#excuse you John is my murder father
tenpintsof-sundrop · 4 months
John haters in the Saw fandom make me uncomfortable
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radiance1 · 4 months
When Danny was told Vlad was coming over, he didn't care, much. After all, being told that he's lost all romantic interest in his mother, is trying to keep thoughts of murdering his father to just thoughts, and genuinely trying to be better than he was before.
Danny decided to give him at least a portion of leeway. You know, to see if he's holding up to his word.
But this, this is not it.
He dragged Vlad out of the room, shooting out an excuse that he just needed Vlad's help with something and just wanted to talk for a bit. Then brought him down to his level-via pulling on his collar- with a scowl.
"You trade my mother for that thing!?"
The thing in question, was some British guy by the name of John Constantine. Who smelled like smoke, alcohol and genuinely seemed to be questioning how exactly he ended up in this situation.
Vlad, to Danny's displeasure and increasing horror.
Is smitten.
Why did it seem that when Vlad turned good his intelligence just seemed to take a nosedive. Enough so that he settled for that and he is happy he isn't going after his mom but, like.
C'mon dude.
You can do better.
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
If You Leave Me
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Pairing: Fem!reader x Spencer Reid
Description: After coming home, Spencer has nightmares of his wife leaving him after the weight of prison weighs on him after his release.
Content Warnings: Depression, mentions of problems with eating, nightmares, fear of abandonment, mention of parental abandonment, spoilers for the prison arc, mentions of blood and being beaten, anxiety, there’s a panic attack, general angst, light fluff towards the end
Word Count: 1.4K
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'The Show' is so amazing, so I might make more based on each song on the album.
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“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F Kennedy.
Spencer had faced change for his whole life. Between his father leaving him with no explanation when he was a child to his mother’s schizophrenia spiralling, he was the poster child for adapting to the plethora of things that life can throw at you and making the best of things.
Child abandonment coupled with a mother whose illness was worsening, there was a lot of pressure on him at a young age. Spencer wanted to take care of his mother, make sure she was safe and sound. He enjoyed lying with her and reading, spending his time with the woman who he cared for. He struggled with making many friends.
Not a lot of high schoolers want to be friends with a twelve-year-old child prodigy. He was the target of relentless bullying, his safest place being home where he could read in the comfort of his own bedroom.
Most children who had any form of trauma as a child turned out to be psychopaths, incapable of empathy and most who exhibited those symptoms were serial killers, he was quite the opposite. Spencer would say that he turned out alright. 
Three PHDs, being a supervisory special agent for the Behavioral Analysis Unit, as well as being a literal genius. He had a team of people who loved him dearly, a good amount of godchildren who he adored, as well as a beautiful wife who did so much for him.
When Spencer was imprisoned, his experience killed a piece of him. The once sweet, innocent Dr. Spencer Reid was now a man who was more prone to showing his complex emotions, his temperament changing. He wasn’t nearly as talkative, he was having a harder time processing things that used to take him mere seconds to understand. It was why they had placed him on a weird schedule; every one hundred days spent in the field would have thirty days off following behind. He thought it was the stupidest decision they made.
Despite all of his protests, nobody would hear him out. It brought on the thoughts of him being untrustworthy. After all, he did kill Nadie Ramos. He may have been under the influence of drugs but that didn’t excuse a damn thing. He killed her with his bare hands. 
That haunted him. The fact that he could be capable of madness, capable of murder. It didn’t help that soon after, he was producing a tampered batch of drugs that he was being forced to push within those four cement walls.
Everyone told him that it wasn’t his fault, that some people were pushed to dark acts in order to ensure their survival. After all, a federal agent in the general population sector was a huge target, someone who would have a lot of enemies. Too many enemies.
After his release, there came a plethora of emotions. Y/N was a saint, patient as could be and more loving than he ever could’ve hoped for. Even when he was dissociating into his mind to shield him from all too familiar territory, she was right there. It had gotten to a point where he severely depended on her, the attachment so strong that he would follow her around the house as if he were a kitten who needed constant attention. 
Dinner was hard, the man having to be reminded that he could take his time to eat and he had no risk of someone coming and taking it whether he allowed them to or not. There were nights where he wouldn’t take a packet of cookies from his wife, stressing over having to ‘pay her back’. It took a lot to break him out of that routine.
Don’t get him started on the nightmares. They were vivid, placing him back to the night when he was beaten in prison or to the day where Luis Delgado had his throat slit in front of him because of his own choices. It was like he could still feel the warmth of the crimson blood staining his hands in the failed attempt to stop the bleeding. 
In addition to nightmares that were filled with blood and violence, there was another recurring nightmare. One that killed him more than any sort of guilt of association ever could. It started out the same way every time, he would come in the house after a long winded case. There would be a lot of stress on his shoulders, a tightening in his chest because of the fact the case didn’t end the way the team had anticipated. He would then walk into the kitchen, where Y/N would be waiting for him. There was no sweet greeting, no kiss against his lips while she hugged him and cried about missing him. 
Instead there was a tense silence, the usually warm apartment freezing. She would turn to him, her eyes filled with exhaustion, no glimmer of love shining over them as they faced one another.
“I can’t do this anymore. You aren’t who you used to be, this time by myself has made me realize that I am much happier without you here. I don’t have to coddle you, treat you like a baby. I just can’t bring myself to love you anymore.” 
Spencer was waking up in a cold sweat, his body jolting upwards on the mattress while his other hand was quickly, yet cautiously reaching beside him to feel his wife’s shoulder. The touch had Y/N stirring awake, a gentle frown on her face. “Spencer?” Her voice was filled with drowsiness, her hands slowly pushing her to sit up on her knees while her free hand was leaning over to turn on the bedside lamp. 
Any form of annoyance from drowsiness was wiped away when she noticed her husband’s state. His face was drenched in sweat, his chest was heaving from the impending anxiety attack, he was unable to talk as his body trembled. “Shh, hey.” Y/N whispered as she was shuffling closer, pulling back the duvet so she could carefully pull her husband into her arms. 
Her fingers were threading through the messy curls, a weak sigh leaving her lips as she could feel his arms tightly wrap around her torso, practically squeezing the life out of her.
“I’m here. It��s okay, baby, I promise. Luis dream again?” She asked softly, her lips pressing a kiss to the crown of his skull.
“You left.” His voice was hoarse, the tears joining in soaking his face the same way that the sweat had done over the course of the night. “Baby..” Y/N whispered while her fingers were lightly scratching over his scalp, her cheek resting against his head as she was being hugged tightly, as if she would disappear if Spencer let her go. “I’m not going anywhere. You know that.” Her words were dipped in that sweet assurance, her eyes slowly fluttering shut. 
Spencer faced enough people who abandoned him in his life with little to no explanation, she could never be added to that list. He spent three long and gruelling months in a maximum security prison for a murder that he was pushed into doing under the influence of a drug that Cat Adams and Lindsey Vaughn got their hands on. 
This wasn’t like he was a man who snapped and murdered an innocent woman because of deterioration of his sanity. He was absolutely nothing like the men and women he hunted down for his job, she tried to push that every time that she could. “You’re a good man, you know that. I would be a fool to leave you.” She said softly. 
As her body was eventually laying down against the mattress, she couldn’t help but smile once Spencer quickly followed her movements. Her legs were spreading in order to invite him between them, the male laying on top of her as his head was against her chest. “There we go..” She cooed softly, her fingers continuing to comb through the tousled curls. 
With his cheek now smashed against his wife’s chest, he listened to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. 
The drumbeat mixed his wife’s sweet words of assurance and the warmth of her love radiating against him was enough to have Spencer starting to drift off to sleep. 
How did he manage to get so lucky to have a woman who wouldn’t give up on him?
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For my first thought about “Saw X” (once again, highly recommend), I’m really impressed with how the movie managed to make their concept work. It’s mainly because the story of “Saw X” is really hard to pull off.
Not a lot of movies and shows can portray the kidnapper/torturer/evil mastermind as the protagonist while the victims are the main villains. Because, obviously, no one wants to be rooting for a character who is tormenting other people. It’s like making a version of “Squid Game” where you’re supposed to root for the VIPs, that’s a hard sell.
But, there are the rare few that manages to pull this off. “Hard Candy” is one of the best examples of this since the victim is a pedophile murderer while the torturer is Elliot Page. “Don’t Breathe” is an accidental example since even though we’re supposed to root for the victims, they’re not so easy to side with since they’re burglars who robbed a blind man.
So “Saw X” had a tough sell since we’re supposed to be on Jigsaw’s side for once. But honestly, I thought they nailed it. Not only are the victims horrible people (scammers who prey on the terminally ill), the story doesn’t force you to like John Kramer. John is entirely unapologetic about his actions as Jigsaw and the movie doesn’t try to justify him, especially by having Amanda question John’s choice of putting Gabriella into a test (she was a drug addict). Instead, the story naturally puts you on John’s side by focusing on his internal dilemma; fighting his cancer.
The first third of the movie was entirely devoted to John dealing with his cancer and how he was dreading that he was almost out of time. It humanizes John and makes you feel really sorry for him, even knowing who he is. What I like about this is that it’s not forced sympathy because the audience has known about John being a cancer patient for over a decade by now. Focusing on John’s disease and mortality makes sense is what I’m saying.
Even Jigsaw’s friendship with the little boy Carlos makes sense since John wanted to be a father. The one thing that people can say was a little forced to make you sympathize with Jigsaw STILL has precedence in the series, which is really rewarding for people who’ve watched every “Saw” movie. Nothing felt out of place for John’s character, it’s like a legit tribute to the character.
So when you learn that the doctors were all scam artists, it’s natural to side with John since:
1) They did it to themselves
2) You feel for John since you watched at least 30 minutes of him trying to fight the disease
3) You feel angrier towards the doctors since they’re arguably worse people than John
4) The lead doctor reveals that she knew John was Jigsaw and continued the grift anyways, so they have really no excuse
It’s like “Don’t Breathe” again, where both sides are horrible people, but the more sympathetic one gets to be the hero. And I’m all for it, because fuck medical malpractice/grifters.
(Side note: I feel like another way the movie got us on John’s side was that he stayed true to his word. If you pass the test, you get to live. During the movie, he makes sure Diego survived since he passed and asked that Gabriella be taken to a hospital after she freed herself. It’s honor, but in a fucked up way, which is appropriate for the character)
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sl-newsie · 2 months
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 11: Bump In The Night
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“He’s not back yet?”
It’s been a few hours since Thomas went off to talk to Ada and darkness is beginning to descend. Am I going to have to keep dinner waiting every night?
Polly looks up from the newspaper she’s reading. “He’ll come about when he’s calmed down and cleared his head- though don’t hold your breath. You know as well as I do that Tommy can be as stubborn as one of his horses.” Now she looks over at me with perceptive eyes. “Ada never mentioned anything to you, did she?”
I shake my head. “No. I only knew she’d been having an affair.”
“Then why didn’t you mention it?”
“I didn’t ask who. I told her that I’m not a Shelby. That she should answer to you, not me.”
The woman slowly nods with a wise look in her eye. “That’s very loyal of you. Someone could take advantage and act as their own authority in private family matters. But you’ve kept from telling and shaming our family. Thank you.”
“No thanks necessary, Polly,” I respond wholeheartedly. “Loyalty is just as important to my own family. I would be shaming them by carrying out disgraceful behavior.”
The front door opens and Arthur and John walk in. John looks exhausted and Arthur has a grim face that looks as if he just committed murder- or is that always how he looks? 
“Where’s Tommy?” John asks.
“You tell me,” Polly shrugs. “Hasn’t been back for hours.”
The pair both grunt and walk off down the hall. Now I see it’s not just Thomas that’s gloomy all the time.
“No use in setting the table,” Polly says. “Finn can eat when he’s done with his chores.”
I clean my own plate and excuse myself to prepare for bed. While I slip on my nightgown I can’t help but feel concerned about Ada. Is she coming back home? Do the other Shelbys know yet? Will the child’s father wed her? Since I’m the only girl of five brothers I’ve never seen the experience of pregnancy but from what I’ve heard it can be very stressful. I hope Thomas doesn’t press Ada too much or it could be bad for her or the baby.
A noise jolts me awake. What time…? It’s three in the morning. What on Earth is going on at three in the morning?
There it is again. It’s coming from the wall- the wall connected to Thomas’ room. Is he back yet? Quietly, I sit up and tiptoe to the door. I peek my head out to make sure the hall is clear and creep over to knock on Thomas’ door. Instead of the door opening I hear another loud thump from inside. Is he fighting someone?! I know he has the privilege of privacy but if this keeps up he’ll wake everyone up.
I turn the knob and peek inside the dark bedroom where I see Thomas’ figure on a bed thrashing around under the blanket. The thumping sound’s origin is his fist punching the wall.
“Wha-? Tommy? Tommy! Wake up!” I hurry over and try to think of how to wake him. “You’re having a nightmare-!”
Suddenly Thomas reaches out and wraps his hands around my throat. My instincts cause me to try to pull away as the air is sucked from my lungs.
“T-Thomas- Mr. Shelby, it’s me!” I rasp in a panic.
In the dark I see him pause and seem to do a double-take. Then his hands soften around my neck and he pulls them away to pat up and down my shoulders.
“Sorry! Sorry, love… Are you hurt anywhere?”
I take a second to catch my breath and shake my head. “Are- Are you ok?”
Thomas sighs and rubs his forehead. “I’m sorry… ‘s just flashbacks, ‘s all.”
“From the war?”
He nods and doesn’t say more. He doesn't have to. Shell shock is no light matter. If he fought in France then he has every reason to seek help.
“Have you talked with someone?”
Thomas scoffs. “I ain’t a woman. I don’t need to ‘talk about it.’”
“Your own mental welfare is more important than biting away shell shock just to keep your ego, Thomas.” I don’t wait for him to argue and take a chance to sit on the bed next to him. “I’m so sorry you have to go through this. When the war started I was too young to understand what was going on, but I remember the day my father came home and my mother burst into tears. It wasn’t until a few years later that I knew what happened. I pray each and every day, thankful that he returned safely, because I know others weren’t as fortunate.”
Thomas stays still and keeps staring straight ahead with a blank expression. Does he want help? There’s no use trying to help if he doesn’t want any. He doesn’t even want me here.
I look away and stand up to walk towards the door-
“Would you feel uncomfortable if I asked you to stay?” Thomas asks.
He wants help? Or just a woman to hold? I’m prepared to help Thomas but I will not stoop to extreme physical touch.
“Keep your hands to yourself and I’ll agree.”
Surprisingly Thomas nods agreeably and moves over to give me space on the bed. In the corner of my eye I see what looks like a pipe sticking out.
“What’s that?”
Thomas sees where I’m looking. “Opium. Helps with the dreams.”
He resorts to opium? Is Thomas really so stubborn to be tough that he relies on drugs to suppress his trauma?
“I’m sorry,” I reply softly.
“Sorry won’t be enough.” Thomas responds darkly.
“I know. I’ll never be able to fix that. Nobody can.”
It goes quiet and for a while we sit in silence listening to the ticking of the clock. Normally I’m not one for sitting in silence with people but it’s different with Thomas. We don’t need to speak. He’s thinking and just needs to know someone is there to pull him back.
“Can I be honest with you?” Thomas eventually asks.
I frown. “You mean you haven’t been this whole time?”
“No I have, it’s just… Can I tell you something personal?”
Personal? So I’ve ascended from a tossed out nobody to my boss’ therapist. Should I dare to get this close?
“If you trust me enough, then yes. I will keep it confidential.”
“People I haven’t had sex since before the war,” Thomas states bluntly. “That’s not true. I was seeing a whore up until a few months ago.”
This leaves me stunned. What do I say to that? I didn’t think this would be part of the therapy process.
“Oh. Um, alright.” I awkwardly fidget with my fingernails. “I can’t really speak for that matter.”
“Why? Are you a virgin?”
“It’s none of your business,” I snap and regain control. “But since this is confidential, yes. I am a woman of God and do not just throw myself willy-nilly at anyone, unlike lots of the women I've seen walking the streets.”
Thomas groans and leans against the wall. “I assume you know about Ada?” When I don’t answer right away he continues. “My own sister, gonna have a baby. I tried to get her to tell me who the father is but she won’t budge.” I feel him put a hand on my shoulder. “You’re a woman, Verena. What should I do?”
Wow. He sees I’m a woman. Fascinating. 
“If I ever came to my parents in her situation they would cast me out for having a child out of wedlock. If I were you I would encourage Ada to marry.”
“I don’t even know what bloke she’d be marrying! How’s this supposed to look for our family image?”
“Thomas, this is a pregnancy we’re talking about. This is a blessing no matter who the father is.”
Silence takes over again and Thomas lays down to stare up at the ceiling. I share his concern for Ada but that’s no reason so shame God’s miracle.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“That’s what I’m here for, Thomas.”
“You don’t think of me differently because I have Gypsy blood?”
That comes out of nowhere. What sort of question is that? Never once has my mind processed to acknowledge the Shelby genes.
“Why would I?” 
The blue-eyed gangster looks over at me with an unfamiliar expression. One might say he almost looks vulnerable.
“Gypsies aren’t welcomed everywhere, Verena. That’s part of why I have to stick up for the whole family because people will walk all over us if I don’t.”
That’s why… 
A small smile grows on my face and I take Thomas’ hand. “Maybe it’s because I’m American but in my family we don’t judge someone by their blood. In America there’s way too many blends to do that. I judge a man by his heart, not the blood that runs through it.”
Silence ticks by. Does he believe me? Then Thomas shows his response by slowly leaning in to give me a quick hug. The Thomas Shelby just gave me a hug. I didn’t even think he knew how to hug.
“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the people in Small Heath aren’t complete angels.”
I’m stunned. He’s being… nice. My whole body goes stiff to the new physical contact and- Yup. Those are his abs. Dear God! I’ve never been this close to a man who isn’t one of my brothers. From what I’ve read it’s a normal response to have a quicken heartbeat when put in new situations so that probably explains why my chest feels like it’s going to burst. Calm down, Steenstra. He’s being thankful. Thomas hardly says thank-you so it’s a big deal.
“I understand why you have to be so cold sometimes,” I try to speak evenly. “But once in a while you need to show your family that you’re more than just their shield.”
Thomas doesn’t pull away and shakes his head. “There’s not much left of me that cares about what other people think of me, even my family.”
“But deep down you still do. We’re our own worst enemy, Thomas. Life can be cruel but we all have our own part to play… no matter how insignificant it might seem.”
“This world will remember me,” Thomas states with certainty. “One way or another.”
God, he’s stubborn. “What may seem like a small gesture to you can speak volumes to others, Thomas. Besides, men who only live for money or work for fame are not guaranteed happiness. You can be more than a great man.”
The gangster pulls away but keeps close, analyzing me. “If not great… what else can I be, love?”
I shake my head with pity and squeeze his hand. “You’ll understand one day. You’ll never fully appreciate something until it’s gone, Thomas. Just… think about it.” I look up at the clock and see it’s been an hour. Only a short while until I should get up. “Both of us need sleep. Do you still feel scared?”
Thomas scoffs. “Tommy Shelby is hardly scared.”
I raise a very skeptical brow. He gives me a side glance and sighs.
“Fine, I was a little unnerved. No, Verena. I’m fine now, love. Thank you.” He leans in for one last hug. “Thank you for everything.”
“Never a problem, Mr. Shelby,” I say as I stand up and step back to the door. “Can’t have my boss looking blue, can I?”
That’s it, right? I’m not actually growing attached to this place. Am I? I mean sure, Small Heath is far from perfect but in some ways it reminds me of Brooklyn. Hard-working folks who want to promote their family pride. 
I quietly head back to my room (no longer hearing sounds from Thomas’ side) and slide back into the now-cold blankets. As my eyes close again I can’t help but wonder if I’ll miss this place when I eventually leave.
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bellamybellamyblake · 11 months
When the Sun Sets - Part 2
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Our Job
morgan winchester (OC), sam winchester, dean winchester, bobby singer, ellen harvelle
the fallout of morgan’s decision.
Warnings (for entire story):
SPN typical violence, so so much suppressing of emotions, vague mention of SA, depiction of torture, a very pro-torture main character, vague mention of not eating for a while, slightly suicidal ideation, SPN typical alcohol abuse, spoiler warning up to the end of season 8, following canon stops after the end of season 2, but things are definitely going to be mentioned.
Word Count:
4.3k ~ roughly
you don’t even know how much i hate this part. there's so much dialogue i wanna cry. i tried to rush through all hell breaks loose as fast as possible so i can post my personal favorite part (the next one - the inbetween.)
dean: 27, morgan: 26, sam: 23
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Morgan was silent the entire drive to Bobby's. The boys were talking as usual, but as she sat in the backseat, Dean wasn't letting her rest. If looks could kill, she'd have been six feet under before they got in the car. She knew he would demand a talk with her. And she wasn't clueless to the fact that Bobby would too when he saw Sam up and about.
She couldn't look her brother in the eye, but every time she felt his eyes on her, she'd glance up and away just as fast. She tried to think about how Dean felt when he found out about their father's deal to save him. As if he had to tread lightly on borrowed time or that he shouldn't have even been walking around in the first place. Like it was unfair that he was alive, and John wasn't. She had a feeling she'd be hearing about that.
She knew her brother wasn't stupid, and if anything, Bobby was smarter. Once Bobby found out it wasn't Dean, there was only one other person to turn to.
They'd probably try to make her regret it, but she didn't. She didn't think she ever could. Even if Sam felt guilty about it for the rest of his life, he would at least get to live the rest of his life. However long that might be.
Knocking on the door at Bobby's was tense. Dean wouldn't give her a moment of reprieve, his furious gaze staying put on the side of her head. And her not giving in only pissed him off more. She was preoccupied, to put it lightly, almost more nervous about Bobby's reaction. It didn't take long for him to answer the door, and he looked like his stomach was about to fall out of his ass.
"Hey, Bobby," Dean greeted, the same angry tone in his voice. Sam saying the same right after, but looking at his brother, confused. Morgan knew Sam had noticed their demeanors since he woke up, Dean looked like he was ready to commit murder and she looked like his next victim.
"Sam," Bobby stuttered out, pure shock on his face. "It's good to...see you up and around."
"Yeah, well, thanks for patching me up," Sam said as he patted the older man on the shoulder, walking right in like he belonged there. Which, to be fair, they all did.
Bobby was looking straight at Dean as he followed Sam, like he was the guilty one. "Don't mention it." Morgan followed her brothers, but as Dean looked at Bobby, shook his head, and looked at her, with an expression that told him everything, Bobby's bewilderment grew even larger and more obvious.
"Well, Sam's better. And we can get back into it now. So, what do you know?" She didn't look at him when she said it. She didn't miss Sam's confusion as he looked between the three of them, like he knew something was up but couldn't put his finger on it.
Bobby quickly filled them in, it was as if he was rushing to get all the information out in the open so he could pull Morgan off to talk. She could barely even blink before he was telling Sam to take a look at the map and to try to figure out why one single area of Wyoming was untouched by demons. Then he asked Morgan and Dean to help him bring some boxes out from his truck. The 'needing extra hands' excuse was nonchalant enough to get them alone. Dean nodded, and she could tell he was tempted to drag her out by her ear, but she wasn't about to go that easily. She wasn't about to get torn into that easily.
"I'll stay here," Morgan refused. "Give Sam another pair'a eyes."
"No, need all the hands I can get," Bobby ordered sharply. And at Sam's large eyes questioning why she wasn't going with them, she relented. She knew how this would go. They'd yell, act all mad, but then they'd realize why she did it. They'd realize they were more sad than angry and then they'd deflate.
It was only a few moments of stress before they got far enough out of ear shot when Dean shoved her up against one of the cars.
"You stupid bitch! What did you do, Mo?" He accused, holding her still by the collar. But she could see the terror in his eyes as he pushed her against the car a second time. It always came out in some kind of fury at first with him. This wasn't the first time Dean had shoved her. She knew she could take a few of his punches, and if that's what this came to, she'd be able to handle herself. There were very few living humans that could fight off Dean Winchester, and Sam and Morgan were most of them. "What did you do?!"
She didn't even bother fighting back, though, letting Dean keep his hands on her. She knew if she tried hard enough, she could get him off, but she just kept her  eyes on the ground. Too much of a damn coward to look at her brother. She couldn't bare to see more pain in his features, see how beaten down he was becoming. How tired he was.
"You made a deal. For Sam, didn't you?" Bobby asked, questioning her, like she had committed a crime and they were trying to put her in jail. Her silence was enough of an answer that Bobby sighed, shaking his head. "How long they give you?"
"How long?!" Dean demanded, gripping the collar of her shirt even tighter until his knuckles turned white, as if she'd try to get away. "You look at me, you coward."
She let out a shaky breath, putting off saying it for as long as she could. It was like pulling out her own teeth, but eventually looked at her brother and rasped out the words.
"One year."
Dean ripped his hands off of her, as if she burned him. In some kind of self torture, she kept her eyes on Dean, and it was like watching him catch Sam all over again. He didn't need to speak for her to know how upset he was, how ruined he felt, like he'd never have another win again. It was like watching Sam fall into his arms over and over and over. She could practically hear his heart shattering in his chest.
She finally turned back to Bobby after sitting in that for a moment, biting that bullet. He, hauntingly, looked exactly like her brother. He breathed. "Damn it, Morgan."
"It's why we gotta find Yellow-Eyes," Morgan declared, keeping her gaze away from her brother on purpose. "I can kill him myself, now. Got nothing else to lose."
With that, Dean shoved her again, the despair quickly wiped from his face, replaced with the white-hot anger from a moment ago. He was seething, but she still couldn't tell if it was because she beat him to the punch or if he was genuinely sad he'd lose her in a year. Probably a mix of both, but  she convinced herself it was the former rather than the latter. "I should send you downstairs ahead of schedule."
She kept her face blank as she chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah, have fun with that."
"What is it with you Winchesters, huh?" Bobby asked, the emotion making his voice break. "You, your dad, you're all just itching to throw yourselves down the pit!"
"That's not the point, Bobby!" Morgan roared, getting angry now herself. She pushed Dean off of her with all her strength, which was stronger than she thought it was, given how exhausted she was. He stumbled back and she finally returned the death glares he'd been sending her all day. "At least now, Dad can get what he wanted."
"What does that mean?!" Dean shouted back at her.
"It means," Morgan paused, taking a breath, to stop herself from yelling anymore. "You and Sam? Better at hunting than I am. It means, you'll have one less mouth to feed."
"What?" Dean breathed, like he couldn't even believe the words coming out of his sister's mouth. Like he was shocked she could even say such a thing.
At the utter confusion he was doing nothing to hide, she realized they weren't as similar as she thought. She thought he had seen it. The way they were never able to take a break in whatever motel room they had found, even when John wasn't working a case. That it was always about who could follow orders better, who could get closer to the bullseye, who could disassemble and clean their guns quicker and to a higher standard. She had thought, as they grew up, he noticed it, and that's why Dean started backing off. He stopped getting on her case about doing what dad said, he stopped giving her tips on how to aim. She thought that was why he took back the knife he had given her, because he needed all the help he could get in fighting for John's approval.
Did he forget the fight they had? The only real fight her and Dean ever had? The only one about something more than the way they bugged each other? She had blown up at him, something she very rarely did. But Dean had cut her off, by saying the worst thing he had ever said to her. Something she'd never forget.
"You wanna know why I'm the one that goes on all the hunts with dad? Because I'm actually good at my job. You're just another person I have to take care of. I mean, Dad tells Sam to make sure you don't do anything stupid when we leave. And I'm fucking tired of it. I'm tired of you."
It was one of the few times she didn't regret punching him.
"Why would I let him die, when I could just...take out the defected one?" Morgan sobbed, overcome with tears she couldn't hold back anymore, that fight so prevalent in her mind. It never left her. And all the stress of the last few days, it all came pouring out. And even if she had forgiven Dean for saying it, she never really thought he didn't believe it. And she saw the realization dawn on him. "Something good can out of it. Maybe my life will finally mean something."
"What, and it didn't before? Have you got that low an opinion of yourself? Are you that screwed in the head?!"
She didn't look at Bobby, even after he yelled at her, she kept her eyes on Dean, and she knew he could finally see the toll their father's words had taken on her. The toll his words had taken on her. She was taking herself out of the race for the crown they had both spent their whole lives fighting for, and he didn't have to ask her why. She didn't have to tell him she knew he would've done it too, and he knew there was no way in hell she would've let him. Her and Dean's relationship was strained, but underneath all of it, they loved each other. They would protect each other with everything they had. And she was exhausted. This way the fight was over. He could officially be the one that ended up in John's best graces, but she would be dead, so she didn't have to worry about it anymore.
Morgan finally turned to Bobby, letting him see how drained she was. How little fight she had left in her. "Dean told me to patch him up but I didn't. I froze, and then he died because I couldn't move. I couldn't leave it-I-I had to fix it, Bobby. He's my little brother."
"Mo, it wasn't-"
"How's your little brother gonna feel when he knows you're going to Hell?" Bobby grilled her. Then he turned to Dean, if only to prove his point, not caring that he cut him off. "How'd you feel when you knew your dad went for you?"
"You can't tell him," Morgan begged, not letting Dean answer. "Whatever you do, just don't tell him. Please."
"He'll figure it out," Dean said, his voice hollow after finally getting the truth. "He's not stupid."
"I know. Just, not yet."
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When Ellen turned up at Bobby's, and they had tested her with holy water, Morgan gave her a big hug. It was comforting, someone that didn't know what the last two days had meant to the Winchesters was in their presence. It was like she could finally relax. But when they realized what the yellow-eyed demon's plans were, they had to rush to the cemetery in Wyoming - the only time anyone had ever rushed into Wyoming.
They were already there by the time Jake had gotten into the cemetery, hiding behind tall headstones, staying out of sight. Once he had reached the plot he was looking for, Ellen, Bobby, Morgan, Dean and Sam stepped out from behind the graves, guns drawn and loaded. They surrounded him from all sides, trapping him in.
"Howdy, Jake," Sam said as they all inched closer and revealed themselves.
"Wait, you were dead," Jake said, dumbfounded. "I killed you."
"Yeah? Well, next time finish the job."
"I did! I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Jake explained. And Morgan didn't miss when Sam looked at her and Dean with a question in his eyes. Morgan ignored it, and she was pretty sure Dean did too as they looked back at him. "You can't be alive. You can't be."
"Okay," Bobby said, trying to defuse the tension. But this guy had five guns on him, there was no way to calm this down. "Just take it real easy there, son."
"And if I don't?"
"Wait and see!" Sam threatened.
"What," Jake taunted. "You a tough guy all of a sudden? What are you gonna do? Kill me?"
"It's a thought."
"You had your chance. you couldn't."
"I won't make that mistake twice."
Morgan's hands were shaking. She didn't like this, she always hated this part of the job. The killing, the traps, the risks. Nothing ever went their way and she didn't think it would magically start now.
If her life experiences had taught her anything, it would be to expect the worst. Always.
Jake laughed evilly at Sam's words, like he was a bug under his shoe.
"What are you smiling at, you little bitch?" Dean seethed.
"Hey, sweetheart," Jake said, turning to Morgan. And she wanted to shoot him just for calling her that. "Do me a favor put that gun to your head." Her hand started shaking even more, as she fought the compulsion. But it was too much, she wasn't strong enough to fight it. Jake was forcing her with whatever powers he had. As soon as the gun was pressed against her temple, Jake laughed again, his voice sour and menacing. "See, Sam? That Ava girl was right. Once you give into it, there's all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks you can learn."
"Let her go!" Sam demanded.
"Shoot him," Morgan whispered shakily, like it took all of her strength just to speak. She didn't exactly want to die. They thought of going to Hell early? Well, it wasn't exactly on the to-do list. But she figured if one of them wasn't supposed to survive that night, it should be her.
Being held under the control of someone else was enough to strip her of all the energy Morgan had left. She couldn't get any more words out, her lips were pushed closed by an unseeable force. "You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off. Everybody put your guns down. Besides you, babe."
Bobby, Sam, Ellen and Dean all dropped their guns as Jake thanked them, and ran towards the crypt. Before she knew what was happening, she was pressing down on the trigger, but the gun was knocked from her hand and it went off in the air. The shot rang out, and it didn't take long for her to realize Dean had knocked the gun from her hand. Jake put the Colt in the lock, and the door on the crypt started to spin as Morgan heard four more shots ring out. By the time she had looked up, Jake was dying on the floor and Sam was above him, still pointing the gun at him.
"Please, don't," Jake begged, his voice gurgled from the blood going into his lungs. "Please-"
Sam fired out three more shots, killing him instantly.
Morgan had never seen Sam so bloodthirsty. The look on his face was inhuman, one of a monster that was ready to keep killing. But before she could dwell on it she heard the door to the crypt moving, and Bobby yelling at them to take cover.
"It's a devil's gate!" Ellen yelled at the Winchesters, as her and Bobby ran to it to try to close it. "A damn door to Hell!"
Before she could even move, an invisible force had thrown Morgan and Dean away from the gate, her head bashing into a grave stone a little ways away. The pain shot through her like a bullet. She groaned as she landed, dragging herself up to sit against it. When she brought her gaze back up in front of her, she saw Yellow-Eyes coming at her, and Sam running behind him. "Mo!"
She was too dizzy to move as Yellow-Eyes pushed Sam against a tree. "I'll get to you in a minute, champ. I'm proud of you. Knew you had it in ya."
The demon turned to Dean, as he was getting himself ready to stand, but Yellow-Eyes pushed him back, keeping him down. "Sit a spell. Gotta talk to your sis. Don't mind, do you?" He asked, but wasn't holding his breath to find out what Dean would say. "Morgan, Morgan, Morgan. I gotta thank you," He whispered putting his full attention on her, keeping her still with whatever powers he had. "You see, demons can't resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know, red tape - it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation. Now I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. Liked him better than Jake, anyhow. Tell me, you ever hear the expression, 'if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?'"
"You call that deal, good?" Morgan asked, keeping her face blank, but she couldn't ignore the blood dripping down her face from the gash. Or the way her head was spinning from being, oh, you know, thrown into a damn gravestone.
"Well, it's better than the one your dad got," He said, as if conspiring with her. "And you never wondered why? I'm kind of surprised at you. I mean, you saw what your brother did to Jake, right? Pretty cold, huh? How certain are you that what you brought back is a hundred percent little Sammy?" She wouldn't admit it, but he practically read her mind. Honestly, he probably did. Powerful demons could do that. She let her eyes fall on her younger brother. "After watching your brother come back and watching daddy drop dead, you of all people should know that what's dead, should stay dead. Anyway, thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. 'Til now anyway. I couldn't'a done without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family."
Before she knew it, the Colt was pointed at her, but something stopped Yellow-Eyes from pulling the trigger. Some spirit came up behind him and practically pulled the demon out of his vessel. The spirit was wrestling with it, trying to keep it in his hold, and it suddenly hit her who he was.
It was John.
Her father's spirit.
He got the demon back into the body, but by the time the vessel had stood back up, Dean had the Colt pointed right at his chest and shot him right in the heart, killing him instantly.
At the same time, Ellen and Bobby had gotten the gate closed and John's spirit was made obvious to everyone in the graveyard. He put his arm on Dean's shoulder, in a silent thank you and to tell him he was proud of him. Then he looked at Sam with the same expression on his face.
Then his gaze fell on Morgan, and it changed a little. Like he knew exactly what she did. She imagined he did know, and she almost thought he'd reprimand her for putting herself at risk, even if it meant it kept Sam alive. But then she remembered her father and who he really was, and his face morphed into gratitude. He was thanking her, for keeping his favorite child alive, even if it was at the cost of her own life.
A part of her resented that, but the other part hoped he'd finally be able to rest after this. And in a haze of white flame, he disappeared.
There was a few moments of quiet between the siblings, in awe of what had just happened. "Dad really climbed out of Hell, huh?" Sam asked lightly, breaking the silence.
"The door was open," Dean said. "And if anyone's stubborn enough to do it, it would be him."
"Where do you think he is now?"
"At peace," Morgan whispered, unsure, but her brothers nodded. "Hopefully."
"I don't know what to say, I mean, our whole lives have been leading up to this."
"I do," Dean said, before squatting over the vessel that once held the demon that ruined their lives. "That was for our mom, you son of a bitch."
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It didn't take too long to clean up. Sam helped her sanitize the open wound on her face, declaring it wouldn't need stitches, just some careful maintenance for a few days. Bobby took Ellen back to his car while Sam, Dean and Morgan went back to the Impala, as always. The air was somber and eerily quiet after that massive explosion of demons coming out of Hell. She knew that wasn't something they'd ignore, but that was tomorrow's problem. Tonight, they would recuperate.
"You know," Sam said as Morgan opened the back door to the car. "When Jake saw me, it was like he saw a ghost." She slammed the door loudly at his words and walked towards him. She looked at Dean, and he already had his eyes on her. There was anger she knew he wouldn't keep in check for long in them. She needed to get ahead of it. "I mean, you heard him, guys. He said he killed me."
"Well, he was wrong," Morgan denied, trying to leave no room for a dispute.
"I don't think he was, Mo. What happened after I was stabbed?"
"We already told you," She said sharply, hoping he'd take the damn hint.
"Not everything."
"Dean just killed the demon, Sam!" Morgan's voice rose, but she tried to put on a small smile. "Can't we just, I don't know, celebrate for a minute?"
"Did I die?" Sam insisted, switching back and forth between his older siblings. He wasn't dropping it, and Morgan knew that. But she really didn't want to have this conversation. She didn't want Sam to know. She didn't want him to feel the guilt of knowing she would be dying for him in a year's time.
"Did you, or-or Dean, sell your soul for me? Like dad did?"
"Oh, come on," Dean said, finally entering the conversation. Maybe to help his sister, maybe to let her reap what she sewed. "I didn't."
Oh, fuck off, Dean.
"Mo?" She scoffed, not wanting to admit it. "Morgan, tell me the truth." Shaking her head, she rubbed her hand down her face, almost wincing when she hit the gash on her forehead. She had to look away, keeping her gaze down towards the ground, not able to face her little brother. She knew her silence was her answer and he didn't ask again. She might know both of her brother's tells, but they knew her's too. "How long do you get?"
She chuckled humorlessly, shaking her head, silently telling him she didn't want him to know. The emotion in Sam's voice had her ready to cry, but she pushed it down. And when Dean cleared his throat, telling her she wasn't getting out of it, she finally looked at Sam. Who looked like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. The middle Winchester closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"A year."
Sam let out a sob, "A year?" She looked back at him, and this time it was him that couldn't handle the sight of her. "You shouldn't have done that. How could you do that?"
"Don't get mad at me. You don't get to do that."
"Oh, we don't?" Dean spat.
"Screw you, Dean, I mean seriously!" Morgan argued, her voice rising as she turned to her older brother. "You were gonna do it, too. Don't pretend you weren't. You're just mad 'cause I got there first. And Sam," She looked back at him and then at the sky. It was black and dreary, something she'd always hated. Night time was when the monsters crawled out of their caves and started fucking shit up. It only made her angrier at her situation. "How was I supposed to just let you die? When I knew there was something that could bring you back, I was supposed to just ignore that?"
"Yes!" Dean yelled back at her. "If it means it's gonna kill you, you ignore it! Absolutely!"
"I had to look out for you." She didn't relent, but her voice had lost the volume it once held. "That's our job."
"And what do think my job is?" Sam asked, his voice raising a little as well. But before he went on, he took a breath, calming himself down. "You've saved my life over and over. I mean, the two of you sacrifice everything for me, don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big sister. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this."
No, Sam. You won't.
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ave09 · 11 months
Oooh could you please write a fic where John Book (from Witness (1995)) has to hide out in a Jewish community and ends up falling in love with Jewish fem!Reader but this time he stays and marries her?
YES! pardon my french, but i fucking love john book! as much as i love han and indy, john is definitely my favorite harrison ford character and witness is my favorite harrison ford movie.
john book x jewish!reader
note; this is a long one and i apologize in advance, it got a lil sloppy at the end bc i was tired 😭, but this is 100% the best thing i’ve written for tumblr imo. also, i am not jewish and don’t know much about judaism, so i hope that this is somewhat realistic. might make a part two to this, we’ll see what happens
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“ma’am. can you please tell me what you saw? is there anything you remember that you didn’t before?” 
“i told you everything i know, officer.” you stated. it was true. despite the image’s continuing to pass through your mind, you couldn’t think of anything that you hadn’t mentioned. 
“well, could you go over it again?” you huffed, glancing at the handsome officer seated in front of you, “i told you. i went to the washroom, someone was washing their hands. i entered the stall, locked the door as i did so, i noticed through the crack of the door, a black man and a white man entered the washroom. you know the rest.” 
“tell me again.” 
“i admire your persistence, mr. book, but i’ve told you about three times now.”
“well let me hear it again.” he said, hazel eyes staring intently at you. you sighed deeply, the images flashing through your mind rapidly as you spoke of them again. 
“the white man covered the woman’s head with a jacket, strangling her, the other took out a knife, slitting her throat.” 
“and then?” 
“i only saw the black man’s face, but he and the white man left.” 
john book nodded, his gaze flickering to the file on the desk in front of him. “and of all the men we’ve shown you, you haven’t recognized any?” 
you shook your head, “it was only a glimpse, but i remember.” john pursed his lips, setting down the red pen in his hand before folding his hands before him, remaining silent.
you picked at your fingernails out of nervous habit, “mr. book, when will i be able to go home?” you questioned, “my father is waiting for me, i’m sure he’s worried sick.” 
“i’m afraid we’re gonna have to keep you around for a little while longer, ma’am.” he replied, “but please, feel free to call your father, let him know you’ll be staying here a little while longer.” your eyes widened, “mr. book-“
“john is fine.” 
“mr. book, i cannot stay!” you exclaimed, “i must go home!” 
the man sent you a smirk, rising from his seat, “feel free to use denise’s phone, she’s right over there, now excuse me.” before you could even protest, the man rose quickly, walking away, leaving you alone in the crowded police station.
you huffed in annoyance, rising from
your own seat, turning to go to the desk that was used by a woman named denise. you walked past an awards display and paused, taking a moment to admire all the trophies. 
and that’s what you saw it. 
a picture of a man, a familiar man. you gasped softly, realizing where you knew him from. 
he was the one in the bathroom. 
the murderer.
“hey, aren’t you gonna call-“ john trailed off, noticing how tense you were, “you alright?” you pointed at the picture, “that’s him.”
“the man from the bathroom. that’s him.” 
— — — — — —
you sat in john’s small apartment, waiting for his return. he’d called earlier, claiming that you needed to pack your bags and he would take you home.
it was abrupt, concerning. but you did as he said anyways. your bags were packed and ready to go.
you wondered what caused the change of heart. as of this morning, he was still insisting you stick around. and now he was willing to send you back to your village. 
it was all strange. 
suddenly, john burst through the door, breathing heavily. you caught sight of red liquid blooming through his white button up shirt. your eyes widened, “mr. book-“
“get your stuff,” he panted, heading toward the bathroom, “mr. book!” you called, watching as the man leaned against the door, breathing deeply. 
you cautiously moved towards him, placing a gentle hand upon his shoulder, “john.” 
he finally glanced at you, hazel eyes swimming with worry. “are you okay?” you asked softly. he licked his lips, nodding, “fine. i’m fine.” and without another word, he slipped into the bathroom, leaving you to await his return. 
— — — — — —
the drive to your village was silent, the only sound being the hum of the engine. you glanced up at the man in the driver’s seat. his face held a stoic expression, gaze fixated on the road ahead. 
and yet he seemed troubled. you wished to ask what was bothering him, but refrained. surely you’d only irritate him further. 
his large hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, turning it as the vehicle entered through the open gates of her community village. he continued driving until you spotted the familiar figures of your mother and father. 
“stop here.” 
but the car continued to roll forward. 
you glanced over at john, only to see him
blinking slowly, his body tilting forward slightly. “john? john!” he slumped forward, the car continuing to move forward. 
you could hear your father screaming, “look out!” 
and before you knew it, the vehicle smashed into the large oak, smoke billowing from under the hood. thankfully, neither of you had received any injuries.
you immediately looked to john, trying to wake him. your eyes darted to the blood blooming through his shirt. you knew something was wrong! this had to be it! your fingers tugged on the fabric, ripping it away to get a better look at the wound. 
it had been poorly bandaged, but considering the size, you assumed it to be a gunshot wound.  your father rushed towards your side of the car, throwing the door open, “Bistu gut!?” (are you alright?)
“yo, ober er iz nisht! ikh darf rufn an ambulance!” (yes, but he’s not! i need you to call an ambulance!) you were so panicked that your two languages were mixing now. 
john groaned, “no, no ambulance.” he muttered weakly. “what do you mean? you are hurt john, you need medical attention!” 
“they’ll find me.” 
you furrowed your brows, “who will find you?” you asked softly. the man let out a shakey sigh, taking your hand, giving it a firm squeeze, “no hospitals.”
you glanced at your father, “bet di mame zi zal tsugreytn meyn tsimer far im, bite.” (ask mama to prepare my room for him, please.)
your father shook his head, “mir kenen nit dem mentsh-“ (we don’t know this person.)
“papa please.” you begged, your voice cracking in desperation. your father hesitated for a moment before nodding, and rushing back to the house. 
you turned back to john, holding his hand a little tighter, whispering, “just hold on.” 
— — — — —
it had been two days since you and your family had taken john book into your home, and he’d yet to awaken. 
you hadn’t left his side.
your mother was kind and had been taking care of him. she’d patched up his side and given him antibiotics to fight off the infection. but you had seen such a different side of him these past two days.
it was strange how such a strong person became weak in the matter of a second. john had been trembling, talking deliriously as the fever got to him. his dialogue spanned from threats to pleas. it was hard to watch. 
“i’ll fucking kill you-back off.” 
“don’t even try it, don’t fucking try it.” 
“just let me die. i’ve got nothin’ to live for.”
“you wanna kill me? go for it, put me out of my damn misery.” 
your mother tried to will you to leave him during these times, but you refused. at one point, it was getting so bad that you moved to leave, but then he called your name.
it was soft, a whimper. one could barely make it out, but he said it. so you stayed. 
it was the third morning when he finally awoke. you had fallen asleep in the chair beside the bed, completely exhausted. 
but your eyes had fluttered open to see john gazing at you. you couldn’t fight the smile that spread across your lips, “hi john.” you greeted, leaning forward.
“hi doll.” he replied, his voice soft. “how are you feeling?” 
“shitty.” you suppressed a laugh, “you pulled through, we didn’t know if you’d make it.” 
“well i’m a survivor, that’s what i do.” 
you rose from your seat, moving towards the door, “i’ll let my mother know you’re up, so we can get you some real food.” as you turned the corner, he called you back, “hey-“
you peeked around the doorway, “yes?” 
“thank you, for saving my life.” 
you smiled softly, “you’re welcome.” and without another word, exited the room. 
— — — — — —
a week or so had passed since john came to stay in your home, and he’d quickly grown accustomed to your lifestyle. being jewish, you had specific rules you had to follow.
one could not mix milk and meat, one could not eat pork, one must not profane God’s name and so many more.
but john was doing his best to follow them all. 
but there was one rule that he was struggling to follow, and it wasn’t one set by the jewish community, but by your father. 
stay away from my daughter.
you didn’t know about this rule of course, which led you to spend more time with the man. 
and in all honesty… you were falling for him. 
maybe it was his devilishly handsome looks, his charm and charisma, his dedication to pleasing your community. 
there was no doubt about it, your feelings grew stronger every time you were around him. 
little did you know, he was feeling the very same way. 
sparks were flying, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. 
one night, you were in your room, saying your prayers, when someone knocked. “who is it?” you called.
“come in.” 
the door creaked open to reveal the handsome man, he sent you a smile as he approached the bed, “can i..?”
“yes, sit.” he did so, the mattress dipped slightly. he glanced at you, noticing your folded hands. “was i interrupting?” 
“oh, it’s fine-“
“no, no, go ahead, you can continue.” smiling softly, you closed your eyes to continue praying, but paused.
you opened them again, looking up at the man, “would you like to pray with me?” john seemed surprised to say the least, but, he nodded, “uh, yeah, sure.”
you watched as he folded his hands, bowing his head, eyes closed. you did the same, reciting a nightly prayer, “Praised are You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who closes my eyes in sleep, my eyelids in slumber.
May it be Your will, Adonai, My God and the God of my ancestors, to lie me down in peace..��
unbeknownst to you, john had opened his eyes and was watching you-no-admiring you as you spoke. john had tried his best to keep his feelings out of this situation.. but he couldn’t help but fall for you.
you were everything he wasn’t, and it worked so well. you were all he needed. and he wanted you more then anything. 
you had finished up your prayer, opening your eyes to find john staring at you. you tilted your head, eyes narrowing in confusion, “what?”
the man remained silent, but instead, scooted closer to you. your furrowed your brows, “john?” 
the way he was looking at you now was overwhelming, and yet you yearned for more. slowly, he leaned in, hazel eyes darting to your lips.  
you were waiting, waiting for him to make a move. but he stilled, as though nervous.
‘just kiss me.’
unable to control yourself, you tilted your head upwards, capturing his lips in a short kiss. you pulled away quickly, seeing how he hadn’t reciprocated the action. 
worry set in, had you misread the signs? immediately you rose, “i-i’m sorry,” you went to move towards the door, but felt a large hand catch your wrist, whirling you back around, “come back here,” he mumbled before smashing his lips against yours. 
the act caught you by the surprise, but it didn’t take you long to melt into it, your arms snaking around his neck, his muscular arms holding your waist.
it was the most intimate thing you’d ever done, and you wanted so much more of it. 
— — — — — —
a few days had passed since john kissed you, or you kissed him. and you two of you had been doing everything you could to hide your “relationship.” sneaking kisses behind your family’s back, although, unbeknownst to you, your mother had caught you and john once, but had said nothing. happy to know you’d found someone who truly cared about you.
it was a fun little fantasy, and you enjoyed every second of it. 
but it came too an end too quickly.
john had finally tried to contact his partner, a nice man named elton carter, had been killed.
and that is when you received the news. 
“go back? you’re leaving?” 
he nodded, “yeah, tomorrow morning.” his voice was low, sad. he truly didn’t want to leave—he didn’t want to leave you.
“will you come back?” you knew why he had to go, but you could only hope he might return.
“i’ll try.” 
you felt tears sting your eyes, “i don’t want you to go, john.” you whispered, your voice cracking. he smiled softly, stepping towards you, engulfing you in a tight embrace. 
your body shook as you broke down in sobs, burying your head into his chest. “why must you go..?” 
“i know. i know.” he rested his head upon your head, “it will work out. i promise.” he whispered, pecking the top of your head.
that is how you spent the rest of the night. he laid with you, holding you close. cherishing every second with you… unaware of the terrors that would await in the morning. 
— — — — — — 
you awoke alone. you heard john downstairs, surely preparing to leave. 
you wished to bid him off. you quickly got out of bed, for once not carrying that you were still in the same clothes from the night before. 
you hurried down the stairs, trying to keep your emotions in check, but was surprised to find john standing there, looking shaken.
you immediately knew that something was wrong. 
“what’s the matter?” 
“they’re here. they found me.” you felt panic set in immediately. “h-how?” “i don’t know, but you gotta-“
your father and mother suddenly appeared by the staircase, worry in their eyes, “what’s going on? book, who are those people?” 
he turned to them, “i need you both to hide, go out the back, find someplace safe.” they didn’t  hesitate to run off. he glanced at you, “go with them.” 
you shook your head, “no.”
“doll, now is not the time to be stubborn-“
“book! we know you’re in there!” 
“john, i’m not leaving you alone with them!”
the man retrieved his handgun from the waistband of his pants, retrieving ammo from his pocket, “don’t you understand? they are going to try and kill me, they’ll try and hurt you too.”
“then i go down fighting.”
“book!” they were at the door now. 
you and john each exchanged wide eyed glances before you beckoned him upstairs. he followed quickly. the two of you entered your bedroom just as you heard the door break open downstairs. the only way out would be through the window and jumping off of the roof, which was somewhat safe considering the grass could cushion the fall. 
you threw open the window, beckoning him forward, but he shook his head, “you first! i’ll meet you on the ground!” 
you didn’t argue, but climbed out the window, careful not to hurt yourself. you then began to crawl towards the edge of the roof, when you heard a scuffle. 
someone had found him. everything in you told you to turn back, to help, but what could you do? you had no weapon, you hardly knew how to fight. . so you continued on. you were about to jump off the edge, when a gunshot echoed throughout the air. 
you whipped around, waiting to see who exited the window. praying it would be john. 
a wave of relief washed over you as you spotted the man. he was alive, he was okay. 
now assured that he was safe, you jumped down, landing on your backside, which wasn’t too painful considering the fluffy grass your father worked so hard to maintain.
as you rose, you caught sight of a man, who was now rushing towards you. you ran, but he was faster. he practically tackled you, confining you from moving. you thrashed, shouting, “john!” 
he was standing on the roof, eyes widening at the sight. “no!” 
you called his name again, but paused midway, feeling the cold metal of the barrel of a gun against your temple. 
you were more afraid then ever. you watched as john jumped off, tucking and rolling somehow before rushing toward you.
“don’t come any closer!” the man holding you shouted, pressing the gun harder against your head. 
“she has nothing to do with it, paul, let her go.” john was oddly calm. if only you knew how scared he was in that moment knowing that in the blink of an eye, he could lose you. 
“i’ll kill her, back the fuck up, book!” 
john shook his head, “no you won’t. mcphee’s dead, he’s the real murderer. you think you can kill am innocent woman, paul?” 
you could feel the man, who you now knew to be paul, trembling. 
“you can’t do it. you’re weak, always have been. and you know it.” john snarled. 
“drop the gun and let her go.” 
the man adjusted his grip on the gun in hand, and you closed your eyes in fear, terrified of what could happen. 
and then he dropped the gun. 
and he let you go. 
you stumbled forward, but john was there to catch you. he pulled you close, kissing you more passionately then ever before. he then pulled away, hugging you to his chest.
“it’s okay. you’re safe now… it’s over.”
— — — — — —
john book was a free man. free to return to the station. they’d assign him a new partner and he’d continue on.
but how was he supposed to leave you?
you sat on the porch, watching him walk to his car, which he’d fixed himself whilst staying with you. he’d said his goodbyes, thanked your family for their help.
there was nothing else to do… was there? 
he pulled open the door, climbing into the drivers seat, closing it behind him. 
and you still sat there. waiting for something, anything to happen. you watched as he pulled out onto the road, and began to drive away.
you couldn’t believe it.
he’d really left. 
with a heavy heart, you sighed, rising from the porch steps, moving towards the door to return inside-
but the sounds of tires screeching caught your attention. you turned, to see john’s car whipping around, screeching to a halt in front of your home.
the man then threw the door open, running toward you, practically jumping up the porch steps. his hands flew to your waist, lifting you up slightly as he kissed you hard. 
the fireworks were there once again as he spun you around, your lips dancing in sync with his. 
he then set you down, pulling away, his signature crooked grin upon his lips. “what-i-i don’t understand.” you were breathless due to the intensity of the kiss.
“i want you.” 
you were taken aback. “what?” 
“you. i want you-i want to be with you.” he clarified, cupping your face with his large hands as he kissed you again. 
“i love you.  and i want to be with you. i don’t give a damn what i have to do-hell, i’ll even convert to judaism if i have too-“
you kissed him, silencing his rambling. a moment passed and you pulled away, smiling softly, “i love you too, john.” 
he let out a surprised chuckle, as though he couldn’t believe you felt the same way. 
you nodded, “yeah.” he then kissed you again, and again, and again, as though he was incapable of stopping. 
funny how such a horrid tragedy could turn into such a beautiful love story, never would you expect for such a thing to happen.
and yet it had for you and john. and you had never been happier.
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Birthright: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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The other half of the team is just arriving at Chrissy and Mary's house. Chrissy is Charlie's pregnant wife who lives at the house with them.
"What happened with Stephen?" Hotch asks.
"Rossi is with him right now. He didn't kill those girls. I'm better off here. I can feel the victims. They're here or they were tortured here. Their energies are everywhere."
JJ and Derek head to the house to talk to Chrissy while the rest of the team hangs back and waits for her approval. When Chrissy nods in agreement for your team to search, you head off in the direction where the energies feel the strongest.
The other officers notice this barn in the back of the property, and the closer you get to it, the stronger the feeling gets. Something is inside this barn, and you're not so sure you want to see it. However, you need to get it open, so the officers produce bolt cutters to snap the bolt lock on the front door.
The big double doors open, and you head inside cautiously. The stench inside is disgusting, and when you find the source of the smell, tears flow down your cheeks. There is a tree stump in the middle of the barn, and there is an axe lodged into the middle of the stump. That's not the thing that is making you cry.
The thing that is making you cry is the body parts littered on the ground, and based on everyone else's reaction, only you can see them.
"This is where he cut them up," you sniffle and look away from the stump.
You wipe your eyes as Spencer wraps his arms around you to comfort you. He kisses the top of your head, and you lean into his side.
"Are you okay?"
"No, but I can handle it," you sigh.
"Obviously this is where he's been torturing them, but where's he keeping them?" Emily asks.
"Somewhere isolated. He can't risk storing them close to his house."
"They're close," you say and pull away from Spencer. "I can feel them. I can feel Tara. She's alive, but she's close."
"Do you know this property?" Hotch asks John.
"No, I only had contact with Robert in town."
You look in the front yard and see Mary get out of her car and walk over to your team.
"Ms. Wilkinson?"
"Chrissy called me. What's going on?"
"We're looking for Charlie." She doesn't seem all that shocked about this, so you press on further. "Don't you want to know why? You knew Charlie was an angry kid and made excuses when he killed the neighbor's cat. You saw the path he was going down. It's why you moved away from this place. You knew what happened here."
"No, that's not true."
"You were afraid of the person he came from. You thought if you just took him away from his father's home, and you kept it all a big secret, then everything would be okay."
"I protected him," she tries to say, but you continue.
"The problem is, with a boy like Charlie who has so much anger and so many questions, needs to know where he came from. He wouldn't quit until he knew, and then one day, he figured it out."
"It was over, John," she says to the old sheriff. "You didn't have to worry about any other girls getting hurt. I did not want my son to have the legacy that his father was a murderer."
"Where's Charlie now?" John asks.
"I don't know. Honestly, I don't," she sighs.
Chrissy might be more help than Mary is being right now, and you can't be in this barn. You turn and head inside the house with Hotch where JJ is talking to Chrissy.
"Chrissy, where does Charlie go to be alone?"
"The barn."
"Where else?"
"I don't know," she stutters.
Spencer is rummaging through the house in search of something that could help you figure out where Charlie is when he comes out holding a notebook in his hands.
"This was locked in the closet. It looks like it was Robert's journal before Charlie got his hands on it."
"What does it say?" you ask.
"So, Charlie went looking for a father figure and this is who he found," Hotch sighs.
"He was killing animals. It's clear he already has murderous impulses, and finding this must have made him feel like it was okay, like it was almost his birthright."
"Is there anything in there about where he keeps them?"
"Nothing yet.
"Keep reading," Hotch orders.
You pat Spencer's back as you pass by him and head back outside to the barn. Maybe there is something inside here that can help you figure out where the girls are or where Charlie is. Derek and Emily are discussing the peace sign that Karen carved into the wall that would bring her peace whenever Robert would come for her. There is no peace sign here, so this is the only place where Robert and Charlie would cut the girls up before disposing of their bodies.
"Karen said he'd make her walk outside," Emily says.
"Do you think she can handle coming back to this place?" Derek asks you.
"For someone who has buried this for twenty-seven years, she is going to need all the support she can get. I know if I looked my rapist in the eyes, I wouldn't be able to handle it, and that happened over a decade ago. I'll be here to help her through it, though."
Emily was the one who called Karen over, and despite her not wanting to, she knows she is the only one who can help find these missing children. Stephen came with her for moral support, and as soon as she arrived, you could feel just how scared she is. She is terrified, so you approach her with a gentle and calming aura so it's not worse for her.
"Thank you for coming. We all know this can't be easy for you."
"She's been shaking the whole way here," stephen says.
"Karen, look at me." You wait until she does. "You survived. Robert cannot hurt you anymore. You are strong."
"You can do this, mom."
Karen takes a few steps to the bar and she recoils in disgust.
"Oh, God. That smell was a part of me. Who's that?"
You look behind you to see Mary Wilkinson standing three and eyeing Karen from a distance.
"That's Mary Wilkinson."
You're not sure if it's a good idea to say her last name, but she has to know who she is. At the mention of her name, Karen sees red. You could feel her fear turn into rage, and you step in between the two women, but she pushes you off to the side.
"The wife? He tortured me every single night. Could you hear my screams? Did you kiss him when he was finished with me?!" she screams at Mary.
"Please, Karen, don't do this to yourself," you beg, but she doesn't listen.
"What did she think he was doing in that barn every night? Did you ask? Did you ask why he wanted to be away from you? Why? Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you help?"
Karen is a sobbing mess, and that causes Mary to snap.
"I killed him!"
"Before Charlie was born. I came home, I saw this place, and I knew what he had done. I couldn't let my innocent baby be brought into this."
The statute of limitation is up for what Mary did, but if you're being honest, you don't care that she killed him, she must have done it for a good reason. Karen, after hearing this, she calmed down quite a bit. Mary and Karen take some time to regroup before everyone heads inside the barn.
Karen tries really hard to remember something about her captive days, but it's like something is inside her mind blocking out the traumatic experience. She is now allowing herself to remember, and this is where you come in.
"I... I don't know where he'd take me. He always had that bag over my head," she sighs.
"You do remember something. I'm going to help walk you through it. Close your eyes for me." You wait for her to do that before continuing. "What did the ground feel like? Take a few steps."
Karen takes a few steps and reaches out to her son, and Stephen grabs her hand to let her know she is safe and he is with her.
"Leaves and twigs," she finally says. "It was a long walk. There was a hill. I stumbled. There's something soft and cold, but it--it's covering something hard."
"Like wood?"
"Rocks," she corrects. "Taller than me."
"That's along the north side of the property," Mary speaks up.
Now you know where the girls are hidden.
"Karen, thank you for doing this. You helped so much." You step outside the barn and see Hotch exit the house with Spencer. "Hotch, we might have something."
"Alright, it's your time to shine," Derek says, patting you on the back. "Do you see anything?"
"So much energy is here that I can barely make out the color of your eyes."
"They're brown. Let's go."
You take the lead on this one and follow the strings of blue energies leading out of the bar. It's like they know you're connecting to them and following them. They guide your way around the property, taking you through the trees and to the north side of the property. All the energies kind of blend and swirl around each other in one main trail, but each individual kind of energy stems from the base like a spine.
That represents each girl trying to get away and escaping his grasp, but they all take the same trail to where they all ended up eventually. The trail of energy takes you to a clearing where there are rocks leading to a caged off area. If you weren't looking for it, you would have skipped over it easily.
Hotch and John take off the grated cage door and enter carefully, calling out to whoever might be in here.
"Help us!" a girl says from deep inside the small cave. "We're in here, please! Oh, my god."
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Derek asks once he walks inside.
There are only two girls inside, one of them is Tara. There is another girl who is passed out, and the ambulance is called for both of them. When they arrive on scene, they assure your team that both girls are going to make it after some hospital care.
"Where the hell's Charlie?" you sigh. You see Mary standing off to the side with a guilty look on her face, and you walk over to her in determination. "Where would Charlie go?"
"I don't know," she sighs.
"What about your husband?" Hotch asks.
If Charlie had taken up Robert's hobbies, then he would have gone to places where Robert would have gone.
"Well, there's a place on the battlefield. It's over the ridge."
"Can you show us?"
It's Mary's turn to lead the way, and the closer you get to where Robert used to hang out, the more you felt Charlie's angry and hateful rage. You also felt someone else's, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Suddenly, a gunshot echoed off the trees, and you picked up your pace. Standing in by a statue is Chrissy, there is a gun by her feet, and Charlie is lying dead on the ground in front of her. Derek rushes over to Charlie to check if he is alive, but he isn't.
"He's gone," Derek sighs.
"He came at me. I had to do it," Chrissy says with a monotone voice.
Mary looks at Chrissy, and the two of them have an understanding through their eyes. You know Chrissy is lying, but you're glad that someone like Charlie is off this Earth, no matter how bad that sounds.
JJ is off to the side with a stressful look on her face, and you take this opportunity to talk to her about what's been bugging her.
"What's been going on? You can talk to me, you know this."
"If you stop caring, you're jaded. If you care too much... it'll ruin you."
"Story of my life," you scoff, but you take this seriously. "It's better to care, JJ. We did everything we could. Sometimes we get it right but sometimes we don't. It's always better to care."
"You really believe that?"
"I do. If you stop caring, then they win, and I refuse to let someone like Charlie ever win."
This whole case has gotten everyone stressed out, and it doesn't help that Haley filed for divorce with Hotch. He's doing the best he can, but she doesn't get that sometimes, it's not about her. You're thankful you found someone like Spencer who is also in the same line of work as you, so he understands that work has to come first sometimes.
Mary and Chrissy had to live with horrible people who did horrible things. In the end, they killed them because it's better than having them rot in prison. You understand why they killed their husbands.
You don't know what you'd do if you found out someone you love had the capabilities to do something so horrible.
"A simple child that lightly draws its breath and feels its life in every limb. What should it know of death?" - Wordsworth
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 months
Current State of Affairs|3| Lee Dutton
part two
Three: Lies Unraveled. 
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After the main course was served, Lee pushed his chair back away from the table and grasped Spencer's hand before standing up and pulling her with him. "Excuse us." He nodded at their fathers and his siblings. Lewis had been sat at another table and he was furious, especially after the showdown he had with Frank, John, Royal, and the boys where he got called out on all of the things that they thought they knew.
 He had been under the impression that Spencer was a drama queen that acted out to get attention and what happened between them happened for a reason.
But of course, other people didn't see it that way, especially her father, uncle, and cousins. Before her second cousin Amy's birth, Spencer had been the only girl in the Abbott family so she was spoiled and used to getting things her way and Lewis was going out of his way to make sure that didn't happen with him. 
Shaking his head he watched as the older Dutton boy led his fiancée out of the dining room. He wanted to follow but the murderous look that was being directed at him by her cousins and how one of the Ranch hands, Billy stabbed the end of his steak knife into the tablecloth near his fingers stopped him.
He would go after her when this was all over. 
"Where are we going Lee?" she asked once all eyes were off of them and they were standing in the hallway. 
"Just come on." He ordered as he led her out of the house and towards where the tree house, that Spencer had been begged to build when Beth started spending more time over at her house after her mother's death and her father eager to appease any burned feelings by his divorcing her mother who later died. Frank had it built. It was not only a getaway for Beth but for Lee, Jamie, Kayce, and to a point Rip.
"I am not climbing that ladder in this dress or shoes.'
"You have before." He smirked, remembering how they spent New Year the first year that she and Kayce seriously started dating and there had been a fight between Frank and John that they didn't want to see, and so the girls climbed the ladder barefooted, the material of the skirts hiked up way past their knees. 
"I was also 16 and hadn't been drinking like I have tonight."  
"I will  be right behind you, you know I will never let you fall."
  Glancing back once at the party and then at the man that was standing in front of her, she toed off her heels and gathered them in her hand before grabbing a hold of the ladder to start climbing, grumbling as she did so. 
Lee smirked and glanced once back at the party himself then turned his attention back to Spencer who was about halfway up the ladder by then. 
“Lee?” He shook his head and motioned for her to keep climbing, he didn’t want her to know that he was looking to see if Lewis followed them. But he knew that Rip and her cousins had it in hand and they would take care of it.
The treehouse hadn’t changed much since the last time that Spencer had been in it right before she left for Yale.  The blankets and pillows that still lined the floor were still in blue and white, and the pictures from her days at the Rodeo still lined the walls along with her last crown still hanging on the corner of the picture frame. 
 “Wow, it hasn’t changed in 8 years,” Lee commented as he shrugged off his jacket and dropped it onto the hook. 
“No, it hasn’t, I think Leighla kept it like this just in case I came back.” She returned going over to the crown and plucking it up and twirling it between her fingers.
 “Why didn’t you come back before now?”
 “Because Lee, it hurt too much being here.” Her blue eyes followed him as he pulled his shirt out of his pants and went over to where they had stashed the bottles of red wine. 
“If I didn’t see my mama in the corners of the barn.”
 She was the one who found her mother in the barn after she killed herself, and was haunted by it for years. Having nightmares that were only soothed by drinking half a bottle of wine. It drove Lewis crazy, he thought that she should get over it, it had been 15 years since it happened and she tried to explain everything to him but he didn’t listen, and just didn’t care. It had always been Lee and Kayce who comforted her throughout it all. 
“I was reliving my relationship with Kayce. And the hurt of him picking Monica out of nowhere.”  The crown went around again, the rhinestone sparkling in the dull fairy lights, “I was reliving the hurt that I had from you walking away from me after we had sex like it was nothing. It was reliving those.” She trailed off, her eyes finally dropping to the crown that was keeping her hands busy. 
“Reliving what?’ He asked crossing the room handing her a full wine glass and taking the crown away from her, he wanted her to focus on their conversation and not on what was in her hands.  
“The feelings I had for you, the overwhelming feelings of I needed to be with you every single day or I would go crazy type of thing.”  She had heard Ryder’s husband Jax refer to their love like that one time and it just made a lot of sense, especially for how she felt about Lee.  In an instant he was in front of her again, his hand stealing to her waist and pulling her into him.  
“Spenc, I wanted to stay with you.” He started as she took several sips of her wine trying to slow down her rapidly beating heart. “I wanted to make you mine that day.” He paused to press a kiss to her forehead,  “But I had to think how it would have looked.” 
“How it would look? Since when did you care how anything would have looked?”  
“Since being in love and wanting to marry my little brother’s girlfriend would have been seen as a slap in the face to him. And we are all under the microscope with our last names and our reputation in town.” His fingers were playing with the zipper that was on the small of her back. 
“After mom’s death and your mother’s suicide, we didn’t need any more bad press.” 
“Look at you.” She teased, her free hand trailing over the crisp white shirt smoothing out the invisible wrinkles. Trying to be all forwarded thinking.” 
“Jamie is rubbing off on me.” He returned, “He wants good press for the Ranch and for his career.” Spencer rolled her eyes, that was one reason why she muted Jamie for so long, he did nothing but talk about his career and how he handled everything for Yellowstone. 
“He hasn’t changed in 8 years. Maybe a bit more annoying.” 
The older Dutton boy nodded his head with a laugh and slowly started lowering the zipper of the dress. By the end of the night, he was going to make sure she was his. And for her part, Spencer didn’t stop him, this is what she wanted. 
She wanted  Lee and wanted a relationship with him for years. 
And maybe Ryder and Beth were right, she should do what makes her happy.  For years Lee made her so happy.  Once upon a time she would get giddy just thinking about him. Hell even seeing him standing in the foyer next to his father and brother gave her butterflies. 
Butterflies she hadn’t felt in ages. 
"We can stop." He started as the empty wine glass she had her hand dropped to the ground and he pulled her in closer to him. 
"Don't you dare stop.' She muttered.
Lee trailed his fingers over the scars that lined her lower back and hips, scars that he had never seen before. "Lewis." She mumbled as she turned her head to look at him, "He won't ever leave marks where others can see them. He didn't want people to see what he did behind closed doors."  Her fingers grabbed a hold of his and moved it to the still fading red line that was under her bust, "This one happened after I went to see Uncle Royal, and the boys and I did a barrel race. I went down hard and bruised my hip to knee."
"You have had worst.' He commented as he ran his fingers over the scar and the undersell of her breast, 'Broke your collarbone and your leg.'
"I remember." She returned with a shiver, "You went with me in the back of the ambulance with my collar bone." 
She vaguely remembered a fight breaking out between him and Kayce and how the older Dutton appeared in her line of sight a few moments after the fight started.
 She never thought to ask about it. It was never one of those things she ever thought to ask about.  So she asked the one thing she could, "What're we going to do? I leave in 3 days to go back to New York." 
 Lee sighed heavily and rolled to where he was resting between her legs, his hand framing her face. "We will figure it out, Spence, I promise, I am not letting you go this time. Not without a fight." 
Kayce Dutton flashed on the screen of Beth's phone causing her to sigh, they had just left the Abbott Ranch, and the last thing she wanted to do with her father, Jamie, and Rip in the car was talk to him, but she knew that she had too.
"Hey, now isn't really a good time." 
'Is it true? Spencer is back home?" Kayce bulldozed.
"It is. Her father is getting married, she is Leighla's maid of honor.' The only Dutton girl admitted that the only thing that she was going to admit to was Lee and Spencer leaving together and not being seen again.
There had been enough fights between the two brothers over Spencer. “You made your choice when you picked Monica over her. Leave her alone.” 
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moonylantsovs · 2 years
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summary: the daughter of Marcus Kane gets sent down to the ground with 99 other teenage criminals and a fake guard on her eighteenth birthday, deciding to take charge of the camp along with the two people she never thought she'd get along with after her previous experience with authority and the privileged.
pairings: john murphy x fem!oc, bellamy blake x fem!oc ( slowburn )
warnings: best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, swearing, violence, underage drinking, finn, some bellamy x gabi bonding, found family fluff, karma
series masterlist
To say that Marcus Kane was an absent father would be the understatement of the century. He was never home often, even before his wife's death. But after signing her life sentence, he couldn't bear to look his own daughter in the eyes anymore. He tried to mask it all by mentioning her choice of friends and the rumors about her sleeping around with a few cadets. By judging everything she did. Truth is, it was all just to hide the huge amount of guilt in the pit of his stomach. Unfortunately, his daughter didn't see that. How could she? He never showed any trace of guilt or gave her comfort. Every time she looked at him, she only saw hatred burning in his eyes, not knowing that it was hatred for himself. Because of what he did and what he kept doing repeatedly: pushing her away even more every time he opened his mouth and told her how big of a disappointment she was. He didn't even think about the fact that he would never see his daughter again after she got arrested so he didn't hold back when they reached her cell.
"You really think mom would be so delighted by her beloved husband arresting his own daughter?" Gabriella asked bitterly, still shaken up about what happened a few hours prior. Turns out the guard was in his office when she and John burned it so they were not locked up for just arson, murder too, but she didn't let him see that."I guess you finally found the perfect excuse for getting rid of me. The not-so-perfect daughter of the well-respected council member, Marcus Kane, getting floated for setting a guard's office on fire with him in it." She rolled her eyes and deadpanned. "Scandalous."
"After your mother's arrest, you have been acting like nothing more than a spoiled brat." Her father growled in anger and ignored her harsh words, "Spending time with delinquents and breaking the rules, making me have to bail you out, just so you can get attention. But now? There's no going back from this. You acted out of impulse and anger. You let it control you. So now you are going to have to face the consequences. Believe it or not, I am doing you a favor."
The teenage girl scoffed in disbelief which was followed by a cold chuckle. "Doing me a favor? You're sentencing me and my best friend to death, just like you did to mom. Do you even know why she was arrested?" When he responded with nothing but silence she pointed an accusing finger at him. "Of course not because you never bothered to ask. You just led her straight to that chamber and floated her. She was pregnant you selfish piece of–"
"That's enough. Gabi--" Kane scolded only for her to glare at him even harsher at the use of the nickname.
"Don't call me that! If you really wanted to do me a favor, you would turn around, leave, and never come back."
"What happened to you? How did such a joyful and selfless child turn into this?" Her father
asked, but not with disgust. He was genuinely confused and was wondering when exactly he had failed her. In his eyes, killing her mother was his duty as a member of the council.
"Her father killed her mother. So I guess it's your fault that she died that day too." Her words were cold and void of any emotion.
Kane stared at her for a moment, trying to keep his emotions at bay before swallowing them down and speaking up with an authoritative tone, "The two guards in front of your cell will take you to Earth Skills once a month, I expect you to be on your best behavior."
"And if I refuse? What are you gonna do? Float me twice?"
Her father did not dare to look her in the eye and just turned around, making his way to the door, the teenage girl yelling after him.
"Go float yourself, Kane."
It has been a week since Gabriella, Clarke, and Bellamy brought guns back to camp. For the time being, everything had been going pretty smoothly. Bellamy and Miller have been leading most training sessions because they were the only ones who knew how to properly use them. Gabriella did not need that much help but Bellamy still insisted on helping her so that was what the two had been doing in their spare time.
Since the grounder escaped, the security around the walls has been bigger and more secure. They could not risk a grounder attack this close to winter.
And winter coming also meant one thing: Unity Day. Gabriella only realized it the day before, when Raven asked her to help her set up the projector connected to The Ark. Unity Day also made another thing come to her mind. Murphy's birthday passed and she did not even notice. It felt weird not having him around and there was a lot of time that she spent trying not to break down. Today only made it worse. Gabriella had not really enjoyed going to the Unity Day celebrations before she met Murphy and the three times she went with him were one of the best days of her life. Before that, skipping Unity Day has been a thing she has been doing with Sam annually.
"My friends, this is a history Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of twelve stations joined to form The Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, we will be on the ground."
"Right." Miller rolled his eyes, tuning out the rest of Jaha's speech. "After we did all the work. Someone shut him up."
"You shut up Miller." Raven shot back, "No one's forcing you to watch."
Gabriella chuckled at her remark and nudged her shoulder slightly, receiving the same gesture in return.
"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again!"
The group of delinquents stopped listening to the speech and turned their attention to Jasper carrying a barrel of what Gabriella immediately knew was Monty's moonshine. The teenagers immediately started cheering when they realized they would be getting alcohol and a chance to get drunk before The Ark came down.
"Call this batch 'Unity Juice'. Who's thirsty?" Jasper yelled to the whole camp and Gabriella watched the teenagers circle around the table Jasper put the barrel down on. She knew it would get messy there for a while so she decided to head there later and walked over to Clarke.
"No Unity Juice for you, Princess?" She asked sarcastically, already knowing her best friend and alcohol did not mix well at all.
"Hilarious." Clarke chuckled and shook her head, "Why aren't you getting some moonshine? Don't you like, live for that stuff?"
"Oh, I do." Gabriella shrugged, "Monty promised to save me some for later so I wouldn't have to push through ninety wild teenagers to get to it. After that, I'll drink until someone is hot enough to hook up with."
Clarke hummed thoughtfully, "Nice."
"And you?"
"What about me?" The youngest Griffin asked innocently clueless like always when it came to those topics. Guys stuck to her like flies to poo, but she remained oblivious and uncomfortable any time a guy gave her attention.
Gabriella scoffed and nudged their elbows together with a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows. "Did you get any after Rapunzel?"
Clarke's eyes comically widened and a faint blush tinted her cheeks as she stuttered, "N-no."
"Well then, Princess." The Kane girl wrapped her arm around her best friend's shoulder loosely, "You need a rebound and you need it fast."
"And who would that be?"
"Someone like Bellamy." Gabriella suggested bluntly, "Finn hates him and it will definitely make him jealous. Plus, I heard he likes to sleep around."
Clarke squints her eyes at the fellow blonde, "I thought you were the one that was supposed to sleep with Bellamy?"
Gabriella almost choked on air and her eyes went wide. "I don't know what you're talking about. Besides, I'm not sleeping with a guy that slept with that many girls. He brags about it too much for me to find it attractive."
"Are you calling him a manwhore?" Clarke chuckled in disbelief, gaping at the older girl.
"I never called him a man. His mentality is way too low for him to be considered one."
Both girls laughed at her words when Wells came out of the dropship and walked straight toward the duo.
"What's up, Charming?" Gabriella asked, giving him a sarcastic grin.
Wells gave her a small smile in return before asking hesitantly, "Mind if I borrow Clarke for a second?"
Gabriella looked between the two for a second before mouthing the words "rebound sex" to Clarke, not really caring if Wells noticed or not, and starting to walk away but not without yelling over her shoulder. "Use protection, kids!"
"Hey, boys "
Monty and Jasper grinned at the sight of Gabriella approaching them with a grin on her face, her attention mostly on Monty. "You got the stash, Mont?"
He nodded and pulled out a jar, giving it to her with a smile, "I've got a whole barrel for you, Bellamy and Clarke. So, in case you need more, you know where you'll find me."
"Thanks." She smiled and opened the jar of moonshine. She took a sip from it and smiled at the familiar burning in her throat. Nothing beats Monty's moonshine.
"You enjoying Unity Day, Queenie?" Jasper asked sarcastically, throwing a few berries into his mouth with his usual grin.
"You know I'm not." Gabriella chuckled, "Unity Day sucks."
"Why does Unity Day suck?" Monty asked, looking between the two, feeling as if he was missing out on an inside joke.
"Her dad forced her to be in the Unity Day pageant when she was like seven." Jasper said, chuckling to himself at the thought, "She never went to one after that until three years ago. She is practically traumatized."
"And seeing the council all standing together like that after knowing how many people they killed makes me sick in my stomach. Plus, it's basically an excuse for the council to get drunk off their asses without anyone being able to say anything about it." Gabriella added, downing her entire drink and passing the jar over to Monty so he could fill it up with more moonshine.
"Yikes." The Green boy muttered, "That got dark fast."
Gabriella shrugged while Jasper snorted and said, "Well. daddy issues usually lead to having little to no respect for authority. So, it's probably that."
"God, you're an ass." The blonde said, pushing Jasper's shoulder back, "Why don't we move over and you can tell us what's up with you and Octavia? You have been avoiding her since the whole camp got high on nuts so you must've done something stupid."
"Okay I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone." Jasper said, giving her a stern look.
"I swear on my father's grave." Gabriella said solemnly and took the newly filled jar of moonshine from Monty while putting her free hand on her heart,
"Your dad is not dead." The goggle-wearing boy deadpanned, squinting his eyes at the shorter girl.
Gabriella sighed dramatically, "Let a girl dream, JJ."
Monty looked between his two friends with a grimace on his face. "You guys are so weird."
Ignoring his words, Jasper took a deep breath, "I told Octavia I loved her while I was high on jobi nuts."
Gabriella had to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing, "Oh, I'm so sorry."
"Why do you immediately assume she rejected me?" Jasper said defensively.
Monty scoffed, answering instead of Gabriella, "Because Octavia is way too nice to actually reject one of her friends, so of course she'll choose the option of ignoring you instead."
"What he said." Gabriella agreed, pointing to Monty. Out of the corner of her eye, Gabriella noticed Bellamy standing in the corner and looking around so she turned to her two friends. "I'll see you two later."
Both of them already saw where she was looking and shared a look before smirking simultaneously. They watched as she turned around, Monty yelling after her, "Have fun!"
"But not too much fun!" Jasper added.
Gabriella rolled her eyes, flipped them off over her shoulder, and skipped over to Bellamy, who did not have a drink in his hand (much to her surprise) but was eating an apple. "Hey, stranger? What are you doing?"
Bellamy had to do a double take when he saw it was her walking over and not a random girl who was drunk off her ass. At the sight of the familiar blonde, his face lit up into a grin almost instantly. "Having fun yet, Bambi?"
Things between the two have been slowly going okay. They rarely talked unless they had to but Gabriella did not avoid him like the plague either. She figured that he was not the worst person in the world. And them constantly fighting was not good for the morale.
"Yeah." She nodded, "You are the one sulking in the corner of the camp and watching a bunch of teenagers get drunk like a creep."
"I'll have my fun when the grounders come." Bellamy said and took a bite out of his apple.
Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Come on Freckles. The actual adults are coming down soon, which means this is probably the last time we get to do something like this. And you're single, in a camp with a bunch of hot girls, some of whom actually turned eighteen after we came down so they're legal. Just use your chance while you still have it."
Bellamy stared at her for a few moments, an unfamiliar feeling in his stomach. Before he had the chance to say something back Clarke walked over.
"Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." She informed them, stepping by Gabriella's side with a somewhat disappointed expression.
"Best Unity Day ever." Bellamy said sarcastically, the bored look on his face returning almost instantly once Clarke entered the conversation.
Gabriella hummed with a nonchalant look on her face. "It's not like we are really missing anything interesting."
The co-leaders shared small smiles and turned their attention to the partying teenagers. They finally started working well together. Their day trip made all three of them closer. The blondes finally saw a more vulnerable side of him and realized that he was not just a power-hungry jerk and he realized that their lives in Alpha Station were not as perfect as he thought.
"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the grounder is out there." Clarke asked them, clearly still on edge.
"Grounders." Gabriella corrected, drinking more moonshine, "He is probably home by now - if he even has it - and maybe even informing his army about where we are and they will come to kill us any second." Seeing the freaked-out look on Clarke's face, Gabriella snorted, "Relax, Princess. I'm kidding. We've got security covering every possible hole in the walls and there are more people guarding everything than before." Clarke let out a sigh of relief and Gabriella smirked slightly as she remembered Wells dragging her away earlier, "Where's lover-boy?"
Bellamy laughed at Clarke's confused face and nudged Gabriella's shoulder slightly. "I think you're gonna have to clarify which one, Bambi."
"I'm not having girl talk with you." Clarke said, giving Bellamy a deadpan look, crossing her arms over her chest in defense.
Gabriella's eyes widened in excitement and she almost let out a squeal, "Wow, I had no idea you would actually listen to me! You slept with Jaha Junior!"
The Griffin's eyes widened at the loudness of her voice and slapped her forearm while hissing, "I didn't sleep with him! It was like one kiss a few days ago but can we please not talk about this right now."
Bellamy whistled lowly in amusement, receiving the same glare from Clarke, that Gabriella got just seconds ago.
"You know what?" Clarke glared between the two, "I'm gonna go get a drink."
Gabriella chuckled, giving her wrist a slight squeeze, "Go and have some fun. You deserve it."
Nodding to herself, Clarke started to walk away only to stop before she got too far and turned around with a knowing glint, "So do you two by the way."
"I'll have my fun when the grounders come." Bellamy repeated what he said to Gabriella, making her roll her eyes. Clarke shook her head with an amused laugh and walked away.He took another bite of his apple and watched Gabriella down the jar of moonshine "What you were saying earlier? What am I supposed to do? Just grab some girl, throw her over my shoulder, get her drunk, then take her back to my tent?"
"Yeah." Gabriella shrugged and looked down at her empty cup with a slight pout, already feeling tipsy.
Bellamy stared at the side of her face for a moment before throwing what was left of his apple on the floor and literally throwing Gabriella over his shoulder, making her squeal in surprise. "I didn't mean me! Put me down. Bellamy!" Ignoring her protests, he carried her to a log at the other corner of the camp. Gabriella started punching his firm back when he ignored her and just laughed to himself, "Bellamy, I swear to god!"
Surprisingly, her words were followed by a giggle when Bellamy spun her around slightly, which made her stop punching him. 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘥. She laughs loudly or snorts inappropriately but she never giggles. She did not like the effect Bellamy started to have on her so she decided to internally blame it on the moonshine.
Bellamy put her down and gave her a second to fix her now completely messy hair before he sat down on the log. The blonde sent him a glare before sitting down next to him with her hands crossed over her chest. The freckle-faced male chuckled at her pouting, making her glare at him again. "You know this isn't gonna work right? You're trying to woo me with your whole bad boy act but jokes on you, that's not my type."
(That was exactly her type.)
"Come on, Bambi." He nudged her with a flirtatious smirk, "Lighten up. I never asked you to sleep with me."
"It's not like you had to." The blonde returned the smirk, "I know I'm hot, but you could at least make the flirting less obvious."
He opened his mouth to defend himself but did not know what exactly to say so he changed the topic of the conversation, remembering how he actually did not know anything about her besides that she was a Kane who hated her father, why she hated him and that's she was a stubborn, know-it-all engineer with a big mouth. He wanted to know more, so he simply asked, "So why did you get arrested? I never asked and, shockingly, I never heard anyone talk about it."
"I killed someone." She said bluntly, resting her head in the palms of her hands that were set on her knees. Bellamy stared at the side of her face, not knowing if she was lying. He knew she was not the most reasonable person and that she had a short temper but he did not think she'd kill someone, at least not on purpose. He was not judging her, though. He would be a hypocrite to do so. And he knew she had her reasons.
"Me and John set fire to the chambers of the guard that arrested my mom and his dad." Gabriella clarified, "But we didn't know the guard was still inside."
"That's fucked." Bellamy grimaced.
The blonde nodded and chuckled, "Well, I would have gotten floated the day they sent us down here anyway. The murder was an accident but I still committed arson. When you fully think about it, the council screwed me over. They could have killed me quickly up there but instead, they sent me to a radiation-soaked planet where I will die anyway because they never bothered to know if anyone survived or not."
"Wait, you turned eighteen when we landed?" He asked, his eyebrows raising in surprise.
"Yup." She grinned in fake enthusiasm."Happy birthday to me."
Bellamy was going to say something else when Wells Jaha came running up to them, panting a little bit.
"What do you want, Charming?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing. She was confused about why he would want to talk to her willingly. She thought they made their mutual dislike towards each other pretty clear.
"I-- uh, need to talk to you about...something." He looked at Bellamy for a second before back at the blonde, "It's urgent."
Gabriella huffed and looked at Bellamy, getting a shrug from him as okay for her to leave before she got up and followed Wells to a private corner of the camp where Clarke and Finn were already waiting.
Noticing the terrified look on her best friend's, Gabriella immediately thought the worst, looking between the trio when she and Wells got close enough. "Holy shit are you pregnant?"
Clarke's eyes widened at the words and she blinked at the fellow blonde in shock while Finn squinted his eyes in confusion, "What?"
"I'm not pregnant." Clarke said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. And it was because all teenage girls got implants at sixteen to make sure they would not get pregnant at a young age and the delinquents were not any different. Gabriella, though, was always the one to think the worst and that was one of the worst possible things that could happen to any teenager that was on the ground without any real medical help.
"Wells and I set up the meeting with the grounders." Finn said, making Gabriella's confusion fade into annoyance.
"You two did what?" She hissed in disbelief, crossing her arms over her chest. She could not believe the two would be dumb enough to set up a meeting with people who attacked them multiple times. Especially on Unity Day. The holiday meant nothing to her but it meant something to most of the kids in the camp.
"We followed Octavia who was meeting the guy Bellamy tortured In the dropship, his name was Lincoln." Wells started only for Gabriella to cut him off.
"Wait, he speaks English?"
"That's not important right now." Clarke interrupted, "They arranged for the two of us to meet with their leaders to negotiate peace between them and our people."
"You really think that's a good idea?" Gabriella asked, surprised her best friend would be up for a meeting with the people who almost killed Wells.
Clarke bit her lip and shrugged, "I think we should see where that goes..."
"Seriously?" The Kane girl scoffed, "What if they attack one of us again? We have no way to contact The Ark anymore. I can name you a hundred reasons why we shouldn't do this."
"Ella please." Clarke pleaded, "This is the only way the war between us won't escalate even further than it already has."
Gabriella narrowed her eyes at the two boys on either side of Clarke and let out a sigh, "Okay, but we're bringing guns."
"No." Finn was quick to shake his head, "We're not bringing backup. Those weren't the terms. If we're gonna do this, we have to give it a fair shoot."
When Gabriella met Clarke's eyes again she saw something familiar flash in them. She had a plan. She always had a plan.
"Fine." Gabriella gave in, "We'll meet you at the gate later, I have to talk to Clarke for a minute."
Wells and Finn looked at Clarke who was still looking at her fellow leader and reluctantly walked away.
Once the boys were out of earthshot, Gabriella flashed Clarke a small smirk, "So we're bringing backup?"
"We're bringing backup."
The two blondes found Bellamy walking around camp, looking around the spread-out drunk delinquents. He was always trying to take care of everyone.
"Bellamy." Gabriella called, making him stop walking and turn back at them, "We need to talk to you."
He gave them a coy smirk, his eyes lingering on Gabriella just a moment too long (enough to have her roll her eyes so his attention would not be brought to her flushed cheeks). "Having fun yet, Blondies?"
"Not now." Gabriella scolded him for his flirting as she and Clarke stood on either side of him, "It's serious."
"It always is..." Bellamy huffed, rolling his eyes and putting his hands on his hips, "so talk."
"Finn and Wells set up a meeting with the grounders." Clarke announced, "The two of us are leaving to talk to them."
"Because you figure that impaling people on spears is code for 'let's be friends'? Have you lost your damn mind?" Bellamy glared between them, in disbelief that they would even give this meeting a second thought after everything that happened since the hundred landed on Earth.
"It won't be that bad if we have backup." Gabriella told him, "That's where you come in."
"We have to live with these people." Clarke added, trying to get him to give in but Bellamy still had his doubts.
"They'll probably gut you." He said bitterly, his dislike for grounders evident in his tone, "String you up as a warning."
"By backup, I meant guns." Gabriella clarified, "To be exact, you, and whoever you choose to bring will be right behind us, carrying guns. We need you to cover us the entire time. And I trust you enough to not let us die."
Bellamy's expression slightly softened and he tilted his head, "Do Finn and Wells know about this?"
"They don't need to know."
As Gabriella, Clarke, Wells, and Finn walked further and further into the woods, Gabriella felt herself quickly sober up. She was clenching her first around the knife in her jacket pocket the whole way through the woods in case a grounder or more tried to ambush them. She knew it was not likely it would do too much damage but it made her feel safe enough.
"I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap?" Clarke asked, holding onto Gabriella's wrist so she would not start freaking out even more than she already was. The slightly older girl did not mind the gesture. Surprisingly, the knowledge that the other was not too far away kept both of them grounded.
"Yup," Finn says nonchalantly, making both of the blondes glare at the back of his head harshly, "but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead."
Wells' silent grunt of pain made Clarke snap her attention to him and stop walking to walk up to him. She walked over to him, ignoring obvious jealousy radiating off of Finn, and looked at him in concern. "Let me take a look at that."
He nodded and unzipped his jacket to lift up the hem of his shirt to reveal the still obvious wound. Clarke frowned deeply at the sight and looked up to see Wells watching her intently and held eye contact with him for a moment.
Gabriella whistled to herself in amusement, enjoying seeing Finn uncomfortable at the sight. Clarke shook herself out of the small trance and pulled his shirt back down, allowing him to zip his jacket back up.
She turned to give Finn a glare, "Seriously, Finn. You're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in Wells."
"And you're sounding more and more like Bellamy. Both of you are." Finn said in disappointment, shaking his head at his former one-night stand.
"And that's bad, why?" Gabriella could not help but ask, "All the three of us have done is keep people alive. Including Bellamy. So how about you stop whining so we can get this meeting over with."
With another glare thrown in Wells' direction, Finn started walking in front of them. The two obviously had some tension between them which came from both of them having romantic feelings for Clarke but besides that, they had the same priorities. Gabriella was definitely Team Wells. He always loved her and his loyalty always lied with her. Finn, on the other hand, took her virginity and made her believe she was the most special girl in the world for him when he actually had a girlfriend on The Ark. Finn was just mad that Wells never messed up as badly as him.
Clarke gave Gabriella a look which she received a nod at, before dragging Wells to follow behind Finn. Gabriella made sure none of the boys were looking back before throwing some jobi nuts on the ground to help Bellamy to know which path they took.
The sun had finally risen when the group of four finally made it to the bridge where the meeting was supposed to be held. Gabriella was surprised to see Octavia waiting for them, not realizing how she did not notice her sneaking out of camp. Other than the Blake sister, the bridge was empty which meant the grounders were not here yet.
Octavia let out a sigh of relief when Gabriella came into view and did not hesitate to wrap her arm around her neck to tackle her into a hug. The blonde wrapped her arms around the younger girl's waist, "You're an idiot for sneaking out and not telling me you know that, right?"
"Sorry." Octavia apologized sheepishly when they pulled away, but she did not look that apologetic. She was slowly getting the freedom she always wanted due to the fact that her brother finally gave her space and stopped breathing down her neck.
"So that's how you set this up." Clarke realized with a short huff, "You helped him escape didn't you?"
Octavia sighed and looked at Clarke solemnly, "I trust him, Clarke."
"There's a lot of that going around." Clarke muttered, giving Finn a side glare, which he tried his hardest to avoid by looking at the other side of the bridge.
He let out a short gasp, his eyes widening. "Someone's coming."
All of them turned around to see the same grounder Bellamy and his boys locked in the dropship run across the bridge and straight to them, Octavia running straight into his arms to envelop him into a hug. Gabriella's eyes widened and realization flashed across her features at the way they were looking at each other.
The grounder, Gabriella learned was called Lincoln, soon looked up to lock eyes with the two blonde leaders. He gave Gabriella a slight now and his lips twitched into a ghost of a smile, recognizing her as the girl who yelled at the guy that captured him. His eyes soon shifted towards Clarke and his expression turned blank again. Clarke's eyes shone in fear and she took a step back only for Gabriella to grab her wrist and pull her back to whisper, "It's gonna be fine."
Gabriella turned her head to the side subtly, noticing three familiar figures behind the threes.
Bellamy, Raven, and Jasper.
She made eye contact with Bellamy, who was already watching her, and gave him a small nod, which he returned.
Her attention was soon torn away from the trio when three horses came into sight at the other side of the bridge. There were two warriors on the black horses, while a woman was on the brown horse between them.
"We said no weapons." Wells was quick to turn to Lincoln, noticing the two warriors had different weapons.
"I was told there would not be." Lincoln sighed, giving the two blondes an apologetic look.
Clarke shrugged, gripping the strap of her backpack, "It's too late now."
Gabriella tugged on her best friend's wrist, starting to walk forward, Finn and Wells hot on their heels only to stop when Lincoln blocked their way. "They go alone."
Clarke gave them a reassuring look, "We'll be fine."
Finn was cut off by Clarke turning away from him with a determined look on her face, "It's time to do better."
The two female leaders of the delinquents made their way to the middle of the bridge, meeting the supposed leader of the grounders.
The grounder woman looked at them up and down slowly, before focusing her attention on Clarke, "Your name is Clarke?"
Her attention cut to Gabriella, "And you are Ella?"
Gabriella refused to speak for now and gave her a short nod.
"I'm Anya."
As always, Clarke was the well-mannered one and removed her hand from Gabriella's to extend it to Anya.
When Anya did nothing but stare at it blankly, Clarke let her hand fall back by her side, deciding to start the negotiation first, "I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together, in peace."
"I understand." Anya drew out, intimidating both girls a bit, "You started a war that you don't know how to end."
"What?" Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows and spoke without a hint of hesitation, "We didn't start anything. You attacked one of our own when we landed for no reason--"
"No reason?" Anya cut off, raising her voice slightly, "The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground."
Realization dawned on both blondes, Clarke being the one to speak this time, "The flares? No, that was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea--"
"You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory."
Gabriella scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest in defense. "We had no idea anyone was down here in the first place. As far as we know, the last person here died at the end of the world because of radiation. That's the main reason we lived in space in the first place. We didn't know Earth was even survivable until we were sent down here to test it."
"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one and torture him." Anya glared at them. "These are all acts of war."
Noticing that Gabriella was about to probably make the situation worse, Clarke spoke up instead, "I see your point. That's why we need to put an end to all of this."
Anya studied the girls carefully before speaking again, calmer this time, "Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors."
"The guard, yes." Clarke confirmed, "But also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other, but not if we're at war."
"Can you promise that these new arrivals will not attack us? That they will respect the terms the three of us agree on?" Anya asked, still skeptical.
"No." Gabriella answered instantly, "But we will do anything we can do to stay true to the terms we set today."
"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?"
"Because if you don't then there is a more likely chance our people will attack your people as soon as they come down." The Kane shrugged, "We're doing this to prevent death on both sides."
Raven watched as Anya's face flashed with annoyance and anger at whatever Gabriella was saying and commented, "Grounder Princess looks pissed."
Bellamy tilted his head, obviously seeing what she meant, noticing Gabriella was losing patience too, if her clenched fist were anything to go by. "Our Queenie has that effect."
"If you fire the first shot, those people coming down won't bother negotiating." Clarke said in an almost threatening tone, "Our technology...they will wipe you out."
"They would not be the first to try." The grounder said coldly.
Gabriella opened her mouth to keep the negotiation going before a familiar shout cut her off.
"Ella! Clarke! Run."
The blondes snapped their heads to look behind them, seeing their so-called backup shooting into the trees. Anya quickly snatched Gabriella's wrist and pulled her knife out, only for someone behind them to shoot her in her left shoulder. Gabriella looked behind her to see Bellamy looking up at her with a worried look on his face and she gave him a nod to assure him she was fine.
"Get down!" Wells shouted but Gabriella ignored him and grabbed her best friend's wrist, running to their side of the bridge as fast as she could.
The grounders around them kept shooting arrows, while Jasper, Raven, and Bellamy were shooting at them and the blondes tried to get to safety fast.
Once the two reached the end of the bridge, Finn grabbed Clarke to check if she was okay and Wells put his hands on Gabriella's shoulders to pull her back behind them. The Kane did not even have time to question his actions when one of the grounders shot an arrow into Lincoln's chest, making Octavia gasp in surprise and worry.
"Oh, my god! Lincoln!" Octavia's eyes widened and she tried to hold his larger body up. "You've been hit."
"It's just a scratch." The grounder assured her, pulling the arrow out.
"Octavia." Gabriella started, pulling Octavia's attention to her, "We have to run."
"I'm not leaving him." The Blake sister said stubbornly, only for Finn and Wells to come on either side of her, the latter saying.
"We need to go. Don't stop until we get to the camp walls."
The two teenagers dragged Octavia into the forest, Gabriella and Clarke already running in front of them, none of them daring to look back.
Somewhere during the run to the camp, Jasper, Raven, and Bellamy joined them but they still did not stop until they got to the camp walls.
Once they finally got there, the trio who had the guns dropped them onto the ground and they all tried to catch their breath from running that long.
Noticing Finn and Wells looking between all of them with judgy eyes, Bellamy glared at them, "You got something to say?"
"Yeah!" Finn snapped, "I told you no guns!"
"Ella and I told you we couldn't trust the grounders. We were right." Clarke snapped back.
"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asked her boyfriend.
"I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun!"
Finn's words made Gabriella's anger increase, "You're lucky she was! If she didn't bring that we would be dead right now!"
"They came there to kill you, Finn." Bellamy added, standing next to Gabriella.
"You don't know that." Wells scoffed, "Jasper fired the first shot."
"You ruined everything." Octavia finally spoke, glaring at Jasper and turning around to walk back into camp.
"I saved you!" Jasper called after her, trying to keep the hurt from showing in his voice, "You're welcome."
Gabriella watched Jasper walk back to camp, his shoulders down in defeat.
"Well, if we weren't at war before we sure as hell are now." Finn said, giving Clarke a desperate look. He wanted her to say she was wrong and side with him. But if he thought that was going to happen, he did not know her as well as he thought he did. "You didn't have to trust the grounders. You just had to trust me."
Clarke gave him a shocked look while the other two leaders simultaneously scoffed in disbelief. Finn shook his head in disappointment again before brushing past the leaders and into camp. Raven gave the engineer of the group an apologetic look before following her boyfriend inside.
"Like I said," Bellamy drawled out sarcastically, "best Unity Day ever."
"Well, it marked something, alright." Gabriella said with an obviously fake grin that instantly dropped at the sound of an explosion in the distance. All four of them turned to the sky to see the exodus ship the council and the guards were supposed to come down with falling from space.
"The exodus ship?" Bellamy squinted his eyes at the brightness, "Your parents are early."
Clarke and Wells shared excited smiles while the frown on Gabriella's face deepened even more. Bellamy placed his warm hand on her shoulder and gave her a worried look. She tried to ignore her anxiety because she knew that she was going to see her father sooner than she would like.
Gabriella looked back at the sky to see the exodus ship going way too fast. "Something is wrong. It's going too fast and there is no parachute."
In a flash, the ship crashed far into the forest, an explosion echoing. Clarke collapsed into Wells' arms, both of them sobbing into each other's shoulders while Gabriella stared at the place where the explosion was in shock, barely registering another warm hand taking place on her shoulder. There was only one thing repeating in her head like a mantra.
Her father was dead.
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tell me about the catholic saints and flower language you're obsessed with
!!!!! i'm so glad you asked !!!!
okay so my absolute all-time favorite saint is saint dymphna of ireland. she's the patron saint of the mentally ill, survivors of incest, and also (sometimes) survivors of both sexual and domestic abuse. when she was fourteen, her mother died and her father, "in his grief" (not an excuse -_-) decided that he wanted to marry her instead. dymphna fled to modern-day belgium to the town of geel and ended up founding one of the first mental hospitals. her father tracked her down only a year later and killed her. she was canonized only a few years after her death, and people call her "the lily of eire". she was literally younger than I am, but shes credited with helping hundreds of thousands of people. people came from all over Belgium to visit her hospital. it's insane.
saint olga of kiev is another really fascinating one. so before she did any of what got her canonized (trying to spread christianity to kievan rus in modern day russia) she was this super badass vengeful icon. when her husband igor was murdered by drevlians, she hunted down and killed all of those involved (like the queen she is). she was also a big fan of arson. like, a huge fan. me too, girl. when she was baptised, she took on the anglican name helena (or elena, we're unsure). she's the patron saint of widows and converts, but many have also dubbed her "patron saint of vengeance" which is just so badass.
also there's like ten different patron saints of rats which is just.... so wild.
fun facts, there's a catholic chapel just off of broadway, st. malachy's, that's known as the actors chapel. they offer a saturday mass in between the afternoon and matinee performances along with sunday services, so lots of religious actors end up there. they have a shrine to some of the saints related to the performing arts at the back of the chapel. i was in NYC this spring, and i was lucky enough to be able to sit through a saturday mass there before I went to see some like it hot (if you haven't seen it, you should. SO. GOOD). the chapel is absolutely stunning. i also got to go to (and sing in!!!) st. john the divine's cathedral (the largest cathedral in the US, it was INSANE) and st. patricks cathedral. cathedrals are so stunning, the architecture is absolutely insane and i go feral just thinking about it. every day i long to go back, it was that gorgeous (I'm not even religious, but religious architecture just DESTROYS me. huge fan). but i digress.
some pictures of st. john's tho!!!
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sorry if they're a little blurry, i was too excited to hold still.
okay but flowers!!! i love flower language, i think it's so fascinating. i actually got into because of this book I read, the grace year by kim liggit (must-read btw, so beautiful)
okay but anyway, my absolute favorite flower is the aster, specifically blue china asters (I liked them so much I named myself after them) they look like this:
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they're gorgeous. anyways
so blue asters are a symbol of trustworthiness and wisdom, and china asters symbolize love and faith. asters are a breed of daisies, which symbolize innocence, new beginnings, and joy. daisies are also commonly used in herbal medicine, specifically medicine related to mental wellness. there's layers to the meaning, which is one of the things i love so much about it
i just !!! love things !!!! and nobody irl wants to listen to me rant about this shit !!!! bless you remi !!!
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germangarbage · 1 year
Father Garcia: *Calls for John to discuss a plan*
The Three Johns:
John Ward (Priest): “Which one are you talking about, Father Garcia?”
John Maverick Gutierrez (also a Priest): “Clearly he's talking about him.” *points at Arthur*
John Arthur Conan Kirk Salazar (A police detective and a writer): “Clearly he's talking about Father Ward.” *points at Thomas*
John Thomas Ward: “He's also a priest like me!” *points at Maverick*
John Maverick Gutierrez: “Or maybe he's talking about you!” *to Arthur*
Father Garcia: “I need the John who speaks Filipino!” *Getting agitated*
All 3: “ALL OF US SPEAKS FILIPINO.” *pointing at each other*
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Froi: “Alright, John. Can we have a talk?”
John Thomas Ward (Priest): “Aight, who is she talking about? Clearly it's you, right?” *pointing at Maverick*
John Maverick Gutierrez (also a Priest): “I didn't do anything this time! It might be him!” *pointing at Arthur*
John Arthur Conan Kirk Salazar (a police detective and a writer): “That might not be me, it must be him she wanted to talk to.” *pointing at Henry*
John Henry Watson (a doctor and a writer too): “Excuse me?! I do believe that she was talking about you, Priest!” *pointing at Thomas*
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Bonus (2); A little scene
*Four of them point at each other and got into an argument, leading to fist fight*
Father Garcia: “Shall we stop them, hijo? They're giving bruises to each other.”
Froi: “Nah, let them fight and let their energy be drained from what are they doing now.”
Father Garcia: “I don't think their energy is decreasing, hijo. It looks like they are even more energetic to fight and bruise themselves at each other.”
The four men continue to argue and fight even though Froi knows that time is running out to save their friend from danger.
Froi: *Had enough since getting irritated at their argument* “Alright girls, fucking calm down!”
They didn't listen to her warning.
Froi: *Turning her pace to Father Garcia* “I believe that you still have the revolver gun, Don Garcia?”
Father Garcia: *starts to sweat nervously* “What are you going to do with a revolver gun, hijo? Are you killing them?”
Froi: *Grabs the revolver gun from the coffee table since it was behind Father Garcia* “Oh how I wish to but I do not want that since I will be labeled as a murderer and you're a witness to my heinous crime. Therefore, this is what I am going to do.”
The young girl shoots the revolver gun into the ceiling since they are staying in an old house to discuss a plan on how to save a comrade that is in danger. Loud, this causes the four men to look at her in shock.
Father Garcia was also shocked as the young girl looked at the five of them.
Froi: “Gentlemen, I do think we have arrived at the situation where we need to plan as soon as possible since time is running out for us to save our comrade from danger.” *points the revolver gun at the four and reloads it* “All of you, kneel right now.”
The five men were shocked to hear her words and nobody dared to move or do what she have ordered.
Froi: “Are you all deaf? Do you want me to shoot your brains?”
This time, the five men looked at each other, nervously.
Froi: *angry, loud voice* “I SAID KNEEL!”
And they all kneel on the floor, praying and begging silently to their minds that Froi will spare them.
Froi: *calm and put the revolver gun down on the coffee table* “Good. I thought you guys would never do it. Anyways, let's start discussing our plan, shall we?”
END (?)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 10th February 1567 Henry, Lord Darnley, husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, was murdered in Kirk O'Field
Early in the morning on 10th February 1567 Darnley, was found murdered. His body and that of his valet were discovered in the orchard of Kirk o’Field in Edinburgh, where they had been staying. The house had been torn apart by two large explosions in the middle of the night. 
Darnley was undoubtedly the intended victim because two barrels of gunpowder had been placed in a small room underneath his sleeping quarters. He was dressed only in his nightshirt, which suggests he had fled in some haste from his bedchamber. 
Upon further examination, the bodies had no signs of injuries that could be associated with the explosion, so the blast was not considered to have killed Darnley. It was determined that the two men were killed by either being  smothered strangulation, believed to have taken place after the explosion.
Some say Darnley’s death was at the hands of the Earl of Bothwell, whose subsequent marriage to Mary led to a state of civil war in Scotland. In my own view it wasn’t so cut and dry. 
Although it is still a mystery, a number of arrests and subsequent executions took place, the first was almost certainly a miscarriage of justice. Captain William Blackadder, an associate of Bothwell, was e executed on 14th June 1567, although it was said he was only a bystander. Lord Herries wrote in 1656 that Blackadder rushed out of a tavern at the Tron on the Royal Mile at the sound of the explosion and was arrested.
He swore he was innocent before an assize made of Lennox men, tenants of Darnley's father, and was hanged, drawn and quartered, you might think this harsh, but Darnley, although estranged from Queen Mary, was still a King, of sorts and it was the normal punishment for treason.
In December 1567, John Hepburn of Boltoun (John of Bowtoun), John Hay heir apparent of Tallo, William Powrie and George Dalgleish, all servants of Bothwell, were put on trial. They were condemned to be hanged and quartered. The head of Dalgleish was  set on the Netherbow gate of Edinburgh.
William Powrie had made a statement in June, which describes how he and his companions carried the powder to the King's Lodging. He included the detail that as they were carrying the empty chests back up Blackfriar's Wynd, they saw the Queen and her party, "going before thame with lit torches."
In my opinion this version of events was pure fabrication, probably either said after being tortured, or just made up by those who held him. Do you really think Mary Queen of Scots would actually skulk around in the dead of night when she would have any number of servants to carry out the murders? 
The French valet, Nicolas Hubert, called Paris, said that Bothwell came to the lodging with Mary, and making the excuse that he needed the toilet, took Paris aside and asked him for the keys. Paris explained that it was not his role to hold the keys. Bothwell told him of his plans. Paris was troubled by the conversation, and went to pace up and down in St Giles Kirk. Fearful of the conspiracy he considered taking ship at Leith. In his second interrogation Paris named Captain Blackadder, who had already been executed. Paris was executed on 16 August 1567.
One longstanding theory is the suggestion that the Earls of Morton and Moray were behind the murder, directing Bothwell's actions, to forward Moray's ambitions. These Earls made a denial of their involvement in their lifetime. The later and partisan Memoirs written by John Maxwell, Lord Herries in 1656, follow and develop this line of reasoning. Herries, after considering the arguments of previous writers, believed that Mary herself was innocent of involvement, and the two Earls arranged her marriage to Bothwell. This is the more likely scenario that I believe in.
James Douglas, Earl of Morton, was executed on 2nd June 1581 on the Maiden, a form of guillotine which he himself had imported from France.  After his execution, Morton's body was buried in an unmarked grave at Edinburgh's Greyfriars Kirkyard, and his head was displayed on a pike at the Netherbow as a warning to others.
The first pic is a contemporary  drawing of the murder scene at Kirk o' Field, it  includes at the top left the infant James VI sitting up in his cot praying: "Judge and avenge my cause, O Lord;" in the centre lie the rubble remains of the house; to the right Darnley and his servant lie dead in the orchard; below, the townspeople of Edinburgh gather round and four soldiers remove a body for burial. The artist was employed by Sir William Drury, Marshall of Berwick, who sent the sketch to England.
The sketch includes several cryptic elements. At first it appears to be an eye-witness account of the murder scene. However the infant James was not present, nor could he speak the words attributed to him at the time. Thus the image changes by its inclusion from an eye-witness account, to a propaganda poster, as an allegory. This same motto and a similar image of father and son was used on the banner of the rebel Confederate Lords, first displayed at Edinburgh Castle, then again at Carberry Hill. 
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chronic-ghost · 2 years
Tag Nine People You Want To Get To Know Better
Thank you for the tag @lovepollution - and going through it, we are basically the same person. Father John Misty is my BOOOYYY and i’ve had Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings stuck in my head for daaayz. I wanna play Real Love Baby at my wedding! 😭
favorite color: blueish-purple
currently reading: River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey. I’m 90% sure this is what I said on the last one of these and it’s a short ass book and I have no good excuse as to why I haven’t finished it 🤷‍♀️
last song: Cool Again by Shoffy. It’s my background music when I daydream about Rob Thomas Weir and the divorce between him and ofc when they were young and dumb, but she’s come back to her hometown after many years and they fall in love again because they’ve both grown as people since she left. So much plaid, so much snuggling. 
last series: I’m watching She-Hulk too @lovepollution ! But I’m also watching the new A League of Their Own (i can feel the chemicals changing my brain) and going through Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries AGAIN
last movie: . . . Alien vs. Predator: Requiem 👀 i don’t know what i watched but it certainly was A Movie.
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory because I’m nauseous and exhausted
currently working on: 
my brice catledge/reader fic: a brief, fragmentary, and most imperfect record of specters few have seen - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all that have left comments and reblogged. Given that like 5 whole people in the world have seen the og movie, i was real worried about posting. 
The Twilight Shrike: thank you to the SWEETEST anon ever who periodically pops by and tells me how much they enjoy it ❤️
aaand 👀 👀 a Matthew Kimble musician AU that is entirely inspired by smoke on the water - it’s a oneshot i promise
Tagging (and of course no pressure to do this!): @thegardenarcher @dandydevildog @the-crowe-and-the-magpie. @pegplunkett @thatfaerieprincess @muchmorethanaprincess @piplup @wyvernrider98 @mutt-thingy @tuntematonkorppi @fortysevenswrites @myletternevercame @astarkey
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nityarawal · 16 days
Morning Songs
Frank Is Dying
In The Hospital
He Has A Bacterial
CIRS They Call It
Instead Of Lymes
Mold's Over Taking 
1700 Bacteria's
Negotiating For My
Why The Doctor's
Are So Ignorant
Telling Friends
They Need
Frankie Beat His
Pressured From Parole
Charly Sold Out
Just Like Our
Dog Charly On Daniel's
We Worry About Her
No One Wants
Another Jane Doe
It's Selfish Really
Don't Fret About
You Fingerprinted
Every Citizen
There's No Excuse
If You Have Officers
Who Can't ID
A Friend
They Shouldn't Have
A J.O.B.
Then Investigate 
Every Jane Doe
Every John Doe
Murdered In The Land
How Many Moms'
Raped On Mother's
Charged By Another
Gay Father
On Foul Play
They All Said It
Wasn't That Great
We Need A Raincheck
Mammas Got No
No Protection
In America
And Are Closing Legs
Until Fulfilment
Of Foreplay Services
Turn Us On
Maye Musk 
Is Hiding Out
In Asia
Wouldn't You
If Your Ex Husband
Terrorised You Too
Wouldn't You
To Anywhere Safe
Like Texas
Wouldn't You
Want Something
Than Dumbing
The Great
We Want Civil 
Servants Compliant
Not Him
Wouldn't You Want
A Navigator
To Mars
Wouldn't You
Want Santa Elon
And My Son
To Get You There
Wouldn't You
Want The Real
Communing With God
Wouldn't You
Like To Sell
What They Are
Naturally Capable
Wouldn't You 
Like To See What's 
Really Possible
Wouldn't You
Like To Know
If It's Doable
With The Living
Are We Gonna Get 
To Mars
Or The Moon
For Real
With Moms
I Know
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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falloutstasis · 5 months
That's not where I want to be Part 2
WARNING: light descriptions of a wound
Beverly Hills Precinct Station
Veronica Briscoe was stopped in her tracks when she saw the scene before here. "What the hell is going on here?"
If Kelsey was a betting ghoul, she'd bet on the fact the she won't be getting that precinct tour she was promised.
The gang and the newly 'temporary' detective saw at least 2 Paladins in Power Armor, 3 Knights, 2 Initiates, and 1 Sentinel. That's 8 Brotherhood members who do not look happy.
□ Find out what the Brotherhood are doing at the Beverly Hills Precinct Station.
"Detective Briscoe." The Sentinel, Ezekiel Armstrong, stepped toward Veronica the moment he saw him. "You better give me a damn explanation on why we had to find out one of our own Paladins was gruesomely murdered today by one of the civilians in Beverly Hills."
The team of Detectives were all confused. "That fast, Sentinel? That crime scene happened hours ago. Today!"
The body was already taken away, so where, Kelsey didn't know. What she did know is there's not one happy camper in this room.
"We were told that you found a dog tag of the deceased Paladin."
Briscoe squinted her eyes at Ezekiel. "Who gave you that information?"
"I told you. A civilian."
"You expect us to believe that just some random person gave you information? Seriously?" Johnathan wasn't having it with the Sentinel's excuse. "You guys hardly ever go out, much less talk to anyone! Next thing you're going to tell us is that you want the dog tag right now."
"Actually, Detective Logan. We do want the dog tag. Right now."
"Alright, alright." Kelsey stepped in this time. "Look, Sentinel. That dog tag is evidence and it's not going to you guys anytime soon."
Ezekiel looked absolutely disgusted at the sight of Kelsey, you know, being a ghoul and all. "Who in the hell is this abomination and why is she in this precinct?"
Oh, if this Sentinel was going to act like this....
Kelsey grinned and got right into Ezekiel's face. "I'm going to be the knot at the pit of your stomach if you don't get the hell out of this precinct."
The Captain in the group of detectives, Leonard McCoy, stepped in the precinct from his office. When everyone turned to him, he too, much like Kelsey was a ghoul.
"Detective Briscoe," He asked, his voice commanding enough to have everyone on their toes. "May I ask why are the Brotherhood are in my precinct?"
"That's a damn good question, Leo." Veronica said, keeping a straight face the whole time.
"I'm here to retrieve the dog tag. It belongs to us."
"It belongs to our John Doe." Leonard said, "I don't know who do you think you are, Sentinel, but this is my precinct. And last time I checked, this is NCR territory not the Brotherhoods. I would appreciate it if you get your little boy and girl scouts the hell out of my precinct. Or do I have to get your father in this and tell him that your interfering with an investigation."
He scoffed and said nothing to Leonard. He looked at his squad and ordered them to leave the precinct. It was amazing how no fight broke out. Kelsey didn't know what kind of leverage or impact Leonard had when it came to this precinct and NCR. The longer she stayed here, the sooner she's going to find out.
■ Find out what the Brotherhood are doing at the Beverly Hills Precinct Station.
"Hey, Vero-" Another Detective, Archie Green, had just arrived in the precinct, confusion and a slight bit of fear in him when he spotted the squad of Brotherhood soldiers coming out of the precinct.
"Did I miss the party or something? What the hell just happened?" He asked.
"Archie, you're late as usual." Veronica scolds, but not without a grin.
"Apparently, they wanted our John Doe's Brotherhood dog tag. And as per usual, our captain got us out of a jam. Big time." Johnathan said with a grin.
"Geez, it was that bad, huh?"
"Yeah! We're lucky no one got vaporized!"
Kelsey rubbed the bridge of her nose and walked slowly towards the back area of the room. "Is it me or are the Brotherhood got more annoy-"
Imagine her surprise when she see's a familiar ghoul, tapping his fingers against desk. He was sitting in an empty chair where no one is using it.
"Boss! What the hell are you doing out of the hotel that I had for us?!"
The Ghoul grinned at her. "I just wanted to see what you were doing."
"And that meant getting no rest? Like you were suppose to?"
He quickly nodded. "Yeah. I come down and see you playing Detective."
"Uh, is that who I think it is?"
Kelsey turned around to see the squad looking at the two. Archie shook his head and mumbled under his breath, "I need more coffee for this."
"Well, well, well. If it isn't 'the Ghoul'." Johnathan squinted his eyes at him, walking pass Kelsey. "If that's even your real name."
The Ghoul didn't even flinch at the sight of Johnathan's 'intimidation' tactics.
"Listen, wiseass," He pointed at him, "Just because your some hotshot bounty hunter, doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want, got that?"
"You got a problem with that?" He asked. "With me running my business as a bounty hunter? Minding my business?"
"I got a problem with you because you're just like any other crazy asshole shooting people willy nilly."
The Ghoul was about to get up from his chair, when Kelsey lightly shoved him back into his chair. "Hey, calm down."
She turned to the Detective. "I would appreciate it if you stop badgering my boss."
She moved behind the chair and held on to the backrest. "You guys got like a medical room? I gotta take this senior citizen for his check up on his leg."
The Ghoul looked up at her, more than offended at her comment.
Johnathan sighed and pointed at the door. "When you see an elevator, turn left, then go straight. On the left side, you should see the medical room two doors down."
"Thanks!" With that, she pushed the chair, which helped rolled The Ghoul in the means of a quick transportation to the doctor's office.
"Hey!" Johnathon yelled out. "I'm gonna need that chair back!"
It was barely audible but Kelsey yelled back, "Yeah, yeah!"
Kelsey rolled the chair all the way to the medical room, taking the directions she needed to go there. When she arrived with the Ghoul, no one was there. So she pushed him into the room and placed him near the medical table.
She patted on the leather matters that was on the table. "Up."
The Ghoul begrudgingly hopped on to the medical table and as he laid down, Kelsey brought in anti-biotics, stiches, bandages, and a rag from her bag.
She placed them all on a table beside the medical bed. When she rolled up the sleeve where his leg got shot, up to his thigh. She removed the dirty bandages, took the rag, and went to the sink to turn on the water.
"Did you wobble all the way here, boss?" She asked.
"Hey." The Ghoul only turned his head to the side to look at her. "I was walking mostly fine."
She wet the rag and turned off the water, squeezing it to let the leftover water out of the rag. "Without your crutches?"
"Like I said, I was walking mostly fine."
She returned to the table to clean the wound. She used tweezers and scissors to remove the stitches, slowly pulling them out. When she was done she cleaned it again, adding new stitches on the wound, then wrapping the wound around. She rolled back the sleeve and handed him a Nuka Coka.
"Is this for the radiation?"
"Yeah." She nodded and put everything back in her bag. "As you know, us ghouls can get healed by the radiation. A little bit goes a long way for gun shot wounds like yours."
Well, the Ghoul wasn't going to turn down a free Nuka Coka either way. As he drank it, the two can hear a knock on the door.
"Kelsey! Heads up," Archie is seen holding the door. "Veronica wants us to check out a new lead. Our John Doe has a name, Charlie Dawn, and she found where his sister lives. I'll wait for you outside."
As he left, the Ghoul raised his brow. "Well, I guess you still got to play Detective, Doctor."
"Well, I guess you still gotta play patient, Boss." Kelsey sassed back.
Before she left the room, she pointed at him. "This time, your bounty hunter butt better stay at the hotel room. I don't want you ruining that bandage."
As he usually does, he waved her off. "Yeah, yeah. I know the drill."
When she left the room, the Ghoul actually returned the chair back to the precinct. Before he went the hotel room, he took his own unofficial tour around the building, surveying the rooms before him. There was still other floors that needed to be fixed, at least two or three more before it was complete.
It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it was a different environment that what he's usually used to. When he was at the 5th floor before Kelsey, the other Detectives, and the Brotherhood got there, people were actively and actually working together. He...liked this environment more than he like to admit.
He coldly looked at her surroundings and left towards the elevator, where he would make it back to the shared hotel room in BH Hotel.
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