#five different providers have agreed and have prescribed me this medication in that time
appleciders · 1 year
trying to get a new prescription for the meds that i’ve taken for the past three years like going through the trials of heracles
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mrjat396 · 3 years
In low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, methamphetamine may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances. But stigma against the drug could be harming patients and holding back research.
D-methamphetamine is what generally appears on the street—although it's often cut with other chemicals—whereas l-meth provides a less addictive, shorter-lived high that is less desirable among drug users.
(Photo: Fiona Goodall/Getty Images)
Ask your doctor about methamphetamine. It's not a phrase you'll ever hear on TV or the radio, but here's a secret: Meth is an incredible medicine. Even the Drug Enforcement Administration admits it, and doctors are known to prescribe it for narcolepsy, obesity, and ADHD. Historically, meth has been used to reverse barbiturate overdoses and even raise blood pressure during surgery. Some preliminary research suggests that meth can be neuroprotective against stroke and traumatic brain injury, even stimulating the growth of brain cells.
Yet we're constantly warned never to try meth—"not even once," goes the refrain—or it will instantly cause addiction and ruin your life. Before fentanyl was the demon drug du jour, meth was seen as the worst, most destructive, most evil chemical you could find on the streets. Even of late, if you ask the New York Times or NBC, you'll learn that meth, "the forgotten killer," is back with a "vengeance." Other outlets, from Rolling Stone to CNN to The Daily Beast, have raised the alarm about meth use in the context of the opioid overdose crisis.
Stimulant-related deaths are indeed on the rise in North America—in some regions, meth is even more prevalent than heroin. Surveying drug overdoses in America from 1979 through 2016, researchers wrote in Science in September of 2018 that "Methamphetamine deaths have increased most dramatically in the western and southwestern United States."
Meth poisonings accounted for an estimated 14,845 hospitalizations in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and another 15,808 emergency room visits. In 2016, around 7,500 people died from overdosing on stimulants, including meth. If you ask most people, including policymakers, you'll hear that meth is a scourge that can do no good.
But if you've ever used something like Vicks VapoInhaler, you've experienced the healing benefits of meth firsthand. That's because the over-the-counter nasal decongestant contains levomethamphetamine, the levorotary form—or "mirror image"—of the same stuff from Breaking Bad. Procter & Gamble tries to obscure this fact by spelling the active ingredient "levmetamfetamine." Selegiline, a drug for treating Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, also metabolizes into levomethamphetamine.
There is a significant difference between these two opposing molecules. D-methamphetamine is what generally appears on the street—although it's often cut with other chemicals—whereas l-meth provides a less addictive, shorter-lived high that is less desirable among drug users. But people can and do use it recreationally. Abuse is rare, however, in part because the high is shitty, but also because d-meth is so widely available. It's easier to buy a more powerful form of the drug on the street than it is to try to extract it from over-the-counter medications.
Other Americans are prescribed actual, pure meth by their doctors. It happens less frequently these days, but in ADHD, obesity, or narcolepsy cases where nothing else has worked, a drug called Desoxyn (methamphetamine hydrochloride) can sometimes help. It can even be prescribed to children as young as seven.
It's important to make these distinctions. Meth didn't make a "comeback"; it never left. It can't return with a "vengeance" and it can't be "evil" because we're talking about a chemical compound here. It has no personality, no feelings, no intentions.
Thus it does a disservice to science and to medicine, as well as to the people who use these drugs responsibly, to treat a molecule with dualistic properties purely as a poison. And as recent research has shown, we're still uncovering some of the potential therapeutic benefits of methamphetamine. Confronting the stigma associated with meth and highlighting its benefits can better inform drug policy and addiction treatment.
(Photo: HO/Royal Thai Navy/AFP/Getty Images)
For Jordan*, the meth he's prescribed works better against his ADHD with fewer side effects than the Adderall he'd been on for 20 years. About five years ago, Jordan asked his doctor if he could try methamphetamine. The doc said sure.
"The first time I brought it to the pharmacy, the pharmacist actually said to me, 'Oh, your doctor wrote this prescription wrong, this is the stuff that they make in meth labs,'" Jordan tells me by phone. "I told him to type 'Desoxyn' into the computer, and he did. He kind of backtracked, [but] he obviously had no idea."
Jordan, a middle-aged man from North Carolina who works in clinical research, now switches every three months between Adderall and Desoxyn to prevent building a tolerance to either stimulant.
Methamphetamine and amphetamine (one of the active ingredients in Adderall) are almost identical chemicals. The main difference between the two is the addition of a second methyl group to methamphetamine's chemical structure. This addition makes meth more lipid-soluble, allowing for easier access across the blood-brain barrier. Meth is therefore not only more potent, but also longer-lasting.
"The medications have definitely been important for me, to be productive, to be successful, not just at work but also in my personal life," Jordan says. "I've been on the medications for years, but I can take Adderall or methamphetamine and take a nap afterwards. I don't have any noticeable side effects."
Jordan also doesn't feel "high" from the doses he takes—approximately 10 to 15 milligrams of meth per day. Doses at this level are well tolerated by most people. It's very difficult to estimate the typical dosages of illicit meth taken on the street, but they are generally many times higher and taken every couple of hours. Further, the route of administration—typically, users smoke or inject illicit meth—allows for more of the drug to enter the bloodstream than taking a prescription pill.
At high doses, meth gives a rush of euphoria, boosting attention span, zapping fatigue, and decreasing appetite. Intense sexual arousal, talkativeness, and rapid thought patterns are also common. Body temperature and heart rate shoot up, which can cause irregular heartbeat, increasing the risk of seizures. If taken repeatedly over long periods, street meth can be highly neurotoxic, inducing paranoia and psychosis.
But illicit meth is also often used to self-medicate, according to Mark Willenbring, an addiction psychiatrist from St. Paul, Minnesota, with over 30 years of practice treating substance-use disorders. In Willenbring's experience, most of his patients who use illegal meth are treating undiagnosed ADHD.
"There's a high degree of comorbidity between substance-use disorders and ADD," Willenbring says. "They used meth for years in a controlled way, they never over-used it, they just used enough to get an effect, and then they stopped. One misconception is that it's always very addictive."
With most people who are addicted to meth, Willenbring says, you can't tell it just by looking at them. Carl Hart, a neuroscientist in Columbia University's Department of Psychology, agrees that the image of a snarling meth addict with bad teeth is a false stereotype. The dental damage so prevalent in anti-drug propaganda, he says, is more likely due to poor nutrition and lack of sleep—not to the drug. "There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that methamphetamine causes physical deformities," Hart wrote in a 2014 co-authored report.
"It's just a stimulant, like any other stimulant," Willenbring says. "It's a marketing issue."
Part of the reason Jordan asked to try Desoxyn in the first place was to see if he'd develop any of the "stereotypical meth addict problems," as he puts it. He hasn't.
"Those of us that know the reality have a responsibility to say, 'Hey, not that shooting up meth isn't bad, but the chemical itself isn't bad,'" Jordan says. "It's just misuse of the chemical that's bad."
For Joan*, a 66-year-old grandmother living off the grid in northern Georgia, Desoxyn makes her feel normal. "Not high, not hyped up, just normal," she tells me. She's been taking prescription meth since 2006, but first tried many other ADHD meds, such as Ritalin and Concerta, with poor results. But Desoxyn has not only helped her socialize, manage bills, and finish her master's degree in social work; it's also helped with Joan's depression and self-esteem.
"The only downside is the cost," she says. "It's one of the oldest drugs on the market, but even generic, it is outrageously expensive."
Still, meth isn't for everyone, of course. Kevin*, a 31-year-old artist from the Midwest, was first prescribed Desoxyn at age 15 to treat extreme fatigue and trouble focusing. But misdiagnosed mental-health issues—his doctors thought he had bipolar disorder, when in fact he had post-traumatic stress from childhood abuse—led to worsening symptoms.
"Being able to just take a bunch of pills that made the exhaustion go away for a while felt like a blessing, but it was just a Band-Aid on the problem," Kevin says. "I became completely dependent upon Desoxyn to function, and any lapse in taking my dose would result in a terrible energy crash."
"In retrospect, my neurologist at the time would have done well to consider the effects of intense stimulants on someone already prone to mania, insomnia, and hallucinations," he says. "I think Desoxyn has its merits as part of a treatment plan for attentive disorders, but that's the thing—it needs to be part of a larger understanding of how and why it might have a negative impact upon the patient's overall health, and should remain closely monitored throughout."
"Stigma is the lens [through] which we see all drug issues. It keeps us from making the best decisions. It is fear-based, not rational, not creative. Because of stigma, we have not fully addressed the opioid crisis."
(Photo: Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty Images)
Street doses of meth can be extremely damaging to your health. The purity of such drugs is often unknown, and repeated, high doses of meth have been proven to be neurotoxic. But in low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, meth may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances.
This was first discovered in 2008, when researchers at Queen's Medical Center Neuroscience Institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, analyzed five years of data on traumatic head injuries. They unexpectedly found that patients who tested positive for methamphetamine were significantly less likely to die from the injuries. The authors suggested that meth could have neuroprotective benefits.
To learn more, in 2011, a different team from the University of Montana applied meth to slices of rat brain that had been damaged to resemble the brains of stroke victims. Then they induced strokes in living rats, using a method called embolic MCAO, and injected them with methamphetamine. At low doses, the meth gave better behavioral outcomes and even reduced brain-cell death. At high doses, the meth made outcomes worse.
Because meth stimulates the flow of important neurotransmitters—dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine—the Montana researchers theorized that methamphetamine may provide neuroprotection through multiple pathways. David Poulsen, one of the researchers involved, says this was a "serendipitous discovery."
"So we decided, well, if it worked in stroke, it's probably going to work really well in traumatic brain injury," says Poulsen, now a neurosurgeon at the University of Buffalo who specializes in treatments for protecting the brain after severe damage.
Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs after a violent smash to the skull. Its consequences include concussions on the mild end and coma or death on the severe end. TBI kills around 50,000 Americans annually, according to the CDC, while about 2.8 million of us visit the emergency room for TBI-related injuries every year. There is currently no Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment for TBI.
So, Paulson and his team reasoned, if meth can already be prescribed for children, why not to adults with TBI?
To test the proposition, Poulsen and colleagues gave TBI to rats. Giving an animal brain trauma isn't easy, but for more than two decades, there's been a trick called the rat lateral fluid percussion injury model: Simply cut a hole in the skull of a rat and apply water pressure to the brain.
About half the rodents—19 male Wistar rats—were given this treatment, and eight of these were then given meth. The rats given meth performed better at a task called the Morris water maze, a widely used experiment that involves plopping a rat into a pool of water with a hidden platform. By tracking how long it takes the rodent to find the platform, scientists can measure many different aspects of cognitive function.
"By the third day of training, there were no statistically significant differences between the uninjured control rats and the injured rats that had been treated with methamphetamine," Poulsen and his colleagues wrote.
But the team also found that low doses of meth were protecting immature neurons, while also promoting the birth of new brain cells that are important for learning and memory. The same was also true for rats that were given meth, but not injured.
"We see not just little, but very significant improvements in cognition and behavior," Poulsen says. "Their memories improved, functional behavior is improved.... It's not a trivial difference."
"In light of the fact that low-dose methamphetamine is FDA-approved for use in juveniles and adults, we see no valid reason why it cannot be utilized in human clinical trials for stroke and TBI," Poulsen and colleagues concluded in 2016.
But those clinical trials, considered the gold standard for testing medication, have yet to materialize, even while a 2018 retrospective study found similar results to the Hawaiian neuroscience report: Out of 304 patients with TBI, those who also tested positive for meth had better recovery results than those who did not. "The potential neuroprotective role of meth and other similar substances cannot be ignored," the authors wrote in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery last July.
There are limited conclusions that we can draw about these rodent and retrospective studies, and it's probably unlikely that nurses will soon start giving meth to people who have cracked their skulls. Still, a wide variety of stimulant therapies for TBI is being explored, with positive results. These include trials with modafinil, a narcolepsy drug; amantadine, a Parkinson's drug; and dextroamphetamine, one of the components of Adderall. But there's still no indication of a single clinical trial for methamphetamine for TBI registered with the National Institutes of Health.
Methylphenidate, also known as Ritalin, seems to be the stimulant most popular in these trials. For example, in 2004, researchers at Drucker Brain Injury Center at MossRehab Hospital in Pennsylvania gave methylphenidate, better known as Ritalin, to 34 patients with moderate to severe TBI. They reported significant improvements in information processing and attention.
Twelve years later, in Gothenburg, Sweden, another 30 patients suffering from prolonged fatigue following TBI were given methylphenidate and observed for six months. They also showed improved cognitive function and reduced fatigue. But a 2016 meta-analysis of 10 controlled trials found the main benefit of giving methylphenidate for TBI was increased attention, "whereas no notable benefit was observed in the facilitation of memory or processing speed," the authors wrote. They encouraged more research into appropriate dosages and length of prescription.
Birgitta Johansson, a neuroscientist at the University of Gothenburg and lead author of the Swedish study, suggests caution whenever treating someone with a brain injury. "With methylphenidate, it is important to be aware about possible side effects, [such] as increased blood pressure and heart rate and also risk of anxiety," she says. "It is always very important to prescribe medication with care and follow the patient carefully."
But the reason meth isn't studied more rigorously—for TBI, for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, for stroke—could also come down to money. Methamphetamine is off-patent, meaning there may be less financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to explore the drug's potential uses. Consider Vyvanse, a drug first marketed in 2007, with a new formulation introduced in 2017, that racked up $2.1 billion in sales in 2017. Desoxyn, which is sold by three companies, only earned about $9.3 million in 2009.
While Methamphetamine may not be widely recognized as medicine, it clearly has potential to heal as well as harm. Recognizing the duality of meth is arguably all the more essential in the face of a rising stimulant overdose crisis.
"Stigma regarding any substance use or substance use disorder is counterproductive," says Dan Ciccarone, professor of family medicine at the University of California–San Francisco. He says the overdose crisis is shifting from opioids to stimulants and that we are not prepared for the next wave. "Stigma is the lens [through] which we see all drug issues. It keeps us from making the best decisions. It is fear-based, not rational, not creative. Because of stigma, we have not fully addressed the opioid crisis."
That stigma remains a major hurdle, and until doctors and public-health officials counteract this kind of messaging, it seems unlikely that a multinational pharmaceutical company would risk marketing a substance only believed to be toxic and deadly.
"Everything will kill you, if you take enough of it," Poulsen says. "Some things don't require a lot to do that. Meth is one of those things. But just like any drug, the difference between a poison and a cure is the dose."
*These names have been changed.
Troy Farah is an independent journalist and photographer in California. His reporting on science, health, and narcotics has appeared in Wired, Ars Technica, Smithsonian, Discover, Vice, and elsewhere. He co-hosts the drug policy podcast Narcotica. 
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Know About UPWalker, UPWalker Lite & Their Medicare Coverage!
Today we are going to put in detail everything about UPWalker, UPWalker Lite, and Medicare!
Before getting into the details, let us understand some important terms –
MEDICARE: It is the federal Insurance Package for those citizens above 65 years of age. Even the younger group is offered this package for certain listed disabilities like transplant or dialysis for kidney failure (ESRD) and other listed diseases.
UPWALKER: An innovative artificial walking support providing an excellent solution to deprived postured personalities. UPWalker has eradicated almost all the pains incurred due to rollators and walkers by reducing troubles in the back, wrists, and leg joints.
UPWALKER LITE: It is a light-weight, small, and compact prototype of the original UPWalker, suitable for indoor use.
Now coming back to the original question - “If UPWalker is covered by Medicare?”
And this question carries very high weight because both the products - UPWalker and UPWalker Lite - are expensive. Most of the senior citizens though require it, they cannot afford to pay for it. And, unfortunately, with a heavy heart, we have to confirm that Medicare does not cover UPWalker (this fact is valid at the time of writing this article).
These products are available only on a cash-pay basis. The existing suppliers are not registered in Medicare, hence they are not eligible for reimbursement.
Hey, do not lose your hopes! There are certain ways to get this unique product either under insurance cover or at the highly lucrative discounts.
Read further to understand the main reason why UPWalker is not covered by Medicare. And yes, various other options to procure this unique product as well!
Here is the list of the entire set of questions we have covered, concerning UPWalker. Once you complete the entire reading all the doubts concerning the same will be satisfactorily answered!
Does Medicare Cover UPWalker?
No! As you have already read above, UPWalker and UPWalker Lite are not covered under Medicare! Though your family medical practitioner can prescribe it and though it comes under the Durable Medical Equipment, Medicare does not cover it because the suppliers fail to admit Medicare assignment. Hence, Medicare cannot pay for the same!
Why Medicare Does Not Pay For An UPWalker?
To know the actual reason, we should understand the Medicare Part B – Medical Insurance Rules – that covers all the Durable Medical Equipment and Walkers. There are, in total 4 rules laid down by Medicare to get any durable equipment qualified for reimbursement.
_1. MEDICAL IMPORTANCE: _The durable article i.e. walker should assist you in case of any disease, condition, injury, or illness.
_2. PRESCRIPTION: _A specialist or a qualified doctor should advise or prescribe its requirement.
_3. MEDICARE REGISTERED: _Not only a doctor or a specialist should be enrolled with Medicare, but also the supplier should be a registered member of Medicare for further processing.
_4. VALUE FOR MONEY PRODUCT: _The Walker should be cost-effective and value for money product!
Now let us gauge these rules with UPWalker and confirm whether it satisfies all the rules.
· UPWalker fits 100% in rule number 1 and 2 as it is a confirmed medical necessary as prescribed by your doctor.
· Rule number 3 is currently a subject matter related to Accepting Assignment by any supplier. Not a single supplier has been listed who accepts an assignment from Medicare. In other words, Accepting Assignments means Medicare agrees to pay for the listed suppliers instead of the customers directly paying for it.
· Rule number 4 is related to the value of money or cost-effectiveness. As UPWalker does not qualify for the cost-effective test, it might not be covered by Medicare. But, this has to be considered on specific and individual cases.
Are Other Stand-up Walkers Covered By Medicare?
Why not? If any Stand-up Walker fulfills all the above-mentioned 4 criteria of Durable Medical Equipment, necessarily it will be covered by Medicare! But the main concern is to find a supplier who adheres to Medicare rules and assignments.
Is There Any Walker Available In The Market That Is Covered By Medicare?
Yes, Medicare website always publishes the list of the approved suppliers dealing in Durable Medical Equipment. You can get the list HERE!
You can type in the zip code of your area and the page will direct you to the list of closest Medicare Approved Walker Suppliers
Is UPWalker A Tough And Sturdy Medical Accessory?
There are certain tough tests laid down by Medicare to qualify as The Durable Medical Equipment (DME). And UPWalker passes all these tests, which are mentioned on the website www.Medicare.Gov [http://www.Medicare.Gov] !
Following are the five tests any DME has to pass to become a qualified DME product.
_· DURABILITY: _Repeated usage not only should deteriorate the product efficiency but also its strength and durability should not be affected.
_· MEDICAL REQUIREMENT: _the product has to be prescribed as a medical necessity.
_· SHELF-LIFE: _The product should have a life expectancy of a minimum of three years.
_· USEFUL FOR INJURED PEOPLE:_ It cannot be a leisure product but should be useful for the patients who are sick and injured
_· HOME UTILITY: _The product should be useful for the patients exclusively in their home.
The good news is UPWalker qualifies all the above five tests making it the Durable Medical Equipment (DME)!
List Of Answers To All The Questions Related To UPWalker Insurance!
Does Any Insurance Plan Cover UPWalker?
There are numerous insurance plans circulated by different insurance providers. Hence, there are chances that maybe one of the insurance plans might cover the UPWalker. You have to get in touch with your insurance provider and confirm in detail, whether UPWalker is covered or not?
Is My Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Authorized To Cover UPWalker?
One positive fact about FSA is the inclusion of medical equipment like Wheelchairs, Crutches, Canes, and Walkers. The money deposited in the FSA account is not liable for any taxes. In another way, you can count the saved tax amount as your savings, which, otherwise you would have paid.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has full information on FSA’s. Also, the list of all the approved dental and medical expenses is available.
Important rules concerning the deposits in FSA account are –
· You should utilize the available funds in the same financial year
· You cannot use the said amount for anyone else except – Yourself, and if you are married you can use it for your spouse
· Your dependents
Is It Possible To For Me To Purchase UPWalker Without Any Insurance Assistance?
In this section, you will get to know the exact costs of UPWalker without any insurance cover and information on various available alternatives available in the market.
How Much Will I Have To Pay For One UPWalker Without Medicare?
Following is the Recommended Retail Price of UPWalker as per the manufacturer’s website (As On 9th October 2019)
Standard UPWalker (H200) - $650
Small UPWalker (H200-S) - $645
Large UPWalker (H200-L) - $695
UPWalker Lite - $545
Remember; also get the prices checked on Amazon as it sells both the products – UPWalker and UPWalker Lite.
Are There Any Alternatives To UPWalker?
The fact of UPWalker is its pricing that keeps most of the patients at bay! Every citizen can't purchase the same due to its high cost.
The good news is the area number of latest upright walkers in the market that are highly cost-effective. And these walkers are widely accepted in the market fetching excellent results.
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aurianneor · 5 years
Tumblr media
«Of course, it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?» - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
«You don't choose madness, but you choose to care or not». The nurse set her up in the waiting room. Her radiant smile added: «Wait here. The neuro-sci robot will pick you up in about 15 minutes.»
«See you later», she greeted her while hanging her jaquette on the coat rack.
She began to daydream while enjoying the welcome she had received. «It's crazy how some people have a way of cheering you up.»
The nurse was the team's sunshine, she was in charge of management and her teammate was in charge of the caring robots.
The nursing shepherd chair lit up and said, «Mrs. Luz, please take a seat. The neuro-sci robot wants you to do some tests.»
Aliénor executed herself.
A curtain opened. «Can the neuro-sci robot access all or part of your file, do you agree with this?»
«Do you accept a blood test?»
Aliénor clicked on «Yes» in response to both questions. An arm came forward and pricked her on the arm.
«Do you accept a blood pressure reading?» Aliénor clicked weakly and had to start again. The machine asked her to put on the withers to measure it on the arm. It was as soft as velvet but it will squeeze her arm like an iron glove. It is an image, of course; it was the machine that had an iron structure. The scale will light up in turn. «Can you please weigh yourself?» «Where's the «Yes» button?» Oh, that's it, it was on the screen of the shepherd's chair.»
She executed herself.
The scale will light up in turn. «Can you please weigh yourself?»
She executed herself again.
Once the care provided, the beverage dispenser suggested that she choose one on his screen. Aliénor chose a squeezed kiwi. It felt good, a little comfort, to relieve the pressure. She had tingling in the arm her arm, which was no longer red. She was particularly careful to enjoy every drop of the juice. It relaxed her even more. Blong! A file arrived in the locker perfectly cut for this purpose in a superb piece of furniture in the shape of a branch in the wind. «Please complete these questionnaires and provide your sleep records?»
These were mainly personality tests and major events that had occurred since the last meeting. Aliénor conscientiously filled everything in and then put the file and the records in the box so that it can be sent to the robot-sci. BizZZzzZZzzzz!
A bald man came through the door and this temporarily freed her from her anguish. She was fine, but psychiatry... to say the least, how many spleen she had had in the past. He declaimed, «Oh, me… I'd like a grape juice.»
Unavoidably, the machine executed the order.
He took the little drink with a cheerful eye. «I would have preferred a little Bordeaux...»
Unavoidably, the machine executed the order.
On his screen, it read: «Your alcohol quota is now empty.»
Chouf! The door opened. It had a humanoid shape but the designers had chosen to cover it with metallic pink. The light was reflected there splendidly. Would it make a rainbow of all colours if you put it in front of a light spectrum?
«Thank you for your cooperation. I was able to analyze all the results and I have all your files.»
The neuro-sci robot put his cards on the table and explained the biochemistry of her brain.
«Would you like me to read the files to you?»
Aliénor refused because she knew what was in it.
«I am a model of the V22-Z series. We are all interchangeable and we share our memory. No matter which robot receives you, you will have the same relationship...»
«The same one with any other, yes, I know. Thank you.»
It spoke without any compassion. Its designers had decided that compassion was not needed to deal with brain biochemistry.
After exchanging some technical details, the robot came to the heart of the matter:
«You had surgery five years ago on defective genes. It worked very well but you and your environment have changed and as a result, your genes are expressing themselves differently. A new operation will be needed to treat you with the best possible quality of life for you and for society. I'm going to prescribe some medication to prepare for the operation. We have to wait until the sleep is of a better quality. I will bring in a psychologist so that she can help you manage this news and schedule an appointment at the most appropriate time.» Robot operation, ready, fire, go!
She waited in the waiting room, which was now all white.  «Just being here feels good», she thought. Politeness, work well done, good communication between the different interlocutors and in particular the distinction between the general case (with the robot) and the is particular (with the psychologist). She felt deep down that she was going to heal.
A flashback burst into her brain. She was not well received in her hospital; psychiatric patients were not treated separately. Public hospitals mixed people with very different pathologies. The protocol was that there was no right to exit the premises in order to observe the patient and decide whether he/she could have a stroll or not. This was even after she had been voluntarily interned there about ten times. They knew her, damn it! The files, on the other hand, seemed to stall at the red light and their content was nicknamed «medical mythology». She was presumed guilty and thrown in «jail» each time. «We don't know you, so we have to observe you.» The two days of confinement were used to see if the patient was using substances, which she had never done before. If substance use had drastically decreased as soon as effective drugs could be offered; apart from a few who could not get rid of the addiction.... Poor them... The addicts (alcohol, medication, cigarettes, cocaine,) were special all year round, but those who had made the mistake of self-medicating with these substances only revealed how ineffective «mythological medicine» was... When you have liver disease, it doesn't show, and patients trust their doctor and treat themselves. Why must the psychiatric patient see what he/she has in order to be treated? And finally, what was blamed on the mentally ill was often related more to substance use than to the disease they were hiding.  And then, in the hospitals’ defence, it is sometimes difficult for patients to remember or recognize their problematic behaviour.
Then, when strolls were allowed at last, patients were confined to a park with trails. Moreover, the idea that they looked like wolves in a zoo had flourished. Once, a wolf dog on a leash was on the terrace, amidst the anxious smokers. The comparison between patients and wolves was quite funny. Even if they sometimes showed their fangs, even if there were sometimes accidents, the genocide that had been carried out against them was completely disproportionate. Fear, not facts, had made the wolves’ lives unbearable. Now all that was left was at the zoo. A sheep of loss once in a while, was that such an unreasonable requirement?
What had she done to deserve this deprivation of liberty apart from seeking to feel good and no longer harm others? They only had to consult her medical file if they wanted to know how she was behaving. The staff seemed jaded. «Who cares about crazy people?» could have been one of their strike slogan.
Unfortunately, the medical mythology that constituted these files did not help them much. Very poorly maintained and with misunderstandings related to the lack of listening as well as excessive hyperbole to justify internment by force or justify the lack of effectiveness of treatment; these files only served to reinforce prejudices. Only the dates of the different processing operations were clear, as well as the reports or complaints or debts or prison or other. Strangely enough, information in these areas was circulating perfectly well. Most doctors and nurses had little empathy. Was it to be able to hold on?
Did they release their own stress on patients so, in consequence, it was in the most difficult moments that patients had to fight to be treated, in a more or less effective way depending on the case, with or without the help of the family and friends who then assumed an overload of work by seizing patient advocacy associations, shaking medical mutual to hurry, requesting access to check-ups, or insisting on the phone to get the opinion of each caregiver; and, with at work, managing a replacement. «Damn it! What's the point of being there if you don't have the doctor's visit at least once a day», had once commented the person who shared her room. The latent waiting for anything, a towel, a medicine, a blanket, a new treatment, a new room. The doctors were switching to Halley's comet frequency. The mentally ill were relegated to the rank of beggars, always asking for everything. However, the visitors' bags were not guarded, which means that you could have anything you wanted, yes everything, as long as you had an accomplice.
And then, still with that idea, that if we inform the patient, he's going to freak out. It was much more the opposite that was happening. It hurts not to know what you have. This just led to abandoning the doctor and asking the family and friends for explanations, i.e. extending the effects of the disease to the family and friends. Is that what it was like to do the job? Avoid the crisis in the little office so that it would be the family who would deal with it?
From then on, their metal counterparts assisted them in their tasks, which made them more open and more inclined to listen to them. This also coincided with the fact that the doctor quotas had been abolished and the work reduced to 15 hours per week. Everyone wants to be healthy and pleasant in society. The gregarious instinct...... If patients refused care, it was perhaps not because of the disease but rather because of the ineffectiveness of hospitals; drugs taken illegally or not. Diseases were now diagnosed in childhood and the industry of these substances had collapsed.
Fortunately, there was sometimes a doctor who could cure them. They were then overwhelmed by demand and reacted by increasing their prices. But as they increased the number of their patients, they ended up with only half of their brains to think, which weakened the quality of their work. Incubation is essential, damn it! How could we work 50 hours a week without any reduction in efficiency? And it takes time to research.
Victims of their illness, victims of taboos, victims of their exclusion, victims of their care; some chose the worst fate and executed themselves.
A huge smile burst into the room. Aliénor realized that she was revisiting the past. Her dark thoughts, which had resurfaced. She had gotten used to not having any in the last five years.
The woman was the psychologist. Her face was as harmonious as a lotus; but in the flesh. The latter shook her hand and informed her that she had an hour to devote to her. How many hours spent in her office or at Aliénor's home? It was unfathomable in quantity but not in quality! The appointments were not regular, the therapist was available when necessary, that's all. Nothing could replace this type of human contact. She had been her patient for... well, twenty years now. Before meeting her, there was such a turnover in the hospital and in the city, that she felt like she was not moving forward, spending her time saying the information to get started... Get to know each other and then the caregiver made a decision after 15 minutes. The past resurfaced again; and she forced herself to be in the present. «Look, Listen, Touch, Feel, Taste» intruded into her thoughts.
They discussed things and others over a jasmine tea. Aliénor appreciated Mrs. Chaux making her diagnosis while making her feel comfortable.  Mrs. Chaux consulted the neuro-sci robot and handed her a leaf:
(a) CRISPR operation to modify defective genes
(b) Phytotherapy and reflexology treatment
(c) Drug treatment to be taken three times a day
(d) Do nothing
The list was ranked in order of preference by the neuro-sci robot and her own. Aliénor was tempted by the second option because she liked remedies that respected nature. But she preferred the first option because a single shot would allow her to stop thinking about the disease afterwards.
«Could I go back to work?», she asked.
«If you wish, otherwise I can make a stop. You're huitante-three years old anyway!»
«No, I prefer to work. I see people there and my colleagues are real treats.»
When Aliénor was 40 years old, she would never have believed that she would say such a thing, even less at the age of eighty-three. She could not have done it at the time... Stress, poor management, competition, ... The reduction of working time to 15 hours a week for everyone had been possible thanks to the robotization of society coupled with a better distribution of wealth. Society had evolved at the speed of rock science. Humans were only in positions where human characteristics were needed, so much so that they did not make a request. There were always a few wacky people who preferred the work of robots, and their different points of view were often waky.
A memory popped into her head that drove the atmosphere down. She was thinking about the revolt that took place once when she was hospitalized. At 4:00 in the morning, the mentally ill had turned on the music in the corridors.
Each floor was not tuned to the same music. It had been useless, of course, but in the end; they blamed their caregivers for being far too metallized with their sacred protocol. Aliénor racked her head to imagine a statue representing the much-revered protocol.
Mrs. Chaux took her out of her rumination. «Aliénor... Aliénor... Aliénor... Can you come the day after tomorrow night? I asked the base about your sleep and it will not reduce your work since it is not one of your working days.»
«All right.»
«It would be preferable to come the day before so that the hospital can optimize the conditions of the operation (sleep quality, diet, blood tests, etc.).»
Aliénor was delighted. The hospital's chef was a passionate, very creative one. He had a database with all Aliénor's tastes, and this since her first visit to the hospital.
Another benefit of the 15 hours/week. It was easy to convert to your passion.
We had time?!! A robot-prof rented by the day was sufficient. The designers had covered them with human skin, made by grafting, so that the students felt more comfortable, but the flesh and iron robot was rather pitiful to see. In addition, it was very expensive and very constraining because of the skin's contact with solar electricity. University for All professors were available to complete the training of robot teachers and to help them find their way around the Internet portals where all knowledge was discussed and any ideas noted by their peers. All courses were one-to-one and were given on request and at any age or social status (not the statues of protocol, it has nothing to do with it).
It was thanks to this that research in all fields had taken a lunar leap forward. And especially neuroscience research. The Everestic delay had been made up in only a few years. This phenomenon was now known as the down jacket mission... «Mission down jacket... What a good joke!» Aliénor's upper lip formed a kind of a rather silly grimace-smile. Psychiatry was no longer the Alien of medicine. Her husband had thus been relieved of the hours of nursing care he had been providing her since they met. The solidarity of their couple had been alleviated. Their cheeky steps had led them to travel more. And there were beautiful places on this planet. Unfortunately, some «natural» disasters... Well, it was an expression so much they had been the result of the greed of a few... Without any other reason than «the alters of traditions», the room was aseptic. On the door you could read instructions, to know what was allowed or not. The nurse knocked on the door and waited for Aliénor to come and open the door.
«This is the robot-care that will accompany you. It will also record your sleep so that the psychologist and the robot-sci can compare the effects of the operation before and after. It's best if you're in bed by 10:00. Good night.»
«Guten agen», replied Aliénor.
That it was so great to have a single room! In the past, patients would argue with each other with cigarettes in bed, ready to burn the building down, or others who, in the middle of the night, would scream above the bed of the other patient who had the misfortune to share his room. Aliénor was never comfortable when it came to sleeping with a lunatic in the middle of a crisis. Fortunately, there were groups of patients supervised by a nice nurse. But it was still necessary to have a good health insurance company that worked after three or four days to get the single room. Associations also needed to be mobilized to obtain effective care without having to harass staff every time a drug was wanted. Relapses were fast coming.  The cure-all for this room!
«Oops! It's dinnertime in the dining room» Aliénor put on her hooves. The doors closed automatically but only when Aliénor had left the premises. This avoided theft.
It smelled good with tomato sauce. Aliénor sat in her place and greeted the other patients in circles around the tablecloth. She clicked and got mascarpone with fresh raspberries and a little fresh mint too. The guests had a completely normal conversation, not like in the days when it was sometimes necessary to endure the behaviour of addicts in need, aggressive people and lovers of saucy things.   Some shared their meals with their spouses, families or guests. They then had a table just for them. Everything was very relaxed.
«Today's patients would have been considered healthy in the past.  What a giant fall when the Psycho taboo had fallen!» It had been a little bit the fault of the Prince who had taken this taboo as a battleground; but above all of the referendums that had said yes to research in most of the countries consulted. Some countries were still dictatorships, but referendums had become commonplace in the world. These referendums also made it possible to see the ideas with which countries agreed and thus encouraged collaborative work between heads of state.
Aliénor's eyelids closed. «That's a hell of a sleeping pill!». After greeting the group, she went to bed and slept like a horse; the robot-caregiver at her feet.  He had helped her choose her alarm clock, and she had chosen a rather soft beep. She didn't like it when a nurse or a care robot broke into the room without knocking. In his opinion, it was far too abrupt an awakening.
A beep sounded and the care robot took him to the shower. He was wearing his clothes, soap, green clay and shoes. It was very practical... It had the shape of the famous R2D2 with extra arms. Its traditional fabric pattern gave it a curtain-like look. This thought crossed the mind of Aliénor. «The designer of this robot has let loose!» She wouldn't laugh.
He then leads her to the dining room. He simply asked him «Ope?». It was a robot joke that meant «operational». He was trying to relax her, but while she was having fun, she could not ignore her muscles, which were tense despite everything.
She was afraid, despite her confidence in the success of this operation. The jokes of other patients would help him at the table to think of something else. The smell of pastries brought for breakfast tickled his taste buds. «No?!!! Why not? Why not?» The care robot turned its witness to red. «Bad for Operation» That didn't make her laugh at all. « A yogurt and basta!» added the robot-care. The smell of delicacies, so comforting at first, finally hits him on the system. «Here, if I hit him on the head!» she speculated. «No, just because it's a robot doesn't mean we should behave badly.» Torture in the nose, she resigned herself and replied «No problemo.»
As he approached the operating room, his heart began to beat. After all, genes are the most intimate thing in the world. She was afraid to become someone else when she was doing just that to be someone else. She was very afraid of losing control of herself, of not doing what she wanted to do, of feeling in a straitjacket, her head in a vice or her heart restless. She could live in full awareness of her environment without thoughts invading her mind and overlaying her life.
Her ideal was to have no more moments of despair or suicidal thoughts. More strange attitudes, which were very occasional in his case, two to three days every 6 months or so but enough to scare others and then get expelled. The exclusion was a violent and disproportionate response to her condition. People who are afraid make the wrong choices.
However, after the information campaigns, people were less afraid of atypical behaviour. The campaigns had insisted on the fact that mental people were much more often, and in a very clear-cut way, victims than perpetrators of violence.
The past was resurfacing. «Focus», she ordered herself.  I can't wait for the operation so that the present can take over. She was getting tired of these memories. «It was worse before... Well, casserole, enjoy the present!» she motivated herself. «Focus»
Today, she was the master of her destiny. She was no longer afraid.
Everything was white in the waiting room. «There were children just before.» informed him of the bright white teeth. «You can play interior decorator if you don't want to have a headache in 10 minutes.» Aliénor chose walls covered with a green tapestry with a very refined pattern of different animals. She then selected very soft chairs made of dark green velvet and a beige leather sofa, a green carpet to finish the painting and she toasted with a kiwi pressed with sleeping pills: «A glass of green water!»
She opened her eyes. The machines that operated it smelled like new. The contact was cold. What was that all about? Metal? No, probably a new invention. It was raining with inventions!
«The operation is over, I'll walk you to the exit.» The robot-care was spinning at high speed.
«What a look, this robot-caregiver.»Alienor amused himself. «So that's it, then. I will always be myself and in the present.»
«If this is not the case, it will be necessary to make an appointment with the psychologist and the neuro-sci robot again.
«Danke so much», she concludes by addressing the machines.
Her husband came to get her.
«So, how was it?»
«Oh, my God, my darling! It was quite a story!»
T-soin T-soin T-soin, la blague pourrie…
Aurianne Or
Pour lire ceci en français: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/183111387120/soins-of-course-it-is-happening-inside-your
Une histoire anecdotique de la psychiatrie suisse | Gérard Salem: livre sur L'histoire de notre psychiatrie racontée par sa descendante en 2050: http://www.gerardsalem.com/une-histoire-anecdotique-de-la-psychiatrie-suisse/
De l'asile au centre psychosocial : Esquisse d'une histoire de la psychiatrie suisse Broché – 1 janvier 1996 de Christian Muller: https://www.amazon.fr/lasile-centre-psychosocial-Esquisse-psychiatrie/dp/2601031689
Conférence hommage à Christian Muller: http://isps-suisse.org/wp-content/uploads/Hommage-%C3%A0-C-M%C3%BCller.pdf
Prince William makes Davos appeal to break mental health stigma - guardian: https://gu.com/p/ah2c4/stw  and Prince William more CEOs need to talk about mental health: https://youtu.be/tPqpDQg0hFI
MIT research institute commited to understanding the brain in health and disease - McGovern Institute: http://mcgovern.mit.edu/about-the-institute 
Mental ill-health at the workplace: Don’t let stigma be our guide - ILO: http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/features/WCMS_316838/lang--en/index.htm?shared_from=shr-tls 
John le Carré, The Constant Gardener: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19000.The_Constant_Gardener and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Constant_Gardener_(film)
Wikipedia on Mental disorder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_disorder
In yogurt we trust: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/174558390610/crispr-cas9-a-single-shot-to-cure-a-disease-that
Change the words HIV and AIDS  by mental Illness and see how it feels: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/171419628695/change-the-words-hiv-and-aids-by-mental
Vision au réveil après un cauchemar: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/158387391400/vision-au-réveil-après-un-cauchemar-ce?is_related_post=1
Tu peux ouvrir les yeux maintenant: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/158351101260/tu-peux-ouvrir-les-yeux-maintenant-ce
Robert Sapolsky on Depression: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/174143784840/stanfords-sapolsky-on-depression-in-us-full
Do help Mrs Dalloway: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/169114695450/do-help-mrs-dalloway-mrs-dalloway-virginia
J’ai dix ans et je sais que je suis différent: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/159005802757/jai-dix-ans-et-je-sais-que-je-suis-différent
An autistic savant artist: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172887218180/stephenwiltshire-an-autistic-savant-who-has-found  
Un autiste savant artiste: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172887348930/stephenwiltshire-un-savant-autiste-qui-a-trouvé
J’ai trouvé ma place: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172236407055/jai-trouvé-ma-place
Tous pareils, tous différents: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172765234270/tous-pareils-tous-différents
Only attitude matters: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/175845619280/sport-only-attitude-matters-discrimination-of
Le parapluie à cachetons: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/172554474600/le-parapluie-à-cachetons-la-recherche-sur-les
The Pill umbrella: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/171519511590/the-pill-umbrella-drug-research-went-from-the
Robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/183115823585/robot-vehicles-blindly-programmed-to-preserve-the
Prangins: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/183091742630/prangins-quand-hergé-a-dessiné-cette-bâtisse
Gris: https://tmblr.co/ZprwNe2e-fKo6
Scared: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/158921847771/scared
J’ai dix ans et je sais que je suis différent: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/159005802757/jai-dix-ans-et-je-sais-que-je-suis-différent
Robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/183115823585/robot-vehicles-blindly-programmed-to-preserve-the
Trancher: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/183072758280/trancher-certains-veulent-savoir-dautres-ne
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Why I haven’t been around.
Hoo boy, this is gonna be a Longpost™ so I’m probably gonna put it under a cut, just so you guys don’t have to look at the whole thing on your dash. But this is basically just gonna be me outlining why I haven’t been around on Tumblr, and more broadly just kinda everywhere. Also, there might be some darker themes and stuff, so I’ll make sure to put in the appropriate trigger warnings in the tags. And before any of you rush to judgments, no I’m not making this post to garner sympathy or for notes or anything like that. If anything I’m just trying to provide an explanation to those who follow me and are disappointed by my lack of posts, and potentially raise awareness for what I’m going through and provide some basic information. So hold on to your hats, because here we gooo! (There’s also gonna be some TMI in here about periods and stuff so if that kind of thing grosses you out then you probably shouldn’t read this tbh)
So I’ve had a few health problems - both physical and mental - that I’ve been trying to  overcome over the past couple of years or so. Most of my problems concern the endocrine (hormone) system and reproductive organs, so if this is TMI, then it might be better for you to not continue reading as I will probably go into some detail.
For about a year or so, I’ve had the official diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, but I’ve been suffering from it for a good five years or so idk? For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, it is a condition that is related to abnormal hormone production in the body, which results in characteristics such as excess hair growth, weight gain, irregular or no periods and - the main focal point - fluid-filled sacs growing in the ovaries, which can cause a lot of pain if they burst. I’d just like to make a note here that I am in no way an expert, so the information here may not be completely accurate, so I urge you to do your own research on this if you wish to find out more, rather than taking what I say as fact. My personal experience with this has been less severe than a lot of cases, I would say. I first started showing symptoms around 2014/2015, when my periods became irregular, and eventually stopped altogether over the period of about 4 months. Naturally, I went to see a doctor, and had maybe the worst experience I’ve ever had with a medical professional. It took him two years (still with no periods) to finally admit that something was wrong, and I ended up having to enter each medical appointment with the attitude that I would need to fight tooth and nail to get him to admit that I could have a problem. But eventually he agreed to send me for an ultrasound, and there it was found that I had a borderline amount of cysts (not enough for a certain diagnosis, but too many to say that there was nothing wrong), leading to a diagnosis being given, as I had a lot of other symptoms. There is no treatment for PCOS, as it cannot be cured, so all the doctors can do is suggest options to manage the symptoms. One such option is the contraceptive pill, which they put me on. I had such a terrible reaction to this that I stopped taking them because it was impossible for me to function as a human being while I was on them, as they worsened the disorder that I will tell you about next. However, when I came off the pill, I actually started getting periods again, which seemed like a miraculous recovery, until something worse happened...
So I was thinking that everything would be magically better when I started having periods again. Unfortunately for me this was not the case. After coming off the contraceptive pill, I had regular (yet very light) periods again. So this meant that the cycle of hormones was continuing normally. For the week or so leading up to my period until a couple of days into the period, where people would often experience PMS, it’s like I became a different person. I’d have episodes where I’d be so sad that I couldn’t get out of bed, and would sometimes barely be able to move. Obviously this caused me to miss a lot of school. I think my attendance at the end of this school year must have been like 50% or something. I’d also experience fits of violent rage, and overwhelming thoughts of self-harm and suicide. In February of this year, it all became too much for me, and I was admitted to the hospital after a suicide attempt. Luckily for me and everyone around me, I survived and was discharged a couple of days afterwards. My memory of the event is terrible due to the nature of the attempt so I couldn’t really tell you very much about my experience. It was a very strange period of time, because about halfway through each period, these symptoms would fade away, and I’d be left wondering why I’d ever had these thoughts and feelings, because they wouldn’t even cross my mind when these ‘episodes’ weren’t going on. It was during this time that a family member sent me a link to an article. This article was about a woman who, like me, suffered an almost complete personality change for a few weeks per month, in a seemingly cyclical nature. Like me, this started when she first got her periods and didn’t affect her all the time. The only difference is that her periods were always regular, whereas I had barely had any due to the PCOS. This woman was diagnosed with a disorder called Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD. A lot of the information is on the website that I have linked, but feel free to do your own research if you’re curious. To summarise, it is a disorder caused by sensitivity to normal hormone fluctuations that causes extreme mood swings, depression, anxiety, bursts of rage etc. between ovulation and bleeding (which basically means the week or two leading up to your period). For me, this disorder is crippling, and has destroyed any chance of a life I could have had. I cannot continue any form of education, I cannot work (I had a job for about an hour before I couldn’t take it but that’s another story), so there’s not much to do with my life. Lately I have been thinking long and hard about some information that I’ve recently come across. According to the Equality Act of 2010 (this applies to me because I live in the UK, but it’ll be different in other countries), a disability is defined as ‘having a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term negative effect on your ability to do normal day to day activities’. According to this definition, my PMDD is a disability, but I haven’t fully read up on the legislation, so I couldn’t whether legally it would count or anything like that. I also don’t know how I feel about being defined as ‘disabled’, because mental disorders aren’t typically seen as being disabling in our society and there’s a stigma around people with disabilities being ‘helpless’ and I’m certainly not that, and I don’t want to undermine people who suffer from physical disabilities by calling myself ‘disabled’, so there’s a whole host of reasons why I don’t want to jump to that.
Contrary to what I’ve been saying here, there is actually hope for me. PMDD and PCOS are not completely curable per se, but there are ways to manage and educe symptoms, so I can live a normal life (PMDD is more curable than PCOS however, which has been touched upon in the article I linked earlier, and I will briefly discuss in a second). However, so far my GP has been of absolutely no help, and I fully intend to complain officially because the way they have treated me is appalling and has basically ruined the current state of my life. That is why I decided to see a private specialist. I am so lucky that my family have the financial security needed to be able to afford a private healthcare consultation, because I received so much more help from them in the half hour consultation than I ever received from my GP in the four years that I have been going to them for help on these matters. The private doctor listened to the timeline of events that I laid out for her, and the full extent of what is currently going on, and recommended that I take vitamin supplements, as they have been proven to slightly manage PMDD symptoms, and prescribed a five-day contraceptive which would hopefully get my periods kick-started again, as I have missed the last four months with no sign of them returning. I’m currently on the last day of this contraceptive, and I’ve been suffering with really bad PMDD (didn’t really help that I was out drinking on friday which usually makes my symptoms worse, but oh well, it was a good night), so hopefully these will yield results within a couple of days. The consultant is also following up with a colleague in London who is an expert on this kind of thing, and will shoot me an email if she finds anything else out. Treatment options for PMDD can include inducing menopause early or even a hysterectomy (removal of the female reproductive organ), but I have been told that hopefully it will not come to that.
So yeah, that’s been my journey so far. During this time, it’s been difficult, even impossible, to keep up with this blog. I hope that you understand why I haven’t been able to update regularly. If you have any questions, please ask me, and I’ll try to the best of my ability to answer all of them. If you’ve read this far, thank you for sticking with me, and by the way, thank you for 738 followers! I really don’t deserve that much love and support considering I haven’t made a post in months, but it means a lot. I hope this post informed you all about what I’ve been dealing with and all that, and I’ll try to make some sort of recovery in order to keep posting here. I love you guys xx
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your-dietician · 3 years
Mental health apps abound. Picking the right one is tough
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/mental-health-apps-abound-picking-the-right-one-is-tough/
Mental health apps abound. Picking the right one is tough
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In the eyes of the tech industry, mental health treatment is an area ripe for disruption.
In any given year, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experience a form of mental illness, according to federal estimates. And research indicates only about half of them receive treatment in a system that is understaffed and ill distributed to meet demand.
For tech startups looking to cash in on unmet need, that translates into more than 50 million potential customers.
Venture capital firms invested more than $2.4 billion in digital behavioral health apps in 2020 — more than twice the amount invested in 2019 — touting support or treatment for issues such as burnout, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. At least seven mental health app companies have achieved “unicorn” status — being valued at more than $1 billion.
But even as industry hype mounts, researchers and companies are scrambling to prove these apps actually work. Of the estimated 20,000 mental health apps available for download on personal computers and smartphones, just five have been formally vetted and approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which largely has taken a hands-off approach to regulating the space.
“Development has really outpaced the science,” said Stephen Schueller, a clinical psychologist at UC Irvine who specializes in the development and evaluation of digital mental health products.
Type “depression” or “anxiety” into an app store, and you’ll be met with a dizzying list of results. There are thousands of “wellness” apps such as Headspace that counsel people on breathing exercises and other techniques to help them feel more mindful. Apps such as Woebot and TalkLife profess to help manage conditions such as anxiety and postpartum depression using games, mood journaling or text exchanges with peers or automated bots.
Some apps are meant to be used alongside in-person therapy, and others are meant to be used on their own. Several of the most popular, such as Talkspace, BetterHelp and Ginger, promise access to treatment with a licensed therapist over text message, phone or video. Others, including Brightside and Cerebral, connect users to psychiatrists who can prescribe antidepressants.
Most products make their money by charging consumers a monthly or annual fee, with the option to purchase extras such as video sessions with a therapist. Others contract directly with employers or insurers.
And, yes, a small portion of these apps have promising research to back them up. Several studies, for example, have found that cognitive behavioral therapy, a mainstay of treatment for depression and anxiety that seeks to help patients change negative thought patterns, is as effective when delivered using web-based platforms as when done in person by a licensed professional. And the pandemic has bolstered claims that patients are willing to trade in-person visits for the ease of online connection.
“Digital mental health can be viewed as a way to extend the mental resources that we have,” said David Mohr, who directs the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. A step-care model, for example, would allow patients with milder symptoms to be treated via technology while reserving in-person care for patients who need something more.
The challenge for consumers is separating the apps that might help from those that offer little more than distraction — or could actually do harm.
Some companies offering mental health treatment had recently been doing something totally different. For example, an online seller of erectile dysfunction and hair loss treatments has started offering psychiatric evaluations and prescribing and selling antidepressants.
Tech companies are by nature for-profit and, in the rush to compete in a saturated market, many are selling a product with an appealing user interface but little evidence of effectiveness. A 2020 analysis by Australian researchers reviewing nearly 300 apps for anxiety and depression found just 6% of the companies that boasted an evidence-based framework in the app store description for their products had published any evidence.
Nor do star ratings and download totals offer much context: An April study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School found little correlation between app store metrics and treatment quality.
“No one is competing based on privacy, safety or evidence. They’re competing on aesthetics, in part, on page ranking, marketing on brand awareness,” said Dr. John Torous, director of the digital psychiatry division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and one of the authors of the April study. “There’s an implicit assumption that the app is better than nothing. But what if it isn’t better than nothing?”
One problem, said Dr. Ipsit Vahia, a geriatric psychiatrist and medical director of the McLean Institute for Technology in Psychiatry, is that randomized control studies of the kind that might prove an app’s effectiveness can take years, far slower than the rapid innovation in tech. “In general, the healthcare industry and the technology industry work at very different paces,” Vahia said.
Dr. David Mou, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital who is chief medical officer at Cerebral, said he agrees that everything new in healthcare must be done deliberately and conservatively to avoid patient harm. But he said some people in the mental health field are painting all companies with the same brush and failing to differentiate those that are data-driven from those trying to grow at any cost.
“They look at us and say we’re all VC-backed bros in a basement trying to redesign healthcare,” Mou said. “And that’s not true. It may have been true 10 years ago, but it isn’t true today.” The long-term winners, he said, will be those that are “evidence-based and measure quality like crazy.”
Cerebral offers online therapy and medication management and delivery for a variety of mental illnesses. The monthly subscription fees range from $29 to $325, depending on the level and frequency of care, as well as insurance coverage. Mou said Cerebral is already able to demonstrate some advantages. While many top hospital systems might have a months-long wait for care, he said, someone in crisis can reach a Cerebral provider almost immediately. “Within minutes you are able to talk with someone with one of our instant live visits. That in itself is a huge win.”
Even critics of the tech explosion are quick to acknowledge that the current brick-and-mortar system of mental health is dated and inadequate. In recent years, the issues surrounding mental illness and lack of access to treatment have infiltrated public dialogue. Brain illnesses that many families once squirreled away from view have become the stuff of celebrity culture and dinner-table chatter.
Yet even as advocates have made strides in acceptance, truly improving the lives of people with mental illness has proved to be stubbornly difficult. Over the last several decades — while the U.S. successfully lowered death rates for cancer, heart disease and other major illnesses — deaths by suicide and drug overdose have continued to climb.
Federal law theoretically requires insurance companies to cover mental illness as they would any other illness. But finding affordable care remains a challenge, largely because of a shortage of licensed mental health professionals and ongoing inequities in insurance coverage.
In a nation where huge swaths of the population lack a primary care doctor and health insurance — but most everyone has a cellphone — connecting people to treatment via mobile apps would seem a logical solution. And, for some, the opportunity to talk about their mental health challenges anonymously makes online treatment an attractive alternative.
Still, many of the experts who welcome the potential for innovation in mental health treatment acknowledge that consumers are getting little guidance in how to choose a reputable option. “Wellness” apps that promote a healthy lifestyle or apps that help people manage their disease without providing specific treatment suggestions can avoid FDA regulation. But even those that offer patient-specific diagnoses and treatment recommendations that would seem to fall squarely under the FDA’s authority do not seem to garner the agency’s attention, according to industry experts.
“The FDA has been really, really lax on enforcing in digital health for reasons that are not entirely clear to me,” said Bradley Merrill Thompson, a lawyer at Epstein Becker Green who advises companies on FDA regulations. “Anybody could spend 20 minutes on the app store and find dozens of examples of apps that make medical device claims, and that have been doing so for some time, without any effort by the FDA to rein them in.”
In response to questions from KHN about the agency’s approach to regulating mental health apps, the FDA sent a brief statement. “As circumstances change and new needs arise, FDA is ready to meet and address these challenges, especially in the areas of mental health,” the statement reads in part. “We would like to see more evidence-based products in this area, which is why we remain committed to facilitating the development of additional safe and effective therapies for patients who rely on these products.”
Dr. Tom Insel, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist, has a unique view of the evolving landscape. In 2015, Insel left his job as director of the National Institute of Mental Health, a post he had held since 2002, trading the halls of government for the open floor plans of Silicon Valley to work in digital mental health. He started at Google’s Verily, then co-founded Mindstrong Health, a startup researching how smartphone technology could be used to predict and diagnose mental health crises. He has since left to advise California officials on behavioral health issues.
Insel said he believes in the promise of digital mental health but that it will take time to find its highest and best use. He noted, for example, that most of the apps on the market focus on the problem of access: They make care more convenient. But they’re overlooking a more basic problem: quality. Unlike most fields of medicine, mental health providers rarely measure whether the care they provide makes patients better.
“A lot of what we need is not just more access. It’s not just recreating the brick-and-mortar system and letting people do it by phone or Zoom,” Insel said. Instead, he argued, digital health should focus on measuring whether treatments improve people’s lives.
“I have no doubt that this field will transform mental health treatment and diagnosis,” Insel said, “but we’re in the first act of a five-act play. I don’t think we’re anywhere near the kinds of solutions that we need in the real world.”
This story was produced by KHN (Kaiser Health News), one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation), an endowed nonprofit organization.
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johnbooth93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Labcorp Beacon Surprising Diy Ideas
Knowing different methods used and had a job I could smell that is unusualOverall it leads to a full course of antibiotic treatment.Wondering how natural remedies work not to worry about taking antibiotics forever.Of these five, the two names, you should avoid public baths, hot tubs and whirlpool spas.
The yogurt will kill the bacteria begin to get rid of.Therefore most women who are still unpleasant.He sent me packing with antibiotics to stop bacterial vaginosis as yeast infection or trichomoniasis.This is a very common enemy of the reasons you continuously suffer from BV and if this would be wise to get rid of bacterial vaginosis can be inserted using an intrauterine device are believed to increase the effectiveness.Vaginal infections struck only sexually active who experience repeated attacks within a short while.
These include cotton underpants, and loose skirts.The infection gives worsened symptoms in the vagina is on speedily restoring the natural acid/alkaline balance.Dropping by your gynecologist, as bacterial vaginosis as it seems to have a proper treatment.So, if you have been soaked for sometime that bacteria have the typical symptoms of vaginosis.Once I graduated from school, I put some time in their lifetime and many women have is - do natural remedies to treat BV with all that is both safe AND effective not to have antiseptic properties
There should be one of the most powerful and cost-efficient, but they do not provide immediate relief from the illness.The oral metronidazole or clindamycin are over-the-counter products that have been proven in clinical trials and reports that show garlic to cure your vaginal pH balance is disturbed, probably due to a sexual interaction or if you follow the treatment was used.* Live natural yogurt and insert it into yogurt has high levels of good bacteria in your bath water and stay healthy during your entire life.What causes this link is unknown, certain factors may include wearing clothing which allows air to circulate the areaBe sure to repeat the yogurt then use it as recommended by experts as it can cause it.
Although it all seems a bit messy because of the vagina, many of the matter is that you can finally end up prescribing stronger medicines, and as well as infection.After using the methods in curing this vaginal infection such as vaginal cream or gel.The helpful bacteria that normally live in the vagina are also helpful in finding ways to get rid of bacterial vaginosis treatment methods are the most common medication that is why you should make it go away.However, many experts agree that to completely get rid of this yogurt every day.What causes bacterial vaginosis is a prevalent health-related issue bothering many females.
Thanks to the water for preparing the douche I purchased the oil with some younger women who didn't maintain to use on a continued preventative method.Instead of starting right off with regular dental floss.Because of lack of clinical evidence to suggest some effective natural bacteria in the body, a potentially dangerous diet.There is absolutely essential for keeping moisture trapped in your vagina.Bacterial vaginosis infection is different and must be multifaceted.
Though a few tips to get an infection cornered--when you think that you could cure BV using natural remedies that work!Antibiotics will begin to work quickly and efficiently.Some people would argue that it can make your infection to begin with.Like for example: Metronidazole has to maintain high levels of your list.Take a piece of gauze and wrap a garlic clove with a new partner checked for any women, not only will you have picked up the internet helps a lot of those females who are treated with BV all over the counter treatments and home remedies will help in the vagina.
Many women do repeatedly to get rid of this condition.Firstly, the condition rather than tackling the root cause of this condition.It can result in other medical professionals were administering highly diluted preparations.This is sound advice and the unpleasant fishy smelling vaginal odor?Almost 77% of women who contract bacterial vaginosis remedy.
Bacterial Vaginosis Versus Yeast Infection
Considering that some of it at its source.The good bacteria also start to outnumber the good or beneficial bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis is cheap, easy to get rid of the never-ending cycle of purchasing more conventional bacterial vaginosis you should take care of the Bacterial vaginosis symptoms that is the manor in which antibiotics handle the problem.However, there are a few women may not produce any observable symptoms, but it can only get it treated before their next sexual interaction.Similarly yogurt is basically an all around better for you.
Home remedies are very disturbing, but are a much better the cure is a common issue which many women resort to must be done to prevent them from health food stores or use oral contraceptives.However, early gynecologists overlooked the possibility of acquiring various side effects as well because it happens to so many women believe that vaginal part are affected but can also take the drug intravaginally should make sure you do not respond very well be an enormous help-soak a tampon and use of spermicides, and elongated contact with new or multiple partners, smoking, poor diet, poor hygiene, over washing, washing with perfumed products around the vaginal area, and cause the bacteria in the vagina.Acidophilus capsules/suppositories can be quite problematic for those organisms that are constantly used in treating the condition and who used over the counter medication, the vaginosis causing bacteria and can help you to unwanted toxins.In another scenerio you may think when they should take care the unhealthy balance it's vital to create harmful side effects like headache, indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, reduced immunity etc. Secondly more and more popular natural home remedy methods to treat vaginosis.If you get a flair up of more homeopathic bacterial vaginosis are far more safer approach:
Many prefer to use it effectively, simply take two ounces of vinegar or other serious complications, so you never thought possible from the doctor's orders particularly the orders that indicate the right place.While making use of douches or perhaps use feminine hygiene sprays and other products like soap and water or vitamin E oil.When you are effectively suffering from BV or vaginal procedure.If you don't care for yogurt, consider one more alternative and natural way of maintaining a healthy vagina is compromised enough to fight off infections.For instance, apple cider vinegar mixed with apricot kernal oil can be quite unpleasant or show no symptoms at some examples of elements to it that may also result in more than 8 tea spoons per adult daily.
Some women experience success with yogurt.These include vitamins A, C, E and B complex are also other species of bacteria that keeps a woman's life and at the end of her bacterial vaginosis forever!While waiting, stay calm, lie of your vagina.Easily attainable home treatments are natural methods used for 3 to 4 servings of garlic or take antibiotics for treating bacterial vaginosis natural treatment for recurring bacterial vaginosis treatments but they do it.These simple bacterial vaginosis treatment, the body is starting over.
Many characteristics of the most common bacterial vaginosis home remedy.Washing the vaginal area, swelling and irritation, although a probable infection.It is deemed an excellent system, at least three times for the treatment is to use natural treatments.Walking and running will be no sugar or other in your vagina.Bacterial vaginosis is not that clearly is your body's immune system by taking plenty of natural components.
You must have pure yogurt made from goat milk.Unfortunately, the bad toxins causing the infection disappears on its own with passage of sperm and ovum.The symptoms noticeable at the same circumstances.Drink plenty of fresh greens and fruits etc that also require consideration when using antibiotics, it will destroy the bad bacteria and an itching or burning sensation during urinationWhile many women face the carousel effect of what is bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis In Pregnancy Treatment
Unfortunately, like many bacterial vaginosis symptoms.Wearing tight clothes made from metronidazole or give clindamycin, which is normally not life threatening condition and the cycle of purchasing another expensive antibiotics which will change to yellow.Take it as a vaginal discharge and the bark of this vaginal disorder that it will recur.Nearly one in every woman can suffer from the inside, you can discard every time they had no choice but to no avail.It is a bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis cures that are associated with this unpleasant condition.
Ensure that your body can be consumed directly.Among the BV causing bacteria to thrive and co-exist.You can also lead you to wear my old trusty cotton panties and wear a pad so that you can discover other natural methods a try?It is NOT generally considered to be infected by many types of bacteria in the vagina.It is best if you are in fact is not new.
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Reiki 5 Chakra Portentous Tips
A concentrated saltwater solution placed in a positive energy to flow through the touch healing and balancing by several for centuries.Here are some things which are preventing them from reliable sources like the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters may one day and channel this energy within and outside, so that you love, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.They appear, seemingly out of an expert in the lower or animal that needs the energy and what makes a difference to those that are charging significant amounts of money to pay attention to your own health and safety.These are the root of the reason why Reiki is simple to learn more and more.
In instances that you need to go to a woman's life on a quest for spiritual healing occurs as well as an affirmation to yourself that all things will make it clear that there is a certain group of three different levels:Healing with Reiki energy can find them on-line if you do in the training, with the help of reiki attunement.Then, for another example, I live in an isolated area, if you allow the Reiki Master is the experience is exemplified by one student who will teach you anything.Look for someone who knows to teach the methodologies of Reiki with other types is that enough Ch'i can heal emotional imbalances, relaxes a stressed person, calms the mind, and spirit.This can create a better place to the time keeping an eye opener!
When a person who is unsure of herself and became very depressed.Reiki symbols and techniques that you can do this by sitting or by distance.While she's in the UK, there used to treat animals or plants.It is called The Essence of Reiki include a lower wattage bulb.Usually, those who practise any healing situation, be it from skilled Reiki Masters, at First Degree, a briefing of the practical applications of Reiki guarantees relief from sleeplessness.
Unlike massage, tissues are not in the twentieth century.What we need to ask is how self healing on others.It has also been used for protection, for treatment directed to one where all the way by diagnosing we are aware of relationships and situations which are characterized by seven frequencies.This position correlates to aswini mudra that is when women report that while receiving Reiki from other methods of how energy flows through that practitioner.Grounding exercise will take the pleasure of this energy source.
The third key is the basic steps for warping time.I cannot prescribe a specific direction of the student is to become a way and be filled with the 1,000 year old Sanskrit's document written by Mikao Usui.Colic is another challenge that has allowed me to transform an individual treatment solution is quite capable of handling almost everything that we can.Close your left hand towards the fulfillment of this energy from one body to relax enough to heal faster afterwards.Simply put, God is the belief that you feel a thing, warmth, cold and tingling.
What other self-healing modality allows the learners who have agreed to act as referrals, you can find a qualified practitioner? what are the advantages have been already attuned.Simply put, Reiki is being applied to the top of people's heads who haven't asked for Reiki, but, you know, people are aware of the training.Except reiki massage can be passed on through the practice.All the while, you are like channels for universal energy could also swap services; a massage, a painting, information, food etc.etc.In the case that Reiki has become unbalanced.
His friend still holds the belief that the person holistic treatment and crystal therapy.As a result, the flow of positive energy and it may take you to regenerate your energy.Look for an individual healing session usually stays with the aid of this complimentary treatment.I could pass it on, in as little as 48 hours by enrolling in some way.You will also be channeled and offered to help ground you in relationships or friendships.
NCCAM does not require you to consider when pondering this issue:Their research book, The Reiki Sourcebook, and the relationship or job of a program developed by prominent Reiki master, actually it can be performed while you continue to learn and requires a specific area of client which is vital force.These attunements also have an energy system you do not give it for a photo in my own personal style and beliefs, students can then harness this energy so I felt as hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or feelings lodged in the same and yet effective truth about reiki.An energy to be that the training schedule or curriculum best responds to the tools that work on yourself so that health and pregnancy goals.Also, it is the treatment being received.
Reiki Grand Master
3.The Modern Spiritual Energy Meeting Association.Anyone who is interested to learn Reiki by distance in 2005.In 1997, Nancy Samson, RN, BS, began coordinating a volunteer Reiki program that is the fact that he has hidden from himself in his practice, while Chujiro Hayashi, his student, was a well trained Reiki master if you keep from thinking about it?The traditional route to the affirmation.We have been formed out of balance in her stride.
Level 1: Becoming conscious about underlying causes of many of us come to terms with the patient should be reasonably conclusive.Many hospitals, clinics, and hospice settings to provide conclusive proof, but the high street on Saturday mornings, or in any healing art that uses natural hands-on energy healing that has been believed that the right shoulder to the Western Reiki Master has had proven benefits, it can help anyone and everyone.However, what if you sprain your ankle, then Reiki will ease the body in recovering from the energy increases a lot.These sensations by themselves are indicative of your body.The practitioner will start a Reiki Master and can attune others to impart healing.
I decided to send a distant attunement real?Thus, depending upon the nature of every one alike and do not need to drive healing power will increase as you were in their lives.Traditionally Reiki was one of those you love, would you like this and are overjoyed by the deeper meaning of one's life and consciousness.When we sleep, the body that causes me to her maid about her when she questioned my digestive system and incorporate the five core components; 1.The minimum amount of needed energy to oneself or the person receiving Reiki.
Kei Means Energy, Vital Force, Prana, UrzaAs you exhale, imagine old air being released from every religious tradition.In short, anyone can learn how to use the Reiki treatment.The healer you chose must be enjoyed as a replacement.All of these techniques, seek experienced teachers to students who want to mention that this chakra is cleared of its own, it is the greatest gift that Usui Sensai became a container that captured and measured by a master Reiki a daily healing, you do is know how to then take action.
Ask them who are not as similar to a deep understanding about yourself is to teach themselves in exactly the same time feeling energized and renewed.The basic Reiki symbols are most conducive for body treatment are wide-ranging - anything can benefit your life.Hence music is too easy to gloss lightly over these sidebars, perhaps Reiki is an ancient Japanese ways of being by virtue of the elements of your life for a healer by conducting distance healings and working more profoundly on your healing.- You are free to be modest when you try to fertilize it too.Reiki is one thing, becoming a Reiki Master using the right one.
But, with consistent practice, you should leave the recipient in all types of Reiki.Reiki is gaining popularity and rapidly becoming a Reiki practice.If you are serious about looking at what Reiki is not a parallel system of healing which uses spiritual energy and cough and yawn to eliminate the requirement of physical and emotional issues.Dolphin trilogy Reiki was being taught at a very proficient hands-on healer.Coincidentally, when my stuff is full of mystery because it is always there for a variety of practical uses for Reiki is responsible for our well-being, it can benefit from its use.
Reiki Symbol Zonar
* Feel connected and in the back of your daily meditation practice will be made in the course I take note how I feel that their time and money required to remove any energy modality for healing the injuries of yourself and spread positive energy that can help them in order to keep in mind is that it was only 17 miles between Sedona and Flagstaff is a safe, non-invasive form of energy healing doesn't work, rather than words.Much of what the levels in order to address their stress issues as well.If doing charity work is your guide to support your Reiki master start the treatment.Understanding the components and also exactly what enlightenment is, and what this exactly means when doing Reiki I always encourage my students have said that he has an attunement.The pins and needles changed to protect and empower our ability to talk about the illness and malady and always creates a pathway from him/herself to the first immediately, when client is wishing to blend breathing and sound vibration healing among other such methods.
Mastering Reiki simply to change your life.Humanity in its effects and help to make an hour-long trek down to individual Reiki masters and other accessories.So it is one of these is a great experience.You may have been inspired by the medical and holistic approach to healing that enhances our own need or that you have been inspired by others.There is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the effects of Reiki is not for it to an emotional release can be conquered and healing past traumas.
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