#gladnis beauty and the beast
moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Beauty and Beast Gladnis AU - The Dance
Here go more headcanons for the Ignis and the Beast AU, this time regarding that famous dance scene, scribbled more like a fiction of sorts (adding a Read More). Just as a note, I’m agreeing over here with @vinsmoke03 (tagging you so readers know, you don’t have to read this through if you don’t want, buddy) on Prompto’s and Noctis’ roles in this AU. :)
It is Ignis who asked Gladio for that dance, not the other way around. 
Ignis, despite being a town boy, behaves as if he belonged to royalty; he’s cousin to the town’s mayor (?), works second hand to him, and hence he moves into the “high society” world (among commoners).
Hence, Ignis knows how to dance. It’s etiquette. Besides, he always liked the shadowy “abandoned” castle in the distance and often fantasized as a kid about how life would be there if it was occupied (poor child had no idea about the magic in there, like the rest of town), so it was usual to find him learning to waltz on his own, holding a teddy  bear as dance companion.
Even though it started as a child fantasy, his constant training lead him to really develop formal dancing skills.
During his stay in the castle, and after a couple months in there (already used/befriended to Gladio, just not as intimately), he finds himself missing the dancing; there were not many chances in town (besides the informal parties), and he had been so busy being scared and sassy against Gladio that he hadn’t even thought about his private dancing.
He was cleaning/exploring a room with his furniture friends when the desire of dancing came back. In the room he came across an abandoned harpsichord; destroyed and dirty, Ignis smiled nonetheless and sat down, toying quietly with a few keys. Prompto, the candelabra that’s insisted all the time to follow him around, asks him happily if he knows how to play.
Ignis, however, does not. He recalls that it moved him to see the instrument because it reminded him of dancing.
“Ooooh! You used to dance?”, “In great ball halls?”, “With a lot of noblemen and women?”, “And pretty wide dresses?”.
Ignis laughs at how cute all his furniture friends can be, and a bit at himself, and shakes the head. “In my room, actually. No music. And my companion was a plush toy”.
Noctis, a clock that’s always hanging with Prompto, and who the rest of the furniture behave oddly formal to as if though he was their leader of sorts, laughs at that, “well, I bet you’re at least better than I could ever be, Specs”.
There seemed to be some inside joke Ignis didn’t quite understand, but he let it slip. 
“Ignis, you seem excited at the idea of dancing” Iris, a tea pot, says happily. “This room is very big. And there’s no moody beast nearby. Why don’t you dance a little?”
“Without music?”
“You said you danced with no music in your room.”, “Plus, we can all sing something!”
“Hm..there’s just a little question now. Who would be my partner?”
“OH! I WANNA! I WANNA!”, Prompto, of course.
Ignis laughs with his little friend and stands up, both heading to the centre of the room. Ignis reverences and Prompto dumbly follows him, and the rest of the furniture friends that are there start singing lyric-less music.
Except none know any particular song so it’s just a mess of “La la la” choruses as if it was a children party.
Ignis laughs anyway while he dances with Prompto; at first he tried to stay bent down to carefully hold Prompto’s candles (turned off), but Ignis’ to tall and Prompto’s too tiny, so it doesn’t work, and both decide to just dance together one in front of the other.
Ignis does small, too small steps and doesn’t dance properly, because his companion can’t do it like him; so we have an amused Ignis trying not to pressure his companion, a candelabra that’s awkwardly and furiously jumping around.
That’s how Gladio walks in on the scene: a lot of the furniture loudly La la’ing like little children, Talcott, a small tea cup, and Iris jumping on random harspichord keys, Noctis awkwardly moving a bit with a white feathered duster, Luna, as if trying hard to dance properly but dealing with a limping leg,  and Ignis trying to dance with a candelabra that’s desperately jumping side to side.
Gladio, much more self controlled after a few months with Ignis, decides to just let them be: he’s keeping the guy prisoner, the less he can do is let him have fun, and seen (from Gladio’s perspective only, tbh) as Ignis apparently has no enjoyment in Gladio’s pressence, the latter decides to leave him alone with his friends for once.
That night, Ignis is dragged to a room he had not been to before by his friends, and, excitedly and not stopping to jump (they behave like kids at times, but that’s just because Ignis is so open and kind with/to them, and they hadn’t had this much fun since long ago), they show him some of the royal parties clothes abandoned in there.
Ignis finds himself asking permission to see through them, and he finds this particular suit that catches his eye: yellowish golden on top, both the shirt and the overcoat, with darker decoration, white formal pants, and golden-brown boots. 
Truth be told, he prefers black or blue colors, but the suit he just found is a fine piece of art and he can’t stop staring.
He won’t try it on no matter how much Iris, Talcott and the rest insist: “what if they belonged to a king or a prince?”
“Nah man. The prince is too tiny to fit in there”
“What do you mean is?” Ignis is questioning, but Prompto’s too busy containing his laughter and Noctis is busy glaring at him and staring away as if embarrassed at some inside joke Ignis doesn’t get again. Iris has to save the day with some “He meant he imagines the prince must have been small” sort of excuse. Ignis still has no idea he’s treating with royalty, poor guy, bless him.
To clarify, Noctis is still prince: the reason he’s a furniture piece and Gladio became the beast is because when that evil red haired wizard dressed in second-hand coats attacked, Gladio, sworn shield of the prince, stood in between to stop the spell: it broke through his shield, but it didn’t get past Gladio, who receives Noctis’ spell while Noctis received the one that affected the rest of the people in there (along Prompto, his non royalty friend who had been there by Noct’s own invitation to the party that was being held).
It’s Iris who gives Ignis the idea of asking Gladio for a dance.
Iris hasn’t told Ignis she’s Gladio’s sister, and has taken the role of adviser for poor Ignis; has heard him ramble about Gladio and his behavior since “I’m actually terrified; I act like I’m not and chide him, but I feel like I’m about to pass out everytime he gets close” to “He’s the biggest jerk I have ever known, ohmygod, how do you stand him?” and all the way towards “He read to me today without stuttering. Iris, I think it’s not that he forgot to read; I think he was nervous. Why  do you think he could be nervous? Why would he lie? He’s actually a bit shy, isn’t he? He seems to be sort of scared at times. I shouldn’t be as rude as I sometimes am, should I?”
She insisted on Ignis to wear the suit, and lead the conversation to telling him that he could wear it if there was a proper dance. Ignis recalled on how there wasn’t another human for a “proper dance”, and Iris reminded him that while there was not a human, there was at least one creature more with a proper two legs.
It took Ignis three days of not knowing what kind of reaction he could get, until he just asked at dinner with Gladio once, immediately after both laughed at the awkward of Gladio accidentally pouring a little soup on himself.
They were not even done laughing when Ignis was already staring down, smiling and a bit flustered, and just hurried it; “Gladio, would you dance with me?”
Ignis had to repeat it; Gladio heard but he was sure his brain was tricking him, so he asked for Ignis to repeat. Ignis didn’t dare look at him at all and his fingers fidgeted a bit with his spoon as he spoke again, “I would like to dance with you. I mean...you don’t have to if you don’t want. I just...the other day I...well, it was something silly, but it reminded me of dancing, and I found out I miss it a little. What do you say we...dance, sometime? It’s a dumb request, I know, but...”
Gladio’s mentally screeching loudly because 1. his crush is asking him to dance 2. Ignis is not being rude or sassy and is actually acting shy whatdoesthatmean omg does he like me back, and 3. OF COURSE I WANNA DANCE WITH YOU IGGY BUT I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO.
So there’s a heavy awkward silence before Gladio tells him he would love it, but he has honestly no idea how to dance; he danced when... (he silenced himself for a moment) “years ago” he corrected, but now he most surely had no idea how to.
Gladio had no route of escape when Ignis told him he didn’t have to know; they weren’t dancing for anybody, and nobody was watching, and nobody judged, it would be just for fun. 
Omg how do I say no, he’s so adorable agh fuck you Iggy you’re too cute (of course, he just thinks this).
So all the furniture pieces go all excited that night (they ship Gladnis so badly) and help them both get dressed and prepared.
They enjoy some book reading, dinner, and then the dancing. Everyone tried to give them privacy, but tbh they all were getting sneak peeks from different spots.
Gladio was already feeling very nervous; he used to dance when he was a human, but it’s been to long, and besides he has never tried with the beast paws instead, and he cares too deeply about Ignis’ sight of him and fears to leave a bad impression.
Things only got worse when he saw Ignis in the golden and white attire.
Gladio knew Ignis made him weak, but he didn’t imagine he could make him this weak. Seeing Ignis, his muscular beast legs suddenly feel like they belong to a baby deer learning to walk.
Ignis smiles at him and, when they’re in front of each other, he adjustes Gladio’s tie (he has some mania for perfection).
“I hope you don’t mind, but...I found this suit and...”
“Keep it. Keep it. You look...” Gladio has to stop here and look away; he’s not sure if it’s noticeable what with his face covered in furr, but he feels he’s blushing so much he could light up a whole castle. “...you look...”
Ignis laughs when Gladio can’t find or manage to spit out the word. “I’m flattered. So do you.”
Gladio can only smile at him and offer his hand so they can go downstairs to the hall.
Once there, they reverence to each other, and the living music instruments start playing a soft, quiet and pretty waltz. Ignis sighs and smiles: damn he loves waltzes. 
Gladio seems like he’s going to have a heart attack out of panic, so Ignis softly takes one of his paws. 
“Worry not, and just follow. I’ll lead.”
Gladio relaxes a bit at the way Ignis’ being so soft with him. He’s also thankful that Ignis, despite being shorter, smaller and more slender, decides to take the lead: anyone else would have had Gladio take it as if it was obvious and his duty, but Ignis knows Gladio doesn’t know how to dance and is scared of messing up, so he doesn’t mind leading.
Ignis guides Gladio’s paw to his waist: for a moment Gladio’s hand twitches as if, in a reflex rather than a literal thought, he found it wrong to touch Ignis with no previous verbal permission, but Ignis softly presses that paw to his waist; Gladio’s hand is so big he can round it.
Ignis doesn’t notice himself, but he didn’t feel a single itch of fear when the paw, claws included, laid on him.
Ignis softly places his hand on Gladio’s shoulder, and asks for the other hand to take his own. Gladio, still a bit scared, moves the other paw up and Ignis gives him his hand on his free will.
Gladio gets more scared again when only then does he notice (or re-notices) just how small Ignis feels in comparison; that hand is so tiny, omg, what if I accidentally break it.
He, however, calms a bit again when he looks down and Ignis is looking straight into his eyes with a softness Gladio didn’t know possible in the man that’s gone months sassing him around. 
Then he gets scared again when Ignis quietly counts two times three as a warning to start dancing.
It’s not the romantic Disney dancing: Gladio really can’t dance in this state.
He’s too tough and big, and he’s standing too close to Ignis.
Gladio steps on Ignis more than 30 times all over the while.
Ignis, curiously, does not mind.
There’s no romantic gazing into each other’s eyes: both are awkwardly staring down at their feet to see how they’re doing.
Ignis teaches him slowly: now I’m moving my right foot, so you move your left one back...yes, precisely, and then you come back and- hmph! No, no, it’s okay. Like that. And then we repeat. Slow. One...two...three. One...tw-ow. It’s okay, it’s okay. Two...three. Yes, you’re improving. See?
They don’t notice as time goes, but they spend 2 hours learning and figuring out how not to step on each other.
They don’t notice because they really don’t see the awkward, they are too into it, having so much fun without noticing, that they really don’t see they look stupid.
After those two hours, Luna goes wake Iris, Prompto and Talcott up; “I think they’re dancing now, as in, for real”.
I don’t play the game in english, but I see you all love his voice actor and that he’s actually good at singing so:
How about Prompto singing to their waltz?
Ignis asks Gladio if he’s prepared and if he wants to try now. Motivated and calm after spending so much of a long while with the most patient man of the world in his arms, Gladio, confident, happily nods.
They do dance this time. There’s a bit of stumbling every now and then, and only a few steps on each other, but it’s mostly a proper dance.
“Tale as old as time...” Robbie Daymond’s voice.
By the end of the waltz, Gladio loses the tempo and both awkwardly move out of it. A few seconds into the mess, however, Gladio goes ‘Ugh’ and picks Ignis up the ground bridal-style without warning him.
For the first time since he’s there, Ignis yelps out and he’s suddenly laughing a lot being picked up, and his instinct is to hug Gladio by the neck not to fall, and Gladio, not caring about formalities, starts spinning him around.
Ignis is laughing so much, he’s never laughed like that even before arriving to the castle.
Gladio eventually stops, but doesn’t put him down. Ignis, hair messed and glasses barely hanging from ears and resting under the tip of his nose, is still hugging him and laughing, just quieter now, eyes closed.
Gladio liked the sight of him when he was formally dressed in immaculate clothing and the hair perfectly done...but he loves the sight of him like this better, because the messed hair, clothes and glasses are not there, there’s just his smile, which Gladio hadn’t seen as wide before, and he’s in the realization that he just loves it so much.
Eventually he puts Ignis down, and Gladio can’t take his eyes off him, despite Ignis apologizing for “I’ve messed up my clothes and hair”. And Gladio just thinks that if only Ignis knew that just like that, messed up, he looks so good...
Against all odds, Ignis actually reaches close to hug him, smiling, eyes closed and the side of his head resting on Gladio’s chest.
“Thank you, Gladio. I’ve never had this much fun before.”
Gladio is unable to answer: this that he feels in his chest,  this that he feels all over his head, tummy and chest, this is not “a crush” on Ignis. This thing that he feels is way beyond that. But he doesn’t dare say it.
“Did you enjoy, Gladio?”
Gladio still needs of some moments to snap out of the shock, and he’s asked again before he can reply.
“Far more than I thought, Iggy. Thank you. If it wasn’t for you, it would have never crossed my mind to do this kind of things.”
Ignis smiles at him, and once his excitement and adrenaline (things that let him into the previous laughing and hugging; without them he most  surely would not have done it) cool down, he takes a step back, clears his throat, and reverences again.
He doesn’t Disney-ruin it immediately afterwards that night: he still stays there, no major troubles interrupt.
Both leave to and stay in their respective rooms; Gladio, usually ripping his clothes off in anger when he can’t take them off like a person, undresses himself calmly that night without the furniture help.
It’s a quiet night, in which Ignis sleeps 100% peacefully for the first time since his arrival, and in which Gladio can’t sleep at all.
Gladio’s in the realization that he’s not just crushing on the guy.
I’m in love with him.
Dear, my head went all blank, so this is all I’m coming up with for now, haha.
Enjoy your Gladnis fluff, aissdfj, I love this AU.
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pearlpugly · 4 years
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Here is my Beauty & the Beast piece for @parallellovegi They are selling the extra merchandise and books for ONE WEEK ONLY. Sales end 27th 11:59 PM EST! So, if you missed out on the zine and love gladnis and doing good, please check out the shop! https://parallellovegladnis.bigcartel.com
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merlevum · 5 years
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Finally finished this piece! A Beauty and the Beast AU for Gladnis.  You can read the fanfic that inspired this pic though this scene doesn't happen in the story I really wanted to draw protective Gladio: @stellacanta her fix is called  To Break A Curse
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somnia-crystallis · 6 years
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[Insert Beauty & The Beast quote here] Surprise, bitch! Bet you thought you’d seen the last of me. (Please don´t tell my mum I curse on the Internet, I’m just trying to be cool)
Después de 3591 millones de años, I’m back, at last, finally, y les traigo un hermosísimo Fan Art de.uno de mis OTP’s favoritos de forever and 4life. Y mi desaparición total se debe a cosas mundanas que no creo que les resulte interesante saber, porque a nadie le interesa mi vida aparentemente, ni mis dibujos, ni mi horrenda computadora que le da Alzheimer cada vez que conecto mi tableta y necesita veinte años de retiro y reencontrarse consigo misma para volver a funcionar ¬n¬ I digress. I believe anyone who has at least a passing knowledge on pop culture gets the gosh-diddly-darn movie I’m trying to emulate here. BUT. In case you do not know who are those two big, beautiful and handsome dudes playing the parts of Belle and Beast, I highly suggest you either play or watch a playthrough of Final Fantasy XV, y aprecien la bonita historia, los hermosos escenarios, los efectos de partículas brillantes que te dejarán ciego por tres días, el dinámico gameplay,  el precioso elenco principal, y a la maravillosa Otepé que les traigo, obvi <3 Y finalmente, para mencionar lo obvio, no, no se hacer fondos. Si, si esta del nabo and I’m sorry guys, but this is as close to an actual background as I’m gonna get, so please don’t kill me, I’m trying real hard here. Si llegaron hasta aquí, felicidades, tomen una galleta por su paciencia  y amabilidad ( ˘▽˘)っ◎ , y espero que tengan un bonito día.
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ruiojousama · 6 years
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Part 1 - Ignis and the Beast Studies FINALLY GOT THIS OUTTA MY SYSTEM!!!! (ノ∀`♥)  Apart from being busy trying to make progress for my Racoonia series, I’ve been fiddling with additional fanart for some of the fics I stalk in ao3. 
These character sketch studies are based off Ignis and the Beast by @moonraccoon-exe, one of my favourite fic writers. I got a lottttt of fun scenario prompts in my head for the many fun chapters of this work of art! I’m a bloody fan, okay. (/ε\*) Like what Gladiolus had said, “Iris, I was weak. Iris, I could only stand two days. Iris, I’m weak. Iris, I’m going to die. Iris, I’m wea--” IM WEAK FOR THIS SHIP--- Will upload part 2 soon! Have a great week! 
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kinsglaive · 7 years
nO one saw that but hey guess who finally took the damn SAT played ffxiii for 6 hours straight and then watched beauty and the beast until midnight
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theoniprince · 6 years
Beauty and the Beast
Everytime I see and read a B&tB AU, no matter which fandom, I start to think of @moonraccoon-exe amazing Gladnis story. AHHH I love this soooo much~
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/24681393?show_comments=true&view_adult=true#comments
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
Roses’ FFXV Masterlist.
Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog and my masterlist! I hope you enjoy!
Rules: At this current time, I am open for requests!I will edit as my availablity changes. However, I cannot accept NSFW Requests at this time for personal reasons. Maybe in the future!
I will let you know I cannot do certain requests.
Please do not send me duplicate requests (requests that are being sent in by copy and paste format).
 Let me know if i missed anything or if you have any questions!
| Noctis Lucis Caelum |
Aurora. (Beauty and the Beast AU) {hiatus}
Shy s/o.
True Love’s Kiss.
Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping BeautyAU/ Noctis x reader multi-chap fic)
| Prompto Argentum |
The Smoking Gun.
I’ll Speak French Between Your Legs. // NSFW-ish; mostly a crack-fic
True Love’s Kiss.
Drunk/Sloppy Kisses.
Moving around while kissing…
#2. “None of this is your fault.” & #6. “No one’s going to hurt you.”
#30. “Is that blood?”
| Gladiolus Amicitia |
Sensations. // NSFW-ish
Our Day Will Come.
Lunch Break. // NSFW
S/o that does Yoga Headcanons. // NSFW (written and submitted by @gladiolus-mamacitia)
Newlywed Gladio and S/o try for Pregnancy. // NSFW
Virgin S/o Headcanons.
Looking At Him.
#27. “Please stay with me.”
#31. “Can I kiss you?”
Gladio’s Afternoon. // NSFW
| Ignis Scientia |
Missing Ignis.
Dinner Plans. // NSFW
To Love. (Written and submitted by @gladiolus-mamacitia when i was having a really hard time. I thank my lucky stars for her everyday.)
You’re Warm.
Ignis in Love Headcanons.
To Be Alone With You. // NSFW
Witch!Ignis AU Headcanons.
Sigils. (witch!Ignis au)
He Loves You.
For Him. // NSFW
| Aranea Highwind |
Female S/o Headcanons.
| Ardyn Izunia |
Devil’s Dance. // NSFW; 666 Follower Milestone
| Chocobros |
NSFW Headcanons.
Bondage. (FFXV Kinktober Day Six) // NSFW
S/o with thinness complex Headcanons.
Not Walking Tall. (Vent Piece)
Welcome to Cafe Insomnia. (cafe au)
Demisexual s/o.
Random Headcanons.
S/o With Self-Harm Scars. (read at own discretion, please, I want you to be safe)
#4. “Are you serious?” (Gladnis Angst)
| Waitress Au w/ @gladiolus-mamacitia |
Jiion and Val are waitresses by day, hunters by night. Self-insert AU.
Can’t Help it. (written by @gladiolus-mamacitia) {1/3}
All in Good Fun. (written by @gladiolus-mamacitia) // NSFW-ish {2/3}
Mistakes Were Made. // NSFW-ish {3/3}
Returning to You. // NSFW
Worst time.
| Twin AU |
Scientia Twins Headcanons. | Art by me | Art by @gladiolus-mamacitia | Art by @ubeshibe | Playlist w/ headcanons |
Amicitia Twins Headcanons. | Art by @gladiolus-mamacitia | Playlist w/ Headcanons | Aster NSFW Headcanons |
Caelum Twins Headcanons. | Art by Me | AU where Vega is the Chosen One (art and small drabble by me) | Playlist w/ Headcanons |
Argentum Twins Headcanons. | Art by @gladiolus-mamacitia | Playlist w/headcanons |
Cafe.(Scientia Twins) | Art by @ubeshibe |
Madeleines. (Aurelio Felix Scientia)
Izunia Twins Headcanons. (w/ art by @gladiolus-mamacitia)
Convergence. (Au where all the twins exist simultaneously; based on this comic by@ubeshibe)
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asoeiki · 7 years
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Ignis and The Beast Chapter 16: Kindness
by @moonraccoon-exe
This took me a long time because I’m not really good at drawing animals and fur = w=;;; A Beauty and the Beast AU with gripping and intense chapters where twists can happen! Slowburn Gladnis <3 First chapter is here!
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ffxvficrec · 4 years
by AnnaTheLoon
A Beauty and the Beast AU/Parody for the Rare Pair Big Bang 2020, featuring Cordyn!
Cor is the serious Marshal of the village of Lestallum, dedicated to serving Mayor Regis Caelum-Amicitia. Ardyn is a beast, cursed to live in a secluded castle with the company of enchanted objects. The two meet when Cor happens upon the castle and offers himself as a prisoner, for the safety of Regis. What follows next is a journey of opening up, forgiveness, and love. Also attempts to break out into song.
Words: 30767, Chapters: 12/12, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cor Leonis, Ardyn Izunia, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Ravus Nox Fleuret, Regis Lucis Caelum, Titus Drautos | Glauca, Nyx Ulric
Relationships: Ardyn Izunia/Cor Leonis
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fairy Tale Parody, Disney Parody, Fairy Tale Elements, Beauty and the Beast Elements, Humor, but with serious moments, Grief/Mourning, Fluff, Minor Violence, Romance, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Implied bad/rough childhood, Minor Clarus Amicitia/Regis Lucis Caelum, Very minor Gladnis and Lunoct, One sided Drautos/Cor, Singing, Soup, Ignis's hurt feelings, Ensemble Cast, dad cor
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faierius · 7 years
In His Shoes (1. Can’t We All Just Get Along?)
The boys forget how to work together, but a daemon will force them to remember how.
Here’s the first chapter of the new body swap fic I’m working on! Features Promptis and Gladnis. @prettyprompto
Read on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12330459/chapters/28037307
               This was like nothing any of them had ever seen before. The group was well-versed in combat with daemons, ranging from fantastical beasts to humanoid creatures. They had seen ones as beautiful as the Glacian and as horrendous as the most unspeakable nightmares. This daemon was a freakish mishmash of things both stunning and frightful.
               Standing tall, at least eight feet, this horrifying monstrosity was dizzying to look at. Features both distinctly masculine and feminine flowed across the entire monster in a bizarrely seamless patchwork. The genderfluid face changed expressions rapidly, a flickering concoction of two very distinct beings. Two separate entities warring over one body.
               Screaming and roaring with two voices, the daemon’s clumsy, lumbering movements had an organized disarray to them. Like two people who used to work well together, but had forgotten how. Its motions, its attacks, everything about this daemon was unnerving.
               None of their retaliations worked. Each attack, defense, spell they used was simply shrugged off. This never-before-seen creature easily beat them back, crushing them, thwarting their every attempt at bringing it down.
               They were exhausted.
               Noctis stumbled after a failed swing, tripping Ignis in the process.
               “Watch your bloody footing, Highness!”
               “Bite me, Specs!”
               “Why should I take away the one thing Prompto seems so good at?”
               “Leave him out of this!”
               “Pay attention!” Gladio barked, sidestepping the business end of Ignis’ lance.
               “Hey, guys? Little help here!” Prompto called, firing at the daemon while ducking a swing of its massive hand.
               “Deal with it,” Gladio snarled back.
               “Don’t want to hear it, Noct!”
               Both vocal and not, internal and external, the men heard a shout. Enough!
               Stopping dead in their tracks, the group focused their attention on the monster. Stunned, fuzzy-eyed, their faces fell slack as they stared. It turned its ever-shifting face on each of them, a constant string of unintelligible words filling the air around the team.
               Entranced, they watched with vacant eyes. Heavy eyes. Heavy limbs. Unsteady limbs. Soon they could no longer hold themselves up, their legs giving out beneath them. All at once, the boys hit the ground and passed out.
 ~A Few Hours Earlier~
                “I’m just sayin’ it’s not easy,” Noct grumbled, crossing his arms as he sank low in his seat.
               “What, Noctis?” Ignis snipped back. “What isn’t easy? Sleeping until noon, or being waited on hand and foot? Please, I would very much like to know.”
               “Hey, that’s kinda uncalled for, isn’t it Iggy?” Prompto piped up from the passenger seat.
               “Says the guy who gets to benefit from His Highness’ laziness,” Gladio grumbled.
               “What? I do more to help than you do!” Prompto pointed out, spinning around in his seat to face Gladio.
               “You tellin’ me I don’t carry my weight?”
               “Gladio assists me when I ask,” Ignis stated.
               “Oh surprise, surprise. You’re jumping to his defense,” Noct grumbled, giving the driver’s seat a light punch.
               “I am merely pointing out facts. Something you seem keen on ignoring.”
               “Oh yeah?” Noct inquired, brows raised. “And which facts are those?”
               “Try the fact that while you’re dragging us around to help out Hunters and vendors, the Empire is still plotting our deaths,” Gladio answered.
               “Believe me, I haven’t forgotten.”
               “So you just want to pretend nothing’s wrong?”
               “Leave him alone, you big bully,” Prompto told Gladio.
               “At least I’m not a little coward!” retorted Gladio, crossing his arms.
               The interior of the car erupted in shouts of varying volume from all four men. Long restrained criticisms came to light as they slung petty, childish insults at one another. Gladio’s snoring. Prompto’s overly enthusiastic nature. Noctis’ sulking and noisy eating. Ignis’ long, dull lectures.
               Too many days on the road, spending long hours either confined in the car or tent had taken its toll on the group. Immature complaints sprung forth, barbed and meant to wound. They were all exhausted, filthy, aching, and at the ends of their respective ropes.
               “I’ve had more than enough of this!” Ignis barked as he slammed on the brakes.
               A comment about over salted skewers died on Prompto’s lips as he grabbed the dashboard. “Holy crap, dude!”
               Pushing the door open, Ignis got out of the car and walked a short distance from the vehicle while the others watched.
               “You idiots did it now,” Gladio spat, pushing himself out of the car as well. He followed after Ignis, leaving Noctis and Prompto behind.
               Prompto stared at the two men, eyes wide. He could see Ignis’ shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath. “I’ve never seen him act like this,” he commented, turning toward Noctis.
               “Who cares?” Noct grumbled, slouching low and propping his chin in his hand. “He’ll get over it.”
               “He’s pretty mad, dude.”
               “So am I! But I guess that doesn’t mean anything.”
               “Course it does, Noct,” Prompto sighed, reaching between the seats to put his hand on Noctis’ knee. “We all just need to calm down.”
               “What we need is a hotel and separate rooms.”
               “And a bath.”
               Noctis nodded his agreement.
               With a soft chuckle, Prompto patted Noct’s leg and turned back around. He knew Noct was back to sulking, but he was feeling pretty crummy, too. He wouldn’t give up his relationship with Noctis for anything, and he couldn’t do anything about Gladio and Ignis being together, not that he would change that either, but something had to be done. He hated how they were all at one another’s throats.
               In the middle of the highway, Ignis and Gladio appeared to be having a similar conversation. Ignis was fuming, Gladio setting a hand on his arm to calm him. It was an odd shift in dynamic, but this was an odd circumstance for them. Little arguments were common, but they had never blown up like this before.
               Prompto watched Ignis take a deep breath and adjust his glasses while Gladio kissed the top of his head. With a final reassurance, they came back to the car. No one said a word. Ignis kept his eyes locked dead ahead as they resumed driving. Silence, heavy and oppressive, settled over them. It was almost worse than the yelling.
               An hour passed without so much as a sniffle, and the sun began to dip behind the horizon. Ignis pulled the car onto the side of the road and they piled out. Gathering their gear, they headed to the nearby Haven. No one was stupid enough to complain about spending yet another night in the tent.
               They set up camp and ate dinner in complete silence. Ignis, still clearly angry, cooked one of Gladio’s favorite dishes with a heaping helping of beans as a side dish for Noct’s sake. Petty though it may have been, it made the bespectacled man feel a hint better.
               After dinner, Noct grabbed Prompto’s hand and tugged him away from camp. No questions or bids to be careful followed, and Noct fount it hurt more than he cared to admit. Annoyed, he yanked Prompto behind him.
               “Noct, where are we going?”
               “We aren’t safe out here after dark,” Prompto reminded him.
               “We’re barely safe during the day!”
               “Noct, stop!”
               Sighing heavily, the man stopped. The stillness of the forest pressed in on him despite Prompto standing right behind him. The blond didn’t say anything, just wrapped his arms around Noctis’ waist and put his forehead on the man’s shoulder. Closing his eyes, he focused on Prompto’s warmth.
               “I don’t want to be angry,” he mumbled. “But they’re pissing me off so much.”
               “I know, pal. We’re all in the same boat.”
               The ground rumbled beneath their feet.
               “Uh, Noct? Was that you?”
               “Pretty sure Titan wouldn’t help this situation any.”
               The ground shook again, rustling the leaves in the trees surrounding them.
               “Maybe we should head back?”
               A bright light flashed through the trees. A mournful howl followed. Noctis summoned his weapon.
               “Seems like a good time to burn off some anger,” he growled, breaking out of Prompto’s grip and running into the forest.
               “Noct, wait!”
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
(Ch. 37) Ignis and the Beast
I T   I S   H E R E
TAKE THE MF LINK U MUFFINS https://archiveofourown.org/works/11029320/chapters/62351020
JESUS CHRIST, I took up on the terrible habit of taking months between chapters to update because Life Was Busy, but BOY did I OUTDID MYSELF THIS TIME (because fucking online school took every minute off my life, fuck you).
I’m genuinely TERRIFIED of thinking no one is coming back, or at max 3 people ahasdh...but I’d understand. I had this right when the hype was in all its glory, and I may have killed it myself...so it’s not like I’ll have rights to complain if no one is around anymore... ;n;
Seriously though...I’m deeply, genuinely sorry for the neverlasting wait I put you through with this, to those that are still around...I offer no excuses. And I really hope you’re around :(
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pearlpugly · 4 years
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Guys, last day!! Last chance to pre-order the @parallellovegi Gladnis zine! So many amazing people have been working on it, please check it out! PS.: this is obvs not my piece, but I did a Beauty and the Beast AU spread for the zine, among other things 😉
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merlevum · 5 years
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WIP, Gladnis inspired by @stellacanta
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geochic03 · 7 years
FFXV Second Play Through Thoughts
So I am doing a second play through (Just finished Chapter 7) of FFXV (of course as a new game + because who doesn’t enjoy slaughtering beasts and demons at a level 80 when they are level 10?) and there are so many things I am noticing that I did not notice the first time:
  - First play through I never truly appreciated how beautiful of a man Ignis really is in this game.
 - I feel like Ignis had to be aware to some degree that the reason the wedding was being held in Altissia was because Regis felt something might go down.  I can’t fully believe that Ignis didn’t have some inkling on what was to come.
 - It became very apparent to me how ok Lunafreya and Noct were about marrying each other.  I mean they weren’t ok with the circumstances, but the fact that it would be to each other they seemed totally fine with.
 - Ignis’s back flips during battle are everything.
 - I can’t not believe that the boys didn’t give Prompto shit for taking a ‘self defense’ training class with Cor prior to departing on the trip.
 - Cor clearly cares about the well being of Prompto.
 - I get Xenia Warrior Princess vibes from Monica.  I wish we got more screen time from her.
 - If I was Gladio I would have been way more angry that Iris didn’t call me first before Noct.
 - Ardyn is still the personification of stranger danger.
 - The first time around I missed that Sania was at Hammerhead and Gladio was talking with her.  I could only imagine what they were talking about lol.
 - I feel like Takka lived for some in depth conversations about recipes with Ignis.
 - Prompto clearly had it bad for Cindy, I mean pick that man’s jaw up off the floor bad for her.  His feelings for Aranea and Iris were more casual “hey those girls are cute…” sort of thing.
 - Noctis was a cocky little shit in Chapter 2.
 - I still think the guys are idiots for taking Ardyn up on his ‘offers’.
 - Did Carbuncle always photo bomb my photos or did that come from an update?  Because it’s god damn cute.
 - Base Busting is still as funny as it was when I did my first play through and Prompto really needs to start a side business doing this.
 - The little details are still amazing the second time around.
 - Apparently Iris can ride Chocobos and I never knew and her Chocobo in my game was hot pink and it was everything.
 - Iris should have just come along for the whole journey, she is queen.
 - Talcott talking about his late grandfather still breaks my fucking heart.
 - Replaying the game makes me think that the girl Gladio meets during the ten years of darkness is someone who works at the power plant in Lestallum.  I think the big guy has a thing for built women.
 - I haven’t watched Kingsglaive but is Loqi and Caliglio in that movie?  They just seem so random in this game to me.
 - I feel like Dustin is the ninja assassin in the crownsguard and you can’t convince me otherwise.
 - I love Prompto, don’t get me wrong, but my god sometimes he can be such a whiny bitch. It makes me wonder how on earth Ignis put up with that on their journey.  Like I just envision Ignis yelling at him in the Regalia saying “he should have went when they were at the last rest stop and that he needs to hold it” since he will not pull over just so he can go pee and then Noct making some comment about going off the side and Ignis getting more mad lol.
 - How many books did Gladio bring on this trip?  So far I have seen a total of 3 different books.
 - I get the Ignis/Aranea shippers…I 100% get it now and I am on board.  I just want them to out sass each other and end up making out.
 - I also am 100% in Gladnis hell on second play through.
 - And I am still on the Noct/Iris train.  I am really loving Iris more playing the second time.
 - I need more Cor in my life, thank the six he is in Gladio’s DLC.
 - Cid reminds me of a guy that has seen some shit in his life time and will never let you forget that fact.
 - I really need to know what the Reggie/Cid fallout was.
 - Even on second play through I still needed to give Prompto Chocobos over Gladio needing to make sure his sister was ok in Lestallum.  He just needs to ride those Chocobos all day!
 - I used to think I had a bad coffee addiction, until I was introduced to Mr. Ignis Scientia who quite literally gets cravings during battles and at inappropriate times.  Like, Iggy seriously get your shit together.
 - This game had some very under used strong female characters and I am very upset they were not used to their fullest.
 - Aranea needs a spin off game.
 - When Aranea is talking with Prompto about MT’s being demons my heart just broke and I cried a thousand tears.  I am still unclear as to if he really knew he was an MT at that point (I mean I know he knows he was from Niffelheim) but the fact that he might have just made that conversation even harder to hear.
 - Anyone else get the vibe that maybe Cindy either swings both ways or is into the ladies based on the fact that she coaxed Holly with a dinner?  Just something about the way Holly talked about it made me get that vibe.  Maybe it’s not so much that she is married to her job as it is that she plays for the other team.  Or maybe Holly is really into her?  I am ok with either.
 - Dino is just a gigolo trying to make that dolla.
 - Ardyn is still stranger danger 101.
 - The Titan battle is hands down the best battle of the whole game.
 - Also I don’t know how I missed the Fallgrove tomb being robbed and having no weapon in it the first play through I did.
 - Gladio is way too casual about his scars when he rejoins the group.  I would have never let him just brush it off like that.  I mean the man’s chest looks like he just had open heart surgery.
 - Also how could Noctis not know the hunter in the power plant was Gladio…it was painfully obvious even when you had the sound on mute.
 - I definitely yelled at my TV screen “Fuck you Holly I am getting these demons even if I melt to death in this power plant” when she came over the radio telling me to abort the mission.
 - I still overwhelmingly really love this game.
 I will post again when I play through the rest of the game.  But I can not wait for the Gladio DLC at the end of the month.  Cor and him are looking so fine in that trailer.  Also anyone else getting the vibes that Cor is really immortal from that?  If he is I called it months ago lol.
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dual-daggers · 7 years
imagine a beauty and the beast au with ignis and gladio
//I already have brought it up with @gladnis-trash
Fuck yeah I am imagining it.
Iggy going and getting Noctis (Cause family who?) out of the “Beast’s” castle. And saying he would take his place. And of course Noct going back to try and get someone to help him get Iggy out of there after.
And Iggy trying to escape at some point only to decide against it after Gladio fights off some wolves. And Iggy taking care of him.
And Gladio showing him a library. UGHHHH. IGGY WOULD JUST SWOON OKAY.
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