory that you've all already thought of and discussed but if max dies in vol 2 and billy comes back i will absolutely be a broken person like idk if it's just the impact of not being able to go to the shops or to work these days without hearing the if only i could i'd make a deal with god and i'd get him to swap our places chorus from literally any and every speaker or if it's the duffers etc saying there's gonna be a body count and vol 2 is not a happy ending and basically fucking tragic or it's the billy is alive and is fighting for max truther in me but like. if max dies? if billy and max finally get reunited and max fucking dies and billy fucking lives. i will not know peace ever again i cannot stress this enough i will not be fucking okay
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noxtivagus · 2 years
the hermes brainrot is so real oh my god
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#the name they chose is so perfect#w the wings n then#checking hermes' wiki again#'he also named after Hermes Trismegistus who was an expert in magic alchemy and astrology' bro.#the last three. ily#also like his character really just means so much to him#one more example is that of. his love for life#his love for meteion. not romantic tho god no but like#one of my favorite things ever in ffxiv r like#that line in. his side story where. gazes into her eyes the same shade blue as her wings something something like that#& hermes w the flowers n hermes w the stars n hermes w time stuff#off-topic but other stuff that r my fav in ffxiv include like#random yeah but yk aymeric technically has a cat right.#& then alphinaud in that side story in tales from dragonsong war with. he writes in a journal. he canonically is good at drawing#he writes letters to his friends. i find it funny how he was actually popular back in the studium#back to hermes though the things in his side story r just so relatable n understandable it Hurts#such as. guilt. shame. the things we'll sacrifice for our duties. for the sake of some sort of love#acceptance kindness n understanding..#choices blames n strength#'no turning back' i know that painful sentiment n the contradiction w it so well#fuck the way they wrote the whole story is just so. perfect to me. :c#he's so. hdjfalskdfjsd#when meteion stroked his hair 'leaving his dark hair an unkempt mess─and his soul somehow comforted' then the way he smiled#'That hope did not last.' that line.... hurts so much#'The fire would rise in those who looked up at the heavens in defiance of oblivion─#the desire to confront the answers for which Meteion journeyed...no matter how terrible the truth may be.'#so. beautiful.
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Call me petty or whatever but, making fun of and shit talking my toxic ex with my current partners is literally so fun....
My current boyfriend of ten years was ALSO with them so it's really fun to completely trash talk our failed poly relationship lmao
Healing is being able to laugh at how ridiculous it all was instead of being afraid of them.
#i cannot believe i dated that person LMAO#they're the biggest YIKES#im so glad we got away and got out bro omg.. it was MESSY and i was mean but it was needed!!!!#i acted in ways im not proud of but that DOESN'T MATTER. we got away from someone who was actively stalking us!!! AND PROBABLY STILL IS??#they guilt tripped people into s*x. manipulated people and admitted to lying about us to make us look bad to their friends?? AND MY PARTNER?#they forced someone to go behind others backs to talk to and be with them by FAKING S/H AND LYING ABOUT GETTING DRUNK???#THEY LIED ABOUT ADDICTION AND SELF HRM.. TO MANIPULATE SOMEONE INTO BEING WITH THEM...... BRO.#they demonized my friends RECOVERING PERSECUTOR and BLAMED EVERYTHING ON HIM despite EVERYONE knowing he was LITERALLY IN THE HOSPITAL#every single time anything went tense or bad SOMEHOW theyd find a way to ask if it was him WHILE HE WAS...... IN THE HOSPITAL??? also.#yeah he was hurtful to the group YEARS AGO. literally YEARS AGO. he was BETTER..... and THEY NEVER EVEN SPOKE TO HIM?? THEY DIDN'T KNOW HIM?#they would CONSTANTLY bring up or show or do peoples triggers ON PURPOSE or try and “LOOPHOLE” to KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT??#LIKE.. WE ASKED YOU TO STOP.... SO STOP TRYING TO “AMBIGUOUSLY TALK ABOUT IT” YOU'RE LITERALLY TRIGGERING EVERYONE BRO???#they're also a fuvking pro endo and “unlabeled plural” or whatever which is WILD..... and oh my god they act SO HIGH N MIGHTY????#they're the WORST type of “pro endo stereotype” as well.. like EXACTLY what you think of when hearing “twitter plural community”#i should have never dated a homestuck fan dude..... oh my god.#literally so many years with them im never getting back#did i mention they made suic pacts with people and would IMMEDIATELY pretend to attempt. also ED pacts with people. you know the type.#one time back on QUOTEV of all places they lied about c*tting down into their wrist bone??? LIKE??? WHAT?#im losing my mind#how did i ever let it get so far#also their weird factkin shifting game grumps incest thing with their younger sibling....... disgusting!!!!
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carmen-in-space · 4 months
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couch boy thoughts. god these guys make me lose my marbles every time i think about them
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