#future Amphitrite/Loki/Poseidon
dandelion-blues · 1 month
Bittersweet Blood
What if Loki was Sally Jackson? Thus, Percy is born a half-blood of two gods from differing patheons. It's time Loki and Percy took the Marvel Universe by storm.
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Chapter 2, Part 5: The Sea Protects
Triton looked deep in thought as he calmed down and finally looked up, “I don’t think the child needs to forgo their Norse heritage. The Greek and Norse worlds are vastly different, and knowing about the Norse side of things shouldn’t increase the child’s danger like it will if they know about the Greek side. Because even Greek gods' scent increases with their awareness, and there are plenty of monsters and gods who would take advantage of a young god.”
Triton adds, “In fact it would probably be more beneficial for the child to know about their Norse side sooner, so they can practice their powers and will be more than prepared to fight monsters and survive. Of course, only when they are old enough to properly handle a weapon.”
Loki smiles in awe. He wants his child to know their Norse heritage, for it to not just be some dirty secret. Loki is glad. It feels much better to just hide parts of his child’s heritage, not forever, just until they can learn to properly defend themselves, and later to learn their Greek heritage when it’s time to tell them when it’s time to accept their destiny.
Poseidon grins widely, “And that means I can still train our child how to use a trident and how to command the ocean and strategize. I’ll just have to pretend to be an Asgardian.”
‘That I can still be in their life.’ went unsaid, but Loki and Amphitrite heard it loud and clear.
“How will we explain our names, though, and powers? We can’t even risk any hint of Greek into the child’s life to keep them the safest? And will the child live on the surface?” Triton asks.
“Well, I think that would be for the best. I do quite want to continue living on the surface even if it is lovely down here.” Loki responds.
Loki continues, “Also, I am very familiar with changing names and appearance. In fact I have a current mortal identity known as Sally Jackson, and she, I, am quite proud of how well I was able to adjust to Mid-” Loki cuts himself on, remembering what Poseidon said about calling Earth Midgard, and clears his throat, “Human culture.”
Then, Loki’s face goes white. He just admitted that he was female sometimes, and oh Norns, would they be disgusted with him?
Except all he sees when he looks toward Amphitrite and Triton all he sees is interest, and is that adoration from Amphitrite.
Loki shakes his head, he knew he was overthinking, but still that fear of being judged doesn’t just go away. Even when he’s been accepted and supported by Poseidon and his friend Malia. It’s still hard to tell others and not assume the worst.
“Hmm, can you help us with that dear?” Amphitrite asks sweetly, her voice like honey.
Loki nods his head eagerly and confesses, “Sure, though the most important thing is to find appearances and names that you are comfortable with and connect to, especially if you’ll be using them for an unknown time. For instance, though I picked the name Sally and later the mortal last name Jackson on a whim, I connect with the name, and Sally is who I am when I’m female. Though I did recently add the middle name Sylvie, since she was the first name I chose when I was younger, and I still wanted her to be part of my name.”
Loki looks away, embarrassed and still a little scared.
But Amphitrite grabs Loki’s hand and smiles, “That sounds lovely dear, and I would love to see her sometime.”
Loki smiles back, ‘see her’, not ‘meet her’. Amphitrite distinguished that Loki was still the same person as Sally, but just female.
“Alright! We’ll have to talk some more later. It’s getting quite late, and I’m sure Loki wants to go to sleep in his own bed.” Poseidon states.
And wow, Loki is feeling quite tired now that he thinks about it, and nods in agreement.
Before they turn to leave, Amphitrite grabs Loki’s hand and asks, “Can I hug you?”
Loki looks bewildered, “Yes, but why?”
Amphitrite gently hugs Loki, her large mer body dwarfing Loki’s small frame, but it felt so nice and comforting.
“I just thought you needed one.” Amphitrite answers.
“Thanks.” Loki whispers to her.
“Goodbye Amphitrite and Triton, it was wonderful meeting you too, and we’ll meet again sometime soon.” Loki waves to his new friends? Family? Family, Loki decides.
“Goodbye my Βασίλισσα (“Queen”), and πολύτιμος γιος (“precious son”), I’ll see you again soon.” Poseidon tells his family.
“Goodbye father, and goodbye Loki.” Triton says, his face, bright gold in embarrassment.
“Goodbye my love, and make sure to keep Loki safe.” Amphitrite warns. “And see you soon υπέροχο σμαράγδι (“lovely emerald”).” Amphitrite whispers just to Loki.
Loki's face heats up bright red, and Amphitrite just grins sharply back.
Then, Loki grabs Poseidon’s hand, and he flashes them into Loki’s cabin.
Loki smiles, glad to be around back home. Home, huh, that feels right. And not too long afterward makes his way to bed, and drags Poseidon along and whispers in his ear, “Thank you for everything.”
“Of course my love.” Poseidon whispers back, just before the curtains of night fall upon Loki and he falls asleep.
And that's the end of chapter 2! Hope you all enjoyed this fic and crossover. The rest will be posted on ao3 eventually.
Also, some things will be changed and edited before I post to ao3, so if you do eventually read it on there, please keep that in mind.
One such change I already made is that Percy will only be partially aware of his Norse heritage at first, not that Sally/Loki is a god.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Upcoming Alphas of Percy Jackson
Been trying to shape up The Alphas of Percy Jackson some more.
Thalia/Percy & Reyna/Percy - “Hunt and Hounds” - This made it back onto the list thanks to me coming up with a slightly different plot. There will be fluff. And courting. And two confused female alphas.
Dionysus/Percy - “Wine and Strawberries” - Dionysus seducing Percy at a vineyard under his Roman persona Liber, with Persephone’s Roman persona Libera as his wing-woman (because among the children of Zeus, I headcanon that Dionysus and Persephone are close).
Mike/Percy - “Belonging to the Sea” - One with Mike, because I was tempted into it. Children of Venus and Poseidon do go well together and the idea of Percy fucking off to Hawaii after the war to live in peace is just very much yes for me. Also features total fanboy Mike with a “celebrity crush” on the Savior of Olympus... until it’s more than just a crush.
Thanatos/Percy - “The Death Angel’s Siren” - Ah, I already talked so much about this one, didn’t I?
Hephaestus/Percy - “Tamers of Dragons” - There will be dragons. Hephaestus, Percy and a bunch of dragons. Because fire-dragons are so bound to Hephaestus. But no one takes responsibility for the ice-dragons, so they are also Hephaestus’ charges - because even though ice may not be his element, he knows what it feels like to be unwanted to he takes up that responsibility. Only. Only that there’s Percy, Percy who has always been incredibly powerful and who still hadn’t found the limit of his powers - because ice is just very very cold water too. Percy who has always loved to take in strays and unwanted animals. Percy who becomes the Queen of Dragons. Percy who is an idiot and names his dragon Daenerys.
Hermes/Percy - “The Trickster’s Stolen Heart” - A personal headcanon of mine is that the pantheons mingle. I wrote that before - the gods of the different underworlds playing poker with each other. And there’s just no way that Hermes, Loki, Seth and Gwyddion aren’t the Trickster Squad and Graeco-Romans, Norse, Egyptian and Celtics alike fear. So what happens when three tricksters team up on their friend so he will stop moping about the pretty demigodly omega? Right. Hermes in a dress and a golden cage, leaving Percy to slay a dragon.
Piper/Percy - “Hollywood Love Story” - Piper and Percy having an epic bromance and Piper inviting Percy along as her father leaves for Europe to film a movie and Tristan thinking Percy is like his future son-in-law. Only that Piper and Percy hadn’t even thought about that possibility. And now it’s kind of awkward... until it isn’t.
Kronos/Percy - “Timeless Omega” - I’m still vague on the plot, but Kronos has to happen. It’s been way too long since I last wrote Kronercy.
Nico/Percy & Reyna/Percy - “Saved From Juno” - Nico and Reyna teaming up on Percy. Saving Percy from being homeless and on the streets even before the Giant War starts. Courting and loving him during the six months it takes the Greeks to build a ship and move their asses to California. So much bromance between Nico and Reyna and so much romance between them and Percy.
Zeus/Ganymedes/Percy - “Ganymedes’ Present” - Ganymedes is tired of being a kept omega around Olympus so he demands entertainment and company. Zeus kidnaps Percy and leaves him in Gany’s bedroom, with a bow on his head. Neither of the two omegas are happy about Zeus’ behavior, but they hit it off instantly.
Octavian/Luke/Jason/Percy - “Three to One” - Sometimes, Octavian questioned why he thought having three omegas was in any way or shape a good idea on his part. Particularly when the puppy was chasing the kitten through the house (literally, because shifter-AU) and Luke was too busy sitting on the couch, cackling.
Hades/Percy & Thanatos/Percy & Nico/Percy - “Death Suits Him” - The underworld courting Percy and Percy thinking he’s going crazy. It’s up to Persephone to assure him that it was perfectly fine to have multiple mates and that Hades has her blessing. Now Percy just needs to wrap his head around this.
Neptune/Percy - “The King’s Consort” - After Poseidon and Amphitrite got divorced because Percy was the last straw, Neptune starts roaming the land and sea on the search for a new consort. The irony is biting.
Harmonia/Eris/Percy - “Chaos and Harmony” - This might seem odd right now, but in the Thanatos/Percy one, Eris and Percy are going to have some bonding and I came to the conclusion that discord and mischief just go so well with Percy. And Harmonia/Eris is one of my godly OTPs. The combination intrigues me.
Khione/Percy - “Melting a Frozen Heart” - Christmas-themed story of Percy thawing Khione’s heart with his overall adorableness. Water and ice, so close they’re basically the same.
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