#fandom garbage
seekingshereshoy · 8 days
I just blocked someone who was going on and on about Astarion obviously being a gay man and being pissed off that the fandom keeps trying to say he’s pansexual. But like. The writers and voice actor for this man all have stated he’s into people of all genders. You can be as pissed as you like about this, but effeminate men can be straight, bi, pan, ace, aro, etc.
And the thing is. Maybe he did mainly have male partners in the past. That wouldn’t be out of the question. If he presented as an effeminate man, I imagine a lot of gay men would be into that, whereas there would be less women actively seeking out that energy, but inexperience with women in those circumstances does not “prove” anything about him. He wasn’t seeking out people he was personally attracted to. He was seeking out the easiest marks. And I feel like refusing to acknowledge the fact that maybe he isn’t exactly who you think he is the moment you meet him takes a lot away from his character.
I don’t know. It just pisses me off that people really care that much about characters being a certain sexuality canonically, especially when it doesn’t come from a “but that means they wouldn’t be into me” point of view. He would be into you! That’s kinda the cool part of pansexual characters. You can imagine yourself with them no matter your gender. And I can’t imagine being legitimately upset about that.
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winxwiki · 6 months
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It would be awesome if you guys could stop forcing people out of the closet over these shitty Netflix shows
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bowdawn · 1 year
Keep Feyre’s name out your mouth if you’re going to talk nonsense.
Lucien never prioritized Feyre only what was best for Spring, Tamlin and Elain. He was a shitty friend and made some shitty decisions. No place to stay? Be a big boy and find somewhere NOT abusive since he has all those friends at other courts people go on about. But don’t sit here and act like Feyre did HIM wrong.
Okay, I'm confused... It's this about a specific post? Maybe an older one? Because I've barely been interacting with the acotar fandom in here. It's been months... Mostly because this fandom is just so tiring.
To address what you've just send me. The first thing I'm going to say it's that Feyre it's my favorite character in the series. Lucien is the second. So just to be clear I don't hate her, quite the opposite, even when she was going all in to destroy Spring Court from the inside I was cheering for her. I love female rage. I live for it.
Talking about Feyre's relationship with Lucien: I think we would like to have things very define and black an white, but people/characters are more complex than that. We can have various dimensions, and that is fine.
Their friendship is intertwine with caring for one another and hurting one another without the intention. Mostly because of Tamlin.
It's not just "Feyre was abused and Lucien didn't try hard enough". Yes, Feyre was abused. And Lucien did try. Was it enough? No, obviously. But it doesn't cancel the fact that Lucien put himself in the middle of Tamlin and Feyre and kept trying to convince Tamlin that Feyre deserves more freedom and to learn about her powers.
He was going against a literal High Lord, that held more power than him. He was also going against his friendship with Tamlin, after he gave Lucien a home when Jesmida was killed and he had to escape Autumn.
We can argue all we want about Lucien did that, and Feyre did that. But I think they tried their best on a situation that it was horrible. Tamlin abused Feyre, but he also abused his power in his court. In a lot of ways he gave Lucien no option.
He literal had to step up and participate on Calanmai because Tamlin refused as Feyre was at Night Court at the time. And we know he didn't want to, specially because he had to fuck Ianthe, someone who he despised. And we see how forward she was with him even after it, Feyre made her break her own hand for it.
Again, this is not a simple situation, and both of them managed to get out of it. The cost of it was Feyre destroying Spring Court. While she was doing so, we saw the internal conflict she had with Lucien.
The thing is, Feyre already had her happy ending. She has a home, she has a family and she found friends that she trusts and care for.
I'm not saying that Lucien and her are not friends anymore. I do think their friendship has a shadow because of everything that happened with Tamlin, and they will work it out at their own way.
Maybe they will go back with being how they were before, maybe not. And that's okay.
That doesn't erase the fact that Lucien was also abused. It doesn't erase the fact that he lost yet another home. He is lost, for now as we're waiting to have his story. So he is yet to found his home, he is yet to find his family, and he is yet to have his happy ending arc.
Lucien is not a bad guy at any moment. He tried, sometimes he succeed, sometimes he failed. But we see him always trying his best and doing what is right.
The last thing I'm going to say anon, if you're coming here for a fight, or to be aggressive or whatever was this message out of nowhere, I kindly ask you to not come back.
We can agree to disagree at the least.
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gideonsgirldick · 3 months
I just realized that The Locked Tomb series would be waaaay more popular than it is right now if one or both of the leads were male cause people go nuts for hogwarts esc houses, enemy's to lovers romance, and lore as deep as my fingers in your mom.
Someone please talk to me about this I am genuinely out raged.
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guillotine-drop · 6 months
FNV companions react to you coming out as bisexual
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Arcade: “Yeah, I kind of figured that one out when you went to Beatrix, Old Ben and Fisto in the same night.”
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Boone: “My dead wife was bisexual.”
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Lily: “Oh, Jimmy, Grandma loves you no matter what! Now help wrangle these bighorners!”
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Raul: “Hey, that’s great boss, love is love. I still wish you didn’t tell me about your night with Benny.”
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Cass: *microaggression followed by a slur*
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Veronica: “Oh yeah? Well I’m bi-flexual!” She pulls her sleeves up to reveal her fucking MASSIVE biceps
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ED-E: {Knowing Beep}
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Rex: barks at your hat
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stardust-falling · 4 months
Every SVSSS character is problematic except for Gongyi Xiao. That’s why he had to die.
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garbagechocolate · 1 day
guys look at this cool cup
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justsalpals · 8 months
Me, sobbing uncontrollably: you don't understand, they put rotten peppers on my pastrami sandwich
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writeouswriter · 1 year
You know what, this "actually writing" thing is really fun, someone should tell my adhd that 'cause it still doesn't believe me.
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graveyard---dolly · 5 months
Welcome to the Peaky Blinders fandom (EDITED)
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winxwiki · 6 months
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Hey just so you know, genociders with apartheid flags overimposed my favourite cartoon characters aren't welcome here. You're all going to the hague and you have the blood of thousands on your hands
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knuckleblaster · 10 months
the ultrakill fandom wiki is full of funny jokes and all but I'd highly recommend checking out the one on miraheze as well, it's smaller but much cleaner
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softtidesworld · 1 month
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galedekarios · 3 months
going into the tags to see someone who prev hc'd gale as straight acting oppressed for dad gale hcs and equating having kids with "seeking normalcy", implying very much that not having children is abnormal in the same breath 🤡
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garbagechocolate · 6 months
Bloodmoon doodles
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