#global conspiracy
The “enormously powerful Atlas Network, a global network of more than 500 member think tanks advocating for “free market” policies.”
Started by Antony Fisher and his Institute of Economic Affairs in the UK. It went worldwide with assistance from the Koch family and Rupert Murdoch, along with funding from big oil companies.
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ablogofcourage · 1 month
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rominsutherland · 26 days
Is your Bluetooth speaker monitoring you? Does anyone understand how these speakers function? The electronics and software involved are all capable of it. So where’s the intention?
I had a look at Anker, one of Amazon’s premier BT speakers. Their English arm appears to be solely owned by one private individual of Chinese nationality, although most of the money appears to go through Malta…
Any electronics wizards interested in reverse engineering one of these speakers and demonstrating that I’m correct about their capabilities? Any private investigators and forensic accountants interested in profiling the owners?
My Apple iPhone Tips app just suggested that I update my legacy contact so I know I’m onto something…
This comes off the back of my new found understanding that cyber (in)security is rife and our devices are being used to broadcast our lives as some kind of underground entertainment for the elite.
But surely Apple, Google, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure would protect their customers and blow the whistle on these bad actors! Think again. Apple makes it very clear in their terms and conditions that they will not get involved in anything to do with data security and or cyber crime.
In fact, beyond the data protection laws they have to comply with, all of which are about 20 years behind the reality of what is going on, their legal teams have clearly advised them that telling their customers they’ve been hacked is the same as admitting liability.
Welcome to one of the biggest cover ups of the 21st Century and prepare yourself for the biggest scandal to hit the news since Watergate (in 10 years time when all the main players have disappeared with the money).
Paranoid, psychotic and dangerous to know? Yes. They are.
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newluddite · 2 years
Anti-Vaxxers I know.
Well the particular person I am thinking of I knew quite some time ago. She is my ex-sister-in-law. My brother divorced her years ago which bankrupted him, and left him only with the satisfaction that he was free of her. They had two now adult children a son and a daughter.
The son was a PO in the US Navy and did several tours in the Persian Gulf including a stint as a Marine Corps Sergeant. His navy rank was equal to Sergeant and he was a qualified medic so the wet navy loaned him to the grunts.
The daughter just had a son of her own so my brother is now a grandfather.
So now on to my ex-s-i-l the anti-vaxxer. She was and is more than a little strange. She is not stupid as she has a University Degree in English and worked for years as a technical manual writer. But she has an amazing ability to not think. If she hears an opinion from someone on something she files it away in her head as another thing she does not have to ever think about.
When she was young she heard someone her dad knew say that Volvos were good cars. Back then they were reliable, tough, and solid safe cars. I think they invented seat belts. Well after that she would refuse to own any other car brand. When my brother wanted a sporty car he got a Toyota, but she refused to ride in it. He was sick of Volvos.
When the young couple were going to build their dream home she found a contractor that someone said was really good. She gave him a big deposit on the work and he disappeared with the money. She refused to believe that it happened, and he would get back and start the job real soon. Never did.
When her mother had a fight with her older sister she would have nothing to do with her for the rest of her life. She objected to her coming to her wedding as she was an enemy. I met her there, and she was very nice, pretty, and did not ride a broom to the event as I was told she would.
My brother went to visit his new descendant and his daughter made sure he was fully vaccinated for all the current nasties in the world. He was so prepared. He lives in Australia where they take health care seriously you know. He was told that his ex was not permitted to visit as she refused to get any vaccines. The new mom inherited some of her mom's stubbornness, but in a good way. No shots no visits.
Good for her. Protect your baby with your life from stupid people.
Volvo girl has even bought into the Bill Gates microchip nonsense. I mean she used to work with engineers and she thinks Moderna is shooting GPS receivers into your blood. Physically impossible nano-bullshit.
So in exchange for being a stubborn misguided person she shall never meet her only grandchild. Sort of basic justice there. I am sure she will never admit her error. I can see her forging vaccination certificates. Maybe even kidnapping. She is that far gone.
Were it not for vaccines there would be a lot fewer live people in the world and many would be crippled. When we were young even kids knew the risks of not getting vaccinations. Now all it takes is a former Porn Actress to blame her child's problem on an imagined vaccine issue rather than her own drug use. Add the social media algorithms that bring bad ideas together with stupidity and here we are.
Volvo girl is not alone. My wife's oldest and dearest friend is a degreed Nurse. She worked in an emergency room, was a small community health administrator, and has all the outward appearance of a smart qualified professional. And she told my wife don't get those vaccines! She read on Brietbart that it was all a global conspiracy blah, blah, blah. This person should know better. But she is easy to persuade to do the wrong things. I could go on to list her ex-boyfriends and a husband as perfect wrong choices.
Some people hear some idea that they like and that is it. Rigid thinking unable to fit in new or better information. Why they pick this or that is a mystery, but once set it is in stone. Stone headed thinking.
This is a symptom of our age. Our age is sick.
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catchymemes · 1 year
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socialjust-ish · 10 months
Conspiracy theorist who thinks the world is run by Lizard People but thinks that term means the same thing as being a cat person or a dog person
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wackytheorist · 3 months
What if the QSMP quiz on day 3 of the puzzle was like an interview in disguise and how Mr. Bunny was chosen. Maybe they got the potential investor role since thats the highest one you can get and it makes sense since Mr. Bunny replaced the duck(I forgot their name). Further proof being that day 3s cipher is "bunny".
Now we can only get potential investor if we score forty points, and to score forty points you need to select the answer that is worth four points on every question, which is more specific then the other roles(not including D-rank worker) because the OTHER ROLES have a range. Also an interesting detail is that some 4 point choices... don't seem that much of a deal
SO using the options that are worth 4 points, we can theorize on Mr. Bunny's personality.
Q1: DIAMOND BLOCK(4points) According to the narrator, Mr. Bunny knows a thing or two about Money, and assuming he's the same person who left those messages on the lore images and established capitalism.... yeah I think it makes sense. In Qsmp, diamonds are like money.
Q2: DARK OAK PLANKS(4 POINTS) I've always wondered... why wasn't black stone bricks or even the quartz options not 4 points.... well lets look think a bit... Quartz is a signature of the federation, Blackstone bricks is the Color pallet of the resistance/rebellion. Dirt is... dirt. So the only option that doesn't really correlate make sense is dark oak plank. The room that the islanders passed out in does use dark oak planks....
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Q3: Create a trapped maze that leads to the entrance to confuse unwanted visitors.(4 POINTS)- Now we don't know much about Mr. Bunny, or how this corelates to his personality. But using this, we can make a prediction that MR. Bunny's headquarters would be hard to find.
Q4: Build a gigantic mansion just for them, treat them like royalty!(4 POINTS) We know Mr. Bunny is here for the money, he also owns a business separate to federation(know this because of day 2s lore Image). Most corrupt money hungry business owners are often, A: Corrupt because Poor, Business is flopping or B: Corrupt because Business is succeeding hence greedy. We can think Mr. Bunny is B because of this answer.
Q5: PAINTING(4 POINTS): I cannot think of a lore reason, maybe they just prefer paintings or maybe there is a lore reason that we haven't discovered yet....
Q6 RED COUCH(4 POINTS) ALL (except day 5) of the lore images have a red/black gradient background. examples below. We can assume red is a correct that represents Mr. Bunny.
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Q7: GOLD(4 POINTS) Again, like the first question, Mr. Bunny LOVES Money. Although this question asks to choose a thing to collect, and the answers are things you can collect from the federation: Furniture, Classified info, Rocks. Mr. "gold digger" Bunny here only for the money.
Q8: I answer their questions at the door and they leave, the rest of my day is uneventful.(4 POINTS) The question is about what you would do when Cucurucho visits... I don't think there is much lore in this but(again going to use the money point but so does the lore images) he DOESN'T CARE about Cucurucho much.... you know what he DOES care about.
Q9:A beautiful flower garden, carefully tended to!(4 POINTS) I dont know the implications in lore and the personality for Mr. Bunny . Maybe he can afford it and maybe this can be related to how beautiful the shops look. But we don't have enough evidence to call it a theory.
Q10: Once I get what I want from them, I kill them. When the investigators come, I serve them a wonderful meaty stew. There is no evidence(4 POINTS) This answer perfectly represents how Mr. Bunny thinks of the federation.... he is using them like meat bag for money, and once he has enough, we can think that he'll try to take over....
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nando161mando · 9 months
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Conspiracy theorists are already blaming the Maui fire on "directed energy weapons," and by extension, the "globalists" who control them. We know who they mean.
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aflamethatneverdies · 4 months
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why are academics like this?
Sure, Marxist theories are the same as conspiracy theories. ><
Also lol at Marxist theories being obsolete or non-realistic. If you can't even engage in good faith with theories you personally dislike in an academic paper, then how do i take anything you say, seriously.
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mummer · 3 months
i think im gonna write a play about a gaylor
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apollosbisexualass · 4 months
How do you believe in the Matrix but not Global Warming
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victusinveritas · 3 months
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claudiosuenaga · 6 months
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Combata o Futuro 10: Nós Somos A Resistência
Por Cláudio Suenaga
À medida que somos assolados pelos horrores de mais uma guerra e todas as demais desgraças cotidianas que os meios de comunicação corporativos nos mostram à la mode, à luz de seus filtros, vamos ficando cada vez mais dessensibilizados e entorpecidos, sem capacidade de responder como deveríamos responder.
Para quem viveu outros tempos um pouco mais amenos e menos tenebrosos, fica difícil adaptar-se à policrise: depois da crise econômica vem a pandemia, depois da pandemia vem a guerra, depois da seca vem o terremoto, depois do tsunami vem os incêndios, depois do tufão vem a erupção vulcânica, e esse mesmo ciclo se repete e se renova em um eterno retorno aleatório, e nos perguntamos se estamos sendo implacavelmente punidos por nossos pecados.
O volume de bombas, sangue, brutalidade e devastação em Gaza, vem juntar-se às intermináveis que se desenrolam na Ucrânia e em todas as capitais e periferias do mundo onde imperam a bandidagem, o crime organizado e o tráfico de drogas.
Sem que ninguém mais espere uma intervenção fundamentada e racional, só o que resta são brados sem alma daqueles que ocupam posições de autoridade na cena global, acompanhados de comentários rasos e declarações hipócritas de âncoras de telejornais e analistas internacionais a referendar as "posições" nacionais e geoestratégicas dos representantes do establishment.
Genocídio em massa e limpeza étnica são justificadas como necessárias e toleradas como "aceitáveis" por aqueles mesmos que classificam como fake news e "discurso de ódio" todas as posições que não se alinham às deles, enquanto enaltecem os valores "politicamente corretos" e as vantagens políticas ou geopolíticas em apoiar a causa deste ou daquele protagonista, CEO ou organismo internacional.
A falta de uma autoridade legítima para pôr fim ao massacre é o indicador mais revelador da falência daquilo que é considerada a "sociedade civilizada". 
Entre as massas, polarizadas por ideólogos e influencers pop stars, só o que ouvimos é uma confusão de disputas vociferantes e furiosas, enquanto convergem no medo comum de contrariar os dogmas da elite global. As vozes que murmuram e esbravejam com notável egocentrismo, arrogância e orgulho, perdem-se na cacofonia. 
Nas redes sociais, a civilidade e o bom senso foram substituídos pela toxicidade das queixas, dos ressentimentos, da angústia, dos ataques e das acusações sem limites, alimentados por um desespero abrasador para atribuir o colapso do que era conhecido e previsível a algum vilão da esquerda ou da direita, em uma caça às bruxas selvagem para angariar seguidores que farão arder suas tochas e queimar os bodes expiatórios no patíbulo das fogueiras que ao menos trarão um pouco de alívio e consolo ao pablum oficial e a sensação de que está tudo sob controle.
O medo de ir contra o dogma do que constitui a hierarquia da pirâmide do poder global paralisa e divide a todos, impedindo uma união de esforços contra a Nova Ordem Mundial, por mais tênue que possa ser.
Indo além das causas aparentes, por trás deste bizarro estado de coisas, está um pequeno culto global satanista antivida que deseja prolongar a dor e a destruição para os seus próprios fins e secretamente apoia ambos os lados do conflito a fim de produzir a máxima discórdia, a máxima perturbação dialética do caos e da morte, de modo a levar a realidade ao seu total paroxismo.
Sim, isso é puro mal em ação. É a manifestação de um projeto demoníaco de longa data – cujas raízes remontam ao próprio início da história humana – outrora encoberta mas agora escancarada e que emergiu nas últimas décadas como principal protagonista do caos perturbador e da divisão que agora se manifesta ao nível fundamental de nossas vidas cotidianas. 
Nem a intimidade das nossas vidas pessoais é mais respeitada, e parece quase impossível imaginar que as coisas pudessem chegar a um tal nível invasivo: a do controle não só da linguagem, como de nossos pensamentos. 
O problema para todos nós que estamos determinados a resistir às encenações grotescas desta trupe de atores obscuros, é que este culto é altamente enganador e muito bem disfarçado. Seus principais agentes se portam como astros e celebridades de Hollywood, sorriem o tempo todo, se apresentam muito elegantemente bem vestidos, e são muito bem treinados em técnicas de comunicação e persuasão. O Diabo veste Prada.
Ninguém imaginaria que por trás de suas aparências invejáveis e gestos sedutores, almejam destronar a Deus, tomando o seu lugar, e remodelar a criação, esvaziando-a de todos os seus aspectos divinos para reduzi-la a um mero código binário. 
Como nem preciso salientar, o compromisso de manter alguma forma de civilidade, humanidade e justiça neste mundo atualizado a cada instante, implacavelmente exigente e agressivamente competitivo, é um desafio demasiado elevado para os seres humanos, que não são páreos para os golems amorais eugênicos, trans-humanos e cibernéticos.   
Não é por acaso que o avanço da inteligência artificial é concomitante à degradação dos valores humanos fundamentais que são sistematicamente dilacerados nos confrontos em tempo de guerra.
Preservar os valores tradicionais, manter a linha da decência, do respeito e da justiça, não é apenas uma condição sine qua non, sensível neste momento precário da história humana em que aqueles que nos ditam a "verdade" estão eivados de cinismo, hipocrisia e imoralidade: é um imperativo absoluto.
O nazismo sangrento que voltou a irromper, destroçou os direitos, liberdades e valores básicos de uma sociedade que já estava em colapso e em grau bastante avançado de dilaceração sob a ditadura corporativa, científica, bancária e militar que domina as estruturas de poder globais de hoje.
Não hesitemos em reconhecer que "nós, o povo", destituídos de qualquer poder político ou institucional, somos a resistência. Somos nós as únicas consciências que restaram neste mundo dominado pelo poder do maligno. 
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Vamos acabar com qualquer ilusão persistente de que algum líder ou alguma instituição política existente ou "falso salvador" restaurarão nossas honras, dignidades e liberdades roubadas. Sejamos ferozmente realistas. Com raríssimas exceções, aqueles que representam politicamente os seus redutos eleitorais nas falsas democracias do mundo, estão lá para cumprir a agenda da cabala oculta e do Deep State.
Nós, que nos recusamos a ser submetidos a programas de "vigilância", que nos recusamos a ser sugados para a sua matrix digital controlada por inteligência artificial, devemos ir para a linha de frente da grande luta pela emancipação humana. Se não como uma força interligada, que seja individualmente, como uma força irreprimível.
As Big Tech são persuadidas a cumprir o seu dever público de "cancelar" os que se levantam contra esta Nova Ordem Mundial. As ferramentas óbvias para fazer isso são algorítmicas, ou seja, automatizar a pesquisa e eliminar as vozes dissonantes, independentemente da sua origem. Os algoritmos e outros softwares de inteligência artificial agem como verdadeiros tribunais de exceção e julgamento que de forma abusiva e sem um trâmite legal, sentenciam o acusado automaticamente, com indícios mínimos, sem audiência, inquérito e recurso, sem o direito de peticionar ou recorrer, ou seja, sumariamente. O veredito emitido é final.
Os tribunais do passado, por mais arbitrários e sumários que fossem, ao menos emitiam uma declaração por escrito e permitiam ao condenado o jus esperneandi (ou jus sperniandi, uma expressão jocosa muito usada no meio jurídico, mas inexistente em latim), o "direito de espernear" ou "reclamar". As sentenças são silenciosas, automatizadas, e qualquer protesto cai no vazio, vai para o limbo. Protestos e gritos não são ouvidos. Cancelado e "desmonetizado", o condenado desaparece no ostracismo sem que ninguém sequer fique sabendo. Engraçado como as pessoas ficam quietas quando sua renda desaparece. 
Tal como acontece no Gulag, os inocentes são arrastados juntamente com os culpados numa proporção desconcertantemente injusta. Use a palavra proibida ou frase errada em um texto, podcast ou vídeo público e o tribunal secreto concluirá que você é um instigador do ódio e da violência, que você é um terrorista.  
Não é o povo que deve temer seu governo. O governo é que deve temer seu povo. E eles nos temem. Somos aqueles que eles mais temem. Nós somos a resistência. E mesmo distantes fisicamente, em nossas mentes e corações sabemos estar unificados. É uma luta de todos os dias, uma luta permanente, mental e espiritual. Não tem nada a ver com a "passividade" que deveria ser reconhecida como a doença social mais alastrada que aflige a quase totalidade da humanidade cooptada e doutrinada.
Há um mundo que foi perdido e que devemos recuperar. Não há nenhum desafio mais significativo e urgente do que isso.
Leia os 9 manifestos anteriores contra a Nova Ordem Mundial em meu Patreon:
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✅ Adquira "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"
✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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figureinthedistance · 2 months
Maybe im wrong but i still dont like seeing jeremy corbyns name thrown in the mix of people unfairly accused of antisemitism when theyre actually just pro palestine. Like he has said and done some real dubious shit i thought.
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moderat50 · 1 day
Oil Companies' Global Warming Conspiracy
The real global warming conspirators: oil, gas, chemical companies & their executives. Their own studies & simulations warned them about the effects & dangers of global warming in the 70s. The companies hid their data so they could continue to reap the profits.
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wackytheorist · 3 months
Qsmp 2024 theory
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I think each day is for a hinted nationality and believe that each one is for Asian countries. (thank you for tumblr and the dreamify qsmp watchparty chat for helping me figure some of these out).
DAY ONE SOUTH KOREA: here are the clues
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The hibiscus is the national flower of south korea, and it also usually grows in Asia. More proof is day 2s cipher which translates to hibiscus. I also think we will be getting 5 South Korean players because there are 5 flowers
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There is a Japanese flag next to the duck.
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This is day 3's cipher which translates to bunny. It is currently the year of the rabbit in China.(credit splatattackz for figuring that out! :D )
Currently we don't have a cipher to help figure out day 4 but I WILL UPDATE when we do but.... an education guess would be an asian country
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