madame-vera · 3 months
bit of a strange one today, but tell me about a signature dish that your OCs make! Is it a family recipe? Something they make when they’re sad? Stressed? And for people with original universes this is a chance for you to infodump and/or flesh out the cuisine of your world!
👀👀👀 oh i love this one! fun XD
Jjamppong (spicy korean/chinese seafood noodle soup) - she cooks it from scratch with the help of her partners family. Everything from the seafood stock to the spice mix to the sauces to the hand pulled noodles (La Mian) are all carefully prepared together. As such it's a rare meal for special occasions and when they really really feel like it. She makes is very spicy.
Her everyday signature dish is Capped Stew. It's a thick stew made with water, animal fat, mushrooms and whatever veges she happens to have available. She favours rabbit, sweet potato and ginger. It's called 'Capped' because she also steams a thick, naan-like, herby flat bread over the top of the pot while it cooks, like a bready headcap. Afterwards it's eaten as is or ripped and dropped into the stew like soup dumplings.
Makes a good curry rice, spicy and savoury rather than sweet. He makes good flavoured rice balls too.
Myra & Lillith
Myra makes a good curried beef soup. Lillith makes good stacked pancakes.
Silvaiarin & Lale
Silvaiarin is good at making shredded vegetable fritters, cheesy chicken bakes and skirt cakes (small friand like cakes, very fluffy, shaped like meringues). Lale is good at steamed stuffed seaweed, charcoaled handpies and Kilnsly balls (sticky dough balls, fried or baked, stacked for coating)
Celine & Filor
Their cooking experience is limited to military rations so I'd reconsider before eating anything they cook for you.
He does the best cupcakes ever. And individual cob loaves
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drfelici · 10 months
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So it happend, I really get to play Mikka as a PC soon since my cleric Barnabas died in the last session. I needed icons. One for regular days and one for these days.
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amarbell123 · 2 months
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Bone Spindle moodboard!
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So earlier today I introduced some of my WIPs to some new people, and I realised that many people might not be familiar with those two WIPs.
Kriya Petri: fantasy (with body horror & dystopian elements). Setting: A country called Fillor on a planet called Thuluke. In Fillor, to bind yourself to the one you love, you require a trinamate potion to seal the bond. 'Trinamate' is marriage (though that is a rather crude translation of the word). But to get a trinamate potion legally, the couple needs to be… acceptable. A man and a woman who plan to have at least one child. Yes, it's been 1000 years since the global apocalypse, but 'sufficient reproduction' is still a concern among the Filore people (plus it's a moral virtue for the Divine Monarchy, who reside on the cloudlands, with an iron grip on the institutes of Fillor). A potioneer wants to elope with their lover, but the pair is, let's just say, not acceptable. So what are they to do? The potioneer brews a trinamate potion on their own, finding the closely guarded methods & ingredients for the potion through who-knows-who, bunch of shady people. The potion explodes. The potioneer knows the punishment for something like this. They'll be condemned to Kaewoe (so will their lover, if anyone finds out), a realm so deep below the ground that it's close to the core of the planet. Kaewoe, where the mind & body are destroyed by the horribly high concentration of magic. Kaewoe, the names & lives & loves of all who enter it, all slowly turned to unknowledge. Good thing stealing identities is absurdly easy in Fillor! The potioneer wipes all memory of their crimes & love (or else the Thought magicians would know), flees to the city of Naebo. Their name is now Kriya Petri,
Welcome To The Real World: scifi, fantasy, surrealism, horror, tragedy
This one's in very early stages Inspired by Frankenstein Setting: The Great South Asian Rip in Reality, where physics (time & space both) is just completely twisted. The year is sometime in the 2070s. Sometimes it's the 2040s outside the Rip. Depends when/where you step out. Moh-maya, reality's very fabric & everything that keeps up the illusions that comprise reality, are very malleable in here. Main character: Kabir aka Moksh. A closeted Indian trans man who lives a double life, perhaps even a triple life. One in which he's a cis woman & a regular bright STEM student (STEM studies also include study of moh-maya). Another in which he's just some guy with good friends (the most authentic of his lives), where he goes by the name Kabir & uses moh-maya to present as his true self. If only temporarily. (it's painful, mentally & physically, whenever he has to revert to the female form). The third is some mad scientist bullshit, he's going by the name of Moksh among his fellow mad scientists & his main project is a moh-maya Frankenstein's monster that others can share their consciousness with, such that they can experience shape-shifting more easily & go where they physically aren't, do things they physically can't. Let's simply call it the 'entity'. Due to many reasons, creating this entity is pretty illegal. Hence the new name & collaboration with fellow shady people. the plot, put shortly: he starts doing vigilante justice w/the entity & then goes far & gets more & more consumed w/work & things go verrrrrrryyyyyy wrong despite starting with (dubious but) good intentions.
in this second one i neglected to mention the fact that you, as the reader, get front row tickets to the main character's spiral into madness & justifying murders thru the entity + the entity is a whole person & has opinions + a whole lot of other stuff, I DID mention that this WIP is in very early stages but holy fuck i could go on & on about it (just not in a way that can be packaged in a structured & sensible introduction)
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444names · 2 years
spanish forenames MINUS the letter "a"
Becion Becto Begio Behise Beleonito Belineope Belio Belis Belor Bencio Benes Benricobo Benricton Bentimel Bento Bercio Bergel Berique Berme Bermin Berne Berti Bertineope Berto Bertoboro Blietter Blonigo Brielion Brubel Cecio Cecto Cedebrio Celopolor Cencho Cenio Censolen Cepcid Cepcio Cesue Checin Chorgento Clodo Coledelio Coleto Colis Criberne Cricesth Crico Criette Debel Delipedon Delixto Deofido Desto Didordo Didro Dieves Dionsio Dionteo Disteo Doldesteo Domento Dordo Doren Edidio Edmundisen Edrey Eginigo Egiono Eldos Elerio Elicio Elino Elion Elito Eloro Elosegin Emeliolo Ementomiro Emicel Emiloro Emire Emirgido Enices Eniereiro Enilio Enisio Eniso Enito Enrid Entinho Erneo Esebel Espel Estor Eufedrio Eufel Eufeldo Eufer Euferque Eugel Eugelorto Eugermon Euguelito Euguildo Eugustelio Euleo Evericio Evesue Ezeque Ezequel Ezequi Ezequis Ezequiste Feder Felde Feleniste Feleopolfo Felette Felicide Felicio Feliloy Felin Felingelio Felio Felion Feliso Felito Femelio Femicon Ferces Feres Fergelio Fermiro Ferne Ferocio Fershu Fersuedomo Ferti Ferto Ficelio Ficio Ficis Fictor Fidion Fidre Filinillen Filisol Filleirgio Fillote Filor Filoro Flodidid Flodo Flomel Flons Flonsustor Flope Flore Florino Flote Floteo Frebore Frestelio Frico Friette Frito Frodo Frogen Fulilipe Fulio Fulixto Gelio Gelito Genios Gensildel Gerto Gidesto Gidiel Giliono Gillo Gingel Ginto Grego Grodo Groili Grondorego Guedee Guelin Guier Guildelio Guisolon Guncon Guste Gusteo Gusth Gustino Gusto Gustoli Hedonge Hemel Hippedio Hippelicon Hipol Horel Hugelourdo Humbecto Humbel Humber Iguel Ilixto Imons Ineste Inestino Iregidonto Isegusto Isildo Isimo Istilouros Ivico Ivion Iviteo Jimel Jimelilio Jimer Jimudio Jonido Jonsilito Jonso Joriton Joroge Jorote Josco Josego Josegusto Joserquel Joses Josus Julcobor Julen Juleon Juliolfo Julipe Julises Julito Juste Justh Keber Keberodo Kebor Ledes Leirodiso Lenciseope Lento Leodo Leodolfo Leonio Leons Leope Leriquildo Lerneodo Lernes Lerto Lesto Lesusto Letin Lette Letteon Liono Lipol Listeo Lorgiolen Loriquel Lorodo Lorodorid Lucel Lucences Lucenifin Lucesue Lucid Lucio Luciono Lucitebrut Luiede Luiercel Luildo Luildos Luilomigo Luistin Lundo Lundricin Lundro Lunitor Luper Luperes Luperey Melio Menzo Miguelio Milde Mintin Minto Mirens Modee Moildo Moisti Monigon Monio Monistin Monsimo Monsus Moteo Mudio Muncion Mundio Mundo Muricio Nerto Nespe Nicio Nicisto Nielio Nielo Nigus Nuelionti Oferio Oferto Ofidolfo Oloren Oresto Pielio Pilicio Pilio Pillorito Pions Pitolfo Purento Puricto Purio Purshu Reguel Renestin Renis Rente Reste Restin Ricio Riquel Robon Rodel Rodon Rodredro Rodro Rogel Rogeli Rogen Roildo Roillesul Roilo Roises Rolenes Rolourdo Rosesuste Rosue Rubens Rubentse Runcos Rundo Ruthi Rutomilbel Sebel Segin Segon Selio Sersuette Serto Sesto Sidor Sillotin Simen Sodes Sodonio Sofelio Solfonso Soniciscel Sorel Sorio Suelion Suleton Sundo Susteono Tebehi Teber Tefilvion Tenes Tenitonis Teons Teope Tercel Tercenito Thecto Themi Thilber Tines Tinger Titon Torego Tricio Tricto Trielon Trier Trifine Triguelion Trique Trystherto Tryston Ulbego Uncios Undon Undor Undro Undrorto Urdon Urdos Uriber Urigon Vergilote Verne Verto Vesue Vesundo Vicen Vicepcio Vicio Victo Vidio Vievesteon Vireber Viren Yeste Yetterel Yoleo Yolfo Zulrito
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new-effects · 2 years
Thomas Filor: Immobilieneigentum finanzieren
Für die Finanzierung des Immobilieneigentums sollte man die eigenen Finanzen im Vorfeld gut kennen und auch einen Puffer anlegen.
Magdeburg, 24.01.2022. Der Immobilienexperte aus Magdeburg, Thomas Filor, empfiehlt allen Kaufinteressierten, einen Kassensturz zu machen, bevor man eine Immobilie kauft. „Zum einen muss man festhalten, dass Immobilien zwischen 2010 und 2020 deutlich teurer geworden sind. So sind die Preise für Ein- und Zweifamilienhäuser in diesem Zeitraum um circa 65 Prozent gestiegen. Plant man jetzt also einen Hauskauf, sollte man sich seine Finanzen genau anschauen, vor allem den Eigenanteil“, erklärt Thomas Filor. „Denn bis eine Immobilien abbezahlt ist, können viele Jahre ins Land ziehen, Reparaturen und Instandhaltungskosten sowie Energiekosten und Steuern, kosten Geld, welches man auch in Zukunft aufbringen muss“.
Wer vom Immobilienboom profitieren will, muss schnell sein: „Die historisch niedrigen Zinsen dürften nicht immer so niedrig bleiben. Man muss schauen, wo die Schmerzgrenze liegt, was die Immobilienfinanzierung betrifft. Beispielsweise braucht man bei einer Immobilie, die eine halbe Millionen Euro kostet und einem Eigenkapital von 100 000 Euro ein Darlehen von 439 500. Kann man aber nur 1000 Euro im Monat für Tilgung und Zinsen ausgeben, bleiben nach 15 Jahren immer noch 330 000 Euro Schulden. Steigen in der Zwischenzeit die Zinsen, wird es unter Umständen schwierig mit der Anschlussfinanzierung“, erklärt Immobilienexperte Thomas Filor weiter.
Würde beispielsweise das Zinsniveau um fünf Prozent steigen, müsste man monatlich 500 Euro mehr auf den Tisch legen, damit man ein Prozent tilgt. „Eine Immobilienfinanzierung zu planen, heißt auch, ehrlich zu sich selbst zu sein. Man muss die Einnahmen und Ausgaben so realistisch wie möglich kalkulieren und auch ein paar schlechte Szenarien, wie eine teure Reparatur oder eine teure Sanierung mit einplanen. Am wichtigsten ist es, dass man weiß, wie viel Geld man zur freien Verfügung hat. Nur dann weiß man genau, wie viel Geld man monatlich für Zins und Tilgung zahlen kann. Als kleiner Leitfaden gilt, dass man nicht mehr als 40 bis 45 Prozent desmonatlichen Nettoeinkommens für die Immobilie aufbringt. Dazu zählen auch sämtliche Nebenkosten wie Strom, Heizung, Wasser und Steuern“, erklärt Immobilienexperte Thomas Filor aus Magdeburg abschließend.
Thomas Filor
Klausenerstraße 16
39112 Magdeburg
Telefon: 0391 - 53 64 5-400
Internet: http://www.thomas-filor-thomasfilor.blogspot.de
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thoschei-rights · 3 years
That one ‘Nam Klave AU
Yo, hear me out??
So the apocalypse being averted is more likely when all the Umbrella Academy are working together right? So against all those fics where people write the Commission eliminating Dave to preserve time and force Klaus back to the present? Imagine??
The Commission don’t want them stopping the apocalypse. Keeping Klaus in the past would weaken the Academy and make the likelihood of the Apocalypse going head much greater.
So imagine the Commission dispatch a couple of agents, and their sole purpose is to protect Dave Katz.
Even more brownie points if its Hazel and Cha-Cha who are like? Wtf? This guy? Because then end up seeing Klaus always around him. And they’re so confused lmao.
Or Five while he still worked for the Commission and slowly figuring out that?? Holy shit is that my brother? 
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purzelsims · 5 years
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beurich · 4 years
Thomas Filor über Heizungen in der Immobilie
Immobilienexperte Thomas Filor aus Magdeburg erklärt, welche Heizungen sich in der Immobilie als effizient erweisen und wie man Fördergelder vom Staat für den Austausch einer alten Heizung erhalten kann.
Magdeburg, 02.04.2020. „Die Anschaffung einer neuen Heizung kann sehr kostspielig sein. Daher entscheiden sich viele Immobilienbesitzer dazu, die Heizungsanlage erst dann auszutauschen, wenn die…
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dailyencantohcs · 2 years
Are we allowed to send in modern au headcanons? Because I have a couple.
Super sorry for the late answer (my laptop ended up totally busted and it took a while filor me to make up the money to get it fixed), but yes! I accept modern hcs, though they won't be tagged as such!
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madame-vera · 8 months
My Helpful Go To Reference Page XD
Named OCs
Verita "Vera" Raizel (female/cis/bi)
Florian "Rian" Nyavern (male/cis/het)
Hinohara (日野破良) Yuuji (悠仁) (male/cis/bi)
Filor Hexwig (male/cis/het)
Celine Faynear (female/cis/het)
Silvaiarin "Vaia" Faynear (male/nb/bi)
Vrulalkah "Lale" El MyrPhryn (male/cis/pan)
Myra Galloway (female/cis/les)
Lillith "Tilly" Bellroy (female/cis/les)
Character Relationships
Verita and Yuuji are lovers. Verita is very close with his family.
Verita and Florian are close friends. Verita also occasionally does paid paperwork and administration work for Florian.
Filor and Celine are engaged. Celine intends on having Filor marry into her family and take her name. She's still finding a way to allow him to keep his own family authority afterwards.
Celine and Silvaiarin are twin siblings, Celine came out about 15 minutes before him. Silvaiarin also acts subordinate to Celine in public because they both want her to inherit the family business.
Silvaiarin and Lale are lovers. They keep their relationship discreet due to cultural issues on Vaias side but will eventually marry.
Myra and Lillith are dating.
Work Links
DrivingMeBonkas at AO3 DrivingMeBonkas at FFN
Social/Writer Links
Twitter WorldAnvil Nanowrimo
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akohout · 7 years
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pokekumo · 2 years
“What is the greatest feat of magic ever performed?” he asked, not for the first time. Filore rolled her eyes, but answered as she’d been taught. “The invention of words.”
Source: The Bone Spindle by Leslie Vedder
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neoryanvx1 · 3 years
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Filor=Obsidian inspired of pokemon fusion generator and TrustyArts on deviant art and @keroreud gem location:tongue
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Diego=Chrysoberyl inspired of paladin and pokemon fusion generator and @darksilvania gem location:dock
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purzelsims · 5 years
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Now that Bryson is a toddler Noodle will have to give up his new bed.
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shpulya · 4 years
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Пряжа Filore 100% Lana harmony Nm: 2/30 (1500 м в 100 г) Цвет: бежевый, верблюжий. 2000 р за 1 кг. Это кросбред, единственный, есть другие варианты пряжи именно из мериноса по тегу #меринос_shpulya, есть различные цвета и толщина. Размотка на конусы от 100 г.#пряжапочтой #пряжадлявязания #итальянскаяпряжа #кашемир #вяжуназаказ #вязаниеспицами #вязаниеназаказ #хобби #шерсть #полушерсть #пряжа #пряжанабобинах #купитьпряжу #шерстянаяпряжа #вяжутнетолькобабушки #вяжу #недорогаяпряжа #магазинпряжи #меринос #yarn #handmade #knitting https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7xSaFgFgp/?igshid=1dsu6sp773wol
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