#five things that make me happy
nornities · 23 days
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Thank you for filling my inbox, @expirisims, @kwimii999! I'm just really bad with these games 😅
Five things that make me happy:
Nice messages in my inbox 😊 (Looking at you, @nocturnalazure. @papermint-airplane, @happy-lemon, @ninjaofthepurplethings)
Having a great chat about sim things with my simming friends
Finishing a project that has been more difficult than expected
A random cat wanting to be petted by me
Finding that tune that has been going round in my head for the whole day and playing it loud (if it's a song I like. If not, playing some other song I like really loud to replace that earworm)
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happy-lemon · 29 days
Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Ooh, thank you for this ask! I like it! 💕
Five things that make me happy are:
I have a border collie mix named Talaria and a cream tabby called Tingum. The cat lives with my husband in the Bahamas most of the time (long story, but we're happily married) so I miss him a lot when they're on-island.
Writing! I've been in a non-sims slump for a long time which hasn't been amazing for my career, but my motivation is back and that makes me incredibly happy.
Rainy days. I live in Florida so they're fairly few and far between most of the year, but we're coming up on rainy season and I can't wait.
All things Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I like her as an actor, but I especially love her writing. I strive to write more like she does but I don't think I'm there yet.
Birbs! All of them. Even the mean ones.
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ghostradiodylan · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
5 more happy things!
1. Summer evenings and that perfect moment when fireflies start slowly rising out of the grass. Bioluminescence really feels like magic. (Really, anything that lights up makes me happy. Light through stained glass windows. Neon signs. Christmas lights. Film projectors. Stars. Fire.)
2. The ocean. I haven’t been to the beach in a few years and I really miss it! I would love to live near it but, alas, too many other humans love that too so coastal areas cost way too much.
3. The dog park! My dog loooves the dog park and we make doggy friends there. She sleeps like a rock when we get back too. I miss going when the weather is like it has been lately!
4. Hot baths. On a water kick this round I guess but I’m one of those people who can be in the bath for an hour, easily, if I have a good book and some music and good smelling bath stuff and ideally some mood lighting.
5. And, of course,
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these idiots 😩💖
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shycroissanti · 6 months
You just got a new quest!! List five things that make you happy, then send this in the askbox of the last ten people who have interacted with your blog! Get to know your followers & mutuals! Accept quest: 💙 Decline quest: 💜
Here 5 more things that make me happy!
● Rengoku, I don't know, I love him so much!❤️
● Doing yoga in the morning (*´∇`)ノ
● Moths, I think they're so cute, I once found a leopard moth in my house and I've never been happier XD
● Listening to the radio✨️
● Organize my art supplies💕
Thanks for asking v(^o^)💖
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kimium · 13 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Hi friend! Sorry it took so long for me to answer this! I had to think about what I wanted to say!
Five Things that Make Me Happy
My friends and family
Without a doubt I am always so grateful to those closest in my life. My parents are amazing people who are always so supportive and loving. I honestly love visiting and hanging out with them whenever I can.
As for my friends, they're also the most amazing people in the world. Even when I can't see or talk to them all the time, I know they treasure and love me.
Fire Emblem
When I was eleven or twelve I went over to my neighbour's house and was introduced to Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but now many, many years later I cannot imagine my life without Fire Emblem. Truly, this franchise has done so much for me. It's provided me endless hours of entertainment both with story and game play.
It has accompanied me throughout all the stages of my life: from University to living abroad to working my professional job. With every game, I am transported back to a moment in my life. It's nostalgic and it's also living and breathing in my present. I hope this franchise continues to journey with me throughout my life.
Writing Fanfiction
I don't think there is much to say about this one. I cannot begin to describe the joy and happiness I feel when I write fanfiction. It's a creative outlet I cannot see myself living without. Every time I write it brings me so much joy to see my ideas and thoughts form into something tangible.
Honkai Star Rail
I think I deserve one recent bias for this list. Back in summer I finally decided to sit down and play Honkai Star Rail. To my utter shock and amazement, everything about this game clicked with my brain. The RPG like gameplay truly suits me better than the open world of Genshin Impact. I've found myself pouring so many hours into the game. Whether it's enjoying the story or grinding for trace materials, I truly love playing this game.
(I also want to give a shout out to Ratio/Aventurine as a ship. No one else here saw it, but last night I sent an eight point list to @m34gs via PM listing all the reasons why I ship them.)
If my fanfic writing hasn't tipped anyone off yet... I love tea. Easily, it's one of my most favourite drinks in the world. In fact, I'm drinking some right now as I type this answer out.
And there you have it, friend! Some things that make me happy! Thank you so much for sending this ask to me! It is so lovely to have a moment to talk about the things I love!
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m34gs · 14 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Usually I don't do a lot of chain asks like this but today I feel like it 💜 Thanks for the ask, @synobun 💜💜💜
5 things that make me happy:
Spud. Of course my baby is number one on this list. He's been my angel for the past five years and I adore him so much. He's the best kitty ever and I would do anything for him. He's (very literally) the reason I am still alive today. His floof is healing.
My friends/family. I love my friends, and I'm so happy to finally be living within a half-hour of two of my best friends. They're amazing people and I absolutely love them. My siblings mean the world to me and I am so proud of them. They're both younger than me, and seeing all their accomplishments feels me with so much happiness to see how much they've grown. I love them and I want only the best for them. Jumping off of that, I have a set of cousins older than me who act like older sisters and it makes me feel so loved and wanted every time they invite me over or send me messages. I love them so so so much. I even have many online friends who fill me with joy every day! 💜💜💜💜
Writing. I will never stop writing. Maybe one day I'll publish some of my original works, and then maybe one day I'll publish enough that I can work more casual at my current job, because I love my job and the sense of happiness it can give me, but it is so hard some days and I'm still recovering from a fullblown burnout 2 years ago (they say it takes 3-5 years to fully recover, and I'm doing my best to give myself time but it's hard some days). Anyway; I have stories to tell, thoughts and ideas to share, and a whole lotta world-building that I've been dying to get down on paper. I will be writing until I die, guaranteed.
Singing. I sing all the time. I sing in the car, I sing while I cook, I sing while I clean, I sing along to music while I write, and sometimes I just sing while I'm not doing anything. Music makes me happy, and I need to express myself through music. Even if I'm singing a sad song, the catharsis it gives me makes me feel satisfied and content after.
Horror movies. Is anyone surprised at this point? I watch them on my own, with friends, at home, in theatres...I just love them. They're so fun! And deal with such interesting topics. I love the discussion some of them can bring up. (I do not love the discussion of what "should be" allowed in horror. Horror is subjective. Also, if it makes you highly disgusted and/or disturbs you, then it likely *does* belong in horror. Like, name a better genre for that? smh, some people...) I love love love learning about my favourite horror movies too. Like, everything I know that is "extra" or "behind the scenes" on Hellraiser fills me with such joy. I adore the Saw movies. Human Centipede, my beloved. Crimson Peak. Terrifier. Misery. There's just so many I find interesting and enjoy watching! The special effects are so cool; especially the practical effects and makeup. Like, ok ok, sidetrack, but DID YOU KNOW in Misery, the famous hobbling scene? Kathy Bates used a real sledgehammer and swung hard. The legs on the bed? Those were prosthetic legs built to look like James Caan's legs, made out of gelatin, PVC pipe, and a hinge in the ankles. The camera zoomed in completely focused on the hammer and legs, which made the iconic scene. Anyway, I love that tidbit and if you didn't know it before, well now you do :D (source 1; source 2)
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ramblingoak · 29 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here! 💖
This has been sitting in my inbox for too long, I'm sorry! Doing this now because my brain was being extra mean today lol
The friends I've made on here! So many lovely, kind and inspiring people.
Music! Ghost for sure but so many other bands from all sorts of genres.
Nature! Sometimes you just need to turn off the brain and disappear into the woods for a bit xD. It's a nice way to escape for a few hours, definitely helps me reset my brain when I get too caught up in my own head (note to self: go for a hike tomorrow).
My loved ones! My husband, my step kids, my dog and cat...they make me so happy. Maybe not when I'm picking up after them BUT they are very supportive of my hobbies and that means so much to me.
Writing! Yes, even when I want to throw my laptop in the river I do love writing lol
(I'm not going to put this in anyone's inbox because you sent this to me ages ago and I'm sure most people already did it. SO if you see this and didn't do it please do so and tag me 💙)
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 5 months
hey! when u get this respond w 5 things that make u happy and then send this to 10 of ur moots (no pressure lol)
Aww, thank you, my friend! 😍 today is a perfect day to think about things that make me happy, because we were up half the night dealing with a messy medical situation and I am CRANKY. This’ll be perfect to cheer me up!
Five things that make me happy:
🌺 flowers
🐱 kittens
🍞🍪🧁 baking
🧦 warm fuzzy socks
📓📝 writing (even though it also drives me nuts! lol)
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munson-mjstan · 5 months
List five things that make you happy, and then put this in the askbox of the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! 💗
1. God the Most High
2. Video games
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Animals
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chestnutwind · 2 months
hii! list five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you (no pressure) ☺️
Thank you @apex-nadir for sending me this!
Mmmm....Five things that make me happy:
1)spending time with my friend @vikulee
2)petting my cat
3)eating chocolate and ice cream
5)watching tv shows and movies
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ghostradiodylan · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Do I have five more things?? I’m pretty sure I do!
1. When someone has a little Quarry era and likes/reblogs a bunch of my posts in a row. I see you! I hope you’re having fun! I hope you stick around! Catch our disease! Come be unwell about gay werewolves with us!
2. Comments and kudos on AO3. Instant dopamine. I “write for myself” or whatever but, c’mon, everyone who posts fiction over there loves these!
3. Getting to see my friends who’ve moved far away. It doesn’t happen often, I wish it happened more, but when it does it’s great.
4. Stickers. I love getting them randomly in letters and orders for other things from Etsy, but I buy them too and then have severe commitment issues about ever sticking them anywhere. You’re never too old for stickers.
5. Axolotls. Look at him. He’s just a silly little guy! Head empty, zero thoughts. Doesn’t even know he’s smiling all the time. I kinda want one but I hear they’re hard to care for. You have to keep the tank chiller and stuff. I have enough pets right now, but maybe someday!
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pennybunpirate · 2 months
hii! list five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you (no pressure) ☺️
Oh fun! ❤️
In no particular order:
- Springtime. It wakes me up and calms my brain down at the same time.
- Making. Art and craft and anything else that falls into that category.
- Animals.
- Getting letters in the post.
- That one show about gay pirates. And everything about it. The show itself, the fandom, how lucky we are with the lovely cast and crew, the beautiful stories everyone is writing and the podfics, making my own art and getting to share it with someone who loves ofmd too...I get a lot of my serotonin and dopamine from gay pirate related things these days, so not having it on the list would make it dishonest almost😅
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renee561 · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity. 💫🌈
Ok so this has been in the inbox for a while and I'm working through things:
1. My Pocket Friends
2. Pride (June is hard for me in general, but knowing there are other queers out there surviving and trying to thrive too makes me feel less alone)
3. Blorbos (they're just comforting to roast over the fire on a gloomy summer night)
4. Chocolate
5. My boss' snake becsuse he is baby and if I'm at work he makes it better just by walking past his tank (I love him so much!)
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sotwk · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. get to know your mutuals and followers! ✨🍄✨
Thank you for the Ask, dear @blueberryrock! I hope you are enjoying your vacation trip so far!
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
Watching my 2-year old son dance (so ridiculously cute and hilarious). If grown-ups could only learn to keep the shameless confidence they had as kids, we could live in a world with spontaneous musical numbers.
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2. Pop music from the late 1990s and 2000s. I've never had the coolest or edgiest taste in music, but I have very happy, energy-boosting playlists from the best decades!
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3. Henry Cavill. Just looking at him. Have you seen him? It's like looking at the human personification of the sun, moon, AND stars, and how can that not make you happy? My list of celeb crushes is a mile long, and he remains the undisputed prettiest one, imho. He is just DIVINE.
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4. A nice bowl of hot soup. I love soups so much, it's my ultimate comfort food. Anything from simple broths to thick stews. I could probably live off them indefinitely.
5. The feeling of a nice, clean, freshly vacuumed carpet on my toes. Can only be topped by the feeling of brand new carpeting. Umph.
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!!! :D
Eeeek, thank you for sending this preciousness my way, dearest! ❤️️
When the spring breeze is just the right kind of cool and yet starts feeling warm on your skin, and the air is fragrant with slowly blooming flowers.
Having enough time and peace in the morning to sip on a large cup of coffee while listening to jazz.
The scent of freshly purchased books.
Wearing heels.
Daydreaming about my characters. (The writing is nerve-wracking though sksksk).
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stari0n · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!!! passing this on :D
1. my friends
2. legos
3. my family
4. drawing
5: music
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