#flailing in video games
vertigoambrosia · 10 months
oh shit i forgot you can play poker in this game
sorry fellow captains, i know we're supposed to be planning the raid but...they have fucking omaha
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a-driftamongopenstars · 8 months
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Gleam (Tav) x Halsin kissies for science 😇 please don't repost or claim as your own
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neverwhere · 2 months
What an absolute joy it is to see my name in the credits of a beloved game for the first time :)))))
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naomiknight-17 · 2 months
I got frustrated watching Jon trying to line up a Vista point thing in Horizon Forbidden West so I was like "Okay gimme the controller"
I have literally never in my life played a Horizon game. I didn't even know how to jump
But damned if I didn't figure out how to jump, climb, pullcast (by accident, scared the fuck outta me), hunt and loot a deer, and then line up the damn Vista within about 10 minutes
I am the best
I am Aloy
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enigma-boi · 4 months
Gonna say that Generative AI was involved in the creation of Supergiant's Hades and see everyone go fucking bananas and start sending death threats to the staff because people have become such Luddites that people have to specify that basic fucking aspects of game development that have been normalised for years like enemy/npc intelligence and procedural map generation as not being The Artist Job Stealing Evil Robot.
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mxanigel · 11 months
pack my life into boxes
this is my cross-state move
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traggalicious · 7 months
Warning: err violent? Thoughts?
I want to rip tear bite i want to chomp into baldurs gate and taste its essence i want to remove my organs and replace them with those of the characters i want to Be in the game i am goung to Yell if i cannot be there i want my brain to calm the fuck down i am worried but i am also holyy fuckckkk the music is so good the characters are so good and i need to help them all and i need to be them all and kill them all and die and live and be and fucking fuck i dont words all i have rn is Violence and Hitting and Flapping and ow.
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grumpyoldsnake · 5 months
do you play any video games
I do! Or did?
I don’t have much time for it these days, so I play way less than I used to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I often don’t actually finish things.
Nowadays I tend to cycle between not playing anything at all for months, and then playing way too much of something for a few days instead of sleeping. And then finding some self control and not playing anything for a long while again 😂
I think the last game I finished all the way through was Hollow Knight, which I adored. I finished Subnautica sometime in the last few years, too, and had a lot of fun with that as well. Same with Hades.
I played Portal and Portal 2 years ago and loved them; I’ve been debating doing a replay sometime, now that it’s been long enough that I won’t just have the puzzles memorized.
I’ve never finished Fallout 4 but I play it sometimes — usually I get side tracked building up settlements instead of following the main story sldkdjfhf
I’ve been playing a bit of Baldur’s Gate 3 recently — I think I’m just about to hit act two? And a friend has had me playing a bit of Midnight Suns.
I play The Long Dark once in a blue moon — I seem to keep digging it out around Christmas each year.
I play social games — used to play super smash brothers with my friends all the time, before I moved.
And every once in a while I’ll make truly poor life choices and start playing the Sims or Civilization or zoo simulators or Stardew or Minecraft and such — open-ended time sinks that I invariably get hyperfocused on for a solid week, hah. 😅
I’ve been wanting to try more stuff! I know there are some lovely games out there. I want to try some of the big names — The Witcher games (I have been poking at Witcher 2 a bit, actually), and Dragon Age. I want to finish Pillars of Eternity sometime, because what I’d seen of the writing so far was fascinating — there’s a little side quest near the beginning of the game that still lives in my head rent free, years later. Since I liked Hollow Knight, I keep considering Dead Cells. Etc.
And I’ve also wanted to try more story-focused short form stuff for a while now. I’ve been eyeballing The Stanley Parable, and Ghost Trick, and Observation.
But, well… time is still a factor :’D So, again. I don’t actually play things very often anymore.
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anabitchzilla · 11 months
A friend of mine helped me get a copy of marvel ultimate alliance 1 working, which is harder to do than you might think. Anyway, check out this dlc character you had to pay real money for:
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eleplay · 1 year
after many centuries, we did it. we finally did it. we beat up genesis and got zack fair killed
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fakeoldmanfucker · 1 year
The fact that Joel is from Texas and has a Texan accent, and Bella Ramsey is nonbinary...every single instance of approval and affection that Joel shows Ellie is going to make me cry, isn't it?
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vertigoambrosia · 10 months
god ryoma is so dumb
it seems like he can't help but obviously react every single time someone in the shinsengumi mentions tosa
and he's SO SURPRISED that they kill indiscriminately considerign every rumor about them
have some subtlety my dude seriously
inoue knows he's sus as fuck but i guess is gonna let him flounder?
(or i think i read a spoiler that inoue is the masked man but idk if that's true don't tell me either way)
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austencollins · 1 year
Naming alternate saves on Stardew Valley after characters in order to help differentiate them from one another, and tbh Tarrlok crashlanding on the Beach Farm is kinda working for me as a post-S1 AU.
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chrisevansonly · 5 months
Little Soccer Baby
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charles leclerc x female reader
synopsis: charles is playing in a charity soccer match, and no one is a bigger fan than his son Theo
warnings: none very fluffy!!
a/n: i was honestly influenced by the videos of charles holding that sweet little baby today when he was playing soccer😭😭
Theo squirmed in your arms as you made your way back down the steps towards the soccer field, Charles had been invited to play in another charity match in Monaco, so the three of you went together. Theo was a daddy’s boy through and through, he wanted to be wherever his father was so it was not surprising he barely sat still in your arms the entire game.
“Theo, we’re going to see papa now okay?”
The 7 months old flailed his legs excitedly as you got closer to the railing, Charles spotting you both and waving, eliciting the loudest and happiest squeals from his mini me.
“You played great my love!”
“Thank you chérie, I had my two cheerleaders with me today!”
Theo let out a whine and you cooed
“Oh i know, you want papa, here…”
The Monégasque let out a laugh as you rolled your eyes teasingly, knowing just how much his little boy adored him. His arms extended to take the baby from you, as soon as Theo was in Charles’s arms he smiled leaned onto his shoulder.
“Aww Theo, you’re making maman all jealous”
“I am not jealous!”
“Okay okay…”
Shaking your head at him, you took the time to pull your phone out, taking a few pictures of the father and son, a smile on her face when Charles scattered kisses across his face, giggles and squeals leaving his lips. You were the next to climb over the barrier between the field and the stands, Charles making sure to help you, as soon as your feet hit the turf you kissed his cheek and Theo’s who smiled happily at you.
“My silly boys, what am I going to do with you both?”
These were the times you loved the most, spending time as a family no matter what event you were at, and with the race season soon approaching, you cherished ever second you had as a family, especially when Charles would be away as often as he usually was.
The only thing you did know, is he should probably stick to formula one and not soccer…
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emmyrosee · 3 months
You have heard of angst, you have heard of fluff. Get ready for my very own brand: chaos
You're playfighting with Osamu and kick him so hard in the face you break his nose.
Bonus points if it's your first time staying over
Osamu is an absolute fiend when it comes to play fighting.
He’s the twin of an athlete, of course his entire childhood was filled with wrestling and fighting, of fighting over the last cookie, or first player in a video game. Who the hell were you to think of challenging him to such an event?
“Get over here!” He growls playfully, chasing you down the hall. You scream and turn into the bedroom and skitter onto the bed, only for him to follow short after.
“Go away!” You giggle in anticipation.
“Nuh-uh,” he snips. “I’m not nearly done with you.” He makes a leap towards the bed, a large hand gripping your ankle and dragging you towards him, desperate to ignore your flailing limbs and-
You sent a kick straight to his face.
Immediately he recoils away, hands coming up to cradle his face as he whines in pain, hunched over. You instantly jump to his side, a palm running over his back to try and soothe him, all the while trying to get a look at the injury.
“Baby, let me see!” You demand.
“No!” He nasals out. “You’ll neber let bme play fight you adain!”
“That’s not my worry right now, my worry is me kicking your nose square off of your face!”
“It’s my worry!”
You roll your eyes and quickly grab him by the collar, dragging him to the bathroom where you tenderly remove his hands, wincing as he whines in pain.
“We’ve gotta get you to the hospital,” you insist.
“Kiss bme first?”
“Oh my god-“
And hey. It worked.
Because not an hour later were you and osamu in the emergency room, your hand filling out in patient forms while his cradle ice to his face, but a dopey smile splayed on his lips unbothered since you originally kissed him.
It be cute, if it wasn’t so bloody.
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ghost-proofbaby · 24 days
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mind blown (eddie munson x fem!reader)
summary: when you get a certain achievement while playing baldur's gate 3, it catches your boyfriend's eye.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: slight spoilers for baldur's gate 3 game, TALK OF MONSTER FUCKING/TENTACLES, you literally have the option to fuck a monster in the game and that is the premise for this one-shot. it isn't described in great detail, but is a background bit. and eddie makes fun of you for it. a lot. oral (f receiving, insinuated m receiving at the end). use of nickname "good girl". minors dni.
wc: 3.5k+
a/n: for anyone who was forced to witness me rizz the emperor on my last bg3 stream - consider this my... apology? half the time i was writing this i couldn't take it seriously so please laugh with me.
also, shout out to @hellfire--cult for the best possible divider EVER.
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You don’t even notice when the notification pops up in the lower left corner of your screen. It’s the smallest of blips, hardly signified by the quiet ding from your Steam account in a pitiful attempt to congratulate you for the monstrous crimes you were currently committing on your screen. 
But hey, you’ve got to experience the entire game, right? 
“What the fuck,” you whisper to yourself as you click on the second dialogue option, eyes locked on your screen is disbelief in your own actions, “What the fuck.” 
2. Take its tentacle in your hand, invite it in.
You watch in absolute awe as, who would have guessed, your Tav takes the tentacle in their hand, inviting the Mind Flayer in. 
Oh, you’re not seeing Heaven for this. You’re getting kicked straight to Hell, receipts pulled up of this very moment in your lifetime. That time you only cackled when your younger sibling broke their wrist? Fine. That time you let a door slam shut on some random grandma? Forgivable. 
But making your video game character fuck the tentacled-should-be-enemy? No, yeah, you’re heading straight to the flames. 
“Oh. My. God.” 
You really, really, really should have noticed the achievement notification. Should have considered the fact that this was an achievement at all. Should have considered that your achievement would be public. Should have noticed who was currently online, and who would be getting the notification of your sins. 
Should of thought of your boyfriend, in the living room, playing the very same game on your shared gaming laptop that had been reduced to solely allowing the two of you to play Baldur’s Gate 3 at the same time. 
But you’re too entranced by tentacles and embarrassment and shit, is this kind of hot? Is The Emperor kind of hot? to think of any of this until it’s too late.
One moment, you’re leaning far more forward than you had realized, drawn into the screen as your mouth hangs wide open in that continued naivety of disbelief that the game actually allowed this, and the next, two hands are landing on the back of your chair and shaking you out of the trance. 
“Shit!” you can’t help but scream, scrambling wildly to yank off your headset with flailing hands. A few of your knuckles connect with something hard, and you spin quickly to find Eddie standing there with a hand clutched over his nose, “Oh my God, baby, I’m so sor-”
“Are you fucking the mindflayer?” he all but yells, not looking to be in an ounce of pain even as he continues to shield his face where your hand had blatantly smacked him. His eyes catch the screen in the same trance you had just been under before yelling out, “Holy shit, you’re fucking the mindflayer!” 
“It’s not what it looks like-”
“You are literally fucking the space squid right now.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“You’re fucking a glorified piece of sushi right now. You are literally-”
For the second time in the span of what hasn’t even been a full minute, your hand slaps Eddie’s face. This time, it’s more purposeful, slamming your palm right over his mouth before he can continue what you can’t even be sure is teasing. 
And you’re missing the entire scene. Thank God for learning to quicksave as a reflex, you suppose. 
“Eddie, I swear to God, do not speak another word when I drop my hand,” you threaten, no real violence behind your words as he glowers at you. You can see all that mischief swirling behind the look he gives you, every possible bad idea to ever exist in this Universe manifesting in those big brown eyes as they stare widely into yours. “Do you understand?”
He nods. Your mistake for trusting him, you suppose. 
The moment your hand has dropped from him, it reveals that giddy smile, dimples screaming for your instant regret before he even opens his mouth to say, “Play it again.” 
“Excuse me?”
“Go ahead,” he waves towards the screen where the scene is beginning to wrap up, your current companions interrupting the moment in horror. If you had still been entranced, you would have been an absolute mess. But all your focus had been stolen away to the boy towering over you, “Reload the save. Replay the scene for me.” 
Your brows furrow as you cross your arms, shaking your head, “No.”
“No,” you repeat yourself more firmly, leaning into your stubbornness, “I am not replaying the scene for you after you just made fun of me for partaking in it.”
Eddie wastes no time pouting as he throws himself down onto the bed nearby, looking at you with unimaginably forced disappointment, “Come on. You’re no fun.” 
You hate how cute he looks right now. Bottom lip jutted out for dramatic effect, legs splayed out to straddle the corner of the bed. He leans back on his arms, torso elongating as you watch him take every steady and expectant breath. He looks determined. 
Unlucky for him, you’re just as stoic in your decision.
“C’mon,” he whines softly, changing his approach when he realizes the cocky exterior isn’t chipping away at that set look on your face, no faltering in your decision to ignore his request, “Please? We both know that I’m not going to be fucking the squid, so this is my only chance to see the-”
“He’s not a squid,” you groan, starting to turn your chair to face the screen again and continue your gameplay, “Might I remind you just how hot my guardian was prior to the whole tentacle reveal? You can’t even blame me for succumbing to this, you know.” 
His lips press together tightly, biting back a grin.
“Your guardian was very hot. But, pray tell, baby, why did you choose to fuck the tentacled version?” You’re not having this conversation. You blatantly refuse to, picking your headphones back up and beginning to slip them over your ears when Eddie’s hand shoots out to stop you, “Wait. I have an idea.” 
“I’m not reloading the save so you can see the scene, Eddie-”
“What if…. I technically don’t watch the scene?” 
You halt all movement willingly, headphones still hovering in midair even as Eddie takes his hand away. “What do you mean?” 
He leans forward, elbows digging into his thighs, sly smile shimmering on his lips as he finally abandons the god-forsaken pout. He’s radiating pride as he simply asks, “Wanna have your mind blown in real life?” 
Your entire body flushes with heat, starting to actually get embarrassed that Eddie wasn’t letting this go. 
“With God as my witness, if you do not stop making fun of me for this, I will kick you out of this room and lock the door.” 
“I’m not making fun of you,” he says slowly, inching off of the bed, dropping to his knees on the carpet of your shared bedroom, “Not in the slightest, sweetheart. I’m making you an offer.” 
You eye him cautiously as he slowly makes his way closer to you. When he’s nearly tucked under your desk, you’re quick to bring your knees up, still terribly weary and unsure of where he’s going with this. 
“What do you mean then, having my mind blown in real life?”
Eddie’s smile has gone downright salacious as he easily fits himself under the desk that holds your computer, situating himself perfectly so that if you were to drop your legs back down, he’d be kneeling prettily between your knees. 
“Reload the scene. And drop your legs, yeah?” 
He says it so casually, nonchalance dripping from his tone as if he’s just asked you to pass him salt or inquired about the weather rather than the actual request he was insinuating. It has your knees pressing more tightly together, your chin dropping on top of them as you stare down at him in the cramped space. 
“Are you… are you seriously suggesting what I think you’re suggesting right now?” you question, each word falling from your mouth slowly. 
It had been a while since either of you had really gotten your hands on one another. Not on purpose, of course. The two of you had simply fallen victim to the immersive game, spending most of your free time either playing your individual campaigns or joining one another on a multiplayer one. Afternoons melted away from gameplay, and the two of you were usually already to the point of exhaustion once you’d end up in bed together. There had been a certain lack of affectionate touches, suggestive squeezes of your thighs and faux-innocent kisses of the neck. And neither had noticed, minds equally preoccupied on thoughts of pixelated characters and harrowing journeys over a screen. 
You can’t remember the last time either of you outright suggested sex. 
“Deathly serious,” you can see the shine of his teeth as he flashes them in the dark space. You continue to hesitate until he quickly adds on, “Only if you want to, of course. If not, I can always fuck off and leave you to Squidwar-”
“I want to,” you interrupt, ignoring the new nickname for the Mind Flayer that he had started to taunt you with. You carefully let your feet slip off your chair, avoiding knocking him in the face with your ankles. He aids you, a careful hand running from the back of your knee and down your calf as he guides your legs to rest on his shoulders. The fact that you had started gaming without pants was suddenly very helpful. 
“Good girl,” it’s sort of ridiculous, the way his words cut right to your core, nearly making you let out a small gasp. Your body is suddenly very aware of just how long the accidental bout of celibacy had been, “A few rules before we begin. You’re going to reload the scene, and really watch it this time. Headphones and all, got it?” 
He places a chaste kiss to your inner thigh, and this time, you can’t bite back your little gasp. It only elicits a chuckle from him as you eagerly nod. You could care less about the game at this point, but you can’t seem to find the words to tell him this. 
“If you stop focusing on the scene, I stop eating this pretty little pussy.” 
If you weren’t so light-headed from the way his breath hits your clothed core currently, you’d probably see just how ridiculous this entire scenario was. It was downright laughable. Even a little shameful, honestly. By no means was it the weirdest situation that you and Eddie had turned into a game of sex, but it was certainly up there. 
God, you were in love with a fucking weirdo. And it made you just as weird, if not weirder, as he was. 
He gently slaps at your knee, forcing your attention to focus back on him, “Got it?” 
“Got it,” you manage to choke out just as his hands begin to trail up to your hips, playing with the lace of your panties teasingly. 
You lift yourself ever so slightly off the chair as he slips your underwear off, bringing the fabric down agonizingly slow. He has to shuffle plenty, guiding your limbs around just to finally remove the garment, but you hardly pay attention to all that awkwardness. Your Tav is still on the screen, awaiting instruction just as you were. 
When Eddie finally has your panties off, knees back to hanging on his shoulders, you can hear him let out a soft groan at the sight of you. 
“Fuck,” he sighs gently, leaning his cheek against your knee ever so slightly, “The tentacles really do it for you, huh? Already fucking soaking-”
“Shut up about the tentacles,” you groan out, throwing your hand back in exasperation, “For the love of God, please shut up about the-”
“Ah, ah,” he tsks, pulling farther away from you, “Might I remind you the whole point of this is all those tentacles on your screen right now, baby? Maybe I should have you hook up your speakers instead of your headphones just to make sure I can hear the entire scene.” 
You’d honestly forgotten about the scene at this point. It was the least intriguing part of your evening now. 
When you stay quiet, biting your lip to avoid making anymore smart ass remarks that would only prolong what you desperately wanted, desperately needed, he finally takes it as his cue. 
That damn grin, dimples and all, look up at you with all the ill intent in the world as he gestures for you to slip on your headphones. You do it immediately, and just before you’ve fully engulfed your ears with them, Eddie says, “Now, please do the honors, and hit F8 for me, doll.” 
Immediately, the only noise you can hear is the ambience from the game. One swift punch of your F8 key pauses it entirely, sudden music replacing it as the reload screen appears on the computer. Eddie waits, staring up at you for a few moments, probably having memorized just how long these damn reloads take from how much the two of you save scum in the game (Ironic, given during your first playthroughs, he’d scolded you endlessly for save scumming rather than just trusting the dice and letting it all play out.) 
After a few beats of stillness, you can see the scene prepared and ready for you to begin to click the options again to initiate the scene in your peripheral. Your eyes are still locked on Eddie’s, though. 
He makes no move to move any closer to you, though, still smirking before he finally mouths ‘watch the game’. 
It’s only once you do as you’ve been told that he has his mouth on you. 
He starts slowly as you distract yourself with the screen, peppering kisses along your knees and inner thighs, working his way towards your pussy. Teasing you, taunting you, dangling what he knows you want so badly that it aches and has you spasming around absolutely nothing. It takes more effort than you could care to admit to focus your vision on the dialogue options, and even more to remember which one is going to initiate the goddamned scene. 
When your shaking hand reaches for the mouse and finally clicks the correct option (thank God), his mouth finally hovers over your slick folds. 
Whatever the Emperor says falls on ringing ears. Subtitles are useless, the words blurring together on the screen when his tongue takes its first stride across your core. 
Your knuckles are paling from how tightly you grip your poor mouse, and you almost consider what you would do if this situation leads to you breaking such a vital piece of the shared gaming setup, but Eddie’s mouth is quick to distract you. You feel the vibrations of the hums falling from his lips just as they trail to wrap around your clit, forming suction as he gives one harsh suck that has your mouth falling open in a silent gasp. Your eyes can barely manage to stay open as you blindly click for the next dialogue option being presented.
Kiss the tentacle and hope that it’s an erogenous appendage. 
Not quite the same path you’d taken before, but it’ll get the job done. Especially when Eddie’s fingers are digging into the flesh of your thighs even harsher, pressing himself even harder against you as his tongue dances over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Kitten licks, but every single one sends a bolt of electricity up your spine. 
The sound that comes from the Emperor in the game doesn’t matter to you, completely overridden by the audible groan you can just barely catch from Eddie as your headphones begin to slip off. 
Was that… a good sound? 
You hadn’t noticed you’d breathily recited the words you read across the scene until movement below the desk catches your eye, and Eddie is nodding into your cunt more eagerly than the character on the screen could ever be capable of. 
It’s the type of eagerness that has you whimpering, the kind of enthusiasm that guides one of your hands away from the keyboard and down to tangle into the roots of Eddie’s curls. 
He’s going to be the death of you. 
His grip tightens until he’s tugging your hips hard enough to bring you further slumped down in your seat, letting your thighs cradle either side of his head. His nose bumping your sensitive clit as his tongue circles teasing against your entrance. Once, twice – and then it dives in, pushing you to arch your back, a soft cry leaving you as you yank at his hair. 
With a heaving chest, you find yourself reciting another line of words from the screen despite making no move to click any options, “Do it again. Please, God- do it again.” 
He lifts to look at you at that, smiling wide with glistening lips and chin alike, “God? Oh, you’re making me blush, babe.” 
“Eddie-” you start, but a smack on your thigh from one of his ringed hands effectively shuts you up. 
“Play the game, and I’ll do it again.” 
Your hand smacks against the mouse, and you must click the right option, the exact command you’d just demanded of Eddie, because the scene continues on. 
You’re not watching the screen. Not consistently. Your eyes can’t stop flickering down to your boy, to his dark eyes shining up at you as he keeps his face buried between your thighs, the only thing giving away his current grin being the slightest crinkle beside those eyes. 
The entire sequence from before is simply playing out, just as before, but your mind stays on the feeling of Eddie’s tongue on you. When he releases one of your thighs and brings his fingers into the mix, stretching you out far more fully than his tongue had, you’re preening beneath his touch. Gasps, moans, whimpers, sobs – they all fall from your lip as he knows just how to work you. All the right touches to bring your neglected body to the precipice, practically worshiping you on his knees as the brightness of the screen exposes your face to him. Eyes tightly screwed shut, mouth wide open, lips swollen from poor attempts to keep your noises down through biting them. 
It only encourages him further. Only has him forgetting entirely about the game as well, the only goal on his mind being making you cum on his tongue. 
And you do. 
In hot waves, broken calls of his name, both hands tugging mercilessly on his hair. Your thighs are squeezing his cheeks tightly as you clench down on his fingers. 
Somewhere between all the whispers of his name, numerous squeaks of please falling from your mouth, he slows down. He gives you a chance to bask in the after-warmth of it all, your entire body buzzing as you catch your breath. You truly, genuinely hadn’t expected to cum that quickly. But it had been a while, and if anyone knew your body well enough to get you off in record speed, it was the man currently still seated on sore knees with a winning grin on his face. 
“Your headphones aren’t even on anymore, you cheater,” he teases, sounding just as out of breath as you felt. 
You detangle your fingers from his hair, retracting your hands just far enough for one of them to flip him off, “Shut up.” 
Your eyes are still closed, head leaning back almost painfully as the headphones cut into your neck. If you could live in this moment forever, you probably would. 
He presses forward, placing a quick peck to your sensitive core that makes your legs try to squeeze together instinctually, “Make me.” 
At those two words, you finally open your eyes, slowly lolling your head towards him, eyes narrowing at the challenge. 
“Get off the floor and onto the bed, and I will.” 
You don’t have to tell him twice. 
The entire process somehow manages to remind you just how ridiculous the situation was. Watching Eddie clamber clumsily out from beneath your desk, cheekily flashing you the set of panties he’d taken off of you that he shoves into his pocket. Eyes glued on him as he flops himself down onto your shared bed, still looking far too proud of himself. 
Your heart swells as you look at the absolute idiot, knowing he was yours. 
“Well?” he asks expectantly, raising his eyebrows as he shimmies his shoulders jokingly, “You gonna make me or not, sweetheart?” 
You’re quick to start to jump out of your chair, just eager to be close to him again, deciding the game could wait until tomorrow. Just as you do, however, Eddie puts up a hand, biting back an even wider smile.
“I’m only reminding you because I won’t hear the end of it otherwise,” he drawls, slowly pointing a finger back towards the desk, “Don’t forget to press F5.”
You roll your eyes, but you do as he says. 
It works. It’ll save you time next time you reload the game – allowing you to skip the entire encounter, considering the way you’ve discovered there are far more fun ways to have your mind blown. 
Now, however, it was Eddie’s turn.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin
@ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87
@thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck
@cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking
@witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore
@mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog
@vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp
@princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
join my taglist!
(please let me know if the tagging worked!!)
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