#favourite cm episodes
kreepja · 7 months
Why for god's sake it's HOT out here?? Aren't we supposed to be in November or we still haven't been updated yet??? Like you're telling me that last week it reached 36C IN OCTOBER??? At least in Halloween it was cloudy the whole day and a bit chilly but still :(( (i don't even celebrate it but kinda wanted to be snuggly and cozy while watching cm 6x06)
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cecedownbad · 9 months
Hold On
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Summary: A missing child's case resurfaced so many memories you wished to keep buried. Sure enough, seeking comfort from the heavy feelings came by as a form of a person. [Spencer Reid X Fem!Reader] Part 1.
Warnings: Death of a child, made up case, made up case numbers, abusive mother, absent father, no Y/N, there is a last name: Cyrus. Hurt/ Comfort. A two part fic, Spencer is a supportive friend here. Pretty much a whole episode of CM. Probable inaccurate science facts, not that great at writing mysteries, I think, don't mind the weird conclusions. Self indulgent in all it's glory (minus the fem part), my apologies. Proof read but I'm blind so lmk if there are bothersome errors.
Word Count: 4.7k
Based on very sad songs that I won't put up cause we deserve better. Binged all 16 seasons in 2 weeks, it was worth it.
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"I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise."
-Anaïs Nin
"Mom, where's Steven?" A dark room, with nothing but a single bed, and a desk that contained one clock furnished the surroundings. The ticking of the clock resonated within you, each tick causing you to step forward to a door ajar, light seeping through it.
Not too bright, not too dark, moonlight streaming in through the cracks much like a distant scream in a faraway place. "Sweetie? Go back to bed, you have to go to school tomorrow." A still voice poured in, the voice echoed in almost engulfing you but your feet already brought you face to face with what caused all your nightmares. "Steven has not come back from his play time. Where is he, Mom?" Your voice is so soft yet embroidered in concern. "Steven is okay, go back to bed." The woman in front of you smiled, her smile was stretched. Her eyes harboured nothing as if you stared right into the abyss.
Yet, her face was...gone, her eyes were full, her smile, so impeccable but where was her face, why couldn't you remember?
"Oh my sweet girl, you look just like me." She beamed but you stood there confused, to which you backed away from the room and entered your bedroom.
Nothing was out of place, everything remained as it was, like that day, what day was it?
When your eyes took in the room you noticed a small juice box, the very same one Steven had drunk, right after he...wait, who was 'he'?
Then you heard her, "I told you to go to sleep, didn't I?" The anger that seethed from her caused nothing but fear to blanket you. She towered over you, whispering, "I took Steven to a better place."
That was when you knew, your little brother, was never coming back from his play time, he was never going to drink his favourite juice again. That was his fault, he just didn't listen to Mother. This is what happens to children who disobey.
You turned around and smiled at her, "Mother," you called out, "I'll be a good girl, I'll never disappoint you."
All the while you quivered, knowing that your little brother was gone for good, "Steven, I'll find you, I promise."
'I promise, Steven...'
'Who's Steven?'
Your eyes shot awake like you'd been shot with a bullet to your gut, 'Ugh, what?' The sudden rush of light filtered in, waking you from your short nap and making you rub and squint your eyes, then you felt how sticky your back had felt, the palms of your hands damp from sweat. 'You were calling out to someone just now, you said, "I'll find you, I promise, Steven" in your sleep.' Spencer questioned you, his eyes gathering that you showed signs of having a bad dream.
'Uh, nothing, it's nothing, just haven't got much sleep, is all.' You brush off the question, looking around, you get up from your seat, taking in that you were returning from a case in Wichita and the team was on the jet back to Quantico. You excused yourself to the bathroom, the size of it and the dim light were not ideal but you needed to freshen up.
Twisting the faucet, you let the water run and washed your face, the cold water woke you up right away. A sudden rush of relief had hit you, a sense of comfort knowing that your bad dream could not seep into reality, the safety of it was that you knew nothing could get to you when you were surrounded by the best agents you could ever meet.
It happened not too long ago when you were invited to join the BAU, thanks to a recommendation from the Criminal Investigation Division.
Grabbing a tissue from the dispenser by the sink, you wiped your hands and face, throwing the used tissue in the slot made for waste disposal right below the sink. A sigh sounded out of you, with one last look at yourself in the mirror, you straightened your clothes and walked out of the loo. 'How are you doing?' Spencer asked you as you sat in the seat before him, his right hand holding an open book, which you presume is written in Russian. 'Yeah, I just had a bad dream, nothing big.' You once again dismiss him.
It wasn't exactly an alarming thing to have a bad dream. On the contrary, you were accustomed to having nightmares and bad dreams but this one was different, recurring in all its forms. The sounds, the sights, were familiar but all the more terrifying, there wasn't a feeling so twisted as this one. 'I don't think it was just a bad dream, your breathing rate increased from the normal 12 to 18 breathes per minute to 25 to 30 in the three minutes after you woke up and you were sweating profusely. Are you sure you're okay?' He breathed out, his eyes already reading your every movement, catching how you twitched when he caught that you were not telling him the truth. 'Reid...thank you for worrying but I—'
'Alright, crime fighters, how's everyone doing, all tucked in?' Saved by the bell as it goes, Penelope popped up on the jet's screen, 'Yeah, can't wait to get some sleep.' JJ groaned.
'Uh about that, I'm really sorry for putting this on you guys, I know you guys are tired and I hate doing this right after a case and- I have some bad news.'
'What is it, Garcia?' Emily asked
'Okay so you have another case, it's a missing child case in Bakersfield, a 6 year old boy named Stephen Turner, last seen in his, oh this is so sad, in his room. A report was sent 12 minutes ago.' The name made you freeze, you could hear your heart beat quickening, the way it felt like it could run for miles was a pain you were sure you put behind. 'Garcia is that Steven or Stephen?'
'Oh I'm pretty sure it's Stephen, my love.'
'Okay, thanks...' it wasn't relief that washed over you, but the name carried a heavy weight.
'Bakersfield, California, Right?' Luke clarified. 'Yes newbie, I'll have the files sent to you immediately on your tablets and the rest should be at the local Police department there, Good luck guys!' Garcia signed off immediately after.
'Okay, we know the drill, we only have 24 hours or we'll be looking for a body. I'll inform the pilot to change course. When we land, JJ and Rossi go to the Turner house and speak with the parents. Reid go with them, we need to know how he was taken from his room. Luke and Tara, I want you to scout the neighborhood, maybe someone saw something.' She turned to face you, 'Cyrus, you'll be with me, we'll speak with the Chief there.' Emily gave everyone their designated tasks.
Everyone exchanged nods with their partners. You exchanged a glance with Emily, standing up from your seat, you chose to stand all the while till it was necessary to be seated when the jet landed.
'Chief Marks, this is SSA Cyrus, I'm Unit Chief Prentiss, What have we got so far on Stephen Turner?' She quickly shook hands with the PD Chief, You took it as a chance to observe the department, a missing child case gave you little time for formalities. 'So far, zilch, I have some of my officers posted around the neighbourhood, even questioned across the street, said they saw nothing.'
'My Agents are already there, let's hope they turn up with something new.' Emily informed the chief and led you both to an empty conference room, informing you that this was the only available room at such short notice. 'Chief Marks, would you mind bringing in prior missing child case reports, preferably going back 20 years.' You asked before he got the chance to leave, there was still one nagging question that you had to rule out.
Could your mother be involved? Or was it your paranoia getting the best of you? but a job was a job, if an MO matched with an old case, narrowing down suspects was a huge load off.
'Anything you need.' He answered in the affirmative after a pause.
'Something in mind?' Emily asked you.
'This is my hometown, I've read my fair share of missing child cases but if there's a chance one of them bares any similarities, we might be able to narrow down our search.' You explained, opening boxes of the gathered information on Stephen.
'Yes, I'm sorry I forgot, after the case maybe you can go see your folks?' The thought was so lighthearted but you had gulped in guilt at the words, 'No, we need to go back to the Academy...my folks and I aren't in good terms.'
'Oh, let me know if there's anything I can do?' She asked softly, which you smiled to in response, 'Of course.'
Emily was always a friend before a Unit Chief when she caught on to indications of a slight change in behaviour, it made it a whole lot easier to speak to her about things you wouldn't bother about with your old Unit Chief.
'What have you got so far?'
'Nothing solid, of the two stacks of cases brought in, 2/3ds hardly match the MO and, the remaining few, let's say it didn't end well for the kids.' You gritted your teeth at the last sentence.
JJ, Rossi and Spencer walked in right at that moment, 'What did you find?' Emily asked the three.
'There wasn't a sign of struggle in the room, it's likely the UnSub and Stephen knew each other or he could have been drugged, there was no sign of a break-in either but the spare key that was left under one of the plants was missing, UnSub definitely planned the kidnapping and was aware of the layout of the house.' Reid informed.
'Mom and Dad are worked up, said they didn't hear anything from the kids room upstairs, hasn't gotten into any fights at school or kids around the area or within the family.' Rossi states.
'Yeah, Joy, Stephen's mom, said he was well liked, got good grades, knew not to trust strangers,' JJ took a deep breath, 'He's a healthy 6 year old boy and apart from not being athletic, he's just one normal kid in a family of 4.'
'Wait, 4?' You stopped JJ.
'Yeah...he has an older—'
'Sister? Say 11 or 12?' You completed, the fear inside you built. 'Yes, 12, how, how did you know?'
That same empty feeling drained out of you, fear blanketed whatever memory you recalled from this place. 'Good guess, I think, is the family here I, uh, I want to speak with them, maybe the sister even.'
'I can ask them to come in but why?'
'I think she might know something or maybe even the UnSub.' You breathed, 'I'm gonna go out for some air, Emily?'
'Yes, of course.'
'Thanks.' You nod slowly and walk out of the conference room and out of the PD. You leaned back on the wall, sunlight barely visible due to it now being autumn, orange-tinted leaves lightly grazed the pavements. Passersby walking hand in hand or holding on to a warm drink. It's a pleasant scene for the beginning of the most painful nightmares.
'You said his name again.'
'Ah! Jeez, Reid! You scared the crap out of me, don't do that again!' Stepping back you raised your hands ahead of you in defense.
'Sorry, I brought you coffee.' He offered.
'Thank you, what are you doing? Out here, I mean.'
'I know it's a little bit of an unspoken rule that we don't profile on the team but-'
'But, you profiled me,' you sighed, this was expected, you knew he was only worried about you but it never occurred to you that he'd come looking for you. Being in the BAU for more than a year doesn't make you chummy with each other, especially with Dr. Spencer Reid, or so you've heard.
He was cautious around you, he was not afraid, just that he could tell you preferred solitude compared to the average population. But he never took the chance that when you displayed more emotion than you would otherwise, to walk away. Always asking if you were alright, leaving you small treats at your desk knowing that it helps you. You kept to yourself and he respected that, in turn, so did you. Not many catch on to your subtle way of pulling back from too much physical contact, or the way you'd always make the person before you speak, knowing they had no chance of asking you about the details of the life you lived.
In a way, admiring his skills as a profiler was easy to come by. More so his little actions that left you thinking that he was one of the few people you'd consider opening up to. So listening to his observations was, if not intriguing, worth betting on.
'Okay, tell me what you got.' You let him have at it.
'Well, I would go into statistics but I'll keep it short. You have been on edge from the moment Garcia mentioned your hometown and judging by the way you keep mentioning this person's name, who I'll assume is someone you know from here and bad...things happened, causing you to have nightmares now more frequently maybe due to an anniversary.' He laid out like you were an open book. Who were you kidding? Where would he be if he wasn't good at his job?
Your brows knitted and you let out a painful chuckle but you knew that wasn't all he figured out. 'What else?'
'You had also correctly estimated Stephen's sister's age simply based on the fact that they are a family of 4, which tells me that this isn't the first this has happened here, in fact the very first time it did, it was very close to you or maybe you were involved.' He finished the last of his deduction and looked at you, searching for a mistake in his findings, it concerned you after all.
'You got me, ha. That name, Steven, he um, he was—' you tried completing your sentence, your lips began shaking and you looked away from Spencer because other people seeing you cry was never on your bucket list. 'Steven was my little brother.' You bit the words but it spilled out in all it's shapeless glory.
'Was?' Spencer questioned.
'He went missing, 20 years ago...he was 6, just like Stephen and I was...11, just like that little girl.' It took everything in you, every bone and muscle to let out what you couldn't for 20 years. 'Do you know what happened to him?' Spencer quietly asked. 'All I know was that my mother had brought him out to play and he never came back, whenever I asked all she would do was look at me like maybe I should've been the one that was gone.'
'Does anyone know? Someone had to be searching for him—'
'Reid, no one knew my brother, they...forgot him, or chose to. I couldn't ask what had happened or go to the police station because my mother, she would tell me he was okay.' The warm streaks of salty tears had left your eyes, you wanted them to stop, it was shame and regret that filled your mind. 'Four days from now would be his anniversary of the day he disappeared.' Wiping your cheek and turning to face Spencer, you caught a glimpse of a man that looked like he knew.
Knew how much you were hurting, how that showing this side of yourself was only making it worse.
'I'm sorry to interrupt but the Turner family is here.' An officer from the department had called you in. 'Yes, I'll be right there...Reid, thank you for the coffee and for uh, listening, I'll fill you in on the rest if you want.'
He subtly nodded and you both ushered inside.
You spotted the family and exchanged a quick greeting, expressing your apologies and understanding of the situation you began asking questions and later focused on asking the little girl, who was shaken up but put on a brave front to stay strong. Braver than the parents, you note.
'Hi, Tina, right? How are you feeling?' you bent down to meet her eye level. 'I'm fine, it's Stephen I'm worried about and you should be too.' She strongly expressed. Her concern for her brother was what made you smile inwardly, 'We are, Tina but we're going to ask you some questions. Is that okay with you?' Quickly gaining the quiet approval of the parents you proceeded.
'Are you and Stephen close?'
'Yeah, he's very clumsy so I have to look out for him a lot, and because he's so short, I don't like people thinking they can pick on him.' She answered true. 'That's very good Tina, you're a wonderful sister, tell me, lately has there been anyone you know who's been close to Stephen besides you or your parents?'
'No not really, he's got two friends but they both moved away...oh!' The girl had a moment of realisation. 'There's this lady that visits our house sometimes. My mom and dad usually say hi to her, and she keeps asking me if Stephen's been studying well.' She completed.
'That's Rosa, she's the head of the neighbourhood watch, she was with me even when I was in labour  at the hospital here, suggested the name too, you don't think?' The mother's face contorted a little as her mind raced.
How could you forget your mother's name, she flaunted it for as long as you stayed with her. Rosa Cyrus, a symbol of hope so domineering, it paralysis any that gets too close to its core, that's who she was, or who she saw herself as.
'We can't say for sure ma'am, but you should stay here. Thank you, Tina, what you said was very helpful. We'll find your brother, I promise.' You stuck your hand out and she grabbed it quickly, giving you a wobbly handshake her little hands could gather. 'Uhm, Ms. FBI Agent ma'am, I really want to see my brother again, please.'
You sucked in whatever painful thought you gathered and gave the family a smile.
'Thank you, please find him.' The father could barely put up a brave front, his face already riddled with tear stains. 'We will.'
'Good job.' Rossi was outside the door, he gently patted your shoulder. 'Hmm, we need to find him.'
'And we will, after all, with a team like ours and not to mention boy genius, we'll find the kid.' Rossi's words brought comfort.
You immediately called Garcia once you entered the conference room where everyone was gathered, 'Find the location of Rosa Cyrus, any properties in her name and any known associates, She might have moved to this neighbourhood 10 years ago, also I need you to trace her past phone calls and bank transactions.' You felt your patience running thin, you knew this woman from the moment her name-dropped, she was your mother after all. Now all you wished for was that you got rid of all traces of her, including her last name.
'Um Hi?'
'Garcia, now.'
It wasn't your intention to be demanding, or sound angry, emotions getting in the way of work has rough consequences. 'O-okay, I'll be back as soon as possible.' You let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed your forehead. 'Who is she?' Tara asked you, and you paused and looked at her, it was then that you caught on that everyone in the room had a torn look of concern directed at you.
'My mother.' You took your chance and here spills the truth.
'Your mother? What does your mother have to do with this?' Emily asked, she wasn't asking as a friend but as your chief. 'Tina said that Rosa Cyrus had been visiting their house every now and then, checking in on Stephen, claiming that she was only doing her duty as the head of the neighbourhood watch. The mother said she was even present when he was born, and gave him his name too.'
'But why—'
'Okay guys, this is very suspicious,' Garcia checked back in right on time.
'Rosa Cyrus, born and raised in Bakersfield, once married to a construction worker named Daniel Carter. Later she gave birth to one, oh uhm, little girl-' you shut your eyes at the mention of your name, '-and she went into labour once again... the only thing specified about the baby was the gender, it was a baby boy, no records after that, hospital records don't mention a name, date of birth is listed but it looks like at the time they didn't stay in long to mention details. It was like this boy didn't exist.' Garcia sympathetically continued on, you knew she would want to be there for you right now, 'She got a divorce 6 years after her son was born but from her contact history, it looks like Daniel and her never lost touch.'
'That sorry bitch.' You whispered, more so as an undertone, it was loud enough that Luke and Spencer looked up at you.
'Okay this is where things get weirder, she started frequenting the Turner house since the birth of Stephen. A camera feed shows that she was on the way to the Turner's house the day before he went missing.' She finished up.
'Yeah, I asked the neighbours across the street if they saw anything but they hadn't, they did hear a car leave the scene at roughly the same time Reid narrowed down the time he was taken.' Luke filled in. 'Roughly between 11:30 pm to 2 am, which was around the time Joy went to check in on Stephen. Based on the time they heard the car fleeing, he was missing at around 12:35 pm.' Emily gave a quick nod at Spencer's deduction.
'Thank you Garcia, any known whereabouts on Daniel?'
'Searching now and there, the last known location was the police—He was right there. Okay uhh, sending you his address and Rosa's current address, please catch these a-holes!'
'Oh that's a done deal. Garcia?'
'My little brother's name was Steven, please, don't forget.' That was a plea. A plea that she understood right away, one that also was directed to everyone in that very room.
The two of you might be at a distance but you could tell she smiled on the other end, 'I won't, sugar.'
With Garcia hanging up, now things have increased in pace, you have a name and a face to give to your unsub all that's left now is to find them and the boy.
'Tara, I need you to tell the chief to pull up an APB on Rosa and Daniel.' Emily handed out orders, and Tara was just as quick to respond, 'Luke and JJ, head over to Daniel's address, If he's there, bring him in and be careful, he is likely on alert since he visited the station. Rossi, Reid and I will be on our way to Rosa's, Cyrus—'
'I know, I'll stay here, I'm too close to the case now.'
'Yes but also, if Luke and JJ get back here with Daniel, he'll demand to see you, There's a chance he knows you're here and that might convince him to assume you would be on his side if he asks for you, you'll only meet him with Tara or Reid in the room with you, can you do that? I need you as level-headed as possible.' She looked you straight in the eyes, which caused you to pause for a good minute to assess all possibilities.
Would you be okay seeing someone you haven't in 20 years? Someone who pretty much played a part in your brother's disappearance?
You took that one minute to take a breath, record all scenarios and with a tight chest you gave Emily your response, 'Yes, if it will get him to talk, I'll play my cards like I always do.'
'Good, let's get moving then.'
You sat down on one of the chairs, watching your team leave the PD, getting armed and ready as they darted out but you didn't notice one more lingering figure. He was quiet but he didn't startle you again this time.
Spencer gave a single pat on the shoulder, but before he could leave the interaction, you placed a hand over his and held on to him. Though the touch startled him, from his gatherings, he noticed that you didn't look at him, you hung your head low but latched on to his fingers in a desperate attempt to feel comfort. Your bad dream suddenly seems to stray from your head and bend the strings of reality, nestling in unrest you didn't want to feel again.
You let out a quiet sniffle, with a daft smile you let go of the hand that brought you safety. 'Go.'
Moreover, he did. The fading figure of your colleague and now close friend, caused you to huddle into yourself.
You're going to be okay. A silent notion of sanity.
'Hey, got you something to eat.' Tara walked into the room and sat next to you, she carefully placed a package of Choux Pastry before you. Eyes darted to indicate a grateful gesture was about to be appreciated. Tara required no words for the way you'd carefully taken out the plate, digging in right away to know that this was the little thing that might keep you going, thank yous fell out of your mouth after a good bite. 'Take your time and eat it though, can't have a good agent choking on a choux pastry on a Tuesday.' She chided.
'So no dying on Tuesdays, duly noted doc.' A light breathy laugh left you. It was the small things, nobody asked or pleaded for an offer of gold to feel better about themselves, if anyone knew that, it was everyone at the BAU. 'We're all here if you need us, okay?' Her voice said it all, that was enough. 'I know, it's why I'm still here.'
Silence had fallen in the room, it wasn't heavy, not at all, but that didn't make Tara's fumbling with case files any quieter. 'You can ask me, you know?' You broke the silence, and the rustling of papers stopped.
'I know you want to ask me something so go ahead, don't believe I have anything to hide...at this point anyway.'
She sighed and rose from her chair, 'I just, okay, she waited exactly 6 years to take Stephen, she named him, tried to intervene and raise him like he was her own. She named him after her—your brother, who no one knew existed. Clearly she's reliving an event. So, why Steven? What happened to him?' she began, 'She couldn't have simply waited for another child to be born in the right circumstances, there has to be another boy, that no one knows about who's missing, or maybe a person, an adult who would match Steven's description? This woman needs a trigger to have to wait to do something like this.'
'So you're saying, there's a chance Grace is a...serial killer?'
'She would know how to take care of the bodies, a place or method she knows well enough so that nothing odd would ever turn up.' Tara walked over to the pile of missing persons reports, looking through them with brows crossed. 'Wait, I think there was one case, a 16-year-old boy. He looked exactly how I'd imagine Steven to, check case number 000612-M5-034.' You got up from the chair, standing right by Tara with arms crossed. 'Okay, let's see, Conrad Miller, 16 years old, went missing on June 12th, 2007. Last seen by the local church with one of the volunteers, she was questioned once but was never linked as she had a solid alibi, her name was Grace Cyrus.'
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Part 2
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My Love Mix-Up - Episode 1
Before anything else. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement. I am a massive fan of the japanese version. I have also read the manga. Both Aoki and Ida are on my top favourite ql characters list. And I have a weird a relationship with remakes of all kinds. I question the need for them a lot. I get too attached to the original work and have trouble separating that. This is not a ql exclusive thing btw and I know it's a me problem.
Just a couple of things that I've been thinking about.
Both @lurkingshan here and @bengiyo here have written already that the main roles seem to be playing against the actors strengths and I completely agree. I don't think Fourth excels at the physical comedy bits that are a big part of the character imo. I think Gemini might've done better here. Perhaps even better - @happypotato48 made a great observation here about how Aungpao would be such a good choice for this. I agree.
Gemini's not doing necessarily a bad job at playing Ida Kongthap although he's leaning too much into the confused look and I'm not a fan. That first reaction to the eraser read more aggressive than confused which I thought was weird but I guess he made up for that by looking confused the rest of the episode.
Also about the cat. I love cats. So I'm not at all bothered that Kongthap has a cat instead of a dog Mametaru, like it's about the sponsors I get it. But I wonder if they chose a white cat to match the one that can be seen lounging outside of school in Kieta Hatsukoi.
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Cause if that is the case, it's great.
Moving on. The rhythm of this episode felt off to me though. Considering that they covered as much ground as the first episode of the JP version and still they added the sports, cat bits and the dinner date, it all felt a bit really rushed to me. Like they added stuff but at the same time it's like they skipped steps. atm can't really find a better way to explain it.
I like Matmi a lot. And I like her and Fourth together. I think that friendship could be well done here.
I'm not really sure about the dynamic between Atom and the bff, like I'm not hating it but also it seems forced somehow. I'm not sold on their particular chemistry yet.
There are a couple more things but it's the first episode and let's see if they improve on some of the editing choices.
Overall, this is better than the trailer advertised (which is not saying much because that trailer was a mess) and I'm gonna stick with it for now. I'm curious how much of the manga they will cover and after CM did some wonderful choices with adapting a japanese story with thai elements, I wonder how they will do this one. I wonder if the trip to the mountains will be the beach episode in this version.
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wariocompany · 8 months
My actual CVC headcanons written as I trudge through episode after episode in the hopes that I might see him for twenty glorious seconds (LONG)
Cookie Monster is his bestie, they hang out and act Strange together
He has phases of enjoying counting in certain ways. There are some days when counting zero of something is like hell to him, and others when it's all he wants to do.
His memory is borderline photographic; that's both how and why he keeps his counting diary. It helps him empty his head and show he's able to keep track of countable things that would otherwise be forgotten.
He moved to Sesame because he was getting sick of the same-same life of back home, restricted by whatever more ancient relics of count life were supposed to be; especially having to spend time talking to other Important People. On Sesame he gets to do what he wants and be like everyone else, even if he is different. It's also why he says his name is because of his hobby and not, like, the actual reason
He went to an international/accelerated school, where Matilda also went; it was indeed maths oriented, but the Count is exaggerating a bit when he says it was a "counting school".
He did actually catch a bit of an Australian accent from Matilda as a child, as she was his main source of English speaking, but it faded after she moved; all the teachers were either American-accented or had accents like his
He actually has no negative physical reaction to sunlight, he just doesn't like it because of the 'tism
He actually needs the monocle, it's a glasses lens, he read way too much in the dark as a kid
He didn't realise that hyponotising people for his counting purposes could upset people and had to be informed of the fact; but of course, this happened quite quickly, which is why it only happened a few times.
He loves watching sports and pays a great deal of attention to the stats. He especially loves sports analysis shows with "360" in the title. Book keeping etc has also, of course, always been of great interest to him, as well as anything else stats-based in pop culture, such as the census (as we know), elections, algorithms, and so on.
However, he isn't some sort of betting wizard. He is certainly good at counting up things, but putting them into practice and making an analysis of them takes more effort for him, especially if it's a synthesis of a variety of factors.
While he doesn't need a steady job these days, he does do odd accounting jobs during tax time to get himself something nice
He can do all sorts of mathematics, but he simply finds the most interest in counting (and by proxy smaller multiplication tables). He can help you with more challenging maths if you ask him; however, it isn't very interesting for him and he only knows it because of his time at his cute little special boy school
He and the Countess do speak Hungarian reasonably frequently, but not all the time
They knew each other before they met on Sesame, but only vaguely, through friends of friends of friends as children
He was nocturnal for a pretty long while but after he made more friends on Sesame he started to change his sleep schedule for convenience
^ In general, a lot of his vampirisms started to naturally go away after he made friends, and a healthy dose of counting every day keeps him hunky dory.
34,696 was only his favourite number on the day they asked; it changes constantly
He has one of those birthday cake books which teach you how to make numbers for kids' birthdays and we frequently bakes them for friends' birthdays as well as for whenever CM comes over
I'll add more later
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What are your favourite CM episodes? Buuut one episode per character!
OOOH fun
Starting off with our favorite, our boy:
Luke: Honestly, probably 16.10 "Dead End." For one thing, he made the Sicarius arrest!! Plus he found and saved Rossi, and I'm not going to soon forget "if we lean on each other" and "the heart wants what it wants."
And now I'm just going in order of what i think of
Penelope: 7.8, "Hope." That's the episode where she helps find a woman from her support group who was taken by the man who kidnapped her daughter, and was also at the support group. She was amazing in that episode
Tara: 13.9 "False Flag." My favorite episode, and Tara was so amazing and I love her so much
JJ: 7.24 "Run." I fucking LOVED watching her fight Izzy, and I loved the Willifer wedding. It's one of my favorite season finales (season 7 is probably my favorite as a whole)
Gideon: 1.14 "Ride the Lightning." Yes it makes me sob. Yes it's great.
Matt: 15.3 "Spectator Slowing." This is the one where he's at home with all his kids and plays games and cooks with them and it's so cute.
Reid: I'd say 11.11 "Entropy." That truly is a MASTERFUL episode.
Emily: It's a tie. 15.4 "Saturday." I love chill Emily. Also she was totally making eyes at Tara in that episode and I'm here for it. Also, 4.3 "Minimal Loss." The way she protected Reid and saved things from inside was so amazing.
Morgan: 7.18 "Foundation." This is when he befriends a victim, a young boy named Angel, who went through a lot of what Morgan went thrugh as a kid. Yes i cry but so what i love soft Morgan
Rossi: 14.8 "Ashley." This is the episode where he proposes to Krystall!! And it makes me so happy and it's great and he deserves happiness i'm so glad he and krystall are both alive and well
Hotch: 10.5 "Boxed In." This is when he meets the drag queen (?) friend of Penelope's and gets the Darth Vader costume for Jack. I love Dad Hotch.
Elle: 1.5 "Broken Mirror." She literally steps on a man. That's all I have to say.
Alex: 8.10 "The Lesson." This is when she has the "why wouldn't she like you?" conversation with Reid
Kate: 10.1 "X." Right from the beginning i loved her. She was so funny and badass and I miss her
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luveline · 5 months
What is your favorite criminal minds episode? I’m currently debating on whether or not I should rewatch it because I’ve seen so many tiktoks of it and because of your writing, but I don’t know which season to watch.
my favourite episode is mayhem!! Season 4 episode 1 (I think) the really surreal part of the New York terrorist cell attack!! But I think if you’re gonna watch it again you have to watch the episode before too because it’s so good and builds the tension and I always remember my first time watching it and how hard I gasped I was in shock, and how sad it is too. I love those early seasons so much. I also love the two part season finale of season 7 where will is being held inside the bank. The finales are always so fun cos sometimes I think cm gets so formulaic hahaha
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reiderwriter · 8 months
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I'm so happy and so grateful to you all for being here, I want to celebrate reaching this milestone together! Because I'm in the middle of Kinktober and finishing up the That's What You Get series, I can't do a request challenge (but requests are open anyway, if you still wanted something). So here's an ask game for anything you're curious about! Send me an ask with a number and I'll answer it~!
1. Favorite male character (non-Reid's only)
2. Favorite female character
3. Favourite repeating guest star.
4. Favourite Episode
5. Favourite Reid Hairstyle (ask me this one multiple times and you'll get multiple answers)
6. What episode are you on of your rewatch?
7. What episode do you love to rewatch?
8. What episode can you not finish?
9. Write me an episode of Criminal Minds
10. What Criminal Minds adjacent shows do you also like?
11. What is your writing process?
12. What's your current WIP?
13. Give me 50 words of your next scheduled fic.
14. Tell me about a fic you abandoned.
15. Tell me about a fic you only have a small idea for.
16. What was the last book you read?
17. What was the last film you watched?
18. What was the last concert you went to?
19. What was the last TV show (not CM) you watched?
20. What was the last album you bought?
21. What's your favourite book?
22. What's your favourite film?
23. What's your favourite concert you've attended?
24. What's your favourite TV Show that isn't CM?
25. What's your favourite album?
26. How are you?
27. Tell me about your job.
28. What's your favourite place in your neighborhood?
29. What's your dream job?
30. Where do you want to live in the future?
31. Do you have any travel plans?
32. What's your 5 Year Plan, simplified?
33. What's your 10 Year Plan, simplified?
34. What are you studying recently?
35. What do you enjoy most about writing?
36. What's your 5 most recent emojis?
37. What's your favourite museum or art gallery?
38. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
39. Do you have any other plans this month?
40. Can we be friends?
If you reblog this post and your inbox is open, I'll come and ask you a question as well - just expect it from my main account @studykac
Thank you all again for helping me reach this point, it's so heart-warming knowing that you're all enjoying my writing! 🥰
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4threset · 11 months
Hi! I've been kind of lurking for a while, your art is gorgeous and your comics with Telios are what made me realize just how incredible and emotional a few comic panels can be. It's kind of inspired me to try to make my own, but the one problem I run into to even start is size. How do you decide what size to make your artboards? Is it by pixels or by cm...? Every program seems to be different, and just looking up advice on the internet is giving me mixed signals... T_T
Hello! Thank you so much!!
And honestly, this is a general question with many answers depending on what you want to do in the long term. There's really no right or wrong way (or size) to start your comics!
I'm assuming when you say 'artboards' you mean the finished page? So I'll be answering to the best of my abilities with that in mind.
If you're just starting out, there's nothing wrong with just drawing in small squares to explore the genre. My favourite artist : insertdisc5 does some incredible work with just drawing squares and dialogues. These are great if you have a quick idea and just want to communicate short stories. (But honestly, if you want to do long form stories, these are also great to start out with and just get a feel of the medium)
If you mean page by page, I actually draw everything on B5 size or A5 size, so if I need something to be bigger or smaller, I'll just scale up or scale down.
There's also webtoon style comics that area veeeeery long vertically. For those I used to work in 2100px width and however long I needed them to be (They would go up to 50k px per episode) But again I'd have to scale them down to 900px wide to adhere to posting limits.
I think ultimately, there is really truly no real or proper size or way to start. It depends on how comfortable you are with big or small canvasses since you can always scale to fit your needs. I personally prefer to work on 1200 - 2000px wide canvasses, bc anything beyond that makes it difficult for my textures to show and I have to draw a lot more details. I have no idea if I managed to hit any points you were hoping to have answered, but feel free to pop another ask if you'd like :)
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achillessleepy · 1 year
Felt like I should post this here
One of my favourite episodes. The way they mirror Aaron and Vincent is beautiful. both are victims of parental abuse and yet both ended up completely different. and then cm just decided Aaron didn't deserve to have an arc about this and bascially tried forgetting his past. clown move if you ask me. Like why go through all that effort to have them mirrored, have Aaron admit he was abused and then bang! Never mention it again? Probably because none of the team were around to hear or see the interaction..
Enjoy :)
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ningsols · 2 months
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Rivera _____ (Korean: 리베라; born July 4, 2001), known mononymously as River, is a Canadian singer and actress. She was best known for her role as Lily in the Netflix K-drama ‘All Of Us Are Dead’ (2019), before she joined Big Hit Music and later participated in the survival competition show I-LAND, organized by Mnet and BeLift Lab. She debuted on November 30, 2020 as a member of the K-pop boy group ENHYPEN.
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stage name : river (리버)
birth name : rivera holly [CR last name]
position : n/a
date of birth : july 4, 2001
zodiac sign : cancer
chinese zodiac sign : snake
height : 164 cm (5'6")
mbti type : infj
nationality : canadian
solo fandom name : serenes
representative emoticon : 🦇
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✶ 𓏸𓈒 ݁ .‎ ‏‏‎ FACTS ABOUT RIVER!
— She was born in [CR hometown], Canada, but moved around a lot while growing up. She's lived in Toronto, Canada; Yorkshire, England; Berlin, Germany; Shanghai, China; and Toulouse, France.
— Her step-brother is Hyunjin from Stray Kids
— Nicknames: Vera, Angel, Goldie
— Training Period: 9 months
— She earned fourth place in the finale of I-LAND (1,158,444 votes)
— Before training under Big High, River was an actress under JYP Entertainment
— She debuted as an independent actress in the book-to-movie series Gilded (2012) and Cursed (2014) as Anna
— She debuted under JYPE playing Lily in the Netflix K-Drama All Of Us Are Dead (2019)
— She, Aris, and Rei of LE SSERAFIM performed together BTS' Mic Drop in the first episode of I-LAND
— The other members were impressed by her stage presence and thought that she was very hard working even off stage.
— Her personal fandom name is Serenes because of her Dark Moon character Reya, who is a siren-vampire.
– Her representative emoji is the Bat because she is very nocturnal and introverted. ENGENEs have pointed out that she even looks like them.
— She likes to take care of the members.
— Her charming points are her birth mark, her kind personality and ability to switch on stage.
— She knows multiple languages such as Korean, English, French, Mandarin, German, Mandarin, Japanese, and ASL.
— She learned how to dance while being a trainee.
— Her favourite colours are pink and yellow.
— River's closest idol friends are Rei from LE SSERAFIM, soloist Rêverie, Beomgyu from TOMORROW X TOGETHER, and I.N from Stray Kids
— She made her acting redebut in the 2023 Netflix K-Drama series Summer Strike as Kim Bom, followed by Squid Game as Number 420, Halle
— River’s film debut was as Eleanor in “Friends & Foes & Princes” (2025), followed by her role as Amara in the Korean coming of age movie, Full Circle (2026)
— She also voices the Korean-dub of The Little Mermaid (2023) (’인어공주’) as Ariel
— River features in two TOMORROW X TOGETHER tracks (’PUMA’ & ‘0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You)’), which she both co-wrote with member Yeonjun
— She participates in the writing and production process of most of Enhypen’s music and many other artists: LE SSERAFIM, IVE, NewJeans, Fifty Fifty, and many more.
— River is the second oldest member of the HYBE Labels female unit, HYPE, with soloist Rêverie, LE SSERAFIM's Rei.
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bloomdigital · 4 months
MJ Tumblr Takeover
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Hey there tumblies, it's me, ya boi!
I’m MJ (he/him), a queer, overcaffeinated, perpetually exhausted, chronically online, cat- and TTRPG-obsessed, BL-loving, shameless weeb, memelord (wannabe), raging anti-capitalist chaotic word goblin and aspiring cryptid, and I AM TAKING OVER THE LONGSTORY TUMBLR! (At least for a bit.)
Born: 08/09 Height: 182 cm Blood Type: [redacted] Type: Tsundere
I’ve been working on LongStory (on and off) since 2015, but I actually started as a fan! Once upon a time I blogged about queer nerd stuff for Xtra, Canada’s longtime LGBTQ+ publication, and I stumbled on the first episode of this adorable little romantic visual novel through Twitter (RIP). I was absolutely charmed, an instant fan, this gorgeous little game that let me relive the trials and tribulations of grade school life but in a more queer and trans friendly world. It was exactly the kind of game I wanted when I was growing up in a VERY small town in the Canadian Maritimes. So when they did a call for writers I think I was physically vibrating from excitement putting together my resume and sample scene—I actually remember exactly where I was, it was one of those weird, stars-aligned, stranger than fiction moments, but that’s a story for another time!
When I joined the team, we were basically a few writers, the producer/CEO and the programmer sitting around in a room figuring stuff out. I VERY ENTHUSIASTICALLY wrote a single VERY LONG episode which—instead of making me cut it down—the project leads generously cut in two and became Episode 4: Drama and Episode 5: Make Up, and I’ve been working with the company as a writer and narrative designer since then!
LongStory’s the first game project I ever got to work on, it’s near and dear to my heart, so when I got asked to join the team on a follow-up I was once again vibrating with excitement. The company is no longer a few people sitting around in a room, it’s basically doubled to a dozen actual employees and then a bunch of part-time contributors like me, and we’re working on not one, not two, but three—okay, one of them is in very early development, but still—games, with more coming down the line! It’s like we’re a real game company or something?!
YOU MAY HAVE HEARD WE’RE DOING A KICKSTARTER! We’re taking preorders through a crowdfunding campaign to finish development on seven shiny new episodes. We would ABSOLUTELY love if you supported the campaign, with just under two weeks and little over half way to our goal we really want to make it happen!
But, long story short (har har har), we wanted to make sure you know that there is a free Steam demo that you can very much play if you haven’t already! The team, including our narrative lead and I, put so much love into this demo which, let’s be honest, is the first full episode of LongStory 2. If you play it and like it, let us know what you think! In the meantime, I’m going to be here writing about what it’s like to work on LongStory, maybe take a look at some fun new additions to LS2, share some of our favourite fanart, answer some asks… talk about the music I’m listening to… uh… share cat pictures… SO YEAH! I hope to hear from some of you over the next couple of weeks! Otherwise I’ll just be here… you know, doing my thang?
Before I go… I’m just gonna leave this here…
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 6 months
Favorite writing song/artist/album of this year and a fic you didn’t expect to write this year from the list you reblogged?
End Of The Year Fanfic Asks (send me some???)
oooh yay!!! thank you for sending me some (even if I am a bit late answering them)
13. Favourite writing song/artist/album of this year?
So - I am going to assume that this means music that you enjoyed listening to while writing or music that inspired your fics?
I don't usually listen to music while writing fics, because I like to clear my head of all distractions during the actual writing process. But usually while I am thinking of ideas or getting in the mood to write a specific fic, then I will definitely curate songs for it. Or sometimes, if I am just listening to a random playlist, then a song that comes on will give me an idea for a fic and inspire me.
And like 80% of my fics are titled after songs, so I love using song lyrics as inspiration and using song motifs and imagery when writing fics.
This year, the album The Jaws of Life by Pierce The Veil was literally top notch for me.
I also really loved So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy, but surprisingly - The Jaws of Life inspired way more fics for me. It came out in February of 2023 and actually - while I did have the middle school emo phase and the emo trinity has always been sacred to me, I didn't start listening to Pierce The Veil actively until I was in my 20s. Which is fucking wild.
But upon hearing the single from this album, Emergency Contact, I fucking fell in love with it - and it was one of the main inspirations for this Jason Todd fic, which I think is one of the greatest fics I have ever written. And the sequel is going to be titled The Jaws of Life - which is another song off the album and I am so excited about how both song titles suit the fics so well.
And there is several other fics I have named after songs off this album (I could have easily named a fic after each song off the album cause I love it so much, but I was trying to use restraint) - Shared Trauma (Gar Logan x Reader), and Damn The Man, Save The Empire (Vanessa Shelly x Reader). And because I was listening to more Pierce The Veil in general, this fic got its title - King For A Day.
I highly, highly recommend the album if you are looking for some fanfic inspiration - or just something good to listen to.
14. A fic you didn't expect to write:
Okay so - this could have a few different answers. Because I absolutely was not expecting to randomly get back into Harry Potter, have another hardcore fixation with it, and end up writing fics for it in the year 2023.
But something I absolutely did not expect - to be writing Spencer Reid fanfiction. Writing the Lessons For A Genius oneshot (and it's follow up, especially so quickly) - I was shocked with myself, because I thought that the first CM fic I ever wrote would be my last.
Idk how many of the people reading this were following me in 2021, but I wrote and posted my first ever Criminal Minds fanfic back then - and mentally, as an artist, it was one of the wildest fanfiction experiences I have ever had.
Burn The Witch - my feelings about it are almost indescribable.
I often have these fics that I call 'mutated oneshots'. Fics that started out as a oneshot, that were always intended to be a oneshot (around 20k) that end up having these mutations and growths - some scenes need more shading in, the emotional arcs of the characters need more time to be fully informed, and while in my head, it is still fully a oneshot, it's now at 40k and I know nobody is going to read that in one sitting in a digestable way. So I have to break it up into parts and I hate doing that because it was never intended to be a series.
It's more like a movie that is getting commercial breaks when you put it on TV (and I think of a writing a series like an episode style TV show).
Some examples of these mutated oneshots are - You Shook Me All Night Long (intended to be one short part, ended up as four parts with a bonus blurb series). No Place Like Home is a huge one - meant to be a oneshot, then in my head it turned into a three shot - ended up as seven fucking parts and currently it's the longest thing I have written, sitting at 90k. I'm Still Standing is another good example.
And it gets even worse, because when I split things up into parts, I'm like "I can add a bit more to this chapter, because maybe I want the mood of the chapter to be a certain way, or I wanna frame the ending of the chapter a certain way so the audience is left with something cool" - and then that adds on like 5k more in a hot minute.
So - how does this affect my feelings about Burn The Witch and Criminal Minds fanfics overall?
Burn The Witch was supposed to be a short, smutty oneshot. That is it. But in the finished version, the sex scene and the smutty themes fall so far into the background - because this turned into an emotional casefic. This fic got so far away from me, and I drove myself insane while writing it, because I wanted to 'hold back', but then I couldn't. And I thought the dark and gory elements were some of the best things I have ever written - but it was received as a flop when I first posted it.
And when I posted it on Tumblr, the chapter with the smut scene in it was the one that always consistently got the most likes - even though it's a chapter in the middle of the story. So I could tell that even though I slaved over making the whole fic consistently very good, as a whole, well-rounded story, a lot of people were only reading one chapter in the middle of it for smut, and that's it. And that made me really upset.
(Like if you want a oneshot for smut, just go find one. It made me regret even labelling it as 'the smut chapter'.)
And just the pure mental and emotional exhaustion I went through to get such little return from the readers - I vowed that I was probably never going to write a Criminal Minds fic ever again.
And I have so many ideas for a sequel to Burn The Witch, but I think if I actually try plotting it all out and writing it and make it how I envision it - it will put me in a mental asylum, because it will end up being like 100k and I don't know if I can write it how I envision it being. Or if I will go crazy in the process.
So generally, I have such a love/hate relationship with writing Criminal Minds fanfics. I think they're fun and I think they can turn out so good, but the readers can be so picky and demanding in that fandom specifically. So I often like to steer clear unless a particular idea is just haunting me. Which is why I am surprised that I ended up writing more for CM this year.
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lilcathsmith · 14 days
For the character ask post, 2 & 4 for Greg sanders if you don't mind:) 💕
Aw of course I don't mind! Thank you for the ask 💕
2 - Favourite canon thing about this character? His love for Vegas history :') I love that the writers kept up with it after the episode in S6, so much so that he wrote MULTIPLE books about it. He's so passionate and I love how excited he gets when talking about it.
4 - If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? Probably Criminal Minds, I'd love to see how he'd get along with everyone. I think he'd get along well with JJ and Emily, and definitely, lab-tech Greg would get on with Garcia (I could imagine them battling it out to crack the case first, although Garcia would win). Not to mention, I would have loved to have a whole CSI/CM cross-over 😄
Ask me about a character!
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bastardtrait · 1 year
huge get to know me post
hi friendsies. I feel like sharing today. some of these are from a really long time ago because I've been hoarding them like the sewer-dwelling critter I am. thank you to everyone who tagged! if you also feel like sharing today then please by all means, use this post as an excuse.
last and current things tag! for this one I was tagged by @moonfromearth @newvegastrait and @airbussy-a330.
last song: water colour by Wheein
last show: I watched an episode of From with my brother & SIL which was pretty intriguing
currently watching: I do not...watch shows...I can't stick to shows if it'd save my life tbh
currently reading: Love Hate & Clickbait by Liz Bowery. it's fine so far. a solid 3/5 read. could I recommend it? if you're bored maybe.
current obsession: God of War Ragnarök. in fact I'm so obsessed I'm hellbent on 100%ing this game and I might even go back for NG+. please send help.
15 questions for 15 mutuals! for this one I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @thelastairsimblr.
Are you named after anyone? Yes, I've got my parents' names in my full legal name.
When was the last time you cried? you're gonna make me say it huh. fine. I cried during the middle part of God of War Ragnarök omg bye
Do you have kids? No...but it'd be nice someday...
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know if I'm sarcastic. not really my form of humour. but I could be wrong.
What sorts of sports do you/have you played? I like swimming and diving, and football/soccer.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? okay this is gonna sound completely fucking unhinged so bear with me but...smell. like yeah that's a really normal answer right. but it's true. don't sue me.
Eye colour: brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings because I watched the ever-loving shit out of horror movies between 11-21 and now I don't care about them anymore.
Any special talents? I hate this question goodbye
Where were you born? the Philippines
What are your hobbies? cooking, video games, making and playing music, tabletop rpg's, painting. normal tweecore shit I guess.
Do you have any pets? yes, one overgrown rat the shelter tried to pass off as a dog but I know better. and I love him dearly.
How tall are you? driver's license says 173 cm which is around 5'8".
Favourite subject in school? god idk I haven't been in school in years. I guess history? maybe?
Dream job? I do not dream of having a job.
shuffle your playlist tag! I was tagged by @beebeesiims a while ago. in which I must shuffle my on repeat playlist and share the first 10 tracks GOD HERE WE GO...
Set Me Free - Twice
夜に駆ける Racing into the night - YOASOBI
きらり Flash - Fujii Kaze
真夜中のドア/Stay With Me - Matsubara Miki
Umaasa - Skusta Klee
Burning Friday Night - Lucky Kilimanjaro
Supernova - Ellegarden
Gunshot - KARD
Perfect World - Twice
Wonderland - iri
get to know the blogger tag! I was tagged by @lynxsimago aaages ago. some of these questions are the same as the ones above so those, I will skip.
show your wallpaper:
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yes I use windoze 7. sorry my slay is so gigantic.
last movie: Mambo Italiano from 2003. one of those so bad it's good movies.
craving: some ice cold aiyu jelly on bright, blistering summer day!
what are you wearing right now? shorts...and a bandage on my torso bc I burned myself last night lol
piercings? earlobes and left nostril. I want an eyebrow one too though.
tattoos? a bow and arrow design on my right forearm and the word "انتظار" on my left wrist.
glasses/contacts? I wear glasses
last thing I ate: a panino I made. it slapped.
favourite colour? yellow!
favourite fictional character? Samwise Gamgee probably.
last place I travelled: if driving an hour+ away from home counts, then it was to Brockville. if it should be longer than that, then it'd be Vancouver.
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watching cm w my sister (we're up to 4x4) and her favourite episode's so far are:
3rd life (rogue)
identity (even more rogue)
minimal loss (taste)
and seven seconds (even more taste)
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Thoughts About Tara Lewis (CM Evolution Spoilers)
Tara Lewis is Queer.
I woke up this morning and the SECOND I was conscious, I turned to my partner and said 'Tara Lewis is Queer'. I woke them up two times last night to tell them the same thing. I have echoed this thought back and forth to friends for hours.
It almost feels like if I don't constantly remind myself that Tara is now canonically queer, then maybe it isn't real. Maybe it was a dream. OR maybe it will be taken from us.
The thing about being in this fandom since 2005 is that I've lived a WHOLE lot of life in that time. I have been through relationships and divorces and insurmountable loss. I can't even count how many times I've moved in that time. I have struggled, I have flourished. All the while, Criminal Minds was a constant for me.
If you're newer to this fandom (Welcome!) then you might not FULLY grasp how wildly improbable it is to be able to say: Tara Lewis, a main character on Criminal Minds, is canonically queer.
When the show first aired I was in college, I had graduated HS an entire year early because the homophobia I faced was suffocating and genuinely dangerous. I was threatened all the time in my school. I came out when I was 15, in a small rural religious town. It was horrific.
I graduated HS and started college by age 17. Criminal Minds started around then and I loved it, because I was already a huge fan of crime dramas (SVU, TXF, Bones). It became a comfort show to me.
It continued to be a comfort show to be for nearly the past two decades. I remember waiting week to week to find out what happened next. Or waiting all summer to find out what happened after a cliffhanger. Or waiting each year for news on whether it was getting renewed or not, especially through the 2007 writer's strike when the fate of many TV shows felt so volatile and unsure. I remember watching the Valhalla arc and Emily's 'death' live. As each season came out on DVD box set, I would buy them and re-watch them (This was when Netflix was only dvd rentals and not streaming. Streaming wasn't even a concept then. We all just bough 8-disc DVD box sets and had to change the DVD every 3 episodes to binge a show)
I remember when the interview came out about how Emily was originally supposed to wake up in bed with a woman. I remember how devastating that was to me. Emily was my fave character back then (now she ties with Tara) and she had always felt gay to me and to find out she COULD have been canonically confirmed as gay but they killed that idea, was really hard. We didn't have a lot of wlw rep in media back then. The L Word was a trailblazing show but it's representations of wlw ultimately did WAY more harm than good (imo. I could write an entire thesis about how tLw really fucked up my entire understanding of what it means to be gay, but I digress)
I remember watching the way CBS treated AJ, Paget and Kirsten. I remember following articles talking about why the women were forced to leave the show while the men were celebrated and doted upon. (Reasons why I hate certain characters that are popular here iykyk)
The very first scene with Tara Lewis in S11 made my heart skip a beat. My soul was screaming 'SHES QUEER!!!! SHE HAS GOT TO BE QUEER!' even though I never once held my breath that would ever become CANON.
Here I am, still in this fandom, seventeen years later, and I get to say 'Tara Lewis is canonically queer' on a show that has gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life. On a show I turned to for comfort when everything felt like Too Much.
Because there is something so incredibly magical about seeing my favourite character and saying: Tara Lewis is Queer...and So Am I.
I know people are already like 'Emily was right there!?' or  'Why not make Emily queer!?' to those people I have one thing to say:
Please stop. Please stop and understand HOW important it is for TARA to be queer.
We have A CANONICALLY QUEER BLACK WOMAN IN HER 50s played by a sapphic actor. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMMINESLY RARE AND SPECIAL THAT IS?!?!? Do you have ANY idea of how IMPORTANT that is for representation?????
Emily Prentiss will never be confirmed queer in canon for many reasons. I have a LOT of thoughts about this, but that's not what this post is about.
This post is about celebrating one, extremely special fact.
And I couldn't be happier.
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