#football sim league
robdeezel · 1 month
Deezel Stream LIVE 3pm [PST] Madden Week 8 trades and games, then moving on to Week 18! Rob will take control of the sticks later in the evening to play the Texans Dynasty! Viewers pay channel points to make a player for the team and boost their stats!
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mattcc · 3 months
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Sims 4 - Liverpool 23-24 Football Shirt
Download Here for Free: https://www.patreon.com/MattCC
Enjoy :)
UPDATE: Now includes Mo Salahs Name and Number!
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lizthacreator · 4 months
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yooils · 7 months
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everything i know about love. itoshi brothers (seperately!) x reader. bittersweet. fluff & angst. unrequited love.
☆彡– but really, how can he mourn for something he’s never had ?/ or, reasons why they’ll never love.
a/n: i’m so sorry for the way i delayed all my writings!! the rin thing took so long.
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SAE ITOSHI can’t love. (at least, that’s what everyone believes, and what he tells himself.)
he doesn’t love. he criticises, observes, scorns it, but he doesn’t know how to love.
maybe that ability was lost a long time ago– along with his naive passion. maybe it was never there to begin with– a fitting explanation, it seems, for a heartless being like him.
sae itoshi doesn’t love. sae itoshi doesn’t allow himself to indulge in such luxuries. (after all, isn’t football supposed to be his only passion?)
but when he meets you, he feels like his world’s been thrown into turmoil.
you’re leagues above him, he thinks.
you’re more than he deserves; more than what he’s signed up for when he chose his future at the age of 13. there was no love included in the contract. there was only a sponsored one-way trip to spain.
(if anything, he could probably learn to love you.)
you’re kind. you’re so pretty to him that his heart aches when you smile at him. your accidental caresses to his skin makes it feel like it’s burning incessantly, permanently scarring where you touched him. your jokes are so bad sometimes a smile creeps out from his stoic face– but vanishes before you can point it out.
he likes you, but he’ll never love you.
not in this life.
(“you’ve probably noticed, but i do like you as more than a friend, sae.”
sae’s breath hitches. he wants, so desperately, to say yes.
he doesn’t.
your understanding smile lingers with him for days.)
it's no surprise when you start to draw away from him, really. but why does his heart ache when he thinks about a world of soccer– without you?
sae itoshi doesn't love, but now he'll be forever haunted by the whispers of what could have been.
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RIN ITOSHI has a warped perception of love.
(after all, he's been hurt before. he knows of the horrors that the ephemeral feeling of love comes with. he knows how this story will end. but while sae itoshi cannot love, rin doesn't need it. he's given up on it, really; the very fabric of love having fallen into his category of 'lukewarm' even when he was a teenager who didn't know better.)
yet through the number of lenses you've seen him through over the years, you wonder if he truly is incapable of loving.
the flame in your heart grows bigger, despite the torrents of mental warnings in your head.
exhibit 1.
for someone who exhibits such emotionless behaviour, he really likes stupid dating sims. and he denies it vehemently, when asked.
“it’s not a matter of the romance. it’s so stupid that it takes my mind off things.” rin deadpans, raising an eyebrow at your sudden question.
exhibit 2.
cutely enough, he has an emo, teenager romance playlist.
(when you point it out, he disagrees that it’s angsty. "it's just for homework. i work better with songs i don't care about as white noise."
–the blatant lie that slips out of his mouth makes you question the very foundation your long standing friendship with rin. was he really that intent on lying about something so amusing?)
exhibit 3.
you've been rin's self proclaimed best friend for as long as you can remember. maybe preschool, or even before.
you know how hard it was for him to keep up with his prodigy brother. you know the lengths he's gone through to earn rank #1 on japan's top 300 footballers. you know rin itoshi, the boy behind the stoic and calculated facade. the boy who says he doesn’t cry, but sometimes finds himself tearing up over sentimental pet movies.
(it’s better this way, you know. it’s better to conceal the fact that you’ve been totally in love with him for almost a decade, from you were both angsty pre-teenagers in middle school until now, in your early twenties, when he’s becoming a rapidly-growing football celebrity and you’re still right where he left you, five years ago.)
there’s no happy ending to this story. there was never meant to be one.
exhibit 4. (the disaster)
it was a mistake.
okay, maybe it was less of a mistake, and more of an impulse decision, considering how little he regretted it the morning after.
he should regret it, shouldn’t he? it’s normal to not regret sleeping with the only person he trusts with his life, right? even if his feelings towards you were only platonic..?
he’s been enchanted by the illusions of love underneath the sheets. now he doesn’t know what to do– when he’s so wrapped up in thoughts of you, you, only you.
does he want to like you? no, heavens, no.
(does he like you, realistically, in an ideal world? yes. so much– maybe he would even sacrifice his career for you in another life.)
love is a curse. love ends everything. love is what fuels his hatred.
does he love you?
even if he does, it’ll be astronomically less than how much you love him, wouldn’t it? does it matter? when he’ll never be enough– when you deserve more?
his rejection– blunt, cold, hits you like a truck.
of course it does.
a part of you will always like rin, you think.
rin is childish– rin, at his twenties– still doesn’t know the true extent of how much you actually like him. you don’t think you’ll ever tell him, either.
maybe you should move on.
how can you, when you’ve been in love with the same person for a decade–? how can you, when he was- is everything to you?
(how could he move on as well– when he’s completely ruined the only person who ever liked him genuinely– without any sort of obligation to do so? how could he, when he was the only one who could be blamed?)
maybe, in ten years, he’ll regret it.
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sushiriki · 2 years
[ that’s how you get the girl — sjy ]
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-> pairing: jake x gn! reader
-> warnings: none!
-> word count: 3.3k!
-> synopsis: months after breaking up with the person you thought could’ve been the one, you hear your doorbell ring and see the person that slipped through your fingers standing on your porch in the pouring rain.
-> this is part of my one shot series, enhypen as taylor swift songs! view the masterlist here :)
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you always thought that your first true heartbreak would happen in high school like all the coming-of-age movies and love songs preached, calling it an essential experience of teenage life. so you can say that you were pretty surprised that your first real heartbreak was in your senior year of university right in front of the campus fountain with the guy you thought was the one for you.
on the contrary to what most people told you, you honestly figured that your senior year in college was easy for the most part; the classes and the clubs and the after-school activities turning out to be things that you actually enjoyed. there was something about the inviting communities and the lighthearted atmosphere that pulled you in, and of course, there was also jake.
sim jaeyun or jake, which is the nickname he tells everyone to call him in an attempt of making them feel more welcome, was the epitome of a social butterfly. he was the kind of person that was a member of majority of the student-handled clubs, the kind able to wave hello to somebody he knew no matter what hallway he walked through, and the kind that could command the eyes of everyone in the room due to his charismatic personality and breathtaking features. being at the top of his classes, he was well-liked by the school faculty and practically anybody who crossed paths with him, with you not being an exception. 
you had shared quite a few classes and clubs with jake, consistently observing him when he was engaged in an animated discussion with his closest friends about some kind of physics project, when he was by the whiteboard and flawlessly solving the equation that your teacher had written on it, and even when he had his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to make sense of what was being taught on the class syllabus that day. you found him absolutely out of your league in every way, so what you didn’t expect was him to look right at you and smile before approaching you and asking you out on a date.
“i’m sorry, what?” you murmur, your head still in a daze from his question.
he brings his hand up from the inside of his jean pocket and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, a pink hue creeping up his cheeks. “i asked if you wanted to have dinner with me? at that italian restaurant down the road from the movie theater? i heard they have really good pasta.”
he stops talking and you blink, your head spinning as you raised your eyes from the floor to meet his warm ones. you purse your lips and twiddle with your fingers for a while, the tension in the atmosphere building up to a point where neither of you could breathe. 
“sure,” you finally say, a blush forming itself on your cheeks as well. “i’d love to. when would you like it to be?”
the smile that spreads across jake’s face is enough to heat your face up even more and send butterflies swarming in your stomach. “is this saturday night okay? can i have your number so we can coordinate?”
you take the phone he hands you and input your number into a new contact, the urge to smile brightly almost overtaking your will to keep your happiness contained. “saturday night sounds perfect, text me?”
he nods enthusiastically and waves you goodbye, heading to his next class with his wide smile intact.
the both of you did meet for your date that saturday, and the tuesday after that to study for your science quiz, and the friday after that to watch the football game your school was hosting against a rival team. being with jake was like breathing, easy and automatic. something drew you to him like how you would imagine a moth to a flame, a magnetic attraction of polar opposites that somehow worked for your benefit. somewhere in between, it wasn’t a surprise that jake asked if he could be your boyfriend. you two were inseparable, like cherries that always come in pairs. as weeks turned into months, falling in love with jake became something ingrained into your daily routine, something that you would unconsciously look for if it disappeared. he became something you needed, craved. someone you thought you couldn’t live without. 
“hey!” you yell as jake steals another fry from your fast food takeout box. the both of you were currently sitting in the school library studying for a class that had a notoriously strict professor; there were more than enough horror stories from your alumni that sent chills up both your spines.
“what?” he asks, mouth full because of the newly-stolen snack. 
you roll your eyes before turning your eyes back to your workbook, trying to understand the readings that your professor had assigned earlier that day. after rereading the same line over and over again to try and comprehend the lesson, you quietly groan and set your head on the wooden table, feeling a headache coming on.
the ‘thump’ of your head meeting the table was enough to make jake look over in concern. “you okay?”
shaking your head, you set your chin on the table to look your boyfriend in the eye. “no, this is way too confusing! why did i even take this course?”
he laughs at your frustration and reaches over to tuck a strand of hair that fell in front of your face behind your ear. “which part did you not understand? i’ll try to teach it to you.”
you stare up at him, admiring the shape of his plump lips and the soft curls of his hair before sighing. turning your book around to face him, you point out the section of your assignment that you couldn’t seem to grasp. once he read through it, jake immediately started explaining it to you in a way he knew you would understand well.
placing your head in the palm of your hands, you watched the way his lips moved as he taught you, occasionally meeting his eyes as he looked at you to see if you were still listening to his impromptu class. there was something about jake that made your heart feel full; no matter what classes made you feel discouraged or what pressure you got from your family, there was always jake to make you feel lighthearted again. 
“hello?” you snap out of your trance to see jake raising an eyebrow at you. “are you still even listening to me?”
you snort, trying to look like you hadn’t been thinking about him all this time. “of course i am.”
“well, it kinda looked like you were falling in love with me just now.”
as jake yelps because of the handful of fries you threw his way, there’s something in both your heart and your head that agreed it was true. 
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as the mid-terms of senior year started looming over all the senior’s heads, you slowly started feeling it slipping away. everyone’s final exams were coming up way sooner than people realized, sending all of the seniors at your school, including yourself, into a frenzy. your college was a flurry of students writing their applications to medical or graduate schools and those just trying to graduate with good enough grades. it was like a big ball of chaos and stress that you couldn’t help be swept up in, and that unfortunately didn’t exclude jake either.
with another study date of yours rejected by jake due to his busy schedule, you exhale sharply. this was the fourth one this month that he said no to. it’s not that you didn’t understand why, it’s just that you missed him and his antics now more than ever. barely anyone saw jake anymore, he would only show up to classes and then hole himself up in his dorm room to study the material given to him that day and more. so one afternoon after one of your general classes, you pulled him outside before he could slip away.
“we barely see each other anymore, what’s going on with us?” you ask him, your brows furrowed and your hands grasping his checkered flannel sleeve. you both stood in the middle of your campus, the huge and elaborate fountain next you pinning your location. the sky above looked grim, like it was aware of what was about to happen.
“i’m sorry baby, it’s graduating. i’m stressed if my grades and classes are enough for the grad school i want or if my application essay even makes sense. and i don’t think your situation is any better, with your parents being on your back about getting into medical school, you know? ” he explains, taking your hand in his and pulling you closer. jake looked rough, with dark circles underneath his eyes and the usual brightness in them sucked away.
you hummed in understanding, stepping into his awaiting arms and breathing in the scent of his perfume stuck onto his black t-shirt. as you tap your fingers onto his chest in a rhythmical beat, you feel him take a deep breath, one that didn’t sound like relief.
“actually,” he stops, taking you by your shoulders and carefully pulling you away from himself. close enough that you could outstretch your hand and hold him but far enough to feel hesitant to do so.
looking up at him confusedly, your forehead knit together in anticipation and dread. “actually?”
“i think,” jake pauses again, suddenly looking everywhere but you. “maybe we should take a break? for us to both focus? our schedules are so demanding that we barely see each other and we both know our future depends on these next few months.”
in this moment, you could swear that you felt your heart drop to your stomach. your knees wanted to buckle in but your shock kept you grounded. “what?”
“i think that maybe we should break up? is this selfish of me?”
tearing your eyes away from him, you stare into the fountain on your left. the coins that several university students from your school dropped in wishing for good luck were blinking back at you from the bottom of the tiled pool, making you wish you had dropped one in at the start of the semester. you think about what he said, wrapping the both of you in a silence for minutes, save for your shallow breathing and the wind howling in your ears, signaling a storm.
jake’s face morphs into surprise. “you’re okay with that?”
you nod, turning your face back to where he stood in front of you. “you have a point. i don’t think that we can properly balance school and relationships, especially since there’s so many things that we have to take care of. this isn’t selfish of you, i promise.” 
staring at him with an indifferent face but a dejected heart, you give a little smile. your heart fought tirelessly with your mind, but your logic had always won in a war between head and heart. “i also think it’s best for us right now.”
the brunet in front of you looks back blankly, his lips slightly parting in surprise. 
“are you sure?” he asks, looking slightly afflicted by your nod. 
you step towards him and engulf him in a hug, knowing that this might be the last time you’ll be able to memorize the feeling of being in his arms and knowing his favorite perfume of the month, something he constantly changes because he claims that he always wants to try something new. this month it was a tom ford perfume with a name you didn’t bother learning how to pronounce.
“stay safe, okay? and study hard.” you say, rubbing his back as he finally reciprocates your embrace.
he nods into the crook of your neck and murmurs, “i’m going to miss you so much.”
the heartstrings situated in your four ventricles tighten, making your chest feel like it’s going to explode the longer you keep your tears in. you grip his flannel a little tighter before releasing your hold on him.
“i know you’ll do well. you’re sim jaeyun, it’s just what you do.” jake laughs and bites his lower lip, looking down at his white tennis shoes dirtied by time and experience.
“i know you will too.” he responds, raising his head to meet your eyes. his gaze bore into yours, something in the thick air willing the tension to be sliced through. in this case, your voice acted as the knife.
“let’s go then? separately, i mean. to, uh, review?” 
the boy in front of you stares at you a little longer before breaking the silence himself. “yeah, i think that’s good. see you later then?” he says, looking at you with a hopeful glint in his eyes. 
you nod. “see you later.”
jake watches you turn around and walk away with your head held high, knowing in his heart that the moment you were behind closed doors, your cool and collected facade would fall apart.
and so would his.
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he was right of course, about your facade. it took weeks full of tubs of vanilla ice cream, weekend nights at home alone to your thoughts, and early morning runs to console your aching heart. though you kept a put-together attitude in front of everybody else to convince them that you were okay, you somehow knew only jake would be able to notice the holes within your act. while trying to heal the cracks in your heart a certain bubbly boy left behind, you couldn’t hold any ill feelings toward him. if there was anybody who would understand his situation, it would’ve been you. you suppose that’s why you gave in without a fight even though you knew how much it would hurt. 
there were times where you missed jake, your heart sinking at his absence. you missed the way he laughed, the way he held you when everything about university got too heavy, and you missed the way he would look at you when he thought you didn’t realize. there was still so much you wanted to tell him, so many things you wanted to share about yourself and things you wanted to know about him. you never even got to tell him how much you loved him. you and jake did keep in contact once your mid-terms ended, asking one another how the other was doing and how their studies were going; they were fairly shallow topics but they were good enough for the both of you. it was good enough for both parties to know the other was okay even though it was obvious that there were more unsaid words floating stiffly in the air in little speech bubbles that neither of you could pop.
your last week of finals passes, making you decide that you deserved a night in with yourself and your favorite snacks before you went out to celebrate with the rest of your blockmates for successfully completing your last year of college. heading into the kitchen, you take out the tteokbokki that you had ordered earlier that day from your refrigerator and set it into the microwave to heat up. after pressing the start button on the machine, you jump in surprise at the loud crack of thunder that erupted outside your house. by the time your cheesy meal had finished heating, the rain was pouring like it had been saving up condensation for months.
walking into your living room with food in one hand and a can of soda in the other, you press play on your television remote to start the romcom you decided to watch before microwaving your food. as the opening scene started playing and you were about to take the first bite to your steaming cheese tteokbokki, your doorbell rang. huffing partly in annoyance, you pause your movie and get up from your comfortable spot on the couch.
“who could this even be? it’s raining cats and dogs outside and i didn’t order anything.” you grumble, shuffling to the door in your fluffy pajamas. 
once you unlocked and cracked open your door, you start speaking to the mystery person on the other side without taking a proper look.
“yes, hello? what do you-” you fix your gaze on the man standing on your porch, dripping wet with rainwater.
he smiles sheepishly, shivering in place. “hi, did i come at a bad time?”
you shake your head, the rest of your body still frozen. “not at all,” you swallow the lump in your throat that suddenly appeared. it’s still weird seeing him in person, you think, the wound he left starting to sear fresh in your mind.
“but can i ask what you’re doing here? in the pouring rain, might i add?”
jake doesn’t answer you immediately but instead takes a deep breath, as if readying himself to answer a question that’ll define the career he’s working so hard to achieve. “the truth is, i haven’t stopped thinking about you all these months and you make me better and i know i said i wanted to focus on my studies but you make me want to be better at them and nobody encourages me like you and i realized that you’re the most positive influence in my life and i never want to lose that or you again.”
his sudden, brisk confession makes you dizzy, forcing you have to lean on your doorframe to try and process what he just said in one breath. jake nervously watches you look at your hands, seeing you endearingly twiddle your fingers in the way you do when you’re thinking deeply about something. he realizes your habit is something that never changed about you.
a sharp sound of thunder and a flash of lightning breaks you out of your trance and reminds you of the heavy rain pouring around the both of you, prompting you to make a decision you didn’t know whether or not you’d regret making in the morning. you look up at jake’s tall figure, seeing him slightly shake in the cold air and in his cold clothes. pushing off your door frame, you crack open your door wider and move out of the entryway.
“do you want to come in? it’s warm and i have tteokbokki and i’m in the middle of watching a movie.”
he blinks at you slowly, as if he didn’t expect your offer. “is that okay?”
you smile and gesture him in. “i’ll get you a towel and something warm to wear. i think i still have some of your clothes that you left here before.”
a smile crept up on his face, one that was bright enough to make the thunderstorm cease. “i’d like that a lot, actually.”
“come on in then,” you say, letting him through your front door and onto the hardwood floors in your foyer. 
“and jake?” he turns to look at you as you go into your supply closet to grab a towel for him. “i’d like this a lot too. us, i mean. again.”
despite the sopping wet clothes that he was in, jake felt warm inside. “i’m glad you think so too.”
you smile at him before handing him a towel and hopping up the stairs to find the clothes he left behind months ago but never came to get though he said he’d come back for them.
“don’t eat all of my rice cakes, okay!” you yell from your room on the second floor, suddenly remembering the dinner that you left in the vicinity of someone who loves to eat tteokbokki. you hear a chuckle before a muffled voice calls out, “no promises!”
laughing to yourself, you smile. you missed this, and you hoped you would never have to miss it again.
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-> author’s note: the second installment!! this took so long, i’m actually dizzy. writing this made me realize that it’s so difficult for me to write angst omg?! a lot of people said that they were excited for jake’s story, so i decided to write it first! i hope you guys enjoyed it hehe. p.s, pls do not open your door to strangers without checking who it is! i only wrote it like this for the sake of the story T_T
-> taglist [ open ] — @astra-line @pwark-jisvng @rrrapmonsterandsprite @va1ry @jaeyunistars @bluesoobinnie @sooshibot​ @i4choerry​​ @uuuuhhhmiawmiaw​​
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aurorangen · 5 months
people you’d like to get to know better:
i was tagged by @aliengirl @igotsnothing @bloomingkyras @folkbreeze @mdshh @rebelangelsims thank you all for the tag!
last song: one foot in front of the other by griff
favorite color(s): always red!!!
currently watching: i've not watched any drama series recently, but i have been watching premier league football
last movie: i've not watched any movies
currently reading: the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald! i'm the slowest reader ever, i've been reading it for weeks haha
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: spicy
last thing I googled: the weather forecast, terrible weather in the uk rn and i'm deciding what day is the best to go back home
current obsession: my skincare routine! i've not always had the best skin but this new product i'm using is really good
currently working on: irl i've been travelling and focusing on uni work. sims related, coming up with the next post and also decorating billy's detective office for it
i'm not tagging anyone as i'm late to this, but if you see this i tag you!
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sexyirish7 · 9 months
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Rugby Wall Decals
The Rugby World Cup starts in France in 2 days, 20 hours, and 36 minutes. The New Zealand All Blacks will play against the French Les Bleus in the opener and I am super excited, in case you could not tell. :) 
One of the things I miss most from Sims 3 is the ability for sims to play rugby while at university. I am attempting to fill that void in Sims 4 by making a Rabbithole Professional Rugby Career Mod. This is taking time, but as the World Cup begins, I thought I would release some of the rugby-themed cc that I have been working on. 
There are 2 files of decals. One includes a smaller size for the decals and the other includes a larger or tall decal option (see captions for which decals go with each file.
Rugby Wall Decals
OR at Patreon*
*You must be over 18 to access my Patreon page.
Rugby Decals Tall
OR at Patreon*
*You must be over 18 to access my Patreon page.
Creations by SexyIrish7
This cc object was produced as a selective clone using Sims 4 Studio.
RugbyWallDecals_SexyIrish7: 29 swatches of rugby-themed wall decals
RugbyDecalsTall_SexyIrish7: 5 swatches of rugby-themed wall decals
Polygon Count: 2
Ability to search catalog using search terms: sexyirish7 and si7
Customized thumbnail 
Software credits:
Sims 4 Studio v. (Star): https://sims4studio.com
GIMP v. 2.10.34: https://www.gimp.org/
Inkscape v. 1.2: https://inkscape.org/
Thank you to the creators and moderators producing tutorials and answering questions!
Image Credits for RugbyWallDecals_SexyIrish7:
Swatches 1-15: Image purchased from Etsy Store LeremyStickFigures https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeremyStickFigures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=687510800 or http://www.leremy.com/
Swatches 16-23: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-rugby-sport-elements-set_9586821.htm#query=rugby&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph  Image by macrovector on Freepik
Swatches  24-25: https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8i8d3m2m2i8b1_ball-clipart-rugby-league-rugby-ball-clipart/  Ball Clipart Rugby League - Rugby Ball Clipart @clipartmax.com
Swatches 26-27: https://imgbin.com/png/yWi48bHY/rugby-ball-american-football-sport-png Image by Warriorkidx
Swatch 28:  https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8A0m2H7N4m2m2_regulation-rugby-ball-vector-rugby-ball-logo-png/  Regulation Rugby Ball Vector - Rugby Ball Logo Png @clipartmax.com
Swatch 29:  Background grass  https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/striped-green-grass-field-seamless_13050208.htm#page=2&query=rugby%20pattern&position=7&from_view=search&track=ais   Image by macrovector on Freepik
https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-rugby-sport-elements-set_9586821.htm#query=rugby&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph  Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image Credits for RugbyDecalsTall_SexyIrish7:
Swatches 1-3: Image purchased from Etsy Store LeremyStickFigures https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeremyStickFigures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=687510800 or http://www.leremy.com/
Swatches 4-5: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-rugby-sport-elements-set_9586821.htm#query=rugby&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph  Image by macrovector on Freepik
Do not re-upload and claim as your own
Do not re-upload and hide behind a paywall
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wingederato · 2 years
Modern!Hotd Targaryen siblings headcanons
I have a lot to say about Helaena and Aegon
also please send me ur ideas i have such brainrot ty
tw// substance abuse (aegon's part)
has a butterfly tattoo
fairy light enthusiast
dresses like the 70's met the naughties with a hint of grunge fairycore
loves horror films but gets upset when they kill animals
loves astrology and tarot cards
loves crystals even though aegon laughs at her
wants a pet snake but alicent told her she cant have one (aemond is scared of them)
smokes (i do not encourage this kids!!)
luke tried to teach her to skateboard but she prefers roller skating
phoebe bridgers and gracie abrams girl
science girlie OMG STEM GIRLIE
plays sims but never gets past decorating the house and making the sims cuz she takes like 48 hours to do that alone
sometimes plays Minecraft with aegon but literally just collects cats and builds
reads history books to try and bond with viserys
so good at sports
football, rugby you name it & he's good at it
wasn't particularly popular at school but had friends through sports teams
mama's boy but that's not a headcanon
instead of losing his eye, he has a massive scar through his eyebrow and under his eye from where Luke banged his head off the edge of a kitchen counter
so incredibly well disciplined to the point where he sometimes will not speak unless he is spoken to
he and jace are sports rivals cuz they go to opposite schools that compete against each other
i feel like I've not thought about this enough so please expect a part two where i just talk about aemond
such a fuckboy bitch
writes fucking love songs for every new girl he dates
'I shoulda known all along, I was only the next one To take your love songs as a promise' this lyric from vicious by sabrina carpenter but its about him
OMG this bitch makes tiktoks and everyone LOVES them cuz hes a hot guy doing hot shit
stop hes just my emo gamer bf
no definitely a gamer.
plays league of legends (red flag but me too)
OMG anyone who plays league i bet this bitch like plays yasuo
i like how im just referring to him as bitch after being nice to aemond and helaena
i kinda love modern!aegon tho. like hes my type of man.
deep down hes a pure sweet heart
i have romanticised him into my perfect man send help
struggles with love cuz he was never shown it while young his perception of love is literally based on artificial perfection
he uses substances (alcohol nicotine etc) to cope with his issues and doesn't ever really open up
he really tries to present himself as a cruel person with no emotions but no one really ever believes him.
was really good at english in school
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sevensjesper · 1 year
Modern!Hotd Targaryen siblings headcanons
I have a lot to say about Helaena and Aegon
also please send me ur ideas i have such brainrot ty
tw// substance abuse (aegon's part)
has a butterfly tattoo
fairy light enthusiast
dresses like the 70's met the naughties with a hint of grunge fairycore
loves horror films but gets upset when they kill animals
loves astrology and tarot cards
loves crystals even though aegon laughs at her
wants a pet snake but alicent told her she cant have one (aemond is scared of them)
smokes (i do not encourage this kids!!)
luke tried to teach her to skateboard but she prefers roller skating
phoebe bridgers and gracie abrams girl
science girlie OMG STEM GIRLIE
plays sims but never gets past decorating the house and making the sims cuz she takes like 48 hours to do that alone
sometimes plays Minecraft with aegon but literally just collects cats and builds
reads history books to try and bond with viserys
so good at sports
football, rugby you name it & he's good at it
wasn't particularly popular at school but had friends through sports teams
mama's boy but that's not a headcanon
instead of losing his eye, he has a massive scar through his eyebrow and under his eye from where Luke banged his head off the edge of a kitchen counter
so incredibly well disciplined to the point where he sometimes will not speak unless he is spoken to
he and jace are sports rivals cuz they go to opposite schools that compete against each other
i feel like I've not thought about this enough so please expect a part two where i just talk about aemond
such a fuckboy bitch
writes fucking love songs for every new girl he dates
'I shoulda known all along, I was only the next one To take your love songs as a promise' this lyric from vicious by sabrina carpenter but its about him
OMG this bitch makes tiktoks and everyone LOVES them cuz hes a hot guy doing hot shit
stop hes just my emo gamer bf
no definitely a gamer.
plays league of legends (red flag but me too)
OMG anyone who plays league i bet this bitch like plays yasuo
i like how im just referring to him as bitch after being nice to aemond and helaena
i kinda love modern!aegon tho. like hes my type of man.
deep down hes a pure sweet heart
i have romanticised him into my perfect man send help
struggles with love cuz he was never shown it while young his perception of love is literally based on artificial perfection
he uses substances (alcohol nicotine etc) to cope with his issues and doesn't ever really open up
he really tries to present himself as a cruel person with no emotions but no one really ever believes him.
was really good at english in school
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mattcc · 5 days
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Sims 4 - Real Madrid 24-25 Football Shirt
Download Here: https://www.patreon.com/MattCC
Enjoy :)
Feel free to request what I should make next
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simwmeshawn · 8 months
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Meet Madison Spence, Model and aspiring entertainment lawyer. She is the wife of SFL (Sims Football League) superstar, Nehemiah Spence. Madison is the founder of the WAGs (Wives and Girlfriends) of Del Sol club. Some of her day to day routine includes taking care of her two daughters, hosting WAGS events, spending her husbands money, and working as a model.
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Some more thoughts about “Aftermath” because I haven’t had a chance to watch “Cut and Run” yet:
1. Wrecker is having so much fun in the first half of the Battle Simulation scene. Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech are treating it pretty casually. They’ve done it a million times, they know they can pull the simulation off, it’ll all be fine, nothing special. Wrecker, though? He’s kind of in his element. This is an absolute blast for him, and that honestly kind of makes sense. I don’t think any clones had much of a chance to have fun on Kamino—I mean, I can’t see the Kaminoans organizing field days or an intramural football league for the little cadets, unless it had to do with training—and the cadets of Clone Force 99 were probably even a little more pressure to train and prove themselves worth keeping around (in the eyes of the Kaminoans). Battle Simulations were probably the closest thing to sports or games the cadets had, once they got good at them, anyway. It’s like extreme capture the flag—they still have to perform extremely well, but at least they can let some energy out without worrying about getting shot at for real. Wrecker’s been in so many real life combat situations that that’s probably how this whole thing is reading to him. He’s not rushing in wildly because he’s stupid, he’s doing it because he’s confident and because he assumes, and has every reason to assume, that he’s not in any real danger. The way Wrecker says, “New toys!” When the newer droids pop up? This is Wrecker’s playground, right up until the moment he gets shot for real.
2. I honestly love how you can’t see Hunter’s face when he sees the new battle droids pop up in the simulation scene, but that you can still absolutely read an, “Oh shit oh shit ohshitohshiiiiiiit,” expression into his helmet.
3. So…not really important, but as much as I hope Crosshair grows some hair back, I hope that it’s not…like this. I understand that there are limitations to making hair out of geometry instead of doing hair sims and I get that they’re still going for a slightly more naturalistic version of the “figures carved from wood” idea that The Clone Wars had going on, and I get that it’s basically supposed to be a close cropped crew cut, but. But. It looks like lego hair. If Crosshair’s not going to be Crossbald anymore, he ought to have some cooler hair. He deserves it at this point.
4. I LOVE how angry Wrecker is that the Kaminoans used live rounds on them in the training sim. He’s furious and he should be. And I also love that Tech backs him up when Crosshair starts on his little, “Whatever, it’s not like you’ve never been shot before, all hail our glorious empire, my new favorite thing suddenly in the last twenty-four hours for some reason,” shtick. And I also kind of love that the last thing Wreckers points out is that they’re not droids—it’s wrong to use them as target practice because they’re still people, and that it doesn’t seem to click with Crosshair because of whatever the chip is doing to his brain at this point.
5. I could be wrong but the kids and the old lady we see in the Onderon sequence don’t actually show up again in “Replacements,” but some of the other civilians do. I was hoping grandma and those kids got away with Saw before Crosshair and the Elite Squad show up later, and I think they actually do.
6. Speaking of Saw, it sure is nice of him to drop in and introduce one of the central motifs of the series: Adapt and survive, or die with the past. And, interestingly enough, though the whole batch has been trying to do the former in one way or another, we’ve had two series finales so far where it looks like one of the five men Saw’s talking to here make a choice that sure makes it look like they’re doing the later. Crosshair made a choice to stay with the Empire, to remain a soldier and the only thing he’s ever been at the end of season one, but doing so also meant staying on Kamino with no supplies, no food, no water, no way off. I think Crosshair knew there was a very good chance he’d never make it off Kamino if he chose to stay behind, and he chose to stay anyway, putting himself at a pretty high risk of dying on the only home he every knew with the remains of Tipoca City smoldering in his line of sight. And then in season two you’ve got Tech, choosing to sacrifice himself as a soldier, as he would have done any any of the missions they’d been on before, and doing something which, from his point of view, is also likely to get him killed.
Except that, of course, neither of their choices are as clean cut as that. Crosshair’s choice didn’t stick—he didn’t die on Kamino, and he didn’t stick with the empire in the end. He’s very much on the “adapt and survive” trajectory, even though I think there’s a chance he’d rather he didn’t for a little while when we see him again. And in keeping with what seems to be the theme of my blog at this point, I don’t expect Tech’s “die with the past” choice is going to stick either, and that the next time we see him he’s going to be in his own version of that “adapt and survive” trajectory.
7. So, Saw Gerrera is a mess and he can sometimes act without thinking about who his actions are going to hurt or what impact they’re going to have, but he is, at least, incredibly clear-eyed about what they Empire is, even at this early stage when a lot of people who are simply exhausted by the clone wars are not. Also, good for him for (I assume) protecting those refugees and getting at least some of them to safety.
8. Okay, so, Wrecker and Crosshair bet on whether or not Echo was going to make it out of the infirmary alive, and I get that they were joking and that they’d be devastated if Echo were to actually die, but also—how hard did Echo get hit? How hard was that guy swinging that tray?
9. Echo’s immediate reaction to Tarkin is, “Oh, not this asshole,” and you know what? That is the proper response. Tarkin is tremendously evil and frighteningly good at his job. There’s a reason why Vader is basically just his attack dog in A New Hope.
10. Echo’s extremely disturbed what-the-hell reaction to hearing the words “Galactic Empire?” Also the proper response.
11. “I don’t like being hooked up to their machines either.” WHAT did Nala Se and the Kaminoans DO to this kid get her AWAY from Hemlock NOW (heck, what’d they do to Emerie? Is Omega named “Omega” because she was the last of that specific production of clones? Why did they make her? I neeeed answers why is season three so far awaaaaaaayyyyyy)
13. Every moment Echo is on screen is gold and I want more of him in season three.
14. So…I know that Wrecker’s chip really goes off in episode seven, and almost goes off in episode six, but I’m actually not sure the initial activation wasn’t at the same time as Crosshair’s. Now, if it was, it’s operating at a really low level; let’s say that Crosshair’s chip is initially operating at a six, and that Wrecker’s chip, if it activated, is initially at about a 0.5. It wouldn’t be enough to make him do anything, but would maybe do just enough to make certain things slide where the empire is concerned. Hunter, Tech, and Echo all express some serious moral objections to the Empire and the genocide of the jedi, besides one line from Tech where he seems to get twisted up defending the fact that they’re still technically soldiers of the Empire to Saw, while Crosshair and Wrecker don’t. Crosshair doesn’t really express any kind of moral opinion of his own, but says over and over again that killing the Jedi were their orders and they should just follow orders (why are you guys not following orders what do you mean it’s weird I’m following orders it’s not weird you’re weird). Wrecker…doesn’t say anything about it at all, except that the new armory is cool and that maybe the empire won’t be such a bad thing after all. He has objections, but it’s always to personal stuff and not to the empire specifically.
And that’s…weird. Not because I think Wrecker’s really that concerned with the politics of the galaxy and a regime change, but because Wrecker’s generally a pretty decent guy, really gentle with kids, and he was pretty buddy-buddy with a Jedi kid a few hours/days ago, and the mass slaughter of that kid’s people doesn’t seem to be registering at all. So…maybe his chip was on, on a really, really low level, in a way that made it hard for him to latch onto the enormity of how bad it was. Maybe. I could go either way on this.
15. The version of Omega’s theme that plays as she watches the Marauder fly away to Onderon is one of my favorite music cues in this episode.
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simshousewindsor · 10 months
does your country have any popular sports/sporting events?
Hi Nony! Great question!
Yes! Windenburg has two very popular sports - Tennis and Soccer. Windenburg is home to one of the three tennis Grand Slams in the sims world, and is also home to a 15x World Cup soccer team.
Tennis: There are (3) Grand Slams in our sims world.
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The Championships Brambledon held annually in May at the All Windenburg Club in Easton, Windenburg is the only Grand Slam tennis event still held on grass, and the oldest tennis tournament in the sims world. It is widely regarded as the most prestigious. The Queen is patron of the All Windenburg Lawn Tennis and Soccer Club, also known as the All Windenburg Club, a private members' club best known as the venue for the Brambledon Championships. The royal family has a private box on the famed Felix Court and a royal patron presents the Championship trophy's to the Men's and Women's finalists.
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The O.S. Open held annually in March in Mirage Canyon, Oasis Springs is the clay court Grand Slam tournament held at Monaco Tennis Center since 1927. The facility has 4 courts and is named after the Oasis Springs Royal Family, who are regular tournament guests.
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The Americreek Open held annually in September in Newcrest, Americreek is the hard court Grand Slam tournament held at USTA Sallie Ray Knight Tennis Center. The facility has 3 courts. Arthur Armstrong Stadium held the record as the biggest tennis stadium in the sims world from 1935 - 2021 being replaced by Felix Court after 2021 renovations of the All Windenburg Club.
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Players from the 2021 Easton Royals with Her Royal Highness The Princess Lara, Countess of Boykins
Soccer: Windenburg's most famous soccer (football) team within the National Soccer League (NSL) is the Easton Royals, who have won a total of 15 Championship titles since the organization started in 1951; their last title came in 2021. As royal patron of the All Windenburg Lawn Tennis and Soccer Club, members of the royal family often attend games .
Thanks for the ask! 💜
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Off topic Chelsea FC drama related - that 'devil baby' thing is the reason famous people really need to be careful who they get naked with.
But also why I am laughing so hard at this headline from the Daily Mail:
Inside the sordid world of Instagram's 'Devil Baby': How fame-hungry influencer who stalked Premier League stars made £50k from eating Percy Pigs in the nude and was 'banned from Asda' for posting TikTok videos of dancing in the aisles in a bikini
Some super low-rent influencer wannabe had a one night stand with Mason Mount and totally lost the plot. She's currently in court and might go to jail for stalking him and all his team mates, including creating some weird insta called devil baby to threaten them all where she posted pictures of them with every girl they were seen with. She bought 21 different sim cards to keep calling him whenever he blocked her and texted him she had stopped eating so she could buy more. Like girl, chill. It was one night with a footballer. You never go full psycho.
The UK papers are having a field day. The paparazzi outside the courts showing her real unfiltered face are probably not doing her any favours either.
Mason bestie I hope you’re okay
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jeremymartin789 · 9 days
Exploring Online Fantasy Games: A Comprehensive Guide
Lotus ID Login fantasy games have surged in popularity, offering immersive and engaging experiences to players around the globe. These games span a range of genres, from sports simulations to epic role-playing adventures, providing unique opportunities for strategic thinking, teamwork, and creativity. This article delves into the world of online fantasy games, exploring their types, benefits, and the appeal they hold for diverse audiences.
Types of Online Fantasy Games
Fantasy Sports Platforms
Description: Fantasy sports games allow players to create virtual teams composed of real athletes from various sports, such as football, cricket, basketball, and more. Players earn points based on the real-life performance of their selected athletes.
Popular Platforms: DraftKings, FanDuel, Dream11
Benefits: Enhances sports knowledge, promotes strategic thinking, and offers competitive social interaction.
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs)
Description: MMORPGs are vast virtual worlds where players create characters and embark on quests, battling monsters and interacting with other players in real-time.
Popular Games: World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, The Elder Scrolls Online
Benefits: Encourages teamwork, enhances problem-solving skills, and fosters a sense of community and adventure.
Fantasy Strategy Games
Description: These games require players to develop and execute strategies to achieve objectives, often involving resource management, tactical combat, and long-term planning.
Popular Games: League of Legends, Dota 2, Clash of Clans
Benefits: Develops critical thinking and decision-making skills, promotes strategic planning, and offers both competitive and cooperative gameplay experiences.
Fantasy Adventure and Role-Playing Games
Description: These games focus on storytelling, character development, and exploration, allowing players to immerse themselves in rich narratives and expansive worlds.
Popular Games: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Skyrim, Diablo III
Benefits: Enhances narrative comprehension and empathy, promotes exploration and creativity, and provides a sense of achievement through character progression.
Fantasy Card and Board Games
Description: Digital versions of card and board games that involve strategic deck building and competitive matches.
Popular Games: Hearthstone, Magic: The Gathering Arena, Gwent
Benefits: Encourages strategic thinking and foresight, enhances memory and concentration, and provides social interaction and competition.
Benefits of Online Fantasy Games
Cognitive Development
Strategic Thinking and Problem-Solving: Players must plan, strategize, and solve complex problems, which enhances their cognitive abilities.
Memory and Concentration: Games with detailed environments and intricate plots help improve memory and focus.
Social Interaction
Multiplayer Collaboration: Games designed for multiplayer experiences foster teamwork and cooperation.
Building Friendships: Online gaming communities offer platforms for making new friends and interacting with like-minded individuals.
Stress Relief and Mental Health
Escapism and Relaxation: Games provide a break from daily stressors and offer a form of entertainment that can be relaxing and enjoyable.
Mental Stimulation: Engaging with challenging games keeps the mind active and stimulated, which can be beneficial for mental health.
Creativity and Innovation
Creative Expression: Games like "Minecraft" and "The Sims" allow players to express their creativity through building and designing.
Learning and Education: Educational games and simulations provide valuable learning experiences in a fun and interactive way.
Economic Opportunities
E-Sports and Streaming: Professional gaming and streaming have become viable career paths, offering substantial income through competitions and viewer donations.
Game Development: Interest in gaming can inspire careers in game development, design, and programming.
Popular Platforms for Online Fantasy Games
PC and Console Platforms
Examples: Steam, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live
Advantages: High-quality graphics, immersive gameplay, extensive game libraries, and robust online communities.
Mobile Platforms
Examples: iOS App Store, Google Play Store
Advantages: Portability, accessibility, free-to-play options, and regular updates.
Web-Based Platforms
Examples: Browser games, social media games
Advantages: Easy access, low system requirements, and integration with social networks.
Dedicated Gaming Services
Examples: Blizzard Battle.net, Epic Games Store, Origin
Advantages: Exclusive content, integrated social features, game management tools, and regular promotions.
Online fantasy games offer a vast array of benefits, from cognitive and social development to stress relief and creative expression. Their appeal lies in their ability to provide engaging and immersive experiences tailored to a wide range of interests and skill levels. Whether you are a casual gamer seeking relaxation or a competitive player looking for a challenge, the world of online fantasy games has something to offer everyone.
As the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, online fantasy games will likely expand their influence, offering new opportunities for learning, connection, and entertainment. Embrace the world of online fantasy games and discover the countless ways they can enrich your life, providing endless hours of enjoyment and personal growth.
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robdeezel · 1 month
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**Stream Schedule**
*[all times are Pacific Standard Time]*
3pm - *Madden! Week 8 trade deadline & games*
8-9pm - *Rob plays based on a conversation with chat!*
3pm - *2k! Regular Season All Star Break, Season 2*
8-9pm - *Rob plays based on a conversation with chat!*
3pm - *Madden! Finishing Week 8 trades & games, then moving on to Week 18 games and teams not making the playoffs*
8-9pm - *Texans Dynasty*
3pm - *Madden! Sim Week 18 & Playoffs!*
8-9pm - *UFC! Testing sliders for Friday’s Event!*
3-7:30pm *Madden! Finish playoffs! Rob plays until UFC event*
7:30pm *UFC! Post to the created-players channel of UFC section of the discord to make a player!*
*[All times are Pacific Standard Time]*
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