#foofs additions
sapphicdeathfeedee · 11 months
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God, I need an evil feeder like that. The kind of girl who just wants me to get bigger for her, because that's what she gets off on. The kind of girl whose goal weight for me is bigger than my goal weight, who will stretch me out til my capacity begs me to stay stuffed or feel ravenous. Who won't settle for anything less than satisfying her need to keep making something bigger.
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goatpaste · 2 years
after having so many ppl on twitter come and try to explain anasui's character to me, then watching eps with him in it and talking to a friend im watching through jojos with iv decided
im still not very into him, i dont hate him i dont, i think he has some character treats i find endearing but between his overall character and the way some of his hyper serious fans act, its hate to truly like him
but uh, i think all the interpretations iv seen of him are a lil bunk and off the mark for me
i think for me the way i think he is best seen is how he is! I think some deep grime can be glanced from his backstory that could make him complex. i think he ultimately isnt a good person. He knows it.
I think a huge issue for Anasui is that, he is delusional, in the way he talks about himself and the people around him and the relationships people have to themselves and him is like this whole ideal world he's built in his head and a lot of his fans fall for it.
Anasui to me feels SO much like he vaguely heard about Jolyne and built up this image of her in his head. Then held on to it so tightly and decided to make it this thing that will change who he is, a part of his plans to put things in the right place to make it a how he wants.
but the biggest issue is that i dont think he actually likes Jolyne. like
i think he likes her, admires her and maybe loves her in a way. But i dont think he's in love with her like he tries to be. Because it feels like an act, it feels like he's trying to be in love with her and convincing himself that he's head over heels.
Because unless he's playing up this romantic gesture of how in love he is with her and using flowery words over his feelings about her, he doesn't seem to like her o rhow she behaves or her personality traits and quirks. I think he only likes the general idea of the kind of person she is and in a way, somewhat wants to be her and has made himself think he wants her.
His relationship to Jolyne is one he made up in his head, he built her up in his mind on the things he's seen and heard of her from afar and put her on this pedestal. Then when he gets close to jolyne and she isnt how he see's her, he seems upset and usually does things she doesnt like or want because he's assuming things about her and her wants, and trying to put together this specific image of himself for her even if its not the one she's seeing because it doesnt really exist. He wants to be a knight in shining armor to her while she literally isnt a damsel in distress, shes just a person! a strong person to! who has formed a network of friends and loved ones who are supporting her and anasui is just this late addition trying to force a place for himself in this relationship in an inorganic way.
Then under the flowery way he talks about Jolyne, he speaks so possessive and strange about her. And not even always in the 'creepy possesive boyfriend way' sometimes its in the way like a kid who doesnt want other people to change the story in the game he's playing.
The way he talks about her, AND A LOT (if not every character) he is around for an extended time he talks about them like tools and pieces he is using to put the world he wants together. Its especially easy to see in the way he treated Foo Fighters. To Anasui Foo is someone he can easily use as a tool to get what he wants, to him they are not a person and when foo does something he doesnt like he is much meaner and obvious about disliking people disobeying him or calling him out in comparison to when he is behaving in front of jolytne. Anasui is possessive and controlling of his environment and doesnt treat people like people.
(also may i add that if Jolyne knew the way anasui was treating Foof i think she would have been mucH meaner to him)
I think anasui just isnt a good person, and thats great. i can love a character like him who is flawed and kind of a bad person! Anasui could so easily have nuance and maybe some deeper level to his character, but ultimately not be a very good person. Because it wouldn't just be him! this applies to different degrees on the other Stone Ocean characters, in fact just a lot of Arakis characters in general. a lot of them are kinda not great people who in their choices and connections to others make themselves flawed but good hearted people or flawed and wicked. For Anasui i think he thinks he's knows he's a bad person, but thinks if he can put the right people in the right places around him then he can be a logically good person. If someone like jolyne could look at him with love and trust, then he could be a good person. But Anasui isnt in love and doesnt know how to love jolyne and Jolyne was never going to be able to fall in love with HIM.
IDK, again this is just kinda mushy half ass thoughts i was having while talking to daisy about anasui, she was much better spoken about these feelings on anasui
Ana just driVES me CRAZY between how much i dont really like him but still end up thinking about him because i feel like theres something there to analyze but its not all the points ppl brought to me. BUT MAINLY its because so many of anasui fans (not all of them, and tbh its nearly only twitter anasui stan fans) are so crazy and they see Anasuis delusional ass self and hear what he's saying and fall for it too! they fall for him and his words hook line and sinker! idk man idk! i feel crazy
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kernowfurniture000 · 2 years
You Need These Four Things in Your Study
It doesn't matter if you're a professional or a creative type; you need your own place to get everything done. You can concentrate and give your best work when you have your own study space. Places like these are designed to help people focus on their work rather than other things going on around them. One further way in which your study space reveals your character is the decor you choose to include. Plus, it's a great spot for some quiet, focused thinking.
Many well-known authors and artists have been known to spend days, weeks, or even months holed up in a study. The need for dedicated study space is especially important for those who do most of their work from home. In light of this, it's important to strike a balance between formality and ease. For that reason, this article serves as a firsthand guide on how to improve your study space if you are someone who is preparing to construct a studio for the first time.
Optimal lighting in the workplace is achieved through the coordinated use of both natural and artificial sources of light, and this is achieved through lightning. If you conduct technical drawing, painting, or graphic work, an attic with a large window that gives an excellent view of the sky is a fantastic option to let the natural light penetrate your study. Artificial lighting is another option for illuminating a space. You can direct the light exactly where you need it with the help of a pendant light or a good desk lamp. In addition, you'll be able to reduce your energy use.
Armchairs, especially upholstered ones, are a need for the study if you plan on having clients sit in there. There ought to be at least four or five chairs in your study if you want to host a chat there. The study can benefit from a wide variety of chairs, including a Wing Chair, a Club Chair, and an Occasional Chair. The Wing Chair is perfect for catching a few winks in between naps because of its plush design. However, the Club Chair brings a touch of the past to the room. The chair's big nail head design, which wraps over the back and arms, makes for a comfortable experience.
A desk is a must for any serious student's living quarters. Be sure it's big enough to store all of your tools and supplies. Whether you're a painter, writer, or fashion designer, you need a large desk to do your work. It could be anything from a plain wooden board to an elaborate desk decorated with cartoonish or classical motifs.
Decorative wall hangings, such as an animal hide or a picture, can infuse your study space with energy and inspire you to get creative. Hangings are optional; other components such as a plant, a large screen, or a wide shelf with a stack of books can serve the same purpose.
Furniture to Help Your Kids Study in Comfort
Furniture that is both stylish and durable is essential, as each member of your household has specific comfort and durability needs. The older members of the group require more comfortable seating to ease their aching muscles and joints, while the younger men choose pieces with bolder colors and more intricate patterns. In addition, watch out that your chairs and other furniture don't get damaged too readily from your little rascals' antics.
Possession of a Viable Alternative
Foof chairs, which are significant updates to widely used bean bags, are proven modules for your home's furnishings, especially if you have children. The following benefits should help you decide to buy these chairs for your kids:
Children of all ages like these chairs since they come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
These seats can be found in a variety of hues, including pinks and blues that cater to both boys and girls.
Studying is much more comfortable with a foof chair. Get your kid one of these seats and you'll notice an immediate uptick in his or her enthusiasm for schoolwork.
* The level of comfort provided by these chairs is unmatched, and you clearly value comfort highly when purchasing furniture for your kids.
* These chairs are useful for an extended amount of time and can be easily repaired once they begin to show signs of wear.
As was previously said, a Foof chair can be found; it varies in size and shape from other chairs of the same type. So, to pique your children's attention, these seats can assume the form of various objects, such as fruits, stationery, and more. Chairs in kid-friendly sizes are readily available so that your little ones can take pleasure in them, too.
The polyurethane foam used in the construction of these chairs is unparalleled in terms of durability and comfort. It has been scientifically proved that this foam is proficient in taking care of body postures of the human body. This is an important time, particularly for kids, because it's when they're actually developing. Thus, they can employ these chairs as game chairs, study chairs, and chairs for various purposes.
These chairs are available at reasonable prices and thus, you can easily afford them to meet your budget constraints. Moreover, when it comes to your children, you must not be in the mood to compromise comfort over price.
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dollsonmain · 3 years
Anyway it’s 10am, I’ve already been awake for 6 hours, eaten an apple a banana an orange and a handful of cheeze its in addition to 2 milky coffees, have vacuumed the upstairs and downstairs which might not sound like much but it’s a big house ok, emptied and cleaned the vacuum, vacuumed the furniture no one sits on in the front room, reset the dining room from when we had a guest, tossed the little chair doilies in the dryer to foof the dust off and forgot about them a couple times now, and contemplated whether or not I could stomach harvesting the wings off that 1/4th of a cicada that’s been left on my deck or not, I’m thinking no...
And that’s it I guess.
I’m exhausted.
I still need to vacuum the living room and get those things back on the chairs.
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bethanyactually · 4 years
Hi! 3 Things: 4, 15, and 18. Please and thank you.
4. 3 topics you’d love to learn more about
American Sign Language
the history of Indigenous Americans
honestly anything at all, I love learning about almost anything
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
“It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis.” --Mary Bonnano
“Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts.” --Wendell Berry
“So, what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.” - Rainbow Rowell, Attachments
18. 3 dream jobs you’ve had in your childhood
I assume this means, when I was a kid what were three jobs I dreamed of having, so I’ll go with that...although I never dreamed very big, honestly. I never wanted to be an astronaut or movie star or time-traveling detective or anything like that.
Thanks, Foof! <3
3 things asks
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ao3feed-cullrian · 4 years
Pft! Look at your hair!
by Anasilan
After spending some “alone” time in a bush together, Cullen and Dorian discover that their relationship hasn’t been the secret they thought it was.
Words: 397, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Prompt List: The Foof Edition
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dorian Pavus, Cullen Rutherford, Female Inquisitor, Sera, Iron Bull, Varric Tethras
Relationships: Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford
Additional Tags: cullrian - Freeform, love in a bush, Aftermath, no more hiding
from AO3 works tagged 'Dorian Pavus/Cullen Rutherford' https://ift.tt/2QVvnx7 via IFTTT
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Super Kingdom of the Stars has a variety of characters, each different than the last. Since there are so many characters from many different series, here are their bios as well as other information! 
I don't know how you were raised, but I was taught to help people in need!"
   - Princess Peach,                
           Super Paper Mario
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Princess Peach is the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom. Though she often gets kidnapped by Bowser, she also has had many heroic adventures, such as in Super Mario 3D World and more notably, Super Princess Peach.
However, after Tiara came to her one night and told her that Cappy was missing, Peach has set out on a journey to locate him and bring him home.
"Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing... Nothing but a mere illusion!"    
    - Zexion,              
          Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories
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Zexion is No. VI in the original Organization XIII. Wielding a Lexicon called the Book of Retribution, he exhibits a calm air. He used to be called Ienzo.
Just before his death in Castle Oblivion, Emiko used her magic to take a part of Zexion's soul and duplicate it, creating a separate entity that allowed him to live on without causing problems in the timeline. She did so for every other Organization member as well.
The separate Zexion fell from the skies above Fossil Falls, along with Marluxia.
"Yes, that's it. I said that I didn't like you, so you threw a temper tantrum."  
- Emiko,               
       Mega Man fancomic
             issue 1
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Emiko is a mysterious universe traveler hailing from the core universe. In other words, she came from the birthplace of all universes.
She uses powerful magic that she's learned from the universes that she has visited. Examples include the Miitopian Cleric's Calm spell, Ness' PK Rockin', and Tippi's Tattle ability.
That said, Emiko is actually
lighthearted and good-natured, despite appearances.
"Well, I'm gonna teach that 'foolishly foolish fool's fool' to trespass! Boooof foo foo foo foof!"
- Sofia,
     Super Kingdom of the Stars
              Zexion, Prologue
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While Emiko is a calm, mysterious sort of person, Sofia is pretty much the exact opposite. She thinks she rules the world, and she'll whine if she doesn't get her way this instant.​
However, despite wanting everything, Sofia is also very silly and sweet.
"As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness!"
  - Marluxia,
        Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories
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Toting around a large scythe dubbed Graceful Dahlia, Marluxia is the extravagant No. 11 of Organization XIII. Before he joined Organization XIII, he was known as Lauriam and was searching for his long-lost sister, Strelitzia.
His destiny was tied with Zexion's when they fell from the skies above Fossil Falls.
"Now I can cause all the mischief I want! Haha! See you later!"
    - Marx,
         Kirby Super Star Ultra
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One day, in the year 1996, a small jester by the name of Marx was born. He had made a wish upon a galaxy in order to attain the power to cause mischief as much as he wanted. However, his plans were foiled by a certain pink puffball.
After being defeated, he was enveloped by Soul Energy and become the second of the six Souls. Later, he went on to help Kirby stop the destroyer of worlds, Void Termina (who also became a Soul.)
Marx is mischievous and somewhat childish. Usually, if he isn't eating, he's pulling a prank on someone. He has had a fierce rivalry with Dimentio lately.
    - Dimentio,
        Super Paper Mario
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Dimentio is a mysterious jester mercenary who is affiliated with the Chaos Heart Incident. He died in the fight to save all worlds; in addition, the last remnants of his soul were crushed in the process of saving the worlds.
Now, thanks to Emiko, he has been revived. However, he has lost most of his memories. What he does remember is his name and that he was rescued from certain death by a little girl.
Dimentio has an enigmatic air about him. He frequently makes use of absolutely bizarre similes and metaphors. He comes off as being intelligent and slightly condescending. He has had a fierce rivalry with Marx lately.
Tweester Man
"I will stop you!"
    - Tweester Man,
         Mega Man fancomic
            issue 4
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Before the Double Gear Incident, Tweester Man used to be Emiko's boyfriend. However, when Emiko chose to team up with Marx as opposed to him, he thought she was cheating on him. This wasn't true, but Tweester Man left Emiko nonetheless.
After leaving Emiko, he had disappeared from his homeworld before reappearing in Peach's, seeking revenge against Marx.
Under normal circumstances, Tweester Man has a heart of gold. However, he is utterly ruthless towards those who have tried to bring harm to him or his friends, brandishing his twin sabers in a flash of dazzling beauty.
          Check back in the future for more characters!
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Adjustable Beds Smackdown!
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they are covered for the reason that sticky vinyl that made you sweat in the event you sat within them for any stretch of time, these were wonderful! Today you can find stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, you can look forward to seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, just what inspired this new rise with the bean bags? The reality is, apart from the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds in your body and permits you to adjust it to accommodate one's body in just about any position? They seem remarkable, too, with all the funky colors and blobby form.
Whether you were a follower the first time around or simply think your mother and father were nuts for every single having these items inside your home, bean bag chairs are certainly back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats have been not the same as the true ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
The bean bag chairs that have been available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't an ideal mixture and may are actually part in the cause these chairs lost their popularity before too long.
You will find a wide range of food chairs with various kinds covers onto it along with the soft fabrics which are used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, search for a bean bag chair that arrives with a removable cover so you'll be able to toss it within the wash. Just a little better and significantly much more comfortable as opposed to outdated vinyl!
The coverings aren't the only modifications, though, which can be good. Now foam bits are widely-used as an alternative to small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and come out the chairs to be very light and intensely soft although yet supplying you with the adaptability of shifting them all over and causing them to be suitable for one's body and preferred position.
You will find just a couple reliable firms that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so you will find in fact a couple of hard particles built precisely to the chair. If you prefer softer, look for a manufacturer that utilizes excellent foam pieces, instead.
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Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger as opposed to previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate merely a single person, these days the large sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or maybe more individuals to lay on. Technically, you'll be able to even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one buy a giant-sized bean bag for your kitchen at home? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't cut it. You'll get everyone fighting over who gets to sit inside the comfiest spot at home if he or she stop by. Thus, do your mates and relatives a fantastic deed and buy a larger bean bag for them to all share.
If you are watching a show or playing a video game, bean bags are just perfect. These can work well to maintain everyone cozy within a marathon round and offer additional support for the body.
Bean bags are lots of fun although they might not seem that stylish, they are able to really turn a regular room into one that's super comfy and able to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether your going using a Foof chair or conduct your investigation and find out a good option, you'll take pleasure within the fun of having a foam filled furniture in your own home.
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dantekhrh869-blog · 5 years
How To Buy (A) Adjustable Beds On A Tight Budget
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they were covered in that sticky vinyl that made you sweat in the event you sat in them for virtually any time frame, we were holding wonderful! Today you will find stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, you can look forward to seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, just what inspired this new rise in the bean bags? The reality is, apart from the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds to your body and lets you adjust it to allow for your body in about any position? They seem remarkable, too, with the funky colors and blobby form.
Whether you're a fan to begin with or perhaps think your folks were nuts for every single having these things in the house, bean bag chairs are definitely back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats are actually not the same as the genuine ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
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The bean bag chairs which are available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't the right mixture and could are already part of the cause these chairs lost their popularity before long.
You will see a wide range of food chairs with several types of covers about it along with the soft fabrics which might be used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, find a bean bag chair that arrives which has a removable cover so it is possible to toss it in the wash. Just a little better and 10 times much more comfortable than the old fashioned vinyl!
The coverings aren't the sole modifications, though, that is good. Now foam bits are utilized instead of small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and prove the chairs to be very light and incredibly soft although yet providing you the adaptability of shifting all of them over and causing them to be suited to one's body and preferred position.
You will find just a few reliable companies that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so you will find in fact a couple of hard particles built precisely to the chair. If you prefer softer, get a manufacturer that utilizes high quality foam pieces, instead.
Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger than the previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate simply a single person, but today the enormous sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or maybe more website visitors to take a seat on. Technically, you can even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one get a giant-sized bean bag for your home kitchen? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't make the grade. You'll get everyone fighting over who grows to sit within the comfiest spot in the home if he or she come over. Thus, do your buddies and relatives an excellent deed and just purchase a larger bean bag to allow them to all share.
If you might be watching a show or playing a video game, bean bags are only perfect. These can work well to maintain everyone cozy within a marathon round and offer additional support to the body.
Bean bags are lots of fun and even though some may not seem that stylish, they are able to really turn a regular room into one that is super comfy and ready to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether your going using a Foof chair or conduct your investigation and pay attention to a good option, you'll take pleasure inside fun of needing a foam filled furniture in your house.
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zionpdyf001-blog · 5 years
Double Your Profit With These 5 Tips On Adjustable Beds
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they are covered because sticky vinyl that made you sweat in the event you sat within them for just about any time frame, these were wonderful! Today you will discover stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, you'll be able to anticipate seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, what exactly inspired this new rise with the bean bags? The reality is, aside from the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds for your body and enables you to adjust it to support your body in almost any position? They seem remarkable, too, with the funky colors and blobby form.
Whether you're a follower to begin with or maybe think your mother and father were nuts for each and every having these things in the house, bean bag chairs are certainly back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats are actually very different from the real ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
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The bean bag chairs that have been available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't the ideal mixture and may happen to be part in the cause these chairs lost their popularity before long.
You will discover a great deal of food chairs with various kinds covers on it along using the soft fabrics which can be used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, look for a bean bag chair that arrives having a removable cover so you can toss it in the wash. Just a little better and 10 times convenient compared to old fashioned vinyl!
The coverings aren't the only real modifications, though, that's good. Now foam bits are employed rather than small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and end up the chairs to be very light and intensely soft although yet supplying you with the adaptability of shifting all of them over and which makes them suited to one's body and preferred position.
You will discover just a couple of reliable firms that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so you will find the truth is a few hard particles built precisely in the chair. If you prefer softer, locate a manufacturer that uses excellent foam pieces, instead.
Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger as opposed to previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate simply a single person, these days the huge sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or higher individuals to sit on. Technically, you are able to even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one buy a giant-sized bean bag for your kitchen at home? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't make the grade. You'll end up having everyone fighting over who gets to sit inside the comfiest spot at home every time they visit. Thus, do your mates and relatives a good deed and merely buy a larger bean bag to allow them to all share.
If you happen to be watching a film or playing a video game, bean bags are just perfect. These can work very well to keep everyone cozy during a marathon round and still provide additional support for that body.
Bean bags are lots of fun even though they may not seem that stylish, they could really turn an ordinary room into built to be super comfy and ready to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether your going having a Foof chair or conduct your investigation and discover a fantastic option, you'll take pleasure in the fun of experiencing a foam filled furniture at your residence.
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israeldjet483-blog · 5 years
Rules Not To Follow About Adjustable Beds
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they were covered because sticky vinyl that made you sweat in case you sat inside them for virtually any period of time, these were wonderful! Today you will discover stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, it is possible to look forward to seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, just what inspired this new rise in the bean bags? The reality is, apart from the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds in your body and enables you to adjust it to support one's body in almost any position? They seem remarkable, too, with all the funky colors and blobby form.
Whether you are a follower to begin with or maybe think your mother and father were nuts for every single having these products inside your home, bean bag chairs are definitely back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats are in fact quite different from the actual ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
The bean bag chairs which were available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't the ideal mixture and could are already part of the cause these chairs lost their popularity after a few years.
You will find a wide range of food chairs with several types of covers onto it along while using soft fabrics which can be used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, look for a bean bag chair that arrives with a removable cover so it is possible to toss it within the wash. Just a little better and significantly convenient as opposed to outdated vinyl!
The coverings aren't the one modifications, though, which is good. Now foam bits are utilized as opposed to small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and end up the chairs to be very light and intensely soft although yet supplying you with the adaptability of shifting all of them over and driving them to ideal for the body and preferred position.
You will quickly realize just a couple reliable businesses that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so you can find in fact several hard particles built precisely in the chair. If you prefer softer, look for a manufacturer that utilizes excellent foam pieces, instead.
Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger compared to previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate just a single person, these days the enormous sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or maybe more people to take a seat on. Technically, you are able to even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one purchase a giant-sized bean bag for home use? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't cut it. You'll end up getting everyone fighting over who grows to sit within the comfiest spot in the house if he or she stop by. Thus, do friends and family and relatives a great deed and get a larger bean bag so they can all share.
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If you might be watching a motion picture or playing a video game, bean bags are simply perfect. These can work well to help keep everyone cozy throughout a marathon round and provide additional support for your body.
Bean bags are several fun although they might not seem that stylish, they are able to really turn a typical room into built to be super comfy capable to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether you're going using a Foof chair or conduct your investigation to see a fantastic option, you'll take pleasure inside the fun of getting a foam filled furniture in your house.
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stephenxiyn167-blog · 5 years
Some People Excel At Adjustable Beds And Some Don't - Which One Are You?
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they are covered for the reason that sticky vinyl that made you sweat in case you sat inside them for virtually any time frame, these folks were wonderful! Today you'll find stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, you'll be able to look ahead to seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, just what inspired this new rise of the bean bags? The reality is, apart from the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds in your body and permits you to adjust it to match your body in almost every position? They seem remarkable, too, using the funky colors and blobby form.
Whether you were a lover to begin with or simply think your parents were nuts for each and every having these things at home, bean bag chairs are definitely back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats are actually not the same as the true ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
The bean bag chairs which were available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't the perfect mixture and may have been part of the cause these chairs lost their popularity after a while.
You will see a massive amount food chairs with several types of covers onto it along with the soft fabrics which might be used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, visit a bean bag chair that arrives which has a removable cover so you'll be able to toss it within the wash. Just a little better and ten times much more comfortable than the traditional vinyl!
The coverings aren't the only real modifications, though, that is good. Now foam bits are employed instead of small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and end up the chairs to be very light and very soft although yet supplying you with the adaptability of shifting every one of them over and causing them to be suited to the body and preferred position.
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You will discover just a few reliable companies that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so you'll find the truth is a number of hard particles built precisely to the chair. If you prefer softer, get a manufacturer which utilizes high quality foam pieces, instead.
Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger as opposed to previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate only a single person, these days the massive sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or maybe more people to take a seat on. Technically, it is possible to even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one obtain a giant-sized bean bag for your home kitchen? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't make the grade. You'll get everyone fighting over who grows to sit within the comfiest spot in the house if he or she come over. Thus, do your pals and relatives a fantastic deed and merely buy a larger bean bag to allow them to all share.
If you're watching a motion picture or playing videos game, bean bags are merely perfect. These can work very well to hold everyone cozy during a marathon round and offer additional support for your body.
Bean bags are lots of fun even though some may not seem that stylish, they are able to really turn an ordinary room into one that is super comfy and able to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether you decide to go with a Foof chair or conduct your investigation to see a good option, you'll take pleasure inside fun of having a foam filled furniture at your residence.
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deanoehd968-blog · 5 years
Supereasy Ways To Learn Everything About Adjustable Beds
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they were covered for the reason that sticky vinyl that made you sweat in the event you sat inside them for almost any stretch of time, these were wonderful! Today you will discover stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, you can enjoy seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, just what inspired this new rise with the bean bags? The reality is, besides the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds for a body and enables you to adjust it to accommodate your system in just about any position? They seem remarkable, too, with the funky colors and blobby form.
Whether you had been an admirer the first time around or simply think your parents were nuts for each and every having these items inside your home, bean bag chairs are definitely back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats are actually quite different from the real ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
The bean bag chairs which were available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't an ideal mixture and may even are already part in the cause these chairs lost their popularity after a while.
You will discover a great deal of food chairs with various kinds covers on it along while using soft fabrics which might be used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, find a bean bag chair that arrives with a removable cover so it is possible to toss it inside wash. Just a little better and significantly more at ease than the old-fashioned vinyl!
The coverings aren't the one modifications, though, that is good. Now foam bits are utilized as an alternative to small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and turn out the chairs to be very light and intensely soft although yet offering you the adaptability of shifting every one of them over and driving them to ideal for your body and preferred position.
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You will discover just a couple reliable businesses that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so you'll find in fact a couple of hard particles built precisely in to the chair. If you prefer softer, choose a manufacturer that uses top quality foam pieces, instead.
Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger compared to previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate simply a single person, however nowadays the massive sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or even more individuals to lay on. Technically, you'll be able to even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one get a giant-sized bean bag for your kitchen at home? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't work. You'll end up with everyone fighting over who gets to sit in the comfiest spot at home should they visit. Thus, do friends and family and relatives a fantastic deed and simply obtain a larger bean bag to enable them to all share.
If you happen to be watching a motion picture or playing a relevant video game, bean bags are simply perfect. These can work perfectly to help keep everyone cozy throughout a marathon round and supply additional support for that body.
Bean bags are a lot of fun and even though they may not seem that stylish, they could really turn a typical room into one that is super comfy and able to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether you are going having a Foof chair or conduct your investigation to see a fantastic option, you'll take pleasure inside fun of getting a foam filled furniture in your own home.
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gunnerjghq208-blog · 5 years
5 Reasons Adjustable Beds Is A Waste Of Time
A few decades ago, bean bags were hot stuff. No matter that they are covered in that sticky vinyl that made you sweat in case you sat included for almost any period of time, these folks were wonderful! Today you'll find stylish bean bag chairs making their way into this fashionable world. From Foof chairs to Love Sacs and Comfy socks, it is possible to look forward to seeing bean bag furniture in other people's homes shortly.
Why the Comeback?
So, just what inspired this new rise with the bean bags? The reality is, apart from the complete vinyl fiasco, those suckers are fairly relaxed. Who doesn't love a chair that molds for a body and lets you adjust it to match your system in almost any position? They seem remarkable, too, using the funky colors and blobby form.
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Whether you were a follower the first time around or perhaps think your mother and father were nuts for every having these things in the home, bean bag chairs tend to be back. Not to be an anxious while, these original and contemporary bean bag seats are actually quite different from the true ones.
Not Your Parent's Bean Bags
The bean bag chairs that were available earlier had small plastic pellets stuffed in shiny and sticky vinyl covering. It wasn't an ideal mixture and may even happen to be part of the cause these chairs lost their popularity after a few years.
You will see a massive amount food chairs with various kinds covers into it along while using soft fabrics that are used. If you're searching for anything spillproof, find a bean bag chair that arrives with a removable cover so you can toss it in the wash. Just a little better and significantly more comfortable compared to old fashioned vinyl!
The coverings aren't the sole modifications, though, which can be good. Now foam bits are employed as opposed to small plastic pellets. These are from upholstery foam and turn out the chairs to be very light and incredibly soft although yet providing you the adaptability of shifting all of them over and which makes them suited to your system and preferred position.
You will discover just a few reliable firms that used high-quality foam. Several chairs, like Foof chairs, use scrap foam, so there are in fact several hard particles built precisely in to the chair. If you prefer softer, get a manufacturer which utilizes excellent foam pieces, instead.
Size Matters
These newer bean bags are significantly larger as opposed to previous ones. Initially, bean bags could accommodate only a single person, however nowadays the massive sizes of bean bags comfortably allow six or more website visitors to lay on. Technically, you'll be able to even reinstate your sofa by an eight-foot bean bag couch.
For what reason would one buy a giant-sized bean bag for your kitchen at home? Since many times, one bean bag chair just doesn't make the grade. You'll get everyone fighting over who reaches sit in the comfiest spot in the home should they come over. Thus, do your pals and relatives an excellent deed and purchase a larger bean bag for them to all share.
If you might be watching a movie or playing a relevant video game, bean bags are merely perfect. These can work perfectly to keep everyone cozy during a marathon round and still provide additional support for the body.
Bean bags are lots of fun even though they could not seem that stylish, they could really turn a typical room into one that's super comfy capable to entertain. Everybody prefers a bean bag chair! Whether your going using a Foof chair or conduct your investigation and discover an excellent option, you'll take pleasure in the fun of needing a foam filled furniture at your residence.
0 notes
rosaofswords · 7 years
Personal Practice Update
I actually wrote a pretty big personal journal about this yesterday, but I thought about it and I really haven’t been keeping things updated here as much as I’d like to either.
My tarot practice and my spiritual practice are melding more, as these things are wont to do, or not, as the fancy strikes. That part has been pretty darn personal and while I’m probably happy to talk about it with friends... the internet doesn’t need to know.
But, for the interest of keeping a record on this blog: I’ve been really leaning into having a personal daily practice with my cards over doing challenges this month. I still love challenges, especially because I am that person who NEVER has a question for their reading, but sometimes it’s better to just take time and “be me.” 
“Me” involves continuing with mentor draws, which I will probably continue to share sporadically. This week I am  throwing the pictures, at least, up on instagram. While the readings are largely something I feel like keeping private, or have gotten too long-winded about to wish to type up from my journals, I realized over the first two weeks of July that I really appreciate staying connected to the community that both tumblr and instagram have given me. 
I’m not sure what this is going to mean in terms of sharing going forward. Depending on what my job situation shakes up to be, I might have a lot of time to blog or very little. If I have the time, I would love to start doing some in depth card-studies here again, as I did during Tarot Perspective and continue to do to a lesser degree with Tarot to the Court. It’s definitely where my heart is at, because being a resource to other readers is one of my main reasons for even starting this blog. I will probably always share some of my personal reads, especially when I DO take part in community challenges, but right now that part of my journey is very much in limbo. 
Anyways, what else did I used to put in my personal practice updates? Oh, decks I am using and how I am finding them:
- Ostara Tarot: my main deck of choice this month, it arrived on the last day of June and proceeded to go on many adventures with me. It’s been a good deck to come to as a touchstone so far this month and I’ve been finding the images really challenge the direction I take the meanings in. Working with the Ten of Cups this week has been particularly eye opening and lovely. 
- Animal Wisdom Tarot: I am reasonably fond of this deck for all I can’t believe I finally ordered it. I wanted it for the cute factor, I admit it. I’m not a particularly big fan of animal decks, but this one has a fair amount of movement and they have some more unusual animals... so I finally took the plunge. I used it with the Tarot Almanac for about a week, but my mom is actually borrowing it right now to compare with an old animal oracle deck she has. :) Not my favorite deck in my collection, but still a nice addition for a niche I tend to leave empty. 
- Paulina Tarot: Another deck I went super back and forth about getting, I am SO glad I finally bit the bullet on this one. I love it so much. Everything about it is very dramatic, all big sweeping gestures. Having previously owed the Joie de Vivre, this deck is entirely different for all they share an artist. The Joie is impishly playful, the Paulina is dressed up for a masquerade in utmost finery. I keep comparing cards to the costuming for The Phantom of the Opera’s masquerade in particular, in terms of scale and foof and drama. I am getting the sense this will be a great deck for when I am writing my fiction pieces, actually. 
-Dreaming Way Tarot: It was time to bring this lovely back to the surface of my collection. I believe I actually got this one last July, and it is one of my favorites. I find I love it more in the height of summer BECAUSE it has such a snowy swords suit. It just delights me to see a foot of snow on the ground, even as the cards are dragging me. Also, aesthetically and in tone, this deck has been an excellent match for the Ostara. 
-Fountain Tarot: I really only used this briefly this month, while I was on vacation and only had a handful of decks with me, but it is always a heavy hitter for me. Still stunning, still so much more than I anticipated it to be. 
So, yeah, I think that’s everything? Feel free to hit me up with any questions you might have about my decks, my practice, or whatever. Or tell me how your practice is going this month! I’d love to hear from you. :D
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carolcooks2 · 4 years
Welcome to Saturday Snippets were anything goes…whatever catches my eye or my imagination could be on this post…something for everyone…I hope so…so whatever your timezone grab a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy!
Everyone knows how I love to cook and I am pretty good now at cooking Asian food I have had a few years practise and practise makes perfect…Fried Rice …all the chefs are making fried rice some better than others…my grandson showed me this video and although there are a few foofs in it it is funny…so just a little warning there are a few profanities personally I  am not given to profanities myself but I found this very funny…I give you Uncle Roger reviewing for want of a better word Jamie Olivers Fried Rice…
Personally, I will never eat fried rice for a while without thinking of Uncle Roger…
How many boys ask for a metal detector I know Aston did as did my sons they took them to the beach, the local woods and parks and unearthed a few things but mostly nothing of any worth…This young Irish lad however like my boys started out with a dream and that dream became a reality when he unearthed a Historic Irish Sword as he was prospecting along a local river bank…How often does that happen?
Sadly Johnny Cash passed away on September 12th 2003…he was an American Singer and Songwriter who fired up country and western music…raised in the rural South he grew up listening to songs of work and lament, hymns and folk ballads it wasn’t until he joined the army that he learnt to play the guitar and write songs when he reti=urned from his military service in Germany he settled in Memphis, Tennessee with the aim of pursuing a career in music…He sang at county fairs and local events until he was signed up after auditioning with Sam Phillips of Sun Records, who signed Cash in 1955. Such songs as “Cry, Cry, Cry,” “Hey, Porter,” “Folsom Prison Blues,” and “I Walk the Line” brought him considerable attention, and by 1957 Cash was the top recording artist in the country and western field. His music was noted for its stripped-down sound and focus on the working poor and social and political issues. Cash, who typically wore black clothes and had a rebellious persona, became known as the “Man in Black.”
Did you know?
Elizabeth Barrett eloped with Robert Browing on September 12, 1846.
Barrett was already a respected poet who had published literary criticism and Greek translations in addition to poetry. Her first volume of poetry, The Seraphim and Other Poems appeared in 1838, followed by Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Barrett (1844). Born in 1806 near Durham, England, at her father’s 20-bedroom mansion, she enjoyed wealth and position, but suffered from weak lungs and tended to be reclusive in her youth. She became even more so after the death of her beloved brother in 1840.
Recycling is high on my agenda and especially circular recycling especially when the artist produces something like these …
I think they are spectacular I just wish I had a talent like that…Awesome use of scraps of wood…
Wellness Corner by Sally Cronin…Liver health and the Milk Thistle.
This week I have been soup making...Carrot Soup normally I stick to chicken, mushroom or tomato but this week it has been carrot soup..which was really nice very orange but a soup I would make again it needs a few tweaks and then the recipe will be in my cookbook …
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sauteed carrots
Carrot Soup
But I will as I promised to give you the recipe for foraged wild mushroom soup…
Here in the northeast of Thailand, there are various kinds of tasty mushrooms (hed), all filled with nutrition. Three favourites are hed kay, hed tub-tao and hed ra-ngok. In the villages, these mushrooms are often prepared in a soup along with bai yangang juice (Tiliacora Triandra), sweet basil and pla-ra ( fermented) fish which is often added to the soup…
I have adapted the recipe as you would most probably not be able to get some of the ingredients or want to use them like the Pla-ra…
2 cups various kinds of mushrooms
2 stalks lemongrass, lower tender portions, cut into 2-inch pieces and slightly crushed
5 – 7 each chillies, slightly crushed
3 – 5 each red shallots, slightly crushed
2 stalks spring onion, cut into 1-inch pieces
2 tbsp pla-ra juice (liquid of pickled fish) (optional)
1 tbsp fish sauce
2 cups of water
4 – 5 sprigs Thai basil leaves
Let’s Cook!
Pour the water into a pot over the high heat. When it begins a boil, add lemongrass, chilies and shallots. Then follow by adding the mushrooms. Let simmer briefly until cooked. Season with the fish sauce and pla-ra liquid. Add  basil and spring onion. Remove from the heat.
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wild mushrooms
wild mushroom soup
Serve in a bowl.
Thais would also add some local vegetable called Cha-om which is a vegetable native to here… It has a particular fragrance that may seem unpleasant at first to the unaccustomed, but when it’s cooked up, it’s so tasty that most people can’t stop eating it and the aroma is just part of the package and soon becomes quite likeable.
Many Northern Thai dishes use quite sour tasting vegetables and of course Phla the fermented fish…it is a taste our western palates are not used to but if you eat it enough your taste changes and it becomes quite palatable.
Now for some music…I have selected “Million Dollar Quartet” which is a recording of an impromptu jam session with Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash …recorded on December 4th 1956 in the Sun Record Studios in Memphis Tennessee…
Impromptu jam sessions are one of my favourite kinds of music…
How young is Elvis there he must have been star struck…
That’s all for today’s Saturday Snippets I hope you have enjoyed it…xx
About Carol Taylor: 
Enjoying life in The Land Of Smiles I am having so much fun researching, finding new, authentic recipes both Thai and International to share with you. New recipes gleaned from those who I have met on my travels or are just passing through and stopped for a while. I hope you enjoy them.
I love shopping at the local markets, finding fresh, natural ingredients, new strange fruits and vegetable ones I have never seen or cooked with. I am generally the only European person and attract much attention and I love to try what I am offered and when I smile and say Aroy or Saab as it is here in the north I am met with much smiling.
Some of my recipes may not be in line with traditional ingredients and methods of cooking but are recipes I know and have become to love and maybe if you dare to try you will too. You will always get more than just a recipe from me as I love to research and find out what other properties the ingredients I use contain to improve our health and wellbeing.
Exciting for me hence the title of my blog, Retired No One Told Me! I am having a wonderful ride and don’t want to get off, so if you wish to follow me on my adventures, then welcome! I hope you enjoy the ride also and if it encourages you to take a step into the unknown or untried, you know you want to…….Then, I will be happy!
Thank you once again for reading this post I hope you all have a fabulous week and stay safe these are troubling times xx
Saturday Snippets…12th September 2020…
Welcome to Saturday Snippets were anything goes…whatever catches my eye or my imagination could be on this post…something for everyone…I hope so…so whatever your timezone grab a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy!
Saturday Snippets…12th September 2020… Welcome to Saturday Snippets were anything goes...whatever catches my eye or my imagination could be on this post...something for everyone...I hope so...so whatever your timezone grab a coffee or a glass of wine and enjoy!
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