#fenris x hawke x anders
barbex · 6 months
Happy Friday to you <3 I would love to see: “I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
For Anders and Hawke if you feel like writing this <3 Have fun <3
Thank you for this prompt for @dadrunkwriting. I hope you don't mind that I used your awesome prompt for a little fenhanders ficlet.
Years of experience save his ass once again. The sound of armor clanging, and boots stomping, he would hear that over anything. But what made him jump into action, his feet on the ground before his mind has even caught up, is the sound of voices muffled under templar helmets. Hawke always calls them bucket heads, and the hollow sound is fitting for that. 
Anders crawls through the small hole he dug through the wall a year ago, when Hawke gave him the key to his basement. That's the path he's taking now, through the rubble that conveniently looks like a broken building from the outside. The tunnel is narrow and dark, but he doesn't dare to light the way with a magelight. The hollow voices are still too close. He doesn't even dare to breathe. So close. 
"He has to be here."
"Maybe someone warned him?"
"These people, protecting a mage. A mistake by the Maker."
"It is our duty to protect them from themselves. The refugees down her don't understand that."
"Fereldans, pff."
"Dog fuckers, all of them."
"Templars!" Even through the helmet, this voice exudes authority. Armor creaks as several men and women adjust their positions. "Let's search the place."
Anders nearly snorts. Search, right. More like breaking everything they can see through the eye-slits of their helmets. The sound of wood and glass breaking has him sigh as he mentally calculates how much all these potion bottles cost him, not to mention the ingredients he had to collect and buy. But at least he can move now without fearing to draw attention to himself by any noise he makes as he crawls through the debris. 
At last, he can stand up again, facing the door to Hawke's basement. He waits for his breathing to calm down. Does he hate dark and narrow places? For sure. Does he have to endure it? Yes. There's always a price to pay for safety. 
He channels his magic into his hand to open the door. It works on the second try, his hand shakes to much to channel the spell precisely. Finally, he steps into the cellar, closes the door behind him, and lets several magelights float from his hand to bathe the room in pale, violet light. He lets out a breath, long and slow, breathes in and out again, slowing his heartbeat. 
The magelights bop along the ceiling in front of him as he winds through the dusty shelves. On the other side, steps lead him up the other door, letting him out into main hall of Hawke's mansion. Here, he can finally relax, letting the tension fall from his shoulders. 
The massive shape of Muffin, Hawke's mabari greets him with a gentle shove against his leg. He pets his head, and steps over to the fireplace, holding his hands to the warmth of the glowing logs. When he sits down, Muffin comes to his side and they both kind of lean against the other. The pressure of another warm body, even if it's just a drooling dog, is comforting.
He must have dozed off, because the next thing he knows is someone touching his face. With a gasp, he scrambles backwards, falling on his back, before he realises that it's Hawke. Muffin licks his face, trying to calm him in his typical way. "Alright, alright." He shoves the dog away from his face, gently. He means well.
Hawke helps him to sit up, his hand warm on the back of his neck. "Are you alright?" 
For a moment, Anders allows himself to drown in Hawke's dark eyes. The care, the warmth in them, for a moment he lives in the dream of Hawke always looking at him like that, only him. But it's only a dream. An annoyed huff from the door quickly pulls him out of the illusion. 
"When did you get here?" Fenris asks, frowning at him as he comes closer. He still wears his armor and weapon, like Hawke, Anders only notices now. There are blood spatters on both of them. 
"I got here... it was just after the ninth bell when I heard the templars."
"You crawled into the tunnel?" Hawke's hand is still on Anders' neck, gentle pressure to hold and support him. 
"Yes, just in time." Anders turns to Hawke, realising how very close he's sitting and quickly looks down to hide his blush. "Without the entrance to your basement..."
"I'm glad you came here," Hawke says. "I —" He glances at Fenris. "We won't let anyone hurt you, you're safe with us."
"Thank you." Anders can't help but look at Fenris, trying to read his scowl. Fenris and Hawke have been inseparable for a while and it's common knowledge that he hates Anders, so he is probably less happy that Anders disturbs their evening. At least he doesn't look angry right now, more tired and he moves strangely. "What happened to you two? You look... are you hurt?"
Some kind of wordless conversation passes between Fenris and Hawke, and the elf places his sword on some furniture, takes off his gauntlets and shakes out his arms. He steps over to Anders and glares at him. "Get it over with."
Anders stares back, dumbfounded. "Get over with what?"
Fenris huffs. "Your magic."
Anders keeps staring. The situation feels like he has missed several pages in a story. Before he can say anything, Hawke gets up and steps over to Fenris. "Fen," he says with a slight smile. "I know you have a reputation to uphold, but I think we're past this by now, aren't we?"
With a sigh that sounds like the weight of the whole wide world rests on his shoulders, Fenris takes a step forward and looks at Anders. "I am hurt, please heal me."
It takes Anders several seconds to find his words again. "Heal you? With magic?"
When Fenris keeps looking at him expectantly, he accepts that he heard him right and lets his magic flow into his hands, searching for injuries in Fenris. It's mostly just one cut on his arm, nothing too serious. He clears his throat. "You should take off your shirt, I'd like to see the lyrium lines as I heal the cut." 
There's only a short hesitation before Fenris takes off his jerkin and pulls his shirt over his head. He is breathtakingly beautiful, of course, nothing new on that front, and Anders has to wrestle down an attack of jealousy that Hawke gets to see this beauty so often.
Hawke steps behind Fenris, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his neck. Anders has to look away, just watching them is as if he can feel that kiss on his own neck. He loves getting kissed there. But there is nobody in his life to do that. 
Focussing on the injury on Fenris' arm, he ignores how beautiful they both look, standing so close, Hawke's hand resting on Fenris' hip, his shoulders rolled forward, looming over him like a protective shield. 
Fusing the tissue so that the lyrium lines connect correctly, he lets his magic flow as gently as possible. When he's done, he drops his arms and shakes out his hands. "All done. How did that happen?"
Hawke strokes over Fenris' newly healed arm, and then looks at Anders. "We heard about a templar raid in Darktown. A bunch of templars at your clinic thought we would help them look for a healer."
Fenris turns his piercing gaze onto Anders. "They thought wrong." 
Anders looks from one to the other. "What were you doing at my clinic?"
"Looking for you, mage," Fenris spits out.
"Because they templars were obviously hunting you." Fenris glares at him and then turns away, stepping in front of the fireplace, and directs his glare towards the flames.
But you... you don't have to do that." Anders looks at Hawke. "Both of you, I can take care of myself, you don't have to drag Fenris into these things."
"It was Fenris who dragged me along," Hawke says, grinning. "Smacked my sandwich out of my hand and yelled at me to hurry up."
Hawke puts his hands on his shoulders, leaning closer to whisper in his ear. "He cares. Just like I do." 
Frozen like a statue, Anders can only stare at Hawke. Behind him, Fenris speaks, haltingly, as if the words are difficult to form. "You... are a friend. I will not... see you hurt." 
"But..." Anders wants to turn around when suddenly, Fenris is much closer than before, his arms wrapping around him from behind. In the next moment, soft lips press against his neck and his knees nearly buckle. 
"Well, well." Hawke grins at him, holding him up by his shoulders. "I tried to get him to use his words, but I guess this also gets the point across."
Anders fails to find the words he needs. "But... you are... the two of you..."
"And you," Fenris says softly. "If you want that."
"Me?" Now Anders turns around to look at Fenris. "You, Hawke, and me? You want that?"
Fenris looks up at him, looking more vulnerable than ever. "If you want it too."
Hawke comes between them, wrapping his massive arms around both their shoulders. "We would love to have you with us." He leans over, kissing Anders' temple. "Can you give us a chance?"
A smiles spreads on Anders' face. He looks at Fenris. "May I kiss you?"
Fenris steps closer. "You may." 
When their lips meet, Hawke pulls them closer, wrapping them into his warmth.
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cosmic-darikano · 11 months
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im insane about them. (Original)
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alltears · 9 months
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. KIRKWALL GANG
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sns315 · 11 months
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And you thought his written manifestos were bad…
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hel-unleashed · 1 year
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Yet another normal day in Kirkwall
Original template by ReddsMess
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wadebox · 19 days
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replaying da2 be like
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mrs-theirin · 4 months
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“Bianca’s getting married.”
“Oh, I’m very happy for her. Is it to a charming Honda Civic? Or is that too young for her?”
Her joke didn’t land well. He sighed heavily. “The real Bianca."
Eden Hawke and Varric Tethras have been friends for 7 years. Their bond is unbreakable, which is why when Varric asks Eden to be his fake date to his on-again/off-again ex girlfriend Bianca's wedding, she agrees immediately. The two of them embark on the road trip of a lifetime, one they will never forget. ♫
Beginning | Last Chapter | Final Chapter
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bluerose5 · 1 year
The truth that Varric didn't want everyone to know was that, aside from their two token straights, all five of these chaotic bisexuals are in a committed polycule, wreaking havoc on all of Thedas. Oh, and he and Hawke are married, but that's just a given, right?
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princefleabitten · 1 year
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Dragon Age Main Character lineup
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sintrup · 1 year
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I’d let Fenris and Anders break my heart a million times over
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scarfacemarston · 8 months
saw your post saying that you want ideas for Fenris, so here's my 5 cents;
You know the romance ending for Fenris? Whenever I see it and I hear Varric say "a hero was born" for some reason that makes me think that it is giving us the idea that Fenris has become a dad, soooooo, any thoughts on Fenris as a dad?
Have a good day/night
Hey! I LOVE that idea. Seriously, that is so heartwarming to think of. It's been months since I've written hc and I've never written for Fenris before, but I hope you like it! I have bonus hc's from the crew below the cut. Background: Despite being together for over several years since Act 3 and the fact that they might as well have been married, Varric and crew still found themselves surprised to hear that Fenris and Hawke were pregnant/adopting. "Broody with a Broody Jr on the way? I knew it'd happen at some point; you owe me 50 coppers, Rivani."
If pregnant - Hawke was initially worried Fenris would leave them because of their first night together, but he had proven himself loyal to a fault numerous times, the thought thankfully disrupted quickly.
Fenris is the worrying warrior until after the baby is born, or if adopting, til they bring them home.  His mind is always going a mile a minute risk calculation and problem-solving for things that haven't yet happened. Hawke has to get him to snap out of it. He's extremely attentive partially because he tries to think about any possible situation and discomfort and how to avoid it. If Hawke is pregnant, he's ready, whether through ginger tea, soothing balms, hot towels, massages, craving outings, you name it.
It's not original, but the baby would definitely be named Bethany, Leandra, or Malcolm if it's a son. With adoption, he feels a little more in control. (I love the idea of Fenris having a daughter, so that's what I'm using her. Feel free to hc differently!)
The baby loves his voice. Adores it. She perks up whenever Fenris speaks, even if it's the quietest of murmurs or humming. Fenris would talk to the baby if his partner is pregnant, calming her down, especially if she starts kicking.  
He doesn't mind getting up in the middle of the night to take care of her. He's lived on such little sleep before, but this was something worth it. He sometimes likes the quiet to reflect on his new life and gaze at the miracle in his arms.
Fenris has to be reminded to put her down sometimes so Hawke can hold her ---then Hawke has to be reminded to put down the baby so they can get work done.
Definitely lots of story time together and time spent reading books together. 
He wants his child to be curious about the world and not be afraid to question why things are the way they are. He encourages her to ask difficult questions, even if it's something he doesn't always want to answer. He will try to answer in an age-appropriate manner anyhow.
Incredibly protective. He never thought he'd have a family, and now he has someone who depends on him more than anything. He is never far from her; if he can't chase after them, she's in a playpen where he can keep watch. However, he also tells himself that falling and making mistakes is okay. Scratched knees or messes are to be expected. Fenris becomes very good at toeing the line between being protective and allowing her to pick herself up and figure out solutions "by herself." (Of course, he'll still be there to kiss it better or give her a boost.)
He and Hawke agree that they'd rather gift her love and time than gifts.
Somehow, Fenris has ended up with an extra Malbari, 2 cats, and a goat as pets.
He teaches her a lot of skills, Lots of nature excursions, and teaches her things like navigation, plant identification, starting a fire, and helping her learn a language. 
He and Hawke agree to teach her self-defense once she's old enough. He's a firm & thorough but patient teacher.
He and Hawke believe she should do whatever she pleases with her body. Does she want long-flowing hair? He'll show off his braiding skills. Does she want chopped hair like FemHawke? Done. 
If she turns out to be a mage, Fenris would accept it. He would know that was a possibility whether she was biologically theirs - because of Hawke's mage line or, if adopted, that it is a randomized gene. He would be lying if he didn't think their lives would be easier if she wasn't a mage - but that is because he is worried for her and the current politics - not so much because of his past treatment of mages. It would take him a little time to process it, but he would love her just the same……….he only hopes that Hawke or one of their friends can help with the magic because turning the floor into an ice rink or the smell of burnt hair can only be tolerated for so long.
The Hawke crew isn't always around, but I like to hear them stay in touch and visit. Maybe they still travel together. I hated the idea of them breaking up.
Varric has most definitely written a few adventures with her in mind - one being a talking animal version of Hawke's adventures. Another about griffons and another about malbari adventurers.
Merrill brings the sweetest gifts and loves telling stories and taking her foraging. Flower crowns are a must.
Isabela develops a liking for stuffed plushies. It started with a stuffed parrot, and before they knew it, the bed was crowded with stuff like Malbari, parrots, griffon, cats, and whatever she could find. Isabela also gives her her first pirate sword. Baby Hawke loves her jewelry.
Aveline - mage or not - offers to train her in combat. Of course, Hawke laughs and says, "She's a baby. I think she's fine for now." She'd offer to babysit - Hawke having a child really has her curious about starting her own family with Donnic when they can find the time. Donnic makes her a set of cards so she can "play" diamondback with them.
Anders offers medical care if he is around and also offers to tutor her in magic - but I think we all know what Fenris' thoughts on that would be. Still, Fenris would begrudgingly be thankful for any care he provided.
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barbex · 2 years
In a fit of "this has to get off the WIP list now" I finished a fic. Wrote 1200 words, called it an epilogue, and declared it done.
I had lots of vague ideas for Lyrium Skin but it really shows how I had no idea about structure and arcs when I started this fic. It flipped from here to there, it was a fenhawke fic first and then became fenhanders. I even had an art piece made for it, by @atarial, when I still thought of the fic as fenhawke:
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Isn't it amazing? And then Anders showed up and look at that, now there's a threesome.
The fic was kept in limbo long enough. It was originally about Fenris and his problems with touch and it started to go into plot territory. I had notes about the revolution, Hawke and Fenris fighting over it because Hawke was full on Anders' side. I skipped all that to write a happy little epilogue, to show that they will be back together, despite all the problems.
Lyrium Skin is done now. There's a certain sadness to this. I loved writing it but it feels like it could have been so much more. Maybe now it's the seed for something better and bigger.
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demigoddessqueens · 11 days
Dragon Age 2, between Acts 1 and 2. Mage!Hawke, Fenris, Varric, Aveline + whoever else you would like to include. FenHawke being the main focus:
Hawke faints while they’re all walking through Kirkwall, surprising everyone, eventually they find out Hawke has been starving themselves to make sure their family has enough to eat… I headcannon that magic and spellcasting consume a lot of the bodies natural resources, so mages need to consume more calories, hence why they like bread and cheese so much
Thank you for your request! and for the follow 😄
Masterlist 10
Fenris - he’s freaked out when Hawke/you collapse!! Rushes immediately to your aid. Once you/Hawke reveal to him what curtailed your fainting spell, be prepared for the lecture of a lifetime. Fenris sympathizes with your efforts, but is frustrated with your stubbornness given how he feels about you.
Varric - he would be entirely concerned for your/Hawke’s well-being, telling you you’re no good for your family (or him) if you’re half-starved. Saying all this while he’s preparing a whole homemade feast for you
Aveline - she would also lovingly chastise you/Hawke for not letting her know, but also demands you rest while she tends to you
Bonus character(s):
Isabella - tries to make a slight joke out of it, “hey stay with me, can’t you have you fainting on me now while we have each other..”, demands Varric and/or the rest pitch in to help you
Anders - gives Fenris and everyone else a run for their money in freaking out over you, holding you in his arms as he scrounges Varric’s tavern or the kitchens for whatever you need
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alltears · 1 year
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. FENHAWKE EDITION
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Dragon Age 2 + textposts
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swansong-art · 1 year
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So I ran away with a conversation about the topic on Twitter, and doodled some of my headcanons about elf anatomy, specifically in comparison to humans.
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