#football instead then
choccy-milky · 1 month
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modern AU seb and clora's first interaction 📘📗 (and by modern AU i actually mean super trope-filled high school romance set in the 80's/90's LOL)
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kevinsdsy · 7 days
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the trojans social media au (pt. 17): i’m surprised we’re at part 17 and i’m still going omg anyways i included some jealous jeremy for y’all and tried including some more members of the team <333
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leeenuu · 10 months
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Lina Hurtig scores from the spot and sends USA home after a VAR decision, 06.08.23. Women's World Cup 2023 – Round of 16 Sweden vs USA pen. 5-4 Melbourne, Australia
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cassiepotter · 5 months
james potter headcanons!
• he can sleep like a log. once that man is asleep there is NO waking him up. he can sleep through storms and fire alarms, he could probably sleep through a 10 magnitude earthquake.
• he is an insane morning person. im talking wakes up at 5am every morning and instantly goes for a run kind of person. he holds practice at six in the morning and the whole team hates him for it.
• hates coffee with a passion. hates tea with a passion. its all 'plant water' to him. he drinks hot chocolate and hot chocolate only. and when sirius reminds him that a cocoa bean is also a plant, he says that 'its not the same', but secretly it haunts him 🧍‍♂️
• always moving. he has to pace or bounce his leg or tap his foot. he has a track record of tapping his quill on his ink pot when bored and tipping it over. he claims he's so sporty because it's 'cool', but really he just can't stand being still.
• you can hear his laugh from a mile away. literally. he has one of those laughs where you can just hear it and it makes you smile. and he laughs at anything. he was the only kid in the world who didn't cringe at his dads jokes.
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agnesandhilda · 18 days
the key difference between kaiser and isagi as guys who boost their self-esteem by beating others is that isagi isn't satisfied by overcoming opponents who aren't a match for his skill while kaiser exclusively picks fights he thinks he can win 
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jackleopard · 4 months
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the chelsea jersey is something that can be so personal to me
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thetarttfuldickhead · 11 months
”I talked to Southgate yesterday.”
The sun is not yet up; Jamie is dutifully stretching his legs in the cold yellow of a streetlight when Roy suddenly speaks. It’s the first thing he’s said all morning, except for gruff commands of run and ten more and fucking higher, Tartt. 
“Yeah?” Switching legs to work on his other calf, Jamie tries for a casual tone, fails, and doesn’t much care. “What about?” 
Roy gives him a look: the fuck do you think? There’s no heat in it, though. Rarely is these days, and that thought is a glowing ember in Jamie’s chest, equal parts joy and amazement.  
For a moment, Roy doesn’t say anything else. Jamie completes his stretches and straightens. Waits, with heart hammering hard, hard beneath his hoodie. 
“He got in touch two years ago,” Roy finally offers, seemingly adressing the streetlight. “Before the Euros. Asked about you, what sort of player you were.” He glances at Jamie then, face carefully blank. “I told him the truth.” 
That… hurts, unexpectedly. Not because Jamie is surprised, really, or because it is unfair, because he isn’t and it’s not, but still. It stings, though not as bad as it had back then, and for different reasons. 
He wants to make a joke, say something glib to chase the taste of resigned dismay and shame away: he opens his mouth; closes it again. Looks away from Roy and is grateful that the other man seems content to leave it at that rather than going into the details of just what he’d told Southgate. Fair or not, Jamie thinks he can do without hearing it. He can imagine it well enough. 
Roy is studying him, like he’s expecting Jamie to protest or complain. It feels a little bit like a test, maybe. Jamie remains quiet. Fiddles with his sleeves for something to do with his hands as the silence grows longer and the morning colder around him.   
And perhaps it is a test after all, because after a moment Roy nods slowly before starting to talk again. “Anyway, yesterday I called him up to let him know that those things I said two years ago weren’t true anymore, and that I didn’t want any of that to be held against you now.” 
Jamie’s eyes snap to Roy’s face and he opens his mouth to speak, but Roy holds his hand up, forestalling him. “Now, I have no idea what’s going to happen so I don’t want you getting your hopes up, but I’m telling you this because if he calls I want you to be prepared, because he’ll be asking about that stupid shit you pulled, what the fuck you thought you were doing, and I need you to be on your best fucking behaviour, okay? Don’t grovel, but none of that fucking cocky bravado or defensive bullshit either. You were a prick, you understand that now, and you’ve worked fucking hard at being better. Got it?” 
Jamie nods, quickly, eagerly, because yeah, yeah, he can do that. Would probably be up for a bit of grovelling too, if it increased his chances of being called up. Fuck, he’ll say whatever he has to say, spill his whole fucking heart if need be to prove that he can be the best fucking— 
Suddenly, he frowns. Roy notices and raises his eyebrows. “What?”
“Should I… “ Jamie pauses, uncertain. “Should I tell him, you know, about me dad? I mean, if he asks why I left City to do a TV show, what do I say?” 
Roy considers that for a bit. It occurs to Jamie that Roy probably doesn’t actually know why Jamie ran out on City the way he did; Jamie certainly never told him, and he doubts Ted did either. But he can probably guess the rough shape of it anyway.
“Gareth’s a good man,” Roy offers at long last. “You want to tell him the truth, you tell him the truth, he won’t say a word. Don’t try to use it as an excuse though.” 
“I won’t,” Jamie says with a small scowl and a flash of annoyance, because when has he ever? 
Maybe Roy realizes as much, because his face softens into something almost apologetic. “I’m just saying, because I don’t want any of that old stuff getting in the way of you being called up now.“ He pauses, like he’s hesitating over whether to keep on talking or not. Settles for keep on talking, apparently, because he adds, without looking at Jamie, “You deserve it.”
Three words, and enough for the ember in his chest to roar into open flame. Jamie can feel the heat of it reach his face; gentle warmth in the February chill. “Thanks, Coach.”
The call comes two days later. Taking it has Jamie running late for training and when he finally rushes into the dressing room Roy lays into him with enough venom to make the other players carefully back away from them. Still, Jamie can’t do a thing to quell the grin on his face.
“What the fuck are you smiling at?” Roy snaps. 
“Southgate called.” He’s a little surprised to hear how dazed he sounds. Feels like he could fucking fly, but the words come out almost hushed. 
Roy immediately stills. “And?”
He should savour it, perhaps, the triumph of this moment. Take a second to marvel at the sight of Roy – Roy fucking Kent – holding his breath as he waits for an answer, but he can’t, he can’t, it’s too big, to happy, too fucking good, and he can’t hold it in. “He’s calling me up.”
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thomas-mvller · 4 months
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Diogo Jota (31') Luis Díaz (52') Darwin Núñez (79') Liverpool FC | 3 - 1 | Burnley Premier League - matchweek 24
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3416 · 8 months
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Mitch Marner for NFL Big Man vs. Hockey vs. Lacrosse challenge! | 10.24.23
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narwhalsarefalling · 2 years
best part about being in college with likeminded peers and friends is you can say “OMG theyre refilling the gas tank at the gas station! anyone wanna go watch?” and then you sit at the station like
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love how ego immediately inducts the delinquents who appeared from nowhere into his soccer gulag. no need to figure out how they got into your sports prison only need to find out how well they do in it. maybe their leader will be the perfect striker you seek? wont know unless we try right?
The glasses guy??? Lmao he just didn't even care that these random guys were there (surely he would assume they broke in?) he just wanted them to play football. Love his priorities here
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Tbf he may not be completely wrong with Mikey though
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sp4ceqtown · 1 year
Comforting Words - João Félix
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As the final whistle blew signaling Chelsea's defeat, Joao Felix's face fell in disappointment. He had been looking forward to this match for weeks and had put in his all on the field. But despite his best efforts, they had lost the game.
You could see the sadness etched on his face as he walked towards you. You knew how much this match meant to him, and you wanted to be there for him. So, you took his hand and led him to the couch.
You sat down and pulled him close, letting him rest his head on your shoulder. You could feel his body tense up with emotion, and you began to rub his back, trying to soothe him.
"It's okay, babe," you whispered. "You played your heart out, and that's all that matters."
Joao looked up at you, his eyes filled with tears. "But we lost," he said, his voice cracking.
You smiled softly at him. "Winning isn't everything," you replied. "Sometimes, the most important thing is how you play the game. And you played with heart and passion, and that's all that matters."
Joao's eyes softened as he looked at you. He knew you were right. He had given it his all, and that was all he could do. He leaned in and kissed you gently, grateful for your words of comfort.
"Thank you," he whispered, resting his head on your shoulder once more.
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. You knew that there would be other matches, other opportunities to win. But right now, all that mattered was being there for Joao, and helping him feel better after a tough loss.
Author's Note :
another blurb in one day? yes. Easter break is coming to an end and school starts on Monday.. i will try to post as much as i can during school days! Requests are open, please send me some requests<3
- Megi.
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shahrwrites · 21 days
I headcanon that in an alternate universe where aDitF didn’t happen, Jason joins his college’s football team.
He’d been wanting to play football with his high-school’s team for the longest time, but he was never the right fit (physically) so he puts in the extra effort to build up his body.
Some days feel like his work is finally paying off, and others are just spent scrutinizing himself and every little flaw detail about himself in the mirror.
Bruce is very encouraging about it, reminding him on the worse days that Jason will achieve whatever he sets his mind to, and optimistic that all that work will definitely amount to something. He’s still a growing boy after all, and he’s got a lot of time till college to turn things around. Bruce makes sure to praise Jason’s hard work and give extra tips here and there on what workout or diet regimen could use an improvement.
This also means he has to sacrifice a few things, like avoiding certain foods at all costs, which proves to be a challenging feat for him for obvious reasons. Once upon a time he had to teach himself not to be picky about food because any kind of food at all was a luxury, which most of the time meant he had to make do with least beneficial kind, hence the predicament he was in right now. This, in turn, had caused sever changes to his digestive system and his taste buds. (His body had rejected the healthy food on the first few weeks he'd come to live with Bruce.)
Of course things had changed over the years, what with him having to adapt to becoming Robin. But it was different now, because he had to actively avoid certain foods and it went against a fundamental instinct.
Nothing is too great a feat for him, though.
So then he’s in college, and he's finally gotten into the team he'd always dreamt of one day playing in. Jason's in the field, and the benches are overcrowded with spectators and fans, other students or the family of the other players, an then his eyes lands on his family. Because they never lose a game, always there to cheer him on and raise his spirits specially during difficult matches. Bruce and Alfred can always be seen among the crowd, and Dick, whenever he's in town.
And that's why he can never help turning to find their faces in the crowd when his team wins, specially when he's the one scoring the win, the biggest of grins on his face, looking to share all his euphoria and happiness with the most important people in his life.
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statementlou · 7 months
Louis might not be chucking bricks at No. 10, but people are responding like he’s never displayed leftist politics or challenged a government position on anything. He supported demands to the government about a fix for UK touring musician post Brexit and Marcus Rashford’s petition about food insecurity. He fought the police about their social media use in 2018 and criticised the UK government position/support for factory workers in the pandemic. The things he speaks about are usually UK issues and meaningful to him or his family and friends. He’s also most likely to speak when he isn’t working. Also that specific anarchy has a punk anti authoritarian message as well. That statement fits Louis pretty well. He has been a poster boy for not sitting down and shutting up and doing what you’re told since 2012. If he was he probably wouldn’t have a solo career and he definitely wouldn’t have sold out the O2.
I like this point about him speaking out more when he's not working, I think that's a really great and useful observation and makes so much sense. I feel like it makes sense in two ways right now: like first, I don't blame him for not wanting to do things that would jeopardize how beautifully everything is going for him right now after the number of setbacks and troubles he's had to get here, it must feel so precarious. And knowing for a fact that any political statement you make will spawn a dozen tabloid stories and all kinds of outrage is bad enough, but add to that the fact that it's simply impossible to predict which thing will turn into a huge viral mess- it's a lot. And second, he's not just working, he's been on TOUR! I've been around musicians my whole life and one constant is that tour is time outside of normal time and life, it's a bubble, it's only paying attention to right where you are and what's in front of you and the people there with you and everything else is put off and neglected, is for when you get home (and have massive post tour letdown depression and fatigue). I'm not saying he can disconnect with the outside world entirely... but putting everything on pause? I would be surprised if it were any other way, and I would be surprised if he's been following the news and counter news and so forth closely enough to feel comfortable speaking out publicly about anything when it will be so scrutinized and picked apart. I would add to your list supporting the rail strike (something we wouldn't even know about if it hadn't been tossed in as an aside by an interviewer in the print only version of a piece, he didn't post about it or anything) and attending and posting about the BLM protests (not to mention telling people to pirate his stuff come on how punk is that), and I agree he is much more likely to speak out about UK issues which makes sense: most people are most moved by issues that are close to their lives in some way, and it's his brand. And I agree that even though as an anarchist I love talking about what anarchism as a political ideology actually is, the symbol does also have a common meaning in the world as just basically standing for anti-authoritarianism, and Louis as a guy who rejects authority and the status quo is nothing new at all and one of the reasons we love him, and in the last few years I feel like he's been going further in that direction both aesthetically and politically, and we love to see it! Plus he has pretty much always sported this slightly punky aesthetic to some degree, even when he was being dressed up like a little ken doll he snuck in skater looks and indie band tees and so forth (something something it's part of why his fanbase was so primed to love his new sound and it wasn't the risk he feared it was because people were always drawn to him who were already into that aesthetic even when his sound wasn't that yet) it's not like it's just a brand new out of nowhere side of him or something.
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travalerray · 4 months
Chengxian AU where there's no war BUT WWX gets de-aged Detective Conan style and while the two of them are freaking out over it and have to present a cover up for why JC's roaming around the jianghu with a child that suspiciously resembles WWX. So on one hand you have the de-aging villain conspiracy, on the other hand you have Madam Yu getting closer to a heart attack from a wholly different set of rumors.
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beneathsilverstars · 1 month
i think isabeau is gonna be a hot professor after he changes again. like, get the glasses back, but super stylish frames, and clothes that aren't specifically cut to show off his muscles but you KNOW he's still got em
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