#first post of the year les goo
aura-can-draw · 5 months
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black pearl pookie
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777rare · 1 year
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special for ma @1994l love u queen👑❤ thankyou for ur unconditional love and support.😘
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Heyooo, I'm back❤🫂 les goo
Native having sun,moon,AC,MC in virgo/ in 6°/6th house are most likely to have OCD or become perfectionists. It stings them to see something unassembled or informal. Let it be order, colour, shape, etc. These pics gon satisfy them so much⬇️❤
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If earth signs were a clothing, it would be cardigan.🤎
Natives with earth ascendant or venus in earth signs/houses tend to look really good in earthy colours, esp.brown shades. Like these⬇️❤
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Mercury in pisces/12th house have very sensitive skin🪶☁️☘
(2102)Tantalus-Mars(esp.Square or conjunct) attracts a lot of agressive, harsh, intimidating people. In a ladies chart, the native can feel attracted to men with manly features or someone harsh, hot and goddamn sexc🥵🔥💦
(5011)Ptah-pluto(esp. Conjunct) natives have so much intense beauty. They are so sexc, hot, intense, mesmerizing, ugh..too much🥵🔥
(47) aglaja-black moon lilith(esp. Conjunction,square) natives make such dark intense beauty in people. Such raw sexc energy, intimidating energy is plenty in these natives, goshh🔥💓
Aglaja in libra/libra degree(7°,19°) have a touch of grace and softness in their beauty💅🏻👑
(6593) Destinn mostly in harsh aspects to chiron, natives are destined to go through hell lot of roller coasters in their life and heal themselves.💥🥀
(149)Medusa aspecting the ascendant natives usually have nice curly wavy combined hair, or even thick hair💁‍♀️
(H58)Waldemath lilith being in aquarius sign. These natives are very distant, cold, isolating and cut ties with whomever they know even if it's close friends when they are at their lowest🥀
(92891)Bless in 2° or in taurus natives are blessed with wealth and luxury in this life.👑💅🏻☀️
Bless in libra or in libra degree(7°,19°) natives could probably marry someone rich.🫂❤
Check the sign that Bless is in. The ruler of that sign has blessed and protected you in this lifetime. Check the house house is in to see where That planet will give you the best of benefits and opportunities in this life. If it is saturn then you'll first be put into a lot of tests and struggle in your early years(birth-30) and then reap the benefits out of it. If it is pluto it's first hell lot of transformations and turbulence in your life and then the benefits start appearing in your life.
To Check the rulers of signs:⬇️
(6583)Destinn conjunct pluto makes a native destined to face hell lot of transformations and turbulence in their life till they are strong. These natives are destined to have so much intense,dark power, lots n lots of intense,strong,unbreakable power after all the struggle in this lifetime🔥💥👑
Mercury in sagittarius degree(9°,21°) or in sagittarius are amazing jokers. They can make anybody, i mean anybody, laugh. They can make a joke out of anything🤠👑
Lilith in 6th house/virgo have very self destructive habits🥀😞
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sorry if it's short but i really hope you guys enjoyed!!💓👑 Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do,have a great day ahead!❤🙌🏻
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
Good _arts (When everything feels lost but I am—)
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Chaewon x Male Reader
Word Count: 3353
A/N 1: Hellow Orenjideul! This will be my year-end fic and Happy new year to y'all! Thank you for following the journey I had been into and I hope you'll like this piece of mine! Stay safe y'all!
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“I just wanna love myself
난 좋을 때도 나쁠 때도
Love my weakness
화려했던 기대와는 
달리왠지 볼품없다 해도
Find the good parts, the good parts—”
Breathe in; breathe out. 
Just take a deep breath and you’ll be fine—just don’t overthink about it and you’ll be fine.
It doesn’t work—nothing seems to be working in the first place. 
One more try. Calm yourself and relax your mind—feel the euphoric essence and not fall to the dark abyss lurking down.
“Hah…” you let out a deep sigh and smiled right after, knowing that you did what you could—your utmost performance. Gaslighting yourself that you did everything flawlessly isn’t gonna work and it never will.
“Ohh… I shouldn’t have gone over the limit, how stupid of me!” Another blame onto yourself for an unfortunate mishap leads you into losing your confidence. You frowned in frustration as the post-realization of your embarrassment is inevitable—you wanted to forget what happened but simply can’t.
Letting it slide off your mind wouldn’t help if you keep on thinking on how to forget it, and it shows. You puff your cheeks and let out a long breath, wanting yourself to ease the pain you’ve been feeling.
*phone vibrates*
You don’t want to answer it first as you—wait, what if it’s someone? Well, you don’t want to even put up a fight of your own demons on just a simple decision of answering a phone call, right? So, without a doubt, you picked it up without even looking at who it was and you were surprised by the voice on the phone.
“Hello Oppa!”
Your eyes widen; cheeks forming a shade of red as your lips involuntarily form a smile. You just can’t help but feel the ultimate delight whenever you hear her saccharine voice—even her scuffed voice on the phone can’t deny how sweet her voice is.
Chaewon. Kim Chae-won. The sweetest girl you’ve ever met; the cutest girl on the whole planet; the person that you can always lean on and trust—she just has everything a man wants and you’re lucky you’ve met her. Nothing in this world is perfect, but she’s the literal living embodiment of “perfection” and no one could change your mind with that—she’s your everything.
“Yah, Hello Chaewon-ah. Why did you call me?”
“Ahh, I called you to ask you how things went…”
“Huh, what do you mean by that?” you played dumb and oblivious on the phone, hoping that Chaewon would change the topic but her curiosity is inevitable—you don’t want to talk about the performance earlier as you wanted to forget what just happened.
“Hmp, don’t play dumb Oppa. I’m talking about your performance today! Did it went goo—”
A cold, unnerving tone breaks Chaewon's sentence and the radiant energy that she emanates. Even though the both of you are just in a phone call, she can feel how spine-chilling your tone is. You don’t want to scare Chaewon in any way, it’s just the fact that you don’t want to talk about what happened earlier but she doesn’t seem moved by your sudden change of demeanor.
“Oh… I’m sorry for asking that, Oppa.”
“Uh-ahh, it’s a-alright, Chaewon. It’s just…”
“It’s just?”
You paused, pouting your lips, uneasy on what you’re going to say but you will, for you trust Chaewon with all your heart and you know how she’ll understand you.
“It's just—can I just come over at your place?”
“Ohh… Sure, Oppa. It's just that we're in a cafe with Kazuha and Yunjin, so maybe I'll come home later than expected.”
You frantically nod as you smile, knowing that you'll meet her again.
“Ohh, alright… Uhm, can I just come and fetch you on your way home? So you don't need to bother calling yourself a taxi. Just say where the cafe is and I'll go there—”
“Oh, it's alright Oppa. I'll just call a cab on my way home so you don't need to bother—”
“Please, Chaewon-ah?” your tone is reassuring and sincere, letting Chaewon know how much you trust her and how you wanted to mind fetching her in the first place.
Chaewon was having second thoughts at first as she thinks that you’ll be bothered enough but her heart says the opposite—she wants to meet you and is unhesitant of thinking about denying it.
“If you insist, Oppa… Sure thing.”
“Thank you, Chaewon-ah. Just call me if I’ll fetch you, I’m in my car right now, okay?”
“Okay Oppa, bye.”
“Bye Chaewon.”
You ended the call right after and let out a deep sigh. The sigh wasn’t anything near of stress but rather, a sigh of reassurance knowing that your day is getting a little brighter after talking to Chaewon on the phone.
Ah, she’s really a gift from above and you’ll forever cherish—
*phone rings*
Your eyelids slowly open; your eyes adjusting from the bright light your car screen (the touchscreen device or basically a screen that can be called as an ‘infotainment system’) is emanating. Suddenly, you come back to your senses and the phone rings echoes around the vehicle.
You slept without even knowing that you actually did. It’s must be the pent-up stress earlier but the phone is still ringing, maybe you should answer it—
“Hello? Chaewon?”
“Oppa! I already texted you on where the cafe is. Meet me there, right near the benches, okay?”
“Okay, Chaewon. I just slept all of a s-sudden. *yawns* I’m sorry.”
“Oppa, it’s alright. You’re not sorry; I understand how tough your day must be.”
“Thank you Chaewon-ah—” you smiled through the phone, enamored by how thoughtful and understanding she is—you’re always grateful for meeting a girl like her.
“—for understanding me. Uhm, I’ll come to the cafe as soon as possible, okay? Bye, see ya’.”
“Bye Oppa, see you too!”
You hung up the phone call as you rushed-not-so-rushed out of the parking position you’re in, ready to fetch Chaewon on the cafe she texted. You’re grateful that the cafe wasn’t really far from where you are right now—not even exceeding two kilometers according to the navigation system you’ve searched on.
“Bingo. It's not that far away, gladly.”
Slowly dancing your head alongside the beat of the song from the radio, you feel a hint of delight and satisfaction—it may not seem to do something but it’ll do. Not so long after numerous songs, you finally arrived at the cafe she texted and thanked yourself for not getting lost on your way here, even though you almost did.
*horns blaring*
As soon as she saw the familiar color and plate number of your car, she waved goodbye to her friends, Kazuha and Yunjin as they exchanged smiles between the delightful blabbering they had earlier. A black-haired girl with her faint white highlights waddled her way onto your car and as soon as you saw it, you hopped out of the car and opened the door for her. 
“Aww, you’re so sweet, Oppa. Thank you…”
“It’s no big deal, Chaewon-ah.”
You also insisted on waving goodbye to her friends as they responded immediately. With your not-so-awkward meeting with Chaewon, you laughed it out as she smiled endearingly to you. You made eye contact with her as you awkwardly looked away right after, feeling something’s uncanny and off at this moment. Not so long after, the both of you hopped into the vehicle.
“Yah, why are you looking at me like that?”
“Uhm, I’m just worried about you earlier, what seems to be the bad thing that happened?”
Her eyes switched demeanor as it fixated towards you as her eyebrows scrunch in curiosity, expecting an answer uttering from your lips.
“O-o-ohh, t-that? Uhm, it’s just noth—”
“Stop with this Oppa, I’m here to help. So please—” her gaze locked onto yours again, her eyes reassuring and endearing for you to tell the truth. She further reassures you by caressing your right thigh as her thumb fidgets around the cloth.
“—tell me the truth.”
You're skeptical, your lips sighed in defeat as you looked right into her eyes, her captivating eyes—stare on those soulful, hazel-brown eyes—and finally, said what you've been keeping.
“I didn't deliver my best performance and I was ashamed of myself for being such the weakest link…”
Chaewon's eyes were in the mix of concern and distraught, unsure of what could happen next. She caressed your left cheek, cupping it gently right after as she reassured you.
“Oppa, you were never the weakest link. We may all have flaws but it doesn't mean it's always negative. We also have our own strengths too—”
“Yeah, but—I messed up pretty badly.”
“How bad?”
You clicked your tongue and faced away from her and to the window, being embarrassed as you gained enough strength again to open up to her.
“Really bad… I just—there’s just a lot to tell you.” 
Chaewon's eyebrows furrowed in dismay, frowning right after as she felt sympathy for your maybe-your-worst mistakes. 
“It's alright, Oppa. We'll continue this later, okay?'”
Before stepping on the gas pedal, you thought of one thing and asked Chaewon something.
“Aren’t Kazuha and Yunjin going to come home? I mean, I can escort them on their way home—”
“Oh, them? They said that they’ll still stay and I decided to go and meet you earlier than expected because of you Oppa.”
You're in shock, eyes wide open from her statement. Did she really did that for you? Well, that’s really sweet. You had never thought that Chaewon would be this serious just to meet you—maybe your wretched state earlier is enough for her concerned heart to act up.
“Oh wow Chaewon… Thank you, I owe you so much—”
“Come on Oppa, it’s alright; the feeling is mutual too. I owe you a lot too…”
Her smile exudes sweetness and vibrance, making it brighter than any star on the cluster of systems known to mankind. That smile of hers. It is one of the reasons why I love her with all my heart. 
After a small, affectionate talk with her, you then stepped on the gas pedal and drove your way onto Chaewon’s place.
*car vrooms*
“Yah, Oppa! That was so awkward!”
“I know right? Like we just stared at each other and thank God, he talked first.”
“Oh wow. *giggles* Oh, we're at our place now.”
Chaewon hurriedly readied herself as you parked the car and turned off the engine. You unlocked the doors and both of you got out of the car and initiated to carry Chaewon’s bag in order to ease the burden that she’s carrying even though she doesn’t have any—you’re repaying her kind heart with your gentlemanly actions.
Chaewon unlocks the door of her house and you were surprised with the new ambiance—organized shelves alongside the new T.V. setup and new pillowcases and carpets, and the strawberry scent by the diffuser serves as the cherry on top.
“Wow, a lot has changed here since my last visit.”
“Yeah, I tend to organize stuff in my free time and I thank Kkura-unnie for helping me out in organizing things.”
“Wow, that’s great to hear.”
Chaewon then rushed to the refrigerator to get some water and glasses on the shelves. You wander down around the living room and smile seeing the pictures of her friends, family, herself and the both of you lying around the cabinet.
“You want some water, Oppa?”
“Oh, I’m pretty good right now—”
“Food? We got some leftover ‘kimchi jjigae’ (kimchi stew) and some ‘jjajangmyeon’ (black bean noodles) here. Don’t you want some?”
“Nah, I’m good Chaewon. Thanks anyways.”
“Uhm, now talk to me, Oppa.”
Oh yeah. You suddenly forgot the reason why you’re at her place and you wouldn’t dare to lie in front of your teeth with such a plethora of excuses. 
“Oh, that…” your face suddenly vexed, remembering the grasps of such an embarrassing act in front of the audience. You just thank god no one laughed hysterically on your mistakes or unless you could’ve lost your confidence there and there.
“I don’t know what to really feel. I feel like all my practice has gone into dust after that mistake. I just hate myself after that.” you sighed deeply, feeling the regret and dismay of what happened earlier.
“I don’t even know if the mentors and my professors were amused by my performance, I forgot a couple of my lines and I’m glad I made some impromptu to slide it off but it just doesn’t seem right.”
You brought your right hand onto your forehead, closing your eyes as disappointment dominated your emotions. 
“It was your last, graded performance, right, Oppa?”
“Yeah, and I fucked up bad.”
“Hey, hey, don’t say that Oppa—” Chaewon then went and sat right beside you as she held your hand, making you reassured by her touch. “—you didn’t mess up anything and you said you said some impromptu to cover it up, right?”
“Yes, but here’s the worst thing: I went blank multiple times and stuttered too. I just feel fucked at that moment—shit…” 
“Oppa…” Chaewon’s face is now closer against yours, staring endearingly with those puppy eyes. “Have you ever considered looking at the brighter side?”
“How come there’s a brighter side, Chaewon? I messed up and thank god no one noticed yet only the smallest details.”
“There can be, Oppa.”
You always know how optimistic Chaewon is—how she often cheers you up and makes your day brighter. You always know how she can make you laugh even in your all-so-serious mood, she just knows how she can make you in awe and let down your defenses for her—she’s your kryptonite. 
You half-expected her to tell things like this before you fetched her and you’re right. You feel skeptical with her persuasions but you can’t help but think of the brighter side of this. 
“Hah… Alright, Chaewon, enlighten me then.”
“Have you ever thought that the impromptu you made could be actually better than the script?”
“B-But I wrote the script, and I don’t think it’s better—”
“Oppa, even the simplest of actions can impact something so vastly. Maybe, just maybe, your professors or mentors can even applaud or complement your performance despite something lacking, yet I’m pretty sure that there’s nothing bad.”
You paused for a moment, contemplating Chaewon's reassuring and optimistic words. Maybe she can be right. 
“Tch, I don’t know Chaewon but—”
Chaewon anticipates. Her idyllic yet worrying expression—her furrowed eyebrows matched with her saccharine smile—painted all over her face expects something following your conjunction.
You hugged her. Without any second to waste, you didn’t hesitate to kiss her cheeks and thanked her for her thoughtfulness and the time to listen to you.
You owe her so much and you feel like, you didn’t deserve her—
No. Stop with these intrusive thoughts and look to the brighter side—like how Chaewon would say to you. 
The hug lasted for only a couple of seconds and you could tell how Chaewon was flustered at that moment—her cheeks tinted a rosy pink as well as her ears getting red at the moment. 
“Chaewon, thank you so much for these.”
Your genuine tone makes Chaewon in awe, her eyes pleading as her smile exudes vibrance and you can't help but fall into the contagiousness of it—smiling too as soon as she smiles.
“It's just a small thing, Oppa. I'm always there for you, don't you forget it.”
She then hugged you tightly and you didn't hesitate to accept her affection—accepting it with open arms. She deepened the embrace with her face resting on your chest as she murmured, “Thank you too, Oppa. I’m so thankful to meet you. So so thankful…”
Your eyes involuntarily teared-up, touched by her short yet sweet message as you didn't hesitate to let out your true feelings too.
“I could never ask for anything more in this world because of you Chaewon. Thank you for everything.”
The embrace was full of affection as you pushed her gently against you—the both of you meeting eyes to each other—breaking the embrace in exchange for a kiss. A kiss to remember.
The next thing Chaewon saw is just your lips latched onto hers as you taste the faint of the vanilla lip balm. You kissed her a little bit more before detaching, your animalistic urge wanting more but you resisted.
“I love you, Chaewon.”
These simple words are enough to make someone's heart flutter. These simple words are worth remembering for a lifetime. These simple words that can make thousands and thousands of memories worth cherishing.
“I love you too, Oppa.”
The both of you locked eyes and exchanged smiles, feeling reinvigorated than before.
“Just to hope they would be pleased, at least.”
“I believe that they will, Oppa. Also—” Chaewon got off on the couch as she hurriedly got something on the shelves. 
Wires with the colors of blue and black is all you can see as she set-ups the conglomeration of wires near the T.V. and with that, you insisted to help yet within a blink of an eye, she already finished wiring anything up.
“—do you wanna play some games, Oppa?” she asked you with a controller in her hand.
You would be lying if you don't want to. How can you resist playing with a puffball like her? With that being said you nodded and got the wireless controller from her hand as you started grasping the controls of it.
“Try and be relaxed, Oppa. We'll play some chill exploration games if you want to so you won't be stressed.”
Another nod, agreeing on her actions. 
“Ahh, the things you do to me, Chaewon…”
And now with a simple click, the game starts as the adventure begins…
Seconds become minutes. Minutes become hours and so on. Time really went fast as you didn't see the dark aura of the sky outside—signaling that it's already nighttime and the both of you didn’t notice because of how busy you were on the game.
“Wow, *yawns* —we really did a lot of this game, Oppa. I’ll just harvest the rest of the crops and maybe explore more on the other side.”
“Yeah, sure, Chaewon, I’ll go and do some fishing then.”
You focused on going near the pond as you suddenly felt a weight on your left shoulder. You looked to your left, Chaewon silently snoring; her eyes shut; sleeping soundly. 
You tucked her white-highlighted hair behind her ear, taking a look at her beautiful and pristine features: her cute, boopable nose; her faint eyes, innocent from her sleeping and her soft, plump lips.
You took a sight of her impeccable features and kissed her cheek. You smiled right after as you exited the game from both controllers and turned off the T.V. right after.
Such epitome of perfection she is. You're in awe seeing how beautiful she really is. Even with the simplest outfit and faint make-up, she stands out, exceeding any criteria of beauty—she's the real epitome of it.
You lay her down on the couch and took the nearby blanket on the coffee table, wrapping it around her as she didn't seem to be bothered by your actions—still sleeping peacefully.
“Good night, Chae.”
Give her a quick peck on the forehead, you smile as you sit beside her, caressing her hair and cheeks.
“Thank you for everything, Chaewon. Thank you for guiding me on the times I feel lost. Thank you and no words can explain how much I love you.”
The vast night sky has countless stars that seemed endless, but you could only see one, and that's Chaewon.
You leaned next to her, trying to sleep as you, not so long after, you gave in to your drowsiness.
Text Message from “yurii the hamster”:
“Oppa! I have some good news for you! Our professors commended our performance earlier! They also said you performed well and your acting is great! Thank you again for all of these, Oppa, everything isn't possible without your help and everyone of us. Thank youuu! ;)”
Well, this will be great news for you when you woke up.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Hi Torship 💛 you have ficd for Tokoyami (mha) and Shisui, assuming they're your series favs... What other favs do you have? I don't know if you love any character like you love shisui tho? ;D hard to imagine
Have a good day/night!
Hey, Anon!
I have a lot of series that I like, fandoms that I browse over like popping your head in a gallery to admire the view and not read the labels, but only a few characters I am pretty hardcore for...!
We been knew. I don't really know how I found myself quietly determined to dominate his character tag but life works in mysterious ways. He was a possible love interest for my SIOC back in the day and then... We spiralled, massively. I liked his character so much that I turned to my Beta one day and said 'why isn't there a Shisui time travel fic, one thats simple but impactful?' and she shrugged and told me why I didn't try my hand at it myself, and that's how In The Eye of the Beholder started. The first of...many. I think we're at around 20 Shisui-centric fics posted? And endless ideas 🤡 The OG blorbo
Obi (Akagami no Shirayuki/AnS)
Oh my god Obi. You guys don't realise everything I have bottled up inside of me, but Obi gets me almost at the same level as Shisui, I just never posted much. The AnS fandom is smaller and idk in a weird way I'd feel more out of place there because, with Naruto fics, you're kinda sheltered by the crowd? We all deal with self consciousness, I guess. Obi unlocks something in me. Like with Shisui, I can ship him with almost anyone because I'm ace and romance is nice to read but not the end of the world, you know? It's always going to be a platonic relationship that rules my fics, I can't help it. But Obi? His love for Shirayuki just turns me into this puddle of emotionally complicated goo 😵
For Bnha....
You're not wrong that there's a reason that Tokoyami ended up as my first character-centric foray into this fandom, but it's not at all the same as the previous two. I have a lot of loves in BnHa. Ochako, Momo, Kirishima, Todoroki, Dabi, Hawks, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Ingenium (Tensei), and I have a protective streak a mile wide for Tamaki (I have a lot of thoughts, on...all of it tbh) but I'm very happy to rotate across basically the whole cast from BnHA because a good fic is a damn good fic! And the artists are also extremely talented~
I want to swing by Narutoverse again, just to reiterate that I may be welded to Shisui but I do love a massive number of characters, mainly the idea/potential of them than canon reality (as in most cases, I'm not a "love letter to canon" author) but it's a love all the same. Tobirama, Gai, Lee, Tsunade, Kakashi (squad 2 tbh, i picked my favs for that group), and I've grown so much fonder of other characters that I never paid much mind to (mainly Uchiha or Akatsuki etc) as just a reader!
Other fandoms
I'm... I'm a binge reader without much in the way of pickiness for a lot of fandoms. Les Mis, MCU, HP, LotR/Hobbit (I'm not even loyal to Aragorn/Arwen, this is how flexible I am in the face of good fandom content).
I have a huge preference for BAMF Din, I had to stop watching season three of the mandalorian because it was frustrating me so much lol
My favorite PJO character by a long long shot is Percy
I get annoyed when I remember that they didn't make the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies a polytriad
I'm Merlin trash in the year 2023
I'm too scared to start One Piece 🥴
If I had the time, memory space, and energy to swallow Star Wars lore, I would write a huge fic where Finn is the protagonist. No hate to any character but I want what I want
I think I'm running out of fandoms and, therefore, character fixations 😂 you're right tho, Anon, that I don't exactly have a designated 'Shisui' level of love in each fandom!
Thank you! Have a good day/night too✨
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atomheartmagazine · 6 months
Nuovo post su Atom Heart Magazine
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://www.atomheartmagazine.com/game-awards-2023-vincitori-e-annunci/
The Game Awards 2023, vincitori e annunci sorprendenti: da OD di Kojima al ritorno di Monster Hunter
I Game Awards 2023 hanno tenuto incollati gli appassionati di videogiochi con una serie di annunci sorprendenti, da Dragon Ball Sparking Zero a Monster Hunter Wilds. Mentre Baldur’s Gate 3 si è aggiudicato il premio di Game of the Year, altre rivelazioni hanno catturato l’attenzione degli spettatori. Scopriamo insieme tutti i momenti salienti di questo emozionante evento organizzato da Geoff Keighley.
Game Awards 2023 – Pre Show
Il pre show ha offerto uno sguardo in anteprima a diversi trailer, tra cui il remake di Brothers A Tale of Two Sons, in uscita il 28 febbraio 2024. Il nuovo progetto di Josef Fares promette di essere un’avventura coinvolgente. Altri titoli annunciati includono Big Walk, un multiplayer co-op previsto per il 2025, e Persona 3 Reloaded, un atteso remake in arrivo il 2 febbraio. Annunciati anche World of Goo 2 e Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Game Awards 2023
Matthew McConaughey ha aperto i Game Awards presentando Exodus, un’avventura sci-fi in terza persona con armi futuristiche e poteri. God of War Ragnarok Valhalla, un DLC gratuito in stile roguelike in arrivo il 12 dicembre 2023, è stato annunciato da Geoff Keighley. Poi è stata la volta dello story trailer di Prince of Persia The Lost Crown, con possibilità di giocare a una demo dal prossimo 11 gennaio 2024. Il trailer di Senua’s Saga HellBlade 2 ha invece impressionato per il comparto grafico, con uscita prevista nel 2024.
Akumi Nakamura è poi salita sul palco per il primo progetto dello studio Unseen: Kemuri. I creatori di Ori ci hanno mostrato il mondo e gli scontri di No Rest for The Wicked, si cui sapremo di più a marzo 2024.
Alcune sorprese da parte di SEGA
Un trailer ha rivelato il ritorno di Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage e Crazy Taxi, regalandoci una serie di ben 5 revival da parte di SEGA. Dragon Ball Sparking Zero ha acceso la passione dei fan, portando nuove dinamiche di combattimento e l’eredità del filone Tenkaichi.
Game Awards 2023: OD, Fortnite e Jurassic Park
Hideo Kojima ha presentato OD, un progetto sviluppato con Xbox Game Studios, incorporando tecnologia Cloud Gaming e promettendo un’esperienza unica. Tra le altre rivelazioni dei Game Awards 2023, spiccano Jurassic Park Surival, Rocket Racing in Fortnite e il suggestivo Black Myth Wukong, con una data di uscita fissata per il 20 agosto 2024.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Marvel’s Blade e il resto
La Theme Song di Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, eseguita dal vivo, ha anticipato nuove scene dell’action RPG, in arrivo su PlayStation 5 il 29 febbraio 2024. Marvel’s Blade di Arkane è emerso come un’inedita avventura matura ambientata a Parigi. Lightspeed LA ha annunciato Last Sentinel, un’esperienza tripla A futuristica. Poi spazio a The First Descendant, in uscita nel 2024. Zenless Zone Zero si è presentato ai Game Awards 2023 con un ritmo serrato, come i combattimenti tra mech di Mechabreak.
Helldivers 2 arriverà su PS5 e PC il prossimo 8 febbraio. Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine 2 uscirà il 9 settembre 2024. Dopo la performance dal vivo per Alan Wake 2, è stata la volta del trailer di GTFO The Final Chapter. Il Creative Director di 10 Chambers ha poi presentato Den of Wolves. Da Exoborne di Sharkmob si è poi passati ad Asgard’s Wrath 2. Annunciati anche Echoes of the Fallen (già acquistabile su PlayStation 5) e The Rising Tide, nuovi DLC per Final Fantasy XVI. In uscita anche The Final Draft, con nuovi contenuti per Alan Wake 2: sarà all’interno dell’update dell’11 dicembre.
Il sorprendente shooter con distruttibilità ambientale, The Finals, è stato rilasciato a sorpresa proprio durante i Game Awards 2023. Infine, Monster Hunter Wilds di Capcom ha chiuso l’evento, con l’uscita prevista nel 2025.
The Game Awards 2023 – Tutti i vincitori
Game of the Year: Baldur’s Gate 3
Best Game Direction: Alan Wake 2
Best Narrative: Alan Wake 2
Best Art Direction: Alan Wake 2
Best Score and Music: Final Fantasy XVI
Best Audio Design: Hi-Fi Rush
Best Performance: Neil Newbon nei panni di Astarion, Baldur’s Gate 3
Games for Impact: Tchia
Innovation in Accessibility: Forza Motorsport
Best Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality: Resident Evil Village VR Mode
Most Anticipated Game: Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth
Best Action Game: Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
Best Action/Adventure: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Best RPG: Baldur’s Gate 3
Best Fighting: Street Fighter 6
Best Family: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Best Simulation/Strategy: Pikmin 4
Best Ongoing: Cyberpunk 2077
Best Mobile Game: Honkai Star Rail
Best Community Support: Baldur’s Gate 3
Best Sports/Racing: Forza Motorsport
Best Multiplayer: Baldur’s Gate 3
Best Indie: Sea of Stars
Best Debut Indie: Cocoon
Best Adaptation: The Last of Us
Players’ Voice: Baldur’s Gate 3
Content Creator of the Year: IronMouse
Best Esports Game: Valorant
Best Esports Athlete: Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (League of Legends)
Best Esports Team: JD Gaming (League of Legends)
Best Esports Coach: Christine “potter” Chi (Evil Geniuses – Valorant)
Best Esports Event: 2023 League of Legends World Championship
I Game Awards 2023 si sono rivelati un trionfo di annunci spettacolari, dalla magia di Final Fantasy a nuovi progetti entusiasmanti. Con l’attesa Baldur’s Gate 3 e la sorpresa di Monster Hunter Wilds, il mondo videoludico ha avuto molto su cui entusiasmarsi.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
MrBeast, Charli D’Amelio and More Nab Big Streaming Award Noms
MrBeast and Charli D’Amelio are among the nominees for the 2020 YouTube Streamy Awards. The tenth anniversary of the awards will stream exclusively on YouTube on December 13, and you’ll be able to watch them right here.
John Krasinski, James Charles and Addison Rae have also received nominations this year, as have Will Smith and Jack Black. Disney and Netflix will almost certainly be fighting it out again to snag the top brand award.
MrBeast aka Jimmy Donaldson is also up for a Social Good award for his Feeding America Food Drive. The popular streamer dropped out of college to pursue a full-time career as a YouTuber, and has become one of the most-watched creators on the planet, dabbling in a winning combo of expensive stunts and philanthropy.
Here’s a complete list of 2020’s YouTube Streamy Awards nominees:
Overall Awards
Creator of the Year
Addison Rae Charli D’Amelio David Dobrik Dixie D’Amelio Emma Chamberlain James Charles Larray Marques Brownlee MrBeast Sarah Cooper
Show of the Year
A Heist with Markiplier • Markiplier Binging with Babish • Babish Culinary Universe Challenge Accepted • Michelle Khare Epic Rap Battles of History • ERB Game Master Network • Rebecca Zamolo Good Mythical Morning • Good Mythical Morning Instant Influencer • James Charles Liza on Demand • Liza Koshy Nikita Unfiltered • Nikita Dragun UNHhhh • WOWPresents
HIKAKIN (Japan) Mikecrack (Spain) Mythpat (India) Sandra Cires Art (Cuba) Whindersson Nunes (Brazil)
Individual Awards
Breakout Creator
Addison Rae Charli D’Amelio Dream Spencer X ZHC
David Dobrik and Justin Bieber – SURPRISING PEOPLE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER!! The Hype House – TURNING THE HYPE HOUSE INTO A TRAMPOLINE PARK! Jackie Aina and Naomi Campbell – NAOMI CAMPBELL GETS GLAM WITH ME!!! Sway LA – Most Likely To Challenge! Zach King and David Blaine – David Blaine Tricks Zach King with Zoom Magic
Jack Black Jason Derulo Kevin James Naomi Campbell Will Smith
First Person
Alex Warren David Dobrik Emma Chamberlain Larray Logan Paul
Live Streamer
NICKMERCS Ninja Pokimane Shroud Typical Gamer
Show Awards
Indie Series
20 Seconds to Live Arun Considers Choose Me: An Abortion Story Chris and Jack The Lock Down Buddy
Live Series
BET’s House Party Bright Minded: Live with Miley Cyrus D-Nice’s Club Quarantine Reunited Apart with Josh Gad Verzuz
Live Special
Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate the Class of 2020
MrBeast’s $250,000 Influencer Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament Some Good News Prom with Billie Eilish, Jonas Brothers, & Chance the Rapper Travis Scott and Fortnite Present: Astronomical YouTube Dear Class of 2020
Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain H3 Podcast Impaulsive On Purpose with Jay Shetty ‎ VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash
Scripted Series
A Heist with Markiplier • Markiplier Could You Survive the Movies? • Vsauce3 Epic Rap Battles of History • ERB FPS Logic • Viva La Dirt League Liza on Demand • Liza Koshy Unscripted Series Brave Wilderness • Brave Wilderness Challenge Accepted • Michelle Khare Instant Influencer • James Charles Jeff’s Barbershop • Jeff Wittek UNHhhh • WOWPresents
Subject Awards
illymation Jaiden Animations Ketnipz The Land Of Boggs TheOdd1sOut
Bailey Sarian Brad Mondo Hyram Jackie Aina James Charles
Brandon Rogers Brittany Tomlinson Gus Johnson Nigel Ng Sarah Cooper
ContraPoints D’Angelo Wallace Danny Gonzalez Jarvis Johnson Tiffany Ferguson
BFunk Dytto Matt Steffanina Michael Le Sofie Dossi
AntsCanada Justin Bieber: Seasons Nikita Unfiltered The Secret Life of Lele Pons State Of Grace
Fashion and Style
bestdressed Bretman Rock LaurDIY Sneaker Shopping Wisdom Kaye
Alex French Guy Cooking Babish Culinary Universe How To Cook That Joshua Weissman Tabitha Brown
Dream FGTeeV Jelly LaurenzSide PrestonPlayz
Health and Wellness
Chloe Ting Demi Bagby Doctor Mike The Fitness Marshall Kati Morton
Kids and Family
A for Adley Goo Goo Colors Kids Diana Show Rebecca Zamolo Ryan’s World
Learning and Education
ChrisFix Mark Rober NileRed onlyjayus Peter Sripol
Alexa Rivera Calle y Poché Jennelle Eliana Larray Rickey Thompson
All Gas No Brakes Complex News HasanAbi The Philip DeFranco Show Some More News
2HYPE Braille Skateboarding Dude Perfect No Days Off: Sports Prodigies Ryan García
iJustine Marques Brownlee Michael Reeves Simone Giertz Stuff Made Here
Craft Awards
Cole Bennett – Lyrical Lemonade Devin Graham – devinsupertramp Niels Lindelien – Lindsey Stirling Peter McKinnon – Peter McKinnon Pierre Wikberg – Climbkhana TWO
Casey Neistat – CaseyNeistat derkslurp – derkslurp Emma Chamberlain – emma chamberlain Evan Puschak – Nerdwriter1 Hayden Hillier-Smith – Logan Paul
Visual and Special Effects
Aaron Benitez – Aaron’s Animals Buttered Side Down – Buttered Side Down CyreneQ – CyreneQ Sam Wickert and Brendan Forde – Chalk Warfare 4.0 Zach King – Zach King
Akilah Hughes, Milana Vayntrub, Brian McElhaney, and Nick Kocher – Making Fun with Akilah and Milana CalebCity – CalebCity Chris W. Smith and Jack De Sena – Chris and Jack James – Casually Explained Zach Sherwin, Nice Peter, EpicLLOYD, and Carter Deems – Epic Rap Battles of History
Social Good Awards
Company or Brand
Barbie – Career of the Year • Mattel Dave’s Killer Bread – Second Chance Employment • Tastemade Lyft – Undercover Lyft with Alicia Keys • LyftUp
The Game Theorists – St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital #CancelCancer LIVE MrBeast – Feeding America Food Drive Nabela Noor – NoorHouse
Nonprofit or NGO
Arbor Day Foundation – #TeamTrees • MrBeast and Mark Rober COVID-19 Response Fund – Post Malone x Nirvana Tribute – Livestream • Post Malone Equal Justice Initiative – Bear Witness, Take Action • YouTube Originals
Brand Awards
Agency of the Year
BEN Portal A R and CPMK Reach VaynerMedia
Brand of the Year
Barbie Disney Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Netflix Old Spice
Brand Engagement
100 Thieves Cash App Compound Reveal – Cash App 5-Minute Crafts – Barbie Need for Speed Heat x David Dobrik – Electronic Arts Rihanna’s Summer Fenty Face Tutorial – Fenty Beauty by Rihanna Under the Influencer – Comedy Central
Branded Content: Series
Cold as Balls – Old Spice • LOL Network No Days Off: Sports Prodigies – Got Milk? • Whistle Second Chances – Dave’s Killer Bread • Tastemade Under a Rock with Tig Notaro – Amazon Alexa • Funny Or Die Undercover Lyft – Lyft
Branded Content: Video
Aladdin Meets Parkour in Real Life – Uzbekistan Tourism • devinsupertramp ASMR SNAP SHADOWS TUTORIAL W/ AMANDLA STENBERG – Fenty Beauty by Rihanna I Trained Like Black Widow – Marvel Strike Force • Michelle Khare James Charles Spills the Tea on His Glow – Ole Henriksen Skincare • James Charles We Lost A FaZe Member – G FUEL • FaZE Clan
Creator Product
Chamberlain Coffee – Emma Chamberlain Dragun Beauty – Nikita Dragun Hairitage – Mindy McKnight McKinnon Camera Pack – Peter McKinnon Pro Ant Farms – AntsCanada
Influencer Campaign
HotGuysMakingLipstick – Bite Beauty
Google Pixel 4 Nebula Superstars in Training – WWE
Multi-Platform Campaign
Disney+ Launch – Disney Gift it Forward with Cardi B – Pepsi The Greatest Challenge of All Time with Cristiano Ronaldo and Marta – Clear (Unilever) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – Star Wars Tito’s Made To Order – Tito’s Vodka
Social Good Campaign
DistanceDance – PandG • Charli D’Amelio
My Vaping Mistake – The Real Cost • AwesomenessTV Seize the Awkward – The Jed Foundation • Ad Council Teens for Jeans – Aéropostale • DoSomething.org Undercover Lyft with Alicia Keys – LyftUp • Lyft
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from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3of9HLb
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ajw720 · 5 years
Let's bring up that statement again how some people on g/Lee sucked.. Here we have one of the youngest member of the group all grown up and matured and pulling out inspirational quotes out of his back pocket and making a difference.. And the person who wrote the statement has done what exactly? Here he is positively influencing young minds... Just shows the maturity of the person who wrote that.. Whether it is a fan or tp idc... Go on a platform like c and make a difference and then we can talk
Anon, i will put aside C’s impressive resume from during G/lee, as in fairness the “statement” from PBB  (I have no doubt it is her pathetic, jealous, vile self), was about the stars accomplishments post G/lee.  Since the show wrapped, C has published the following, most of which landed on the NYT Bests/eller’s List
STFF ( March 2017)
TLOS The Ult/imate Bo/ok Hug/gers Gu/ide (Little Brown, October 2018
TLOS: Bey/ond the Ki/ngdoms (Jul 2015)
TLOS: An A/uthor's O/dyssey (Jul 2016)
TLOS: W/orlds C/ollide (Jul 2017)
The C/urvy T/ree: A Tale from TLOS(Oct 2015)
Trollb/ella Thro/ws a P/rty: A Tale from TLOS (Jul 2017)
"Qu/een Re/d Ridi/ng Ho/od's Guid/e to Roy/alty" (Oct 2015)
The Mot/her Goo/se Dia/ries (Nov 2015)
A Trea/sury of Cla/ssic Fa/iry Ta/les (Oct 2016)
Add. he has signed on to write a new series, the first book of which is out in the fall: A Tale Of Magic... (October 2019)
In addition, he sold his movies to F/ox and has signed on to write, direct, and produce the first one and that movie is currently in the planning stages.
In all honesty, the person she hates the most is probably the most successful of all of the G/lee Alumni (even D who i would put second though he is losing momentum every day by not capitalizing on his awards), he has just chosen a career more behind the scenes then in front of the camera.  And she hates it, because she knows that D is in love with C and that C outshines her in every facet of life.  He is not only gorgeous on the outside, but he is brilliant, witty, creative, insanely talented, has a beautiful voice, and is wildly successful. Oh yeah, and did i mention, D is in love with him?  And that despite her numerous attempts, aided by many, she has failed to break them apart?
Meanwhile PBB has FOUR failed attempts at putting together a band, a “directing” career that has not gotten further than “directing” videos for her fake SO and her real BF and shoe commercials she got through RR’s wife.  A bar that is now only open 5 days a week, is shown regularly to be empty and that she has refused to put any effort into.  She has failed to capitalize on any of the countless networking opportunities she has been presented with on a silver platter for at least 5 if not more years.  The only thing she has is her sham marriage to D, who is queer, hates her, and is in love with her nemesis C.  
Ain’t life a bitch.  And there is no sympathy for the self named Kween as she did this all to herself. she has no excuse for her lack of career, so has been given more opportunities than most and she has failed to do anything with them. And someday she will fall from her thrown and D&C will soar and leave her in the dust.
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bending-sickle · 4 years
End of the Year asks: 1, 4, 5, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25
1. Song of the year? - i have a repeats mix in the works but i’m going to give this honour to karen kilgariff and her “gimme mine” because *clutches at heart*
4. Movie of the year? - rewatching underworld: rise of the lycans (2009) was ngh, but if we’re talking about movies from this year that’s…a total of two: Le mystère Henri Pick and Legado en los huesos. They were both pretty good?
5. TV show of the year? - rookie historian goo hae ryung, hands down, because it is too precious for this world. i just had such a good time watching it. it filled me with delight, and the serious bits were Serious. and just
14. Favorite book you read this year? - i keep struggling to read, so there’s not much to pick from, but i devoured secret slave by “anna ruston” (2016)(pseudonym) even though it was a true story, true crime, first-person account of one kind of true crime that chills me to the bone. here’s a news article. so, don’t know if favourite is the right word, but hoo boy, it left a mark.
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year -
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this is one of my regulars for walkies and general attention at the shelter i volunteer at, being very focused on the smells of a rat colony hidden under leaf litter. they’re crunchy, you see.
17. Post a picture from the end of the year -
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i went to the museum of design in barcelona and i was the happiest little fucker ever. so many pretty old dresses! so many corsets! this one is from 1850-1855 in silk taffet and satin.
22. Favorite place you visited this year? - we went back to rome for a few days and while it literally ruined my feet and it was emotionally draining because parents and we barely ate it was glorious and beautiful and i missed it so much oh god.
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. - i made clothes? does that count? because as far as characters go, i really only comandeered a certain sexy werewolf for fanfic purposes… go watch underworld and underworld: rise of the lycans. you can thank me later ;)
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hurlumerlu · 6 years
Tagged by @kujaku-myoo. In December. Sorry ^^”
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
a - Age: 26
b - Birthplace: Alsace
c - Current time: 7pm40
d - Drink you last had: green tea, toffee flavored
e - Easiest person to talk to: @the-lady-knight, who is the best and also my girlfriend, because I was born lucky
f - Favorite song: Patti Smith’s cover of Gloria
g - Grossest memory: that time I had to clean up rotten potato goo and some got on my arm (I swear that thing smell worse than rotten meat)
h - Horror yes or horror no: horror yes !
i - In love? a little more everydayyyyyyy (and it’s been, more than six years)
j - Jealous of people? yes but I don’t like to admit it.
l - Love at first sight or should i walk by again: not only do I need to walk by again but I also need at least half a year to realize what my feelings are
m - Middle name: I’ve got two !
n - Number of siblings: One. She’s awesome.
o - One wish: to publish a book
p - Person you called last: uuuuuh... my dad ? I think ? generally people call me.
q - Question you are always asked: “Wait... how old are you ?”
r - Reason to smile: Do I need one ?
s - Song you sang last: Fauré’s Après un rêve (but, like, very badly)
t - Time you woke up: 8:30. I opened the shutters and went right back to bed.
u - Underwear colour: white and grey
v - Vacation destination: I want to go to Vienna with my girlfriend.
w - Worst habit: avoidance
x - Rays: at least once ?
y - Your favourite food: idk, duck maybe ?
Z - Zodiac sign: Aries.
And i’m tagging @breadstyx, @themagicalshrimp, @areyouinthemood, @letempsdulilas, @ambrena, @lisewine, @ladyfeliciamontague, @liledgyacrobat, @geneticallyenhancedpotato and @le-petit-pabu-du-peuple
(as always, no pressure, and if you want me to not tag you in those things, just tell me !)
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hannibalcreative · 7 years
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Hannibal Creative’s #EatTheRare Fic Roundup
A thousand thanks to @breannadolly for the wonderful banner! 
Special Dreams by Edge_sama
Summary: Set after the kiss scene from Fromage (S1E8). Both Will and Alana felt their decision to have a professional relationship was a good one, but they couldn't help but think in each other after that kiss.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Alana Bloom
Waste a Moment by 11Mydesign11 and Destinyawakened
Summary: Nigel wakes in the United States in a hospital bed. The FBI want answers for a few things, but Nigel's more interested in the guy down the hall with a smile carved into his belly.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Alana Bloom, Nigel
Will Graham/Nigel
Hunting Scene by Cinnamaldeide
Summary: Their light steps betrayed the solitary nature of their selective pack, which likewise included no more than two individuals; much like a lone predator instructing its progeny.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Garrett Jacob Hobbs
Gen ( no pairings)
Where Is It? by TigerPrawn and victorine
Summary: Hugh takes revenge when he sees Mads is sharing clothes with other co-stars. Well, if Mads is going to wear Ben's jacket instead of his cute leather one, Hugh will just keep the damn thing!! Part of the Mad Bear & Little Pup Madancy AU Series - Neither Mads or Hugh are married but have been in a secret casual relationship since King Arthur. As both their careers were taking off they didn't want it all foreshadowed by a relationship and the celeb gossip that goes with it. Both remain single and they see each other when they can on and off over the years. Feels and hilarity ensue.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen
More Interesting Than the Average Conference by hchannibloom (bleepin_ufo)
Summary: Bedelia Du Maurier attends a conference and chances upon a bright, delicious young Alana Bloom
No Archive Warnings Apply
Alana Bloom, Bedelia du Maurier
Bloomdelia (Alana Bloom/Bedelia Du Maurier)
A Necessary Lie by starkaryen, FlyingRotten
Summary: Adam Towers is investigating what could be the article of the year if the rumors about Evelio Thanatos' experiments happen to be true. What he didn't expect, though, was to find a distraction in the Thanatos house, but that's exactly what he finds in Elias... Or, at least, that's what he thinks.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Towers, Elias
Basic Chickens
A Flexible Arrangement by Hannibalsimagopurplesocrates
Summary: Allan is trying to rebuild his life on his return from the Hague and has been told he needs to take yoga classes as part of his anger management. Begrudgingly he agrees but soon is distracted by a man wearing pink shorts who seems even more broken that he is. Allan needs to know more about this ellusive man but can't seem to catch him to talk to him. That is until they crash into each other and have no choice but to get to know each other.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Lucas, Allan Fischer
Allan Fischer x Lucas
And So the Flamingo Fell in Love With the Wolf by CarpeDiemForLife
Summary: When Chilton shows up on Will's doorstep, bloodied and desperate, Will has every intention of turning him over to the FBI. But then he hears something that changes his mind. Canon divergence 2x07. My take on what could have happened if Will had chosen to harbor Chilton rather than call Jack.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Frederick Chilton
Chilly Willy
Once upon a dream by 11Mydesign11 and You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am
Summary: A young pop star - Prince Charmont - is being stalked by a dangerous, threatening fan, and is compelled to hire a personal bodyguard, a well respected man named Draco. As they get to know each other, sparks fly, and the hunt is on for Char's stalker.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Charmont, Draco
Clash Enchanted
One Night in Miami by vix_spes
Summary: Being back in Miami was hardly how Luke had envisaged it but a mysterious man in black might just turn things around.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Le Chiffre, Luke Brandon
Le Chiffre x Luke Brandon
A certain liquidity of the eye by levi163
Summary: War is not the place for love, and yet, a gaze held a moment too long changes everything.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, Citron/Jørgen Haagen Schmith
Lonely Soldiers
Lead Me Home by Firuflies and starkaryen
Summary: After the difficulties both Lucas and Joe had to overcome in their past, they decide it's time for a new beginning. It turns out, they end up teaching in the same school in Copenhagen.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lucas, Joe Connor
The Overthrown Prince by AlexandraCole
Summary: Amidst the civil war in Kyrria, Prince Char is captured and taken prisoner in a foreign land. He knows he will have to escape if he is ever to return to Frell and reclaim his throne, but his only hope is a child and a mute, one-eyed man Char isn’t sure he can trust.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Charmont, One Eye
Valhalla Enchanted (Charmont/One Eye)
Time and Death by FrostyLee
Summary: More talks of death and time, maybe something in between.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Lee Fallon
Lee Fallon/Hannibal Lecter
The Fair Lady's Game by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Dr Hannibal Lecter has enjoyed a casual long-distance relationship with Bedelia Du Maurier for years. As an opera diva and popular starlet, Bedelia’s rendezvous with him are typically short, whirlwind affairs. Hannibal fell in love with Bedelia the first day they met, but respects her wish to remain an independent woman, though it pains him to do so. Only Hannibal’s friend and adventuring companion, consulting detective William Graham, can solve the case for romance. His methods for doing so, however, remain as unusual as ever.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Bedelia du Maurier, Jack Crawford, Chiyoh
Infamous by Ruby BakeNeko
Summary: Nigel is at a bar, looking for someone to pick up. He meets Will, a man who is both antagonistic and irresistible. Unbeknownst to Nigel, he looks a lot like someone Will knows.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Nigel
DogsDogs (Will x Nigel)
Putting the Pieces Back Together by vix-spex
Summary: A year ago, Lucas built a new life for himself away from Denmark. The start of the new school year brings him something that he hadn't realised he wanted.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lucas, Joe Connor
Of magic and love by FhimeChan
Summary: A normal wednesday afternoon in the life of Char and Draco. Since they live in an enchanted kingdom, how can a day pass without a magical emergency?
No Archive Warnings Apply
Charmont, Draco
Clash Enchanted
A fleeting taste of freedom by hchannibloom (bleepin_ufo)
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, Hannibal and Alana are left alone. They decide to take a few precious moments of freedom.
Major Character Death
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom
Death and Time by FrostyLee
Summary: Talks of teacups and time were over, now there needs to be talks of death and time.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Lee Fallon, Tobias Budge, Cathy Jamison
Hannibal Lecter/Lee Fallon
Thunder Follows Lightning by QueenofLit
Summary: Gideon is speaking words his soul knows. Instead of moving to speak of Alana Bloom, however, he mentions Garret Jacob Hobbs. Will's life shatters to pieces as the waves rear up in response to the ferocity of lightning's strike, but warm hands lead him up and away to safety in the clouds of the storm. He can hear the thunder of an oncoming storm, and it is soothing to know that the lightning will never leave him.
No Archive Warnings Apply, Dubious consent
Will Graham, Abel Gideon
Will Graham/Abel Gideon
stay with me under these waves tonight by MargaretKire
Summary: Elias responds to a desperate mayday during a storm. He finds a ship-wrecked Adam.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Adam Towers, Elias
Basic Chickens
Ghosts of the past by hchannibloom
Summary: After the events at the Verger Estate, Alana reflects on her relationship with Hannibal.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Map of the Problematique by 11Mydesign11, Destinyawakened and Identically_Different
Summary: Lucas is on the hunt for a new life in California, what he doesn't expect to find is an Omega who pulls so hard at his heartstrings that he can't live without him, even through the ups and downs, and the trials of trust.
Major Character Death, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Lee Fallon, Lucas
Better Things by whatkindofcrazy
No Archive Warnings Apply
Tonny, Roberto Bellini
Craving by hannibalsbattlebot
Summary: "You realize those candidates thought we were having an affair. Why didn't we?" "You were already having an affair." This fic assumes that the affair Hannibal was already having was with Donald Suttcliffe. It explores a possible past which may have lead to them working together to deceive Will Graham about his encephalitis. Donald Suttcliffe and Hannibal Lecter meet in medical school and have a long tangled relationship which leads them to the scene in Suttcliffe's office in Buffet Froid
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Donald Sutcliffe
Hannibal Lecter/Donald Sutcliffe
Pumpkin Spice by Llewcie
Summary: Le Chiffre is in need of a bodyguard. No, not that bodyguard.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Le Chiffre, Buddy Wittenborn
Royale Evening (Le Chiffre/Buddy)
Moonlight by starkaryen
Summary: Char decided to go on a little trip with the royal doctor, Johann.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Johann Struensee, Charmont
Charmont/Johann Struensee
Leaf Piles by Llewcie
Summary: Lucas takes his new dog for a walk. She's not as good on a leash as she could be, and she gets away from him, right into his cute neighbour's newly raked leaf piles.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lucas, Joe Connor
#Hannictober: Pumpkin Spice by shiphitsthefan
Summary: #Hannictober: Pumpkin Spice [Bedelia/Will/Hannibal college AU]
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier
Bedannigram (Bedelia x Will x Hannibal)
Luck Against Wisdom by creepypastaprimavera
Summary: When her son asks for a bedtime story, Alana adapts a Jewish folktale to tell the story of how she met Margot.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Alana Bloom, Margot Verger
Pile of Leaves by shiphitsthefan
Summary: Bedelia/Will/Hannibal college/dancer AU
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Bedelia du Maurier
Bedannibal, Willdelia, Bedannigram
35 notes · View notes
nationallampoon · 7 years
Tripping Balls with the Founding Fathers
Many observers of President Donald J. Trump believe he is crazy. That he has some bats in the belfry. How did Trump become so narcissistic? So delusional? When did reality begin to slip from his grasp? How in the balls did he not change that absurd hairdo over the years?
All valid questions. Journalists and biographers have noted that Trump was born rich and raised privileged, never receiving an understanding of how common life operates. That he has surrounded himself with sycophantic yes-men his whole professional career that have only told him what he wants to hear, therefore tilting reality. That he is the greatest living example of the Dunning-Kruger effect; a psychological disorder where one assesses their abilities and intelligence much higher than what is accurate. All that is true, but there’s another, more influential factor that hardly anyone outside of Trump’s inner circle knows about.
National Lampoon has spent the last seven months confirming the details of this new bombshell revelation. For the following shocking information, we have traded to various sources, three million dollars cash, a rare Les Paul guitar that I stole from Slash at the Whiskey a Go Go in 2002, a box of John Belushi memorabilia, a Honus Wagner T206 baseball card, and two intern’s lives. They are missed. By their families.
What our exhaustive investigation has confirmed is that since 1987 Donald Trump has been a habitual user of the exotic psychoactive drug ibogaine. Every month an unmarked private airplane flies in an ibogaine supply from the Republic of Congo or Burundi.
Thirty years of regular ibogaine use has scrambled Donald Trump’s already-addled mind. This has begun to explain his erratic and strange behavior. As well as his bizarre speech patterns. Trump believes he is smart and informed. He believes he’s still handsome and in shape, not a tubby sack of goo. He thinks his hair is acceptable for a human being. All because of the longterm effects of ibogaine abuse.
With this startling revelation made public, National Lampoon presents to you, faithful reader, our next report from Washington D.C.
Be sound,
Read Episode 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Meanwhile, in Donald Trump’s White House…Episode 7
  The hallucinogenic drug is sandwiched between two Chicken McNuggets. A sort of fast-food/narcotics Oreo. This is how President Donald Trump has been self-administering ibogaine for thirty years.
The bark from the iboga root smuggled to the White House from Burundi has been scraped into a mortar and ground with a pestle into a greenish mush. The President then begins layering: chicken nugget, highly potent ibogaine paste, chicken nugget. Within an hour, a 20 piece McNugget is devoured with the entire bowl of ibogaine. All washed down with a Diet Coke.
An hour later, at 1:45 am in the Treaty Room, after six hours of watching television, President Trump has begun to hallucinate. The first image he sees is his father. A hatrack in a corner of the room has a bowler hat on top, forgotten and left behind by trusted longtime advisor Roger Stone. As the President fades into higher consciousness, as if it were a character in Beauty and the Beast, the hatrack smoothly transforms into Fred Trump, bowler hat on top of his head. His three piece suit’s lapel is accompanied by a red and white “Blood Drop” button from the Ku Klux Klan.
“Dad? Is that you? It’s me, Donny.”
“Hello son. How’s everything going?”
“Dad, I’m doing great. Tremendous. You’d love it. Love me. You’d love me. Do you love me?”
Fred Trump furrows his brow and says, “You’re doing okay, son, but I don’t like how uppity the darkies are getting. Those town hall meetings are a problem. Why are women allowed to speak in those? Those marches are a problem.”
The President of the United States starts peeling off his baggy suit as he says, “Dad, don’t worry, we have all kinds of people, great people, the best, working on voter suppression all across America. It’s going great. You’ll love me. Uh, dammit … you’ll love the voter suppression thing. And me. I think. Please.”
As he finishes that sentence, President Trump has stripped down to his white Fruit of the Loom briefs and navy blue socks.
Fred Trump says, “Son, I’ve been thinking. I think you should reach out to some of your peers for feedback on how the presidency is coming along.”
“Where should I go to do that, dad?” the President asks.
“There’s only one place that has all your equals gathered in one spot. I think you know where. Now shag ass and get out of here. Remember, blood and soil, son.”
Fred Trump dematerializes into smoke and is gone.
President Trump, in his tighty-whities, passionately hugs the hatrack in the corner of of the Treaty Room. “Thank you, dad.”
At 3:07 am, President Trump has donned the outfit he always wears as he trips on ibogaine. His white Fruit of the Loom briefs, leather Birkenstock sandals with socks, and a lion’s head cape. The full hide of a male African lion is draped over the shoulders of the President. The front paws of the beast are around Trump’s neck and tied together like how a preppy douchebag would wear a teal Izod sweater to the country club in 1984. The jaws of the lion cover his, uh … distinctive hairstyle.
A couple floors below the Treaty Room a Secret Service agent finishes a phone call with President Trump and tells his coworkers, “Bird’s Nest is hopped up on that weird iguana-root-whatever-the-hell-it-is stuff again tonight. He wants to go to the National Gallery. Bring an unmarked car around. We’ll sneak him out the North Portico.”
The President of the United States stumbles down the hallway of the second floor of the White House, past the Lincoln Bedroom, in his underpants and lion’s head cape. The ibogaine has fully kicked in now. From above, the crystal chandelier morphs into a silver octopus, its tentacles reach down and caress Trump’s orange-tinted cheek.
“Thissss wayyyy to your carrrr, sirrrr,” the octopus hisses, and points a tentacle towards the elevator.
Two Secret Service agents emerge from that elevator to grab the President by the elbows and lead him to the driveway outside the North Portico. Once it is made sure nobody is around to witness the President in his current state, Trump is hustled into the backseat of an unmarked black Cadillac CTS-V.
In the dead of night, it only takes seven minutes to travel from the White House to the National Portrait Gallery. Along the short journey, Trump stares out the window of the Cadillac and remarks to the Secret Service agents in the car that “Those green trees outside are fuckin good dancers.”
Once at the Gallery, the Secret Service usher President Trump inside, bring him up to the second floor, close the doors, and post two armed agents at every possible entrance or exit.
The National Gallery’s floors are covered in crimson carpet. Ivory-colored walls. President Trump walks down one of the corridors, studying his left hand, waving it in front of his face. His fingers have become a crude but colorful hand turkey. Like what a kindergartner would trace and draw just before Thanksgiving. As Trump waggles his feather-fingers and giggles, the portrait of George Washington turns his head, watching Trump shuffle by.
The painting of Washington turns his head the other way, towards Thomas Jefferson’s portrait. Washington says aloud, “Tom. Tom! Wake up. We have a visitor.”
The portrait of Thomas Jefferson rolls his eyes and says, “Oh for heaven’s sake. What the blazes is he doing here? Attention, gentleman! All Presidents! Everybody up and pay attention! Like it or not—” Jefferson’s voice dips a few octaves, “Trump is here.”
The paintings in the gallery come to life, stretching their arms, cracking their necks. John Adams slaps himself in the face a few times trying to come to.
Lyndon Johnson spits a green loogie onto the crimson carpet and farts loudly.
Ronald Reagan is the only President that stays asleep. He never wakes the rest of the evening, snoring softly, dreaming of horsies.
The crest of the ibogaine high has hit President Trump. To his eyes, his hands now look like campfires, orange and yellow flickering flames, and his feet are steelhead salmon. Trump stands in front of George Washington and says, “Which one are you?”
“I’m George Washington, Donald. I started all this.”
“Right. Right. I knew that. I predicted you’d be the first I talked to. Back to last week I said it. Ask anyone. Everyone knows that.”
Washington sighs. “Uh huh. I have a question for you.”
“Yes. Yes. I answer all questions,” Trump says.
“We don’t understand your hair. Would you like to borrow my wig?”
The Presidents on the second floor of the National Portrait Gallery burst into laughter. Calvin Coolidge snorts twice as he laughs.
Even tripping balls, even off his tits, Trump is as thin-skinned and overly sensitive as a spoiled 15-year-old girl forced to wear a secondhand gown to a debutante ball. “How dare you, you motherfu—“
“Whoa nelly! Easy, son!” cries out Teddy Roosevelt’s painting. “Come over here, boy.”
Trumps limps over to Teddy Roosevelt, nearly tripping into the painting of Ulysses S. Grant in the process. “Watch it, you Neanderthal flapdoodle!” Grant yells.
Inside his portrait frame, the great hunter Roosevelt points to President Trump’s lion’s head cape. “What in holy hell is that?” he asks.
Trump proudly says, “Lion cape! Modeled after the great Emperor Commodus’ cape! Great leader. Strong leader. Little crazy, maybe, murdered a lot of people, but you have to say he was a strong leader.”
“Look at that puny lion!” Roosevelt roars, laughing from his belly. “You’re like a little old lady with a house cat!”
In three seconds, Trump goes from strutting peacock to head-burying ostrich.
Teddy continued. “It was nineteen-aught-nine, my boy, and I led the Smithsonian–Roosevelt African Expedition. Mombasa, British East Africa — what you call Kenya — and some other far off African locales. Perhaps some where that intoxicant you are currently receiving the benefits of originated from.” Teddy knew about the ibogaine.
Most of the the of Presidents in the Portrait Gallery are rolling their eyes and yawning, knowing the longwinded former President may not stop talking for a while. Theodore Roosevelt is not known for brevity. This is a man who once delivered a fifty page speech with an assassin’s bullet lodged in his chest.
Teddy continued. “Seventeen lions, my boy! That’s what I bagged personally. And sixteen of the beasts were larger than that bobcat wrapped around your fat turkey neck! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!”
Intently listening to this exchange is Abraham Lincoln, who is waiting patiently in his picture frame, scraping underneath his fingernails with a pocketknife. Lincoln begins softly whistling “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”
Drawn to the music, President Trump begins stumbling over to the portrait of our 16th Commander in Chief. He watches his steelhead salmon feet flopping across the crimson carpet that now appears to be flowing lava.
Passing Thomas Jefferson’s painting, Trump pretends not to hear Jefferson say, “You are a cockered, motley-minded, maggot-pie. The vast chasm that is your ignorance is shocking. And your hair is stupid.”
Trump stands in front of Lincoln’s framed portrait. He raises a hand with fingers that now look like purple slugs, their small tentacles twitching, towards Lincoln, wanting to touch who he just found out was a Republican.
“Do not put your hands on my frame, Mr. President, its an antique.”
“You called me Mr. President. President Lincoln, you’re the one in here that respects me. I’m doing a great job as President. A lot of people are saying the best job since you.”
“Who are these people?” Lincoln asks.
“Everyone is saying it.”
For someone who speaks fluent hyperbole, but limited English, Trump struggles to find the answer to Lincoln’s simple question.
“Who says you are doing a great job, Donald?”
Trump finally stammers out, “Some people, great people, loyal people, on, uh … Fox News.”
Lincoln’s craggy face slowly moves into a smile. Then a chuckle. Then a hearty laugh. He is then joined by thirty-eight dead Presidents of the United States in laughter. Reagan still hasn’t stirred.
Lincoln says, “That’s hilarious, Mr. President. That Fox place is bringing hypocrisy to new levels of amazement. Donald, you haven’t achieved anything. Nothing. You are a stain on this hallowed office. And the dumbest individual to ever step foot in the White House.”
This statement is met with various cries of “Hear, hear!” and “Well said!” and “Amen!” from around the gallery.
“President Lincoln, ple—“
“Let me tell you something, Donald,” Lincoln went on, America stands alone on this, our Heavenly Father’s Earth. All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge Mountains in a trial of a thousand years. I said that a long time ago. With you at the helm, Donald, I no longer believe it.”
The ibogaine is beginning to wear off. President Trump’s trip is winding down. He stands, in the National Portrait Gallery in his underpants, weeping.
Lincoln had one more jab left. “Donald! Don’t know the manners of good society, eh? Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old boy — you sockdologizing old truth-trap! It’s a shame, Mr. President, that you have no idea how funny that is.”
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  Illustration by Mikey B. Martinez III
Read Episode 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Tripping Balls with the Founding Fathers was originally published on National Lampoon | The Humor Magazine Est 1970
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sandiegodjstaci · 5 years
Karla & Brandon's Bali Hai Wedding Rager
Karla & Brandon's Bali Hai Wedding Rager
Of all the San Diego wedding DJs calling America’s finest city home, Karla & Brandon  chose me to DJ and MC their Bali Hai wedding (South Pacific Room) on  June 15, 2019. The following write-up is based on San Diego DJ Staci’s crazy organized & detailed outline for this Bali Hai Restaurant wedding.
Prelude ➔ Piano, Vitamin String Quartet Processional ➔ Latch by Simply Three Bride
Processional ➔ “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” by Haley Reinhart
Recessional ➔ Brighter Than The Sun by Colbie Caillat (cue to 30 seconds/first chorus)
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
While San Diego DJ Staci offers couples pre-set cocktail & dinner playlists to choose from, Karla & Brandon opted to hand-select their background music for their Bali Hai restaurant wedding.
Cocktail Music ➔ Forever – Chris Brown, Everything – Michael Buble, Benny And The JetsElton John, L-O-V-E – Nat King Cole, Feel It Still – Portugal, The Man, I Do – Colbie Caillat, Africa – Toto, Sweet Home Chicago –Blues Brothers, Ob La Di – The Beatles, Hurts So Good– John Mellencamp, Wouldn’t It Be Nice – The Beach Boys, The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson, Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations, Sweet Child O’Mine – Guns N Roses, We Are Young – Fun, You Can’t Hurry Love – Phil Collins, Run-Around – Blues Travelers, Saturday In The Park – Chicago, Let’s Stay Together – Al Green
Dinner Music ➔ The Way I Am – Ingrid Michaelson, Cheek to Cheek – Fred Astaire, Feeling Good – Michael Buble, It Had To be You – Harry Connick Jr, The Way You Look Tonight – Frank Sinatra, Shh Boom – The Crew Cuts, Because You Loved Me – Celine Dion, Singin’ In The Rain – Gene Kelly, When I Fall In Love – Nat King Cole, Tiny Dancer – Elton John, Sea  Of Love – Cat Power, That’s Amore – Dean Martin, The Luckiest – Ben Folds, Somewhere Beyond The Sea – Bobby Darin, Fade Into You – Scarlett O’Connor & Gunnar Scott, Roses And Violets – Alexander Jean, Unforgettable – Nat King Cole, Fly Me To The Moon / Lucky – Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat, In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel, Iris – Goo Goo Dolls, Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You – Frankie Valli, My Kind of Town (Chicago Is) – Frank Sinatra
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
MC Welcome ➔ Good evening! Welcome to Karla & Brandon  wedding reception!!! I am the  Master of Ceremonies, DJ Staci. Please take your seats so we can officially welcome our  guests of honor. Be sure to post your photos today with #MatchMadeInSabin. If you need to charge your devices, I do have a mini charging station up here including some universal  chargers. Let&  also take a minute to acknowledge a few noteworthy guests today. If you have traveled here from out of state, let me hear you. Out of the country? Quien esta aqui de afuera los estados unidos hoy?”
“Tonight I’m going to be sharing a lot of stories about Karla & Brandon with you. To get rolling,  lets tackle the first & I love you.& About 8 months after they had started dating, Karla & Brandon were chilling in his kitchen. There may have been a bottle of wine involved. Brandon suddenly said those three little words…Karla was overjoyed & she said them back.”
“Buenas tardes! Bienvenidos a la recepción de la boda de Daniela y Brandon! Yo soy la Maestra de Ceremonias, DJ Staci. Por favor tomen asiento para darle la bienvenida oficialmente a nuestros invitados de honor.”
“Ladies & gentlemen, put your hands together for the introduction of the wedding party!!!”
Grand Entrance
1. Mighty Wings – Cheap Trick ➔ “Brandon met him in 2010 while playing ice hockey and, to this day, this groomsman still can  &  handle a puck to save his life. Karla met this bridesmaid when they both attended SDSU…and Karla still can & decide whether she is more beautiful on  the inside or the outside. Give it up for Groomsman/Padrino Will & Bridesmaid/Dama Gaby!!!”
2. Danger Zone – Kenny Loggins ➔ “Brandon met this groomsman at Navy boot camp in 2013. He is known on the golf course as & Shank-Opotamus  &  and has yet to beat Brandon in a single round. Karla met this bridesmaid during their first year of high school. They were later roommates in college. Aztecs for life! She would still be in California if Joe had not stolen her away! Show some love to Groomsman/Padrino Alex & Bridesmaid/Dama Laura!!!”
3. Walking on sunshine – Katrina & The Waves ➔ “This groomsman met Brandon during his first year in the Navy. They were roommates together for two years in Washington D.C.  Brandon has never beaten him on the golf course. Several years ago, this bridesmaid was looking for a roommate on Craigslist–yep–and found her soul twin, Karla. Please welcome  Groomsman/Padrino Zach &  Bridesmaid/Dama Ny-Vee!!!”
4. Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars ➔  “Brandon met him many years ago while playing ice hockey. We”ll see if he can dance tonight, considering he shattered his what bone 4 months ago. Karla is proudly related to the next bridesmaid. She is a total bad ass, a world traveler, a star dancer and she just got accepted into Georgetown University for a Masters in Nursing! Brace yourself Washington, D.C.! Give it up for Groomsman/Padrino Branden & Bridesmaid/Dama Melissa!!!”
5. Shut up and Dance – Walk the Moon ➔ “He   the groom go back 26 years and share the same parents—oh snap! Brandon taught him how to skate, golf, and be awesome. Karla and this bridesmaid have been friends since high school. She has a country soul with a city girl drive. From LA to New York to Michigan, their friendship will be strong no matter where they go. Show some love to Groomsman/Padrino Ryan and Bridesmaid/Dama Bianca!!!”
6. Macarena – Bayside Boys Remix ➔ “Brandon met the Best Man his first year of hockey. Initially, he didn  &  like Brandon, in fact, he probably still doesn  & but all it took was a case of bud light to get him to be the Best Man today. Karla and the Maid of Honor share the same dad, but they became true sisters in 2013. They are forever opposites but forever inseparable. Please welcome Best Man/Padrino Tory & Maid of Honor/Dama de Honor Dulce!!!”
➔ Best day of my life – American Authors ➔ “They met in February of 2016. Together they enjoy drinking wine & spoiling their fur baby, Odin. She puts up with his golf &  hockey. He puts up with her inability to sit still and never ending trips. She’s confident that Brandon will one day be bilingual. For their honeymoon, they are planning a cruise around Europe. Ladies &  gentlemen, damas y caballeros, get on your feet, ponganse de pie, to welcome, por la primera vez—for the FIRST   TIME   EVER—Mr. and Mrs. S—-!!!”
➔ First Dance ➔ Come Kiss Me – Tryon ➔ fade early: at the 2:40 ➔ On July 8, 2017, Brandon & Karla were at a winery in Traverse City, overlooking Lake Michigan. They were spending a lovely day at the winery, and Brandon had mentioned that he had a gift for her but had forgotten it. Later that afternoon, Brandon asked a waiter to snap a photo of them. As they were posing for the photo, Brandon said, & Remember I had a gift for you? & and he pulled a ring box out of his pocket. The waiter snapped the pic as Brandon asked her a very important question. I think we know how she answered because we are about to Mr. and Mrs. S—– to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Y ahora recibamos al Senor y la Senora S—- en la pista para su primer baile como marido y mujer.”
➔ Newlywed Brief Welcome/Thank You Speech ➔ “And now a few words from the bride & groom. Y ahora algunas palabras de los novios.”
➔ Dinner Blessing ➔ “Now lets & welcome the mother of the bride, Maricela, who will give a dinner blessing. Y ahora la mama de la novia, Maricela, va a dar un bendicion sobre la cena.” 7:30 pm
7:45 / 8:00 +/- PM ➔ Shoe Game ➔  “Ladies &  gentlemen, I hope you are enjoying your meals. Right now, Brandon &  Karla are going to play a sort of Newlywed Game…they will sit back-to-back on the dance floor, each holding one of their own shoes & one of the other  person & shoes. I will ask them some questions, like & Who is taller? & and they would both presumably hold up Brandon’s shoe.”
“Brandon y Daniela van a jugar un juego para los recién casados. Cada uno va a tener un zapato suyo y el otro un zapato del otro. Voy a prejuntarles cosas como,& Quién es más alto & y los dos levantar el zapato de Brandon…porque el es mas alto.”
“Ready? Listos?”
Who has the craziest family? Quien tiene la familia mas loca?
Who is the biggest baby when they get sick? Quien es un llorona cuando se enferma?
Who loves Odin more? Quien quiere mas a Odin?
Who is most likely to eat their dessert first? Quien es mas probable a comer su postre primero?  Who is the safest driver? Quien maneja lo mas seguro?
Who is most argumentative? A quien le gusta pelear mas?
Who apologizes first after an argument? Quien dice una disculpa primera despues un argumento?
Who is in charge of the remote control? Quien esta en cargado de el control por la television?
Who is a better dancer? Quien es el mejor bailador?
Quien probablemente no entiende esta prejunta?
Toasts ➔ champagne ➔  Ladies & gentlemen, I hope you are enjoying your meals. May I  have your attention please for the toasts. Damas y caballeros, Me permiten su atención por favor para el brindis? Welcome our first speaker… Recibamos a nuestra primera oradora:”
➔ Maid of Honor, Dama de Honor, Dulce
➔ Best Man, Padrino, Tory
➔  Father-Daughter Dance ➔ “My Wish” Rascal Flatts ➔ fade early: yes ➔ “Now lets welcome Karla and her dad, Bernardo, to the dance floor. Y ahora recibamos a Daniela y su papa, Bernardo, a la pista para un baile especial.”
➔ Mother-Son Dance ➔ “Mother Like Mine,” The Band Perry ➔ fade early: yes ➔ “Brandon says:  I could always talk to my mom about anything. She was always there to hear me, no matter what I had to say. She was the anchor of our family that, still to this day, holds everything together. I admire her love for family and that there is always a place in her home for a good laugh or an occasional cry. Now lets  welcome Brandon & his mother, Melanie, to the dance floor to share a special dance. Y ahora recibamos a Brandon y su madre, Melanie, a la pista.”
➔ Group Photo on Dance Floor
➔ Open Dancing
9:30 +/- ➔ Garter Removal/Liga ➔ “Rico Suave,” Gerardo
➔ Garter Toss/Liga ➔ “Bad Boys  Cops Theme; Inner Circle ➔ Braveheart Quote: yes
➔ Bouquet Toss/Rama ➔ “Labels or Love” Fergie
➔ Vibora de la Mar ➔ Al La Vibora de la Mar, Grupo I ➔  Now were going to do a Mexican wedding tradition, known in English as the Snake of the Sea. I need all the men in the room to line up on the dance floor. If this is your first time doing this, hold on to your hats because you in for a wild ride! Ahora la Vibora de la Mar!”
➔ Money Dance/Baile de Billete ➔ regular dance music, pass out the glowsticks ➔ & Please join us on the dance floor for the Money Dance. This is another Mexican wedding tradition where guests pay to dance with tonight’s guests of honor. Ahora el baile de billete con musica moderna.”
11:25 PM ➔  Last Dance
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
Dance Music Rating ➔ PG-13 early on then some R/X-rated as it gets later
Priority During Dancing ➔ maximum dancing/use my expertise to read the crowd
50% English, 50% Spanish
Play A Lot – Top 40/Pop, 80s, 90s, 2000s, Hip Hop/RB, Electronic Dance Music Cumbias, Salsa
Play A Few – Oldies, 70s/Classic Rock, Motown/Funk, Slow Dances Banda, Merengue, Rock en Espanol, Zapateados, Nortenos, Bachata, Reggaeton, Corridos
♥ M U S T – P L A Y S ♥
Danza Kuduro Don Omar, Amor prohibido by Selena, La Flor by Selena, La Chona Los Tucanes, Caballo Dorado Line Dance, Cha Cha Slide Line Dance, Cupid Shuffle Line Dance, “1999” Prince, Shout- Isley Bros
♥ P L A Y   I F   Y O U   C A N ♥
El Coco No Roberto Junior, Pasame La Botella By letra, Sonidito Banda MS, Vivir Mi Vida Marc Anthony, El Sinaloense Recodo, Mambo #5 Lou Vega, Despacito Justin Bieber version Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond, Se Me Olvido Otra Vez By Mana, LaPuerta Negra Los Tigres, “La Cintura” Alvaro Soler, “Livin &  la Vida Loca” Ricky Martin, “I Like It” Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull, “Party Rock Anthem” LMFAO, Suavemente Elvis Crespo, Inolvidable by Jenni Rivera, Si yo fuera lardon- el chapo slow dance, Ven Bailalo By Angel y Khriz
♥ D O  N O T   P L A Y S ♥
Rap, Big Band/Rat Pack, Trap, Tween/Childrens, heavy metal, rap, disco, country, kids/tween
Here is the amazing team of San Diego wedding vendors I had the pleasure of working with on this Bali Hai wedding (South Pacific Room):
Venue/Catering ➔ Bali Hai Restaurant
DJ/MC/Lighting ➔ DJ Staci, the Track Star
Band ➔ Francisco Astudillo from Tiku Records
Photographer/Videographer ➔ Jennie Edwards, Guided by Imagination
Cake Bakery ➔ Bride’s Mother
Florist ➔ DIY
Again, I was honored to be the one and only San Diego wedding DJ Karla & Brandon trusted with their Bali Hai restaurant wedding. Thank you!
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  Like DJ Staci's vibe? Stalk her wedding DJ services below! shshsh...
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anneedmonds · 6 years
Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Kids
Christmas Gift Guide for kids – a hell of a lot more enjoyable than compiling the men’s gift guide, I can tell you! Although sifting through the tonnes of plastic crap to find nice stuff is a bit of a mission – plastic pots of goo, plastic bags filled with plastic bricks, plastic balls inside plastic ball pits, I started to go a little bit plastic-phobic by the end of my research session…
So I’ve tried to avoid the worst of the plastic (though there were a couple of items that were necessarily plasticky, such as the camera) and I’ve also tried to include ideas for all budgets. As with the men’s guide, many of the things I’ve included are intended to be more of a springboard to other ideas – an introduction to a new brand, perhaps, or a suggestion for a certain type of toy or book.
You can never please everyone – if it’s handmade then sometimes it’s too expensive, if it’s cheap then sometimes it’s not eco-friendly, there are things with free delivery and things that are a pain to get delivered. Items you can buy instore and therefore touch and feel, items that are only online that are more of a punt…
But let’s get started shall we? As with the previous gift guides, please leave your own ideas and suggestions in the comments box below. There have been some great ones!
(links marked * are affiliate links, for more info see disclaimer below post)
These very sweet baby leggings are from lovely baby and kids’ store Jojo Mamam Bebe – £10 here*. I have a 15% discount code for Jojo (you will rarely find a code for them, so use it while you can!) – AMR82. It’s valid until the end of 2nd December. jojomamanbebe.co.uk*
I love this magnetic dress-up play set – £11.99 at Amazon here* and have to say that I have something of a soft spot for Scamp & Dude’s beautiful sweatshirt designs, stocked at Liberty here*.
Angelica and Ted have this plastic-free (just about!) Doctor’s set – at £35.60 it’s a lot pricier than many of the sets out there but the pieces are just lovely and they come back to them again and again. I absolutely think that wooden play sets – food, tools, etc – are worth the investment. Find this one from Le Toy Van here*.
More from Le Toy Van; this little tool bench with loads of tools to make noise with and scrape along your kitchen woodwork is £72 here*. And for the retro lovers amongst you, the Sonny Angel special edition Christmas series is out – figures are £7.95 at Retro Kids here.
I’ll be getting this Build a Beetle game for Ted and Angelica, even though Dexter the dog eats just about every single piece of every game we buy. It’s just £4.99 at Amazon here*. And the little wooden car is just gorgeous – I’ve considered buying it for the past couple of years so this is probably the moment! It’s a Budkins toy, £24.95 here*.
In fact, the reason I don’t have the car is that I bought this magnetic rocket instead – Angelica loved snapping the pieces together when she was smaller and, if I could find the bloody propeller, Ted would love doing the same now. It comes in different sizes, starting with the small which is £14 here*.
The cool dinosaur wall decoration is £10 from Sainsburys and the gorgeous rocket wall stickers, which cover quite an expanse of wall, are £45 here*.
Liberty’s pre-packed Christmas stockings are absolutely brilliant. They do a few different options, but each contains items worth far more than the sale price. This one is £75 here*. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is fast becoming a cult book buy – it’s £12.80 here* – and this amazing alligator scarf (I’m tempted to buy for myself) is £32 from Spotty Herberts here.
More space adventures with the wonderful Spaceman soft toy from Storklings – £15.99 here – and the PonyCycle, which is a ride-on toy pony that actually moves (sort of) like a pony is £189 at Amazon here* or £179 at Smyths. If you’ve never seen one in action before you have to go and watch the videos, it’s so brilliant!
Each Peach Pear Plum is a bedtime favourite in our house – the hardback is £5.40 here* and the cute wooden book cart is from excellent toy-makers GLTC, here.
These wooden circus skittles are quite dinky but perfect for tiny hands; £16.95 here*, and the Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different is another cult favourite, £17.99 here*.
The sleeping bag is a fabulous buy if you worry about the winter months and keeping your tiny ones warm; it’s a whopping 3.5 tog and has arms, so if you live in a freezing cold, old house then you know what to do… It’s £35 at Jojo Maman Bebe here* – remember you get 15% off with the code AMR82 until end of 2nd December.
More wood! We have this play food and it gets used every day, time after time – we also had some very cheap plastic stuff and that gets ignored, so I know which one was the sensible buy. This lot is by Melissa and Doug, £15 here*. The sweet little knitted socks are from Frugi, £6 here and the wall-hung advent calendar is a great idea. It can be used year after year and costs £14.99 at H&M here*.
Sorry, a bit of an indulgence; the wooden scooter from Janod is pricey but excellent. It’s actually a balance bike, not just a toddler ride-on, but surely must be the coolest balance bike around? It’s £102 here*.
We have the giraffe: it’s huge. Once we had managed to persuade the kids to stop trying to ride on it (I came in to find Angelica standing on a chair in an attempt to mount its back) it looked very splendid in its corner. Every day giraffe seems to wear a new hat/neckerchief/blanket; it’s the gift that keeps giving and would jazz up any nursery! It’s £67.99 here*.
The Christmas Liberty bib is a posh little gift for a new baby – £15 here*.
Another star buy from GLTC; the Sugar Cube play kitchen is solid, realistic and one of the most attractive toy kitchens I’ve seen. It’s £88 here. This dino lamp from A Lovely Little Company (they do so many gorgeous little lights) is £13 here*.
The Crazy Faces magnetic game is by Janod, £16.95 here* and the camera is one I’m looking to buy Angelica. I’m just finishing off my research because the VTech gets good reviews too, but that one needs 4AA batteries and batteries are the bane of my life. This one by UpGrow, costs £31.99 and has a rechargeable battery. Sounds great to me… It’s here*.
The excellent Snurk duvet set is more than a little pricey, but if you’re after novelty linen then this is the brand to turn to; find it here* online.
Here’s an idea; zone off part of a bedroom (even a living room or study) to create an instant reading nook or hideaway. There’s something incredibly romantic about canopies like this – I’d like one myself! This linen one is £79.99 at H&M here*.
Peter Rabbit looks as though he’s about to be treated in unspeakable ways, here – why’s he bent over double and strapped to two poles? The mind boggles. £15.95 here*.
  I love this Red Riding Hood hand puppet set, £19.99 here*, and this wonderful dolls house comes with everything except the figures. It’s £219 at Smallable here. The dino hand puppet is £7 at Sainsbury’s and Stick Man (such a good bedtime story!) is £4.61 at Amazon here*.
Lastly, we have the world’s best ever height chart (it’s a giant, solid oak ruler!), £255 here*, the baby version of the Liberty stocking (couldn’t resist featuring it twice) and the Little Mouse Finger Puppet Book, £4.99 here*.
Quite honestly I could keep on going for days, with this, but I have to do some actual Christmas shopping for myself and I think – hope – that there’s enough here to give you some good ideas. I’ll let you know what I decide with the toddler camera…
  The post Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Kids appeared first on A Model Recommends.
Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Kids was first posted on December 1, 2018 at 9:46 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] Christmas Gift Guide 2018: For Kids published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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vntodaynews · 6 years
It seems to be a tough task for Vietnamese sport to achieve the set target of securing three gold medals at the upcoming Asian Games (Asiad) in Indonesia. Nonetheless, the performances and the achievements of Vietnamese athletes in the first six months of the year are sparking a belief in the dream coming true.
Cyclist Nguyen Thi That finishes third at the one-day women’s GP Sofie Goos 2018 in Belgium
Impressive accomplishments According to statistics, Vietnamese sport has collected a total of 172 gold, 114 silver and 88 bronze medals in the first half of 2018, including 16 golds, 21 silvers and 21 bronzes at the world level; 54 golds, 39 silvers and 43 bronzes at the Asian level; 80 golds, 47 silvers and 18 bronzes at the Southeast Asian level; and 22 golds, seven silvers and six bronzes in other international competitions. Some of those gold medals reflect the athlete’s significant progress in terms of quality, such as the World Cup gold medals won by gymnasts Le Thanh Tung and Dinh Phuong Thanh, long jumper Bui Thi Thu Thao’s supreme finish at the Asian Indoor Gymnastics Championships, the gold medal for Nguyen Thi That at the Asian Cycling Championships, and taekwondo artist Tran Tien Khoa with one gold and one silver medal at the Asian championships. Notably, some young athletes have performed impressively, including the Asian gold medalist Vu Thi Ngoc Ha (track and field), the world youth champion Ho Thi Kim Ngan (taekwondo), and 14-year-old weightlifter Do Tu Tung, who smashed all the three gold medals of the 50kg weight category, breaking the world junior record and being voted the most valuable athlete at the Asian Junior and Youth Championships. So far, Vietnamese sport has booked six places in the Youth Olympic Games in Argentina, with Ho Thi Kim Ngan (taekwondo), Pham Nhu Phuong and Nguyen Van Khanh Phong (gymnastics), Nguyen Hai Dang and Vu Thi Anh Thu (badminton), and a yet-to-be-decided weightlifter. These exceptional results give home fans the belief that Vietnamese sport will have a successful Asiad in Indonesia this August. Besides, positive signals have also come from the achievement indicators of the country’s popular athletes, such as swimmer Nguyen Thi Anh Vien, weightlifter Thach Kim Tuan and shooter Hoang Xuan Vinh. Most recently, in mid-July, Vietnamese cyclist Nguyen Thi That finished in third place at the one-day women’s GP Sofie Goos 2018 in Belgium, which added 25 bonus points to her international rating and lifted her to 34th position in the International Cycling Union (UCI)’s rankings, making That the highest ranked Asian in the world. A target of three gold medals assigned to 11 teams According to Vuong Bich Thang, General Director of the Department for Sports and Physical Training, in order to realise the target of winning three Asiad gold medals in 2018, the leaders of the sport sector have assigned the medal-winning tasks to 11 national teams, including track and field, swimming, weightlifting, gymnastics, shooting, sepak takraw, cycling, fencing, and some martial arts, such as pencak silat, karate, and taekwondo. Thang said that “Vietnamese athletes are quite capable of competing for Asiad medals, even gold medals. Although it is not easy to fulfill the set target, what’s important for managers now is to focus the best resources on key athletes.” Sharing the same viewpoint, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Nguyen Ngoc Thien, emphasised that “with the 2018 Asiad coming very close, it is necessary for the national sport training centres to strengthen their management and ensure the needed conditions, in terms of infrastructure, equipment, and healthcare, for athletes.” Remembering the 17th Asiad four years ago, Vietnamese sport won a total of 36 medals, including 10 silvers, 25 bronzes and only one gold medal, which belonged to Hanoi’s wushu artist Duong Thuy Vi (Taolu event). This statistics show the tough competition in the Asiad arena, and the difficulty for Vietnam’s three-gold outlook in this year’s Games to come true. In order to complete the set tasks, Vietnamese sport will place expectations on changing the colour of medals, with hopes pinned on the 2014 Asiad medalists who are still in good form at present, namely cyclist Nguyen Thi That (silver medal), weightlifter Thach Kim Tuan (silver medal), long jumper Bui Thi Thu Thao (silver medal). As for martial arts, the chance for gold medals remains for Vietnamese fighters, but it still depends on many factors, including the unknowns from the Chinese, Japanese and Republic of Korea opponents. Whatever the result, Vietnamese sport has made a long-term preparation process for the continent’s largest sporting arena, and is reaping positive rewards with such a continuous investment process. With the 2018 Asiad only a month away, what’s important is that focus be put on completing the competition techniques and tactics for athletes and avoiding unexpected injuries. Particularly, psychological therapies need to be taken to help athletes to stabilise their mentalities before G hour.
dtinews sports
The post Golden hopes of Vietnamese sport at Asian Games 2018 appeared first on VNtoday news.
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kyleschutt532-blog · 7 years
Inside 21 Royal, Disneyland's New Hidden Dinner Adventure That Costs $15,000.
Le Dîner en Blanc is actually the planet's alice999-fitblog.info largest viral activity, a scrumptious crossbreed from excursion as well as pop-up enigma tour. Dinner can happen prior to or after the outdoor tasks, and also can be one thing as straightforward as pizza in the home. Many guys opt for the typical dinner jacket but why not liven points up by opting for the 'Rat Stuff' appeal. The supper cafeteria can be quite full particularly during Friday and also Sunday evening! Nourishment blogger Goo Dae-yeong, the fourth year professional, Bae Soo-ji on one dinner each day diet plan, which sees him as an adversary, and also the vegetarian government laborer, 'Lee Sang-charm'. You can easily cook all of them as you would dinner rolls but if you would such as prickly roll like true Kaiser Rolls, follow the direction for cooking breads in a balmy stove. I sure do love dark pearls. they were the very first type pearls I loved on our trip to Kauai many years back. The Washington County Sheriff's Workplace published a details on the main door from the Old General post office advising the dining establishment owners to remove their belongings coming from the structure no behind June 3. They skipped that deadline. A number of our company are actually effectively acquainted with perfect suggestions to turn an old house into wonderfully brand-new one along with motivational makeover concepts; a lot of are those that don't also understand the difference in between numerous improvement resources. There are actually many Mike's Home kitchen's scattered throughout Johannesburg, but if you are possessing supper with your little ones, the branch at Heathway Facility in Cresta is actually the one to visit. As you walk in the, the explanation is actually noticeable. What else you'll should serve dinner: Sarah encourages new homemade coleslaw and pieces of pineapple. Baseding upon National Bistro Affiliation 2015 bistro field foresight, 70% from Americans prefer that dining establishments would certainly assist morning meal all day. I will certainly not be joining the White Property Correspondents' Organization Dinner this year. The turnover appears high for the supper surge therefore nothing was actually remaining on the vapor tables for a number of years. In Middle ages literary works, the white knight often worked with merit, the dark knight something unexplainable and sinister. Federal authorities launched the inquiry days after the dinner meeting was first stated due to the Commercial Publication. In the beginning rather controlled yet along with air this opened up excellent, with details from rasberries, rowanberries, dried out licorice, forest floor, cherry goodie and also outdated natural leather.
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