#fran rambles
Waiting on final review and okay from Chris, then I'll be posting the interview, in which we talked Heinrix, Chris' acting career and future projects.
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I wanna stop being busy with stuff that drains me and get busy with stuff that pumps me up
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bflys · 1 year
I need to stop skin picking. Made myself bleed earlier biting skin off 😵‍💫
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urfanfrangelica · 2 years
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franhelps · 6 months
i need to update my blog....
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francine-land · 2 years
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another sad blonde girl to kin .... Holds my head in my hands. Oh God
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krk-wa · 4 months
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Redraw 01/12/23 || 7/02/24
Redraw? Idk, morelike their character development 🤣
Topic aside, still cant believe that by simping your fictional bae can also effect your whole drawing.
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edwardslostalchemy · 7 months
I watched Shouto Todoroki: Origins and I'm reminded of how insane both Izuku and Shouto are. They were made for each other, but fuck they wrecked that arena. Listen to me, the tododeku fight is incredible. It gives me so many different emotions and feelings. It really is the climax of the sports festival arc and it goes out with a bang. They could've killed someone or each other. Izuku sacrificed everything and gave his all to fight AND save Shouto from his past so he could look to the future using talk no jutsu. *Chef's kiss* 🤌 It's poetic cinema at its finest. I was trying to go into this episode the way I did for season 1 and 2 where I pretended I didn't know what was going to happen. But it is impossible with this episode because it's so poignant. Izuku challenging Shouto and his voice cracking when he tells Shouto his fire quirk is HIS and Shouto is having flashbacks mid battle. 😭 The way everything is intertwined and it flows together, the flashbacks cut in with the present time and Shouto narrating, the way we SEE the fight shift from Izuku's point of view to Shouto's point of view, then BACK to Izuku's to watch him witness Shouto's full explosive power....GENIUS. The director deserves an award for that. Horikoshi really went and invented cinema with Midoriya vs. Todoroki. He really went and gave us tododeku on a silver platter. The intensity. The emotions. The lighting. The drama. I just need to cry for a moment, it's beautiful. One of the BEST details is Shouto shedding a tear after his garbage dad loses his mind. He cried. 😭 He's free. 😭 Thank you Midoriya, indeed. 😭💖
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mosswoss · 3 months
PSA for new/younger Undertale fans!
TLDR: Be critical of the content you consume, especially when it pertains to abuse.
I've been noticing a bunch of new faces in the fandom!! I'm super excited to see the fandom revitalized and y'alls new ideas!
However, there's a few things to keep in mind to stay safe (looking at you minors)
While it's not as popular nowadays, when you go through old content, you're gonna stumble across Frans content
For those who aren’t familliar with the term, Frans is the ship name for Frisk/Sans. We could get into the whole debate about the ethics of aging up character and adult/minor pairings, however I'm tired and don't want to
If you want to learn more about that topic, I'd recommend the angry victim’s essay on their experiences as a kid in fandom. Link. TW for pedophilia, S/A, self harm, incest, and general grossness towards kids
Anyways, the issue isnt that a lot of Frans content features unhealthy dynamics and abuse. That’s all fine and dandy, a lot of people process their trauma through fiction. However, frequently in these comics, fics, art, etc, the abuse is framed as romantic and healthy, which isnt super great for people actually in these situations.
Dating someone who’s obsessive, twice your age, and violent isn’t romantic. It’s abuse. When it’s not properly framed or given in the context of being wrong in the real world, people (especially kids) are going to be more vulnerable to being taken advantage of by predators.
If the media you’re consuming is telling you that the unhealthy relationships you’re in are romantic, its gonna be more difficult to escape.
My goal isnt to send a bunch of hate to Frans creators, or acuse them of grooming. I just want young fans to be aware of the real-world dangers of these dynamics.
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musashi · 4 months
still to this day the funniest experience i have ever had on this website.
for your viewing pleasure, here is a re-enactment
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shorukarts · 2 months
Kinda disappointed no one noticed this ( if you did why didn't you comment 😢)
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venelona · 10 months
Hey! Big fan of your art!
I have a question:
You’re a big shipper of frans which gets a lot of hate online from people who claim it to be “problematic” or “pedophilia” and I’m curious: How do you deal with these people?
A lot of the time these people have the intelligence of a paint can, and the personality of a rusty pipe. They come in many forms: sometimes they just follow mob mentality, sometimes they think they’re the “good guys” and are fighting against “problematic” stuff, sometimes they’re just uninformed and too stubborn to listen, and sometimes they just hate to hate. These things all mean that they can’t really be reasoned with.
So I’m curious as to how you deal with them and what the best strategy is (I’m planning on getting into ut writing, so I wanna be prepared).
(Thank you!)
Hello, thank you!
Your observations are very on point - a lot of people who send frans hate (honestly, its not even just frans issue - it can apply to any not-canon ship) are quite narrow minded, stubborn, like to play a morally superior 'hero' and do not like to listen to any reasoning
I deal with it by simply not being that person. I keep open mind and respect even ships that I dislike with all my soul, because at the end of the day this is fiction, hobby, for fun. And that's what I tell people who try and sling hate at me - you really have a problem with a person's choice of fictional character romance? Even if its problematic (when it comes to frans, as long as Frisk is an adult I do not even consider it problematic), exploring a problematic ship does not make a person awful, as long as they are and the audience is aware that it's supposed to be problematic. Like, yunno, people who write murder stories are not killers
When engaging with the hate comments (which I usually do when I receive any - when I was still in the toxic pit that is Instagram when I wasn't in the best mental space I'd just delete hateful comments, only for those people to come back and point fingers at me for it, which means they were monitoring a post they actively dislike... honestly, those kinds of people just have too much time in their life) I usually try to respectively describe my point of view, and sometimes even engage in conversation when I try to talk with them through their points in an effort to show them that there doesn't need to be hate like this, and how usually it's hypocritical in comparison to other ships, maybe world in general, or just that it's kind of a waste of time to talk about this because this is for entertainment purposes of a person you do not know but choose to hurt and can hurt
I do not owe this to those people - I probably don't even owe them politeness I try to extend, but I choose to act this way because usually those people are young, and if my words have even a slight chance to change how they choose to act and view things, it's worth it in my eyes to try. Though, I do this if I'm in a good mental space, which I usually am, but I get wore down also. If I'm too tired, I just ignore it, or leave a shorter comment
Honestly I've been very fortunate not to receive a lot of hate over the years - I was too unpopular/not worth it at first and later too big and intimidating to attack later lol I'd never want for people to attack someone on my behalf, even if they attacked me, but having friends you can vent to if something did get to you is very nice.
Most of the time people don't really change their point of view, but sometimes they do. I got a couple call out posts on twitter last months, and commenting on them and talking to people who made them made them delete them, because they were made by teens who got scared that the person they ragged on saw this, asked them why they were gossiping, and explaining how their 'heroic unmasking' posts could lead to a person receiving threats and having their mental state crumbling (I was in good enough mental space so I didn't think of it much, but I worry for those who may receive same type of treatment and handle it worse). Those teens said they won't make posts like this again, which doesn't mean they changed as people or changed their perspective, but hopefully means in the future there will be less people hated, and less people will embarrass themselves by targeting people in hopes of being a 'hero who brought awareness to this person being bad' when the person didn't do anything to deserve this
In conclusion... Do not listen to hateful comments - there's no shame in deleting them or blocking the people outright. I always leave blocking as last resort, but it's a personal choice. Sometimes for your mental health and mood it's really better just to yeet that out of your sight tho, complain to your friends and move on to have a nice day
Good luck with writing! If you start getting any ship hate you're always welcome to dm/tag me, and I'll try to help you ✨From personal experience, Tumblr doesn't have much haters though - even if you catch their attention, you can always turn off anon asks
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Dental related emergencies call for drastic measures but I haaaate it.
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bflys · 1 year
I want to cry I’m so fucking miserable at my job. I want to quit so bad but fucking can’t bc I fucked myself over
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urfanfrangelica · 2 years
Like…what if i just woke up with my dream body…nothings changed i just like myself…what if-
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
Need more stories abt middle aged and old people finding love & patnerships. Tbh. Like obvs there is so much more to life and it's not important in the grand scheme of things and like most days I am thinking of bigger and better things but also I love romance and if I am not properly kissed at least once in my life like. What.
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