aiexpressway · 11 months
Maximize Your Learning Potential - Course Introduction
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tipsreshape · 1 year
8 Rules to Grow and Learn Fast (Tips Reshape)
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berry-club · 4 months
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-Office 119-
Minors dni
Contains: Office romance, love at first sight,  pegging, blowjob, femdom!reader sub!eunseok, Eunseok x afab. 4k words
You realised you are a dominant years before, you've never talked to anyone about it, let alone experienced it, you've tried regular sex a few times but you quickly came to the conclusion that it wasn't for you. Since then, everytime you started flirting with a man you would suddenly ghost him, scared that he would call you a freak and runaway if you tell him what you like to do in bed, at this point you just think you are better off alone. You're working at an office job, the salary is pretty good and you can spend your days daydreaming sitting at your desk which is perfect for an introvert like you. One day, your boss gather everyone in the office saying a new person is coming working here tomorrow, the desk next to yours happened to be vacant so your boss asks you to teach them everything you can. It's annoying, you don't like your routine to be disturbed, but you're not really in a position to refuse, you just hope they are a fastlearner.
The day after when you go to the office your boss is waiting for you in front of the building next to a man, your heart skips a beat when you see him, he's tall with broad shoulders, his suit is perfectly adjusted to his body, he has a sharp features and dark brown eyes that can see right through you, its actually unfair how much he's your type.
"Eunseok heres y/n, she's going to teach you everything you need to know, if you have a question just ask her, y/n I hope you can teach him well"
The man looks at you with a faint smile on his face and slightly pink cheeks.
"Nice to meet you y/n."
"Nice to meet you Eunseok."
All three of us go in the elevator, your arm slightly touch eunseok's and he immediately backs away almost like you burned him, you're kinda offended by that, but whatever.
You try not to be too upset about it and push your thoughts away so you can get to work.
You explain everything to him as clearly as possible, he listens very carefully your explanations, asks you some questions, and gets to work, you're actually amazed at how good he is, he did not make a single mistake or make you repeat yourself, you're almost a little sad you're not that much needed.
You quickly get back to your work now you have some catch up to do, a few hours passed in a blink of an eye, focus on your screen, suddenly in the corner of your eyes you see a hand gently putting a cup of coffee on your desk, you turn around and see Eunseok.
"Noona, thank you for teaching me I hope you can rely on me in the futur"
"Oh don't worry about it, i'm glad I could help"
Eunseok returns to his desk next to yours and sits on his chair, you can't help but stare at him, his straight posture and his perfect side profile makes him look like he's on a magazine cover. You keep thinking about how pretty he would look showered in pleasure, you blush realising your dirty thoughts at the man you just met and start feeling a little guilty.
The days passed and eunseok becomes more and more skillful he doesn't have anything to ask you anymore, from time to time he brings a drink at your desk, still grateful to everything you taught him. Occasionally when you take a look him you both end up making eye contact making things awkward for a minute but you just can't stop yourself from staring at him.
On a random day, you're eating lunch with another female colleague, making small talk, when she suddenly asks.
"You know that new guy eunseok, he's so handsome but what's up with his attitude?"
"What are you talking about??"
"I mean I just met him in the cafeteria and at the photocopier a few times but he's so cold, barely answering when you talk to him, such a waste of a pretty face"
You can't hide your confusion ,you can't believe what she just said, you remember eunseok with a slight smile on his face, tenderness in his eyes and sweetness in his voice, bringing you drinks, there is no way you are talking about the same man. Your day goes by and you can't help but think about what your colleague had said to you everytime you see eunseok. The day ends, yoj go home and lie on your bed still thinking about that conversation you had, but after all, you know your colleague is very nosy and she can be pretty annoying sometimes, you decide to not  read too much into it and just go to sleep.
A few weeks later passes without much going on, you have a good relationship with eunseok, you both help each other when needed, you sometimes eat lunch with him just making random discussions, nothing is really special with your relationship, just two colleagues getting along well, you already gave up having anything more than that with him so it's good enough for you.
One day at work, you decide to do some sorting, you ask eunseok for help to move some heavy boxes around, you both go into a cramped storage room where you two can barely fit.
"Can you take those 2 boxes please?"
You point your finger to the boxes, on a shelf being too high for you, eunseok reaches the boxes on top of the shelf his shirt slightly tightening in the movement.
"Oh wait i need that"
While his arms are still raised going for the boxes, you reach for some stationary behind him, your cheek barely touching his back.
Eunseok jumps at the touch, taking a big step back, going as far away as he can in that small room, he looks a little puzzled, you instantly remind yourself of the first day you met him and how he jumped away from you in the elevator.
"Oh right you hate when I touch you, i'm sorry for making you uncomfortable i'll be careful from now on."
You do your best not to look too awkward, quickly trying to reach the door handle to get out of here as fast as you can, you could die of embarrassment right now.
"Noona wait!"
You froze, his pleading voice makes your face feel hot for a second. You turn around to take a look at him, he's is blushing like crazy, looking everywhere in the room, doing everything he can not to meet your gaze. He looks hesitant and say.
"I- I don't hate it, it's just... ever since I met you, when you touch me I don't know what to do with myself, please don't think I hate it."
You're a little taken aback by his response, you didn't expect him to feel that way about you and being so honest about it.
"Does that mean I can touch you?"
Eunseok nods, looking straight at you with his deep eyes.
Your head gets empty, you can't think of anything else but to touch him. You close the gap between him and you, put your hand on him, gently caressing his chest over his shirt, you watch him close his eyes in anticipation, you start going over his nipple gently playing with it  with your finger while your other hand touches his waist, your heart is beating faster you feel a rush inside you, he's biting his hand to refrain for making any noise.
"Wait noona-"
His voice makes you stop immediately, realising you are at work and it's not the place nor the time to do things like that.
"Sorry let's stop here."
You quickly get out of the room without looking back, going to the bathroom locking yourself trying to process what just happened, your heart beating even faster, you can't believe what you just did, it's like your body acted on its own.
After calming down for a few minutes, you return to your desk, eunseok is already back to his, none of you dare to look at the other, you just avoid each other for the rest of the day which seemed to last forever.
Finally home you're still reminiscing about what happened, everytime you close your eyes you keep seing his face, him being so sensitive and all submissive to your touch, you start to think that maybe if it's him he won't runaway.
A few days passes and to your disappointment everything gets back to normal, you would do everything to see that expression on his face again but you have no idea how to bring that up, you're more of an introvert, not used to starts the conversation, then you notice that eunseok seems to avoid you, you keep questioning yourself, maybe he actually regrets it, maybe he hated you now,  maybe you went too far... you're trying to decide if it's better to apologize or leave him alone.
One time your boss decides to bring everyone at a restaurant after work, it's basically hell for you, you try your hardest not to look at eunseok sitting in front of you, his loose tie, his shirt a little bit open, you could see his clavicles and his adam's apple. Your body wanted to stare at him and touch him everywhere, but you mostly didn’t want him to hate you even more. The evening passes and everyone goes home one by one and now its just the 2 of you. The mood is so awkward it's almost hard to breathe, you're getting ready to leave fast before making him even more uncomfortable, then eunseok says.
"Do you want me to call you a cab?"
You're so relieved to finally hear him talk to you.
"No need I live around the corner i'll walk."
"It's late i'll go with you."
Eunseok looks at you with a hint of excitement waiting for your response.
"Sure, thanks" You couldn't possibly say no to that face anyway and why would you?
You gladly accept thinking that maybe he didn't think that bad of you.You start walking with eunseok in silence, the atmosphere is a little heavy but still way better than before, you quickly arrive in front of your apartment and start reaching for your keys in your bag, you pause looking at the door, you really want to stay with him a little more, you're thinking really hard to know if it's a good idea or a terrible one. You finally ask him.
"Do you wanna come in?"
You can see his eyes light up as he nods.
The two of you go into your appartement, you let out a small sigh of relief when you remember cleaning it the day before. You pour eunseok a glass of water and you both make yourself comfortable on your couches, sitting in front of each other. You're thinking about a nice thing to say to him that could break the tension between you two.
"You know Eunseok I'm very proud of you"
Eunseok looks happy but a little confused by your unexpected compliment.
"You learned everything so fast you basically got to my level in the first week and i've been working here for years, it's almost scary" You chuckle.
"But it's thanks to you, you were the best teacher, you explained everything so clearly I couldn't help but learn fast"
You can feel the sincerity in his voice, you smile at his kind words, relieved to see that he thinks that way about you.
"Thank you I needed to hear that"
Eunseok smiles, you both are silent for a few seconds then eunseok starts to be fidgety, his ears slightly getting pink, playing with his hands looking at his glass of water on the table.
"You know, I can't stop thinking about last time in the store room."
You can see at his face that he's remembering how good he felt, your eyes grow larger, you're so happy you're not the only one who has been replaying the scene over and over in your head, you come closer to eunseok sitting next to him. You decide to just go for it and in an instant you put your lips on his neck, eunseok jumps a little in surprise but doesn't back away, you keep nibbling at his neck hearing his breathing getting a little faster, you get closer to his ears and see them being bright red. You whisper sofltly in his ear.
"Do you want more?"
Eunseok nods, you put your hands on his tie and remove it, throwing it on the ground, you also remove some of the buttons of his shirt and start sliding your hand in it to touch his chest while still kissing his neck, eunseok shivers at your touch while you begin to touch his nipple, you can feel eunseok trying his best to hold back his voice, poor boy is so sensitive. You back away from his neck and look him in the eyes.
"Its just the two of us now, no need to refrain from making noises okay? Let me hear everything."
Eunseok is so obedient, you would probably be mortified by how he treats anyone that isn't you. Ignoring everyone he doesn't want to talk to, women grabbing him by the arm trying to flirt while he just pushes them away with a cold face not even giving them a reaction. You sit on top of his thigh and put your hand on his face gently squishing it before kissing his lips, you slowly start putting your tongue, your hand grabbing his shoulder while the other is still under his shirt stroking his nipple.
You say in between kisses, you can't help but want to call his name making sure he knows he belongs to you right now. Your tongue going deeper inside his mouth, you can feel his bulge grow larger against your knee everytime you say his name. You start playing with his bulge with your knee slowly going further in. Eunseok doesn't dare to touch you, he lets you in control, he's all in your hands now ready to accept everything you'll do to him. You use one of your hand to touch his crotch through his pants, you can feel he's already hard, his pants looking like its gonna explode his dick begging to be free, he badly wants to remove his pants but you still want to play with him a little more. You get out of him and go on your knees in front of him, putting your face up his crotch and your hands grabbing his thighs, putting kisses and sucking on the fabric, you wish you could see the face he's making right now but everytime you try to see, his head is looking at the celling, his chest doing quick movements, panting more and more.
After some time his pants are wet by your spit, eunseok wants to beg you to set him free but he wouldn't dare giving you an order. After seeing him struggle making all kind of erotic sounds, you finally unzip his pants and pull down his underwear, revealing his dick already leaking in precum, the size is not too small and not too big, it's the perfect size to take care of, the tip is bubble gum pink looking like a candy waiting to be tasted. You can't help but put him whole in your mouth in one go, playing with his uretra with your tongue, going back and forth, doing all sort of sloppy noises tasting it as much as you can, sucking hard on it, you can feel it twitching in your mouth. You're so focus on tasting him you don't realise he's already about to cum.
"W-wait noona ugh"
Before he can cum, you decide you want to be somewhere more comfortable your knees was starting to hurt on the carpet and you really wanted to savor the moment, thinking it would be a shame to not see the face he's gonna make while he cums. You stop, get up, grab him by the arm and bring him to your bedroom, Eunseok follows you without any questions, you push him on your bed and you can't wait to make a mess out of this man. You get on top of him and start undressing him, he's now only in his undies, you can finally take a good look at his body, everything about it is so pretty, slightly carved abs, cute nipples and a tiny waist perfect for you to grab. You couldn't believe the sight, a man was lying in your bed, his eyes begging you to touch him and do everything you want with him, it's all you've ever dreamed of. You lean on him, putting kisses everywhere you can, his neck, abs, thighs, he's shaking and moaning when you start playing with his nipple with your tongue. You slide your right hand is his undies to play with his balls while gently biting his nipple, his legs spreading and his knees bending as you do so you can reach all the right places, he can't help but groan and pant at the stimulation. You stop playing with his balls to use your middle finger to tease his hole, he shivers and moan at the touch.
"Can I?"
Eunseok still panting "yes.. please"
You can barely contain the excitement of his response, you remove his underwear and take him in your mouth once again while putting your middle finger in him, slowly going back and forth, up and down, left and right, you then put your ring finger and start bending them to reach his prostate, eunseok's hips shaking and raising almost imploring you to do even more, his dick deep in your mouth getting even harder. You can hear his moans getting heavier. Your hand go faster while you lick his dick inside your mouth, his hole clenching almost about to break your fingers in half.
"Too much.. I'm gonna-"
eunseok bites his bottom lip, his dick twitching more and more, his hole pulsing, you remove his dick from you mouth so he can cum on his stomach, while youre still playing with his prostate, the orgasm washes over him like he got struck by lightning, his hips raising and trembling like crazy making loud moans, grabbing the mattresse so hard you can see his veins popping out.
"Ahh.. ahh..."
His breathing is so fast, the sight makes you so wet you can't believe you're the one responsible for his state, his eyes half closed and watering looking like he just went to heaven, while he calms down still looking dizzy, you get of your bed and open a box next to it, you take a strap-on out of it, you're so happy to finally have a use for it, you bought it a few months ago cause you were wondering what you would look like with one around your hips, you clumsily put it on and get on top of eunseoks chest putting your strap on near his face, he's still being hazy, excited for what comes next.
"Can you do that for me eunseok?"
Your voice almost sounding a little mean.
He quickly understands, nods and open his mouth, letting you fuck it as you wish, going in and out hitting the back of his throat. The sight makes you feel so good almost like he was really sucking your dick, watching your strap-on disappearing in his mouth. The sloppy sounds he makes are driving you crazy, you grab him by the head to go faster Eunseok is groaning grabbing the sheets of the beds, drooling all over your strap-on, you slowly caress his cheek.
"Such a good boy"
Eunseok flushes at your words, something about you prasing him always make him so happy.
After your strap-on is covered and his spit, you get out of him and turn him on all four,
His behind is so pretty, his hole is twitching and throbbing waiting for you, you almost wanna eat it but you decide to keep that for another time. You put two fingers into him going left and right making sure his hole is stretched enough to welcome you, you start putting the tip of your strap-on to his hole teasing it, still dripping in his saliva.
"I'll go slowly, if its uncomfortable make sure to tell me ok?"
You slowly and as gently as possible put your strap-on inside of him, eunseok is holding his breath while the whole thing goes inside him, you let him get used to you for a moment and start going back and forth at a slow pace, Eunseok moans and grabs the sheets like he's holding on for dear life, you use your hands to grab his waist, making him arch his back with your touch while he burries his face in your pillow, you see his hips trying to grind even more towards you, you start going faster and his moans are getting louder, your strap hitting all of his good spots, tickling his prostate over and over you can hear him whine everytime you hit the right places, and each time the back of your strap-on hits your cunt it feels so good you let out some moans too, you grab and pinch his butt making it a pretty shade of red while you're getting deeper into him.You can barely hear him say "noona" again and again inside your pillow, he raises his hips high removing your strap on from him and cums on your sheets, shivering and breathing shakily, his feet kicking the bed, his knees giving up he's now lying on his stomach breathing hard through the sheets, you take this time to calm yourself down too, after a moment he gathers himself, turns around to sit and put his back against the headboard.
You both look at each other glancing up and down, he looks so cute with his hair in a mess, then eunseok realises.
"but noona you didn't-"
"stay still"
Eunseok watches you silently while you remove your strap-on, pants, panties and your bra, letting you with only a thin white shirt, Your perky nipples showing through it. You get on top of his leg and starts grinding against it, your cunt dripping everywhere on his leg, you take one of his hand and put it on your waist while you put yours on his chest for support. Eunseok widen his eyes at your move, it's his first time actually touching you, something about it feels wrong like he's doing something he shouldn't do, he worships you so much it feels to him like he's touching a goddess. Seeing you jump on his leg, your breast going up and down behind your shirt, while using him like a sextoy almost makes him go insane, you keep humping on his legs while you french kiss him and moan in his mouth, you grind faster and deeper, his soft skin against your folds feels so good, it doesn't take long for you to come, your cunt was already throbbing from the beginning. A strong shiver goes over all of your body, your nails digging in eunseok's skin. You take a minute to rest on his chest, he gently pets your head and kisses your hair while you calm your breathing.
After a moment of hugging each other you both go in the bathroom washing each other, eunseok looks at you with big puppy eyes full of affection.
"You should sleep here, i'll wash your clothes and change the sheets."
Eunseok agrees and you both go to sleep, like an habit eunseok snuggles in your arms while you touch his silky hair, you both fall asleep and the awkwardness between you two totally vanished like you've known each other for years.
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gripshiftslide · 2 years
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Rookie of the year, #keepitreetbattleroyale #keepitreet #180sx #fastlearner — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/yRfCNhx
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myread4change · 3 years
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Book # 82: – Limitless – Jim Kwik
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englishsunglish · 3 years
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happymoonbeliever · 4 years
International Schooling is fully online school. There are so many benefits of online schooling. 
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naveenagarwalsir · 4 years
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mikyit · 4 years
According to Emilie Wapnick, Multipotentialites 🔬 🍜 🌌 🏍️ 📲 📺 📡 🎼 have seven superpowers, i.e. skills that allow them to be more effective in certain situations. Selected three of the most interesting: 🌀 Synthetizing idea: it’s the capacity of bringing seemingly unrelated topics on common ground or overarching thesis. Because of the #eclectic nature of the many interests we have, we can grab different concepts and see what they have in stock more rapidly. 🌀 Fast learning: it’s the capacity to bring new #knowledge in at speed, usually through #SelfLearning. 🌀 Adaptability: it’s the capacity of wearing many hats, we rarely have to seek external help, and they can act in multiple different scenarios.
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victorsidoni · 3 years
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Calma! Eu não tô aqui postando algo que li na internet 😂 ✨Eu VIVO isso Tô falando isso pq tá cheio de guru q reposta um monte de coisa e não VIVE ❌Não confunda autodidata com obeso mental. Aqueles que estudam estudam e estudam e na hora de aplicar eles sempre justificam o NÃO FAZER “Sabe que que é..” Sempre com uma justificativa 🎯Vc aprende fazendo aquilo que te interessa (anota, sim é uma frase simples mas que faz toda a diferença) 💥Dos 7 pontos, sinceramente, tem algum que você NÃO CONCORDA? Pode comentar, gosto de conversar sobre 👉🏽Compartilho aqui a minha vivência Altos e baixos Erros e acertos Faço isso para acelerar seu processo Para você chegar no próximo nível 🧐Vc não é pago pelo o q vc sabe mas sim pelo o q vc faz com o q vc sabe 🙏🏽Então simmm estude muito, todos os dias !! Faça isso com prazer, com intenção! 👀Ja ouviu pessoas q dizem: “Eu já fiz curso x , curso Y, fiz em outro país…” E a pessoa adora dizer isso.. mas.. masssss 🙄Pergunte: quanto vc já ganha c isso? Sim, dinheiro. Ou vc se sente desconfortável em falar sobre $$$? Você se sente merecedor do $? 🔥Recapitulando: vc é autodidata? Aprende rápido? Vc aplica o q vc sabe no seu dia a dia? Vc ganha $ c isso? 🙋🏽‍♂️Quer ajuda? Me manda uma mensagem ou clica no link da minha bio #leidaatracao #mudeseushabitos #sejaluz💡 #autodidata #fastlearner #andragogia Bora pegar todo nosso conhecimento e jogar nesse mundão! Abundância !! E simmmm, recebendo por isso má Friend!! (em Alphaville, São Paulo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWQoubErDrq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nohillsnofun · 5 years
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#firstrideever #notrainingwheelsneeded #fastlearning #tenminutes #chimichurriroads #islabikes #unasicurezza #nohillsnofun (presso Percorso Verde) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv6kzGtFOj1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e0o1ctbxy1s7
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smileparas · 3 years
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TiL Day - 2 Today i was searching about some topics but i got distracted so i use this technique and this work. Then i share this. So in this series i will upload some amazing posts consistently . So stay tuned! Add in comment what your thoughts about that! . . . . . . . #ndaychallenge #patience #courage #focus #confidence #dedication #twitter #instagram #linkinbio #linkdn #linkdin #learning #fast #fastlearning https://www.instagram.com/p/CTNNhQ3MoPT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#Deutschlernen #Lernen #Bilder #sprechen #DeutscheSprache #Schule #SpaßbeimLernen #leichtesLernen #Kommunikation #Spaß #wirlernenzusammen #kostenlosSchule #schnellesLernen #dasBuch  #learningGerman #learning #pictures #speak #Germanlanguage #school #funlearning #easylearning #communication #fun #welearntogether #freeschool #fastlearning #abook 
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