#giffing camille is so fun
Everything at Once
Dieter Hellstrom × Original Fem Character
Heyyyy. So this is my first ever fanfic, I know it's not good. Please be nice!!! I hope y'all like it! There will be multiple parts to it, I didnt leave you on a cliffhanger for fun haha!
Warnings: cursing, N*zis, angst, discrimination, Dieter is kind of a dick, soon to be smut (still in the works you horndogs) violence maybe in the future. Still working out the kinks 😉😘 I do not support N*zis in any shape or form WWII should not be glamorized into thinking what N*zis did was okay. This is just for fun, for the Inglourious Basterds fandom, especially Hans Landa, Dieter Hellstrom and Landstrom ship.
Also, English is not my first language and writing in English is a little difficult so there will be some grammatical errors. I'm sorryyy Anything not in English will be translated! Please enjoy and let me know if you like it and if I should continue and if you wanna be tagged for the future.
(not my gif)
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It was a cold, gloomy morning in Nazi occupied Paris. The idea of a Nazi occupied Parisian life, sounded ideal to the Germans who'd forcefully make themselves comfortable. Croissants, berets, beautiful women, free-spirited music and lifestyle but of course, obligatory anti-semitic men in uniform terrorizing anyone they wanted.
A man in uniform is a well sought after type for women, just not these men.
It was around 8 o'clock on a Monday, the start of the work day. Cafe doors were unlocked, pastries were set out, and fresh coffee was slowly brewing. Camille wiped her hands on her apron and sighed.
"Hopefully more customers today..." she thought aloud.
Her father owned the bakery and since he was taken away by those horrible foreigners for "questioning", Camille was the sole inhabitant of the cafe.
She wiped a bead of sweat off her brow and looked out the window. It was still cold and cloudy but there was something different...
She heard birds sing. The birds havent sung in years! Will the sun shine? Will the clouds roll away?
The cafe door chimes ring violently as two men walked in the cafe. A tall, lanky, pale man all in black besides a red cuff and a shorter older man with his jacket littered with medals and emblems, clearly SS.
Camille, startled awake from her daydream greeted them.
"Bonjour messieurs, qu'avez-vous envie de manger" (Hello sirs, what would you like to eat?)
The tall, pale man stared at her. Little moles scattered his face like constellations, his undereyes dark and slightly pink. Looks like he hasn't slept in days. His black hair slicked back, he wore a neutral expression.
The older and superior man nudged his stonewall-faced friend out of his stupor and cleared his throat, "Ah, mademoiselle, deux cafés et deux strudels, s'il vous plaît." he replied, holding up his fingers when saying the number two. His little smug smile and Eagle-like eyes seemed like he was analyzing everything all at once.
(Ah, miss, two coffees and two strudels, please)
The taller man looked down at the other. Clearly more annoyed. "Hans...I dont want strudel. I don't eat that sweet shit." he said in German behind gritted teeth.
Hans, the other man hummed, amused in the annoyance. His smuggy smile grew.
"Oui, s'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous où vous voulez. Tout devrait bientôt sortir." Camille replied, blushing slightly as the tall man continued his gaze upon her. Why is he staring at me like that...?(Yes, please sit where you like. Everything will be out soon.)
The men sat near one of the window, close to the door. On the table was a white lace table cloth with small little pink flowers embroidered in and a vase full of different colored flowers. The pale man secretly watched Camille as she scurried around the kitchen, trying his absolute hardest not to look at her waist and not to be caught.
Hans took notice. "You're not much of a sly fox as you think you are, Dieter old boy." He whispered. The pale man scoffed and rolled his eyes. His fingers toying with the lace of the tablecloth.
As Camille grabbed the strudels off the warm rack and set them respectfully on the dishes, she caught a glimpse of the pale man. He got caught staring again. A slight rosey tint blushed on his cheeks, he found himself getting very annoyed.
Camille took short notice of the red cuff on his arm. Must be gestapo or some sort of high security. The Gestapo were never friendly. Clearly the Hans man was SS, high ranking. But, he seemed friendly? But, does it matter? Should she be afraid? They just want food. Right...?
Camille walked over to the men and set the strudels and coffee cups down for each of them. She poured the hot coffee into both cups from the kettle. The pale man visibly tensed as the women came closer to him.
Hans chuckled to himself quietly observing his nervous friend.
"Rien d'autre?" Camille asked, putting his hands behind her back. (Anything else?)
"Silence?" The pale man dismissed her with a wave and started to drink the coffee. Creme and sugar were already placed but he drank it black. Oof. Rough morning?
"Dieter! Must you!?" Hans scolded the man. 'Dieter' choked mid-sip of his coffee, nearly spraying the hot liquid everywhere as his superior chastised him in German, something about being rude or inconsiderate and also something about not keeping the coffee not in his trap or in the cup.
"D'accord. Je t'apporterai le chèque!" Camille said fast, trying to diffuse the situation. Her face beet red in embarrassment. (Its okay! I'll bring the check!) She quickly ran behind the counter to grab the check and few napkins and set them on their table and disappeared back behind the counter.
Great start. Two Nazis come in, one is a jerk with a staring problem and spilled coffee everywhere as his suspicious higher up is currently yelling at him about "arschloch" this and "dummkopf" that.
Camille busied herself in rearranging the pastries on the rack, trying not to over hear the little German she can understand.
To be continued 😘😘😘
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
I've been admiring your work for a while, you'revery very good, and I'd like to make a request for you
Picnic date with tony 🥰
Perfect picnic
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PAIRING | Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Civilian!Girlfriend!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You've been seeing the one and only Tony Stark for the last few months, and you're not ready for the world to know that, so you're enjoying every minute of peace and quiet you two have together. When he invites you for a picnic to discuss something important, you can't help but think about your future together.
WARNING(S) | None.
A/N | This GIF nearly killed me when I saw it, so I naturally had to use it! I hope you enjoy the route I took for this one, it was very fun to write, so thank you very much for the request 🖤
Likes, comments, and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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It's promising to be a lovely summer day as you're looking out the window of your penthouse, overlooking the New York skyline. You just stepped out of the shower, and your hair is wrapped in a towel, and your body is loosely wrapped in a big one.
As you sigh, your mind wanders to the man you've been seeing for nearly six months, and your phone rings like a miracle. You're getting a call from the man you were thinking of, Tony Stark.
''Hi, Muffin,'' you say as you pick up the FaceTime call from Tony, and you can see he's in his lab now.
''Hello, Gorgeous,'' he says with a big smile, and your heart melts a little bit at the sight of him wearing his clear-framed glasses. They fit him perfectly, making him look even more handsome than he already is.
''What can I do for you on this beautiful morning?'' you say as you walk into your office and sit down behind your desk, propping your phone up against your penholder as you sit down.
''I don't think there is anything more beautiful than you are this morning. But I was hoping to take you out on a lovely picnic this afternoon if you're free,'' he says, and you gasp softly.
''Really? I'd love to go on a picnic! Do you want me to bring anything special, or am I special enough for your exquisite taste?'' you tease, and Tony laughs, which warms your heart.
''You're all I need, Gorgeous. Just make sure you're ready by 2 PM, and I will do the rest,'' he says, and you agree. After a few more minutes of talking, you must hang up to prepare for a business meeting. Owning your own company is all fun and games, but you still have to do some work before your date with Tony.
You opted to wear a dark green midi dress that's nice enough for your business meeting but also cute for your picnic with Tony in the afternoon. Your hair is hanging in loose curls around your head, and you're wearing black Louboutins to finish the look, ready to make breakfast.
You're grabbing some yogurt, raspberries, blueberries, and granola to make your breakfast and take it to your office, ready to go through your endless stream of e-mails while eating breakfast.
You're working from home today, and you've let your assistant know you wouldn't be available after lunch, so your entire agenda is empty this afternoon, ready for your picnic with Tony.
At 11:30 AM, your business partner Camille arrived for your meeting, but you needed to be more focused to hear anything.
''Is everything alright?'' she asks, and you let out a defeated sigh.
''Can I confess something? I need this to stay between us because it's sensitive,'' you start, and she nods.
''So, I've been seeing someone for the past five months, and we're getting pretty serious. But he's even higher profile than I am, and that's saying a lot,'' you say with a chuckle, and Camille's eyes turn to the size of saucers.
''Are you kidding me? So all those times you were late to our meetings, you were-''
''Who is it?!'' she asks as she leans forward in her chair, hanging onto your every word as you tell her about Tony. He is sweet, romantic, and sensitive, caring about you and your business.
''Please tell me you won't tell anyone, okay? We're still getting ready for everyone to know. But, uh, yeah, I've been seeing Tony Stark for the last five months, and he invited me on a picnic this afternoon,'' you say with a big smile.
''Oh my god, please tell me that's not a joke?! You and Tony are perfect for each other!'' she screams out as she gets out of her chair and envelops you in a big hug. She's just as excited as you are because she's been by your side through your hell of a divorce almost a decade ago.
''Thanks, Cam. He's a true gentleman, and not how everyone portrays him in the media,'' you sigh, and she sits down again, but now that you've admitted to seeing Tony, all the two of you will talk about for the rest of your meeting.
''How did the two of you meet?'' she asks, and you immediately smile as you think back to the moment you and Tony first laid eyes on one another.
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''Hi, could I get an iced caramel macchiato, please?'' you ask, and the lady behind the counter nods, so you get your credit card out to pay. You hear the bell ding behind you, but you don't pay it any attention, though you immediately recognize the voice of one of the men walking in.
After you've paid, you walk to the other side of the counter and straighten out your striped maxi dress while waiting for your coffee. It doesn't take long for it to be done, and just when you're about to put a lid on your cup, Tony accidentally bumps into you, spilling your coffee all over the front of your dress.
''Oh, shit, I'm so sorry,'' Tony says as he immediately grabs a few napkins to clean your dress, but to no avail. The stain only gets worse, but you can't help but laugh at his clumsiness.
''It's okay, it's just a dress. I can get it drycleaned and-'' you say as you look up and into the eyes of Tony Stark, the man you've admired for years.
''No, no, please let me make this up to you. I will pay for dry cleaning and take you out for dinner to say sorry. How does Saturday evening, 8 PM sound to you?'' he asks, and you can't say no to an offer like that.
''Perfect. Here's my business card so you know where to pick me up,'' you say as you hand him your card and the woman behind the counter gives you another coffee as an apology, and you thank her with an extra tip on top of the earlier one for her inconvenience.
''I can't wait to see you on Saturday,'' you say to Tony before walking out of the coffee shop and on your way to your office to put on a clean pair of clothes.
Tony kept his promise and paid for your dress to be drycleaned, and he took you out to dinner in one of New York's most fancy restaurants. Afterward, he brought you back to your apartment, and the goodbye was more challenging than you ever imagined.
''Thank you for this amazing evening, Tony. I really hope we can do it again sometime, but shall we go to one of my restaurants next time?'' you say, and he happily agrees.
You look at him for a few seconds before stepping closer to him and placing your hand on his chest, your long nails softly scratching over the soft fabric of his shirt as your lips fit perfectly with his.
The kiss seems to last for an eternity, but you both know it has to end at some point, already dreading the moment it's here.
''I can't wait to see you again,'' he says before placing one last soft kiss on your lips and letting you enter your apartment, waiting until the door is closed before heading back to his apartment.
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Tony is highly punctual and right at 2 PM, he rings your doorbell, and you open the door for him, immediately greeted by a bouquet of red roses.
Camille went out the door right before Tony arrived because you couldn't stop gossiping like a couple of teenagers, but you enjoyed every second of it.
''Hi, Gorgeous,'' he says as he pulls you in for a sweet kiss, his soft lips molding perfectly with yours as you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer.
''Hey, Muffin,'' you tell him as you guide him into your apartment, and he hands you the roses, followed by another kiss.
''These are beautiful, Tony! They will look perfect on my dining room table,'' you say as you get out a vase to fill with water and put the roses in.
''How was your morning so far?'' he asks, and you nearly cut your finger at the question because now you have to tell him what you said to Camille about the two of you.
''Uh, I- Please don't get mad at me when I tell you this, okay?'' you say as you continue to look at your roses, embarrassed that you broke one of your promises to Tony.
''What is it, Gorgeous? You know I couldn't ever get mad at you, right?'' Tony says, and the worry is immediately visible in his voice.
''My business partner and best friend Camille had an appointment here before you came over, and I told her I'm seeing you because I've been distracted the entire time. And after we talked a little more about how we met and all that stuff,'' you say, the embarrassment is visible on your cheeks now.
''Is that everything, Gorgeous?'' he says as he gets up, and you've put down your scissors and the flowers to look at Tony as he wraps you in his arms and pulls you close.
''Well, I can't be mad at that. Because I've told my assistant, Pepper, that I've been seeing you ever since she paid your drycleaning bill for me all those months ago,'' Tony says, and you let your head fall against his chest with a big smile.
''I'm sorry for getting worried about nothing,'' you say, and Tony kisses your forehead softly.
''It's okay, I think it's adorable,'' he says, and you finish getting your flowers ready to go into the vase and go away for your picnic.
The drive was pretty long, and suddenly, you understand why Tony asked you to take the entire afternoon off because he's taking you to a pretty secluded spot, but it's worth it entirely for the view alone.
You're looking out over a beautiful lake, and there isn't a person in sight for miles when Tony parks the car and prepares everything for your picnic. He even brought a few pillows to sit on since the ground wasn't too comfortable.
''Here you go, m'lady,'' he says as he guides you onto a few pillows, and he sits down across from you, a picnic basket in between the two of you. It holds a variety of sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and chocolate-covered strawberries, your favorite dessert.
''Oh, I forgot one more thing!'' he says, and he walks back to his car and pulls out a bottle of champagne and two glasses, which doesn't surprise you in the slightest.
The smile on your face is filled with nothing but pure love for this man, and you can't believe you've hit the jackpot with him. He's more thoughtful, romantic, and caring than you ever thought you'd deserve, but now that you have it, you never want it any other way.
After he poured two glasses of champagne, he hands you one, and you cheer to a perfect picnic, and you put the glass against your lips, letting the bubbly liquid glide down your throat like velvet.
You let out a soft moan at the taste, and Tony can't help but smile at the sound and the sight in front of him. The sun is shining down on both of you, making you look like an angel sent straight from heaven, and Tony can't help but think about how lucky he is to have run into you that faithful day.
''I still thank my lucky stars every night that I have found you, Gorgeous. You've made my life so much better ever since that day in the coffee shop, and I can't wait to see where this road will lead us,'' Tony says, and you agree.
The conversation during the picnic is light, but that's precisely what you need. Whenever you're with Tony, you only talk about business if necessary and prefer it that way.
''Gorgeous?'' Tony asks as he feeds you another chocolate-covered strawberry, and you have moved into his lap about a half hour ago.
''What's up, Buttercup?'' you joke, and you can't help the fit of laughter that takes over you, pulling Tony with you until you both can't breathe from laughter.
''I was thinking I'd like to introduce you to the Avengers, seeing how you're my girlfriend and all,'' he says. You two have not discussed any next steps since your relationship is still relatively new.
''Are you sure you want to do that? I would be honored, but being in the presence of Iron Man all the time is already amazing,'' you say, and Tony can't help but feel proud at your comment.
''I'd love to introduce my girl to them because she's nothing but perfect, and I would love to show you off to them. Just to them, not the rest of the world, yet. There'll be a place and time for that,'' he says, and you nod.
''I couldn't agree more,'' you say, and that's when you're making plans to have you introduced to the other Avengers.
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Today's the day of your six-month anniversary with Tony, and it is the perfect time to introduce you to all of the other Avengers. They're all invited for dinner at one of your restaurants, and you have your chefs make a special menu for them.
''I will arrive later, but you can all start without me; I should arrive at the same time as the entree, I believe,'' you tell Tony, and even though he's a little disappointed you won't be there from the start, he also understands that business also needs to be done.
Your appointment ended earlier than expected, so you have a little time to make yourself decent. You admire your new plaid pantsuit in the mirror before fixing your lipstick and hair.
You text Tony that you're on your way, and you walk to your car, ready to meet the other Avengers. The restaurant is pretty close to your office, but traffic is horrible, so what was supposed to be a twenty-minute drive turned into nearly an hour, and just like you predicted, you arrived right before the entrees arrived at the table.
You walk into the door of your restaurant and perch your sunglasses on the top of your head before greeting Heather, your hostess for tonight. The restaurant is still open, and as usual, it is completely booked since this is one of your most successful restaurants.
''Welcome, Ms. Y/L/N. What can we help you with today?'' she asks, and you tell her you're here to have dinner with the Avengers, so she leads you to the table they've placed everyone at.
''Enjoy your meal, Ms.,'' Heather says, and you thank her before walking up to everyone. Tony gets up immediately when he spots you walking over.
''Hi Gorgeous,'' he says, giving a small peck on your lips as a greeting, and the Avengers immediately stop eating as they see what Tony just did.
''Everyone, I want to introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend - and the owner of this restaurant -, Y/N Y/L/N,'' Tony says, and you wave and say hi to everyone.
''Here we have Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Clint, Thor, Loki, Scott, Bruce, and Sam,'' he says as he introduces everyone, and they all wave or nod in acknowledgment.
''It's nice to meet you all; it's a real honor to be in your presence. And I would like to apologize to all of you for being late; I had a business meeting before this that I unfortunately could not reschedule,'' you say, but they let you know they understand.
''So, what is it that you do? Tony mentioned you own this restaurant, but I have a feeling this isn't the only one,'' Natasha asks, and you already like her being so straightforward.
''You're right, Natasha. I am a restaurateur, and I own about seven restaurants in the state of New York and five more in the rest of the United States, including the one we're sitting in right now,'' you say proudly, and Tony can't help but have a proud look on his face as well.
''Oh wow, that's amazing!'' Steve says, and the rest of the night is spent getting to know you, but you also get to know all of them a little better, and you immediately feel at home between all of them.
When you're about to get served some dessert, Heather walks over to you because of a customer problem at the front desk.
''I'm so sorry, Ms. Y/L/N, but I need your help. A man at the front desk refuses to pay, threatening to leave if we don't get a manager there soon,'' she says, and you excuse yourself for a few minutes.
''She's amazing, Tony. You're fortunate with a woman like her; she's very driven and passionate, but also very loving, and it shows,'' Loki says, and all of the other Avengers agree.
Not long after you've been pulled away from the table, you're back, and you continue your dinner with everyone.
''I'm so sorry for that,'' you say, but Tony grabs your hand reassuringly and smiles at you with a love-filled smile.
The rest of the dinner goes smoothly, and you return with them to the Avengers Compound for some drinks, staying with Tony in his apartment that night.
''Thank you for everything tonight; I could not have wished for a more perfect evening,'' you say as you lay on your stomach, your legs lifted and swinging in the air as your hand runs through Tony's hair. He's lying on his side, giving you small kisses all over your jaw and neck.
''Thank you for making it unforgettable,'' Tony says, pulling you in for a deep, passionate kiss. You cuddle up to him when you pull away and fall into a deep sleep, thankful you won't have any appointments in the morning.
The following day, you wake up in Tony's arms, and you let out a small sigh at the warmth of his chest against your back.
''Mornin' Gorgeous,'' he says as he places a trail of kisses from your neck to your shoulder before rolling you over and continuing that trail until he's reached your mouth.
The rest of the morning is spent eating breakfast in bed and cuddling until you have to get out and go back home because you have an important meeting that afternoon.
''I can't wait to see you again, Gorgeous,'' he says as you say goodbye to him.
''Neither can I, Muffin, but it'll be soon,'' you say, and with one last kiss, he sees you out. You greet the Avengers, who are either in the kitchen or the living room, and they happily greet you as well.
They would see you a lot, and eventually, you moved in with Tony, and he moved in with you in your penthouse, so the two of you divided your time between those two apartments.
It didn't come as a surprise to anyone when you announced you're getting married less than a year after meeting them because you two are head over heels in love.
''I love you, Mr. Stark,'' you say during your first dance with Tony—the first of many more.
''I love you too, Mrs. Stark,'' Tony says before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss, and you feel happier than you ever have in your entire life. This is precisely what you've always dreamt of, and to do it with Tony by your side is the cherry on top.
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vole-mon-amour · 8 months
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Madeline tried, didn't she? :') I wouldn't expect less tbh. Though why she though that if RODERICK dies and not her and that all ends is beyond my understanding. Somebody wanted to trick the death itself, huh? And stay alive and rule the kingdom on her own. I don't think it's happening that way.
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Why the clown though???
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Oh. Oh, yeah. Then a clown would constantly haunt me, too. I did guess that they should've killed him bc how else would they get there, but yeah. Yeeeah.
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Oh, Madeline is AMAZING.
Oooh, I get it now. The bells. The wall. A M A Z I N G.
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They always try to bargain where there's nothing left for them.
Now it all makes sense. Since Varna is death itself (as far as I can guess), she obviously has seen them leaving the dude to die. She would have to collect his soul anyway (if he even had one, lol).
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"Daddy's flown across the ocean, leaving just a memory" THAT WAS SUCH A SMART FUCKING CHOICE. OHHHH. MY GOD. Gosh, I wish I could tell my dad about that. I don't think he'd understand, but he'd appreciate the usage of the song.
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LET'S GO, BISEXUALS. LET'S GO. Mad's smile. <3
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Oh, that is SMART smart. What if there's no next generation? Or was he fucking everything left and right so his kids pay the price and he can live longer?
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I miss Camille. She was a delight. Mike, give your wife bigger roles please.
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Now THIS a would love to gif. Such a huge moment to gif, but I love what he says.
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Of COURSE Mike made me cry one way or another. Of fucking course he managed that again. Oh, Lenore was the good one.
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Now THAT is rude, Mike Flanagan. Omg. But so fitting, omg. AND WITH A RAVEN, TOO. So good.
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Look at this CGI beauty. They're such beautiful birds.
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...shall be lifted nevermore. So good. I think I might need to rewatch 1x01 of The Following. :)
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I miss you, babygirl. You died way too early in the show. I think my favs are Camille, Madeline, and, without a doubt, Verna. Napoleon was *kinda* fun, but he hated Varna and cats (and he was a cheating piece of shit), so I'd rather stick with my women and an ancient entity. <3
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That's a true goddess right here.
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I mean, they lived the way they wanted to, did they not? And they agreed, so yeah, why the hell not? They decided to go that way of lying, cheating, robbing, etc. Could've went another route, but I guess they got what they wanted?
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spiritofcamelot · 2 years
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Linorien’s 007 Fest 2022 Masterpost
I have ended this Fest with more WIPs than I have had in years, but so many delightful headcanons! As always a very fun month and I swear it went by so fast.
5 Dark Academia AU headcanons (part of the collab table, and Headcanon Day) 4 University Professors AU headcanons (part of the collab table and Paris/Felix/Paloma for minor characters table) 4 Podcaster Headcanons (Silva on the minor characters table) 4 Astronomer AU headcanons (part of the collab table) Golden Compass AU (part of the collab table) Psych AU Victorian Era AU (part of the collab table, and Felix Friday) Marine Biologist headcanon (part of the collab table) Shady Hacker Q AU (part of the collab table) Bookstore AU (part of the collab table, and Bond Girl Day) Jaws headcanon (Jaws on minor character table) Whatever happened to Camille? (Camille on the minor character table)
Beneath the Fog After a long night, Eve takes a moment to admire the morning fog rising off the Thames. The Time to Die (part of the collab table) A short little Grim Reaper AU. The Jig is Up James Bond. A renegade to the last.
Scavenger Hunt Items
#4 Pick five villains from the James Bond universe. What songs do they use for a dramatic entrance? (Music Monday) #10: Create a Bond-themed crossword (As far as I know, only one person has completed it!) #17: The Six Squad are on tumblr, what post would they blaze to 10,000 people?  -- Mastercard Blaze post #35: Write a Bond-themed haiku on a leaf. -- Nomi haiku on leaf ( Characters of Color Day and for Nomi on the minor character table) #46 Tell the plot of a Bond book or film in a series of non-Bond gifs. #50 Show us your pet working for MI6 #55 Solved Bluebell's difference puzzle #55 Solved Anya's spot the difference puzzle #61: Take the name of a Bond book (or film), make a pun out of it and design a book cover (or a film poster) based on that pun.  --  No Time to Dye #62 Complete a Bond themed crossword created by somebody else. (Also #95 It’s take your civilian to work day! Collab on a fest creation with a member of Team Civilian! ) #62 Solved PennyFifer's crossword #64: Create a flag for your team (Q Branch Day) #66: Take a picture of a fish. Would this be in the aquarium of a villain or in an office at MI6? Why? #73: Take a picture of a location that looks like a villain’s lair. #83: Gift a fancreation to someone on another team (This is the Psych AU as listed earlier)
Attended: 2 episodes of Our Flag Means Death 3 long fic readalongs 2 productivity hours Emilia’s music game 1 epsiode of The Hour
Hosted: 6 episodes of The Hour 3 productivity hours
Beta’d 2 chapters of Harry Potter and the Fucking Audacity Beta’d for Lost, Never Found
Participated in the Round Robin
Collaborative creation of the Q Branch Day challenge Poster for the Team Villain Challenge (Villain Day)
J.W. Pepper’s Cowboy Hats (recipe) (J.W. on the minor character table)
USS Skyfall Podfic (If you look at nothing else I created, look at this one!)
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
Hi yokan!!! Hope you are doing well😄.Last few days I have been re-reading TW 1,2&3. And I found something really amazing. That you have given me something which I have always wanted. A beautiful Platonic relationship. I always felt like there was no such in The Orginals. IDKY🥱But in this amazing fic I got some really amazing Platonic relationship between characters. I'm a sucker for those😅 The bond between Caroline and Elijah, Caroline and Jackson was really good. In TVD we had two relationship like that Stefan and Lexi ( my fav🥰)& Damon and Bonnie. But TO had none 😔. And in my opinion Stefan and Caroline & Klaus and Camille could have been that but Julie had to ruin it 🤐 . (Totally just my opinion no hate to anyone)
So... This is just to say thank you for writing such great relationships and please keep continuing them. 🥰🥰🥰
Sorry for my ramblings🥺. But you are a really fabulous writer and I think I want to acknowledge and appreciate that once in a while ☺️. Be amazing and have great year ✨✨✨
Always your fan♥️
Hi, friend 🥺 This is so sweet I can't even
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Had to whip out my emotional Elijah gif 🥺❤️
I am also a sucker for platonic relationships and absolutely hate the idea that men and women can't be friends without ~~something more happening (especially in fiction). Julie Plec was the QUEEN of ruining perfectly nice platonic relationships by inserting subpar, annoying and often diminishing romance into things. Caroline and Stefan were the BEST as BFFs, romance ruined them completely. Damon and Bonnie were nice! I also liked Caroline and Enzo (although have to admit I did ship them romantically for a bit), but Julie didn't even let them become friends properly.
In TO, the only platonic relationships are Marcel and Davina (it's more like father and daughter, but sometimes friends too, I don't know) and Klaus and Hayley (although their shippers would kill me for saying that hahaha I never thought there was anything romantic between them, they were just co-parents and friends after a while). There was also Vincent and Freya, but they barely had any screen time tbh.
Writing the platonic side-relationships in The Wolf is one of my favorite parts, so it always warms my heart so much to read opinions like this 🥺 It's hard to insert that type of thing into a KC story, I never know how interested anyone is in reading about the other characters 🤣 But I have fun writing it. Elijah and Caroline in particular is something I was very proud of, because they had almost as much development and ups and down as Klaus and Caroline. He starts off by being romantically confused, but once that clears up they're just the cutest of friends, and it's very personally rewarding to see that they actually *feel* like friends, instead of merely forcing them into a relationship because. They had to overcome issues, differences, were there for each other through various things, to the point where I don't think they need Klaus to have a relationship. What they have is totally independent from Klaus, and I'm really proud of how that worked out (there is more to come for them!).
But another platonic relationship I really enjoy writing is Klaus and Cami! I didn't realize the two of them could've been nice as friends until I wrote them tbh. From the show, I just always had the feeling they had zero chemistry, nothing in common, Cami was the exact type of person Klaus abhors in general and it didn't make sense to me that they'd ever be drawn to each other in any way (especially after the way he treats her at the beginning). But with some tweks here and there, it could've worked. Obviously in TW they have Caroline in common, so she bridges the gap there. But I think their relationship evolved nicely. I didn't write Cami that much into the story until I absolutely had to because who cares, but I did write her in a way that I think would've made me like her better - as someone who didn't just let Klaus' BS slide, who actually demanded some reckoning on his part, made him actually apologize for what he did to her, to the point where she could start to trust him. And then on Klaus' side, someone who wouldn't just pout and cry whenever she said 'bad Klaus!' and then let her run around the city wrecking havoc just because. The balance works for me.
One of my favorite scenes in TW3 is between Klaus and Cami (it's up ahead, I think maybe chapter 18)! As one of my favorite chapters in TW2 was chapter 23, which is mostly Caroline and Elijah, Klaus is totally absent for the whole chapter.
Anywaaaaaay, I'm rambling 🤣 Sorry for the TED talk you didn't ask for, but your comment got me thinking many thoughts about that. Thank you so much for your message, it's truly the nicest thing! ❤️
Hope you have a wonderful week!
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maireficco · 1 month
Hiiii! thank you for all the weekly samantha logan gif packs and the aau verse gif packs in general. camille is criminally underused! is it possible request gif packs of greta Onieogou in s6 pleaseee? I have searched her tags but there is 0 s6 gif packs. tysm!! 💖
crying ur so cute tysm !!! giffing can be v tedious in general but i love giffing the aau cast and my love for them makes the process so fun !!! but i kno omg camille is so cute i luv her 🥺 it's very possible that i gif greta !!! i too am surprised she has no new packs yet, i just wanna gif miya first as she's only in the first two episodes thus far so it will be a quick job but it's def possible ill start to gif greta after her if i'm not so busy at work<3 tysm again !!!
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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diamondcitydarlin · 4 years
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“Yet, the victim showed no sign of restraint bruising to the neck or shoulders, no hyoid...bone fracture...y’know.” 
Death in Paradise, 2.03 
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dadralt · 2 years
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what a year friends, woo! but we’ve made it to the end. this was a better year than the last one i’d say, with me taking classes and feeling like i’ve finally found my place in the world. the last month has been more difficult but we won’t talk about that, i believe in positivity and i think 2022 will bring a lot of that. hopefully a job! and a new apartment for sure. i’m excited, for one, and i can’t wait to continue sharing it with you all.
because yes it’s you, my dear friend, who made this year so wonderful.
i want to start with a general thank you. for following me, and liking my posts, and reblogging my gifsets even when they’re ugly, and sending me asks. this blog would be dead if you didn’t keep engaging with my content. so if you’re reading this, and you’ve done even just one of the things i mentioned, know that i’m grateful and thankful ❤️
i wish to thank some very talented and wonderful mutuals, whether you write amazing fic or draw gorgeous art or create incredible gifs, i appreciate seeing your creations on my dash a whole lot 😍😍 @mersephesie @lordbelacqua @zoya-the-dragon @dazedandinked @natethegirl @jjmaybanks @hobbart-art @gwenspendragons @quellcrist @littlestsnicket @burningblake
then there’s the people i got to talk with a bit. who have brightened my day, one way or another. and hopefully we’ll talk some more next year :D i sure as hell would love to! @ivashkovadrian (daphnée darling, you are sunshine on a rainy day) @brinaglevissig (jacquelyn, you absolute angel, love hearing your thoughts on anything always, you are also most adorable) @beautifulwhensarcastic (my babe, love you always and forever) @margaritalaux-antille (kit!!! you are awesome) @untaintedtea (sam you talented sweetie) @gwynbleidd (jackie you’re absolutely amazing and so kind) @tristranthorne (camille you always crack me up) @shortof-amarble (fallon you’re the best, i appreciate you so so much) @usergeralt (annie you are most wonderful) @love-and-cubs-and-white-wolves (mandy, love your sass, never stop being you) @lilapittss (michelle i simply adore you) @reputation (leah i know we just followed each other but i love your vibe so much) @reveniemus (kali you are the sweetest and a treasure)
also my yenralt people 🐺💜, i love you for shipping these two alongside me. thanks for making the journey so fun. @rare-species @icameforyou @charlie-cutter @bastardtruths @a-court-of-tears-and-feels @ladyyennefer @cheeseydare and of course my dear ava, @fireflyxrebel-writes who’s been holding up the ship this past week but has been a trooper the whole year truly. you’re awesome babe, you’re killing it. and we’ll get the fambly we deserve.
of course this brings me to my loves ely @heytheredeann and sunny @little-spoon-napoleon i love you two so much. ely you write the most wonderful fic, i’ve told you before, i know but it’s true. sunny you truly are sunshine. i enjoy you both on my dash so much, you’re so adorable and positive and fun and it’s always a pleasure to talk to either of you.
@trissfer shelby my sweetheart, my number one triss stan, phil lover extraordinaire. we don’t talk enough babe but i always enjoy it. you’re so bubbly and nice and funny. you deserve all the femslash in the world. i love you.
@witchertrashbag trashie, i’m so incredibly grateful we’re friends now. i still admire you and your writing. you’re so damn cool babe!!!! i can’t handle it :D but you’re also so damn sweet and nice and you always listen to me. i love you so much. you’ve been there for me and i hope you know you can count on me too, if you ever need anything.
@wanderlust-t chrysa darling, you are the sweetest pea put on this earth. i simply adore you. you’re always so kind to everyone. and so positive always! it’s so refreshing. and your fics of course, don’t get me started on those. like pure poetry, stunning words. i’m such a big fan of your work. i wish you all the best in life, may you find sunshine in everyone around you.
@its-onions A, my love. screaming with you over henry has never been so fun. thank you for always listening to me. thank you for always being there. you’re so sweet and nice and generous and funny and i genuinely adore you so so much. and i will never listen to iris the same way ever again, and i love it, because it will make me think of you. i love you.
@ahh-fxck grammie my pal, my boo. i got your back and i know you got mine. and every day i get to talk to you i’m happy. you always make me remember the important things, you make me think, you make me better. you are so genuinely good and i wish you all the happiness in the world, because you deserve it. you are such a great friend, i really treasure you, i hope you know that. and i love you, so much.
and of course, last but least. my besties, my group chat crew. RJ @vxngerberg and melissa @yennefxr. i simply would not have gotten through this year so well without you two. i’m fucking crazy about you two. you make me laugh, every damn day. you listen when i need it, you’ve always been there for me. i have never met people like you, i don’t think anyone exists quite like you two. maybe it’s destiny that brought us 3 together, who knows. honestly, i don’t care. i’m just so happy i get to talk to you. if i’m feeling down i know you’ll bring me back up. also rj you’re so damn talented, the stuff you make with photoshop, and the progress you make, it’s incredible. melissa bestie, i still have your riris in my inbox so no further comment about you personally lmao. but know that i love you both so much i feel like my heart will explode. i wish we didn’t live so far away cause i feel like we’d go on the best adventures but hey, never say never. thank you for letting me into your lives. thank you for being you. thank you for everything. i love you i love you i love you i love you, clowns worms feet eggs eels aliens villains everything included 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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our-stitch-lab · 7 years
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Holaaaa!!! This chapter has come as a blessing after the shittiest of days, here we go!!
If I Have to Do One More Fucking Interview
Fuck Shinyun... I just wanted to get it out 🤭
“I’m not having sex with you in public, Alexander!”
Yes you will 😈
Alec is the only thing that connects him to this place. To all of it.
Oh Magnus 😔 Is that why you wanted to run to London after the divorce?
“You don’t have to stop smoking for me if that’s what you are asking,” Magnus replies.
But you should stop smoking because even though is very sexy I'm getting worried!!
“No,” Alec replies.
Is like we are the same person 🤣
Maia 😍😍😍
“I don’t know,” Alec shrugs. “There are bigger deals. Being the senator’s son doesn’t hold a candle to being your boyfriend.”
And he dares call Magnus cheesy 😒
“I don’t even want a job in science!”
I don't like where this conversation is going 😔
“I understand,” It’s Maia who speaks. “You can be good at something and still not want to do it for a living.”
This is so true!!
And he hasn’t allowed himself to think about all of this.
“You know. You’ve said the F word 27 times since we started talking,” Maia notes.
Is an exclamation point for him, leave him alone 😎
“You are what my lecturer calls a PR nightmare,” she tells Alec, but her mouth is curving a little in the corner.
Congratulations! he is your PR nightmare now, please sing the adoption papers here and here
If anything is a lethal look, it’s that.
These two are so horny for each other and yet we haven't got enough sexy time 🤷🏻‍♀️
Half hour, and one thoroughly satisfying work out session, later, they have breakfast. Max and Rafe are awake now too.
Finally 🙌🏼
“Besides, it’s not technically an interview,” Magnus informs. “It’s an autocomplete interview.”
Ooh I love those!!
His paranoia seems almost silly now. The fears of a boy on the run and nothing more. 
Ouch foresight is a bitch 🥲
“Park! Park! Park!” their three-year-old starts chanting at the breakfast table.
The way I love my chaotic child 😍😍
People Who Can Hold Their Liquor + Simon
These chat names give me life!!
You know what. Screw this.
@izzy will you marry me?
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Is this the best proposal ever??
“You know what,” Magnus says and picks up the cloth. “I bet I can still carry you in this. Come here.”
😍😍😍 too cuteeee!!!
He smiles, his heart full. 
Happy Magnus is the best Magnus
“I want one,” Alec tells him, looking at his phone. “A girl.”
I'm a girl 🙋🏻‍♀️
How is Magnus Bane…How is Magnus Bane related to Camille Belcourt?”
Fuck Camille... undefited queen of the Fuck You club!!
These questions are amazing!!!
“Right here,” Alec replies and points to himself. “Magnus Bane’s family is right here.”
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Rafeee!!! I wanted another Rafe POV 🥳
“Why not?” Max asks, looking down at his tank top – which says, ‘Pussy Power’.
🤣🤣 my child
There is a link to a BuzzFeed quiz. “Which Taylor Swift Album Are You?”
I did this test and got RED ❤ which one are you Dani?
The same goes with dad and bapak too. People are always publically thirsting after them. 
Sorry Rafe I can't help myself your parents are hot
It’s probably why he hates Shinyun too.
Fuck Shinyun, that hot well dressed opportunist
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I hope this tweets don't get too mean or might have to kill people 🔪
Max grins at the camera. “Are you roasting me or are you roasting Mallory?”
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The handles 🤣🤣🤣
How mean is that mean tweet?
WTF?? I feel curious but also like knowing will hurt 😫
Wait is the tweet in the jacket??
Oh, Max indeed
Let my babies be happy and together!!
At least we didn't get Malec angst in this one 
Thank youuuu Dani, this was amazing and surprisingly fun, we'll probably pay for it next chapter but I really needed this today so I don't mind... thank you ❤❤❤❤
Your reactions and gifs make me cackle so bad I CANNOT.
I hope your shitty day is over and tomorrow is kinder! Sending you good vibes.
I did do the "which Taylor Swift album are you" quiz and I got Folklore too sfkvsdncsjk. It says "You're original, introspective, and intelligent. You spend a lot of time in your own head, writing little stories and thinking about the world."
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❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.5k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party." — Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
THE NEXT DAY, Y/N COULD STILL NOT BELIEVE that they were doing this.
Everything felt like slow motion the moment she and Tom went inside the cafeteria of the school. His hand was in her back pocket and both of them walked together.
Just like in the Sixteen Candles. Y/N thought.
People were looking at them with trays on their hands and all you had to do was smile. It was definitely working. As they got into the middle of the cafeteria, he spun her around while his hand was still in her pocket until her body faced his.
Y/N giggled at his action and Tom looked down at her, their foreheads almost touching and their body close to each other.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked while giggling.
Tom reached out to his pocket and got the small note he wrote for Y/N and gave it to her.
"This one is for you," Tom said and Y/N could just smile and received the handwritten note. Even though they were just pretending, she could feel her stomach flutter as she received the note.
"Thank you."
Tom smiled at Y/N but he could see a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend, Camille across where they are and he saw her face stern the moment he gave the note to Y/N.
It's working.
Tom tucked a strand of hair to Y/N 's ear and whispered to it. "Good job."
Y/N looked up to him with a smile on her face.
"I'll see you in a bit, okay?" Tom said.
"Okay," Y/N answer and pecked on his cheek before walking away from the center of the cafeteria. She could see the look on people's faces but she couldn't care less about their reaction.
After all, this is all just pretend.
"Hey, Y/N!" An arm suddenly wrapped around her shoulders and Y/N jumped a little.
"Why didn't you tell me that you and Holland are a thing now? How long have you been keeping this from me?" Erika asked as they went out of the cafeteria.
"You should've seen the look on my cousin's face. I could just imagine it all day and make fun of it." Erika said and Y/N slapped her arm playfully. "Hey! What's that for?"
"Still can't believe you say such things to your cousin like that," Y/N said and chuckled.
"Couldn't care more," Erika said. "So tell me. How did things between you and Holland go? How? When? Why? Where—"
"Okay, you gotta stop asking a lot of questions. I am going to answer them." Y/N said.
"So you guys are not official yet?" Erika asked as she munched onto her burger.
"Nope. Hopefully, we will be." Y/N answered.
"Weird enough that he could move on from Camille because they have been together for a long time now," Erika said.
"I know. He even promised me that he will give me small notes every day and he never did that to her." Y/N said.
Keep acting. You can do this.
"Is this like a competition now?" Erika chuckled.
"I mean, she's the one who broke up with him," Y/N said.
"What about Aiden?" Erika suddenly asked and that made Y/N almost stop moving.
"W-what about him?" Y/N tried her best to not crack her voice. She could still feel her heart beating fast.
"Weren't you all over him days ago?" Erika asked.
Y/N sighed and placed down her soda on the table before speaking. "I just realized that he was just that typical crush that we all have."
Erika just raised one of her brows before she replied. That judgmental look she gives you.
"Well, you seemed happy with Holland. Just hoping that he won't break your heart or else." She stopped to drink her soda. "Or else he'll have a taste of my fist." Erika formed a fist with her free hand and Y/N just laughed.
"He won't. He promised." Y/N said, trying not to cringe at what she said.
Y/N was, as usual, walking towards her locker and placed her things inside. It was a Friday and thank God she could have rest.
As soon as she closed her locker and turned away from it, Aiden suddenly walked towards her. She could feel her heart beating fast as he was approaching her.
No. No. No.
"Hey Y/N," Aiden said.
"Hey, Aiden," Y/N replied with a small smile on her lips.
"So, you and Tom? You finally had the courage to confess to him ever since you had a crush on him during middle school." Aiden said.
"I-it stopped for a while but then it came back after a while. We aren't officially together—" Y/N was interrupted by a familiar British voice. An arm was wrapped around her shoulders that made her startle.
"Yet," Tom said. He turned to her and gave kissed her head. She giggled and playfully slapped Tom on his chest. She wrapped a hand to his and looked at him. "I'll walk you home?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and looked at Aiden again. "I'm going to walk with Tom now. I'm sorry, Aiden."
"Oh, I-I don't mind, Y/N. I have song practice anyway." Aiden said and scratched the back of his neck. "Take care." He said.
Y/N gave a smile. "You too." Tom and she walked away towards the crowd. A lot of people were still staring at them and she could hear people murmuring but she didn't mind that.
Several minutes later, both she and Tom walked together on the sidewalk. His hands were on the pocket of his jacket and his eyes just looking everywhere. They were already in Y/N's neighborhood and he wanted to be familiar with the place. If he would always walk her home then might as well be familiar with the place.
"Your place is peaceful." Tom suddenly spoke up and broke the silence.
"One of the reasons why I love to live here," Y/N answered.
"At least it's close to school. I don't have to drive you anymore." Tom said.
"You're lucky it's just near. I know you're not that walking-your-girlfriend-home type of a guy." Y/N said and she could just hear him chuckle.
They finally reached her house and they stopped at the doorstep.
"Thank you for walking with me," Y/N said.
"Great job today," Tom said and Y/N could just roll her eyes.
"I tried not to cringe for the whole time. It worked though." Y/N said.
"How about a kiss?" Tom joked and she punched his arm. "Ow!"
"No kissing, you dork," Y/N said. "We're alone now, we don't have to pretend."
The door suddenly opened revealing Y/N's dad with an apron around his waist.
"Thought I heard talking." He said. "Your home, sweetheart." Her dad gave Y/N a peck on her head and turned his head to Tom. "Who is this young man?"
"He's Tom. Tom Holland, dad. My-"
"Her boyfriend, Sir." Tom blurted out and shook hands with her dad. Y/N glared at Tom for what he said.
"How come you never told me about him, Y/N? I could've made more pasta." Her dad said.
"No. It's okay, Sir. I'm just here to drop Y/N. Didn't want her to be alone." Tom said with a smile.
"He's a good kid" Her dad whispered to Y/N and she just looked at him. "Dad." She heard Tom chuckle at her dad's actions.
"I'll get going now, Sir," Tom said.
"I'll leave you two love birds alone for a while." Her dad said. "It's nice to see you, Tom. Don't go breaking my girl's heart, okay?" Her dad said.
"I won't, Sir," Tom assured with a smile and that made her dad finally go back to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about my dad. He's just like that." Y/N said.
"He seemed chill," Tom said.
"He is. Very." Y/N answered. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course. I don't wanna miss my girlfriend at school." Tom said before walking away to go home.
"Take care, Holland," Y/N said and Tom looked back at her with a smile and his hands on his pockets again and walked away.
Y/N leaned against the wall and watch him walk away until he couldn't be seen anymore. She remembered the note that Tom gave her in the morning and got it out of her pocket. She opened it and read it:
thank you for accepting this, y/n. can't wait to be your boyfriend. - T.H
A smile formed on her lips as she read the note and at the thought of Tom and the pretend they just did.
That wasn't so bad after all.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
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ptersparkers · 4 years
summary: as a recurring visitor from boston to the outer banks and one of kiara’s childhood friends, you get to know the pogue gang for the summer. oh, and it seems like jj has a thing for you.
warnings: mentions of alcohol and typos, probably.
a/n: i hope boston doesn’t throw people off because i used it as nickname (i think it’s cute). and im not even from boston. ALSO WTF THIS IS 4K WORDS.
add yourself to my taglist!
this is my gif, please credit if using!
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You’re starting to think that coming to North Carolina for the summer wasn’t as fun as you remembered. 
The water touched your fingertips as you leaned away from the boat, sticking your hand out to dip it into the cold water. It was too humid for you, for starters. You were used to the colder weather of Boston and often found yourself in long sleeves and jeans with boots with an extra sweater in your car. When it got warm, a pair of leggings and a t-shirt sufficed. North Carolina’s outer banks required swimming suits, shorts, and see-through shirts in order to avoid overheating. That wasn’t exactly your style. 
Your parents insisted on having you do something with your summer instead of lounging around and hanging out with people you’d see on a daily basis during the school year. There wasn’t much to do here other than drink and help your relatives on the boat with their fishing company, and the idea of working for free didn’t seem so amazing as it did when you were a child. This was the first summer you’d be spending in the outer banks for the entirety. While you and your parents travelled here for a few weeks, you were the only one staying behind until it was time to go back for school.
In all honesty, you hadn’t recalled much about the place nor the people who lived here. You were aware of the “Kooks” and “Pogues,” and the unofficial war raging between the two groups. What you gathered was that your family lived civilly between the two, not quite in either territory. If you weren’t mistaken, you were welcomed on either side of the island without drawing too much attention to yourself. 
Kiara, or Kie, who was your childhood best friend, was the only person you were even remotely close to, and that was overstating it. She resembled the summer camp friend who you barely spoke to until it was time to go away for summer camp. She lived in Figure Eight but hung with the Pogue crowd, from what you understood. 
You recalled meeting her for the first time at age eleven, the first time your family had made it a tradition to travel to North Carolina. Your family had wandered to The Wreck, the restaurant her family owned, and became friends because you were the only child in the building and her father had forced her to escape from her shell of a bedroom and spend some time outside. Eleven-year-old you was ecstatic to find another person to spend your summers with, and thus a friendship was born.
“Y/N, you okay there?” your uncle had asked. Pulling yourself out of your daydreams, you whipped your head back and wiped your hand on your shorts. 
“I’m fine, Uncle Jim. Just thinking, is all,” you replied. Uncle Jim laughed and pulled the rope from out of the water and asked you to open the ice bin for him to put the fresh fish he had caught. 
“Special order for the Camerons,” he explained. “Ward offered to pay me double if we could have this in by this afternoon.” 
“So that’s why you pulled me out of bed so early,” you teased. “Mom and dad just left and you’re already putting me to work.” 
You closed the ice chest and watched as Uncle Jim put away the cage neatly in the back before wiping his hands on a white cloth towel. 
“You know this job like the back of your hand. Might as well put you to good use.” 
“Yeah,” you said, sighing. “It’s weird being here without them.” 
“Good weird or bad weird?” 
You shrugged. “It’s just different.” 
“I know you wanted to spend your summer in Boston, but your Aunt Camille and I are happy you’re staying until September.” You smiled and gave him a side hug. 
“Yeah, I’m happy to see you two. It’s just that I’m growing up and want to spend time with my friends before we all leave to college, you know?” Uncle Jim started to steer the boat top the main land and nodded. 
“I hear ya. Mind dropping the fish off at the Cameron residence after I clean it up?” 
You shook your head and watched as the island grew bigger as the boat approached the dock. When Uncle Jim docked the boat, you jumped out and told him you’d be getting a bite at The Wreck, hoping to see if Kiara happened to be working. The door chimed and you could see a few people seated at tables with she was preparing smoothies behind the juice bar. 
“You always look like you’re thinking so deeply,” you said, taking a seat at the bar. 
Kiara looked up and dropped the banana she was holding and wiped her hand on a towel, the biggest smile painting her lips as she ran behind the bar to embrace you. You laughed and reciprocated, giving her a gentle squeeze as she held you in a near lockdown. 
“Two years, Y/N. It’s been two very long years,” she said. 
“I wish I could’ve stayed longer last summer,” you said. “My grandpa called us to say my grandma had broken her hip and we flew out the next morning.”
“Is she okay?” she asked. 
You nodded. “I think he was just scared but it was probably for the best that we went back home.”
“So I hear you’ll be here for the whole summer, right? I heard our dads talking last night.” 
“I can’t tell whether I’m excited about that or not. Happy to be here with you but not happy about working on a fishing boat. You know how sensitive my stomach is.” Kiara laughed and walked back behind the bar, resuming making the smoothie she had halted to welcome you. 
“Don’t I know it. Well, when you and I aren’t working we can hang out and I can introduce you to my friends,” she said. “I think you’d really like them.”
“God, I hope so. I’m gonna need friends if I’m going to be here for three months.” 
“John B’s kind of like our ring leader,” she explained before turning the blender on. She poured the drink and continued. “He’s kind of like you. A little mischievous but he’s keen for leadership. Pope’s the smart aleck. He knows everything about anything and overthinks when we do something spontaneous.” Kiara gave you a look. 
“That’s because my parents were always here!” you said in mock defense, raising your hands. 
Kiara laughed. “Then there’s Sarah, who you met before. She’s cool though, not like her Kook friends. We weren’t friends before you left. Then there’s JJ. He’s kind of all over the place and there’s not really a way I can describe him. You just have to experience him for yourself.” 
“As long as I have a fun summer without getting in trouble, I think I’ll be fine,” you said. 
“Smoothie?” Kiara asked. You nodded and took out your wallet, but she shook her head. 
“I’m pretty sure my dad would bite my head off if you paid for anything here,” she said. “Your mom did help advertise for us.” 
“How about a tip,” you said, putting a five dollar bill into a glass jar. Kiara rolled her eyes but grinned. 
“The Pogues and I are gonna hang out on Pope’s boat, if you wanna come. We’re just gonna hang out and eat, probably.”
“I’ll have to ask my uncle but I’m sure he’ll be fine with it,” you said, taking a sip of your smoothie. 
“It really was nice getting to see you again,” Kiara said. “I think you’re probably my only other girl friend, aside from Sarah. God knows a girl needs her time away from testosterone.” 
“I’m gonna be at Sarah’s later this afternoon to drop off some fish. I think her dad paid a lot of money for it, and I will never understand that.” 
She laughed. “Well with that kind of money, I guess you wouldn’t need to think twice about paying for fish.” 
You hopped off of the seat and waved goodbye before heading home. 
When the sky turned into a shade of deep orange, you double checked to see that your phone was fully charged before slipping on your shoes and grabbing a blanket plus the bag of snacks you had purchased earlier that day. You waved at Uncle Jim and Aunt Camille, promising them you’d be safe with Kiara before you locked the front door and slipped the keys into your bag. 
From your recollection, Pope’s boat was fairly large and Kiara told you it would have lights strung up so it wouldn’t be too hard to miss. The dock was quiet with the exception of fireflies buzzing in the air and the faint sound of laughter in the distance. 
You could see a group of boys and Kiara lounging around with beer in their hands and you were unsure of how to approach them. Luckily, Kiara saw you in the corner of her eye and rushed down to greet you. 
“Thank God you’re here,” she said. “Boys are annoying and I need some company. Here, let me get your bag.” 
You handed her the bag and climbed onto the boat, aware of three pairs of eyes following you. Suddenly feeling a little self conscious about yourself, you waved awkwardly at the three boys. 
“Don’t be weird, you guys,” Kiara said, rolling her eyes. “That’s Pope. Brains of our operation. You two are more alike, I think.”
“Nice to meet you,” he said, tipping his hat at you.
“That’s John B,” she said as you waved at him. “He’s kinda of like you when you start talking about something you’re passionate about.” You began to blush at how Kiara was introducing you to her friends. 
“Any friend of Kiaras is a friend to us,” he said, grinning. 
“And that’s JJ,” she said, pointing at the blonde who was too busy looking at you to speak. “He’s, well, JJ.”
He scoffed. “These two get great introductions and I get ‘that’s JJ’?” he asked, using his fingers as faux quotation marks. Kiara shrugged. 
“I happen to think I’m great, thank you very much,” he said sarcastically before winking at you. You gave him a soft grin and sat next to her, unfolding the blanket and placing yourself on it. 
“And this is Y/N Y/L/N, probably the smartest one out of the five of us. She’s from Boston and comes here every summer with her parents.” 
“It’s usually for a week or two to visit my aunt and uncle but this time I’m spending the entire summer here,” you explained. 
“Why’s that?” asked Pope. 
“My parents thought it would be good to not spend my time indoors and God knows my uncle will put me to work.”
“She’s Jim’s niece,” Kiara said. 
John B’s eyes lit up. “Jim’s niece! That’s right, I remember he said you were coming to work for him this summer. He’s such a legend. How he and Camille live between us and the Kooks is beyond me. Love that guy.”
You beamed, opening a bag of popcorn. “He’s pretty great, isn’t he?”
“So how’d you and Kiara meet?” JJ asked. 
“We were the only kids in The Wreck when it first opened,” she said. “Dad forced me to go outside and Y/N’s parents forced her to do the same and we just clicked.” 
“So what’s Boston like?” John B asked. 
“Jesus, one question at a time,” Kiara said, rolling her eyes. 
“Cold, for the most part. I live on the edge of the city so I’m between suburban area and the metropolitan. It’s kind of the best of both worlds.”
“Outer banks is a wake up call,” Pope joked. 
“It’s really different than what I’m used to, but this is my sixth summer out here,” you said. “And this time I came prepared with the right clothes.” 
Kiara bursted out laughing. “When we were twelve, she insisted on bringing sweaters and jeans because that’s all she owned. For two weeks straight she had to borrow my clothes.” The boys chuckled. 
“I’m not all that used to wearing shorts,” you said, gesturing to your clothes. “But I guess I like to lounge around in oversized shirts, so it’s a win-win.”
“Beer?” JJ asked, holding a bottle. You shook your head. 
“Nah, I’m good. But thank you for offering.” He quirked his eyebrow but put it back in the cooler. 
“Damn, I’ve never been off of this damn island,” said John B. “Let alone a big city.”
“It’s great, honestly,” you began, “I feel like I’m unimportant and that leaves me with so much room to grow. Nobody has any real expectations from me because I’m just another stranger. And I’m starting to sound like a cliche.” 
JJ chuckled and shook his head. “Not a cliche. It’s nice to get to know someone who’s not from here.”
“God knows the Kooks aren’t welcoming,” said Pope. “But never mind them.”
“Sarah’s not coming,” Kiara said, looking up from her phone. “Said she’s too tired to make the ‘treacherous’ walk.” 
“Bummer,” you said, pouting. “I haven’t seen her in so long. She wasn’t at the house when I went earlier.” 
“I’m sure you’ll see her soon,” said Kiara. 
“Oh goodness,” you said, shivering. “I didn’t think it would be cold tonight.” You rubbed your upper arms with your palms and tried to move to feel some friction. 
“Take my jacket,” JJ said, reaching behind him to grab his discarded windbreaker. 
“Thanks,” you said softly, a little confused that a stranger would let you wear his jacket. 
“Damn, JJ. You’ve got broad shoulders,” John B joked, looking at how big the jacket was compared to you. 
“It’s two sizes bigger than I am,” JJ said said, taking a swig of his beer. 
“It’s perfect,” you said, looking between JJ and John B. “Thanks, JJ.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said. You looked away to speak to Kiara and didn’t notice JJ checking you out with the jacket you had put on.
“So you think Y/N’s attractive,” Pope said, leaning in and whispering. 
“Pfft, what?” JJ asked, shaking his head. 
“C’mon, dude. It’s just a matter of time before you and her, you know,” he said, making a crude gesture before laughing. JJ shoved him and laughed along. 
“It’s not like that,” he said. Pope raised his eyebrow. 
“It’s not like that either! Jeez, Pope.” 
“Whatever you say, man,” said Pope, leaning back and opening another bottle of beer. 
An hour had flown by and you yawned, the entire group silently understanding that it was probably too late to stay up. Pope had left ten minutes earlier after his dad had called and promised to see the rest of you tomorrow. 
“This was fun,” you said to Kiara, John B, and JJ. “I really like you guys.” 
“But I’m the best,” said Kiara, striking a pose that made you laugh.
“And no one’s taking that title away from you,” you replied. You folded the blanket and began to walk off of the boat with JJ offering his hand for you to step down. You took it and noticed how unusually soft they were. You started to walk back to your house before abruptly turning around. 
“Oh, JJ! Wait, let me give you your jacket back,” you said, dropping the bag you were carrying. JJ laughed and shook his head. 
“Keep it for tonight, Boston. It’ll give me a reason to see you tomorrow,” JJ said. You grinned at the nickname. 
“Okay,” you said, picking up the bag you dropped. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” JJ smiled. You could grow to like seeing his smile. 
He winked. “See you tomorrow, Boston.” 
As the weeks went by, you starting to feel disappointed whenever you thought about going back to Boston, which meant leaving your new friends behind. All the adventures you had raked up were memorable ones and it would feel weird not seeing the four rambunctious teens nearly every day. 
It was a hot Thursday morning when you sat on the dock. Uncle Jim had given you the rest of the day off after helping him load his cargo, offering to make the rounds that afternoon if you were willing to go to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for that night’s dinner. 
You couldn’t help but think about JJ and all the times you two had been near one another. Kiara had made an innocuous comment the prior night before you left her house about how he was much gentler when he was around you and didn’t seem to be as loud as he was when you were there. JJ, she said, was always so outspoken but whenever you were near, it was like he was censoring himself. 
You were sure Kiara didn’t mean anything bad by it, but you weren’t really sure how to interpret what she said. You and JJ, aside from Kiara, had hung out the most since you met. You two spent the afternoon together at The Wreck the day after you met him, partially to give him his jacket back and partially waiting for Kiara’s shift to be over. You could feel yourself letting loose and confessed to feeling extremely nervous and self-conscious about meeting Kiara’s friends. JJ reassured you that he (and the others in the gang, of course) really liked you. 
He would accompany you home and save you a seat next to him. He’d hold your bag and wait for you if the gang was running ahead. JJ would volunteer to come get you if you weren’t answering your phone and he’d make trips to visit you while you were helping Uncle Jim at work. 
If you were being honest, you would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t developed feelings for him. It was minor and fleeting, but it was there. The blonde made you blush without having to try too hard and you were sure Kiara knew, but she never said anything. JJ was attentive to you and let you speak when you felt your voice be drowned by someone else. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard running footsteps on the dock, only to turn around and see JJ running towards you. He peeled his shirt off and jumped past you and landed in the water, splashing you in the process. 
“JJ, what the hell!” you yelled as he came up for air. He shook his head and wiped his face, grinning at your surprised reaction. 
“What a morning, huh?” he said, swimming closer to you. Your legs dangled in the water and he came up, pushing his body upwards to let his arms rest on your lap. “You thinking too hard again, Boston?”
Boston. There was that nickname again. You think you hid your blush pretty well.
“You know I’m always thinking,” you replied. 
“Someday I’m gonna get inside your head and know everything you think about when you disappear,” he said. “I’m sure you have a lot of good stories to tell.”
“Maybe so,” you teased. “I was just thinking about how I have a month and a half left before going back home.” 
“Don’t think about that,” he said, pouting slightly. “I’ll - we’ll - miss you tons. It won’t be the same until you come back.” 
You laughed. “I wish I could bring you guys back with me. I don’t have that many friends I consider close.”
“And you consider us your close friends?”
“I might even say my best friends,” you said with a smile. 
“Well, well, well. I’m honored to hear that, Boston. Truly.” 
“Why’d you jump into the water, anyway?” you asked. 
He shrugged. “It’s a hot morning and the sun is shining. Plus, I got to scare you, which was pretty priceless.” You shoved him back into the water and laughed as he came up with a feigned surprised expression. 
“Oh, come on! It was hilarious.” 
“You’re so mean to me, JJ,” you said, sticking your tongue out. 
“Why don’t you join me? The water’s cool and it’s hot out.” 
“I think I’m good from where I’m sitting,” you said. JJ swam closer and caressed your legs before trailing his fingers to your lap, resting his chin on your knee. 
It was times like this when you were grateful you developed a habit of putting a swimsuit underneath your clothing. You stood up from your spot and took off your shirt and shorts, slowly dipping in the water beside him.
“Okay, you’re right,” you confessed. “Very refreshing.” 
JJ swam closer to you and smiled, finding your hand and pulling it above the water to give it a kiss. 
“I’m never wrong, Boston.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, keep telling yourself that.” 
JJ was quiet for a moment. “You’re so innocent.”
You raised your eyebrow. “Oh? How so?”
“I don’t know. You have a purity to you. Maybe it’s Boston or maybe it’s just that you’re better than us and the Kooks combined.”
“Well, I’m definitely better than the Kooks,” you said. JJ chuckled. He pulled you closer to him to the point where your chests were almost touching. 
“I just mean that I don’t know how to act when I’m around you. Usually I’m reckless and an idiot, but I’m not that way when you’re around.” 
You frowned. “I don’t ever want you to be anyone but yourself around me, JJ.”
He shook his head. “I don’t think it’s that. I think you pull this calmness out of me. I don’t think I’m not being myself when you’re around. I just think that I’m much more of a person than ‘reckless’ JJ who gets into too much trouble.
“What I’m trying to say is,” he began with a deep breath, “I like you. As in, more than a friend. John B and Pope have been teasing me about it all summer but I never took it seriously until you talked that Kook’s ear off about not being a racist and sexist piece of shit.” You took a moment to recall and laugh at the memory. “There’s never a moment where I don’t want to be with you or tell you things. I’ve never felt this way with anyone before, honestly.” 
“JJ,” you said softly, your hand giving his bicep a squeeze in reassurance. “You know, I’ve been overthinking these past few weeks. Last night, Kie said something about how you were so aware when I’m around and how you’re less reckless and I didn’t know what to make of it.”
“I just,” said JJ, “I like you a lot. More than I thought I did.” 
You looked into his gaze and his arm wrapped itself around your waist, pulling you closer so your chests were touching. The sound of the waves was the only noise in the vicinity and the sun made JJ’s eyes look more impeccable than they already were. His lips were plump and you noticed he had stolen a glance down to yours, squeezing the small of your back as if to ask for silent permission. You inched your way closer and he followed suit until his lips had landed gracefully on yours as if it had belonged there all along. 
His skin was hot under the sun and the water around you felt like it moved to push you two closer together. JJ let this kiss be a simple one, unlike the other girls he had been with before. His eyes remained closed until he pulled away and looked to see you in your entirety. You did nothing but smile and bite your lip, reaching out to kiss him once more. 
“I like you too,” you said. “And I like kissing you.” JJ laughed and leaned in to kiss you a third time. 
“You’re real cute, Boston,” he replied. 
“Do you think we could go and get some sandwiches from The Wreck? All this swimming and all this kissing has me starved.” You shared a laugh before pushing yourselves out of the water and hoped the sun was hot enough dry you both before you reached the restaurant. 
You were already counting down the days you would be coming back to the outer banks. 
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nightwingshero · 3 years
Just gonna do my own little post from this tag I got from @water-writings because I’m about to get sappy. Under the gifs because apparently this is happening. Don’t look at me, because ewwwww, emotions. 
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OKAY, OBVIOUSLY I GOTTA START WITH YOU, MEL! Listen, you’re one of my closest friends on here, and I love our Little Shop of Horrors, okay? Its chaotic and fun, and honestly, I’m truly glad I met you. It’s been...what? Two years??? Which is CRAZY because it doesn’t feel like it, but then it feels like it’s been longer. You never fail to make me laugh when I’m feeling down and I love us talking about our ocs. Camille and Tracey, sure, but most of all, Amikel and Casali. Its never a good night out until Amikel throws a beer bottle to protect Casali. (Mando is tired, but Grogu is having the time of his life--its fine!)
@simonxriley - Seriously...like...okay, I look up to you because, to me, you’re like...a big name in the CoD fandom. I was terrified to talk to you lol but you’re a sweetheart and I love talking with you because you’re an awesome friend and your ideas? *chefs kiss*. I’m really glad to not only read your content and see the awesome stuff you come up with, but to also call you a friend. Your ocs own my ass, and there’s no shame in that at all. One of my favorite mutuals, you never fail to make me smilie. 
@xbaebsae​ - OMFG WHERE TO EVEN START?! Angy, the Cindy to my Brenda, I remember absolutely fanning over Rheese and being like “omg her blog is so cool!!” and then choking??? When you commented on the post about Wren holding a butterknife to John’s throat while drunk??? After breaking into the Ranch with Rowan and Addie??? (It was a straight up drunken Mission Impossible escapade to get Nick’s plane back, but ended with them getting into John’s stash and clothes instead) It was the “omfg its happening” Michael Scott moment for me, and it grew into an awesome friendship that I’m so thankful for. You’re one of the sweetest people I know, and I couldn’t be more thankful to know you. 
@dieguzguz​ - S A M! You’re a sweetie, always so supportive and the creativity you have???? I’ve always admired you and your work. We don’t talk as much as we used to, but you still hold a special place because you’re one of my dearest friends. Moose always makes me smile because he’s so cute??? Like??? It should be illegal??? I’m so happy to have you in my life and you deserve so many good things hun! 
@chyrstis​ - SWEETIE!!! An absolute treasure! Honestly I’m like “don’t deserve this sweetheart on my dash” because you’re just amazing??? And supportive??? And so damn fun to talk to!!! I squealed when we started talking about Alistair, because it was just another thing you and I could talk about, and I’m just AAHHHHH, you’re so much fun to talk to!!! Truly!!! I’m so happy we’re friends, because your comments always make me laugh!!! Always!!! 
@strafethesesinners​ - Lydia, you’re one of my closest friends, truly. I still can’t get over some of the AUs we’ve talked about but honestly, outside of that, you’re one of the most genuine and nice people I’ve ever met. You always have amazing ideas and I’m constantly in awe of you. Cooper is so well thought out and your art????? I can’t believe I went so long without knowing you were the one to draw John in a speedo??? Like...that was one of my favorite things, how did I not know that??? You’re a legend, my friend, and I’m happy to know you!
@smithandrogers​ - okay so...I remember like...being intimidated, so like...when we started talking, I was super excited! And now we’re friends who boop the noses of cows because they deserve it! Listen, I’m so thankful for you, because gushing about our ocs, and just talking, is just...it honestly cheers me up. And talking shit about the Egg is self-care, you know? And omfg, remember Finn and Wren’s fishing incident?! I still think about that!!! I’m always happy to hear from you! (Please give the cow another boop, tell it I said hi!) I’m just glad to call you a friend!!!
@shellibisshe​ - Buddy...listen. You’re talented, you’re fun to talk to, and honestly, you’re such an awesome friend. i know we talk here and there, but omfg. You’re just...you’re one of the sweetest people on here. Always quick to include people, always welcoming and supportive...I really do love talking to you (I’m just really bad at messaging lol it’s a problem). I’m glad we’re mutuals, but most of all, I’m so glad I get to call you a friend. (and trust me, you wanna ship ocs, we can ship ocs lmfao take your pick lol)
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foxesandmagic · 2 years
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Happy birthday!
@fiercefray. My Veronica, my writing buddy and best Internet friend. It feels odd that a bitter old Liverpudlian (a petty dabbler in the dark arts no less) brought us together. Constantine will always have a special place in my heart; not just because it was a brilliant show, but because it meant that we got to talk to each other. I don’t know what I’d do without you. 
I hope you have a birthday as fantastic as you are; you deserve it and so much more. 
Your B. 
Gif One: So you worked with Dad? // Hold on, you’re telling me you’re John’s kid? I’m so sorry. // Why? He’s not that bad. 
Gif Two: How can you do this? We’re... We’re family, Adam. 
Gif Three: Do you know what I am? // Yes, thanks. Now, are you helping or not?
Gif Four: After everything you’ve seen, Camille. Did you really think it would be so easy to get rid of us?
Gif Five: You’re family, Maria. Family looks out for each other. 
Gif Six: Now, one of you I know. But who are you?
Gif Seven: None of this was your fault. Any of yours. 
Gif Eight: Oh Cami, this is going to be so much fun!
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patandpran · 3 years
Well friends, I think its really important to spread love and share gratitude so that’s what I’m doing today. I’ve already done the one where you talk about your favourite original posts but I wanted to talk about some incredible creators that I adore. Some of these people I am blessed to call friends and others I look up to or their work makes me smile whenever it shows up on my dash. Anyway, here goes...
@sarawatism Nen... I cannot thank you enough for being my friend. Even though we don’t get to talk as much as we used to, I appreciate you to the end of the world and back. You have helped me craft the world of ‘Nuisance and the Handsome’ Prince and your writing is so soulful and when I grow up, I just want to be more like you (Yes - I know we’re the same age). Thank you for helping me to fall back in love with writing and encouraging me to continue on with that monster of a story.
@partlyalive Camille. My soul sister. I know you’re not actually on here a ton so I hope you see this but thank you for all the support. You are one of the loveliest human being I have ever had the honour of getting to know and I am so lucky to get to call you a friend. Love you!
The @giftedgays​. Oh boy. Friends. Thank you for being there for me. I know I’m a lot sometimes but I appreciate you all so much. When the Gifted Graduation was airing, it felt like every Sunday was Christmas morning. 
@wjmild Kylie. You are such an intelligent and loving human being. I love hearing about your research or even just when you rant about anything in particular (mostly Lee and Arm). I love our weekly MarkKit watchthroughs with Violet. Way too much fun. Your gifs are gorgeous and so are you. If I didn’t have Dave and you didn’t have Violet, you know how things would go.
@tawanv Violet. Plant Queen. Dancer Extraordinaire. Fellow musical theatre enthusiast. I am so glad that we’ve been able to connect over the last little bit because we have so much in common! Our ‘Last five years’ watch was so much fun and I just love how much of a kind human being you are. You are beautiful both inside and out and I am happy to flirt with you until it upsets Kylie too much. Haha.
@petekaos Rahul. You are such a wordsmith. I am so thankful that we have been able to become friends as I look up to you so much. You seem to feel so deeply and you are just so kind and supportive to everyone. Thanks for being my friend. 
@pangwave Dawn. You are so sweet and I love how strong and opinionated you are. I remember back in the day I would always look forward to you and Alexa’s thoughts about pangwave. You are a lovely human being and you deserve to be happy.
@doctorbahnjit Alexxxxa. The way you write is so natural. You have such a way with words. Your pang wave fics were the first ones I ever read and it totally sold me on the ship. You are so bubbly and full of life and it always remind me to stay positive and laugh at life, even when it feels hard.
@tanwirapong Roa. Roa. Roa. You are probably one of the most supportive and lovely human beings I’ve ever met. You lift people up and are such a good listener. Your gifs are beautiful and the colouring is just *chefs kiss*.
@class2clown Angel. You are such a sweetheart and you are so beyond talented. Whether its your gifs, your writing or you drawing. How can one person be so talented? Thanks again for your amazing fic from the gift exchange. I will treasure it forever.
@soulmatelines Jo. You are such a darling. Your gifs are beautiful and similar to Roa, you are just such a beacon of positivity and support. I really appreciate your presence in the group and good luck with your college applications!
@gunatps Veeee! How I miss you. I remember the first time you messaged me about Pangwave and the Gifted theories. It was so much fun and you were the first person I really got to ramble about the Gifted with. You are such a fun and lovely human and I am so glad I’ve been able to get to know you.
 @lee-thanat​ (Ke), @pvrrish (Eleni) and @vihokratanas (Mel), you are all lovely human beings as well and I would love to get to know even better! Thanks for making the Groupchat such a fun place to be!
Some more non GC friends:
@teh-ohaew Tay!! I am so glad that we’re able to pick up wherever we’ve left off, no matter how long it has been since we last talked. Thanks for ranting with me about shows and pairings. You are so lovely and I adore any time that we get to connect.
@gremlinmetawin Ayessshha! I remember back in the 2gether days when you sent the analysis and I was just like... this girl gets it. Thanks for always being lovely and even though we don’t get to talk all that often, I will always adore you from afar.
@lesbian-earn Mayyy! Your writing is beautiful and I am so glad that we’ve been able to connect. We always seem to be on the same page about theories and it’s so nice to have someone who just has a similar brain. Any time a new episode of something comes out, I love looking at your page to see your thoughts!
@kindaanartblog My favourite clown. I am still so in awe of your talent and I am always here for you to gush to or complain to or whatever! I still can’t believe you really took my Bright/Sarawat vampire prompt and made such a masterpiece. 
Taking a page out of Kylie’s book, here is a list of people that fill up my dash with loveliness. I am horrible at communication and maintaining relationships so whether I have messaged you, liked your posts or just love to see you show up on the timeline, know that you make me smile.
@gigiesarocha , @emisfritish, @khaotungthanawat, @piningbisexuals, @sarawatlisme, @brightwin, @obsiditae, @vertigox, @doodledot05, @coldties, @gunsatthaphan, @mybabybright @morksuns, @floralbfs, @toptaps, @gawincaskeyy, @onstoryladders @phukao, @earthfluuke, @asianmelodrama 
If I have not mentioned you here, I apologize in advance. I have tried to spend less time on Tumblr for my mental health so I am sorry if I forgot to mention. I hope everyone has an amazing winter break or festive season or end to 2020! 
I am so lucky to have a small corner of this community to help me through one of the hardest years. You are all so incredible and I love you all. Thanks again. 
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