mcytblr-archive · 2 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: georgesoot
today's interviewee is georgesoot/dreamwasfound, who, in his words, "emerged from the senior living center to tell all". under the readmore is a transcript if the questions and answers.
Q: What was, in broad terms, your experience in MCYTblr? Are there any experiences/events that stand out to you?
A: Well it was primarily an outlet to channel all my obnoxious thoughts about Minecraft at the time. I had started watching Minecraft videos during the Pandemic, and came across [they who shall not be mentioned] and noticed there wasn't really a community on Tumblr yet. I just knew that someone had to show up and make it gay. It was easy to slot myself in, start making posts that I will never understand how I thought they would be funny, and slowly built up some sort of a following due to my sense of humor but also due to my ability to soberly ~critique~ the Minecraft Men as content creators, micro-celebrities, and as people. I never really fell into niches or was much aware of what other people were doing, until I was kind of folded into this idea of Dream Lying. I don't mean to sound self obsessed but I didn't really care about anything beyond my immediate sphere of friends?
For instance, you mention with other interviewees the Elections. I did not pay attention to those for a single second. I do remember we were saying "stop the count!" because we thought Georgeeehd should have won. And I dubbed Wormweeb the Prime Minister of Mcytblr, but I don't even remember who was running? Or why this even happened?
But as for other events, if they were funny or I could wring something out of them, I do remember them. For example, the mass migration of Kpoppies to Tumblr after it was suddenly "legal" to ship content creators. That compltely shifted the "culture" if it can be called that. I remember all the fake stan accounts, but I never attempted to interact with them. Obviously I remember the Tapeworm post, all the Discourse, the Controversies, how I was able to get hundreds of notes by summarizing events of the DreamSMP, my great shame in life.
But yes, most of the time, I was not there to take things too seriously.
Q: More specifically, what was your experience being in Dream Lying/early critblr? Do you think your experience differed from “main” MCYTblr?
A: As for my experience in what has been dubbed Critblr, well I've been credited with helping to start that whole movement. I think it's funny, because truly the kind of reaction to [censored]'s warcry scandal just wouldn't play out today the way it did back then. But I think it's a function of being an adult, that I could look at [censored] not as an idol, like at all whatsoever. It's easy to swept up in the emotions of things. But as a veteran of Discourseblr, and multiple fandoms, I could see through [censored]'s lack of media training and awareness of the average center left teenage perspective on these issues like it was wet tissue paper. People were mad at for that, but I didn't care what people thought of me.
Maybe by coincidence the other members of Dream Lying also had similar worldviews to mine. Everyone could look past the stanning of it all and recognize when something "canceallable" occurred and discuss it frankly and succinctly. Well I couldn't discuss it succinctly but others could. So to answer your question, yes it was a different experience from the rest of the "community." And it got to the point that it wasn't just "holding creators to account" it became fun. It was fun being the buzzkill in an ironic sense, and also fun in an unhinged way to just create these ludicrous scenarios of [censored] the Young Republican cornering you in the hallway and asking you so how does gay sex work actually though? And again, shipping was a component of this too.
And we turned out to be right. At the risk of sounding arrogant, this will become a theme.
Q: In previous interviews with DLying members, we’ve discussed that misinformation/in-jokes were a big part of the culture, one of them being that Dream sued you for libel. Do you remember any others? Did you expect so many people to believe you?
A: As I mentioned, I didn't take things too seriously. I enjoyed doing a little light trolling, such as when I infiltrated a [censored] stan tumblr server and showed everyone his dogs, and then reveled in the drama of them acting like I killed their families. People also turned on me because I abandoned The Ship for a ship that comprises of two… perpetrators of sexual misconduct as of March 2024, though that would also be true of the Popular Ship as well.
Anyway my personal computer died sometime in early 2021, so I, as is per the usual for my personality, made it into a joke because it really was quite stressful. I mentioned to Reese Georgeeehd and Ozzie ohge0rge (sp?) that [censored] must've sent a virus to kill my harddrive. This evolved into [censored]'s legal team sending me a cease and desist letter, as I'm sure I was being extra ~critical~ on Tumblr at the time.
They asked if they could make that The Official Narrative. I cautioned against it, it leaked anyway, because their "Private Twitters" had hundreds of followers, and this enabled this joke to become a full fledged rumor. And then my "ops" as the kids call them, got wind of this too. Most didn't believe it, but some had this "If it did happen GOOD!" attitude.
But some other examples… let me think. We did try to heavily imply that Ranboo was a former member of our organization. We rarely outright lied about the creators, but we did usually distort or exaggerate things when it came to us, for comedic effect. Frequently someone will say to me "Oh so and so mentioned you again," and my go-to answer is always "Tell them I got hit by a bus," or "Tell them I'm withering away from my dementia in the nursing home."
I did not expect people to believe me, because I did not spread the rumor because I had completely disappeared from the "public" by that point. I purposefully devised a very unrealistic joke in the first place, so I really don't know who would believe that. Especially since I was known to be friends and enemies with doxxers, who could find that information out if it existed.
Like the thought of [censored] being so hurt by a single anonymous loser calling him a Trump supporter and a bad voice actor and someone who was going to hold his British friend captive in his basement and force him to go on a keto diet to the point that he starves to death, or that he had offshore bank accounts to evade Taxes, or that he paid his brother to be his body double (this turned out to be true), that he was pretending to be bisexual for clout, that he had 100% cheated on his speedrun (also turned out to be true), that he had enslaved his mother as his maid, that he and his other friend from Texas would engage in a little frottage as bros do… well the list is endless. But the thought of him being so offended that he gets his lawyer, whom he pays, to send me a cease and desist letter… well it's one of the few things I came up with that was actually funny.
Uh but no, anyone with a healthy attachment to reality would never believe that.
Q: I understand that you were also in EBblr and its surrounding communities. What was that like? 
A: I was never in ebblr… all I did was watch a few Tubbo streams, realize that he was probably gay, and I was right. Because what do you expect at this point?
I pointed out publicly that Tubbo and Ranboo were engaging in some light queerbait, except that they were obviously both queer. The point was I thought they (or at least Tubbo) were trying to engineer a New [censored], because that gets you attention which gets you money… like Kaceytron was right about everything? In these spaces, being Queer is a commodity. But I'm letting the point get away from me.
In private, I mostly reacted with bemusement, and we did have some genuine enderbabies, as I called them (mostly derisively), in our server, who took it all so literally and that it was so kawaii desu. I thought it was cringe. Like, Tubbo pretending to be coy and saying Ranboo's foot was bigger than his forearm. That took me RIGHT back to my days as a cringy 19yo baby gay trying to flirt. Oh I'm getting embarrassed thinking about it. But there were a few moments that Tubbo and Ranboo manufactured together that I thought were pretty cute and wholesome.
On the whole, I'm still confused as to why I'm included in this sub-community. I approached Enderbees as a marketing thing, or something of the sort. I never read fics, I never looked at art, I never really cared. I especially didn't care about their "characters" on the SMP, which also set me apart from the genuine unironic shippers. Some thought this was worse than shipping because I was committing that dreaded cardinal sin: speculating on CC's sexualities.
And yes, I popularized the word Truthing in this context. I explicitly modeled it after 9/11 Truthers, because the JOKE (hi remember none of this was meant to be too serious) was that we were deranged conspiracists who were probably best kept away from normal society.
Q: Is it odd to be regarded as infamous within the MCYTblr niche? 
A: No it's not odd, I at least partially strove for infamy. Any attention gratifies the ego after all, not just postitive attention. Then there was the absurdity of it all. Here I was, in the Pandemic, having multiple degrees, looking for jobs, getting a job, going to work, paying taxes, and theater kids in high school were probably drawing devil horns on my pfp and throwing knives at it. All because I said everything I said about [censored], or "speculated" that Technoblade was gay because he had drama kid energy, or called Tommy annoying that one time in 2020, or babied [censored] too much. There's really no end to the list of nonsense I was spewing.
And I'd argue that I'm not infamous. Gayminecraftmen had to tell me about your blog and your interviews. I'm doing this because my friends think it would be funny. And the Drama of Georgesoot emerging from the senior living center to tell all is the kind of stupid humor I like. But aside from this, I haven't thought about Minecraft in a while. I have to be spoonfed lore about these annoying content creators who don't even make content anymore. Anything I learn about the "community" now is against my will.
At the time, maybe I was infamous, but now? I don't care. To even dignify my "infamy" would be to admit that Minecraft Youtube is even relevant anymore. How pathetic! I just filed my taxes and got an oil change last week. Me and the homies are having Dune watch parties and writing elaborate screenplays for Timothee Chalamet to star in in our heads (shout out to Ciara). To reminisce on my Tumblr infamy for a community of mostly teenagers about Content Creators who made content for said teenagers and later preyed on those teenagers… is so opposite from the adult problems and adult interest I have. Not to be condescending but that's just how it is!
Q: What are some common creator criticisms that you remember from 2020-2021? Do you still stand by them?
A: The common criticisms have held up in my opinion. [censored] and [censored] were queerbaiting. [censored] was cultivating an audience of loyal vulnerable teenagers and he took advantage. So did [censored]. And [censored] who literally bites people? Oh… okay then.
Dream Lying was right about [censored]'s friend whom he invited into his home and whom he tried to gift a career, only to be outed as an abuser. We were right about [censored] coming from not just a conservative background, but a bigoted one, one that he refused to actually grapple with. We were right about MCC being rigged. We were right about the cheating scandal. We were right about so many things.
The only thing I was definitely wrong about was the [censored] really did hop off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan. I thought he for sure would just put off the [censored] team hype house meetup forever. My psychic powers don't always work I guess. That wasn't a criticism though, just my coping. Oh and I was wrong that Ranboo was an industry plant, but I was right that he's annoying and has no talent. And Dream Lying said from day one that Tubbo and Ranboo's little relationship would not last the summer and we were right! In fact during that whole thing I also speculated that Tommy would start queerbaiting and then he did! I felt like Cassandra at times.
Anyway back to the point. I mean the criticisms of [censored] were just all encompassing, and basically stemmed from the fact that he was like all these video game boys- a white man from a republican household who was not properly media trained because Streaming is not a real industry career and none of them were prepared for fame. And that has borne out over and over again. They all have shady pasts, they all abuse their fame and take advantage of fans. So I do stand by these criticisms.
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to speak on or have archived?
A: Not really, I've already said far too much, so apologies to whoever edits these, I hope you enjoy the novel I wrote for you. I don't know, I have dementia, none of this is real. Karlarmy forever. Also who even knows if I'm the real Georgesoot.
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slashthreat · 1 year
did you guys know that even if someone is not queer people can still be homophobic towards them. and someone who is queer can also be homophobic whether it is intentional or not. and that friendship dynamics between people can work in different ways but jokes can still be harmful or targeted in nature even if the person in question isnt really bothered
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newjenns · 2 months
I was in the same boat where I was lowkey letting the demons take over me but if there was even a little bit I liked abt u afterwards, was sticking by Jan bc u were actually a friend that didn’t put interests over her as a person. I was at first a consistent anon in ur inbox before the change happened and then I would move to hers just to lurk for a while before leaving entirely and then coming back to 2 more 9/11s. But I used to be the anon that would tell u abt the Certain urls in your comments and I was like okay maybe she don’t know them like that anf then that shit happened and u were basically having dinner everyday w them I was like oh my fucking goddd 😭
thank you ! i have to be honest i did not cut anyone off after the incident happened. anyone who i was friendly with before but not after was bc either they cut me off or bc we mutually just did not keep in contact which is fine. i have always valued my real world friendships over things that i know are ultimately just rooted in deep seeded interests
to be fair. i was genuinely very naive about a lot of other people from crit LOL until i was taken under their wings in many ways… i think i have a very nonjudgmental and genuinely curious personality which has its pros and cons as you can see here ………..
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wildpeachfarm · 9 days
georgesoot was a popular mcytblr blog who was like the biggest subscriber to the "dream is manipulating george into moving into florida away from his true love wilbur" 😭 i think they were critblr ngl
oh good lord💀💀💀💀
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lilyfreshwater · 2 months
forget meemaw, what would georgesoot have to say about this
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lmanberg · 2 years
Critblr has long been overtaken by drolos, I’m not surprised they’re taking his apology negatively. I’m pretty sure Meemaw is the only other person with slight George bias around here. How far we’ve strayed from the times of georgesoot domination 😞
I miss when dlying was active
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mxriiis · 1 month
going on that mcytblr archive blog and immediately being hit with georgesoot
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roxytonic · 2 months
i actually hadn't seen that post-- but yes, that's it exactly! (and beware, sociology/culture nerd moment incoming, youve unlocked my secret hidden chasms of interest)
i think a large part of all of this is that i did start on more solid ground than you-- you were working from the ground up to construct an image of a then-dead culture, while i had watched it unfold in real time. it's part of what i said in the tags of some post a while ago; if we posit that every relationship between two people is a dialect of its own, with communities speaking their own "languages", then the death of a community is the death of a language. of Course you weren't getting the information you were looking for, you didn't have the memories that it would have taken to ask about them!
and, examining the notes of the post that finally did blow up, that was exactly it. i keep seeing things like "they know idotsblr? theyre the real deal" and "what did gay castle do?", as well as other people going "oh yeah i remember that happening! that reminds me of..." etx etc. it's primarily a matter of having the base knowledge to know what to ask in the first place, which you were already working doublespeed to try to get after the fact. and let's be real here, you got ridiculously far for someone who was piecing things together, and i absolutely loved watching you form rada in real time-- it was, like i said before, like watching someone come in from the outside and give words to everything id noticed about communities getting pushed to the fringe, and the focus on boundaries.
(one thing that i am interested in that you never got the chance to get to, as lilyfreshwater said in the notes, is the rest of mcytblr. critblr and dlying were the fringe, but when examining only fringes, a hole is left where the main group is. the more i hear from people, the more i think that the biggest pieces of the puzzle have been sitting in plain sight, in all their difficult-to-archive glory: the discords, groupchats, individual friend groups, and the odd way that popular mcytblr tumblrs seem to be almost canonized in the fandom.)
and, of course, i just like having my favorite time period all in one place to look at; it makes me happy to have a little slice of it on the blog, and to revisit that time in my life from a considerably less manic standpoint.
Thanks for the followup. I mostly agree -- and again I could never regret putting together RADA -- but there are a few things I'd like to disagree/clarify:
Although truthing/criticizing/etc. was on the decline when I first started posting and reblogging in April 2021, I don't think OG 2020 mcytblr was never totally dormant or dead. I focused on Dreamlying because they were still posting by the time I joined, and that presence of activity was enough for me to start thinking and wondering.
I agree my perspective would have benefited from first-hand experiences with mcytblr 2020, but I don't think interpreting the resulting counterculture/fringe necessarily required I be a part of it, or have had first-hand experience with it. In fact, it was only until I had been blocked by a regular mcytblr mutual 1 or 2 months after publicly interacting with the fringe that I realized -- and quite painfully -- I wasn't part of the mainstream anymore.
This in turn is why I didn't discuss much of regular mcytblr. Structurally, it had become so large to be self-sustaining, and possibly self-documenting. But personally it was also because (I was the last one to realize) I had crossed the floor the first time I ever reblogged georgesoot, or warpedfungusonastick, or reese, or fruityranboo.
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t4tpolypd · 3 years
I never thought I’d have to retreat to twitter because there’s drama on tumbkr
Idk wtf is going on or who tf george soot is but fuck this shit I’m going to Twitter
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mcytblr-archive · 2 months
delighted to see ur active again!!
oh my god its an honor 🙏 delighted to be active! i've been at my day job (preschool teacher) so i haven't had as much time, but i remembered i had this account and decided to make a brief reappearance!
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ilyuqi · 2 years
TUMBLR… ITS TIME… HE HAS RETURNED .. Hi grandpa @georgesoot2
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newjenns · 11 months
Ermm my story of how i got into critblr : i got dnf comps in my youtube recommended in feb 2021, thought they were qbaiters and started stanning wilbur instead. i accidentally came across georgesoots blog barely 2 weeks after i started stanning him. i've always liked the niche parts of fandoms like even when i was a dnp fan i always lurked ppl that were critical of them because i like deep and critical discussions so critblr was like crack to me 🤗 after lurking georgesoot, lovelyuqis & djungelskogs for a few weeks i became a Georgeburian in march 2021 💀💀 i continued to be delulu about these two men for the next year and leaktwt was the only place willing to have semi-serious discussions about georgebur so i found my way to leaktwt. basically i've been lurking here for over 2 years and even though i don't like any mcyts anymore im still here for the crit 😅😅
(also i never liked dream but i felt really empathetic towards him after the face reveal and i thought he was really really really pretty (sorry 😅) so i almost started stanning but then october happened and i became a hater again) anyways #georgebur4life insert cat emojis here 😄
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wildpeachfarm · 9 days
anyone remember georgesoot😭
was this like the "gream" of the georgebur shippers...?😭
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lilyfreshwater · 2 months
i miss georgesoot so bad ugh😭😭😭 best wilbur crit blog ever theyd have a field day with this
i kinda hated all his takes but i had to respect his curmudgeon nature yk
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imgns · 3 years
all mcyts are amazing in their own ways
wilbur was a pioneer of minecraft but content!
tommyinnit capitalized on being annoying and having friends!
philza amassed a large and supportive fanbase!
technoblade never dies!
grian is entertaining and inspiring!
stampy raised so many minecrafters!
dream brought so many new people into the community!
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wooteena · 3 years
i just posted about finding out that georgesoot got deactivated because of dreams lawyers threatening to sue for defamation of character but i deleted it because uh. theyre back
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