strengthnerd · 4 years
Is stretching important before a workout?
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Personally I do stretches before my workout to loosen the muscle especially on a heavy workout session there are times where I think that stretching is a waste of time that I just want to lift heavy. But there are benefits to stretching that should be added in daily training.
1)Reduce muscular tensions
2)Reduce muscular tensions
3)Reduce risk of injury
4)Increase range of motion
5)Improve posture
6)Prepare the body for the exercise
7)Better flexibility
8)Avoid tired, stiff and sore muscle
9)Decrease back pain
10)Increase blood circulation
11)Improve overall performance
Stretching doesn’t really take that much time at least 10 -15 minutes that will improve your performance and also to avoid any injury in the near future.it doesn’t really matter weather if you want to stretch after or before the exercise. However there is a point where stretching can cause harm to the body although sometime it is satisfying where the optimum range is about 15 – 60 second but too long it can actually made you stiffer
What happen if you don’t Stretch before a workout?
When we don’t stretch regularly, our body become much stiffer and sometime can’t move for us. The muscle become much stiffer or stuck where they are and tightened down during inactivity creating pulling on joints or bones. This can lead to aches, pain or probably often a compensation in our movement.
There are debate whether we should stretch before a workout or not. Stretching actually is to increase our range of motion so that we can move more easily which is beneficial.it actually depends on the individual preference whether to stretch or not.  There are people who suggest instead of stretching we should do warm up the muscle with light aerobic movement and gradually increasing their intensity instead of stretching then again it’s based on own preferences.
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strengthnerd · 4 years
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When we compare shoes to squats, powerlifters have only two options: flat shoes and squat shoes (heeled shoes, or weightlifting shoes). This is because most power-lifting competitions do not allow people to lift barefoot, and because any other form of shoe is likely to be a "athletic" shoe with a cushioned sole, which means giving more and less balance while lifting heavy weight, which puts more pressure on the muscles to stabilize (and thus wasting strength).
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What is the better choice between flats and squat shoes? A cursory glance across the Internet would certainly send you a lot of articles and videos celebrating squat shoes over flats for many lifters because they potentially fix a technical problem that plagues many beginners: the notorious loss of ankle dorsiflexion.
It's true that squat shoes increase the range of motion in your ankles when your heels are lifted, meaning that your ankles aren't flat at the beginning of squat shoes, but instead they begin with a mild plantar flexion.
But the point is that most people have more than enough dorsiflexion to squat in tandem with strong mechanics that take equal advantage of hip extensors and knee extenders.
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The squat dynamics can adjust on the basis of the individual's leverages and joints. The optimal squat pose of an individual is usually determined by the normal form of the pelvic bone and the head of the femur, which is why some people lend themselves better to a narrow pose and others to a broader posture.
In the meanwhile, a person's torso-to-femur ratio would usually determine their torso angle under the bar, as well as the degree of knee flexion required to reach the depth. All aspects – your pelvis, the length of your femur, the length of your torso – are non-negotiable.
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The shorter your femurs compared to your torso, the lower the dorsiflexion of the ankle is required to ensure optimum flexion of the knee and hip at the correct depth. The longer your femurs, the more your legs need to bend forward to balance the bar over your midfoot to prevent you from slipping backwards or forwards, demanding more dorsiflexion on your ankles.
Personally, my choice for squatting is the squat shoes, which made my squatting even easier because I have poor ankle mobility. I've tried both shoes for the flat one for me, it's hard to hit a certain depth, particularly for power-lifting, I have to take a narrower stance than my normal pose to make that depth, but it's still challenging. However, with the strongman and weightlifting, there are more benefits when using squat shoes, particularly when the action is about pressing above the head or the stone lift. So, really, it depends on the person's preference and shape of body, so we're not, exactly the same, we are structured differently.
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strengthnerd · 4 years
The World Strongest Man
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 “WORLD STRONGEST MAN 2020” 11th -  15th November in Bradenton Florida!!!!!
25 monters competitos
1: Ervin Toots @ervin.toots 2: Terry Hollands @terryhollandswsm 3: Eddie Williams @eddiejowilliams 4: Graham Hicks @grahamhicksuk 5: Luke Richardson @lukeerichardson 6: Maxime Boudreault @max.boudreault23 7: Tom Stoltman @tomstoltmanofficial 8: Robert Oberst @robertoberst 9: Evan Singleton @evan_trex_strongman 10: Brian Shaw @shawstrength 11: Rob Kearney @worlds_strongest_gay 12: Mateusz Kieliszkowski @kieliszkowskimateusz 13: Martin Forsmark @forzmark 14: Adam Bishop @adambishopstrongman 15: Oleksii Novikov @novikov_strong 16: Jerry Pritchett @jerrypritchettstrongman 17: Konstantine Janashia @konstantine_janashia 18: Kevin Faires @kf_strongman 19: Luke Stoltman @luke.stoltman 20: Mark Felix @markfelixwsm 21: Ari Gunnarsson @ari_gunnarsson 22: JF Caron @jfcaronstrongman 23: Mikhail Shivlyakov @mikhail_shivlyakov 24: Vytautas Lalas @vytautas.lalas 25: Iron Biby @ironbiby Alternate/Reserve: Trey Mitchell III @berserkerlifter Alternate/Reserve: Ole Martin Kristiansen @olemartinkri Alternate/Reserve: Eythor Ingolfsson @eythormelsted Eddie Hall Presenter Magnus Ver Magnusson @magnusvermag Head Referee Colin Bryce @colin.bryce Tournament Director Main Sponsor @sbdapparel
repost @https://www.instagram.com/worldsstrongestfan/
this is where the magic happen where monsters collide with each other batting the title WHO is the strongest  man. The World’s Strongest Man competition is about more than just force: it is about stamina, skill, tactics, training and strategy. Every event below is designed to push the Strongmen to their absolute limits, challenging not only their physical strength, but their agility and mental toughness too. there are variety of events that the test the competitors and they are :
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Pulling a phenomenally heavy object along a course may not sound like ground-breaking event territory in the world of the Strongmen, but there’s a twist for the Arm Over Arm Pull: the athletes have to remain sitting, and stationary, with their feet resting against a solid base at all times.
Using a rope, the Strongman must then pull an object down a course in the fastest time possible. It appears that the Arm Over Arm pull is, at first, about upper body strength, but actually depends more strongly on leg strength and grip. Most athletes will bend their knees, pull the rope tautly, and almost complete a leg-press style movement to gain speed and traction during the pull. Legs are much stronger limbs than arms, and this technique gives the Strongmen more power and more force behind their pull. In fact, it’s their grip that often causes them to fail at this event, as the roughness of the rope means keeping a tight grip becomes virtually impossible. Especially, when the items they’re pulling range from planes, to boats, to giant tyres.
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The Atlas Stones are often regarded as the signature event in the WSM contest. As the final event of the whole competition, this event often determines the winner.
Introduced in 1986, the Atlas Stones are five heavy, spherical stones which increase in weight from 100 to 160 kg. They need to be placed on top of five high platforms that span a 16–33 ft. long course. In the early years of this event, it was extremely rare for competitors to be able to lift all five Stones, but now the expectation is that all will be lifted, and it’s the time it happens in that now determines a winner.
Originally, the Stones were lifted onto platforms at waist-height, but over the years the event has evolved and the Stones have increased in weight, and the platforms in height.
This iconic event is strongly associated with some of the biggest names in WSM history: Marius Pudzianowski, Magnus Samuelsson, Magnús ver Magnússon and Žydrūnas Savickas have all conquered the event, and emerged as WSM title holders.
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The Keg Toss is inspired by the long tradition of Highland Games. Based on the idea of a weight-for-height competition, the Keg Toss relies on pure power to succeed. Competing Strongmen have to throw kegs of increasing weight over a 4.42 metre wall, clearing it in one throw.
There have been several historical variations to this event too: back in 2003 and then again in 2006, concrete blocks – not kegs – were the objects that the athletes had to toss over the walls. During these years, the height of the wall, not the weight of the object, was what increased.
With the kegs – which are now used exclusively over blocks – ranging in weight from 15kg to 24kg, clearing the walls in one go is no mean feat.
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Anvils, anchors and chains are carried over a fixed distance. The Strongmen compete five at a time, and have to carry two anvils first, before dragging an anchor over the same distance, attaching a chain to it, and dragging it back to the starting point.
An anchor and a chain are carried to the end of a set distance, where they must be attached to each other and then dragged back the same distance.
Visually impressive and impossible to take your eyes off, the Carry and Drag event is gruelling for even the most accomplished Strongman.
Weights: Anvils 130kg each Anchors and Chain 300kg.
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First launched in 1983, the Farmer’s Walk is one of the most well-known and most iconic WSM events.
It originally made its debut in Christchurch, New Zealand, but back then was known as the Fergus Walk. Initially, wooden implements weighing 80kg were carried by the athletes and it was the thickness, rather than the weight, that caused competitors the most problems. When this event launched, the emphasis was on the distance the Strongmen could travel with their weights. Whoever made it furthest around the oval track was declared the winner.
Today, the re-named Farmer’s Walk focuses on covering a set distance within a certain time limit and the apparatus the athletes carry can be dropped and picked up without limit. As the objects become heavier and heavier over the years, the event has come to be known as the Giant Farmer’s Walk – with each item tipping the scales at 160kg each…
That means since the event’s creation in 1983, the weight of a single object is now the same as the old combined weight, showing that each year really does bring with it a new calibre of Strongmen!
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One of the newest events in the WSM competition, Fingal’s Fingers was first launched in 2000 and takes its name from Fingal, a mythological Gaelic hunter-warrior. The event revolves around a series of hinged poles – or fingers – being lifted, starting from a horizontal resting position and flipped over to the other side. The poles get progressively heavier and longer as the event progresses, making the challenge to flip the fingers tougher and tougher as the timer counts down. The event is scored by time and by how many of the poles a competitor was able to flip over.
It’s fast, tough and unforgiving and as a result is used frequently in WSM competitions, both in the Heats and in the Finals. With weights ranging from 200kg to over 300kg, athletes are pushed to flip all five fingers with the pressure of the clock ticking as they do so. Turning all five isn’t enough, it’s whoever can turn all five the fastest who will be victorious.
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No standing in front of an open fridge door, wondering whether to have seconds or not here as the Fridge Carry sees Strongmen compete to carry two fridges along a 30 metre course. A yoke and a crossbar are used to stabilise the fridges, weighing between 415kg / 904lbs.
The athletes then have 60 seconds to complete the course… a phenomenal test of strength which has grown to become one of the most-recognised, and iconic events in the world of the Strongmen.
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The Giant Dumbbell press seems like one of the more straightforward WSM events, but that doesn’t mean it is any less grueling to succeed in.
In order to compete, the athletes have to lift single-handed dumbbells from the ground and onto their shoulder which they then must raise vertically over their head whilst fully extending their arm upwards. With four dumbbells weighing between 100 and 115kgs this is no mean feat. Scoring – and winning – the competition is dependent on the time taken to successfully lift as many dumbbells as possible.
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Giant is definitely the right word to describe this event as it’s an entire tree trunk – not just a log – that the Strongmen have to lift to conquer this part of the competition. The tree trunk is erected horizontally onto a stand which has handles built-in at one end. The athletes have to grip the handles with their backs to the trunk and lift it over their head as many times as possible within a set time limit.
The challenge here is the number of repetitions that can be achieved before the timer runs out. With the average trunk weighing 380kgs (830lbs) the athletes need stamina and strength, as well as an iron-clad grip to smash this event.
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This event was first introduced into the WSM events repertoire in 1992. Legend has it that the stone was originally crafted in Iceland over 200 years ago and used by an Icelandic pastor to help keep one of his stable doors open. The stone is still kept in Husafell, Iceland, at the site of Pastor Snorri Björnsson’s stables.
The stone itself is a flat, somewhat triangular rock weighing 182kgs. The challenge for this event is to carry the stone held high across the chest over a set distance whilst being timed. During the three years in which the WSM competition was held in Africa, a newly shaped stone was crafted in the shape of the African continent and the event was temporarily renamed as the Africa Stone.
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Five objects, each weighing between 100–164kg, are loaded onto a truck bed or a similar platform over a course of about 50 ft.
Anchors and chains, sandbags, anvils, lobster pots, masts, blocks of ice, wine casks and beer kegs are some of the items that have to be lifted. The athlete who manages to load all of these objects onto the platform in the fastest time is declared the winner. The weight of the objects – surprisingly – isn’t the defining factor in this event: the overall shape of the objects, their dimensions, and the terrain (which can range from rubble to sand to snow) the athletes have to cross to get to the loading bay are all more significant than weight alone.
Twists to the event’s structure have been introduced up over the years, challenging the Strongmen in new and ever more inventive ways. The 1992 Loading Race had five 90kg barrels as the loading objects, which the Strongmen had to wade into a lagoon to retrieve before returning them to dry land. Other variations over the years have seen the Strongmen wade through Bahamian sand, to boats in the Ocean, and through Icelandic snow, to retrieve items to load onto the platforms.
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The Overhead Log Lift was introduced into the WSM event series in 1980. Originally, the Overhead Log Lift was about lifting the maximum weight possible, but today athletes compete by lifting a wooden log from the ground then raising it overhead as many times as possible within the time limit; returning the weight back to the floor in a controlled fashion each time before attempting to do the next lift.
The Overhead Log Lift began life as a beer barrel lifting contest before the logs were introduced. The first winner of the Log Lift in 1980 was legendary Strongman Bill Kazmaier who powered 157kgs from the floor over his head. He won the event over the next two years too, setting world records with each lift. The current world record holder is the incredible Žydrūnas Savickas with a lift of 212.5kgs.
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The mythological tale of the Pillars tells us that Hercules, having to cross a mountain on his way to the garden of the Hesperides, used his superhuman strength to smash it into two pieces rather than climb over it. When these two pieces of the mountain fell into the sea they formed what we now know today as Gibraltar and Monte Hacho. Ever since, these two halves of the mountain have been known as the Pillars of Hercules.
Our Strongmen may not be smashing mountains in two, but they are our modern day Hercules… and for this event they prove their strength by standing on a raised platform, in a fixed position, and using chains to keep two huge pillars either side of them upright. Each of the pillars weighs 160kgs, and there is no time limit, the event will be over when the Strongman is no longer able to support both pillars.
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Whilst a few flights of stairs leaves most of us huffing and puffing and longing for the lift, Strongmen are powering up stairs carrying a selection of three humongous items all the way to the top. Power and speed are necessary to conquer this event, as the items range in weight from 182–273kgs and are lifted all the way to the top.
Moving from step to step requires speed and strength, and it’s not necessarily the tallest athletes that have an advantage here. The Power Stairs are designed to test every element of the athletes’ ability, and require stamina and skill to conquer.
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The Squat is one of the original events from the very first WSM contest. Still going strong (if you’ll pardon the pun) today, this event first began life with women suspended in giant metal birdcages being lifted up as the Strongmen squatted down to lift the bars that the cages were attached to.
Although the competition has evolved since 1977, it is still spectacular to watch and tough to complete as the Strongmen now lift items that weight up to 400kgs… including concrete blocks, tractor tyres, cars and even people.
The challenge is to lift the objects as many times as possible whilst remaining in a fixed position, with only the strength they can put into their squat to help them.
As the WSM contest has continued to grow and evolve, the keg and barrel squats have become more prominent, with Mariusz Pudzianowski and Laurence Shahlaei performing some incredible Squats. In fact, Shahlaei has built a reputation for being one of the most powerful Squat competitors in WSM history, often becoming the only competitor able to squat the heaviest weight. No mean feat, considering this event remains one of the oldest, and toughest, ones to compete in.
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Few WSM events are more impressive than the vehicle pull. Introduced in 1977, it’s the jaw-dropping one-to-watch as vehicles such as trams, boxcars, buses and planes are pulled across a 100 ft course, by hand, in the quickest time possible. Originally, the Strongmen would wear a pulling harness, but today it is more common for them to have a harness and a pulling rope. The old harness-only system did see to give an advantage to the competitors with the strongest body weight.
The vehicle is often chosen to reference a previous winner or the current host city of the current competition. The 2007 competition featured a fire truck in a nod to 2006 champion Phil Pfister, a professional firefighter, and the 2008 qualifying rounds featured a coal truck, a reference to the coalmining industry in West Virginia where the competition was held that year. The terrains also change yearly too, with vehicles being pulled on snow, ice, sand and concrete. Other variations to the competition also include filling a tram with passengers for the Vehicle Pull in 1979, meaning the total vehicle weight actually topped 4535kgs.
It’s double WSM Title winner Bruce Wilhelm who holds the record for the first ever pull in the contest’s history, completing the 21 metre course in exactly 14 seconds and proving that this event is about more than just size and strength; that it’s about stamina, strength and skill.
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strengthnerd · 4 years
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First post yeaaaahhhh✊ Hello there im the guy behind strengthnerd. As you can see the look on my face 🥵Im an amature Strongman and powerlifter who want to spread the AWESOME adventure of being a strength athleate that never seems to amaze me yeaaaayyyyy🥳🥳. Now back to business 😤, for this page i will showcase the art of the strength sport😎 which consider to be underated in my country which other places consider it as a full time job which is Awsome😤 to do somthing that you are passionate about as a living😌✊but yeah i want to expose it to others so that they can join the community and open more Powerlifting and strongman gym *cough2* So if you wanted to know more do follow my blog in advance i say thank u sir/madam i tip my hat for you🤠[link in my bio] https://www.instagram.com/p/CFRYOjtJ-2r/?igshid=1e1fpgbt94xwy
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strengthnerd · 4 years
aaaaaaa feat of strength another strength related sport is none other then power lifting. by the name itself POWER lifting show how much can you lift the weights in each weight category. powerlifting consist of three compound exercise or movement that is Squat,Bench and Dead lift
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for me personally it dosen’t  only increase my strength but also to lose weight and fat. So if your trying to lose weight try powerlifting if it dosent suit your then there are many other sport to explore.
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strengthnerd · 4 years
This is literally me every time I'm done with my workouts
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strengthnerd · 4 years
“Abs is not a sign of power, it’s just a sign you’re not eating enough.”
(Jean-Francois) JF Caron
Internet Troll: “How come they’re the strongest in the world but they don’t have abs?”
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strengthnerd · 4 years
its not just celebrity videos who respond to mean tweets, Strongman also does that hahahahha
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strengthnerd · 4 years
where it was seen impossible for a human to lift 1102lb(500kg) and in 2016 Eddie The Beast Hall attempted it and successfully lift it almost black out  after the lift. This is where history have been made and by stating that he is the world strongest man on earth. But in 2020 after 4 years Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson another strongman and also an actor in the’ game of thrones’ known as the mountain beat the record by 1 kg difference that show how hard it  is to attempt such feat
for more unseen footage you can watch before during and after the lift itself
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strengthnerd · 4 years
Feat of strength actually existed a very long time ago one of them is Circus Strongman which entertainers would perform feat of strength that seem impossible to an average person.An example is Cannonball catcher john holton
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To become famous and make a name for himself, the circus strongman came up with not just playing with heavy objects, but catching them. And they were not weights, but the real kernels that shoot cannons. this will actually killed a person but john did the impossible possible which to catch a cannon ball and that  what made him famous
but modern Strongman now is more like a  sport but also an entertainment to people with living giants from all over the world gather to compete with each other to grab the title the ‘World Strongest Man’.
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strengthnerd · 4 years
what is passion? let me summarize it for you it is something that you really like or love that can make you do amazing things. it can be anything with each individual have their own unique passion be it music, art, fitness,teaching and many more.
As for me ever since my journey is a bit long to realize that  i actually have a passion that is to be an strength athlete. the reason why i choose is because not only it changes my physical appearance but also it changes my mind set from zero confidence to the point that i was insecure about my body and now i learned to appreciate it and love yourself,
if you have a passion grab it and dont let it go as it will change your life forever
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strengthnerd · 4 years
Have you ever have a passion that you really like but people around you keep on dragging you down or even rejecting it? well, I’ve been there.
I was lack of confidants and it takes time for me to gain it. I am just your typical nerd and a weeb that won't even interest you if you see me I been bullied all my life because I was simply different. one day after going back from school I was planning to jog around my town I hear a loud thump I was so curious what made that noise as I approached closer I saw a guy who was flipping like big I mean big tire and I was in awe because his body doesn't match his strength. he saw me staring at him and he said: “hey kid come here”. I was really shy I don’t have the confidence, you might experience this like when you go to the gym and you do your heavy exercise and this some random buff guy just repping your weight as it was nothing so you lose confidence in yourself. So I encourage my self to approach him and he said 
uncle:” hey kid do you wanna try to flip this tire?”(with a smile on his face)  
me:” I don't know..., how heavy is it?”
uncle:” around 551 pounds”(250kg)
me (in my head):”naaah I'm not gonna do this it so heavy I might snap into two”
uncle:” I know you might think that its too heavy n you might snap into two”
me(in my head):” wait for what how does he know what I'm thinking off”
uncle:” don't worry I will teach you how you might never know until you try”
I tried lifting it the first try but I didn’t even move it by one inch. he told me just lifted and started to tell me what should I do when I'm lifting it. I tried the second time adrenaline pumping with a great push and I successfully lift it. with a big smile on my face and even his face, he said “I told you u can do it”. I was filled with joy that for the first time there was someone who helps me didn’t even care what I look like and most of all gave me confidence in my self. long story short my confidence grew overtime and found my passion that is to lift something heavy or you can also call it a Strength Athlete
(part 1)
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