#everytime i download this one app to get a laughter because of these people i die because they’re so weird
eternalbuckley · 19 days
dating apps are so scary why are people so weird on there 💀
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dinuhsoar · 3 years
― Corpse x fem!reader
Warnings: language, poorly written synopsis and imagine tbh, gif has nothing to do with imagine, possible typos,
Synopsis: Y/n is playing Among Us when her toddler of a brother starts crying. Y/n asks for help- apparently, Corpse just needs to speak. A somewhat discontinued part two of Flowers and Crowns
Cali's message: Evening everyone! As you all know, I'm not a huge fan of Corpse. However, I like reading imagines about him because they're cute and take my mind off of my struggles! I am truly sorry that I haven't been posting. Requests are open for pretty much anything. Be kind and have a lovely day! And you guys actually liked Flowers and Crowns?? Tf are you on? Clearly this one is better- but, thank you for reading Flowers and Crowns and supporting me!
Gif credit: @adventurelandia
@haikyuu-appreciation-club wanted this, so here it is, love!
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You and the gang have been playing Among Us for the past hour. When the games always started, you were right on top of it, immediately saying who the imposter was. And now? Now you were first to die everytime.
You've scanned. Corpse and Toast both watched you. And you were positive they were not the imposters. So when they, Corpse, killed you in decontamination, you were so livid.
You tried ranting to the people on your stream, you really did. But they kept saying, 'of course it was Corpse,' and, 'oh look how red she is.' Now that, that much was true. No matter how devilish that move Corpse and Toast pulled, you could forgive him.
You told your stream that you'd be back, the sudden cries of your brother flooding your ears. In the time it took for you to get to his room, make him stop crying, and return to the stream with him, the game ended. And apparently it has ended for a while now.
When you rejoined you heard familiar voices as you slipped on your headset.
"-and I find it quite offensive that you just insulted her while she wasn't present." Corpse had said. What was this going on about?
"Hello guys! Sorry for leaving, my brother was crying again." You laughed, and Corpse smiled like a sick puppy. Your laughter to him was sweet sounding and it held a sense of longing. He concluded that your laugh was normal awhile ago, so a normal laugh shouldn't be affecting him the way it was now, right? "Um, Corpse," you began, quite awkwardly as it was dead silent on the stream, "what was that about? The offensive thing? I joined halfway-"
"It's nothing to be hypervigilant about, Y/n. I took care of the situation." Corpse couldn't feel the flutter in your stomach, but everyone on the stream did as your face was red.
"Ahem, sorry to ruin your spotlight, but could we start?" Sykunno asked, softly lulling his head back.
"Just give me a second, Sy." You left them. Again. Groans and moans of protest is what they did. But you couldn't hear them.
"Which one, bubba? Hm? Carrots or peas?" You reached for the carrots, then heard him scream, "peas!" You were sure the stream heard it, and possibly your friends too. "Fine, fine," you rushed out, opening the can and getting a spoon. "Spill any and I will disown you, ya' hear?" Of course you were joking, but the look on his face was priceless. "Lets get you going." So you picked him up and set him in your lap as you sat back down, letting him eat.
"I'm back this time, for real."
"Good, because I'm not waiting any longer." Sykunno sassed back and pressed hard on the mouse to click start.
And just your luck, you're the imposter with Rae.
You took in a breath and left dropship, running to the node near office. It was probably the most frequently used node anyways. Standing there and awaiting your victim, you saw Rae run past. You immediately followed her into office and down to specimen. She just stood there and you went up to the decontamination in lab, waiting your victem. Toast talked in, and you got out and he went to download. You killed him then went back up to wait.
On Rae's end, she'd go on to kill Sykunno and James before they could even report Toasts body. And so when Corpse has arrived, on your end too, oh boy.
You stood over the growing pile of bodies, and when he saw you, he froze up. On one end, how was someone so sweet sounding, so, so very innocent, do this?
But you did not hesitate. He was vulnerable.
You killed him, laughing into your mic as you did so.
The game ended, and you assumed Rae killed along the strip of decontamination and not just lead them to the pile.
You looked down at your younger brother, smiling at him as he spilled some peas. Immediately his face went white, his lip curling and fists balling as you grabbed his can to place on the desk.
"Hey, hey, don't cry now."
But he would not stop.
"Do any of you know how to make a baby stop crying?" A chorus of 'no's' were heard and you groaned.
"Corpse? The least you can do is think of-"
"Tell him that-"
And with very little words from Corpse, he's stopped crying. However, his head turned away from your shoulder and looked around the room.
"Bubs, he's not in here. Would you like to say hi?" Carefully, you placed the headset on your brothers head, carefully watching his face for any discomfort.
You could faintly hear the others voices, Rae breaking into straight baby talk. When Corpse spoke again, your brother had a mixed face that looked like he was about to cry but laugh at the same time.
"Corpse, you began, taking the headset back, "thank you for making him stop crying." You tightened your grip on his waist, pulling him closer.
You all played a few rounds more, but you decided to them leave to put your brother to bed. Once he was in bed, you got a message. Opening the message app and seeing who it was made you smile some more.
'Hello Y/n! You remember when you said, '"he's not in here?"' Could we arrange that? I'd love to meet you both!'
What? Corpse wanted to meet you?
'I- you- what about your identity? Or-'
'It'll be fine, I trust you.'
'I can be there in a few days?'
'Perfect! See you then!'
Shutting of your phone you ran into your bedroom and screamed into a pillow. You were going to meet Corpse! But what if he didn't like you? Or what- no! You were getting ahead of yourself.
'Goodnight Corpse,' you sent.
'Goodnight Y/n.'
And little did you know, he fell asleep that night.
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cordytriestowrite · 6 years
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Thick Skin
Bucky x Reader
Two Parter (2/2)
Summary: He cant make you bleed, but he sure as hell can rip your heart out.
Bucky awoke with a groan. He hated waking up lately, it was when he felt the loneliest. He rolled over and pulled your pillow into his chest, inhaling what was left of your scent. It was fading little by little each day and he needed to breathe deeper and deeper just to smell you. He had selfishly inhaled all the smell from your pillow every day since you left.
The first night without you he hadn't slept, waiting for you to join him in your bed. Despite the open and empty closet confirming your departure he kept thinking you would be back in time to fall asleep in his arms, like a child insisting they were running away forever only to return by dinner. The sun was peaking into your room when he left for his own in a state of unrest.
By the third morning Bucky didn't bother to leave before sunrise and return to his own space. The sun would brighten your room and still he would remain, wide awake with a new memory in his head of you and him interwoven between the sheets or mingling breaths of soft laughter. He found himself often running his fingers through his own long locks, hoping he could somehow trick his tired and lonely mind into thinking it was your nails grazing along his scalp. He could never get the pressure just right.
On the fifth day he finally saw you again, a radiant figure practically blinding Bucky's weary eyes. He wanted to run to you, bring you into his arms, smell the top of your head and inhale the familiar full bodied scent your pillow wasn't able to provide anymore. He wanted to kiss you, to laugh with you, to pull you into your room and lock the door and not come out until he had shown you how much he needed you. He couldn't move, no matter how much his mind was screaming at him. His body was frozen in place, tense and unyielding. He could only watch you stretch your arms lazily as you conversed with Steve. You were happy, your smile wide and effortless. You were beautiful.
Sam jostled Bucky's still form as he shouldered past him into the room. He greeted you with enthusiasm that was only a fraction of the elation Bucky felt at just seeing you. A wave of desire pumped through him when Sam easily pulled you into a warm embrace. He had been able to do it without hesitation, without a second thought, yet Bucky was still stuck behind a wall of warped expectations and feelings. He had never touched you in front of the others, never wanted to give them any knowledge of his weakness for you. Would a simple hug now reveal all that was hidden between you? Would Steve see the embrace and know you two had shared countless others with racing hearts and slick, warm skin? Would Natasha's sharp eyes dissect where he rested his hands on your body and know his palms had already memorized every inch of you?
None of it mattered, Bucky would never move from this spot in the doorway. And it's like you knew that. It was in the way you looked at him, with your face pulled by a small frown and your eyes dark without the carefree twinkle held at the sight of Sam or Steve. Bucky's fingers unconsciously grazed his cheek where you had broken the skin last week. It had healed within hours, but the cutting look directed at him made him sure you had somehow reopened a wound that had been more than physical. It's like you had struck him again, his realization so shocking it sent him stumbling back. You had left because of him.
Training wasn't easy, despite the fact that Bucky and you never made contact. He had been sent to the ground twice now, his heart not in the fight. His attention was so easily taken by you, taken away from defending himself. You grunted and he hesitated in his pivot, you moaned in pain and his body would face your direction and leave him open to attack. Anxiety fueled his final attempt to maintain control in the hand to hand combat with his best friend. He needed to be in control of himself, hated feeling vulnerable, detested the looks and stares and assumptions. He despised the lump in his throat and the prick of sadness in his eyes. Steve sent him tumbling to the floor again. He didn't bother getting back up.
With the exception of meals, his morning run with Sam, and training, Bucky had holed himself up in your room. He didnt bother to sneak in after dark or wait for watchful eyes to turn their gaze. If anyone noticed he didn't care, if anyone questioned he had no lie at the ready. He sat on the floor next to your bed, leaning against it with his knees in close. In he hands he held his phone. It held your contact information and Bucky's eyes had gone dry staring at the random series of numbers that would connect him to you. He had never used them before. He never had a need to call you or attempt texting, you had always been here, just a few rooms away with a door that always opened for him. He was stuck, the words he wanted to say unable to make sense outside of his head. His thumb hovered over the call icon, wondering if you would even pick up. A notification dropped down from the top of the screen.
A match? He didn't understand the message. Curiosity pulled his thumb away from the bottom call button and up to the top. An app opened, an app he had perused a week ago at Sam's instance. A pleasant face smiled up at him alongside his own profile picture. The message below the pictures told him to start a conversation. He almost did, after all it was easier to talk to a stranger than to bite the bullet and attempt to talk to you. He didn't care if the stranger never answered, if the stranger hated him or tired of him, the stranger didnt mean anything to him whereas you meant everything. He stared at the feminine face again, unable to recall if he had ever seen it before but knowing it wasn't holding the smile he wanted to see directed at him.
"Buck?" Steve called questioningly from the doorway. Bucky's head snapped up, eyes wide. Steve pulled himself into the room and quietly shut the door behind him.
"What are you doing in here?" He asked softly as he settled in next to his oldest friend. Bucky's chuckle was laced with self pity. He ran his hands through his hair and tugged, a light punishment for the vulnerable moment he was about to indulge in.
"I've spent every night in here for eight months." He confessed, his thumb stroking the screen and keeping it alive. After a few beats of silence he dared to look up from his lap and into the face of one of the most important people in his life. He didn't know what he expected to see. Shock, disgust, a knowing smirk? He saw none of those things looking back at him. Steve looked like he...suddenly understood.
"Did you download tinder before or after you two broke up?" He asked, cracking a smile as he pointed to the match screen still illuminated.
"Before. Sam downloaded it for me. Said I needed to meet people."
Steve's laugh was sudden and loud, it scared away the smothering shadow of despair that had made its home there since you left. Bucky managed to crack a grin without too much effort, he eyes crinkling in the corners.
"Sam downloaded it for me too. It's a dating app. If Sam had known, if any of us would have known..." Steve trailed off and Bucky knew that was the extent of his admonishment. He knew now that he shouldn't have kept you a secret, of course he knew now that you were gone and it was over.
"That explains all the dames." Bucky joked, though the grin he had managed didn't stay. He wasn't insterested in dating, he wasn't one for relationships, or so he had always told himself.
"Can you help me delete this thing?" Bucky asked, holding out his phone. Steve nodded and accepted the device, fingers moving slow but more knowingly than Bucky's ever did. He handed it back after a few minutes.
"Can you help me with something else too?"
You arrived early to the training room, eager to see your friends and get moving. You were lonely all the time now, not just when you woke up alone. It was hard to fall asleep without the familiar cold weight of Bucky's arm across your middle. You were tired and alone, but everytime you picked up your phone with the intention of remedying your mood you imaged Bucky ignoring your call or text for some girl on tinder, or multiple girls your head would correct if you were feeling particularly negative.
Despite looking forward to seeing your friends you always had a nagging trepidation that made your heart rate speed up at the prospect fo seeing Bucky again. You thought it had been hard before, when all you had to do was keep your hands off him and your gaze infrequent, but now when all you wanted to do was yell and cry and hit and hug and kiss and hold, all those things took at least twice as much willpower to contain. Getting over him would be hard.
You entered the large workout space unprepared for the full house within. Your eyes flicked to the clock on the wall, confirming you were indeed early. Your friends and teammates seemed like they were all waiting for something, and that something seemed to be you. They stood shoulder to shoulder, the same look of anticipation on their faces, only Steve's smirk told you he was alone in his knowledge of the current activity.
You greeted your friends, coming closer when they didn't disperse from their formation. The door swung open behind you, causing all eyes to turn to the only other person not already in the room. You didnt need to turn to know who had just arrived, you noticed instantly that he wasn't there. Still, you turned around.
Bucky was smiling, and that's all you could really take in because the smile was so big and bright it filled you up to almost overflowing. He called your name and your heart skipped a beat, you hadn't heard his voice in so long and its smooth, deep, unique sound vibrated through your ears and into your chest. He met you in the middle and you didn't realize you had moved towards him until his hand came to rest on your cheek, fingers carding through the hair that hung in front of your ear. You wanted to savor his touch, you had been yearning for it, lamenting over it really, since you left, but all these people...
"Bucky," you whispered, eyes flicking to the side where you could vaguely make out your friends, "what are you doing?"
"Something I should have done from the beginning." He whispered back, his smile fading as the the nerves set in. He brushed his thumb over your top lip, staring intently at the motion. He clenched his jaw and swallowed before turning to address the silent gathering.
"About eight months ago I entered a relationship that until now I was hiding from all of you, from my friends. I wasn't ashamed," Bucky continued to address the team, though now his eyes were back on yours and you knew the meaning of his message was yours to hear, "I was afraid. Afraid of being vulnerable, afraid of losing control, losing the person I was. Because Bucky Barnes doesn't do relationships."
You felt the hot tear fall from your eye and trail down your cheek, meeting Bucky's palm and spreading itself into the seam between your flesh.
"I want all of you to know that I love this woman. I want our relationship back and I want it public. I want her to know I'm an idiot though I'm pretty sure she already knows." Laughter bubbled and burst from everyone's lips, though yours trembled with more emotion than amusement. You watched Bucky's eyes roam your face affectionately, his thumb absently brushing your lip again, spreading the salty wetness of your tears into the sensitive skin.
"So whataya say doll? Will you let me kiss you in front of all our friends?"
You smiled shyly and nodded, a grateful giggle escaping your chest. Bucky's other hand came fo rest on your hip, cold yet welcomed, and you shivered in anticipation. When his lips connected to yours you could hear the whistles and cheers but they slowly faded as Bucky poured everything he had into the kiss. You could feel his love, his regret, his hope, and his fear all at once as he kissed you deeply and fully. Your arms lifted to rest upon his shoulders, one hand running through his hair. You captured the satisfied groan he emitted in your mouth and swallowed it whole, letting it warm you all the way down to your toes.
Waking up was the happiest you ever felt. You shivered at the tired groan exhaled on the back of your neck and smiled as the weighty, mechanical arm, now warmed by your body all night, tightened and pulled you closer to its owner.
"Happy anniversary." Bucky grumbled sleepily, placing wet, sloppy kisses to your shoulder. You turned in his arms and accepted his plush lips and morning breath graciously. Bucky eventually ran out of steam and his lips relaxed as his eyes fluttered shut, you really wore him out last night it seemed. You pushed his hair out of his face and let your nails graze his sensitive scalp, he moaned in appreciation and tucked his head into your shoulder. You continued to card you hand through his dark hair and settled further into your pillow.
"Happy one year anniversary, Bucky. I love you."
@fuckthatfeeling @iheartsebastianstan @my-heart-belongs-to-bucky @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @nessieaceman @smallmarvel @salty-buchanan @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @paigeyisme @nereidwhisperer @magnificentgothcashvoid @that-bearshark @cometouchbutyouwillpayaprice @livetay84 @karmezii @joanne-egberp @just-add-butter
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