#ghoulette fanfiction
Ghoulette Appreciation Week 6
Week 6: Murder Ghoulettes and self-care
Aurora wakes up thirsty. Cumulus taking Aurora out on her first hunt, followed by a tiny bit of self-care with Cirrus afterwards.
Rating: M Content: murder ghoulettes, kinda vampire au, blood/violence/murder Words: 1270
In my mind Aurora is a huge Twilight-girlie, so you can't tell me she doesn't try and recreate Bella's first hunt to cope with learning what her topside diet includes...
Read below or on AO3! where this almost got named "good soup"
Aurora wakes up thirsty. She’s been topside for a few months by now, and while she’s mostly on top of this strangely fragile Vessel’s needs, she’s never felt a thirst quite like this. Her mouth feels drier than it does after a band rehearsal without water, like her throat is burning.
She delicately untangles herself from the arms of the ghoulettes around her and makes her way to the kitchen to get a drink. Grabbing the largest glass she can find, she fills it and gulps it down, immediately refilling it. Nothing. In fact her thirst seems to be worse than ever. Too cold some instinct screams at her. She puts the glass in the microwave, and takes another sip of the gently steaming liquid. Wrong. Aurora lets out a small growl which reverberates around the darkened kitchen, mocking her in her frustration. The lights flicker to life as Cirrus joins her in the kitchen, yawning widely.
“What’cha doing, Rory? ‘S too early to be up yet.”
Aurora turns to her with frantic eyes, gesturing to the half full glass of warm water, “I’m so thirsty Cir, but water just makes it worse!”
Cirrus seemed to wake up fully at that, blinking sleep from her quickly darkening eyes. “Ah. I thought you were overdue a feed. Lus is going on a trip soon, she’ll take you later.”
A feed? What sort of trip? Aurora rakes her fingers through her hair in frustration at Cirrus’s cryptic behaviour. With a tilt of her head at Aurora's confusion, Cirrus turns abruptly to head back to the dorms.
“Come on, you'll want to be sitting down for this.”
Aurora took the news well. Almost too well. Instead of the abject horror most ghouls displayed at having to hunt in their weak humanoid forms to survive topside, she seemed almost excited at the prospect.
"So we're like vampires up here?” There was a disconcerting gleam to her eyes. "That's so cool!”
Cirrus and Cumulus shared a glance. Oh dear. They recalled Aurora's current obsession with 2000s chick-flicks. She watched Twilight last week. Cumulus nodded sheepishly; at least this reaction was better than the hysterics from Sunny.
“Sure thing Starburst, just like Vampires.” Cumulus didn't specify that she meant the non-glittery-variety. “Go get changed, we'll head out this morning before the boys decide to join us. Rain always makes such a mess.”
Aurora practically skipped across the hall to her room.
"Good luck with that.” Cirrus remarked to Cumulus, “I'll have a hot bath ready when you get back.”
“Thanks love.” Cumulus rolled her eyes good-naturedly, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I'll bring the little bloodsucker back in once piece.”
“I'm ready!” chirps Aurora from the doorway. She's met with stunned silence for a second.
"Sweetie,” Cirrus starts hesitantly, “What are you wearing?”
A short while later, once Aurora has been convinced that while yes, she definitely can wear that tiny silk dress, she really does have to put proper shoes on, Cumulus leads the way to the edge of the forest surrounding the Abbey. As she does, she makes a mental note of other movies to blacklist.
The pair trek through miles and miles of forest, well beyond the invisible perimeter wards of the Abbey. There is an agreement with the Clergy that although ghouls definitely need to feed, they should do so as far from the Abbey as possible, and not in the same region too often. After her initial excitement, Aurora now feels her mouth getting drier and drier with each step.
After what feels like hours, Cumulus stops, sniffing the air around them and smiling.
“Alright Rory, you're good to go.”
"What do I do?” Aurora asks uncertainly. The air here felt thick, and held the same allure as the waft of Mountain's freshly baked bread did.
“Oh you'll see,” Cumulus smirks, "just follow your nose.”
Aurora took a deep sniff before instinctually dropping into a hunting crouch. The scent was stronger down here, sticking to the leaves underfoot. She slinks through the trees, tracking the captivating smell until the air around them is rich with it. A gust of wind blows it even stronger in their direction, and she takes off running in the direction of the mouthwatering aroma. The branches around her tear at the flimsy satin of her dress and Cumulus has to laugh internally at the destruction: what did she expect?
The deer hunter Aurora has tracked never stood a chance. Before he could even link the sounds of branches snapping with danger, the small ghoulette is on top of him, his gun still raised in the direction of a spooked deer that is now bolting away.
She rips and tears at his flesh with vicious fangs and claws, carving through bone and sinew, and devouring blood, viscera, organs. The rush of warmth on her tongue and the sweet, metallic tang finally satiates her unholy thirst. As Aurora begins to return to herself from the red haze of the hunt, Cumulus looks on proudly, with feral eyes of her own. There is blood smeared around Aurora's mouth, her entirely ridiculous dress is hanging onto her by threads, more rip than fabric, and Cumulus can't help but marvel at her terrifying beauty.
She helps Aurora maneuverer the remains of the hunter's lifeless body deeper into the trees. By the time he is found, likely months later, his ghoulish mutilations will be indistinguishable from those caused by a wild animal. Possibly the ghouls will see talk of a bear attack in the newspapers the Siblings of the Abbey read.
Aurora’s thirst may be satisfied but Cumulus’s is only baited, so the pair move on. It isn’t done to share one’s prey with another ghoul if they are not mated, so Cumulus will find another victim, she always does. Sometimes they even come willingly, hypnotised by her unfathomable beauty in the depths of the unforgiving forest.
Eventually returning to the Abbey, Aurora find that the less feral she feels, the more she realises how deeply uncomfortable she is; cold and sticky, covered in mud, blood, and Satan only knows what else. Cumulus tempts her to keep moving quickly, despite the tiredness that is setting back into her bones, by telling her how Cirrus won't be able to resist her after a hunt. She’ll run them a warm bath, meticulously clean her claws for her, and take care of her in every way she knows. Cumulus tells Aurora how she's in for it now, as she looks every inch the terrifying hellbeast that she is.
They enter the ghoul wing with their hair everywhere, wild nests full of twigs and leaves. They are careful to avoid the common areas of the Abbey looking like this. All the ghouls, no matter how reckless they are when hunting, know better that to give any indication to the Siblings of Sin that this side of them exists.
“How'd the little vampire do?” Cirrus asks Cumulus when they tumble into her room, jumping up to begin picking detritus out of her Mate's hair and usher them both towards the cloud of sweet-smelling steam emanating from the bathroom.
Aurora is doing great: she’s preening just inside the door, feigning nonchalance as she picks blood out from under her claws. The dress maybe didn’t survive as well as she expected, the liquid silk slip hanging off her small frame in tatters. She shoots out a delicate tongue to lap up a spot of blood on her arm, her high-pitched purr reverberating around the room with self-satisfaction.
Cumulus smirks, “Oh, she’s gonna be just fine up here Riri.”
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Haircuts make Dew uncomfortable.
A product of his element transition was that his hair got badly singed and most of the length had to be cut off. Dew loved his platinum blonde, practically white hair. Took immaculate care of it. Adored its body and how it rippled like water. And suddenly it was burnt and matted and gone. Then to add insult to injury, even after it grew back it became a harvest gold.
Dew hates it at first. No matter how much Aether and Mountain insist that his hair is prettier than ever, that it suits him so well, he hates it. At first, he wears it back and under hats and beanies, refusing to deal with it. Eventually it gets so bad though that he tries to bleach it. Unfortunately the bleach further trashes his already damaged hair and he has to get it cut short all over again.
His packmates know he needs help but they aren’t sure what to do. Compliments and affirmations are all well and good but they don't really help. Doesn’t fix it. He knows his packmates mean well but he can’t really take their words to heart.
Then one day, Cumulus asks Dew for his help with doing her hair. Says she’s trimming it to avoid split ends and could he help her with the back sections? He agrees and helps her out. He helps her straighten her hair so she can trim it, then helps her work in product afterwards to help it regain its curl. Then she asks if he would like her to do his.
He refuses immediately. His hair has just gotten back to a couple inches below shoulder length, still too short for his liking, and even an end trim seems like too much. She doesn’t take offense though, just nods and changes the subject; has him pick what scent of hair mask she should use next.
And then next time she does her hair, she has him help her decide how to style it; braids or in space buns. And the time after that if she should cut it all short for summer. He immediately gasps at the thought, and waxes poetic about how pretty her hair is until they’re both giggling. And then he regards his own tangled mane in the mirror.
He asks in a quiet voice if he can borrow her hair scissors. She agrees, handing them over and watching him carefully. He brings the scissors up to the ends of his hair, but he stops. Freezes. He can’t do it.
“Would you like me to help?” She asks gently.
He hesitates and then nods, passing the scissors back over. She gestures for him to sit on the edge of the tub and stands behind him.
“I’m just going to get the ends, alright? Just to help your hair be a bit less tangled. Is that okay?”
He nods, not trusting his voice.
She brushes through his hair gently, mindful of the tangles. Asks one more time if he’s okay with this. When he nods again she wraps a towel around him. She works as quickly as she can while still being careful to make sure everything is even. When she’s done, she sets the scissors aside and uses her air magic to sweep the cut ends of his hair away into the trashcan and out of sight. Then she brushes through his hair again and grabs the curling iron.
“Okay if I style it a little?”
“Sure.” Dew shrugs noncommittally.
An ironic perk of Dew’s hair now is that it’s a lot more fire resistant. Still Cumulus is careful not to turn the iron on too hot and risk burning herself. She uses it to add a slight wave to Dew’s hair before finally letting him look.
Dew gets up and shyly glances at himself in the mirror, eyes going wide once he does. Even though it’s not perfect, there’s still damaged ends left from lack of regular care, Dew has to admit that it looks a lot better. Cumulus had to take about three inches off but as he runs a hand through it and doesn’t get caught on a rats nest of tangled ends he sighs in relief. The slight wave has the corner of his mouth quirking up even as he begins to blink rapidly.
“Feel a little bit better?” Cumulus asks.
“Yeah. Thank you.”
They both ignore how Dew’s voice cracks a little. Cumulus definitely doesn’t notice that dampness around Dew’s eyes. She busies herself cleaning up while Dew turns away and rubs his eyes.
“If you’re up for it, I know what might really help. A nice deep shampooing and conditioning will go a long way towards helping maintain your hair. You can use my stuff and I’ll even help you wash if you want.”
Dew knows how protective over her hair products Cumulus is. The fact that she’s offering makes him smile. He nods.
“Thank you.”
Cumulus gets the both of them ensconced in the tub, Dew using his magic to keep the water steamy while Cumulus massages shampoo through his hair. The way her claws gently card over his scalp has him purring in no time despite the stress he’d been feeling. By the time she’s rinsing the conditioner, she practically has to hold him up so he doesn’t fall asleep right there in the bath. After, she helps him stand and wraps him in her fluffiest towel before wrapping a smaller towel around his head to dry his hair.
“Why don’t you get some comfy clothes and I’ll get a nest ready. Sounds good?”
“Uh huh.” Dew’s too worn out and sleepy to fuss about being taken care of.
He dutifully pads off to his room to change and Cumulus makes good on her promise and sets up a blanket and pillow nest. She’s just fluffing the last pillow when Dew returns in an oversized tee and sleep shorts, and mostly dry hair. Without complaint, he hops up on the bed and sinks into the blankets with a happy chirp. Cumulus finishes drying her own hair, changes into pajamas and joins him.
“Okay if I braid your hair? It’ll help with tangles and it’ll be wavy in the morning.”
“Kay.” He murmurs, already drifting off. She giggles and retrieves her brush from her nightstand. Dew is fast asleep before she even ties the braid off with a silk scrunchie.
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st-danger · 4 months
pls pls pls give us a little taste of how aeon’s heat goes and how the other ghouls handle it (from ur free use ask) i’m begging
Oh how good of you to ask as I just spent time texting @miasmaghoul about what it could look like not a few hours ago.
It starts in the most embarrassing, borderline juvenile way possible, and for a very long time after, Aeon feels shame and arousal in equal measure when he revisits the memory. The shame he could probably do without, but the others seem to enjoy that slice, and their continued reaction to it ensures it'll always get him going again, even if it makes him cringe.
Nastiness under the cut.
Edit: Free use ficlet here.
To put it frankly, Aeon loses his mind. It's overwhelming in a way he has nothing to compare to, and because of that, it's almost intolerable.
They're all curled up on the couches in the common room, watching some movie Mountain chose. He can barely pay attention, and to be perfectly honest, stopped following it roughly twenty four minutes past the title screen. He feels weird in a way he can't quite quantify, and curls himself into the blanket a little further. Squirmy.
"You good?" Aether murmurs and Aeon startles, oddly enough.
"Mhm," he replies, and Aether nods his assent and turns back to the screen.
And then he feels it. Out of nowhere, apropos of nothing he feels hot from his toes to the points of his ears and the tingling that settles into his belly and creeps lower, lower, makes his stomach clench. Everyone's been, well, accommodating doesn't seem to fully define it, but usually it's kicked off by something. A dream. Dew looking at him like he means to consume him. Aurora having a little fun, unable to stop from teasing him, standing near and brushing her tits against part of him, braless, mock accidental. This is out of the blue.
This is the part he's not proud of, and cannot for the life of him, when he looks back, understand why he didn't excuse himself. He thinks he can get away with it. Not that he needs to hide, clearly not- but he feels funny about it now, nervous, and he doesn't know why:
Under the blanket, he lets his hand wander. As still as possible, slow to not rouse suspicion, he shifts again, makes it seem like hes just repositioning himself under the blanket. Innocent. But now he reaches for himself and slow and careful as he's able to avoid giving anything away, plays with himself. Pets at his shaft through his pyjama pants in long runs of his fingers, and feels his face heat. Grateful for the fact the lights are off. So, so grateful. His cock is sticking straight up before he knows it, pressing against his pants and he begins focusing on the head.
Tickling it. Giving all the attention to the tip, the underside, and while pretending to watch the movie, toys with it incessantly even as his eyes go blurry, too out of focus to catch much of what's happening on screen.
He misses the sidelong, careful glances from the others. Of course he does. He's throbbing and twitching and he has to figure out a way to pull it out so he can touch it for real. He barely registers Mountain standing up, until the lights are flipped back on. Beside him, Dew leans in and rests his chin on his shoulder, smiling. Too close for comfort and Aeon freezes.
"What are you doing down there?" Dew asks, silky and deeply amused. Aeon blanches and jerks away, hands freezing, but the giggling that echoes from Cumulus and Aurora, the knowing chuckle from Aether lets him know he's screwed. He opens his mouth to say something, flounder for some excuse, but Aether's reaching to pull the blanket away and Dew howls.
"No fuckin' way," he laughs, and Aeon feels another wave of pleasure roll off him, even as his head swivels and he stares at everyone looking back at him, looking at his lap, looking at the way he-
"Can't help yourself, huh?" Dew says, leaning in again to rest his chin on Aeon's shoulder once more, laying a hand on his knee that feels like heated steel. "Look at you go. Can't stop rubbing that red dick raw, huh?"
"I can't- help it," Aeon squeaks, looking to the others for some kind of validation, apologetic. "I don't know what's wrong, it just-"
"Came out of nowhere?" Mountain offers and Aeon nods. They all share a knowing look that makes Aeon feel he's missed something important. That they are aware of something Aeon is not. It makes him feel uncomfortable. Nervous. Incredibly nervous.
"You're in for a helluva night," Dew says, into his ear. He can feel his breath against his neck, and has no idea what he means, but suddenly the urge- the need, the absolute need, struck with a certainty that if he doesn't get a hand on himself right this second he'll discorporate- is too great and he cringes and shoves his hands down his pants to pull it out, with everyone watching.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Aeon stumbles, like he hasn't been using them to get off whenever possible for weeks now. Like it's something they haven't seen. Well, not like this. Not everybody all at once, staring at him hungry and appraising while he loses his goddamned mind. He wraps both hands around himself and starts to jerk himself in quick, short pulls, frantic and stupid and fast. Singleminded intensity to cum. He hears a groan from one of them, and another round of giggling and cringes again, full bodied as he leaks a shining pearl of pre from his tip.
"Oh, don't be," Dew purrs and Aeon screws his eyes shut and pants and jerks and jerks-
He's there before he realizes what's happening, and now, unlike what's been happening earlier, he feels the base of his cock, the one he's been rubbing red sore any chance he gets, on anything he can, begin to swell and apparently everyone notices it too, because there's a chorus of sounds, approving and nasty from his audience.
"He's gonna pop it," he thinks he hears Swiss say.
He doesn't understand but it makes everyone laugh again and suddenly his orgasm is upon him and he knows on instinct he has to squeeze himself there, hard, now-
He uses both hands to wrap around and milk the bulge, hips thrusting forward, and watches, mortified and keening, as it tries to bounce out of his grip and spit out rope after thick rope, and he cannot let go of the fat bulge, has to pulse it rhythmically, just knows he has to-
"Unholy shit," Dew cackles, "he actually, oh. Oh unholy shit look at that-"
He finishes cumming, eyes watering while he looks around at the others, still unable and unwilling to loosen his hands- he just knows if he does it'll be unbearable. Doesn't know how he knows, but he knows. He takes in the delighted, hungry looks from the others and the nerves come crashing back, accompanied by deep embarrassment and excitement.
"Welcome to the club, sweetheart," Swiss grins, standing up. Aeon's stomach lurches when he sees the outline of his cock pressed against his pants.
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iamthecomet · 5 months
mounty/rora size difff!!!!! im insane!!!!
like imagine they’re in the kitchen and roras tryna grab somethin high up and mount comes up behind and just. engulfs her. idk if i were her i would lose it.
also dom mountain? maybe? calling her his “little princess” and making her take him all at once?
(maybe some really light cnc like hes “making” her take it no matter what she wants)
idk i love them
I got SO carried away with this. I am NOT SORRY. 2.3k words of MountRora under the cut. Despite the CNC mention in the ask everything in the ficlet is enthusiastically consented to on screen. Though, Mountain does have a few thoughts (before anything actually happens) that could make things seem dubious. So keep that in mind before you read. I absolutely took some inspiration for their normal dynamic from this post by @miasmaghoul because her brain is gigantic.
The new ghoulette makes Mountain feel like he’s losing his mind. He hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off of her since they were introduced. Her miniscule frame tucked under one of Copia’s arms as he gave her and Aeon a tour of the ghoul wing. 
He knows her better now. Enough that when he lays in bed at night with one hand on his cock and her on his mind he doesn’t feel quite as bad as he did that first night. Face down on his pillows, knuckles wedged between his teeth so that when he came in hot spurts he didn’t accidentally whimper the name of the freshly summoned ghoulette in the next room. 
Now, a few months in, the thoughts are no less impure but he knows they’re welcome. Knows she thinks the same things. Finds her at his door in the middle of the night, barely clothed and already soaked for him. Slipping into his lap with ease and grinding against him until she cums–until he does too. Splattering cum over his stomach as she works him through it with her tongue in his mouth. 
It’s not enough. 
Mountain watches her from the couch as she stretches up onto her toes and tries to reach something on the very top shelf of the game cabinet. Spine stretching, fingers waggling as she tries to reach. Almost hopping on her toes in a futile attempt to bump whatever game she’s hoping for close enough to grab. 
Mountain delights in watching her. In looking at the little sliver of skin that shows as her shirt rides up. On the way her ass looks in her leggings. Eyes tracing the dip in her waist, knowing he can touch his fingers around it when he holds her. 
He’ll get up and help her–of course he will. Though, she’ll never ask. Determined to do it herself. But he’s going to let her struggle for another minute and enjoy the view. 
He pushes himself off the couch when she starts to show signs of planning to climb the cabinet. He presses right up against her. Ducks his head to press his chin to the crown of her head, right between brutally sharp opalescent horns. 
“Which one?” he rumbles. Curling one arm around her waist, palm flat against her belly. That warm strip of skin under his calloused palm. She growls, high and playful. And he pulls her tighter, presses her body right up against his until he knows she can feel how hard he’s gotten pressed right against her spine. 
“Monopoly,” she says, pressing back against him. Standing on her toes in an attempt to grind her ass back against him. “Why do you put it so high?” “Big boxes go on the top shelf.” 
“Nothing should go on the top shelf.” She huffs as he pulls it down and presses it into her waiting hands. 
“Who are you playing with?” 
“Aeon and Swiss, do you want to come too?” 
Mountain shakes his head. He digs his fingers into her stomach just a little and then releases her. She turns in his grip, box held between them. “I don’t like monopoly. Too competitive. And Swiss always cheats.” 
She frowns. “He promised he wouldn’t–”
“He’s a liar.” He kisses her between the horns. “Will you come see me after?” 
She looks up at him. Violet blush darkening her cheeks and the tips of her ears. She smiles, slow and easy as she nods. “As soon as we’re done.” 
“That a promise?” Mountain teases. 
She licks her lips, nods again, short and curt this time. “Yes, sir.”
His cock kicks in his pants, drools pre into the dark gray fabric. Aurora grins at him, and then slips away, out of the door. Mountain sags back into the couch. He palms at himself–not enough to really get anywhere. Just a little pressure, a little relief as he thinks about her. About what he wants to do–no–what he’s going to do to her. She wants it too--he knows it.
The grinding is all well and good, but he wants to be inside. Wants to press deep and feel the way her body changes as he fucks into her. To reach places no one else ever has or ever will again. He closes his eyes, tips his head back against the back of the couch and tries not to blow it just over the thought of her. 
⛧ Mountain keeps himself as busy as he can stand. Takes a trip to the greenhouse and tries to think about deadheading flowers instead of pinning Aurora down on his bed and fucking her senseless. 
He works on dinner, and somehow doesn’t burn anything despite doing the entire thing on auto pilot–much to Dew’s disappointment. 
The fire ghoul kicks him out mid-way through with a frustrated grimace. 
“I’m trying to help, Dew,” Mountain says in protest as Dew bullies him from the kitchen. 
“Then help, by being literally anywhere else. I can smell how hard you are. Go jerk off or something.” 
Mountain retreats to his room. There’s a knock on the door three minutes later–not that he was counting. 
Aurora doesn’t wait to be let in, she’s pushing past him as soon as he opens the door. Shucking her shirt off and throwing it to the side before Mountain has even locked them in. And then she’s on him. Coming up on her toes as he bends to meet her. Lips sealing together as her clever fingers slid under his t-shirt and up to roll already pebbled nipples between deft fingers. He growls, hauls her close. Nearly off her feet in his attempt to pull her into his skin with him. Tongue delving deep into her mouth–less about pleasure and more about claiming. 
“Who won?” he asks as he pulls away long enough to pull of his shirt. She wiggles out of her leggings and underwear in one go and Mountain feels the last of his coherent brain cells die when she bends over to pull them off of her ankles. Exposing her soft pink cunt to his hungry gaze. She’s wet already, folds glistening as she shifts from one foot to the other. 
“Swiss,” Aurora says as she finally untangles herself. “He cheated.” 
“Told you.” 
Aurora is right up on him again, his back against the door. Her hand slipping down his pants to curl her fingers around his cock. He shoves at his waistband. Desperate to get them off so he can see. So he can watch the way her fingers don’t meet when she holds him. She stands on her toes and nips at his jaw. Stroking from root to tip as he finally frees himself. Fire licking up his spine as she tightens her grip to milk a pearl of pre from the tip. 
“‘Rora,” Mountain whispers, pressing his forehead to the top of her head, both of them looking down. Watching the way she strokes him. The head flushed and shiny. Her fingers looking so small–so impossibly dainty around him. “Wanna try something.” 
“Let me fuck you.”  Not a question. A demand. A need. No room for argument in it. Aurora pulls her head back so they can really see each other, she tips her head, lip pinned by a razor sharp fang. 
“It’s too big. Won’t fit.�� 
Mountain steps closer, she goes back. Doesn’t let go of him, doesn’t stop dragging her thumb over that spot under the head that makes him twitch. He crowds her back until she’s forced to sit on his bed. Forced to crane her neck to look up at him. He reaches down, strokes her hair out of her face, tucks one strand behind her ear. 
“I’ll make it fit.” 
He watches her throat work as she swallows. Watches the way her pupils go just that much wider. She’s moon-eyed and slack jawed as she looks up at him. Thighs clamped together, shifting just ever so slightly in search of friction. 
She nods. Eyes never leaving his. Cheeks dark, breath shallow. When he pushes her back to lay on the bed, she falls like a rag doll. Easy. Chest heaving as he climbs above her. Mouthing at her jaw, and lower. Over sharp collarbones, and rosey nipples. Pressing the flat of his tongue to each bud as he sucks them into his mouth. Assualting them with just enough teeth to make her gasp and arch up into him. 
He leaves a trail of open mouth kisses down her stomach, over her hip bones, down to her cunt. Pressing his lips over her clit. He drags his tongue through her folds. Gathering slick. Letting the taste of her white out every other thought. 
He presses one finger inside of her as he pulls back. Watching as her eyes flutter closed, one hand toying with one of her nipples, the other sunk deep into the mess of her own hair. She whines, hips rolling down to meet his hand as he presses as deep as he can. “Gonna make you take it,” Mountain says, bending down to suck her clit into his mouth as he gives her another finger. 
She nods dumbly, tucking her chin into her chest to watch him. Their eyes meeting over the soft plain of her body. “Yeah. Yeah. Make me take it. Ruin me.” 
His cock kicks and spits against the comforter as he fingers her. Adding a third. Unable to think about anything else except the musk of her on his tongue and the way these velvet walls will feel clamped around his cock. How it will feel when she cums on it. 
Mountain doesn’t have the patience to wait anymore. Not with the way she’s fluttering around his fingers. Not with how her clit pulses against his tongue.
He slips his fingers from her body, and allows himself a moment to admire her as he pulls away. To watch as she clenches around nothing. To see the way she drips onto the bed. 
He shuffles forward, tucks her legs around his hips. He drags the blunt head of his cock over her swollen clit and revels in the way she mewls beneath him. Hands twisting in the sheets, hips twitching closer. “Look at you,” he says. Dragging his cock through her folds, watches the way she opens for him. He lines himself up, just barely touching her. It would take nothing to split her open on it. He should go slow–should take his time.  
“C’mon,” she insists. “Put it in. Stop teasing and–”
Mountain surges forward. He bottoms out in one thrust. His hips flush with hers. She wails. Eyes rolling up in her head, body clamping down hard on him. Her heel digs into his ass, just above his tail. He grabs her as she arches, both big hands on her waist, thumbs almost touching just under her belly button. 
The next thrust makes her tear up. Wetness clinging to delicate lashes as she clamps her eyes closed and keens. Mountain gives up on slow and steady almost immediately. Leaning forward to bend her in half and pound in. Over and over again. Each slick slide a new revelation.  Each noise she makes dragging him closer and closer to the end. He sets his thumb to her clit. She opens her mouth and nothing comes out, just a ragged pleasured breath as she takes every inch he gives her. 
She cums with a cry. Clamping down so hard on him he’s almost forced out. Eyes rolling back, body going taught as her toes curl against his back and she pulses around him. He fucks her through it, keeps his thumb rolling over her clit until she bats his hand away. 
“So fucking tight, Rora. fucking perfect. All mine.” Moutain’s babbling now. White hot pleasure coiling deep in his gut. She’s boneless beneath him. Fucked dumb and breathless. She reaches up to press her hand over his heart, to drag her thumb over a nipple. Each thrust forcing the breath from her, along with little startled noises as he goes just a little harder, a little deeper. 
“Gonna–fuck–can I? Let me cum inside?” 
Aurora nods, lips parted, drool gathering at the corners. “Yeah. Yeah. Do it. Make it sloppy.” 
Mountain gets one more thrust in, shoving in as deep as he can before he starts to shoot, vision whiting as the hot clutch of her drags him under. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. “Thank youthankyou.” 
She reaches up, tangling fingers in the sweat damp hair at the base of his neck and pulling him down to kiss him. Fangs nipping as his lip as she does. 
A sharp knock at the door pulls Mountain away from her with a start. 
“You’d better be done fucking now,” Dew’s voice carries through the door. “Dinner’s getting cold.” 
“Coming!” Aurora calls. 
“Yeah,” Dew mutters just loud enough for them to hear, sarcasm biting through his words. “I bet you are.” 
Mountain pulls out of Aurora with a hiss. He wants a few more minutes. Time to admire the way his cum drools out of her. Time to bury his face back between her legs and clean her up–to lick his mess out of her until she’s crying and shaking beneath him. 
Instead, he stands up and starts to get dressed. Heart still hammering in his chest, nerves still alight with pleasure. Aurora stretches, arms above her head, body on full display, until something in her spine pops and she sighs, satisfied. 
“After dinner, we go again,” she says, pushing herself out of bed to stand on wobbly legs. 
“Yeah?” Mountain asks, not daring to allow any real hope to filter into his voice, He doesn’t want her to feel obligated. Doesn’t want her to do too much because she wants to make him happy. He’ll be happy just eating her out. Letting her grind. Curling her into his arms and fucking her thighs. She grins, standing on her toes to pull him into a kiss that is more fang than tongue. “I told you to ruin me didn’t I?” 
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madangel19 · 1 month
Thought of Phantom eating one too many of Swiss's weed brownies during 4/20 and had to write it down :D
Content: Recreational drug use, ghoul cuddles, poor Phantom doesn't know about the forever weed brownie
Word Count: 1078
A sweet earthy scent from the ghoul kitchen caught Phantom’s attention. He was laying in bed when it reached him and his stomach began to grumble. Were the ghoulettes cooking something? Cumulus’s cookies were always mouth watering but this didn’t smell like cookies. He had to investigate. 
Phantom got out of bed and left his room, chittering softly. The smell was stronger now. It reminded him of Swiss and he smiled at the thought of him cooking something yummy. He didn’t cook often, but when he did, it was delicious. 
Phantom poked his head around a corner and saw the empty kitchen. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, but he quickly spotted a tray of brownies on the counter. The smell was coming from there.
“Ooo brownies,” he crowed as he went over and looked the brownies over. The smell was strong, warm and earthy, reminding him of the few times he walked by Mountain’s greenhouse. They must have been taken out recently which meant they were still warm. Warm brownies were always the best.
Phantom looked around and saw that he was alone. He looked back at the brownies and saw there was more than enough for everyone. He could eat one or two or three or four. He carefully picked one up and smelled it again, sighing in content at the amazing scent.
He took a bite and he gasped at the slightly bitter taste. It didn’t last long before he bit down on gooey chocolate chips and he was in love. Fuck, it tasted amazing despite the brief bitterness. He shoved the rest of the brownie into his mouth and moaned as he chewed.
“Fuck, that’s good. One more,” he murmured, wiping his mouth before grabbing another brownie that was a lot bigger than the others.
Why didn’t anyone tell him that Swiss was making brownies? Was this supposed to be some kind of surprise? No, someone would have told him beforehand. This was probably Swiss being generous and making sweets for the pack. 
Once he was finished eating the second brownie, he took a third and stepped away from the tray. Three was enough for now. He needed some milk after three brownies. 
He froze, the third brownie halfway in his mouth. He slowly looked around and saw Swiss standing behind him. The multi ghoul looked at him and then at the tray of brownies and his eyes went wide with shock before he suddenly burst into laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Phantom asked, unsure of what was going on.
“Oh, Bug. How many brownies did you eat?” Swiss asked, wiping away tears from his eyes.
“Uhhh….three? There’s plenty for everyone so three felt like enough,” Phantom replied. 
Swiss gasped despite the huge smile on his face. He shook his head and walked over to Phantom, throwing an arm around his shoulder. 
“Oh, Bug. Sweet Bug. You’re in for it now,” Swiss crowed. 
“Why? What’s wrong? Was I not supposed to eat the brownies?” Phantom asked, already feeling bad if they were meant for Papa or even the Clergy. 
“Those are my strongest weed brownies, Bug. Mountain’s been growing a special strain and wanted me to bake them into brownies for the pack and anyone else who’s interested. Just one is enough to turn you into mush,” Swiss said, leading Phantom to the couch. 
“Oh…Oh no…,” Phantom murmured. 
“Hmm, I guess I should have left a warning note,” Swiss said, helping Phantom sit down. 
“Yeah, you should have. Swiss…am I gonna be okay?” Phantom asked, looking up to the bigger ghoul for reassurance. He had been high with Swiss and the rest of the pack plenty of times, but he had never had an edible before. 
Swiss chuckled and sat down next to him, tousling his dark hair. He could feel the faint tug of his quintessence putting him at ease and he let out a soft sigh while resting his head on his shoulder.
“You’ll be okay, Bug. You can just lay here and the rest of the pack will come along and we’ll all have brownies and watch stupid movies together and eat snacks,” Swiss said.
“That sounds nice,” Phantom replied, glad that he was safe. He wasn’t sure what he was going to feel soon, but as long as he was with his pack, then he was going to be fine.
One hour later
Dewdrop yawned as he made his way to the ghoul den. Swiss had been texting him all morning about his plans for the day and the mention of his famous brownies really got his attention. He had a long day and looked forward to relaxing with a brownie and a blunt. 
He stopped when he saw the scene before him. Phantom was laid out on the couch, eyes droopy and a goofy smirk on his lips. His head was positioned in Swiss’s lap. Swiss lazily played with his hair while taking a drag from a blunt. The ghoulettes were piled on the floor in a giggly cuddle pile while cooing over Phantom. Rain and Mountain were seated in different arm chairs, looking absolutely blissed out. 
“You guys got started before me?” Dewdrop asked. 
“Phantom started first. Poor thing ate three brownies and now he’s in space,” Swiss purred, cupping the younger ghoul’s cheek and slowly rubbing his thumb along his skin. Phantom purred, grabbing his hand and nuzzling it. 
“He’s so cute like this,” Aurora chimed. 
“Mm...not cute,” Phantom murmured. 
“You’re right. You’re adorable, Bug. You’re taking three brownies so well. Once you’re able to move in a few hours, you can take a hit of this,” Swiss said, showing him the blunt. Phantom reached for it and Swiss held it away, shaking his head with a playful smirk. The younger ghoul whined, but made no effort to move. 
“Just wait a bit longer, darling,” Cumulus cooed while holding a chirping Aurora close to her chest. 
“Are there any brownies left?” Dewdrop asked, his stomach rumbling. There were plenty of snack strewn about the den that made his mouth water. 
“Of course. They’re in the fridge,” Mountain said.
Dewdrop nodded and went to get himself a brownie or two. After eating two brownies, he sighed and went to take his place in the cuddle pile with the ghoulettes.
“How many did you eat?” Cirrus asked after pulling him close.
“Perfect,” Swiss crowed.
“Yay,” Phantom cheered weakly before cuddling closer to Swiss.
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she-lovesmovies · 1 year
Sodo × fem!reader
She/her reader
Words count: 2 486
Summary: You have a fight with Sodo and he gives you the silent treatment after that.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst/fluff. She throws up at some point but it's short and not details. She also eat less for a short time so TW for ED.
Notes: English is not my first language so some lines may be grammatically incorrect, + typos, sorry.
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(Pic coming from Pinterest)
"Mountain I don't know what to do. I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me. At first I understood: he's angry, l'm not gonna talk to him, l'm gonna wait. But it's been hours and I really feel like we need to talk about it... "
"Honestly, I personally don't think what you did was that bad. He's just annoyed by anything and everything. You should try to talk to him."
"Ok..? You sighted.
Rain was looking at you, shaking his head no.
But what could you do, really?
You had walked on his guitar and broke two of the buttons. Not just broke in the he could put them back on way, but you had crushed them.
You couldn't even remember how it happened.
But you remembered how Sodo had looked at you.
How the atmosphere of the room had instantly changed. For the long time you had been with Sodo, or hang out with him, you had never felt that.
It was your fault, clearly. You knew your boyfriend was always leaving his things on the floor so you should have been careful.
After your initial shock, you had fall to your knees and tried to put the pieces back. But he had harshly told you to leave the room. You had quickly complied. And he hadn't talk to you since the incident.
You hadn't even had the chance to apologize...
You trusted Rain. But you had to talk to Sodo.
So here you were, in front of his door.
"Sodo ?"
You knocked on the door and opened it. Discreetly walking inside.
He was sitting on the floor, his back to you. His ears and head twitching at the sound of your movements.
His tail was moving violently.
He looked like an animal.
"Sodo ? It's me….. Ijust wanted to say l'm sorry."
"Get out." He growled.
So it was gonna be a hard one.
"Sodo, I'm really sorry, can we talk about this ?"
"What about ? You broke my guitar. I won't be able to play it. That's it. Get out.?
"I'm not getting out until you're looking at me. You're clearly not well and I'm not leaving you like this."
He angrily turned around and looked at you dead in the eyes.
He wasn't wearing his mask so you could see his eyes. And now you knew why they were ghouls. Why people thought of them as demons.
"And why would I want you being the one to help me?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend…..?" You answer quietly, forced to look at the floor under his cold scary gaze.
He laughed sadistically and you knew it had been the wrong thing to say and you were both gonna get hurt now.
" You're just a girl I fuck and hang out with. I could do it with any other siblings or sisters. Do you think you have anything special? Because right now apart from breaking my guitar, you didn't do much around here."
He doesn't mean it.
You knew he didn't mean it.
He is just angry.
He loves you.
You knew he did.
After everything you went through together.
But it still hurt.
"You don't mean it. You're just angry.."
"Just angry? Just angry? I could fucking kill you right now! don't know why i'm not doing it. Probably because my brothers would murder me after that. But trust me I would fucking rip you apart if I could. You're fucking useless in the clergy. Copia is being nice to you because that's who he is. He doesn't care about you. I don't care about it."
"No, you don't mean it..." your lips started shaking.
"I- mean- every-words- I- said." He articulated.
At this point your whole body was trembling.
"Stop fucking trembling. It's pissing me off!" He harshly said before turning back to his broken guitar.
"Sorry." you muttered.
He doesn’t mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
Both of you didn't say anything for the next two minutes.
It can't end on this.
This conversation can't end like that.
How can I arrange it ?
How can I fix his guitar?
"Sodo, tell me what should I do...?"
You could hear the tears in your own voice.
You knew his guitar was the thing he loved the most in this whole world.
He always had play with this guitar since he stopped being a bassist.
"Fucking leave me alone and don't talk to me again. I don't want to see your face."
You couldn't just stop talking to him.
Or hang out with him.
Did that mean you both were nothing now.
"Are you breaking up with me ?" You ask with a quiet voice.
He didn't answer.
You were in the wrong.
He had every right to not talk. He had asked you to leave him be and you were in the wrong.
So you turned around, defeated, and walked out of the door.
You were in the wrong.
He didn't answer...
4 days had passed since your fight with Sodo.
You both hadn't talk to each other.
You were trying to reach him but he just kept avoiding and ignoring you.
You had heard from Aether that he was in the studio, talking with Copia.
So you ran to them, knowing he couldn't avoid you if he was talking with Copia.
You entered the studio.
Copia glanced at you but Sodo kept talking not acknowledging you or the sound you made.
He probably heard or smell you coming.
The ghoul kept on going on.
Copia looked at you, then Sodo.
"Sodo. Please can we talk ?"
No answer.
“Sodo answer me !” You yelled.
Copia looked at you and opened his mouth to say something to Sodo but the ghoul was faster.
"We can keep this conversation elsewhere if you're distracted Papa."
Copia looked like he didn't know what to do.
The silence grounded itself in the room.
“Please talk to me." You whispered, your voice shaking.
Silence again.
Then Sodo started talking with Copia again, who clearly wasn't listening but just looking at you with pity, extending his hand toward you to reach you.
“My dear maybe if...”
Tears rolled down your face and you whimpered just before running out of the room.
You were embarrassed.
Being treated like that in front of Papa.
Being treated like you were nothing.
Like you were useless and didn't exist.
You arrived to your bedroom and locked yourself into your bedroom.
You ran to your bathroom and toilet.
You started throwing up.
Your mouth and throat were sour because of the vomit.
But the way Sodo treated you had triggered some background traumas you had.
You've been through similar things in middle school.
You had to endure those type of behaviors from people you loved.
And it had leave the child you were, traumatized by some specific things.
You couldn't help the way your body was reacting.
And for the next 3 weeks, you had been throwing up every night.
After your duties. After all the pressure was gone. Your body was letting it all go.
But it hurt you.
Your stomach, your throat, your head was hurting you.
Your whole body was exhausted by throwing up for hours. So after the first week you started eating less to vomit a little less food.
Your body kept trying to vomit something and it hurt, but it wasn't as painful as when you were eating.
You also had sleeping problems because of that. It was not often that you were throwing up in the middle of the night and apart from thinking too hard about everything that was going on, you frequently were woke up by nightmares.
You had learned from Rain that Sodo's guitar had been fixed a week ago. You were glad. But the silent treatment kept going on. And honestly it was almost like you had accept it, it pained you everytime you saw him, but you were getting use to it. It didn't mean you were more happy. Getting use to it didn't arrange anything. You still felt miserable. Wandering in the corridors, doing your tasks like a ghost, you still felt useless.
Right now, you were trying to eat your breakfast. The only meal you had everyday.
Thinking about what you could do today.
You knew how it was gonna go: you were gonna go to your bedroom, lay in your bed, start thinking about Sodo, about your relationship, about everything you did, about how you did the same as when you were young, about your last relationships, about how in the wrong you were. About how apart from the guitar you were just a pain in the ass and uninteresting.
About how you knew Sodo was stubborn but if he really loved you he couldn't avoid you for that long.
About how he had always been right: he was saying the truth and didn't want you.
And you would throw up, and cry. And wish someone was there, but at the same time wished no one would see you like that, and wished to only disappear and die.
"Y/n. I know you want and need some time alone, but we're really worried about you.."
You didn't dare to look at Mountain while eating your cereals.
"He's right, you don't look good." Agreed Swiss.
"So that's why you all decided to sit with me this morning? Then that's really kind of you, for once, to sit with me. But don't worry I'II be able to achieve my duties. So you can tell Copia to stop sending his ghouls because whatever my mood and state I'll do my job. I don't want to get thrown out of the clergy."
You stood up from your chair and took your bowl.
But before you had the chance to walk away, Mountain's tail grabbed your forearm.
"Y/n, you need to talk to him.” Mountain muttered.
You started laughing hysterically.
"He's been giving me the silent treatment for 5 weeks. At this point he just doesn't want me in his life. Plus, last time you told me talk to him and look how greatly it went. It's okay. I fucked up. It was stupid of me to think he cared and loved me. You all don't have to pretend. I’ll just stop annoying everyone."
Cumulus tried to speak:
"Y/n it's not what we-“
You didn't let her finished as you took your forearm back and quickly walked out of the cafeteria.
"We need to do something. Sodo is fucking up all the rehearsals and she clearly is not doing well?”
"I don't care about the fucking rehearsals Aether. She's gonna kill herself if she keeps going on like this." Said Mountain.
"We need to talk some fucking sense in Sodo's ego and brain." Agreed Cirrus.
You were in your room.
In your bed.
Under your white sheets.
Your head below your pillow.
Your head was hurting you so bad.
You didn't know if the pillow was suppose to take the pain away, to cut yourself from the outside world, or just suffocate yourself to die instantly.
The tinnitus in your ears was so loud you didn't hear your door opening.
You groaned. Still deaf from the person entering.
"Y/n, it's me, Sodo."
You were on the verge of passing out.
The bucket for throwing up next to your bed was almost full.
You didn't know why tonight was that bad.
"Talk to me, please?
Sodo thought it was only fair that you were giving him the silent treatment back, after what he did to you. But he couldn't stop himself from getting worried at the sounds leavingg your body.
He rushed to your bed when he clearly heard cries.
He pulled the sheets and you shriek.
You curled on yourself even more than before, as if trying to protect you.
Sodo took in the sigh of you.
You were pale.
Really pale.
It looked like you hadn't eat for days.
He kneeled next to the bed, where your face was now resting and caressed it.
"Y/n open your eyes."
You shook your head and he stood up, just to sit on your bed and tried to pull you up so you were sitting.
You were just limbs and as you sat up, your head fell past his shoulder. Your chin resting on it as your chest was laying on his.
"Sodo." you finally whimpered.
You had recognized him.
"Yeah, it's me darling."
"You're talking to me." She sobs.
And Sodo’s heart couldn’t hold it anymore.
It broke on itself and tears started to well up in his eyes.
And a sudden wave of immense sadness and pain washed over him.
He was overwhelmed by sorrow.
It took him a second to realize it was your pain he was feeling.
His arms encircled you and he hugged you like he had never hug anyone.
"I'm so sorry. l'm so sorry. I was being immature. It was never your fault. For anything. I let my guitar lay around. I was an asshole to get angry at something so stupid. It was just buttons. I didn't mean anything I say. Please believe me. I love you. I love you so much. Please."
You closed your eyes from relief.
Your head was still hurting you like hell therefore the need to vomit was starting to vanish.
But then your mind reminded you of those past 3 weeks.
"Why? Why did you do that to me? For 3 weeks. You're lying. You don't love me.."
You tried to get out of his embrace but you were just too weak.
"I'm sorry. I was angry at myself. And then I thought you would never forgive me. That you were just better without someone so immature. I'm so sorry. I don't want our relationship to get toxic. l'll never do that to you again. I'm so sorry. l've never been more miserable. Please come back."
You cried even harder as you heard Sodo's own cries.
"I don't know. I don't know. I'm so tired Sodo. I love you so much. But right now I'm too tired to think."
"Okay, okay don't worry darling. I brought you some biscuits so you can eat and then we'll just lay down and talk about all this tomorrow. Do you want me to go ?”
"Please. Stay. I need you to hold me."
Sodo nodded. He didn't loose his grip on you as you both laid down on the bed.
He hugged you from behind.
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry. So sorry." He sobs quietly.
"I know Sodo." whispered as your mind drifted into unconsciousness.
The ringing in your ears had stopped.
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mielleosaurus · 11 months
My favorite things about the ghouls in fanfics:
- different personal shaped horns
- split tongues
-blushing in their signature colour/ skin/ eye colour in their s.c.
- sleeping in cuddle piles
- detailed description of scents
-said it once I’ll say it again. tails (also neat if they are personalised Like c‘mon)
- the way rain is written in a different way in basically every fanfic
-the ghoulettes. No matter what they do, just gotta love em
-the way theyre smoking pot in so many fics (bonus points if mountain grew it in his garden)
- purring/ growling
-water ghouls having gills ofc ofc
-top surgery scars
-Sodo having small water characteristics left from before the transformation
Feel free to add on
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So I tried to visualize some of the amazing ideas that popped up, ik theyre still too human but I‘m at a point where I’m glad I can draw those so🫡
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endless-weightless · 7 months
Random nameless ghoul headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
I'm taking the piss with all of these. And remember, kids, this is fanfiction!
I mostly just wrote about the current ghouls but I'm more than happy to write about any past ghouls if you guys want!
TAGS/WARNINGS: mating cycles, CNC, weed mention, primal play, polyamory and orgies,
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All of the ghouls have a specific scent but Mountain for some reason can emit any particular scent so long as it's earth related. He usually smells like pine trees and grass but if any of the ghouls are anxious leading up to rituals or just worried in general he'll make himself smell like lavender because he knows how calming it is.
Mountain is also victim to clothing robbery because he smells so nice and is SO DAMN TALL.
They're some of the most open-minded and accepting people you'll ever meet.
Full moons tend to have a weird effect on the ghouls. Not as bad as say a werewolf but they definitely become a bit more... feral. The less extreme effects would just be heightened senses and craving gamey meats more while the worst of the worst would be bordering violent and definitely nsfw (see nsfw for more on this). They'd probably call it a hunter's moon (badum tss).
All of their eyes glow very faintly in the dark.
Their pupils are like a mix of feline and just regular ol' human.
They all have claws but Aurora and Sunshine are the only ones who actually have them out because everyone else needs short nails to play their instruments.
They all purr when they're happy or they're experiencing physical affection, though the volume and intensity varies depending on the ghoul.
Mountain sleeps like a log unless he's sharing a bed, then he's everyone's teddy bear and always has an arm around someone whether he agreed to it or not.
Rain absolutely HATES throwing up.
Swiss and Sodo convinced Mountain to grow marijuana by letting him try some. The ghoul den now constantly smells faintly of weed.
All of the ghouls have their own bedrooms but prefer to cuddle with each other and usually just make a nest out of blankets and pillows in the main common room area and turn it into one giant bed for everyone.
Cirrus and Aether tend to take on an almost parental role in the group just to keep the newer ghouls in line which can be draining at times but rewarding in the end.
They all have black tails and horns that are pretty much identical with the only difference being everyone has a slight tint to theirs depending on their element (Sodo's are red, Rain's are blue, Phantom and Aether's are purple etc).
Their fangs aren't actually too sharp. Could be because they've just become blunter over time with less need to bite actual people.
Most of them straight up act like cats depending on how new they are to the mortal plane. Since Omega’s been on earth the longest, he acts more closely to a human than Phantom, who is fresh out of hell.
Zephyr gets really bad chronic leg pains which is why he's always sitting while performing and so quick to sit back down after finishing the Mummy Dust solo.
Aurora has super painful cramps leading up to her heat so Sodo has taken it upon himself to use his hands as a heating pad for her (which he will do for anyone in need of a heat pack).
If you had to make a spectrum of all the ghouls from most submissive to most dominant, it'd be Sunshine, Phantom, Rain, Cumulus, Swiss (ultimate power switch), Aurora, Ifrit, Sodo, Mountain, Zephyr, Cirrus, Aether, Alpha and finally Omega.
None of them are strictly doms or subs, they like experimenting and switching things up every once in a while to keep things interesting but they certainly have preferences.
They all enjoy both monogamous and polyamorous sex equally. Sometimes they just want soft intimate sex with one person or they're just craving multiple people.
Full moons don't make everyone horny in an "I need to impregnate someone/be impregnated now" way, they make the ghouls horny in a primal way...
Some of the ghouls that are more affected by the full moon or just enjoy primal play with a bit of CNC will sometimes ask some of the siblings of sin and/or you if you'd all be comfortable with letting them "hunt" you down.
Aether and Cirrus have sleepy and lazy sex when they're tired from dealing with the ghouls and need a break and some relief.
Mountain is always looking down the sisters of sin's and the ghoulette's tops to see their cleavage. In his defence he's pretty fucking tall and can't help that he has to look down to talk to people.
If anyone in the group, including you, are feeling lonely, stressed or just exhausted and in need of some kind of relief, all of the ghouls are more than willing to give head to anyone for hours, making sure they cum at least four times before they let them have a break.
All of them have a marking kink because of their need to mate during heats and ruts.
They all go just a teensy bit feral when they pick up on the scent of a virgin with Swiss being the most dramatic about it.
And if someone doesn't smell like a virgin but instead like ghoul, they still go feral because ghouls like sharing when the moon isn't full.
Aether feels the constant need to slap every ghoul and ghoulettes ass possible, even Sodo.
Aurora, Zephyr and Phantom the most handsy out of the ghouls.
Heats and ruts are already hellish enough, but what makes it worse for the ministry is how only half of the ghouls get their heats and ruts at the same time while the other get it the other half of the time, which basically means twice as many heats and ruts in a month.
that's all my lovelies, lmk if you want any more!
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coffeeghoulie · 8 days
Mushy May Day 24: Acts of Friendship
Dew's been a little cold to the new ghouls. He aims to fix that.
Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making the dividers <3
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Dew's quiet around them for the first few weeks. Testing the waters. Two new faces shoehorned into his pack only a few Topside years after the last time his pack had been turned upside down. Nobody can blame him for being a little cold.
It's easy enough to do, he just holds onto his stage personality a little longer, spine straight, arms crossed behind his back. He grits his teeth as he watches them slot into the spots his mate held, his Sunshine held, and he knows it's not their fault, but it's still like rubbing hand sanitizer into a paper cut you don't know you have.
Dew misses Aether, misses the way things were, swallows past the lump in his throat. His packmates seem to be having an easier time accepting Aeon and Aurora than he is.
He watches Swiss sidle up to Aeon, watches him get on his knees for Aurora. The ghoulettes, ever the tight knit group, accept Aurora as one of their own from the moment she had been pulled from the summoning circle. Mountain and Rain ruffle Aeon's hair, the new bug eager to please.
Rituals are surprisingly still the same, minus the vacuous hole that resides out of the corner of Dew's right eye where his mate would be standing. Aeon is a remarkable guitarist, and they do their best to fill their role with exaggerated stage presence.
The amphitheater is stubbornly warm long after the sun's gone down, heat clinging to them and their heavy uniforms. Dew has never felt out of his element here. This is what he was summoned to do, and Lucifer be damned, he does it well.
The fans scream as he steps up to the edge of the stage, glaring menacingly through the lenses of his helmet, fingers flying over the strings of his Stratocaster. If he shuts his eyes, it all feels the same.
There's a lull, Papa addressing the masses, and Dew stands statue still, scanning through the crowd. A ritual-goer, wide eyed in awe, gestures up at him with a bouquet of flowers. He cocks his head, lips quirking up underneath his balaclava.
Dew reaches, bending down as the fan tosses him the flowers, squealing all the while. He actually manages to catch them this time. The breatheable fabric does dull the scent somewhat when he sticks his entire face into the bouquet, but thanks to his ghoulish senses, it's still incredibly sweet.
He nods, thanking the fan, their eyes wide and reflecting the stage lights. Dew takes a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder at the ghoulettes behind him, turning on the heel of his boot to walk towards their platforms.
Dew stops at the foot of the platform nearest his mark, staring up at the littlest ghoulette, one arm behind his back.
Aurora's not muzzled like him, Rain, and Aeon. Dew can see the way her glamour slips just a little bit, fangs on full display as she grins delightedly. Worlds away from them, the crowds scream, desperate to watch the ghouls interact.
"Aw, Dew!" she squeals, thankfully far enough away that her mic doesn't pick it up. She presses her hands together in front of her mouth, the bright teal-lined cape swaying behind her as she bends down to accept the flowers. "Thank you," she whispers, and her dark green eyes meet his through the lenses of their helmets. "Seriously, thank you."
He nods, bowing a little bit. Dew opens his mouth to speak but doesn't trust his voice right now, just brings his arm back behind his back.
Aurora sets the flowers down on the back of her podium, where they're not in danger of her accidentally stepping on them when she dances. Dew smiles as he makes his way back to his spot. He glances over towards Aeon, who's staring raptly at him, and Dew doesn't need to actually see their expression to know how eager they are that he's reaching out to his summon mate
The two of them are growing on him, worming their way into his heart, and he finds he doesn't quite mind letting them in. There's room.
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Inspired by this gifset from @cardi-c.
Jealousy is an unfamiliar emotion to Cirrus, and she isn't adjusting well to having to share Cumulus's affections with the new ghoulette.
Cirrus x Cumulus Hurt/Comfort Rating: teen, slight sexual references words: 2148 cw: possessive/jealous behavior, on-stage kiss without prior discussion
I love the ghoulettes, and what better way to show it than putting them through some emotional pain.
Read below the cut or on AO3:
Jealousy: it was a new emotion for Cirrus. Summoned alongside Cumulus, they had been inseparable both on and off stage. Bonded. A package deal. “The Lionesses”. Sure, it might have annoyed them at first when Copia would treat them as a single entity, but now Cirrus would give anything to have that closeness back.
Nothing had changed between them when Sunshine was summoned. They had welcomed her into the pack with open arms, and eventually their bed on occasion. She had slotted naturally into their lives, they both adored her, but she had never gotten between them. Not like the newest ghoulette.
Things had started off so well. Aurora was playful and fun, and everyone had taken an instant shine to her. From frolicking on stage with Swiss to her hours spent in the greenhouse with Mountain, it was clear that the new ghoulette had taken to her packmates like a duck to water. She had also latched on to Cumulus almost immediately which, given the current situation, Cirrus was rather less pleased about.
At first, the pair had seemed to have an almost sisterly dynamic, Cumulus teaching Aurora the intricacies of life topside, the pair of them matching each other’s energy perfectly. The trio – and Sunshine when she had time off from her new duties – had spent many hours in the commons together before the tour. Cirrus had been delighted by how quickly she had assimilated into their little family. But since tour had started something had changed, and Cirrus had never felt so alone.
From her podium stage right, she felt the distance between her and Cumulus more than ever. A literal Mountain between them Cumulus had joked at the start of the tour. How right she was. Glancing to her left, she saw Aurora twirling up to Cumulus on her platform. As they continued to dance around each other, Cirrus felt the green-eyed monster deep in her gut rear its ugly head once more. She forced herself to look away, to concentrate on the rack of keyboards in front of her as the thundery smell of ozone began to waft around her. She saw Swiss look her way, concern and confusion visible even behind his mask. Cirrus chose to ignore him.
Unable to stop herself looking back at her mate and the new ghoulette, Cirrus wished she hadn’t. They were closer together than ever now, and Cirrus watched on in horror as Aurora reached out to cup Cumulus’s face in both hands and draw her in for a kiss. Exaggerated, as if she wanted Cirrus to see.
Jerking her head back to face forward, Cirrus felt a rumbling in her chest. As both Swiss and Mountain turned to glance at her, anxiety and unease rolling off them in waves, she realised she was growling. She tried to take deep breaths, to control herself, but only succeeded in choking on her own polluted aura. Was this how Dewdrop felt every time he snarled at any roadie or venue staff who looked at Rain for a fraction too long?
Cirrus drifted through the rest of the ritual in a daze, and soon she found herself being pulled forward by Swiss’ warm hand to interact with the crowd. She did her best not to look at the pair of giggling ghoulettes playing up to the crowd on the other side of the stage, and threw her setlist aeroplane with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. She was glad she had a balaclava to hide behind, sure she would be unable to force a genuine-looking smile even at a distance. As the ghouls and Papa gathered in a line for their bows, Cirrus found herself pressed between Swiss and Mountain, each grabbing a hand and squeezing tightly as she desperately tried to hold herself together.
Breaking formation to leave the stage while Papa took his final bows, Mountain pulled Cirrus close to his side.
“C'mon Anemone, let's get out of here.”
The taxi ride back to the hotel was similarly torture. Still curled into Mountain, Cirrus was sat opposite Cumulus and Aurora who seemingly hadn’t stopped their conversation since they left the stage. She had figured it was probably better than sharing the other taxi with either of the two loved-up couples, but with the way the pair of ghoulettes were giggling like they were in a teen movie, she wasn’t so sure. Cirrus tried to focus on Mountain’s warm presence next to her, and he gave her another comforting squeeze, feeling her discomfort.
Arriving at the hotel, the room pairings were the same as they had been since the start of the tour; both pairs of mated ghouls together, and the two new ghouls sharing. Rain and Dewdrop had scuttled off to their room almost immediately, barely pausing to wish the others good night. Cirrus hoped she’d get a chance to talk with Cumulus tonight, she was desperate to find out what the kiss had meant – was it just on-stage acting or was it something more?
As the group went to part ways in the corridor, Aurora caught hold of Cumulus’s sleeve,
“Hey Lulu, it’s not that late and we have tomorrow off, we should go out dancing!”
Cirrus blanched at the use of her nickname for Cumulus, but tried to keep her face neutral as she dove towards her hotel room,
“I think I’m going to turn in early, goodnight everyone.”
“Riri, wait-” said Cumulus, but it was too late, as the door fell shut. Cirrus threw her bags into the corner of the room, kicked off her shoes, and curled up in the middle of the king-size bed. Every fibre of her being ached for Cumulus to follow her into her room, but equally she wasn’t in the mood to host a ghoulette slumber party in their room tonight if Aurora followed.
She sat there silently, hugging her knees to her chest as if she could hold all her emotions in that way, until the corridor went silent, voices disappearing behind closed doors.
Robotically she went about changing out of her travel clothes into pyjamas, pulling one of Cumulus’s old and worn band shirts over her head and breathing her lingering scent in deeply. She crawled into the too-large, too-cold bed and wondered how she was ever meant to get any sleep.
A short while later, she heard doors opening and closing, as the ghouls who weren’t totally wiped out from the ritual headed out to a nearby bar. Normally Cirrus would’ve jumped at the chance of a night of human fun in a new city.
Nothing brought her more joy than seeing her mate being truly carefree, dancing under a rainbow of lights, her porcelain skin glowing like opal. Always the most beautiful creature to have ever set foot in whichever dingy venue they ended up in, her breezy laugh more melodious than any music playing. Her tongue loosened by alcohol, she would coo sweet – and increasingly salacious – thoughts in Cirrus’ ear until the pair would stumble back to their hotel room. All soft words and softer hands, Cirrus would make a point of showing Cumulus exactly how beautiful she was, wringing sweet sounds from her until the sun rose outside their curtains.
But tonight, as Cirrus’ shoulders shook with silent tears, she couldn’t help but wonder if Aurora would be the one to worship at the altar of her exquisite mate.
An indeterminate number of sleepless hours later, she heard the voices of her packmates again. She waited hopefully for any sign of Cumulus coming to her room, until the corridor was quiet once more. A gentle knock on the door had her falling out of bed in her haste to rip it open, only to be faced with the hulking shadow of a recently-awakened Mountain with a blanket pulled up over his head. Cirrus tried to hide how her shoulders sank, her hopes of seeing her mate dashed.
“Sorry Cir, Swiss brought Phantom back to our room, and they’re doing loud and unspeakable things I want no part in.” he apologised sheepishly. Cirrus motioned silently towards the bed. At least she might get some sleep now, she never slept well alone.
“Thanks.” He muttered, shuffling in. “Lus gone back to Rory’s?”
“I guess so…” Cirrus shrugged, climbing back into the bed and curling up in Mountain’s offered arms. “Night Mounty.”
“Goodnight, Windflower.”
The next morning at breakfast, Cumulus plopped herself down next to Cirrus, herself and Mountain the only ones to have emerged so far, and leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her cheek. Cirrus gave her a wan smile, staying sat stiffly upright in her chair before looking back down at her plate of food.
As they ate, Cirrus could see Cumulus shooting her worried glances out the corner of her eye. She did her best to ignore them, trying to keep her emotions in check. Nibbling on some fruit she had no appetite for, Cirrus did her best to block out Cumulus’ citrus and lavender scent washing over her, it tasted acrid and burnt in her mouth. She heard Aurora continuing to chatter away, her normally bell-like voice grating on Cirrus’ sensitive ears.
Abruptly, she stood up, her chair screeching on the cheap hotel flooring. Cirrus made a break back to her room, already feeling tears pricking at her eyes again. In the back of her mind, she heard Cumulus’ concerned voice over the ringing in her ears.
She slammed the hotel door behind her with too much force, before collapsing face forward into the tangle of sheets. Not even a minute later, she heard gentle knocking, and Cumulus calling her name from the other side of the door.
“Ciri? What's wrong sweetheart?”
Cirrus pressed a pillow over her head, hoping to drown out her voice.
“Will you let me in Stormcloud? Please talk to me, love!”
Throwing herself to her feet and stumbling back to the door, Cirrus wrenched it open with an anguished howl,
“How can you call me that! Aurora's clearly your love now!”
"Whatever do you mean?”
Cirrus drew a ragged breath, sure every emotion she’d felt over the past few days was painted on her tearstained face,
“You've been spending all your time with her, you've ignored me since the last ritual, and you kissed her, it's like you've forgotten all about me! We're meant to be bonded!”
“Oh sweetheart...” Cumulus reached out her arms to Cirrus, who fell into them as sobs wracked her body, letting Cumulus guide her back into her room and into an armchair. “I'm so sorry I made you feel that way, I just wanted Aurora to feel included, I never meant to make you feel like I'd replaced you!” Cumulus rocked them together gently in the chair, barely big enough for the two of them, her hair falling around them in a fluffy silver cloud. Cirrus held her tightly as her shoulders continued to shake, as if she could be ripped away at a moment’s notice.
“And you're right, I shouldn't have kissed her without talking to you first. I got carried away by the energy on-stage, but that's no excuse.”
“I- I just want to feel like I'm your mate again, I feel like I'm losing you...” Cirrus gazed up at Cumulus with a heart-broken expression.
“You'll never lose me, and I'm so sorry for not treating you like the most beautiful person in every room, and most important person in my life, because you are! I'm so in love with you, I'll spend eternity making sure you know that.” Cumulus was on the verge of crying herself, how could she have ever made her mate feel anything less than perfect?
“I should never have got so caught up that I ignored you, and I should've discussed doing anything on-stage with Aurora with you before.”
Cirrus sniffed, determined not to make a mess of Cumulus' shirt. “I'm happy you get along so well, I just don't want to feel second-best anymore. Not when you are my whole world, the air in my lungs.”
Cumulus stroked her hair, her fingernails gently scratching soothing patterns into the short hairs of the undercut at the nape of her neck as she spoke gently,
“You know she loves you too right?”
“How could she now? After I’ve acted so rudely to her?”
“She’ll forgive you. She’ll understand if we explain.”
Cirrus looked up at Cumulus with hopeful eyes, the longing for harmony with her mate, her pack, her family clear in the teal depths still shimmering with unshed tears.
“You always take such good care of us all, let me take care of you for once.” Cumulus clutched her tighter to her chest, the final remnants of Cirrus’ tears choking off as a shaky purr started deep in her chest.
“Sleep my darling, I've got you. Now and always."
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divine-misfortune · 1 month
Mushy May, day 1. Cuteness aggression
Rating: Everyone
Words: 1,133
Summary: Dew gets fit for his new uniform with the other water ghouls, and Mist couldn't be more proud of him.
Water ghoul bonding time.
Many thanks to @forlorn-crows for organizing mushy may :^)
“You need to stop wriggling around or you’re going to keep getting pricked,” River warned through clenched teeth, the thin silver pins held between them bobbing as he spoke. 
Dew frowned at his reflection in the mirror and then found River's dark gaze staring back at him. His eyes narrowed when Dew dared to heave his shoulders in a sigh, giving the charcoal fabric a bit of a tug to pull it taut around his skinny frame. He wanted to throw his head back and groan, air his frustrations, but knew better than to. Especially when River was equipped with multiple sharp objects, he was dangerous enough unarmed. That didn't stop his tail from lashing to and fro, Dew could hold his tongue but not his tail it seemed. 
“I've been standing here for ages, how are you not done?” 
“Because I take pride in my work, thank you very much” River bit as Dew's tail knocked against his leg. 
Behind him, he watched Lake move to River's side. Oddly gentle as he tucked a strand of inky hair behind River's ear before leaning in to whisper something Dew couldn't quite catch, punctuating whatever comment he'd made with a kiss pressed to his temple. It seemed to force the soured, irritated expression from River's face, and Lake shot him a half grin in the mirror. 
“I get it, oh I hate having to play dress form for him too, but we'd have been done ages ago if you could just hold still a little bit. This would go sooo much faster.” 
“How's the man supposed to work when you keep squirming like a tadpole?” Mist tutted at him from her place on the couch, and Dew turned to look at her.
If looks could kill.
“You're supposed to be on my side,” his voice pitched into a whine and Mist snickered into the back of her hand. “Maybe if the man hurried up I wouldn't be so restless!” He huffed, shoulders dropping once again. 
A sudden sharp prick in his hip caused Dew to yelp and made his posture go rigid. He jerked away from River only to be pulled back so he could properly pin the fabric in place. He tried to hide it by ducking his face down but Dew could see that smirk. A glimpse of shiny white fangs. He hissed between his teeth, silent curses thrown at the two older water ghouls playing innocent as they continued to work.
“Oh that was on purpose you dick!” 
“The last five have been on purpose, dear” River said, sort of sweetly, sort of venomous. It was always hard to tell when it came to him. 
Mist turned her face away. Forced to in order to hide a proper laugh from her protege and his big sad wet eyes, lest his pout cement itself to his face - permanently sporting the look of a kicked puppy. He had an almost adorable quality to him like this, despite the fact Dew was bigger in stature than her, he looked small. The uniform, still not exactly sized to fit yet, didn't help. Too much fabric on his scrawny frame. Surrounded by two taller, bigger water ghouls, Dew looked dainty in comparison. No more than a guppy.
She remembered the day she was fit for her uniform. To say she wasn't just as restless would be a lie, but she didn't dare to fidget when Delta was the one holding sharp objects. At least he had been more time efficient than River. Mist couldn't exactly blame Dew for moving so much, it was an exciting and daunting moment for him. It had been for all of them. 
Traditionally, she would have been the one to fit him for his uniform. Mentors almost always were the ones to do it, a sibling had once compared it to being a graduation of sorts. Mist would have liked to, and it was a bit of a jab at her pride that she couldn't. Her own fault, really. She just never got the hang of the whole sewing thing. 
Water had popped in to be part of the moment briefly towards the start, but couldn't stay. He'd tussled Dew's hair as he gave him a once over before departing. Dew still hadn't smoothed any of that pretty silver hair back into place, River hadn't let him lift his arm long enough to do so. Delta was the only water ghoul, former water ghoul, who hadn't made an appearance which stung ever so slightly. More likely than not, Delta was lending himself to Omega. Assisting in Aether's tailoring. At least she hoped that's where he was. He'd been drifting aimlessly a lot more these last few weeks. 
Her smile faltered at the thought, and Dew tipped his head to question the sudden change in her expression. Mist shook her head. Silently dismissing whatever concern she'd evoked as she pushed herself to her feet, finally truly taking in the sight of him. 
Her face softened, he had an awful habit of making something inside of her melt without trying, and this moment was no different. She stepped close and took his face in both hands, turning him to look at her. Dew's skin was just as cool to the touch as hers, but he felt warmer the longer she held him. 
“Oh droplet, look at you,” Mist sighed fondly and his eyes flicked away. He was awful at holding eye contact when he got flustered. “All grown up and about to be on your own.” 
“Mist-” Dew mumbled, color warming his cheeks as River and Lake began to snicker. 
“What? Can't I be proud of my little shark pup?” She squished his face between both hands, knocking their horns together. “Finally getting to see you through your rite of passage.”
“You're being sappy, it's gross.” 
“I think I've earned being sappy!” Mist forcefully shook his head side to side with a huff, “look so handsome in your uniform I could just eat you up.”
“Mist!” He whined, pawing weakly at her. Pink spreading to the tips of his ears. “Stoooop-” 
River and Lake's laughter was harder to ignore, adding to his ever growing embarrassment. Mist shot them both a glare before turning her attention back to him. Whiplash, sharp stare becoming gentle. Adoration. He clearly wanted to bury his face in his hands and let the floor open up to swallow him whole. She chuckled and pecked a little kiss to the tip of his nose, pinching one of his reddened cheeks before finally relenting. 
“Fine, fine, because you hate letting me have my fun.” Mist waved him off and traded places with the other two ghouls, letting them work to get Dew safely out of the pin-filled cloth with minimal injury. 
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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Welcome to my masterlist!
Commissions are closed!
My future plans (Available to Bishops and higher, all are commissionable if you want to read them faster.)
All my fics, unless stated otherwise, are 18+. So please proceed with caution, and minors do not interact.
If it has a red DF, it means it's dark fiction, and you should heed the trigger warnings. I would actually recommend to people 21+.
If it has a blue S, it means the work is sapphic.
If it has a purple A, it means the work is achillean.
If it has a green GN, it means the reader is gender neutral.
If it has a pink PS, it means the reader is plus size.
No bound copies, translations, or other derivative works of these fics may be created or distributed without express permission from the author, for monetary gain or public use.
Major thank you to @da-rulah for beta reading all of these!
If you like what you've been reading, why not consider supporting me over on Ko-fi?
Enjoy your stay!
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Coming soon...
One shots
Titfucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS “Earthly Delight” by @thew0man ART
Glory Hole, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Pregnancy, (Kinktober 2023)
Guess Who? PS
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Divine Desires [COMING SOON] PS
You grew up in the Catholic Church as the daughter of a very powerful Cardinal. However, in your early adulthood, the reigning Pope dies, and the title falls to your father. You learn, as the daughter of a Catholic official, that there are two sides to every story. This lesson is taught by your Satanic counterpart, who does his fair share of opening your eyes to the world around you.
One shots
Hate Sex, (Catholic!Reader) (Kinktober 2023) ⛧ Part 2
Public Sex, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Collaring, (Kinktober 2023)
Medical Play, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Thigh Fucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Cardinal Copia) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Teratophilia, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+) PS
Time Travel Prompt (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble)
Outdoor Sex (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble) GN
Guess Who? PS
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Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Lost in Translation ⛧ Masterlist
As the newly appointed Cardinal Copia struggles with the weight of a looming prophecy, a resilient scholar challenges the narrative, uncovering a conspiracy that reaches beyond the walls of the Ministry. The emergence of a forbidden love ignites a rebellion against a power-hungry Sister, whose thirst for control threatens to reshape the very foundations of the Church. Will the revelation of those schemes lead to liberation or plunge the Ministry into chaos?
One shots
Pegging (Kinktober 2023) GN
Praise Kink, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Olfactophilia, (Kinktober 2023)
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Papa Emeritus III) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Free Use, (Kinktober 2023)
Midnight Surveillance DF (21+)
Succin the Ghocc (Ko-fi exclusive drabble)
Tulips and Daisies
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Dubcon, (Fan roleplay) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Orgasm Denial (Kinktober 2023)
Deepthroating & Face Sitting (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Mary "Piss Boy" Goore PS
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Era 3
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Eras 4 & 5
Coming soon...
One shots
Food Play (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sensory Deprivation (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sex Toys (Kinktober 2023) S
Realm of Souls ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+) A
In the eerie moonlit forest, you are ensnared in a nightmarish game of hide and seek with the malevolent entity Dewdrop, whose demonic force has targeted you. The chilling objective is to survive until sunrise, seeking refuge in the Ministry’s cabin deep within the sinister woods. With the dawn as your only salvation, you must navigate the haunted forest, outwit the relentless demon, and reach safety before Dewdrop claims you as his prize. The race against time intensifies, making the night unforgiving as you strive to survive until sunrise in this twisted pursuit.
One shots
Stuck in Wall (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Swiss) SFW.
Coming soon...
One shots
Size Kink (Kinktober 2023) GN
Spanking (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble) GN
The Cardinal ⛧ Masterlist
You got a promotion, and a new promotion means a new uniform and your very own Ghoul-in-training! That Ghoul just so happens to be your closest friend, Phantom. However, your new uniform and position does something to Phantom that gets harder and harder to deny.
One shots
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Coming soon...
One shots
Rimming (Kinktober 2023) GN
Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Coming soon...
One shots
Panties & Lingerie, (Kinktober 2023)
Breathplay, (Kinktober 2023)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Dewdrop) SFW.
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Papa Emeritus Nihil
Coming soon...
One shots
Breeding (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Sister Imperator
Coming soon...
One shots
Coming soon...
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2023 2024
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iamthecomet · 1 month
A (late) birthday gift for the incredible, amazing, fanatsic @forlorn-crows. Love you, Crowwwww. Happy late birthday ♥♥.
Rating: Explicit Pairing: Cumulus/Mountain Featuring: A slow lazy afternoon, cuddles, oral sex, vaginal fingering, Mountain being down bad. Cumulus letting him take care of her. Decadence. Kind of edging? I guess? I don't know man they're just really really into each other. Soft. God it's so soft. Word Count: 3.2k
Mountain and Cumulus share a lazy afternoon.
“Careful,” he mumbles.
And she doesn’t want to be. Not after months on the road and cramped bunks and uncomfortable hotel beds. She knows he’s trying to preserve this, mostly for her. To let the afternoon stretch and contract. That the only way it stays endless is if they never move, never shift–never evolve.
And Cumulus, despite the sleepy weight in her limbs, wants very badly to evolve.
Read it all on AO3.
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dontyoufeelitangel · 2 months
The ministry was a sad place, but a truth was a truth no matter how harsh.
You love your job.
You love the people you work with.
There’s a man there who you fancied,
And you were almost positive he felt the same.
From the way he’d dance with you, to the way his lips would softly touch yours.
Copia was gentle in all that he is.
He knows what to say, and how to say it. He can be honest without making it hurt.
Just a couple months ago he had made sweet promises to you, his words laced in what you thought was honesty.
“You mean a lot to me, it’s true” he gently held your hands. The two of you in the garden of the ministry.
You let out a quiet sigh and a warm smile, enjoying the moment.
It wasn’t often the two of you had time alone, Copia was a busy man.
So it shows that you really do mean a lot to him when he directly disobeys his mother for you.
He’d squeeze in time to any of his schedules if it were for you.
It was minutes before you spoke,
“Yeah?” You smiled, raising your hand to cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb along the lines of his makeup.
“Of course” he leaned into your touch.
Moments like that made you enjoy your job at the ministry.
There were other factors you enjoyed to, for example, Copias ghouls.
They were enjoyable to be around,
They noticed how Copia took a liking to you so in return they welcomed you to their group with open arms.
You felt safe with them, they were your closest friends.
There was only one flaw with the ministry
They didn’t care about simple things like relationships.
The head sister of the church was as sour and bitter as they come.
Not an ounce of sympathy could be found in her words.
Sister imperator.
He lacked respect for life, she took it every chance she would get.
Sister imperator had given direct orders to get her sons killed.
A mother lost her daughters and a son lost his brothers.
Copia was kept around longer than any of the other Emeritus brothers,
Because of this you were afraid of your feeling for him, you loved him, and with this love came a hope that he would never leave.
The ghost project was a band that the ministry had made to spread the word of Satan. And as well to financially fund and support the ministry.
Occasionally Copia would take himself and his ghouls on tours in different areas of the globe.
After months of waiting Copia and the ghouls were set to come back today.
You made preparations for dinner for them, setting the table before rushing outside to greet the tour bus.
The ghouls waddled out the bus, one by one as you counted them.
Something gloomy about their aura.
Dewdrop spotted you in the yards of the ministry and jogged towards you.
You welcomed him and gave him a hug as the rest of the ghouls caught up.
Now surrounded by ghouls you welcomed them all back,
You were getting antsy waiting for Copia, the ghouls and ghoulettes were too tall for you to attempt to look over their shoulders to the tour bus behind them.
So instead you simply asked.
“And I assume Papa is doing fine?” You questioned, one of your sweet smiles on your face.
The ghouls immediately paused and looked at eachother,
Some whispered in a ghoul language you couldn’t make out, other looked to the ground.
There was a first to speak up.
“The tour was a success of sorts” it was Swiss. You appreciated his answer but it still deflected the question.
“So he’s fine? .” You questioned again, more firm this time as you knitted your brows.
The ghouls were trying to find words, words that wouldn’t hurt as much.
Mountain took your hands in his, the other ghouls just as anxious as you waiting for him to speak up.
“He’s dead” he spoke.
The earth must’ve stopped, you felt dizzy with an unsettling turn in your stomach.
If mountain wasn’t holding your hands your sure you would’ve toppled over by now.
You let out a disbelieving laugh,
“Don’t fuck with me” you tried to make your voice sound serious but it was wobbly and raw.
You honestly wished another ghoul would’ve told you.
You trust mountain to much, you know he’d never lie.
Maybe if Dewdrop had told you, would would’ve gotten a longer feel of disbelief to save you from the bitter truth.
“Under sister imperators orders” rain spoke, he felt shame that you had to find out this way.
“You knew it was gonna end like this, it had to happen, it does every time” a newer ghoulette Aurora said.
Mountains grip on your hands only lasted so long, you crumpled to the ground.
Weak knees hitting the grass below you.
Your mind wanted to not trust them, to say they were lying.
Unfortunately for you, you trusted these ghouls with your life and you knew they wouldn’t lie to you , not about this.
The ghouls winced as you let out a blood curdling scream.
It was a long drawn out scream that only stopped for a second, only a second for you to take an inhale of air before continuing to cry.
No words could be put into your mouth to describe how this felt.
Like the walls were falling down: they were.
The world was ending, it was.
Internal panic set off, what would you do without him?
The part that hurt you the most was: you could scream and cry and scratch and shout and claw but there was absolutely nothing you could do to bring him back.
Your vision blurred and your ears rung. You were alone inside yourself, nothing else mattered.
You didn’t hear the worried voices of the ghouls trying to calm you down and making no effort.
You didn’t notice how your body gave out below you, or how the tears started to burn you cheeks.
Your world was ending,
Because how do you continue without the one you love most?
Edit: I was high writing this. So it doesn’t make sense in a lot a parts, I’m not gonna fix it because it’s sorta kinda funny.
I apologize if there’s no plot and your completely lost, the 🍃 got to me.
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madangel19 · 4 months
26 & 1 with Phantom and Dew for the fluff prompts?
“Your hair is so soft..”
“You have something in you hair.. um–do you want me to get it out?”
Oh these are perfect for some Phantom x Dew, Anon!
Warnings: Murder Ghoul antics, some blood and gore but nothing too explicit
Word Count: 963
Phantom felt like he was in a daze as he sat with his fellow packmates around their meal. He had no idea hunting humans was so much fun! It wasn’t often that some annoying hunter came across the woods surrounding the ministry, but when it did happen, it was all a big game amongst the ghouls to see who could take him down first.
He and Aurora had followed close behind the rest of the pack, observing as they used their abilities to terrorize the human until he was too weak to fight back when Swiss and Mountain had descended upon him. Mountain simply pinned the man down with a single hand while Swiss and Aether used their quintessence to paralyze him. After being paralyzed, the pack took their time eating him alive. 
Phantom had never eaten anything so sweet before. With only one bite, both he and Aurora became ravenous and ate as much as they could while the others laughed.
“You two are so cute. Next time, you two should give hunting a try,” Cumulus chimed, pecking Aurora’s bloody cheek. The smaller ghoulette chirped happily in response, licking her lips after nibbling on a bone. 
Phantom looked over at Dewdrop sitting next to him. He had grabbed some organ and was tearing into it ravenously while moaning in content. There was some gore getting stuck in his pretty blonde hair, staining it and giving him red streaks. 
“Hey…Um…Dew? You have something in your hair…Um–do you want me to get it out?” Phantom asked, scooching closer to the fire ghoul.
Dewdrop stopped and looked over at him with a questioning look in his fiery eyes. Blood and gore dripped from his lips, making him look all the more irresistible to Phantom. His hair was a mess with gore now, but he was obviously unphased by it. Phantom gulped and put on a smile, hoping the fire ghoul would allow him to clean him.
He knew that it was normal for ghouls to groom each other after a meal. He looked around and saw that Cirrus and Cumulus were already licking a happily chirping Aurora clean. Swiss had taken Sunshine’s hand in his and was licking some gore off. Mountain was eying the mess that Rain and Aether had made as they continued to eat the more charred meat from the body. This was the perfect time to strengthen pack bonds and Phantom wanted to get closer to Dewdrop.
“Go for it,” Dewdrop said, wiping his mouth and licking the blood from his fingers.
Phantom’s heart nearly skipped a beat as he chittered excitedly and got closer to Dewdrop’s side. The fire ghoul was nibbling on a piece of meat while watching him curiously. Even some of the other ghouls were watching quietly. There was no possible way he could mess this up.
Phantom reached out and gently ran a few fingers through Dewdrop’s hair. He paused when he noticed just how soft and warm his hair was. All thoughts of the gore in Dewdrop’s hair were gone. 
“Your hair is so soft,” Phantom whispered as he carefully gave his head a scratch. Dewdrop purred softly, his eyes closing in bliss as he leaned into his touch.
“Mmm yeah. It’s the blood,” the fire ghoul murmured, yawning and exposing a mouthful of bloody teeth with a low hiss. Phantom continued petting him until Dewdrop was resting his head in his lap.
“You’re in for it now, Phantom. Once you start petting his head, he’ll never leave you alone,” Swiss chuckled darkly.
“He’ll bite ya if you stop,” Sunshine giggled.
“I won’t bite. I already ate,” Dewdrop murmured, gazing up at Phantom with a tired but content look in his eyes. 
Phantom didn’t mind. He was more than happy to touch his soft hair and clean him as much as he could. Maybe the fire ghoul would even show his thanks by doing the same thing with him. He had overheard many wonderful stories of how warm his fingers could be. 
He began picking the pieces of gore from his hair and popped them into his mouth. They were so warm and tasty. Was this just from being in Dewdrop’s hair? 
He went back to massaging Dewdrop’s scalp, getting even more rumbling purrs from him. After a few moments, he got an idea and used his quintessence on him. A drunken smile appeared on Dewdrop’s bloody lips as he curled up in Phantom’s lap. 
“Oh, how sweet!” Cumulus cooed.
“Someone get a picture of that,” Aether said.
“Mmm, no pictures. I’ll burn them if you do,” Dewdrop grumbled.
“You always say that, but you never do, Firefly,” Aether said with a chuckle.
Swiss had taken his phone out and was already taking pictures. Dewdrop grumbled something under his breath before turning his attention back to Phantom. He reached up and caressed the base of one of his horns with a playful smirk. Phantom shivered at the wonderful sensation before Dewdrop pulled his hand away, revealing a small piece of meat that had been stuck in his hair. 
“You gonna stay with me tonight?” He asked, popping the flesh in his mouth while winking at him playfully.
Phantom chirped in surprise, looking around at the rest of his packmates. His gaze immediately went to Aether who he knew often stayed with Dewdrop on most nights. Aether nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
“I…Um…Sure! I can sleepover,” Phantom stammered. He wasn’t sure what they would be doing since it looked like Dewdrop was going to pass out at any moment, but he was perfectly fine with just cuddling up with the warm ghoul.
“Perfect,” Dewdrop murmured, closing his eyes happily. 
“He likes you,” Rain commented.
Phantom smiled as he continued to pet Dewdrop’s soft hair.
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forlorn-crows · 3 months
for your consideration: transmasc Cirrus
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i think these two shall combine nicely, @rrriver, dont you? been teasing @askingforthesun with this one for a few days now.
cirrus can be a boy, as a treat. and whats better than one transmasc ghoul? two transmasc ghouls.
2k of t4t aethe/cirrus goodness. author clearly has forgotten what ficlet means. but im combining two requests, so its fine, right? no one can complain to me about more smut.
clit/cunt/folds/cock/dick for both of the transmasc lads here. exactly what it says on the tin. enjoy xx
It’s a modest thing: plain red, slightly curved, average size and length. Cirrus rolls the weight of it around in his hand, back and forth, making the wide elastic straps rustle. The air ghoul is no stranger to strap-ons, this much is true; but this one is different, foreign by its very nature. A little something extra, Aether had promised. 
“Want me to show you?” he asks now. The quintessence ghoul slides his hand over Cirrus’, caressing along the back of it and along the shaft of the toy. Aether’s other hand comes up to grasp gently at the underside of his wrist, ultraviolet eyes soft yet dark. 
Cirrus nods, grin going lopsided as he bites his lip. “Yeah,” he breathes. 
Aether mirrors his grin. “Come on, then.” He tugs Cirrus down to the bed, letting him settle atop his lap. “Kiss me first, though, hm?”
He pulls him down into a languid kiss, blindly taking the strap from his hand and setting it aside for now. Cirrus melts easily into it, Aether’s warm arms wrapping around his waist and holding steady. The quintessence ghoul grinning against his mouth when Cirrus loops his own arms around his neck, fingers coming up to tangle in his hair. 
“Mm,” Aether hums appreciatively. “You know I like that.”
Cirrus rolls his hips, barely rubbing his folds over Aether’s fat little length. Earning a chuff when they each get a little friction. “You like that too?” he asks teasingly. 
Aether rumbles his assent and encourages the air ghoul to do it again. His breath hitches when he grinds more deliberately, the swollen ends of their clits nudging against one another. “Fuck, you know I do.”
“Can feel how hard you are,” Cirrus breathes. He tugs on the hairs at the back of his head, licking into his mouth when it drops open in a gasp. Relishing in the way Aether grips him tighter with strong hands, encouraging him to do as he pleases. 
“How can I not be, with—hah—such a handsome thing on my lap?”
“Wet, too?”
Cirrus laughs and runs his hand down Aether’s chest. Tugging at those hairs there too before gliding further down, down, down. 
“Yeah, right there,” Aether breathes. Begs. He spreads his thighs underneath him, inviting his hand to dip between them and pet along his sex. Nimble pianist fingers swipe through slick and tug at his chubby clit as Cirrus leans in again for another messy kiss. 
“Oh fuck,” the quintessence ghoul groans. Cirrus’ agile tongue swipes along the back of his teeth with the same precision as he jerks his dick, so toe-clenchingly thorough that he gets lost in it easily and willingly. Cirrus can sense it, as he does with everything, smiling against Aether’s lips when he starts unconsciously bucking into his fingers. He withdraws them, dragging the wet digits through his happy trail and up to his chest. 
“Thought you were gonna show me something,” he says softly. Smooths his hands over Aether’s broad pecs and pulls back to find a very flushed and swollen-lipped ghoul gazing back. His responding smile is wide and goofy. He nods and gives the tops of Cirrus’ thighs a quick squeeze before grabbing the strap again. 
“Gotta put it on first.” Aether motions for Cirrus to stand, holding the gear by the hip straps so he can step in easily. He wriggles it up so it sits in its proper place, cinching the straps nice and snug. He pats his flank with a grin. “There’s a lad. Suits you nicely, I think.” 
The air ghoul hums and smooths his fingers around the o-ring, snuggling the back of the toy against his clit with a sigh. He gives the silicone a few strokes out of habit, brushing the short hair from his eyes as he watches Aether give him a long, approving look. It’s familiar—routine thus far. But there’s still that certain glint in his eyes that reminds Cirrus otherwise. He slips between Aether’s thighs and into his welcoming arms, letting his big hands roam over his ass, his back, his stomach. Solid, strong palms that never fail to light up his nerves wherever they go. 
“So,” Cirrus prompts, arching his back slightly and wiggling his hips to make the toy cock wag back and forth, “what’s the secret, starlight?”
Aether chuckles. “You’ll see. Close your eyes for me.”
Cirrus does as he’s told, taking a long, even breath. He can feel Aether’s smile even with his eyes closed. The quint ghoul puts one hand on his lower back and one, presumably, around the toy, judging by the slight shift in pressure on his clit. He bites back a gasp, stifles the urge to shift his feet; he feels like he isn’t supposed to move, lest he interrupt what Aether is doing. 
“Deep breath for me,” he breathes, splaying his fingers across the span of Cirrus’ lower back. As he breathes in, the familiar prickle of magick starts at the base of his spine and seeps into his pelvis, looping around his hips and warming him further between his thighs. Cirrus groans appreciatively at the sensation and feels himself get a little bit wetter. 
“That’s it,” Aether comments, rubbing his back and pulling at the harness some. “Just a little bit more.”
And all at once something clicks, like a part of him being reconnected. Aether makes a satisfied noise and pulls the hand on the strap away quickly, and the one on Cirrus’ back more slowly. He feels the magick settle and fade, that heat retreating back into his core.
“Can I open my eyes now?” Cirrus asks.
“Yeah. Try it out.” 
He blinks his eyes open and gives Aether a confused trill. “Like, you want me to—?” Cirrus moves to climb back on top of him, but the quint ghoul stops him with a hand to his chest. 
“No, no. Try it,” he says again with a coy look. His hand floats down Cirrus’ torso, grazing over his dark happy trail. “Just give it a little squeeze,” Aether breathes. His own fingers visibly itching to do just that. But he pulls away, watching the air ghoul eagerly. 
Cirrus gives him a suspicious yet amused look, rubbing back and forth over the harness straps. “Okay,” he lilts, lifting a hand and wiggling his fingers. He slowly wraps an elegant hand around the toy and squeezes lightly. 
And is wholly unprepared for the sensation that he’s met with—let alone the noise that comes out of his mouth. 
“F-fuck,” Cirrus hisses. His fingers spring away from the strap as if burned, shaking slightly as they stay hovering around the silicone. He felt it. Lucifer, he felt it. He felt the touch of his hand as if the toy cock were his own flesh, phantom nerves tingling and begging for more sensation. Hard and real in the palm of his hand. Just like that. Cirrus can’t resist touching again; just the pad of his finger this time, circling around the smooth head like he would do to his own. The groan he lets out is nothing short of indecent, and he has to grasp Aether’s shoulder to keep his knees from buckling.
“That feel good, Cir?” Aether asks huskily. He wraps his hand around his own, guiding it up and down the shaft. “Feels just right, doesn’t it?”
“Oh Belial, Aethe—” he cuts off with a groan when he makes him squeeze the base. “Fuck, ‘m so wet.”
“Yeah?” Aether reaches between his legs, and immediately the sound of his fingers running through his folds is wet, creamy. He groans along with Cirrus. “Gods, you are.” He coats the toy with the slick he’s gathered, and Cirrus thinks he might faint from the feeling. 
“Shit. Shit.” He can’t help when his hand speeds up, jerking the toy—himself—in earnest. He sinks lower onto his forearm, still resting on Aether’s shoulder, and presses his forehead to the bigger ghoul’s. Completely lost in it, breath fanning hot and heavy over the other’s face. 
He’s definitely not going to get even close to sticking it in. 
Aether hums and caresses his face sweetly. “That’s a good boy, so pretty like this,” he compliments. 
Cirrus lets out a pathetic uh huh and keeps stroking. It’s not coordinated in the slightest, but it feels good. Gliding over the full length, twisting his hand around, rubbing at the tip with just his palm, bucking his hips into his fist; every little movement goes straight to his core, and he fleetingly thinks he may be ruined for any sexual encounters after this. 
And it’s definitely some unholy miracle he’s not dripping onto the floor by now. 
Cirrus shakes his head against Aether’s as the heat starts to build, eyes screwed shut and mouth hanging open. “‘M gonna cum,” he half laughs, half wheezes. “Fuck, please—”
“It’s alright, go on and cum if you need to,” Aether tells him. “Just like that, come on.”
“Oh.” The air ghoul’s legs shake, and he throbs. His hand speeds up, focusing on the top half of the toy, yet pushing on it so the base of the strap presses right on his clit. The combination is what sends him over the edge, pleasure cresting and crashing so suddenly it nearly sends him to the ground in front of Aether’s feet when he cums. 
“I’ve got you,” he grunts, holding Cirrus up by the armpits as he bucks and groans. He may as well be shooting actual cum out of the thing, it feels that real—pleasure extending from his pelvis all the way through to the very tip, pulsing in time to the contractions of his cunt as if the two were truly connected. 
“Fuck, love, you must feel so good,” Aether says, equally proud and incredulous. Cirrus keens. He misses the hunger in his eyes, though, his own still shut tight as the spasms subside and he comes down from the toe-curling high. Cirrus is rarely one to feel uncomfortable in the vessel he was given, but Satanas, the induced feeling of having a cock to pull at is nothing short of euphoric. 
“Oh wow,” Cirrus finally gasps when he can breathe again. “Fuck, that was—” His legs finally buckle underneath him, but Aether’s got him, pulling him into his lap before he can hit the ground in a dizzy heap. 
“There we are, c’mere,” the quint ghoul soothes as Cirrus groans into his shoulder. “Feeling good?”
“Yeah,” he sighs, totally boneless. 
Aether hums. Tugs him minutely closer. “Loved watching you like that,” he breathes into his hairline. Carefully, he loosens the harness straps at Cirrus’ hips, slipping the elastic through the hardware so it separates and slides gently off his body. “Did so well.”
Cirrus makes a disappointed noise as he melts fully into Aether’s lap. “Didn’t get to use it, though,” he says quietly. 
“Hush,” the quint ghoul tuts. “Plenty more opportunity for that.” He rubs up and down his back, and pleasant goosebumps rise in the wake of his hands. Cirrus makes a sated mm-hmm in agreement, fully wrapping his limbs around Aether’s body and using his weight to make him fall back onto the mattress. 
“Argh,” Aether huffs as the air ghoul lands on top of him. He chuckles as Cirrus sprawls out, nuzzling into the curve of his neck. “What was that for?”
“Loved watching me like that, hm?” he mumbles. Despite the hazy cloud of pleasure that’s settled in his brain, his hands still find it within themselves to touch and squeeze down Aether’s torso. Cirrus places a sloppy kiss to the quintessence ghoul’s jawline and is rewarded with a soft, lovely sound. “How much?”
Aether lets out a shaky breath. “So much,” he breathes. Cirrus’ hands find their way to his hips and grab, fingers digging into the fat as he scoots further down. “Cir—”
The air ghoul shoves at him to move up the bed. Makes himself a home between his thick thighs. He shoves his arms under Aether’s legs and puts his face right above where that fat clit stands hard and needy between his folds. Aether groans. 
Cirrus smiles and whispers: “Lemme hear how much.”
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