#glass eyez
jave1y · 1 month
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Since yall loved my other post and I might as well lore dump and introduce my ocs
elmur is a 19 year old who was born with a curse that gives him the ability to see beings that normal naked eye can’t see. These other beings include monsters and ghosts. He grew up with azazel and yuria and they became like his own parental figures, since he didn’t have the best guardian when he was growing up. though it’s hard for him to make decisions between the two since polar opposites opposite. Yuria being more laid back and azazel being more stern and serious. But he always has his uncle Dean to be the (well the only good human figure in his life ) elmur is super chill, and he’s also kinda dumb but I love him idk, (also no one can see these creatures other than him)
Yuria is a . Well was a semi famous solo singer that was murdered in the 1980 by a fan on her wedding day. But instead of doing the usual “haunting and being sad all the time”. She takes the opportunity to have fun with her predicament, especially when death (grim reaper or death in general) is waiting for her to move on. She’s semi friends azazel but often gets into shenanigans with him due to their polar personalities. She is very chaotic, but she’s also kind of sassy. I love her. I love my wife. I’m so glad that other people love my wife. Oh and she’s also pen pals with Dean.
Azazel is a being that is known as the outsider which is a monster that is exist in the outside plane, which is where most of the monsters that Elmer can see. It’s a combination of what we see. Basically monsters that just appeared but can’t be seen. They tend to copy humans mannerisms but not all of them are friendly . Azazel is one of those friendly monsters that had basically adopted elmur. He originally knew elmurs grandmother who had unfortunately passed. So taking care of Elmer is like a justice to her. he’s a stickler for the rules and sometimes he doesn’t realize that he’s being too serious with elmur. He’s not really used to it. He’s /srs most of the time, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t pissy (think of the narrator from Stanley parable)
Dean is Elmer’s uncle and he already has a lot of personal issues and like Elmur he didn’t have the best life either. He drinks a lot but he also doesn’t want his past to define who he is now. Hes a Divorced police officer and he lives his nephew elmur and his son Travis (and some extra company) Dean is aware of Elmer’s “friends” but he’s supportive of it and doesn’t like to judge or shame elmur. Despite being divorced he’s on friendly terms with his ex wife and they still talk. But Dean is mainly alone when it comes to a social life, which is why he’s been getting random letters in mail from a secretive pen pal. Let’s say on the side of yuria chaotic energy and azazels serious and /srs manner, he’s in between I didn’t be careful someone who is confused about what they want can become confused about what you’re worth
Yeah so those are my bbs
If you have any questions feel free to ask or if you wanna draw my ocs ur absolutely allowed
I love ya
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mightywhite · 5 months
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Gorgeous (Kaz x fem!reader)
Summary: you get very drunk after being kidnapped and admit something to Kaz.
Trigger warnings: implications of SA, drunken antics
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Jesper was beyond exasperated with you. For whatever reason you had drank yourself past your typical cut off point and put yourself into a stupor. You kept throwing back drink after drink until he finally cut you off. You had been so strange after one mission where you winded up being held captive. Kaz and Jesper retrieved you and by the time Jesper had found you, Kaz was standing over six bodies and you looked relieved by his presence. Jesper didn't find that odd, no not in Ketterdam. What he did find odd was your newfound avoidance to go home.
Kaz had finally walked through the door and Jesper ran over. "Kaz, thank the saints." He said relieved. "Didn't take you as religious." Kaz said, walking. "Well- not the point. Y/n is drunk-" Alarm bells went off in Kaz's mind. "She's drunk?" He asked. "Yes-" "she's never drunk." Kaz said, his grip tightening around his cane. "I know that. For some reason she's on this drinking binge and-" Kaz walked over to the bar, seeing play with a peanut shell. "Y/n." Kaz said.
"Kazzz!" You said, drawing out his name. Red graced your cheeks and it became glaringly obvious you were three sheets to the wind. Kaz lifted the empty glass in front of you, sniffing it. Whiskey flooded his sense of smell, making him stifle a cough. "I have been having sooo mush fun!" You said, Kaz raising a brow. You leaned towards him, Kaz moving back slightly. "Your eyez are so pretty!" You said, slurring as you did.
Kaz looked at you surprised. You never paid anyone a compliment, in fact you rarely said anything. "Words are secrets to a fools heart" you once said to him. Kaz didn't mind your quiet demeanor. It was what made you deadly.
To Kaz though, you were more than just a pretty face that could kill. You had this special way of making Kaz actually enjoy your presence. To many, you were an infamous figure. To him you were a beautiful storm.
You reached out your index finger, tapping his nose. Jesper was surprised you didn't lose your hand doing that action. "You are soooo cuttteee!" You giggled. No one had ever said he was cute. Deadly? All the time. An idiot? Most of the time that came from Inej when Kaz narrowly avoided death. Cute, however was unheard of as a category to describe him.
He grasped your hand and pulled it down to the table. "Y/n, we should get you home." He said. "Nooo!" You whined. "Why not?" He asked. "I don't wanna be alone!" You said. "You won't be alone, I'll be there." Kaz said. You looked almost... scared at the idea of going home. "Promise?" You muttered. "Yes. Now come on." He said. You nearly hit the floor, stumbling forward as you got up. Kaz gripped your arms to keep you in place. You looked as Jesper with a grin. "See you tomorrow buddy!" You said giving him finger guns. Inej, who just walked in nearly broke down laughing at the sight.
Kaz had to basically herd you out the door like a common sheep dog. You stumbled outside, Kaz finally putting his hand on your waist when you were out of sight of the gang. "Don't let them near me..." you mumbled. Kaz looked at you. "What?" He asked. "The Lions..." you mumbled. "Y/n, we're just going home, they won't find-" "thass how they got me last time" you said.
Kaz now had it click into place. You didn't feel safe at home anymore. Not after the Dime Lions managed to kidnap you. You stopped, Kaz looking over to see your eyes light up. "Puppy!" You said, seeing a stray dog. You rushed over, kneeling to it and petting it behind the ears. "Ohhh you're so sweettt! Whos a good boy! You! You are!" You slurred. Kaz couldn't help but crack a grin at the sight as he walked over to you and the dog. "Thas Kaz. He's gorgeous isn't he?" You "whispered" to the dog. Right now you were so drunk that your sense of volume was broken. What was a whisper to you was basically normal speech to Kaz.
"He is so good to me. Provides me with a job. Food. And I get to look at his pretty face everyday." You said. Kaz's grin grew. "Ah fuck I'm in love aren't I" you realized. Kaz froze. Sure, there was some undeniable chemistry between the two of you but this... this was big.
"You can't tell anyone. Issa secret. Shhhh!" You said to the dog. Kaz swallowed hard, staring at you. "Y/n we should... we should go." He said. You looked over your shoulder. "Kay. Bye doggy!" You said, walking back to Kaz. He couldn't take his eyes off you as you walked. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved you back. It was just telling you that that was the challenge. Plus, with your current level of intoxication, he didn't think it wise to say something you wouldn't remember.
You walked into your apartment, Kaz walking in behind you was you leaned against the doorway to your living room. You took off your boots and Kaz looked around, seeing the overturned chair and clearly moved table. "Did someone break in?" He asked. "Yeah. Lass week when I got kidnapped." You shrugged. Kaz looked at you confused. "You didn't set it back?" He asked. You looked at the chair and frowned, eyes distant. "I shouldn't have let my guard down." You muttered before walking upstairs. Kaz put a hand on the chair. "Leave it" you said, not turning to see him.
He stopped, following you up the stairs and watched you lay down. "Oooooh bad choice, really bad choice!" You said, abruptly getting back up and running to the bathroom. Kaz hesitated but followed you in, pulling back your hair as you threw up.
You groaned. "Drugs are bad, don't do them" you said, leaning back onto your wall behind you. Kaz rose a brow, seeing you eye him. You seemed tired and out of it. You shook your head with a sad laugh. "I muss be seriously fucked up to be hallucinating you" you breathed. He frowned. "I'm not a hallucination." He said. You chuckled. "You can't be real." You said. "What makes you say that?" He asked, looking at you. "Cuz you'd never hold my hair while I throw up. And you wouldn't have followed me home in the firss place." You declared. Kaz opened his mouth but you spoke again "My bess guess is that Jesper actually took me home. My mind juss likes you so much that" you tapped his nose again, him looking down at your finger as you did it "your gorgeous face iz juss what I see."
Kaz didn't understand the drunk logic but it seemed he couldn't convince you. You looked vacantly at the ceiling, sighing. "If you aren't real... then I have some things I wanna get off my chest." You said. "I don't think that's a wise idea-" "Sober me would tell the real you these things anyway. Iss only a matter of time." You said. Kaz hated the idea of you not truly consenting to having information shared with him, but it seemed you were deadset on telling him something.
"I wasn't juss attacked that night." You admitted. Kaz looked at you shocked. He knew there was a reason you wouldn't let Jesper touch you that night. He has tried to comfort you, put an arm around you but you put a blade to his neck with a face of fear the second he touched you. It appeared the only person you were fine with was Kaz. "I was going to be killed. That sick fuck that took me asked for my lass words." You said. Kaz watched you look at him. "I asked you for help." You said, clearer than any other speech during the night. No messups, no slurring. Just brutal honesty that was killing Kaz inside.
You put so much faith in him. In your last moments instead of cursing out the man that tortured you or praying to a random saint, you chose to ask Kaz for help. And it worked. That man, the second he found out you were taken, moved heaven and hell to find you. Jesper had never seen someone so panicked. No one's absence would have riled Kaz up that badly. Jesper knew then and there that Kaz would watch the world burn if it meant you'd be safe in the end.
Kaz held your hand and you looked over, a tear sliding down your face. "I'm so scared Kaz." You whispered. He brushed the tear away as you slowly laid your head in his lap. You cried yourself to sleep that night and that nearly killed him inside to see you like that. He played with your hair to get you to sleep faster, which worked.
As the sun rose, Kaz slowly got up. He went downstairs and set everything back the way it should've been and then he saw something odd out the window. The stray dog from last night had followed you home, sleeping outside your door. Then an idea clicked in his head.
You woke up on the floor, confirming your drunk thought that Kaz from last night wasn't real. However his scent was present in the house, which did confuse you. You heard something downstairs and you quickly snatched a blade from under your sink, rushing downstairs to see Kaz. And a... dog?
Kaz turned to see you with the knife and blinked. "I-I thought I was alone." You breathed. "No, uhm... It appears your friend from last night followed us." He said. There was a dog there with his tail wagging. Friend? You didn't recall a dog at all last night. "I don't remember a dog being present last night." You said. "Well you ran up to him last night." Kaz shrugged. You looked confused as Kaz stepped closer to you, taking the knife from your hand. "You are safe when I am here Y/n." He assured.
It felt like a flicker of a memory from last night. You remembered some sort of conversation. "What uhm.. what did I say last night?" You asked. "You didn't say anything too interesting. I mean, besides calling me gorgeous many times." He said. Your face flushed pink and you cleared your throat. "What should we do with the dog?" You asked. Kaz grinned at your slight embarrassment. "I was thinking you'd keep him. He already seems to like you. Plus it'd alert you to danger." He said. You kneeled to the dog and pet him from behind the ears.
You had that smile. That smile that would come out every so often whenever you thought you weren't being watched. Kaz was one of the lucky few that got to see it every so often. "I think I like that idea." You said. Kaz nodded. You looked past him. "You fixed the kitchen?" You asked. "And changed your locks." He said, handing you a key. You took it, looking at him. "Kaz uhm..." he waited for you to talk. "Why are you being so... nice? I mean... why do all this?" You asked. "Because I don't want you to feel scared in your own home." He said.
You looked down at the dog. There was a sadness in your eyes. "I will always come for you Y/n. If you are in trouble and need me, I will be there." He said. You looked at him and another drunk memory flickered. "I mentioned what happened to me, didn't I?" You asked. Kaz nodded. You sighed, sitting on your couch. "I must've sounded like a child." You said. "Not at all." He said, sitting in a chair next to you. The dog laid his head on your lap. "You should fire me. Tell me to leave Ketterdam." You muttered. "Why would I do that?" He asked. "Because you don't pay me to be scared. You- you don't pay me to get drunk or pay me to have you take me home!" You said.
Kaz frowned. "I pay you because you are good at what you do Y/n." He said. "I was kidnapped and had to have you save me. And I reacted afterwards like a child--" "You were hurt and confused Y/n. It wasn't your fault." He said, looking at you. "Yes. It was." You breathed. Kaz took both of your hands into his. When he slipped off those gloves, you didn't know but you were now holding his hands. His soft, beautiful hands. "It wasn't your fault. It never was. They took you because they knew you were vulnerable to me. If anything, what happened was my fault." He said softly.
You trusted this man with your whole being, body and soul. Right now it felt like he was showing you that he trusted you just as much. You'd follow this man to war, you'd sacrifice everything if it meant he'd be safe. You loved him more than anything. You didn't know how to vocalize that to him. You didn't know if you should vocalize that to him.
"I'm only a block away if you need me. All it takes is you calling my name." He said softly. Your heart was melting at his words. You swallowed hard, staring into his eyes when there was a knock on the door. You and Kaz jumped, Kaz immediately sliding his gloves back on. The dog barked and you hesitantly opened the door to see Jesper.
"Thank the saints. You made it home okay?" He asked. You nodded. "Mm. You should really decorate in here, it's kind of... plain." He said. You rolled your eyes. "What do you want Jesper?" You asked. "Y'know, you're a lot more friendly when you're drunk. Isn't that right Kaz?" Jesper asked. Kaz, who was now standing behind you rolled his eyes as well. "I am here to make sure you got home alright- is that a dog?" Jesper asked, seeing the dog by your leg. "Yes." You sighed. "What's his name?" Jesper asked, kneeling to his level. "He doesn't have one yet." You muttered. "Mm. I think Lev is a good name." He said. You said nothing, watching Jesper pet him.
"Well, you're checked on. Kaz is accounted for. All is right in the world and I can go home." Jesper declared before standing up to leave. "Oh and Y/n, don't think you're living down the whole 'gorgeous' thing. Or the fact that you were basically my best friend for the night." He said. "I'm really wishing I killed you when I got the chance." You said making him roll his eyes before he walked out. You closed the door almost immediately and locked it.
"How has that man not been murdered yet?" You asked. "I ask that question to myself everytime he opens his mouth." Kaz said making you smile. You slowly turned to Kaz. "Thanks for taking care of me." You said softly. He nodded. "Anytime." He said. "Really? Because I was thinking of going on another binge-" "Y/n." He said, rolling his eyes. You chuckled. "I appreciate you, thank you." You said. He nodded, reaching for the door. "Y/n. If you need me, come find me. Don't hesitate to ask." He said. You nodded slowly and watched as he finally left.
The feeling of dread returned soon after. You were alone, again. Not completely though, seeing as you now had a dog. You kneeled to the dog, sighing. "Kaz is a good man. We want him. But..." you pet the dog, looking at him with a sad look.
"We can't have him."
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ky-hound · 26 days
It’s Thursday happy hour, I’m fillin in for @rkxt tonight
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Show us what’s in your glass tonight @lucky-jewels @hotbosssecretrealm @showervixen @kawbode @sonofasinner2 @brody-again @bloodybucket-28 @southernkiss74 @glorious-stuff @nicaliciousxo @xoxbutterflygirlxoxsworld @barefootgypsy73 @flagged-as-naughty @hypnotic-kink @stormi-eyez-blog @inkedkat32 @cole3184 and I know I’m missin a ton of y’all, every one is welcome. Tag your friends
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scrunkalicious · 10 months
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REBECAAAAA!!!! Here is some Rebecca Wright Lackadaisy OC fanart, for @starbittsy !! Drawing her was SO fun holy carp- Usually I don't really draw eyelashez and longer, curlier hair, so drawing Rebecca helped me a lot! I love her hair and her eyez omg <33 tysm for letting her draw her! shes so silly, by far one of my favorite LackaOcz by far!! I LOVE REBECCA!!!!
{{btw!! my younger brother is a fan of ur art! I showed him ur art and he started jumping up & down yelling "THATZ SO GOOD!! I CANT DO THAT!!! THATZ SO GOOD!!" idk man hez a bit too silly}}
oh hecc yuh she and Marly would def be friendz!! maybe even bestiez!!! here are some headcanonz for their relationship:
~ The two met pre-pilot, probably in 1923, when Marly joined Lackadaisy! {{idk when Rebecca joined, so year of meeting can be changed!}}
~ Even though Rebecca knew what a violin was, due to Rocky, she seems like she wouldn't know about le cello (its a rare instrument in this time period! so yea!), and would probably call it smth silly like "The Gigamax Big Violin" ngl,, then Marly would tell her all abt it lol
~ Who's the smarter of the two? 50/50. One day Marly can tell you every single formula of volume and be able to estimate the circumference of a shot-glass, and Rebecca is questioning whether to eat the mysterious blob in the corner. The next day they swap roles. But, they seem equal smartz most dayz!
~ They are the dynamic duo! They both seem quite outgoing and the silly ever, so I think they would often energy match with the silliness,, and ofc Rebecca often bringz Rocky along. Marly is fine w that, she's friendz w/ the goofy violinist!
~ Depending on how close of friendz u want them to be, I think they'd have a sister like dynamic! the bestiez frfr
~ Marly often keepz bestie Mordy from being too mean to Rebecca, often telling him not to be too rude to her but ngl when Marly isn't in the room he prob still actz the same lmbo
~ Rebecca seems like she would love the cello, and she thinkz itz cool that the cello can reach violin level notez and how the cello is the instrument closest to the human voice! Idk if she would know all the musical terms, but she would def go up to Marly and tell her abt how she loved the "fast, exciting sounding part" in the song
bonus hc w rocky teehee
~ Rocky would def get Marly and practice/review songz w him, so he can play them perfectly for Rebecca, often even getting Marly to play a secondary part to his song to make it even sillier better ngl Rocky would be like "Marly!! Help me with this song for Rebecca!" and Marly'z like "man this is the 26th song this week bruh"
hooray!! rebecca!! i love her!!! yayy!! very glad that she is friendz w Marly :)
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circletine but it'z pizza t0wer/sugary spire [remake]
[yeah diz iz a remake 0f an 0ld thing i did z0 uhh yeah l0l]
*inzert pizzelle juzt d0ing shit at her ice cream parl0r here l0l*
the n0ize n pizzan0 after burzting thr0ugh da d00r: "PIZZELLE, WERE THIRSTY!!!-"
pizzelle wh0 g0t startled by da 2 crackheadz burzting in: "well, i should hope so! you guys have been playing outside for the past NINE HOURS!"
the n0ize n pizzan0: "yeeeeaaaah..."
*silence l0l*
the n0ize n pizzan0: "CIRCLETIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!"
pizzan0: *screamz like a maniac n den shatterz 1 0f da glassez pizzelle had by smashing it 0nt0 a wall*
pizzelle: "get the milk and vinegar!"
the n0ize: *runz 0ver 2 da fridge n getz da milk*
meanwhile pizzan0: *g0ez 0ver 2 a cabinet n getz da vinegar*
*they b0th slam da milk n vinegar d0wn 0nt0 da table l0l*
pizzelle: *p0urz da circletine int0 2 glassez az da 2 crackheadz watch, but he getz it everywhere 0n da table kinda l0l*
stinky aka the 0nly sane 1 here c0ming in: "hey, gang!"
pizzelle wh0'z eyez fl00d black az she turnz 2 stinky: "CIIIIRCLETIIIIIIINE!!!!!!" *inzert din0zaur type screaming here az she thr0wz a rand0m t0ppin at stinky*
stinky wh0 haz a "0h shit-" kind 0f l00k: *quickly cl0zez da d00r which da t0ppin pizzelle threw endz up hitting zaid d00r*
pizzelle with her eyez back 2 n0rmal az she givez the n0ize n pizzan0 a electric whisk: mix it together, guys!
the n0ize n pizzan0 turning 0n da whisk: "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!"
*they den yeet it 0n da table breaking da glassez da circletine waz s0mewhat in az m0zt 0f it waz 0n da table l0l*
pizzelle l00king at da pure cha0z they did with her eyez fl00ded black again: "i t ' s r e a d y!" =)
the n0ize n pizzan0: *sl0wly rizez up frum da table with t0tally truztw0rthy l00kz*
pizzelle: "go tell peppino..." =)
peppin0: *iz in da 0ther part 0f the parl0r juzt chilling l0l*
the n0ize n pizzan0: *sl0wly p0kez int0 da r00m l0l*
the n0ize: "CIRCLETIIIIIINE!!!"
*peppin0 den expl0dez leaving bl00d 0n pizzan0 n the n0ize l0l*
"ba, da, ba ba, da, ba circletine! [it's not safe.]"
here'z da 0g vide0 btw in caze y0u all were curi0uz l0l:
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campsunshinevalley · 11 months
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ROBIN: I actually have to do something so our little disagreement will have to wait
MEL: sureeee, I'll give it 15 minutes before the topics brought back up
ROBIN: bet
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ROBIN: now that I'm out of the cabin I suppose I feel a bit better
ROBIN: Its sort of stuffy in there to be honest
ROBIN: I fucking hate claustrophobia
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ROBIN: there, it sucks that Jeremy flooded the board inside with random shit
ROBIN: but atleast more people will see this and (probably won't) give it back
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ROBIN: maybe I should start putting missing posters everywhere
ROBIN: do people even do that? Make missing posters for inanimate objects?
ROBIN: I feel like that's something Jonas would do to be honest
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ROBIN: And yet another sleepless night in the clutches of insomnia
ROBIN: if only I hadn't punched the coffee machine....
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ZE-MOLE: what do we have here
DAMIEN: that's a phone dumbass, the emo dropped it on the way back to the cabin.
ZE-MOLE: a am aware. I have eyez
DAMIEN: then use them. You should really invest in a pair of glasses
ZE-MOLE: it'z juzt too bright in zis specific area, I zee better in ze dark anyway.
DAMIEN: uh-huh
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clovrplayz · 5 months
clovercore collection: a personal piece - the perfect vessel
wings bird/angel with soft white feathers maybe hummingbird, maybe even butterfly
maybe antlers just for the clickity sound and occasional vine decoration
ears soft fur no matter the shape, sometimes white or gray or cream maybe black or calico
tail dependent on the ears, equally as soft prehensile if long enough
soft skin, rosy cheeks, freckles star stickers on my cheeks, pretty glasses, long soft golden-blonde hair teeth are… significantly whiter and straight acne's gone/much less noticeable still probably the same height
comfy cardigan or a kickass confident-looking jacket white tank-top/some sort of cute shirt or dress, all soft
or some other long and confident dress, some sort of gorgeous thing
soft leggings or ripped jeans, black or blue
black boots, soft ugg boots/slippers, cute flip-flops or a set of pan pride converse teehee
an olive messenger bag, backpack and/or purse, or my star purse
several bracelets and rings
fingerless gloves for the multiversal charms
star symbol… on the back of my left hand although covered by the gloves or maybe on the palm
yeah on the palm
vine bracelets wrapped gently around my arms
a collection of odd charms, gears and home-made fidget toys small enough to fit on a keychain
notebooks, a laptop, art supplies i may never use
a paintbrush in my hair the few times i put it up
a bunch of snacks and a big bottle of water, a few glass bottles of lemonade and a couple of boxes of pocky
a soft blanket
a couple handheld gaming consoles
maybe a light-up flower crown just for the hell of it
a colorful shine in my eyes with growing confidence as i make my way through a vibrant and endless forest, music just right, random and surprising yet perfect to fit the mood
as i finally make way for adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sometimez it switchez and shiftz
from something soft and pastel
to bright neon.
cold, shiny, white, gold and silver metal, maybe some black in there
neon and colorful wires, colorful and expressive lenses
partz of me glow
maybe there'z some cool sword or something.
eyez are static from time to time but that'z alright, it'z what we need sometimes
this collection of colorz and feelingz iz new
i'm not sure what it stemz from, but it feelz right
pleaze tell me if you're along for the ride, say so and mean it truthfully.
pleaze tell me if you're here.
shutting down . . .
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My Favorite Albums of 2022*
*not necessarily from 2022
Over the past 12 months, I've somehow acquired 260 CDs, so instead of doing a standard, "Top of 2022 list," I figured I'd share 10 favorite additions to my ever-growing collection, no matter if they were released in 2022 or not. I'll also do it in alphabetical order by album name for simplicity's sake (and 10 out of 260 is already subjective enough!). Here goes!
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Tyler, the Creator - Call Me If You Get Lost
The brilliant wordplay more than warrants Tyler's oozing braggadocio but the fact that, in many cases, that same braggadocio is only thinly veiling deep insecurities elevates this to a truly astonishing level. "Drama, I need you. Can you turn the noise up?" isn't about getting the party hyped, it's about drowning out that critical voice in the back of your head. It's a call for help. It's a masterwork by an MC who's, somewhat surprisingly, coming for a Top 5 spot.
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Soul Glo - Diaspora Problems
The CD came with liner notes and lyrics but you basically need a magnifying glass to read them. But you should get one. Because they're worth it. Verbose, brilliant, genre jumping hardcore.
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The Beths - Expert in a Dying Field
Do you remember when "Mr. Brightside" came out and it basically was the "end-all, be-all" song about jealousy? "Expert in a Dying Field," is "Mr. Brightside" for breakups. The rest of the album is just icing on the cake. But the icing is also ridiculously good. Like nearly as good as the cake itself.
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Origami Angel - Gami Gang
Dumb puns for song titles ("Neutrogina Spektor," "Tom Holland Oates," "Bed, Bath, and Batman Beyond,"), Pokémon, Game Boy, and Taco Bell references, and a smattering of sick riffs, anthemic choruses, and furious tapping. These 20(!!!) songs are more than just an album, they're a goddamn mission statement for a new generation of nerdy emo kids.
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The Hotelier - Like No Place Is There
I can imagine Guy and Ian listening to this album and saying, "yeah, this is exactly where we imagined the genre ending up 30 years later." Devastating, cathartic, rough around the edges, but full of melody, and, most importantly, empathy.
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Drug Church - Hygiene
Folks keep labeling this "hardcore," but its New Wave and 90's Alt-Rock influences are too abundant to keep it pinned down. Plus, it's catchy as fuck. An excellent 26 minutes that gets better with each listen.
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Pusha T - It's Almost Dry
Focus on the latter half of Pusha's statement of purpose: "Cocaine's Dr. Seuss." It's not just that he raps about slinging coke, it's that he loves the words he uses to rap about slinging coke. That joy, that creativity, that fun is abundant on these 12 tracks. Hell, he even gets Jay to join in. (Hot take: Jay's verse on "Neck & Wrist," is better than his verse on "God DID.")
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The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour
A stone-cold-classic that I finally picked up on CD. Maybe my favorite from the fab four.
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Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See Your Future
Stripping away the vocal acrobatics and spectacle that instantly hooked me, Denzel keeps his tone simple and direct and his lyrics powerful and personal, further highlighting his talent and chameleonic abilities.
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Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
Holding the controversial opinion that DAMN. was a clear step backwards, from the opening moments of "United in Grief," it was clear that K. Dot made a sharp turn back to the complexity and nuance of TPAB and GKMC. It's a deeply uncomfortable listen, giving us an in-depth view of a man struggling to find his true self and how that clashes with who others want (need?) him to be. It's messy and difficult and problematic and exactly the type of album only Kendrick can make.
Other assorted 2022 stuff
Favorite Albums NOT acquired in 2022:
mewithoutYou - Brother, Sister
Polar Bear Club - Clash Battle Guilt Pride
Broadway Calls - Comfort/Distraction
Iron Chic - The Constant Ones
The Beths - Future Me Hates Me
The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation
Hot Water Music - Light It Up
Teenage Fanclub - Songs From Northern Britain
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Queens of the Stone Age - Villains
Favorite Live Bands seen in 2022
Cursive (Irving Plaza - 1/26)
The Wonder Years (Webster Hall - 3/16)
Motion City Soundtrack (Terminal 5 - 6/19)
Less Than Jake (Saint Vitus - 12/12)
Favorite Movies watched in 2022
Terrifier 2
Don't Look Up
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Favorite TV Shows watched in 2022
Joe Pera Talks With You
The White Lotus
Abbot Elementary
The Rehearsal
Favorite Books read in 2022:
They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us by Hanif Abdurraqib
Sellout by Dan Ozzi
The Power Broker by Robert Caro
Favorite Podcasts listened to in 2022:
Love and Radio
The Secrets Hotline
Will Be Wild
The Trojan Horse Affair
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jave1y · 1 day
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Stanford doodle
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ilcocoli · 2 years
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Head: Lelutka Briannon Evox [Mainstore]
Body: Ebody Reborn [Mainstore]
Boobs: REBORN - Juicy Boobs ebody reborn [Reborn Event]
Tattoo: Garden of Ku - Neo Komatsu - Evox and Ebody Reborn [Kinky]
Hair: Angel Eyez - Alex Hairbase - Evox [Hairfair2022]
Hat: Violetility - Smoking Fedora [Marketplace]
Glasses: Sorgo - Igor Shades [Mainstore]
Necklace: Yummy - Chloe Layered Necklace - Ebody Reborn [Yummy]
Nails: 1990 - LVR Set - Flared square - xs - Ebody Reborn [Level]
Handclutter: Hive - Out and about [Mainstore]
Tank: Gaia - Renee Ribbed Knit Top - Ebody Juicy [Kustom9] [Mainstore]
Shirt: Merch - Offshoulder Button Up - Berry - I used the bbl size for reborn [Mainstore]
Shorts/Belt: Blueberry - Taylor Classic Shorts/Braided Belt - Ebody [Mainstore]
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djmusicbest · 1 month
Beatport Top Best New Breaks / UK Bass: April 2024
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-05 GENRES: Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass Tracklist : 1. Bowser - Critical(Original Mix) 2. Joku - Atlas(Original Mix) 3. Dharma - Clear Glass(Original Mix) 4. Kwake - Ill Type Sound(Original Mix) 5. GreenFlamez, Bazco - Sonic Surge(Original Mix) 6. Desma - Around Me(Original Mix) 7. Prototyperz - Get To Level(Original Mix) 8. Dazzler, CASE 82 - Dreams Come True(Original Mix) 9. The Darrow Chem Syndicate - Penso(Sergei Orange Remix) 10. Ash Brown (UK) - Star Gazing(Original Mix) 11. Tuna Taneri - Wilderness(Original Mix) 12. Eyezic - No Good Reason(Original Mix) 13. Dawl - Slice & Dice(Original Mix) 14. D-Nox, DJ Zombi - There Is Hope(userUNKNWN Remix) 15. Another Dimension - Beautiful Sea Sunset(Original Mix) 16. not even noticed - Light Beams(Original Mix) 17. Artex - Only Been Dayz(Original Mix) 18. Alex Holt - Pushin' Ur Luv(Original Mix) 19. Cohema, Santìí - 187(Original Mix) 20. UpstairsPeople - Anything I Do( Read the full article
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muznew · 1 month
Beatport Top Best New Breaks / UK Bass: April 2024
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-04-05 GENRES: Breaks / Breakbeat / UK Bass Tracklist : 1. Bowser - Critical(Original Mix) 2. Joku - Atlas(Original Mix) 3. Dharma - Clear Glass(Original Mix) 4. Kwake - Ill Type Sound(Original Mix) 5. GreenFlamez, Bazco - Sonic Surge(Original Mix) 6. Desma - Around Me(Original Mix) 7. Prototyperz - Get To Level(Original Mix) 8. Dazzler, CASE 82 - Dreams Come True(Original Mix) 9. The Darrow Chem Syndicate - Penso(Sergei Orange Remix) 10. Ash Brown (UK) - Star Gazing(Original Mix) 11. Tuna Taneri - Wilderness(Original Mix) 12. Eyezic - No Good Reason(Original Mix) 13. Dawl - Slice & Dice(Original Mix) 14. D-Nox, DJ Zombi - There Is Hope(userUNKNWN Remix) 15. Another Dimension - Beautiful Sea Sunset(Original Mix) 16. not even noticed - Light Beams(Original Mix) 17. Artex - Only Been Dayz(Original Mix) 18. Alex Holt - Pushin' Ur Luv(Original Mix) 19. Cohema, Santìí - 187(Original Mix) 20. UpstairsPeople - Anything I Do( Read the full article
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regsnapshots · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Bunny Eyez sunglasses.
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smoltr01 · 1 year
on replay for the rest of my goose life 🔥
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mayssa-m · 1 year
chromeheartz jacket, chromehreatz glasses, but I got perscription its hurtin my eyez😵💫
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