#frecklewish kin
starclanstims · 8 months
hi hello its me again
can i have a frecklewish stimboard with themes of snakes and dark forest. please and thank you
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frecklewish stimboard with snake and dark forest themes requested by: @sleepinginmute
hihi! hope it's alright i went with murdermitties' frecklewish ^^ let me know if you want anything changed!
credit: x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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kinboardsforthesoul · 2 years
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Frecklewish moodboard with light brown and warm/comfy feelings for anon
(Center pic from here)
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Could I have a pendulum reading for Ashfur and Frecklewish(TC)?
<positive>It's amusing to see a Frecklewish. There are plenty of Mapleshades but a Frecklewish, that is interesting.</positive>
Ashfur - I Don't Know to canon, I Don't Know to non-canon
Things feel really foggy here. I don't feel a pull in any direction, it's just... Ashfur. My only two cents is that I think you were like me and did not stay in Thunderclan, but I think you went to Riverclan (I did ask Jerry and he gave a soft yes). But this can go any way and in any direction, or in no direction at all.
Frecklewish - Soft Yes to canon, No Answer for non-canon
I was shoved into the river crossing scene. You didn't just watch it, did you? I'm also pulled to the theory that Frecklewish wanted to make sure the kits died and was sent to The Dark Forest upon her death.
That’s both of them! I hope this helps in any way. Remember, Jerry is just a guide. Do not take his answers to heart.
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artaintfartwarriors · 16 days
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skyscratch-wc · 1 year
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bonefall · 2 months
Sorry if this has been answered already but I know you don’t want two cats to share a name, so which Frecklewish is the true Frecklewish? Med cat or warrior, and what’s the other one’s new name?
Imo, Frecklewish MV is absolutely iconic because of her bizarre canon placement, and she's even more notable in BB as an example of how StarClan can often unfairly damn cats when they're upset. So as a result, she's the winner in the battle of two conflict names.
Frecklewish SkyClan is now Frecklewing. I'm so used to this change that I sometimes forget her canon name lmao. In addition, I'm also not sure if she's going to survive The Kin's attack on SkyClan, honestly, since I just kinda dig the vibe of an ancient Echosong instead.
Might get devious and make her a Kin sympathizer lmao
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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I made 3 different versions of her, bec she's special <3
the other 2 are under the cut! (also me rambling about RoC Maple ideas)
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The 1st design is her alive, 2nd is her as a dark forest cat and the 3rd is her spooky unstable form~
I like the idea that when she becomes consumed by her hatred, need for vengeance, and/or sorrow over her kit's deaths her form changes to reflect the worst moment of her life... when her kits drowned in the river.
The soggy form is the form she most often takes when she's haunting the river and living cats, while her more stable form is what she looks like when she's just chilling in the Dark Forest.
Ok so canon Mapleshade is like full on evil an irredeemable (she's super manipulative and narcissistic too, justice for Frecklewish!) but Im gonna make her a bit more redeemable for RoC bec her character has soo much potential for it!!
RoC Maple changes I've got so far: She is not as manipulative and self centered, and she truly believes that she needed to lie about her kit's father to keep them safe, and she was right bec the moment they were found to be half Order the Order freaked out and chased them from the territory.
Maple and the kits are full on chased from the territory and she is given no choice but to attempt the cross the river. This leads to her kits drowning, and her almost dying as well.
I may change other plot stuffs, but for now the rest of her murder spree is the same.
After her death she becomes a powerful Dark Forest spirit and she haunts the River and instead of wishing vengeance on all of Appledusk's kin, she instead wishes to enact vengeance on any cat who dares to betray a Queen or harm kits.
She becomes a spooky story to tell to kits and most are unsure if she is actually real (or at least that she actually haunts the river), but the select few know... she absolutely does.
While she is a horrifying murderous ghost, she has a soft spot for kits and she ends up pseudo-adopting a lot of uncared for kits, like Creekstorm (Crookedstar).
Im gonna have her help out the good guys in OotS, and have her actively be against Tiger and squad in the DF.
I dont think she will be redeemed enough to go to the Stars, but she becomes more respected and is in a more cat purgatory state or somethin!
Please give suggestions for her plot, especially any changes that could make her less pure evil aka more redeemable !
(oh also, Spirit Guardians of Queens and Kits Goldenflower and Mapleshade, rivals to lovers real. Idk if im even gonna work it into the plot, but just know in the background, it is real.)
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bozawarriorsposting · 2 months
The Damned Four Warriors AU
You know all those cats that everyone in the fandom always asks how they got into Starclan, what if Starclan themselves started asking that same question?
This AU follows four cat's that were let into Starclan originally now being put into 'probation' after they don't improve as people in the slightest. Four spirits get sent back to the mortal realm and do Starclan's (Clear Sky's) will or get booted to the Dark Forest. I am not entirely sure what that 'Will' is mind you, but things from fighting back Dark Forest spirits (which are a bit more "dark nightmare creatures" in this AU) and orchestrating some of Starclan's less ethical mortal meddling. Essentially, every time Starclan begins to screw cats over and random events happen that allow for prophecies to succeed, these four are the ones sent to do it. Suicide Squad but with Ghost Cats if you will.
Now, you might say that throwing a bunch of already angered and restless spirits who all died violently into situations which will only further anger and hurt them isn’t a good way to make them better, and you would be right.
The line up:
Mudclaw: His coup attempt enraged Starclan and there was a lot of debate, but his life of being basically a model Warrior: traditionalist, brave, ready to fight, and reverence for Starclan got him enough good boy points for them to let him in. Also his 'lawyers' (spirits on his side) basically just blamed Hawkfrost for everything. However, he was not content with this, and as Mudclaw increasingly began to stew in rage and bitterness over his smiting and Starclan's intervention in Windclan, they started getting nervous. Starclan spirit's do have some power over the real world, not a lot, but enough to where one rogue Starclan spirit could cause a lot of problems. So they kicked Mudclaw into this group to keep him under control and generally just give him something to do.
Ashfur: Was let in for generally the same reasons as Mudclaw, but slightly less so. He wasn't that exceptional of a warrior, but Starclan was currently still panicking over the existence of The Three. Ashfur was convincing enough and the Higher spirits didn’t really want to deal with anything regarding any of the three for now (also they don’t particularly like Squirrelflight) so they generally just gave him the benefit of the doubt. As his obsession continued in Starclan however, the powers that be basically saw the plot of TBC coming. Ashfur is here so they can keep an eye on him and keep him away from anything important.
Needletail: Out of the four, she is the one that Starclan came closest to just chucking into the dark forest. The whole “Kin” incident angered them greatly, as Clancats betrayed their own at the whims of rogues. Her heroic sacrifice won them over enough to let her in, but Needletails general aversion to authority and caustic side remained. Basically, when they got this idea, she was already on the short list of cats they wanted gone.
Appledusk: After Mapleshade went on a rampage (which was partially their fault) they wanted someone to blame alongside Mapleshade, so they settled on Frecklewish. However, as Maple then became a major river demon that drowned apprentices and inflicted generational curses, fingers started pointing again. With everyone else involved being either a leader or a medicine cat (both of which would implicitly lay blame on Starclan) Appledusk was the next one up to get thrown under a bus.
The four are thus no longer Starclan cats, they have been cut off from the stars and their connections to the ancestral plain (I will go more into that later). They can freely roam the earth and each have certain powers that let them influence the mortal world. Also, due to them not being associated with Starclan, at least officially, they can be made easy scapegoats if things go wrong and either the mortals or other Starclan cats start having questions.
This is all overseen by Clear Sky, (if this is a suicide squad anaology, he is the “Amanda Waller”) who was ‘chosen’ (decided) to guide them and punish them if necessary. He is essentially a lesser god and the one that gives them their orders. The question of what is Starclan’s will and what is HIS will is one that tends to pop up.
Overview of all the characters, subject to change based on how I think they would act and also on any new ideas
Feel free to ask questions and also suggestions, this is very barebones so I would be happy to develop it. The cast is not set in stone, or the lore, or the story, or much of anything.
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redux-iterum · 5 months
I'll start over lol, legacy naming can be fine if done well but i don't think it has. Hollytuft + Sibs appeared to us as adults so we don't get to know about them. Cinderheart was cute until we had the whole "shes actually cinderpelt lmao" moment. The two Mouses and Leafs just had no excuse to be there. And if I was Ivypool and my kid died I would NOT want some random cat immediately naming their daughter after her. Isn't that kind of traumatizing? I got rid of all legacy namings that occur -
in cats younger than Holly in my AVOS/TBC allegiances and in my rewriting exercise I'm making Sparkpaw just be really obsessed with being Firestar's kin so her eventual naming of Flamekit makes a bit more sense. At least I can excuse 4 Robinwings to the Erin's forgetting they all existing(not a valid excuse tho imo), having two Frecklewishes is just insane. Was literally nothing else an option? Frecklesong, Freckletuft, Frecklemint? I've also noticed stuff from the beginning like having a semi - prominent Ashfur in Into The Wild's ShadowClan then immediately having Ashkit/(fur) in Fire and Ice's ThunderClan. At the very least, literary-wise, it feels like too much repeating too quickly. I'm not against two Bobs existing at the same time but still…I've actually put down a good fic because they named literally everyone in TC after a dead cat and I got annoyed lol. Names were like, Ferndust Bluestorm Frostheart etc
TV Tropes has a trope relevant to this: One-Steve Limit. While it's very common for people to share names in the real world, in fiction it's avoided to make things easier on your readers/viewers and prevent repetitiveness. The point of not sharing names is for each character to stand out on their own; often when there are multiples of one name (for example, Heather in "Heathers"), there's a reason to it, usually to mock the hivemind-nature of the characters or establish a theme of putting people in boxes they can't escape from (such as in Steven Universe where every gem of one type shares the same name and remains stuck in one role for their entire existence).
In the case of Warriors, I feel that "rule" rings truest. To be entirely fair to the writers, they have hundreds of characters to name, most of them never even showing up in the books beyond being mentioned in the allegiances. A prefix or suffix is going to appear multiple times - that's just unavoidable, especially if you have rules in place for what names are allowed that limits your options. I can't blame them for that issue coming up a few times accidentally.
What I can blame them for is deliberately using names that have important characters attached to them barely a generation later. In a setting where you have to keep track of every name, even as a reader, it's going to cause nothing but trouble if Greystripe dies and in the next book there's a Greykit in the very same Clan. It creates a constant stream of Grey-, which can accidentally confuse readers, or at the very least trip them up for a few seconds - something you DO NOT want in a story, especially one aimed at kids, where things need to be clear and concise.
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If you were to guess right now with no information, what are your top contenders for the voice Moonpaw is hearing?
For me? It’s Sol, Sleekwhisker, or Curlfeather, with the former two being the most likely imo.
At the moment I’m definitely thinking Sol the most, given how popular he is and the lack of resolution on his character. Also how if it is him, there would be a whole “sun and moon” thing going on with the names.
I think Mapleshade perhaps as a close second just because she’s popular and still exists in the dark forest.
I think Curlfeather and Sleekwhisker are also great possibilities as well! Although I would like to hope Sleekwhisker is alive out there somewhere, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they killed her off randomly offscreen - would make for a surprising reveal though. Also I thought maybe Splashtail if he dies at the end of asc.
I think also maybe she could have something going on like Goosefeather where he just received prophecies really aggressively, if Moonpaw is a NightSun kit should would be distantly related to Goosefeather through Nightheart so maybe it’s something they might bring back and Goosefeather could appear to his distant kin and recount his experiences.
Two possibilities I’ve thought of and think they might do and probably shouldn’t is Scourge (he’s been gone too long imo, it would feel random), and have the voice actually be a non supernatural mental health issue (I say they shouldn’t do the latter just because I don’t trust them not to be horribly ableist about the whole thing)
Edit: Also I just thought there is a definite possibility the voice could be Frecklewish (TC) so the Erins can prove to the fans how evil they interpret her as to the fans
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wc-confessions · 4 months
This is a very long rant. There might be spelling, grammar errors, or random words there because of autocorrect, and I might miss them since I'm a bit blind and dyslexic.
The way the fandom instantly chalks up female character hate to misogyny is so damn ridiculous, and both shows people here don't know what that word means, and they also don't actually give a damn about the actual misogyny that women suffer if someone hating or slightly disliking a female character sets them off. The prime examples of characters that people get called misogynists for are Mapleshade, Squirrelflight, and, surprisingly, Frecklewish. I can guarantee you that nobody who hates or dislikes these characters is misogynist, and it's rare that you'll actually find a Warriors fan who is blatantly misogynist while understanding how and why they are. For one, not everyone here understands what things are and aren't misogynist, and to stick that label to them for zero reason is super shitty. There are many reasons why people hate the characters listed:
Mapleshade: Generally, she is just dumb as hell, cruelly used Birchface's name to cover up her lies,showed zero remorse when brought to trial, and stupidly crossed a flash-flooded river when there was a bridge (already somewhat flooded when she got there, if I remember). But if not, it was still heavily raining. Blame everyone else for the things she caused and did; she killed Spottedleaf (this is why some people hate her, yes, lol, and frecklewish, and attempted to on Reedshine). And for grooming kids, and for those who will argue that she isn't, you're instantly wrong, and simply reading the books while also looking at the definitions of that word will prove you're wrong. I am saying this as a victim of this topic. Crookedstar and Tigerstar are her victims. While Crookedkit was vulnerable and tossed aside, she took advantage of this and later went in to exploit him, emotionally abuse him, and cause psychological turmoil and distress. She later went on to do this to Tigerkit. Since birth, she has been inside his head, telling him what to do and raising him to be the cold killer he is. She even admits in his novella that she's walked with him since birth. While her grooming isn't sexual, it's still extremely gross. I can't speak for everyone who hates her, but this is the biggest reason I don't like her.
Frecklewish: Yes, while she was definitely grieving, and while Mapleshade was definitely a ass and in the wrong for her lies, Frecklewish is far from innocent. She never truly loved those kits and only saw them as extensions of her late brother once the truth was revealed that they weren't really related and instead were the kin of his killer. That's what caused her to turn on them so quickly; her "love" was purely conditional. She then went on to dehumanize and call literal babies slurs, tell them that they don't deserve to be warriors, and later call for their exile without a second thought. No matter how angry you are, don't do that to children. Mapleshade definitely deserved her wrath, but not those kids. And it just gets worse as she watches them drown. I don't care how much people try to argue about it; she did. Her story directly lines up with what Nettlepaw tells Mapleshade. What Mapleshade thinks isn't a misunderstanding; this isn't something she came up with herself because Nettlepaw literally told her this. However, everything else Mapleshade says and thinks is totally unreliable. Frecklewish also doesn't at all deny that she watched them die and instead says, "I thought they'd be saved.". Her seeing the Riverclan patrol isn't an excuse for why she couldn't have gotten more help. Those kits aren't even half the size of a medium-sized rock, so how could three RC cats find them in flooded waters? And before anyone says it, nobody is saying that she should've just jumped in; you're purposefully missing the point. It's a fact that she and Oakstar played a large role in why they met their fate the way they did.
Squirrelflight: I can't actually give a reason why people would hate her because I don't care enough about her and because I don't usually read the main books. However, it's usually for reasons that don't even relate to Bramblestar. People are often called misogynists for hating her without anyone bothering to know why. Also, no, hating her because you like Bramblestar doesn't make you a misogynist. Not how that works. Now maybe if you denied that he abused her, then yeah, that's misogyny, but if you're a normal Bramblestar fan, then no, you're not misogyny.
And to add on
Nightcloud is a big one I see people also get called misogynists for. It's important to remember that not a lot of people read books and heavily rely on maps or other people's opinions and interpretations to get information. Let's not forget that the maps that woobify Crowfeather and demonize her play a huge part in why Nightcloud is treated the way she is. So I think it's majorly unfair to just label a bunch of Nightcloud haters who probably don't know the actual story as being misogynistic. Realistically, Nightcloud is just a lady. She didn't do anything wrong other than being overly jealous. Also, no, she did not hit Crowfeather; she just pulled him away. (Stop labeling her as an abuser, goddamn.)
I'm anyway done, but I just wanted to say that I think it's incredibly stupid to see people throwing around this word. I just hope you know that if you're randomly calling people misogynists for no reason, then you're part of the problem, and you're just another toxic asshole. Please fix yourself or get out the fandom.
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starclanstims · 8 months
Could I please get a (ThunderClan) Frecklewish stimboard with soft textures, golden/yellow flowers, themes of heartbreak and maybe even slight allusions to Mapleshade? If that’s too specific it’s fine, just at least the first 2-3 things, please. Thanks in advance!
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frecklewish stimboard with soft texture, yellow flower, and heartbreak themes, with hints to mapleshade requested by: @fandomsoda
absolutely! love all the specifics, gives me something to think about, and a bit of challenge! i put some mapleshade themes in the colors of the fur stims :] hope it all looks alright, i did my best!
credit: x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
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And it’s The Randomly Picked Full-Page Hypokits! Myler and Mapleshade! An anon asked for this, and I had an AU ready, and then in a moment of serendipity, @scentedglitterillumination asked for the same ship with THE EXACT AU I WAS ALREADY WRITING oooOOOooo I was yeeted directly into the twilight zone! Shivers! Anyway here’s ART
In this AU, Mapleshade is leaving Thunderclan, banished with her kits. The storm in her broken heart is mirrored by the turbulent weather, and her kits cries break through her mental fog. She needs to save her kits! She heads towards the river, but it’s far too wild, waves lashing (she sees Frecklewish lashing out screaming fury betrayal not my kin) (Ravenwing scowling Oakstar snarling everyone everyone everyone) and past that…she can’t put her kits through that! Not even for their father! (a molly she doesn’t know at his side laughing as they walk) (he says their love is special but don’t tell shhh) She doesn’t know where to go but she can’t stay there. Mapleshade herds the frightened kits away, and Patchkit asks - are we going to see the barn? The elders said there’s some twoleg thing - and Mapleshade remembers it too. It’s safer than the storm. And they go.
Mapleshade can see the hulking twoleg shelter when everything goes wrong - lightning crashes too close and Larchkit bolts away from her. She screams over the thunder (over the clan begging they’re just kits no no no I promised my babies) and a voice answers - do y’all need help? It says, strange and faint. My kit, she cries, I can’t find her! Please Starclan, they did nothing wrong! A black and white blur passes her, go inside, keep those two warm, I’ll find her Ma’am. She sees no stars in his pelt (she doesn’t deserve stars she broke the code what’s wrong with her) but he sounds confident, and Mapleshade is too unfamiliar and Patchkit and Petalkit are freezing. Inside she licks them clean, and as she begins to shake herself off, the blur trots in, Ma’am I got her! Larchkit hangs miserably from the muzzle of a tom with scruffed fur. The blur is another cat. Not a Starclan ghost, a living cat who deposits the shivering kit in her paws. I’ll get y’all something ta eat, he says, still strange voiced, y’all look like ya need it. Mapleshade finally finds her voice - thank you! The tom’s tail twitches, dripping as he walks off deeper in. Y’all’r welcome ma’am, my momma woulda shown up an knocked me senseless iffin I hadn’t helped.
When he returns, the kits sleep deep and peaceful, and Mapleshade sees the two mice in his jaws with relief. He drops them near and drawls muh name’s Myler ma’am, an what’r y’all doin out in this weather? Mapleshade pauses, and quietly admits her story, to being banished from the clans. She won’t be on his territory long - he cuts her off with a wave. Feel free ta stay, iffin yer alright with it. I get lonely, and the twolegs won’t mind if y’all help take out the mice. B’sides, I ain’t bought ta send off a lady - ‘specially a ma and her youngins. Mapleshade is…cautious, but accepts the offer for now. She never regrets it, not when seeing Myler act like she always wanted Appledusk to (never caring only meeting his own kits because she made him) (Myler giving badger rides Myler being target practice Myler crowing with delight when the kits bring down a mouse together look at these lil hunters I’m so proud of y’all go show yer ma), not when he acts like a better cat than her old clan (judging kits for blood for kin hating fighting for territory to just lose it again) (Myler breaking up a fight between loners they leave as friends Myler not caring what halfclan means Myler inviting the old loners in during winter so they’re safe), and certainly doesn’t regret it when he proves a much better mate (hush don’t tell of course I love only you don’t look don’t look I swear it’s only you) (Myler offering to watch the kits y’all look tired let me catch you a mouse Myler giving her flower petals because they make y’all sparkle Myler weeping in joy I’m gonna be a Pa again oh honey I’m never gonna leave).
There are other kits that come through, and other loners and wanderers and banished warriors. A few stay with them in the barn, most pass through many times, two stay as her own kits - she doesn’t need to have birthed them to be their mother. The couple pass away together, to the grief of kits and grandkids and great grandkits, and years later, when a kit with a crooked jaw passes through, a pair of ghosts keep watch, and decide that death won’t stop them from being better parents to the lost and neglected.
…this got way away from me. Like I thought it was going to be much shorter but the Prose Muse grabbed me by the throat and demanded tribute. Anyway enjoy your characters glitter, and I’ll see you at the 100 follower special!
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moss-path · 2 years
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Another warriors family tree. This one combos Mapleshade and Birchface’s relatives.
Also see my Dappletail and Firestar trees :)
Notes on changes from canon below!
Rabbitfur is Mapleshade’s maternal grandfather. Maple’s mother died before the events of MV. He follows Maple into exile.
Seedpelt is Maple’s father. He became distant from his kits after his mate’s passing and turned his back on Maple when she was banished.
Eaglestorm and Squirrelwhisker had Windflight when they were older warriors and Sweetbriar is the sister of Squirrel.
Both Sweetbriar and Oakstar were very young when they had their first litter. Sweet was upset with Oak after Maple’s banishment and the two attempted to repair their relationship with another litter.
Reedshine is the daughter of Darkstar, which is why she had the influence to keep Appledusk from being exiled. Despite this, she never really forgave him for his double life. Applefrost is now Cherryfrost.
Mapleshade and Fallowsong are sisters. They were close during their apprenticeship but became more distant as warriors. When Maple was exiled, Fallow protested but quickly grew quiet when threatened with exile herself. While there halfclan relationships are against the code, most cats of the clans turn a blind eye to it. The biggest reason Oakstar chose to exile Mapleshade was her relationship specifically with Appledusk and his initial belief that her kits were his grandchildren.
Frecklewish is now Frecklecloud.
While he was alive, Birchface and Mapleshade became closer when they mentors together. Birch mentored Flowerpaw while Maple mentored her sister, Harepaw, later Harepounce. They never had romantic feelings for each other however.
Pinestar is the full brother of Frecklecloud and Birchface. When he left the clans, he was given the name Henry by his housefolk. He lived a long life there.
Littlestep is the brother of Larksong.
Part of Mapleshade’s hatred for Appledusk’s lineage is Willownose’s relationship with Little. As the relationship was never revealed, she faced no consequences for a relationship with a ThunderClan cat.
When Mapleshade crosses the river, Patchkit is the sole survivor, as he was being carried by Rabbitfur, who managed to avoid the wave that swept Maple and her kits into the river. When RiverClan refuses them they move into the barn. Maple leaves on her quest for revenge and never returns. Patchkit takes on the name Patches and lives a long life as a housecat, having kits himself. Mapleshade is the Great great grandmother of Scourge.
Snowfur is now Snowstorm. Her son is named after her.
Stonefur’s name is now Stonetalon.
Tawnypelt and Bramblestar are Tawnystar and Brambleflower respectively. Blackstar dies soon after Sol is chased out and Russetstar (Russetfur) is leader when the Kin take over. Tawnyclaw becomes leader after she dies. Bramble is briefly deputy but steps down after Hawkfrost dies. He and Squirrelflight are like siblings though he does step up to help raise her kits.
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sludgecenter · 8 months
Would au snowkit aka snowfrost/snowstar x sol be okay? I did the math and they would be around the same age
Otherwise frecklewish x reedshine please
Sunkit -> Eclipse and Moonkit -> Moonlight
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math seems to add up. anywhere. from 12-23 months have passed from rising storm to the first time we see sol in the rescue, which, if he survived the hawk, would make snowkit at the very VERY least, an older apprentice to, more likely, a young warrior by the time sol is an (i’m assuming) young adult. anyone can correct me if i’m wrong tho this was based off of the waca wiki timeline of events and my shitty mental math lmao.
barely have lore for these guys, but the idea of an evil snowstar ruling shadowclan alongside sol is kinda dope. snowstar and sol eventually get exiled alongside their kits, who become bitter and resentful of clan cats. i imagine they would join the kin and be darktail’s eyes and claws respectively.
obligatory sol and snowfrost
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bonefall · 1 year
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[ID: A version of Tawnypelt for the Better Bones AU. She is a golden torbie with green eyes, a brown mask, and long raptor claws shared by her family. She has a tiger-shaped neck, tail, and broad shoulders, with one arm featuring inverted colors.]
New leader of the Sundrown Patrol, cynical, savvy, focused on the mission above all else. Though power dances just out of the reach of her claws, the theme of her life is family, loss, and connection.
I noticed a theme in canon that the tabbies in the Tiger line lose their golden sisters. Birchface watches Frecklewish damned to the Dark Forest, Hawkfrost is cut off by Mothwing for his toxicity, Tigerheart sees Dawnpelt march into the claws of the Kin, Strikestone never sees Sleekwhisker again. For Better Bones, I made that an OFFICIAL curse.
Gorseclaw struck down his sister, Spottedpelt, in the climax of Ripplestar's Rot and since then, Tigerkin tabbies have been tragically losing their golden siblings. Bramblepaw watching Tawnypaw joining TigerClan is the true beginning of their character arcs, as both siblings grapple with their insecurities and loneliness.
Below the cut:
TNP; the Sundrown Patrol and Tigerstar blowing up the voicemail
Po3 and OotS, her reaction to Hollyleaf's Reveal and early Bramblestar
AVoS and Tawnypelt's Mountain, her reduxed novella
Beyond and Bonus Trivia
The new POVs of TNP are the four Tigerkin, Tawnypelt serves as a contrast to Brambleclaw to establish that he is an unreliable narrator.
Tawny is objective when it comes to bonds between other people, but underestimates how much others like her back.
This is a problem for her in ShadowClan, where their dark and dry sense of humor is hard for her, as a very genuine ThunderClan cat, to accurately parse.
She takes a lot of Rowanclaw's behavior as open aggression, only realizing very late into TNP that he is the son of Brokenstar and was trying to break the ice the entire time.
She takes the death of Feathertail hard. They all do, but Tawny feels angry that she can't be the faithful, gentle, soothing presence that Feather was.
Tigerstar is trying to contact her long before he sets his sights on Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost. Though she considers it, she makes a final rejection of him on reaching the lake.
She decrees that the journey has changed all the cats, especially herself, and that the sun is rising on a new time for all four Clans.
Though expanded into a POV, Tawny's journey is quite simple, unlike Bramble who grows into an unfortunate antagonist in upcoming arcs.
There is a truce between Shadow and Thunder for Po3, only coming to a bloody crash later when Bramblestar takes power in OotS
But for one arc, Tawny is the Three's beloved aunt. In several 'episodes' of this slice-of-life breather redux, she is a supporting character. She's close friends with Squirrelflight, as well.
Her FIRST litter is Flametail and Dawnpelt! They're around the same age as the Three.
When the secret is revealed, Tawnypelt is beside herself with frustration at Bramblestar.
It's understandable to be upset, but demotion of his deputy? Disowning his children??
And then, Bramblestar starts pushing the border. She is convinced something crawled into his head and died there
In OotS, she has her second litter. Its only survivor is a little gold-and-brown tabby, which she renames Tigerkit as a ferocious dare to StarClan to take this one back as well.
Tigerpaw and Dovepaw are around the same age on the journey, during which Tigerpaw makes an offhanded comment about, "No one actually likes being a tom" and Dovepaw brutally cracks her egg with a very well aimed, "yea they do"
The death of Russetfur is brought to THIS arc, in one of Bramble's battles, and is the reason Blackstar is open to Sol's influence.
Ratscar, Redwillow, and Applefur take over and Tawnypelt tries to lead opposition against them, but their training has made them freakishly strong and they have allies.
Rowanclaw rallies the rest of the Clan to confront Blackstar, and convince him to come back by reminding him of how loved he is
And it's for that reason that Rowanclaw is eventually made deputy. He saw the solution that no one else did. No tricks. No brute force. Just honesty.
In AVoS, Tawnypelt watches her Clan get destroyed from the inside-out as Darktail exploits the anger of its warriors and apprentices, turning it into a cult.
Having already lost Flametail, losing Dawnpelt here, Tigerheart returning with two kittens only to die horribly was unbearable.
Rowanstar took the body of his daughter and dove into the Moonpool, drowning his lives away so that she could live and revive as Heartstar.
After that... Tawnypelt felt like she'd lost it all again. We return to her POV for the first time since TNP, to explore that.
How home no longer feels like home, how Heartstar returned as a leader and it's as though everyone she loves has changed.
But little Shadowkit is not as healthy as his sister, suffering seizures much stronger than Sorreltail of ThunderClan, no Cleric having a good prognosis for his life.
Heartstar and Dovewing do not want to expose him to more stress, and as his parents, agree that they will simply try to give him as comfortable of a life as possible.
Tawnypelt's Mountain is not a story about needing to save the Tribe again; it's about Tawnypelt kidnapping her grandson because he needs a stronger treatment and she's convinced the Tribe can offer it.
No she does not get permission.
Go Grandma
It's about all the times she had to let go, it's about how she never truly got to know Sleekwhisker and Juniperclaw, it's about how she couldn't save the old ShadowClan.
And it's about Shadowkit, and how comfortable he is at a young age with the concept of death. Spiresight, Rowanstar, Heartstar, Juniperclaw.
Up until the moment a Tribe Medic is able to look at him, Shadow had fully believed his illness was terminal. It's as if his future had suddenly changed.
(In the original book Dovewing was also on this trip, but I'm actually considering it JUST be Shadow and Tawny because I think it's a really interesting idea to have a grandma/grandkit story where the kit has wisdom beyond their years... but is still a child. And Tawny realizes that she was using this as a way to both help him, yes, but also to get a win for herself. Dovewing has plenty of her own content.)
The Tribe teaches them to use Chamomile to treat his epilepsy, showing Tawny exactly how to measure it, how to steep it, and how to heat it into a tea.
As TBC progresses, Shadowsight's growing skill as a Cleric is shown through his competence at preparing his own treatments.
Tawnypelt and Stormfur are able to catch up together too, and talk about their lives, drama, and how destiny brings you to strange places.
When she comes back, the Clan is expecting Heartstar to punish Tawny for stealing a kitten... but Heartstar is not going to do that to her mom, citing it's because Tawny was right and her son has a treatment better than the last.
In reality it's because Heartstar is Biased and will never punish her family lmao
She's part of the rebellion in TBC and one of Shadowsight's beloved family members, but overall is a background element.
She decides to retire after that arc, feeling her age.
Tawny is a specialist of taking down large game, and great at coordinating and commanding hunts.
Hogs, small deer, so on.
Also one of ShadowClan's stronger fighters, but outclassed by Dark Forest trainees.
Her favorite food is frogspawn and gravy, likes everything about the taste of amphibians.
Design-wise she looks a lot like Tigerstar, but more lithe and with more of her mother's colors.
Close to breaking some kind of apprentice-training record, Oakfur is SO proud of her!
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