#ffxiv 4.4 spoilers
wildstar25 · 2 months
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MiqoMarch Day 23 - Midnight
With their intended voyage into the void only a few days out, Arsay thought it the upmost importance that she steal her partner away to Kugane, that they might share one more fond memory together should things not turn out the way they plan in the thirteenth. It was as they crossed the very same bridge the miqo'te had once sat on together two years prior when Arsay gifted Y'shtola with a bracelet matching that of her own. A token of endearment which, Arsay confessed, she would have given to her fellow scion back then, had nerves not gotten the best of her. While their relationship has undoubtedly changed since the initial purchase of the jewellery, the sentiment remained the same. Y'shtola was someone who Arsay loved dearly and she will forever be grateful to have the seeker's life intertwined with her own. No matter where their free spirits took them, they would always hold each other in their hearts. A promise Y'shtola was more than willing to keep. She slipped the the string of beads around her wrist without a second thought. They were never to come off, not even when the two decided to delay their return to Radz-at-Han in favour of a private bath at the dead of night.
#miqomarch#miqomarch 2024#ffxiv#y'shtola rhul#y'shtola x wol#wolshtola#Arsay Nun#WOL posting#arsay nun lore#arshtola#thanks to nhaneh for the body mod#i had to do some insane fov to get the moon and them in the same shot so sorry for the distortion#forcing arshtola lore into this prompt since idk when Ill ever get around to gposing the actual scene#this is between 6.1 and 6.2!#endwalker patch spoilers#i had the idea that arsay bought the Dai-ryumyaku bracelets from a vendor between 4.3 n 4.4 when shtola is off to the doman enclave#and arsay is like hey wait you should let me show you around kugane on the way over!#a fun friend date that ends with shtola finally accepting she has a crush on arsay and its terminal#and arsay having a single moment where she starts reflecting on feelings & thinks maybe she missed hanging out w/shtola more than she shoul#only to quickly butt that idea out of her head and continue being super normal#arsay notices these matching bracelets with red and purple string and shes like oh they are so cute and they look like#they belong in a pair it would be so sad if they were ever split up unexpectedly#i know ill buy them and give one to shtola wouldnt that be fun!#so she does that and then cant bring herself to give yshtola the damn thing because she starts second guessing herself#so arsay stashes the bracelets away and she started wearing hers later under her glove#fast forward to two years later and arsay finds the other one in one of her bags#and now shes dating yshtola and they are about to go somewhere super dangerous#what better time to tell your gf how much they have always meant to you#and what better way to do it than with a gift and some words spoken from the heart?#it was a little unconventional since arsay didnt really have marriage on the mind but it was a proposal in a sense
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travelling-hydaelyn · 2 years
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It's pure arrogance to imagine I can solve everything by myself.  You'd think I'd learn that by now.
Thank you, I don't know what I'd do without you.
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
47 - mondetsuyu
47. Where I should have been looking in the first place
"My own fault," she sneers, "for expecting you to have even a modicum of originality, you filthy creature."
At that the Warrior of Light only smiles minutely, the expression hard to make out in the dim light of dusk. "Come out of the water," snaps Yotsuyu. "Before you lose your feet to the cold and all your idiotic Scions accuse me of sabotaging their great warrior."
"That won't happen." The words are spoken idly, eyes tilting back towards the horizon, and before Yotsuyu can say Oh yes it will, they'd have my head on a pike if it were up to them, the idiot adds, "You know where I came from."
As if she could ever forget, this slimy cold-blooded fish in humanoid form. "I know where you're going," says Yotsuyu to Sui-no-Mon, and then to make sure her meaning is fully understood, "which is six fulms underground, after I personally put you there."
That one gets her a laugh, somehow, and finally Sui-no-Mon tilts fully to her, those hideously green eyes locked straight onto her. "That won't happen either," she says, before sloshing forward through the water back towards land, legs revealing themselves inch by inch, no tail in sight, and when she's close enough that the water comes only to her ankles adds, "Though you're more than welcome to try."
Absolutely fucking infuriating. Give Yotsuyu her pistol back and then they'd see who'd be fucking laughing. "I despise you," she bites out, careful to enunciate each word as Sui-no-Mon comes fully onto land, still dripping water as she comes so close Yotsuyu can see each brushstroke of the facepaint she never takes off. "After I kill you I will dance on your fucking grave."
Sui-no-Mon--no, Monde now, out of water--Monde looks at her a long moment, head tilting towards the side. "What," Yotsuyu snaps. "What is it?"
Another moment, and then--"I'm just glad you'd bury me," says Monde, and as Yotsuyu's hand swings up in an open-handed slap she leans just far enough back for it to whistle past her, barely smiling all the while.
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oerchidverdantia · 2 years
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I’ll dance with you all you want, Sadu, and I’ll be damned if I let my sister see me fall after all this time apart.
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leejafythe · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 Entry Prompt: Soulmate (Free Day) Word count: 1560 CW: Pandaemonium raid spoilers AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42342450
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All her life, Leeja had heard the term “soulmate” from various people. She had been told that everyone has one and “you’ll know when you find yours.” The older she got, the less she believed those words until ultimately she had given up and stopped hoping. Her parents were soulmates, her sister and her partner were soulmates. Hells Dulia-Chai and Chai-Nuzz were clearly soulmates. 
When she made it to Eorzea, she had seen numerous couples together. Some were destined to work out while others failed. Something had pulled her toward Ul’dah when she first arrived in Limsa. What it was, she didn’t know. She just knew she couldn’t stay in the seaside city. Even two friends she had made in the Scions were soulmates. “So… how did you two know you were meant for each other?” she had asked them when Valentione’s Day came around. 
“It’s… I guess the best way to describe it is it feels like a part of you is missing, and when you find that person, you just feel whole. Everything feels right when you’re with them” Leo looked at her. “Why? Is someone giving you that feeling?” she wasn’t sure how to answer. 
“I… I don’t know. Maybe?” Leo grinned at her.
“Oh, it’s Thancred, isn’t it?” he knew he was right when her face turned to crimson. “Just be careful, you know his reputation.”
“I know… it just doesn’t feel like a crush. I know what that feels like.”
When Thancred became possessed by Lahabrea, it hurt more than it should have. When she had no choice but to confront him during Operation Archon, she almost backed away. It broke her heart too much to want to fight him, yet at the same time she knew it needed to be done. She needed to save his life and get Lahabrea away from him. Even then it almost killed her and both of them felt guilty for nearly killing the other. Their relationship had only grown from that point onward.
When he stayed behind during their escape from Ul’dah after the chaos of the Bloody Banquet, she felt like a part of her had gone with him. She never quite felt whole when he was gone. That empty feeling had returned and she had done anything she could to numb the feeling. She took on any work that was available, did anything she could as much as she could to stop the feeling. No one listened to her when she said he was alive. She didn’t know how she knew, but he was. The faint tug of her soul told her he was.
Upon finding him in the Dravanian wilds, the empty feeling vanished. Though they argued, she didn’t feel alone anymore. When they started to sneak around she felt complete, as did he. Even being apart for work she felt a faint tug, but the feeling was only slight and she knew they’d be reunited again and they were just a linkpearl call away. 
When Zenos attacked Rhalgr’s Reach, it was Thancred who felt something wrong. She’s in danger. He ignored it, Leeja was always in danger, this was nothing new. So why did it feel wrong? He was in the middle of going through various reports when a lightning bolt shot through him she’s badly hurt. Get to Rhalgr’s Reach! His mind told him before the call from Krile telling him he needed to get there as soon as he could. 
When the Scions were called to the First part of her went missing completely. Yes, his body was still in the Source but that part of her had gone. Vanished. She had hoped it was stress but it never returned. When she finally arrived in the First, a faint feeling of being complete filled her. It was far away and if she had followed the feeling, she’d have found him sooner. Yet it was only during her fight with Ran’jit did she feel the faint tug become a full feeling of safety and warmth. It was the same as when she took Ryne to see Minfilia as he stayed behind to fight Ran’jit himself. She felt winded when he nearly lost, thankfully she had been so distracted by Minfilia that she didn’t pay attention to the feeling.
When the Light began to overwhelm her, Thancred never said a word. He couldn’t feel it yet he knew something was wrong. It was an irritating feeling, like a scrape injury that constantly had something rubbing against it and making it worse. He had only ever told one person about the feeling and had made Urianger swear to secrecy, even after knowing how many secrets he held close to his chest. But this was a request from Thancred, and it meant a lot knowing he could trust the elezen with his secret. 
Ultima Thule was, while being complete and utter hell for her, difficult. The familiar, safe feeling had gone. Meteion had said a part of Thancred stil lingered, and Leeja reached out for the feeling. It was barely there and she could barely hold onto it. Overwhelming relief flooded her system when he came back. Then she sent him away, despite knowing he’d be upset at her for it. When she fought Zenos, Thancred could feel the familiar grinding pain that he felt in Rhalgr’s Reach. She’s fighting… She’s winning… By the twelve she’d better be winning. Then the pain stopped and he felt part of him missing. He didn’t know what to think and didn’t know what to put the feeling down to. Then she came back, lifeless, broken and bleeding. She can’t be… no… no this is wrong. This is all wrong. Then took a breath. And another, and another and then opened her eyes. The missing part had come back. It was weak, so incredibly weak but it was there. As the sennights passed and she slowly grew stronger during her recovery, the feeling grew stronger until it was back at full strength along with her.
It wasn’t until Leeja retuned to her work with Themis and Erichthonios in Pandaemonium that a revelation appeared. And despite her grudges and loathing of the Lahabrea from her own time, this version of him gave her the answer she didn’t know she needed. As she sat with Thancred sometime later and began to recount what she had dealt with and who had helped her, she told him the full story. “Can I ask you something? And feel free to laugh at me if it’s dumb.”
“I’d never laugh at your questions but go ahead.”
“Bullshite, love. You have before” she grinned a little “but that’s not the point. Have you ever…” she tried to find the words “when we’re apart… do you ever feeling like part of you isn’t completely there?”
“Aye. Frequently, why do you ask?” she wasn’t expecting him to be open about it. Then again she wasn’t sure he felt it at all.
“When we rescued Erichthonios, Lahabrea told us the truth about Athena’s death. About her experiments, what her true goals with Pandaemonium would be” every mention of the Ascian’s name nauseated Thancred. As Leeja told him about Athena he hummed softly.
“I’ve heard that crazy attracts crazy.”
“They bound their souls together” she wasn’t going to let him continue. “It was very intimate, back in the days of the ancients. An intimate act between lovers. Then again Athena never truly loved Hephaistos, she wanted to bind their souls so he could know what she was really doing.”
“...Are you thinking what I think you are?” he turned his head to look at hr as she nods a little, suddenly feeling nervous about continuing her train of thought.
“What if… what if our unsundered, ancient selves bound their souls together? So that they might find each other and know how the other is faring? It would make sense for Azem to do so” she felt like she was rambling. He took her hand and squeezed it.
“Breathe, darling. You’re fine, ‘tis not strange to ask but you know what that would make us?”
“I don’t know what the Hannish term for it would be but the Eorzean term is soulmates” he grinned a little as she felt her face burn red. “Ah, you do know the term then.”
“I do, Leo taught me what it meant when we were still in the Waking Sands” she rested her head on his shoulder gently. “When you’re gone, I feel a faint tug on my soul. Not a painful one like G’raha did, but one that is wanting to pull me to you. It was how I knew you were still alive after the banquet.”
“It would explain several feelings I’ve had over our time together” he put his arm around her gently “you really think they did?”
“I do. It would explain why I was pulled to Ul’dah instead of staying in Limsa” she tilted her head and kissed his neck gently “one of my better decisions, anyway. It led me to you. The man I would become head over heels in love with eventually.” Thancred turned to look at her with a warm smile. 
“I love you too, darling.” They sat quietly on the bench, watching the sun set over Sharlayan before they both have to part ways once again.
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digikerlon · 2 years
The sea of stars ffxiv
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#The sea of stars ffxiv Patch
We also get an interesting musing from Cid, on the nature of dragons and the primals based on them: Yet the fight is familiar in many ways, from our battles against the other great wyrms in the course of our journey (Quadruple Ahk Morns is a tad excessive though, seriously). Omega shows us a Midgardsormr wholly unlike the grumpy shell we faced at Silvertear, or has traveled alongside us since then in whelp and drake forms. You will contend with a true incarnation of the Father of Dragons, at the height of his power and glory.” This is not the faded specter that you know, or a mortal-conjured simulacrum. "According to my past observations, this opponent will accept only death as a condition of defeat…Prepare to face Midgardsormr–red-maned wyrm of the Dragonstar, and nemesis of my world. Subsequently, I lack the data to fabricate a completely accurate simulation. The contest ended prematurely, and I failed to bring down my foe. I was deployed to the battlefield, and it was there that I engaged an enemy of unmatched strength. It originates from a time when war had erupted on a distant star. “ I have altered this test world to reflect a recorded memory. We face a final enemy, but even then, Omega’s confusion leads it to spontaneously devise a new test: Omega declares Alpha “obsolete” as his original purpose was bait, complete with a homing sense to return always to Omega, but Cid scoffs at the idea that the little chocobo is anything less than an important member of the party. All other test worlds have been deleted, the experiments completed. After realizing Alpha has attempted, on his own, to save a friend’s life, Midgardsormr expends his own strength to save the WoL, and chides Omega, who cannot comprehend the great wyrm’s actions. In Sigmascape, as noted in the previous posts, the focus begins the turn toward Omega’s bafflement over how mortals beat the odds despite the hard data on greater threats it assembles. Deltascape gives us fragments and clues as to the long history between these two, but the focus is on discovering how the Rift works and the nature of Omega’s experiments–and realizing the true scope of the machine’s threat to Hydaelyn and all life upon Her. Midgardsormr is reticent to share his knowledge of Omega later dialogue indicates he’s barely holding onto his rage in the face of the machine, and the memories of what occured between them. Despite the Echo, the Warrior of Light is unable to understand the construct chocobo, leaving Midgardsormr to translate, awoken as he was by the activity of his ancient enemy. When we first begin the journey into the Yawn and Deltascape, Alpha and Alte Roite appear in the Fringes, designed to catch the attention of mortals and lure them into the Rift. Spoilers for all of Omega, especially Alphascape, below the cut! My previous posts from Sigmascape on Midgardsormr and Omega’s long, bloody history and how their conflict affects the present events can be found HERE and HERE. The relationship and parallels between Omega and Midgardsormr are central to the theme of Alphascape, and the overall storyline–with our buddy Alpha caught in between these ancient foes and what they each represent.
#The sea of stars ffxiv Patch
Time to muse more about Alphascape, the finale of Omega’s Interdimensional Rift raid in patch 4.4 “Prelude in Violet.” And after evading Omega’s pursuit over the course of an unimaginable journey, the Father of Dragons arrived here on our world.” As a result of that conflict, the wyrm was forced to gather his offspring and leave his home behind. “From everything we’ve heard thus far, it seems that Omega and Midgardsormr both hail from different stars–two distant worlds at war with one another.
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ladyramora · 5 years
If only Zenos and Emet-Selch got into a 'no, this is MY friend' conversation regarding the wol. X'D
Emet-Selch sighs, rubbing at his eyebrow and temple as he watches through a mirror as the Warrior of Light begs off from celebrating with their friends.
“...What are you doing, hero? Are you not happy? The evil has been defeated.”
Well, that was what he needed them to think. For now.
A sly smile quirks his lips, and he waves a hand over the mirror as his door bursts open.
“Hello, great grandson.”
Zenos yae Galvus stares at him blandly as if he hadn’t just splintered his great grandsire’s chamber door with one well placed kick.
“I care not for your grand schemes, great grandsire. Whatever your machinations, you will leave the Warrior of Light to me.”
Emet-Selch blinks slow and turns on his great grandson with a bored expression. “Will I now?”
Zenos settles a hand on his sword, eyes intensely blue. "I will not allow anyone to stand between us."
"Oh?" Emet-Selch seems entirely unimpressed. "Finally found yourself a worthy opponent?"
Zenos regards him warily as he turns and strolls towards him. "I have."
"Oh dear," His great grandsire is smiling at him in a way that Zenos misliked. "You truly have, haven't you?"
Emet-Selch sighs, his smile comically rueful and his tone of voice dripping with pity as he shakes his head, "Poor child. You've grown attached.. to the enemy."
Zenos narrows his eyes. They were that, yes, but also... "My friend."
The Emperor balks, expression shifting minutely. Eyebrows lowering and lip curling in the barest of a sneer. "...Your friend? That word implies mutual feelings of fondness, my dear boy."
His laugh is offbeat and entirely derisive. Zenos's grip on the hilt of his sword tightens, lips thinning.
"...What do you know of them, hmm?" The Emperor croons, continuing on. Fond of his own voice. "You've hardly had any interaction! Have you spoken with them at length? Stood at their side as a comrade? Slept under the same star filled sky? Listened to their inane ramblings. Learned what they like, what they fear; why the persist so on this fruitless quest."
The Emperor shakes his head, a hand pressed to his brow, lips quirking up in a sardonic smile. "Well, have you?"
Zenos does not answer. Only looking to his great grandsire with a vile feeling of murderous envy. "Am I to believe you have?"
The Emperor laughs.
"No, I suppose not. Believe what you want to, dear boy. The truth ever remains."
Zenos clenches his teeth, seething with emotions he dare not name, and unsheaths his blade to slice through his great grandsire in one smooth, swift motion.
He watches his body fall, dispassionate.
He turns away and meets the bored, golden eyed stare of the very same man leaning in the doorway. The shadows playing across his features giving him a sinister, fey-like quality. His eyes too unnaturally bright in such swallowing darkness.
Zenos feels a prickle of unease meeting that stare. He had thought once that his father had the same eyes.
He can see now that he was very much mistaken.
"Like father, like son. And as such, you commit the cardinal sin of boring me," he sighs, shaking his head, "I pity you, I really do. Ah, but I have things to do and precious little time to do them in. You understand." He pushes off from his recline against the doorframe and turns away. One gloved hand raising up, and waving lazily as Zenos watches him walk away.
Zenos stares down at his sword, and then at the body on the floor as it disappears in a puff of darkness.
"Hm." Interesting.
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sequoiaofeorzea · 6 years
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nophicas-ward · 6 years
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       I’ll miss you so much!”
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aethernoise · 6 years
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Fury help him, the man certainly does not half-ass a metaphor
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sharama · 6 years
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ilsabard · 6 years
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I will protect Varis zos Galvus with my life! I’ve liked Varis since the first time he showed up, I actually prefer his English voice haha, but considering I only had eyes for Nael at that time, I didn’t let myself like him more than his looks lol I feel so bad for what he’s putting up with ever since Zenos died. Christ. Yoshida you monster, how could you take away from him his best friend, I feel he literally has no one to talk to and he has to put up with these shenanigans on a daily basis. 
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thebratcat · 6 years
I just previewed the new caster gear from the raid aND HOLY SHIT
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That’s freaking hot and I need it immediately
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minions-of-light · 6 years
Prelude in Violet (Spoilers)
When you were hype... Then you realize 4.4 has the same outcome as 2.55 and after-HW patches.
Don’t. F*cking. Take. Them. From. Us. Again.
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~ Mirana & Niddy
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keeperprinceling · 6 years
Prompt #1: Submerged
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He couldn’t breathe. [[4.4 spoilers]]
One moment they were discussing spy networks and the next she was grabbing her head - they were all grabbing their heads: Yvaine, Y’shtola, Thancred, Alisaie - all doubling over in pain. It was the echo - something with the echo! But it was wrong. The sudden disorientation he was used to seeing; the way she touched her fingers to her forehead, the crease of her brow, the way she either shook it off or came out of it - that was normal, but just looking at her now he knew that this pain felt different. The way she grit her teeth, the way her breath caught in her chest, the twitching of her flattened ears and tightening curl of her tail - this was real pain, and the moment he realized that it felt like the room filled with water, surrounding him, pressing in against him from all sides, slowly creeping up his ankles. He stood, carelessly kicking the heavy chair back to give him room to move to her side, the pressure rising up his legs as he stood beside her, completely unable to help.
He couldn’t fix this. Couldn’t alleviate this. Hells, he didn’t even know how it felt - he couldn’t save her from this. He couldn’t even try. He wasn’t a warrior of light. The pressure crept up his abdomen, making it harder to breathe. Why was it taking so long? What was going on? Why was this time so different?! She sucked in a breath through her teeth and his heart jumped into his throat, his hand impulsively reaching out to touch her shoulder, wanting to be there for her even if he didn’t know whether she could feel him there or not. She was tense beneath his touch. The water rose higher. She came out, was pulled back in. He couldn’t help her. He couldn’t breathe. A thump at the far end of the table: Thancred was down. He didn’t look - he couldn’t. She was his whole world. 
She broke out of it, sucking in a deep breath as she relaxed, and the water that paralyzed him drained away as she drew fresh air into her lungs. His fingers twitched on her shoulders, the paralysis fading. 
She was okay. 
Thancred was not.
And they had no idea what happened.
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domanlotus · 6 years
Okay, just finished 4.4 and here’s my two gil...
The voice that knocked out most of the Scions...I don’t think it’s related to the Ascians.
Sure, it told us to prevent the flood of light that happened to the First, way back in HW. BUT, it also told us to prevent the next Calamity that the Ascians are planning. Twin disasters, that only we can prevent. Whoever that voice belonged to, it wants to prevent both of those things from happening. And the Ascians are actively trying to bring about another Calamity.
Given that our soul was “called”, it definitely seems like the work of an entity similar to Hydaelyn. (Remember how she pulled us around?)
Speaking of...
We haven’t heard anything from The Mother Crystal in a LONG time.
And it has been stated that she’s getting weaker.
I don’t think she can reach us anymore. Her power has dwindled to the point where she can’t talk to us at all.
About the flood of light (I know I’m bouncing all over the place with topics, Bear with me). I don’t think Hydaelyn meant for that to happen. I hear people saying that “oh she’s using us” but...I don’t think she means for that to happen. She seems pretty much in favor of mankind’s survival, and I think it was stated earlier that if she and Zodiark were to reunite, it would destroy all life.
Which brings me back to the voice. I think there’s a strong possibility that it could very well have been Zodiark.
“But why would he be asking for us to help?” Well, maybe his goals aren’t lined up with Ascian goals. Maybe he saw what they were doing and was all “oh shit this is getting out of hand”. I don’t know. It’s way too early to tell, this is just speculation.
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