#fydl drabble-a-thon
bloomsoftly · 7 years
FYDL Drabble-A-Thon, Day 9
Prompt: Maybes
Pairing: pre-Darcy/Steve, Darcy & Tony (Darcy is Tony’s Daughter)
Length: 905 words
Organization: Wounded Warrior Project
(warning, if anyone needs it, for cursing)
“I may have overreacted.” At her snort, Darcy’s dad looked up indignantly and pointed a challenging finger at her. “Hey, he killed your grandmother and grandfather, you know!”
With a sigh, Darcy walked over to gently wrap her arms around Tony from behind. “I know, Dad. But we both know he didn’t do it of his own free will,” she added, dropping her chin to rest on his head. His arms came up over hers, patting lightly, and she drew away. Touch still freaked him out, most days. When it came to his daughter, he tolerated it. She tried not to push his limits, though, especially when he was already struggling.
And boy, was he struggling with this. “And the Accords? Thaddeus Ross, Dad. Really?”
Scrubbing a hand over his face, he groaned. “You’re just putting all my faults on display today, aren’t you. I might’ve made a knee-jerk, hasty decision on that, too.”
“Maybe,” she said, heavy on the sarcasm. He rolled his eyes, but didn’t complain. She’d gotten her sharp tongue from him, after all. “If only you had a daughter, who—I don’t know—specializes in political science and shit like this who was ready and willing to help,” she spit, voice sharp enough to cut glass.
He cringed away from her, then changed his mind and stood his ground. Picking up the glass of liquor on his work table, he downed the amber liquid in one go. “I didn’t want you involved in this! After New Mexico, after London—”
“You didn’t think I could handle it?” she interrupted hotly, tears of anger and frustration burning at the corner of her eyes. The fear was eating away at him, she could tell. He was standing in front of her, but she felt like she was losing him with every passing second.
“No!” he exploded, reaching for the bottle to pour himself another glass. She snagged it before he could, jerking it out of his reach. He’d have this conversation as sober as possible, or she was leaving. Seeing the hard look in her eyes, he relented.
His weight sagged forward onto his elbows. He looked smaller than usual, and it broke her heart. “I wanted to keep you safe, Darcy. I just—I couldn’t seem to get anything else right. But I wanted you to be safe. I wanted to be a good dad, for once.”
“You are a good dad. You’ve always been a good dad.” But he just shook his head, not hearing her. It was, ironically, one of Tony’s greatest faults as a dad—that he never believed he was doing a good job as a parent.
Sighing, she let it go. “But I’m here now,” she said, waving a hand to encompass the penthouse of Avengers Tower. “So please, Dad, tell me how I can help.”
“There’s something shady going on,” was her dad’s spectacularly unhelpful answer. “Something bad, really fucking bad. And…” he scrubbed a hand over his face, casting a longing look at the bottle she still held out of his reach. “Fuck. I need Rogers to come back. And Barnes, too, probably.”
Darcy closed her eyes briefly. It was even worse than she thought. “I don’t think he’s gonna listen to you, Dad.” She thought about listing all the reasons why Captain Rogers wouldn’t let him come within a hundred yards, but decided against it. No need to pour salt into an open wound.
“I know, Darce. But he has to come back.” He looked at her significantly, and she finally realized why he’d asked her to meet him so suddenly, and without warning.
“Me?” she asked incredulously, pointing a finger at herself. “You want me to go get him?” At his weary nod, she said, “What happened to all that bullshit about protecting me?”
“I can’t trust anyone else to do this,” he said, looking like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, all sallow skin and heavy eyes. And maybe it was, for all she knew.
“Okay,” she said, reaching out to press her fingers against his. He gripped hers in turn, and she knew they’d be all right. She was still going to dump out the alcohol, though. “What do you need me to do?”
Three months later, Darcy was cursing her dad in every language she knew, plus some she didn’t.
As she looked past the barrel of the gun pointed at her, staring at the man whose face was hidden in the shadows of the building, her first reaction was guilt. Tony would never forgive himself if she died; he’d blame it all on himself.
Then the man stepped out of the darkness, and Darcy forgot all about her dad. Her sharp intake of breath gave her away, and his frown deepened. “Who the hell are you, and why are you looking for Steve Rogers?” he growled.
Nice try, buddy. She’d recognize that baritone anywhere. “Oh,” was her clever response. And then her mouth caught up—well before her brain, as usual. “No wonder you’re so hard to track down,” she said, gesturing at his full beard and unruly hair.
Confusion flickered in his eyes, but he stepped forward threateningly. She tossed him a winning smile, catching him off-guard. “Captain Steven Grant Rogers,” she said in her most polite voice, ignoring the gun that was still pointed at her head, “we need to talk.”
(so this turned into an idea with a real plot and I’m thinking about turning it into a full-blown fic, if there’s enough interest.)
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glynnisi · 7 years
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FYDL Drabble-a-thon - 
Prompt: Dangerous Territory
Charity:   Amnesty International, working to protect people wherever justice, freedom, truth, and dignity are denied.
995 Words
Darcy understood hostile political undercurrents and had good survival instincts.
Jane’s work- once dismissed as fanciful, and more recently exalted- now tread on dangerous territory. Her sometime lover’s name was next to an unsigned line in the Sokovia Accords. Jane testified about Thor’s return to Asgard.
For a time, Jane and Darcy worked in undisturbed peace. But after some Avengers were arrested, rumbles from Secretary Ross and his allies darkened.
So, Darcy set alarms along the perimeter and monitors on all routes to the labs. She bought an extra Taser. Her phone and Jane’s had friends of Thor on speed dial.
It wasn’t enough.
Darcy forced Jane into the hidden room.  Inside, Jane shrieked Darcy’s name as she dialed Tony Stark.
When the door was finally wrenched open by Iron Man and Vision, Jane shoved past them, crying, “Darcy!”
There was no answer.  Equipment was broken or missing. Computers were gone. So was Darcy.  A broken Taser lay on the floor.
Jane faced the others, furious.  “What happened to Darcy?”
Tony Stark looked grim. Vision stepped forward.  “We will help you find answers, Dr. Foster.”
Jane glared.  “I want Darcy back. NOW.”
For the first time, Tony reached for the crappy phone he’d been sent.
Darcy’s heart clenched with fear after she forced Jane into the secret, Thor-tested, impenetrable safe room.  Jane and her work backups were secure.  Darcy stumbled to the computers to delete files.  
As the sound of boots grew louder, Darcy entered the fake safe room.  Too soon, explosions rocked it.  Darcy got off a Taser shot at the attackers before they took her.  She fought to protect her face and body as they slammed her to the ground.  The copper taste of blood filled her mouth and Darcy blacked out.
Darcy woke in a stark cell with an icy-cold concrete floor.  Dim light came through bars on a small ‘window’ into white space.  The dark corridor outside the cell door seemed endless.
She sat up, groaning. She was bruised and bloody, with a throbbing ankle and aching arms, but nothing broken.  Darcy crawled to the bunk.  There was a thin mattress that provided a cloth barrier against the hard surface. Her stomach rumbled, the only sound in the room. Darcy pressed her fingers under her arms for warmth and fought her fears.
Hours passed.
Darcy’s eyes flew open. Heavy footsteps approached.  She prayed- for them not to hurt her, for her to live. Determined not to cower, she uncurled with feet touching the ground and hands flat in her lap. Darcy stared at the door.
Someone came closer.
A large man stepped into the dim light.  “Miss Lewis?” He sported a beard and wore dark clothing.
Darcy nodded uncertainly.
He evaluated the cell door, stood back, and ripped it open.  Darcy’s heart nearly stopped.
“You okay?”  He stopped.  “I’m… Steve Rogers.”
Darcy let out a shaky breath, voice tense.  “Oh, God! I thought you were one of them.”  
His expression softened. “I’m sorry to frighten you.”
She blinked back tears. “Tell Jane that I cussed you like a defiant badass.  ‘K? Make me look good?”
His smile warmed her. “Sure.  You’re doin’ great.”  He scowled as he looked around.  “Want out?”
Darcy nodded.
“Can you walk?”  
She tried to put weight on her ankle.  “Not well.”
“Okay.”  He swept her up bridal style and activated a comm.  “Got her.  Need backup while I carry her out.”  He tightened his hold as she shivered.  “You’re okay, Miss.” He hurried down the dark hall.
She leaned her head against his chest, remembering watching footage of Captain America on the news and admiring his physique.  “Jane’s gonna be pissed. She’ll forgive me since I kept them from getting her work, but she’s gonna be pissed.”
Steve rumbled, “She terrified Tony so much he called me.  You’re right.”
Darcy’s voice bounced with his steps.  “Call me Darcy.”
“Nice to meet you, Darcy.” He ran, but talked easily. “I’m impressed. You protected your friend. Brave.” She hid her face against his chest as she lost her battle against tears.  He felt it and soothed, “S’okay.  We won’t let anything happen to you.”
Black Widow piloted the Quinjet.  Sam Wilson stowed his gear and sat by her.  Steve sat with Darcy, keeping up a flow of reassuring chatter.  
Darcy tried not to stare at his handsome face. She wasn’t sure what amused his companions, and was too tired to ask.  She fell asleep leaning against Steve’s shoulder, grateful that he didn’t mind the way she held onto his hand.
“Darcy!”  Jane’s voice shrilled as Steve carried Darcy to the makeshift med bay.  
Darcy’s smile was wan. “Hi, Janie.”
“You’re hurt,” Jane sobbed.  
Steve offered, “she’s really brave.”
Jane’s lips trembled, “stupid to risk yourself.  They might’ve killed you!”
Darcy giggled weakly. “Is it a good time to ask for a raise?” Steve chuckled.
Black Widow looked Darcy over.  “Let me get her cleaned up, Rogers.  You can flirt more later.”
Steve blushed as he stepped away.  Darcy managed to whisper, “thanks.”  He nodded to them and stepped out of the room.
Darcy hissed as Black Widow began to clean wounds, then queried, “flirt?  Are you crazy? Him? With me?”
Black Widow worked efficiently.  “I’ve known him for five years and never seen him chat with a woman like with you.  He was flirting.”  She smiled.  “He’s a nice guy.  You should give him a chance.”
Darcy blinked in pleased surprise.
Jane squeezed her hand. “He’d be lucky to know you.  I am.”
Darcy shook her head. “You’re just trying to cushion to blow of us losing our salaries and stuff.” She mourned, “My phone!”
Steve leaned into the room again.  “I forgot to mention I recovered your phone and the doctor’s stolen equipment at that base.” He handed Darcy her phone and left again.
Jane grinned.  “Marry him.”
Darcy ducked her head. “You’ve had worse ideas.”
Down the hall, Steve Rogers smiled.
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hollyspacey · 7 years
Fire Away, Fire Away
For the FYDL Drabble-a-thon, the word of the day is gunshot.
gen rating, wintershock
The charity I am linking to is the Human Rights Campaign, the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization.
(also, fyi, I had the best of intentions to do this every day. but, you know, life. just pretend I am not jumping in halfway through the challenge.)
Bucky is no stranger to the unexpected. He is used to all of the hard and scary things that can come from nowhere and try to destroy you. His life is, for so long, a constant running tally of dangerous situations. And then suddenly, it isn’t. For the first time in his new life, he is settled. In a safe place, with Steve by his side, with people who aren’t actively trying to kill him. The dangers come less often and he allows himself moments to relax and be happy and not look over his shoulder constantly.
Then, with a flash and a bang, Darcy Lewis comes into his life like a gunshot. Hits him harder and more unexpectedly than anything ever has before. Takes him down, and suddenly he is a man struggling to make sense of it all. She scares him. She worries him, and he learned long ago that worry is a useless emotion. He starts plotting escape routes and trying to figure out how serious it is and what his chances are at getting out unscathed. He realizes he can’t avoid her, so he plans how to survive her.
And then he sees her throw her head back in laughter at something stupid he said and he stops calculating risk. Spends that time examining the line of her throat or taking in the scent of her shampoo or finding new things to say to make her laugh like that again. And he wonders at what point a person decides to give up, to give in, to accept their fate and hope that the pain won’t come until later and that it will all be worth it in the end. He lets his body take the hit, lets himself become a victim in the only way that matters, allows her to become important to him. Never tells her that she is like a gunshot, she might not understand and he doesn’t want to scare her off, although he sees how she treats him and considers that might be more difficult than he thinks. He thinks the only person who might understand would be Steve, who once described Peggy as that moment right after you get a punch to the stomach, that sickening, breathless feeling. And Bucky hadn’t understood it at the time, but he understands it now.
He lets Darcy into his life. Welcomes her with open arms, even though it is the scariest thing he’s ever done. He understands the risks and thinks that the mere presence of her outweighs any potential heartbreak in his future. He doesn’t worry about the end because he is so focused on the beginning. Doesn’t worry about disappointing her because he sees the softness in her eyes when she looks at him. Doesn’t worry about how quickly he’s falling, because he thinks that maybe she’s falling too.
Two months later, when they finally kiss for the first time, it’s in the hallway of the science wing on an ordinary Tuesday. Darcy’s hands are full of paperwork that she tucks between them as she stands on tiptoe, winds an arm around his neck, and presses those soft lips against his, and he thinks that the word gunshot was wrong. Darcy Lewis is nothing less than a bomb and he’s never been happier.
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ibelieveinturtles · 7 years
Inside Information
FYDL Drabble-a-thon Extravaganza Day 10!
Prompt: Dangerous Territory
Word count: 200
Pairing:  none
Leaving Jane is scary, but Darcy is determined.
She's finds work where she's actually using her degree, and can keep abreast of developments relevant to her recent experience. She keeps in touch with Jane, but it's sporadic, and she often can't even find her former boss.
When she hears the first whispers about the Accords she doesn't believe it, but the whispers get louder, and before too long a copy crosses the Senator's desk. She sneaks a look and is horrified. Somehow, she needs to let The Avengers know.
She plans carefully, and waits for an opportunity.
She logs into the Senator's computer, finds the file, and hits print. She then copies it to a flash drive, before heading for the copy room.
She waits nervously, startling every time someone walks down the corridor or bumps against the door.
No one comes in while she waits, but as she's shoving the printout into her satchel, her boss comes in, locking the door behind him.
He gets straight to the point.
“The Accords?”
She nods, knowing that she's caught.
“Good. They deserve to know. I'll stall as long as I can. Good luck.”
She almost cries with relief as she flees.
Today I’m linking to Amnesty International - Australia.  “Amnesty International is the world’s largest and most-respected human rights organisation. Information obtained by our fearless researchers allow us to campaign against abuses of human rights around the world.”
(Because I’m 100% positive that Amnesty would NOT have approved of the Accords!)
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ragwitch · 7 years
FYDL Drabble-a-thon - Day 1
Prompt: 62%
Pairing: Johnny Storm/Darcy Lewis
Word Count: 470
Rating: M(?) but for f-bombs
Charity: SisterWorks Inc
“Wait. What?” Johnny froze in the hall and Darcy curved around him without looking up from her pile of notes.
“62%,” she repeated.
“Why?” Was he whining? He wasn’t, was he? He was. “Yesterday I was at 68%. What gives? You haven’t dropped me down like this since Everhart wrote that bogus article with the photo that was two years old.”
“Storm, I can’t right now,” Darcy said, with a glance over her shoulder. There were dark circles of her eyes and smudges on her glasses and a constellation of singed threads on the shoulder of her cardigan. Who’d let Darcy Lewis get burnt? Whose fuck up had that been?
“Darce, wait. Hey, wait-”
“Johnny,” Darcy snapped, turning in place and glaring at him over the rim of her glasses. “You have seen me in the same outfit for three days now. I smell funny. Don’t argue with me, Storm. I smell like battery acid. This is a fact. I am running on four hours sleep for three days and I know exactly, from experience, what that does to my complexion. I am irritable, I am irrational, and I am fucking unfriendly right now. So, yeah, I am taking you 62% seriously about wanting to date me. I don’t even want to date me right now. Okay? Now I need to go to work so I can finish these readings with Jane and force her to take a break.”
Her cheeks had dark splotches of color and yeah, she was a little sallow. And her eyes were watering behind those glasses and she just…she was just gorgeous. At 68% and rising he’d practically been able to taste the end game of their on-going flirtation. If Darcy Lewis took his offer of a date 100% seriously he got to take her out. And now that finish line was retreating? Not fair.
“Your logic is flawed, Lewis,” he shouted as she tried to retreat behind the glass doors of Foster’s lab. “You’re still pretty and you know it! Hey! Lewis! Do you want a coffee and a bagel?!”
She was gone. Damn. He could try again tomorrow and hopefully by then she’d have gotten some rest. If she hadn’t, he might set off the fire alarms in the lab so Foster would give her a fucking break.
Johnny’s shoulders drooped and he turned to head back to the elevators.
“Toasted everything. Lox. Scallion cream cheese. The most disgustingly sweet latte the barista can stand to make.”
Johnny spun and Darcy’s head was peeking out the doorway, her eyes focused on the shiny floors, hair swinging over her pink cheeks.
“Got it,” he said. “No problem.”
“72%,” she said, and then vanished back into the lab.
Johnny grinned and his skin itched hot. That finish line was looking sweeter than ever.
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thestanceyg · 7 years
Sweet (Day 15)
FYDL Drabble-a-thon Day 15
Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Spencer Reid (if you squint)
Words: 894
Charity: Donors Choose
Darcy loved her little shop, Just What I Kneaded. She had poured her heart and soul into her business, and it was rewarding to see it prosper. After Shield fell, she successfully sued against the assets of what used to be Shield for breach of contract. She still had her pile of paperwork thanks to some sage advice from her friend Matt who had been in law school at the time. Because she still had the paperwork, she could point to the line where Shield had “indulged” her by signing a written amendment that said they would also keep her involvement with Thor a secret for her protection. After Shield had fallen, she had literally been snatched off the street two days later, held captive, and only survived because she busted her way out. Matt, now out of law school, had represented her. The lawyer who was sent to represent Shield apparently thought just as much of them as she did because he didn’t fight all that hard. She had been granted a tidy sum of money which, after paying Matt and taking him and Foggy out for drinks, she had completely invested into her bakery.
She lived in the apartment above the shop, and everything was secured within an inch of its life. She had a state-of-the-art security system that Jane had “procured” for her. Darcy was pretty sure Jane had cried about the kidnapping and made Tony Stark unsure of what to do besides throw money at the problem, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. She accepted gratefully, and enjoyed knowing that her home and business were safe.
“Morning Murdock,” she called to Matt from the back.
“How’d you know? I was being quiet and the chime didn’t go off.”
“I’m getting that looked into. I wish I could tell you I had crazy awesome senses or something, but it’s just the security camera system,” she said, putting a tray in the display case. “What can I get for my favorite lawyer today?”
“Foggy has been talking about your apple fritters all week, so half a dozen of those please.”
“And?” she prompted as she filled the box and the chime on the door rang.
“And I need a lemon tart for Karen.”
He smiled. “And just some coffee?”
“I know the fritters are for all of you. Are you sure you don’t want something just for you? Karen’s getting a tart.”
“Nope, that’s enough sweet for me.”
“Fair enough,” she said closing up the box and turning to grab his coffee. “You tell Foggy to tell me next time he butters someone up with my sweets. I’ll put my card in the bag.”
“Like you need more business,” Matt laughed as he took the bag she had put the box of treats in and coffee.
“Hush you. All that business is what lets me give you free food.”
“Which you don’t have to do. We would gladly pay.”
“I owe you.”
“You paid us, you know. Real money and everything.”
“Get out of here before I change my mind,” she laughed. Matt chuckled and turned to leave. “Hello sugar,” she said to the new customer. “How can I help you today?”
He flipped open credentials to show her. “I’m Dr. Reid with the FBI. Are you Darcy Lewis?”
“Show me that credential again,” she demanded. After her kidnapping she had spent a lot of time looking into everything that could help keep her safe, including fake credentials. He looked a little surprised at her request, but handed it over for her to inspect. After a thorough once over, she was satisfied and handed it back.
“I am Darcy Lewis,” she said. “What can I do for you?”
“We have reason to believe that you are going to be the next target of a serial killer operating in this area. We’d like to take you into protective custody as a precaution.”
“No thank you,” Darcy said kindly. “I’m much safer here.”
“With all due respect, being alone isn’t safer than an with us.”
“Dr. Reid, I’m not going anywhere. This is my business. I own it. I am the only employee. I can’t just go into hiding for some undetermined amount of time. I have an amazing security system and a distrust for government agencies.”
“I would feel better if I knew you were safe.”
“You’re welcome to stay and keep me safe, Dr. Reid,” she said, looking him  up and down. “You look like you might have a sweet tooth, and I’m more than happy to have your company.”
“I’m sorry, but you just said you didn’t like government agencies?”
“Never said I didn’t like certain agents,” she said as she pulled a brownie from the case and handed it to him. “Eat that before you tell me no.” He took it from her, befuddled, but stepped over to a table and sat. She came over with some coffee and dropped a mug in front of him and sat across from him with a mug of her own. “If you need anything in your coffee, the fixings are over there,” she said with a nod of her head. He took a tentative bite of the brownie and couldn’t stop the small, happy whimper that escaped. She smiled. “So, interested in keeping me safe, Dr.?”
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ladyknightskye · 7 years
FYDL Day 8 - Hi Satan (Answers)
Organization: Harvest Hope Food Bank
Title: Hi Satan
Prompt: Answers
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, Steve Rogers
Relationship: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Shieldshock
Continuity: Canon Divergence 
Warnings: None
Sass Master Steve Rogers is life.
           There were mysteries of the universe that Darcy would never have the answer. She would probably never know the meaning of life, the reasons for the big bang, or anything like that. She barely had a grasp of basic physics, and she was okay with that.
           One question she could answer was the reason why she had stayed in Stark Tower as Jane Foster’s intern even though the internship was neither applicable for her major nor paid.  The answer, was one Steven Grant Rogers and the gigantic crush she had on him. He was sweet, and amazingly, at least as sarcastic as she was. He’d come into the lab one day for one reason or the other, and they’d ended up engaging in a snark to snark battle without Darcy even looking up and realizing who it was.
           “This place is a bit . . . cold,” he said.
           “Like my dead heart,” she had replied. “You get used to it.”
           “I’m sure we could do better then leaving you with a cold dead heart.”
           “And you think you can warm it up, there pal?”
           “Well, I have been told on several occasions that I’m hot. Maybe I’m hot enough for you?”
           “Only if you were Satan could you possibly be hot enough for me.”
           Jane had chosen that moment to come in. “Captain Rogers?”
           Darcy had looked up, and nearly choked on her coffee. It was freakin’ Captain America! He’d just winked at her.
           The question she couldn’t answer was why he kept coming into the lab. He came by regularly, and usually stuck around for some banter with Darcy. Topics could include anything from Jane’s propensity for accidental maiming to Tony’s ability to blow anything up. Quickly, she found herself crushing on him. Hard.
           “Yeah,” she said one day after finally admitting it to Jane, “but why would he keep coming around? What is his deal?”
           “I don’t know,” Jane laughed.
           “But I might.”
           Both women jumped in surprise. “Wear a bell!” Darcy cried, turning to find herself face to face (well, face to chest) with the man in question.
           “And the answer to that question is that I find myself wanting to trade barbs with a beautiful woman,” he replied as he lounged against the door jamb. “But now I have a question of my own.”
           “Yeah?” Darcy said breathlessly.
           “Would you like to go out to dinner with me?”
           Darcy didn’t have the answers to the mysteries of the universe, but damn did she have an answer to this question. “Yes! Totally! I am all yours, Satan!”
           Jane was horrified, but Steve laughed.
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agentdarcylewis · 7 years
FYDL D-A-T Day 1: 62%
Charity Link Genfic, Characters: Darcy Lewis, Tony Stark, (mentioned) Peter Parker Spoilers for Spiderman: Homecoming
Tony froze, hands clutching one of his gauntlets. The Team was preparing for a move from Stark Tower to the facility, and Pepper had asked (forced) him to take time out of his schedule to pack up some of his more expensive and highly expensive inventions.
But that “Dad”. That was her “Why are all the other kids talking about your latest weekend banger when you were supposed to be in stock meetings?” Dad. Her “I can’t believe you missed my dance recital for a day in Vegas!” Dad. Her “Teenage angst cannot fully cover my anger at you” Dad.
More and more recently, that was her “What the hell was I just watching you do in the suit on TV?” Dad.
“FRIDAY, engage shutdown protocol zero-two-nine-nine.”
“Yeah, FRIDAY, belay that order.” There she was, standing in the doorway, Stark-brown eyes flashing. Her could almost imagine her loose hair waving in some invisible, wrath-powered wind, and for the nth time Tony cursed being surrounded by infinitely hard-headed people.  
“Dad,” Darcy repeated, her voice sickly sweet and her expression a perfect mirror of Pepper’s patented polite, yet disappointed smile, “Why are we moving out of Avengers Tower?”
“Darcy, my darling daughter who owes her life and her inheritance to me, how was your trip to Paraguay?”
“Hot.” DUM-E and You rolled up to say hello, and Darcy petted them absent-mindedly, her eyes still fixed on her father. “Hot, there was no Wi-Fi, and I ran out of music I wasn’t sick of halfway through the month. Also, it was Colombia.”
“And Jane?” Tony tried again, hoping to distract his daughter with one of her favorite topics. He went back to rummaging through the nearest moving crate. He thought better when moving around, and he needed to come up with a plan fast to get out of this one.
“Why are we selling our giant company headquarters-slash-house? MY house?” Darcy asked, quickly crossing the room. She gripped the edge of Tony’s moving container, forcing him to look up and consider her again. She looked a lot tanner after her excursion through the Andes, where she had been researching local, possibly alien legends while Jane studied the sky. Skin was peeling in an arc off her nose. He told her so, and then added, “Also - don’t know if you noticed - but this is MY tower, not yours. The “A” on the side is from where?” He picked up an arc reactor and frowned, placing it on his workbench. There was a whole separate box for those - did DUM-E put that in there?
Darcy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her souvenir t-shirt, the perfect model of a pissed-off daughter. Put her hair up in pigtails, and she’d look exactly like she did at 6 when her daddy couldn’t drop her off at Stark Industries Daycare because of a last-minute “overnight guest”. “Nice try - like I didn’t know that the minute you retired half of this building would go to me.”
“DUM-E, come over here and put this in the other - no, that box - no other OTHER one, you oversized roomba. And - 62%.”
This threw her off.  “62%?” She went and grabbed the arc reactor from the robot, who had begun expressing his confusion through whirling in place.
“Yeah - 50% of my building, plus Pepper was going to give you her 12%.”
Darcy groaned. “Seriously?” Ha - Tony had her on the ropes now. References to her almost-stepmom’s behavior (which outshone Tony’s in every respect) softened his angry daughter’s heart and reduced the length of arguments 35% of the time. (He’d had JARVIS run the numbers…back when he wasn’t RoboCop.)
“I am the picture - the PINNACLE - of honesty, honey.”
That was the wrong thing to say. “Oh yeah? Like when I had to learn my apartment had gotten auctioned off to the highest bidder through a BUZZFEED article? Eight days after it happened, even? Or we could go back to that time in high school with the pool party -”
“Oh god, I don’t think I could suffer another retelling of the high school pool party.”
Darcy sighed, pausing her stacking of the arc reactors into their specialized containers. “Upstate? Really?”
After years of parenting, Tony was quick to realize when his fights with his daughter had reached the “hug it out” stage, and he easily crossed the room and pulled Darcy in for a hug. She smelled like recycled airplane air, cheap sunscreen, and the coconut shampoo she had been using since she was 12, and for the first time he allowed himself to think about how much he had missed her the past month and a half. She was more than 62% percent of his (now fully organic) heart, and with all the events that had happened recently…he needed his family with him.
“There’s labspace for Jane, and a swimming pool, and at least three hot tubs. Not to mention I got vending machines that stock S’mores AND Hot Fudge Pop-tarts.”
“Ugh…” He could feel Darcy’s face wrinkle against his shirt. “I love S’mores. But I just got my room here set up how I like it.”
“A complete disaster? A shame to the illustrious Stark name?”
Darcy stepped neatly out of his hug and tilted her head towards the piles of boxes currently overtaking the lab.
“Touché, my beautiful and very forgiving crotchfruit.”
There was the eyeroll again. Mushiness successfully averted. “I’m going up to my apartment and making sure the moving guys haven’t messed up my stuff. Maybe get a couple few naps in before I say goodbye to the place forever.” She picked up her backpack - when had that gotten here? - and, with one last pat for DUM-E and You, headed towards the elevator. “Oh, and dad?”
Tony hummed, his mind already back on the mess covering his workspace.
“You should probably give the Spider-Guy his suit back.”
“I - his name is Spider-Man! And with that attitude you’re going to join him in time-out!” Tony shouted as his daughter’s patented Stark smirk disappeared behind the closing steel doors. “FRIDAY, you traitor.”
“I am only following protocol, Mr. Stark.”
A/N: I finally wrote a fanfic again! It’s been so long (years?) since I’ve written something this substantial. I just had a really good idea for this prompt and needed it to be realized, lol. I’ve read so much DL fic that my writing for her is a bundle of popular tropes and references spread across years of fics. One of my faves is TS is DL’s dad, so I hope I did the trope canon justice.
TBH, one of the biggest reasons I don’t write fic is because I’m scared of being OOC. I’ve watched both CACW and SMH in the past like 24 hours so I hope that offsets it. If you have any tips for me and would like to share, I’d love an inbox message!
FYDL Prompt Week is meant to highlight charitable organizations. Here is my link for this fic. It’s a link to a post explaining the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, and includes links to organizations helping out.
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itsswansecrets · 7 years
Pushing Boundaries (MCU, Darcy/Natasha)
Title: Pushing Boundaries Fandom: MCU Pairing: Darcy/Natasha Rating: Explicit Word Count: 697 Note: Written for the drabble-a-thon prompt ‘Boundaries’ at Fuck Yeah Darcy Lewis, warning for recreational drug use. Charity Link: http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org
“Amber, amber,” Darcy whimpered.
“Too much?” Natasha asked in a soothing tone.
Darcy nodded. “Yeah, overwhelming.”
Natasha gently rubbed her right hand over Darcy's buttocks. Her ass was pink, and even getting into shades of red in some places. Natasha moved away the magic wand vibrator she was holding in her other hand and turned it down a notch.
Darcy was naked. She was bent over a large wooden bench, resting on comfortable shoulder supports that kept her chest a few inches from being flat against it. She was blindfolded, her hair was tied back in a high ponytail. Her wrists were spread wide and bound with leather cuffs hooked to metal rings set into the bench. Around her neck was a simple black leather collar. Her heavy breasts hung free with silver clamps pinching her nipples. A thin silver chain linked the clamps, looping through another metal ring on the bench. A spreader bar secured to her ankles kept her legs apart.
Darcy and Natasha had been exploring their kinky sides together for a few months. A semi-joking comment from Darcy about being spanked had developed into a wonderful journey of sexual experimentation.
For tonight Darcy had asked Natasha to push at her boundaries and Natasha had risen to the occasion with her customary skill and enthusiasm.
Darcy took a few slow deep breaths. The gentle touch of Natasha's hand on her bottom was soothing and reassuring. Darcy always felt safe with Natasha. She knew that Natasha was always in control and trusted her completely to always look after her and always pay attention to safewords. She had never felt so intimate with someone, so free to just be herself and indulge in her naughtiest desires.
“Ready?” Natasha asked.
“Oh yeah, gimme more.”
“Spanking? Vibrator? Both?”
“Spanking first,” Darcy wiggled her butt invitingly “Kinda hard please.”
“Kinda hard coming up,” Natasha sounded chipper, like a fast food server assuring a customer she’d get what they'd ordered right away. Darcy knew it was a tone that very few people ever got to hear from the notorious Black Widow. She felt lucky and loved. She pictured Natasha in her mind. Before the blindfold had been put on she'd seen Natasha in a black corset, lace panties and stockings with shiny six inch heels on her feet.
Darcy was imagining unlacing the corset when Natasha spanked her.
“Too hard?” Natasha checked.
“Just right,” Darcy nodded her head.
Natasha smacked her ass again, Darcy mewed in approval. Natasha fell into a steady rhythm, alternating cheeks.
After a few minutes Darcy asked for the vibrator again. Natasha pressed the buzzing head of the magic wand between Darcy's thighs.
“Fucking fuck,” Darcy groaned.
Natasha slowed the spanking, holding the wand right on Darcy's sex, trying to angle it so the most intense vibration was right on her clit.
Sensation flooded over Darcy. It was almost too much again, she almost called out amber again to pause proceedings. She tingled all over. Her cunt was throbbing. She was reaching the boundary again, the point where she couldn’t take anymore.
She opened her mouth but instead of any word a long, desperate cry came out.
The orgasm was like nothing she'd felt before. It rushed through her, relentless and powerful as the Hulk on a bad day. It was what she imagined being elevated to a higher plain of existence would be like. It was pure joy.
She was quivering and panting and she thought she might have passed out for a moment.
“Still with me?” Natasha asked, the wand was off now, sitting on the bench.
“Almost,” Darcy sighed. “Mostly. Might take a sec before I can decide.”
While Darcy relaxed in the afterglow Natasha rubbed lotion onto her reddened behind. Then she removed the spreader bar, undid the wrist restraints, freed Darcy's nipples from the clamps then finally took of the blindfold.
Darcy stood up straight, turned and kissed Natasha sweetly on the lips.
“Okay, it's most definitely your turn. What would you like?”
Natasha considered for a second then leaned in to whisper in Darcy's ear. Darcy's grin widened as Natasha detailed what she wanted.
A night for pushing boundaries indeed.
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mischiefslady · 7 years
Slow Down (FYDL - drabbleathon)
"Slow down!" Jane cries out as her assistant whizzes past in a pair of beat-up roller skates. Darcy's all over the lab today. Has been the last week or so and Jane wonders what is going on. "How many energy drinks have you had, anyway?" Darcy shrugs and keeps moving, shuffling those papers, tinkering with that machine, and adding to the notes on the dry erase board. Jane figures it wouldn't be so bad if her friend's actions made any sense. "I'm fine, Janey," she says with a laugh thats more forced than funny. "Just trying to help you get this bridge up and running. Jane wants to question her more, she's got a feeling Darcy isn't sleeping well. Something is bothering her but she won't say what. She's about to ask when Tony Stark enters the room. "Science sisters!" He greets cheerfully and stops short as Darcy almost runs him over on her skates. He shoots Jane a questioning glance but she shakes her head. "Glad you're here, Tony. I've been working on the particle adapter and it seems to…" James word are cut off when Darcy rolls up to Tony. "Dude, where's the suit?" He arches an eyebrow at her and she knows she's acting out of character, even for her. But she needs to either work out what her latest dreams mean or find a way to forget them and the green eyed man who makes her want more than she's ever dared to hope for. "Clearly, there are no enemies to defeat today, therefore no suit." Darcy sticks out her tongue and rolls away to stand before a table holding Jane's many devices. Picking one up, she begins to push buttons. Tony follows her over and reaches to take the device from her hands. "That's expensive and important," he says, "Maybe don't play with it?" "Maybe don't ruin my fun?" She snarks back before deciding its time for lunch and a break from the lab. She says as much to Jane and zips out the door, still on her roller skates. Tony glances at Jane, concern on his face. "When's the last time she slept?" With a sigh, Jane replies, "I dont know but she's been like this for a week now." Today's organization: National Kidney Organization https://www.kidney.org
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bloomsoftly · 7 years
FYDL Drabble-A-Thon, Day 8
Prompt: Answers
Pairing: Darcy/Bucky/Steve (wintershieldshock)
Length: 723 words
Organization: Loving More, an organization that supports and advocates for people in polyamorous and other consensually non-monogamous relationship orientations.
“So you—” she said, waving a finger between Bucky and Steve, “want to be in a relationship with me?” At the last word, Darcy turned her finger to point at herself, as if it was somehow in doubt.
“Yes,” Steve said, with all the grave certainty of his Captain America persona. Bucky hid behind his hair, nodding cautiously. She hated causing him discomfort, but she had to check to make sure she understood them right.
“Like a romantic, sexual relationship?” she squeaked, cursing her voice for betraying her nerves. As if she hadn't been lamenting the fact that the two loves of her life had been born in a century when polyamory wasn't even a word—not that it was all that acceptable now, to be fair. She should've known they were way ahead of the curve.
“Both,” Bucky finally spoke, that mischievous twinkle back in his eye. Her heart thumped hard in her chest, even more forcefully than usual under the combined onslaught of his words and his gaze. Her mouth went dry when he added, “if you think two old soldiers can keep up with ya, that is.”
Before she could even think of a reply to that insinuation—her mind had gotten stuck on all the ways they could keep up with her in the bedroom, and she was having a hard time catching up—Steve elbowed his partner sharply in the ribs. “We're trying to convince her to be with us, not scare her away, you jerk.” Bucky glared at him, and she was caught up in the utter domesticity of the exchange. She could be a part of this. They wanted her to be a part of it.
She opened her mouth to reassure them that she wasn't scared of sex with them—she had a whole mental catalogue of the ways she was definitely not scared of being in bed with one or both of them—but what came out instead was, “I have questions.”
Without missing a beat, Bucky said, “We have answers.”
“We hope,” Steve muttered under his breath. It was his turn to get elbowed, and he yelped a little, rubbing the sore spot on his ribs. Bucky had shoved him with his metal arm, and he didn't look sorry at all.
They were too cute, and Darcy felt the awkwardness and insecurity of the moment ebb away. With faux seriousness, she asked, “What spots will we take when we cuddle on the couch?”
“We'll take turns,” Steve said immediately, a grin tugging at one corner of his mouth. The light was back in Bucky’s eyes, and she could tell that he was starting to catch on.
“Are you going to raid my secret chocolate stash?”
“Probably,” Bucky answered promptly, unrepentant. “But we promise to replenish it,” he finished with a wink.
“Whose bed will we sleep in?” she questioned, playing with them. They were both bright and happy, and completely sure of her affection. It was a light, playful moment.  
At her question, Steve paused. “That's up to you,” he said carefully, “but eventually we'd like you to move in with us, if it works out the way we hope.”
And, yeah. She shouldn't have asked that question if she wasn't ready for a heavy answer. Recovering, she teased, “Who's going to give me foot rubs when my feet hurt from wearing heels all day?”
“The punk will,” Bucky answered, making Steve grin. “But I give a mean back massage.” He waggled his eyebrows along with his fingers, and Darcy laughed.
Her breath caught in her throat, just looking at them. They reached out to her, and she settled between them on the couch. “Any more questions, sweetheart?” Steve asked huskily, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Just one,” she whispered, with a little hitch of breath as his finger found the sensitive spot below her ear. “Who's going to kiss me first?”
“That's easy,” Bucky said, tilting her chin up to claim her lips at the same time as Steve explored the spot he'd found with his tongue. She melted beneath them, and then Bucky was drawing her earlobe between his teeth and Steve's mouth was on hers. Drawing away, they kissed sweetly over her head, and she relaxed into their combined embrace.
She'd always known her boys had the best ideas.  
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glynnisi · 7 years
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FYDL Drabble-a-thon, Day 7- Summer Haze
Charity:  Environmental Defense Fund (help protect polar bears and other living creatures from climate change, habitat destruction, and toxic pollution)
996 Words
It was too hot.  Darcy kicked off her shoes to let her feet breathe. Her turquoise-painted nails looked cute, anyway. She wiggled her toes.  The tile floor of the makeshift lab cooled the soles of her feet and relieved some of the oppressive feeling of sweltering heat.  The view out the window of the Secret Avengers’ latest hiding place did nothing to help.  Waves of summer haze rose from the pavement as the sun beat down mercilessly.
Modesty could suck it.
Darcy peeled off her peasant blouse.  The fan cooled her bare shoulders. The red tank top didn’t cover her purple bra well, but Jane wouldn’t care.  Paired with short shorts, it was an outfit that would’ve had Darcy chased home from school to change since boys couldn’t be distracted from schoolwork.  Memories of unjust dress code infractions did nothing to cool Darcy.  So, she put that out of her mind while she put her glasses on again and went back to work.  Every now and then she muttered, “hot as hell in here today, Janie.”
Deep in her work, Jane only grunted agreement.
Hours later, Darcy heard happy laughter nearby, looked out the window, and smiled.  Kids danced and played in the spray of open fire hydrants. She looked around to see who’d opened them, when she realized there was no fire truck and no one carrying a large wrench or whatever other tool might use to open a hydrant.  She had the idea that it wasn’t the easiest thing to do. Movement in the shadows outside the building gave her the answer; one smoking-hot, self-satisfied super soldier smirked with pleasure from his discreet vantage point.
Darcy let her eyes roam over Steve Rogers’ skin-tight workout clothes.  “He’s not even sweating, Jane. How is that possible? It’s a million degrees.  And his clothes only cling to torment me and soak my panties. Just like he exists to stand over me with too-hot disapproval, looking like I shouldn’t be allowed in here.”
Steve jolted.
Jane sounded bored.  “Captain Rogers?  You ogling him, again?”
With a lusty moan, Darcy nodded. “Uh huh.  I am ogling one Steven ‘just get in my pants already’ Rogers. Look at that ass, Jane! I wanna bite it or something. And those arms!”
“You want to bite his arms?” Jane’s lips twitched as she made notations.
Darcy stuck her tongue out at her friend.  “More like hold on tight, while riding him.  Even in this heat.”  She craned to get a better look.  “Maybe, to hold onto as handles while wrapping my legs around him and letting him fuck me in a cool shower. Handles!”
Steve’s face reddened, but he looked pleased as he turned to wave at her.  Darcy took a step back.  He pointed to a vent on the side of the building.  “You’d probably be cooler if you close that vent, Miss Lewis.”
She could hear him clearly. 
Every word.
“Shit.”  Darcy’s face flushed with mortification  
Jane stopped working. “I had to run wires to a dish on the roof earlier and opened the vent.  Probably should’ve mentioned it.”
Darcy stared at her friend, “Ya think?” Steve knocked on the door. “He’s gonna kick my ass out for sexual harassment.  I’ll get arrested by JSOC and dumped in that prison Scott tells scary stories about. The only mercy is that at least it’ll be cool at the bottom of the sea.”
Steve opened the door. “Sorry.  I should’ve let you know I could hear you sooner.”  As he got a good look at Darcy, he stopped talking, mouth hanging open. “Wow.”  He shook his head and snapped his mouth shut.  “Sorry, again.  I just… You‘re stunning. I mean, damn. I’m sorry.”  Rueful, Steve rubbed one hand over the back of his neck.  “I should’ve stopped while I was ahead.”  
Darcy shook her head as her breathing returned to normal. “Nope.  You’re adorable.  And, thanks. I didn’t mean for you to see me dressed like this now any more than I meant for you to hear me objectify you, but at least you don’t find me hideous.”  She mock cheered, “yay.”
Steve’s head shook vehemently.  “Not at all. Gorgeous.  You.  I mean you’re gorgeous.  You always look pretty, Darcy.” He ducked his head.  
Darcy grinned to Jane. “He knows my name!”
He took a deep breath as he thought of times he’d called her name in the privacy of his shower or his bunk. “Of course I do.”  His tone was lower, intimate.
Darcy nodded, half-teasing, “yeah, you have super-soldier memory.”
With a tight smile, Steve shook his head.  “Not just that. I’ve been lurking around you because I’ve been listening, liking what I hear and working up my nerve to respond.  I’m bad at talking to beautiful women.  I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you I’d like to know you better.” He nodded to Jane.  “Sorry for the interruption, Dr. Foster.”
Jane suppressed giggles, “no problem.  Darcy? Why don’t you take a break?”
Darcy folded her arms and looked at her friend.  “You just don’t want me to yell about the open vent that’s roasted me all day and…”
Steve cleared his throat and spoke quickly.  “The air conditioning in my quarters works really well. It’s almost freezing in there.”
Both women swiveled their heads to him.  Jane’s eyebrows flew up and she turned to see Darcy’s reaction.  Darcy’s mouth fell open.  “O-kay.” She turned and led him to the door.  “Perfect.  If it’s too cold, I have ideas on how you can warm me up again.”
His smile was as bright as the hot summer sun.  “Happy to help.”
She smacked his arm. “Ow. Your arms are like rocks.”  
His smile widened.  “Or handles.”
“I’ll stop talking. My mouth is a menace.” Darcy groaned as she remembered what he’d overheard.
Steve hesitated, then took the plunge and whispered, “when we’re alone I’ll help you with that.”
For the first time all day, Darcy shivered.
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ibelieveinturtles · 7 years
Bad Romance
FYDL Drabble-a-thon Extravaganza Day 5!
Prompt: Challenged Word count: 200 (A double drabble today!) Pairing: Darcy/Bucky/Steve
When Steve and Bucky walk into the common room, Darcy and Wanda are facing off at the table, staring intently at each other, seemingly oblivious to the audience of Natasha and Jane.
“What's going on?” Steve asks.
“Darcy's trying to keep Wanda out of her mind,” Jane replies.
“How does she plan on doing that?” Bucky looks intrigued.
“Earworms,” Wanda replies, wearily.
The two men look puzzled.
“Earworms?” Bucky repeats.
“I was stuck on Bad Romance,” Darcy explains.
“How, exactly, did this start?” Steve asks.
“Wanda and I were practicing this morning, and afterwards, I noticed she was humming. When I mentioned it, she had no idea where it came from,” Nat explains.
“Hydra was not musical,” Wanda interjects.
Natasha signals at Bucky and Steve. “Move behind Wanda - let's see how Darcy goes with a distraction in front of her.”
The two men take up position as the two women resume their intense stare off. Darcy tries hard to maintain concentration, but eventually she can't help glancing their way and seconds later, Wanda looks away, her choked laughter two parts shocked, one part embarrassed, and two parts impressed.
“Ohmygod, Darcy! I did NOT need to see that!”
Darcy blushes crimson.
Headspace is the National Mental Health Foundation for youth aged 12-25. It provides a wide range of counselling services and other activities.
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thestanceyg · 7 years
More (Day 13)
FYDL Drabble-a-thon (day 13)
Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Spencer Reid(meet cute)
Words: 1114 (oops)
Charity: ACLU
“Darcy, I don’t think-”
“-Don’t even try to stop me Jane,” Darcy said, her mouth a thin line. “I can’t wait forever. This is ridiculous.”
“Don’t you think what you’re doing is a bit...extreme?”
“It’s completely justified! The book is three weeks overdue and my paper is due in 5 days. 5 days Jane!”
“But you’re hacking into a government system.”
“Pshhh,” Darcy scoffed. “It’s the library, not the Pentagon. Besides, all I want to know is who has this stupid book so I can track their stupid body down and get what I need to make the essay magic happen.”
“It’s still hacking and a huge invasion of privacy.”
“It’s 5 days to read a 1200 page book and write a 7,000 word essay that’s 40% of my grade.”
“When you put it that way,” Jane acquiesced, sitting down next to Darcy.
“Oh, so suddenly those details make a difference?”
“Duh,” Jane said with a shrug.
Darcy wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so she got to work on her computer. While the library deleted records once the books were returned, as long as they were out, (and as long as there was an unpaid fine), the record stayed, so it wasn’t difficult to find what she was looking for.
“Jackpot,” she said with a smile. “Okay, Spencer Reid, time to learn everything I can about you so you can stop making my life miserable.”
Ten minutes later she was grabbing her bag and heading out the door. “Stop!” Jane called after her. “You can’t just walk into the FBI and expect them to let you in!”
Darcy waved off her concern. “Already taken care of. Don’t worry about it. I’ve got it covered.”
“I don’t like that you’re not telling me what it is.”
“Plausible deniability Janey.”
Jane pondered this for a second. “Fair,” she decided. “Be safe!”
Darcy began the hour long trek to Quantico, checking the alerts she had set to make sure that none of her sneakiness had been detected. When she finally arrived, she took one last look before turning off her phone and entering the building. She went to the reception desk. “Hi! Uhh, I was told to come here for a visitor’s badge?” she said, trying to sound sweet, but also a bit flustered.
“Sure  hon,” the older woman at the desk said. “Name of the person you’re visiting?”
“Dr. Spencer Reid?” she said, consulting a notebook she had been clutching. “I’m interviewing him.”
“And your name?” the woman asked, not even looking up.
“Lydia Collins,” she said, pulling  out the fake ID she has held onto for years and passing it to the woman.
The woman simply scanned the code (which totally brought up a fake profile she had written), and handed it back. Then the printer spat out a badge that the woman tucked into a lanyard. “There you are hon. Take the elevator to the 6th floor and the BAU will be directly across from the elevator. Your badge is good for the next 4 hours. Please return it to the desk when you’re done.”
“Thanks!” Darcy chirped. “This was so much easier than I thought it would be.”
“Have a good interview dear,” the woman said, giving Darcy a brief smile.
Darcy rode the elevator and it was just like she was told. Though, the department looked kind of big. How was she ever going to find him? The less people that knew she was looking for him, the better because that was less people looking into who she really was and how she ended up with an appointment in the system.
It turned out finding him was not hard at all. He was standing right there when she walked in. The problem was that he was surrounded by people. And, (and this was the harder part), he was way cuter than any of the pictures online would have made her believe. She reminded herself this was all in the name of education, and walked up to the group.
“Excuse me? I’m looking for Dr. Reid?”
The entire group turned to stare at her. “And you are?”
“Lydia Collins? I, err, had an appointment?”
“You’re not Lydia Collins,” Spencer said, looking her over. “You’re Darcy Lewis.”
Darcy made a squeaking sound and started to consider her options. She decided to go on the offensive. “How do you know that name?” she demanded.
“I did a special assignment with Shield discussing the parameters to best keep you and Dr. Foster safe,” he said with a shrug.
“So why the fake name?” a muscular black man asked her.
“Did you not just hear him say I need to be kept safe?” she turned back to Spencer. “That’s surprising, and creepy, but not the point.”
“Indeed,” he agreed. “So why are you here?”
“You have the library’s only copy of Marquis de Sade in the original French and it’s overdue.”
A blonde woman gave her a confused look. “Do you work for the library?”
“No,” she said letting out an exasperated sigh. “I need it more than he does.”
“Oh really?” he asked, examining her more closely now. She felt the heat rising up her neck.
“Yes really. I have a 7,000 word essay due on it on Monday, and I’ve been waiting 3 weeks for you to return it!”
“It’s $20. Why didn’t you buy a copy?”
“Because working for Jane means I can pay for classes and literally nothing else. Do you have any idea how much money an intern makes? Let me inform you: none. I don’t have $20 for a book that I should be able to get for free at the library. So where is it?!”
Suddenly it was Spencer who was turning red. “I, uh don’t have it.”
“What? Here? I’m willing to wait for you to go home and get it!”
“At all,” he admitted. “I lost it.”
Darcy was positive she could hear her world shatter. She leaned heavily onto a nearby desk. “You’re joking, right? You’re just a mean person that doesn’t understand this is not a joking matter and is, in fact, 40% of my grade.”
“I wish I was,” he said gently.
“Hey,” the blonde said, “don’t you remember literally everything you read?”
“So can’t you just, like, recite the book for her?”
She looked at him with hopeful eyes. “I, err, could,” he hedged.
“Perfect,” the black man said, slapping him on the shoulder. “We’ll tell Hotch you’re taking the rest of the week off. Good luck on your paper Darcy.”
Darcy stared at him, dazzled. “Really?”
“I guess so,” he said, grabbing his bag. “Shall we?”
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ladyknightskye · 7 years
FYDL Day 11 - Beastly (Enthusiasm)
Organization: The American Red Cross
Title: Beastly
Prompt: Enthusiasm
Characters: Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster, Loki, Thor
Relationships: Darcy Lewis/Loki, TaserTricks, Jane Foster/Thor
Continuity: Canon-divergent 
Warnings: None
Shout out to @thelastmorozova for writing a TaserTricks AU that partial inspired this drabble. Can’t wait to read Beauty and the Blueberry!
           “So, what’re you and Loki going as?”
           Darcy looked up to see Jane leaning against her desk, munching on a muffin. “To Stark’s big Halloween shindig? I dunno. Loki wanted to surprise me.”
           Jane cocked a brow. “Are you sure about that?”
           “Well,” Darcy said with a grimace, “he was awfully enthused about being the one to provide costumes.”
           “Exactly,” Jane replied. “Always be afraid of an enthusiastic Loki.”
           Darcy just sighed.
           The night of the party came, and Darcy strolled into her room to find Loki standing beside the bed with his hands behind his back. He was rocking on his heels, an innocent expression on his face. “Good evening, Darcy,” he said.
           She gave him the side-eye. “Evenin’ Loki-Lou.”
           He grimaced at her nickname, but pressed on. “I’ve left your costume in the bathroom. I will meet you in an hour.” Then he swept out, leaving a very confused Darcy Lewis.  Curiosity burned until she finally walked into the bathroom.
           Darcy froze, wonder causing her to stop breathing for a moment. The dress was a golden confection, with delicate yellow tulle under-skirts topped by gathered golden silk.  The skirts belled out from a fitted bodice that had off the shoulder sleeves of more gathered silk. It hung from the shower rod, shining in the light. She glanced over to the vanity to find a box of gloves and jewelry to match.
           “In here,” she called back to Jane, who walked in and gaped at the dress too.
           “That’s . . . Darcy, is that Belle’s dress?”
           Darcy finally grinned, her face lighting up in pure pleasure. “The original one! Oh my God! He actually listens to me when I start ranting on Disney night!”
           Jane was more than happy to help Darcy into the costume – which Darcy appreciated because no one could get into it by themselves – and helped gather her hair up into the classic partial up-do sported by Darcy’s favorite Disney princess. Make up was applied, and then Jane rushed out to go change quickly into her costume. Darcy walked out into the apartment’s common room, and was joined quickly by Jane. Jane had decided to dress up as a witch, and Thor was going to be a werewolf.
           The two women grinned at each other, and then turned at the sound of two footsteps. Both startled badly, but Darcy managed to keep her shriek bottled up. Jane didn’t fair so well. An actual facts wolf man stood before them, with some sort of weird chimera creature at his side. Two inhuman faces twisted into almost identical expressions of embarrassed regret. “Jane! Loki, change me back,” the wolf man growled.
           “Wait, wait, Thor?” Jane hissed. Then her face cleared. “That’s your costume isn’t it? Loki’s cast a spell hasn’t he?”
           And now that Darcy looked, she realized that the chimera beast was the Beast from Beauty and the Beast! “Loki?”
           His voice was much deeper, but she recognized his weird twittering laugh. “Yes, love, it is I.”
           Darcy laughed as she walked forward and hugged him. He wore the Beast’s blue jacket and breeches, and she enjoyed snuggling into his chest. “You are the most awesome boyfriend ever!”
           “You’re welcome,” he said, “Now, what say we go to Stark’s party?”
           Ten minutes later, they swept into the ball room, and Darcy decided that sometimes an enthusiastic Loki was a good thing.
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agentdarcylewis · 7 years
FYDL D-A-T Day 12: Gunshot
Charity Link
Darcy Lewis, Clark the Cat, (Blink and You’ll Miss It) Bucky/Darcy
Darcy wakes up in a chair on the hospital floor. Her neck is tilted at an odd angle, but it isn’t hurting her.
“What the hell?” she asks, blinking dramatically.
The first thing Darcy notices after her eyes adjust to the harsh LEDs is the hospital bed ten feet away from her, where a pale form is curled in the white sheets. Suddenly, she’s very awake. Desperately, Darcy scrambles over to the bed. But it isn’t Jane - it’s...herself? The body looks odd - like everyone without an identical twin, she’s only ever seen herself reversed in the mirror - and it’s strangely, deeply scary to see it hooked up to an IV and a ventilator and a million other machines. Its head is covered in a white bandage.
“Uh, okay, this is a really creepy dream,” Darcy says aloud, her voice wavering. She’ll prove it - in dreams, words are all jumbled, right? She’s visited various members of the Avengers here before, so she knows that the medical charts are kept at the end of the bed. Darcy makes to grab it when suddenly the door opens and a red-eyed Jane comes into the room. She’s definitely the real Jane - there’s no way any clone army people could perfectly recreate the ugliness of this specific plaid shirt - but she’s blatantly ignoring Darcy in favor of sitting on one of the blue hospital chairs with her head in her hands. Nothing she says or does fazes her.
“Janey, what the hell?” Darcy finally shouts, half-scared and half-angry, and puts her hands on Jane to shake her - except her hands phase through Jane’s shoulders. She tries again and again, but every time her hands reach the place where they should feel solid skin and bone, they slip soundlessly through her body. It’s hopeless.
“Fuck.” And then Darcy curls into herself and sobs.
The next couple of days pass in the same way - trying to touch, talk to, or interact with the people that stop by - but as days become weeks, nothing really changes. Darcy Lewis, people person, poli-sci student, and awesomest intern in Avengers Tower, is stuck in hell.
She sings (there was one day where Darcy did nothing but lay around and hum The X-files theme), she replays episodes and movies in her mind, she carries on one-sided conversations, she plans out everything she knows about comas and ghosts and coma-ghosts (not much that doesn’t come from pop culture or scathing reviews of terrible “I went to heaven for two minutes” books), and she tries really, really hard to touch things. Sometimes, she’ll fade out of consciousness, too, and dream.
Every day, someone will visit “her”. Mostly, it’s Jane. She talks about astrophysics and Darcy’s cat Clark and cries silently, hands pressed to her chest. Thor will come, too, and Darcy tracks his adventures off-world by whether or not he shows up that week. (They become more and more frequent as the doctors return with less and less news.) Sam stops in every other day and reads to her - she kind of hates him for it, ‘cause it’s mostly science-y, pretentious psych journals, but she always ends up laughing at the snarky comments he throws in. Steve shows up twice a week, stone faced and somber, but he’ll carefully help the doctor roll her body over to keep away bedsores and lift her when the sheets need changing.
Clint pops in a few times and plays her music. Tony and Bruce are performing brain scans on her for a wordy reason - something about neural pathways. (They take her body for MRIs, and she feels weird and disconnected, but she never tries to follow.) Pepper sends flowers. Finally, when the nurses remove the bandage, Natasha comes and combs her hair and speaks to her in Russian.
Bucky never visits.
Two windfalls come in one day, about a month after she woke up. First, Jane sneaks in Clark.
“Clarkey, oh my god, I missed you!” Darcy yells happily (because she’s kind of gotten unused to speaking at a normal volume when no one can hear her). But in a move that almost stops her incorporeal heart, Clark jumps up onto the hospital bed, looks straight at her, and meows.
Darcy is silent for a minute. “Clark?” she tries again - he’s still staring at her, but now he’s purring.
Her head swims. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Darcy chants. Her hands still pass through him, but Clark knows she’s there! She feels ecstatic and lonely and loved all at once, sobbing next to Jane with her hands hovering over her cat.
Her best friend leaves after her customary daily report, but she smiles a bit when she promises she’ll bring Clark again. It’s not ‘til around midnight that Darcy - high on her discovery that cats can see her, what the shit - discovers that the doctor who came on his last round left her case binder open on the bedside table.
Darcy’s eyes, still shining with excitement, stick on the first phrase she sees - “gunshot wound” - and like being hit in the face by Mew-Mew, she remembers.
1) Sorry for not getting this out on time! Also, I found out that I won’t be able to access wifi the next couple of days. I plan on finishing out the D-A-T but it’ll be late. :C
2) This is sort of becoming a theme in my a/ns but I don’t really like this that much??? I’m best at dialogue, but this isn’t very dialogue-heavy and is introspective and weird. I hope it was enjoyable though!!
3) This takes place in the Coma AU! As far as I know, only one other person has done Darcy fic w/ a coma plotpoint, so hopefully it’s interesting and new-ish. 
The charity for this prompt is the Brain Trauma Foundation! It helps with treatment of patients with Traumatic Brain Injury through research/guidelines for doctors. 
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