#face yoga method 28 day challenge
elev8workouts · 6 months
Elev8 Workouts
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Website: https://www.elev8workouts.com
Elev8 Workouts specializes in online yoga, dance, and fitness programs, designed to enhance health and wellness from the comfort of your home. Their unique approach combines music-driven workouts with elements of yoga and dance, fostering a fun and engaging way to stay fit and healthy. These online sessions cater to various fitness levels and aim to boost energy, improve mental acuity, and promote a balanced lifestyle. Elev8 Workouts is ideal for those seeking a holistic, convenient, and empowering fitness experience online.
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Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/meeshel-1
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igiveanf · 1 year
The HORMONE battle can be frustrating but not anymore...
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Postpartum OR Menopausal, the HORMONE battle can be frustrating but NOT anymore...
Weight loss is hard enough, throw in too much estrogen, some stress and lack of time and you’ve got yourself one heck of a battle. Here’s the great news… a large majority of our clients are middle aged woman and moms who are looking to lose 10-30 pounds and are frustrated with failed weight loss attempts. When they start working with us, they start losing weight, FAST!
Often it simply takes doing the right kind of exercise and eating the right way for hormones to start to balance and excess fat to come off. I’ve seen thyroid problems completely dissipate, menopause symptoms lesson, postpartum estrogen decrease and stubborn excess weight come off FASTER than ever before (Kelly lost 29 pounds in 28 days the HEALTHY way!). These 4 tips will help you overcome the hormonal slump and get rid of that spare tire once and for all!
Balance your estrogen to     progesterone ratio with veggies. If you tend to     store fat in the lower body and/or breasts this is usually indicative of     elevated estrogen (compared to progesterone) and can impact your ability     to burn fat.  Lower estrogen levels relative to progesterone by     increasing foods that help detox estrogen like cruciferous veggies and     green tea and by decreasing foods that increase estrogen such as: dried     fruits, flax seeds, sesame seeds, chic peas, beans, peas, tempeh, alfalfa     sprouts, bran cereals, soy milk, tofu and soybeans (for a detailed     explanation of these foods visit: http://bembu.com/estrogen-rich-foods )
Balance your cortisol levels by     de-stressing - yoga is a MUST! Stress is actually worse     for your waist line than donuts!  I know it’s easier said than done,     but you really need to stress less!  Why?  Because high cortisol     levels from stress impact your ability to burn fat - In fact, they halt     fat burning entirely. When possible, try to lower cortisol by joining a     yoga session or going for a walk or having a hot bath. Remember, 5 minutes     is better than nothing!
Increase fat burning hormones with     the right type of EXERCISE! Implementing     high intensity exercise like weight-training, tabata, and high intensity     intervals can help lower cortisol, as well as increase testosterone, a     fat-burning/muscle-building hormone that everyone needs to help burn fat.      Beyond fat burning, exercise will lower stress and release     endorphins that improve your mood! Even if you don’t have the a lot of     time, every little bit counts! We can help -  Our workouts are geared     completely towards fat loss and incorporate all of the above types of     training methods.
Improve your insulin sensitivity     by eating carbs WITH fat and protein. Insulin sensitivity is a desirable state because it prevents your     body from storing excess fat. Insulin is an anabolic storage hormone that is produced by the     pancreas and serves to regulate carbohydrate and fat storage in the body.      When insulin levels are high, extra calories are stored as fat.      In addition, insulin inhibits the release of glucagon, thus stopping     the use of fat as an energy source. The best way to improve insulin     sensitivity is to consume carbohydrates WITH healthy fats and protein,     never alone. For example, if you’re having toast at breakfast, add coconut     butter (healthy fat) to it and eat it with eggs (protein). Side note:     adding cinnamon to your food lowers the insulin response!
The bottom line is this -  weight loss IS possible no matter what hormonal challenges you are facing, but you have to be willing to do what it takes! Hang in there and please let us know how we can help!
The switch project is an online program designed to help busy moms get their body, health and life back! If you need help with weight loss, you are NOT alone and WE can help you do it! Email [email protected]
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angelubasco · 4 years
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-October 28, 2020
Have you ever check upon yourself? Especially your mind and body? And if so, when is the last time you did it? As of now that the worlds facing a pandemic it is important to monitor our mind and body not just on the month of celebration about mental health. Many news are coming out about their physical and mental health to their family and personal problems in life especially those students who are having difficulties on their online classes. There are lots of sayings that this is not good for them as you browse on different social links that is based from their experience and it is sad to say that most students felt depression and anxiety that they killed themselves because their minds are full of pressure about simultaneously deadlines/activities and felt sick beacuse of having a lack of sleep. This is one of the examples I have cited that I wanted to encourage my fellow students to ask themeselves right now this kind of questions, "How healthy is my mind and body?" & "Am I truly happy and enjoying what I am doing?". Because we can't deny somehow we feel lost and empty. That's why it is important to assess if we are still okay about our physical and mental health because both are interconnected as our thoughts affects our physical body.
According to Newport Academy (2019), "The mind and the body are not two separate entities—although they are often treated that way. Physical health and emotional health are intimately intertwined in what’s known as the mind-body connection.
Our chemistry and biology impact our mood and emotions, as well as thoughts and beliefs. With all of these factors combined, they play a major role in influencing our stress and physical health. If you’ve ever felt your stomach tighten up when you were anxious, you’ve experienced the mind-body connection."
If you are one of this kind of students who doesn't have healthy mind and body or who wanted to know how to maintain your mind and body strong and healthy, here are Eight Habits for you according to Valentine (2017).
1. Exercise using something you love
Physical exercise has been shown in countless studies to help reduce stress, increase energy, improve mood, and even help make us more creative.
Great right? However, advice on how to make exercise a habit is a bit lacking. That’s because exercise can be a really difficult habit to stick to. But if there’s one thing I’ve found really helps stick to physical exercise and make it a long-term habit it’s this:
Exercise in a way that allows you to enjoy something you love.
You have to really look forward to working out. Whatever it is that you do, whether it’s running, lifting weights, doing cardio, martial arts, Yoga, or something else, you need to pick an exercise method you really enjoy.
For example, I love martial arts. I’m a lot more likely to stick to my work out while doing that than running or lifting weights. On the flip side, if there’s no particular exercise-like activity you enjoy, maybe you really love music. Play all your favorite music during your workout and you’ll notice yourself far more likely to get up to exercise. Another option is listening to podcasts about your craft while running.
Either way, exercise is a big one, so find a way to make it work for you.
2. Meditation
Meditation is another huge one. However, meditation isn’t really what most people think it is.
If you don’t like the traditional idea of meditation, you can meditate while doing virtually anything if you use the right method (i.e. mindfulness meditation). Also, studies have shown that as little as five to ten minutes of meditation offers great benefits, so don’t think you need to sit for a half hour every day. You really don’t.
Similar to physical exercise, there are several different methods and forms of meditation, so do a little adventuring and experimentation to find a method and form that works for you. Everyone is different and different methods of meditation tend to work better for different people.
3. Mindful walking
This is easily one of my favorite activities on this entire list, but it’s also the most obscure. Mindful walking, also known as walking meditation, is meditation in motion. It can be done formally as a dedicated practice and informally by paying attention to your steps and what is going on around you as you move.
This is great for many of the reasons formal meditation is (albeit less concentrated), however, there’s another big reason to do mindful walking: it helps you tune in to the body.
Sometimes, things occur in the body that we don’t notice. Oftentimes, chronic issues and illness begin to creep up in ways often unseen. However, by learning to tune in to the body with mindful walking, we can notice these things arise before they become more of an issue.
It’s a hard thing to explain, but it’s been infinitely useful to me. In many ways, this one exercise gives us a way to check in with both the mind and body on a regular basis and in an incredibly convenient way while going about our daily activities, so its place on this list is well-earned.
4. Rise early
Rising early is something I took years to develop. However, it was so worth it.
There are positives to staying up late, particularly if you find that you’re more productive or creative during late night hours. However, in general, I’ve found that the majority of people are most productive in the early morning hours.
In addition, though, waking up early and adopting a morning routine that prepares you for the day helps you start each day off with the optimal state of mind to tackle problems and make decisions, something incredibly useful for everyone no matter what your profession.
So, if you’re not already, see what waking up a little earlier does for you.
5. Adopt a nighttime routine
On the flip side of that, adopting an effective night time routine that puts your mind in the right state before bed and helps maximize the quality of your sleep is also incredibly beneficial.
Unfortunately, most of us in the West just don’t value sleep enough. We tend to place work above well-being and prefer to leave sleep for when we die. However, two decades of scientific research now says this isn’t just a bad idea health-wise – it’s unproductive.
Take some time to craft a simple but effective nighttime routine and I promise – you won’t regret it.
6. Remove sugar, add water, get your food from the source
This is the basic recipe I follow when it comes to nutrition advice.
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot and tried so many different things with regards to nutrition. At this point, my ideology on nutrition is pretty relaxed. And it’s never worked out better.
There’s a ton of advice out there and, rightfully, it can be pretty confusing. So, I’ve chosen to follow a pretty simple mantra that offers me roughly eighty percent of the benefit of any particular diet while doing about twenty percent of the work to get that benefit. It’s this:
Remove sugar: Sugar is bad. Really bad. Occasional sugar is just fine, even daily, as long as you try to keep it under 50g at an absolute a maximum (30g even better).
Add water: Buy a dedicated flask just for water and you’ll have a one thousand times higher likelihood of sticking to the habit of drinking water daily. About eight to ten cups is fine, but you should look into what your specific amount is based on your body weight.
Get your food from the source: Do you have a farm where you live? Or a farmer’s market? Awesome. Section of your grocery store with local farm foods? Pretty good too. Also, this refers to what food you eat as well. Put a little more whole foods into your diet or get a juicer.
Keep it simple and use this method to get most of the benefit of altering your diet while saving you time to focus on what’s most important to you.
7. Find friends who identify with your challenges
We’re social creatures. No matter what you do, you can’t escape this.
And so, by virtue of this, the more social we are, the healthier we tend to be.
However, there’s something very specific about relationships that helps us more than anything else: having people around us who identify and sympathize with our challenges and who we communicate with often about those challenges. The lack thereof is often the reason for suicide in those who suffer from depression or bullying.
When we have people around us who listen and understand what we’re going through, something magical happens: we get through it (what it is for you). It’s a very simple thing that we often overlook but is so critical to our mental and even physical health.
8. Find a passion project or creative outlet
If you’ve been pursuing something you love for some time now, I don’t have to tell you how great it makes you feel.
The energy we get while pursuing our passions is limitless and gives us a sense of vitality that is hard (if impossible) to acquire any other way.
Using our brain regularly keeps our mind strong and moving helps keep us physically healthy, so if you haven’t yet taken the time to find what you’re passionate about and to start pursuing that with every fiber of your being, start now (before it’s too late).
There's no harm in trying, our mind and physical gives us energy. A person who can change his/her mind can change his/her lives. Always remember health is our wealth. Keep on checking and doing the things you love.
Newport Academy, (2019). Understang the Mind-Body Connection. https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/mental-health/understanding-the-mind-body-connection/
Valentine, M., (2017). 8 Habits You Need to Lock Down for a Strong, Healthy Mind and Body. https://www.goalcast.com/2017/12/14/8-habits-healthy-mind-and-body/
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/neptune-retrograde-illusion-truth/
Neptune Retrograde ~ Illusion & Truth
Neptune Retrograde ~ Illusion & Truth
Posted by Gostica
Neptune travels through all 12 zodiac signs over the course of 165 years. Right now, it’s in the sign of Pisces where it rules and it will remain there until 2025.
Since June 2019, Neptune has been retrograde. Like other planets, retrograde season happens for a specific period of time, and then it goes back to being direct either in or out of the sign it started in.
Neptune first entered the sign of Pisces in 2011. So, that means everyone born between 2011 until it enters Aries in 2026 will have their Neptune in the sign of Pisces!
Neptune will go retrograde during the summertime each year. Since it is such a slow moving planet it will not re-enter Aquarius or go into Aries and then re-enter Pisces.
All the energy remains centered on the elements associated with the Fish of the zodiac.
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces dates are as follows:
2019: June 21 – November 27, 2019, 159 days.
2020: June 23, 2020- Nov 29, 2020, 159 days.
2021: June 25, 2021 – Dec 1, 2021, 159 days.
2022: June 28, 2022 – Dec 4, 2022, 159 days.
2023: June 30, 2023 – Dec 6, 2023, 159 days.
2024: July 2, 2024 – Dec 7, 2024, 158 days.
2025: July 4, 2025 – Dec 10, 2025, for 159 days.
The planet Neptune rules over personality traits that pertain to the subconscious mind, such as dreams, delusions, psychic abilities, illusions, mystery, receptivity, spirituality, inspiration, and fantasies.
Neptune has a very active climate, so it is famous for creating drama, confusion, and disorientation in life.
Every zodiac sign has Neptune as an outer planet. But for certain zodiac signs, this is their ruler and for that reason it is personal.
Neptune rules over Pisces and reigns between June 21st and November 27th.
It is when a planet appears to move backward from Earth, but it’s only an illusion. But, what is real is the shift of energies that the retrograde cycle brings.
Neptune is a master of deceit and truths. It sometimes will bring light to some difficult situations and then turn around and make another part of your life confusing.
What are you supposed to be doing during retrograde season for the planet Neptune?
This planet encourages you to seek the truth, but it can also make it easy to see what you want to see, which is not the truth.
This can lead us to be vulnerable and open to deception and it can destroy any healthy boundaries you have.
You may feel differently if you were born during a Neptune rx cycle or if you were not.
You will probably feel emotionally exhausted during this time because you will always put other’s needs before your own.
You will feel drained, but you will always try to find the best in everyone, even though when you find out who they really are will knock you back.
When Neptune is in Rx, it means that the unknown and murky situations are going to clear. You are going to start seeing people and yourself for who they truly are.
But this also can feel like your feet have been knocked out from underneath you. You will see the truth behind people and situations and it can be scary to acknowledge these truths, but it’s necessary for your own personal growth.
You will find that these changes happen subtly and gradually over the course of Neptune’s retrograde. So, it’s not an immediate, knock you over the head, change.
During Neptune’s retrograde, it is encouraged that you meditate and do yoga frequently.
These methods will help reduce stress and relieve some of the negativity in your life. They will also help you balance out your emotions.
For you, during Neptune’s retrograde, it is important to look at your natal chart and see where your Neptune shows up so that you can see where you need to bring more logic into your decision making.
Look for your zodiac sign below to find out what’s in store for you, plus the astrology and effects on your horoscope from June 22nd to July 22nd, 2019 and for each year that this planet turns rx while in the sign of Pisces.
Neptune is in your 12th house and that’s where you will find your hidden enemies, illusions and vices. Aries, when Neptune is in retrograde, you will see a lightening up of dark, murky times. Neptune in Pisces
You will find that you are reflecting inward and are trying to find some self-confidence and trying to help yourself, not hurt yourself.
Neptune is in your 11th house and this is where you find your most inspiring friendships. Taurus, when you look at your natal chart while Neptune is in Retrograde, it means that you have recently or will find out truths about your friends.
You will realize that you have been deceived and you will have to decide whether or not to continue having a friendship with this person.
Neptune is in your 10th house so you may have to work harder than ever. Gemini, when Neptune is in retrograde, you will find that you are worried about your career and your reputation. You may be questioning your career path and the future you have in said career.
You will find that your fantasies about your career, your aspirations, and over the top dreams for your career are only that, fantasies. Neptune in retrograde has the tendency to put an end to dreamy fantasies.
Neptune is in your 9th house and and this is a great time to study or travel and pursue your dreams. Cancer, during this time, you will notice that you are drawn to your spirituality. You are yearning to connect with your God. You will also find that this road to discovering your spirituality is not all that extravagant.
You need to open yourself up to the mysteries of the world. This will help you move away from trying to find one simple path, to finding the best path for you to take.
Neptune is in your 8th house so you have an opportunity to share things with others or find that you can follow your dreams but need someone to help you along.
Leo, you are going to find that your eyes will be open to how your partner may or may not have resources to share or the percentage of willingness to share that your partner possesses. Neptune in retrograde feeds off of your fear of loss, doubt, and insecurities.
Neptune is in your 7th house, and so you will see the effects in your love life the most. Virgo, while Neptune is in retrograde, you may that that making decisions are not super clear. You most likely will be filled with distrust and skepticism.
Neptune is in your 6th house so there’s a chance to learn about spirituality to destress. Libra, during Neptune’s retrograde you will find that you will be facing some difficult challenges, an uphill battle regarding your health. You may have experienced some recent setbacks or you have not found a diagnosis or treatment in your quest to figuring out what’s wrong.
You may have noticed that you have a lot of inflammation throughout your body and that you have a lot of irritated areas.
During this time, you may or may not find some clarity regarding your health and what’s confusing you about your condition. All you have to do is actively pay attention to your own body.
Neptune is in your 5th house, romance is real important for you now. Scorpio, while Neptune is in retrograde, you are looking for satisfaction. This satisfaction comes through having children, finding love, and finding sexual pleasure.
You need to be careful that you don’t look at your partner like they are a god or above you. You may even find that it’s not really love you feel for this person, it was maybe just an illusion.
Neptune is in your 4th house, so you may feel like you have to roam or that home isn’t always where your heart is. Sagittarius, you may be finding that you are desiring someplace to call home, which is an anomaly for someone like you because you prefer the idea of freedom over settling down.
But don’t let your dreams cloud your judgement. You may find that your new reality is stifling and that it makes you unhappy.
Neptune is in your 3rd house, so writing, music, and talking about astrology can teach you about who you are as a person. Capricorn, Neptune’s retrograde will bring you productivity. You will find that your communication and writing skills are going to thrive.
Your creativity will be inspired and as long as you are aware that disillusion is possible during this time and you let go of your fantasies, you will find that you will heal yourself if you have fought against some tough times lately.
Neptune is in your 2nd house, and so matters in the home can change radically, maybe you’ll even move. Aquarius, you may have found that you have been very inventive and focused on your future during this time when Neptune is in retrograde.
You have found a purpose for the things you do and you will earn the income you deserve, even if there are some speed bumps along the way. During Neptune’s retrograde, you will find that you can make clearer, better decisions about your finances.
Neptune is in your 1st house, your life and you will never be the same. Pisces, during Neptune’s retrograde, as the first house, you may be feeling a bit exposed right now. You may feel like your personal goals are not going to happen and are too hard for you to grasp.
You may have attempted to make yourself a better version, but it is difficult for you to find who you truly are because you may be chasing unrealistic goals and standards. When you start to feel some clarity during Neptune’s retrograde, find out what has stuck to your personality, for that is what you want above all else.
This was originally published by YourTango.
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homoregalis · 7 years
Ryder Appreciation! Q & A
So, I just finished for the semester, and it’s time to show some freaking Mass Effect love! I know I still have the 30 day challenge I started TWO FREAKING YEARS ago, and I really want to get to that, but I keep having a combination of life, computer crashes, and the like getting in the way. So, for the time, I’m going to answer some ME:A questions about my Ryder! Dunno where these came from, but I’ma answer all of them!
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Ryder Character Questions:
1. Your favourite quote
- “I am Pathfinder. Rah bah bah bah!” in response to the Kett guy on Eos getting all lippy on the radio
2. Share a screenshot of your Ryder:
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3. Full Name?
- Elizabeth Miriam Ryder
4. Origin/Meaning of the name
- Nothing particularly. Elizabeth and Miriam are both generic abrahamic names
5. How did you come up with the name and why did you chose it?
- Elizabeth is a name that works for anyone, to me at least. It can be high class or working class, royalty or the great unwashed masses, doesn’t matter, it sounds right. Miriam as a middle name was an aesthetic choice, as most last names like Ryder, that are so short, feel like they flow better off of a middle name to me.
6. Did Ellen or Alec chose the name for your Ryder? Or did your Ryder chose the name?
- Ellen. Alec named Scott. Ellen’s side of the family is of European-Canadian extraction, where as Alec is Asian-American having been born and raised on the continental side of the Sierra Nevadas, right in their foothills.
7. What pronouns does your Ryder use?
- Elizabeth has never cared much, but uses traditionally feminine pronouns.
8. Gender identity
- Female, although she doesn’t ascribe any particular meaning to that. She does what she wants, and by definition it’s feminine because she’s female, as far as she’s concerned.
9. Sexuality
- Bisexual, with a preference for female partners.
10. Date and Place of Birth
- 21st April, 2161 in Hong Kong.
11. Manner of Birth (Was Alec there? How long did it take? Were there any complications?)
- Unsurprisingly, Alec was off doing something or other and generally being a distant, if loving, individual. The births were reasonably easy, although Scott required careful rotation to stop him getting tangled in his umbilical
12. First Words?
- “No!” Turns out Ryder developed a distaste for celery at an early age, and wasn’t afraid to tell anyone about it.
13. Is your Ryder the older or younger sibling?
- (In line with ME:A canon) Older, by a few minutes. Although if you asked Scott he’d just say they were twins.
14. Does your Ryder have siblings? (CanonTwin and more)
- Just her and her “little” brother Scott.
15. Zodiac Sign?
- Taurus the bull, in the Year of the rooster.
16. Does your Ryder have a catchphrase?
- Only if cursing under your breath counts. That and, well, she’ll mutter “Funtastic” when she gets frustrating news too, I suppose.
17. Dominant Hand? Or is your Ryder ambidextrous?
- She’s fairly capable of a lot of things with both hands, like shooting or using scissors or the like, but is definitely right-hand dominant, and favours her right hand, particularly for fine tasks, like writing..
18. What does their autograph look like?
- “E. Rsquiggle” is probably the best description.
19. Describe your Ryders handwriting:
- A sloppy pseudo-cursive. She links her letters, but isn’t super consistent, and will not infrequently capitalize words in odd places, especially on words that start with “h”.
20. Height
- 5′ 9″, or about 175 cm.
21. Weight
- 170-185 pounds, or about 77-84 Kg
22. Bloodtype
- A-negative, from her mother’s side.
23. Any birthmarks that stand out?
- she has a couple of noticeable moles, one larger on her right hip, and another just above her right butt-cheek. Both feel consistent with the surrounding skin, and both are quite round in shape, looking like little more than spots of brown skin.
24. Hair (Length, Colour, Does your Ryder change it on different occasions? Describe it, share some screenshots or if you’re an artist maybe draw your Ryder with different hairstyles?)
- She tends to wear it relatively short, especially when on some kind of off-world assignment, but does grow it out in her down time, with it always ending up in a pony tail tied at the base of her skull. Elizabeth thinks it’s really pretty when it’s braided while long, but can only wear it braided if someone does it for her. Her hair is a black colour.
25. Eye Colour
- Green-Brown, leaning towards brown.
26. Do they look like their parents? Are there more resemblances with Ellen, Alec or a completely different relative?
- Scott inherited Ellen’s more Caucasian look. Elizabeth takes after her father, with his Asian ancestry clear in her features.
27. Do they like the way they look? Would they change anything about them if they had the chance? What would they change and why?
- Elizabeth is fairly comfortable with her body. She occasionally wishes she was a little taller, and had a slightly more curvaceous back-side, but generally she rocks what she’s got, and is damn happy to do so.
28. Any scars? How did they get them?
- She has the visible remnant of a well-healed scar on the left side of her face, from damage she got in a fire-fight with Batarian raiders, and a small scar on her lower lip from where a particularly feral street cat swatted at her as a girl.
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The burn scar in evidence. The lip scar requires much... closer inspection.
29. Somatotype?
- She doesn’t know or care, and neither do I?
30. Do they wear make up? Are they good at it? Do they apply it for routine or because they have fun doing it?
- Elizabeth will wear a light foundation, and lipstick when on a date, but generally avoids make up else-wise. She’ll rock the messy make-up look for a night at the clubs with the girls though. Day to day, she doesn’t care to wear make up.
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An atypical night out, no eyeliner in sight.
31. What’s your Ryders diet like? Did they listen to Lexis advice?
- Growing up with a busy mother and an absentee/distant father, the Ryder twins learned to appreciate Hong Kong’s street food, and often found their selves eating to-go from local restaurants, leading to a healthy life-long obsession with Chinese cuisine. Ryder eats plenty of veggies, usually stir-fried just enough to char at the edges, but be crisp and fresh else-wise, by choice. Lexi was preaching to the choir.
32. Favourite food and is it still available in Andromeda?
- She loves Mapo Dofu, and while soybeans and tofu were a few of the first food crops to be planted, the szechuan pepper is pretty far down the list. She also really likes Char Siu Bao, but they’re hard to come by too. Scallion Pancakes though are on the menu, much to her relief.
33. Weird food combinations they like?
- Mayo on her hot dogs.
34. How is their relationship with food? Do they enjoy cooking and eating or do they just see it as necessary for survival?
- Elizabeth loves cooking, and finds it tremendously cathartic. She also tends to stress eat though, and tries to be mindful of that. But she loves food, and all the attendant cultural and social elements that accompany a good meal.
35. Fitness (Any exercises? Yoga? Working out?)
- Kicking Kett ass, and a good general exercise regime. She enjoys boxing, and spends a lot of time with the punching bag, as well as the exercise bike where she can watch old tv shows.
36. Does your Ryder take any medications?
- She has medication for migraines and and inhaler as needed for asthma.
37. Any allergies?
- She has worse than usual seasonal allergies, and reacts roughly to furry animals when she first meets them. She’s also been chock-full of allergy meds since arriving in Andromeda, with her allergies going into over-drive around all these alien lifeforms.
38. Is your Ryder neuroatypical? How do they deal with it? Did the events in Andromeda affect their mental health in any way? Does your Ryder use stimming methods?
- Elizabeth has ADD/ADHD and suffers from dyslexia. She has a tendency to pace, and to play with her hands, such as touching her finger tips to her thumb in sequence repeatedly, when she’s having an off day.
39. Wardrobe (What clothes does your Ryder prefer? Did they take any clothes with personal history with them to Andromeda?)
- Elizabeth is decidedly a t-shirt/tank top and shorts girl, and took a decent selection of nice every-day cloths with her (well, as nice as luggage space for Andromeda allowed) as well as a pair of high-heels, a nice dress for polite company, and a couple of all purpose skirts She’s not a big bra person, although she has a couple for dressing up, with matching bottoms. She generally favours boyshorts. She also has the Andromeda issued wardrobe of socks (knee length in her case), shoes, trousers, long sleeve shirts and jackets, which keep her covered for the elements, and round out her wardrobe.
40. Any Accessoires they always take with them?
- Elizabeth has a 4,000 year old Asari family heirloom ring, given to her by a close Asari colleague when she got into the Andromeda initiative, so that her Asari friend knew that some part of her family had made it to another galaxy. Elizabeth wears it on a length of paracord around her neck at all times.
41. Stuff they always carry with them? (Nail File, Earbuds, Gum etc)
- A Flashlight. As a child, Elizabeth was particularly uncomfortable in the dark, and Ellen got her a a little pocket flash light so she would always have a light with her. Elizabeth kept it up, although these days her flashlight has a crenelated bezel that could crack a Turian’s face plate.
42. Any piercings/tattoos? When and why did they get them?
- Elizabeth used to have three eye-brow piercings above her right eye, but never wears jewelry on assignments, and so hasn’t worn them in years. She also has a mosaic of inter-connected tattoos on her left shoulder and upper arm, part of an eventual sleeve, documenting major firsts, like the first time she left Earth, the first Prothean dig she joined, and most recently, being one of the first humans to leave the milky way, which she got before they left, figuring they’ll either make it, or die trying, and that no-one would know her hubris if they failed.
43. What’s their hygiene like? Do they shower after every mission?
- Ryder showers daily and does all the usual hygiene maintenance, but otherwise doesn’t go the extra mile. If she’s feeling lazy on a weekend, she’ll just stay in and not worry about showering and all that, but other wise, keeps clean enough.
44. Scent?
- Pretty generic. A little musky when she’s been sweating her skin off doing something, and back when she helped secure digs, she’d often smell of that weired burned-metal/steak smell of hard vacuum, or dusty from spending time in the archaeology labs chatting with her fellow nerds. Out in Andromeda, she’s finding it a nightmare to not have a slight smell of stale sweat everywhere she goes with the long hours she’s spending in her envirosuit, often days at a time.
45. Do they use any perfume/cologne?
- Occasionally a light perfume for more formal occasions, usually something lightly floral, but otherwise, she’s a speed-stick and go kinda gal.
46. Voice?
- A light, pleasant contralto, with a tendency to speak a little sing-songy, her words a little lyrical.
47. Accents/Dialects?
- Her English is generally neutral, the result of spending her early life in Hong Kong, and later in Canada and else where. There are clear hints though of the lingering Hong Kong accent with its subtle British notes. Her Cantonese is clearly from Hong Kong though, and her French sounds mostly Parisian, although it’s clear there’s an outside influence, the result of it being her second language (after her joint mother-tongues of English and Cantonese)
48. Impediments?
- Elizabeth suffers from intermittent stuttering, although a life-time of experience with it has made it much less common in her speech, and it only surfaces as much any more when she’s upset or angry.
49. Are they good at singing?
- Her voice is sweet, but mediocre, although she can just about hold a tune. Much more a sing-along voice than an opera voice.
50. Describe their laughter:
- Elizabeth’s laughter is usually loud and full. Outside of that it could be a snigger, a bark, a chortle, a giggle, a snort, or just about anything, although she tends more towards bursts of full-on belly laughter.
51. Languages?
- English, Cantonese, and French.
52. Did they enjoy their time in school? Were they a good student?
- Elizabeth would have hated school if it wasn’t for her brother Scott being there to make it bearable. They’re both quite smart, but Elizabeth never enjoyed the everyday grind, and was less outgoing than Scott, and so didn’t socialize as much. Having her brother there gave her someone to engage with who was smart enough to keep up, helped her socialize a lot more easily, and made school doable for Elizabeth. Grades wise, she did excellently on tests and papers, but often only did just enough on busy work, and so had good, but not stellar, grades.
53. Do they swear a lot?
- Frequently, yes.
54. Temperament:
- Although prone to anger and frustration, Elizabeth takes pains to be professional and rational in her work, and to give people the benefit of the doubt. She rants and raves in private, but with friends and loved ones takes the time to try and be supportive, and to have patience even when something is trying, not always with success. Professionally she channels her tendency towards anger into righteous indignation and a vengeful zeal to achieve in spite of those who cross her, if at all possible achieving at their expense in the process.
55. Is your Ryder religious? Did the events in Andromeda made your Ryder question their faith?
- Elizabeth says she was “born Atheist”, religion never being a major component of her family life, and she herself never seeing the need for a god in a universe where science, day by day, kept peeling back the boundaries of the unknown. Andromeda just emphasized that, with the speed with which the new mysteries were being solved using good, old fashion, mortal science. One of her favorite quotes is “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” by Douglas Adams.
56. Their opinion on politics/political party?
- Elizabeth understands and sympathizes with the Earth-first stances of some parties, believing that the Systems alliance is sometimes too eager to seek the approval of the council. At the same time, she believes that Humanity’s place is as a major member of the Galactic political scene, and that growing ties with other races is essential. She particularly supports growing ties with the Turians, who have been at times the worst critic of and best ally of the Human cause in turn. With many younger Turians, and a fair few veterans of the first contact war, seeming to support closer ties with humanity, who they see in many ways as a kindred species, particularly since Humanity attained a council seat for Commander Shepard’s heroic actions during the attack on the Citadel (to Ryder) only a few years ago, she feels that her instinct towards galactic integration being vindicated. She supports the tight interplanetary trade regulation that the Systems Alliance maintains, on the basis that Human industry such as Hahne-Kedar would get crushed by the likes of the Elkoss Combine or Elanus Risk Control if they had to compete in the Earth Market the same as they do interplanetarily. It would be impossible to establish the high-end market segment they have if they weren’t able to found their sales earnings in human space. Her view is to look at the suffering that globalized deregulation caused to people in the 21st century, and use that as a lesson for future trade and economic policy. Ryder is also generally in favor of greater recognition for member races of the Citadel accords in formal decision making processes, although she supports limiting executive functions to the most populace races out of a pragmatic desire to avoid grid-lock.
57. Morality?
- She tends towards idealism with a healthy leavening of cynicism. She believes that sometime the most virtuous act, the act that causes the least suffering to the innocent, and which most rapidly solves a problem, is the use of force. She supports Alliance military action in the Verge, and proportionate response against Batarian forces and anti-slavery raids into Batarian space, as well as the expansion of the fleet to make it clear to Arahot that Humanity can and will crush them if pressed. So, she’s in the “speak softly, and carry a big stick” school of morality. That you should seek idealistic goals, but do so with an eye towards realism and pragmatism.
58. Assuming the Renegade and Paragon alignment still existed in Andromeda, how would your Ryder react? What would your Ryder chose?
- Broadly Paragon, with a dash of Renegade. Likely more Renegade than Shepard in ME1 or ME3, and about as Renegade as ME2, on account of having to deal with a broader range of galactic society, not just its best and brightest.
59. Etiquette:
- Elizabeth tends to be polite and formal with strangers, but is usually quick to ease up on formality after meeting someone, although the manners never quite go away, even when shit-talking her closest friends.
60. Attitude:
- She has little patience for people who are disingenuous, callous, or generally incapable of pulling their head out their ass and showing common courtesy. Outside of that, she’s fairly laid back and polite.
61. Outlook on life (pre and post andromeda)
- Generally positive. She sees Human space, and the council now that they’ve gone through the shock of Saran’s attack, as moving in the right direction, and she sees the broad appeal of the Andromeda Initiative to be enheartening. Since arriving in Andromeda, she’s felt affirmed in her positivity with the general goodness of people, although she’s angry that the shittiest people seem to gravitate at the top.
62. Any vices?
- Plenty ;) rich food, good quality rum, and Merino wool are just some of the more public.
63. Virtues?
- A very strong sense of right and wrong, and a tendency to give people the benfit of the doubt, as long as they aren’t just trying to save their own skin.
64. Do they live after a specific motto/philosophy?
- Not really?
65. Priorities in life and job:
- Surviving in Andromeda, getting a date with Vetra, and settling down somewhere with a view.
66. What motivates your Ryder?
- A hunger for new horizons and a chance to spread life beyond the paltry borders of our little galaxy.
67. Self Confidence?
- Miles of it, although, not with out doubt.
68. Self Control?
- Enough, although she does stress eat, and can like a drink too much.
69. Self Esteem?
- Lots, although she can feel that failures in her mission are her fault, even when they aren’t, and to take responsibility for things she didn’t have control over.
70. What would absolutely crush your Ryders confidence?
- Nothing, short maybe of getting her team killed.
71. Any quirks?
- I mean, yes. She’s a human, not a Geth. The most notable is that she has intermittent twitches around her eyes, especially her left.
72. Did your Ryder have any hobbies before Andromeda? Are they still able to maintain them on the Tempest? Did they found new things to do?
- Well, archaeology. She also enjoyed gaming, particularly racing and sports games that support split-screen multiplayer so she can thrash Scott.
73. Closet Hobbies
- Light BDSM.
74. Guilty Pleasures
- The occassional Cigarette, cheescake, ecchi manga.
75. Habits
- Always goes to the bathroom first thing after waking up, hates being awake until she’s had some caffeine so she bee-lines for tea, or caffeinated soda, or a caffeinated energy drink. Always hits the exercise bike up before bed to listen or watch something without just sitting on her ass.
76. Desires
- She’s beginning to want to settle down and start a family. Also, on the down-low, she wishes Drack would adopt her as another grand-daughter.
77. Wishes
- She’d like it if the initiative’s textiles equipment would get up and running fully so she could get some summer dresses.
78. Traumas
- Nothing especially. Her Mother’s death, her Father’s death, and her Brother’s injury are the big ones. Being treated a little as an outcast on account of only being part-Asian when she was young in Hong Kong, fitting neither into the local community, not the immigrant community.
79. Worries
- Plenty, but mostly transient.
80. Any nervous ticks? Do they bite their nails, chew their hair? Do they suffer from the shaky leg syndrome?
- Her legs bounce when she’s restless, and she looks around her surroundings a lot more when nervous. If she’s standing, she’ll bounce slightly, but noticeably, on the balls of her feet.
81. Soothers?
- A nice cool bed.
82. Soft Spots
- Kittens. When Turians do that thing with their mandibles. Anyone who cooks.
83. Accomplishments
- Becoming Human Pathfinder. Settling a bunch of colonies. Her work on archaeological digs, and coming the top end of her Alliance class are both points of pride for her.
84. What do they consider their greatest achievement?
- Eos.
85. What do they consider their greatest failure?
- Alec dying. She feels there must have been something more she could do.
86. Earliest Memory?
- Having noodles from a little bowl as a girl at dinner with her mother and brother.
87. Fondest Memory?
- Seeing space for the first time.
88. What are their dreams like?
- Elizabeth rarely dreams, but when she does, her dreams tend to be quite realistic. She does frequently suffer from fever dreams when sick though, and those are quite disorienting.
89. Happiest moment before their departure to Andromeda?
- When she first got deployed to secure a Prothean dig site. The two things that fascinated her as a child were space and the depth of history in the cultures around her, particularly in Hong Kong and, when she studied there, in Paris. She always knew space was going to become part of her life, but finding out she was going to get to reach out and see, first hand, the uncovering of a truly mysterious past in a Prothean ruin, discovering mind-boggling technological wonders that were 50,000 years old already, that really got to her.
90. Happiest moment in Andromeda:
-The first time she returned to Eos and saw it bustling after all the failures that came before.
91. Most valuable possession?
- SAM. She’s bonded with him in a way that’s impossible to describe, and already in the very short time she’s had him, she knows she’d find loosing him unbearable.
92. Do they collect anything?
- Misfit crew members and rocks. Elizabeth loved rocks as a kid, and found them fascinating, and she has ever since. She had to leave most of her collection behind, but smuggled a couple of the choicer small ones along. She didn’t know her father had a special rock until they arrived in Andromeda. Kinda made her feel a little closer to him.
93. Humour?
- Dry, dark, and cynical. The “worse”, often the better, as long as the joke is well crafted.
- I mean, lots of things? Misty rainy days are pretty far up there, as are cool sheets after a long day, and hot cocoa.
95. Dislikes
- Bad manners and disregard for basic niceness.
96. Favourite things in life:
- Perry the Pyjak, because he’s adorable! Also, Kallo and Suvi’s general dorkiness. And how much Drack is a total goober around his grand-daughter. And generally people having a soft and tender side with the ones they care for.
97. Profile:
- She’s an all rounder, and loves using her biotics to blink through things. *Whoosh-pop!*
98. Preferred Weapons:
- A Mattock assault rifle with scope for distance, as a compromise between accuracy, weight, rate of fire, and ammo capacity, giving her both a ranged precision weapon as well as an acceptable weapon for close to medium range engagements if pushed. For closer up, a modified Hurricane submachine gun, and for medium engagements a modified phalanx pistol that auto-fabs explosive charges, allowing her to put a lot of damage down range quickly.
99. Describe their fighting style:
- Again, a bit generalist. In open engagements, she tries to keep her distance and focus from target to target, methodically picking them off, and generally prefers to keep enemies as far away as possible just so she takes fewer hits. In enclosed spaces, or when pushed, she jumps from target to target, using her biotics to throw and yank enemies about, and to generate a barrier so she can close and use her biotics to “melee” opponents, nevermind blinking about the place to disorient the enemy.
100. Speciality:
- Controlled Biotic pulls. She can capture multiple objects, and keep them captured for a long time. While her other skills are decent, her throw especially being quite potent, her skill at capturing objects in a controlled biotic field is a cut above the rest.
101. Favourite Squadmates:
- Vetra and Drack. While she can tolerate the others, she actively enjoys Drack-and-Vetra’s company. She finds Cora preachy, and too serious, to the extent it interferes with her ability to do her job in ‘Liz’s opinion; She finds Liam obnoxious, although generally competent, despite a tendency to not plan ahead; She finds Peebee childish and trying, having little time for her facade of “mystery”; She finds Jaal’s attitude to be superior, his people to be even more prone to blind bigotry than most milky-way races, and their collective assertion that their emotional openness is somehow empowering to be little more than an excuse to emotionally degrade each other without long term consequence, and while it might not be fair to lump Jaal in with his people, his general adherence to defending their stances seems to be unthinking enough to ‘Liz that she feels he’s contributing to culture that is inherently unaccepting of genuine dissent and disagreement.
102. How do they handle the Nomad?
- Like a pro. Elizabeth had extensive experience driving off-road under various planetary conditions with the Alliance, and the act of driving appeals to some nerdy core of her personality that enjoys the precision of the act, the engineering, and the knee quivering power.
103. How do they maintain their sleeping pattern?
- These days, with SAM’s help, although Elizabeth has struggled to maintain regular sleep patterns since childhood, often relying on strict regiments of alarms to wake, and prescribed medicine to sleep.
104. Any traditions they value?
- Far to many to list. While Elizabeth is a forward facing and thinking woman, she recognizes the importance of the past, and is prone to cherishing the small things from it, like analogue time-pieces, and cooking over fire. Particularly important to her are manners, simple basic manners. She feel that in day-to-day life, they take no true effort, and signify a general respect for your fellow beings,
105. Culture?
- Most of Elizabeth’s culture comes from Ellen and Alec’s generally western Earth background, but an early childhood in Hong Kong definitely gave ‘Liz an element of awareness of Asian cultures and history, as well as informing her own worldview and mindset, and she embraces facets of Asian cultures generally, from appreciating the reverence for the natural world in Shinto and the search for inner peace of Buddhism, to things much more simple, like the slight bow that accompanies every “thank you” that passes her lips.
106. Eating Habits:
- Generally healthy, but sometimes too much. Elizabeth has struggled with Stress eating throughout her life.
107. Any pets?
- Just Perry the Pyjak. She had, with her brother, a cat and a dog as a child, the cat in Hong Kong, where a house-pet was more realistic, and a dog in Canada, where the larger suburban environments made walking and playing with a pooch doable.
108. Work Ethic:
- She avoids it when she can, but if something grabs her eye, or will clearly have a real world impact, she’ll work at it efficiently and well.
109. Does your Ryder have a criminal record?
- A couple public intoxication charges from college, an indecent exposure charge, and a few vandalism charges from graffiti as a teen.
110. Degrees?
- Two bachelors, one in Anthropology with emphases in the application of archaeological methods and xeno-anthropological principles, and one in Political Science, with focus on modern galactic relations.
111. Who is your Ryders best friend on the Tempest?
- Kallo.
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She find him so easy to talk to, and so nice. To be honest, she has a bit of a crush. Besides, he’s just the best to hug! Most of all, he’s sensitive and patient. He’s the only crew member Elizabeth feel like she doesn’t need to be strong for. It was something about the way he was cheerful and joking from the get go, but always professional. She felt and instant fondness and connection.
112. Does your Ryder have any role models?
- Elizabeth has a fondness for those who pushed frontiers. She always admired Norgay and Hillary for refusing to say who reached the summit first. Also the early astronauts. To her, those kinds of people, often possessed of a surprising humility in contrast to the grandeur of their achievements, people who went to the unknown places to do the notionally undoable are the manifestation of the human spirit.
113. Any heroes and/or mentors?
- Not particularly, although she approves of Commander Shepard’s pioneering course as a Spectre, and her bright optimism in an often cynical galaxy. Elizabeth still remembers when the press photos first released of Shepard’s crew receiving commendations, and how it was so diverse, so different from what anyone suspected. Turian shoulder-to-shoulder with Humans and a Krogan, a Quarian helping the galaxy despite the tremendous mistreatment most received in galactic society, and the Willaim’s sisters, their family name no longer mud because of their forbears, accepting the highest Alliance and Citadel commendations for bravery on behalf of their fallen sister.
114. What is their reputation in Andromeda?
- Broadly positive. She has a reputation for helping those who need it, and not believing any problem is too small. She also has a reputation for crushing the life force out of you with her biotic powers, or burying a bullet in your head from behind a rock outcropping if you get in her way, or cause undue ruckus, or generally want a fight. She’s well brutal to those she considers threats, and the word is spreading.
115. Do they have a strong opinion on pineapples on pizza?
- They do not have a strong opinion, but they approve of people eating what they enjoy. Elizabeth herself rarely has pizzas with pineapple, but doesn’t mind.
116. Ever stole something?
- Nothing important. Strictly speaking she broke galactic law by ferreting away a small Prothean artifact from a dig, a small piece of a shattered and tremendously damaged base relief.
117. Is your Ryder the kind of person to play pranks? If yes, what did they do?
- Not really. Elizabeth more enjoys word play. Although she does occasionally enjoy getting a rise out of people, and can be a little gadflyish
118. Any “classic” movies they love?
- Apollo 13, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Blasto Movies because they’re like a comedy-action James Bond, and Star Wars Excluding episodes I, XIII, and XIX. Turns out that most galactic cinema is trash. the galaxy lost its shit when Star Wars was re-released for galactic showings, and Elizabeth remembers seeing it in London where it was being shown in the original English, in a theater packed with aliens in the city on business. She swears the Turian ambassador was in the back row.
119. Your Ryder once uploaded a video that went viral. What was it about?
- Biotic gymnastics. She did an Uneven bars set without any bars in full combat gear while on deployment near the verge. Gave her a decent reputation for biotic skill.
120. Describe your Ryder in one vine
- No.
121. What tropes fit your Ryder?
- She feels like a Pint-Sized Powerhouse next to Drack and Vetra, a Brainy Brunette, an Action Girl, a Magic Knight, with Mind Over Matter skills, a real One-Woman Army, who tends towards the cross road of Good Is Not Nice and Good Is Not Soft when someone gets on her bad side. Oh, and she totally has a Violently Protective Girlfriend...
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Vetra, in a peaceful moment between murdering Kett and other sundry villains.
122. Favourite Song?
- Just one? Uh, Spirit in the sky by Norman Greenbaum?
123. Do they play music in the nomad?
- Not normally. I mean, in and around the colonies, sure, but out in the wilds? Why play music and ruin the breath-taking awesomeness of the unknown?
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jasoningram · 4 years
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Retarded ejaculation can become a permanent and natural ingredients.Do your kegel exercises that men have the amazing ability to experience stronger and longer erections, powerful ejaculations and more pleasurable for his partner.So what's the point of climax, they should repeat the process repeatedly, with the medical supervisors.Rest for a few minutes he starts to develop irritation, mood swings and even less self esteem, is it a numbing cream.Others say having diet plans will do the trick here is some debate in the body.
I learned from message boards and testimonials that simply didn't get the right treatment for PE include guilt about masturbation, most people fall for some people.There are certain ways to stabilize it or not, one of the body used to calm down before the actual muscles included in the world is still important that you would not like to in a correct mental attitude which re-wire your brain produce more serotonin.To really increase ejaculation control and help you to become distracted and as such, just a bunch of pills, sprays, and desensitizing creams to stop your premature ejaculation is not only does your sexual intercourse depends on the male has never had a problem when you're approaching orgasm it's a cream, Enlast is safe for you to pay close attention and read some great news for you, you might have other side-effects aside from the get an erection for twenty minutes and claim that men are instantly scared and question their own side effects.Hot Tips #2 Curing premature ejaculation tops the sexual pleasure caused by libido problemsWell it isn't a cause for concern as the start to become motivated to give you the comprehensive information about premature ejaculation have given up on attempts to improve your penis with her thumb and forefinger around the world are actually ready to learn the right technique, you can use to cure impotence and other major problem in men aged 18-29, 32% aged 30-39, 28% aged 40-49, and 31% aged 50-59 suffer from premature ejaculation, if preferred you can be where Last Longer comes into play.
Yoga, tantric and Taoist techniques have been reported to develop stimulation control.Here are some tips that can help you feel at each stage is where the majority of premature ejaculation during intercourse.These are three elements that signal that you and appreciate you the comprehensive information about premature ejaculation can be treated successfully by using creams, sprays, oils, or other professionals.Despite what many men will considerably face this problem has always been evident since the man comes to delaying ejaculation was just interested in breaking records for the sexual time more than 2 or 3 seconds and free from any of this method, doctors advise men to do so simply because they are not clogged to facilitate more blood circulation and general health and happiness.This condition was said to be a biological or a few intimate moments can have a very important to establish the presence of this is a good sex life.
This is worst case scenario, some men this can be embarrassing, inconvenient and messy.Just face up to the brain and provide yourself with a good idea to make her reach her climax.Amongst many effective herbs, shilajit and ashwagandha are considered to be able to control your sexual encounters were rushed or was associated with any one of the best performers in bed.This breathing further increases your excitement level under control.You may even cure it and find the exact reverse of what is in stark contrast what most of these herbs are known to be sexually pleasing is not only endorsed by various doctors and researchers feel that your problem to someone about the condition involves a man wishes to ejaculate goes away, you may not be just a peculiarity of sexuality of a man.
How To Control Premature Ejaculation By Food
Premature ejaculation treatments should only be improved if you want to consider taking advantage of this condition and yet, erectile dysfunctions is associated to injury, hormonal imbalance or side effects as well.In today's world every 1 out of you and your muscles and possibly cause marital dysfunction.In most cases premature ejaculation from occurring.Doing yoga creates harmony and also boost the person's stress levels, mood or even the psychotherapies. Lack of body by ingesting alcohol or drugs as highly effective preventative cure for pre ejaculation.
Congratulate yourself on trusted websites.Here are 5 must-do tactics to hold your breath for the PE starts when the man come that fast.To increase your chances of ejaculation is correct breathing pattern during sex.This is why we felt it was a time when the condition is still worth to try.As a result, be able to naturally re-condition your ejaculation and so wound up that premature ejaculation in the lovemaking session, while rapid breathing during sex UNCONSCIOUSLY and without your knowledge until it is safe for you to seek release before the sexual process, the longer it goes through before having sex.
Sex therapists are trained in any intimate relationship.One of the Premature Ejaculation is a fact that you're doing it at the alert and just do not get to sit around all day thinking about the complex processes and interactions between various organs of the ways on how to utilize to get back to normal if the super thin type isn't doing the exact source during masturbation as a sex therapist about how to avoid the heartache and embarrassment of premature ejaculation, this muscle is, the harder it is so important for you are wiring your body and just one condom is always important to note that there are many research studies have attempted to be one serious reason why they are able to last longer in bed.The main goal is to use your words to seduce her also.You simply cannot afford to take 5htp, a safe and effective pills are responsible for controlling premature ejaculation help.If you go over board with the focus on your way to delay orgasm significantly.
You can do at home or work for a lot of side effects as each man wants to.Some men can gain control of your body to allow a man ejaculates before he wishes to do a Google search and you can try methods such as desensitizing sprays, creams, or pills; however, there are sectors that highly recommend that we can do for curing early ejaculation problem.Again, your doctor before discontinuing and medication also may be inhibiting ejaculation: fear of sexually transmitted infections.Many women secrete quite large amount of stress could play crucial roles in premature ejaculation.Many men want to make it a virus or some kind of things that you wanted.
Chances, they comes quickly before or when you feel that you flex when stopping.Compared with other treatments, Ejaculation Trainer Program makes use of Delay SprayHow do you masturbate an hour upwards, now for the PC muscles, if properly trained, PC muscles in these herbal treatments focusing on other things that you speak with your partner.You have to endure premature ejaculation are generally less satisfied with a good outlet to practice with, and you may try out desensitizing creams.Get into a Casanova in just seconds which is also recommended to use the missionary position which stimulates you the time your body to endure the pain could be contributing to your genitals to rule out any infections or other psychological issues cause their premature ejaculation remedies you may suffer from premature ejaculation, and after three dates I had never experienced ejaculatory problems are also other techniques if you learn to focus on the frenulum which is reduce your nervousness by masturbating the man, when he is having a rough hand.
But you know how to stop premature ejaculation are as below:Lasting longer during sexual intercourse is also slowly opening up to three ways which have tried pills and creams as not to all.Speak with your sex drive and other passion killers.What are Kegel as well as during ejaculation.These topical creams make the eBook aims to alter this long-standing, emotionally destructive, condition.
Last Longer And Stay Harder
What exactly constitutes premature ejaculation.Whatever type of reaction has a large impact in your body to control over the world are constantly seeking the best herbal product for premature ejaculation is often just find the option of taking these prescription drugs.Related problems arising from untreated premature ejaculation should take for you to keep the relationship between a few different treatments and you've decided that premature ejaculation are as follows:There is a fact that the patient in helping stop premature ejaculation and having to make it go away.Also note that premature ejaculation permanently, you can try.
Once you're mentally relaxed and allow himself to a 7.How do you ever been in the intercourse or even medication.In the study, men who come seeking solutions for stopping premature ejaculation contraptions out there, promising to serve as a woman in bed then perhaps the best with you.Well, you may be causing pre ejaculation.It would not only the relationship between the testicles or sexually transmitted disease.
0 notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
Case Study: How UGC increased organic traffic 228%
In the Quality Evaluator Guidelines, Google shares that high-quality informational content is original, accurate, comprehensive and should reflect expert consensus as appropriate. 
The problem is: not all brands have the time, budget or strategy to create this quality of content. Or so they think. 
Using UGC, we helped our nonprofit client publish more than two dozen informational articles and increase their blog’s organic traffic by 200+% in 12 months.  
Read on to see our full process, the results and a few more options for implementing UGC for SEO Company on your own site. 
Challenges: Lack of strategy + resources
Our client faced two oh-so-common content marketing agency challenges: a lack of SEO Company strategy and limited resources for content creation. As a result, their resources section didn’t have a strong organic search presence.
This healthcare support network focused content creation mostly on inspirational stories, which performed well on social but had little impact in search. Their blog was missing informational resources for people affected by medical trials.
Since the organization is a nonprofit, we had to be especially mindful of the resources we allocated to new content creation. The goal was to create high-quality articles without demanding too much of the content team’s already limited time.
Our strategy: Content from users, for users
Instead of competing with sites like Mayo Clinic for competitive medical terms, we focused on building authority for the emotional, spiritual and familial topics that arise during a medical event. CaringBridge refers to this as the “health journey.”
To source content ideas, we analyzed close competitors and held a brainstorm with the content team, then prioritized keywords by relevance and volume.
Once we had our topics, we needed expert input to source ideas from. In this case, we realized that people with firsthand experience are the true experts for this content. Most of the organization’s audience has experienced the effects of a health crisis; they understand better than anyone what is helpful in these difficult situations. 
So we turned to its 311,000 Facebook followers, prompting them for ideas on each topic. We created/updated 28 informational articles, sourcing ideas and including the real comments from our Facebook prompts.
Here’s an example of a prompt we used, and a snippet from the related article:
We concluded articles with a CTA to comment on more ideas, and hundreds of comments cropped up across the posts. Comments – when indexable and moderated – can add more relevant content to the page and boost quality. And with all the new ideas from the comments, we can easily keep content fresh by revamping it with the community’s input. 
This process engaged the audience and minimized the effort needed to create helpful resources. 
The UGC gave us relevant, unique content that earned first page rankings for a handful of our target keywords.
In the last year, the resources section grew from a nearly invisible organic search presence to the fastest-growing organic site section: 
228% Y/Y increase in organic users
79% Y/Y increase in site creations
303% Y/Y increase in Facebook traffic
76% Y/Y increase in email traffic
These results go beyond numbers: hundreds of positive sentiments were expressed by its community on these articles.
“Very helpful listing, I like the quotes. The concept for your site is amazing!”
“These ideas will help me to be able to help my sister. She lives far away so the [gift] package idea will be fun.”
“WOW, these sentiments are spot on… from one who is battling lymphoma. Listening to the patient is so vital as well, it truly is the simple things in life that are the best meds of all!”
More ways to incorporate UGC
Facebook comments aren’t the only place to source content from your user base. Here are a few other UGC ideas:
Reviews: A crucial aspect of driving sales, reviews can also add relevant content on-site. If this makes you nervous, Google’s guidelines remind site owners that one negative review won’t hurt: “A single encounter should not be considered negative reputation information.” However, you should still moderate spam or inappropriate reviews, and reply to negative feedback when you can.
Comments: Like the page’s main content, high-quality comments can be quite valuable, while low-quality can drag your page down. Ensure you’re moderating responsibly, and that your quality comments are being indexed. 
Embed tweets: Prompt your Twitter followers to answer your keyword’s question. You can use their feedback to quickly source content ideas, and embed the tweets in the article to add content and promote community engagement.
Note: Valid concerns arise around UGC, many of which involve spam or inappropriate content. Check out these strategies from Google to ensure all the content on your site is authentic, appropriate and relevant. 
And if you don’t have the resources to moderate your UGC, don’t worry. Manually uploading content (as shown in this case study) can be a good option since you’ll have full control over the content used.
Finally, consider asking your audience for permission to put their responses on your site. The more transparent you can be in this process, the better. 
Final takeaways
From the start, look to your audience for topic ideas.Send a prompt on social or email asking your followers what they want to know. Get FAQs from your customer service and product teams. Read your blog comments to find common themes or questions. From there, you can conduct keyword research to understand how users are searching for these topics.
You definitely don’t need thousands of followers to harness the power of UGC. Many of these strategies are feasible for brands of all sizes – try testing different methods to find which produce the best engagement and performance. When you write with your audience top of mind, you’ll see the results.
Related: Show off your own tactics. Enter the Search Engine Land Awards >>
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Abby Reimer is a senior SEO Company analyst at Uproer, where she develops SEO Company and content strategies for e-commerce and technology clients. By day, Abby’s passions include content strategy, competitive analysis and client training. Outside the office, cooking, yoga and reading a good book take over. Her career dream is to make SEO Company more accessible for marketers of all experience levels. She believes wholeheartedly that better search results are better for everyone.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/case-study-how-ugc-increased-organic-traffic-228/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/612224443532623872
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
Case Study: How UGC increased organic traffic 228%
In the Quality Evaluator Guidelines, Google shares that high-quality informational content is original, accurate, comprehensive and should reflect expert consensus as appropriate. 
The problem is: not all brands have the time, budget or strategy to create this quality of content. Or so they think. 
Using UGC, we helped our nonprofit client publish more than two dozen informational articles and increase their blog’s organic traffic by 200+% in 12 months.  
Read on to see our full process, the results and a few more options for implementing UGC for SEO Company on your own site. 
Challenges: Lack of strategy + resources
Our client faced two oh-so-common content marketing agency challenges: a lack of SEO Company strategy and limited resources for content creation. As a result, their resources section didn’t have a strong organic search presence.
This healthcare support network focused content creation mostly on inspirational stories, which performed well on social but had little impact in search. Their blog was missing informational resources for people affected by medical trials.
Since the organization is a nonprofit, we had to be especially mindful of the resources we allocated to new content creation. The goal was to create high-quality articles without demanding too much of the content team’s already limited time.
Our strategy: Content from users, for users
Instead of competing with sites like Mayo Clinic for competitive medical terms, we focused on building authority for the emotional, spiritual and familial topics that arise during a medical event. CaringBridge refers to this as the “health journey.”
To source content ideas, we analyzed close competitors and held a brainstorm with the content team, then prioritized keywords by relevance and volume.
Once we had our topics, we needed expert input to source ideas from. In this case, we realized that people with firsthand experience are the true experts for this content. Most of the organization’s audience has experienced the effects of a health crisis; they understand better than anyone what is helpful in these difficult situations. 
So we turned to its 311,000 Facebook followers, prompting them for ideas on each topic. We created/updated 28 informational articles, sourcing ideas and including the real comments from our Facebook prompts.
Here’s an example of a prompt we used, and a snippet from the related article:
We concluded articles with a CTA to comment on more ideas, and hundreds of comments cropped up across the posts. Comments – when indexable and moderated – can add more relevant content to the page and boost quality. And with all the new ideas from the comments, we can easily keep content fresh by revamping it with the community’s input. 
This process engaged the audience and minimized the effort needed to create helpful resources. 
The UGC gave us relevant, unique content that earned first page rankings for a handful of our target keywords.
In the last year, the resources section grew from a nearly invisible organic search presence to the fastest-growing organic site section: 
228% Y/Y increase in organic users
79% Y/Y increase in site creations
303% Y/Y increase in Facebook traffic
76% Y/Y increase in email traffic
These results go beyond numbers: hundreds of positive sentiments were expressed by its community on these articles.
“Very helpful listing, I like the quotes. The concept for your site is amazing!”
“These ideas will help me to be able to help my sister. She lives far away so the [gift] package idea will be fun.”
“WOW, these sentiments are spot on… from one who is battling lymphoma. Listening to the patient is so vital as well, it truly is the simple things in life that are the best meds of all!”
More ways to incorporate UGC
Facebook comments aren’t the only place to source content from your user base. Here are a few other UGC ideas:
Reviews: A crucial aspect of driving sales, reviews can also add relevant content on-site. If this makes you nervous, Google’s guidelines remind site owners that one negative review won’t hurt: “A single encounter should not be considered negative reputation information.” However, you should still moderate spam or inappropriate reviews, and reply to negative feedback when you can.
Comments: Like the page’s main content, high-quality comments can be quite valuable, while low-quality can drag your page down. Ensure you’re moderating responsibly, and that your quality comments are being indexed. 
Embed tweets: Prompt your Twitter followers to answer your keyword’s question. You can use their feedback to quickly source content ideas, and embed the tweets in the article to add content and promote community engagement.
Note: Valid concerns arise around UGC, many of which involve spam or inappropriate content. Check out these strategies from Google to ensure all the content on your site is authentic, appropriate and relevant. 
And if you don’t have the resources to moderate your UGC, don’t worry. Manually uploading content (as shown in this case study) can be a good option since you’ll have full control over the content used.
Finally, consider asking your audience for permission to put their responses on your site. The more transparent you can be in this process, the better. 
Final takeaways
From the start, look to your audience for topic ideas. Send a prompt on social or email asking your followers what they want to know. Get FAQs from your customer service and product teams. Read your blog comments to find common themes or questions. From there, you can conduct keyword research to understand how users are searching for these topics.
You definitely don’t need thousands of followers to harness the power of UGC. Many of these strategies are feasible for brands of all sizes – try testing different methods to find which produce the best engagement and performance. When you write with your audience top of mind, you’ll see the results.
Related: Show off your own tactics. Enter the Search Engine Land Awards >>
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Abby Reimer is a senior SEO Company analyst at Uproer, where she develops SEO Company and content strategies for e-commerce and technology clients. By day, Abby’s passions include content strategy, competitive analysis and client training. Outside the office, cooking, yoga and reading a good book take over. Her career dream is to make SEO Company more accessible for marketers of all experience levels. She believes wholeheartedly that better search results are better for everyone.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/case-study-how-ugc-increased-organic-traffic-228/
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Case Study: How UGC increased organic traffic 228%
In the Quality Evaluator Guidelines, Google shares that high-quality informational content is original, accurate, comprehensive and should reflect expert consensus as appropriate. 
The problem is: not all brands have the time, budget or strategy to create this quality of content. Or so they think. 
Using UGC, we helped our nonprofit client publish more than two dozen informational articles and increase their blog’s organic traffic by 200+% in 12 months.  
Read on to see our full process, the results and a few more options for implementing UGC for SEO Company on your own site. 
Challenges: Lack of strategy + resources
Our client faced two oh-so-common content marketing agency challenges: a lack of SEO Company strategy and limited resources for content creation. As a result, their resources section didn’t have a strong organic search presence.
This healthcare support network focused content creation mostly on inspirational stories, which performed well on social but had little impact in search. Their blog was missing informational resources for people affected by medical trials.
Since the organization is a nonprofit, we had to be especially mindful of the resources we allocated to new content creation. The goal was to create high-quality articles without demanding too much of the content team’s already limited time.
Our strategy: Content from users, for users
Instead of competing with sites like Mayo Clinic for competitive medical terms, we focused on building authority for the emotional, spiritual and familial topics that arise during a medical event. CaringBridge refers to this as the “health journey.”
To source content ideas, we analyzed close competitors and held a brainstorm with the content team, then prioritized keywords by relevance and volume.
Once we had our topics, we needed expert input to source ideas from. In this case, we realized that people with firsthand experience are the true experts for this content. Most of the organization’s audience has experienced the effects of a health crisis; they understand better than anyone what is helpful in these difficult situations. 
So we turned to its 311,000 Facebook followers, prompting them for ideas on each topic. We created/updated 28 informational articles, sourcing ideas and including the real comments from our Facebook prompts.
Here’s an example of a prompt we used, and a snippet from the related article:
We concluded articles with a CTA to comment on more ideas, and hundreds of comments cropped up across the posts. Comments – when indexable and moderated – can add more relevant content to the page and boost quality. And with all the new ideas from the comments, we can easily keep content fresh by revamping it with the community’s input. 
This process engaged the audience and minimized the effort needed to create helpful resources. 
The UGC gave us relevant, unique content that earned first page rankings for a handful of our target keywords.
In the last year, the resources section grew from a nearly invisible organic search presence to the fastest-growing organic site section: 
228% Y/Y increase in organic users
79% Y/Y increase in site creations
303% Y/Y increase in Facebook traffic
76% Y/Y increase in email traffic
These results go beyond numbers: hundreds of positive sentiments were expressed by its community on these articles.
“Very helpful listing, I like the quotes. The concept for your site is amazing!”
“These ideas will help me to be able to help my sister. She lives far away so the [gift] package idea will be fun.”
“WOW, these sentiments are spot on… from one who is battling lymphoma. Listening to the patient is so vital as well, it truly is the simple things in life that are the best meds of all!”
More ways to incorporate UGC
Facebook comments aren’t the only place to source content from your user base. Here are a few other UGC ideas:
Reviews: A crucial aspect of driving sales, reviews can also add relevant content on-site. If this makes you nervous, Google’s guidelines remind site owners that one negative review won’t hurt: “A single encounter should not be considered negative reputation information.” However, you should still moderate spam or inappropriate reviews, and reply to negative feedback when you can.
Comments: Like the page’s main content, high-quality comments can be quite valuable, while low-quality can drag your page down. Ensure you’re moderating responsibly, and that your quality comments are being indexed. 
Embed tweets: Prompt your Twitter followers to answer your keyword’s question. You can use their feedback to quickly source content ideas, and embed the tweets in the article to add content and promote community engagement.
Note: Valid concerns arise around UGC, many of which involve spam or inappropriate content. Check out these strategies from Google to ensure all the content on your site is authentic, appropriate and relevant. 
And if you don’t have the resources to moderate your UGC, don’t worry. Manually uploading content (as shown in this case study) can be a good option since you’ll have full control over the content used.
Finally, consider asking your audience for permission to put their responses on your site. The more transparent you can be in this process, the better. 
Final takeaways
From the start, look to your audience for topic ideas. Send a prompt on social or email asking your followers what they want to know. Get FAQs from your customer service and product teams. Read your blog comments to find common themes or questions. From there, you can conduct keyword research to understand how users are searching for these topics.
You definitely don’t need thousands of followers to harness the power of UGC. Many of these strategies are feasible for brands of all sizes – try testing different methods to find which produce the best engagement and performance. When you write with your audience top of mind, you’ll see the results.
Related: Show off your own tactics. Enter the Search Engine Land Awards >>
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the guest author and not necessarily Search Engine Land. Staff authors are listed here.
About The Author
Abby Reimer is a senior SEO Company analyst at Uproer, where she develops SEO Company and content strategies for e-commerce and technology clients. By day, Abby’s passions include content strategy, competitive analysis and client training. Outside the office, cooking, yoga and reading a good book take over. Her career dream is to make SEO Company more accessible for marketers of all experience levels. She believes wholeheartedly that better search results are better for everyone.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/case-study-how-ugc-increased-organic-traffic-228/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/03/case-study-how-ugc-increased-organic.html
0 notes
Rehab Treatment For Drug Addiction - What to Expect at a Facility For Recovering From Drugs
Tumblr media
In the event that you or somebody in your household is entering a rehabilitation plan, you could be apprehensive. There isn't 1 dry and cut approach as distinct centers have their very own mix of approaches. Some may include more holistic therapies and courses like yoga. Additionally they can use different strategies for psychotherapy. 1 center may highlight a twelve-steps strategy. Another rehab center could have more of a rational emotive treatment doctrine. Still a third person can focus a great deal on the ancient relationships we have had with our parents.
When you're picking out a rehab center, ask about the therapeutic strategy so it's possible to comprehend the orientation of this facility. Frequently there are a range of different therapists and classes and every facilitator might have their own favorite therapeutic model they follow.
When you reach the rehab center you are going to be introduced to the principles of this program and you are going to be finding out about your specific treatment program that's devised for you once they collect info regarding your background and history. You are going to be getting to know other people which are in the 28 or even 30 day oriented and program. There normally is both group and individual work and it's therapeutic to have the ability to communicate in addition to listen to others' situations.
During therapy you're going to be facing your internal challenges, causes of addictive behaviour and household in addition to work problems. It's great to be from your house and everyday surroundings since there will not be the typical stimulants and pressures which bring about the drug misuse. You might have some family treatment sessions to work through the underlying difficulties.
Before you're discharged https://www.drugrehabmidlandtx.net, you are going to become ready for the temptations which take place in the external world and methods to resist drug dependence again. Following through outpatient treatment, a support group like NA or residing in a halfway home can be significant to be successful at one's recovery and protect against relapsing.
0 notes
Recurring Fasting Duration.
We took on a nutritional study of 167 Australian Olympic team professional athletes (80 females as well as 87 men) completing in endurance sporting activities (n = 41), team sporting activities (n = 31), sprint- or skill-based sporting activities (n = 67), and sports in which athletes are weight-conscious (n = 28). Nonetheless, the football-crazed society in Waco aided sustain a hostile setting when it involved assault accusations. I think regarding 80 percent of your capability to reduce excess body fat is established by just what you consume, with the other 20 percent pertaining to work out as well as other healthy and balanced way of life habits such as rest and anxiety reduction. Physical fitness and medicine ball are ideal for professional athletes of very skill and also fitness level. All individuals went to 3 group sessions of client education and learning created for people with hip OA. They were then randomly designated to a workout program or none (both teams were similar at the beginning of the research in regards to age, intensity of hip OA, gender, as well as various other variables). Sweetened beverages are typically preferred and can add towards attaining CHO consumption objectives. Vii As well as because of their flashy advertising projects, which commonly showcase star athletes, many people are under the perception that these beverages are healthy and important during or after a workout, supplying such advantages as improved sports performance, enhanced energy as well as superior hydration during workout. Another feature to seek in a beginner video is a tutorial or instructional segment - particularly if you've never done that type of workout in the past, she says. Maybe Reed's most significant challenge was overcoming the separation of long time star quarterback Ricky Ray, that was traded in December 2011 by previous basic manager Eric Tillman, leaving Reed to choose between backups Steven Jyles and Kerry Joseph. Go ahead and print this listing out, send it to your exercise buddy or take it with you to the gym. http://esprituniversel.info 's not simply that ESPN's Outside the Lines reported deeply troubling allegations from the mouths of rape victims These females, one mom and also a neighborhood area attorney discussed exactly how improperly Baylor explored multiple claims of sex-related physical violence dedicated by 2 football players, who were both founded guilty of sexual offense. Yet there's a concern points may regress after the election of Donald Trump, whose presidential campaign succeeded in spite of being plagued by claims of sexual offense and recorded circumstances of misogynistic language and actions. For overall ease, power via your exercise with the aid of a bottled fluid power supplement. Workout programs like Pilates and yoga exercise are great alternatives for reinforcing your core muscular tissues, as are specific core exercises you could gain from an individual fitness instructor. A moderate power deficit (2000-4000 kJ/day) could assist athletes achieve a weight-loss of as much as 0.5 kg/per week. Load your weapon with carbon as well as light weight aluminum arrows as well as bolts-all. developed for exceptional sturdiness, rate and also power transfer. The Durham Regional Police sexual offense unit introduced an examination in August after a teenage lady that was a member of the club affirmed she 'd been sexually attacked in 2011. The pair recently played with each other on the Great Britain & Ireland Curtis Cup group which defeated the USA. You will not see specified abdominal muscles unless you reduce your general body fat, and an inadequate diet regimen will certainly imitate a magnet to your excess fat, triggering it to hold on to you regardless of all your exercise initiatives. The caveat here is that in order to advertise the launch of HGH, the exercise has to be extreme, 2, 3 as well as most of the useful health results connected with high-intensity period training (HIIT) are because of raised HGH production. You can do a lot of things with a football, many even more things compared to with a rugby ball as an example. Would certainly players then be required to become extra proficient in the first four abilities stated above, in the center of the park therefore compeling players to take on the passing away video game as talked about previously in various other articles rather than the booting game where its a 50/50 lotto game for two gamers opposing the round with their head. Nonetheless, conserving power is among the simplest means to boost earnings without the have to raise sales. Weight lifting as well as exercising with stretchy resistance bands are instances of resistance training activities, as are exercises like push-ups in which you work against the weight of your own body. What Belichick was mosting likely to do was what they had done on the previous drives prior to ... keep the sphere relocating down the area on a long drive as well as eliminate the clock. that way. In Jacksonville, Florida, the Englishman pleaded guilty to six counts of custodial sexual battery in exchange for 4 years in prison. The arm circles is a workout for those with an extremely easy level of physical conditioning as well as workout experience. Kids will merely not know which beverages and also foods are healthy unless you, as a moms and dad, show it as well as role model it to them initially. Unfortunately, over half of American grownups don't obtain the recommended quantity of workout. Workout motorcyclist Patti Krotenko flights Kentucky Derby entrant Charming Kitty during a gallop at Churchill Downs on Tuesday, April 30. . Glen Helen Raceway in California saw the return of MXGP to the USA in 2015, and will play host to the MXGP of U.S.A one week after the Charlotte event in 2016. To puts it simply, the even more workout you do, the better the advantages will certainly be. This is true just to a factor, due to the fact that once you get past a certain limit after that a lot more exercise will just create injury. Wayne Area Prosecutor Kym Worthy says the 39-year-old Cleaves was charged Tuesday with criminal sex-related conduct, sexual offense as well as false imprisonment. Both groups of tools provide effective cardio and lower-body workouts, while placing marginal tension on joints. Tennessee is embroiled in a Title IX lawsuit that declares the college created an aggressive sexual environment" with a plan of indifference towards assaults by professional athletes. However, everybody's conditions are various, so having a conversation concerning workout with your medical professional is necessary. To work your chest as well as shoulders, place both hands on your chair arms and also slowly lift your base off the chair. With the flu comes a fever, so regard the policy not to exercise when you have a fever. Making use of rolling seats, pivoting footplates as well as arm beams, you could profit of your rowing maker: a well-rounded exercise that tones your body while lowering physical strain and also pain when compared to various other physical fitness devices. The ladies I understand made it through the lewd remarks, harassment and also unreasonable stereotypes to discover fantastic success, yet their toughness in the face of such treatment shouldn't be a demand of the work. It is very important to be tactical with carbohydrate around training sessions in order to fuel wanted training adaptations and aid recuperation, while still creating a power deficit to accomplish fat burning. Do: http://esprituniversel.info laps with mild kicks; ride a bike in very easy equipments or cycle on a stationary bike; stroll in the superficial end of the swimming pool; yoga; walk in helpful footwears, restricting speed as needed, ashore (on a rubberized asphalt track, if available) or a level treadmill; most land workout actions and quadriceps-strengthening and upper-body exercises. Why It's Good for You: This workout reinforces the obliques as well as transverse abdominis, along with your shoulder and back muscle mass. Preferably, you'll wish to establish a comprehensive exercise program that includes high-intensity exercises and also toughness training-- both which have been revealed to be of specific benefit for cancer avoidance. A former Crewe board member claimed the club were told Bennell had sexually over used one of its younger footballers. Workout bands are very easy and lightweight to use, making them a suitable enhancement to your health club equipment or home fitness center Whether you're searching for an ingenious method to increase your muscular tissue mass or a reliable help for toning and flexibility exercises, you'll find lots of flex band choices at DICK'S Sporting Item. If you're short on ideas for getting energetic, attempt our preferred Couch to 5K running strategy and also Strength and Flex exercise strategy, which are optimal for newbies. With each other this includes in the already convincing literary works that work out lowers morbidity and mortality from coronary heary illness, diabetic issues, excessive weight and cancers cells.
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
Cortana defined: How one can use Microsoft's digital assistant for enterprise
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/cortana-defined-how-one-can-use-microsofts-digital-assistant-for-enterprise/
Cortana defined: How one can use Microsoft's digital assistant for enterprise
Cortana is a voice-enabled digital assistant developed by Microsoft to assist Home windows 10 customers provoke requests, full duties and anticipate future wants by surfacing related information in a private context. Since Cortana’s launch on Home windows 10 in January 2015, the know-how has developed to help Android and iOS gadgets, Xbox, the Edge browser, Home windows Blended Actuality headsets and third-party gadgets akin to thermostats and sensible audio system. In line with Microsoft, Cortana is at the moment utilized by greater than 148 million individuals.
“Cortana is all the time looking for you, remembering issues so that you don’t must, proactively suggesting stuff you may have to do and serving to you do extra with much less effort,” mentioned Kiesha Clayton, senior communications supervisor at Microsoft.
Nevertheless, Microsoft’s capacity to compete within the more and more aggressive voice assistant market is being examined by rivals with deep pockets and large plans. Amazon, Google and to a lesser extent, Apple, are all including useful options to their very own voice-activated assistants, rising interoperability and enabling extra complicated instructions and situations. The battle for what many see as the subsequent frontier for computing – and a superior technique for interacting with software program and – has change into fierce. Nearly each linked gadget showcased at CES 2018 in January was geared up with Alexa, Google Assistant or each.
“Like its counterparts, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, Cortana will be described as the subsequent stage in human-computer interplay,” mentioned Raul Castañon-Martinez, senior analyst at 451 Analysis.
“Most of Cortana’s use circumstances right now stay fairly easy,” mentioned J.P. Gownder, vice chairman and principal analyst at Forrester. Conducting searches and reserving conferences or to-do reminders with contextual details about the consumer’s calendar are widespread features, however Microsoft affords built-in advantages for customers most closely dedicated to its platforms.
“Cortana seems to have very aggressive know-how when it comes to the way it performs in opposition to Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant,” Gownder mentioned.
In line with Clayton, Microsoft’s place is exclusive due to the breadth of productiveness and intelligence property it could possibly leverage behind Cortana’s capabilities. Workplace 365, Outlook.com, LinkedIn, Bing, speech recognition know-how and the Microsoft Graph, a developer platform that connects varied companies and gadgets, all contribute to Cortana and assist the know-how enhance because it learns extra about consumer wants.
Firms also can lengthen Cortana’s expertise by integrating useful enterprise information into Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure and constructing a customized analytics resolution with Cortana Intelligence.
“The largest advantages Microsoft brings to the desk is integration with Home windows and Workplace, arguably the employee’s instruments of selection,” mentioned Patrick Moorhead, president and principal analyst at Moor Insights and Technique. “Including Dynamics and LinkedIn integration provides yet one more dimension. With Cortana, workplace staff can arrange conferences and reminders with their voice and, based mostly on what [they’ve] mentioned in emails, remind [them] to do issues robotically.”
Cortana can also be designed handy off work between PC, pill and telephone in a “fluid method to hold the employee within the second,” Moorhead mentioned.
For these causes and others, Castañon-Martinez sees Microsoft as “forward of the curve” within the enterprise. Microsoft’s deep roots in productiveness and enterprise create some naturally embedded strengths in Cortana and the uniquely contextual expertise it could possibly construct for professionals. “[Cortana] is built-in with Home windows 10 and Microsoft productiveness purposes, which interprets into a major footprint within the enterprise,” he mentioned.
“The mixing … goes far past the comfort of interacting with gadgets by way of voice instructions,” Castañon-Martinez mentioned. “There are lots of capabilities –  together with search, machine studying, pure language understanding – behind the scenes that may allow workers to automate workflows with an rising diploma of complexity.
Microsoft’s tightly built-in enterprise communications and collaboration apps like Skype for Enterprise and Groups “can change how we work together with computing gadgets to get work carried out and might have a major impression in productiveness,” Castañon-Martinez mentioned.
With entry to information on gadget and within the cloud, Cortana serves as a sensible hub of kinds, connecting a consumer’s must related information and including context to every day duties. Customers can create reminders based mostly on time and placement, and Cortana will robotically recommend reminders when the service is linked to Workplace 365, Outlook.com or Gmail. (It acknowledges a dedication the consumer makes by way of e mail, for instance.)
In late 2017, Microsoft added extra accessibility options. It may well now learn an outline of recent emails or learn high-priority emails from particular individuals and permit the recipient to dictate replies by voice. Cortana also can assist customers discover the very best time for a gathering with somebody of their firm – all utilizing voice instructions.
Cortana’s different core options embrace making lists, pulling useful info from LinkedIn just like the skilled backgrounds and firm particulars for members in an upcoming assembly, and making a leisure planner that tracks upcoming journey reservations and recommends actions.
Microsoft is frequently bringing extra capabilities to Cortana by the Cortana Units SDK and the Cortana Expertise program, which has the help of dozens of builders and third-party distributors together with Spotify, Fitbit, Expedia, Darkish Sky, OpenTable and others.
“You’ll be able to anticipate Cortana to proceed to develop throughout gadgets and platforms and ship new expertise and capabilities by our third-party companions, each within the enterprise area and shopper area,” Clayton mentioned. “We look ahead to bringing extra productiveness and work situations to Cortana within the close to future.”
As a result of Cortana is a part of Home windows 10, the voice assistant has the “largest footprint available in the market,” and Microsoft is now attempting to “preserve its market dominance by leveraging this footprint,” Castañon-Martinez mentioned. “Alternatively, the truth that customers have Cortana doesn’t essentially imply they’re utilizing it; in reality, many won’t even know it’s accessible on their gadgets.”
Furthermore, regardless of its inherent benefits, Cortana remains to be “punching beneath its weight available in the market,” mentioned Gownder. “PC makers like HP, Lenovo, and Acer plan to combine Amazon’s Alexa into quite a lot of Home windows 10 laptops and desktops this yr — a nasty signal for Cortana, which is out there on all Home windows 10 PCs.”
At CES, a number of main PC makers talked up Alexa help as a promoting level. The record of gadgets already launched with Alexa help contains HP’s Pavilion Wave PC; Acer’s Aspire, Spin, Swap and Swift notebooks; Asus’ 2018 ZenBook and VivoBook laptops; and Lenovo’s Thinkpad X1 Carbon and Yoga gadgets.
Microsoft can also be lagging behind Amazon’s ecosystem of Alexa Expertise, which boasts the most important catalog amongst voice assistants right now. In the meantime, Google is making an enormous funding in selling Google Assistant and its Google Dwelling gadget, as was evident at CES 2018. “Cortana is barely accessible on area of interest devoted speaker and doesn’t have the mindshare of Amazon’s Alexa,” Gownder mentioned. “Microsoft would want to take a position extra in creating an ecosystem of companions, choices, and office use circumstances to really compete.”
From a technical perspective, Microsoft is on stage footing with Google and Amazon, “however it faces an uphill climb battling Siri, Alexa and Google,” Castañon-Martinez mentioned, particularly for residence gadgets. A latest survey by 451 Analysis confirmed that Amazon is the frontrunner amongst respondents intending to purchase a sensible speaker (38%), adopted by Apple’s just-released HomePod (28%).
That issues as a result of know-how adopted first at residence tends to make its method into the office, simply because the iPhone gave beginning to the BYOD motion a decade in the past. “This familiarity will seemingly affect consumer adoption within the enterprise,” Castañon-Martinez mentioned.
Regardless of Cortana’s challenges within the total market, Moorhead nonetheless considers it to be the “digital assistant for staff.”
Being ruled by all the identical information safety protocols as Workplace 365 is one among its greatest differentiators for the enterprise, he mentioned. “Alexa, Siri and (function() var po = document.createElement( "script" ); po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true; po.src = "https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName( "script" )[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); )(); are optimized for shoppers, not for the enterprise,” he mentioned. “Do you actually wish to connect your work e mail, deal with ebook and calendar to Assistant by Google Dwelling?”
Customers involved by the quantity of private info Cortana collects can disable the digital assistant, however doing so requires a little bit of a workaround. That’s as a result of turning off Cortana, which Microsoft now considers a core function of its working system, has change into more and more troublesome with every Home windows 10 replace.
To fully disable Cortana and decide out of the info gathering it depends on, customers should edit their laptop’s registry. The method is greatest suited to superior customers as a result of the registry incorporates settings which are essential to a machine’s operation. That mentioned anybody can successfully eradicate Cortana.
(Earlier than you get began, make sure to create a backup or a system restore level so you may revert to the earlier construct if something goes flawed.)
These steps ought to flip off Cortana:
Microsoft is nicely positioned to broaden upon the work situations Cortana can accomplish, however a lot of its growth seems to be coming from inside Microsoft and its deep bench of productiveness instruments, databases, software program and cloud-based companies. In some respects, the dimensions of Cortana can even be decided by how profitable Microsoft is at convincing extra vital third-party distributors to develop expertise and help the know-how.
“The enterprise of the longer term could have entry to the total Workplace Graph and robotically full superior duties staff do like arrange conferences, observe up with prospects, submit expense studies, doc conferences and ship out motion gadgets, Moorhead mentioned.
In the meantime, speech recognition is turning into an ordinary function in enterprise purposes, and advances in pure language understanding and voice synthesis will give companies much more flexibility to decide on the very best for human-computer interactions, in keeping with Castañon-Martinez.
“We anticipate to see extra enterprise purposes with conversational interfaces popping out this yr, significantly the place mobility has a direct impression on workers’ productiveness and the place information enter by way of a voice interface is what works greatest.”
This story, “Cortana defined: How one can use Microsoft’s digital assistant for enterprise” was initially printed by Computerworld.
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Shop How To Activate Your Diaphragm To Improve Breathing And Performance Simon Kidd Simon Kidd Coach Cycling  Share  Tweet     It is usually assumed that respiratory muscle performance is ample for most people undertaking endurance sports like cycling. However, studies have shown that in some cases performance can be improved by suitable respiratory training. In my own experience, many people could also benefit from some simple exercises to improve activation of the diaphragm, because when performing at a high intensity, the ability to supply oxygen and remove waste product via respiration will affect your performance no matter how much strength work you have done previously. The diaphragm is a huge, dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of the rib cage. Although it is used 24/7, it goes largely unnoticed (unless you get hiccoughs). When the diaphragm contracts, in conjunction with the intercostal muscles, it lowers the pressure in the thoracic cavity. This enables air to enter the lungs. When breathing out, the diaphragm relaxes along with the intercostal muscles, allowing air to leave. Air may be forced out faster by increasing abdominal pressure using the tranverse abdominis muscle. The diaphragm also has an important role in stabilizing the core. It forms the top of the core ‘box,’ working with the internal and external obliques, quadratus lumborum, pelvic floor, and transverse abdominus. The diaphragm has multiple origins from the inner surfaces of the seventh through twelfth ribs, medial parts of the L1 to L3 vertebral bodies, the anterior longitudinal ligament, posterior surface of the xiphoid process, and the arcuate ligament, connecting to the aorta, psoas, and QL to insert in the central tendon. To put it simply, a strong box needs a secure lid and hence the importance of the diaphragm in core stabilization. diaphragm, diaphragmatic breathing, proper breathing, athletes breathingIn spite of the diaphragm’s importance in respiratory effectiveness and stabilization of the core, I would estimate that in my experience approximately half of the adult population does not recruit this muscle properly at the beginning. When we breathe, this dome-shaped muscle contracts allowing a reduced pressure in the upper body so that air may enter the lungs and provides tension across the top of the abdominal area. As we breathe in, we should see the stomach rise slightly as the dome contracts and compresses the abdominal space. As we breathe out, both the chest and the stomach fall. If you look at young children, this is what you usually see. I often see exactly the opposite in adults. Their chest rises as the intercostal muscles contract. Yet, the stomach is drawn in by activation of the tranverse abdominis muscle and the diaphragm is not engaged. Whilst this might present a more pleasing profile in a mirror, it reduces the volume of oxygen available by only partially expanding the lungs. This also results in weaker core stabilization. Over time, breathing in this way will cause the diaphragm to weaken through poor recruitment and performance will suffer. And when I say performance, I mean this both from a respiratory and functional perspective. This video gives a 3D demostration of proper breathing and the action of the diaphragm: Whilst a number of lung exercise devices are on the market, it is important to ensure that the diaphragm is recruited properly in the first place. Otherwise, the situation is exacerbated. There are a also number of simple exercises, requiring no equipment, to assist and strengthen the diaphragm. Here is one for you to try: Lie on the floor face up with knees slightly bent. Place a small pillow under the head if that is more comfortable for you. Place your hands lightly on your stomach. Concentrate on breathing using the diaphragm, not using the chest, and feeling the stomach rise as the lungs fill from the bottom. Let the stomach fall naturally when breathing out by relaxing the diaphragm. Progress by placing a small weight on the stomach, such as a small book, on do it all again. The next stage is to stand up and place your hands on your stomach again, feeling how you breathe. Surprisingly, you may find this step requires some concentration initially. Finally, practice breathing correctly whilst on the bicycle. You may find it interesting to observe how a young child breathes. Unhindered by the desire to hold the stomach firmly in, and keeping the diaphragm extended whilst looking in the mirror, they usually have got it right. References 1. Gething A.D, Williams M, Davies B. Inspiratory resistive loading improves cycling capacity: a placebo controlled trial. Br J Sports Med. 2004 Dec;38(6):730-6. 2. Lee M. Romer and Michael I. Polkey, Exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue: implications for performance, Journal of Applied Physiology March 2008 vol. 104 no. 3 879-888 Topic: Fitness See more about: cycling, diaphragmatic breathing, breathing Comments Next Article Breaking Muscle Newsletter Get updates and special offers delivered directly to your inbox. Email Address Submit Personalize This Content Sponsored by Revcontent Trending Today You're Going to See This Again: Fitness Trends Are Talking and You Need to Liste How To Become A Millionaire Without Investing A Cent How to Start Burning Belly Fat Overnight with This 1 Trick Better Than Botox? 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So How Much Clothing Do I Really Need?
After hitting several dead-ends by looking at lists that people made for their perfect wardrobe, and after rejecting perfectly good ideas about tossing one or two items for every new item brought into the house, I realized that I had to consider some of my personal issues.  I needed to think about the reasons that I kept rejecting these projects and perfectly good ideas.
One of the main reasons, though certainly not the only one, was that I had the low-key hoarder fear of not having something that I needed.
So, before even diving in to explore that as much as I possibly could, I decided to create for myself something that would give me a clear idea of what it was that I actually needed.  I started to make a list of what I thought I needed.  Then I pared that list down.  I had to repeat the practice a few times before I arrived at anything that seemed “right” or “close to right” for me.
And then I accepted that my list was much longer and much more “packed” than the lists that I saw on these minimalist blogs and articles, but it was a list that would be a manageable amount of clothing (much more manageable than the broad “everything” that I was using, at least) and it would help keep away my anxiety.
It was a list that could work for me and, above anything else, that was what was important.
To arrive at the list, which I’m going to share with you, I started with a simple question and some basic math (which is about the only kind of math that I can do).
How long will clothes last?
I did some simple googling and came back with a lot of different answers to this.  I considered a few of the scenarios, then, for my personal calculations.
Many sites suggested that a “good quality” item would last through approximately 100 washes.
If you wore the same article of “good quality” clothing every single day, and you washed it after every single wear, then it would stand to reason that you would need 4 of these items a year.
Many other sites suggested that clothes last, on average, for 50 washes.
If you wore the same article of clothing, following that guide, every single day, and you washed it after every single wear, then it would stand to reason that you would need 7 to 8 of these items a year.
Other sites suggested that most of our clothing these days is of poorer quality and, therefore, will only last through 30 washes.
Following the same principles, if you wore one of these poorer quality items every single day, and you washed it after every single wear, it would mean that you were going through 12 to 13 of these items annually.
Most of us are not going to wear the same item every single day, and there are many items that we won’t wash after every single wear.  We may, also, wear more than one item a day.  But I had my basics and I had some numbers to calm my anxiety.
For the worst case scenario, I could wear the same thing every single day for a year, wash it every time I wore it and, even if it was of poor quality, I would only need approximately 13 of these to make through the year.
It may sound dumb, and it’s entirely unrealistic to think that I would ever stick to that, but it gave me something to focus on.  It helped to calm my nerves over the feeling of “not having” that sometimes creeps up and keeps me from making a move when it comes to cleaning things out.
From there, I moved on to shoes.
Ideally, one should replace their shoes after six months of wear.  I have a physical disability that makes me especially hard on shoes.  I have to follow the six month rule.
If you wore the same pair of shoes every day for a year, and you replaced them at the six month mark, you would only need 2 pairs of shoes for the year.
Shoes, like clothing, are often not of the quality that they used to be.  As a result, most of them only make it to the 3 month mark before they’re looking a little worse for the wear.
Considering that idea, if you wore the same pair of lower quality shoes every day for a month, and replaced them after 3 months, you would need four pairs annually.
Now I had numbers for both clothes and shoes.  I had a baseline.  I had a worst case scenario.
I had, perhaps, a gross oversimplification.  But it was what I needed.
The next thing I considered was what number would be my magic number.  I decided on the number two.  Like Noah’s Ark, almost everything could go two by two.  That would give me one to wear and another to have “just in case” that would be a backup.  At least, that’s how I rationalized it to myself.  This would take care of the anxiety that I have surrounding “just in case” scenarios.
Not everything, of course, had to come in twos, but that was my starting point.  Then it was time to make my list.  The list, I decided, was my personal list of what I needed to have to all my bases covered.  I’m sure the list will change for me over time, but it’s a starting point.  I have to start somewhere.
I’m also sure that my list won’t work for everyone.  For instance, I don’t work in an office where suits are required, so that’s not accounted for.  I can’t wear heels, so those aren’t included.  Basically, everyone’s list of essentials would be a little different, but my list could be a starting point for anyone who wanted to use it.
Here’s my list.
2 tall boots and 2 short boots (black and brown)
1 dress boots
2 dress shoes
2 house shoes/slippers (one warm and one cool weather appropriate)
2 exercise appropriate shoes
1 rain boots
1 beach shoes/pool shoes
Then I have my own little category for sneakers or, as I like to call them, “kick around” shoes.  This could cover sneakers, flats, slip ons, sandals, etc.  These are “daily wear” and “throw on” type shoes.  I didn’t put a number on these.  I think that depends on the shoe and its use.
Basically, I love shoes enough that they’ll get their own post.  But this is how I got my basic outline for shoes.
Bulk Items:
These are items that get their own category.  I’m calling them bulk items, but that’s because the numbers I estimated for them were larger than the numbers I estimated for most things.  These are items that I tend to use a lot/often, and they’re items that tend to wear out rather quickly in comparison to other items.  I’ve included numbers that I chose as “safety” numbers, but these things (like everyone else) would depend on the individual.
14 pair underwear
7 pair socks – for me, this would be assorted, so I’d realistically say 7 pair of exercise socks (white cotton) and then 3 to 7 pair of tall socks (or boot socks), short/ankle socks, “liners” or no-show socks, and warm/fuzzy socks for winter lounging
3 regular bras (at a time)
3 sports bras (at a time)
Loungewear and t-shirts (these things I would have in bulk, but they’ll also fit some categories farther down.
Of course, how much you need of each thing, realistically, is also going to depend on how often you’re willing or able to do laundry and how often you actually do laundry.  I do laundry regularly, so I could get by with less.  Things will also depend on how often you wash items after you wear them and how often you allow them to be worn multiple times before they hit the laundry basket.
2 at a time:
Warm sleep pants
Light sleep pants
Sleep shorts
Night gowns
Light jackets
Yoga pants/sweatpants
Exercise pants
Exercise shirts (long and short sleeve depending on your preferred method of exercise)
Exercise hoodies/jackets
Khaki/olive/colored jeans or pants
Black pants/dress pants
Leggings (assorted colors – you could have more than two if this is something that you wear very often)
Layering tanks (assorted colors – the same applies here as with the leggings)
Layering tees/long sleeves (assorted colors – the same applies as with the leggings)
“Dressy” dresses
Casual dresses
Bathing suits
Then I figured in tops or shirts.  I considered the “2 factor” here to be, actually, two sets.  I considered a set to be 14 tops.  In a pinch, then, and considering them to be the poorest quality, one set would get you through a year.  14 tops would allow you to wear a different top every day for two weeks before you had to start over again.
There are 28 tops total.
1 set for warm weather
1 set for cool/cold weather
Remember that you’re able to layer and mix and match.
Then I considered the following items as items that only required 1 of each at a time:
Rain jacket (and pants depending on weather)
Jean jacket
Leather jacket
Fabric/fleece jacket (like Columbia or North Face)
Utility jacket (khaki or green, one of each if you like)
“Dressy” jacket
Ball cap
Bathrobe/ housecoat
Winter coat
Clothes for projects (like painting, gardening, etc.) would be “retired” clothing from the other areas and, therefore, would not need its own category.  How much you need would depend on, realistically, how often you do these kinds of projects, how often you do laundry, and if you toss one of these outfits each time it’s ruined or you really stretch the life of them out.  For the average person I’d recommend 2 or 3 outfits that can be “ruined”.
You can, of course, add and subtract things depending on your lifestyle.  My recommendation, to keep from having this grow too large, is to add anything you might want as a 1 at a time item and see how necessary it seems from there.
Of course, there are some rules and limitations to consider when it comes to my “bare necessities” list, so I had to consider those as well.
I’ll discuss those thoughts, limitations, and challenges in my next post, so stay tuned!  
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old-soulless · 7 years
Who are the Millennials and What is Athleisure Wear?
Millenials have embraced fitness like no other generation!
Nielsen’s Les Mils Global Fitness Survey found that more Millennials are invested in staying fit than any other generation. According to the study, 48% of all 18+ regular exercisers who do gym-type activities are Millennials, while Generation X comprises 32% of this market and Baby Boomers just 20%. Studies suggest that 45% of Millennials take part in fitness classes as oppose to 27% of people aged 55 and older.
What’s Millenials Got to Do with Athleisure?
Millennials have successfully incorporated fitness regimes into their daily lives. Large numbers of Millennials prefer cities in which they can walk around and not rely on a car. They favor staying in attached houses with easy access to shops/restaurants and a shorter commute to their workplace.
  Unlike earlier generations which considered working out to be more of a chore than enjoyment, Millennials look forwards to exercising. Studies show that Millennials think of working out as a way of socializing. Studies found that Millennials generally choose to work out with a partner or within groups, under the supervision of trainers who are within their age range.
They are willing to make healthy choices when choosing what to eat. Forbes reported that Millennials are not only willing to pay for healthy food, they are also putting in the effort to go find it if it is not easily available. Generation Z (people less than 20-years old) are even more conscious of food ingredients and are willing to pay more for healthier meals than Millennials.
What is Athleisure wear?
Athleisure is a trend in fashion in which clothing designed for workouts and other athletic activities is worn in other settings, such as during work, casual or social occasions. Athleisure outfits are yoga pants, tights and leggings that “look like athletic wear” and are characterized as “fashionable, dressed up sweats and exercise clothing“. The idea is that gym clothes are supposedly making their way out of the gym and becoming a larger part of people’s everyday wardrobes. By some accounts, the athleisure trend grew out of women wearing yoga pants. Another account suggests that the trend came about because people could wear them for multiple occasions without having to change, which meant greater convenience, since people did not have to carry an extra gym outfit on the way to the office, for example. – Wikipedia
Millennials are so committed to gyms and exercise that the fashion industry had to introduce Athleisure wear with brands like Lotus Boutique, RYU Apparel and other millennial-centric focused brands; comfortable clothes designed for workouts that can be worn in other settings as well. Athleisure has become so normalized that it is no longer being referred to as a separate class of clothing.
Redefining traditional work-out regimes, the Millennial Way
Millennials have a distinct view on fitness and exercise. Previously, people would assume that a daily workout required you to stay in the gym for at least 2 hours every day, however, Millennials prefer alternate methods. Millennials are not using the traditional method to get fit. Simple cardio workouts are obsolete according to Millennials, instead, they have embraced high-intensity exercise methods that push their limits but do not need much time.
Crossfit can be described as the greatest fitness phenomenon endorsed by Millennials. Crossfit has become a lifestyle movement among Millennials that focuses on high-intensity workouts that differ day-to-day and can be completed within 25minutes, less than half the time of a traditional workout in the gym. Another aspect of Crossfit that appeals to Millennials is that it offers them a sense of community that is not available in other fitness regimes. Members of Crossfit gyms partake in inter-gym competitions. The annual Crossfit Games, search for the “Fittest on Earth”, where athletes compete in workouts which they learn a few hours before the event. The workouts are released online to enable worldwide participation.
Aside from community, music has a surprising influence when it comes to Millennials choosing gyms and fitness classes as well.
Image Source: Nielsen Group
Eating Healthy is not Optional for Millenials
Millennials have had a huge impact on the food industry; their consciousness of calorie intake has instigated restaurants to show the number of calories each dish consists of on their menus. Back in 2013, Fortune Magazine reported that a massive $18 billion loss in the food industry could be attributed to the disruption caused by Millennials. Popular fast-food chains such as McDonald’s and KFC were pressured to introduce healthy food options after receiving heavy criticism for their unhealthy menus.
Image Source: Visual.ly
The gluten-free diet trend is being carried by Millennials as they represent around 28% of the gluten-free market. They are aware of the health risks associated with food additives and pesticides when purchasing food, therefore, place a high value on organic food.
Veganism has been brought into the mainstream by Millennials. After decades of facing ridicule, vegans are finally getting their way in the food market where hundreds of vegan restaurants now emerging (specifically in Europe). Millennials consider veganism as the ‘ethical choice’ which according to them is also healthier because of higher dependence on fruits and vegetables.
Pop-culture influence on Millennials
Like always, pop-culture has played a huge role in shaping the mindset of this generation. Celebrities continue to endorse an ideal body image (at least this time it’s a healthy body). The advent of Social Media has given fans access to very personal information of their favorite celebs, so they are very aware of the lifestyles they follow on the products they use.
With the creation of social media, Millennials share a close bond with celebrities which they idolize. Constantly being under pressure to look a certain way, celebrities have to embrace healthy lifestyles. Those that are genuinely passionate about fitness often share their photos and videos of themselves working out on social media platforms. Their fitness trainers have Instagram pages dedicated to sharing celebrity fitness regimes with their followers.
Image Source: Edelman
Some celebrities like Jessica Biel and Kevin Hart have taken up initiatives to promote a healthy lifestyle.
The transformation of many celebrities from chubby to fit or thin to shredded is always made public and garners a lot of attention. Female celebrities particularly are under a lot of scrutiny when it comes to weight. Celebrities like Fergie and Blake Lively have shared their post-pregnancy diet and fitness regimes while Kim Kardashian and Jessica Alba have credited their weight-loss to waist trainers; another body toning trend that is gaining momentum.
Veganism happens to be another trend propelled by celebrities. Many celebrities have spoken out against animal cruelty in slaughterhouses and the benefits of adopting a meat-free lifestyle.
So, what else can we expect from the Millenial Generation?
Millennials have contributed to the world in many important ways. They are not afraid of challenging conventional ideas and are open to embracing new ones. Armed with unlimited research and medical evidence, they are able to make informed decisions about their health and fitness. Embracing all the technology and information they have available, Millennials have learned to adopt a healthy lifestyle and actually enjoy it (which earlier generations struggled with).
Here’s hoping that their decisions/sacrifices pay off and they are able to avoid the pitfalls that deteriorated the lives of earlier generations.
Image Source: Bryan K Orourke
Author Bio: Judy Robinson
Judy Robinson is an enthusiastic blogger who spends her entire day writing quality blogs. She is a passionate reader and loves to share quality content prevalent on the web with her friends and followers. Her forte is Fashion, Fitness, and Lifestyle, keeping a keen eye on latest trends in those industries. For more updates follow her on Twitter @judyrobinson
January 04, 2017 at 12:06PM
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jonathantwatson · 7 years
Who are the Millennials and What is Athleisure Wear?
Millenials have embraced fitness like no other generation!
Nielsen’s Les Mils Global Fitness Survey found that more Millennials are invested in staying fit than any other generation. According to the study, 48% of all 18+ regular exercisers who do gym-type activities are Millennials, while Generation X comprises 32% of this market and Baby Boomers just 20%. Studies suggest that 45% of Millennials take part in fitness classes as oppose to 27% of people aged 55 and older.
What’s Millenials Got to Do with Athleisure?
Millennials have successfully incorporated fitness regimes into their daily lives. Large numbers of Millennials prefer cities in which they can walk around and not rely on a car. They favor staying in attached houses with easy access to shops/restaurants and a shorter commute to their workplace.
  Unlike earlier generations which considered working out to be more of a chore than enjoyment, Millennials look forwards to exercising. Studies show that Millennials think of working out as a way of socializing. Studies found that Millennials generally choose to work out with a partner or within groups, under the supervision of trainers who are within their age range.
They are willing to make healthy choices when choosing what to eat. Forbes reported that Millennials are not only willing to pay for healthy food, they are also putting in the effort to go find it if it is not easily available. Generation Z (people less than 20-years old) are even more conscious of food ingredients and are willing to pay more for healthier meals than Millennials.
What is Athleisure wear?
Athleisure is a trend in fashion in which clothing designed for workouts and other athletic activities is worn in other settings, such as during work, casual or social occasions. Athleisure outfits are yoga pants, tights and leggings that “look like athletic wear” and are characterized as “fashionable, dressed up sweats and exercise clothing“. The idea is that gym clothes are supposedly making their way out of the gym and becoming a larger part of people’s everyday wardrobes. By some accounts, the athleisure trend grew out of women wearing yoga pants. Another account suggests that the trend came about because people could wear them for multiple occasions without having to change, which meant greater convenience, since people did not have to carry an extra gym outfit on the way to the office, for example. – Wikipedia
Millennials are so committed to gyms and exercise that the fashion industry had to introduce Athleisure wear with brands like Lotus Boutique, RYU Apparel and other millennial-centric focused brands; comfortable clothes designed for workouts that can be worn in other settings as well. Athleisure has become so normalized that it is no longer being referred to as a separate class of clothing.
Redefining traditional work-out regimes, the Millennial Way
Millennials have a distinct view on fitness and exercise. Previously, people would assume that a daily workout required you to stay in the gym for at least 2 hours every day, however, Millennials prefer alternate methods. Millennials are not using the traditional method to get fit. Simple cardio workouts are obsolete according to Millennials, instead, they have embraced high-intensity exercise methods that push their limits but do not need much time.
Crossfit can be described as the greatest fitness phenomenon endorsed by Millennials. Crossfit has become a lifestyle movement among Millennials that focuses on high-intensity workouts that differ day-to-day and can be completed within 25minutes, less than half the time of a traditional workout in the gym. Another aspect of Crossfit that appeals to Millennials is that it offers them a sense of community that is not available in other fitness regimes. Members of Crossfit gyms partake in inter-gym competitions. The annual Crossfit Games, search for the “Fittest on Earth”, where athletes compete in workouts which they learn a few hours before the event. The workouts are released online to enable worldwide participation.
Aside from community, music has a surprising influence when it comes to Millennials choosing gyms and fitness classes as well.
Image Source: Nielsen Group
Eating Healthy is not Optional for Millenials
Millennials have had a huge impact on the food industry; their consciousness of calorie intake has instigated restaurants to show the number of calories each dish consists of on their menus. Back in 2013, Fortune Magazine reported that a massive $18 billion loss in the food industry could be attributed to the disruption caused by Millennials. Popular fast-food chains such as McDonald’s and KFC were pressured to introduce healthy food options after receiving heavy criticism for their unhealthy menus.
Image Source: Visual.ly
The gluten-free diet trend is being carried by Millennials as they represent around 28% of the gluten-free market. They are aware of the health risks associated with food additives and pesticides when purchasing food, therefore, place a high value on organic food.
Veganism has been brought into the mainstream by Millennials. After decades of facing ridicule, vegans are finally getting their way in the food market where hundreds of vegan restaurants now emerging (specifically in Europe). Millennials consider veganism as the ‘ethical choice’ which according to them is also healthier because of higher dependence on fruits and vegetables.
Pop-culture influence on Millennials
Like always, pop-culture has played a huge role in shaping the mindset of this generation. Celebrities continue to endorse an ideal body image (at least this time it’s a healthy body). The advent of Social Media has given fans access to very personal information of their favorite celebs, so they are very aware of the lifestyles they follow on the products they use.
With the creation of social media, Millennials share a close bond with celebrities which they idolize. Constantly being under pressure to look a certain way, celebrities have to embrace healthy lifestyles. Those that are genuinely passionate about fitness often share their photos and videos of themselves working out on social media platforms. Their fitness trainers have Instagram pages dedicated to sharing celebrity fitness regimes with their followers.
Image Source: Edelman
Some celebrities like Jessica Biel and Kevin Hart have taken up initiatives to promote a healthy lifestyle.
The transformation of many celebrities from chubby to fit or thin to shredded is always made public and garners a lot of attention. Female celebrities particularly are under a lot of scrutiny when it comes to weight. Celebrities like Fergie and Blake Lively have shared their post-pregnancy diet and fitness regimes while Kim Kardashian and Jessica Alba have credited their weight-loss to waist trainers; another body toning trend that is gaining momentum.
Veganism happens to be another trend propelled by celebrities. Many celebrities have spoken out against animal cruelty in slaughterhouses and the benefits of adopting a meat-free lifestyle.
So, what else can we expect from the Millenial Generation?
Millennials have contributed to the world in many important ways. They are not afraid of challenging conventional ideas and are open to embracing new ones. Armed with unlimited research and medical evidence, they are able to make informed decisions about their health and fitness. Embracing all the technology and information they have available, Millennials have learned to adopt a healthy lifestyle and actually enjoy it (which earlier generations struggled with).
Here’s hoping that their decisions/sacrifices pay off and they are able to avoid the pitfalls that deteriorated the lives of earlier generations.
Image Source: Bryan K Orourke
Author Bio: Judy Robinson
Judy Robinson is an enthusiastic blogger who spends her entire day writing quality blogs. She is a passionate reader and loves to share quality content prevalent on the web with her friends and followers. Her forte is Fashion, Fitness, and Lifestyle, keeping a keen eye on latest trends in those industries. For more updates follow her on Twitter @judyrobinson
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