#gallifreyan is their love language
nethnad · 5 months
wake up in my shitty dorm room of rassilon of the prydonian academy at 6 microminispans past the eighth hour. the suns are blinding my eyes and it is clear that the temporal powers that be statistically likely hate me specifically for making me wake up this early. roll out of bed to head to temporal engineering with my least favorite classmates beta shrimpma and costco touchdown. however they seem to be having a lovers quarrel (might be related to the diaappearance of our other classmate,,, think his name was buic or something) and as i walk in costco shoves all his textbooks off the table and yells “RASSILONS FUCKING WHACKSACK”, telepathically crippling everyone in the room. i am rendered incapacitated from the migraine for the rest of the day and now have 6000 missing assigmence
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(to) kiss = wayria /wˈe͡ɪɹiə/
Positive secondary action of 'to like'. Present tense. Formal.
Definition: A peculiar form of interaction where two individuals engage in the mutual exchange of breath and possibly unsolicited dental information.
Example: ↪ Romanised: Ei'wiMasyx. N-ei megalart wayria K9, rio joh po nori "fia, Meyopamo", qi'mitemyx. ↪ English: 'I'm so embarrassed. I accidentally kissed K9, now when he says 'Yes, Mistress', it's awkward.' ↪ Audio:
↪ Sollifreyan (font v1):
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Etymological and Morphological Breakdown:
Way- (Root): Derived from 'way', a Gallifreyan term associated with interactions or exchanges between entities.
-ria (Root): Originating from 'ria', which signifies 'body' in Gallifreyan. The '-ria' segment suggests a physical aspect to the interaction, indicating that the action involves a bodily connection or contact.
Usage and Additional Notes:
Conceptualisation of Kiss: 'Wayria' encapsulates the idea of a kiss as a form of interaction that involves physical contact, combining elements that signify interaction ('way') and the physical body ('ra'). This reflects an understanding of a kiss not just as a physical act, but as an intimate form of communication or connection between individuals.
Versatility in Usage: While 'wayria' primarily denotes the act of kissing, its roots in interaction and physicality allow for potential extensions or adaptations in related contexts. It could be employed metaphorically to describe other forms of close interaction or connection that involve a meeting of 'bodies' or 'selves', whether literally or figuratively.
Modifiers: ↪ Tense (simple): N-wayra (kissed) | Future: wayra-N (will kiss) ↪ Negative: wayra-o (not kissing) ↪ Slang: wayrr
(GIL Gallifreyan Conlang Guide (coming soon))
Gallifreyan Word for Wednesday by GIL 》 need a translation? / see more Gallifreyan words If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee to sustain our tired human writer with enough caffeine to continue this madness and help make future projects.
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gotyouanyway · 2 months
there’s just nothing i love more than gallifreyans doing gallifreyan stuff especially wrt language it’s sssssoooooo
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
this all to say how gallifreyan is as close to a second language for even as it can realistically be for someone who can’t actually interface with the telepathic subtext. which, honestly, mostly comes up once they’re out of time hell when their relationship to clara gets more and more antagonistic. whole conversations with missy (<- happy to make clara mad) that clara can’t follow because the tardis translation circuit isn’t built to translate gallifreyan and/or the doctor disabled it doing so. talking to the doctor in off-handed gallifreyan knowing that he’ll respond in kind without thinking for at least a few sentences before realizing it. it is completely petty, a way of even marking off something they share with the doctor (and the master, but clara is less likely to care about that) that clara doesn’t.
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corallapis · 4 months
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crazy. crazy. tegan & turlough looking after him. another instance of the master asking the doctor to make arrangements after his death! 'she wondered how long ago the master had written it.' the humming...
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what word do you think timelords would use to mean like the core of something figuratively. bc in english we say heart, at least thats an option, and i think that might be the case in a bunch more languages. and i suppose theres some sense to that, the heart powers the whole body. but you might just as well say the brain or like, the stomach or whatever if you want to stay close to the middle of the body.
like the same way people in other times have referred to other body parts than the head as the place where consciousness resides, i can imagine theres also multiple ways to imagine what the “core” of the human body is. and you dont need the human body for that metaphor at all but thats a version
but like if you have two, that sorta breaks the metaphor right? i can imagine hearts in figurative language for timelords might be associated with balance more than centre?
to just swap out ‘hearts’ for when we say ‘heart’ metaphorically doesnt always work
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
there is something so delightful to me about the sticky notes with gallifreyan circles on them on the tardis console
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magiccath · 1 month
Weirdly specific headcanons Pt. 2 (Tenth Doctor x Reader)
a/n: finals fried my brain again, have some headcanons (new fics coming soon, I promise)
Says stuff like “2+2=5” with such confidence that you almost believe him
Secretly likes it when you and Donna call him “spaceman”
His favorite Earth snack is Goldfish (especially the colored ones)
Insufferable to watch movies with because he corrects everything
Traces words in circular Gallifreyan on your skin, usually on the back of your hand
Things like “I love you” and various nicknames he has for you
Often times when he fixes the TARDIS it doesn’t really need it, he just likes having something to do
Similarly, the TARDIS creates issues so he has to fix them
His love language is quality time, he just wants to be with you
Having you sit in the room while he fixes the TARDIS, showing you every single part of the universe, laying in bed on lazy days, etc
Needs constant reassurance and love
Cuddles too
Might not remember things like your birthday without reminders from the TARDIS
However, he knows exactly how you like your tea, your favorite color, and every single nervous tic you have
900+-year-old toddler 
Requires constant supervision or he will cause harm to himself and/or others
Is absolute rubbish at cooking. Something always ends up burnt 
Makes a mean cuppa though
He loves all kinds of cuddles but he really likes it when the two of you fall asleep spooning
Big fan of wrapping his entire body around you and tangling his limbs with yours
Also goes crazy for a good hug
Maybe his love language is also touch
He likes sitting on the floor for some reason, especially the TARDIS floor
Sits in chairs really weird too. Practically drapes himself across them with his long limbs sticking out and over the chair.
Has boundless amounts of energy. Is it a Time Lord thing or ADHD? We’ll never know (It’s both)
Knows enough random stuff to win Jepordy, but he would epically fail at it
Would correct every single answer and argue that he was right, not the answer sheet.
“Mount Rainier isn’t a volcano, fire aliens were just living under it.”
Loves ABBA and Queen. Can be often caught singing their songs to himself, especially when getting ready
Has a little troll doll collection in his room, among other strange 90s toys and random objects he likes
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salmonidos · 5 months
Technically since Gallifreyans are a telepathic species, their language should have telepathic elements right? Telepathy doesn't work the same way as spoken language, so when talking about telepathic communication in a spoken or written way, there'd probably be a lot of language that would be hard for us humans to understand. Then... verb tenses and time-travel plus fixed and non-fixed points, things that never happened but they did. And personal pronouns and incarnations.
I also wonder if there'd be words derived of Rassilon with so many Things Of Rassilon. Like perhaps a shorter word that just means Of Rassilon, or a specific sound. Talking of sounds, perhaps there's two sounds that sound the same to a non-telepathic species but they have a telepathic element and you get /a/ (feels like lavender) and /a/ (feels like burning inside a volcano) ?? Microtelepathy-
Yeah it'd be a whole mess. Imagine studying that. You thought Spanish verb tenses and gendered words were hard? French sounds?? yeah well
In fact I'm more inclined to think the funny circles we see in the series aren't phonetically equivalent to words but telepathically equivalent to concepts. I do love having the circular phonetic gallifreyan stuff around but I don't think it'd be phonetic in their universe at all.
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bisexualamy · 1 year
thinking again about the idea that gallifreyan would have temporal pronouns that references an individual time lord ‘in general’ as opposed to referencing a specific rengeneration. and how the gallifreyan language probably has complex verb tenses or conjugations around not when events take place in the timestream but also tenses relating to where two time lords are in relation to each other.
in this vein, i love the idea that gallifreyan has three conjugations or words for the concept of “i can’t do or tell you that”:
“i am physically unable to do that / I don’t have the info you need”
“i am choosing to withhold this information and/or not do this / i promised i would not do or reveal this”
“i cannot tell you or do this because it would violate the laws of time / it gives you too much foreknowledge / it’s likely to cause a paradox”
while #1 and #2 can intersect, it makes sense to me that #3 would be its own separate concept or word. that it’s not just that you’re choosing to withhold something: you are bound by the laws of time to withhold it. you may badly, desperately, want to help this person change their future, but you know doing so could cause incredible damage to the timestream. “i’m so sorry. if it were up to me, i would tell you, but the universe won’t allow me to say.”
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quite-right-too · 7 months
Piece of Art
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: The Doctor sees your newest tattoo.
One year.
You had been travelling for an entire year.
Granted, time was subjective when you are in a literal time machine, but the point still stood. For your timeline, it had been three hundred and sixty-five days of adventures.
It seemed like the Doctor also knew. He was up before you — which was normal considering his “superior Time Lord biology” allowed him to have “a considerably altered circadian rhythm” and he didn’t need much sleep.
He was already up and running around the console by the time you were up, hair tousled like he had been running his hands through it. You admired him from the doorway as he checked the screens, putting on his glasses and analysing the data that was written in that beautiful circular language.
“So, what’s the plan today?” you asked with a smirk, arms crossed and leaning against the coral entrance to the console room. The Doctor jumped for a second as he was brought out of his focused state.
He gave you his signature Doctor grin and began to flip various switches. “Well,” he drawled, “I was thinking we could go to Dracea VII. They have a wonderful festival that comes around every ten years. The food is amazing.” Nimble fingers typed into his keyboard as he watched the Gallifreyan symbols change. “Just imagine it. The sky's the perfect shade of lavender while the various rivers that flow through the city are a shimmering gold. The grass is soft, almost like silk, and is a deep blue. The entire planet is gorgeous.”
You couldn’t help the matching smile that spread across your face. “Sounds wonderful.”
“Alright!” he exclaimed, pulling a lever down hard as the TARDIS began to groan and lurch through the vortex. “Allons-y!”
A final thud upon landing threw your balance off. As you were sent stumbling, the Doctor reached out and grabbed your arm, pulling him into you as you both fell to the floor. He caught you, just as he always did. Your shared laughs filled the console room as you savoured the moment.
“Come on, up you go,” he grunted as he helped you to your feet. “Off on another adventure, us!” He grinned as he grabbed his overcoat and pulled it over his shoulders, adjusting the collar as he put it on. Once satisfied with how the garment sat, the Doctor held out his hand. His fingers wiggled in invitation. Chestnut eyes sparkled with the excitement of being able to spend time with you.
You loved it.
Fingers now laced, the door to the TARDIS was thrown open. Instead of the beautiful grass and rivers the Doctor had described, you were greeted with what appeared to be a sewer system. A very dirty sewer system.
As the two of you stepped out of the doors, the Doctor looked around with a grimace on his face. “What the-” He was quickly cut off with a low rumble.
A rumble that came from directly above you.
Although you both moved away from the now-noticed pipe above your heads, it was too late. The putrid smell of hot garbage assaulted you as you felt yourself get splashed with the brown mysterious liquid.
“Fucking dammit!” you yelled, lurching away.
The Doctor grabbed your hand, pulling you back into the TARDIS. Your shirt seemed to have gotten the worst of it. Not wanting to continue the contact of the sewage against your skin, you pulled your shirt off and discarded it on the floor of the console room.
“Alright, that was not where I intended to land. Sorry about that.” As the Doctor looked up at you, he froze. Standing before him was your shirtless form, bearing a semi-new tattoo.
The vibrant blue phone box that took up the space on the right side of your torso was beautifully surrounded with a galaxy. In the background, the Earth was able to be made out. 
His feet moved of their own accord. Before either of you knew it, he was standing directly in front of you, staring down at your ribs. “When did you get this done?” the Doctor murmured quietly, his hand coming up to hover above the piece.
You moved your hand up to his, pressing his fingers against your skin. “You can touch, Doctor.” You smiled at how enraptured he was. “I got it the last time we were in America. Probably around three months ago? Did you know that Los Angeles has some pretty amazing tattoo artists?”
“This is brilliant.” The Doctor was in complete and utter awe. “Why haven’t you shown me this before?” He traced circular patterns over the tattoo with the pads of his fingers.
“I don’t know, just…” You trailed off, mind melting at the feel of the skin-to-skin contact. “Wanted to wait for the right time.”
“Well, I love it.” The Doctor wasn’t lying. His eyes were staring into your soul. He loved it.
“Good,” you breathed. He was so close to you — it made it so hard to think.
I love you.
The words caught in your throat.
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(to) love = shamui /ʃˈamjuːi/
Positive secondary action of 'to like'. Present tense. Formal.
Definition: Emotional state, often leading to attachment to people/pets/objects/TARDISes. Can take many forms. Occasionally results in bonding ceremonies and/or small biologically amalgamated offspring if species are compatible.
Example: ↪ Romanised: Ei'shamui wima Promarzzi-ua, ara ei'wiShamui'Promarzzi-ua. ↪ English: I love you more than Promarzzi bars, and I love Promarzzi bars. ↪ Audio:
↪ Sollifreyan (font v1):
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Etymological and Morphological Breakdown:
Sha- (Prefix): This prefix is derived from the Gallifreyan root meaning "to like". 'Sha' indicates a positive feeling or affinity towards something or someone, representing a basic or initial emotional state. In the context of 'shamui', it serves as the foundation, denoting a sentiment that's favourable and inclined towards affection.
-mui (Suffix): Stemming from 'muj', which in Gallifreyan signifies an emotional action, the suffix '-mui' is pivotal in transforming the meaning of the word. Unlike the more neutral or positive connotation of 'sha', '-mui' introduces a complexity that is often viewed with ambivalence in Gallifreyan culture, where emotional actions are commonly deemed negative or unbecoming, given the societal preference for logic. In 'shamui', this suffix shifts the word from a simple, benign emotion to a more involved and potentially contentious state – that of active love.
Usage and Additional Notes:
General Interpretation: In Gallifreyan, 'shamui' is used to describe the act or process of loving, but with an underlying acknowledgement of its complexity and potential for being seen as a less desirable state due to its emotional depth. It encompasses not just the initial feelings of liking but also the deeper, more active engagement of love, which can be viewed with a degree of scepticism or caution.
Cultural Context: The construction of 'shamui' reflects the Gallifreyan ambivalence towards deep emotional states, in contrast to their love of logic and rationality. This word, therefore, might be used in contexts that either acknowledge the necessity of such emotions or as a critique of their perceived irrationality.
Modifiers: ↪ Tense (simple): N-shamui (loved) | Future: shamui-N (will love) ↪ Negative: shamui-o (not loving) ↪ Slang: shamm
(GIL Gallifreyan Conlang Guide (coming soon))
Gallifreyan Word for Wednesday by GIL 》 need a translation? / see more Gallifreyan words If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee to sustain our tired human writer with enough caffeine to continue this madness and help make future projects.
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gotyouanyway · 5 months
i ♥️ looms so i really favour the lateral family structure described in lungbarrow where there are no parents or siblings just cousins. but of course different types of relationships would exist among cousins that we don’t really have names for. luckily i also love playing with gallifreyan language so i like to think whenever the doctor refers to his aunt or brother or parents, it’s just the closest english translation of a specific kind of cousin relationship
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lz-didyounotice · 3 months
Baking weekends : The surprise
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Those gifs do not belong to me.
Heyyyyy! How are you lots ? As promised, here comes another episode of the baking week ends ! This follows up the event of "An hymne to love", as well as the last espisode, "Kiss the cook".
Anyway... Hope you enjoy !
Warning : there's a lot of fluff, mention of making out in the tardis. English is not my first language.
The grocery store seemed to be way too full for a Saturday morning. Paying for the few articles you had in your basket, you got out, frantically searching for your car. There was so little time until the doctor and Clara came back from another of their adventures.
Driving as fast as the law allowed you, you pulled up to your small cottage, sprinting toward your house, paper bags in hand. Your coat was quickly put on a hanger as your shoes went flying in the entry. 
Washing your hands conscientiously, you tried to get your plan straight one more time, making sure nothing was missing. 
You had wanted to surprise the Doctor for a long while now. Back when Amy and Rorry were still traveling with you, a brilliant idea had come to you in the form of a red recipe book. The cover was old and titled with circles and other intricate designs you soon realized, was Gallifreyan. Having seen the notes the doctor tended to leave in the console room for repairs the Tardis needed, it was only ever so obvious.
For the sake of this recipe, you had to go to small markets while on another planet, wanting to find every single ingredient of what the doctor had stated to be his favorite dessert back home. Finally opening the book, you couldn’t help yourself, and shed a tear as you saw the numerous yellow sticky notes on every page, annotations left by Donna, your previous self older sister.
"How can I be sure he ain't as rotten as the last one?" 
Donna was upset to be keeped from such an important part of your life. If you were honest, you were sad to not be able to share it, but it was either that or losing her once more.
On that day, you had asked for her help, but she wanted to know more about that brilliant 
stranger you said changed you in better ways.
"Do you reckon I would be baking for him if he weren't important?"
"Cor blimey, you two had been goin’ out for bleedin’ three years, and I still never met the bloke!"
“I told you he traveled an awful lot.” you let out passing by the radio and changing the station.
“Just spill it if he's scared of meeting mom.” She let out with a small laugh. You could only do the same, bumping her with your hip as you did so.
You missed her dearly, her and her sassy comebacks. Since your new “Regeneration” you haven't been able to see her. What would she even say ? She didn’t know this version of you, you didn’t even look the same, and putting her life at risk would be irresponsible. You had just hopped that may be one day you would meet her once more. 
Putting up some energetic music, you wore your apron and got to work, sleeves put up to the elbow. The adventure only truly started now, something you waited so long to put up.
The doctor and Clara had been off all day, the brunette insisting on going a little longer, still waiting for your signal. The timelord was starting to be suspicious of Claras behavior, wondering what got his companion so energized for such a long adventure, he even was starting to wonder if she wasn’t a clone trying to keep him from earth longer than normal. 
But like the over-excited traveler he was, he couldn’t put down the offer, for all he knew, he was expected back at your cottage by the end of afternoon. Today was a busy day for you, and even if he wanted to have taken you with them, you insisted for them to spend some time together. It saddened him of course, none the less he understood today wasn’t a good day to go off with her.
Right now, the doctor was admiring a beautiful fez he had found within the small shop he and Clara came across, visiting a brand new planet. Soon enough he felt his shoulder being tapped on by the said girl, a tired smile visibly drawing itself on her lips. Asking the doctor to take her home, Clara had just closed her phone, saving it in her back pocket.  
After buying the fez, he seemed proud as he pushed the levers on the console. Rocking his new hat, Clara only could wonder if he would ever come across one without having to put it on. Even if she didn’t dream of seeing him less happy, she wanted the surprise that awaited him back home would light him up even brighter. 
With the Brunette back at her apartment, the doctor had no patience in waiting some more and launched the Tardis. Soon, his foot touched the vast landing of grass, still illuminated as the sun slowly hid behind the clouds.
Without any hesitation, his hand found the ringing bell of the small cottage, his heart pounding harder and harder as the seconds got by. 
Passing your head by the now unlocked window, the doctor seemed to ignite, happy to finally be back. “Darling, the door is open! Come on in!” Your hair was a mess, your glasses hanging from around your neck, beautifully portrayed by the light of the setting sun highlighting your figure. Smiling at you, the doctor entered the house, coming practically 10 seconds later face to face with you. “Well, welcome home Sweetheart”.
“I told you to not cheat! close those beautiful eyes before I smack you.”
The doctor was too curious to wait for the surprise you had put up for him. And right now, all he wanted was to take a tiny peak. But knowing how serious you could be about those things, he didn’t jocked around long before closing his eyes.
Soon you entered the room, a beautiful cake in your hands. Its sunny color, outshining the yellow of your apron. Slowing placing the cake before the Doctor. You gently brushed his shoulder. “Doctor, you can open them… ”
Finally letting go of his face, the man thought he was dreaming. Before him stood something that was supposed to be long gone, never to be seen again. And as he admired the wonderful pâtisserie, he couldn’t help but notice it wasn't just any Gallifreyan cake; it was a homemade one. 
Both his hearts skipped a beat as he realized the significance of the gesture. Turning to his wife with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, he couldn't help but smile.
"Did you...?" he started, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
You couldn’t help but beamed with pride when you saw the love in his eyes. "Yes, Doctor. I thought since you couldn't go back to Gallifrey yet, I'd bring a little piece of it to you."
The Doctor's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he looked at the cake, overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of your gesture. At this moment, all he could think of was how much he loved you, and how much you meant.
Taking a deep breath to steady his emotions, the Doctor rose from his chair, wrapping both arms around you, burying his head in the crook of your neck, trying to hide his tears as they got out of control. Pulling you into a tight yet comforting hug, all he could muster was a soft “Thank you” thick with all the love he could let out. "This... means more to me than you could ever know."
Your hand was now passing on his back, soothing him as much as you could. Your other tangled itself with his soft hair as you stood there for another minute. You never wanted this embrace to end. But as you pulled slightly away, you could only see how much the doctor truly meant every word.
With a gentle smile, you reached down, your hand slowly cradling his cheek as you leaned in softly, closing the distance between them. Your breath mingled, warm yet sweet as your lips brushed together in a soft yet passionate kiss. But as you parted, the doctor only tried to reach for your lips, making you snort softly at the surprised look on his face.
“I do believe we still have to taste the cake, now don’t we?”
“I- … yes”
“We will continue… this after…-”
And to say you had outdone yourself was an understatement. You would have expected it to taste funny with the numerous strange ingredients you had to add. It was heavenly, and by the doctor's face, you could only tell he was enjoying every second of it.
“Is it any good ?” Serving yourself another portion.
"Blimey, love! This... this is fantastic! Haven't had a nibble like this in eons... It's not just good, it's utterly brilliant! Delicious doesn't even begin to describe it!" He answered, still trying to shove more cake in his mouth.
Your cheeks flared up, genuinely happy, and proud you had done such good work. In the beginning, you feared it wouldn’t have the same taste as the one that existed back home, and you felt relieved that the doctor could recognize a fond memory in it.
It was safe to say, the cake did not survive long enough. You and the doctor, now cuddling in the softness of the Tardis covers.  
After the cake had been devoured, you had to have a turn. The thankful kisses you gave one another, turned into a heated session of making out against the tardis console, his fingerprints still lingering on your inner thighs. And just like that it was you and him against the world once more. 
His fingers passed through your short ginger hair as a comfortable silence installed itself. You looked up at him and could tell he had some questions about the whole surprise.
“You have a lot of questions don’t you ?”
“I always do…”
“Ask away then, I know you’re curious.”
Shifting slightly closer, the doctor leaned onto his elbow, making his face right above you. “How long did this take you ?”
Your hand reaching out for his jaw, you pulled a small but sad grin. “I started trying back when Amy was still traveling with us. Unfortunately, I died shortly after so… been planning longer than our wedding. ” 
The doctor laughed slightly with you, remembering the chaotic moment. “And the recipe? Where did you find it? The Tardis database is still written in Gallifreyan as far as I’m aware of- ”
“No such trouble when you have learned to read it.”
“Why so surprised? Did you think I would traverse the universe for eons and not try to embrace your culture? What sort of wife would I be ?”
And just when he thought he couldn’t love you more, he did. His hearts swelled with pride as he looked into your eyes. Caressing your cheek, he kissed your forehead, brushing away some strands of hair still in the way.
“You truly are remarkable (Y/N).....”
“It goes both ways my Bowtie maniac.”
And as the sun rose again on the Tardis, the two lovers intertwined once more, laying one against another as close as you could, afraid time might slip by and take you both apart.
You couldn’t have dreamed of a better outcome.
Bonus : 
“I knew Clara was up to something!” Complained the time lord only now realizing why his companion was so indecisive about where to land.
“Only figured now she had to keep you busy while I was baking?”
“That’s an awful trickery-”
“As far as I’m aware, if you hadn't been off, you wouldn’t have this wonderful fez of yours, now would you ?” Turning around him you swiftly took the red hat off his head, putting it on your own.
“Oi, mine-” He quickly tried to retrieve it, but knowing you it could be easy or involve a lot of running.
Dodging his hand, you took the opportunity to run off in the Tardis corridors singing “Nope, mine now!” as you ran across the control room.
“(Y/N)! ” The doctor was slightly panicked but it was just a matter of time before all of it evolved into laughter. 
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The Doctor is a tragic character in the best Greek tragedy tradition.
So y'all know how the most common driving factor for intelligence to develop in species is if they're social? (Octopi aren't very social but let's ignore that real quick, the Doctor's a vertebrate anyway so invertebrate intelligence can probably be dismissed as irrelevant) Because after a point, more intelligence isn't really needed to avoid danger or gather food. But more intelligence does make it possible to communicate more efficiently, form more complex social bonds, eventually develop culture. Cue why social species tend to be more intelligent than solitary ones of otherwise comparable lifestyle. And cue why humanity is the way it is.
Now look at Gallifreyans. (I am purposefully ignoring the Timeless Child thing bc I don't rlly believe it and besides, even assuming it's true, The Doctor is similar enough to Gallifreyans to have flawlessly believed himself/themselves/herself to be one for 13+ regenerations, so anything that can be concluded to be true from analysis of Gallifreyans has good basis to be presumed true about the Doctor, whatever the fuck semantics you wanna use) So, Gallifreyans. A species much more advanced than according to DW canon humanity will ever be. More intelligent than humanity. High levels of education and not on the basis of private tutoring. Lives in cities. Has complex language and technology capable of instantly translating pretty much any language of any other species to be understandable to them. (Hell the TARDIS consistently still translates shit to English for the companions while they're outside it.) Complex social structure. That's one fucking social species.
And it gets better. The TARDIS is meant to be operated by a team of six. And even if River was joking about six, it's still clear that it should at least be more than one. Compare the Doctor steering the TARDIS alone to when he was with Susan. I mean, even those two looked like they could use an extra hand. Have you ever seen a human private use vehicle designed with 2+ pilots in mind? Definitely a species more social than humanity.
And the telepathy thing? Hello? Insanely, mind-boggingly social species.
Now take a being this fundamentally social and do something to them so that they see no recourse other than to take one (1) same-species (as far as he was aware disclaimer ig) companion, steal a ship they have little to no clue how to pilot, leave everything and everyone they've ever known and run without ever stopping for breath, no matter how much they miss home, no matter if it hurts. (And I do believe something must have happened to make him run like that, since the beggining, way before the Time War) Have them be scorned, judged, punished, mistreated and rejected by their species, again and again, for ages. Have them love, again and again, only to always lose everyone they've cared about, through abandonment or death. Have them essentially be forced to exterminate their whole species and believe themselves to be the last of their kind, only to be proven wrong by the whole Master situation, which alright is better, but also in some ways is worse. Have them, once again, form deep bonds with companions and once again lose all of them in various varyingly tragic ways until they have no hope left that anyone can ever truly stay for any amount of time even close to satisfactory, that love can for them end in anything but loss and pain. And they can't even avoid love altogether in an effort to spare themselves the inevitable agony of losing loved ones, because they're incapable of not growing to care for those around them. And they can't be without company either, because their sanity goes straight to hell in a handbasket within like,, 5 minutes of being alone.
Let me remind you this is not a human we're talking about. It's a member of a species much more inherently social than humanity. My point?
The Doctor is literally more lonely than the human brain can comprehend.
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picnokinesis · 5 months
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thirteenth doctor and spymaster fic recs
all clear by wreckageofstars (8k, 1 chapter, thoschei/gen) summary: London’s on fire, the Doctor’s trapped in her own head, and only her worst enemy can save her. //I know I literally always rec this author in these lists, I know, but like if you've read these fics, you'll know I'm justified because they are all just brilliant. This one is no exception. The doctor and the master are so wonderfully on point, with this antagonistic push and pull between them both, whilst they both desperately try and avoid the fact that they actually still care deeply for one another - but they also hate each other's guts at the same time! And the master is there to cause problems on purpose whilst the doctor is an absolute mess post-Orphan 55 and making everything worse. An absolute joy of a fic.
the gardener by riptheh (6k, 1 chapter, thoschei/gen) summary: The Master kills because it's all he has left. Until it's not. //I had a reaaaally hard time picking fics for this post, because there are so many fics with thirteen and spymaster that I absolutely adore - but I knew from the get go that this one had to be on here, come what may. It's much more of a character study focused on the master than anything else, but of course anything about the master is also about the doctor - and it's such a beautiful exploration of the master and his relationship with death (and then, life). Just absolutely gorgeous - and surprisingly uplifting by the end? Anyway. This fic got me good, so definitely make sure you check it out.
the art of dying by lupescx (10k, 4 chapters, thoschei) summary: The Master resurfaces into the Doctor's life only to die—one burst of regeneration energy and he's back on his feet. And then he dies again. And again. She can't keep doing this. //The title might have clued you in, but this one is angsty. Extremely angsty. But, wow, it's absolutely brilliant! What a fantastic exploration of the doctor and the master pushed to their absolute limits and unable to escape from an awful, inevitable cycle. It is pretty dark in places (actually a lot of these fics are, so always heed the tags!) but if that's your jive then this story is just such a treat. Highly recommend!
The Frayed by luchia (90k, 16 chapters, thoschei, wip) summary: The TARDIS recruits a rescue team for the Doctor after the Judoon take her away, and the Master really shouldn't go. Particularly if it includes having to hang around a freakish temporal monstrosity like Jack Harkness. Then again, what does he have to lose? He could die, sure, but that means nothing when he always (always always always) comes back, whether he wants to or not. //Okay so, in my humble opinion, this fic is some of the best spymaster characterisation that I've ever seen across the entire fandom. It's exceptional - the prose is just so full of character, brilliantly unreliable and just so SO fascinating and painful in equal measure (can you tell that I like angst? I love angst so much). And also just the imaginativeness of the story itself is absolutely incredible? There's some fantastic things in there about gallifreyan as a language and Time Lord culture and TARDISes - and, of course, the doctor and the master are completely awful in the best kind of way. And if the word count looks too much for you - consider just reading chapter 16. Yep. Just that one. Like, that rewrote my brain. I read it three times the day that it posted, and I've lost count of how many times I've read it since then. So, like, please. But also you should really really read the entire thing because it's brilliant
Ust-Kut by yonderdarling (1k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: Unfortunately, the Master survived. Unfortunately, he finds her TARDIS. Unfortunately, he wants to talk. //Okay. So, this fic? Is possibly one of my favourite spydoc fics ever. And you might be thinking "but, taka, it's only 1k, how can it be?" - well, trust me, it just can. Short but sweet but an absolute gut-punch at the same time. Such a fascinating look at the relationship between these two, the push and pull and the knife edge that they're both on all the time - and it's so tactile? I think that's what gets me about it, if I'm honest. Anyway, absolutely beautiful writing - succinct, but boy, does every word count. It's just so so good, guys.
and without you (is how i disappear) by empty_of_dust (4k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: “It’s simple,” she says, impassive, like she’s not holding their very history at knife-point. “Start talking, or I start cutting.” //So, funny story, this author only started posting spydoc fic about a year ago, but oh my word, my guys, they are insanely good. They just get these two in a way that drives me absolutely feral, and their writing style is such a joy to read. I was extremely torn on which fic of theirs to rec, but I settled on this one in the end. The sheer concept of it is absolutely brilliant and gut-wrenching in the most spydoc way ever: a mid-s12 doctor uses the history between her and the master as a bargaining tool to get him to tell her what he discovered in the matrix, blood and biting including. But, yknow. just do yourself a favour and read this author's entire body of work because it is extremely worth it. You won't regret it, I'm sure.
i only speak in silences by daring_elm (2k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: The Doctor can't just leave the Master behind, so she sends him a hologram. //do you ever get a fic that you forget exists, and then you find it again and go OHHHH THIS ONE??? That was me with this fic (and, honestly, this author, who has a ton of great stuff that you should all check out). We all know that the doctor and the master are awful at communicating, but this fic is such a wonderful exploration of it - of the ways that they refuse to be vulnerable with each other, the ways that they are so angry with each other, but also can't help but be drawn back to each other all at the same time. An absolute cracker!
awake and unafraid (asleep or dead) by SleepyMaddy (5k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: The Doctor has trouble sleeping. The Master, in typical fashion, makes it worse. //There are so many fics by this author that I could recommend on a post like this, but a spydoc rec post has got to have at least one fic on there that plays with O/13, because it's just such brilliant, painful angst in the softest way. And there are a great many fics that explore it, but this one just takes the cake. Impeccable s12 angst wrapped up in o/13 softness, complete with thirteen making terrible decisions for literally the entire thing. Absolutely astounding writing, beautifully in character and just so painful in the best kind of way. This one killed me, guys. It killed me.
chaos theory by BlueLillyBlue (61k, 11 chapters, gen, wip) summary: The TARDIS has crash-landed in England, 2019, and the Doctor is acting cagey. Also, spacetime might be collapsing. So... Yaz's week isn't off to a great start. //Ohhhh man ok ok. This fic. Is a goldmine. This author is just absolutely SPOT ON with how they write thirteen, and their plots are just an absolute delight and tick soooo many boxes for me. They always make the world they're writing in feel so rich and real, whether that's a starving community on a frozen moon or a hotel in Cornwall. But this one is just so up my street because the master is in it, and oh my GOODNESS guys, it's just - it's just so, so good. If you haven't been following this one along already, then get going on that, stat!
together, we average out to dry land by hawkeishest (1k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: If she thought about it, really, this was all Ryan’s fault. He was the one who’d touched the statue. Though, to be fair to him, she should have known the temple would have some kind of psychic defence system. And now her head felt like it was cracking open. //I feel like most people have read this one because it's such a classic, but for anyone who missed it or is new to the fandom - this one is a must read. Absolutely fantastic exploration of the doctor and the master's psychic abilities and the connection between them, written with the most gorgeous descriptions. Just brilliant. Go check it out!
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