cal-puddies · 5 years
5 years later || calum hood
this is a continuance of the cigarette series and probably the last long piece... there is smut and fluff and all of the in between!
Flynn babbles about school in the backseat of your car, she’s tucked safely in her car seat and part of you is regretting taking the 5 year old on a road trip in the middle of the week. But it’d been ages since she’d seen her dad and her uncles and it was wearing on her.
Cal’s tour schedule was a normal part of her life and she thought nothing of it till she went to school and other kids dads were around a lot. Even when she went on play dates, there were always dads.
She ran ahead of you, once at the venue. You were asked to park at the hotel and Cal sent a car to bring you two to him. You picked her up after checking in with security and getting pointed in the direction of the guys.
Cal is very visibly flirting with a girl you don’t recognize. It never hurt any less when you saw it. But you also never thought that the “in five years…” he’d always said, would come true.
“DADDY!!!” Flynn screeches. You set her down as she runs full force at Calum.
He stops what he’s doing and grins wide, turning to Flynn and bending over to pick her up. He engulfs her in the biggest hug. “How’s my princess?” He greets, pressing kisses all over her face. “Are you taller? You look taller.”
“No daddy.” She giggles. “It’s jus’cause you’re holdin me.” She wraps her arms around his neck and he holds her close.
“Did I hear my little Flynn?” Ash asks, coming around the corner.
“Uncle Ashton!” She yells. “Daddy say hi to mommy. I think she’s sad.” Flynn says, wriggling to get down to see Ash.
“That’s embarrassing Flynn, thank you.” You mention. Ash gives you a sad smile from behind Cal, cradling Flynn in his arms. He disappears with your daughter, calling for Luke to come see her.
The girl Cal is talking to excuses herself and you move closer to him. “Hey.” He smiles at you and your heart aches.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.” You awkwardly gesture in the direction she’d gone.
“Totally ok. Flynn’s still my number 1.” He assures you.
“Yeah. So… umm I left her bag in your room. I think I’m just gonna go so y’all can spend time with her.” You make to leave, you hated this; hated having to have these conversations with Cal. You were supposed to be the girl he flirted with. You and Flynn were his number 1 girls up till last year. He’d asked for space. He felt like he didn’t know he only wanted to sleep with you for the rest of forever anymore. Lucky for you, you’d never gotten engaged, or married.
Cal gently grabs your arm and pulls you back to him. “Don’t go. You should stay. Who’s gonna stand with Flynn?” He asks.
“Uhh… maybe your new friend.” You shrug.
Cal rolls his eyes at you, “how’s the new guy?” He asks.
“What new guy? Cal when do you think I have time for a new guy? I take care of our daughter and I work and I take care of Duke. And I don’t have family that will just step in and help and your family is entire continents away from us.” you press at the corners of your eyes so you don’t cry.
He lets out a sigh. “I thought we both wanted this.” He whispers.
“No. I never would have chosen to not be with you. But you made it pretty clear you didn’t want me and who am I to make you stay?” You press your palms to your eyes. “I don’t wanna do this Cal, Not here, not now.” You whisper.
“... and where there’s a Flynn… there’s a you.” Ash says coming back toward you and wrapping his arms around you.
Cal thought, for a very short time, that you and Ash had been hooking up after he’d left, but he ultimately had just been coming by to see Flynn sometimes, to help make it less weird that her daddy wasn’t home anymore. There was never gonna be a second when that kiddo felt unloved.
“Hey Ash.” You say only pulling your hands from your eyes when he engulfs you.
“This way.” He gently pulls you to the dressing room to see Mike and Luke as well. Cal is right behind you.
“Uncle Luke?” Flynn asks, they’re sitting at a table coloring together.
“Yeah baby?” He looks up at her.
“Is daddy gonna stop loving me like he stopped loving mommy?” She keeps coloring and asks it so innocently, Luke stops what he’s doing looks at her, Mike’s looking at her, and you, Ash and Cal are all looking at each other. They either didn’t realize you guys had come in, or they didn’t care.
“Hey… look at me Flynn Rider…” she looks over at him. “Your mom and dad love you more than anything in the entire world. No matter what’s going on with them, that’s always going to be the truth. They will never stop loving you. And I don’t believe for a single second that your dad doesn’t love your mom anymore. I think your dad is still very much in love with your mom.” He explains.
“Then why doesn’t he want to be at home with us anymore?” She looks so sad.
“I don’t know the answer to that baby. I wish I did. I know you must miss him.” Luke leans in and nuzzles his nose against hers, it was their thing. And then he hugs her.
“It’s because he needs to get his head out of his ass, Flynn.” Mike says, looking right at Cal.
“Language.” You say, it’s just a reflex, one you’d gotten into when Flynn got sent home from preschool for yelling “fuck” when she got hurt. It was really funny to hear a three year old say fuck up until that point.
Luke and Flynn both snap their heads in your direction. Luke can see the tears in your eyes, and you want desperately to leave and not come back as initially planned. Flynn was staying on the tour for the last week to spend time with her dad, but you didn’t plan to stay too and Cal knew that.
Mike closes the space between you guys and wraps his arms around you, gently pushing you out the door. “Not in there you don’t.” He whispers, finding a quiet area for you both. You slide with your back against the wall and sit on the floor, allowing the tears to finally spill over.
“Sorry Mikey.” You whimper.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” He murmurs, sitting beside you and rubbing your back. “You’re hurt. Rightfully so.”
“All I’ve done for the last year is cry over him and all he’s done is move the fuck on.”
“He’s never going to fully move on from you. You know that. He’s a got a five year old that’s more like her mom every day. He’s never going to escape that.”
“Did you hear her mike? This was never supposed to affect her. But she notices.”
“I know she does. There’s only so much we can do, and then having to cart her back and forth… of course she does. But I also fully believe that Cal misses you and his heart aches when he sees you. And he’s unsettled with other women in his life…”
You shake your head. “Stop. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hope.” You whimper.
“Ok. I’m sorry.” He whispers.
You end up staying, against your better judgement, because Flynn wanted you to. Cal loves watching her be so proud of him. Mike and Luke change the set list extremely last minute to include “Broken Home” and you practically bawl your eyes out while Cal keeps throwing glances at you, off the side of the stage, and then there’s the tension with his band mates for pulling a fast one on him.
You leave as soon as you can drop Flynn with Cal, you hold her tight. Luke, Mike and Ash squeeze you and promise to take care of your girl and you briefly wave at Cal before making your exit.
Cal calls a week later, it was normally the time Flynn called to say goodnight so you didn’t think anything of it.
“Hey Flynn, How was your day baby?” You ask.
“Hey… sorry, not Flynn. Our flight got delayed and she went to bed early. Her eyes were barely open when we got home.” He explains.
“Gotcha. So what’s up Cal?” You ask, sitting next to Duke on the couch to fold the laundry.
“I was hoping I could keep her a couple more days, give you some real time off. And then could we maybe talk when I come to drop her off? Like I want to ask Ashton or Luke to come take her out for the day or something.” He explains.
You sigh. “What could we have to talk about Cal.”
“I just want you to hear me out. Give me a chance to talk to you about something other than Flynn.”
You sit silently for a while, “Sure Cal, why not?”
“Ok. Cool. I’ll figure it out with Ash and Luke.” He sounds a little relieved. “Thank you, for letting me keep her and for hearing me out.” He says.
“Well according to you, You’re doing me the favor by keeping her.” You let out a little laugh.
“How’s Duke? I should probably bring him to my house when I drop her off.” He mentions.
“This trusty old man? No way. Flynn will never let you take him.” You look at Duke and pet him a few times. He rolls over to get his belly rubbed.
“Ok… I’ll just take him when I have her then.”
“Oh.” You say quietly, thinking how quiet the house would be without Flynn and Duke and Cal. You’d never really been there without any of them.
“I mean… we’ll talk about a plan for Duke too.” He says quietly. Cal can still practically read your mind.
“Ok.” You agree. “Cal I gotta go. I’ve got a bottle of wine with my name on it if you aren’t bringing her home tomorrow.” You chuckle.
“Enjoy yourself.” He chuckles too. “I’ll see you in a couple days. Love you.”
He doesn’t give you the chance to respond, but it’s been a while since you trusted those words. Originally it was out of habit and you’d gotten your hopes up. It destroyed you. He stopped saying them a while ago.
The days go quickly, you found you enjoyed the peace and quiet but you were ready to have your baby home.
“Daddy.” Flynn says from the backseat.
Cal looks at her in the rear view mirror. “Yes baby?”
“Uncle Mikey said you need to get your head out of your ass about mommy.”
“You can’t say ass baby.” He chuckles.
“Whatever dad. I wanna talk about mom. You make her sad. Why do you want her sad? Why don’t you wanna be with us?” She rambles off her list of questions and it catches Cal off guard.
“Why do you think I want mom to be sad?” He asks.
“You just don’t seem to care that she is.”
“Baby, it’s the opposite. I care so much about your mom and I love her.” He argues.
“Then why don’t you wanna be at home? Is it me?”
“Definitely not you baby. I’m still figuring some stuff out.” He explains.
“Uncle Mikey’s right, you do need to get your head out of your ass.” She mumbles. “Do you think mom misses us?”
“Flynn Kaori… what did I say about that word?” He sighs “She definitely misses you princess.” He confirms.
“Do you miss mommy?”
“Every damn day.” He mumbles.
Cal pulls up to the familiar house, he helps Flynn out of her car seat and then grabs her bag. He notices Ash’s car in the driveway, but Flynn doesn’t seem to.
“Mommy!” She smiles, holding her arms open.
“Hey little love.” You grin, opening your arms to her.
“Where’s Duke?” She asks.
“Kitchen.” You smile. “Well I see where I rate.” You say to Cal as she runs in there. She squeals and you think she must have seen Ash.
“Moooommmm!” She calls.
“Yeah baby?” You call back.
She comes walking around the corner, Ash in tow. “Uncle Ash wants me to go see Uncle Luke with him. Is that ok? I know you miss me. I don’t want you to be sad.”
“I think I’ll be ok while you hang out with your uncles, Flynn.” You nod.
“Ok… I love you momma.”
“I love you too Flynn.” You kiss the top of her head. And she says goodbye to Cal. “Thanks Ash.” You say quietly.
He wraps you in a hug, and kisses your forehead. “Anytime. You know we love hanging out with her.”
He fist bumps Cal and reaches for Flynn’s hand as they go out the door together.
And then you’re left with Cal. He looks at you, “thanks for doing this.” He says quietly.
You shrug and turn away from him, heading to the kitchen yourself. “Not like I have a lot to lose.” You mumble. And that hurts Cal. He never wanted you to hurt like this. He honestly thought it was good for both of you. You turn on your heel and Calum accidentally walks into you. “You can’t take Flynn.” You say quietly to him.
“I don’t wanna take Flynn from you.” He promises. “Kinda the opposite. I wanna come home.”
Your brow immediately furrows, “oh… ummm well… yeah it’s your house. I just… I’ll need a little time to find a place…”
“No no no no.” Cal starts, gently grabbing your arm. “I want to come home, and I want us to be a family again. You’re my girl. I was dumb to think otherwise.” He explains.
“You just… you can’t. I just saw you 10 days ago, flirting with another girl…”
“She was flirting with me.”
“It’s really convenient that you were perfectly happy till you left for a year long world tour and now that you’re back, you’re ready to come home.”
“I know how it looks.” He mentions, “but honestly babe, ask the guys… id flirt, and then I wouldn’t do anything, because it wasn’t you. And no matter what, it was never gonna be you. So I didn’t want them. I still only wanted you.”
“And what Cal?” You sniff, “you come back and things are great until the next album and the next tour and then what? You do this again? I’m not… I won’t do that. It’s not fair to me and it’s not fair to Flynn. I thought we were happy. You blindsided me… I had no fucking idea that that was gonna come out of your mouth.” Your shoulders shake as you start to cry.
Cal wants to hold you; every fiber in his entire being is screaming to comfort you.
So he does. He wraps you in his arms and he holds you, rubbing your back, whispering to you that it’s all alright, and he’s here and he doesn’t want to leave, not ever again.
He feels relief when your fists grip around his shirt and you actively bury your head in his chest. He knew it wasn’t done, but this was a good sign and he was a hell of a lot closer to coming home than he had been when he opened the door.
“I can’t trust that.” You whimper into his neck.
“You can Baby.” He whispers. “You have.” He reminds you.
“Are you expecting an immediate answer?” You whisper, still sniffling.
“No. Not at all.” He shakes his head. “I was hoping, but I didn’t expect.”
“It’s just… we’re learning to get along without you.”
“I don’t want you to do that. I want you to accept that I want to be there for you and Flynn. I want my two girls back. I want my dog back. I want the life I had with you back.”
“I need a minute.” You say, pulling away and grabbing a beer and then your phone, heading out the back door.
You call Ash, at this point you didn’t even care if Cal heard. You needed to ask… you had to know before you could decide.
“Hey… what are you two up to?” You ask before he can even say hi.
“We’re at Luke’s, she’s petting Petunia and Luke’s trying to find a movie for us to watch. What’s up?”
“I need to ask you something and you have to be 100% honest with me.”
“Ok… shoot.” He says.
“To your knowledge, did Cal sleep with anyone on tour? And I fuckin mean honest. Like… don’t cover for him. I need to know.”
“I mean… he got flirty… kissed some girls but when we headed back to the bus or hotel, he was always alone.”
“But you weren’t always with him.” You mention.
“A solid 90% of the time I was with him.” He says quietly. “I really have no reason at all to believe that Cal is lying to you about that. And he definitely never had anyone while I was around. But I can ask Luke, too.”
“Will you put him on?”
“Of course.”
You hear Ash call for Luke and briefly explain its you.
“Hey babe.” He greets. Cal opens the back door and comes out with Duke at the same time. He smiles gently at you.
“Hey Luke. I have a really important question for you and I need you to be more honest with me than ever.”
“Ok…?” He sounds wary.
You look at Calum, who meets your eyes. “I need to know if, to your knowledge, Cal ever slept with someone while you were on tour.”
“I can definitively say no. He did not.” He stops. “He made out with some girls but never took anyone home.”
“Mmm Kay. Thanks Luke.”
“Anytime… oh, we’re gonna take Flynn for dinner and ice cream later, what time do you want her home?”
“She goes to bed at 8. So 7ish.”
“Will do.” He sings before hanging up.
Cal just looks at you, he’s not mad, and he doesn’t seem bothered. “Better?” He asks.
You set your phone on the table this all started on years ago. You carefully step toward Cal and rest your hand on the side of his neck. “I’m still upset.” You confirm. But you push up on your toes and press your lips to his.
“I can deal with upset.” He murmurs against your lips, and then pulls away from you to look you in the eye. “What I can’t deal with is being away from you. My heart aches so desperately to be with you.”
“Remember you did this.” You mention.
“I know baby. I won’t make that mistake again.”
“I actually trust that.” You admit.
“Good.” Cal whispers. He cups your face, and starts a slow kiss, and you let him as he makes to deepen it. When he goes to pull you toward the bedroom, you let him. “Let me show you baby.”
“Cal I really don’t think jumping into bed…” you start, but he shushes you by gently placing his hand over your mouth.
“Sex has always been our thing.” He reminds you. You roll your eyes, but you let it continue. He takes his time undressing you, loving on every part of your body as he does so. He holds your body close after he gets you naked, bodies pressed together in a way you hadn’t felt since he left. “I love you.” He whispers.
“I know.” You nod, and lean in to kiss him.
“You’re not gonna say it back.” He confirms.
“I’m not ready Cal.”
He gently holds your face between both hands and looks you in the eye for minute. “S’ok baby. We’re doing things on your terms. I just want you to know what I feel.” He assures you.
“I just couldn’t trust those words for awhile Cal. I’m gonna need time.” You don’t look at him, you’re afraid to; afraid of what you’ll see. His lips are soft on your forehead, and then he moves you toward the bed. You’d never spent a lot of time chest chest underneath him, but it was his position of choice for the moment.
His eyes linger momentarily as his chain hits your chest and lands next to your matching one. His lips press gently to your lips and to your neck before he slides himself in you. You gasp loudly. “Baby, you ok?” He asks, stopping.
“Mmm, just… haven’t… since you left… besides that toy you got me before tour that one time.” You admit, eyes squeezed shut.
“We gotta get you new toys.” He smirks. “Just tell me when, my love.” He whispers, pressing his lips all over your face.
Your fingers slide up his back and you plant them in his hair with one hand, the other you allow your nails to dig into his skin at his side. “Ok baby, you can.” You nod.
Cal catches you in a deep kiss as he sets his pace. You wrap a leg around his back and he lets out a low groan. You can tell he wants to say something cocky but he doesn’t, he just enjoys you around him again. “You’re so beautiful my love.” He whispers, breathless.
It’s the first time you and Cal start like this and end like this probably ever. He doesn’t hold your leg up or anything, just allows you to stay wrapped around him as you pleased. And you were happy to enjoy this closeness with him.
His lips rarely leave yours but you pull his hair when you’re about to cum and he smirks, “knew it baby.” He coos, snapping his hips hard a couple more times, you squeeze around him and he comes undone as well, shooting his load in you like always. “My girl.” He moans in your ear, tugging gently at your earlobe with his teeth.
“Calum… I do love you.” You mention very quietly, before he pulls back and looks at you.
“I don’t doubt that baby… but if you aren’t ready to say that, that’s fine too.” He nuzzles his nose to yours and pushes up off you. You look at the clock and notice you have time. Cal comes back and cleans between your thighs. “Cuddle? Do we have time.”
“Yeah, they aren’t bringing her back for another couple hours. I told them 7.”
Cal pulls the blanket down and gets in bed, you crawl in next to him and he pulls you against him, you rest your head on his chest. He brushes the hair off the back of your neck and plays with the chain, gently twisting it in his fingers. “You still wear this?” He whispers.
“I’ve never taken it off.” You admit. You let your fingers tangle in the matching necklace he’s wearing. It had been Cal’s way of showing you how solid he thought you were, when marriage still wasn’t his answer. It wasn’t like it mattered to you, you felt so solid with him too.
He grabs your hand and pushes his lips to your fingers and palm. That seems to be enough said for him, because he holds your hand, and kisses the top of your head and you both fall asleep for a while.
When you wake up, you only have about 45 minutes before Ash brings Flynn home, doesn’t stop Cal from making himself at home with his face between your thighs.
You know you were moaning before you even woke up, it’s what woke you up. Your fingers grip into his hair and your back arches. Cal pulls the blanket off you two and continues to suck your clit, he gently pushes two fingers into you, and sucks a hickey into your thigh. “My beautiful girl.” He moans against your skin.
“Calum.” You moan out. His mouth returns to your clit and he pulls his fingers out of you, wrapping his arms around your thighs. You feel his tongue lick over your opening and he focuses smaller licks over your clit until you’re pulling his hair and moaning for him. He pulls off after you’ve cum, and he kisses up your stomach and presses his mouth to yours.
“Gotta get cleaned up, our baby will be home soon, and I think daddy will owe her an explanation.” He pushes his lips against yours and pulls back. He gets off the bed and you follow suit, the two of taking a quick shower. Cal settles for a pair of basketball shorts and you throw on a t shirt and sleep shorts. Cal orders food and figures it’ll be there after Flynn is already tucked in bed.
You two have just settled on the couch with a bottle of wine when Ash comes through the front door with Flynn. “Momma!” Flynn calls, flinging herself at you on the couch. You hold her in your arms and kiss the top of her head, she looks over at Cal, “hi dadda. You’re still here.” He holds out his arms and she crawls into his lap.
“I gotta tell ya something Flynn.” He says, looking over her head at you. She lets out a simple ‘hmm’. “Dadda’s gonna move home to be with you and momma.” He mentions.
Ash’s face lights up at the news. “You finally kissed and made up?” He asks.
“Kissing was involved.” Cal confirms with a smirk.
“Dadda I’m so happy!” Flynn beams brightly at him.
“Me too princess. I’m excited to be home with you and mom again.” He grins. “Now go get ready for bed. And uncle ash and I will come sing to you.”
“I miss when you all sing to me.” She sighs dramatically, slipping off Cal’s lap.
“Go get ready for bed Flynn.” You groan at her.
They guys disappear for 15 or so minutes, dealing with Flynn’s bedtime shenanigans.
You drink your wine and get the food. Ash and Cal come back downstairs and you offer Ash a drink.
“Thanks for taking her.” You mention quietly to him.
“Of course. Glad this worked out.” He grins.
“Of course it did! We both know Cal wasn’t about to leave here otherwise.” You chuckle.
“He would have, if he thought that’s what you really wanted.” Ash explains. “But… we’ll all be happy you made up.”
You went to bed cuddled up to Calum and it was better than you remembered. He woke up early. “Baby… I’ve gotta go pack my apartment.” He groans. “But I can take little Hood, and Duke and give you an afternoon off.”
“I don’t want to spend time away from you right now. I just spent a year away from you.” You pout.
His kisses your bottom lip, “I know baby. But it’s gonna be easier to do it now, before it’s really lived in. Plus, nice day to send you off for a day to yourself.” He leans over and kisses you, “I’m gonna go make some breakfast, my love.”
Flynn stops in your bedroom doorway after she wakes up, she’s rubbing her eyes, “momma.” She says, walking toward your bed.
“Yeah Flynn?” You grab her and pull her onto the bed with you.
“I had a dream… daddy said he was coming home.” She explains.
“Daddy did tell you he was coming home.” You laugh, squeezing her.
“Then where is he?”She asks, dramatically looking around.
“Downstairs… making you breakfast. You’re gonna go help him pack your stuff to bring home.” You explain.
She immediately jumps off the bed and runs to the kitchen screaming “Daddy!”
tag list: @musicsavedme-00 @que-serasara @abitloudforanaccousticset @slimthicccal @kaxseychill
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
165 notes · View notes
clumsyclifford · 4 years
you did so good with favorite place, how about trouble is for malum? ik that's not on the prompt list but all that I know is I just can't say no to you, funny how things never change...
i literally read this ask and then hit myself in the face several times before sitting in silent awe because this prompt. this prompt. your MIND. holy fuck. im going to make a prompt list of all time low lyrics to write fics to but just know (THIS IS A PSA!) that at any time i will be accepting prompts in the form of atl songs/lyrics god you have APPEALED TO MY WEAKNESS MEGHNA HNFKVLMFVJ;DVM
“Come to my room?” Calum offers, and it’s not a trap so much as an invitation to something Michael should refuse, but Michael takes one look at Calum and he’s already gone.
“Okay,” he says.
Luke and Ashton shrug to each other and then bid their adieus, with the promise that they’ll be back before four a.m., smashed, no doubt. Michael follows after Calum as they take the stairs to the second floor, where his and Calum’s hotel rooms are side-by-side. It’s so unbelievably rare that they get to have their own rooms, and Michael doesn’t know why he’s not taking full advantage of the solitude.
(Okay, he knows. He fucking knows.)
Calum’s room looks exactly like Michael’s, but reversed. Michael takes a seat on the bed, even though he knows that’s basically implicating himself. But Calum grins at him, not exactly victorious but too knowing for Michael’s liking, and sits next to him.
“Your room’s backwards,” Michael observes, terrified that the room will fall silent and Michael will look over and make the mistake he keeps making.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Literally,” Michael says. “My room looks like this, but, like, everything on the opposite side.”
“Fascinating,” Calum says. “We should look into the furnishing of hotels.”
Michael rolls his eyes. “You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah,” Calum says. “So are you, though.”
“I’ve done nothing but be delightful since I got here.”
“I mean in general.”
“I’m lovely!”
“You shouted at me for playing your electric before you got to soundcheck two nights ago.”
“Well, you shouldn’t touch my stuff. You’re not lead guitarist, are you?”
Calum scoffs, although he sounds amused. “I almost was.”
And isn’t that a throwback. “Fuck,” Michael says. “You were.” It’s funny; in all the times he’s brought up in interviews and 5SOS tour videos that he was almost the drummer of the band, he’d failed to remember that as a result, Calum had almost been the lead guitarist. 
“Good times,” Calum says thoughtfully. “The pre-Ashton era.” 
Michael laughs. “Don’t shit-talk Ash while he’s not here to defend himself.”
“The pre-Michael-on-lead-guitar era,” Calum rectifies. He nudges at Michael’s ankle with his own foot, and Michael’s heart rate spikes. “You’d have probably been a good drummer, you know.”
Michael feels hot, and hopes his face doesn’t reflect it, although that’s a pipe dream. “What do you mean?”
“Dunno,” Calum says, shrugging. “You just learn fast. And anyway, drummers are hot.”
“Are you calling Ashton hot?”
“I’m calling you hot,” Calum says, point-blank.
Michael’s heart stops. “Cal,” he says.
Calum turns his head, and against his own better judgement Michael does too. They’re practically nose to nose; another couple centimetres and they’ll be kissing. Michael tries to suppress that thought, but it surfaces unbidden and won’t go away.
“Yes?” Calum says calmly.
Michael tries to say stop it, or we shouldn’t, or we already tried this and it doesn’t work, but nothing will come out.
He knows Calum thinks he’s hot. Calum knows Michael thinks Calum is hot. But they did try it, and they keep trying it, and Michael keeps hurting when he realizes it’s never going to be more than this — a kiss here and there, a quickie before a show.
The worst part is that it feels wrong without it. He and Calum have been blurring the lines since they knew how to draw them. It shouldn’t feel normal, to kiss Calum, but it would feel worse now not to. And Michael tries to kid himself that he’s trying to get rid of that habit, but he’s not. He won’t. It’s part of him. Calum is a part of him, and Michael is cursed to never say no.
Calum keeps waiting, unmoving, probably waiting for Michael to say something or do something — Calum pushes him to the edge but never over it.
“Cal,” Michael says again, trying to make it sound commanding, defensive, but it comes out more like a plea, desperate and needy. Calum bridges the centimetres and puts his lips on Michael’s, slowly, like he’s giving Michael a chance to move away, which is a fucking joke. Michael wouldn’t move away if his life depended on it.
As soon as they kiss, Michael feels like his heart has burst, or maybe his entire chest. He leans back as Calum leans over him, gentle at first. Calum enjoys pretending that he’s willing to give up control of the kiss, but Michael knows Calum too well, and he doesn’t want to be in control of the kiss, anyway; he just wants to be part of it, and keep doing it, and not break it. Ever. But just to call Calum’s bluff he traces his tongue against Calum’s lower lip, and Calum immediately retaliates, pushing his tongue between Michael’s teeth and skimming the roof of his mouth. Michael’s grip on Calum tightens. He wishes he didn’t enjoy kissing Calum this much. It would make it much easier to give it up.
It feels impossible, monumental to try and end this, but Michael does his level best; he puts a hand against Calum’s chest and pushes, and though he doesn’t push hard, Calum gets the message and pulls away.
“Okay?” Calum asks. Michael almost melts at that, because for all that he acts like a predator chasing prey, Calum would rather die than go any further than Michael is willing.
“No,” Michael says. “I mean, yes — but no. Calum. Do you — do you see the problem here?”
Calum blinks. “No.”
“This is unsustainable,” Michael says. “You can’t — we can’t just — just be friends who make out.”
Calum frowns. “Why not?”
“It’s not fair.”
“Fair to whom?”
“To me,” Michael says flatly. His heart is starting to ache again, and he doesn’t want to be cross with Calum, because he’d been just as enthusiastic a participant of the making out as Calum had been, but still.
“I don’t understand,” Calum says carefully.
Michael sighs. “I don’t want to be your fuckbuddy, Cal. You know I like you, and this is fun, and all, but it’s not — I can’t move on if you’re always…” Kissing me. Looking at me. Here.
“Oh,” Calum says. “You like me?”
“Is this your idea of a joke?”
“No.” Calum looks puzzled. “I like you too, you know.”
“I’m glad my best friend of seven years likes me.”
“Romantically,” Calum clarifies. “Like, I’m in love with you.”
If Michael weren’t sitting down, he’d have fallen.
“Is that how you like me?”
Michael blanches. “Of course I’m in love with you. Wait, what the fuck? You’re in love with me? Then what the fuck are we doing?”
“I thought you were humoring me,” Calum says.
“I thought you were humoring me,” Michael returns. He feels shaky, and the next second steady. “Since when are you in love with me?”
“Uh,” Calum says, “since I fucking kissed you for the first time? When we were sixteen? Are you joking?”
Michael laughs out loud, and leans forward to rest his head against Calum’s shoulder. “Holy shit,” he says. “This whole time I thought you were just being nice.” 
“You’re fucking stupid,” Calum says. “I did repeatedly call you hot, right? I’ve been flirting with you since we started the band, right? I’m not just imagining that? Hey, since fucking when are you in love with me?”
“Since you kissed me when we were sixteen,” Michael says, unable to contain the giggles. “I hate you. I hate us. Will you marry me? No. Wait. Will you be my boyfriend? Best friend with benefits? I don’t even know what we are anymore.”
“Yes,” Calum says. “To all of those questions, but I’m not marrying you unless you give me a proper proposal, what the fuck. I’m a gentleman.”
“Noted,” Michael says, giddy. He picks his head up and says, “I’m going to kiss you now. But like, because I’m in love with you.”
“I’ll allow it,” Calum says. And then he kisses Michael, and Michael has no trouble letting him, because Michael could never say no to Calum, and now he never has to.
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flannelpunkcalum · 5 years
I just love the concept of skin on skin bonding. 😩 no sex but naked and comfy and cuddly with each other.
YEAH ok I'm about to go to bed but like there's not much more intimate than just being with each other without the self-construction of clothes with like nothing physical to hide behind or use to project on it's incredible. Plus I'm p sure that the skin to skin increases oxytocin release so imagine psych major Calum as your fuckbuddy insisting he can't stay after sex bc of the attatchment cuddling would form until one night you're at his place and after you're exhausted and you rest your head on his chest a little and then you're like "oh fuck sorry I'll go" but he doesn't move his arm and holds you there when you move to go and you can feel him chosing his words carefully next to you and eventually he just says "I'd like it if you'd stay" and you nod and go back to your position and you can almost feel him worrying about breaking one or both of your hearts with this as he tracks his fingers along your shoulder but you curl a little closer and decide you think he made the right choice
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If Walls Could Talk- Luke
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I used to be obsessed with this gif..mmm...anyway enjoy!!!
You rolled off Luke, falling down on the bed next to him. You both were out of breath and still coming down from your highs, so it took a second for you both to recover.
“Oh god that was amazing...” Luke practically moaned.
“Yeah..but I mean it Luke you can’t tell” you said, having finally catched your breath.
“You say that everytime we have sex y/n... I’m not gonna tell anyone. These walls would talk before I said anything. Could you imagine if these walls could talk tho?”
“Well I’d hope they wouldn’t say anything...just like I hope you do the same”
Luke rolled over on his side, smiling down at you as he pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Y/n... I’d never say a word. I know we can’t tell anyone so relax ok?” He said as he leaned down to kiss you gently.
So here was the deal: you and Luke had been having sex pretty regularly for awhile now. It was amazing but you couldn’t tell anyone about it. You had fallen head over heels for a guy and couldn’t say anything because he had a girlfriend. Well not technically... he was 6 months into a pr relationship set up by his managers and as far as the world was concerned the model Vanessa and the rockstar Luke were in love. The fact that it was just a pr relationship was so secret management even tried keeping it from the guys since 5sos had a nasty problem of things being leaked. Luke refused of course, since he wasn’t going to hide anything from his best friends. You weren’t even supposed to know, but you refused to see Luke if he was in a relationship.
Anyway you two had been “together” for 3 months now. Hiding that had been a nightmare but somehow you had even managed to keep it from the guys. Being a friend of the band, luckily that explained why you were around all the time. Everything else just involved a lot of sneaking around in the middle of night. At first it was fun and thrilling, but if you were being honest you wished you could have a real relationship, not this whole fuckbuddy type one.
You both had barely started getting dressed when you heard the front door of Lukes apartment slam shut. You heard the sound of the guys coming down the hallway.
“Luke I thought you said movie night was cancelled??!!” you whispered
“That’s what they told me! Shit ya they sent a message 20 mins ago in the group chat saying they were coming” Luke said looking at his phone. You cursed yourself for not checking your phone at all. To be fair you were..busy
“Great. Oh well whatever just lay down and pretend to have just woken up!!” You said as you threw your shirt on, now fully dressed.
“Come on Luke get up! Everyone should be here any minute!” You shouted, pushing him just as the door opened.
“Y/n! You beat us here!” Michael said, giving you a hug.
“Luke is still asleep? Dude it’s like 6pm!” Ashton said, pulling Luke out of bed.
“Come on guys I got the movie and popcorn all set up and ready to go...” Calum said, shoving everyone out of the room.
“I didn’t even know you guys were coming, checked my phone late. Sorry I took a nap” Luke said as he finished putting on his shirt as he walked to the living room.
“Yeah yeah whatever let’s just watch the movie!” Michael said, grabbing a bowl of popcorn and siting down on the couch.
“Is Vanessa coming?” Calum asked
“No she’s doing something.. I don’t know some dinner. Besides this isn’t really a good press moment anyway.”
The guys just nodded and started the movie. You took the empty spot which happened to be next to Luke. As soon as the lights went off he took your hand and held it throughout the movie, his thumbs tracing circles on the back of your hand. It was little moments like this you really cherished, even if it was only you and him that knew.
The movie ended and everyone just hung out in the living room, just talking and having a good time. You left for a second to grab everyone another beer. When you returned from the kitchen the conversation was no longer on the movie.
“Come on Luke she’s hot! You really haven’t made out with her or anything?” Michael asked.
“Yeah I mean come on Luke she is your “girlfriend” “ Calum said, using his hands to air quote the word girlfriend.
“Well it’s not like you can get caught with anyone else. Can you imagine the online turmoil that would create? If the fans of us or Vanessa saw something about you with another girl they’d rip her to shreds!” Ashton pointed out.
“Yeah I cant imagine how that girl would feel. Being blamed for breaking up this power couple. Probably slut shamed and everyone just hating on her” Calum added.
“Look she’s hot I’ll give her that but it’s all pr! I don’t like her like that I swear! And come on I’m not seeing anyone so that can’t happen” Luke said defending himself.
You set down everyone’s beers on the coffee table and left, all of this was way too much to handle right now.
You felt the tears drop down your face as you turned and left the room. You went straight for the bathroom, grabbing some toilet paper to wipe your tears as you cried, suddenly overcome with emotion.
Wasn’t long before you heard a soft knock on the door.
“Y/n? It’s me Luke. Let me in??”
“Hang on I’ll just be a few more moments!” You said, trying to make your voice sound cheery as you dabbed your eyes, hiding the fact you’d been crying.
“Y/n open the door, I saw the tears...”
You reluctantly opened the door, eyes still watery.
“What’s the matter?” Luke asked, pulling you into his arms.
“If this got out would they really do that? Make me look like some kind of monster? I couldn’t handle that hate!! I mean for them to-“
“Hey! Shhh... it’s alright they’re not going to find out anything and have no reason to hate you. Besides how could they hate you? The girl who means everything to me?”
“You mean the girl you have to deny even to your closest friends? Yeah great..” You said pulling away from him.
“Is that what this is about?”
“Yes Luke you don’t get it! For me to just be denied like that and talked about how much I’d be hated! I can’t do this anymore Luke! I’m sick of being your secret! So just get out!” You said pushing him out the bathroom and slamming the door in his face. He didn’t even fight back or start knocking on the door again. He just looked confused as you shut the door.
You spent a little bit longer in the bathroom, fixing your makeup and finally calming down enough to where you could face everyone again. You returned to the living room, finding Luke gone.
“Where did Luke go?” You asked
“Something about making a phone call. He’s out in the hall” Michael answered, looking through the TV guide for something to watch.
It was nearly 20 minutes before Luke came back inside. He was biting his lip, meaning he was nervous. You wondered what that phone call was all about.
“Guys there’s something I need to tell you” Luke said, not looking you in the eye.
“What’s going on?” Ashton asked. Everyone turned to look at Luke wondering what happened. To everyone’s surprise, especially yours, he walked straight towards you. He picked you up off the couch and started passionately kissing you. After the shock wore off you quickly pushed him away from you.
“Luke what the hell?!” You exclaimed.
“Me and y/n have been seeing each other for a few months now... we have been keeping it from you to keep up the whole pr thing but that’s done now and I’m sick of keeping secrets.”
“I knew it!!” Michael exclaimed as Calum laughed.
“You guys aren’t so secret... we all could tell something was up thanks for finally sharing” Ashton laughed.
“What do you mean the pr thing is done now?” You asked, still unable to process what was happening.
“ I just got off the phone with management. Told them it was time for me and Vanessa to break up. She was thrilled actually, turns out there was some guy she was secretly seeing too. So it all works out, we just stay out of the press for a bit but I’m all yours... and I want this to be known, not kept secret” Luke said, kissing you softly.
“I couldn’t agree more” you smiled, kissing him again....
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I started writing a Calum Hood fanfic and I’m wondering if I should post it here or on Wattpad or just keep it to myself??? Gimme a shout if you’d read!
Goes something like:
Alexis Ruby Day is a 21-year-old photographer. She has a job on Fall Out Boy’s MANIA tour as her cousin Chrissy is in Against the Current, the band opening for FOB. in London, she meets Calum Hood and they have a one-night-stand. But the one-time-thing turns into a two-time-thing and a three-time thing and in the end, they’ve fucked in every single city possible. Alexis doesn’t really want a relationship because of lack of time, the long distance thing and the fans being harsh to her and watching her every move while Calum thinks he’s just her fuckbuddy...
So, would you read it or should I keep it to myself? 🤔
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whitemustngg · 6 years
You mean Calum and Nia used to have a thing like relationship, but now he’s a thing with Sierra Natalie? Or he’s just f**kin girls? Soz if I got something wrong..
Sierra n is his ancient hookup from 2014/15 nd she’s been alluding tht they still hook up.as with nia, i think they were, at some point, fuckbuddies. Both nia and sierra subtweet/indirect him A LOT.
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calum-hood-could · 7 years
True. People get this crazy thought that Nia and calum are fuckbuddies. But like how you know? Did they tell you? Did they send you a sex tape? honestly in general, It doesnt matter, they can fuck, Date or be friends with whoever they want weather the fans like it or not. Its none of the fans business. We are not here for their personal life. We are here to support them as a band.
I've heard this argument millions of time. It's about looking out for them, but to a certain extent. Nia isn't exactly a good person, and neither is crystal... nor is arz really.... and there is a difference between being logical about the boys, and hating on the boys. That's the real line people need to learn.
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groupieratez · 7 years
Were nia and calum really fuckbuddies back in the day?
Still are I think
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cal-puddies · 5 years
me, you, and little hood || calum hood
the end of this part of the cigarette series! I do have a 5 years later part and a couple one off’s, but this is pretty much it. some smut, lots of fluff.
Cal holds his nine month old on his hip. She’s fussy, and sick and it’s 4 am. He wants desperately to wake you up for help, but you’ve been with her non stop for the last 5 days and he knows you need the break and the sleep.
He honestly feels bad for the band ‘regrouping’ get away now that he knows how bad this has been. Cal wanted nothing more than to be a good partner but you being stuck with a sick, fussy baby while he’s out partying with his friends just doesn’t seem fair now.
So he makes a split minute decision. Once Flynn is feeling better, you’re taking a trip, alone. Maybe a girls trip, just something to get you a few days off.
He finally gets her settled and calm, she’s just in a diaper because she was burning up, but now Cal’s laying with her on his bare chest, and a hand on her back under the blanket he’d thrown over them.
You reach for Cal a couple hours later. You know he should be in bed so it bums you out when you don’t hit his warm skin. You groan, all you wanted was to cuddle your handsome man, but he was nowhere to be found.
You finally make your way downstairs. You find Cal and Flynn on the couch together and you feel bad about how you felt 5 minutes ago. You snap a quick picture, knowing it’s something Cal may want to see later, and then you go get the coffee started before heading back to wake him up. You gently tap his shoulder, trying not to disturb Flynn.
Cal blinks a few times and looks around. He sees you, now kneeling next to him. “Hey Dada.”
“Hey little mama.” He greets in a whisper, using his free hand to pull you into a kiss. “She woke up fussy and warm a few hours ago.” He explains once he’s done kissing you.
“Did you give her the medicine?” You gently touch her forehead and brush your fingers through her little black curls. She barely moves. Cal nods to answer your question. “She’s pretty happy to have her Dada.” You whisper.
“You think I could put her down and get some mama snuggles?” He asks.
“Hmm.” You grin, “good luck. When did you give her the medicine?”
“About 4.” He looks for a clock and finally pulls out his phone, “4 hours ago. I’m gonna try it. You grab the coffee and I’ll meet you in bed.” Cal moves, wrapping his arm around his daughter and then he gets up. She stirs a little and lets out a couple whimpers, but then she’s right back asleep. You watch him walk away from you, sweatpants hung very low on his hips. “I can feel your eyes.” He smirks over his shoulder at you.
“Stop being so damn hot then.” You get off the floor and go the kitchen for 2 cups of coffee and head back into your room.
Cal saunters in and you think he must’ve pulled his sweatpants further down, “there’s my little mama.”
“Where did this nickname come from?” You laugh.
“I think Ash must’ve said it about you or something.” He explains, climbing on the bed, cuddling into your side. “When Flynn’s better, do you wanna take a trip for a few days? Alone?”
“Me and you alone, or alone alone?” You clarify.
“I’d stay with Flynn. I know that last week has kinda been hell with me gone and Flynn sick.” He sits up and rests his back against the headboard next to you, grabbing his coffee.
“I don’t think I want to just be alone.” You chuckle. “If it was dedicated time with just you and I maybe, but I also don’t wanna leave little Hood.”
“Well… I’ll take care of little Hood duties for the next few days then, let you have a little break.” He gently squeezes your knee.
“All I really need right now, is a little bit of daddy time.” You wink over at him and he smirks.
“That so, little mama?” He bends his head down a little so he can press his lips to yours. “I could love on you for awhile. I’d love to.” He mumbles. “You know what I think about a lot?”
“What’s that?” You mumble back, cupping his face with your free hand to deepen the kiss.
He grabs hip in an effort to pull you closer. “You all over me in the hotel that one night.”
“Oh…” you pull out of the kiss with Cal and put your coffee cup on the bedside table, Cal does too and you climb on his lap. “I think about fucking in the back seat of the Range Rover a lot.”
“Those were both good times.” He agrees. You grab his face and pull him into a kiss. “If you aren’t gonna let me send ya away, will you at least let me run you a bath?” He grins against your mouth.
“I have a feeling that’s not all you want.” You narrow your eyes at him.
“No little mama, it’s not.” He says honestly. He leans forward and kisses your neck, whispering to you, “I want you naked and my cock buried deep inside you.” He bites your earlobe, “wanna hear you moan for me, wanna leave bruises on your hips. I’d love to bury my face between your thighs, get you whimpering.”
“Fuck, Calum.” You whine. It takes him approximately half a second to have you on your back and underneath him.
Cal hovers over you, kissing you, moving his lips down your neck, his hand pushes up the T-shirt you’re wearing and his tongue teases over your nipples. He works his way down over your belly button. He teases you with his tongue over your panties, pushing his face harder against your core. You whimper and he moves his mouth to leave a hickey on your thigh.
“What d’ya say babe?” He asks, once the flesh is sufficiently marked.
“Yeah Cal, Yes.” You agree, back arching, trying to get friction. “Whatever you want.” You grab for his hair and pull.
Cal grabs the waist of your panties and pulls them down. He wraps his arms around your thighs and goes to town. His tongue licks over your clit a few times. “Damn baby… always so wet for me.”
“God Cal… stop talking.” You groan. He smirks and goes back to work. He licks deep, and your pretty sure you can count on one hand the times he’s eaten your pussy this way. In the back seat of the car, and when he got you pregnant. “Holy fuck, baby.” You moan. Cal is relentless, he wants you to cum. You’ve earned it, he thinks. His tongue circles your clit and then he starts sucking on it and that sends you over the edge. “Baby, baby, baby.” You whimper for him.
“You need a minute little mama? You got me all hard.” He says, pulling away. He pushes your T-shirt up and pulls it off, his hands cup your tits as he waits for you to answer.
“Mmm mmm.” You shake your head.
Cal looks you over, “I’m gonna fuck you so good.” He grins.
“Please daddy.” You whimper.
“Oh baby girl.” He grins. Cal’s sweatpants are off immediately and he’s pulling your thighs over his so he can sink in. He teases you at first, pushing just the tip in, you let out a little whimper and he sinks all the way in. “Daddy’s gonna take care of you, baby.” He coos, leaning over you.
You push your hands up his chest and over his shoulders, around his neck and he leans in to kiss you as he builds his rhythm. It doesn’t take long till your biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning too loud, and then Cal’s forcing his tongue in your mouth to keep you both quiet. “So fucking good for me.” He groans, pushing his hand up your thigh.
“Fuck me daddy.” You whine, and then Cal’s hips are pounding into you, and you can’t form coherent thoughts. He loves looking at you, he’s grinning, you’re biting your lip, digging your nails into his skin.
“Cum for me? I’m so close.” He grins at you. His lips press to yours and you cum, him quickly following behind you, filling you. He moves his hips slowly till your both done and then he collapses on you, still buried in you. “So good baby.” He grins against your neck. His lips press and suck your skin, your teeth gently sink into his shoulder.
“Feel better handsome?” You whisper, looking at him, nose to nose with him now.
His hand comes up and cups your face. “I’m never better than when I’m with you.” He promises, kissing your lips. “You’re my love. You and little Hood are everything.” He whispers.
You gently grip into Cal’s hair. “How’d we get here?” You grin. “Was it always you?” You ask.
“Well I think… I bent you over a table once… finally. After years of wanting anything with you.” He admits, “and then I got you pregnant.” He kisses you, “and now I love on you whenever I can. And we have a beautiful daughter. And I get to adore both of you forever. And I’ve known it was you, since… we met.”
“I love you.” You whisper. The two of you are just looking at each other.
“I love you.” He whispers just as quietly. You lay with him for awhile, before he decides it’s time for you two to shower. He tells you as much and then picks you up and carries you to get in the shower with him. “I know I promised a bath but little Hood is probably going to be up soon.” He whispers, pulling you under the water with him.
“S’ok Cal.” You giggle as he wraps his arms tight around you. “Missed you, y’know.”
“Missed you too.” He grins. “Think you could go again?”
“You’re insatiable.” You chuckle, mumbling against his skin.
“I just know I won’t get uninterrupted time like this again… for awhile.” His lips press to your neck as his hands slip down your thighs. You let him pick you up and he gently backs you against the wall. It’s slow, and he’s gentle. You leave your usual marks on his neck and chest, his fingers are leaving marks on your thighs, his lips are pressed everywhere, marking your skin.
“Cal.” You whimper and grip into him.
“Know you’re sensitive babe. We can stop.” He offers, lips at your ear.
“Don’t you dare.” You groan.
“Ok… I’ve got you.” He promises. His hips slow down, he wants to enjoy you. “My Pretty girl.” He moans. It’s not long from there, he’s holding you tighter, leaving bruises where he grips. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” He mumbles, pumping you full of more cum.
“How can you always do that?” You ask, clinging to him.
“Do what?” He asks.
“Always have one more round in you?” You chuckle, still attached.
“Remember the first round didn’t result in me cumming, just you.” He reminds you, tightening his arms around you and giving you a squeeze before pulling away. “Lemme help you.” He mumbles against your lips. Cal helps you wash your hair, and then you’re out of the shower and he’s helping dry you, still kissing on you. His hands help rub the lotion into your skin. And then Flynn is babbling over the baby monitor, which was vastly different from the screaming it’d been while Cal was gone. “I’m gonna get her, love. Take your time and meet us for breakfast.”
“Ok baby.” You grin up at Cal. He kisses you hard but brief, and then he’s gone, pulling on underwear and sweatpants, and then he’s out of your room. You pick up behind him, and take your time, pulling on a T-shirt of Cal’s and a pair of leggings.
You head downstairs and enter the kitchen. Flynn squeals, “Mama! Dada!” She reaches for you, but when you go to pull her from Cal,  she gets upset, so you just kiss her cheek and grab a cup of coffee.
“Someone’s feeling better.” You grin, leaning against the counter. “And daddy’s making breakfast…” you hum. “A girl could get used to this.”
Cal steps away from the stove and puts Flynn in her high chair. “My love should get used to this.” He squeezes your hips and presses his lips to yours and it causes Flynn to squeal.
“My Dada!”
Cal turns his attention to her, “but pretty mama deserves Dada love too, baby.” He grins at her. “And Dada is making our pretty mama breakfast. You’re just gonna have to get used to sharing.”
“No dada!” She giggles.
“Yes Flynn! I’ll tell uncle Ash and uncle Luke not to come over tonight.” He threatens.
She doesn’t understand but she looks at you and pouts, understanding Cal’s tone. “Dada.” She whines, and then she holds her arms out “mama!”
You smirk, watching the small girl pout at her father.
“Oh she’s got mama’s pouty lip.” He’s smug in your direction.
“The fuck. She’s got dada’s pouty lips for days.” You laugh. “Did you feed her already babe?”
“No, wasn’t sure what you wanted to give her. She does seem to be feeling better.” He agrees.
“Hey, newsflash! I don’t know anymore about this than you.” You chuckle.
“Fair enough.” He grins. He goes to the cabinet to find something to give her.
“What about eggs Cal? Since you’re already cooking some?” You point out.
“See little Hood. This is why it’s important to finish high school.” Cal jokes. He finishes what he’s cooking and then you’re both sitting down at the table, he easily moves the high chair and sits it next to him. You watch as he carefully separates out some eggs for Flynn, and sets them aside to let them cool and then he’s up, getting her a bottle. He carefully pours some Pedialyte in it, and he’s back. Setting the bottle on her tray and touching the eggs to make sure they’re cool enough before putting them on her tray as well.
You both watch her take a bite and she seems to like the eggs today. So you reach over and thread your fingers in Cal’s hair on the back of his head and he looks over at you. “I know I’ve said this 100 times already today, but I love you. I love that you come home and it’s always dad mode for Flynn.”
He gives you a soft smile and gently pulls your wrist to bring your hand around and kiss your palm. “You don’t get to turn mom mode off, it’s the least I could do after leaving.”
“Yeah but you did it before Flynn was born too. It’s just nice, it’s not something we fight about. It probably helps that all of your important friends are so helplessly in love with her.” You smirk.
“Just like her Dada.” He says, turning his attention back to her, and grabbing her foot.
“Also, did I hear correctly? The guys are coming over tonight?” You ask.
“Mmhmm.” Cal nods, mouth full of food.
“Guess I’m cleaning today.” You mumble, looking around the kitchen.
“Correction. We’re cleaning today, and Ash said they’d bring dinner.”
“We need to go to the grocery store too.” You point out.
“Family shopping trip!” He smiles excitedly at Flynn.
She smiles and nods, “Dada!” Though she doesn’t know what she’s agreeing to.
“Oh good thing Dada got mama up early today, huh Flynn?” You ask.
“Oh I think mama got Dada up early.” He winks at you. You roll your eyes and get up, having finished your breakfast. “God damn, your ass looks so good in leggings.” He praises.
“Oh? I was just gonna go change.”
“The fuck you are.” He disagrees, getting up and getting a rag to clean Flynn. “You’re gonna get your trainers. I’m gonna get a shirt, this one’s gonna get dressed and we’re going to the store.” He smacks your ass as he walks by.
“Cal!” You squeal.
“20 minutes and we’re leaving. Make your list.” He calls, disappearing into Flynn’s room.
You and Cal had a very domestic day, cleaning, shopping, playing with Flynn, walking Duke, having a family nap.
The three of you are back in the kitchen, Cal’s finishing the dishes and you’re sat on the floor playing with Flynn when the front door opens. Duke is the first to get up and run to the front door. “Should we see who it is Flynn?!” You ask her excitedly. She pushes herself up to stand, and she’s a little wobbly. “Stay where you guys are!” You call to Luke and Ash. You stand too, and Flynn grabs your hands. You walk with her to where she could at least see Ash and Luke and then she let you go, wanting to do it herself.
Ash bends down and holds his arms out for her. “C’mere Flynn.” He encourages, big smile on his face. Flynn wobbles her way to her uncles, and Ash hugs her and she’s immediately giggling in delight. He trades baby for food with Luke and Luke nuzzles his nose against hers.
“How do you guys handle how cute she is?” Luke asks, letting Flynn babble to him. “Tell me about your day baby girl.” He encourages, following you and Ash into the kitchen.
Luke animatedly interacts with the baby while Cal helps Ash with the food. Cal shoves a glass of whiskey in your hand. “Just sit down baby. I’ve got this.” He promises.
“Ok! Ok!” You hold your hands up defensively and sit at the table, Luke takes the seat next to the high chair, putting Flynn in it. “So How was the “re-grouping”?” You smirk.
“It was good!” Ash exclaims from the kitchen.
“I saw on Snapchat! Looks like you had a good time… I was just here with Flynn, she was sick.” You say, knowing exactly what you’re doing to all three of them.
“I’m sorry baby.” Cal says, putting a plate in front of you and sitting next to you. “If I’d known…”
“I’m just giving you a hard time.” You laugh. “If I was really upset, you wouldn’t have been in our bed this morning.” You wink.
“Oooff, we had a good time in our bed this morning.” Cal grins, leaning over and kissing your neck.
“You’ve got virgin baby ears at this table.” Ash says, chuckling.
“That’s not fair… Luke has a sex life.” Cal jokes. Luke scoffs at his two friends.
Flynn’s asleep against Cal’s chest. The 5 of you are still sitting at the table, enjoying conversation.
“I never thought you’d be the first dad.” Luke mentions, watching as Cal gently rocks her back and forth, gently kissing her head, rubbing her back. “But it’s so natural for you.”  
“It’s just…” he stops a minute, looking at you and then the top of Flynn’s head. “I look at them, and everything I know I need to do, becomes about how it makes their lives better.” He shrugs. “Never thought I’d be the first dad either though. Kinda always thought I’d be the last.”
“Well… it was a surprise for us both. I never expected to be a mom.” You agree. “Which is why we probably had as much sex as we did.” You chuckle.
“Had? Baby… we still.” Cal argues playfully. “Ok, I’m taking little Hood to bed.” He declares, looking at his sleeping baby. “Love you so much little Hood.” He mumbles with his lips to her head.
“Little Hood doesn’t want anything to do with me now that Cal’s home.” You roll your eyes to Luke. “She actually told Cal ‘no’ when he kissed me earlier.”
“She knows… Dada is where all the loves at.” He smirks.
“Rude… watch yourself Hemmings, or you’ll be outta here.” You playfully threaten.
It’s a few hours later. You and Cal are blissfully tipsy, and all hands and warmth, and little kisses. Luke and Ash had said goodnight, and you two wander back to your room. As you’re digging for a shirt to wear, Cal gently pulls at you.
“You’re my girl, you know that?” He asks, pulling you against him, he nuzzles his nose to yours.
“I know that, love.” You confirm.
“I wanna make sure you know I’m serious.” He whispers, lips pressing to your nose. He reaches behind you and pulls open a drawer on the dresser. “I know we’re not ready to get married.” He starts, “but I’m so serious about you and Flynn. I just… I want you to know.” And then there’s a box and two chains with matching pendants. “Me and you baby.” He slips one over your head and the other over his.
“Cal.” You bite your lip to stop you from crying.
“You’re not supposed to cry.” He panics a little.
“Good tears babe.” You assure him, sniffling.
“You don’t cry much.”
“Don’t need too.” You shrug. “This is really sweet love. Thank you.”
“I love you. It’s me, you and little Hood now.” He grins.
tag list: @musicsavedme-00 @que-serasara @abitloudforanaccousticset @slimthicccal @kaxseychill
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
180 notes · View notes
cal-puddies · 6 years
holy water || calum hood
*cigarette series... smut... get your holy water... let me know your thoughts.
You grab your ringing phone quickly, you and Mali had finally gotten Flynn to sleep because Cal couldn’t call before bed.
“Hey baby.” He greets, “how's our baby?”
“Finally asleep.” You mumble.
Cal notes you sound exasperated. “I promise I’ll get the lullaby recorded baby girl. We'll do it tonight.”
“Don’t call me baby girl if you aren’t here to follow through on what that means.” You joke.
“Oh, fuck baby, don’t say shit like that… Just got to fuck you again and then I had to leave.” He groans.
“That’s ok, because I really don’t think i could’ve taken anymore.” You admit.
“Mmm… I disagree, could have tried to. You do and take a lot for me.”
“How’s tour baby?” You ask after a silence.
“Miss my babies. Wanna see my mom and my sister. Wanna hold my girls.” He sighs.
“Cal.” You groan, you miss your man.
“I know baby, 3 more shows. Then I’m home again…  for awhile.” He sighs. “Are you getting on with my mom and Mali?”
“Yes! Your mom is so kind and of course Mali and I are cool.”
“Good… need all my best girls to get along… you still picking me up?” He asks.
“Yeah, duh. You do get in around Flynn’s nap time so I dunno, maybe I won’t. I think your mom plans on sending me, either way.” You shrug, though he can’t see you.
“Mama Hood knows what she’s doing.” He chuckles.
“Miss you Cal.” You say quietly. You talk every day, so you don’t have much to say to him.
“Miss you too baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Mmhmm.” You agree.
“Love you.”
“Love you.”
“Pet Duke for me, kiss my princess.”
“Always. Night baby.”
Joy insisted you pick Calum up. Mali insisted she stay and take care of the baby with her mom, so that left you going to pick him up. You took his Range Rover to make sure you had space for his bags.
“Baby!” He grins, coming toward you quickly.
“Hey handsome.” He drops his bags and picks you up, spinning you around once. He sets you down, grabs his bags and slings his arm across your shoulders. You walk back out to the car, “are we taking anyone else?” You ask, handing his keys over so he can put his stuff in the back.
“Nope, and I told them not to ask.” He explains. He opens your door for you and runs around to the drivers side.
“Calum.” You give him a look as he climbs in.
“I just wanted time with my girl. Is that too much to ask.” He gives you his best innocent look and you know he’s up to something.
You find out relatively quickly when he finds a secluded area and parks.
“Take off your pants.” He says quietly, looking around.
“Excuse me?!”
“Tinted windows baby, no one's gonna see anything. Now take em off.” He watches you lift your hips to slide them down, “panties too.”
He licks his lips and leans across the center console, kissing you hard and adjusting your seat, pushing it all the way back and pulling your legs as far apart as he can get them and pulling you so your hips are more forward for him. His lips start down your thigh, and he licks you, while looking up at you. Your fingers slide into his hair and you gently yank at it. “This all we're gonna do?” You moan as his lips return to your pussy, kissing it, slicking his tongue through, sucking at your clit.
“Course not.” He grins. “Just gonna start here.” His tongue returns to work and you love the idea of him between your thighs like this, where you might get caught.
“God Calum.” You moan.
“So wet for me…” He groans, fingers starting to work inside you. “Been thinking about doing this to you since i got on the plane this morning.” His lips press gently to yours. “Need you in the back seat so I can spread you better.” He mumbles against your mouth. He pulls away and pulls his fingers out of you, sucking them in his mouth. He’s just looking at you, “well come on then baby.” He encourages, gesturing to the back. He swipes your shorts and underwear from the floor and leaves them on your seat once you’ve climbed in back.
Cal climbs back behind you and he gets himself in a comfortable position with his head between your thighs. He lets his tongue do all the work for your first orgasm, easily coaxing it out of you, and leaving a hickey on your thigh as well. It’s the first time since you’d brought Flynn home that you got to be as loud as you wanted and Calum was definitely appreciative of your sounds. He moaned into you more times than you could count.
His cheeks were pink as he pulled his face away, kissing up your tummy, pushing your shirt up. He pulled your bra out of the way so he could tease your nipple with his tongue. “C’mere baby.” He whispers against your mouth. He pulls his pants down around his ankles and he sits, you straddle his lap.
“Mmmfff.” You moan, sliding down his cock. He pulls you in to kiss you while you set a pace. “Cal.” You moan against his neck.
“That’s it baby girl.” He hums back. Cal settles his hands on your hips and lets you use him, he’s moaning just watching you. You push yourself away from him, grinding down on his cock. His head falls back.
“You jus’been watchin porn since you left baby?” You ask, already breathless.
One of his hands tighten around your hip and the other pushes up your body. You grip into his chest, nails digging into his skin. Your other hand lands beside his head on the back of the seat and you start grinding, more than bouncing. Cal knew, you were getting yourself off and he could have you how he wanted after. “Yeah baby, I have.” He leans forward and presses his lips to your neck, his free hand massaging your tits. “Didn’t think I’d get to have you when I got home, not until my family left.” He admits against your skin. “It’s so hot when you ride me.” He admits. “God baby.” He pulls you closer and rests his face on your breasts, kissing and sucking at them.
“Fuck… fuck me Cal.” He moves his head slightly, looking up at you. He presses his lips to your chin and you press your forehead to his, “Please fuck me baby, please.” You whimper.
“Fuuuuckkk…” He moans. Cal wraps his arms around your waist and changes your position slightly so that he could fuck up into you. “That it baby?” He asks.
“Yeah handsome, fuck.” You hold on as Cal takes full control, fucking you better than you could have dreamed. You cum around his cock and he quickly fills you after that. “Baby…” you groan, dropping your head back to his shoulder. He holds you tight to his body, his hand caressing the back of your head. You bury your face in his neck. “What are we gonna do about all this cum?” You mumble.
“I’ve got an idea but you may not be that into it…” He starts.
“Mmm? I think I could be into just about anything for you.”
“Important thing is, open mind.” He smirks. You nod, and he moves to lay you down, while still inside you. He slowly pulls out and you moan a little, and before you can process what he’s doing, he’s pushing your thighs apart and  licking your pussy, cleaning up both of your messes. Once he’s satisfied that your clean, his lips press to yours and he’s sharing the cum he cleaned from inside you.
You tug his hair to tug him away from your mouth after it’s been swallowed. “You are turning into one kinky fucker.” You whisper, pressing your lips to his again. “Also… hope you plan on bathing in holy water before seeing your mom.”
“I plan on bathing in holy water before I hold my daughter.” He chuckles. His lips press to yours again and then he rests his head on your chest. “Love you baby.”
You run your fingers through his hair, and down over his neck. “Love you Cal.” You whisper.
“Mmm. I should get us home.” He groans a little. “Never enough time with you.” He presses his lips to yours one more time before pushing up off of you. He pulls his underwear up and then his pants, he swipes your pants off the front seat and then fixes your bra and shirt before handing them to you.
You both climb back in the front and you get buckled in. You pull your knees up and rest your head on them. Cal smooths a hand over your hair and rests his palm on your cheek. “You ok?”
“Just a little tired and I already want more of you.” You grin.
“Oh baby, don’t say that to me. We can go another round. I didn’t even get to spank you.”
“Yeah I’m pretty sure your mom and sister are already gonna know why we didn’t go straight home.” You gently run your fingers over a visible bite mark on his neck.
His fingers gently grip into the hickey on your thigh, which is very visible in your shorts. “I told you, mama Hood knew what she was doing when she sent you to get me alone.” He smirks.
You shake your head and let out a laugh. “Of course she did.”
Cal and you drive home in a comfortable silence. When you make it home everyone is napping or at least pretending and you and Cal take a quick shower.
“My baby girl.” He coo’s walking into her nursery. She’d just woken up from her nap and she was fussy. He scoops her up and changes her, and then he’s happy to just hold her.
He brings her down to the kitchen where you, his mom and Mali all are. “Mom!” He smiles, going straight for a hug.
“My son.” She greets him, and hugs him gently because they have the baby between them.
“Isn’t she perfect?” He asks, as they both look down at the 3 month old.
“She’s Beautiful Cal.” She confirms and smiles over at you. “Are we gonna see any of your band mates?” She asks.
“Eh.. probably not for a few days.”
“Yeah right. My bet is Ash will be over for dinner. Your mom’s here. She’s gonna make you spaghetti, baby girl is here. We’ll see him by tonight.”
“50 bucks says not.” Cal bets.
“Deal babe, you’re going down.” You smirk.
Ash waltzes through the door about ten minutes before you’re sitting down for dinner. Mali bursts out laughing as he comes in the kitchen and kisses Joy on the cheek.
“Told you.” You raise an eyebrow at Cal, the two of you are sat out back with beers and the baby, having been pushed out of the kitchen by Joy.
“It doesn’t count if you invited him.” Cal retorts.
“Ash, did I invite you to dinner tonight?” You ask, he presses his lips to your cheek and grabs for Flynn from Cal.
“No, you didn’t.” He confirms. “Am I not supposed to be here? Joy’s spaghetti is the best. Like I’m gonna miss it?” He coos at Flynn.
Cal takes out his wallet and hands you $50 bucks. “I don’t want your money, Hood.” You laugh, handing it back to him.
He folds it and sticks it in your pocket, “it’s rightfully yours, my love.” He laughs.
“That’s a gnarly hickey on your thigh.” Ash says, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Someone couldn’t wait…” you eyed Cal.
“It’s true, that’s why you had to find your own ride home… cause mine was gonna be ridin me.” He smirks.
“God Cal.” You groan, lightly smacking his shoulder.
“Not like you were any nicer.” Ash laughs, his fingers point the bite mark on Cal’s neck.
“Let’s just leave it at, we both had a good time with each other.”
“Kids! Dinner!” Joy calls. And the three of you go back inside.
The conversation is light and full of laughter during dinner, you could definitely see where Cal got some of his character traits from.
And things were great, you laughed so hard you cried at some of the stories Ash told. Joy finally wanted to get serious so she turned her attention to you and Cal.
“So, What’s next for the two of you?” She asks.
Cal smiles at your and rubs his hand on your thigh, “well, we’re gonna figure out how to raise a kid.” He shrugs, “our number one is to make sure she’s happy and healthy and loved.” You nod your head and agree.
“So marriage isn’t in the future.” She clarifies.
“Mom are you kidding? They were barely together before she found out she was pregnant. They thought it could have been Ashton’s for at least a month.” Mali interjects.
“Mal.” Cal’s tone is sharp, but she’s definitely already said way too much.
You stare at the side of Cal’s face because you don’t want to make eye contact with anyone at the table. He squeezes your thigh and you grab his hand and push it away. He hadn’t told you he told Mali.
Joy turns her attention to Ash, “I guess I didn’t realize you dated her before Cal.”
“Mom… don’t try to make sense of this. It was a lot of weird decisions made on everyone’s part.” Cal starts to explain. “What matters, is we” He looks at you, “have a kid, that we’re raising together, and we’re in love.”
“Uhm… excuse me.” You get up and walk out of the room, heading toward Flynn, where she’s set up in the living room.
“Baby…?” Cal asks quietly from behind you.
“Not right now, Cal. Please.” You whisper.
“I’m sorry baby.” He mentions and you hear him retreat to the dining room. You can hear them, Joy’s tone as she tries to dissect the new information, Cal and Ash doing their best to defend you and themselves.
You pass the dining room with Flynn in your arms to make a bottle and everyone hushes a little. That’s when you felt the tears prick your eyes.
Cal comes into your room later, he’d just finished up his evening with his mom and his sister, Ash had left shortly after dinner, Flynn was asleep in her bassinet in the room, even though you’d stopped using it the month prior, you wanted her close.
“My love?” Cal asks. You look up from the book you’re reading. “You ok?”
“Yeah… just a little bummed. I didn’t realize you told Mali about that… I just.”
“I know.” He interjects. “I should have told you.”
“I was just bummed because like… I didn’t even want to tell your band, but I did… just thought I’d get a say in that.” You shrug. “I mean I just met your mom. And now this is what she knows about me.”
“And she knows your a great mom, who is in love with her son, a great friend to her daughter, an amazing friend to those around her. This wasn’t how I wanted her to find out, I wanted it to be years down the line, when we’ve been together for awhile and Flynn is older. But… she knows you're great. She knows I love you, and you love me and that’s all that matters.”
“It just sucks Cal.” You whisper, giving him a sad smile.
He collapses on the bed next you and pulls at your free hand so he can kiss your palm. “I know baby, I’m so sorry.” He looks at you and you can tell he really does feel bad. “She about ready to eat again?” He asks, eyeing the baby.
“Yeah She should be waking up any time now.”
“Mmm Kay… daddy wants some more mommy time…” He smirks.
“Not with your mom and sister in the house!” You exclaim.
“We’ll be quiet pretty girl, promise.” He winks and Flynn starts to whimper. He’s up immediately and picking her up, taking her to get a bottle.
He comes back, feeding her and humming to her. You watch him, a grin on your face. “You’re a good dad.” You say quietly, as he sits next to you.
“You two make it easy.” He admits. He sets the little one down between you after he burps her. You both admire her. “We made a good one.”
“That we did.” You gently rub her tummy, and her eyes start to close.
Cal gently scoops her into his arms to take her to bed. “Mama must be really good at that because it works on dada too.” He chuckles to her.
Cal comes back, shutting the door behind him. He has the baby monitor in hand and he sets it on his nightstand. “Now it’s mama’s turn to be taken care of.” He whispers, pulling the book from you and marking your page. He kneels on the bed and leans over to kiss you.
“What’d you have in mind?” You mumble against his lips.
“I kinda wanna taste you again but I can’t keep ya quiet and you were so loud in the car.” He chuckles, pushing his hand up your bare thigh, long fingers gently teasing over your panties.
“Yeah… we were alone in the car… and it’s a small space so it sounded louder than it might have been.” You try to convince him.
He presses his lips to yours, and moves your panties to the side, gently slicking his fingertips through your center. “Feels like you wanna cum for me again.” He mentions against your lips.
“Never said,” he pushes two fingers in, watching your face, “ahh… I didn’t.” You admit.
“Make your pretty little sounds for me baby.” He starts working his fingers in and out of you, his thumb lands on your clit. Little whimpers start to leave your mouth, and he grins as he listens to you. “You’re getting me so hard.” He whispers, pressing his lips to your cheek. You reach for his dick and he stops you. “This is about you, pretty girl.” He explains, moving so he’s next to you. He spreads his legs, “C’mere.” He pats the bed between his legs and removes his fingers from you. He sucks on them and lets out a little moan. He pulls your panties down as you move to get situated.
His fingers easily slide back into you. And his other hand holds you against him, massaging your tits under your shirt. “Cal” you whimper quietly, turning your head to get his lips.
“You’re gonna cum so good for me.” He whispers, kissing you harder as his fingers work faster and harder in you, your whimpers are getting more desperate and you can feel him rutting his hips against your back. Your back is arched against him and you clamp your legs closed when you can’t take anymore. He gently pushes your legs back open and slowly works you through your orgasm. “That’s it my love. So good for me.” He whispers. He pulls his fingers out and lightly slides this over your clit, “so wet.” He groans. He keeps doing that while kissing you, letting you come down. When your body finally relaxes against him, he pulls out of the kiss and sticks his fingers in his mouth. He pulls them out and wipes his spit on his sweatpants, “you ready for bed now my love?” He asks, lips pressing to your forehead.
“Almost.” You give him a mischievous grin.
“What more could you need?” He chuckles. He watches you turn to face him, and lay on your stomach between his legs. “Oh.” He says, watching you ghost your mouth over his cock, hand gently rubbing at it over his sweatpants. He lifts his hips when you reach for the waistband and then settles his fingers in your hair. Your tongue pokes out and licks his red tip, leaking pre cum into your mouth.
Cal groans and it’s a little loud, so you pull off. “Gotta stay quiet baby boy, or I’m gonna stop.”
“M’sorry.” He whimpers, almost looking pained at the loss of your tongue on his rock hard cock. “Please don’t stop. I’ll be quiet baby.”
“We’ll see.” You smirk, taking his cock all the way down until your nose presses to his skin, and you can feel his cock in your throat. You hum around his cock, ultimately you've missed doing this for Cal, he was typically very appreciative and you loved his noises.
He pulls your hair and pulls you off a bit. “Doesn’t have to be porn star tonight baby, I’m about to burst after the show you just put on for me.” He whispers. “Enjoy it.”
You pull your mouth off again and continue to stroke him, sitting up on your knees so you can kiss him. “Baby boy, you know I always enjoy it.” You mumble against his lips.
He groans and bites your lip, pulling it. “I’m close, baby girl.” He warns.
“I know handsome.” You wink and sink back down, lips wrapping around his tip. Your wrist twists and you work the rest of his cock while sucking and teasing him, tonguing his slit. He grips and pulls at your hair, his cum spilling into your mouth. You work him through it, till you know it doesn’t feel good to him anymore.
He watches as you sit back up and he immediately wraps his arms around your waist and tackles you back to the bed, kissing you. “You’re so good at that.” He mumbles. “I love you.” He pushes his tongue into your mouth and deepens the kiss.
You fell asleep curled into Cal, just as you both enjoyed. You woke up sorta early to take care of Flynn, letting Cal sleep.
You make breakfast for the house, Joy and Mali coming to join you in the kitchen. Joy takes Flynn off your hands and her and Mali go to sit outside with her, Duke following them. Once breakfast is ready you sit out with them.
Cal makes his way outside when the three of you are sitting there just talking, Flynn in Joy’s arms. He grins wide and snaps a quick picture for Instagram, tagging all three of you.
4 most important ladies in my life. Blessed to have them at home with me.
tag list: @musicsavedme-00 @que-serasara @abitloudforanaccousticset @slimthicccal @kaxseychill
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
240 notes · View notes
cal-puddies · 6 years
a hotter touch || calum hood
next part of cigarette, happens after navy button down. it’s obvi smut.
Cal had responded and said that him and Duke missed you too, but it was another week before he came around.
“That Ash’s?” He asks from your bedroom doorway, watching you fold the Navy button down to return to Ash.
“Yeah.” You nod. You stand and look at him, you want desperately to go to him, but you can’t. Not right now. You don’t know where you stand.
“So you stayed at his place?” He steps in the room a couple feet and crosses his arms, his jaw sets in a hard line.
“Yeah, I did.” You nod.
“He fuck you?” Cal’s eyes weren’t leaving you, though you hadn’t lied to him before, you knew it was what he was looking for. You didn’t like being on this end of this stare of Cal’s.
“Sure did.” You keep your eyes locked on his and you notice a minor flinch.
“And?” He asks.
“And what? What do you want to hear?”
“How was it? Was it everything you wanted? Was he better than me? Are you gonna see him again?” He steps a little bit closer, dropping his arms from his chest.
“It was good, I found myself thinking about you a lot though, and comparing what he did to what you do, and I probably won’t see him again, no.”
“How do I get the probably to a definitely?” He asks, softening up just a little.
You cock your head to the side, “What?”
“I definitely don’t want you seeing him again, so how do I get your probably not to a definitely not? Something i need to do? A specific way he treated you?” He asks.
“Just… say so. I gave you that chance before and you didn’t take it.”
“I didn’t feel like it was my place to tell you you couldn’t have something you wanted.”
“Well what do you want me to say? We went to dinner, he took me back to his place, used me, treated me like I was something to be used and then took me home. You really want to hear that about your best friend?”
“That shit doesn’t bother me. We’ve all done that… and fuck, the first time we hooked up…” he pauses, he doesn’t want to say it because he doesn’t know how you’ll take it, “you were there.”
“Well at least we were friends. We hung out and we talked, you treat me like a person. And yeah that manhandling, treat me rough shit is fine every once in awhile and I know that’s what Ash goes for, but Jesus fucking Christ, I’ve never felt worse about myself.”
“My love.” Cal reaches for you, his heart aches as he watches tears roll down your cheeks.
But you recoil as his fingers touch you, “don’t touch me right now. I’m sorry.”
“Baby… He shouldn’t have treated you like that.” Cal moves closer, careful not to get too close and definitely not touch you. “I can talk to him.”
“I don’t want you to. I just… i won’t see him again. Not like that.” You whimper, and it’s sad and Cal hates it. He hates it as he watches your shoulders shake while you cry. You reach out and grab the bottom hem of his shirt.
And Cal engulfs you. “Shh… shh… sweet girl, I can man handle you and treat you rough if you like. Seriously don’t let Ash get to you, this is just where he is in his life.” He sighs, squeezing you tighter as you cry into his chest. “Beautiful. He’s not worth these tears.”
“I know and that makes me even more mad.” You groan.
Cal lets you cry it out, he dries your eyes with his thumbs. “At the risk of making you more mad, can I buy you dinner and you tell me more about how the night went?
“You want the down and dirty details?” You ask, sniffling.
“Yeah babe, I do.”
You sigh, thinking it’s probably not the best idea, but you can tell looking at him that he just really wants to know. You hold him close for a minute before you agree. “Fine.”
“Do you wanna order in, or go out?” He rubs your back.
“We’ll wanna stay in.” You say.
“Ok my love.” He agrees, pulling you back against him. “I should have said something.” He mumbles into your head. “I shouldn’t have encouraged you to go out with him”.
“He asked about you, you know? Asked about us. Asked about the marks you left.” You mumble against his chest.
“You didn’t…” he starts.
“Tell him? No.” You shake your head. “I don’t know what we are to tell him.” You point.
Cal gently tugs on your arm and leads you out to your couch. “That’s ok baby, we haven’t really established that and even if we had, I told you to go.”
“Yeah… I just shouldn’t have gone. We’re in the middle of something.” You admit, dropping your head to your hands.
Cal touches your thigh, “it’s not all on you.”
You look at him for a second and he grins a little. He pulls out his phone and pats the spot next to him, and you figure out what to order. Cal makes small talk as you wait for your food and eat. He tells you how dull the last 3 weeks had been without seeing you, and he shows you pictures he’d taken of Duke. You stay close, even as you are eating, you missed being with Cal like this. Laughing and smiling till your face hurts. Once you’re done eating he looks at you, “Well…?”
You move away a little and Cal pulls a face. “Where do you want me to start?” You ask.
“I couldn’t care less about the date.” He admits.
“So the sex… it all started out alright, we were on his couch and he decided he wanted to taste me, so he ate me out, and god he was fuckin sweet at first.” You sigh, “and then things got taken to the bedroom. And it was good old fashioned normal sex, but he seemed patronizing when he asked me to suck him off a bit, which, as you are well aware, I don’t mind doing.” You pull at the hem of the shirt you’re wearing and Calum realizes it’s his and it makes him smile a little. “So after, we’re hanging out, having a drink, he’s touching me, asking about all your marks…”
it gets in Cal’s head now that he should look for Ash’s marks on you, and he finds one as his fingers slide around the collar of the shirt, his face sets back into the hard line. “Are there lots of marks?”
“Not as many as you’ve left on me. But there are a few.” You give him a sad smile.
“Can I see?” He asks, his voice gruff. You watched his face go from sweet to something you didn’t quite understand on him.
“Ok… I guess.” You shrug.
He grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head. You can tell he’s finding the few along your collarbone, his fingers brush over them, he’s gentle and controlled about it. “Any others?” He asks.
“Hips.” You admit. He cocks an eyebrow at you and you stand and tug your shorts down enough to see the fingerprints.
“Thighs?” He asks.
“Not that I’ve noticed.”
“K.” Cal grunts.
You sit on the opposite end of the couch. Cal is fuming, “you’re mad.” You whisper.
“I am.” He agrees. He lets out a breath through his nose and his nostrils flare. “But let me clarify… I know I don’t have a right to be, not with you. I’m upset about Ash, about the way he treated you. I can tell you’re upset.” He sighs. “I should have said something, instead of telling you to go.” He’s quiet for a while. “I just… I wanna be the only one making you cum, and if that means we label it, then so be it. I want you as mine, I want to be the only one leaving marks on you.”
“Cal…” you start.
“No, you know no strings is such shit and you should have known the last time we were together that it was more than that.” His nostrils flare again, as an angry breath leaves his nose, “my girl, my love, baby, sweet girl… you’ve been around enough to know I don’t just use terms of endearment like that.” You can tell he’s trying not to be angry with you.
“I know.” You nod. “The signals have been mixed. I felt that way too and then you told me to go.”
“I know. Because I’m dumb.” He mentions. He leans toward you and grabs your hips, pulling you into him. “You’re mine.” He whispers, “don’t want anyone else to have you.” His lips press hungrily to yours.
You return the kiss, because even though you’d had Ash just a week ago, all you wanted was Calum. You pull back a little and rest your hands on his chest, “calum.” You whisper.
“Mine, baby.” His lips brush against yours as he speaks. “No one else’s, just mine.” His hands grip your ass tight. “Understood? I don’t give a fuck about anyone else, I’ll hold your hand and kiss you whenever… me and you.” He explains.
“Do I get a say?” You whisper with a grin.
“No baby, you don’t.” He says, pushing you on your back on the couch. “I gave you a say and you fucked Ashton.” He hovers over you.
“You can’t use that against me.” You smack his shoulder.
“Only time I ever will.” He promises. “He made you feel pretty bad, huh?” He asks.
“He wasn’t there in the morning. You always are. Maybe you just spoiled me.” You admitted.
“You’re meant to be spoiled. C’mon. Let me take you to bed and show you who you belong to.” He whispers, nuzzling his nose against yours.
“Mmm, please Cal?” You moan.
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re moaning for me.” He points out, pushing himself off of you. He grabs your hand and leads you back to your bedroom. “Who’s are you baby?” He whispers in your ear, holding your back to his chest.
“Yours, Cal.” You whisper back, turning your head to get a kiss from him.  He carefully grabs your hips and turns you around.
He grabs a handful of your ass before spanking you. “I dunno if I believe you yet, baby girl.” His hand comes down again. You close your eyes, and bite your lip. “Another?” He asks.
“Mmhmm. Cal.” His hand comes down again.
“These are probably more effective on your bare ass. Agree?” He asks.
“Yes baby, please!” You beg.
Cal traces a long finger up your neck and under your chin. His lips press against yours. “Oh sweet girl.” He mumbles. His fingers trail down your body, stopping at the waistband of your shorts. He quickly undoes the button and pushes them down over your ass. Both hands push down your back and squeeze your ass. “Baby.” He coos. He pushes your panties down and they fall to meet your shorts around your ankles. Cal interlocks his lips with yours and then smacks your ass again.
You yelp into the kiss. “Daddy.” You whimper.
“Mmm sweet girl, you can call me that all night.” He moans. He grabs your ass in both hands again and squeezes. “Baby I have to tell you something, in the spirit of being honest.”
“What daddy?” You groan, pressing your face into his chest.
“I let a few girls blow me at the club last week.” He keeps massaging your ass.
“I don’t care daddy. Keep doing this.” You groan.
Cals hands pull up your body and he cups your face in both hands, kissing you hard. “My love. I’m gonna be rough with you. Is that ok?”
“Mmhmm.” You agree. Cal grins at the eager look in your eye.
Cal immediately pulls your shirt over your head, and pulls at your bra. Once he’s got you naked he turns you around and pulls your arms behind your back, “so to get started, beautiful, I’m gonna need you to suck me off. No hands.”
“Yes daddy.” You agree. Calum presses on the top of your shoulders and you sink to your knees.
He pulls his shirt off and then undoes his jeans, pushing them down and stepping out of them. “Get to work baby.” He encourages.
You’re tongue pokes out of your mouth as you start to tongue along his cock in his underwear. You desperately want to grab and scratch at his thighs, but you know he doesn’t want you too.
Cal gathers your hair in one hand and pulls your mouth away from him. He pushes his underwear down and he must realize it’s weird for you to have zero control. “You’re doing good sweet girl.” He praises. “Now, your pretty mouth is so good at pleasing me, but daddy wants to fuck your throat.” He holds your face and you open your mouth. “Use your tongue baby, get used to it. I’m not trying to hurt you.” He promises. He graciously gives you the next five minutes to slick up his cock before he shoves it down your throat, holding your face tight against his body. “How’s that baby?” He asks. He pulls you off and you take a few gasping breaths. He quickly shoves you back on his cock. You’d done this before with Cal, so it wasn’t a total surprise he could be like this.
You moan around his cock, because for some reason, you loved pleasing Cal, no matter what or how it was done.
“Fuck, you love my cock, don’t ya baby?” He asks. He feels the vibration of your agreeing and then he lets his hips take over. They jerk back and forth, his cock never fully leaves your mouth but he does allow you to breathe. “That’s it baby. Gonna fill that mouth with cum.” He promises. “Your throat feels so good baby.” He coos. His hips thrust shallower, and you know it’s because he’s about to cum. Cal pulls his cock out of your throat but leaves it in your mouth. “Suck it baby. You earned that cum. It’s yours.” His thumb caresses your cheek, and you can feel the coolness of the rings he’s wearing on your neck. The extra sting you’d enjoyed in the spanks made a whole lot more sense now.
You decide, since it’s the only real control you have, to take your time on his dick, you use your mouth to work him slowly, and you know it must be agonizing, and with the way the cool rings grip into your throat, you can only imagine what it’s doing to him. Cal continues to add pressure around your neck until he feels you’ve had enough, and thats when you can’t focus on his cock anymore. His grip loosens and you let a hard breath out of your nose.
“Trying to be nice baby, but you’re making it difficult with your games.” He says quietly. “Be a good girl, suck daddy’s cum down. You don’t wanna know how bad it’ll be if you don’t.”
Your tongue gives a few more teasing flicks before you really set to work, not wanting to egg him on more. You swirl your tongue around the head and hollow out your cheeks, using your mouth the way  Cal intended. You bob your head and listen to his moans, waiting for him to fill your mouth. Cal’s grip around your neck tightens again and he holds it there as he fills your mouth. “Swallow.” He says, loosening his grip around your throat. “Good girl.” He groans. He pushes you off his cock, and pulls you up, slight grip on your throat.
You get off your knees and Cal briefly kisses you. “Bed baby, spread your thighs for me.” You turn slowly and head for the bed, and you suddenly feel his hand smack your ass. “Have some urgency, eh princess?”
“Yeah, Yeah.” You nod, taking another step toward the bed.
Cal grabs your wrist and spins you around, his free hand grips your chin. “What was that sweetheart?” He asks, tightening his grip. “Who am I?” He clarifies.
“Sorry, daddy.” Your tone is little sour and you can tell Cal does not like it at all. He smacks your ass with his free hand, and you feel the sting of his rings again.
“To the bed.” He demands. “Stop being a smartass.” He grumbles, letting go of your jaw. You turn back toward the bed and gently rub your jaw as you’re going. You lay on your back and spread your thighs as he asked. He moves closer, both his hands push up along your thighs. He delivers a sharp smack to one and you yelp. He holds his hand against the red spot, and his other hand teases at your pussy. Lightly touching your clit, spreading your pussy lips. “Always so wet after you suck cock.” He grins. “I was gonna let you cum, but then you decided to be a smartass. I don’t think you really know youre mine yet.” He declares, pulling his hand away from you.
You let out a soft whimper and Cal gets on his knees. At first he only touches you with his tongue, but then his hands come up and hold your thighs, his cold rings cutting into your flesh. Cal works your pussy expertly, he knows it well, his fingers dig into your thighs, leaving their marks until he has to use his arm to hold your hips down.
I’m gonna cum.” You whimper.
He immediately pulls his lips away and pinches your clit. “No you’re not. Remember what I said? You don’t get to cum, smartass.” He smirks as he can tell he ruined the orgasm.
“Daddy!” You cry out, frustrated now, because all you want is Cal and to cum with Cal and he’s not going to give it to you.
His fingers stay tight on your clit, “what did I say baby girl. You knew when you laid down you weren’t going to cum.” He pulls completely away and looks at you, you take in his half hard cock. “I want you on your hands and knees.” You scramble to get into the requested position, you feel the bed dip as Cal gets on behind you. His hands smooth over the red marks on your ass, and he spanks you 4 more times to add to it.
The next thing you feel is two ring clad fingers pressing into your pussy. He’s a little rough at first, his fingers pounding into you, he pulls them out out on occasion and smacks your clit, but as soon as you whimper and press your face to the bed, he realizes how harsh he’s being. And he starts to lighten up. “You’re being so good baby girl.” He praises. His lips press against your skin between your shoulders as he slows his fingers down and pulls them out. “Turn over for me.” He whispers, running his clean hand on your skin.
You slowly turn over and fall to your back, he holds the fingers covered in your juices to your lips and you grab his hand and clean them, expertly flicking your tongue over them and the rings.
He situates himself over you, resting on his forearms so he’ll be close to you. “Wanna cum for me, baby girl?” He asks, lining himself up and beginning to push in.
“Yes, please.” You whimper. “Only you.” You add, mostly to let him know you get his point.
“Yeah baby I know, just for me. You’ve taken everything so well. You’re such a good girl.” He praises, bottoming out in you. He takes it slow, pressing his lips to yours.
Cal’s pressed against you and deep inside you and you can’t help but let out the little moans. His face lights up a little when you do. “Cal… daddy.” You whimper.
“Yes baby girl?” He questions. “Tell me what you need.”
“Mmm mmm, jus feels so good.” You moan. “You feel so good.” Your hands press to his warm skin and you wrap them around his back, gently digging your nails in.
“Sweet girl.” He moans out. “You're mine.” He groans. “No more ash. No more anyone else, just mine.” His lips press to yours and you bite his lip, eliciting a moan.
“And you’re mine.” You agree.
“Yeah baby, I’m yours.” He agrees. Things go quiet from there, besides moans and whimpers and the sounds of the sex. Cal stays pressed to you. “You about ready baby? Cum with me?” He asks.
You bite your lip and nod, “Yeah… Yeah.” You agree. Cal presses his lips to yours and gives the final few thrusts needed for you. You both moan into the kiss for each other, and once you’re both done, Cal wraps his arms tight around you and rolls the two of you over, pulling you on top of him.
You lay with your cheek pressed to his chest, he’s still deep inside you. “Baby?” He asks quietly. You turn your head and look at him, his hand smooths over your hair. “You ok?” He watches you closely, “I was a little rougher than intended.”
“I’m ok Cal. I can take a lot.” You whisper. His thumb caresses your cheek and he pulls you up so he can kiss you. You go empty as his cock slips out of you.
“Bath?” He whispers against your lips. You nod and he wraps his arms around you and carries you to your bathroom. He does all the work, getting the bath ready, and he grins when he turns around and sees you're dripping his cum like he likes. “C’mere beautiful.”
He holds you against him in the tub and keeps you close as gives you his t shirt to wear to bed. “I’m gonna stay for a little while, then I need to go home and get Duke.” He mentions quietly as the two of you get settled.
“R’you coming back?” You ask, looking up at him.
“Yeah baby, I’m just gonna bring him back here. Just wanted you to know in case you woke up and I was gone.” He assures. “Get some rest.” He kisses you and then your nose and the top of your head. “Night baby.”
“Night Cal.” You grin, pressed against his side.
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
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cal-puddies · 6 years
little toes || calum hood
return of the real smut. cigarette series. let’s hear those thoughts. :)
Cal’s brow furrows as he tries to put a new diaper on Flynn. The nurse lets out a noise of frustration, this was the third diaper change that he had failed. At least he could put her in the car seat just fine.
“I’m sorry princess, I’ll figure it out.” He coos as the nurse gently pushes him away.
The doctor walks in, pushing you in a wheelchair after an exam, just as the nurse hands the newborn to Cal to hold against his bare chest.
“Happy to report, momma is good to go home.” She smiles.
Flynn has been ready since day three but the doctors had been worried about you so they’d kept you both. You’d been a little more lethargic than they’d hoped.
“Alright!” Calum grins. “Finally get to take both of my girls home.”
“Did you figure out the diaper thing yet?” You smirk, getting up from the wheelchair.
“No.” The nurse says matter of factly before turning on her heel and leaving. She likes you, but she’s had enough of Calum.
The doctor leaves you and Cal alone with Flynn, you start to pack the things Cal had brought for you, while Cal holds the baby.
“The guys postponed the rest of tour. Ashton can’t wait to come meet her.” He smiles, kissing the top of her head.
You give him a soft smile. You loved Flynn, and you loved seeing Cal with her, but you felt distanced from her. You couldn’t breastfeed, your body wasn’t producing milk, which didn’t surprise your doctor or even the lactation specialist after reviewing your history. “He’s gonna be good with her.” You cross the room and kiss the back of her head. Calum holds the back of your neck and kisses your forehead. “I’m excited to go home. I want real food and whiskey and to sleep in our bed.” You whisper.
“I’m excited to take you home. Duke is excited to meet his new human.” You give him another tired smile. “You ok baby? Why don’t you hold her while I finish packing your stuff?”
He gently hands off the baby. “Are you gonna leave your shirt off?” You try to look innocent.
“Just for you baby.” He winks. You take a seat and hold Flynn where you can look at her. Cal knows to be worried by the look in your eye. The doctor had already addressed both of you about it and you asked Cal for a couple weeks, before you wanted to address it. He agreed, because he was going to be around every day, because the rest of the tour was postponed.
She starts to fuss, it’s a little cold in the room and she wasn’t swaddled because she was supposed to be cuddled to her daddy’s chest, so you pull her in and hold her against your chest. Cal relaxes a bit at the motion.
Duke was very curious about the newborn and more importantly, he was extremely gentle.
And then she was always in Cal’s arms, he’d hand her off to you if you wanted but he never assumed that’s what you wanted.
And that lasted until Ash came over to meet her. He brought Luke with him and they were both instantly in love. And they both came with way more baby things and tons more diapers too.
“She’s precious.” Ashton says, staring down at the little girl who’s the spitting image of her father.
“Hold her?” Cal asks his friends.
“I want to.” Ash volunteers first and Cal hands her over. You knew Ash wanted a family but this definitely solidified it. “Little Flynn… first 5sos baby.” He says quietly to her and everyone laughs. Cal looks at you and smiles, and pulls you close to sit next to him. She fusses a little but Ash rocks her and hums the same lullaby Calum had been since she was born. “I’m gonna be the best uncle to you.” He promises. He kisses the top of her head and hands her to Luke.
“Hi little Flynn.” He greets. “You look so much like your daddy.” He coos. “You’ll be pretty like your mama though.” He nuzzles his nose to hers and kisses her forehead. “I love her so much.” He says, looking at you and Cal.
Cal grins, “that’s how we felt.” He squeezes your knee.
“She’s so sweet.” Ashton says.
“She’s already got Cal wrapped around her tiny fingers.” You chuckle.
“It’s true. She’s my little princess, she so much as whimpers and I’m right there.”
You gently bump his shoulder with yours, “you’ve always been attentive like that.” You smirk.
He grins and shakes his head at you. “Stop it. They don’t need to hear that.” He presses his lips to yours.
Ash is there, holding her, six weeks later when you get back from a doctors appointment.
“Hey baby.” Calum greets you. “Everything good?” He asks. You hold up to prescription that your doctor had prescribed for the post partum depression everyone knew you were suffering from, but everyone was super supportive.
“Everything’s great.” You push up on your toes to kiss his cheek, and whisper, “got the all clear for sex too.” You wink at him as you pull away. “How was she?” You ask, kissing her cheek and rubbing her back while Ash holds her.
“She just woke up.” He explains.
“And I’m fixing her bottle.”  Cal says. “Why don’t you go take a nap? We can take care of Flynn. And you need the rest.”
When you wake up, an hour and a half later, your phone is blowing up. It’s all instagram notifications so you open Instagram and click on the first comment that mentions you. It takes you to post Cal made. It’s a few pictures. The first is of Flynn and Duke’s feet. The second is of you and Calum, smiling widely at each other, something Ash had taken, and the third is of the guys gathered around her, she’s in Ash’s arm and you can only see the top of her head and them smiling down at her.
Baby girl Hood, her little toes, her favorite cuddle buddy, her beautiful mum, and the reason 5sos postponed the rest of the tour. Thank you to everyone for their love and patience. So excited for my little family to grow together. He’d posted and tagged you.
You’d left it up to Cal, whether and when he wanted to announce it, it was bound to come out eventually. And it warmed your heart to see all the love. There were also tons of demands to see her face and know her name.
You put on pants and head back to the living room, the house was fairly quiet, but it always seemed to be even when the guys were over since Flynn came home.
“Hey beautiful.” Cal greets with a big smile on his face. You look around the room and notice there were a whole bunch of people over, the guys, Crys, Roy, Mitchy, and a few of the girls you didn’t know that well. Crys is holding Flynn, cooing at her. Cal pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you. “Should’ve let you know so many people were over.” He kisses your cheek. “But I figured we’d wear her out and then you and I could have a night, since she’ll sleep so well.” He grins into a kiss.
“Can I see her?” You ask, and Crys immediately agrees, bringing the little girl over to you. “Hi little princess.” You greet the baby. She smiles up at you and it’s the first time you can remember enjoying having her in your arms. You smile back at her. “Little Flynn. Baby girl Hood.” You whisper quietly to her.
Calum grins wide, “you saw it?”
“My phone was blowing up from it. It was so sweet Cal.”
“I know we talked about not posting pics of her face…”
“It’s perfect.” You grin and lean in to kiss him.
“Can I get you a drink baby?”
“I’d love one.” You nod.
Cal talks the majority of people into leaving around 6, leaving the three of you with just the guys and Crys.
Ash is holding Flynn, feeding her, which seems to be common these days.
“See you woulda been fine if she was yours.” Luke points out as Ash holds her to burp her.
“I’m glad she’s Cal’s. I don’t know if I’m ready for this full time.” He admits. “Someone mentioned food, I know you don’t expect us to eat baby formula as well.” He looks at you and Cal.
The two of you are practically in your own world, a small, quiet conversation, his hands are on you, and you’re grinning at him. You wish you could kiss him, but you don’t want it to be weird for your guests.
“They probably haven’t had more than a minute alone since she came home.” Ash mentions, rocking Flynn. “I mean he said she sleeps well, but they’re both exhausted.”
“Guess we could try giving them a night off one of these day.” Luke says. “Uncle Luke and and Uncle Ash to the rescue.” He gently grabs her little foot.
“We should probably figure out how to put her to bed first.” He mentions. “Hey guys, sorry to interrupt… but I think little one is ready for bed. And we’re hungry.”
“Hmm.. sorry Ash!” You say, sadly drawn from your conversation with Cal. “We did mention dinner.” Your stomach growls.
“I’ll take her to bed.” Cal stands and leans over to kiss you, slipping you tongue. You let out a little moan against his mouth and intertwine your fingers in his hair. He pulls away and grins at you, “later baby.” He whispers and presses his lips to your forehead. “Why don’t you guys figure out dinner?”
He goes to take Flynn from Ash but him and Luke insist on helping, and Michael excuses himself to go with.
You and Crys start talking about what to get for dinner until you hear the guys singing the lullaby Cal’s always humming to Flynn.
“Do you know this song?” You ask Crys.
“Cal’s never played it for you?” She asks.
“No. He’s been humming it since we brought her home.”
“It’s her lullaby, he wrote it for her.” She smiles.
“Why is Michael… like mad. It’s like he doesn’t want Cal to have a family.”
“He’s afraid Cal’s gonna want to be with his family more than Cal wants to be in the band. Listen, no one thought Cal would be the first one with a kid, and so far he clearly loves being a dad and I think that worries Mike.” She sighs. “He’s trying though. He knows Cal is so happy.”
“I don’t want him to go back on tour.” You whine a little.
“I think that’s a perfectly normal feeling but it’s 10 days and Southy and I will be here and we can be here” she taps the table, “at any time.”
“Thanks Crys.”
“What’d you pretty ladies decide?” Luke asks, he’s the first one back in but the other three are right behind him.
Cal sits and you cuddle against him, resting your head on his chest. He drapes his arm around you and kisses the top of your head. “You ok?” He whispers to you and you nod your head.
“We decided… Mike gets to decide.” Crys laughs.
He groans but pulls out his phone to pick something.
“I can send them home if you wanna get our night started. You look tired.” Cal whispers to you.
“Mmm mmm. It’s totally ok. I like having our friends around.”
“I was worried about you.” He admitted. “I shouldn’t have been. I should’ve known. It’s always taken you a little while to adjust when your life changes drastically.”
You furrow your brow, “D’you think I was just gonna leave you with Flynn?” You chuckle.
“It crossed my mind.” He gives you a soft smile. “You’re still my best girl.”
“I love you Cal… thanks for being so supportive.”
“Of course baby. Thank you for the cute baby.” He smirks.
Most everyone leaves by 9:45, Luke being the only one left and only because he was holding Flynn, feeding her again. But he burped her, changed her and put her back down without any help. And then he wished you both a goodnight.
“My love.” Cal says, watching you clean up the dining room. “Leave that. Let me take you to bed.”
“Why don’t you help me instead and you can talk dirty to me while we clean.” You wink.
He comes over and wraps his arms around you. “Or…” He kisses your neck, “We can go to bed… let me take care of you, and I’ll take care of this and Flynn in the morning.”
“Can you take care of me in the morning too?”
“Depends on what care you think you’ll need.” He smirks.
“More dick, probably.” You shrug.
“God baby… c’mon. Lemme take you to bed. Lemme get you naked, taste you, make you cum for me… don’t you miss cumming for me?” It’s gruff, and his breath is hot on your neck. His hands cup your breasts over your shirt. “Been too long for daddy too baby girl, know your wet, dying to have my tongue and fingers work you again.” His nose skims over your neck, teeth tug at your earlobe. “Baby girl…” He taunts, “you really gonna make me beg you for it?”
You turn your head to Calum and press your lips to his. “Fuck Calum.” You moan, turning your body fully toward him, “take me to bed.” His hands quickly find your thighs and he pulls you off your feet, carrying you to the bedroom. He easily turns off the lights while carrying you.
He sets you to your feet the second the door is closed and he pushes you against it. His lips press to yours and then move along your jaw, and you try desperately to get any friction you can. “Baby girl.” He groans at you. “Want daddy’s cock?” He pushes your leggings down.
“Uh-huh, please daddy.” You whimper. His fingers swipe through your wetness and he grins.
“Already soaked for daddy.” His lips push forcefully back to yours and he tugs your shirt over your head, followed by his. His fingers tweak your nipples and he massages your breasts before turning you around and pressing your front against the bedroom door.
“Yeah… daddy…” you whimper. You look over your shoulder and watch him drop to his knees, he pushes your legs a little further apart, and then his tongue is slicking through your folds.
He works a hickey into your thigh and then gently sinks his teeth into your ass cheek. “Daddy can’t stand this baby girl. Bed. Hands and knees.” You scramble to the bed and get into the position he’s asked for. “This ok sweet girl?”
“Mmhmm… perfect daddy.”
“God I love your sweet ass baby girl.” You feel the bed dip as Cal settles behind you, his hand gently smooths over your skin, and then he gives you exactly what you expect, and smacks your ass. You let out a moan, and Cal uses his fingers to gently rub around your lips, and he spreads them, “you are so wet, pretty girl, did I do this to you again? Of course I did. Daddy knows.” His hand comes down on your ass again. You let out a whimper and Cal chuckles. “You love this, dontcha baby?”
“Mmhmm.” You agree, enjoying the feel of his hand on your ass again.
“Missed this too. Missed your noises. Missed your lips… wasn’t expecting you to go for this tonight though.” He muses.
“I just miss your body against mine.” You say quietly.
“I’ll do better baby.” He promises. “For now though…” he doesn’t give you anymore warning; just slides in. He lets out a low groan as he does so. His pace starts slow and you drop your face to the pillows. “You ok?” Cal asks, working his rhythm up.
“I’m so fuckin good Cal… so… good.” You breathe. “Please don’t stop… harder.”
“You got it baby.” And he delivers, snapping his hips hard against yours, he reaches for your shoulder and pulls you up against his body. His lips start working against your neck, his hands are everywhere.
“Calum…” you moan.
“Oh fuck baby.” He groans, “when you moan like that…”
Cal pulls out and you whimper, “not done.”
Cal chuckles a little, “I know baby, me either.” He gets off the bed and reaches for you, pulling you against him and carrying you to the wall. “Needed to look at you.” He explains, hips resuming their old pace.
You keep one arm wrapped around his neck, fingers in his hair, the other is pinned to the wall, fingers intertwined with his. You press your forehead to Cal’s. He gently kisses you despite the hard, fast pace of his hips.
“That’s it… cum for me.” He coaxes, knowing you’re close without you having to say a word. He bites your lip and then kisses your bottom lip. “C’mon baby.” You grip his hair and drop your head against his shoulder, letting your teeth sink into his collarbone. “Fuck I love that feeling.” He groans. Cal’s not far behind you, quickly spilling his cum into you with a gruff moan in your ear. He gently pushes the two of you away of the wall so he can hold you. “Damn baby. I love you.” He says quietly, smoothing your hair and pressing his lips to your cheek.
“I love you too Cal.” You tighten your grip around him, and kiss his shoulder.
He sets you down and steps back, reaching to hold one of your hands. “Hot as ever.” He moans, bringing your hand to his lips so he can kiss your knuckles. His free hand goes between your thighs, pulling some of the mixed juices out with it. He holds his fingers to your lips and you gladly clean them. “So good for me.” His thumb gently pulls at your lip and he leans in to kiss you. “Wanna shower with me baby?” He mumbles against your lips.
“Absolutely.” You agree with a small grin.
Cal doesn’t wake you in the morning which is perfectly fine because you were against the wall in the shower and then begging him to use his tongue on you an hour later in bed. And he’d woken you up at 4 for one more slow, soft round before you curled back up together naked until Flynn woke up.
You pull one of his shirts on and a pair of panties and then go to the bedroom door to listen. Cal was talking and singing and all you heard were little sounds from Flynn, so you figured it must just be the two of them.
“Hey, there’s our beautiful mama.” He greets.
“Hey handsome.” You give Cal a quick kiss. “Hey little Hood.” You gently rub her little tummy.
“How ya doing this morning?” Cal smirks as he hands you a cup of coffee.
“Sore. Very sore.” You admit.
“Poor thing.”
“I know! Jeez, you’d think I got good dick last night.” You wink and take a sip of your coffee.
“You did get good dick last night and this morning… remember the dick that got ya pregnant.” He gently tugs the shirt to pull you closer for a kiss.
“Oh… hmm are we sure this little baby is yours? Could be Ash’s.” You shrug.
“That little girl could not be more mine.” He laughs.
“She’s so sweet.” You smile over at her, “and she’s definitely yours… look at these chubby lil cheeks.” You rub her little cheeks, “and all this black hair, just like daddy. Huh sweet love? Definitely daddy’s.”
Cal wraps his arms around your waist, his nose skims up your neck and his lips push just below your ear, “someone else is daddy’s too.” He whispers.
You turn your head and press your lips to his, “you're a mess.” You whisper against his lips.
“You’re the reason I’m a mess.” His lips drag along your jaw before he kisses your cheek.
Cals large hands wrap around your daughters feet, and the contrast is almost comical. He kisses her little feet. “Little toes here is about ready for a nap, mama. You wanna put her down and meet daddy back in our bedroom?”
“Yeah daddy. Sure.” You quirk an eyebrow at him.
He winks and then kisses your forehead. “Hey also, Mali and my mom will be getting here while I’m gone, just a couple days before i get back…. but they’ll be here.” He mentions.
“Ohh just the girls huh?”
“If I could change it, I would.” He chuckles. “Put our little one down and come see me.” He holds his fingers in a ‘v’ up to his mouth and flicks his tongue through it. “Bet that got you so wet.” He smirks.
tag list: @kaxseychill @musicsavedme-00 @que-serasara @abitloudforanaccousticset
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
215 notes · View notes
cal-puddies · 6 years
pancakes || calum hood
light smut, fluff smut? is that a thing? anyway... tell me your thoughts. i know you’ll have them ;) *cigarette series
It’s been about a month since you and Cal became “official”, and you’d been all over town together. Getting coffee, having meals, walking Duke… and the two of you were easily the talk of the town.
Every time Cal so much as kisses you on the cheek, there’s a photo from every angle. At first he’d do his best to hide you behind him, but you both agreed it became too much trouble. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to hold your hand and that was weird and hard if you were always behind him.
The two of you were out to brunch after a particularly rough night, Cal wanted to treat you after the way he’d had you the night before and you were preparing for him to leave for promo for a few weeks. He was being extra sweet, cute grins, soft touches, sweet, toothy smiles. His voice was quiet and he seemed magnetized to you today. Every action of yours seems to have a reaction from him.
If you move and wince, his fingers linger a little longer, they worry over the marks he knows he’s left just below your clothes. “Ya ok baby?” He says quietly, fingers gently rubbing over a particularly sore hickey on your thigh.
“Mmhmm, just sore from last night.” You nod with a shrug.
“Like more sore than normal?” He clarifies.
“Little bit, but that tends to happen when I’m pms-ing.” You smirk.
“I’m gonna miss endless shower sex when I leave?” He makes a sad face.
“I’m afraid so handsome.” You chuckle.
Cal groans but  excuses himself to go to the bathroom and Ash slides into a free chair.
“You lied.” He says simply.
You put your phone down and look at him. “I’m sorry…?”
“You two are all over everything, and Cal hasn’t been around much lately, since he’s been with you. You said you didn’t have anything between the two of you.” He cocks an eyebrow and dares you to say otherwise. “Does he know I fucked you?”
“Hey Ash, didn’t know you were here.” Cal says, coming back and grabbing your hand as he sits.
“Luke and I just got here.” He mentions. “I just came to say hi, make sure this one was being honest with you.” He gestures toward you and you cock an eyebrow at him.
“I know about you guys, don’t worry. She told me.” He assures.
“Ok, well you two enjoy your meal.” He winks and walks away.
“He’s trying to stir up trouble.” Cal whispers, noticing the look on your face. “I talked to him about your date, when we went out, right after you and I made this official,” he squeezes your hand, “and he was a little bummed you didn’t seem as into him as he thought you were.”
“But why does he want to make you unhappy? You’re one of his best friends.” You ask, jaw setting in a hard line.
“He doesn’t… he thinks he can get to you and you’ll do all the work.” Cal watches you and you refuse to look at him. “Sweet girl?” He says quietly.
You want to tell him no, and this isn’t what you want, you don’t want to deal with this type of drama. Because you’re already getting it elsewhere, from the fans. You bite the inside of your lip, and try to hold back tears, “were going to be fighting something every step of the way.”
“Why don’t we get out of here.” Cal says.  
He takes you back to his place and you both stretch out on the couch. Cal can tell there’s something on your mind. Duke is curled up with you and where Cal was able to touch you before, you now seem to always find a way out of grasp and out of reach.
He deals with it for most of the day. But when he’s thinking about dinner, he’s also thinking about asking you to go home. “Babe?” He waits till your eyes drift to him, “d’you even wanna be here right now?” He asks.
“Yeah, why d’you ask?” You sigh.
“You don’t really seem like you wanna be with me right now. You’ve barely said two words to me since we got home.” He cocks an eyebrow at you.
“I’m sorry… I’m just… I’m in a bit of a mood.” You admit.
“I gathered that, but this is different than a normal mood.” He explains. “You seem pissed at me. Not just a general pissed.”
“Hmm…” you shrug. “I dunno Cal.”
“You wanna just go home?” He asks.
“Maybe I should.” You move to get up. “I mean you leave in 2 days, maybe I shouldn’t be bumming you out with my mood.”
“Sweet girl, you should stay if you wanna be here… it just doesn’t seem like you’re enjoying yourself.” He stands as well.
“Part of it is… I’d rather be enjoying you.” You cock your eyebrow at him.
He smirks, “you are a glutton for punishment baby girl… I know you’re sore, but you  want more.” He reaches out and grabs your hips, pulling you to him. “I’m gonna take Duke out real quick, then we can have some fun.” He winks and kisses your nose, letting you go. “C’mon Duke.” He calls for the small dog.
You head back to Cal’s room to wait for him. He comes back, about 5 minutes later and you're just in his T-shirt and your panties. He pulls his shirt over his head and kneels on the bed. His fingers linger over the marks on your thighs as he settles between them. “Should be gentle with you tonight, looks like.” He says quietly. “These bruises will last you awhile.” His fingers snake under the hem of the shirt, and he pushes it up, his lips press just below your belly button, you tangle your fingers into his hair and pull slightly, he groans against your skin. “Baby, you should have just said something. You know I’ll take care of you.” His lips continue to press up your stomach, he pushes your shirt up as he goes.
“I know.” His lips press to yours as he silences you. “What does gentle look like for us?” You ask, pulling out of the kiss.
“Well… let me show you!” He laughs. “Baby.” He coos, running his fingertips across your cheek. His eyes search yours for a moment, and then his lips press softly to yours. “I’m gonna miss you.” He whispers.
You smile softly at him, “I’m gonna miss you too Cal.” You whisper back, pressing your lips to his hand.
“I don’t just mean the sex either. I like hanging out with you. I like you around. And Duke likes you.” He teases.
“He’s the only reason I agreed to be yours.” You tease back, pressing your lips to his.
“I actually believe that.” He mumbles against your lips. His fingers go to a particularly ticklish spot, and he tickles you to watch you laugh and smile for him. He tugs at the shirt, “let’s get this off of you.” He whispers, kissing your nose. You sit up and he pulls it off, once you lay back down, he pulls at your panties, you lift your hips and he pulls them down. Cal sits back on his legs and looks at you.
You watch his eyes scan your body. “What are you looking at?” You ask, grabbing his hand.
He interlaces your fingers and grins, “you’re beautiful.” He whispers, pulling his hand back to get himself naked.
You scoff and his eyes go to yours as he continues kicking his underwear off. “You’re gonna say sweet things to me and not even kiss me after?” You whine.
“Wouldn’t dream of it beautiful.” He hovers back over you, his chains hitting your chest. His lips press to yours and he quickly deepens it. His arms wrap around you and he pulls you on your side.
His hand slides down over your ass and down your thigh, he pulls your leg over his hip, he gently guides himself in you. You let out a moan into the kiss and he sucks your bottom lip. “Baby.” You moan.
Cal starts moving his hips slowly against yours. He brushes his nose against yours, and holds you tighter, his lips press to your forehead and he just keeps repeating your name in little moans. “So good, sweet girl.”
“Cal.” You whimper, pushing your face into his chest.
“Beautiful, look at me.” He whispers into the top of your head, you feel his lips press a kiss there.
You pull your face from his chest and look at him, he briefly pushes his lips to yours, and then his brown eyes lock on yours, while the two of you continue to moan for each other. He draws his fingers up your side, over a ticklish spot and you giggle. Cal’s eyes crinkle at the sound and he lets out a little laugh as well. “You’re so cute.” He hums.
You giggle at him again. “Not as cute as you right now.” You hum.
“You only find me attractive when I’m in you.” He teases.
“We’d have more sex if that were true.” You chuckle. You reach up and intertwine your fingers into his hair. You bite your lip as Cal hits a good spot. “Right there.” You moan, pulling at his hair.
His hand pushes into the small of your back, bringing you closer. “I don’t think you could take more sex.” He groans.
“You’re attractive Calum.” You whisper.
“You’re beautiful, my love.” He counters, kissing your nose. “I’m close.” He warns.
“Me too handsome.” You nod, pulling his face to yours.
He presses his lips to yours, “cum for me, my love.”
“Caaallll.” It’s drawn out, and you grip his hair and pull him close to kiss him.
“That’s it baby.” He moans into your mouth. “My girl… my love.” His lips press to yours, you both stay pressed together, him inside of you until you come down, both still smiling and giggling, quick sweet kisses. “Wanna take a shower with me?” He asks.
“Mmhmm.” You smile and giggle at him. “When don’t I want to bathe with you?” You grin.
Cal pulls out and smiles at you, “that’s a good question. Do you enjoy bathing without me?” He moves to get up and takes you with him.
“No, not as fun.” You admit, giggling.
You guys get in the shower and Cal keeps you close, holding you against him, holding your hand when he’s not. Once you’re out and drying off, he pulls something out of a cabinet, “gotcha something.” He says. He tosses a tub of lotion in your direction and you catch it, “for my place. I actually got you a few things since you stay here a lot.”
You turn it over in your hands and look at it and then at him, “Cal.”
“That’s the one you like right? It’s what I see you use at home, I can take it back.” He starts to get defensive.
“It’s just really fucking thoughtful, babe. The shampoo and conditioner too.” You admit, you cross the space between you and wrap your arms around him. “Thank you baby.”
“Of course my love. I want you to be comfortable here.” He kisses the top of your head and watches as you put the lotion on. He gives you a clean t shirt and pulls on a pair of sweatpants. “Should we do breakfast for dinner?” He asks, “I’ll make you pancakes.” He wraps his arms around you and rests his hands on your ass, looking at you. His lips press to your nose.
“Yeah.” You nod, “I’m never gonna say no to pancakes.”
Cal gives you an extra squeeze, and kisses your forehead. “I know, and I can’t have you wither away before I leave.” He lets you go in favor of grabbing your hand and going to the kitchen. “Also, I’ve got grooming shit to do tomorrow, do you wanna tag along, or am I on my own?”
“What kind of grooming?” You ask, watching him gather stuff for pancakes. You hop up on the counter.
“Hair cut… nails. That kind of grooming.”
“Don’t cut too much.” You say, pulling one of his curls and pouting.
“Just cleaning it up, my love. The sides are too long for it to be stylish. And a little trim for the length. I’ll still have curls, baby.” He kisses your stuck out lip. “Plenty for you to pull.”
“I’m going, just to make sure.” You decide.
“Ok baby.” He grins. “It’s our last day together anyway.”
“I’m not ready to talk about it.” You laugh.
“It’s a few weeks. Nothing, in the long run.” He explains, starting to mix the batter.
You and cal have a relaxing night, after dinner you watched a couple movies on the couch together and then went to bed. “I needed this.” You whisper, eyelids drooping.
“Me too.” He whispers back. “Promise me something?”
“You’ll always be honest with me, and tell me if you need anything, ever.”
“F’course Cal.” You assure him with a yawn.
“Mmm k, I get it.” He chuckles. His lips press to the top of your head, “Night baby.”
The day is hectic, the haircut, the nail salon, the million or so errands he has to run. And then you watch him pack, and it bums you out.
“Don’t be sad baby. It’s just a few weeks.” He says.
“I shouldn’t have let you be nice to me last night.”
“We couldn’t have another rough night. Your poor body, angel.” He grins at you. “I’m gonna fuck you nice and slow and deep tonight too.” He raises his eyebrows at you and you don’t challenge him.
Cal wakes you up too early, because his flight was early. It’s all forehead kisses, and cheek rubs, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand as you wait with him for the rest of the guys to show up.
“I like you a whole lot.” He whispers. “A few weeks, we’ll probably text more than talk, but you can always call.” He squeezes your hand.
“I like you a whole lot too.” You whisper. “I’ll figure this out.” You promise. He kisses your forehead again, and then your nose, and then a long, deep kiss as Michael is showing up, indicating you can go home and back to bed.
-miss you already babe, Mike’s hands aren’t as warm as yours ;)
You read his message as you crawl into bed and giggle a little.
-miss you handsome. Mine are probably softer too. ;) travel safe.
Cal calls, its a week later and it’s the first time your schedules had somewhat coordinated with the time difference.
“Hey sweet girl!” He sings.
“Hey handsome.” You answer groggily.
“Did I wake you? I thought we agreed on…”
“Yeah, Yeah, we did. It’s fine, I’ve just been sick, fell asleep early is all.” You explain.
“Oh, what’s wrong?” His voices coats in concern.
“Just been throwing up, and general discomfort.” You chuckle, rolling over in your bed.
“Oh… and you got your period? That sucks.”
“My period…?” Your mind goes back to the conversation before he left, “no… actually, hasn’t started.” Your face contorts.
“That’s weird right? I know we’ve only been hooking up a little while but it seems to me the shower sex was practically clockwork… which means I should be missing it right now.”
“Yeah… no, typically. Hmm.” You chew on your lip.
“Are you biting your lip right now baby? You know that drives me crazy.”
You grin, “I’d prefer to bite yours.” You laugh.
He chuckles, “we’d both prefer that.” He agrees. “Well I should let you sleep. Take care of yourself my love, go see a doctor, keep me posted. I hope you feel better.”
“Thanks Cal. Have a goodnight! Safe travels, miss you.”
“Miss you too baby girl. Have a good night.” He says sweetly.
The call ends but your mind is racing. Cal was right, you should be having shower sex but your body isn't agreeing. Maybe it was just being sick and stress from your work.
2 weeks later, you’re calling Cal. “I thought we we were talking later, sweetheart, I don’t have time right now.” He answers.
“We gotta talk face to face, I’m boarding a plane.”
“Babe, is everything ok?” You can hear the pure concern in his voice.
“I… i don’t know.” You admit shaking your head.
“Because you’ve been sick?” He asks, “is it bad?”
“I’m not sure yet… but I’ll see you soon, we can talk.” You say, waiting for him to respond.
“Let me know when you’re here.” He says.
“Hey Cal.” You pause, “don’t worry til we talk, ok?”
“Babe… I’ll try.” He sighs. “I’ll see you soon.”
You knock on Cal’s hotel room door. You nervously tug at the hem of the T-shirt you’re wearing.
He opens the door and grins at you. One arm wraps around you and he picks you up, the other reaches for your suitcase. “Good to see you.” He breathes, pulling you in the room and letting the door shut.
He sets you down and his hands rest on your lower back and he presses his lips to yours. “Good to kiss you too.” He mumbles against your lips. You smile against his lips and he wraps you up in his arms, holding you tight. “So what’s up baby?”
You squeeze him a little tighter but pull away and look up at him. You’re smile falters and he notices. “We should sit.” You say quietly.
Cal gently touches your cheek, his fingers sliding into your hair, he leans and kisses you, his thumb rubs gently on your cheek. He looks at you, concern all over his face. “Mmm k.” He agrees, but he stays standing there.
You grab his wrist and kiss him palm. “I don’t want this to end.” You whisper. And Cal can tell you don’t just mean this moment.
He grabs your hand and pulls you to sit, he notices as you pull away slightly. You rest your elbows on your knees, and put your head in your hands. “You ok?” He asks quietly, gently rubbing your back.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” You look over at him. “I’m not sick Cal.” You sigh. “Let me… let start at the beginning. I think.”
“Can you tell me what’s wrong? Because this isn’t making me any less anxious, it feels like you’re prepping me to break up.” He asks, his jaw is clenching.
“Ok… yeah. You’re right.” You wipe a hand over your face. “I’m pregnant.” You say.
“Oh.” He says. It’s silent for about 5 minutes. You watch him sort through it in his head. “I mean… we never used condoms, so yeah… I thought you were on the pill…?”
“I was.” You agree. “But, Cal. This, errr.” You sigh, “there’s more to it. And I’m fully prepared to get my own hotel room so you can think without looking at me, I get it. We just started this…” you ramble. You stand and start to pace. “So, here’s the first thing… I was never like big into condom use, especially after we got tested, because I’m not supposed to be able to get pregnant, so I loved being able to drip your cum for you, we both enjoyed it. I found out like a year ago? It was supposed to be pretty much impossible.” You stop and look at him. His face has softened up a bit, which means the next part is gonna hurt.
“And the second?” He asks. You give him a questioning look. “You said that was the first thing, what about the second thing?”
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
240 notes · View notes
cal-puddies · 6 years
corona || calum hood
second part of Cigarette, so enjoy.... again it’s smut.
It’s been a couple weeks since Calum had you bent over his patio table in the backyard, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about it every day since.
Even though you’d seen him, it’d been in groups and neither of you acknowledged it besides a few shared glances and him palming your ass a few times when no one else was around, pressing quick kisses to the side of your head.
But, you wanted him again. So that’s how today started: How to get Calum to come over alone.
It was a hot day, ungodly hot really.
As you’re pulling on a bikini, you get an idea.
You head to your bathroom, and take a few pics of you in your bikini before heading to your kitchen. You find plenty of corona in your fridge, you always have to have it on hand for them, and you snap a couple pictures of that before heading out back to take a picture of the pool.
You arrange the photos and send off a text to Cal.
-been thinking about you a lot. Pool day?
You watch the bubble indicating he was responding. You stand, nervously, chewing your nails, maybe you were too forward, maybe it was legit just a one time thing.
But he finally responds, it’s a picture of his shirtless chest, Duke cuddled into his side.
-can I bring a friend?
You giggle and nod, before you realize you’re texting and he can’t see you.
-of course. I’d never deny that face.
He sends back a picture of his face.
-what about this one?
-why don’t you come over and find out?
Cal’s at your door an hour later, he’s got a case of beer under his arm, and a towel slung over his shoulder, a hat and sunglasses on, and Duke at his side. “You look good.” He grins, pulling you in, hand landing on your ass. He squeezes it a couple times, “such a nice ass.” He praises.
You roll your eyes but grin at him, “thank you.”
“Don’t take it too lightly babe, I know you work hard for that ass.” He leans in and kisses you, “I probably owe you a few of those. I definitely didn’t kiss you enough before I filled you with cum.”
You raise your eyebrows, “romantic.” You lean down and let Duke off his leash and into the house. Cal grabs your hand and you pull him through the house. He puts the beer in the fridge and grabs two cold ones, popping the tops and handing you one.
“So… I’ve been thinking about you too.” He admits. “I’m really glad you texted me today.” He rests his hand on your ass again and leans over to kiss your head. “Now let's see where this day takes us.”
You both get set up on chairs, relaxing for a bit with some music and beer. Cal’s touching you as much as possible. He finally gets in the pool and you both chatter on about the parties you’ve both been too.
He swims up to the side in front of you, “are you gonna get in? I didn’t come over here to watch you roast your skin.” He points out.
“Yeah yeah.” You stand and he immediately splashes you.
“The water is nice, come on in!” He encourages. You quickly pull your hair up and jump in over his head. “Hot.” He laughs, when you surface.
A couple more drinks later, and after a pizza break, the sun is going down and you’re both thinking it’s about time to get out of the pool as the day cools off. His hat and sunglasses abandoned long ago. He swims up to you and grabs you by the waist, pressing his lips to your mouth.
“This was a good idea.” He smiles.
You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. “It was too hot to function this morning.” You agree.
“You ready to get out?” He asks, lips pressing to yours.
“I’m ready to get out of something but I don’t know that the pool is exactly it.”
Cal raises his eyebrow and moves his hand to your ass. “You ever had sex in a pool?”
“No, but there’s a first time for everything.” You smirk.  
“Fuck baby… I really like fucking you.” He admits.
“I like when you fuck me too.” You retort.
“All it took was one down and dirty time and you’re all Ashton who?” He smirks.
“Why don’t you stop talkin and start fuckin?” Your lips start to press along his neck and Cal walks you to the shallower end.
He backs you against the wall and then pushes your bottoms down. “You’ve been waiting all day for this, haven’t you?” He grins. He drops the bikini bottom on the side of the pool behind your head and you nod. You reach your hands to his swim shorts and push them down, he steps out of them and drops them with your bottoms. “You want this off?” He tugs at the strings of your top before completely undoing them with his lips pressed hard to yours, never letting you answer. It’s the first time you’ve been completely naked with Cal and your response is to wrap your legs around his waist. He chuckles.
“I already told you I’ve been thinking about you since you’re back yard.” You point out.
“Mmm yeah… you did mention that and I’ve definitely been thinking about you… you’re so pretty, baby.” His hands come up to cup your breasts and he gently swipes his thumbs over your nipples before giving them a firm pinch, and he leans in to kiss you, one hand falling to your back, and other slipping between you two. “Fuck your body feels so good pressed to mine… you really wanna fuck in the pool? I know it was my idea, but I’m just thinking about all the things I’ll miss.” He grins.
You shrug, “where is your new proposed spot?” You smirk.
“Kitchen counter… you on it, of course, you were so good bent over my table.”
“Eh, I’m in. It’ll be warmer inside anyway.” You unwrap your legs from around him and move to the stairs to get out of the pool.
You turn and look over your shoulder as you walk to your towel and Cal’s still standing where you left him. You quirk an eyebrow at him. “I’m just enjoying the show.” He smirks, “you’ve got a great body, babe.”   
“You aren’t so bad yourself, Hood.” You wink, walking inside. You grab two Coronas from the fridge and pop the tops, you’re hopping on the counter with the towel under you as Cal walks in.
“You’re so thoughtful.” He says, taking a drink of the beer you’d set out for him. He pushes his lips to yours and then slips two fingers along your pussy. “So wet for me too.” He whispers against your lips. Cal uses both hands to push your thighs wider apart. You both look between your bodies as he uses his cock to first tease you and then push in. “Mmm.” He moans. He rests his forehead on your shoulder and watches as his hips work in and out of you for the first 5 minutes.
Your fingers tangle in his hair and he seems to remember where he is, his lips start to press along your collarbone and then he’s sucking and nibbling it too. “Cal.” You whimper, pulling his hair so he looks at you. His mouth immediately presses to yours.
“You’re so tight.” He moans into the kiss. His one hand is grasping tight to your thigh, the other rests on your back.
“I’m not gonna last babe.” You mention.
His lips move up your neck, to your jaw. “That’s ok babe. We can stop when you want.”
“No one said anything about stopping, I’m just gonna cum quick. And probably again if you last longer.” You mention it so nonchalantly Calum isn’t sure he heard you right. His hips keep moving in you but he pulls back to look at you and you shrug, but pull one of your legs up so it’s bent and your foot is resting on the counter. You lean back and rest your weight on your arms.
“You are something else.” He smiles. “S’pose you don’t need any of this then?” He asks, rubbing his thumb on your clit.
You suck in a sharp breath, “please don’t stop anything you're doing.” You whimper. “Fuck Cal it’s so good.”
“Yeah babe… you are so fucking good on my cock.” He praises.
You lean forward again and kiss him, you grab his hair as he bites your lip, “fuck Cal.. I’m gonna…”
“That’s it pretty girl, squeeze my cock.” He grins. His thumb comes off your clit, but he doesn’t stop his hips, both hands are gripping your thighs now as he pounds into you.
“Fuck Cal, yes… oh my god.” You hold onto his neck with one hand, your other hand grips his wrist. “Please don’t stop.” You whimper.
“Don’t worry sweetheart.” He grins. He lets go of one your thighs and grips your jaw, pulling you in for a kiss that’s all tongue and teeth, you pull out of it to moan and he bites your lip. His tongue is immediately finding its way back into your mouth.
“Calum…” you moan, nails digging into the skin beneath them.
“Fuck, you are gonna give me another one aren’t you?” He looks so proud of himself.
“Yes, yeah, fuck… oh god Cal, please.”
“I’ve gotcha.” He promises, hips thrusting harder into you still.
“That… fuck… that’s it.” You wrap your leg around Cal, “yeah, fuck baby.” You grip tighter, squeezing your leg tighter around him, pulling him closer as you cum for him again.
“Fuck… squeeze baby, that’s it… shit.” Cals hips start to slow as his orgasm races through him. His plump lips find yours in a slow kiss. His hand slips on your neck and his thumb caresses your cheek as you both come down, he’s still buried deep in you. His hips twitch slightly, drawing an extra whimper out of you, his other hand comes up to your other cheek, still kissing you softly. “You’re going to drip so much cum.” He raises an eyebrow.
“Mmm.” You agree.
He grasps the leg around his hip and your other leg and push them up onto the counter, spreading you wide as he pulls out. Cal can’t take his eyes off you, he’s torn between looking at and kissing you and staring at his cum leaking out of you. “Fuck. You’re so hot babe.” He praises. His lips press to yours. “Should we shower?” He asks, still pressed against your lips.
“You hanging out?” You ask, pulling back, giving him a questioning look.
“Uhh yeah… I thought we’d get dinner and there’s still more beer for us to drink.” He points out. “Plus… I wouldn’t be mad if I made you cum again.” He shrugs.
“You think so?” You quirk an eyebrow and he grabs your hand and pulls you to your bathroom.
You and Cal take a quick shower, and as you’re getting dressed, he watches you grab a pair of underwear, “you should probably not even bother.. we’re just going to be taking them off again.” He mentions.
You think it through and decide he’s right. You meet Calum back on the couch and he’s got two Corona’s, ready to go.
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
334 notes · View notes
cal-puddies · 6 years
stuck || calum hood
next part of cigarette smut... as if you have to ask... and we have story development! Thoughts and feedback????
Cal hates it, he hates that Ashton has been talking about how good you look, and hates that you seem to be nervous for the date.
He also hates that you’ve been under the weather. He’d seen you, you hadn’t been able to keep down food, despite a slight glow you seemed to have. He was happy to cuddle you for the time being though.
-I think I should cancel, I still don’t feel good. You text Calum.
-you’ve been waiting a long time for this.
-the idea of eating is making me nauseous.
Cal doesn’t text you back after that.
But 45 minutes later, Ash has picked you up for dinner and your sat across the table from him. He orders a beer and you stick to water since you’d been so sick.
Your stomach turns as you look over the menu and he ends up just taking you home.
“I’m so sorry Ash.” You say in the car on the way home.
“No reason to apologize. I knew you weren’t feeling well. We can reschedule.” He assures, lightly gripping your knee. “Do you want me to hang out for a little while?”
“Honestly, up to you. You didn’t get to eat. God Ash, I feel terrible.” You groan and bring your hand to your stomach. “Maybe you should just go… not to be rude, but I don’t want you catch whatever this is.”
“That’s fair, will you let me know if you need anything? I can swing by.” He asks as he pulls in the driveway. You nod in agreement and he gets out to walk you to your door.
You curl up in bed and fall asleep in the clothes you wore out, only to be woken by Duke jumping on your bed and giving you kisses.
“Those are my kisses son.” Cal giggles, standing in the doorway to your room. “Ash is bummed, he just left my place. You doing ok?” Cal asks.
“Yeah, I just… like I told you… got nauseated looking at the menu and I couldn’t take it. All I could smell was his beer and it made me so sick.”
Cal comes and lays on the bed next to you, “maybe you should go to the doctor. I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen you sick.”
“It doesn’t happen often.”
“See I thought you were starting your period, your tits are bigger and you’ve had the attitude with me lately, and I figured it’s about time, I feel like it’s been awhile since we’ve had endless shower sex.” He admits with a smirk.  
Your face contorts, “what do you mean my tits are bigger? Why would you even notice that?”
“I spend a lot of time worshipping your tits. What do you mean how do I know they’re bigger?” He scoffs, and you knew he was right.
“You make a valid point… are you going to stay?” You ask, shifting to sit up.
“Duke and I thought we’d keep you company, yeah.” He smiles at you, pressing a kiss briefly to your lips.
“You’re not like… super bummed the date with Ash was cancelled, are you?” It’s slightly accusatory.
“You know I have to say no, right? Like I know I said no strings but it’s not like I’m seeing or fucking anyone else. I like what we do. I like that it’s you… so no, I wasn’t thrilled that he asked you out.”
“I gave you the chance to say that.” You point out, climbing out of bed to change.
“I know.” He nods. “I didn’t feel like it was my place.” He explains. Cal pulls you to his lap and presses his lips to yours.
You could almost feel the shift in your relationship at that moment.
“You know I’m gonna feel like an asshole if we have sex when I’m supposed to be out with Ash.” You whisper.
“You know I don’t give a fuck.” He mentions back. “C’mon baby girl, you’re gonna have me here all night and you’re gonna tell me you don’t want me?”
“F’course I want you.” You whisper back, pressing your lips to his.
Cal bucks his hips hard up into yours. “Good, you’re getting me. I know you like the way I feel inside you. I know how wet it makes you when when I bite your collarbone and suck your nipples.” He says huskily.
You let out a low moan into Calum’s mouth. “Cal.” You groan.
“I wanna spank you, since you’re a naughty little thing, push your face in the mattress while I take you from behind.” He groans, lips and teeth working on your neck.
“Is that how tonight’s gonna go?” You challenge.
Cal pulls off your neck, and he looks at you. He swipes his thumb across your lips, “Yeah princess, I think it is.” He smirks. “One of these days you’re gonna whimper and beg to cum, but it won’t be tonight, my love. Just gonna use you a bit.”
“And when I’m begging to cum, are you ‘daddy’?” You smirk.
“Guess we’ll figure it out when we get there… get naked for me baby.” You slip off his lap and pull the T-shirt over your head. “Bra, princess, let me see those tits.”
“Yes, sir.” You say, pulling it off and dropping it to the floor.
Cal makes grabby hands at you and you go to him. He pulls you tight against him as his lips carefully brush your nipples and he starts to tease you.
He gets you on your hands and knees and gets behind you. “I bet you look so good with hand prints on your ass.” He groans, rubbing over your ass and the backs of your thighs.
“Fuck Calum… this is my favorite.” You whimper.
“You’re getting so wet just from the idea of me spanking you. Feel how wet you are princess.” His fingertips slide through your wet folds. “Mmm, you want me to spank you, don’t you princess?”
“So. Bad.” You whimper.
“I’ve wanted you like this, wasn’t sure how you’d take it. But I shoulda known, you’re naughty.” He delivers the first spank, and it’s sharp and hard, it stings.
But you moan, “again Cal.”
“Who’s in charge princess?” He asks.
“You are, daddy.” You moan.
Hearing you call him daddy goes straight to his cock, and you let out a little whimper as his hand hits the other cheek. Cal keeps it up to ten, each of your whimpers making him harder. He teases your clit, coating two of his fingers in your juices and then taps them to your lips. “You should see how red your ass is.” He praises while you clean his fingers. “Taste good princess?”
“I can feel it… and not as good as you taste.” You swirl your tongue around the tips of his fingers and he pulls them from your lips with a soft moan.
He wraps his hand around his cock, pumps it a couple times and then grabs your hip, “your pussy is always so inviting.” He compliments, swiping the head of his cock through your folds. His fingers tighten on your hip as you let out a moan. He bottoms out in you, his balls pressed firmly against your clit. “Show daddy how bad you want it.” He quickly smacks your ass again, and then you start to work yourself against him. “Fuck that’s it princess, take my cock.”
“Fuck me daddy.” You whimper.
Cal slides his hand up your back and then wraps his hand around your shoulder and really starts to fuck you. His hand slips from your shoulder, down to your elbow and he grabs your arm and twists it behind your back, pushing your face into the bed. “This what you wanted?” He gruffs.
You wanna answer, you wanna scream ‘yes’, but you can’t, his cock feels too good and you can’t form words.
Cal chuckles, because he knows. He knows exactly where you are right now. “You’ve gotta ask to cum princess.” He coos.
“Mmm...mph...mph.” You moan and whimper.
“What’s that princess? You’re close, I can feel it.” He antagonizes.
“C...ca….Cal….” you whimper, the force and speed of his hips was something you’d never experienced before and if you had to define getting fucked, this would be it.
Cal’s hand comes down on your ass hard. “What was that princess? Who am I?” He delivers another sharp smack and your body jolts forward. “Ya know… your ass is so pretty, all red like this.” He lets go of your arm and both hands grip tightly to your hips. “Fuck I’m so close.”
“Da… dad… dy… daddy.” He let’s go of one hip and uses that hand to wrap around you and start rubbing your clit. “NO!” You squeal.
“Who you tellin no?” Cal asks, rubbing harder.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy… let me cum, please, I need to cum, you feel so good… I can’t hold it. Please let me cum.” You beg, whimpering.
“I dunno princess.” He accentuates it with a hard thrust. “You think you deserve it?”
“Daddy please!” You cry out. Cal can hear the desperation in your voice and he loves it.
“I think you need to ask again.” His hips slow down a bit, “daddy’s about to cum princess.”
“P… p… please let me cum daddy.” You whimper. Cal knows that’s it now, you’re done.
“Alright princess cum for me, cum all over my cock.” He coaxes, and you let go immediately, letting out a loud moan. Cal immediately fills you with his cum. “So fucking good, baby girl. Daddy is proud.” He groans, completely emptying himself inside you. “Mmmk baby girl, daddy’s gonna pull out and get a towel. You can’t drip any cum before then. Do you understand?” He asks. One hand rubbing up and down your back gently.
“Mmhmm.” You mumble into the bed.
Cal pulls out slowly, and then you clamp your thighs together and cross your ankles. You feel the bed shift as Calum leaves you.
He comes back quickly, placing the towel next to you, “on your back baby girl.” You roll over onto the towel, “spread em baby, lemme see.” You unhook your ankles and spread your thighs, allowing his cum to drip out of you. Cal is situated between your thighs. His lips caress the inside of your knee as his fingers gently rub at your clit. You let out a little whimper and reach for his wrist, but his other hand stops you. “You ever squirt baby?”
“No.” You shake your head.
Cal meets your eyes as his fingers move further down to your entrance. “I think we could make you for me.” He pushes two fingers in and curls them just right. He knows exactly where your spot is after months of hooking up. You shiver immediately. “What do you think princess? Think you would if daddy tried?” He watched you shrug, “I think you can.” His free hand comes down on your lower stomach as his fingers repeatedly curl into your g-spot. You whimper again, the feeling isn’t one you're used to, but all of a sudden you feel very full. “Let it go princess. You can do this for me. I know you can.”
“Calum!” You cry out as you start to squirt, soaking his hand and forearm. You continue to whimper, balling your hands in the sheets.
“That’s it princess.” He praises, fingers slowing down, lips and teeth pressing against the inside of your knee. He slowly pulls his fingers out and he admires your heaving chest and your legs spread open for him, knowing you’ll take pretty much anything he’ll give you. “You’re so good.” He praises, carefully using the towel to dry you up. He moves and hovers over you. His lips press gently to yours at first, but you hungrily kiss him back and he matches your intensity. “I’m gonna run us a bath. You stay here and relax.”
Cal comes back and easily lifts you, carrying you to the bathroom. He sets you on your feet and then he gets in, holding his arms out for you. You climb in and fit yourself against him, your back to his chest, between his thighs. His arms wrap around your waist. “You were so good baby.” He whispers against your ear. “Took my cock and my fingers so well.” His lips press softly to your skin and you rest your hands on top of his at your waist.
“Thought I wasn’t begging to cum tonight.” You mention.
“You weren’t my love, not until you called me ‘daddy’, then I couldn’t help myself.” He admits.
You hum, “I’ll call you daddy more if that’s what it gets me…” you chuckle, you turn your head slightly and your lips meet Cal’s.
“You’re probably gonna be sore angel.” He mentions.
“I already am.” You chuckle. “It’s ok though. My tits were already sore. My body seems to just be mad at me, it just makes sense to make the rest of me sore too.”
“You seemed to really like me spanking you.” He pointed out.
“Are you kidding? I loved it. I’d love for you to do it again.” You explain, nuzzling your nose against his.
He chuckles lightly. “I’m kinda hungry, do you think you could eat?”
“I’m pretty sure I have to after the way you just fucked me.”
Cal watches as you pull a clean pair of underwear on, he presses himself against you, “your ass is still so red.” He whispers in your ear. He uses both hands to grab it and you let out a little moan.
“Careful or I’m gonna want round two.” You groan.
Cal cuddles with you on the couch, he’s pressed against the couch, you’re pressed against him, and Duke is curled up pressed to you, so Cal can drape his arm around you and pet Duke.
The next week you’re off to a doctors appointment, you hadn’t gotten better, and after the conversation with Calum about the lack of endless shower sex, as you’d both become accustomed to during that week, you knew you had to.
You check your phone as you’re walking into your gyno’s office. You couldn’t believe you had to do this, she’d told you just a year ago that it was incredibly unlikely you’d ever have children.
Your phone buzzes and you see it’s Calum calling.
“Hey.” You answer.
“I’ve been thinking.” He responds. “I talked to Mali about us, and what you’ve been experiencing. She thinks…” he sighs,  “she thinks you might be pregnant.” He explains.
“That’s… I came to a similar conclusion. That’s why I’m standing outside my doctor’s office.”
“What are we…?” He starts to ask.
“Can we discuss this when I know something?” You ask.
“Yeah, baby, of course. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, handsome.” You agree. “Sounds good.”
You sit in your gyno’s office, “how? You said this wasn’t possible, you said my uterus was as barren as the Sahara.”
“I didn’t quite use those words. I’ll admit I’m surprised. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a difficult pregnancy. This was a 1 in a million chance… Aren’t you taking the birth control?” She asks.
“Of course… but since you said it’s basically impossible for me to get pregnant, I haven’t exactly made my partner use protection.” You explain.
“Should we test you for STI’s?” She becomes concerned.
“No, it’s the same one I got tested with a few months ago, he’s the only one I’ve been with. Fuck…. sorry.” You say dropping your head in your hands.
“Talk to him. It’s still early, you can decide how you want to proceed. You have options.” She explains. She hands over a bunch of pamphlets and you toss them in your bag.
You think you’ll regret it, but you head straight to Cal’s.
He opens the door and looks at you. “You’re gonna be a dad…?” You say, half question, half excitement.
He doesn’t say anything but he lets you in. You settle on the couch and Duke climbs in your lap. You start to pet him, half wondering if it will be the last time you do.
“How far?” Cal asks, pacing the living room.
“Six weeks.”
“How did this happen?” He looks slightly confused.
“I mean… it’s not like you ever put a condom on.” You shrug.
“But you’re on the pill?” He clarifies.
“But even with perfect use it’s only like 98% effective.” You explain. “Look Cal, I’ll level with you. I never asked you to use a condom or anything because i wasn’t worried about it. A year ago, I was told it was unlikely that I’d ever have kids. And I… I accepted it. So I didn’t think to make you wear condoms. I thought it didn’t matter.”
“So this is like a 1 in 100 chance for you?” He asks.
“More like 1 in a million… probably more. The doctor said it’s probably gonna be a tough pregnancy. And I get it… we aren’t together.”
Cal is quiet for awhile. During the time you pay ample attention to Duke. “I’m not… just… I won’t abandon you. I mean I want to be with you. I want to do this with you.”
“Your management is going to have a fucking heyday.” You say.
“I don’t… care. I can’t ask you to give up this kid if it’s the only kid you might have. And I don’t want to give you up either.” He admits.
“Cal I’m not asking you to do this. I still haven’t decided what I want to do.”
“I mean… is it ideal? No. Of course not.” He pauses. “I can’t stand by and watch you give up your only chance to have a kid because we’re not together and my management is gonna flip. I’ll deal with them, we can easily be together. So I say why not? Lets give it a shot. We’ve been hanging out and happy together… it’s gonna be an awkward convo with Ash, sure… but we could do this, right? I’m not crazy?”
“I’m not even going to comment on crazy.” You laugh. “If you’re sure Cal, this is what you want, a lifetime of me around and a kid that looks like hopefully you, then yeah, we could do this.”
“Well… you’re stuck with me too.” He grins.
“How do you wanna do this? We’ve never even been on a date.” You point out.
“I think we have to start by telling Ash.”
“Ok… but… pregnancies are incredibly unpredictable in the first trimester. I could end up not being pregnant in another 4 weeks.”
“You wanna wait?” He finally sits down.
“I think we have to, Cal.” You sigh, “I don’t think it would be responsible of us to tell everyone. A normal person who wouldn’t have a hard time getting pregnant probably wouldn’t tell anyone this early either.”
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
251 notes · View notes
cal-puddies · 6 years
navy button down || calum hood
feat. date night with Ashton. **smut** replaces Stuck.
Cal hates it, he hates that Ashton has been talking about how good you look, and hates that you seem to be nervous for the date.
Ash pics you up, black jeans and a navy short sleeve button down, showing off his chest, you’re in a sundress.
“Hey Ash.” You greet, as you let him in. “Gimme like… 2 seconds.”
“Hey come back here.” He says, you walk back to him and he wraps an arm around you and kisses your cheek. “I’m glad we’re doing this.”
“Me too.” You grin. “You look good, Ash.” You rest your hand on his exposed chest.
“Thanks babe. You’re looking real good too.” His eyes linger on your cleavage and you roll your eyes and pull away.
“You’re such a boy.” You laugh, walking to grab your phone.
“No babe, I’m a man… you’ll see.” He pulls you back in as you get closer, and his hand squeezes your ass. You let out a sigh and then just decide to kiss him. “Hmm” he hums.
“Sorry, just wanted to get it out of the way.” You grin against his lips.
He grins too, “s’ok.” And he kisses you again, interlocking your lips.
Ash’s hand rests on your thigh while you’re at dinner, sat next to each other, backs to the door in a booth in the back, best way to not get noticed. A tactic you’re used to after hanging out with all the guys so often.
You don’t mind that his hand inches higher, you wish he’d do more, to be honest.
“Do you wanna hang out after dinner? Go out? Or something.” He asks as your finishing the meal. Your face hurts from laughing so much with him.
“I'd like to hang out more… and I’m up for anything. We could go back to my place or yours.” You shrug.
Ash’s hand gently grips the back of your neck as he leans in, “if you come back to mine, you aren’t going home tonight.” He whispers.
“Funny, id say the same if you were coming back to mine.” You wink.
“Mmm, babe.” He hums against your ear. “You're in for a night.” He throws his card on the table so the waitress can grab it when she comes back.
He mixes you a drink, once back at his place. “So what’s your thing? What are you into?” He asks, sitting next to you on the couch, handing you your drink.
“Sex… is kinda my thing, I like to have fun, I guess.” You shrug.
“I can work with that.” He grins.
“Who said I was sleeping with you on the first date?” You grin.
“Who said you weren’t?”
“Touché Irwin.” You nod.
Within a couple hours, you’ve both had a couple drinks and you’re feeling the warm buzz of whiskey. Ash is giving you bedroom eyes, and he’s tugging at the strap of your sundress while talking to you. Not that you’re paying any attention to what he’s saying, you mostly want to straddle him and have him get you naked. Cal had refused to have sex with you until after you had your date and it’s been over 2 weeks. “What’s on your mind?” He asks, drawing you out of your thoughts.
You decide to take action and move to straddle him. “I’m thinking about you.” It wasn’t a total lie, you were also thinking about how he’d do you compared to Calum, whom you’ve grown quite accustomed to.
“What about me?” He smirks. He’s cocky, you like it.
“For starters, I’ve always heard rumors…” your hand trails between you two and you squeeze his cock through his jeans. He adjusts, pulling you down on his forming hard on. “And I’m just wondering how good those lips and tongue are…” his hands slip under your dress as he grips your ass.
“Tell me more babe, you want me?” He smirks, hands now kneading your ass.
“Want you so bad.” You nod, lips against his, though you aren’t kissing. “I’ve imagined what it’d be like to get naked with you, get man handled by you. I know you know what your doing.”
“I wanna ask you question before we get there, because we will get there, what’s the deal with Cal?”
You climb off his lap and sigh, “you really want to talk about another guy when we’re about to do this?”
“I’m just saying, you guys clearly had chemistry at that party a couple weeks ago and you left at the same time.”
“Ash, I dunno, we hang out. He was supportive of this, though.” You say.
“That’s all I need to know babe, I wasn’t trying to get into anything.” He grins, pulling you in and holding the back of your neck so he can kiss you. “Now, lemme taste you.” He whispers against your lips. He kisses you, using tongue, and his hand slides up your thighs and he grabs your panties, “c’mon babe, lets get these off.” You stand and Ash pushes the dress up, and leaves wet open mouth kisses along the tops of your thighs and your stomach, he tugs your underwear down and grabs your hand. He situates himself so that his head is resting on the back of the couch comfortably.
Your left knee rests on the back of the couch and he pulls your right knee closer and it knocks him in his chest. He holds the back of your thigh. “Sorry Ash.”
“Nothing to be sorry for. This is exactly how I wanted you.” His lips caress your thighs. “Let’s see about you.” He pushes both hands up to your waist and pulls you down, closer to his face. His tongue sticks out and splits your lips, he teases your clit while humming. “What’s got you so worked up?” He hums.
You look down and run your fingers through his hair. “Fuck Ash.” You whimper.
His hand comes off your waist and he pulls at the string holding your dress straps up. “Take it off.” He groans from beneath you, quickly setting back to work. You claw at the fabric of your dress, anything to get it off like requested. But you’re not fast enough, Ash pulls his mouth away and smacks your ass. “C’mon babe, jus’ wanna see you.” He demands. You finally pull it over your head. “Thatta girl.” He smirks, going right back to work, his tongue flicks expertly over your clit.
Soon you’re hunched over, one hand gripping his hair, the other holding onto the couch for dear life. Ash is amused. You can tell by the light in his eyes as you look down at him. “Oh my god.” You squeal as two of his long fingers push into you, he slowly drags them out, knowing he’s teasing you. He repeats it a couple times, kissing your thighs while doing it.
Ash pulls off and pulls his fingers out of you and he grins as you whimper, “C’mon, we should take this to the bedroom.”
“Ash.” You whine.
“I know it felt good babe, I could see your face.” He grins. He picks up your clothes and grabs your hand, he tosses your clothes toward a chair in his room and he pulls you in for a kiss, unhooking your bra in the process. His hands immediately start working on your tits, squeezing, massaging. “You're tight, ya know? You don’t really even know what your working with yet, but I guarantee you will want lube.” He whispers, lips moving along your neck.
“So what are we working with?” You pull away slightly as your hands find the button on his pants. He drops his hands from your body, and you change your mind a little. You lean in and start kissing on his neck, undoing his shirt. You push it off his shoulders. Ash pulls you off his neck and hungrily kisses you, your fingers dig in slightly as they go from his shoulders, down his chest, to his pants. He’s still got you locked in the kiss as you push his pants down.
You gently tug at the waistband of his underwear and he pulls out of the kiss. His grin is cocky, “why don’t you take a peak babe.” At first you just stick a hand down his underwear and grip his cock, but after realizing the size, you knew you needed to see.
“My god.” Your eyes go wide as you push his pants to his knees. “I’ve heard the rumors but… fuck.”
“Think you could suck it?” He asks, quirking his eyebrow at you.
“Mmm” you let out a little moan and drop to your knees. Ash wraps your hair around his hand and he just enjoys the feel of your hot mouth wrapped around his hard cock.
“That’s it babe, get it nice and slobbery.” He encourages. You do your best but his size is intimidating and you realize you miss Cal, and his noises and his cock that’s the perfect size for you. Ash pulls your hair and pulls you off his cock, “why don’t you get that cute ass on the bed babe.”
“How do you want me?” You ask.
“Let’s take it easy-ish at first, on your back for me.” Ash comes back with lube, as you’ve made yourself comfortable on his bed, he carefully drips some over you. And then uses his hand to spread it. He drips a little more over you, and uses two fingers to work it into you. Ash is so fluid, you barely notice him moving to hover above you, using his tip to tease you. “You ready babe?” He asks. You nod and do your best to spread yourself further for him. He leans in and kisses you as he pushes in. You bite his lip as you let out a whimper. “You ok babe?” He asks, stopping.
Your face is scrunched and your fingers are digging in so hard to his skin. “Mmhmm.” You nod. “Lotta stretch, jus needa minute.” you confirm.
“Yeah babe, just let me know.” He starts pressing light kisses on your face and nose. Once your face relaxes, he presses his lips to yours. You clench around him and he moans a little in your mouth.
“Move.” You encourage, muffled by his mouth. It starts shallow, he’s barely moving his hips, and then he gets deeper, and even when you think he’s as deep as he could be, he goes deeper. “Oh fucking hell, Ash.” You moan out for him.
“That’s it babe.” Ash grunts, “fuck, hold on.” he kisses you and then pushes up and away, he ends up on his knees and he pulls your thighs over his, and he starts again. “Shit babe, yes… you’re so good.”
“Fuck me Ash.” You whine.
He lets out a dark chuckle, “not trying to destroy you yet sweetheart.” His fingers grip hard at your hips, and he picks up the pace. Ash watches your back arch off the bed, “fuck babe you are so sexy.” He watches as you use your own hands to massage your tits and pull your nipples. There just seems to be a lot of incoherent babbling from you, and Ash loves it. He loves all of it, the tight fit, the way you don’t seem to care about anything other than him and you and how good the both of you feel.
“I’m close Ash.” You warn.
He grabs one of your legs and holds it at his elbow, spreading you wider for him as he moves back forward, over you. You gasp, and his forehead rests against your chest as he watches your hips work against each other. You grip his hair and his arm, and he moves to leave open mouth kisses over your tits. “Cum for me.” He whispers, lips finding yours.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You groan into his mouth. You turn your head and your teeth sink into his forearm by your head. Ash’s lips and teeth work on your neck, leaving his mark.
He uses longer, slower strokes as he feels you clenching around him. “Fuck that’s it pretty girl. Cum for me.” His teeth sink into your collarbone as he cums, coating your insides. He collapses on you and you smooth his hair. You can feel him trying hard to regulate his breathing. He moves the slightest to pull out, and then rests himself back on top of you, head next to yours now. You turn to face him and kiss him hard, fingers tangling in his hair. He slows the kiss down, and then kisses your nose. “Happy girl, full of cum?” He asks.
You’re not sure how to respond, you and Cal love it, but you aren’t sure if Ash is into it. “Satisfied for sure.” You admit.
He presses his lips to yours and then sits up, holding your legs open for him. “Fuck… you’re dripping my cum.” He mentions. “It’s so fucking hot sweetheart.”
“Hmmm… I like the way it feels.” You nod.
“Damn.” He groans. “I’ll get you cleaned. We can have another drink, hang out, rest up… round two is most definitely in your future.” He climbs off the bed and the comes back with a wet cloth, he’s careful, he knows you must be both sore and sensitive. He disappears with the dirty cloth and then reappears, he separates his underwear from his jeans and pulls them on. He picks up the button down you’d discarded on the floor for him, he looks over at you. “You ok?” He asks.
You nod and move to sit up. “Ash, I was not expecting your cock.” You laugh lightly.
He grins, “you weren’t expecting to get it?” He asks, holding the shirt out for you, a smirk on his face.
“No, I knew I was getting dick tonight, just wasn’t ready for the size, or weight or… god you’re thick too.” You slip the shirt on and button it up.
Ash grabs your hips and presses his lips to yours. “Let’s get a drink.” He whispers, his fingers work to undo the top two buttons you’d done up. He presses his lips to your forehead and pulls you back out to the living room to get a drink.
You sit on the couch and watch as he mixes two new drinks. He sits next you and pulls one of your legs across his lap. His fingers linger over a couple marks that Calum had left on you the last time you were together, they were faded but you knew Ashton was touching you like this for a reason. He flattens his hand on your thigh and rubs from the inside of your knee all the way up to just under the hem of his shirt. You close your eyes and enjoy the feel of his hands on you, but also missing the way Cal touched you.
“Can I ask who these are from?” He asks.
“You can… doesn’t mean I’ll tell you.” You smirk. Ashton eyes you, he wants to know, but he also knows he doesn’t have a right to ask. “It’s just someone I sleep with. It’s been a few weeks though.”
“So you haven’t been with anyone since we set this up?” He asks.
“Exactly. Just been thinking about you.” You admit.
Ash finishes his drink, you continue to nurse yours, and his large hands start to explore your body, while you carry on quiet conversation. Once your glass is empty he takes it from you and sets it on the table in front of you, he grabs your hips and pulls you on his lap.
“You look good in my shirt.” He whispers, kissing you, “and you taste like whiskey.”
“And I want your cock again.” You admit.
“Mmm… not yet babe, you still look a little tired.” His lips caress your jaw, to your ear.
“Ash!” It comes out full whine as your hands land on his chest. “Please! You’ve been touching me all over for like an hour.”
“Mmm mmm, not yet sweetheart… though I can feel you’re all wet.” It’s quiet, because his lips are on yours, and it feels so intimate. And your mind wanders to Cal, as it always seems to do when idle anymore.
“What if I just… sit on your cock until it’s time to go again?”
“If that’s what you want.” He smirks. He pinches your ass and you push yourself up, so he can pull his underwear down enough. He’s hard, and you knew when you asked. You line him up and start to sink down on him. His lips are all over your neck and chest as his fingers undo the rest of the shirt. His hands go to your hips, and he helps you work himself into you.
You sigh against his neck once he’s all the way in. “So full Ash, so good.”
“I was gonna bend you over the bed, but I think having you ride my cock on the couch will be better for me.” He whispers.
You pull your face out of his neck and let out a moan, “I’d love either.” You say honestly. Ash leans in and kisses you, hands moving up to your tits, as he massages and squeezes, pulling your nipples, you start to roll your hips against his. You keep it up and let your head drop back.
“Yeah, babe… that good?” He asks.
Your head comes back forward, “Mmhmm, gimme a minute, I’ll make it good for you too.” You promise.
“Take your time and enjoy yourself… I have every intention of taking you back to the bedroom and destroying you bent over my bed, babe.” He grins up at you, “that turn you on, you little slut?” His hand smacks your ass, “I can feel how wet you got.”
“Fuck Ash, ok… take me, fuck me.” You whimper.
He grins, “that what you want?”
“Yes, please?” You start to bounce on his cock.
“Mmm k. Hope you’re ready for this.” He grabs your hips and stills you, easily lifting you both from the couch. You wrap your legs around his waist as he walks you to his room. He tosses you on the bed, “lose the shirt.” You quickly shrug it off, watching him. He slicks his cock in lube and grabs your ankle with the other hand, pulling you closer to him. He grabs your hips and pulls you so your feet hit the floor and he turns you around and shoves your face down to the bed. There’s two sharp smacks to your ass before he slips himself in.
You barely get time to adjust before he starts pounding into you. “Holy fuck.” You whimper as his hips push against your ass. One of his hands presses into your lower back while the other holds tight to your hip. “Ash, fuck.” You moan.
He lets go of your hip and smacks your ass. “This what you wanted slut?” He asks.
“Yes, yes yes yes yes… fuck… oh.. oh… fuck. Ash.” You whimper for him.
Ashton takes his hand off your lower back and leans over your, intertwining your fingers together, his hips slow down slightly. “Fuck you’re so good.” He praises, his lips press into the back of your neck. “Want you to cum for me again.”
“Yeah. Ash… spank me again. I’m close.” You moan.
“Mmm k.” He agrees, pushing his lips to your skin one more time, before letting go of your hand and pushing up.
After the first spank, you push up on your toes. You squeak after the particularly hard second one and then you moan out after the third, “that’s it Ash, I’m cumming!”
“I feel you babe.” His hands grip tighter to your hips. “Fuck… squeeze it… what a good girl.” He praises. A couple more hard snaps of his hips and he’s cumming in you again. He pulls out, “stay still babe.” He whispers, “I’ll get you cleaned.” He comes back and gently cleans you, his lips press along your spine while he does so. “C’mere babe.” He beckons, he tosses the rag somewhere and holds his arms out for you. “Just wanted used huh?” He whispers against your ear. He holds you tight against him, one arm secure around your waist, the other holding the back of your neck gently.
“Mmhmm.” You nod against his neck.
“If I’d had known you could take it, I woulda done more. Just wasn’t sure.” He explains, pulling away slightly to look at you. His lips press to your forehead. “C’mon, let’s shower.”
You wake up alone, Ashton isn’t even in the house, you discover. He left a note that he’d gone for a run and you should help yourself to coffee and food, he’ll take you home when he gets back.
It wasn’t the first comparison that you’d had between Cal and Ash but it was maybe the last you needed. Calum never left you alone. If he needs you to get up and get the day moving, it always involves coffee and kisses, or at least an explanation.
You’re in Ash’s room gathering your clothes when he gets back. “Hey did you get my note?” He asks.
“Yeah, I was just gonna get dressed so I was ready when you got back, you must be busy today.” You explain.
“Here, let me just grab you a pair of shorts.” His lips briefly brush your cheek as he hands you the shorts. You fold up your clothes and slip on his shorts, and he takes you home. You take a quick shower and crawl into bed, you didn’t get a lot of sleep at Ash’s.
You check your phone, Cal had sent you a picture of him and Duke hanging out in his backyard.
-miss you guys. You text back before rolling over to take a nap.
cigarette || corona || rolling papers || black on black|| stuck || navy button down || a hotter touch || pancakes || the second thing || ours || losing you || little toes || holy water || date night || me, you and little hood || five years later
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
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