#gawain x ragnelle
lupusfloslunae · 7 months
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AU where Ragnelle survives after Gawain’s death.
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morgan by william henry margetson and guinevere by eleanor fortescue-brickdale, gawain and ragnelle by william henry margetson
[ID 1: a picture morgan standing in a stone room. she is holding a wand and appears to be casting a spell, while in her other hand she holds various potion ingredients. next to it is a picture of guinevere with long braids lifting the hem of her dress as she walks through a field. /end ID 1 ID 2: a greyscale artwork of gawain kneeling and clutching ragnelle's hand. ragnelle is under her curse and is an old woman with a plain dress. they are in a forest clearing and other people are watching on in the background. /end ID 2]
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morrigan-reads · 1 year
Some Freely Available Arthurian Content
in my ongoing endeavour to dive down the rabbit hole that is arthuriana, i've been in pursuit of as much free and easy to access stuff as i can find. (shoutout to @fuckyeaharthuriana's big list, which has made this way easier!)
i haven't necessarily seen links to everything i have managed to put hands on, so i'm going to link a few things here in case they're helpful to anyone else. (plus then i can come back to this post in a few weeks when i've forgotten which things i've already tracked down, i have gone to download jaufry three times in the past month, before realising i already grabbed it. this should help, but probably not.)
Free to Download:
Geraint filius Erbin: [x] no idea the pedigree of this translation, but i think this is the one.
Tristan (Gottfried von Strassburg): Part 1: [x] Part 2: [x] an older prose rendering, but check below for a more modern one.
Jaufre: [x] this has sweet gustave dore art (hence my trying to download it so often.)
Vulgate Cycle: [x] an abridged version of the lancelot, grail, and morte. an unabridged translation of the grail quest is here: [x] unabridged morte below.
La Pulzella Gaia: Part 1: [x] Part 2: [x] a fan translation. very readable tho.
Cantare di Astore e Morgana: [x] another fan translation.
Eachtra an mhadra mhaoi/Eachtra Mhacaoimh-an-iolair: [x] some irish stories!
Layamon's Brut: Part 1: [x] Part 2: [x] Part 3: [x] an older translation, but most of the widely available translations though more modern are only the arthurian portion.
Open Library:
so, these aren't free to download, but if you make a free archive.org account you can check them out digitally for an hour. just be sure not to read this thread on reddit, because it'll tell you how to break the DRM and download them permanently.
there's a tonne more stuff on there, and you can check it out for free! just like a library. i'm a fan. here are just a few bits and pieces.
Erec/Iwein (Hartmann von Aue): [x]
Tristan (Gottfried von Strassburg): [x] includes fragments of the tristan of thomas of england.
Lanzelet: [x]
Vulgate Morte: [x]
Lancelot do Lac: [x] an abridged translation of the non-cyclic lancelot.
Prose Tristan: [x] an abridged translation.
Diu Crône: [x] my fave, not gonna lie.
The Knightly Tales of Sir Gawain: [x] this is a collection of gawain stories (my beloved ladies' knight.) contains the carl of carlisle, the adventures at tarn wadling, golagros and gawain, the avowing of arthur, and dame ragnell - plus some more!
Bonus: Le Morte d'Arthur: Norton Critical: [x] Armstrong: [x] Lumiansky: [x] i know everyone knows how and where to read some version of malory. but these three are my personal faves. the norton critical is, by my understanding, the standard edition of the text. the armstrong and lumiansky are modern english versions, but translations unlike the retellings of most people. i have the lumiansky in print (because it was, like, ten dollars second-hand) and i quite enjoy it, and the dorsey armstrong is also very good (i haven't actually read it cover to cover yet, but i have enjoyed all i have read of it!)
i will come back and add anything new and interesting i find links to! currently trying to find a clearnet link to some dissertations that i have institutional access to through my uni that contain translations, and i'm actually working on some translations of my own that i plan on releasing for free somewhere eventually.
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peregrin-tookish · 3 years
Despite loving the original Gawain and Ragnelle, I prefer Gerald Morris’ version. I always thought it was just because I read it first or because it’s written in a modern style I’m more familiar with for love stories, but I just realized why I actually like it so much. It’s because the choice scene happens before they get married. It’s still got the beautiful tension and the impact while allowing them to decide to get married on their own.  Idk I guess I just like a romance where the participating members get married because they want to and not because of a threat to the king.
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a-system-of-nerds · 4 years
Gawain: My wife is an oven.
Launcelot: Explain.
Gawain: She roasts me.
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sir-borre · 4 years
Ragnelle: My partner has to be intelligent, shrewd, know how to keep composure at all times and have refined manners.
Gawain: *Sleeps with the armor put on for the third time in two days*
Ragnelle: He's perfect.
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seancekitsch · 3 years
Duty: A Cahir x Reader fic in the Intended series
Warnings: oral and penatrative sex, butchering of the tale of lady ragnell and sir gawain bc i remembered it wrong from my childhood, the slightest twinge of angst if you squint, hints to book canon events, 3k of unedited smut as literally always
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You shiver has Cahir pulling the blanket up over your shoulders as you snuggle closer to him. Instead of east which proved two years ago to be completely unfruitful, you head north now, having heard something on the road about the Nilfgaardian army heading north. Wherever they were headed, you both figured your cousin might be. How excited you think she’ll be to see you alive. A family member not lost to the flames. Maybe she wouldn't recognize you anymore, now that you wear trousers and travel with a fugitive. Though you never felt hot summers in Cintra, going even farther north set the chill in even longer into the year. You figure it will be the height of the summer before you stop shivering. You wonder how Cahir handles it. Sweet Cahir who grew up in the south, the tropical heat of Vicovaro.You love the stories of summers by the Alba river, the warm summer nights under the stars. At this point, it seems like you'll never see it for yourself, so you vicariously live it through the stories he tells you. You ask him to tell them all the time, probably something he’s extremely tired of repeating, but it keeps away the chill, at least for a while.
He pulls your naked body a little closer to his, something he always says is that body heat helps to warm your bones. You think it might just be something he says to stay naked in bed with you a little longer. Since being able to pick up a little work on your travels, finding a room at an inns that the innkeepers would look the other way when you arrived, you can now afford to do this with him, rather than laying beneath the stars. You almost forgot what a bed felt like, but now every night your back thanks you for the new sleeping arrangements.
Your arm snakes around his waist, giving him as squeeze as you press a quick kiss to his pectoral. Contented sighs are common between the two of you, these relaxed nights frozen in time where you can be your most vulnerable on a continent that works its hardest to beat the vulnerability out of everyone.
Your eyes catch sight of the sword on the chest of drawers. Your sword. Not the dagger, not the sword Cahir lent you for practice. The sword he bought you and specifically had made for you. A weapon as an act of true love that means the world to you. He seems to catch the sight as well, you assume with his next words.
“What shall you name your sword?” he plays with your fingers, tangling your hands together. Your hands are soft compared to his, but he suspects that won't be for long.
“Ragnell,” you answer without hesitation.
“Ragnell?” he repeats.
“Yes, it's from a story that I heard as a child. There was this man that told stories the elves knew in the library.”
He presses a kiss to your knuckles, then realizes, “Aren’t the stories of elves taboo?”
You chuckle, and press a kiss to his chest.
“Oh I’m sure he would lose his keep if I squealed. Good thing I can keep a secret,” You hum, recalling the story, “There was a knight, and he was the nicest knight. And he fell in love with this woman who was cursed to be very ugly. She did not think he would actually love her, but he did and he married her. On their wedding night half of the curse was lifted, and she said: do you want me ugly during the day when others see me? Or only at night when it's just you seeing me? The knight, I forget his name, says: You may choose, I will be a good husband and love you either way. That act of love and freedom frees her from the curse and she can choose how he looks. It was my favorite story.”
Ragnell was the cursed woman, and he realizes it's the perfect name for the sword. A beautiful piece of metal but used for ugly purposes. He stares up at the gauzy canopy above your heads, the mauves and dark blues swirling together like the night sky. Like so many nights he spent with you in his arms next to the campfire.
Cahir wishes he knew you when he was younger. Knowing his fair share of stories of Nilfgaardian knighthood and bravery, he was as much a storyteller as a rambunctious child who used to run around the grounds of Darn Dyffra with a wooden sword in his hands. Had he met you earlier, you might have grown up loving one another. Maybe already married, living as count and countess of Darn Dyffra, destiny wouldn't need either of you in what it has plans. If only. He knows that even when he was young, he dreamt of you. Your features blurred and distorted, but it was always you. It took seeing you in the flames of Cintra that night to see you in focus, but it was always you. For a man who valued his pride, his accomplishments, he cannot help but to see his failures now as blessings. The intuition he felt in Cintra, the failure of what was to be his most important mission, utter failure but it was all to bring him to you.
“Ragnell it is,” he repeats your words, the name sounding nice on his tongue now that it has meaning, “May she serve you well.”
And then he kisses you on the mouth, lips capturing yours, open and eager. His tongue quickly finds yours, passing through your mouth like a promise, the sealing of a contract between your lips. He shifts to be on top of you, slotting his legs between yours as the hand not supporting him above you roams your body. After two years, affection like this doesn't feel stolen between the two of you, not rushed and fumbling like it used to feel. He moves from your mouth to your jaw, to your neck and then to your collarbone as his groping and fondling continues, spurred on by your soft moans and your skin feeling oh so hot under his touch. He kisses at your collarbone, licking and sucking a mark there, but before he continues you stop him.
“You don't have to, my love,” You lazily assure him, “You're tired.”
“I do,” he says, kissing down your body, from your chest, the valley of your sternum, your navel. You gasp sharply as his tongue darts out of his mouth to lick a stripe up along your hip above the bone. He continues farther, scooting to the edge of the bed, parting your thighs, pressing a lewd kiss to the inside of each of them.
“What kind of a knight would I be if I did not fulfill my duty to you?” There's playfulness in his tone that makes  your heart race, and you prop yourself up on your elbow to look him in the eye. You feel as if you’ll combust if he doesn't touch you more.
“So this is your duty to me? This specifically?” The image of you looking down at him, chest heaving and eyes wide is all he needs to want to dive headfirst into your heat, to spend the rest of his night between your legs.
There's something devilish in his eyes as he chuckles and presses another kiss to the inside of your thigh, nipping at it gently as you gasp.
“It is my duty to keep my lady satisfied, or else she chooses to leave me for another,” he mumbles as his lips move up closer to where you want him.
“Cahir,” your breath hitches as he tests the waters, licking teasingly at your clit, almost silencing you, “You have to be the only person I’ve chosen in my life.”
That's music to his ears. He licks again, this time with more precision, more purpose, earning him the ghost of a moan, the first of many. Each lick earns him a moan, but they’re nothing compared to the shaking moan that turns into a closed mouth whine as you head falls back into the sheets, his lips coming around the bud to suck on it.
“Cahir,” his name falls from your lips with a sigh. He watches you intently, giving your cult another harsh suck before dipping lower, licking you open and tasting your arousal.
“Better than the sweetest honey that exists,” he hums, mostly to himself, but your breath hitches again in response. He licks up as much as he can, tongue as deep in you as he can manage. One of your hands finds his hair as you chant his name, first running fingers through it gently, then starting to rake and pull as his ministrations pick up the pace.
Every time Cahir’s tongue is inside you, it's a dedication to your pleasure and your pleasure alone. You’ve long since forbidden him from apologizing again and again for the circumstances of your meeting. All in the past, you always say, but he hopes every time you come undone on his tongue he repents just that much more for the harm he caused you so many months ago. Cahir drinks you in, indulging and loving every second of it. Your back is arched off the bed, legs thrown over his shoulders as you grasp at his hair and the bedsheets. He loves the sting of your nails against his scalp.
It’s when he adds two fingers that your body reacts like lightning, replacing his tongue and again his lips attaching to your clit. There are tears, beautiful tears in the corners of your eyes as he watches you start to lose yourself. That’s right, he thinks, fall apart for me love. Your moans are beautiful, ragged from breathlessness and sounding like a prayer of his name and only his name, and he pulls them from you with every thrust of his fingers. He feels your muscles going taut under his touch, he can feel you ready to come.
“Give it to me, love, let go,” he urges, his free hand reaching over to grab your hand. He holds your hand as you come, shaking with a silent scream from your lips. His mouth and fingers work you through your peak, letting you down gently; his mouth licking up every last drop of your wetness.
“But what about you?” you ask as he comes back up to lay with you.
“You needn’t do anything tonight love,”Cahir whispers as he kisses you, mouth still wet from you. You taste sweet on his tongue, delving into your mouth as you regain your breath, body pliant beneath his gentle touch. But as much as he can say that, you can feel him hard and straining against your thigh, body begging for you even if he won't voice his needs.
“No, Cahir, let me reward you for taking care of me,” you break the kiss, a mischievous smile gracing your lips, “Think of it as MY duty to you.”
Your hands grab his shoulders and push him back onto the bed, now it being his turn to lay back and enjoy himself. You kiss him again on the mouth sweetly while you maneuver your legs over his hips to straddle him, soft hands cupping his cheeks as you do. Those stormy blue eyes watch your every movement as you start to move, rubbing yourself against him. The noises that tumble from his lips are beautiful, little whimpers and moans from someone who anyone but you would consider fearsome and formidable. To you, he's just Cahir; Cahir that’s oh so reactive to your touch, Cahir that’s so very vulnerable. A low, throaty moan reverberates from his chest as you line him up with your entrance and sink down onto his length inch by inch.
“Beautiful,” he sighs as his hands find their place on your hips, holding you against him. You lean back down, kissing him again as you start to rock against him, catching little moans of his on your tongue as you slowly bring him to the edge. His warm hands hold you tightly, gently guiding your hips as he thanks you through kisses. You take such good care of him. You kiss him again, and then pull away.
“I’m close.”
You nod, and he squeezes your hips a little tighter, your head dipping down, almost close enough to kiss him, resting all of your weight on your arms as your hips pick up their pace, thrusting yourself onto him as you chase your high.
“With me?”
He nods, and starts to buck his hips up into yours, meeting your gyrations. You fall over the cliff into ecstasy together; sweet quiet moans of each other's names as you watch each other's faces contort with the pleasure.
You tumble onto the sheets next to him, thighs aching and panting for breath. Cahir’s arms are immediately pulling you back in, against him. He kisses your hairline, your eyebrows, and just holds you there, allowing you to catch your breath on his chest and regain your bearings. He feels every breath in your lungs with his palm against your back. In, out, in, out. He feels every muscle in your body tense and relax under his touch, welcoming him in as embraces you, the way you think the kind knight might have embraced his wife, if they even existed in the first place. You sigh, face stretching into an easy smile, wishing this moment could just remain.
He will never get used to this, he thinks. No matter how many nights he gets to fall asleep by your side, no matter how many mornings he gets to wake up with you in his arms, he will never feel broken in. Not with you, and Cahir finds he doesn't want it to.
You let yourself be pulled in by Cahir, gladly molding yourself to his chest and lazily smiling at the feeling of his soft lips against your head. How strange it is, to feel love as a verb. To actively radiate it and push and mold it in your hands against another person. Perhaps that’s what the kind knight had in mind with his cursed wife. Your tired fingers flex against his sweaty chest. You want to get used to this. To have his touch feel like second nature, to fall into a routine of waking and falling asleep next to him. You want it all to feel like you’ve always had it, and you always will.
“I should marry you as soon as possible,” he mumbles into your hair, an admission of his desires as much as an admission of guilt. In his mind he’s thought of himself as yours forever since he learned your name. It’s been far too long— over three years— that he’s known you and hasn’t been officially yours. His hand runs along the flesh above your rib cage, smoothing out a muscle there. It’s not so much he wants you as a wife, he does, but it’s not his wish to possess you, more for you to possess him. He wants to be yours, and shout it from the peak of the highest mountain. He should have asked you sooner, in a more elegant way. Grand romantic gestures would embarrass you, but this seemed almost shameful to blurt out at this hour.
“We should get married.” He says it again, a fool for love. As much as he doesn’t think this is proper, he wants it to be known his intentions with you.
“Not yet,” you whisper, hoping you aren’t being careless with his heart. It isn’t that you don’t want to marry him. You do. You have since Brugge. Every fiber of your being wants to be his, only his, forever. While you sleep beside him you dream of doing it until you’re old and frail. You dream of retiring from a life of adventure happy to know your remaining family is safe, not in Vicovaro unless something drastic happens with the war, but somewhere nice. Somewhere warm where you can see the sun tan his skin and there can be a garden. But your gut is telling you destiny won’t let it happen just yet. Like if you marry him tomorrow like you so desperately want, everything will come crashing down. Marriage or celebration right now would be a harbinger of doom. You feel him stiffen beneath you.
“Not yet, you handsome thing, but soon. We have a cousin of mine to find. Once we confirm her safety, then we can be husband and wife. Maybe open up a shop to keep ourselves; become farmers together,” you sound pleading, wanting him to understand you without telling him of your gut feeling. You don’t want to scare him with your superstition.
“I can’t give you much,” he begins, but you lean up to silence him with a kiss.
“It’s not that, Cahir. You already gave me Ragnell. That’s more than a wife could ever want. Soon. Once we find Ciri.”
He understands now. Destiny and duty first. He nods, and kisses you back.
“Then I will belong to you,” he promises. You press one more kiss to his jaw, and then he pulls up the sheet around you and you settle in to sleep, tangled up in one another.
He falls asleep hoping you find Cirilla tomorrow so he can marry you the day after. He falls asleep with you soundly in his arms, holding him like you’ll never let go.
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haljathefangirlcat · 7 years
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nientedal · 3 years
yo i wanna infodump tp ya
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legit anyone who wants to infodump to me at anytime is so very very welcome to do so. i mean seriously!!! grey you know IRL i am (1) an old fart and (2) deeeesperatly introverted, right,
do you know what i do when i get overwhelmed at gatherings of humans i don't know? i go find another lost and lonely-looking soul and i literally ask them to infodump at me. i go up and i'm like "hi i'm bored and socially overwhelmed, can you help? teach me something. anything. the last guy i asked about this spent an hour telling me why parasaurolophus was the pinnacle of ornithopod dinosaur evolution. i loved it. anything, teach me anything, what do you love?"
i have made friends and learned so much this way. infodump! infodump! dinosaurs, trains, the various Spider-Mans, Italian alt rock bands, bicycle laws, the history of Uruguay, LGBT representation in fictional media from the 80s through the 00s, how things might work between Dame Ragnelle and Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight, the X-Men, why Sponge-Bob is and will always be the best cartoon, how quantum physics and Gelug Buddhism line up with each other, why the Animaniacs is and will always be the best cartoon, why Ross Geller is the worst character on FRIENDS, Hadley cells.
tell me anything, friend 💙 please infodump at me anytime, about anything; what do you love???
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epic-summaries · 5 years
One Post List for Arthurian Side of British LegendsxPokemon
This is mainly so I can keep it straight for my fic, The Adventures of Perceval or the Story of the Spear Pillar.
Will update as the story progresses, Pokemon evolve and I keep figuring out teams since not all teams are finalized. And of course they will eventually have full post to explain the team.
Main Characters:
Perceval: Sobble but will have a Wooloo and a Mareep
Sir Gawain: Rapidash, Gardevoir, Leafeon, Hawlucha, Eevee and Volcarona(full post here)
Percival’s Family:
Perceval’s Mother: None
Gawain’s Family:
Agravaine: Vullaby, Impidimp, Sableye, Crawdaunt, Drapion and Scraggy
Sir Gareth: Altria, Alolan Ninetails, Trubbish, Vilvillon, Alcremie,
Mordred: Snivy, Eevee, Munchlax, Pidove, Inkay, Morpeko
Emperor Alexander:
Cligès: not yet born.
Clarissant: Glameow,
Lynette: Lopunny,
Lyonors: Persian,
Laurel: Teddiursa,
Queen Morgana: Delphox, Banette, Mismagius, Murkrow, Sylveon, and Shiinotic has a special connection to Darkrai (full post here)
Sir Owain: Manectric, Corviknight, Honchkrow, Lombre, Pyroar (male) and Pawnard
Cynon: Glalie, Butterfree, Darmanitan, Ledian, Staraptor and Beartric (notice Laudine is a rock gym leader and all his Pokémon are weak against rock?)
Morvydd: Meowstic (female), Medicham, Gothitelle, Exggutor, Musharna and Solrock
Elaine of Tintagel: Noivern,
King Nentres:
Queen Igraine: Haxorus, Goodra, (yes she’s still alive)
King Arthur: Shiny Arcanine, Aegislash, Chatot, Garchomp (maybe? Still debating it), Bewear (maybe? Still debating it) and has a special connection to Zacian and Zamazenta
Queen Guinevere: (her gimmick is that all her Pokemon are shiny) Gallade, Alolan Marowak, Salazzle, Tsareena, Yamper, she has a special connection to Cresslia
Side Characters
Sir Ector: Kangaskhan
Sir Kay: Blaziken, Scorbunny’s evolution, Chesnaught, Infernape, Pignite and Incineroar
Lucan: Mr. Mime
Sir Bedwyr: Alakazam, Crobat, Electrode, Ninjask, Greninja and Talonflame (full post here)
Griflet: Shedninja,
Lunete: Lunaton, Golem, Sudowoodo, Corsola, Carbink and Lycanroc (Midday form)
Sir Lancelot: Gyarados, Vapereon, Kingdra, Empoleon, Clawizter and Primarina, (full post coming soon)
Galahad: (he will show up eventually, it’s going to be a long while)
Sir Bors the Younger:
Sir Tristan: Charzard (Mega X), Mamoswine, Lycanroc (Dusk Form), Dhelmise, Grookey,
Queen Isolde: Blissey, Audino, Milotic,
Dinadan: Jigglypuff, Loudred
Sir Palamedes: Naganadel, Nihiego, Celesteela, Karatana, Pheromosa and Xurkitree
Sir Agalvale: (will be normal type master)
Sir Lamorak:
Tors: (still a squire)
Culhwch: Spoink
Sir Meleagent:
Fisher King:
Elaine C.:
Ragnelle: Ditto, Zoroark
Lamorak: Sirfetch’d
Lord Bertilak: Sawsbuck (Summer Form), Meganium, Shiny Tangrowth, Sceptile, Berloom, Leavanny
Lady Bertilak: Jinx, Frolass, Deerling, Vulpix, Swinub
Kings/Ladies/Lords/Gym Leaders (full posts here, here, here and here; Gaheris and Morgause took over gyms after the older leader died)
Lady Annowre: Parasect, Shiftry, Abomasnow, Ferrothorn, Gogoat, Trevenant,
King Bagdemagus: Sharpedo, Politoed, Tentacruel, Closter, Samurott and Seimistoad
Queen Blancheflor: Gengar, Drifblim, Spiritomb, Cofagrigus, Jillicent and Pallosand
Lord Caradoc: Camerupt, Flareon, Talonflame, Pyroar (Female), Turtonator
Lord Cador: Jolteon, Ampharos, Luxray, Galvantula, Eelektross,
King Cilydd: Glalie, Glaceon, Mamoswine, Walrein, Vanilluxe and Crabominable
King Erec: Magnezone, Scizor, Probopass, Bronzong, Escalvelier and Klinklang
Sir Gaheris: Pidgeot, Dodrio, Noctowl, Swallow, Braviary and Toucannon (full post with Agravaine to come)
Sir Hector de Maris: Steelix, Marowak, Donphan, Claydol, Gastrodon (East Sea) and Hippowdon,
King Hoel: Kingdra, Alolan Exggutor, Dragonite, Garchomp, Druddigon, Dragalge
Lady Laudine: Tyranitar, Alolan Golem, Rhyperior, Magcargo, Probopass and Lycanroc (midnight form)
King Leodegrance: Houndoom, Alolan Muk, Weavile, Mighteyna, Cacturne and Bisharp
Sir Lionel: Medicham, Poliwrath, Manchamp, Hitmontop, Passimian and Kommo-o
King Mark: Pinsir, Kricketune, Scolipede, Crustle, Vikavolt and Ribombee
Queen Morgause: Beedrill, Nidoqueen, Galatian Weezing, Victribell, Dragalge and Toxapex (full post to come)
Lady Olwen: Mawile, Togekiss, Mr. Mime, Whimsicott, Slurpuff and Carbink
King Pellinore: Kangaskhan, Girafarig, Miltank, Slaking, Diggersby and Heliolisk,
King Urien: Metagross, Alolan Raichu, Wobbuffet, Sisilyph, Meowstic (male) and Oranguru
Druids: (full post of the Ladies of the Lake here)
Lady of the Lake 1: Swampert, Poliwrath, Slowking, Kingler, Omestar, Octillery and Araquanid has a special connection to Volcanion
Lady of the Lake 2 aka Vivianne: Slowpoke, Feraligatr, Lantern, Azumerill, Whimscash and Golispod Plus Manaphy
Lady of the Lake 3 aka Nimue: Blastoise, Starmie, Quagsire, Floatzel, Swanna, Drednaw and has a special connection to Keldeo
Lady of the Lake 4: Golduck, Pelliper, Gorebyss, Bibarel, Simipour and Bruxish
Merlin (currently in a tree on Torterra): Ninetails, Absol, Torterra, Lucario, Xatu, Drampa and he has a special connection to Celebi (full post here)
Historical Characters:
King Claudas: Venusaur, Weezing, Ariados, Swallow, Toxicroak, Amoonguss, (full post here)
Galehaut (not dead, just left to be with a new boyfriend that will treat him right): Arbak, Alolan Exggutor, Wailord, Abomasnow, Golurk and Wishiwashi
Sir Gorlois:
King Lot: Charizard (Mega Y), Gliscor, Tropius, Archeops, Emolga and Ocicorio (Psychic) (full post here)
Uther Pendragon: Salamence, Flygon, Haxorus, Hydreigon, Goodra and Noivern had a special connection to Reshiram (full post here)
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gawain and ragnelle by william henry margetson, the lady of malehaut from the lancelot du lac (paris, bnf, ms fr118) and guinevere by john collier
[ID 1: a greyscale artwork of gawain kneeling and clutching ragnelle's hand. ragnelle is under her curse and is an old woman with a plain dress. they are in a forest clearing and other people are watching on in the background. /end ID 1 ID 2: a medieval style painting of a woman wearing a long red dress. next to it is a painting of a woman with blond plaits wearing white riding a horse and holding flowers. /end ID 2]
gawain is known as the maiden's knight, the defender of women, and so perhaps it makes sense that his most heroic move in this text is giving a woman autonomy and choice. gawain marries ragnelle, cursed to look hideous, to save his uncle, but he treats her with respect throughout. when she reveals that now they are married the curse will be lifted when they are either in private or in public, gawain leaves the choice to ragnelle, and this breaks it for good. ragnelle's smarts and cunning make her a good match for gawain and suited to any new roles she may have to take as the wife of arthur's heir. best sister in law possible.
the lady of malehaut is guinevere's special companion who is the one privy to her and lancelot's affair (aka treason), which is always a solid ship basis. this also works to parallel them with lancelot and galehaut, especially as guinevere sets up galehaut and the lady of malehaut (which, as the submitter pointed out, feels very lavender marriage)
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losinghome · 7 years
favorite fics 💌
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peregrin-tookish · 3 years
Does anyone else remember that time that Gawain liked sleeping with his wife so much that people started calling him a coward? because I sure do
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a-system-of-nerds · 4 years
Music and Arthurian Characters
So, in the musical Camelot, there is a song called “How to Handle a Woman”. The song is written as Arthur singing, and while it does work with his characterization, I would like to argue about a character it makes me think of more: Gawain. Gawain is called The Maidens’ Knight. He’s sworn to protect women and children. He’s one of the most courteous and, arguably, the best knight. And in the story “The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell”, Arthur has to learn what a woman most wants: freedom. And Gawain gives this to Ragnelle by loving her. In the song, the singer is talking about how a wise man told him how to handle a woman. I like to think that it is some young knight singing the song, and Gawain was the one to give the advice “The way to handle a woman/Is to love her... simply love her.../Merely love her... love her... love her."
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sir-borre · 4 years
Gawain: Are we sure that Ragnelle likes me though?
Yvain: Dude, we're literally at your wedding, shut up.
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guinevak · 11 years
30 Days of Arthurian Legends: Day #04: Favourite canon romance
...setting aside a long discussion of the precise meaning of "canon", "romance", and "favorite", Imma go with Gawain/Ragnelle purely because they're the only explicitly healthy relationship I can think of offhand. o_o
Day #05: Favourite fanon romance
I don't know if it's fanon so much as headcanon, but I am fond of Mordred/Sagramore.  They grew up together (sometimes, maybe)!  They... um... okay maybe it's just me and my friends here.
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