#furry little shitbag
pizzabunndraws · 10 months
Well, you seemed to enjoy his blep picture, so here is MORE MOOSE ✨🐰✨
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thatdogmagic · 1 year
The "NSFW = Easy Mode" Post
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We all know this post. We all know this complaint. NSFW artists have faced it the entire time we've spent drawing.
Aside from being hugely denigrating towards a very legitimate craft, there are multiple fallacies involved in the argument.
Let's start off with the most obvious, the very real phenomena of getting visible traction on social media sites. Namely, to say that, LIKES/RTS DO NOT TRANSLATE TO FINANCIAL STABILITY. Working your ass off does. NSFW artists who make it their livelihood churn out an absurd amount of work to stay relevant, constantly have to work outside of comfort zones, and face steep competition.
Next, the argument presumes that all NSFW is created equal. It's not. For example: mlm, that is to say, men loving men, will earn you much more traction than wlw, women loving women, and mlm involving trans bodies will earn you much less traction than the cis standard. Additionally, your audience for any of those things is NEVER guaranteed.
It places porn an erotica on the same footing, which is also enormously wrongheaded. Porn has an almost singular focus on secondary sex characteristics, and will rush straight to the point at every given opportunity; erotica is holistic, and doesn't even really have to show genitalia in order to hit its mark, if it's written and framed correctly.
To be clear: both of these things take an enormous amount of skill. It is not something you just learn to do overnight. Good, illustrated porn requires an understanding of action, anatomy, perspective, and all sorts of other technical skills that are often beyond even very adept artists.
With erotica, technical prowess is less of a focus. It's more on character art, scene setting, and story (be it implied by imagery or written in). I don't need to explain the level of expertise this requires, not the least of which is being a good writer, which is fully beyond a lot of peoples' grasp. It's a whole different skill, and being good at erotica is tough for even industry professionals. Many are embarrassingly bad at it.
The other bullet points, I outlined in a Twitter rant, but here they are:
NSFW artists face logistical hurdles SFW artists don't. Namely: we don't know when the site we're posting on will ban NSFW content.
We can be randomly banned/shadowbanned from a site whose rules are not especially clear (Tumblr), and whose filters are garbage. We can also have our work deboosted and effectively removed from circulation because we didn't label a nipple appropriately (Tumblr still thinks a female-presenting nipple is 100% sexual).
We can have our funding cut at random, for seemingly arbitrary reasons.
We face a host of degrading comments and overfamiliar clients.
NSFW artists working commissions have to take on work they're not personally very interested in. This takes way more work and fortitude than anyone is willing to admit. If you're commissioned for a fetish you don't like, you still have to make it look hot for the person who commissioned you. If you don't think that takes extra effort, IDK what to tell you.
We are constantly subjected to arrogant shitbags saying they can just jump in and make bank, because Site Number Went Up that one time.
Bottom line is the 'I should just do furry porn I guess' joke is not a joke. It's not funny. It's just you showing your ass, and insulting your friends/colleagues, who do very hard work for very little reward.
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revols-headcanons · 1 year
aoba johsai pet headcanons
oikawa literally begged his parents for a pet bird when he was in middle school, even though he’s rarely home to take care of it (his parents take care of it). the bird is called tweety and oikawa’s private snapchat story (tooru’s hoes; has all of aoba johsei’s team and many of his volleyball rivals) has tons of videos of him making fake retro/beatboxing/2016 youtube channel intro noises while spinning his phone around his bird. the birds like “…🧍🐥🐦🦜 what is this giant creature doing.”
iwaizumi had a bulldog who he defends with the world. the dog will literally try to eat oikawa, forcing that poor man to climb a tree while screaming, and iwaizumi will be like “oh he don’t bite. he’s chill don’t worry.” the worst part is that the bulldog loves everyone else on the team but hates oikawa. oikawa uses it as a sign that either he’s too sexy for every being on the planet that the universe sent him a mere pet in spite of him or that aliens are real and sent this demon dog as a way to lure him away.
matsukawa has three pet fish; one for himself and the other two for his siblings. their names are, respectively; titty, princess sparkles, and sharknado. he’s disappointed that his siblings didn’t get the memo. he often spends his time wrestling with iwaizumi’s dog because of this. whenever the others brag about their adorable pets, he says ‘well at least i have a clean car that I can drive’ to shut them up. iwaizumi and hanamaki always respond with ‘well fair enough’ while oikawa glitches out of existence like ‘we- you can’t just- that’s not fai- i have volleyball!’
hanamaki has an orange cat that never gives him a break. the cat will hide inside the couch until hanamaki’s mid-breakdown searching for it while thinking it died or ran away. the cat has purposely shat on his laptop multiple times. his teachers are tired of the excuse ‘my cat destroyed my homework/laptop, so I didn’t finish the work’ but it’s always true. the cat has also clawed up $200 shoes before. hanamaki’s private snapchat story (‘satan’s furry little shitbag’) where it’s just him recording what his cat has done with the caption of ‘orange cat tings’ or ‘bruh ur scaring da hoes’ or something similar.
kyoutani has two dogs (as previously mentioned), and they’re both the sweetest pets in the world. he unexpectedly gets hit on a lot because he looks less threatening with two happy dogs dragging him along, and he has to awkwardly reject people while trying to play fetch with his dogs. multiples times he’s sat down in front of his dogs like ‘listen here guys. you are actively destroying my reputation. i need you to be mean, cold hearted, and ruthless from now on, okay?” and the dogs will just have these dumb, happy looks on their face while panting, and then lick his face. he responds by sighing and then cuddle/wrestling his dogs because they are the most important thing to him.
watari has an elaborate hamster set up for his four hamsters. it takes up a whole wall of his bedroom and there’s this whole wheel and upwards maze for them. he’s incredibly precise when he cleans the cage and feeds them. he brags about it often, and makes sure he has a hamster on his head or in his lap whenever he video calls someone. their names are turbo, milk, porkchop, and sticky. he let a random english word generator name them and then didn’t put any extra thought into it.
yahaba has that crusty white dog that’s prim and proper. he regularly washes it and feeds it, even though he’s upset that his dog started to hate him after he dyed his hair. he’s been like ‘even though my hair isn’t white, i’m still me! don’t hate me now!’ whenever he has to wash his dog. his dog also has separation anxiety so yahaba wakes up most mornings with his dogs ass in his face became the dog refuses to sleep anywhere that isn’t touching her owner (even after yahaba spent the money and put the effort into making a literally royalty passage/mini bedroom for his dog to sleep comfortably (yahaba now just throws his shoes onto it because he’s accepted that his dog will never sleep on it)).
kindaichi has no pets so he often visits this giant aquarium near his house. he’s gone so often that, more often than not, they let him in for free because they know all he’s going to do is stare at the dolphins for an hour and then try to over compensation financially for it. he’s gone so frequently that he’s been allowed to meet the dolphins in person and pet them. the dolphins adore him because his hairstyle reminds them of their fin. the employees see how sad he gets when he sits by the dolphins, so they started actively tutoring him on how to take care of them, in hopes that he’ll work a part time job there.
kunimi also has no pets, but he’s fine with that because he hates doing any form of work and also hates messes. though he does appreciate sitting in parks and watching squirrels run around because it brings him peace. he started internally naming all of them after his teammates after a while. out of the team, he favors yahabas crusty white dog the most because the dog loves attention and is fluffy, though he would never admit that out loud.
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infinite-rabbits · 4 years
two unrelated questions; is it vslid/normal to not really know how to make your (human or human-y) self-insert into a mobian/furry/s a n i c + do you ever just make or draw an oc and think "oh FUCK they babie,,,,.,"
With the first question:
If you’re not used to translating a character from one media to another then it can be a little bit on the tough side, and speaking from personal experience it’s REALLY hard to settle on a sona. So yeah, that’s totally valid. My character Clover started out as my fursona, actually. But then I translated her into the Sonic world and she became a character all her own. So now I had to make a NEW sona because she’s got my manorisms but isn’t really ME anymore.
- Trying to pick an animal for your human self-insert can honestly be one of the hardest parts of the translation. Think about what animal represents them/you the best. What traits does your character have? What traits do animals have that will best show that off?
Are they loud, love music, and tend to make random noises? A bird might be best.
Are they aloof, want love, but are stubborn about letting someone near them? Maybe a cat would work out.
Or you can base it off of whatever animals you like. You want a horse? Go for it! Like lizards, go for a lizard!
I have a habit of trying to use animals that haven’t been used much before. For example with Mortimer: I picked a rattlesnake because the only snake we’ve seen as a full-character in the sonic canon is a Cobra. So everyone else uses Cobras lol
If you want to make a character that’s more on the ‘rare’ side, keep in mind that the most commonly used animals for the Sonic world are wolves, foxes, and hedgehogs. If you still want to make one of those animals, absolutely go for it! Just keep in mind that they’re also super common.
If you’re just wanting to make a Furry character/sona, the most common fursonas are wolves, foxes, and huskies.
- The next hardest part is picking a color pallet for them. It’s best to pick one particular color that you want to base their pallet off of, and then google pallets with that color in it.
For example: Prince Clement’s color pallet was based entirely on the fact that I wanted his main feather color to be royal blue. Mortimer’s color pallet was based on the idea of death/decay/rot. Hence why he looks that sick-green color with splashes of pastel purple on his belly. But his clothes are that dark brown color for the most part. His lab coat his an off-white so that I can show off random bloodstains on him at any given point in time.
Try not to go too crazy with the colors. Any more than 12 in the character’s design can be really hard to replicate. I try my best to keep it at 10 or less, but sometimes they just need those couple of extra colors to make them look right.
Also, just try to make sure any marks on their fur are easy for you to replicate in general. Especially if you’re going to be drawing them over and over again or are going to be paying someone else to draw them for you.
Don’t be afraid to go a little ham with it, but at the same time make sure that your colors aren’t too eye-bleedy. It can sometimes make the images tough to look at for long periods of time, which can make it tough for someone else drawing your character. Bright colors like that should be kept to a minimum unless they’re specifically meant to be bringing attention to something about the character.
Just as another example, my friend @cometchasms has this great cat character named Sky who does have some eye-bleedy colors on her. But that’s the entire point. It’s paint on her fur that’s supposed to be really loud and vivid, and show off her personality. So in that case, it’s totally fine and works really well with the character design.
-  It’s okay to re-work the design a few times. If you’ve been working on this character and something doesn’t feel right about them, it’s totally okay to change those things. Whether it be in the character’s design, or something about their personality, everything is up to you to decide what’s right or wrong.
The entire point of these characters is specifically to make you happy. Don’t really worry about what anyone else thinks. I know that’s stopped me up a couple of times. But keep this in mind: You aren’t creating them for anyone but yourself.
Draw them/write stories about them because they make you happy.
Wow this got really long and I’m sorry. XD I always get the urge to want to help, so when you mentioned having trouble with it I was just like: I CAN HELP WITH THAT! :D
With the second question:
Oh yes, absolutely.
I do that all the time! Specifically with Mint and Percy.
Even though Percy is the most horrible shitbag of a character, I drew him, took one look at this face:
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And went: Oh no, I love him.
So yeah, that happens to me all the time. Heck, Mint was part of an entire storyline that I completely scrapped. He was the only thing I kept because I took one look at him and went: Oh no, he’s a babe!
SO I worked him into the newer storyline and he’s not going anywhere.
So yeah. Yeah that happens a lot.
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                                           --------- (part 2) --------
Fandom: TeenWolf
Even longer list of fanfics :)....
top favourites, more top favourites, part 1
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Chasing After You Series
Author: FlyAwayMeow (rjaejoo)
Part 1: Pretty Boy
Summary: He's always been a little bit aware of his best friend’s nephew. Dark black hair, bright green eyes and milky white skin, Derek Hale’s always been a pretty boy.
Part 2: Chasing After You
Summary: He's always been alone and he plans to stay that way. Who needs a mate (or two) when you have the city as your playground?
Part 3: Finders, Keepers, Never Letting Go
Summary: What Derek wants, Derek always gets. Fate and reality be damn.
Part 4: Reflection
Summary: It's been five weeks since his return. Stiles reflects on the changes in his life.
Part 5: Barreling Towards the Inevitable
Summary: He’s not ready for Stiles’ first heat, but the omega’s body is saying that they are rapidly barreling towards the inevitable.
Part 6: Unexpected Turn of Events
Summary: Stiles first heat has arrived, and yeah, that, that was not what Chris was expecting at all.
Part 7: Olympic Levels of Enthusiasm
Summary: Stiles has Olympic levels of enthusiasm and no refractory period. Chris might be too old for this and considers becoming a monk.
Part 8: Snack
Summary: An early morning snack starts the beginning of a quiet friendship.
Part 9:  A Teasing Game
Summary: Derek and Stiles likes to tease, especially when their alpha can't do anything but watch.
Part 10: Two Pretty Mates
Summary: Most alphas are lucky to have only one mate and here Chris is with two pretty ones.
Part 11: Just Give Me Fresh Air
Summary: He was always a little more feral, growing up on the streets will do that. He’s not leaving, he just needs a little air.
Game On
Author: stilinskisparkles
Summary: Derek first sees him from across the quad four days into fall semester. He’s sitting on one of the long benches, a marker pen in his mouth, grinning at something the kid lounging on the bench beside him is saying. When he laughs properly he pulls the pen out and throws his head back, his neck a long, lean line Derek is entranced by. He flicks the page in his book and highlights something, tossing the cap up in the air and catching it with his teeth.
Warm and Safe
Author: hazelNuts
Summary: He noticed an unfamiliar scent in the air. It was very faint, but strong enough for Derek to follow it. There was a hint of human and some other animal. The scent was laced with fear and sadness. He approached cautiously. There was no telling what he would find.
Adopting a Hybrid
Author: LucifersHitman
Summary: Derek adopting little fox hybrid Stiles and Stiles riding the fuck out of him in panties at night because I would really really like that ....
Once Bitten
Author: minkscantsew
Summary: Stiles gets bitten by a werefox that's running loose on Hale lands.The pack helps him deal with his new were status while searching for the fox who bit him in hopes of reversing the bite.But is the werefox really their biggest problem?
The Fox and the Wolf
Author: Dexterous_Sinistrous
Summary: The war between the fox and wolf clans has raged for centuries, ignited in a time before anyone can remember. Now both clans—tired of the bloodshed and hate—are searching for a way to end the war.Crowned prince Stiles Stilinski—heir to the fox clan—has agreed with his father to meet with the Hales, the ruling royal family over the wolf clan. Under the counseling of the Druids, both clans are presented with a solution to the war: unite the Stilinski and Hale clans through marriage. To quell their people's anger, both Stiles and Derek—eldest living Hale Alpha—are urged to accept the other as an equal; as their mate.For the sake of their people, both houses make the ultimate sacrifice by choosing duty over love. But, out of what was first assumed to be compromised, quickly turns to be a better match than either could have hoped for. But not all is easy for either clan, as some members refuse to believe that the war could end so easily.
Get Furry
Author: captainmycatisthedevil
Summary: All Stiles knows is running. And then he meets the McCall pack. He learns that family means cuddles, movie nights, wrestling, and piggyback rides. He learns that supernatural creatures can work with hunters, and run through the woods without fear of death. But he also learns that his safety may not be absolute, and he doesn't know if his new friends can keep him in this new life away from fleeing. Stiles may not perfectly remember what pack is, but he's starting to feel like he may figure out what home feels like.
A Fox is a Wolf Who Sends Flowers
Author: JusticeBanana
Summary: Stiles were only going for a run and some playtime in the woods. He didn't realize he would end up in the passenger seat of Derek's car snuggling on a blanket. The man he thought were all hard and had such sharp edges had just taken him and placed him in his camaro to get him help. He'd managed too get closer to Derek as a fox for thirty minutes than he had for years as Stiles. Or: the one where Stiles gets into trouble as a fox and Derek saves the day.
Full Moon On The Rise
Author: hazelNuts
Summary: It's Stiles' first full moon after he's been bitten and things really don't go the way they expected it.Then, Stiles starts to shrink. It’s so fast that Derek doesn’t have time to respond. In less than a second there is nothing left of Stiles but a pile of clothes.
The Fox And The Wolf
Author: orphan_account
Summary: Stiles is in his fox form running in the woods, wanting to just escape it all. Almost everyone in the pack has a mate except Stiles and they just don't get how that feels. Then he meets Derek and maybe all of that is about to change.
The Beekeeper and the Honey Loving Fox
Author: pizzz_10
Summary: Derek is a beekeeper, who sells honey at the local farmers market. lately something been getting In the back yard and messing with his hives to steal honey. Derek was expecting an animal doing this, but he's wrong.
He's... Something
Author: countrygirlsfun
Summary: Stiles has to admit, keeping his secret under wraps is easier than he expected around his new-found werewolf friends. Except for the Alpha that is never where he should be.
I Believe I Can Make You Scream
Author: nameloc_ar_115
Summary: Many say that wolves and foxes don't get along. There is always an exception to the rule.
Stiles' Secret Life
Author: AlexandriaBusch2828
Summary: At a young age Stiles's family was no ordinary, neither was he. In the Supernatural world you're always in danger. On top of that your family works in a facility called The Fireflies which were also known as the deadliest assassin group. Claudia and John Stilinski were known as the deadliest assassins ever. Everyone who knew them were scared, but those were very few people. If you messed with them, you ended up dead by sunrise. Stiles grew up trained to be the next best assassin but after a mission leading to a death of a member, both father and son retired with massive fear of using their skills ever again. Years later they come across the odd town of Beacon Hills revealing a series of unexpected events one of them being Stiles getting himself into a pack. Stiles' secret life is coming to a thin thread and at any moment could be cut lose and all the dangerous people from his past might crawl back to haunt him and the people he loves. Will he face the past when his friends and pack are in terrible danger or will he keep pretending to be the harmless human in the pack?
What Does the Fox Say?
Author: Reaping
Summary: "a fic where Stiles temporarily gets turned into a fox and is a total shitbag obnoxious pos, biting Derek the whole time and just being really aggressive with him but they managed to fix him and turn him back and Stiles just doesn't stop the behavior and runs at Derek all the time and attacks him and bites him and shit"This was supposed to be that. Except it just kept getting longer and longer. And I tripped and spilled feels all over the place. Then tried to make up for that with porn. So it got, you guessed it, longer.
What Does the Fox Say?
Author: sastielhugs
Summary: Follow the story of werefox!Stiles trespassing the forbidden lands of the werewolves and meeting true alpha Derek Hale who’s still under the leading hand of his uncle, while Scott has his own pack in the other end of the woods. The creatures happen to have problems when someone or something is trying to take them down and blame them for the many murders in Beacon Hills during the summer. Even that can’t stop Stiles from finding new adventure and mate in the face of Derek Hale.200 years ago, when Beacon Hills was just a village and controlled by humans, the area around was fought over by two different species – the werefoxes and the werewolves. Some died until the elders made a truce. The area was outlined with equal parts for the foxes and for the wolves. No one had the right to enter the other area without permission from the alpha Wolf or Alpha Fox. No one broke the rules in those 200 years… Until…
Catboy Stiles Meets the Big Bad Alpha
Author: dragontattoo75
Summary: Ever since he was a little kid, catboy Stiles had heard scary stories from his dad about the big, bad alpha, Derek Hale, ruling his huge forest territory with an iron paw. It was completely out of Stiles’ control that he had to cross over the border. Right?
The Fox and the Wolf (Hound)
Author: naturegoddess210
Summary: Takes place some time after -Fallen-Derek and Stiles are mates, who have been through hell and back, but Derek wants to turn Stiles, wants to bite him and dreams of them both running under the full moon together, but Stiles is afraid the bite will change him, will he still be the same old Stiles? or will the bite turn him into something he doesn’t recognize?
The One Where There is Bacon
Author: mikkimouse
Summary: Stiles is a hurt fox, Derek is a werewolf out in the middle of nowhere.
A Light in the Darkness
Author: grimmfairy
Summary: A month after Scott turns away from Stiles, a month of loneliness and being ignored and guilt and dark feelings, Stiles starts getting texts from Jackson. Jackson is coming back, and he wants to join the Pack. Then he finds out about Scott's actions and goes to Stiles to comfort him and help him get back to a stable place emotionally. When Derek returns, he sparks a connection that has long lain dormant. Jackson wants his life with Stiles and Derek. If he happens to kick Scott's ass and Theo's ass, well, that's just life, isn't it? Excerpt: To Stilinski: Scott wants to talk to you because he thinks everything will just magically be ok. I told him to go fuck himself.
To Stilinski: He's coming to you after the meeting.
To Jackson: Come over?
To Stilinski: On my way.
^sidenote: this is technically incomplete, but can be considered as completed too.
The Lighthouse Keeper
Author: tugela54
Summary: On a rural island just off Alaska’s northern Inside Passage, stands a centuries old lighthouse - the perfect sanctuary for its keeper to hide when the moon is full, to burn and rage through its cycle with the townsfolk being none the wiser.But then a new resident comes to Beacon Harbour – a bright-eyed young student chasing an elusive whale species – and all of a sudden those thick stone walls seem paper thin…
Take Your Breath Away
Author: thecheekydragon
Summary: Stiles didn’t need Scott to tell him who their new English Lit teacher was. He knew it was Derek Hale. He also knew Derek Hale was hot.
Call Boys Need Love Too
Author: Brego_Mellon_Nin
Summary: Stiles pulls up in front of a big, old house, where the back half is still looking charred and burnt. It gives the whole place a sort of depressed and haunted feel, but well, Stiles is here for a job, so he ignores it and slams the door on his old jeep, trying not to acknowledge how decrepit it looks right beside the guy’s sleek black camaro, and makes his way towards the steps leading up to the porch.He barely manages to knock before the door is ripped open and there, in the door, stands the most gorgeous guy Stiles thinks he’s ever seen. He’s like a whole other level of hot, so much that he should be in the freaking Guinness Book of Records for most gorgeous face and perfect stubble ever!
Happy Birthday Mr Hale Series
Author: mikkimouse
Part 1: Happy Birthday, Mr Hale
Summary: He expected some level of chaos to greet him. He did not expect to see Stiles standing shirtless in the living room, wearing a sparkly tiara on his head and a pink tutu over his jeans, holding Mia's tea set in one hand and a plastic sword in the other.Stiles flushed, pink splotching his cheeks and spreading halfway down his pale, toned chest. Derek wanted to bite it, wanted to pinch those puffy nipples and tease them with his tongue, wanted to shove Stiles up against the wall and make him flush everywhere.
Part 2: Gentle? I Think You’re Mistaken
Summary: Derek was the one who'd asked for it, telling Stiles they needed to talk in person with a text message. At first, Stiles had been worried Derek was regretting That Night, but Derek had assured him that wasn't the case.Still, being a scrawny teenager whose first year at college hadn't been the orgy of sexual experimentation that he'd hoped for, Stiles had just a skoosh of anxiety about it.
Part 3: Delicate? I Went Through That Phase
Summary: To: Stiles When are you going to be back in town?
From: Stiles Next weekend. What are you thinking?
To: Stiles I'd like to try that student/teacher fantasy you mentioned. Maybe with spanking, if that's okay.
From: Stiles FUCK. Yes. So much yes.
Part 4: Tender? Want Me to Say I Love You?
Summary: "Are you still up for this?" Derek asked. "If you're tired, we can reschedule—""No!" Stiles cut him off. "No, I am one hundred percent on board with doing this tonight. I've been stressed all day—well, for the past two weeks really—and I could seriously, seriously use some relief."
Part 5: Love? I’ve Heard It’s All the Rage
Summary: "He doesn't want—" Derek began."Oh, so you're psychic now?" Erica cut him off. "You know exactly what he wants, never mind that neither of you have brought it up since you started fucking in August? Does that mean you can give me the winning lottery numbers? Ooo, or can you tell me if Laura got me that sexy pink lacy thing for my birthday next month? I'm really hoping she did."Derek glared at her. Erica met his glare with an arched eyebrow of her own.The hell of it was, she was right, and he knew it. This was a conversation that needed to happen sooner rather than later, and putting it off for over a month was not going to make having it any easier."Next weekend," he finally said. "He'll be here. We'll have it in person."
Love? I Heard It's All the Rage
Author: Yggdrastiles (hauntedsilences)
Summary: Based off of the song "Love" by Abney Park. This was written for Sterek Week 2015 and is nothing but filth, truly. Although some fluff crept in somehow...
Fill Me In
Author: cloudsarefluffy
Summary: Anon asked: How about a Sterek prompt right after Derek becomes an alpha. After that everything about Derek is so much more; his muscles are bloated in size, his cock and balls are huge, and even the amount he comes is enormous. Do size kink and Stiles worshiping Derek while Derek humiliates Stiles about their size difference until Stiles comes on him. Then Derek makes him lick it off of him. And add any other kinks or such that you'd like!
The night that Peter Hale died and Derek became the alpha — his eyes flashing red, locking onto Stiles as he gritted out, “I’m the alpha now" — everything changed. Derek changed.
Totally Planned on the Walk of Shame
Author: Sugakane_01
Summary: Stiles wiggled a bit to adjust the fit of his skinny jeans and winced slightly. There was a fine line between paint and pants and he was pretty sure that line had frowned at him in disapproval two sizes back. He popped a few breath mints and resisted the urge to run nervous hands through his hair lest he ruin all of Lydia's hard work. Stiles took a deep breath, sent up a prayer, and stepped into line at Howl, the most underground of underground nightclubs that Beacon Hills had to offer. Not that Beacon Hills had any other underground nightclubs but still, Stiles was there, ready to unleash his inner beast and walk on the wild side. Jazz hands.
This is How Legends Were Made
Author: Delta_Immortal
Summary: Caught between the Hales and the Argents in their war, Stiles finds himself a slave of the great Hale pack. Stiles spends each day working hard, hoping to earn his freedom and see his sick father. It also seems each day he’s capturing more and more attention from Derek, the young Hale lord. Stiles tells himself it’s mostly because Derek is merely trying to figure out how to send the annoying, useless slave away- not because of affection, despite the tales coming from the rumor mill.It doesn’t matter what Derek's intentions are. Stiles can’t bother with love right now. He's got to keep his head down and survive long enough to keep his promise to Kate Argent. After all, she's promised to keep his father safe.
more fics: part 3
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my cat has a cold and he's missing his husband (my cat is madly in love with my brother, for those who don't know. Like... MADLY in love. and my brother's on holiday) so I let him sleep on my bed and he started blowing snot bubbled with his nose and I was like "Declan, that's horrible, stop that" and he licked the snot off his nose and I was like "serioulsy wtf dude that's fucking gross let me wipe your nose you fucking invalid" and he  wuoldn't let me and he dripped snot all over my bedcovers
he's not sleeping on my bed anymore 
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