#female self defense
butch-reidentified · 1 year
I am SO JEALOUS you get to see women and live with women and manage yourself in the comfort of not having men around every single day. It must be such ease on the mind and heart, not to be tense, not to be at risk, not to even consider whether you may be assaulted when you want to do this or that. I wish a man free life for us all.
It's really nice and very healing to be surrounded by women all the time and have real conversations with women, especially consciousness raising conversations ❤️
I do live in an urban area, so if I want to go out, I will encounter men, but I'm not afraid of men at this point in my life tbth. I don't leave the house without my strap and got no problem using it if it came to that.
I hope you are able to live the way you want to someday soon, and I too wish a man-free life for all women ✨️
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m0tel6mxzzy · 1 year
we need more girly slashers again. i love a final girl moment but i need to see women going ape shit killing other people in pure white hot rage through supernatural or otherwise unconventional means with themes of double standards toward how women’s anger and hurt is made palatable to repress them but like in the most gory way and that rage being so powerful it could kill the girl doing the killing and asks just how far you would go to be heard and seen feeding your most erratic desires at the expense of all else
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edithdraws · 9 months
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Well you know how it is with Goddesses and their most loyal followers
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starlitangels · 1 year
Have some Albus and Faithful! Shoutout to @vampirelladarkness for the idea! Let’s say this takes place between Recovering and Unveiling True Honor, yeah? Cool? Sure? Great. 2.5k words (on the button!)
Disclaimer: I’ve done some training. It’s been a while since I did any sort of training. Some of the following information might be a little or a lot, I don’t know inaccurate.
“Up and at ‘em, faithful!” Albus barked through the closed door. I jolted awake and practically fell out of my bunk from the motion. I groaned in protest and sat up properly.
“What do you want? I just went to sleep!” I complained, sliding out of my covers and pulling my long overcoat on over my nightdress. Rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I yanked the door open.
“Whoa. The bedhead!” Albus exclaimed sarcastically. But he was smiling like he’d just discovered the most delicious secret to hold over my head.
I scowled. “Shut up. What do you want?”
“Which one do you want?”
“Do you want me to shut up or tell you what I want?”
I scoffed so hard I hurt my throat and rolled my eyes. “I’m going back to bed,” I grumbled, moving to lean back and slam my door shut.
Albus planted a hand on the door, holding it open before I could swing it shut. “No. No-no. You’re not going back to bed, princess,” he snapped. It had been a while since he called me that, and I glowered accordingly. “We have lapsed on your training. It’s time to fix that.” He gave me a smirk. That condescending one that pissed me off.
“I didn’t agree to training in the first place.”
“Too bad. Mission like this? You’re gonna need it. Come on. Get dressed and let’s go.” He took his hand off my door and folded his arms. His eyes swept me up and down, eyebrows raised expectantly. “Come on.”
“I’m not changing while you watch, moron,” I snapped before slamming the door in his face and locking it.
“Oh, come on!” he joked through it while I pulled my coat off and looked through the bag I brought to get off-world for a new set of clothes. “Might be fun!”
“Decidedly not,” I retorted as I changed from my nightdress to a new set of clothes. I fixed my bedhead and pulled the door open again. “Better?”
Albus narrowed his eyes, but I saw playful teasing in the way they twinkled. “Dunno. Training might be more effective if you just don’t wear anything—”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” I snapped, storming out of my room and stalking past him. I had no idea where he intended to “train,” so I took the familiar path to the bridge. Where, no doubt, Devlin would be tinkering away at something. I didn’t bother to check if Albus was following me or not.
“Oh come on, faithful, it was just a joke—” Albus complained before falling out of earshot as I turned a corner.
I went to the bridge and waved a greeting. “Morning, Devlin.”
“Good morning, sister. I trust you slept well?”
“As well as can be expected. If we survive this whole thing I’m gonna be so exhausted that I’ll pass out and sleep for like a full day straight,” I said.
“Mm. Perhaps,” Devlin said.
Albus stomped onto the bridge behind me. “Come on, faithful. Training time. Now,” he said.
Devlin raised a brow and looked between his brother and me. “Training?”
Albus beamed—sort of. It was more of a self-important smile. “Yeah. I’m teaching her to defend herself. This is a dangerous mission. At the very least the basics are useful.”
Devlin continued to look skeptical as his eyes held mine. “And... you’re alright with this, sister?”
I blinked a few times, trying to decide how to answer that. If I outright stated that Albus wasn’t giving me much choice, Devlin would pick a fight with Albus and they’d get into another argument. Which I didn’t want. I also didn’t particularly want to train with Albus this early after not sleeping much, but had to admit he was right that knowing a little more could be useful.
“I’m alright with it,” I decided.
“See? She’s fine,” Albus said. “Come on. Let’s go.”
“Ask nicely,” I snapped.
“Seriously?” he complained.
I raised my eyebrows, arms folded. Waiting.
He sighed. “Please?”
“There. Yes. Lead the way.”
Albus made a show of rolling his eyes before tromping off the bridge. I gave a brief wave to Devlin. “Good luck,” he said. “And, Albus!”
“Mind your manners!”
A loud scoff was the only reply Albus gave. I followed him off the bridge.
He led me to a large, open area. What I imagined was probably a mess hall or otherwise common area when a ship like this was adequately staffed and furnished. He dropped his sword belt, blade included, to the ground and stretched. I eyed where he left his weapon skeptically. He’d given me a stick and used his sword the last time we did this. Why was he disregarding his weapon now?
I copied his stretches as best I could. “Why did you put your sword down?” I asked carefully.
“Because I’m not going to use it,” he said.
“Why? What are we training with, then?”
“Our hands.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Albus scoffed. “The day you beg is the day Hell freezes over,” he muttered. Louder, he continued, “It’s called hand-to-hand combat. Not my favorite way to fight but when you don’t have any weapons on you or easily in reach, it’s good to know.” His eyes swept me up and down. “Balance of probability is that you’re going to be smaller and lighter than anyone you go up against. I don’t know how to teach you to leverage that, but the more you can throw your opponent off balance or off his footing, the better off you’ll be.”
He finished stretching and took a step back, twisting so we were facing each other head-on. He spread his arms.
“Go on. Try to hit me. I’ll give you one freebie.”
I glared and balled my fists.
“No. No. Bad,” Albus said.
“What?” I demanded.
“You leave your thumb on the side of your hand like that and you’ll shatter the bone on impact.” He stepped closer and held both hands out toward one of mine. Reluctantly, I placed my fist in his hands. His hands were ridiculously warm—callused and rough. But gentler than I expected. He took my thumb and guided it in front of all my fingers. “Keep your fist like that. But don’t wrap your fingers around it or you’ll break it. Make sure your thumb stays on the outside and in front of your fingers, not to the side, got it?”
I nodded. “Got it.”
“Okay. Now. When you hit, make sure to strike with these two knuckles.” He tapped my forefinger and middle finger knuckles. “Because if you hit with these two—” His tapped my ring finger and pinky knuckles. “You will break them. Following so far?”
“Good.” He cleared his throat and let go of my hands. “One thing to know, a punch is still going to hurt like hell. But if you do it right, you won’t break anything. A broken hand is no good to you in a fight.” He stepped back to square up opposite me again. “Try to hit me.” He inspected my fists again. “Go on. Give me your best shot.”
I swung.
He ducked out of the way, laughing. “Well, apart from the fact that you telegraphed your intentions about two weeks in advance for me to dodge, you had the power behind the swing. That’s something,” he remarked. “What you just did is called a haymaker. It has its uses but it’s too easy to dodge. Try this.”
He pivoted and stood beside me so we were facing the same direction. “Bring your elbows in more. Keep your fists up close to shoulder-level. And hit like this.” His fist lashed out and he brought it back quickly. “Let me show you that slow, yeah?” He made the same motions. “Now, see how I’m rotating my fist so my palm is facing downward as I punch outward? That’s to pack more strength behind the strike. If you keep your fist facing the wall like this—” He repeated the motion but didn’t twist his arm as he pushed out. “—you can’t equip the power of your shoulder, chest, and back muscles into the hit as easily. Give it a try.”
I did. Slow at first, and then another attempt moving much faster.
“Not bad. Bring your arm back faster, if you can. Don’t underestimate how much extra damage you can do with a decent recoil. It’s all force and energy transfer.” 
I nodded and tried again.
“Thatta girl! That was good!”
I blinked. Praise from Albus was... beyond rare. Practically nonexistent, actually.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
“Next thing. Your elbow is the hardest, strongest striking point on your body. If you’re close enough to someone to hit them with your elbow: do it. If someone grabs you from behind, hit backwards with your elbow into their torso as hard as you can.” He demonstrated the movement as he talked about it.
“And when you aim—punch or elbow—you want to aim beyond the person’s body. You’ll hit harder. But you still want that recoil. Driving your elbow too deep and too slow won’t do as much damage.”
“Right.” I supposed that made sense in some way.
Albus rotated so we were standing opposite each other again. “Try to hit me, faithful.”
I narrowed my eyes at him and went back to the stance he’d showed me. I glanced at my fist to make sure it looked right, the way he’d showed me. Then met his eyes. His expression was expectant but otherwise unreadable.
“Bend your knees,” he said. “Standing lock-kneed makes it easier to give you one shove and topple you right over.”
I bent my knees and lashed out immediately after.
Albus caught my fist. “Not bad. I did forget to mention that you need to rotate your hips as you make the punch to keep the movement flowing. That one is on me. Let me show you and then try again.” He showed me the movement, this time pointing out the way his legs twisted to rotate his hips before letting me have another go at it. I tried it. “Better. Now try and hit me again.”
I hurled the punch.
And hit Albus right in the chest. The breath knocked out of him with an, “Oof!” and he stumbled a few steps back.
For a moment, he coughed and wheezed to get his breath back. “Helluva punch, faithful. That was good.” His voice was raspy. “I should have mentioned the chest was a decent target if you hit hard enough.” He coughed. “And damn I think you did.”
I smirked. “Well, like you said the first time you tried training me, I’ve thought about hitting you more than once. Might as well siphon off some of that energy.”
He chuckled—and coughed again.
“So... apart from the chest, where do I hit? Jaw?”
“No. No, no. Bone’s too thick. More likely to break your hand than their face.” He tapped his head. “Temple. Right here. Softer point. Also the eyes. They’re very much a weak, soft point. If you gauge with your fingers at the eyes you will do serious damage. Or you can use the heel of your hand—” He rubbed his thumb over the base of his opposite palm. “—to strike the nose from beneath and shatter it. We’re not going to try that one though. I quite like my nose. But we can practice the movement.”
I snorted. “Fine with me.”
He showed me and I copied a few times. “Make sure you keep your fingers curled back as far as you can so you—”
“Don’t break them on impact.”
He kept teaching me, showing me how to combine strikes from both sides and drilling in my head not to kick if I could help it. In certain circumstances it was fine, but normally it would make me lose my balance and fall over.
Then we moved on to dodging for a while.
And then we started trying to spar. But it was a slow, soft practice fight that Albus basically walked and talked me through.
Slowly, we sped up.
Then I started trying to hit him for real again. He was still going softer on me, but wasn’t holding back on his speed.
He got in close—informing me that it was a mistake because my reach was shorter than his and he didn’t have the room to pack as much power behind his swing—and let me jab him with the elbow. Once. To get a feel for it.
After giving him a bit to recover, we went again.
This time when he got in close, his leg lashed around mine and he yanked. Knocking my foot out from under me.
I hit the floor with an, “Oof!”
Albus landed on top of me, nearly bashing our heads together.
For a moment, we stared at each other, breathing hard. Albus’ eyes were darker than I’d ever noticed, and the scars over his nose and at the corner of his right eyebrow glimmered slightly in the artificial light. Both of us were open-mouthed as we panted. I tried my best, but couldn’t stop the brief impulse to let my eyes flicker to his lips—then quickly back to his eyes.
Graciously, I ignored the way his did the same to me.
A door whirred open. “Am I... interrupting?” Devlin sounded horrified.
I shoved at Albus. “Not at all,” I said. “Get. Off!”
“If you insist.” He gave me a flirtatious, suggestive smirk.
“Oh, by the gods—you know what I mean!” I snapped, still shoving.
He snorted and climbed off of me, offering me a hand to help me up. I thought about taking it, then remembered what he’d said the first time. That he’d use it to throw me back down. I swatted his hand away and pushed to my feet on my own.
“What’s going on, Devlin?” I asked.
“You two have been gone a while. I was getting worried,” he said, holding my gaze.
“We’re fine. Just training,” Albus said. Devlin shot him a look.
“Well, if you’re quite done, we still have work to do if we want to make it to Brother Koria on time. We’re coming up on an area that’s going to be hard to navigate. I’m going to need help.”
“Fine.” Albus stooped and snatched up his sword and its belt. “Let’s go.”
I followed Devlin out of the room back toward the bridge with Albus bringing up the rear.
I fell into step beside him. “That was... informational,” I said.
“Not fun?”
“Don’t push your luck.”
He snorted again. “There she is,” he said. “Never without that sharp tongue, are you?”
“Nope.” We kept walking. I chewed the inside of my cheek for a moment. “Thank you.”
He cleared his throat, buckling his sword belt back on. “Uh... sure,” he said. Then he cleared his throat again, louder. “Hey Vinny, what’s this about a place that’s hard to navigate?”
Tagging my GB fan peeps who might enjoy: @palilious @gwenifred @ryn-halo26 @dollscircus @halscafe @miloeveryday38 @zozo-01 if anyone else wants to be tagged in GBA fics, let me know. Tag list is always open
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romance-fantesy · 2 months
Evil Feminist Crushes Alex
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Alex was sent to hell, he will be tortured for all eternity by this gorgeous yet demented mysandrist.
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defensive-tactics · 6 months
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Women can be predators, too. Through choice or force. Be aware.
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marioromanceblog · 2 months
Peach busts Mario's balls
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That will teach him to respect women some more.
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Ladies, stop carrying your car keys between your fingers. You should be carrying pocket knives instead.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
May we see Valorie and Alieen
Of course! Aileen is my Sig and was my first, so naturally has a very special place in my heart 💕 I need to get a custom holster made due to the fact that I added the laser pointer, flashlight, and red dot, but haven't gotten around to it. Val is my tiny .380 (for easy pocket carry) (mask for scale 😅)
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I also got a Jericho recently which is a gorgeous piece and an absolute pleasure to hold & to shoot - the weighting is incredible & recoil barely noticeable - but I haven't picked a name yet 🤷
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llilychen · 2 years
no one understands overhated female characters the way i do 💔💔💔
#alicent my beloved#yeah she sucks#is she a good person? no 💔#is she gonna get worse? absolutely#but i understand why she is the way she is#if i was pretty much forced by my dad to marry a gross old man at the age of 15 and have a bunch of babies really young#i would want to make other people miserable too#she hasn’t done anything too horrible yet and she’s getting a lot of hate#these people really like daemon who is way worse#i didn’t even care that much about her at first but seeing people’s reactions to her made me get defensive#anyways i love female characters who are not good people and i look forward to her doing terrible things#also this is got and everyone does shitty things#alicent is the scum of the earth yes but so is everyone else#i also think that people love pitting women against each other and since rhaenyra is the fan favorite in people’s minds#everything alicent does against her is 100x worse no matter how minute an action it is#and yeah i know the conflict is one sided at the moment#and alicent is messy and petty and self centered and everything will kinda be her fault at the end#but people have been hating on her since episode 1 and by the time she actually did questionable things i was already annoyed#at the people hating on her#and seeing people use that audio seeing that they stop being feminists when alicent comes on screen#shut up!! it’s not cute it’s not funny#i rooted for cersei every once in a while and i thought that daenerys burning down king’s landing could have been a slay#if it hadn’t been for bad writing#this is all over the place lol#alicent hightower#house of the dragon
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Idk if anyone is interested in hearing this, but here’s a very important fact about martial arts:
Yes, some martial arts are more practical for self-defense than others.
No, there is not a single martial arts style that will instantly make you proficient at self defense.
It ultimately doesn’t matter which style of martial arts (or multiple styles) you decide to practice: no matter what, you’re going to need to practice for hours, constantly, in order to maintain your skills, and you’re never guaranteed to walk out of a fight healthy and in one piece. You need to practice, practice, practice, no matter what style you choose, because you’re not going to be able to defend yourself at all if all you do is take a couple self-defense classes and never practice again.
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clottedscream · 2 years
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freshman psych major in your gen-ed media studies class who seems normal until she won’t stop writing essays about patrick bateman
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newbordeaux · 1 year
For Cristina (and Vera if it applies): what was her first big score? Was it memorable? Does she still have it?
For anyone you want to answer it for: what color do you associate with them? Why?
Cristina's first big score was the one that forced her to get out of Sicily. She was fresh out of jail (for smaller break-ins) and the family was in debt after her older sister and father died, and a rich guy had more than enough money to spare. She took a lot of money with her, but was discovered by the son of said guy. The guy made.. uh, persistent advances on her so she killed him in self-defense. It was certainly memorable but the money was spent on her family and a few bribes to cover her tracks and get her to the states safely, so she didn't see much of it.
Vera's first big score wasn't actually that big in comparison to what she earned through her crime girlboss antics later on but it happened when she shot her boss 💕 unlike Cristina, it wasn't self-defense at all, he was a corrupt politician trying to have her killed for tipping off the GCPD & district attorney/Batman about the various crimes he'd been involved in, in exchange for witness protection. In my verse it was one of the catalysts for the whole harvey courtroom attack thing, which was kind of the last straw for her so she decided to shoot this guy in the head and take off with evidence and LOTS of his dirty money lol. She later returned to Gotham and became a crime boss so she earned a LOT more but at the time that was a big score to her >:)
HM I think the strongest oc color association I have is Audrey (fnv courier) + orange. Because of the sunny desert vibes but also because it's a color I associate with the late 60s/early 70s, which is the aesthetic she's based off of >:) idk no color theory just my associations
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romance-fantesy · 2 months
Taser Lady
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aikoiya · 2 years
You know what I wanna see more of? People actually acknowledging that men are naturally stronger, faster, & have more stamina than women.
So, in stories where a woman fights a man & is supposed to come out the victor, it'd be nice to see these women use methods that would IRL help a woman win in a fight.
Things that utilize a woman's natural strengths over men, such as flexibility, agility, balance, dexterity, & ability to change direction at a moment's notice.
Because of all these things, women are naturally better at gymnastics than men, so fighting styles that would flow well when paired with it would likely be best.
Also styles that involve using your opponent's strength & size against them. Something that allows women to escape or dodge holds.
I've seen Judo, Brazillian Jiujitsu, & Aikido recommended to learn how to throw people bigger & stronger than you. There's also Muay Boran, which I think is the self-defense version of Muay Thai.
I've seen someone recommend Jiu Jitsu as having the best technique to use in order to weasel out of a grab & then run.
Apparently in Judo, you learn a lot of powerful techniques to take someone out from the floor.
I've also seen someone say that, if you're looking for a good dojo, to not go with any that focus hard on competitions as, apparently, they're more likely to have removed so much from the actual arts themselves that they're all-but-useless in real situations.
Add all this to the typical Women's Self-Defense where it's recommended you go aggressive for the eyes, nose, windpipe, & groin. As well as several escape maneuvers.
Now, in a fictional world, I'd like to also say gymkata or Martial Arts Rhythmic Gynastics would be good things to learn. At the same time, I don't know if gymkata is even a real thing or if it's just an old comedy movie that was then referenced in a Lego movie.
However, I would like to think that if it did exist, it'd be the sort of martial art that would cater to a woman's strengths specifically.
That, plus Bellet Kenpo & Acro Ballet.
Either way, don't just make the woman stronger without an explanation. Instead, make her skilled in ways that specifically allow her to fight against men.
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nepetaz · 2 years
Male instructor teaching a women-focused self defense class: hey LADIES I’m a big man here to teach you FEMALES how to defend yourself. I have experience in all the techniques on how people physically exploit you WEAK GIRLS and I’m here to give you a fighting chance. WOMEN are submissive and defenseless and only I, the stereotypical embodiment of your aggressors, can teach you VAGINA HOLDERS. I may not have a true frame of reference for your experiences but I WILL enjoy grabbing you under the guise of teaching
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