#go work on arcane blight then no no
avirxy · 2 years
why do I get the sudden urge to start a new fic as soon as I think I’ve got the plot mapped out for another
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camscendants · 2 years
Halloween costume update
There’s an issue the vi costume I wanted to get if I were to order it today would get here between oct 25 and November 14th so there’s a good chance it won’t get here in time so I might have to be someone else
But I was planning on dying my hair red for the concert next week (it fits the band rn) and for Halloween to be vi
But if I’m someone else the hair doesn’t fit the concert :/
Here are my possible back ups
Gideon Nav
Now Gideon could fix the hair problem cause she also has red hair and she would be easier to do than Harrow cause idk where to get all her bone jewelry and corset things I could Dye my hair Amity but it wouldn’t fit the concert I don’t really want to be blonde like hunter and I already just straight up have Luz’s hair rn I could get those outfits easy
With the Toh costumes this would be my last chance to be one of them while it’s still airing
I am very indecisive
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
Why do you think the Arcane writers picked a Manchester accent for Silco (even if it's not there in his voice)? Why did you decide to keep it in FnF?
imo, Manchester's the perfect place to take inspiration from, for a story of industrial innovation and its contrast of industrial blight.
The history of the metropolitan borough is fascinating on so many levels: its origins as a manufacturing mecca, its proximity to the coal mines, its history of labor strikes, the slum clearance ordinances that left its landscape utterly dystopian, the rowhouses and horrifying 'housing projects', its origins as a rock and roll hub, the history of the Teddy Boys and the Perry Boys, its punk and anarchist roots (the Sex Pistols and the Buzzcocks both cut their teeth in good ol' Manchester), the jazz-funk that was the traditional anthem of the working class...
I could go on.
Friedrich Engels also spent two decades in Manchester, learning the cotton business, and called it, "Hell on earth."
As the the child of a proud Mancunian, I grew up hearing a lot of stories about Manchester in the 1950s - 1970s. I also spent a few years there as a kid, and still have family there.
All of which is to say the mention of Manchester in Arcane made me gleeful.
I encourage anyone interested in atmospheric world-building to look into the place's history, and to check out images of the Manchester slums, especially the Victorian illustrations of Angel Meadow, the 1970s era, the Scuttler gangs etc.
If this doesn't scream Zauncore, I don't know what does:
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oh my sweet Gale
I will admit, the very first run through of this game i found Gale annoying, pushy, dumped trauma everywhere, narcissistic in his knowledge of magic, and the need to prove how right his in in the subject. I often found myself thinking and saying out loud "omg shut up"..... buuuuut... having romanced him...... i found that his personality traits are the exact same as someone born as a child prodigy, had his ego inflated, alienated by everyone around him, and made to think he was superior by someone higher up just to then land on his ass.
I wont go through what i think of his character development because each play through is different, and for each player its different... but this is what i think of him over all.
Gale doesn't know how to talk to people. He doesn't have social queues that almost everyone else picks up on. Gale has spent, up till the tadpole, the exception in a lot of the situations he was put into and thus it became his default personality. Yes, for those of us who have romanced him (keeps romancing him) we see someone haunted by their past choices and watch him grow. We see the nerd that he is, but this is more about the potential Gale before we meet him. So bare with me.
He was a child prodigy and put into a prestigious school where he flourished. I can only image how his professors loved him and his fellow students less than enthusiastic response. You know what happens when you become the teachers pet? You become ostracized by your fellow peers. You know what happens when you are really good at something that usually takes A LOT of practice for others? You either get used or don't make friends. Gale has had ONE story that involved other people and it didn't involve friends, he was at a bar and defused a brawl with ale. He has openly admitted to Tara being his only real friend.
Now this isn't to say Gale never had to work at his magic or arcane knowledge to get him to where he is in the game when he first meet him. He was an archmage and the chosen of Mystera, but his innate ability to wield it as a young boy is what got Mystera's attention. Gale has stated that she was his teacher first, then his muse and finally his lover. You can only imagine how special he felt when Mystera chose him to be his guiding hand..... and then to be a lover? I don't care who you are..... That shit would have to inflate your ego. That shit would make you feel like you were SOOO much better than your fellow peers. You would have those toxic thoughts and comments of "yeah, well Mystera chose me! So who needs friends/criticism/physical lovers/ect". What do you typically do when you catch the attention of someone you highly regard? You try to impress them and do what you can to be even more impressive! So Gale's ambition grew to newer heights. I cant imagine what Mystera poisoned his mind with while they were together. Like, i get she told him to just be content with the things were.... but come on Mystera... you couldn't have expected him to stop striving to be better with a simple "nah, you're cool how you are. you don't need to be my equal". Not when the poor man has spent the last 2 decades of his life striving to be the best. His most important years for growth and development have been spent on trying to impress others.
Gale learns of a way to possibly convince Mystera to allow him into her domain and it gets a carnivorous orb shoved into his chest, dumped, stripped of his titles and holed up in his tower without nary a reason why. That had to be the biggest blow he has ever received in his entire life. His act of what he believed to be a sure fire way into getting what he wanted ended up taking almost everything away from him. If it wasn't for Tara, i'm sure Waterdeep would have succumbed his to orbs blight. The man locked himself in his tower and turned away all his colleagues and family.
So imagine, you are this lonely person... squirreled away from others and any social interaction. No one to talk to except your pet *sorry Tara* and all of a sudden you find yourself on a ship.... with a parasite in your brain and then your thrust into an adventure with a bunch of strangers. You have this orb in your chest that could blow at any time and you cant really explain WHY you need magical items.... but that if you don't get them.... everyone is in trouble.... you find your group facing monsters and doing weird ass side quests.... and at any given opportunity, you like to drop a knowledge bomb on the group.... just to find that some of the group members don't like your input... or don't listen at all.. which doesn't sit well with you. You've been told how right you are for like... 20 years... You haven't been given many acts of kindness since becoming an adult, what with your abrasive "im more knowledgeable in everything and i've slept with a goddess" personality, so when you see your fearless leader doing something nice, you approve. You grown to trust this leader enough to tell them the truth.... knowing full well they may turn on you, but they don't! You continue to watch them, and share moments of magic with them, you fight along side them, and what is this? Are you starting to develop feelings for them? Are they reciprocating these feelings?
He gets a death sentence slapped on his back and these new budding feelings he has for you need to be made known. What better way than to show you how much you mean to him than to literally paint the sky in the weave for you. To take away the Shadow-lands curse and SHOW you something better. He thinks 'the most perfect night would have to be some place im comfortable and vulnerable.... so that i can SHOW them. This is me, Gale. This is my whole world and at the center of it, my very heart'. he is literally showing you who he is. he is this studious... lonely man.. who sits in front of his fire place reading and researching... or out on his terrace watching the sunset with a book. Like, do you accept this version of me that you have not seen yet? *Not to mention the weave/ astral projected 3 gale gang bang you get while spinning through the cosmos. He is such a show off... or he just isnt confident in his own physical/ mortal ability to woo and wow*
To watch Gale throughout my few play throughs grow as a person and learn that having to much ambition can oft lead to ruin... and watch him change to just be content with himself as he is... i get a lot of comfort from it. I haven't gone down the God route yet, nor have i tried to make him more villainous, but who knows lol.
I have a lot thoughts on pre-tadpoled Gale and how his life up to that point made him who he is when we are first introduced to him. Gale is definitely my comfort character.
Sorry for the rant... or maybe im not. Once again... these are my thoughts from my multiple play throughs.
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yandere-daze · 5 months
This is probably the most niche thing I have ever posted but I just finished playing Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane ( a game you should totally play btw!!) and I have many horrible thoughts about this man. I´m going to go insane if I don´t put this out into the world sooo... here we go!
I also feel like at some parts it kind of doubles as a character study so take that, I guess?
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gn reader
tw yandere, stalking, manipulation, murder, societal pressure, guilt-tripping, obsession
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General Yandere! Aster Headcanons
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So Aster himself is a very interesting character in my opinion. He´s very idealistic and sees the corruption of the nobility in the kingdom to be completely unacceptable. He cares a great deal about the commonfolk and because of that, the crown prince is very well-liked by the public, even before he becomes the king
Compared to many other nobles who are haughty, arrogant, or intimidating, Aster gives off the vibes of someone who is very friendly and approachable. Something about him just feels different in comparison.
And it is this friendly and open-minded appearance that would make his darling feel more at ease when approaching him to talk. Talking to Aster just doesn´t feel as scary or annoying as having to speak with other nobles. His positive attitude actually makes conversing with him an enjoyable experience
I think it might actually be more likely for him to fall for a commoner instead of a noble. Nobles in the court are cutthroat and only interested in their own wealth and power and Aster is just sick of that. You being a commoner means that there´s a better chance for you to actually be an honest and hard-working person, something I think he would want in a partner.
If you are a commoner, you might accidentally meet him when Aster is out and visiting the city for once. As we can see in Chapter 3, he would try to hide his identity as the crown prince from you if you don´t recognize him. He much prefers you talking to him as if he was simply any other person as opposed to you bowing down before him and carefully choosing your words if you were to find out who he was. He would instruct the Kingsguard to follow him a bit more discreetly, so as not to catch your eye and to never openly acknowledge his title when in your presence. He´d hate for this casualness with you to be destroyed like that.
You two talk about your daily life and the struggles you face ( him being very careful and vague when talking about his own profession, as he doesn´t want you to find out about his rank). Even though he gives off a cheerful and exciteable impression, he is indeed listening very carefully to what you have to say and makes sure to memorize it all. He needs to know everything there is to know about you, needs to know all of your preferences and opinions.
He listens especially carefully when you mention your frustrations with the nobility, how they wield all the power and money in the world and keep it to themselves while the common folk have to slave away while worrying about if they can afford the roof above their heads this month. His gaze noticeably darkens for a moment as he hears this but it´s quickly gone when he nods his head and agrees with what you´re saying. The nobility is a blight on this land.
It´s very frustrating for Aster to hear this because he knows it´s true. His visits have shown him firsthand how bad daily life for the common folk can be. He has seen with his own eyes how the members of noble houses can get away with absolutely anything. Even the justice system protects them, all their crimes are simply swept under the rug or an innocent civilian is forced to take the fall for them. It´s atrocious and Aster is so frustrated that nothing is done about it. He wants things to change but he´s only the crown prince, he doesn´t yet have the power to change things. He needs to bide his time until he becomes king and then he will rip all these corrupt off their power.
But it´s still quite some time until then so for now, he needs to focus on what he can do while he´s still powerless.
Hearing you speak about wanting to make the world a better place for the common folk in your own way with such conviction really resonates with Aster. All his life, he´s been surrounded by vultures trying to curry favor with him for when he ascends the throne in the future. He has seen countless forced smiles and false promises but he can see in your eyes that you speak with truth and honesty. And he can´t help but really resonate with that. He likes talking with someone like-minded that doesn´t treat him differently, someone that he can be himself around.
Aster can´t help but visit the city more frequently from then on, telling his father that he has important business to attend to there as an excuse. Well, it´s not really a lie, is it? Seeking you out couldn´t be any more important to him.
You´re quite surprised by how often you seem to randomly see Aster nowadays when you hadn´t at all seen him before but maybe he just moved in recently? You don´t know that he secretly orders guards to follow you around daily to then report to him what you did all day. As much as it pains him, he can´t simply go out every single day so hearing about your day is the next best thing. This way, he also gets to learn about the things you do in your day-to-day life or the things you do when you think no one is watching. Oh, how he longs to have been there himself, just watching you! His heart yearns for you and yet his princely duties often leave him way too busy to visit you as often as he would like to. But well, at least he always knows exactly where to find you if he ever finds himself with enough free time <3
But well, there is one very simple but very big problem with this situation, aside from him being the crown prince and you a commoner. He has been in an arranged marriage for years now. Ever since they were little, Aria Steelwind, a noble of one of the four main noble houses has been promised to him. And he has never been more disgruntled by this than now.
Sure, he did respect Aria in some ways. Instead of simply living her cozy noble life, she took her own path as a prosecutor to fight for justice within the corruption that is their justice system. She´s the only prosecutor willing to arrest a noble for their crimes and yet, her actions change so very little. What a naive fool she is to think that working within the system is going to have any sort of lasting impact.
No, Aster knows better. He has seen his father having to make all sorts of compromises to not displease the nobility when introducing changes. What was left were only hollow words and small changes. Small changes would never be enough to truly change this world for the better. Aster knows that if he wants things to change, he will have to take things into his own hands
From there on out, things would go over much like in the game during case 5, which is why this is my last major spoiler warning. Please do not continue reading from here if you don´t want the game spoiled for you as I will discuss the events happening at the end here.
Alright, so. Case 5. Naturally, for the sake of continuing this headcanon post, I´ll have to change up things a bit because otherwise, Aster is a little bit too dead to continue plaguing his darling afterwards. So let´s assume that in this timeline, Aster actually gets away with his crimes for one reason or another.
He used Aria´s affection and love for him and tricked her into signing a blood contract by disguising it as a marriage license. Now, Aster has full control over her mind and body, her soul forever his to use. And he didn´t hesitate for even a moment to use her as a means to further his own goals.
It was way too easy to use the contract to control her body, forcing her to go out and kill several important nobles attending the king´s funeral while he stayed behind, creating an alibi for himself. And truly, after several witnesses saw Aria kill these pesky nobles, who would ever think the new king would have anything to do with it? He wasn´t even close to any of the crime scenes!
And of course, it´s even easier to completely erase Aria´s memories of what took place. And now that he has completely covered his tracks, no one can prove that Aster had anything to do with it.
By doing all of this, Aster has killed two birds with one stone: He has successfully killed two heads of four of the main noble houses and his fianceé is going to prison for what she has done, effectively ending their engagement. Now Aster is the one sitting on the throne with the noble houses significantly weakened without a family head to guide them, making them less of a threat to his power. Now that he has all the power, he will change the kingdom for the better.
Of course, the common folk only learn about the fact that Aster has ascended the throne with the news kindly leaving out the fact that a massacre had taken place. Still, with this new information getting out it´s almost impossible for you not to learn of Aster´s true identity. All this time, the person you had been conversing with so casually was the then-prince, now-king of this kingdom. To say you´re shocked would be an understatement. What are you supposed to do now? Oh, you can´t even begin to think about how many times you must have disrespected him by speaking to him as if he were simply any other person. Surely nobles must have some sort of rules regarding addressing people, no?
Oh, you must have embarrassed yourself thoroughly in front of him! But then again, he was very nice when he was talking to you and even enjoyed joking around. So maybe he was different? You weren´t quite sure but thinking about it that way made things easier for you.
To say you were shocked when King Aster de Wyverngarde stood in front of your door one day would be a grave understatement. You don´t know what to say or what to do, now that you know who he truly was. Are you supposed to bow down in front of him? I mean he´s the king so you probably should, right?
Aster merely sighs disappointedly when you clumsily bow down in front of him.
"There´s no need for such formalities. We´re close, right? You don´t need to bow down in front of me."
"But.. you´re the king, right? I mean, it feels weird to talk to you so normally now."
He´s quite saddened to hear this. He knew this would be how you would react if you found out the truth, it´s the very reason why he went to such lengths to prevent you from finding out.
"Don´t worry, nothing has changed between the both of us. May I take you for a walk?"
He smiles and offers his arm to you, only nodding his head and assuring you that it´s fine when you seem to hesitate. So you go along and let him lead you out of your home and into the bustling center of the city, where the streets are filled with people. Naturally, everyone gathers outside and cheers when they see the new king walking along the streets.
Aster is very well-liked by the common folk for his open and honest demeanor and his willingness to help them. Everyone has high hopes for him, believing that he will be the one to finally make things fairer for them, the one to push back against the corrupt nobles using them for their own gain. And well, in one way or another, they´re certainly right about that. Aster doesn´t hesitate when it comes to removing vultures feeding off of other´s hard work.
After getting over their initial excitement over seeing the beloved king, people begin to notice that you´re holding onto his arm as he walks you around town with a wide smile on his face and people begin whispering amongst themselves. Who are you and why are you with the prince? Judging from your clothes, you are a commoner just like them so how do you know him? And young Aster seems to be holding you awfully close, is something going on there? Everyone has heard that the engagement with Aria Steelwind fell through because she had turned out to be just as corrupt as all the other nobles, breaking Aster´s heart. Were you his new love? It would certainly be something for the king to be in love with a commoner.
You´re beginning to notice the people whispering and you get quite uncomfortable at their staring when Aster suddenly stops and turns around to face you. You almost walk right into his arms at the sudden stop, a sheepish look on your face. Aster simply smiles and takes one of your hands into his, staring right into your eyes.
And then the rug is pulled from right under your feet as Aster gets down on one knee, the crowd quickly bursting into cheers as he pulls out a small little box and presents it to you.
"My love", he begins speaking and you feel your heart plummet into your stomach. You notice that he seems to be talking quite loudly on purpose, as the crown quickly reacts to his words, growing silent as to listen carefully.
" We have known each other for a long time now. We had to hide and share our love in secret. But from this day onward, I want us to show ourselves to the rest of the world, to let them see the love and devotion we have for one another."
You´re just standing there, frozen in shock, almost incapable of processing his words. Our love? Just what was he talking about?!
"As you well know, I have gone through immense heartbreak in the past, I have had my trust and heart broken once before but with you, I want to start over. I trust you completely and vow to be by your side for all eternity if you will have me. I love you more than anything, my love. Will you give me the honor of taking me as your husband?"
The atmosphere is tense, the people around you holding their breath in anticipation but some voices still ring out from inside the crowd.
"I can´t believe it, a king proposing to a commoner! His love for them must be so strong, it´s so romantic!"
"The king is such a kind and benevolent soul, they must be overcome with happiness right now! Look, I think they´re on the verge of tears!"
"It truly is terrible what happened with his past engagement. To be betrayed like that, His Majesty must have been beside himself with grief. He deserves this new chance at love."
You hear voices ringing out all around you, and you feel completely overwhelmed, unsure of what you should do now. Everyone looks at you so expectantly, everyone is practically screaming at you to say yes and yet, that´s not what you want. You´ve never even thought about marrying Aster, to have this sprung on you so suddenly is terrifying. You feel like you´re losing your grip on yourself when you suddenly feel a squeezing feeling on your hand.
With a start, you look down to see Aster holding your hand tightly, enacting almost an excruciating amount of pressure. The look on his face is more akin to a smirk now than the soft and innocent look he had before. He knows that there´s no way you could say no under these circumstances. By dragging you out into a public area he has forced your hand to agree to his proposal.
What foolish commoner would ever reject a king? It would be a blatant show of disrespect and they would surely be shunned by their peers for being so ungrateful. Furthermore, Aster had a great reputation amongst the common folk, no one would show you any sympathy if you tried telling them that he was lying about you being in love. Who would ever believe you over the ruler of this country? If they´re being charitable they would chalk up your protests to being shy about the entire ordeal.
You´d also have to be a real monster to reject King Aster´s heartfelt declaration of love after he had already been betrayed by his past fianceé not very long ago. How could you hurt him after what he went through? Of course, no one knows what really happened with Aria, no one knows how Aster was the one who used and manipulated her. The truth had been conveniently hidden from the public and twisted to serve his own goals. After all, who would want a known murderer sitting on the throne?
And it is through all this pressure that you finally crumble, a solemn expression on your face as you mutter the word Aster had been wanting to hear you say so desperately.
"Yes", you relent.
The dark expression on his face immediately vanishes and he gets up from his kneeing position, wrapping one arm around you while using his other hand to slide the ring on your finger. This is the happiest day in his life and sooner or later, you will see this his way.
Naturally, after what you had just witnessed, the facade is gone and you no longer see Aster as an innocent and kind person only looking out for the best of others. You don´t learn about the true darkness within him and the crimes he has committed in the name of "doing what needs to be done", but you know that he can´t be fully trusted.
Aster is of course saddened by this because he wants you to love him just as much as he loves you but he figures that there´s nothing to be done about it now. You will simply grow to love him in time, there is no other option for you now. Your fate is already sealed, how would you ever get away from the king and more importantly, your fiance? You two are engaged and everyone knows about it, he made sure that the news would be spread fast. A king marrying a commoner is very unorthodox and almost scandalous but if anything, it only makes the common folk trust him even more.
Now that you´re engaged, Aster won´t let you stay at your old home anymore, he sends a carriage to immediately pick you up and take you to the castle where you will be living for the rest of your days. There, he will try to spend as much time with you as possible within his very busy schedule. He believes that sooner or later, you will come around to your new life. He understands that this must be all very shocking for you right now but he´s sure you will get used to it.
In the meantime, he will gift you anything you might ever wish for. Anything to get you accustomed to your new life by his side, anything to win back your favor after the stunt he had pulled when proposing to you.
Rest assured though that he´ll never let you wander away from him too far. You´ll spend most of your time within the castle walls and when he can´t be with you, he will still send guards to trail behind you and keep you safe while also keeping tabs on you.
He tries to be soft with you, trying really hard to gain back your trust. He quite likes holding you close, holding your hand, or kissing your cheek. It feels so romantic. This is the love he had been denied all his life, this is what he always wanted.
Naturally, he won´t let anyone interfere with your relationship. You are his and anyone that thinks differently has to be removed. He has no remorse when it comes to getting rid of any perceived rivals, though he wouldn´t get his hands dirty himself. Anyone that defies him must be removed, it´s the only way that he can build his ideal world, a world in which you are by his side forevermore.
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magicwithered · 2 years
I could go on and talk about how Laerryn is not, in the end, motivated by hubris. Though The Age of Arcane is the age of Wizards who believe themselves bigger than gods. Or, or, I could talk about how Laerryn Coramar-Seelie was pushed by grief so deep it doesn’t just come in waves, it never fucking leaves.
How “It’s stupid to try and become a god” because she asked for the gods to save her friend. Pleaded with them to bring them back. That it was hubris that got her friend killed, and Laerryn is not the smartest person in Avalir for nothing. That she crushed it under her heel, but if her best friend, the greatest person she’s ever known had to die for her ambitions than it better well be fucking worth it.
That it is love, and love lost, that motivates her to do the things she does. And the fear of losing love again and again that motivates her to cast blight, despite her having paused for a second to listen.
Pride was her fatal flaw when Evandrian died. But it was not when she helped cause the calamity. It was love and love alone. Because pride is for people who don’t get shit done, pride is for the undeserving. She built a cathedral with her own two hands between working and researching. Between grief and mourning. Of course Laerryn is proud of herself, of course she believes in herself. She’s the goddamn Architect Arcane, she keeps this city afloat, makes discoveries for people to eventually use. She is the heart of the city. But she does not still her hand in pride, but fear, but love.
Love is what causes the Calamity. Love for Loquatious, love for Patia, love for her people. And also deep unsettling grief. Grief for what was lost to her, grief that the gods did not grant Evandrian reprieve. Grief for all the things that she could not save. Why would she waste her time trying to become a god, when she can show the gods that even them, even the mundane, even the mortals that they’ve created can do wonderful things and perform miracles. That they do not need them to grant them wishes, that they can do it themselves instead of waiting for the whims and whimsies of the Primordials to pay them any attention.
Why would the gods give her this power, this intelligence that she’s honed like a fine tuned instrument if not so that she can show them all that Avalir can be? And in the end, how could she learn? Why would she change everything? Change anything. In the end, her point was proven, the things she lost were no longer for naught. How could she ever regret what happened if in the end it was for love?
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There is an old folk song that is sung in Exandria.  It goes by a lot of titles--In Marquet it’s commonly known as The Liar’s Love, while natives of Xhorhas would know it as The Fey Groom, and the elves of Syngorn’s version has a title that translates to “The Sacrifice of Truth for Love.”
This is one bard’s rendition of the song in Common, as accompanied by ukulele.
(Best with headphones! With credit for the original idea to @ihaveatypeanditstrickstergods and the original characters to @quiddie and Sam Riegel. Album art generated by Craiyon.)
Lyrics below the cut.
Refrain: This sordid scene, my love, we're in, oh, We're in for a scar And yet tonight by morning light I'll fall for you once more.
Verse 1: There once was a fey who chanced one day From lands so wild and strange For stories told worth more than gold Exandria's face would change.
Among the clouds a city bright And there its beating heart Did kindle love within his own For her he'd craft his art.
Verse 2: A vision clear did guide his dear With this its one refrain Her city’d rise beyond the skies And loose its mortal chain
Beneath the streets his love did seek Her dream at any cost, But fortune claimed its pound of flesh, A friend too soon was lost.
Verse 3: The fey saw true that if they knew, Her legacy’d be blight And so he lied to deftly hide Her deeds from public sight.
And though his heart was ever hers, Her work, for now, meant more She’d fix them soon when she was done So he walked out the door.
Verse 4: And soon an hour of arcane pow’r Was finally at hand For on that night, with her Leywright She’d make them understand
But one thing more stood in her way Her masterpiece abjured She struck it down, and with that spell Calamity ensured.
Verse 5: And with her sin the fiends poured in With death and fire and hate, But one last spell at ruin’s knell Might change Exandria’s fate.
His healing words would keep her hale, Her spellwork holding fast, And at the heart they’d both go down Her work complete at last.
Refrain: This sordid scene, my love, we're in, oh, We're in for a scar And yet tonight by morning light I'll fall with you once more.
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atonalginger · 5 months
I didn’t know you wrote for da! so I want messy meeting please!?
Oh yes Dragon age is the only other fandom I've shared a work in, but never posted it on ao3. I think it's tucked away somewhere maybe I'll dig it up sometime (that's off topic it's not the AU sorry)... so some world building for the AU before sharing a snippet of Messy meeting: This is an AU where the elven empire was torn down but the elven people did not fall the way canon sets up. They still control major chunks of Southern Thedas. Some are more reclusive while others exist as proud nations. The biggest elven "Gods" are killed but others are alive and simply living in seclusion, obscured and mostly forgotten.
One such nation is The Dales, which on the map looks like the whole southern chunk of what is Orlais in the game and the forest that extends beyond where we can go.
One of the main characters in this AU is an arcane warrior form the Dales: Ser Tavish Virfalenal. He is the oldest child and scion to the most powerful family in the Dales and also a good friend of Alistair. Mamie Holloway is a historian/research from the College of Ostwick. Also has experience as a Bard. This scene is set in Ozammar. They are there to get help with fighting off the coming Blight. okay under the cut to save everyone's dashboards are the snip(s)
Pt. 1 “I’m going to warn you now, they won’t listen to you.” Warden Commander Matildis said as she adjusted her sword belt. “They will tell you no decision can be made until a new King is named. And at this rate the Thaig will be overrun before that happens.”
“They have to honor the treaties,” Tavish sounded devoid of any emotion. He detested politics and negotiations. He did not want to be here but it was not safe for Velavera and so he was here instead.”
“We tried that,” Agustin said with a hoarse laugh, “the young one agrees emphatically and the old one yells about traditions and the other six nod and shake their heads in line with their chosen nug.”
“The situation is currently messier than The Game and more volatile than a barrel of Gatlok on fire,” Matildis sighed, “I left Val Royaux because of shit like this. I was assured I’d get away from it in the Deep Roads. No time for politics when you’re clearing mindless infected from the roads.”
“And it usually isn’t,” Zali said. She was leaning against her massive hammer, looking up at the humans and elves in her company,
“usually everything is as predictable as the day’s bell. But then someone went and offed Trian and broke the King’s heart. Literally.” “Yeah about that,” Mamie glanced over to Tavish before leaning in toward Zali, “we’ve been hearing a lot of wild stories about that. What’s going on?”
“Depends on who you ask,” Agustin answered before Zali could speak, “those siding with Lord Harrowmont say Bhelen killed Trian and framed his sister to get his competition out of the way and didn’t anticipate the heartbreak his father would suffer. Those siding with the Prince stand by his story that he found Sereda standing over Trian with a bloody dagger in hand and would have killed him as well had others not shown up.”
“What he said,” Zali nodded her chin up at the tan warden. Mamie’s shoulders slumped, “okay, and what do you believe? You’re from Orzammar, you know more about this situation than the wardens do.”
Zali smiled as she bit the corner of her lower lip, “That I do, I also left my home to get away from politics. What do I think? I think Bhelen’s a liar and also the best shot this place has at surviving this mess. Ol’ Endrin may have given lip service to House Theiren and and the Elven Great Houses of the Dales but they weren’t friends. He was using the surface nations while talking big about how the Great Thaig didn’t need the surface’s farms and hunters. How we could manage on our own. He listened to isolationists like Harrowmont and had begun withdrawing from surface politics. Don’t ask me why or where buffoons like Harrowmont got these ideas, I just know what I saw and heard. Trian and Sereda both looked to the Lord as a mentor and held onto his every word. Trian would speak openly about stricter enforcement of castes and Sereda called for the audits of the shaperate records to ‘fix’ errors. Meanwhile Bhelen would try in vain to get his father to see reason; The Thaig will starve without trade from the surface. What would we honestly do with all our ore and smithing? To not destroy generations of goodwill with our surface allies. I also think Bhelen has his eye on some lass in the commons and knows his family would disown him for it. and pt 2
“We cannot break such an agreement,” Bhelen argued, “to do so would be catastrophic. My father would never have turned his back on allies!”
“He wouldn’t have but you killed him!” the Dwarf shouted back. The room erupted into shouting and the clattering of chairs being knocked back. Harrowmont stood smug on his side of the chamber, watching as Bhelen looked on in growing panic.
The group watched the chaos. The wardens and Zali were resigned while Tavish and Mamie looked on in disbelief. Tavish opened his mouth on occasion to try and reclaim the room but each time decided against it and sighed. Once the shock wore off, Mamie set about digging in her side satchel. Tavish and Zali turned to watch as she dug around, her brow furrowed in concentration.
Then her expression flashed and she pulled a small wooden flute from her bag. She smiled impishly at Tavish and brought the flute to her lips. Zali slapped at the wardens and motioned to plug their ears just in time as Mamie unleashed a shrill, ear piercing note from her flute. The shouting turned to anguished cries and the dwarves in the chamber all plugged their ears. Satisfied, Mamie lowered the flute to her chin and said, “The Blight is a threat to us all right now. Warden Commander Bouthillier’s scouts have reported Emissary sightings on several routes and darkspawn numbers are growing exponentially. If These Emissaries were to link up with the Alpha Emissary leading the Blighted Host it would spell the end of not just Ferelden but Orzammar as well. We sympathize with your current strife but must ask for you to put aside your differences to protect your people. Many, many lives are at stake.”
“Do not lecture us on duty, girl!” one of the council members shouted. Another shouted across the room to chide them. Mamie simply raised her flute, “I’ll do it again. I’ll do it every time you interrupt needlessly or attempt to derail the discussion.” “I’ll send for a member of the Shaperate to bring the treaty documentation as well as representatives of the various Castes to begin negotiations.” Bhelen motioned for someone near the door to go.
Harrowmont shouted, “oh what authority boy?”
Mamie let out a short burst from her flute while staring at Harrowmont.
Tavish looked between Lord Harrowmont and the Prince, “I suppose I’m confused as to what exactly is the hang up here? My understanding is that this Great Thaig is ruled by House Aeducan. Which would mean the Prince, being the sole surviving member, would be King.”
“He was never named heir, which means it is up to the council to determine whether he or another is crowned,” Lord Harrowmont said with a calculated smile.
“And is there anyone else being considered?” Tavish asked.
“Lord Harrowmont was King Endrin’s second and close personal friend. He knew the King better than most and has experience in assisting with Thaig management and leadership.” One of Harrowmont’s council members said proudly. Bhelen sighed and frowned at Tavish, “we’ve held votes but each ends in a stalemate. After the last one there were…attempts on various councilmembers and we’ve called off future votes until that can be hashed out.”
“Andraste’s smallclothes,” Mamie exclaimed.
Tavish glanced at his companion before addressing Lord Harrowmont directly, “If a resolution cannot be found and treaty negotiations cannot be continued I will be forced to recall the Wardens from the Deep Roads, on Warden Commander Duncan’s behalf. Without Orzammar’s aid, those Warden’s will be needed on the surface to hold the Alpha Emissary from continuing North. I would also be forced to notify King Maric and The Keepers of the Dales of Orzammar’s inability to honor their word and treaties.”
A tense mumur rippled through the chamber. Lord Harrowmont’s smug expression dropped, “You can’t do that.”
“I can and I will,” Tavish said without emotion.
Mamie added, “Ferelden and the Dales have generously aided Orzmmar in lean times without hesitation. They have famously asked for nothing in return. All that is being asked now is for old treaties to be honored.”
“Negotiations cannot be held until a King is crowned.” The council member insisted.
Tavish shugged and looked to Matildis, “then I will recall the Wardens and we will depart in as soon as we are able.”
“Wait, there has to be something?” Bhelen pleaded.
“There is someone who could serve as the tie breaker, though she currently not in the Thaig.” Harrowmont conceded.
“You’d trust the vote to her? She’s batshit insane!” Zali shouted.
A flurry of ‘how dare you’ and ‘silence, deadwoman’ filled the chamber. Mamie took a breath but before she could blow the chamber went silent again.
“Paragon Branka could break the tie,” Harrowmont continued, “she took her House to a lost minor thaig said to contain ancient dwarven technology. She believes it could aid our continuous fight against the darkspawn.”
“And how do you propose we get her vote?” Agustin asked.
“Find her and you will get your aid. Refuse and leave and all is lost,” Harrowmont turned Mamie’s words against them, “Many, many lives are at stake.”
“Do you know where exactly she went?” Tavish asked, “I will not wander blindly into a blight infested cave.”
“There is information and maps in the Shaperate,” a scribe piped up from her desk, “I know Scribe Beomar worked with members of House Branka before they all left.”
“We could look into the Paragon’s whereabouts,” Matildis conceded, “but understand if the roads are overrun we will not push forward.”
“If we cannot locate the Paragon you will either need to come to an agreement or the Commander will march her Wardens to the surface.” Tavish said plainly.
“I have faith you will find her alive and well,” Harrowmont said, “before you leave I ask you pay my office a visit. We can discuss support for the expedition.”
“My doors are always open for you, Sir Virfalenal. I have not forgotten our families long standing alliance and will provide any aid you need.” Bhelen added.
Matildis looked to Tavish and mouthed the word ‘boom.’
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inquisimer · 3 months
Hello Mer! From the 'Hit 'Em Where it Hurts' prompt list for Isseya and Garahel, "I don't want to go." Happy writing!!
thank you for the prompt! It's not often that my own writing makes me cry, but this piece did it 😭😭 Some introspection for Isseya at Garahel's memorial, before she leaves on her Calling.
for @dadrunkwriting | Isseya & Garahel | wc: 760
Isseya’s steps were a muffled echo off the arching walls of the Heroes’ mausoleum. Enough time had passed since the Battle of Ayesleigh that she was alone with the memorial they’d built for her brother. She lifted her eyes to the ornate urn that held his ashes and bit back a sob.
And Isseya, be kind to yourself.
His final words, his final wish. Not for himself, as he dove toward certain, necessary death, but for her. Perhaps he’d known that choosing to die was the easier fate.
Isseya leaned her Blighted body against the marble, forehead pressing into the angular representation of Crookytail that stood guard at Garahel’s feet. He, at least, had been spared the cruel rage and death that she’d inflicted on the others. For it was her fault—her magic, her hubris—no matter what Amadis believed.
“I don’t want to go,” she whispered. It wasn’t quite a lie—though as the sickly sweet voice of the Blight sang in the back of her mind, it wasn’t quite the truth either. It would be a relief to lay it all down. But this was not how she’d wanted to go. And she did not want to go without him, even though he was already lost to her.
It should have been her blow to take. The corruption in her was much farther along, hurried by her blood magic and whatever other strange, arcane forces decided which Wardens were worthy of sparing and which were destined to crumble away to nothing. While she wrapped her mottled scalp and sunken face in scarves to hide the horror, Garahel’s good looks persisted, no matter how haggard their duty made him.
They’d been right there together. Revas no less capable than Crookytail. It should have been her.
I have to go in alone. I have to. It was too tight for them to go in together. But that was not a reason he had to go in alone.
Isseya thought she’d come to peace with Garahel’s choice. But now the tears came forth, spilling from milky eyes and dripping pathetically down her waxy cheeks. He deserved every honor they’d heaped upon him; even before Andoral lay dead, he had been the hero of this Blight.
But in that moment, he’d stolen a quick peace from her. Not only did she have to keep on with every wretched, ragged breath, but she had to live, for the first time, in a world where he did not.
She had failed those she loved most. More than failed—she had condemned them. And she was alone with that regret.
Perhaps she did want to go, after all. She was ready for it to be over.
Isseya turned her tear-streaked face to her brother’s stone eyes. The only one who’d seen her, all along, as she walked a path darker than she should have dared and it twisted her into something barely recognizable. And he’d never flinched, not once.
“Will it be enough?” she whispered. The eggs were secured behind layers of stone and magic and guarded by a maternal High Dragon. Her journal was likewise hidden in Weisshaupt; in plain sight, but only for those who cared to truly look. Lyrium dust still glittered beneath her fingernails.
Her final atonement. And she would never know if it worked. That was the price she paid, for a chance to save her beloved griffons.
Perhaps something in Garahel had known that she was the only one who could make this choice. The true final sacrifice of the Fourth Blight. While the people of Ages to come honored her brother, none would know of the parts she played, the mistakes she’d made, or what she gave to try and set things right.
As it should be. She never wanted the glory that Garahel chased. If even one of those eggs survived long enough for someone clever and worthy enough to work through Isseya’s clues, it would be worth it.
She stared up at Garahel through glassy eyes. The masons hadn’t quite captured that self-assured smirk he always wore and they’d given him smooth skin where he had moles and evened out the lopsided angle of his ears. But Isseya could see every version of him, from their Joining through shades of Blight to the final moment before Crookytail dove, as clearly as she always had.
Both of them had given everything they had to the Wardens. As the Wardens demanded.
“I hope it was enough,” she whispered. It had to be. She had nothing else left.
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wealmostaneckbeard · 10 months
D&D World Building
The Continent is split between The Iron Oligarchy, Tribes of the God-Corpse Woods, and The League of Pact-Cities.
The Iron Oligarchy
A dwarven-giant industrial/trade conglomerate. Their territory covers the tallest mountain range in the Continent, Vulkan's Gift, as well as large swaths of the Underdark. Profits are split 50/50 between small and big kin, as the ancient contracts dictate (Which must never be violated lest ruin come to all who signed it). Big Kin are fire, stone, cloud and thunder giants, as well as their Goliath servants. Small kin are Hill, Mountain, and Deep Dwarves as well as Rock/Deep Gnomes. As their name implies, most iron goods sold across the Continent are produced in their forges. The Oligarchy use their wealth to maintain a professional army supported by mercenary auxiliaries. Standard oligarchy army formation consist of one or two giants hurling projectiles over slowly advancing shield-wall fighters commanded by war-priests of Vulkan. Mercenary Goblinoids and Drow provide much needed fast/stealth attack power. Experimental clockwork fighters and (slightly) more reliable Golems are kept in reserve for special occasions. These forces are necessary for the defense of the Oligarchy's forges, mines, and trade convoys against raiders as well as more disturbing threats. Soldiers who have earned many honors might be invited to serve at the Oligarchy's Planar Gate. These honored champions may go on expeditions to the elemental planes of fire and earth where rare materials can be extracted.
Tribes of the God-Corpse Woods
It is said that long ago a deity was killed in a particularly gruesome fashion, it's remains scattered across the Continent. From it's dismembered flesh a great and resilient forest grew up. Tribes of Humans, Orcs, Elves, and Forest Gnomes patrol this forest alongside Ents/Dryads, Lycanthropes, and Fey guardians. While the tribes can unite together against common enemies they are divided by beliefs regarding the future. The Singers of Spring believe that The Deity will be reborn from the earth and bring about a new evergreen age. These followers prosthelytize for the protection of the woods, the benefits of having a connection to nature, and the arts of druidic magic. The Zealots of Summer cite numerous blighted grounds within the forest where the undead rise as evidence that The Great One was undergoing some dark corruption and had to conflagrate itself before it was too late. These followers are militant slayers of evil but are willing to make sacrifices and compromises for the greater good. The Revelers of Fall believe that there is a Coming Pantheon of Gods waiting to be summoned if the right conditions are fulfilled. The Revelers search for mana infused places across The Continent where they perform experimental rituals ... which have been responsible for one demonic outbreak, two separate births of benevolent small gods, and an islet tainted by The Far Realm's influence. The Prophets of Winter believe that the God-Killer is still out there somewhere, sated for now but could be roused to destroy the world if someone does something REALLY foolish. The prophets give orders to assassins to ensure that the only one who knows how to awaken the God-Killer is the soul-scrap of the Nameless Dead God that the prophets secretly commune with. A single Tribe of the God-Woods can have many members of different races and beliefs, making the whole Tribe seem highly unpredictable to outsiders in both combat and diplomacy.
The League of Pact-Cities
This alliance consists of 5 diverse urban centers linked by magical infrastructure and political ties. Serendipity is the nominal capital of the League and home to a large population of Githzerai and Flumphs who draft works of arcane legislation. Kraken's Bane is a half-sunken port kept busy with sustainable fishing/trade (and an occasional monster hunt) that's inhabited by various oceanic races such as Tritons and Sea Elves. Drakkenhope is a holy city for Dragonborn and Kobolds, where priesthoods of Tiamat and Bahamut see to the needs of the masses as well as blessing delvers who search the Ever Shifting Catacombs for dragon eggs to return to the surface for hatching. Recurrent Wing is a flying city filled with Air Genasi, Aasimar, and Aaracrocka residents who work at yards where skyships are built and maintained. The city of Harvestville is (obviously) the bread basket of the Pact, home to Goliaths, Humans, Halflings, and Earth Genasi who work their supernaturally fertile crops year round. The Pact-Cities rely on four tiers of Security Teams to deal with threats of escalating proportions: Beast Control Teams are locals equipped and trained by the Pact to handle outbreaks of hostile creatures. Anti-Brigand Teams take down corrupt officials within city boundaries and criminals that retreat outside them. Combined Arms Teams are highly trained casters and warriors, deployed via magic anywhere deadly precision force is required. Finally, Massive Crisis Teams can fortify locations and prepare citizens quickly for the onset of military invasions or planar incursions. Teams are encouraged to recognize each other's authority, knowing when to step in and help, or step back and ask for help.
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
While tagging along with Caelus on various adventures could be widely fascinating, the concept of fighting wasn't one Guinaifen could pride herself in. Naturally, weapon would be drawn and she'd take her place beside him, directing the sharp blade of her polearm in the direction of the mara struck warriors circulating them. To think that these weird things were still around! Man, didn't they have military peeps out here patrolling or something !?
"Uh ... babe, Caelus, honey -" following the footsteps of one of the combat ready figures, Guinaifen's back soon pressed against Caelus', one turning into five there they stood surrounded. What a wicked joke! She had wanted to track down some cool secrets, not this!\ They were so creepy! And knowing that a single strike wouldn't be enough to bring them down only made it worse. A small grimace would twitch on the performer's features, hand parting with the shaft of her polearm to reach for one of her trusty firecrackers.
There'd be a scraping sound coming from one of her feet, golden heel readying to bring up the heat.
"You know --" She'd wheeze, golden eyes shifting between a couple of the marastruck. "if you had any bright ideas babe, I so totally would welcome them because your responsibility as the cool, brave nameless boyfriend is to kick ass ! No idea is stupid enough now, get that head working! "
It was inevitable.
They couldn't just run away from this, right? Five on two... that was a lot of additional feet to catch up with them, even with Guinaifen's knowledge of the various corners and turns around this area. In the end they would catch up and there'd be a battle either way. The bull had to be tackled by the horns (her heart was racing at the thought), and while she didn't know how to wrangle said bulls, Guinaifen knew how to make things hot.
She'd swallow, body leaning away from Caelus' back as the familiar sound of scraping returned, following by a hissing from one of her firecrackers. It was on. There was no turning back now. Flame fizzled along the fuse, grip tightening as she prepared to toss it at the ones before her. Oh, her sister was so going to be furious about this (that thought was even scarier than the marastruck).
" ... I've got enough firecrackers for them," she'd utter to Caelus, a quick glance over her shoulder, "... but you gotta bring the muscle on this, are you with me, Caelus?."
Horrible promises. Vicious promises. For every blade, arcane art and radicalized foundation for survival imbued strong with the legion of The Abundance, Caelus for himself swimming in a pool of collected calm. In a silly and endearing fashion, his Firekiss's growing anxieties managed to distill the lethal air his presence would've suffocated this very arena with. Just as her mouth began to spitball possibilities and potentials, wiring it altogether that she needs him in order to pull through, a soft huff escapes him.
The Marastruck weren't reckless despite their 'transcendence.' Their built foundation of once normal lives serve as a boon, retaining their awareness in the name of survival sharpened. They're familiar with not only the Nameless's prowess, but the shades of influence that are washed over their figures. In particular, both the Marastruck and Caelus in kind knew of Guinaifen's counteracting potency.
She rests under the muted shadow of The Nihility.
For what is survival without will? That searing light was their new life's blood while under Yaoshi's divine umbrella.
A cruelly handsome smile, befitting of the Trailblazer's first Gaze settles on his face. It wasn't bereft of warmth due to who settles by his side. "Don't you worry. Some old adventures taught me a thing or two, primarily with Mr.Yang joining in. ..You have a little somethin'--!" His words find themselves paused, for that inclination of revealing that secret has sent the bundle into a frenzy, allowing their weapons to roar as they shoot forth akin to swift blights.
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The transgression of aiming such killing intent towards his beloved was unforgivable.
Simply feeling the way Guinaifen's form tensed at the heightened hostility had snapped him into high movement. One blade, two, ancient spheres of corrupted ki to the usage of a glaive , each of these blessed instruments woven with their golden leaves would find themselves countered. For a fighter of his experience, seconds were akin to minutes as he'd jolt from one place to another. An abrupt punch woven with the Preservation, quickly altering into a wide arced kick would leave to him re-securing balance, returning on the move as the slew of foes found themselves stunned and stumbling, weapons repelled.
One of the Marastruck would find their armor blown clean through with a fierce blow imbued with The Preservation, augmenting his state of Magma Will as an enhancement. That very opponent found itself leaving a body wide crater in one of the nearby shipyard crates, locking it in place.
"They're a special type of flammable to you! Bring it down on 'em!"
...Now that he thought about it.
'How did she get those quickly lit up anyways?'
That idle question would have to wait, for it'd be underneath Guinaifen's expert aim that a trio of their opposition, allowing the fierce cinders to erupt into a beautiful display of violence. Vibrant sparks would serve as the gateway to their personalized hellfire, and Caelus's quick movements would get her hips swept into his arm as he grabs her.
With a firm stomp and hop applied upon the metallic ground, he'd send them both flinging skyward with air time, the last of this group preparing to sent another incantation towards them, only for a violent collision if Amber smashing through their face plate, skewering it on the ground from above. Before its violent rate of regeneration could take place, the crux of the Trailblazer's plan begins as they settle on a Starskiff plateau higher up, his hand being drawn in the direction of the holy lance of Belobog.
Expand and ignite.
A personalized kitchen of chaos would erupt as the combination of their searing hell begins to weave together. Preservation and Nihility. As the shade of siphoning will would dance through her natural affinity, Caelus would establish foundation to the concept, making up for her inexperience of this particular mastery as a steadied support. It caused a dim reality to be made to the Marastruck as the once waning effect of her flames returned and steadied. Thus begins its vicious ritual of devouring that untamed will to live through scalding fury. The struggle, the fall, and eventual immolation as once irate limbs were being rendered to ashes.
Thankfully, their futile struggle of trying to rip their own searing stalks away from the roots would be blanketed by the hazy smoke below. Hardly giving his Firekiss the time to devote too much focus towards that view, he'd direct her attention towards the final foe set upon their metallic grave.
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"One more shot!" His hand would then clench as another surge of Path power breathed with vivid life, only for careful aim to be taken as he'd situate his fingers into the shape of a makeshift gun as a scarlet corona focuses upon the tip, waiting for her to launch the final firework.
"I've been getting a little chilly anyways, let's fix that up." His composure felt immovable especially in these dire straits, holding every intention of being a welcomed fountain of strength.
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arumenscrow · 2 months
I wanted to share the lore our DM has sent us about the plot of our campaign. This also gives lore on Elnelis aka the God Dante is devoted to (more lore when his backstory comes out)
Keep in mind the campaign is still in the creation phase along with our characters since our DM wants us to have a great experience.
However as I share this all I ask is please don't steal or use it for your own campaign or otherwise! Please just enjoy our DMs creativity.
Long ago, Kiarae, the Goddess of Life, descended from the beyond and found the then barren world of Aeklosia and breathed life across the lands, creating all the mortal races. After a time of tending to her creations Kiarae began to feel lonely, and despite her power, slightly overwhelmed in dealing with all these mortals and their prayers, so she bequeathed a gift unto the world: that those who achieved great things in the betterment of the people of this world could ascend and join her in watching over Aeklosia.
The first to ascend was Elnelis, an Elven mage with an affinity for the dead in life, he tended to those sick and dying, giving them comfort as best he could while they passed, and keeping the graves and tombs of the deceased guarded from those who might seek to defile them. Elnelis now serves as the God of Death and Darkness, sheparding souls to the beyond.
The second was Derala, in life she was a Satyr druid from Vruneth, she helped establish lands and communities for the various animal-folk of the world to reside on her continent, helping to form thriving communities for them to be safe and accepted. She now serves as the Goddess of Nature and Growth, keeping the lands healthy for all
Third was Thornir, a Dwarven King and mighty warrior in his time, he led his people back from the brink of being conquered during the Arumen War between the four kingdoms and was a key figure in helping Sieribis establish a peace agreement between the four at the war's end. Thornir is now the God of War and Challenge, inspiring those who fight for noble purpose.
Fourth was Sieribis, the Tiefling enchantress, she was the one responsible for using her wit, charm, and magics to make the otherwise hopeless pact of peace between the four that ended the Arumen War a reality. Sieribis is now the Goddess of Beauty and Hope, lifting the spirits of mortals in their times of need.
Lastly was Maltindrik, a Dragonborn wizard and historian in life, Maltindrik roamed the world, collecting stories from the various people of the world, aspiring to learn the truths of the world and spread knowledge to all who would listen, Maltindrik ascended only 300 years ago after banishing a dark force from the land, he now serves as the God of Truth and Knowledge, a patron god to all those who seek understanding.
Recently though, something has gone catastrophically wrong in the world. about 10 years ago prayers to Kiarae began to go unanswered, it was only a few at first, but progressively more and more began to fail, until ultimately she fell silent. The healing magics that channeled her powers waned with her absence, and within a few years, stopped working entirely. The mortals of lands panicked, the temples to Kiarae emptied, and without a way to cure the sick and injured, the people grew despondent. Mortals prayed to the remaining five, asking what had happened to Kiarae, but none of them, not even Maltindrik, had an answer as to where Kiarae had went.
With the gods being unable to help them, the mortals began searching for a cure to their blight, and putting aside all their past issues, the Four Kingdoms of Arumen formed a pact to work together to solve this issue. They founded Arumen's Rise, a grand city for all of the kingdoms to cooperate in the search for a solution. 8 years after Kiarae fell silent the Arumen Four finally created a new form of healing, a combination of arcane magics and alchemy created a substance the chose to name: Kiarae's Tears. A healing liquid stored inside specially enchanted flasks, the flasks could refill themselves every sunrise, drawing upon the latent energies of Kiarae's original winds of life that were blown across the world.
This advancement was revolutionary, allowing those who would originally be confined to death another chance. Due to the power this discovery held, along with the slight difficulty in production, the Arumen Four held onto their creation tightly, only distributing it amongst their people. Those from the lands of Vruneth have heard stories from travelers that Arumen has successfully created this miracle, but they have so far refused to hand over any to the animal-folk, thus tensions between the two continent has begun to rise, although nothing has happened, at least not yet...
I cannot express how excited I was when he gave us this lore on the story and the detail he has put into it. I'm even more excited to hear what else he has in store for us in the future.
Thanks to everyone for all the love and support! Until next post!
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ao3feed-supercorp · 11 months
Slam Dunk Love
by StevenTheTurtleWeiner, VioletTheWriter4Hire (Violetthecutienightreaper)
"You bought me a basketball team to go head to head with our mother to win LuthorCorp?" Lena asked with disbelief.
Lex shrugged with a large smirk on his face. "If you and Mother intend on continuing this type of rivalry, I might as well add some fun and high stakes to it."
Thanks to Lex Luthor's competitive nature and general enjoyment of her misery, a twenty-two-year-old Lena Luthor is gifted a newly created basketball team called the National City Supers while her Mother is gifted the multi-time world champion basketball team, the Metropolis Dreams.
The rule is simple. Lena has one year to change the rookie basketball team into champions and beat her mother's basketball team to victory and if she wins, LuthorCorp is hers.
If only Lex had warned her about the range of personalities she would encounter when meeting her newly bought team….And their Team Captain with dazzling blue eyes and an infectious smile.
Words: 1423, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), The Owl House (Cartoon), Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), Avatar: Legend of Korra, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), Amphibia (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Amity Blight, Luz Noceda, Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra), Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, Marcy Wu, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Korra/Asami Sato, Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Anne Boonchuy/Sasha Waybright/Marcy Wu, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, James "Jimmy" Olsen/Winn Schott Jr., Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Eda Clawthorne/Camila Noceda/Raine Whispers, Eliza Danvers/J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Kuvira/Opal (Avatar), Bolin/Ginger (Avatar), Bow/Glimmer (She-Ra), Ekko/Jinx (League of Legends), Lin Beifong/Kya II, Pema/Tenzin (Avatar), Masha/Vee (The Owl House), Mako (Avatar)/Nia Nal
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Basketball, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals With Benefits, Endgame Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Endgame Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Endgame Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Eventual Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Endgame Anne Boonchuy/Sasha Waybright/Marcy Wu, Lex Luthor is a Petty Bitch, Meet-Cute, Race to the Playoffs, oh wow sports, everyone gets the spotlight, Team as Family, Teambuilding, Team Dynamics
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/A8URDcK via IFTTT https://ift.tt/A8URDcK
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warlockglock72 · 2 years
Thinking about Exandria Unlimited Calamity and the PCs
I think that the best character was Nydas Okiro. Those lines "Are the stars still there?" "We cannot be responsible for what happens" "Material goods mean nothing anymore. Life is what we'll save." And Lou Wilson's own admission "I didn't plan on being this character in this story. I planned to be flippant. But as soon as you put one little prophecy in my face." It says a lot about Nydas that he can't just wave it away. The writer in me wants to explain it as while he's just as arrogant as the rest of them. He was a pirate. And pirates are notoriously superstitious. All the weird stuff happening. Things looking worse and worse and worse. And he just cannot get that prophecy out of his head. He doesn't want to believe it. But he can't put it away. He's the first Arcane User to admit that they were wrong (not in words but in deeds). And I love him. I love him and his dream. His brother. Him and Zerxus. A tough but firm firm firm love between the two of them.
The player who fulfilled the assignment best is absolutely Aabria. Laerryn Coromar Seelie is the single most arrogant, too-smart-to-deal-with-you, closed off, workaholic, shut in of a wizard I've ever seen. And the trick of it all. The white hot truth. Is that it's deserved. Probably the single strongest 14th level wizard in the city. (The septarion are probably "stronger" and have "9th level spells" but she could probably kick their asses too.) She makes it work because she really is that smart. Which beautifully, poetically, thematically, and literally destroys the world as they knew it. Yes yes I could go on ablut the act of love that doomed the world but while that is true and beautiful I would much rather focus on the act of arrogance. Laerryn killed that tree because she didn't know what it did, it was planted by druids, and because it was draining her cities power. All incredibly foolish reasons. It's fair to say that she thought that because it was unknown to her it couldn't be important, because the druids planted it it couldn't be important, because it was draining so much of her precious energy that she needed to finish her life's work it couldn't be important. And she was wrong. Aabrias face when Brennan tells them exactly what the tree is for is utter despair. And honestly it looks like Aabria kinda convinced herself that that tree was evil (props on the acting if that was all for us though). This is all to the point that I love Laerryn. She's great. She definitely pissed me off the most as the character who shrugged off or explained away the apocalypse as hokum until it quite literally blew up in her face. But that's what that character is for. And the fourth episode gave us her utter and true redemption. To completely upend her life's work and to change it's trajectory in a matter of almost two dozen minutes is both insanely impressive and a feat you only do if you know that your ambition isn't actually worth the world. And also I say redemption and make lot of emphasis on Laerryn destroying the tree. But Brennan was pretty clear, that blight just pushed opened an already leaking floodgate, not to mention the rest of the betrayer gods doing their own thing. Yes they all screwed up and Laerryn definitely screwed up. But this was all still going to happen anyway.
Can we talk about these characters and not bring up the one and only Zerxus Ilerez? I mean. Come on. Who is the most Proud Man here? Talk about a character dedicated to the true and utterly futile. And talk about a man who constantly constantly constantly tells himself that he is better than all his peers and honestly I imagine his friends. Asmodeus was right. All of his actions can be justified, but he rivals Laerryn in the distaste for the Holy and Natural. He just happens to be nicer about it. Laerryn hates I imagine the idea of power that is given to you (Holy) or the mysticism (natural) instead of the pure arcane you get from taking it for yourself. Zerxus I think truly and utterly believes himself to be better than the gods. That there is no wisdom to be had, no worth to be taken from them. The only reason Asmodeus ploy works is that Zerxus was 100% ready to believe the gods were these towering horrifying subjugating forces. He despises them in a unique way to most of the other brass ring. And it truly fucks him over. Also I have never seen a character so truly ready to double no triple no quadruple down on a bad decision. There is no explanation I can think of for not taking that Out at the end that Nydas had given him. Maybe it wouldn't have worked and the deal had already been struck. But to not even try is so incomprehensible to me. I love it. Also props to Brennan as Asmodeus, Father of Lies. As a patented Devil and Hell lover, this fed me so well, both his sweet lie and his ugly truth.
I wasn't expecting Loquatious to have as much Depth as he did. It makes sense. These are all great players. But I wasn't expecting this deeply deeply lovestruck man. More than anything his greatest failing was loyalty. It was beautiful and touching and wonderful. But well, attacking Nydas? Killing a woman? Potentially lying to the whole city? The whole world? All to save one woman. He's able of course to see the bigger picture. He got Laerryn to stop after all. But his loyalty doomed the world, just as his loyalty saved it. I'll say it here I'm just now noticing that all of their "Fatal flaws" played a part in starting the Apocalypse just as much as it played a part in mitigating it. Quay wouldn't stop Laerryn until perhaps it was too late, and then chose to stay and be with the woman he loves and to help her and help the city. Laerryn literally destroyed the tree and then ensured that the Titans couldn't come through. Patia had to know what the tree knew, and then gave all of that back to the city. Zerxus made a deal with the devil because he thought he saw a spark of redemption and then did the same thing again with Vespin Chloras and it worked. The only two that didn't have a direct action that I can remember in causing the apocalypse are Cerrit and Nydas, they both of course have their general blames, Nydas hoarding for much too long and not valuing the people until he did and Cerrit realizing that the order never looked up at the people running things whichet a crazy plan like this happen.
Speaking of Cerrit. Man Travis killed it. The only survivor of the ring of brass. The only non magical man there. The only one to say enough was enough. To call them out and to keep an eye on them. Nydas was the one that made me the happiest, I love a character desperate to avoid their horrible fate, the one character in a tragedy that tries to avoid the things to come. Laerryn is easily so central and important and cool and awful (in that "how do you not see it!" Way) and wonderful. But Cerrit was just so genuine. Yeah he was a Noir detective bird man. But also he was just a dad. Just a dad. And he cared so much that it saved them, and he cared so much that it saved him! It's just really sweet.
Patia was great and Marisha was awesome. But weirdly and I mean this in the most complimentary of ways. Patia probably made the smallest splashes in the group. Makes sense for the woman constantly controlling herself and others. She had her clutch moments and being a badass. She showed a caring in her surprising for her trope. But she never shocked or awed me personally. She was a conduit for shocking knowledge though. Through the scenes with the tree. I really don't mean this in a negative way. I think it's true to her character in a way I can't really describe.
That's what I think about the characters!
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daddyblackjack · 1 year
Arcane Ink - Chapter 2 (part 1)
Authors note: A bit of a longer read than chapter 1 was even, but I'm having fun writing. This one's a lot more fluffy, i promise! Even if the TW looks bad. There's no description of the events tho, only the mention of them. TW: Panic attack, mention of trauma (SA, torture)
Pairing: Weskano (Albert Wesker x Vittorio Toscano)
SFW (ish? nothing sexual yet tho)
A couple of weeks had passed since the first session. Wesker found himself in a rhythm of partaking in the trials, continuing his research on the blight in his quarters or working together with Vittorio in the archive. And usually, it was after they already spent time together in the archive anyway that Wesker would take Vittorio to his quarters to continue the sessions of tracing the tattoos and transcribing them, so that Vittorio would be able to study them. At this point all the tattoos covering Vittorio’s back and arms had been mapped out. Wesker had also noticed that Vittorio started to feel more and more comfortable with Wesker touching him. He was a lot calmer and more relaxed, and Wesker could feel him melt into his touch. Sometimes Vittorio would even end up dozing off by the end of a session, which Wesker thought, to his own disdain, was very cute. Fortunately, Wesker didn’t run into Vittorio very often in the trials. On the rare occasions it did happen, Wesker would make sure that Vittorio was the last one surviving in order to let him go, pretending it was sheer luck or coincidence that Vittorio kept finding the hatch before Wesker did. Vittorio knew full well that he was getting special treatment, and Wesker could tell that he enjoyed it, even if he wasn’t exactly happy about Wesker showing no mercy for his teammates.
They had agreed to dedicate some time to research in the archive today, and then they would head to Wesker’s quarters afterwards. More often than not, Vittorio was in the archives first, already buried deep inside a book left behind by travelers of this realm and the discoveries they had made. However, this time it looked like Wesker got to the archives first. He grabbed one of Vigo’s journals on the blight, sat down and started comparing what he had found to what Vigo had described, when he heard faint panting and sobbing. He got up and looked around for the source of the sound, when he found Vittorio huddled up in the corner at the end of the hall, between two bookshelves. He was shaking, tears lining his face and breathing rapidly. Wesker had seen symptoms like this before, Vittorio was having a panic attack. “Hey, hey hey hey, what’s wrong?” Wesker said in a softer voice, hastily walking towards the man. Vittorio flinched when Wesker approached, so he slowed his pace and came to kneel in front of him. “What happened? Are you hurt?” he asked, while offering Vittorio to grab his hand for comfort. Vittorio wasn’t directly looking at him, he was still hyperventilating, fear in his eyes. Wesker took off his glove and gently placed his hand on Vittorio’s, hoping that the familiar touch would ground him. Vittorio almost immediately interlaced his fingers with Wesker’s, his breathing slowing down as he seemed to regain some control. “May I sit next to you?” Wesker asked. He had dealt with comforting people before, since working at S.T.A.R.S. had often led his subordinates to develop panic attacks in response to the horrors they’d seen – horrors he had helped create, but they didn’t know at the time. And since he was their captain, it was his job to ensure their safety for the time being. When Vittorio nodded in response, Wesker scooted up next to him, allowing Vittorio to rest his head against him as he now started to cry. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this” he managed to say between sobs as he was desperately trying to compose himself, but Wesker just placed his hand on Vittorio’s back to rub it, while gently shushing him. “Take your time. Deep breaths. Breathe with me.” Wesker said as he slowed his own breathing, inhaling deep through the nose and slowly out through the mouth. Vittorio’s sobs slowly faded, and his breathing stabilized. He was still resting his head against Wesker’s shoulder, still trembling too much to get up immediately. So Wesker stayed. “What happened?” He asked again. He wanted to know what had caused Vittorio to curl up and hide in a corner of the archive. He didn’t exactly seem like the type to be easily shaken.
“I saw him again” Vittorio managed to say. He was grateful for feeling Wesker next to him, someone he trusted, and to not feel alone. He would have to explain the history he had with Tarhos Kovacs. Vittorio told Wesker everything, about how Vittorio had employed the mercenary and his henchmen to help him search for artifacts, how Kovacs had betrayed his orders and had chosen to kill the guards of the catacombs beneath the city of Sintra on an expedition looking for an artifact, how after that Kovacs had captured Vittorio, and tortured him. The brutality of methods had increased gradually, since Kovacs wanted to know what information Vittorio already had on the artifacts and sigils, but Vittorio had been too afraid to have him abuse their power, so he endured everything him and his henchmen did to him. Be it starving and dehydrating him for several days, chaining him up and whipping him, nearly scalping him – which had left him with a scar, even sexually assaulting him. Vittorio's will had almost been broken when they had switched to psychological torture. The screams of Portoscuro still haunted him. They had been innocent people, they had nothing to do with what Kovacs had wanted. He would never forgive himself for not giving up the information then and there. But what if he had? Wouldn’t he have caused the detriment of so many more lives, if the key to paradise was in the wrong hands? He thought he had escaped Kovacs. He thought that after 600 years he’d been able to move on, he’d be over the things he had endured. He had been wrong. He realized this when he faced him in a trial. He’d managed to keep his composure then, but all the memories of what Kovacs and his henchmen had put him through, what they had forced him to endure, had been too much, and he broke down once he had reached the archive. Though, oddly enough, he felt calmer now, retelling his experiences to Wesker. He had spoken to the ground until now, but since he had finished, he looked at Wesker. His face was unreadable, as always. “I’m so sorry.” He said in a voice lined with fury, which caught Vittorio off guard. “I’ll make him pay.” Vittorio wanted to tell him that that wasn’t necessary, but he didn’t know how to respond, so he put his head back on Wesker’s shoulder, feeling the need to be comforted a bit longer, feeling tears filling his eyes again.
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talenlee · 1 year
How To Be: Amity Blight (In 4e D&D)
In How To Be we’re going to look at a variety of characters from Not D&D and conceptualise how you might go about making a version of that character in the form of D&D that matters on this blog, D&D 4th Edition. Our guidelines are as follows:
This is going to be a brief rundown of ways to make a character that ‘feels’ like the source character
This isn’t meant to be comprehensive or authoritative but as a creative exercise
While not every character can work immediately out of the box, the aim is to make sure they have a character ‘feel’ as soon as possible
The character has to have the ‘feeling’ of the character by at least midway through Heroic
When building characters in 4th Edition it’s worth remembering that there are a lot of different ways to do the same basic thing. This isn’t going to be comprehensive, or even particularly fleshed out, and instead give you some places to start when you want to make something.
Another thing to remember is that 4e characters tend to be more about collected interactions of groups of things – it’s not that you get a build with specific rules about what you have to take, and when, and why, like you’re lockpicking your way through a design in the hopes of getting an overlap eventually. Character building is about packages, not programs, and we’ll talk about some packages and reference them going forwards.
Hey, you know The Owl House? That’s a recent animated television program that has all sorts of conversations around it about the way queer representation gets handled and creators get treated and yes, did you know, did you know that Disney are a bad company? It’s the first I heard of it too! Anyway, The Owl House kicks ass so I want to do a How To Be about a character from it and…
And how hard could this be if … oh jeeze, I see the word count.
analysis of character
The thing that surprised me about Amity was how varied her powers were. When I started this, I did so assuming that Amity’s magic was largely just Abomination magic. This presented an interesting challenge about how to handle Amity herself, because if that’s all she did, then you kind of run out of stuff for her to do things in the build. Abominations are really flexible, but they’re big and they’re dumptrucks, and pets in D&D 4e tend towards being simplified units, and also very rarely larger than the character who summons them.
The impression I got of Amity was that this was kind of what she does, but silly me, turns out the Owl House Fandom Wiki is full of references to her doing other kinds of magic. Sure, she was an Abomination specialist (and we’ll talk about that), but she could also do a range of other magics, including picking up Luz’s glyph magic. This frees up the build to have some variety to it.
We don’t see Amity wearing heavy armour, and we see her using ‘Abomination Goo’ to make a variety of tools. There’s no fixed weapon we see her use, per se. Shields are more likely to be magical in nature.
Amity is definitely meant to be a spellcaster too, with magic as a learned process. It suggests anything she does should be intelligence based. Normally I’d say she’s obviously an Arcane class, but there’s an added wrinkle in the last few episodes where she’s shown doing the same magic with natural elements – wood and mud, for example. The power is definitely external but I feel like it could be Arcane or Primal.
Arcane or Primal power source
Light or no armour
Usually no weapon
A very important pet
Room for non-pet powers
She’s definitely not human
Sometimes, a character’s build has a bunch of needs I need to address up front. For Amity, the main thing I think you need to best convey all the possible ways an Abomination can be used is to pick up the Ritual Caster feat. This feat lets you do a lot of spells that are out-of-combat affairs, things that Amity would know how to do when she has time to prepare a potion or summon up an Abomination or the like. This requires training in Arcana or Religion, which seem to be likely things for Amity too. While some builds may get those two skills just for rolling out of bed, for those that can’t, check out the Apprentice of Sinister Cabal background, which gives you Arcana and Dungeoneering as class skills, and she was a member of a siniser cabal called a corporation.
Another option, if the setting permits it, is the Mark of Creation feat from the Eberron setting. It includes more things, but those things aren’t really high-priority to me. Still, if you like alchemical items, Mark of Creation will cover a lot of what Amity does and add in some potions for the early game.
Rituals are an ongoing investment. As you level up, you’ll get opportunities to buy some more. Some that feel very appropriate to Amity include Hold Portal (summoning some goop hands to keep a door closed), Fastidiousness (a bit of sparkling magic to clean up), Feat of Strength (summon a goopy hand to do something strong), and Summon Gargoyle (summon some flappy goopy boys).
Glossary Note: Conventionally, the term used in D&D for this mechanical package is race. This is the typical term, and in most conversations about this game system, the term you’re going to wind up using is race. For backwards compatibility and searchability, I am including this passage here. The term I use for this player option is heritage.
For heritage, we know Amity isn’t human, and she wants intelligence. For that reason in these builds, I am starting with the Tiefling as a base platform to work from, because it’s an int-based heritage that doesn’t add a teleport to your powers.
And that’s the only stuff that translates across all these builds.
When you look at the Owl House characters, in general, I feel like the Artificer has the right feel for how Amity works. Sure, she doesn’t match the Artificer perfectly, nor does the Artificer match her perfectly, but of all your choices for arcane characters, it’s the one that works best. She’s not a wand-and-book wizard (except when throwing fireballs), she’s not a sword mage, she isn’t a sorcerer — and sure, we don’t see Amity doing a lot of healing (that’s more Willow’s thing), it’s not much of a reach for an Amity who wants to support her friends and have a big chunky monster on hand to protect.
For the Abomination, an Artificer needs to pick up a pet with the Fey Beast Companion. That’s a really good theme, I’ve already exhorted it in the past, but if you want it to be a chunky beast that hits hard, you want the Baby Owlbear. This can feel like a sort of ‘game mechanic’d’ version of an Amity Blight, where the way the show makes things look takes a backseat to the mechanical needs of the game.
This is something I recommend you go for if you want to be as simple as possible. If you’re a starting player who got interested in 4th edition D&D based on ‘oh, I could play Owl House like this and it has tactical combat?!’ This is your starter pack. Play a smart Amity, go for a Tiefling, take Artificer and Fey Beast Tamer. It gives you Ritual Caster for free and the Arcana study too!
Next step up in complexity, Amity as a druid. There’s a druid that does support magic, with access to the human-form druid powers, which gets to be good in that term of ‘oh fine I guess’ from me. Amity can do primal magic, we know she can do spells that use mud and sticks and thorns and her palisman is made of wood, so there’s not necessarily the same ‘unnatural’ magic in her world.
There are two problems with this for my tastes. The first is that while the druid gets to make cool summons that fit really well for the Abomination summoning energy, this is a Wisdom-based build. It doesn’t work as well as an Intelligence-based build, and there’s just not much intelligence based stuff for druids to build out of.
The second problem is that if you’re talking about a leader that can summon with powers, heal people, and has a pet, the Artificer build is just as good, relies on Intelligence… but those summons aren’t as good, because they don’t have Instinctive Action, which is where a summon left to its own devices will find something to do. The Artificer summons need to be told what to do every turn.
But this gets to use an aesthetic that works, you can pretend the gap between wisdom and intelligence is smaller for you than it is for me. You might see Amity as more wise now she’s come to terms with her parents and her relationship to them. I don’t know, it’s up to you.
And here’s the weirdest one, which is the one I find the most interesting.
First things first, this is also a Fey Beast Tamer build. It’s a charisma-based attacker, too. Tiefling, focus on Charisma and Constitution, with Intelligence as a supporting stat to improve your skills for rituals. You don’t need to fret about strength or dexterity much for this build either, because what you’re doing is you’re building a cavalier as an all-purpose charisma-based tank. At level 4, you take Call Celestial Charger as your utility power.
See, the Fey Beast Tamer is the Amity. Your character, as played, is Amity: a medium character who stands next to (or sometimes rides around in) a large creature. If your cavalier is mounted, they’re functionally a 2×2 beast, under your control, and you can hide behind it. But when combat isn’t happening, you’re not a Fey Beast, you’re an Amity, a smaller kid or just a short person standing next to this enormous Abominable mess.
This build as played is really simple! It’s just a Cavalier who takes ritual feats, and all the utility is being a big skill nerd, and all the combat power is a big dumb lunk that you throw around. It doesn’t even need to be considered personality-based, because it’s Amity’s personality driving its attacks. What’s more, Amity moving around the battlefield can move to stand next to other people away from her abomination and grant them her aura!
I think this build is cool because it’s mechanically simple but thematically clever. No need to invent a new class where controlling the monster is all the player has to do: the mechanics are there, and we have a simplified character who uses very little gear on the sideline. Plus all the ritual gear, you make the abomination carry it!
Junk Drawer
The cavalier build started out with just trying to find a large entity you could control as a player, and the mount is the best and easiest way to do that. The Abomination summons the mount, then gets onto it, so that feels a lot more like ‘making a big abomination’ then keeping a horse around as a reagent for making your abomination larger. But still, the size gap between shortstack and tall medium works just fine for representing a Swordmage or Warden if you want to play more with the nature theme or arcane theme. You could also use the Fey Beast Tamer trick to make any given character you want to play as the abomination, but I was trying for abominations that are just great big hit-things-with-weapons magical type. It probably wants to be melee, like an Avenger or a Knight, if you want to keep managing the pieces simple.
I like this character a lot, and I like particularly the ways that she fits with some ideas like a D&D game, without necessarily already being a D&D game. There’s a closeness to the thematic space, but it’s not as instant and free as (say) Robin Hood as a Ranger. There’s enough of a gap between what she does and how she does it, and how D&D would assume a character would do that to create an interesting creative space.
Oh and I think The Owl House is really good. You should check it out, if you’re waiting for a recommendation!
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#DnD4E #HowToBe #Games #Making
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