#flaming core zone duo
0vergrowngraveyard · 2 months
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au doodles
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a-bio-hero-writer · 2 years
One shot of Furno and his multiple attempts of getting a date with reader
Aaaaaa- AAAAA-  Furno’s internal monologue throughout the story
I also made the reader a higher rank hero and gave them their own team - Omicron. Like please, allow me to ditch canon and just mix heroes with different ranks in order to make all the teams somewhat equal to each other-
[Still working on gifs, sry for that]
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"Hey uh, would you perhaps like to-"
Alarms started to blare and [Name] began to slowly run towards the mission control. "Sorry flames, I think we”ll have to talk this out later. Gotta go." Furno just stood there and stared as the person who he had fallen so hard for ran away. He sighed and headed to Mac, since he asked for some help with rearranging his studio. Apparently the way things were right now was the cause of the lower audience rates (he said something about acoustics or something like that, but if Furno were to admit, he zoned out after the first two minutes of the rant). In the meantime he tried to calm himself down. Hopefully he will be able to ask them out when they come back from whatever the hell that mission was. 
«Omicron team has returned »
Now was his chance and he knew it perfectly well. Except his comm went off. "Furno, come over to the bridge, we’ve got a new assignment". He nearly threw the device into the wall, but he managed to keep his cool, which should make his mentor proud. "Yes Stormer, coming over" yep, today was not the day…
Okay, new day, clean slate. Let’s do this one more time.
“Hey [Name]!” “So sorry, can’t talk right now, some idiot left their oven on and now a whole avenue is on fire-” “Sure thing…”
“Hey, can I leave early? I have some business to deal with and-” Zib just raised an eyebrow quizzically. “So doing whatever it is that you want to do is more important than having a core recharge? Way to go William, if this attitude continues you’ll end up sooner on a junkyard than anyone ever did.” The red hero just rolled his eyes and obliged. Maybe next week will be better…
"[Name]!" The person in question turned around to face Furno and smiled. "Hey there fireworks, how have you been?" He just shook his head and retried asking the ultimate question. "Not important. Listen, I’ve got a question for you-" just as he was about to finally ask the forsaken question. Just when he almost asked. Just then did another member of Omicron yell after the duo. "Oi, you two loverbirds! You gonna join the party or just stand there like losers!" "Oh shut up will you? Besides we ain’t even together!" Now was his cue. "Would you like to?"
The higher ranked hero just looked at him surprised. “Wh- could you repeat?” The hothead inhaled deeply and prepared himself for eventual rejection. “Look, all this time I’ve been trying to simply ask you out. So here I am, finally asking if you’d like to go out sometime?” The other hero just smiled lightly. “Sure, how about I start with introducing you to my team? Besides you’re now technically invited to the party was well” Relief washed over Furno as he nodded. “That would be nice, yes.”  Little did the duo know that in he background members of Omicron exchanged won or lost money. Turns out bets are not always the best idea.
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jbuffyangel · 3 years
The Domino Falls: Arrow 1x12 Review (Vertigo)
It’s officially 1 year today since Arrow went off the air and I thought what better way to mark the moment than by chatting about the show we all love with a review!
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We have begun the slow and steady climb to more Felicity Smoak content 
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and “Vertigo” is a monumentally HUGE moment in Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. One little meet up at Big Belly Burger is what tips the dominoes over for Oliver Queen.
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Let’s dig in...
Let’s get right to the good stuff. Of course, there’s other stuff that happened in this episode, but do we care? Only a little. Oliver is on the hunt for The Count – the man responsible for the Vertigo epidemic and Thea’s looming drug trial. The Count is in my Top 5 of best Arrow villains. Of course his first episode coincides with an Olicity milestone. That rat bastard worked the hardest for our ship.
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The judge has decided to make an example out of Ms. Queen in hopes of deterring others from trying Vertigo. Seriously, does that ever work? 
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So, he chucked Thea’s plea agreement right out the window. Big Bro in The Hood is hoping to serve up a bigger fish – THE FISH – to help get his sister off the hook. Oliver is generally anti innocent people dying from illicit drugs, so there are unselfish reasons at play too.
No one knows the identity of The Count, so after roughing up the streets and getting nowhere, Oliver reaches out to Alexi Leonov. We met Leonov in 1x03, but for those who need a refresher - he leads the Starling City chapter of the Bratva. This is the first time Diggle meets Leonov, discovers Oliver speaks Russian, is a captain in the Russian mob, and can fake kill someone. 
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It was a big day for John.
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Leonov sets up the meet with The Count and Oliver attempts to buy some Vertigo off him, sans mask and arrow. The cops show up and Oliver tries to run down The Count as he escapes, but is stabbed in the chest with two syringes full of Vertigo. 
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Never fear, Oliver has his magic herbs from Lian Yu which apparently can cure drug overdose. (Maybe share with the rest of the world?) Vertigo makes him momentarily murderous (more than usual) and he screams a lot.
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Diggle and Oliver think it would be wise to have someone analyze the Vertigo… for some reason. This leads our dynamic duo to Queen Consolidated and to our favorite blonde hacker. 
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Felicity rambles about Oliver’s haggard appearance (re: see drug overdose) and a cat being tased (she connects those disparate dots, I assure you). He offers yet another ridiculous lie and we embark on one of the funniest scenes in Arrow’s history.  
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Arrow struggled to find its footing for a long time, but “Vertigo” is the beginning of the writers settling on to solid ground. If you ever have to wonder why the show focused on Oliver, Diggle and Felicity as the core characters you only need to watch this scene for the answer. 
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The chemistry between all the actors is amazing. Arrow is not known for its humor (especially in Season 1), but between Emily Bett Rickard’s perfect delivery of another one of Felicity’s awkward and inadvertent sexual slip ups,
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Stephen Amell’s inability to stay in character as he laughs right along with us,
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and David Ramsey’s stone cold straight man reaction –
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this entire scene is comedy gold. 
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I vividly remember watching it live, laughing my ass off, and wanting more of EVERYTHING these three have to offer. And that’s exactly what we’re going get. 
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“I ran out of sports bottles” reigned as Arrow’s funniest scene for a solid two years (until this episode), but it also marks the worst of Oliver’s terrible lies to Felicity. It’s so bad even Diggle has to remark on it in the elevator. Oliver’s lies are horrible, everyone knows Felicity doesn’t buy a word of it, and their need for her help is increasing with every day. Something has to change.
As we discussed in 1x11, Oliver is prone to distrust and very reticent to change his mind – ever. He’s been burned so many times in the past it’s difficult for him to view anyone through a trusting lens. 
And yet, Oliver told his deepest and darkest secret to a man he’d only known for a few weeks. Yes, Diggle had soldier skills Oliver would find useful as a partner. He knew John could hold his own in the field, but it’s not just about his abilities. It was also about the person Diggle is. Oliver did his homework and realized he needed John to survive. There was a wellspring of humanity in John that Oliver wasn’t able to access inside himself. He was subconsciously reaching out for help - like a moth to a flame.
It is the same with Felicity. Yes, Oliver needs her abilities – perhaps even more than what Diggle has to offer. (It’s not like Oliver Queen can’t handle himself in the field). But he is also drawn to Felicity’s warmth, kindness, humor, compassion and openness. Oliver’s heart is encased in iron and welded shut. He doesn’t know how to open it back up. It’s been dark and alone for so long. And yet, Oliver returns again and again to this brightly shining light and why? Because he craves it.  
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Something has to change. We need that final push, the first domino to fall, so Oliver can make that final step and tell Felicity who he really is. Diggle was easier. He’d fought a war before. Oliver also knew about Andy’s death. Remember – Oliver brought Diggle onboard when he needed help with Deadshot. Manipulative? Yes, but it worked.
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Felicity is trickier. I’m sure Oliver has done his research. 
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Well, yes that kind of research, but also into her background. There’s no dead family member requiring retribution. No war zone she’s recently returned from. She’s an MIT graduate with a penchant for hacking working at a global conglomerate as a wildly overqualified IT tech. The girl doesn’t have so much as a parking ticket. The leap to vigilantism would be rather big.
I also think a fair amount of his hesitancy to involve her in anything related to The Hood is the danger. Diggle can handle himself. Felicity is a different story. Oliver is constantly battling the need for Felicity’s help versus the risk he’s putting her at by asking for it. The lies are to protest Oliver’s secret identity, but also to shield Felicity from it.
Whether it is Oliver’s own distrustfulness, his inability to see an angle to reel Felicity in, his desire to protect her or all three – it doesn’t matter. He continues to lie to her. Oliver isn’t ready to make that big leap either.
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Source:  yet-i-remain-quiet
Until… Felicity asks to meet him at Big Belly Burger. Oliver waits for her, looking out the window on a rainy night, thinking of Yao Fei.
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Oliver feared Yao Fei betrayed him and was really working for Fyers, but neither was true. He convinced Fyers of his loyalty by pretending to kill Oliver. (So that’s who Oliver learned it from!) Yao Fei wakes Oliver just as he rolls his “dead” body into the waterfall. He also slips Oliver a map with a location marked with the words “Survive.” 
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Oliver doubted his trust in Yao Fei, but in the end was shocked to find out he had it right all along. Yao Fei was exactly who Oliver thought he was – a good man. That final and literal push cemented Oliver’s belief in his friend and to trust his gut.
There will probably always be a debate as to when the writers began the shift towards Olicity. “We DiDn’T dEcIdE uNtIL sEaSoN 2,” is the standard story, but I’m a firm believer it began in Season 1 and often include this scene in my massive pile of evidence. The last scene in the episode either tees up the next or contains a lot of emotional significance. Felicity beings to carve out a lot of final scene time as the series progresses.
The last scene in “Vertigo” is romantically lit with rain drops shimmering on the window. Oliver and Felicity are meeting outside the office and ALONE.  Soft instrumental music plays in the background. It feels more intimate than any scene they’ve shared before.
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Source: andjustforthismoment 
I still cannot get over Oliver “The Sex God” Queen waving at Felicity Smoak like a giddy school boy and then shaking his head over how completely uncool he looked. We watched this man leave a criminal suspended in the air with an arrow through his hand in the first scene and in the last he acts like a puppy. THE RANGE.
It’s clear Felicity is a little nervous as she exhales walking in. Is she nervous to be meeting with Oliver or nervous about what she has to say? Both. She tips her hand a bit by thanking Oliver for meeting her at Big Belly Burger. She did not want to have this discussion at the Queen mansion. (THE PLOT THICKENS).
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It seems Oliver and Felicity are having similar conundrums about each other. Felicity is uncertain if she can trust Oliver and has been debating for weeks whether or not to tell him the full truth. SOUND FAMILIAR? Felicity has far more evidence of Oliver’s untrustworthiness. There’s no rambling this time. She lays out the cold hard facts which is Oliver Queen is a big, fat liar and she knows it. He knows it. They both know it. Felicity Smoak is nobody’s fool.
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And yet, she trusts him. Even though Oliver has given her no reason to. Even though there are clearly things he’s not telling her. Even though Oliver has yet to show her the same trust. There is something Felicity sees in him which tells her Oliver is worthy of it. It is an unsubstantiated truth. Felicity is going with her gut and her gut says Oliver Queen is a good man.
This doesn’t stop her from asking him the simple question though. Felicity needs that little bit of reassurance before she makes the final leap. 
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At first, Oliver plays it off in his smarmy, smart ass and flippant way. It’s the Ollie Queen façade that always works with L*urel, Tommy, Lance, Moira and Thea.
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It’s an act that’s never worked on Felicity. She sees through it now just like she’s always has. Her smile fades. Felicity breaks eye contact with Oliver and doesn’t hide her disappointment. She is tired of the games and lies. Felicity wants to talk to the real Oliver Queen. That’s the only man she will share this secret with.
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All it takes is five seconds of Felicity’s disappointment for Oliver to drop the façade like a hot potato. 
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He even apologizes and promises Felicity he is worthy of her trust. Then, Felicity lowers the boom and hands him The List.
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It is difficult to surprise Oliver Queen, but this one has him reeling. She hands the book to Oliver, the same book Robert gave him, but he hesitates taking it. He has no idea where this is going, so he defaults to his standard operating procedure and lies.
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Oliver is not doing a stellar job covering his “my world is upside down” reaction, so I highly doubt Felicity believes him, but she lets it slide for now. 
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The more information she shares with Oliver the worse it gets. Felicity begins to fill in all the missing pieces to Walter’s disappearance and the guilt is pointing directly at Moira.
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This is not the first time Oliver has reason to doubt his mother, but every time he’s able to reason away her involvement in anything nefarious. If he can’t do that on his own then Moira provides very plausible explanations (LIES), which allow Oliver to continuing looking at his family with a blind eye. But this? This is impossible to easily explain away. Particularly since WALTER was beginning to suspect his own wife.
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Source: green-arrows-of-karamel
If The List cost Walter his life then Felicity is risking her own by showing it to anyone, particularly a Queen. She is literally putting her life in Oliver’s hands when she handed him that book. The first domino falls, but it’s not Oliver who pushes it over. It’s Felicity. She gives Oliver the truth when he’s given nothing but lies. Felicity trusts him absolutely when he’s done nothing to show he’s deserving of it. She risks everything while Oliver continues to hide everything.
Felicity shocks Oliver no differently than Yao Fei shocked him.  We’ve been waiting all this time for Oliver to make that final step and in the end it is Felicity who gives their relationship the necessary push over the waterfall. It’s a cold awakening, but he can see things clearly now. She is like a flashlight illuminating all the answers clouded by his distrustfulness and hesitancy. 
Felicity reveals so much of herself in this moment. First, she is willing to take risks if the cause is worth it. Giving Oliver that book took real courage. Second, the girl can keep a secret. She never said boo about anything related to Moira or Walter during Oliver’s little visits. Not even a hint! Three, Felicity Smoak sees clearly all the things Oliver is blind to. 
This serves as an important lesson for Oliver. Felicity knows so much more than he ever gave her credit for. Most importantly, his gut was right about her and he was wrong to ever question it. Two mistakes he will never make again.
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And now everything will change.
Thea and Moira
I’m not gonna sugar coat this for you guys. I was one hundred percent okay with Thea going to jail. Season 1 Thea is a pain in the ass. A couple episodes with her sitting in the slammer would be a welcomed break from the teenage ‘tude.
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L*urel and Lance work out a sweetheart deal for Thea after the judge basically said he would throw the book at her. Thea will serve 500 hours of community service under the watchful gaze of L*urel Lance at CRNI. And Thea flat out refuses.
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Now, typically I am a fan of anyone who tells L*urel Lance to go screw herself, but even this was too much for me. Thea wants to go to jail to stick it to her mother because she’s still convinced Moira cheated on Walter. 
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She didn’t cheat on Walter, Thea! Your mom just kidnapped him. So it’s fine.
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Oliver decides to drop the Robert “I’m not the man you think I am” Queen bomb on Thea and tells her their father was a big hoe. Thea refuses to believe him and Moira is ticked because Oliver told the truth. Queens don’t do that EVER. 
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Moira: He loved you. No matter his faults. He loved you.
Thea wants to know why Moira took all the punishment for Robert’s sins and her answer is very simple. She was trying to protect Thea’s memory of her father. Moira Queen is as shady as they come, but her desire to protect her children is always the driving force of any decisions she makes – good, bad and the ugly.
Moira: One day I hope you’re lucky enough to have a daughter and then you’ll know why.
This is the essence of motherhood. We will serve ourselves up on a platter and take the brunt of their hurt and anger if we believe it protect or help our children in the long run. Right or wrong - it’s just the gig.
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Source: queensarrow.
L*urel and Lance
L*urel and Detective Lance are really Thea’s only hope of avoiding significant jail time and, despite their history, Oliver has no problem groveling at their feet if it means protecting his sister. Luckily for Oliver, this week L*urel likes him, so she’s willing to do Thea a favor.
But her reason for wanting to help Thea turns out have very little to do with Oliver. It’s about Sara. When L*urel looks at Thea she sees all the wild abandon of Sara with all the red flags.
L*urel: For so long you and I have blamed Oliver for Sara's death, but Sara is to blame too.
Detective Lance isn’t too keen on helping Oliver or Thea, but L*urel calls out her father on his hypocrisy. He had no qualms about bailing Sara out after she shop lifted. The youngest Lance daughter seemed to get herself in to trouble long before she ever stepped onto the Queen’s Gambit and her father always helped her avoid the consequences of her actions. Until those consequences finally caught up with her.
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This is the first time L*urel lays any blame at Sara’s feet. I find it wildly disturbing whenever I agree with L*urel, but damn it she has this one right. Oliver wasn’t the only one who cheated. Oliver wasn’t the only one who lied. Oliver wasn’t the only one who was selfish. Sara was all of those things too. Just because she paid for those mistakes with her life doesn’t erase the choices she made and the pain she caused. If someone held Sara responsible without destroying her life, like L*urel is trying to do with Thea just maybe she would have never gotten on the boat. Maybe.
The game of “What if?” is a torturous one. It never gives any definitive answers. But Detective Lance refusing to help Thea to stick it to Oliver isn’t fair. L*urel is right. Sure, it may hurt Oliver, but it won’t bring Sara back.
More importantly, it doesn’t hold Sara responsible in any way. Detective Lance is treating Sara the same in death as he did in life. She wasn’t a saint anymore than Thea is – no matter how much Lance romanticizes his memory of his daughter. L*urel and her father don’t resolve the Sara issue, but Lance helping Thea is an important step towards his acknowledgement of the truth and putting some of the blame where it belongs.
Stray Thoughts
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Oliver is shirtless and handcuffed in the bunker is an absolutely wasted opportunity for an Olicity sex scene. Pretty sure I read a fic that started like it though. Source: @olivergifs​
Bratva Oliver is cold, calculating and stylish. I don’t know what it is about that jacket you guys. It doesn’t things to me.
I say this as a person who was very anti murder throughout the show, but sometimes it’s great to watch Oliver do a little violence.
“Whoever you fear, fear me more!” As vigilante lines go this was a damn good one.
“I’m not the one going to prison.” Give it time, Moira. Give it time.
McKenna Hall makes her first episode appearance as the rotation of female guest stars continues while show desperately searches for a love interest Stephen has chemistry because it ain’t Katie Cassidy.  (Psst! You found THE ONE already!!! Call off the search!)
Just for you multifandom folks out there McKenna is also Qetsiyah on The Vampire Diaries.
Why doesn’t Oliver give a sketch to the police of The Count? That could be helpful.
“I don’t need the bow.” Yeah, but you need to walk straight!
Musings of the Kiddo
Kiddo: How many times does he do this to her?
Me: Lie? A lot. She was very patient with him.
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me.
If you’d like to support the blog, please buy me a cup of tea!
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junkrxt · 3 years
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Calloused fingers pick at the wrapping on Rex’s left hand, wet where an unhealed injury lies underneath. A honeyed crimson seeps through the brown-stained brace and the Junker’s stabbing his right thumb into the palm of his hand – stems the flow (so he imagines.) and eases the pain vibrating through his hand as it shakes under irritated tendons. There’s an abundance of cusses slipping from Kaizen’s lips that remind him that it’s his clumsy manner of battling through an uncharted junkpile; sharp is broken metal; like glass at its edges when a hand catches the tip ever so cleanly. He’s surrounded by chaos (that’s how everyone else would see it, at least.) when in fact, it’s an organised catastrophe of scrap and mechanical-potential. He’s sprawled on the roof of a broken vehicle, indented under the weight of the man and his gizmos as he looks at the rising sun above; streams of light reflecting off his steampunk-esque glasses that are strapped to his forehead and shield the rays that have every likelihood to burn his sockets – one of the more horrific of instances for a man who prides on reparations to sustain life.
Black boots thump on the concrete rooftop – Cyrex convinced that his hole-up of a headquarters (the one he doesn’t act like a screwed-on being for.) is on the collapse, every day, something new crops up that he’s tinkering together. Never is anything broken for too long, tarps overhead that form a blockade from overheating, a gentle whir in the background of a refrigerator-like device that he’s storing scraps in. Junkrat is the perfect calibre of a name – though, the tailed creatures that scutter along the floor between overgrown ivy would probably argue against the moniker. Not that Rex sees them as junk, but they’ve got a nice crunch – kind of like bone, some would say. He finds use for that too; perfect sounding alarm for little junk boobytraps that put him on the other end of a Raider’s alert.
Kaizen’s got a favourite rat, she’s called Tess, surname, Tickle.
Distinguished is his attire; braces, ripped, torn and an eyesore of a mechanic in the walls of CHQS. Though unquestionably talented when challenged in the art of techno talk and rather a soloist if it were chalked down to a performance. An old, carcinogenic aroma is distinct enough that it is only outweighed by burnt oil and rubber of the rover’s Rex is known to fasten together; call him a motorhead; will race you to any milestone; all territories and let unforgiving crashes be their end. It’s not obvious with how he behaves that the tinkerer is any gifted in the maintenance department; but he’ll outdo any upgrade with a toothpick and package tape and make it work if that’s the only things available.
There’s never a need for anything to be fixed if the world remains perfect. Those phrases that cover the ‘if it’s not broken don’t fix it’ never really apply to Amhaven – in Rex’s history, never has.
Never short is the demand for skilled hands; quick fingers that have developed based on a world gone mad.
Goggles on, sparks alight like fireworks spraying directly from the ends of Junkrat’s fingers; he’s constructing. Machinery in brutalised hands and a lazy kind of roll of his head side to side like he’s impatient to finishing this particular project. Always the mechanic, likes to think he’s often the best of them. Anyone else is a lesser – comes to be why he’s always remained fairly isolated, rooted himself in places nobody else dares risk; a building (like most of them in the concrete jungle) on the brink of collapse; perfect headquarters for privacy, to build a retreat from stolen tarps and sticks. Old timber that’s got such rot through it that even woodworm doesn’t want to touch it. Metal, bone and the world at the scrapper’s fingertips; his haven.
Kaizen remembers his early years – sort of, a collection of memories compiled of gathering trinkets and gizmos that he wrestled with concaved vehicles for. Once wore a truck’s steering wheel like it was a new age war accessory – popped out the centre, acted like he was some kind of Havoc (also, a stolen shredded zone one relic of a comic book that he lost in two days to his own fire friendly hands.) Though, it stuck, as did the vision of his first taste in the Junker, Raider clash – he’d never seen a nose pop like a grape til then either, splat; a sound that really buries deep into the core of anyone. Crunch of ivory beneath Ransacker’s boots that had once belonged to his guardians; mentors; parents and fast does Rex learn some things simply cannot be fixed with even the fastest, adroit fingers.
Death’s permanent – no fixing that.
Scrambles away from the wreckage, a slick coating of red that decorates skin and clings like oil to every crevasse. It stains, both physically and mentally and if souls were ever an interest to someone like Junkrat, it probably has a mark there too. If only as a fuel to the man’s vigilance to the way of being a junker; more than just shiny things and scrap metal to be forged and utilised to self-serving purposes, an adaptable lifestyle that Kaizen blossomed into and now – in adulthood, understands rivalry with R&R and all its complications.
Though, the chaos is also welcomed when Cyrex has his gadgets in place like mines on a field. He often watches with botched binoculars in one hand from the rooftop of an abadoned multi-storey, legs swung over the edge with something to snack on in his other hand. It’s like cinema, the way incoming Raiders intend to… raid – so Rex assumes, and there’s just explosions followed by traps that provide all levels of lethality. A kind of wry smile as he throws offchunks of meat into his mouth and chews with amusement as stolen trucks attempt to barrage in and end upturned in a ditch; flames dancing along the dry grass in some mad max-esque carnage.
Friday night entertainment at its finest.
Deserved after a hard working week as recruited mechanic at CHQS – ha.
But yes, he does do that too, snags a spot in the mechanic ranks and enjoys the minimal joyride of liberating labrats whilst he’s maintaining the safety of those traveling between. How he got there – questionable. What isn’t, is how adept he is at doing it. Therefore, the carbuncle that he is in homemade tarp cargos and some form of fabric adoring his torso; a kind of armouring of metal and scrap that seems haphazard in its placement (though entirely logical if Junkrat were to think on it) are certainly, even in Amhaven, not the best of business attire, but it works. The scrapper always remains glad that his only requirement in the building is maintenance; tinkering upgrades that have every kind of ability to be less lackluster, more dangerously eccentric.
Tess Tickle as his right hand lady; lucky charm; never does his tinkering fail.
Until well, sometimes, it does.
And he has to go back and repair it.
Cue the sounds of thunder when he approaches in his jacked rover with enough modifications that would kill half the zone if the vehicle were to explode. Don’t touch it, he’ll probably show you how many uses a screwdriver actually has.
RAMESES "RA" EL AYOUBI | Other half; the Mother to the Rat Pack Collective where Junkrat’s the father. (In Rex’s opinion.) Chaos fuelled duo that has probably been responsible for at least sixty percent of both missing objects and rats that eventually end up in The Collective; living in the shared homebase (the one that’s not on Rex’s rooftop because... Ra says he needs... walls.) within a formerly desolate Chuck ‘E’ Cheese sign. Kaizen’s built a runway for the RPC out of it, a few acquired and repaired neon bulbs very reflective of Z1 in the odd letterings. Yes, Ra and Junkrat (more Junkrat... probably)��are this delinquent-like at most times. And yes, they really did argue about walls; their first domestic one could say.  
Named his rover/machine of a car, Hyena because, sometimes feral; sometimes doesn’t listen; often acts out and well; makes a lot of noise. 
Will greet you with a wrench in the shoulder, or a spanner to the stomach. Ultimately depends what he has in his hands when you look at him odd. 
Odd does indeed mean just be in his general vicinity. 
On a good day, he might grin and look more like he might either kiss you (not that you’d want to) or ask you to race him and Tess Tickle to the meeting room. Yes, the one he definitely should not be in. 
Almost always covered in grease, oil, lubricant, some other unidentified roadside substance and excess foodstuffs if not all at the same time. 
Don’t mention the smell. He can’t fix that, it’s natural. 
Probably replaces most civility with unpleasantries in regards to verbal communication, otherwise, he’s probably throwing peanuts at someone when waiting for something to boot up and he can work on it.
Generally goes by Junkrat due to many obvious traits, also does carry Tess Tickle around in a lil self-made backpack-like cage with a totally safe exercise wheel to keep her entertained during transport if she wants to go out on days. 
Yes, he talks to the rats, there’s a whole liberated Rat Pack Collective. Where did they all come from? Don’t worry about it. Ask Ra. 
Wears everything out of Mad Max, scraps of brown and dirtied attire that makes him look like a wilderness explorer; totally on brand, absolutely his style, the red stains... don’t recommend asking about those either. 
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Listed: Woven Skull
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Image Credit: Edel Doherty
In 2008, the core trio that make up Woven Skull began gathering together in the home of two of the members, set deep in the bogs and forests of County Leitrim: an empty, sparse area in the northwest of Ireland known for its myths of shee, tales of lake monsters, and calls of otherworldly beings in the still of the night. Several years experimenting with combinations of instrumentation, kitchen utensils, seashells, footsteps, chimes, recordings of cats purring and frogs mating led to their current sound which combines densely propulsive guitar, distorted mandola and endless cyclical rhythms. Woven Skull strip and scrape what they can out of minimal instrumentation to teeter on the brink of total sonic meltdown creating engulfing, raw primal drones and damaged rock manoeuvres. This sound draws on the influences of the combined backgrounds of the trio with Aonghus (guitar) and Willie (percussion) born and bred in Dublin and Natalia (mandola) born in Ukraine and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Of their most recent LP, Isaac Olson wrote that it was, “More serious than Sun City Girls and more playful than Bardo Pond... a great introduction to your new favorite cult band.”
A selection of sounds that we brought to listen to in the van during our last tour.
Agathe Max—Gypsy In a Church (Greasy Trucker Records)
A Gypsy In A Church by Agathe Max
Agathe Max and I first met when we shared a bill at a Baba Yaga's Hut gig in London. She was with her duo Mésangeand I became completely bewitched by her playing. Live, whether with a band or on her own, Agathe creates a mesh of violin magic mixed through a mastery of pedals. No action seems superfluous. Her violin bow might thump off the neck during a section that is fed into a loop and you wonder if it was maybe an accident only to find that the build up of the rhythm created by that slight thump singularly drives the whole next passage. It is meticulous. The Gypsy in a Churchalbum is Agathe solo and acoustic with two long improvised tracks. It came out on cassette in 2016 on Bristol's Greasy Trucker Records. Side A is recorded in Bristol in St. Thomas's church and Side B is from St. Leonard's in London. The spaces creep into the recordings. It makes good driving music because you get lost in time as the violin bounces around the church walls and suddenly the day has faded, twilight is spilling across the sky and and that night's venue is just around the corner. (Natalia)
Patrick Farmer & David Lacey—Pell-Mell the Prolix (caduc. Recordings)
Pell-Mell the Prolix by Patrick Farmer & David Lacey
A really tightly structured, interruptive and continually surprising concrète-ish composition by this duo of percussionists. Beautiful wood-block and dub segments deserve a mention. I found ‘Pell Mell’ to be more accessible than their earlier recording ‘Pictures of Men’ (equally worth checking out but perhaps more dense and angular in places). Ephemera of personal obsessions lumber up against indistinguishable rumblings, a passage is carved between the figurative and the unknowable. (Aonghus)
Chrissy Zebby Tembo & Ngazi Family—My Ancestors (Mississippi Records)
When you're stuck in traffic on the M1 between Brighton and any other part of the UK and you start to wonder why in the hell did we come to this country on a bank holiday, it's time to fire up the dashboard kettle, make a press pot of joe and throw on some Classic 'Zamrock' from 1974. This is hard rock coming straight outta Zambia, thankfully made available on vinyl at an affordable price courtesy of Mississippi Recordsin Portland, Oregon. This has become one of my Desert Island records. Sabbath infused riffs dipped in some 13th Floor Elevators psych with an explosiveness that's purely African. Before you know it, three tightly packed lanes of English Midlands holiday makers turns into three lanes with one else around. (Willie)
Tadlaouia—moul el koutchi rouicha et tadlaouia
I like to play the same albums both in the shower and in the van. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe these activities send me into the same zone? This tape gets a lot of listens in both places. I love the melding of Tadlaouia's voice with Mohamed Rouicha's string playing action. I know nothing of Tadlaouia aside from this album but I keep on eye out cause I’d love to hear more. I picked this tape up at a stall stacked floor to ceiling with cassettes. I choose it purely based on the cover. It coulda gone either way but sure, look at that shimmer in her smile. You know it's gonna be gold. (Natalia)
Angharad Davies, Tisha Mukarji & Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga—Outwash (Another Timbre)
Three super-focused improvisations for violin, piano and zither. Shimmering drones and creaks set against more melodic playing. Moves slowly from one area to another, acoustic instruments sound like electronics and at other times like themselves. Angharad Davies played at the same festival as us a few years back, performing a piece which consisted of her bowing a single tone while gradually unwinding the string accompanied by a really subtle tape element (or that’s what my hazy memory tells me), ruled! (Aonghus)
Miles Davis—On The Corner (Columbia Records)
Raw minimalist soul funk jazz. Totally stripped down. Enough hi-hats and trumpet wah wah pedal to keep you fuzzed out and yer head boppin'. It is such a ballsy record. But then again, Miles could get away with anything. Perfect for a morning drive on tour to get the brain aligned when you don't know what the day will bring. (Willie)
Creedence Clearwater Revival —”Sinister Purpose”
When in a vortex of stalled traffic that makes me feel like my life is melting into nothing in front of me, I like to put Sinister Purposeby Creedence on repeat (though, in fairness, any Creedence will do). Everything always just seems better then. And should the traffic never end and the van never move again, well at least there's Jon Fogarty to sound out our impending demise. (Natalia)
Bob Dylan—Self Portrait (Columbia)
Listen on Spotify
I’ve been listening to ‘Self Portrait’ a lot over the past while. I’m not hugely knowledgeable about Dylan even though I’ve heard a lot of the oeuvre over the years. A cursory google before I wrote this text tells me it’s regarded as one of his worst... not so sure about that. Opens with the sublime “All the Tired Horses”... Dylan himself not singing on it kinda blew me away as an idea for an opener when I first heard the album. Gets into weird country crooning... his version of “Days of 49” is another highlight. Things get patchy and weird but whatever... the “Blue Moon” cover is pretty funny. I’m second-guessing myself having just seen all the negativity surrounding it and started to spin “Blonde on Blonde” just to check... nah... I still think it’s good! (Aonghus)
Samandtheplants—Flaming Liar (Them There)
Flaming Liar by Samandtheplants
A few different names and guises flock from the incredible studio of musician, artist and producer Sam Mcloughlin. This album as samandtheplantsis such an absolute joy that you can have it on repeat for hours and it gets more interesting. Two disc set of almost purely vocals and harmonium. Very lo-fi, raw and total magic. Sam's Lancashire accent coming through and adding a genuine feel to the recordings as real English folk music without it sounding too twee or dated. I'd advise anyone to go looking for Sam Mcloughlin's work, including his sound sculpture work and his N. Racker project. (Willie)
‘Fort Evil Fruit’ Cassette Label
We here at Woven Skull are all big fans of Fort Evil Fruit. Label boss Paul has a keen ear for what's what. It's handy to stock up on all the newest FEF releases before a tour and gradually listen through them while zoning out on the revolving landscape outside the window. One of my favorite things that came out on the label in the last few years was Crevice’s debut album. The trio from Cork all play in a variety of other bands and solo projects, run labels, have radio shows and add to the general awesomeness of Cork City. Roslyn Steer's vocals on Black Box kept swirling around inside my brain for weeks after first hearing this so listener beware! It’s catchy business. (Natalia)
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highbuttonsports · 3 years
Oilers Optimistic after 2 wins over Senators, but Defensive issues still Obvious
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(Sun Jan 31: EDM 8, OTT 5)
The Edmonton Oilers beat the Ottawa Senators convincingly on Sunday night burying eight goals in the first two periods. And although their stars shone offensively, the Oilers defence allowed 5 goals in 38 shots from the worst team in the NHL.
The Oilers dynamic duo were the most notable factors in the win as Mcdavid and Draisitl combined for 11 points on the night. It was an offensive clinic, with the Oilers playing extremely aggressively in the offensive zone and along the boards, taking full advantage of their power-play going ⅘.
Say what you want about Draisitl and Mcdavid absolutely slaughtering defensive cores throughout the North division both on the rush and on the powerplay. We get it, they can outscore pretty much anybody. But as the old saying goes,  Defence wins championships. 
A quick look at the Oilers defensive lineup going into Sunday’s game against the Sens showed
Darnell Nurse and Tyson Barrie, two offensively gifted yet arguably defensively irresponsible D-men slotted in on the first pairing. Although the pair combined for three points, their similarly aggressive playing styles didn’t seem to combine very well, as limiting the scoring chances of even the league’s worst team proved to be too difficult a task at times. 
The Barrie-Nurse pair didn’t work well defensively, and neither Ethan Bear or Slater Koekkoek drew into the lineup due to Bear’s head injury and Koekkoek being a healthy scratch. 
The rest of the Oilers defence consisted of a Jones-Larsson second pairing and a Laggesson-Russel third. 
So if defence wins championships, this team won’t be looking at a cup run anytime soon.
It seems like a lot of fans have been subtly overlooking this issue in the past few seasons, focusing primarily on the razzle dazzle of Mcdavid and Draisitl’s simply inhuman levels of offensive production. But the reason for the slow start this season is the same issue that has plagued this team for years. This team doesn’t have a legitimate NHL defence core.
Edmonton was outshot 38-31 and took 5 penalties resulting in two goals against on the penalty kill. Head Coach Dave Tippet said postgame “...Tonight was a little bit sloppy with both sides…​   I’d like to see us have a real strong game Tuesday.”  
Sunday night, without absolutely monstrous production from both Draisitl and Mcdavid, the Oilers would have been totally shelled 5-0 by Ottawa. That’s right, Ottawa
So taking all the stats into account, the Oilers still won. But they also gave up 5 goals to the worst team in the Canadian division. The Senators had lost seven straight going into this matchup and averaged only 1.7 goals per game over that stretch. Looking at this game objectively, the Oilers won by three. Looking at it in depth, the Oilers let the worst team in the league, that scored only twelve goals in their last seven games, stroll into Rogers Place and net five against them, and allowed the Sens 21st ranked power play to score twice.
It’s safe to say that the Oilers Offence is on fire, but it only barely eclipses the glaring issues on defence. 
Tuesday Feb 2: EDM 4, OTT 2
The Oilers completed the two game sweep of the Senators with a more complete game on Tuesday night, beating the Senators 4-2. 
Edmonton led the game throughout the night, and although the Senators were able to net two in the second half, this game was a much tighter defensive outing from the Oilers, equaling their opponents shots at 25 and limiting most of their chances to the outside of the slot.
And I say most, as the Senators were served up multiple high quality scoring chances early in the third period, with 19 year-old Tim Stützle able to capitalize on the breakaway
But another bright spot in the win was the Oilers ability to score outside of the two headed monster known as Draisitl and Mcdavid. The two combined for three points including one beautiful laser of a wrist shot goal by Draisitl off the rush, but young Jesse Puljujarvi scored twice, and is suddenly emerging as a dangerous offensive talent now with 4 points on the season and a corsi-for percentage of over 56%.
The Nurse-Barrie pairing remained together, but was more consistent on both ends of the ice, once again combining for three points and a plus two rating.
“We were much better tonight than we were the other night. Turned over a few pucks in the third​    but for the most part we were pretty solid and that’s what we were looking for…” ​said head coach Dave Tippett postgame.
Needless to say this was much more of what is expected from the Oilers when facing the league’s worst team, but still wasn’t perfect. Although Edmonton’s defence was much tighter and more confident moving the puck, the Oilers, similar to Sunday night, took five penalties resulting in a Senators power-play goal.
Once again the Oilers are far from perfect especially when it comes to overall defence, but after three straight wins the team seems to be building a lot of confidence in their abilities. With the way the superstars are scoring now, Calgary certainly can’t be looking forward to having to defend against them on Saturday night.
Looking ahead
The infamous battle of Alberta will begin on Hockey Night in Canada this Saturday for the first time this season. With the high octane thrillers that transpired last season, it's safe to say that hockey fans across the country will be tuning in for an intense battle. 
What can we expect? The Flames play a very fast, aggressive game, hard on the puck and physical without it. Matched up against the Oilers aggressive forecheck who’s defence tends to lurk through centre ice waiting to jump up into the rush, it should be another high scoring affair. But the goals won’t be the only thing to look forward to. Mathew Tkachuck will likely be up to his usual on-ice shenanigans looking to draw penalties for a chance to get superstars Monahan and Gaudreau out on the power-play. 
For an Oilers win, they’ll need Draisaitl and Mcdavid to step up offensively and MUST be much more responsible defensively to keep Gaudreau and Monahan to the outside and limit their high quality scoring chances.
After the smoke has cleared after the long awaited battle of Alberta, The Oilers will play back to back games against the Senators on Monday and Tuesday night. 
Once again, the Oilers should have no problem defeating the league’s worst team even on back to back nights. Coming away with anything less than four points would be a disappointment.
Will the winning streak remain intact? Will Draisitl and Mcdavid continue to produce at such an outstanding rate? Will the long awaited battle of Alberta live up to the hype? We’ll discuss it all here next week.
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hetmusic · 5 years
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UNSIGNED: THE KTNA | The Most Radicalist x BBH Global
In this interview feature, we get to know the most radicalist up and coming stars on the planet. This time we caught up with the Kenyan-born, Manchester-bred and now London-based duo The KTNA. Most of us will be familiar with the inevitable descent of disillusionment with our hometown. It’s a universal experience that The KTNA captures to other-worldly effect in their most recent single ‘OWT’, short for ‘One Way Ticket’. Their music is a captivating combination of R&B, trip-hop and future-soul, all glued together by pure grit, determination and an unparalleled love for their craft. As you’ll discover in the interview below, sisters Hope and Millie Katana don’t cast off their Northern roots, in fact they owe a lot to their childhood in Manchester. It’s more the case that growth sometimes calls for upping those roots and planting yourself down somewhere new. The song and video for ‘OWT’ was written around a pivotal time for the sisters, living in Manchester, lacking inspiration and selling their furniture for extra income. As the old adage goes… should they stay or should they go? In case the answer wasn’t already apparent, the pair upped sticks and left for London. However, the trials of The KTNA wouldn’t be over just yet. With little money and no place to live, a friend of the band offered them a studio to record in for free, one that doubled up as a place to live. What ensued was a year of sleeping on the floor of a windowless studio with their respective twin sister. It was throughout this particularly testing time that they finalised and recorded their soon-to-be-released Life Under Siege EP.   It’s safe to say that The KTNA has been through the fire over the years, as is the experience of so many unsigned artists. Now, these flames have been lit under their project which has the explicit aim “to break all the boxes that have been handed down to us by no faults of our own. As overly sexualised, dual heritage, working class women from the North, we want to show the world that anything is possible.” In closing, they impart yet more refined wisdom: “We can be whoever we choose to be. You can change the world no matter how small you THINK you are.” It’s at our core to continue supporting the rising, the unsigned, the names we believe that are on the cusp of greatest, The KTNA clearly being one of them. Get to know Hope and Millie a little better below.
TMR: Let’s dive right in and talk about the new Life Under Siege EP. What does this release represent for you? This release is the freedom we’ve been seeking for many years now. It marks the end of a very long chapter in our lives and we hope it is a good introduction to the world we’re trying to create, through music. TMR: What are some of the themes that run through the EP? Life Under Siege is about the struggle and hustle of this crazy human experience we’re all currently living. We’re as brutally honest as possible with our writing, especially when discussing our own mental health throughout. We don’t really class ourselves under any genre, so we tried to keep the subjects of the songs as real and consistent as possible. TMR: We recently shared the apocalyptic video for ‘OWT’, which appeared to be an exaggerated retelling of living through tough time and wishing to be elsewhere? Absolutely. I’m sure everyone’s had a moment in their lives where they wished everything was different, that you could weather the storm and end up somewhere  completely different. Yeah, that was our lives daily for a long time. So we thought we’d make a visual with that thought in mind, and honestly with the help of a small village, we made it come to life. TMR: Has music always managed to provide an escape? Definitely, for as long as I can remember. One of my first ever musical “experiences” was whilst watching The Prince Of Egypt as a young kid. I remember the minute the music and film started it swept me far, far away. Even as a kid. So yeah, I think you can say we’re still chasing that high. TMR: Growing up in Manchester with its rich music industry and multicultural population, what music and other forms of creativity were you exposed to? Growing up in Manchester 100% enhanced us as creative beings. When we were growing up we’d go to an organisation called GMMAZ (Greater Manchester Music Action Zone) where we’d meet people from every borough of Greater Manchester and get together and make music. People from every race and religion got together put our differences aside and made beautiful (sometimes strange) music together. That experience definitely had an impact on the way we made music going forward. TMR: Looking forwards, your music takes genres like trip-hop and R&B and transforms them into something distinctly KTNA. Is this an active choice through the songwriting process or does it come naturally? Haha well our motto is “don’t do too much, just enough.” So we try not to force anything creatively. If it’s not coming naturally we tend to end the session pretty quickly and start something new. In respect to genre we grew up on - so many different amazing artists from probably every genre imaginable. We just try to incorporate a little of our favourites in everything we do regardless of being put in a genre “box.” TMR: When it comes to songwriting duties, does one of you take point with the lyrics, and the other composition or visuals or production? Or is it an entirely shared process? Our process is based off of team work. It depends on the day, or how we’re feeling, or what we’re working on. However, most of the time we work on a 50/50 basis.. it’s the best way we find (No cat fights.) TMR: The French duo Ibeyi cite the special, and often sacred, connection between twin sisters. Is this something you relate to? And does it influence your music? We defo relate, it is SO special. Our twin bond definitely influences our music a whole lot for sure! There’s something about when voices blend together as siblings that we just find so beautiful and satisfying. Above all though we just love singing together it’s life joy! TMR: Did you find the tightness of your relationship was tested while recording the EP in the windowless studio that also doubled as a shared bedroom for a year or did it bring you even closer together? Hahah both!! We’re not going to lie, it’s very difficult! When you live and work with a person non stop, especially in that environment, it’s very hard for you to turn off and think about anything other than work (making us HIGHLY irritable at times..) It truly tested our bond, but honestly we made the most beautiful music of our lives in that studio and even though it was very hard we had so many beautiful times there, so many beautiful songs and memories were made in that period... we wouldn’t change that time for anything in the world!! It was a life changing time for us. TMR: What’s next for The KTNA? LOTS of music!!! (Like sooo much) LOTS of shows !!!! AND LOTS OF HAPPINESS!!
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cayastrife · 7 years
Signature (a Star Wars story) - Chapter 20 ‘Dominion’
For the fraction of a second, a searing pain laced with a profound sense of vertigo bled into the deepening bond between father and son. Yet before the latter could even begin to touch upon it and ponder its implications, it was submerged in the force as all sense of self fell away. Physicality melted into pure energy, thought, and the galaxy came alight with the force. A mind joined his, not quite his own and yet almost a duplicate. He accepted it readily, instinctively, and returned its gift. The force, in return, sang at the union, rejoiced the perfect pact of its precious sons. It pulsed in jubilation, saturating every fibre of the galaxy in order to provide assistance.
He was vaguely aware of possessing a material presence, yet it seemed insubstantial, inconsequential. Everything heeded his thought, his unspoken command. Almost absentmindedly assessing the situation, he willed his saber to fly from his hand and witnessed it follow the course he had intuited. It seared the thick air and enriched it with the stench of cauterized flesh and ozone. Smells he barely perceived. As the blade returned to what had to be his gloved hand, he saw another -his, that of another, he found he neither knew nor cared - come up and mark a protective crimson arch in front of him. A cloak (his?) billowed around him in a sable cloud as he spun around to send his blade off once again. It fulfilled its duty precisely, deadly and returned just as it had before. An ungloved hand (again, his?) pushed outwards, the resulting shockwave carving out a path in the thinning ranks of their attackers. Dirt and dust gusted upwards, brushing past his face, his armor, blinding his eyes - yet he did not need them to see. There was no need of vision when the force was one’s ally.
All was calm, orderly, perfectly coordinated without any sense of urgency or even time itself. He willed the force to do his bidding while he himself fulfilled its wishes. In this perfect, natural symbiosis, a wider, more profound universe revealed itself to him - one that had always been so close, and yet just out of reach, like a word hanging on the tip of his tongue but never quite grasped, never correctly spoken. His mind had deepened, extended by the other, boundaries eradicated, walls torn down. Images welled up in the periphery of his perception, memories of days long past but hardly forgotten - crimson rivers of fire, their tongues licking at his flesh, cascades of silken curls dancing around delicately angled jawbones. Fleeting impressions of another life. His own? He was unsure. For a moment he considered seeking them out, reliving them, yet somehow he knew there would be pain, a reopening of wounds barely closed and he decided against it. Instead, he sent his crimson blade out once more, focused his intent on the whirling blur. The weapon soared and returned, again and again. The air hung heavy with dust.
From the far edges of the mind, a new sound intruded, rising in volume and urgency until it could no longer be ignored.
And all at once, it was over. As the force withdrew and reinstated the material world, Luke roughly crashed to his knees, wheezing, panting heavily. His right side was afire, its flames stoked with every hungry breath he took. Gasping, he watched as his father’s sable figure rushed past him toward the generator’s entrance. Following the long strides with his eyes, his mind finally went back to work, trying to make sense of the situation. What in the worlds was happening? What had happened? He had been one with the force, suddenly, so much deeper than ever before, and… his father had been with him, hadn’t he? He vaguely recalled the sensation of a mind joining his, melding with it.
His reveries were brought to an immediate end when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Glancing up, he recognized Chatter, his white armor plating streaked with new signs of battle, his face, unprotected, covered in grime.
“You okay?” It was only then that he noticed the concerned look.
For his guardian’s sake, Luke tried at a grin that he was sure was coming out much more like a grimace.
“I think so," he ventured, “At least no worse than before… whatever that was.”
Chatter gave a short laugh. “Be damned if I know, but it sure was impressive!”
A profound silence fell over the duo as Luke glanced around himself, taking in the multitude of dead bodies around them - bodies that had evidently fallen to a lightsaber, his, as likely as not. His stomach lurched at the carnage, and still he hardly remembered committing it.
“We should get going. Can you get up?”
Luke tore his eyes from the violent sight and, giving a quick nod, instead stared at his hands. The cool, smooth handle of his blade was still clutched in his left.
The sound of that simple word he had heard so often before returned his mind to him at once. It reinstated mental boundaries previously eradicated, brought back a sense of the material world with breathtaking suddenness.
Vader’s mind reeled, almost overwhelmed by what had come to pass so unexpectedly.
A battle meld, no doubt. Something he had not experienced in decades, not since…
He banished the unbidden thoughts from his mind. Thoughts of his former mentor, of the war. Of camaraderie. Of a previous existence he had deemed past and forgotten, yet which seemed to have made a habit of returning to haunt him with increasing frequency.
No, this was different. It had been far deeper, far more complete than anything he had known before. Not once had he come even close to the utter loss of a sense of self which had overcome him just moments ago. Not once had his mind become so completely merged with that of another.
Briefly his gaze strayed to the boy.
There was no doubt that their relationship as father and son, their bond, had a part to play in this. How else could someone as untrained as his son, no matter how immense his potential, accomplish such a feat?
A strange sensation overcame him, constricting his throat and forcing his iron lung to heave in effort. Quickly, he averted his gaze from the small form of the boy to calm his breathing.
In a meld so complete, so limitless… what had he experienced? What had the boy seen? There had certainly been nothing to stop him from discovering even the most well protected secrets of the Dark Lord’s mind, those most deeply buried.
Had he truly become so weak as to be unable to protect even his own mind? Had the boy gained such sway over him?
Absentmindedly, Vader balled his hands into fists, grimed leather screeching in protest. He could not be weak, not now. Not when he was so close. Not when so much was at stake. Control. He needed to regain control.
“Sir, we’re in!”
Without venturing another glance at his son, Vader set into motion and made his way to the bunker, his path littered with countless fallen bodies. Cauterized stumps and wounds stood out clearly to him, but he decided to pay them no mind. To not ponder their implications.
As he arrived at the structure, the Dark Lord instinctively glanced around his troops in inspection. While most sported blaster burns and other minor injuries, none seemed to be incapacitated or otherwise seriously inconvenienced.
Good. Very good.
Hurriedly, he made his way inside, joining his Commander and Captain at the controls. The latter was already busying himself with attempting to splice the console, apparently with little luck.
“Blast! They’ve got some first rate encryption here.”
“Why don’t we just use charges? That should take care of it.” Luke suggested, still panting, wheezing even - the boy must have hurried in after him.
Vader briefly regarded him, noticed how he leaned heavily on the trooper - the Lieutenant-Commander - supporting him. It was little surprise that the boy should be exhausted, yet the audible laboriousness of his breathing and the grayness spreading across his face caused a wave of concern in the father. His son clearly needed medical treatment, and Vader would make sure that he would soon receive it. It was only a matter of moments now.
“We will certainly not blow up this building," he answered finally, “It would be a senseless act of destruction; we need yet to investigate the origin of such unreported technology on this planet.”
Had there been more blood left in the boy’s face, he might have blushed at the comment, but with things as they were, he simply emitted a brief “Oh, right”.
Vader returned his attention to the Captain.
“What are our chances of successfully bypassing the encryption within in the next few minutes?”
The trooper took only the briefest of moments to answer.
“Close to nil, I’m afraid. Without assistance from the flagship or at least an astromech, hacking through the different layers would take a couple of hours, minimum.”
The Dark Lord emitted a sound of annoyance. A couple of hours… time they did not have, he pondered with a sideways glance across the ashen face of his son. The boy might not be in any immediate danger - or so he hoped at least - but he needed medical treatment nevertheless. Every minute he had to spend in an active war zone in a condition like that was one too many. Desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Step away from the console, Captain," he commanded, his right hand slipping to the hilt of the weapon fastened to his belt. Within a few strides, he had reached the alcove containing an access point to the power core and opened the hatch. The small room instantly filled with a cerulean pulsation lending everything an almost calm air.
Just as unhurriedly, Vader thumbed the activation switch on his lightsaber’s handle to bring forth the blood-red blade with a deep hiss. From his periphery, he heard a faint, hesitant “But, father…” as he brought the weapon up and then rapidly pushed it down, forcing it past shielding, wiring and into the power core itself. Tendrils of energy licked upward and into the handle, the blade’s vibrations growing arrhythmic, chaotic until eventually, it extinguished, alongside the penetrated core.
Around the small group, the bunker was plunged into a sudden darkness.
“Any news on the planetary shields, Lieutenant?’ Piett enquired, stepping onto the bridge, his voice betraying his impatience.
“Nothing, Sir," came the swift reply.
“What about long-range communications?”
“Modulating against the shield frequencies is proving more difficult than anticipated.”
“Any timeframe?”
“Hard to say. A couple of hours at least.”
Piett swore under his breath. He was simply tired of hearing nothing but one negative report after the other for hours on end. If there were many more, if there was no viable progress soon… Shaking his head, he dispelled images of plunging the very Executor itself through those blasted planetary shields. As commanding officer, he needed to remain calm and in control if there was to be any hope of salvaging the current situation. And his life, for that matter.
The Admiral’s eyes wandered to one of the tactical displays outlining various bits of key information regarding the current operation. It had been almost 72 hours since Lord Vader’s shuttle had crash-landed, close to 24 since the rescue team had made contact. And in all that time, there had been no information except for the signal flares. A lot of time for something to happen, for something to go wrong. Of course, Piett was confident in Vader’s ability to handle any difficult situation thrown at them - his commander was more than simply capable - and yet he could not help a growing sense of unease. There were wounded among their party, and for all he knew Lord Vader’s son, still suffering from previously inflicted and barely healed injuries, might be one of them. And although it was a thought fearsome enough in itself, it was not only that he had to except and weather Lord Vader’s wrath if something were to happen to the boy. The Emperor himself had made quite clear that he was to retrieve him and return him to Imperial Center - preferably without any permanent damage.
In a different situation, Piett might have taken a moment to stop and marvel in awe at how far he had come, how close to the very heart of the Empire he was. Yet presently, such thoughts elicited only a dry, cynical chuckle. Promotions be damned. Patrol duty on Tatooine did not sound all that bad right now.
“Sir, we’re detecting an anomaly in the planetary shields!”
The announcement immediately tore him from his thoughts and sent him rushing over to the Lieutenant-Commander who was hurriedly checking and rechecking the readouts of the Executor’s scanners.
“What is it, Lieutenant-Commander?”
“A section of the shields is dimming," he answered without looking up from his screen, “The structural integrity is being compromised. We should be able to get through.”
Not wasting a moment, his mind instantly working in overdrive, Piett turned from the screen.
“Notify all troops on standby. Have them ready for deployment on my order.”
“Lieutenant, open a channel to Lord Vader’s party.”
“Channel open, Sir.”
Piett took a deep breath to steady his voice before finally initiating contact.
“Executor to shuttle crew, do you read me? I repeat: Executor to shuttle crew, do you read me?”
It took a moment for the reply to come, but when it finally did, Piett felt almost relieved. But only almost.
“Shuttle crew here, reading you loud and clear, Executor.”
An exhale.
“Give me a status report. What’s your situation?”
“Under control. We took down one of those shield generators, but we could use some reinforcements.” There was a rustling in the connection, muffled voices. “Passing the comm to Lord Vader.”
Piett swallowed involuntarily.
“Lord Vader-”
Yet he was cut short by the mechanical rasping crossing the connection.
“No time for formalities, Admiral. Deploy reinforcements immediately. Our intel was regrettably lacking; the Clawdite faction has weaponry that is far more sophisticated than we anticipated.”
“Understood, Mylord.”
“And send sufficient medical supplies. We have several injured among the original crew, my son among them. I want him to transported back to the flagship for treatment immediately. I will transmit our coordinates for a pickup.”
With a click, the connection closed, making the sudden quiet of the bridge even more obvious. A quiet that needed but a few words to be readily transformed into a hectic bustle of activity.
“You heard your commander. Get our troops ready - let’s give them a show, shall we?”
“Alright, course for Tatooine… set.” Han announced, accentuating the final word with a flick of the autopilot’s activation switch. Leaning back in his chair, he was intent enjoying this first - and easiest - part of their journey before things would undoubtedly become more complicated - after all, Mos Eisley was still under strict Imperial scrutiny. Yet as so often, things did not go quite as planned.
“May I repeat, Captain Solo, that I have strong misgivings about returning to Tatooine. While I certainly share your eagerness to be reunited with Master Luke, I simply cannot forget the trouble we faced on our most recent visit.” The tinny voice of C-3PO droned on and on as the golden droid gesticulated wildly to underline his displeasure.
Han sighed.
“Princess, remind me again why we brought him?”
Leia briefly glanced up from the datapad she had been studying since takeoff - and even before.
“He insisted," she responded, earning a nod as well as verbal agreement from the protocol droid.
“Of course I insisted. I am very worried for Master Luke. The Maker only knows what trouble that stubby little bucket of screws has gotten him into this time!”
This strange appraisal of the situation earned him a loud guffaw from the Wookiee.
“Gotta agree with you on that, buddy," Han smirked in response without enlightening the rest of the company on the true content of Chewbacca’s comment. “Right now, though, Tatooine’s our best bet. It’s the last place we know for sure the kid has been, and has some sort of connection to. Well, save for the core, that is," and after receiving an unreadable scowl from the Princess, added, “but let’s not revisit that avenue, shall we?”
With a sigh, Leia put down the datapad, giving up all attempts of pretence at being able to concentrate on its contents.
“This would be so much easier if we knew more about Luke and his past, his family. Anything. But I didn’t even bother to ask him.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it, Princess," Han tried to stifle her attempts at self rebuke. “Was hardly any time for that anyway. I vaguely remember you being busy running a tiny operation called… What was it again? The ‘Rebellion’?!”
Leia shot him one of her customary looks, raising a single eyebrow at him.
“You’re not as funny as you think yourself to be, you know?”
“Hey, we all have our talents," Han shrugged, accompanied by Chewie’s amused throaty chuckle, “and I happen to know many women who consider me very funny.”
The Princess’ glare made yet another appearance before Leia decided to return to more serious and pressing matters.
“Hidden… talents aside… are we sure we’re not overlooking anything? Forgetting anything?”
“Can’t think of anything I haven’t told you,” Han replied. “All I know are the few scraps the kid dropped every now and then. Didn’t talk too much about his aunt and uncle; I guess the loss was still too fresh.” Han threw a glance at Leia, aware that she was in a similar situation, had not only lost her family but her whole home planet, had been forced to witness the entire event firsthand. But at least she’d had a place, somewhere she belonged and could find support - not that she would admit to needing it, of course. Even now she put on a strong face, so he continued, albeit hesitantly. “Luke would mostly go on about his father, how he was a great pilot, a noble Jedi Knight. He once told me that, when he was little, he kept imagining that his dad would show up some day and just take him away on his ship.”
Leia hummed in thought.
“Understandable. Even if a little innocent.”
Han gave a dry chuckle.
“Yeah, just like Luke. Of course that was way before Kenobi told him all about Vader. Wasn’t easy for him, learning that the father he’d put on a pedestal for so long was dead. I’m not sure he was ever really able to let go of that fantasy of his. But he’d swear he’d get revenge on Vader. Never seen him more serious than when he talked about that.”
The Princess’ face darkened, her own confrontations with the Dark Lord still fresh in mind.
“And now that monster is exploiting Luke’s ache for a family to delude him, to use him for his own purposes… We must put an end to that.”
“Couldn’t agree with you more, Princess,” Han nodded, his face equally grim, devoid of his customary smirk. “And we’ll take our first steps toward that on Tatooine. It’s not the biggest, most densely inhabited planet around. People know each other in those places. Even if the Imps have wiped the registries, somebody’s bound to know something.”
Within moments of cutting communication lines with the Executor, Darth Vader witnessed the skies above Zolan darken with the shapes of a multitude of Imperial ships, their engines laboring, emitting thunderous roars filling the entire atmosphere. The electric blue of thrusters, afterburners and compensators harshly cut through the haze of civil war and illuminated battleground after battleground. Bodies lay upon bodies, some half-emerging from the craters of bombs dropped with little precision but greater impact. War was never kind, yet had decided to show one of its uglier faces here.
Well, there would not be war for much longer, Vader mused while observing the steady influx of ships, their angled bodies dispersing over the vicinity. Apparently, Piett had decided to make a show of force, a decision the Dark Lord approved of greatly. He would make sure to properly thank the Admiral later.
Whirling up the blood-stained dust around the small group surrounding Lord Vader, a dropship lowered itself to the ground and, before even touching down, expelled a wave of soldiers in gleaming armor yet untouched by fighting and struggle. One of the Stormtroopers hurried over to Darth Vader while others immediately went to check on the remaining shuttle crew, carefully eyeing injuries and dispensing bacta patches and painkillers.
The Commander addressing Vader gave a brisk salute.
“Sir, IDT Delta-621 at your service.”
“Very good,” Vader responded, “Your arrival was much anticipated. What’s the situation?”
“The Clawdites’ advance was slowed by local pockets of bad weather, but invasion of the capital eventually took place at 0300 local time. The fighting is not letting up, civilians are getting involved. Still the leaders refuse to meet for any form of negotiation.”
An annoyed rumble escaped Vader’s throat. Then it was as bad as he had expected. It seemed his work on this planet was not quite over yet.
“Get me transport to the capital, Commander. Perhaps my presence can expedite matters.” But before the trooper could make to fulfil his order, a gloved hand rose to halt him in his tracks. Vader turned around to where his son was receiving medical treatment for his injuries and called over the trooper keeping close watch next to him - Chatter, the one with whom the boy had quickly formed a bond of natural, uncomplicated companionship.
“Lord Vader.”
“Lieutenant-Commander, I want you to accompany my son back to the flagship and see that he receives adequate medical care. I task you with his safety until I return from the capital. You are not to leave his side.”
Chatter glanced over at Luke for a moment but quickly nodded.
“Of course, Sir. He’s in no state to remain planetside. I will take him right away.”
Watching the trooper return to his son’s side, Vader prepared himself for the argument he knew would come as soon as the young one learned that he would have to leave his father’s side. The boy was, after all, prone to disapproving of his decisions, regardless of how sensible and well-founded they were. Defiance was one of a Skywalker’s strongest traits, almost impossible to suppress - especially when, in the boy, it had been even further enriched by her iron will.
All that in mind, he was even more surprised to see his son listen to his companion and simply nod in reply. Nod. Agreement. No agitation, no strong words, no accusing glare at his father. Just a nod. This simple fact bothered the Dark Lord even more deeply than the obvious laboriousness with which his son proceeded to stand up and lean on Chatter. Something was clearly amiss when he acted so out of character, and somehow Vader suspected that it had little to do with his physical state.
Don’t act so innocent, you know what’s happening, the darkness whispered inside his mind, once again taunting him, returning in a moment when easy answers were not to be had, and more difficult ones not wanted. He just doesn’t want to be near you.
Vader tried to silence the insidious voices, focussed on his son’s hobbling procession, but the dark was not so easily dispelled.
Have you forgotten that he’s been inside your mind? What do you think he witnessed there? I’m sure you have asked yourself that question.
Of course he had, the Dark Lord had to admit grudgingly, almost as soon as the mind meld had been over. He had feared the reality of what had happened to his son’s consciousness during their connection, still feared the possibility that he might have delved into memories to which he should never have become witness.
How could he not? The darkness whispered, a breath more than a voice but still clearly understood. A mind so innocent as his, so untainted. There is so much it does not yet comprehend. And what we cannot understand we fear, we loathe.
Unable to smother the whispers, Darth Vader simply stood quietly, watching the boy and his guardian walk past and step onto the boarding ramp of the dropship to eventually vanish inside its gray shell. Not a word was spoken between father and son, no glance exchanged. As the ship lifted itself from the ground and quickly accelerated out of view, his iron lung rasped, sinking deeper and deeper into a chest no longer able to bear the weight and accommodate the device. In its place it left nothing, a black hole tugging at the seams of the battered form, trying to finally unravel it fully, irreparably.
It was not for a few moments that he was able to free himself from his dark musings and return his body to normal operation. Yet even as he joined the Commander and entered his own transport headed for the capital, the sinister voices stayed with him, harassed the tortured mind in the broken body.
And what we cannot understand
we fear
we loathe.
As the shuttle made contact with the durasteel floor upon setting down inside the Executor’s main hangar, Luke emitted an involuntary groan. The rocking motion made his left hand fly to gently cover his injured ribs. Despite all the painkillers he had been given before boarding, the stinging wouldn’t stop, forcing his breath into a hectic rhythm of shallow in- and exhales.
Maybe he was just getting so used to medication that he had started developing a resistance, Luke feared half-heartedly. If that was the case then he’d have to seriously rethink his approach to life - and that was something he wasn’t willing to do until he was much, much older.
A gentle touch on his shoulder brought him back from this thoughts, and he glanced up into the worried face of Chatter.
“You okay, Luke?” he asked, honestly concerned.
The boy nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Chatter almost grinned at the flawed evaluation of his charge’s physical state.
“Sure you are. In any case, we should be getting off.”
Once more leaning heavily against the trooper, Luke heaved himself out of the chair and pulled himself into a slightly hunched standing position, beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead from the exertion.
“Sure, you’re fine,” he heard Chatter mutter under his breath as the two of them slowly made their way to the back of the shuttle and down the lowered boarding ramp.
At its foot they were greeted by Admiral Piett, a pair of Stormtroopers and a medical officer pushing a hover chair. They saluted almost simultaneously, making Luke feel surprisingly exposed and well out of place.
“It is good to see you return without any further complications, Master Luke,” the Admiral commented genuinely, mustering the flicker of a relieved smile before noticing Luke’s strange posture and ashen color. With the wave of a hand, he ordered the medical officer to come forward. “I will have you brought to the medbay this instance. Please,” he added, motioning toward the chair.
Despite all his discomfort, Luke managed a disapproving scowl, looking back and forth between the hover chair, the Admiral and Chatter.
“Is that really necessary? I can just walk.”
While Chatter simply awarded him a disbelieving snort and shake of the head, Piett put his objection into words.
“I must insist, I’m afraid,” he stated, and in explanation, added, “Your father has given clear instructions to take no further risk of aggravating your injuries.”
With a sigh, Luke resigned himself to his fate.
“Guess the old man wins this one,” he muttered as he carefully sank down into the cushions of the hover chair and, with about as much indifference as he could muster, bore the indignity of being carted off to the medbay.
A dull thud echoed through the small makeshift interrogation room as Darth Vader’s gloved fist slammed onto the top of the metallic table.
“I am not satisfied with your answer,” his voice thundered, infinitely too loud for the small space, and the eardrums of the scowling Clawdite sitting in cuffs. “I demand to know why you attacked my son and took his form. Who gave the order?”
If the Clawdite was impressed or even fearing for his life, he was quite adept at not showing it. His face remained neutral, unmoved.
“I already said I don’t know anything about that.”
Vader’s right hand curled into a fist.
“And I know you are lying,” he roared furiously as the other man’s hands flew to his collar to grasp at an unseen assailant. “You will answer me now, or never talk again.”
Finally realizing that his life was truly at stake as stars began to dance before his eyes from the lack of oxygen, the Clawdite emitted a raspy “Alright, alright.”
Almost in disgust at the man’s meekness, Vader eased his grip and saw the other slump in his chair.
“Speak,” he commanded, allowing no argument.
After a few gasps, the voice returned, albeit raspy.
“The order came from off-planet. Our people were to observe the boy, make contact with him and eventually detain him. The priority was to keep him alive so he could be used to bargain with you.”
“That is obviously not how I remember it.”
“Things went wrong,” the Clawdite added hastily after Vader’s interjection. “There was a fight, plans had to be changed.”
“Please do elaborate,” Vader insisted, once more raising his right hand to let the detainee know what fate awaited him if he decided not to cooperate.
Apparently, though, the man possessed at least some sense of self preservation.
“When our men tried to detain him, the boy and his troopers became suspicious and opened fire. They were much more of a challenge than we anticipated, and only one of our men made it out alive. He called in to report and then went to meet up with you.”
The mere mention of that confrontation which had taken place only hours ago served to further incite the Dark Lord. Never would he forget his own helplessness against the monstrosity which had the audacity to wear his son’s face. Never would he fail to recall the bottomless fear spreading in his chest at the realization of how much sway the boy held over him. The boy who now likely rejoiced in their separation.
And what we cannot understand, we fear, we loathe.
Vader shook off the thought, muted the echo in his mind.
“I am well aware of the outcome of the situation,” he commented instead, and once more tried to steer the discussion in a more productive, informative direction. “How did you get the information necessary for impersonating the boy?”
The Clawdite shrugged, the cuffs around his wrists scraping against the tabletop.
“It came with the order.  A whole package. Pictures, vids, holos. Anything we needed.”
Vader would have growled had the vocabulator been able to translate such a sound.
“I hate to repeat myself: Who gave you the package? Who gave the order?”
“I swear, all I know is that it came from off-planet. No-one ever met the contractor; it was all anonymous.”
Inside his mask, Vader gritted his teeth. Off-planet, anonymous… It was all they harped about. This was getting him nowhere.
“Please, I…”
With an impatient flick of the wrist, the Sith extinguished the man’s consciousness and watched in disgust as the form slumped into a boneless heap.
‘Anonymous’, ‘off-planet’, ‘I don’t know’… Vader was getting increasingly annoyed at the situation. No matter how many detainees he interrogated, the answers remained the same: hollow, senseless. Be it on the topic of the planetary shields and weaponry which should not exist or regarding the assault on his son, he was unable to learn anything beyond the fact that some off-world contractor was involved. Money seemed to have been no obstacle and had easily enticed the already excitable Clawdites into moving against their Zolander cousins. Money and war always went hand in hand. War was, after all, a most profitable business.
And still it made no sense to him. The basics of the conflict were easy enough to understand: a ‘defective’ race, suppressed for ages, finally saw its chance of revenge against their ‘superior’ oppressors, fighting to reclaim the position they believed to deserve. It was a plot which played itself out on many worlds each day.
Yet the particulars of this variation of the story set it off from the rest. And while his men were now working with Zolander and Clawdite authorities to rectify the situation and reinstate some form of order, Vader himself had pursued answers to those questions. Questions which, if his intuition had not betrayed him, were of far greater importance than the mere struggle between two related species.
Steadying himself against the table, he fought off a sudden onset of vertigo, undoubtedly a remnant of the concussion which still refused to leave him be. Immediately, his own injuries reminded him of those plaguing his son, and his thoughts traveled to the boy. He had not yet tried to make contact through the force, simply could not bring himself to do so while unsure of the boy’s feelings toward him. If he had truly spied something through their bond, invading his mind would be a most inadvisable route to take.
And yet he could not simply ignore his son. Curiosity and, yes, even fear regarding his physical condition had been nagging at him ever since their separation. Feelings that demanded to be satisfied. And best to do so in person, Vader decided.
His interrogators could take over now. He was sick and tired of hearing the same talk of an anonymous, off-planet contractor anyway, he mused as he walked past the Clawdite’s lifeless body.
“Are you sure you shouldn’t be getting your wrist treated first?” Luke asked from where he was sitting on the bed, shooting his companion a worried look.
But Chatter easily dismissed his question with a wave from his healthy hand.
“Naw, it can wait until you’re properly settled in here. Plus, your father would kill me if I let out of my sight and something happened.”
Luke was about to give a reply along the lines that he would never let that happen when 2-1B returned, scanner in ‘hand’, ready to finally begin the examination. While running the device up and down the boy’s body, he addressed him in that strangely familiar voice.
“Sir, please reiterate the events which lead to your current physical condition.”
“Well…,” Luke started, the act of focussing and remembering the events being much more of an effort than he would have liked, “First, there was the shuttle crash. I guess I hit something when we went down. And then some time later, we had to fight some Clawdites. One of them kicked me right in the ribs.”
2-1B barely looked up as he addressed Chatter.
“Was there any loss of consciousness?”
The trooper nodded.
“He was out cold for a while right after that.”
“I see,” the droid commented and turned back to his patient. “Would you please describe your symptoms?”
Luke hesitated. Listing all of his issues made him feel like he was complaining, and Uncle Owen had instilled in him such a strong sense of boys and men having to be strong that he had not been able to shake it since his childhood.
“Well, go on,” Chatter urged him.
“Let’s see… There’s the pain from the bruise, of course, but that could be worse. There’s also stinging from the ribs and breathing isn’t getting easier either. I’m out of breath pretty quickly.”
“Tightness of the chest?”
Luke nodded. “Yeah, especially if I move too much.”
Intently studying the portable scanner, the droid ran the device over the right side of Luke’s ribcage once again.
“What is it? Anything wrong?” the latter inquired.
“I am afraid you are suffering from an advanced case of traumatic pneumothorax.” 2-1B stated calmly.
“Which means…?”
“A collapsed lung due to some form of trauma,” Chatter provided helpfully, his face lined with worry.
“Quite so,” the medical droid commented and launched into a more detailed explanation. “The kick you mentioned broke your previously injured ribs and shifted them, causing a fragment to puncture your right lung. This caused the air to escape from the lung and enter the space between the organ and the chest wall, at the same time preventing it from re-inflating.”
Still processing the information, Luke let out a thoughtful “Huh” as he glanced from his exposed chest to the scanner and back. “That doesn’t sound so good.”
From Chatter, a muttered “Understatement of the year” filled the small gap of silence before Luke continued. “So what do we do? Let me guess, full bacta immersion?” he finished with a scowl.
“Eventually, yes,” 2-1B supplied. “But first the air needs to be removed from your chest cavity so the lung can re-expand. In a case as advanced as this, employing a chest tube would be advisable.”
Not familiar with the finer details of medical procedures beyond stitching wounds and setting bones, Luke was at a loss. It definitely didn’t sound like something he’d appreciate though.
“So what’s gonna happen?”
“In a first step, I will perform surgery to put the chest tube in place. First, I will administer an anesthetic. Once it has taken effect, I will make a small incision between your ribs and through it insert the tube into the pleural space. The tube will then be attached to a small vacuum pump which will facilitate the removal of air, eventually allowing the re-expansion of the lung.”
“So… in and out in an hour?” Luke tried. The medbay was hardly one of his favorite places, and in the past weeks he had already spent much more time in here than he would have liked.
“I am afraid not, Sir. The process of removing the air and inflating the lung will take several days, during which the tube will need to remain in place. Constant medical observation is required throughout the course of the treatment to avoid infection and other complications. Once the lung has regained close to full functionality, we will begin the bacta immersion. Overall, I project a duration of five to seven days, assuming there will be no complications.”
Luke groaned. Five to seven days! A whole week! Another week he’d have to spend stuck in medbay. Another week lost - he’d never get anywhere like this, not with his training, and certainly not with his father. Quite the opposite: he was sure Vader would be mad at him, just like he always was when Luke managed to get himself injured - whether it was his fault or not. And this time, he would most likely be even more furious, considering Luke had snuck onto the shuttle and gotten himself into the whole mess in the first place. And then there was also the whole mind meld business. He could practically see the gloved finger pointing at him already.
As if he were reading Luke’s thoughts, Chatter suddenly chimed in.
“We should notify Lord Vader.”
Luke’s head immediately shot up, earning him a ballet of stars in his vision.
“No, not now. He’s too busy. I’m sure he has more important things on his mind right now.”
Chatter frowned.
“Are you sure? I’m pretty certain your father would want to know what’s happening.”
“Yeah, I’m sure, wouldn’t want to bother him. He’s needed down on the planet. Besides, there’s nothing he could do anyway.” Having made up his mind, Luke turned from the trooper to 2-1B. “Let’s just get this over with. The sooner we start, the sooner I can get out of here.”
Clutching the datapad in his left hand, Darth Vader strode through the corridors of the Executor. Bad news always brought company, he had learned. And that knowledge had been reaffirmed when, upon his return to the flagship, Admiral Piett had taken him aside to inform him of a new development. One that, granted, he had expected, but which could not have come at a more inopportune time.
Shoving the unpleasant thought aside, Vader decided to focus on more immediate matters, more important ones. It was time to finally check on his son.
Soon, he reached the medbay where, he had been informed, the boy was currently being treated for his injuries. Still wary of how he would react to his presence, Vader stalled for a moment before finally crossing the threshold and entering the medical facility. For a short time, he felt a sense of disorientation and confusion at the absence of both a medical droid and the trooper he had tasked with watching over the boy. Anger began to well up inside of him until he finally noticed the small form lying in a bed beyond a pane of transparisteel, and all of his breath was knocked out of him, all traces of rage at once eradicated.
That was undoubtedly his son - there was no way he would ever mistake him for anyone else - but… it couldn’t be.
The Dark Lord stood, unmoving, his eyes fixated on the figure in the bed. His body uncovered above the waist, the exposed torso was a topographic map of abuse with hardly an inch of skin betraying its original color. From the right side of the ribcage, a kind of catheter emerged and fed an unfamiliar device mounted near the head of the bed. The tube was joined by another, smaller one attached to the boy’s nose, providing him oxygen.
Although the urge to turn around and flee, to forget what he had seen and ignore the truth, was mounting, Vader took a step closer to his son, still unable to take his eyes off him, no matter how much he longed to.
It does look familiar, doesn’t it? The dark whispers chimed in once more, mocking, again drawing attention to details the Dark Lord would rather overlook. He’s turning out to be quite like you. Your very image.
No. Vader balled his hands into fists, the servos in the artificial limbs protesting against the pressure. His son might be like him in many ways, might share many of his skills and traits, but in that way, the boy would never be like him. Would never become like him. He would do everything in his power to spare his son such a fate.
You speak as if you still have a choice, the whispers sneered. Look closely… Can you not see it? He is like his father, and he will fall like his father.
“No.” Vader growled, hardly able to suppress his dread, to contain his rage.
The voice caused the Sith Lord’s head to snap into its direction. Without him noticing, his son’s guardian had returned, his broken wrist covered in a fresh splint. But Vader barely noticed.
“What is the meaning of this?” he hissed venomously, gesturing toward his son’s unconscious form.
Chatter threw a quick glance at the boy before returning his attention to his superior officer.
“Your son suffered a collapsed lung, Sir. He just underwent surgery to have a chest tube put in place to fix the problem.”
His lung…
See? Just like his father.
“Why was I not informed?”
“Luke decided that he did not want to trouble you.” Chatter replied truthfully.
The Dark Lord returned his attention to the unmoving form of his son. Trouble him? His son should know better than to think he would bother him. He did know better. Another small detail which seemed only to confirm his earlier suspicions. The boy had to have seen something. There could be no other explanation.
What we cannot understand, we fear. We loathe, the whispers echoed once more, their breathy murmurings taunting, almost gleeful. And now for him to turn into that which he has come to loathe. It’s tragic, isn’t it? Such an innocent child, so easily ruined…
“Luke should wake up soon. I’m sure he’d appreciate seeing his father when he does.” The trooper’s voice mingled with the hum of the dark side, unable to penetrate it, and was ultimately drowned.
If only you had been stronger. You might just have protected him, saved him. But then again, you were never able to do that, were you? You never could save the ones you loved.
Without any further explanation, the Dark Lord turned on his heel and fled the medbay, hoping he might flee from the voices as well. Although he had come to know better.
a/n: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you want or need to, you can reread the whole story on AO3 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/1184047/chapters/2415937) or ff.net (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6187424/1/Signature). I’d appreciate if you left me some kind of review of comment to let me know what you think :)
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Lining Up: Bubble Keeper Week and Potential Line Mates
  Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Welcome to Bubble Keeper Week at Dobber Hockey. No this isn’t a PSA to reuse your bubble wrap, it’s an overview of a few players fighting to keep your attention in fantasy hockey leagues. I’ll do my best to provide compelling cases for some of these ‘bubble keepers’ and how their potential line mates greatly increase their value.
  Johnny Gaudreau – Sean Monahan – James Neal
Keep an eye on: Elias Lindholm
After a busy offseason, the Calgary Flames now feature a forward core with many interesting pieces. The dynamic duo of Gaudreau and Monahan have proven time and time again why they’re valuable in fantasy hockey leagues, but what makes them even more valuable is their ability to make those around them better (see: Micheal Ferland from 2017-2018). So, what happens when you take a talented player and play him alongside two very talented players? Well, what I’m hoping for is a similar situation to Dallas’ top line, with Gaudreau – Monahan – Neal being the new Jamie Benn – Tyler Seguin – Alex Radulov. It’s been a while since James Neal has played a full season, so I’ll remind you that the last time he played 82 games (2015-2016) he managed 58 points. If he remains healthy and plays with Gaudreau and Monahan this season, I expect nothing less than 55 points. It seems obvious, but I should probably mention that predicting lines for a season that hasn’t yet started is always risky. To cover my bases, I’ll mention Elias Lindholm as another candidate for third wheel on the top line. Now, Lindholm might be a little better than a ‘bubble keeper’, but I figured he should be in the conversation if we’re discussing Calgary’s top line. Once a fifth overall pick in 2013, I don’t think we’ve seen the best of 23-year-old lindholm just yet.
    Max Pacioretty – Jonathan Drouin – Artturi Lehkonen
Okay listen, it’s Bubble Keeper Week and being a Habs fan, if I see a Montreal Canadien on the bubble keeper list, you can bet your grandma’s pension that I’m going to write about him. Why, you ask? Because I feel like I can provide the most educated opinion on the team I watch the most, so please bear with me. For starters, Max Pacioretty is better than the 37 points he totalled last season. Ground-breaking stuff, I know. In all seriousness, I’ve seen a lot of people undervalue Pacioretty based on his stats from last year. They somehow forget that prior to last season, he had tallied 30+ goals and 60+ points for four straight seasons. That was no accident, I promise. Last season, Pacioretty spent too much time trying to play a different style of hockey, overcompensating for Alex Radulov’s absence. I have faith he’ll return to his old ways in an attempt to impress the league and solidify a long-term contract somewhere. Then there’s Jonathan Drouin, a player who is constantly criticized despite consistent growth at a position he isn’t exactly familiar with. Now that he has a full season of playing center under his belt, I think he’ll continue to improve and eventually be a serviceable top-six center. The important thing is that his offensive skill and hockey IQ is still very much prevalent. Now, Artturi Lehkonen isn’t quite a household name compared to Pacioretty and Drouin, but there’s no denying his talent. At first glance, his 21 points last season are extremely underwhelming. But then you realize he missed a big chunk of time with a lower-body injury and might not have been a 100% during the 66 games he did play. This season I expect him to build on his encouraging rookie campaign (2016-2017) and eclipse the 20-goal mark.
    Taylor Hall – Nico Hischier – Jesper Bratt
Some would argue that Taylor Hall single-handedly dragged the Devils into the playoffs last season with an impressive 93 points in 76 games. Others would warn you not to discount the value of rookie Nico Hischier and his 52 points. Going into this season, I’ll remind you that a few players flying under the radar might play alongside the aforementioned 2017-2018 Hart Trophy winner and 2017 first overall pick, not a bad spot to be in. The obvious choice would be Kyle Palmeri, who managed to produce 44 points in 62 games in 2017-2018 despite missing a large chunk of the season due to injury. But my fellow writers will be providing more information on Kyle Palmieri and why he’s a valuable ‘bubble keeper’. Instead I’ll say that 19-year-old Jesper Bratt is also very much capable of playing with Hall and Hischier on the top line. Bratt managed 35 points in 74 games during his rookie season (2017-2018) and has shown the offensive skill set needed to compete at the NHL level. While his defensive game does need some work, he’s a bright spot for the future in New Jersey.
    Mike Hoffman – Vincent Trocheck – Nick Bjugstad
Keep an eye on: Henrik Borgstrom
Mike Hoffman’s real-world market value might have taken a hit because of some off-ice drama surrounding his fiancée, but you’d be silly to discount his fantasy value as a result. He has hovered around 60 points in each of the last three seasons and has one of the best releases in the league. I truly believe that a new start in Florida where the media is much more forgiving than Ottawa, can be just what the doctor ordered for Hoffman. It’s not like he downgraded line mates either, that Vincent Trocheck guy scored 75 points in 82 games last season! What makes Trocheck’s 2017-2018 campaign even more impressive is the fact that he started less than 42% of his shifts in the offensive zone. But this week is ‘Bubble Keeper Week’, and Mike Hoffman and Vincent Trocheck are way too good to be on the bubble. So, logic dictates that anyone playing with these two becomes valuable as a result, right?? Well in this case, that lucky guy could very well be Nick Bjugstad. It seems like we’ve been expecting more from Bjugstad for a while now, and he took a big step in the right direction last season, with 49 points in 82 games. The underlying numbers behind his success didn’t scream “unsustainable” either. If this trio finds chemistry in 2018-2019, Bjugstad should be capable of tallying 50+ points. Don’t be surprised if 20-year-old Henrik Borgstrom also sees time beside Hoffman and Trocheck. The 23rd overall pick in 2016 is one of the Panthers’ most exciting prospects.
    Anthony Beauvillier – Mathew Barzal – Jordan Eberle
Last season, the Islanders’ second line featured rookie sensation Mathew Barzal centering Jordan Eberle and one of Anthony Beauvillier or Andrew Ladd. Now that John Tavares is Toronto-bound, it looks like Barzal will take on the role of number one center in Long Island.
Islanders fans, I hate to rub salt in the wound, but we have to talk about Tavares’ departure a little bit more. Instead of being a few pieces away from a playoff team, the Isles are now forced into a rebuild/retool stage. While there’s no doubt they’ve acquired many exciting young prospects (Oliver Wahlstrom and Noah Dobson) for future success, there is some uncertainty as to what exactly is going to happen this season. The team has a franchise player in 21-year-old Barzal, but who will make up the supporting cast? I bring up Barzal’s age to highlight how much younger he is than the rest of New York’s top-six wingers. Josh Bailey, Anders Lee and Jordan Eberle are all 28-years-old and might be past their prime when the rebuild/retool phase is complete. So then, does it not make the most sense to play 21-year old Anthony Beauvillier alongside Barzal in an attempt to build chemistry? In his sophomore season, Beauvillier managed 36 points in 71 games, improving on a 24-point rookie season (66 games). This becomes all the more impressive when you realize he saw just 14:28 of ice-time, averaging less than a minute of power-play time. The 28th overall pick of 2015 still has lots of room to grow, he just needs to be given the right opportunity.
      from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/nhl-line-combinations/lining-up-bubble-keeper-week-and-potential-line-mates/
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gamecastlestore · 7 years
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Microsoft’s E3 2017 briefing was jam packed!
Heard of a little project named Scorpio? Officially titled Xbox one X ($499), debuted its specs at E3 and it’s packing a serious punch! (Nov. 7th 2017)
The 8-core Custom AMD CPU is clocked at 2.3GHz to bring enhanced AI, real world detail, and smoother interactions to your gaming. 
12GB GDDR5 of graphic memory add speed and power to game performance to enable bigger worlds, further horizons, and quicker load times.
A 6 Teraflop GPU enables 4K environments and characters to become more realistic than ever, with more detail and smoother animations.
Game graphics are faster and more detailed with 326 GB/sec memory bandwidth, to keep your gaming momentum flowing.
All that power doesn’t mean more heat and noise. Xbox One X uses advanced liquid cooling and the supercharger-style centrifugal fan to ensure it stays cool.
Some of the most anticipated games shown at E3
Metro Exodus-  Epic, story-driven first person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created. Inspired by the novels of Dimitry Glukhovsky, Metro Exodus continues Artyom's story in the greatest Metro adventure yet.  Explore the Russian wilderness across vast, non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line that spans an entire year through spring, summer and autumn to the depths of nuclear winter. A quarter-century after nuclear war devastated the earth, a few thousand survivors still cling to existence beneath the ruins of Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro.They have struggled against the poisoned elements, fought mutated beasts and paranormal horrors, and suffered the flames of civil war. But now, as Artyom, you must flee the Metro and lead a band of Spartan Rangers on an incredible, continent-spanning journey across post-apocalyptic Russia in search of a new life in the East. TBA 2018
Player unknown battlegrounds-  PUBG pits up to 99 players against each other in a giant-island battle to the death. Players can either try to survive the island solo, in a duo, or as a four-person squad. Like other recent "survival-shooter" games, PUBG drops players on a single, desolate world (in this case, a deserted island). Unlike others, a range of timers and shrinking zones forces players into a central circle over time, which makes its 15-20 minute battles always feel tense.
State of Decay 2- Small-Town America, one year from today. The dead have risen, and civilization has fallen. Even the military couldn’t stop the zombies, and now humanity stands on the brink of extinction. It's up to you to gather survivors and build a community, explore your lasting legacy, and redefine what it means to survive. In State of Decay 2, your base is more than just a place for your survivors to sleep at night. It's your sanctuary, offering protection against the hungry dead lurking beyond the wall. It's your command post, where you plan the perfect zombie-killing strategies.
Forza 7- Experience the thrill of motorsport at the limit with the most comprehensive, beautiful and authentic racing game ever made. Enjoy gorgeous graphics at 60fps and true 4K resolution in HDR. Collect and race more than 700 cars. Challenge yourself across 30 famous destinations and 200 ribbons, where race conditions can change every lap and every race.
Crackdown 3-  From out of nowhere, a new enemy has attacked. Major metropolitan areas were hit with a never-before-seen form of elemental warfare, plunged into darkness and chaos. In the aftermath, the Agency picked-up a hot lead -- and now they'll stop at nothing to find the ones who knocked us down, to deliver a harsh dose of Justice… by any means necessary. Play with up to four-friends over Xbox Live to take out a violent criminal empire and use the city as a weapon against your enemies.
Shadow of War- Continuing the original story of Talion and Celebrimbor, who must now go behind enemy lines to forge an army and turn all of Mordor against the dark lord, Sauron. Immerse yourself in the epic war for Middle-earth as you confront the Dark Lord Sauron and his Ringwraith's. Forge a Ring of Power to dominate your enemies and command your followers as you experience a unique, personal story brought to life by the award-winning Nemesis System. Experience a richer and more personal world full of new enemy types, stronger personalities and deeper stories - anyone you face can now evolve from a lowly soldier to a mighty overlord.
Anthem-  Sci-fi action game set in a "vast open world." The game pits players in the role of a Freelancer tasked with exploring unknown planets and protecting humanity. You'll be able to outfit your Freelancer with customizable exo-suits called Javelins, which can be equipped with a range of new gear you either craft or acquire.The game is being "built around a live service" and features a heavy emphasis on cooperative play. EA has confirmed that up to four players can team up to complete missions together.
Original Xbox backwards compatibility :D
Microsoft announced they were working on backwards compatibility for your Xbox one so you can play original Xbox games on any Xbox One console :D They confirmed Crimson Skies will be one of the first playable titles when backwards compatibility gets fully implemented for your original Xbox games.
4k Updates will be free! (Games already confirmed to be updated first are listed below)
Gears of war 4
Forza horizon 3 
Killer instinct
Halo wars 2
Microsoft had so many games announced they couldn’t go into detail on each one but here are all the games shown at E3 2017 :D
The Darwin Project
Deep Rock Galactic
Dragon Ball Z Fighters
Black Desert
The Last Night
The Artful Escape
Sea of Thieves
Super Lucky's Tale
Life is Strange “Before the Storm”
Ori and The Will of The Wisp
Osiris New Dawn
Raiders of The Broken Planet
Unruly Heroes
Path of Exile
Surviving Mars
Fable Fortune
Robocraft Infinity
Dunk Lords
Minion Masters Forced to Duel
Brawl Out
Dark and Light
Strange Brigade
River Bond
Hello Neighbor
Project Code: Shift
Conan Exiles
Thank you so much Microsoft for bringing us not only an expansion on our library of games but creating a native 4k console the Xbox One X. 
Stay up to date on all the latest E3 news at your friendly neighborhood Game Castle :D 
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buddyrabrahams · 7 years
10 biggest NBA trade deadline takeaways
[clears throat and does best ancient Roman accent]
After countless visits to the Woj bomb shelter and copious mashing of the F5 button, this year’s NBA trade deadline is now in the rearview mirror — but not before New Orleans became a Boogie Wonderland, Jeanie Buss executed Order 66, and Danny Ainge slept through all of his alarms yet again. As the salary cap dust finally begins to settle, let’s go for a deep dive into the 10 biggest takeaways from Trade SZN 2K17.
1. The Southwest Division has become a meat grinder
In their shocking acquisition of three-time All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins from the SacrHAHAHAHAmento Kings, the New Orleans Pelicans managed to melt our faces off and give the ultimate middle finger to small-ball all at once. Cousins will join forces with Anthony Davis to form what is easily the NBA’s most fearsome frontcourt duo since Tim Duncan and David Robinson, and he very well could lift the team to a Godzilla vs. King Kong-esque clash of styles against the Golden State Warriors in the first round of the playoffs.
But while the Cousins bombshell dominated all of the headlines, the Houston Rockets upgraded their own weapon system by trading for former Sixth Man of the Year Lou Williams, a top-tier bench scorer and yet another threes-and-free-throws enthusiast to toss into Daryl Morey’s cauldron. And with the omnipresent San Antonio Spurs again cruising to a 60-plus win season, the Memphis Grizzlies modernizing nicely, and the Dallas Mavericks somehow still kicking, we may officially have a new Division of Death in the Association.
2. The East is now as wide open as it’s been in years
A faint glimmer of hope shines intermittently in the distance to signal the possible end of LeBron James’ reign of terror over the Eastern Kingdom. That glimmer may actually be the Ibaka Flocka Flame that the Toronto Raptors lit this trade deadline, a get that should improve their spacing and help remedy their chronic problem of bleeding easy buckets at the rim in crunchtime. Their late addition of P.J. Tucker as a LeBron-stopper of sorts has the potential to be huge as well, especially he was had for the price of a negative asset in Jared Sullinger and a pair of inconsequential second-rounders.
But don’t sleep on the Washington Wizards either now that they no longer have a cardboard cutout of a second unit thanks to the acquisition of Bojan Bogndanovic from Brooklyn. Bogdanovic’s friskiness off the bounce and his 36.6 percent career mark from deep give the Wiz a legitimate sixth man instead having to trot out The Ghosts of Power Conference Studs Past in Trey Burke and Kelly Oubre Jr. Now as long their starting five continues to swipe lunch money, Washington is set up to a be yuge headache come playoff time.
And to think that we haven’t even gotten to the team that’s mathematically closest to the Cavaliers yet…
3. The Boston Celtics are still waiting for the right time to pounce
“This will be the year that Danny Ainge finally awakens from his trade deadline slumber,” we repeated to ourselves as we slowly rocked back and forth in the fetal position. But alas, Ainge has once again taken the advice of the Magic Conch Shell and done nothing.
Paul George? Sike. Andre Drummond? Ask again later. Jimmy Butler? LOL.
In fairness, there’s not as much urgency to deal for a superstar when the Celtics have already witnessed one emerge in-house this season in Mighty Mouse Isaiah Thomas. Ainge may also want to see a healthy Avery Bradley get more reps with this current core and wait to see where that much-ballyhooed Brooklyn pick will actually fall so as to make a more well-informed decision about the future of his team. But time is of the essence with the Cavaliers, who are just three games ahead of Boston entering the second half of the season, beginning to show signs of mortality, so it’s still tough to justify the Celtics sitting on their hands instead of throwing them.
And since we keep mentioning those pesky Clevelanders…
4. The Cavaliers are walking a dangerous tightrope
LeBron James just hit all of his prospective playmakers with a resounding “It’s not you, it’s me.” Granted, a pre-deadline move was a longshot with the capped-out, asset-deficient reality the Cavs were forced to work with, especially since they gave up what little they had left to acquire sharpshooter Kyle Korver. But it’s still a highway to the danger zone to maintain status quo when the roster only runs six or seven deep right now thanks to the respective injury absences of J.R. Smith and Kevin Love.
Fortunately though, deadline inaction is far from nuclear Armageddon for the Cavs. The buyout market is still a viable place to acquire cheap, albeit exiled, talent in order to retool for a playoff run. Ditto for the often-overlooked 10-day contract cycle, which they recently took advantage of with the signing of ex-No. 2 overall pick Derrick Williams. So while time is very much ticking on Cleveland, there’s still an ample amount of sand in their hourglass, and hopefully that means their title defense doesn’t fall flat (no pun intended).
5. Several more months of Carmelo Anthony rumors await us
#StayMe7o he did indeed, much to the chagrin of those of us who felt compelled to bang our heads repeatedly against our keyboards thanks to the constant bombardment of Carmelo chatter and the gross societal overuse of the phrase “no-trade clause.” Well, those therapy sessions now look like a pretty darn good investment with Anthony surviving the trade deadline and ensuring that many more months of Melo-brand Instagram shade, indecipherable Phil Jackson subtweets, and Spike Lee sideline struggle faces are looming on the horizon to assault the senses of the NBA fandom.
Where do the Knicks go from here? At 23-34, they’ve all but clinched another season of futility. Meanwhile, Derrick Rose will likely be gonzo after the year, but Joakim Noah will still be around to clog cap, and Kristaps Porzingis will continue to have his development stunted by the team’s Melo-centric offense. Then draft season arrives followed shortly after by the 2017-18 campaign, and we fire up the Anthony hot stove all over again. Are we having fun yet?!?
6. The Lakers are done playing games
Jeanie Buss means business if you didn’t gather from the Red Wedding she stunningly pulled on her brother Jim and Mitch Kupchak just 48 hours before the deadline. The same goes for Magic Johnson, who, upon ascending to his new perch as Lakers president of basketball operations, traded away Lou Williams, got the team involved on the Paul George front, and took calls on Nick Young, all faster than you could say “Abdul-Jabbar.”
Now none of those moves were game-changers in and of themselves, but they affirmed one message to Laker Nation: our long national nightmare is over. Johnson is already working to rebuild the franchise’s reputation in the eyes of marquee talents and scheming with new GM Rob Pelinka and the rest of the front office to put the Lakers in a position to realistically and financially be able to acquire that talent. So rival executives best be vigilant of no-look passes zipping by their ears, because it’s Showtime in Los Angeles again.
7. Doc Rivers is perfectly content to run it back again
Another team somewhat surprising in their silence this year was the Los Angeles Clippers, who took a pie to the face last deadline by swinging an eleventh-hour deal for Jeff Green, who played for the team for all of two months, in exchange for Lance Stephenson and a future first-rounder. Welp.
Perhaps the sting of that belly flop of a trade necessitated the exercise of more prudence this time around, but the Clips are in a good spot regardless. Merciful point god Chris Paul is on the verge of an early return from injury, and Blake Griffin has been Hellboy in basketball form since his own return.
While the temptation to gauge themselves against Golden State and panic into a Carmelo Anthony-type deal must have been enormous, there’s intrinsic value in the 2011 Dallas Mavericks model of keeping a nucleus intact for several seasons in the hope that they can eventually break through the glass ceiling. Though the Dubs have all but assured that the ceiling [commander-in-chief voice] just got ten feet higher, it sounds like that’s the conventional wisdom Doc Rivers is going for here.
8. The cavalry is coming behind Russell Westbrook
Those 10,000 “Save The Brodie” shirts I ordered off eBay were not purchased in vain.
Though the loss of Westbrook’s blood sworn dance partner, Cameron Payne, is absolutely devastating (not really), the reinforcements have arrived for our beloved triple-double addict. Doug McDermott will offer Billy Donovan a versatile offensive threat to close games with in those situations where the foul stench of Andre Roberson’s jumper is too much to bear. The addition of veteran forward Taj Gibson should also unlock a number of juicy tall-ball lineups next to Steven Adams in case rookie Domantas Sabonis isn’t ready for the bright lights of the postseason or if Enes Kanter isn’t the same upon returning from his upholstery-related injury.
All things considered, the cost is quite minimal for the Thunder. Joffrey Lauvergne proved to be little more than a 6-foot-11 whoopee cushion in the increased opportunity presented by Kanter’s absence, and Payne is a low-upside option at a position of abundance who simply hasn’t looked serviceable since undergoing foot surgery. With the Thunder only 3.5 games out of a top-four seed in the West, let Westbrook’s piercing battle cry shepherd the weak through the valley of darkness.
9. Is The Process still being trusted?
The trade of Nerlens Noel to Dallas was a bolt from the blue, especially since he had finally appeared to find his calling as a defensive dynamo sixth man for the Sixers. In selling off Noel, a Day One Process OG, is Jerry Colangelo beginning to trample all over the carefully-crafted sandcastle that his predecessor, the Honorable Sam Hinkie, built?
In conjunction with their earlier trade of Ersan Ilyasova to the Atlanta Hawks in exchange for the injured Tiago Splitter and two future second-rounders, Colangelo seems to be presiding over a radical shift in team-building strategy by the Philly front office. Gone are the days of building exclusively through the draft in favor of clearing out roster space and cap room, perhaps to work more closely with the free agency pool in future years.
With that in mind, dealing Noel, who is due for restricted free agency after the season, makes at least a remote inkling of sense, even if it’s still difficult to justify the late 180 of choosing to keep Jahlil Okafor over Noel. So while I can at least somewhat understand why Colangelo pulled the trigger, as a fanatical disciple of the Holy Gospel according to Hinkie, I can never forgive him.
10. Paul George survives the deadline
As it turns out, Larry Bird was just teasing us all along. Though the PG-13 fever dreams abounded from Boston to Los Angeles, George remains with the Pacers through the deadline. It’s an interesting way for Indy to maintain the outward appearance of long-term commitment to the four-time All-Star while also gathering intel as to what his trade value might be over the summer and come next season.
In the end, it stands to reason that the time wasn’t ripe for the picking to move George. The Pacers are still a playoff team and George is under contract through 2018. But as Carmelos and Butlers before us can attest, this by no means symbolizes the death of the rumor mill, for George or other potentially-available stars. So as winter gives way to spring gives way to the playoffs gives way to the summer, there shall be no rest for the weary. Long live the National Basketball Association.
from Larry Brown Sports http://ift.tt/2lvZhIM
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
yu gi oh ultimate masters championship 06 gba
yu gi oh ultimate masters championship 06 gba
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06.
Also Known As: Yu-Gi-Oh Ultimate Masters 2006
Genre: Strategy, 3D Real-Time Strategy
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: Konami
ESRB Rating: Everyone
Release Date: March 31, 2006
You can type in a password as many times as you want. The only bad thing is that you have to pay Duelest Points(DP) every time.
Win In 20 Turns!!!!
To win in 20 turns you must have the card final countdown in your deck. To play this card you must pay 2000 LP, but it is worth the loss of LP.
Raviel, Lord Of Phantasms
Uria, Lord Of Sealing Flames
Hamon, Lord Of Striking Thunder
Soul Release
Helios- The Primordial Sun
Golden Homunculus
Helios Duo Megistus
Exodia’s Head
Card Passwords
Enter these passwords in the password screen to get cards if you dp.
24140059 A Cat of Ill Omen 06850209 A Deal With Dark Ruler 49140998 A Feather of the Phoenix 68170903 A Feint Plan 21597117 A Hero Emerges 00295517 A Legendary Ocean 51351302 A Man With Wdjat 05728014 A Rival Appears! 28596933 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon 13026402 A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit 89718302 Abare Ushioni 27744077 Absolute End 49771608 Absorbing Kid From the Sky 18318842 Abyss Soldier 89801755 Abyssal Designator 41356845 Acid Trap Hole 47372349 Acrobat Monkey 62325062 Adhesion Trap Hole 53828396 Adhesive Explosive 25345186 After the Struggle 16135253 Agido 18036057 Airknight Parshath 48202661 Aitsu 06150044 Alkana Knight Joker 99785935 Alpha the Magnet Warrior 21070956 Altar for Tribute 91869203 Amazon Archer 67987611 Amazoness Archers 73574678 Amazoness Blowpiper 29654737 Amazoness Chain Master 47480070 Amazoness Paladin 94004268 Amazoness Swords Woman 10979723 Amazoness Tiger 95174353 Ameba 67371383 Amphibian Beast 64342551 Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 00303660 Amplifier 23927567 An Owl of Luck 93221206 Ancient Elf 31557782 Ancient Gear 10509340 Ancient Gear Beast 80045583 Ancient Gear Cannon 92001300 Ancient Gear Castle 67829249 Ancient Gear Drill 83104731 Ancient Gear Golem 56094445 Ancient Gear Soldier 54912977 Ancient Lamp 43230671 Ancient Lizard Warrior 15013468 Andro Sphinx 13250922 Anteatereatingant 65064143 Anti-Aircraft Flower 53112492 Anti-Spell 09156135 Apprentice Magician 48539234 Appropriate 85639257 Aqua Madoor 40916023 Aqua Spirit 55001420 Arcane Archer of the Forest 50287060 Archfiend of Gilfer 49881766 Archfiend Soldier 18378582 Archlord Zerato 53153481 Armaill 90374791 Armed Changer 59464593 Armed Dragon LV10 00980973 Armed Dragon LV3 46384672 Armed Dragon LV5 73879377 Armed Dragon LV7 09076207 Armed Ninja 84430950 Armed Samurai - Ben Kei 79649195 Armor Break 07180418 Armor Exe 15480588 Armored Lizard 17535588 Armored Starfish 20277860 Armored Zombie 69296555 Array of Revealing Light 42364374 Arsenal Bug 55348096 Arsenal Robber 85489096 Arsenal Summoner 62633180 Assault on GHQ 37053871 Astral Barrier 02134346 Asura Priest 88236094 Aswan Apparition 87340664 Atomic Firefly 63689843 Attack And Receive 91989718 Attack Reflector Unit 37970940 Aussa the Earth Charmer 71453557 Autonomous Action Unit 99284890 Avatar of the Pot 84914462 Axe Dragonute 40619825 Axe of Despair 22790789 B.E.S. Crystal Core 05053103 Battle Ox 49522489 Beelze Frog 41426869 Black Illusion Ritual 65169794 Black Pendant 98239899 Blast with chain 53183600 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon 23995346 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon 89631139 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 29401950 Bottomless Trap Hole 30548775 Branch! 71413901 Breaker the Magical Warrior 06214884 Brron, Mad King of Dark World 53586134 Bubble Blaster 80075749 Bubble Illusion 61968753 Bubble Shuffle 27191436 Burst Return 97077563 Call of The Haunted 11384280 Cannon Soldier 48276469 Chain Burst 04031928 Change of Heart 82301904 Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End 46910446 Chthonian Alliance 22479888 Clay Charge 10375182 Command Knight 31036355 Creature Swap 52571838 Creeping Doom Manta 68774379 Cyber Barrier Dragon 70095154 Cyber Dragon 01546123 Cyber End Dragon 34124316 Cyber Jar 34124316 Cyber Jar 04162088 Cyber Laser Dragon 74157028 Cyber Twin Dragon 69015963 Cyber-Stein 29612557 Cyclone Boomerang 11321183 Dark Blade 33875961 Dark Catapulter 21417692 Dark Elf 53129443 Dark Hole 46986414 Dark Magician 98502113 Dark Paladin 44763025 Delinquent Duo 44883830 Des Croaking 84451804 Des Frog 11961740 Different Dimension Capsule 67095270 Dimension Wall 49010598 Divine Wrath 34187685 Double Attack 43250041 Draining Shield 13532663 Dummy Golem 60082869 Dust Tornado 29343734 E-hero Eilixer 25366484 E-hero Shining Flare Wingman 83121692 E-hero Tempester 10526791 E-hero Wild Juggyman 53693416 Eagle Eye 59820352 Earth Chant 67105242 Earthbound Spirit 65743242 Earthbound Spirit's Invitation 82828051 Earthquake 46128067 Ebon Magician Curran 97342942 Ectoplasmer 69954399 Ekibyo Drakmord 11324436 Electric Snake 90219263 Elegant Egotist 23118924 Element Doom 30314994 Element Dragon 65260293 Element Magician 92755808 Element Saurus 66712593 Element Soldier 97623219 Element Valkyrie 61411502 Elemental Burs 21844576 Elemental Hero Avian 59793705 Elemental Hero Bladedge 77979666 Elemental Hero Bubbleman 58932615 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix 84327329 Elemental Hero Clayman 29343734 Elemental Hero Erikshieler 35809262 Elemental Hero Flame Wingman 52031567 Elemental Hero Mudballman 89252153 Elemental Hero Necroshade 05285665 Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman 89943723 Elemental Hero Neos 47737087 Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster 25366484 Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman 20721928 Elemental Hero Sparkman 81197327 Elemental Hero Steamhealer 83121692 Elemental Hero Tempest 61204971 Elemental Hero Thunder Giant 10526791 Elemental Hero Wildedge 86188410 Elemental Hero Wildheart 85166216 Elephant Statue of Blessing 12160911 Elephant Statue of Disaster 06390406 Emblem of Dragon Destroyer 28649820 Embodiment of Apophis 28649820 Embodiment of Apophis 53046408 Emergency Provisions 43580269 Emes the Infinity 75043725 Emissary of the Afterlife 06103294 Emissary of the Oasis 58818411 Empress Mantis 96355986 Enchanted Javelin 30531525 Enchanting Fitting Room 75376965 Enchanting Mermaid 08198712 End of the World 98045062 Enemy Controller 26022485 Enervating Mist 76909279 Enraged Battle Ox 91862578 Enraged Muka Muka 74364659 Eria the Water Charmer 95051344 Eternal Rest 11460577 Etoile Cyber 63749102 Exarion Universe 98494543 Excavation of Mage Stones 95451366 Exhausting Spell 74131780 Exiled Force 12600382 Exodia Necross 33396948 Exodia the Forbidden One 99267150 F.G.D. 99267150 F.G.D. - Five God Dragon 21598948 Fairy Box 45425051 Fairy King Truesdale 97687912 Fairy Meteor Crush 20188127 Fairy of the Spring 17653779 Fairy's Hand Mirror 32919136 Falling Down 89731911 Familiar Knight 31887905 Familiar-Possessed - Aussa 68881649 Familiar-Possessed - Eria 04376658 Familiar-Possessed - Hiita 31764353 Familiar-Possessed - Wynn 77910045 Fatal Abacus 28120197 Fault Zone 34193084 Fear from the Dark 19394153 Feather Shot 71060915 Feather Wind 37406863 Fengsheng Mirror 00218704 Fenrir 41392891 Feral Imp 81172176 Fiend Comedian 02863439 Fiend Reflection #2 26566878 Fiend Scorpion 66235877 Fiend Skull Dragon 58607704 Fiend's Hand Mirror 24874630 Fiend's Sanctuary 52503575 Final Attack Orders 95308449 Final Countdown 18591904 Final Destiny 60369732 Final Ritual of the Ancients 43061293 Fire Darts 46534755 Fire Kraken 64752646 Fire Princess 87473172 Firebird 53293545 Firegrass 71407486 Fireyarou 66788016 Fissure 12883044 Flame Dancer 58528964 Flame Ghost 34460851 Flame Manipulator 41089128 Flame Ruler 45231177 Flame Swordsman 96890582 Flash Assailant 75560629 Flint 95952802 Flower Wolf 31987274 Flying Fish 84834865 Flying Kamakiri #1 03134241 Flying Kamakiri #2 97806240 Forced Ceasefire 74923978 Forced Requisition 87430998 Forest 26931058 Formation Union 88753985 Fox Fire 16556849 Freed the Brave Wanderer 49681811 Freed the Matchless General 85359414 Freezing Beast 98818516 Frenzied Panda 81332143 Friendship 38742075 Frontier Wiseman 46181000 Frontline Base 57069605 Frozen Soul 01781310 Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan 09373534 Fuhma Shuriken 48206762 Fulfillment of the Contract 70865988 Full Salvo 38538445 Fushi No Tori 39711336 Fushioh Richie 51632798 Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast 33550694 Fusion Gate 18511384 Fusion Recovery 26902560 Fusion Sage 37684215 Fusion Sword Murasume Blade 27967615 Fusion Weapon 01641882 Fusionist 86281779 Gadget Soldier 49003308 Gagagigo 56594520 Gaia Power 51355346 Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective 66889139 Gaia The Dragon Champion 77491079 Gale Lizard 37313786 Gamble 11549357 Gamma the Magnet Warrior 12800777 Garuda the Wind Spirit 93431518 Gateway to Dark World 07512044 Gather Mind 87751584 Gatling Dragon 05818798 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts 30190809 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress 00423705 Gearfried the Iron Knight 57046845 Gearfried the Swordmaster 69140098 Gemini Elf 34460239 Generation Shift 24668830 Germ Infection 21887179 Getsu Fuhma 13386503 Ghost Knight of Jackal 78266168 Giant Axe Mummy 95178994 Giant Germ 58185394 Giant Kozaky 73698349 Giant Orc 97017120 Giant Rat 13039848 Giant Soldier of Stone 42703248 Giant Trunade 98792570 Gift of the Martyr 98299011 Gift Of The Mystical Elf 43793530 Giga Gagagigo 08471389 Giga-Tech Wolf 47606319 Gigantes 53776525 Gigobyte 45894482 Gilasaurus 69933858 Gilford the Legend 36354007 Gilford the Lightning 51828629 Giltia the D. Knight 84620194 Girochin Kuwagata 78658564 Goblin Attack Force 12057781 Goblin Calligrapher 85306040 Goblin Elite Attack Force 18590133 Goblin King 69632396 Goblin out of the Frying Pan 45311864 Goblin Thief 63665875 Goblin Zombie 11868825 Goblin's Secret Remedy 53493204 Goddess with the Third Eye 39674352 Gogiga Gagagigo 14472500 Gokipon 78004197 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World 27408609 Golden Homunculus 09744376 Good Goblin Housekeeping 80233946 Gora Turtle 79571449 Graceful Charity 10992251 Gradius 14291024 Gradius' Option 13944422 Granadora 13676474 Grand Tiki Elder 60229110 Granmarg the Rock Monarch 41249545 Grass Phantom 40937767 Grave Ohja 82542267 Gravedigger Ghoul 25262697 Gravekeeper's Assailant 99877698 Gravekeeper's Cannonholder 50712728 Gravekeeper's Curse 37101832 Gravekeeper's Guard 63695531 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier 24317029 Gravekeeper's Spy 61705417 Graverobber 33737664 Graverobber's Retribution 32022366 Gravity Axe - Grarl 85742772 Gravity Bind 29618570 Gray Wing 11813953 Great Angus 88989706 Great Dezard 02356994 Great Long Nose 47942531 Great Maju Garzett 92736188 Great Spirit 89405199 Greed 41172955 Green Gadget 22910685 Green Phantom King 36584821 Gren Maju Da Eiza 95744531 Griggle 58314394 Ground Attacker Bugroth 90502999 Ground Collapse 34370473 Gryphon's Feather Duster 68007326 Guardian Angel Joan 73544866 Guardian Baou 10755153 Guardian Ceal 74367458 Guardian Elma 55737443 Guardian Exode 47150851 Guardian Grarl 09633505 Guardian Kay'est 89272878 Guardian of the Labyrinth 47879985 Guardian of the Throne Room 40659562 Guardian Sphinx 75209824 Guardian Statue 46037213 Guardian Tryce 73079365 Gust 09817927 Gyaku-Gire Panda 31122090 Gyakutenno Megami 18325492 Gyroid 28357177 Hade-Hade 88789641 Hallowed Life Barrier 80811661 Hamburger Recipe 26412047 Hammer Shot 32491822 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder 98446407 Hand of Nephthys 07089711 Hane-Hane 05640330 Hannibal Necromancer 20060230 Hard Armor 34100324 Harpie Girl 76812113 Harpie Lady 91932350 Harpie Lady 1 27927359 Harpie Lady 2 54415063 Harpie Lady 3 12206212 Harpie Lady Sisters 30532390 Harpie's Brother 75782277 Harpies' Hunting Ground 21015833 Hayabusa Knight 05434080 Headless Knight 64801562 Heart of Clear Water 35762283 Heart of the Underdog 23265594 Heavy Mech Support Platform 19613556 Heavy Storm 54493213 Helios - the Primordial Sun 80887952 Helios Duo Megistus 17286057 Helios Tris Megiste 47025270 Helping Robo for Combat 76052811 Helpoemer 44676200 Hero Barrier 67951831 Hero Heart 32679370 Hero Kid 26647858 Hero Ring 22020907 Hero Signal 21840375 Hidden Book of Spell 02047519 Hidden Soldier 82260502 Hieracosphinx 10248192 Hieroglyph Lithograph 54579801 High Tide Gyojin 00759393 Hiita the Fire Charmer 75745607 Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi 96851799 Hinotama Soul 81863068 Hiro's Shadow Scout 76184692 Hitotsu-Me Giant 57902462 Holy Knight Ishzark 40410110 Homunculus the Alchemic Being 98069388 Horn of Heaven 38552107 Horn of Light 64047146 Horn of the Unicorn 11224103 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 48229808 Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 67629977 Hoshiningen 15083728 House of Adhesive Tape 93107608 Howling Insect 65396880 Huge Revolution 30353551 Human-Wave Tactics 46821314 Humanoid Slime 05600127 Humanoid Worm Drake 30243636 Hungry Burger 22587018 Hydrogeddon 22873798 Hyena 62397231 Hyozanryu 02671330 Hyper Hammerhead 21297224 Hysteric Fairy 28546905 Illusionist Faceless Mage 96631852 Impenetrable Formation 61740673 Imperial Order 77084837 Inaba White Rabbit 33031674 Incandescent Ordeal 84173492 Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei 19847532 Infernal Flame Emperor 08581705 Infernalqueen Archfiend 74823665 Inferno 52684508 Inferno Fire Blast 17185260 Inferno Hammer 12247206 Inferno Reckless Summon 14391920 Inferno Tempest 94163677 Infinite Cards 54109233 Infinite Dismissal 79575620 Injection Fairy Lily 97923414 Inpachi 23615409 Insect Barrier 96965364 Insect Imitation 35052053 Insect Knight 37957847 Insect Princess 07019529 Insect Soldiers of the Sky 36261276 Interdimensional Matter Transporter 03056267 Invader of the Throne 26082229 Invasion of Flames 73431236 Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu 04042268 Island Turtle 90876561 Jack's Knight 95214051 Jade Insect Whistle 21770260 Jam Breeding Machine 21558682 Jam Defender 83968380 Jar of Greed 33784505 Jar Robber 14851496 Jellyfish 23635815 Jerry Beans Man 43697559 Jetroid 77585513 Jinzo 32809211 Jinzo #7 94773007 Jirai Gumo 41855169 Jowgen the Spiritualist 05257687 Jowls of Dark Demise 30113682 Judge Man 55256016 Judgment of Anubis 52768103 KA-2 Des Scissors 51934376 Kabazauls 15401633 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame 34627841 Kaibaman 94566432 Kaiser Dragon 52824910 Kaiser Glider 17444133 Kaiser Sea Horse 09653271 Kaminari Attack 97570038 Kaminote Blow 95789089 Kangaroo Champ 23289281 Karate Man 54541900 Karbonala Warrior 71587526 Karma Cut 54878498 Kelbek 80441106 Keldo 88979991 Killer Needle 79853073 Kinetic Soldier 13756293 King Dragun 84686841 King Fog 36021814 King of the Skull Servants 79109599 King of the Swamp 69455834 King of Yamimakai 83986578 King Tiger Wanghu 64788463 King's Knight 84814897 Kiryu 04266839 Kiseitai 60519422 Kishido Spirit 87210505 Knight's Title 69456283 Koitsu 01184620 Kojikocy 19406822 Kotodama 99171160 Kozaky 21908319 Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button 82642348 Kryuel 56283725 Kumootoko 85705804 Kurama 40640057 Kuriboh 88240808 Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer 97590747 La Jinn The Mystical Genie of The Lamp 66526672 Labyrinth of Nightmare 99551425 Labyrinth Tank 82005435 Lady Ninja Yae 17358176 Lady of Faith 94675535 Larvas 28566710 Last Turn 87322377 Launcher Spider 00102380 Lava Golem 07902349 Left Arm of the Forbidden One 44519536 Left Leg of the Forbidden One 60258960 Legendary Flame Lord 25773409 Legendary Jujitsu Master 62543393 Lekunga 55444629 Lesser Dragon 16475472 Lesser Fiend 84397023 Level Conversion Lab 54976796 Level Limit - Area A 03136426 Level Limit - Area B 61850482 Level Modulation 25290459 Level Up! 37721209 Levia-Dragon - Daedalus 44595286 Light of Judgment 37231841 Lighten the Load 49587034 Lightforce Sword 55226821 Lightning Blade 27671321 Lightning Conger 69162969 Lightning Vortex 23171610 Limiter Removal 93108297 Liquid Beast 68658728 Little Chimera 90790253 Little-Winguard 20831168 Lizard Soldier 40320754 Lord Poison 45871897 Lost Guardian 81777047 Luminous Spark 11091375 Luster Dragon 17658803 Luster Dragon #2 83746708 Mage Power 77414722 Magic Jammer 32723153 Magical Explosion 81210420 Magical Hats 31560081 Magician of Faith 99597615 Malevolent Nuzzler 95492061 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 02460565 Marauding Captain 28933734 Mask of Darkness 29549364 Mask of Restrict 62873545 Master of Dragon Knight / Soldier 22609617 Mataza the Zapper 44656491 Messenger of Peace 50705071 Metalzoa 33767325 Meteor of Destruction 75285069 Moisture Creature 13803864 Mokey Mokey King 83764718 Monster Reborn 47507260 Mystic Swordsman LV 2 74591968 Mystic Swordsman LV 4 98745000 Mystical Knight of Jackal 05318639 Mystical Space Typhoon 38299233 Needle Wall 81843628 Needle Worm 04041838 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke 71044499 Nobleman of Crossout 52077741 Obnoxious Celtic Guardian 86088138 Ocubeam 19230407 Offerings to the Doomed 79335209 Ojama Black 08251996 Ojama Delta Hurricane!! 12482652 Ojama Green 90140980 Ojama King 29843091 Ojama Trio 42941100 Ojama Yellow 24643836 Ojamagic 98259197 Ojamuscle 45141844 Old Vindictive Magician 56995655 Ominous Fortunetelling 66927994 Oni Tank T-34 58538870 Oppressed People 44762290 Opti-Camaflauge Armor 14531242 Opticlops 63120904 Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness 39537362 Ordeal of a Traveler 78986941 Order to Charge 39019325 Order to Smash 39751093 Otohime 11548522 Outstanding Dog Marron 02311603 Overdrive 58071123 Oxygeddon 73398797 Paladin of White Dragon 24094653 Polymerization 70828912 Premature Burial 02316186 Princess Curran 26439287 Proto Cyber Dragon 26439287 Proto-Cyber Dragon 25652259 Queen's Knight 69890967 Raviel, Lord of Phantasms 74694807 Re-Fusion 74677422 Red-Eyes B. Dragon 32807846 Reinforcement of the Army 75417459 Release Restraint 64631466 Relinquished 78211862 Rising Energy 88279736 Robbin' Goblin 51452091 Royal Decree 46427957 Ruin, Queen of Oblivion 32268901 Salamandra 26202165 Sangan 63035430 Scyscraper 73665146 Silent Magician Lv4 72443568 Silent Magician Lv8 73752131 Skilled Dark Magician 63035430 Skyscraper 78636495 Slate Warrior 45986603 Snatch Steal 86318356 Sogen 68005187 Soul Exchange 68005187 Soul Exchange 97362768 Spark Blaster 18807108 Spellbinding Circle 51402177 Sphinx Teleia 23205979 Spirit Reaper 70781052 Summoned Skull 16589042 Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight 72302403 Swords of Revealing Light 10456559 T.A.D.P.O.L.E. 89698120 Tactical Espionage Expert 91345518 The Agent of Judgment - Saturn 71107816 The Bistro Butcher 97093037 The Creator Incarnate 43434803 The Shallow Grave 95281259 The Warrior returning alive 87997872 Theinen the Great Sphinx 71625222 Time Wizard 15270885 Toon Goblin Attack Force 15259703 Toon World 04206964 Trap Hole 12538374 Treeborn Frog 72709014 Trial of the Princesses 79759861 Tribute to The Doomed 34853266 Tsukuyomi 94568601 Tyrant Dragon 07602840 UFOroid 32752319 UFOroid Fighter 49441499 Ultimate Insect LV1 34088136 Ultimate Insect LV3 34830502 Ultimate Insect LV5 19877898 Ultimate Insect LV7 32240937 Ultimate Obedient Fiend 22431243 Ultra Evolution Pill 22702055 Umi 82999629 Umiiruka 60399954 Union Attack 85936485 United Resistance 56747793 United We Stand 14731897 Unity 92084010 Unshaven Angler 70368879 Upstart Goblin 01784619 Uraby 06007213 Uria, Lord of Sealing Flames 51638941 V-Tiger Jet 75347539 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior 22056710 Vampire Genesis 53839837 Vampire Lord 46571052 Vampire Orchis 95220856 Vengeful Bog Spirit 44910027 Victory D 73219648 Vilepawn Archfiend 58859575 VW-Tiger Catapult 84243274 VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon 96300057 W-Wing Catapult 12607053 Waboku 17078030 Wall of Revealing Light 42994702 Wandering Mummy 75953262 Warrior Dai Grepher 66073051 Warrior of Zera 23424603 Wasteland 02483611 Water Omotics 38992735 Wave Motion Cannon 28604635 Weed Out 91996584 Whiptail Crow 15090429 Whirlwind Prodigy 09786492 White Dragon Ritual 73891874 White Horn Dragon 15150365 White Magical Hat 81383947 White Magician Pikeru 01571945 White Ninja 68427465 Wicked-Breaking Flameberge-Baou 61166988 Wild Nature's Release 87796900 Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 57116033 Winged Kuriboh 98585345 Winged Kuriboh LV10 89258225 Winged Minion 87523462 Winged Sage Falcos 31447217 Wingweaver 75946257 Witch Doctor of Chaos 78010363 Witch of the Black Forest 80741828 Witch's Apprentice 36304921 Witty Phantom 56369281 Wolf Axwielder 35322812 Woodborg Inpachi 06979239 Woodland Sprite 73216412 Worm Drake 06480253 Wroughtweiler 37744402 Wynn the Wind Charmer 62651957 X-Head Cannon 76515293 Xing Zhen Hu 02111707 XY-Dragon Cannon 91998119 XYZ-Dragon Cannon 99724761 XZ-Tank Cannon 65622692 Y-Dragon Head 76862289 Yamata Dragon 59197169 Yami 03078576 Yata-Garasu 13839120 Yellow Gadget 04542651 Yellow Luster Shield 51534754 Yomi Ship 25119460 YZ-Tank Dragon 64500000 Z-Metal Tank 51945556 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch 83133491 Zero Gravity 24311372 Zoa 16268841 Zolga 47693640 Zombie Tiger 88472456 Zombyra the Dark 07459013 Zure, Knight of Dark World 20 Turns duel:Have the Final Countdown card in your deck.Destiny Board duel:Have Destiny Board "F" and the Spirit Messages "I", "N", "A", and L" in your deck. The Forbidden duel:Have Right Arm, Right Leg, Left Arm, Left Leg, and Exodia cards in your deck. Duel Puzzle: Achilles Heel:Follow these steps to complete the challenge:1.Flip Magician of Faith to face-up attack position.2.Return the Cheerful Coffin from your graveyard to your hand.3.Activate The Forces of Darkness. Return Siilva, Warlord of the Dark Lord and Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World to your hand.4.Activate the Cheerful Coffin. Discard Siilva, Warlord of the Dark World and Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World to special summon them.5.Activate Magician's Unite. Select The Unhappy Girl as a target.6.Tribute Magician of Faith to summon White Horns D and activate its effect. Remove all spell cards from your opponent's graveyard.7.Attack Elemental Hero Tempest with White Horns D.8.Attack Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster with The Unhappy Girl.9.Attack with the rest of the monsters.Unlock Batteryman C to Horus Lvl 8This will unlock everything except the Last 3 Tier 5 Monsters and The Special Tier:Batteryman C Defeat All Tier 1 Monsters once Dark Eradicator Warlock and Guardian ExodeDefeat All Tier 3 Monsters three times Des Frog and Water DragonDefeat All Tier 1 Monsters five times Gilford the LegendDefeat All Tier 3 Monsters once Goldd, Wu-Lod of Dark World and Elemental Hero Erikshieler Defeat All Tier 3 Monsters five times Ocean Dragon lord - Neo-Deadalus and Helios Duo Magiste Defeat All Tier 2 Monsters five times Ojama Yellow And Goblin KingDefeat All Tier 1 Monsters three times Raviel, Lord of Phantasms and Horus The Black Flame Dragon Lv 8Defeat All Tier 4 Monsters three times Red Eyes Darkness DragonDefeat All Tier 2 Monsters once Vampire Genisis and Infernal Flame EmperorDefeat All Tier 2 Monsters three times
Z-Tank Cannon
Elemental Heroes
At the password screen enter these passwords
Bladedge-59793705Avain-21844576Bubbleman-77979666Burstinatrix-58932615Clayman-84327329Flamewing man-35809262Necroshade-84252153Neo Bubbleman-05285665Rampart Blaster-47737087Sparkman-20721928Steamhealer-81197327Thunder Giant-61204971Wildheart-86188410
Currently we have no unlockables for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters Championship 06 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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