#functional swords
kultofathena · 2 years
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Investing in a quality #sword is not something that should be taken lightly. We know that the time, energy and money that goes towards finding and purchasing the right sword can be a serious investment. Save this post for a quick guide on the three types of swords - all of which are available on our site in multiple sizes, prices, and cultural origins.
Decorative Swords - made for display only
Functional Swords - battle ready
Sport Combat Swords - specifically made to withstand repeated blade on blade combat in martial arts sparring, sport combat, and theatrical style duels
Shop our selection of swords here!
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How to Tell if a Sword is Functional: A Helpful Guide from Medieval Collectibles
When choosing a sword, it is important to determine if it is suitable for your intended use. You may be looking for a medieval sword to use in an intense reenactment or one to display on a wall. These are two very different requirements for a sword. Medieval Collectibles is here to provide you with a guide to swords to help you figure out if a sword is functional, also known as battle ready. The name of the item may help you. For example, we offer swords that have the word decorative in their name. Also, any sword with LARP in the name is made of foam and intended for roleplaying.
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We’ve also made it easy to shop functional and decorative swords by dividing them into separate categories on our site:
Functional Swords
Decorative Swords
Sword Material
Certain materials, especially certain types of steel, can immediately categorize a sword as decorative or functional. Stainless steel swords are almost always decorative. They are rarely functional. This type of sword is best suited for display or costume use. Medium carbon steel swords can be either functional or decorative. The functionality depends on the construction process, especially regarding the forging process. 1045 carbon steel is an example of medium carbon steel that can be used for functional swords. We have multiple battle-ready swords made from 1045 steel. Other medium carbon steel swords may not be functional. Those swords are best suited for the same purposes as stainless steel swords.
Another type of steel that you may come across is spring steel. This is a type of carbon steel and can be functional as well. Spring steel has a resistance to bending and snapping, making it ideal for certain sword uses. 1566 steel is a type of spring steel. Finally, there are types of high carbon steel. High carbon steel swords are usually functional swords. Many high-carbon steel blades make great swords for historical reenactments. Types of high carbon steel include 1095, 1065, and 1060 as well as T10 and 65 Mn. We have a variety of high-carbon steel swords.
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Sword Construction
When looking at a sword on our site, you may see the words tempered, hardened, or heat-treated. Any of these words will help to indicate that the sword may be functional. Some swords will be tempered but are intended for decorative use. Next, some battle-ready swords will indicate to what level of hardness that they have been tempered. You will see this indicated with the letters HRC next to a number. This refers to a rating on the Rockwell scale. The higher the rating on the Rockwell scale, the better a blade will hold its edge. The lower the rating, the less brittle the steel will be, generally speaking.
Another phrase to pay attention to is the words "full tang". A full tang means that the blade continues all the way through the handle. A battle-ready sword has a full tang so that the blade does not easily separate from the handle during combat. There are two types of tangs: peened and threaded. A threaded tang means that the pommel is screwed onto the tang. A peened tang means that the tang was hammered and heated at the tip of the pommel. A peened tang is often sturdier than a threaded tang, but both are effective. A fully functional sword should have both a full tang as well as a tempered or hardened construction.
Sharpened vs Unsharpened Swords
A sharpened sword is almost always a functional sword. However, this is not always the case in reverse. A functional sword may come unsharpened. The fact that a sword is functional does not necessarily mean that the sword is sharpened. We have multiple swords that are fully functional but do not come with a sharpened edge. This selection includes swords that have a factory edge, which are not sharp. None of our swords have a razor-sharp edge.
Some swords are offered in both sharpened and unsharpened versions, like our Darksword Armoury swords. Many functional swords meant for full contact combat can be sharpened by the user after purchasing them as we do not offer a sharpening service. Other functional swords are designed to not have a sharp edge because of their intended use, such as swords for stage combat or practice swords.
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Uses of Functional Swords
Functional swords are useful for a wide variety of purposes and activities. Some swords are full combat. Skilled users can wield them in combat-based historical reenactments. These may have sharp edges and are best suited for combat with protective gear. Other swords may be used for stage combat. These weapons are meant for controlled combat. They often do not have sharpened edges and allow the option of wearing lighter or minimal protective gear.
Other types of functional swords are sparring and training swords. These swords are often used to practice swordsmanship skills. They are especially useful for Historical European Martial Arts, also known as HEMA, and other live sword combat events. Many functional blades for this purpose often do not have a sharp tip. Therefore, this type of medieval sword would be ill-suited for full-contact combat.
Overall, Medieval Collectibles have a wide variety of swords. Some are functional, while others are decorative. Understanding whether a sword is functional and for what purpose it is used is important to ensure that you are satisfied with your sword. We hope this guide helps you in determining what sword will work best for you.
Check out all the swords we have to offer here.
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c4tsc4pe · 11 months
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snurtle · 6 months
I've been thinking about the templars lately. they were promised honor, virtue, told that they would be charged with protection of the innocent... And then those same people are systemically exploited and abused, abuse others because they're taught to regard everyone else as either sheep who need to be lead or potential threats. Never equals, except in their brothers/sisters-in-arms. They act as the guard-dogs and military arm of an entirely different organization that they're only a functionary member of but have no governing say in. Even the chantry aren't their equals- they function as the templar order's supervisors! And all this isolation and closing of ranks ends in disability, addiction, death, and abandonment by the system they spent their bodies in service of.
To top that off, retaliations against them just confirm the paranoia they were taught to embrace. It's probably a long hard road to get out of that hole.
Like, listen. the dichotomy of mage vs templars is a satisfying and easy one, but the system is tearing them apart too. have you ever heard of a retired templar?
at the end of it, mages and templars need to unite against the real threat. the chantry.
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Somehow I feel like wild would be an avid snowboarder
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lazycranberrydoodles · 9 months
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phone studies 🎉 you know the tan line from either ruoye or the cursed shackle would be AWFUL
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veveisveryuncool · 9 months
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"it's not my fault they changed math."
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asylumdream · 1 year
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inspired by a post from @thatwavephenomenon that has Not left my brain about link not getting saved by Rauru and instead falling to the depths. Comentary version under the cut
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themyscirah · 15 days
For me, Cassie with a sword posting isn't just about rule of cool or whatever. Primarily it's about the ideological wedge that exists between Diana and Cassie through Cassie's disconnect with Themysciran ideals and Diana's mission. But also it is abt looking cool
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kultofathena · 1 year
The 3 Sword Classes and what you need to know:
Battle Ready: These weapons are typically made of carbon steel. They have longer, thicker blade tangs that are forged as part of the blade. Come sharpened or unsharpened, depending on the manufacturer.
Deepeeka - 11th Century Viking Sword – Battle Ready
Windlass - Bastard Sword
Windlass Battlecry! – Acre Sword
Deepeeka - St. Annen Sword
Kingston Arms - Renaissance Side Sword
Stage Combat: Specifically made to withstand repeated blade on blade combat. Thicker and heaver than functional swords, usually with rounded tips and edges.
Stage Steel Katana
Kingston Arms - Fencing Side Sword
Deepeeka - Viking Temple Sword
Hanwei - Practical Rapier
Hanwei - Practical Norman Sword
Decorative: Made for display only. Not constructed the same way as combat weapons, and therefore should not be used as such. Most commonly made of stainless or untempered carbon steel. Require little maintenance to stay looking great for years to come.
The Hobbit - Sting – The Sword of Bilbo Baggins
Deepeeka - Masonic Ceremonial Sword with Scabbard
Lord of Battles – Early Medieval Sword
Game of Thrones – Widow’s Wail Sword – Damascus Edition
You can find more information on our website.
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noorahqar · 1 month
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Too depressed to function these past few days which means (obviously) I'm having @bonus-links Loft brainrot
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soulsty · 7 months
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It’s Fi’s birthday! (Nov 18th)
Ft. My new Hylia design, don’t be mean to her /j
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azuresapphire7 · 9 months
One of my favourite things about Li Lianhua's character has to be his sword dancing. First off, I love how it looks. It's so fluid and elegant, but also kind of untamed, so it's really entrancing to watch. But mostly, I love how Li Lianhua seems to process his emotions through dancing. He dances when he feels overwhelmed with grief, with betrayal, with anger, but he also (as we've seen in the past with Li Xiangyi) dances when he's at his happiest.
When you think about it like that, it hurts even more that he destroyed Shaoshi. He's throwing away one of the only outlets he's ever had.
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scopophobia-polaris · 6 months
Honestly could we throw out the idea that totk's story issue is that it isn't consistent with the lore of the older games but instead drops intresting world building from botw because it might have gotten actually dark
#seriously eveeyone keeps up bring up the triforce not being the same like the older games instead of HEY why DOES the royal family just.....#have it#like all of it#and was the sheikah tech from the last game that functions the same was as light arrows/the biden blast was uh#how do i put this#how did they weaponize lightmagic in robots and does this all tie in with the “banishment” thing#or idk dropped point from botw zelda's fucking chracter arc#i know it ended with LOOOK!!!! YOU FUCKED UP BY DOING WHAT YOU THOUGHT WAS RIGHT#But damn they could of just not done that shit in totk making her just the#what was jt#idk man they just keep taking away her agency#man and it sucks cuz the dragon is so cool but mf shes forced to do it what she gonna do stay in the past and DIE?#idk man it just all feels hasty. makes me sad#and it sucks cuz a lot of shit shit is really cool and intresting but man idk i may become a botw zelda deserved a better weiter for her#becuase girl she needs a break. not saying chracters cant go through hardship#but there is something so nasty about the framing of youll never be anything but eveey past princess zelda trope and nothing more#instead of a crystal she turns into a dragon like guys this is the same as skyward sword but idk man is it werd to say#when Hylia does it aginst a thing that wants to steal the god triangles and is also a god its like yeah you had no other choice#how the fuck did one fuckass stone make ganondorf into a god like being you would think that like#mannwhy are the stones THAT powerful and why werent the other bitches able to take them down what because#did#did rauru give sonia the equivalent of the one ring at their wedding hey wait a fuck#sorry for all my spelling mistakes but what the fuck man
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majorasnightmare · 9 months
from one mineru lover to another ... can i pleek hear the headcanons you have for her
some loose context for the headcanons i have for her
the zonai hail from the silent realm and formed 3 major settlements originating from the decaying trial gates, one in the sky islands, one in faron, and one below in the depths (using the eldin gate that had since been buried under hyrules changing landscape). by the time of totks ancient era, the zonai had been slowly and steadily migrating back to the silent realm with mineru and rauru being the last to stay
hailing from the silent realm, the zonai culturally place a massive emphasis on self betterment through trials, self inflicted or otherwise, as a way of marking time through growth, in service to the goddesses
im using the oot elements, so the gerudo get spirit (which manifests as lightning) and mineru gets shadow, linking her to the sheikah and the technology theyll create
rauru and ganondorf are exes who had an EXTREMELY messy breakup before rauru founded hyrule
i can elaborate on that more (and will later) but for NOW
so i headcanon mineru as this character thats deeply atheistic and autistic. which doesnt make a lick of sense until i explain it further lmao
mineru, to me, is this person thats deeply materialist, whereas her brother rauru is deeply idealist, and sonia is a staunch spiritualist (which is why her and rauru make such a good match for each other). minerus primary concern is The Real. the golden goddesses are Concretely Real but their influence is negligible. mineru grows up in a culture that dedicates themselves to spiritual self growth through trials of self betterment for, ostensibly, the sake of three goddesses no one will ever see or talk to or be touched by. they exist, surely, because the triforce exists, because their power exists, but mineru will never see them, hear them, talk to them, touch them, or see their hands mold reality. in every aspect she would care about, They Are Not Real. and so ascribing to a cultural norm of "betterment through trial" (needless struggle and self doubt) just. doesnt click for her. why chase spiritual enlightenment when theres shit to do RIGHT here?
shes this kind of gruff, non social person who nonetheless cares deeply and intensely but wants to dedicate her effort and energy to things she considers important. her brothers important. her work is important. vague divine approval? unimportant. shes more concerned with how things tick than the Grand Plan of it all.
a lot of this makes itself manifest in her role (in my headcanons and aus) as the sage of shadow, if you understand shadow as Unseen (Concealed) Truth. why do the islands float? how does zoanite work? what can we do with this energy? what can we make? how can we build on it? shadow magic, imo, requires a strong thread of creativity. its what makes OoTs shadow temple so brutal and the history behind it so heinous. but it isnt inherently bad. its creativity, imagination, the Unreal. its the drawing of a curtain and the throwing it aside. this underlying current, the need to understand How and Why, is what makes minerus cutscenes with this understanding so much more enjoyable to me.
mineru is this character defined by her inventions, whos headpiece mirrors the goggles purah and robbie wear, whos role as shadow, the creator the inventer the counterculture, will be revisited when the sheikah create technological wonders that will spread throughout hyrule. she makes a mech to house her soul to survive the thousands of years into the future. whereas other sages choose a successor, mineru says "youll see me there in the temple my damn self." because if you want something done right you do it yourself!
i headcanon mineru and rauru as hailing from the sky island zonai civilization, and theyre the last hyrule dwelling generation. she grew up watching these senseless tests of courage that just risked major injury for no good reason, and then her baby brother goes off to better himself because he wants to make a meaningful impact in the world, and it just cascades into a dominos of bad decisions. she doesnt put any stock into divine intervention because the only people who can save anything are us. i picture her being endlessly fascinated by her home and the constructs and that curiosity being the foundation for a lot of what she does from there on out. becoming a fantasy mechanic, an inventor, getting down into the nitty gritty of a machine and getting covered in grime and oil but not caring because theres a problem that needs fixing and she has a wrench. voraciously tearing into any book she can find, any historical record, being this treasure trove of information and trivia and history because she cant help but come back to those questions, how?, why?, again and again.
itd be easy to hear her described as anti social and gruff, and see her interpreted as a little standoffish and blunt, and end up viewing her as kind of an ass, and you wouldnt be wrong per se but its really just that mineru only really puts effort into a relationship she cares about, and she really REALLY pro cons that shit. her first and foremost concern is rauru, her little brother, and as the zonai migrate back to the silent realm, her last remaining family. when rauru descends to the surface in search of problems to fix and Be Of Help, mineru correctly assesses his budding relationship with the gerudo royal is one fated for disaster, because nothing good comes from entering a relationship just to "fix them" regardless of how well intentioned and kind hearted you may be. because of this she doesnt invest much into getting to know ganondorf as he interacts with her brother, because shes expecting it to blow up and doesnt want any of that blowback. nevertheless when that comes to a head in the WORST possible way (a situation in the au that results in the creation of the gibdo queen, the first blood moon, the deaths of several gerudo guards and the eventual deaths of koume and kotake, a situation that will then contribute to The TotK situation) mineru beats herself up every day for not being more involved. her brother is sweet, and truly believes in the ideals of the zonai he was raised with, that to struggle is to overcome trial and better ones self, and such an effort is a spiritual responsibility of those hailing from the silent realms, created by divine hands, because of the power theyre capable of wielding. she cant fault him for that, because rauru IS capable of great good and he WANTS to help people so bad, but as mineru surmised years earlier, when your inundated with this concept that You Have Power and your Obligated To Use It, you never stop to think that maybe you arent the best person to solve this issue. you cant use a wrench for a screwdrivers issue. and knowing that, knowing rauru is driven to help but too inexperienced to know what he CAN help with, mineru feels responsible for not stopping him from biting off more than he can chew. (rauru, on his end, solely blames himself)
so shes a bit More Present when he meets sonia and when his idealism leads him to found hyrule, she stays close, but she really can NOT be assed to be dragged into politics because jesus christ. no. but she continues to be like. Peak Older Sister. every time rauru has a problem, shes the one he turns to. every time rauru wants advise, he asks mineru. he loves her a lot and relies on her guidance because he considers her one of the smartest people he knows (she is, along with sonia) and even though most of the time its rauru once again trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, theyve basically been abandoned by the rest of their people (who have written hyrule off as this kind of Fun Ordeal but Not Worth It as they go on being fucking. philosopher kings in a realm of Eternal Silent Trial where you can freely perfect whatever magic bullshit you want without worry of a body count or, ya know, consequences because very little is physically tangible there). mineru isnt going to like. continue that trend, and just leave rauru to it. hes a grown adult for sure, but that just means its his responsibility to grow and change as a person, not that he cant ask for help. especially because she doesnt want him to handle everything alone
so shes hands off with the hyrule business, and plus sonias got a good head on her shoulders, shes a nice balance to raurus Impulsive Do Gooding and helps him move from individual action to Systemic Good (tho that in itself is another one of Raurus Bad Impulsive Ideas because founding a Divine Kingdom of Good is a fools errand). and for the most part mineru is fairly assured that it wont blow up too horribly (*loud incorrect buzzer*) but man. when they show up with zelda.
so raurus very much a "im divinely obligated to help people" and sonias v much a "fate ordained our meeting" type and mineru is very very much Not That. but zelda? zelda is so much closer in personality to mineru, so when rauru and sonia show up with this girl from the future that theyve basically adopted, minerus like "alright you are once again Back On Your Bullshit so im NOT getting Into It" AND YETTT. zelda ALSO cant stop asking how? and why? (because light and shadow are closer than most people think), and zeldas so invested in what makes this tech work, how it functions, what makes it go, and while rauru and sonia try to give zelda the best they can, zeldas also similarly thrilled to get her fancy white dress all gunked up with oil cuz theres a plug that needs reconnecting and mineru cant get her hand thru the gap. they get on like a house on fire and despite herself mineru loves zelda. absolutely adores her. which was NOT on todays to do list, for sure. and so despite herself mineru is now including zelda in her (very small) circle of family and similarly mineru is this gruff no nonsense figure zelda can earnestly talk to whos similarly concerned with the Real and the Practical and how it can be applied to solve our problems instead of omens chasing and prophecy fulfilling. which is why mineru goes out of her way to help zelda in a way she generally doesnt for sonia because well. zeldas basically her niece. and sonia can handle herself. and also zelda loves hearing about weird programming quirks in the constructs. so its really just kind of inevitable
but minerus pursuit of knowledge is why she knows about draconification (and rauru doesnt), and why rauru comes to her for help because thats kind of his habit. its a lot like asking big sis to beat bowser for you cuz you cant get it, and like she clowns on you for it but still takes the controller.
and when rauru and sonia are like "the ganondorf situation is Our Problem and we arent involving zelda" mineru is 100% behind that because uhh YEAH rauru it IS ur problem this is YOUR ex and your series of Questionable Decisions, but also why she throws herself into it because she does still carry that responsibility. she still feels that guilt for not protecting rauru from himself as his older sister, and that so many people suffered, and that now more people she cares about ARE suffering and WILL suffer. a feeling thats compounded by raurus sacrifice sealing ganondorf
understanding how the sky islands float was a childhood dream of minerus, to understand the hand of the divine and make it tangible and real, and while she achieves that, with the help of someone who really truly gets her and her work, the context surrounding it is so grief stricken and heart rending it thoroughly spoils the joy of scientific pursuit, which is probably why it isnt something mineru records in a lot of detail. in a lot of ways mineru loses all the people she considers family to that same Hand of Divinity, which imo makes mineru being atheist more richly thematic and adds to her character. its this combination of "am i being punished for my lack of faith?" alongside this determination to assert your individual power in SPITE of divine influence, taking herself to the present by her own craft and the sheer power of ingenuity and creativity and the aid of an equally learned peer. also her spirit bond is on the middle finger. i love that for her
this is long as fuck so im throwing bonus thoughts in the tags
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wlxn-hkr9hejqgq · 3 months
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Look at our babies staring at each other
"Ah a Child"
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