No Limits
This fic was written by everyoneinspaceisgay for electropeach ( @electropeach )  and can be found on AO3.
The everyone lives happily together after Fool’s Fate AU we all deserve!! Reading about Molly and Amber bonding is such a balm to our poor battered hearts *glaring at the last trilogy* 😭 This fic is so beautifully written, there needs to be a whole book about this sweet unconventional family.
Thank you so much for participating, and for this lovely, lovely fic 🥰
Books: Fitz and the Fool
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Molly Chandler, Amber, Fitzchivalry Farseer
Summary: Molly and Beloved talk about love, and Molly has some happy news to share.
“I may just be Molly Nosegay, Molly Redskirts, I am no prophet or catalyst,” she continued, “But I do want to tell you this. You may not set any limits on your love, but you do not deserve all that that has meant.”
“Nor did you”, I replied, meaning it fully, “But it hasn’t been all bad.”
“No,” she smiled again, taking my hand and leading me carefully out of the shed where she made her candles, and where I had taken to carving, the two of us sitting in what was first slightly awkward but was now usually a comfortable, companionable silence.
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haleths · 3 years
1, 3, 10, 22, 35 for the music asks?
oooo thank you  alright *cracks knuckles* here we go...
1 and 3 answered here!
10. what was your first concert? u2 on their 2015 innocence and experience tour at madison square garden. not too shabby for a first concert 😌😌
22. name a song that reminds you of one of your best memories: these remind me more of vague happy periods in my life rather than specific moments or memories but anyway - california soul by marlena shaw, kokomo by the beach boys, (i can’t get no) satisfaction by the rolling stones, and dancing in the street by martha reeves and the vandellas
35. name two musicians who haven’t already collaborated on anything who you think would sound great together: okay so this is literally neveeerrrr gonna happen but ugghh can you imagine if simple minds and tears for fears decided to collaborate on something?!! or even better if they’d collaborated back in the day when they were both at the height of their power AHHHH
🎵 send me music themed questions 🎵
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ilovejaskierthebard · 3 years
B, U, V?
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Weirdly enough, Yennifer and Renfri -it wasn’t a pairing I’d ever thought about before, and it was honestly some really good fanfic that got me wanting more. There’s something about their similar rage/ruthlessness that makes me think they could rule the world together and that’s hot.
U: Five favorite characters from 5 different Fandoms
Jeff Winger (Community), Ronan (Raven Cycle), Maggie (Trickster), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter, Vegeta (DragonBall Z)
V: 3 OTPs from different fandoms 
Stiles/Derek (Teen Wolf), Frank/Karen (Punisher), Jeffery/Annie (Community)
((THAT WAS THE HARDEST QUESTION lol I srsly was like?? there is so many???))
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natigail · 3 years
23, 42, 96? (Spotify)
Thank you for the ask!
23. Only The Young by Taylor Swift (I watched the documentary on Netflix back when it came out and since then, this song would not leave me, and I probably listened to it a lot in late October/early November just praying that US would not repeat last Presidential election)
42. Crying Over You (feat. RM & BEKA) by HONNE (such a lovely song, it’s one of those songs that wrap up around you and just exist with you for a while, and I’m so glad I checked it out, even if I primarily did so because Namjoon was featuring)
96. Neptune by Sleeping At Last (okay, I think I found this song because I loved the lyrics snippet from one of those quizzes going around tumblr? So I checked out the song and it’s such a good one, I’m glad it just managed to sneak into top 100)
Quite a nice and more varied look at my music taste than some of the other asks allude to, yay!
Send me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you my Spotify Wrapped (please indulge me and let me gush about my music)
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brenna-ivy · 4 years
1, 7, 15, 18, 35, 47, 52, 76, 82, 94?
1.  coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs! I love holding a warm mug in my hands
7.  earbuds or headphones? Headphones. More comfortable and more fashionable
15.  favorite book you read as a school assignment? I just realized that most of those are plays. It’s a close call between Equus and The Importance of Being Earnest.
18. Already answered :D
35.  average time you fall asleep? Somewhere between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m.
47.  favorite type of cheese? Brie <3
52.  favorite font? Don’t really have one. It’s different every time.
76.  what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Baked potato with skin
82.  pc or console? Really depends on the game. But I tend to prefer PC a bit more.
94.  favorite season? Fall! Still warm, beautiful colors, time for sweaters, hot chocolate, and spooks!
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mitskibf · 4 years
Purple, pink, copper, scarlet?
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
oof I really don't know,,,mostly because I don't read a lot of poetry
pink: what's your natural hair colour
already answered copper!
scarlet: favourite holiday
ooh ok so holi is fun but it can get creepy real fast. diwali is very fun but EXHAUSTING and technically I don't celebrate Christmas but I do get a week off from school so that's fun too
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aconissa · 4 years
Quilt, harvest?
quilt - how do you take your tea (or coffee)? tea with one sugar and a dash of oat milk, coffee just with oat milk
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why? idk who I MOST identify with because my fave characters don’t tend to be much like me, but I do really love & understand Hero de Vera from Elaine Castillo’s novel America Is Not The Heart. She’s a bi Filipino woman who joins the revolutionary communist forces during the Marcos dictatorship, and eventually migrates to the US after being captured and tortured during the regime. There’s a lot within her beliefs & capacity for love which resonate with me, but her life experiences also share a lot of similarities with my mum’s own and so I guess I feel a sort of secondhand understanding through her. Also just reading about a unashamed bi Filipino character was so fucking powerful for me 🥺
autumnal asks
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geminipdf · 4 years
4, 9, 16, 39, 42?
4.What do you study?
my major is called applied sociology and social anthropology and i specialize in history of ideas and urban studies
9. What’s the most important thing you have learned about yourself at university?
that i’m an actually very hard working person and that a lot of people rely on me for academic advice ... also that being a perfectionist sometimes pays off lol
16.What is your weird academic niche?
everything utopian! also reading surrealist academic rambling abt megacities AND slandering psychoanalisys
39. Are you involved in any clubs/societies/extracurriculars?
yes! idk how it’s called in english but i’m a part of my department’s student’s academic association and i do lgbt related projects with my friends there it’s really cool
42. What has been your favourite thing about university so far?
unlimited access to the university library in my city it was always my dream to be able to sit there for hours and take some books home UGH i miss going there fuck this virus :(((((((((((((
uni asks!
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buildarocketboys · 4 years
4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64
• 4. have you ever had a penpal?
Yes, I had one through tumblr but we've lost touch sadly.
• 14. have you ever traveled outside of your home country?
Yes, but never outside Europe (I'm from the UK)
• 24. what is your favorite scent?
In terms of perfume (which is how I read this question before realising it might just mean smell), I had a rose perfume from cath kidston that I really liked.
• 34. do you enjoy reading?
• 44. are you a dog or a cat person?
Both + neither. I like them both but I've never had a pet (except goldfish when I was like 5 lol) and I don't know if I'd trust myself to take care of one properly.
• 54. what is your favorite food and drink?
I'm currently kinda samefooding pop tarts? So I'll go with that. And I love an orange and passion fruit j2o ngl
• 64. ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Both? Ice cream is easier to get hold of and available in more varieties though.
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iero · 4 years
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 40?
4. Favorite Bullets song? 
Demolition Lovers! 
5. Favorite Revenge song? 
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us in Prison! I told my one friend that if they perform this at Riot Fest or the Philly show, I will personally just hop in the pit myself and probably get wiped the fuck out. Worth it, ha. 
6. Favorite Black Parade song? 
This Is How I Disappear! So underrated as a song and the bridge to this song is, like, one of my favorite parts of any My Chem song ever. 
7. Favorite Danger Days song? 
Vampire Money! So fun and full of energy and it just reminds me of an old classic rock song a bit. 
8. Favorite Conventional Weapons song? 
The Light Behind Your Eyes. It’s all my all-time favorite My Chem song in general. I love it so much. It’s so beautiful and perfect. 
10. Danger Days or Bullets?
Answered right here if you would like to take a look! 
11. Revenge or Black Parade? 
Also, answered right here if you would like to take a look! Sorry! 
40. Favorite MCR music video?
I love the simplicity of the I Don’t Love You video and how it’s just black and white. Also, all the members looked great in this video. The Ghost of You video is a pretty close second. It kind of hits your heart. 
Thank you so much! 😃
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asktonks · 5 years
1, 3, 7, 9, 11?
1. which hogwarts house are you?
3. would you have an owl, cat, or toad?
probably a cat!
7. favourite book and why?
hmmmm, it was initially my least favourite due to its length but i think order of the phoenix has grown to be my favourite tbh. mainly because i love tonks but also because i love the order a lot. it’s that or prisoner of azkaban.
9.  favourite movie and why?
this one’s definitely prisoner of azkaban! 
11.  who was the most evil character?
this is a tricky one. for me it’s probably gotta be fenrir greyback, i think. or of course fuckin voldemort but that’s a boring answer lmfao
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nonsenseandstuff · 6 years
everyoneinspaceisgay replied to your post “Is risotto a type of porridge?”
It’s a rice dish. Porridge is oats ?
Except it’s not! Not always, anyway. 
Porridge is often oats, but it can be any grain or cereal boiled in water, milk etc to a thick consistency. Like you can get barley porridge etc.
And the word porridge comes from ‘pottage’ which was a soup thickened with grains.
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bleutectic · 6 years
My name is Kit for the playlists! It's short aha but I use the surname Granger online (not my real one, wish it was aha)
k: kiwi - harry styles
i: in the middle - dodie
t: thunder - imagine dragons
g: get home - bastille 
r: rewrite the stars - the greatest showman
a: angel of small death & the codeine scene - hozier
n: natalie - bruno mars
g: get out while you can - james bay
e: evermore - beauty and the beast
r: riptide - vance joy
send me your name and ill make you a playlist!
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odetoaphrodite · 6 years
4, 16, 40, 57, 60?
4. what is your favourite word?no idea tbh
16. the last song you listened to?I’m going to do that last song that I listened to before the playlist you made and that song is Swamp Thing by The Chameleons
40. do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?sunsets
57. what is the last thing you drew a picture of?I think dan?? I’m rubbish
60. do you believe in aliens?absolutely, they’re out there somewhere
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huphilpuffs · 6 years
Reflect, aspire, discover?
reflect: what are three things you accomplished this year that you are proud of?
aspire: what are three things you want to achieve next year?
1. graduate high school2. get into and start uni3. write at least a substantial portion of a first draft of the novel I want to write
discover: what are five things you’ve learned about yourself or life as a whole this year?
1. there is no reason to feel guilty for needing assistance and using the resources available to you when you need them2. my depression is mostly situational and therefore the best way to deal with it is to avoid the things that, so to speak, “trigger” it3. pushing yourself is good, but can be detrimental4. people don’t have to always be on your side to be someone who’s presence is beneficial to your life5. I’m really fucking gay
new year, new asks
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gaymingvideos · 6 years
everyoneinspaceisgay replied to your post:  “hello i’m valo 🌟 yup!! i finally changed my name”
such a nice name! like "veh-lo"?
it’s like vah-loh !! it means “light” in my native language
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