#everyone's got such nice photos. then there's chef.
Round 2
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dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
[can (and most likely will) contain SOME poly hcs!]
« Shaw Pack headcanons »
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Younger David and Darlin' had a 'platonic confession' - as Milo and Asher put it - with each other (they confessed that they were besties for the first time)
Younger Darlin' was hella touch starved and tried avoiding it at all costs bc it made them feel weird; Darlin' now is constantly being touched and completely immune to it
Angel and Asher are VERY touchy feely, love language of physical touch havin asses
David and Baaabe are the cooks of the pack - Baaabe also makes snacks for pack meetings bc David's too preoccupied (Milo and Sam are good sous-chefs !!)
Sweetheart loves buying things and going to expensive ass restaurants with the pack (they're restricted for special occasions bc the pack doesn't want them going broke)
Angel and Baaabe met each other in college but never found out each other's names till later
Everyone is immensely protective over Sam (esp during pack meetings)
Sam and Darlin' stay getting cuddled and clinged onto bc they think that they're outcasts
Milo learned how to stitch at a young age so he could personally tailor some of his clothes shorter; he was embarrassed to get them done professionally
Angel likes wearing short clothes/bottoms so when their shoes untie, the pack's literally dolphin diving tying it for them so they don't have to bend down
David gets called 'mama duck' and he literally hates it
Someone always records whenever they all hangout for memories (I'd say Baaabe, David or Sweetheart)
Darlin' and Sweetheart are menaces when it comes to pissy chrissy, they love intimidating him (Darlin' looms over him and Sweetheart jumpscares him with cloaking)
Milo has a daily skin care/shower routine which is oddly complex
Angel spams the gc with David smiling when they catch him in a photo or to lighten the mood - everyone loves it
Angel got Asher hooked on cheek kisses (or vice versa)
Movie nights or sleepovers/camping go crazy
The pack has, at some point in time, all fallen asleep on or next to Sam (he's too comforting for his own good)
It's always Milo vs Asher till you bring Darlin' into the picture (2 against 1 and they still lose lmao)
Baaabe literally obliterates everyone at arcade games
David has his last name tattooed on the back of his neck; he says how they'll be his demise /j
Sweetheart stress cleans (twinninem)
Baaabe gives fantastic pep talks
Darlin' takes Angel out whenever they struggle with sleeping and don't wanna bother David (Asher sometimes goes too)
Sweetheart is the go to for missing stuff, they always manage to find it somehow
Sam lets the pack play with his hair
Angel got David to match fits ONCE and they were literally vibrating in excitement
The amount of 'embarrassing' old pack photos and videos that David hides is FEDERAL
Darlin' gives really nice hugs
The werewolves all shift and form a cuddle party, it's very cute (many photos for evidence)
Angel likes riling Darlin' up when their shifted and gets chased like a bat outta hell - they have literally mounted the rest of the pack tryna get away
Sweetheart always gives the pack's shifted forms head kisses before and after rubbing their heads
David won't admit it but he loves hanging out with Sam on the sidelines while everyone else is playing around (shifted)
Darlin' got assorted matching piercing with the listener mates (angel bites for Angel, gages for Baaabe and either a tongue piercing or snake bites for Sweetheart)
Milo gets picked up a lot for some reason - it only slightly pisses him off
They were all matching for the Summit, I might draw it to show what I mean
Sweetheart and Milo LOVE making and holding eye contact, they like how it flusters ppl (they always win staring contests/j)
Angel's super into interior designing, they interpret it thru minecraft bc I said so
Group therapy goes crazy/lh
I have so many thoughts abt them, I might have ta make a pt2 💪💪
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could I request more teen reader with the proxies just like general HC or scenario of stuff the squad gets up too
You absolutely can, I love this stuff. Wholesome found family content is one of my favorites.
Squad cooking lessons. I don't know why this was the first thing that popped into my head, but it did. Tim is one of the best chefs in the mansion, and he already gives Toby lessons every now and then, so he's started doing group lessons with you, Brian, and Toby so that he can teach you all at once. He lets you guys choose what you want to learn how to make, and he'll step by step teach you how to make the recipe, and he goes as slow as you guys need. It doesn't matter how well your dish turns out because he's just so happy and proud that you were able to make something, and he'll ruffle your hair and congratulate you. He's the hardest on Toby though, you guys always tease him if something goes really wrong with his dish.
Squad t-shirts???? Like you know those shirts where one says "I'm with stupid" and the other one says "I'm stupid"??? You guys have equivalents to that. I didn't know where this headcanon was going so I don't know exactly what all four of the shirts would say, but you guys definitely have a shirt combination that works and you wear them whenever you go out in public as a squad. Also, once you get those shirts, Tim totally gets all of you matching flannels. Tim LOVES flannels, and right now since it's fall it's peak flannel season he wears them all the time, so he makes sure you all have nice, high-quality flannels that match the ones he likes. Don't point out to him how adorable of an idea that was, he gets very embarrassed and tries to deny it.
Tim also takes you out fishing with him. I've said before that the proxies go out fishing with each other once a week or like once every other week since fishing is Tim's favorite hobby (and the creeps view it as a high honor if he invites you), so you get to go fishing with Tim when he invites the other two. It's a time for relaxation and no phones (except for group photos and pictures of whatever fish you catch), where you all just enjoy the peace of nature and the lake. If you ask Tim for fishing tips (even if you already know how to fish please ask him), he gets so excited and he'll help you set up your rod and help teach you how to cast your line and how and when to real it in. This is PEAK bonding time for Tim, it makes him so overjoyed to be out there with all of you fishing and having a good time. Plus, if you catch anything he feels SO proud and he gives you a big hug and takes a picture of you holding your catch and probably adds it to a folder he has of everyone and anything they've caught.
Also??? Maybe an underrated squad thing, but just grocery shopping together. You guys put together the list as a group, and you go to the store and it's just such a generic family activity to do, but it's so enjoyable, especially since it's something that Toby never got to do growing up, so the four of you enjoy going together to have some nice domestic happiness with all the stress and chaos in your lives. Plus, with all of you there it makes it easier to beg Tim for extra things like chocolate milk, or pizza rolls, or candy, or whatever it was that Tim said definitely didn't need to be on the list in the first place. If you and Toby beg him for it enough, Brian will smile and insist that it couldn't hurt to get it, so he'll sigh dramatically and get it for you guys because he loves you and he's bad at saying no sometimes. Plus Tim likes it when you guys all come along because then it's easier to get people to help him carry in the fuck ton of groceries you need to feed over twenty people in the mansion. You and Toby usually turn it into a competition to see who can carry in the most at one time, and it makes Tim worry about you guys dropping things, but Brian thinks it's really cute and wholesome. He always cheers you on and hopes that you win.
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xo-zozo · 9 days
could you do grayson angst, like whatever, just grayson, please? :D
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yes ofc!! ik everyone is excited for this one so i’m making longer just for the grayson stan’s (even though im not one of them) this is kinda just gonna be a mix of everything because why not
| tags: @nqds @lxvebelle @reminiscentreader @sophiesonlinediary @urbanflorals @annamatix
he was like one of the only babies that alisa ever liked so she would always try and take care of him when he was younger
i feel like this would also mean that they’re kinda close when they got older (like a aunt and nephew kinda relationship)
once xander pranked grayson and somehow died his hair green and it was there for a few months
he was elvis for halloween once and it actually looked good
he had a therapist when he was like 15 (nash forced him) and grayson HATED it so he never went back
even though we all know that he needs it
when he was around 4 he would diy all of his families christmas gifts
he’s a night owl and he stays up late reading
this applies to his brothers too but he would absolutely EAT up the passport photos and stuff
he was always the one trying to coordinate family photos even when he was really little (because he’s just like that
believe it or not, he actually has street style and he dosen't just wear suits all off the time
he thoroughly enjoys thanksgiving (not just because of the food but because it’s the only time his family settles down for a few hours)
because (i personally think) he can cook, him and libby occasionally team up with the chefs to make dinner
when he smiles (which is like never honestly) it’s actually really pretty
PROUD of his watch collection (and the pen collection ofc)
one of the only people in the world who reads the newspaper every morning and enjoys it
he taught jameson how to swim when they were little because none of the teachers could get jameson to do it right
picked up a bunch of weird hobbies when he was younger
actually had a big friend group in middle school before he got all angsty
listens to podcasts to fall asleep because he’s weird like that
occasionally will send his brothers a really nice text about how he loves them and they always make sure to check on him but it’s usually because he just wants to
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heartsteel-heartbeats · 7 months
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Heartsteel General HCs
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No warnings for this one, you may proceed.
(( just some cute little headcanons for all of the members. then i’ll get back onto requests! )) ~ OBBY 💗
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Yone : AroAce
Sett : Homosexual
K’Sante : Homosexual
Aphelios : Pansexual
Ezreal : Bisexual
Kayn : Bisexual
These are just my hcs. Ngl I’d date all of them if I could 👍
Everyone is always given a chore, Rhaast included. He’s not happy about it but Kayn convinced him by saying if he’d rather deal with Yone giving them an hour long lecture or if he’d rather listen in on K’Sante and Sett discussing workout notes (and almost get invited). Rhaast didn’t like either, so he does his chore once Kayn was done with his. Rhaast does tend to stall him though.
K’Sante is a pretty good chef and is usually the one to cook. Sure Sett is the best cook according to Aphelios BUT LET ME LIVE MY DREAM REAL QUICK. Anyway Sett remembers a ton of his mom’s recipes and likes sharing them. The two work together on that since K’Sante is always up for making something new.
Speaking of Sett’s mom, she sometimes visits and brings them some baked treats. Everyone’s usually on their best behavior around her since Sett made it pretty clear to not cause trouble around her. Kayn and Ezreal got dragged by him because they couldn’t behave, but that only happened once.
Ezreal’s social is full of selfies but there is also the occasional photo of food. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. You’ll find all kinds. Sometimes it’s food that was cooked in their shared house, from a restaurant, or it’s the baked goods that Sett’s mom brings in. Sometimes one of the other members leave comments ranging from Alune wishing she’d have a bite to Kayn and/or Aphelios outright saying they’re going to steal it.
I may have mentioned this before but I will say it again. Kayn and K’Sante sometimes run into each other late at night, though it’s really just K’Sante finding Kayn or Rhaast getting a late night snack or he sees the light in Kayn’s room still on. It sometimes leads to them having some deep conversation with K’Sante seeing a side of Kayn no one else would see. These conversations are strictly between them, of course.
Yone and K’Sante are the most trusted drivers of the group with Yone being the one who can drive for long periods of time (blame the cold brew). Like, I’m talking driving from state to state if he has to. Those two always take the front seats too.
This one wasn’t actually my idea but I thought it’s a really nice one. Kayn can draw and he has a secret sketchbook with doodles of the other members. Aphelios did find it while he was trying to play a prank on him and ended up backing out on his prank idea because it made his heart melt. The secret’s safe with him.
Sett definitely cried once over Ernest. You know that video of that girl crying over a dog named Mila? Yeah, that’s him.
Aphelios’ bed is about 80% plushies. Sett always finds a new one once every week and wonders how his bed isn’t 100% covered in plushies yet. He sometimes finds his own plushies hidden in the pile. Now he knows where they disappeared to.
Aphelios is also usually buried in a huge pile of them and it’s kinda funny to see him emerge from the pile…until you get smacked in the face with a plushie. Speaking of, Aphelios can easily beat everyone in a pillow fight. Pentakill!
Ezreal actually makes all of the stickers of the members himself and just slaps them wherever he can. Yone found some on the case that holds his drones, sometimes they were just slapped onto the floor (yes the carpet), the walls, counters, seats. Anywhere that’s a flat surface. He slapped one on Kayn’s back and was then chased around the house up until Yone stopped both of them.
Kayn once watched in horror how Sett put ramen in a microwave for a maximum of 5 seconds before taking it out and dumping it all into his mouth. He then told Akali about it. Aphelios has a video of the event and has it uploaded somewhere.
Rhaast likes to use Kayn’s magic to manipulate it into appearing as horns whenever he fronts. Kayn says he looks ridiculous but Rhaast thinks otherwise.
Ezreal once blipped out of his bed and into the living room with a loud thud. He was fine, but it woke up the entire group as a result and it’s sometimes brought up randomly. He’s not entirely sure why it happened it the first place now.
Sett made everyone matching beanies with a neat little twist on some of them to match each member. Rhaast’s face is on Kayn’s, Ezreal has stars on his, Aphelios has the moon, Yone’s mask is on his, and K’Sante has some weight lifts. Ernest has one too. Sett was pretty passionate about making these and wanted all of them to be perfect, so it definitely took a while.
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
sorry to post so much everyone, promise i will resume to writing fic only like, once every three months after this lol
“That is a very nice watch, Max.”
It’s Victoria who is the first to notice it, the two of them sat out on his and Daniel’s balcony, the August evening warm. Between them are two empty bottles of wine and a quarter full bottle of gin. Inside, her babies are sleeping on the pull out beds, and Daniel has taken Tom into their ‘hobby room’, where Max’s sim lives also, to show him the newest addition to his camera collection. Apparently the one Tom had been using to document their children as they grow died a smoky death last week, losing all the photos of baby Lio in the process.
“Daniel got it for me,” is all he says, glancing down at his wrist.
It’s Tag Heuer of course, because Max has to wear those kind with the sponsorship rules, but this one is much nicer than the big flashy ones he usually gets for free. More you, Maxy, Daniel had explained nervously when Max opened the box to see it for the first time. A classic, smooth black leather strap instead of the usual shiny silver metal, the face a little smaller, round. In the middle, where the two hands of the clock meet, a tiny little diamond that you can only see if you look close enough, like a secret. The real secret is, of course, the inscription on the back, the engraved cursive words, for my world champion.
It’s so lovely. Max hates it a little bit.
Victoria lets out a laugh that bounces loudly through the too-still night air.
“Oh no,” she says, voice teasing. “You do not like it?” When he looks up from where he’s been staring at it, her eyebrows are raised.
Max has had maybe a little too much to drink, if he’s letting his complicated feeling about the watch show on his face, but it is the summer break of course, so it’s okay, and this is his sister. Maybe he can tell her what he is sometimes too afraid to think about on his own.
“I like it,” he insists, “but-“
“Max it is okay,” she says with another laugh, her cheeks bright pink from the wine she has drunk. She says it like she is trying to help him by telling him how he feels. “Sometimes they do not always get these things right, yes? The nice thing is that they try.”
But that isn’t it. This isn’t like the time Tom brought Victoria a pair of shoes for her birthday and she had telephoned Max to ask unhappily, “do I look like the type of person who would wear Michael Kors,” like Max was supposed to know who that was. Daniel is good at presents. He is very good at making Max happy.
“I do like it,” he tries again, a little defensive now on Daniel’s behalf. His words slur together a little, and without realising it, he’s switched back to Dutch. “It is lovely, I- It even has something written just for me on the other side, so of course it is special, I just- I thought-“
He thinks back to that night, two weeks ago now, the first of summer break that they got to be alone together. The first of their break, five nights to spend in some outrageously flashy Ibiza villa that Daniel booked, 120 hours stretching out in front of them, almost too sweet like toffee.
By the pool, laughing together, as they twirled pasta around their forks. Daniel had made it for Max, one of his ‘sabbatical projects’, to get better at cooking. That way you can hire me as your chef Maxy, if I don’t get a seat, yeah? It was so nice because the rich tomato sauce almost tasted the same as Max’s favourite kind of soup, and when Max had told Daniel that his face had gone all soft the way Max loved to see it, like he’d said all the right words in the right order.
“I’ve got something for you actually,” Daniel had said then, and he’d leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of Max’s mouth before getting from his chair to go and get his present.
When he’d come back with a black box and a shy, nervous smile on his face, Max’s heart had fluttered like there was a bird inside his chest, beating it’s wings against his ribcage. Daniel wanted to-
But then it had been a watch.
Looking at Victoria now, he can feel the wonky line his attempt of a smile makes of his mouth.
“For a moment, when he gave it to me,” he explains, thumbing over the smooth glass of the watch face, “I thought it was- I thought, maybe, a different kind of jewelry.”
It takes a few seconds for realisation to spread across his sisters features, but when it does it doesn’t make him feel any better the way he’d hoped it would to share this.
“Oh Max,” she says, reaching for his hand across the table, and he wants to recoil at her pity, “I did not- I did not even know that was something you wanted.”
Which to Max, seems like a silly thing to say, because of course it’s what he wants. He and Daniel have been together for so many years now, why would he not? It’s what you do when you love each other and want to be together always. He’d thought, maybe, now Daniel was happy again and not racing, but-
“Maybe it is not what Daniel wants,” he says with a shrug, but just saying the words out loud make his eyes sting and his throat ache. He is probably just too drunk for this conversation.
Victoria hums, like she is thinking. Over the balcony, Max can see the shimmer of the moon bouncing off the sea. His face feels so hot suddenly, like he is melting, and he imagines diving into the cool water.
“Have you two ever spoken about this?” Victoria asks, and Max just shakes his head, not looking at her. “Then how can- How can you know he does not want to? Why- You could always ask him too, you know.”
She’s right, of course. It’s just- Max doesn’t know how to explain it. That he wants it to be simple, for Daniel to want Max so much that he can’t stand to not ask him. That Max is afraid if he is the one to ask, Daniel will say yes just because he wants to give Max what he wants, and not because he wants Max.
Behind him, he hears laughter, the sound of footsteps, and Victoria’s face looks up, worried, to the sliding glass door behind him. It opens. Max wipes his eyes quickly, feeling even more foolish than before as Daniel runs a hand through his hair, presses his cheek into the top of his head, just as drunk as the rest of them and asks, “what are you two gossiping about then?”
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duhragonball · 3 months
It's my birthday today, and the local grocery store was thoughtful enough to stock the Dragon Ball Z Reese's Puffs, so I'm gonna try it out. Join me, won't you?
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I still can't believe this is real. I mean, Reese's Puffa is kind of surreal enough as it is. It sounds like some satirical brand meant to poke fun at sugary kids' cereals. The box says "Made with REAL REESE'S Peanut Butter", the same way a fruit-flavored beverage will claim to contain genuine fruit.
The bowl on the box art is a Reese's cup, so it basically depicts candy being served in more candy. I'm old enough to remember when they would photograph cereal as "part of a complete breakfast", and there'd be grapefruits and toast and maybe a hard boiled egg. Basically they were admitting that the cereal was so unhealthy that you needed to eat three or four other breakfasts to make up for it. I just liked the photos because they were so picturesque. Ah, to have unlimited free time to prepare a leisurely 4-course breakfast while reading the paper. I just assumed everyone else was having toast with their cereal except my family, but yeah, it never really made any sense.
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I haven't even gotten to Goku yet, but first I want to talk about his spoon. I don't think we see him holding a spoon very often. He's usually a chopsticks kind of guy, or he'll just use his bare hands or even dunk his head into the bowl. It kind of looks like a ladle when he holds it like that, which implies he cooked this bowl of candy soup all by himself, and he's showing it off like a proud chef. This spoon kicks ass, is what I'm trying to say.
But the real reason I bought this is because of that orange hillbilly who needs no introduction. I wasn't even looking for Reese's Puffs. It was the furthest thing from my mind. No, I was stocking up on the old-man cereal I require to survive, when I just saw him staring at me, with his friendly-yet-confident smile. Goku's not pressuring you to buy the cereal. He's sure you'll enjoy it, but it's okay if you want to take a pass. He'll just enjoy all this peanut butter chocolate goodness all by himself. Goku is truly the ideal spokesman. How can you say no to this lovable hunk?
I'm kind of out of touch when it comes to cereal marketing, but I'm pretty sure this sort of cross-promotion is a rarity. Like, they once put WWE wrestlers on Wheaties or something, but usually if the cereal companies want a cartoon on the box they'll just make their own character. Or if the cartoon people want to put their guy in the cereal aisle, they'll just commission a whole new cereal just for that brand. C-3PO had his own cereal for a while. It was pretty good!
What I'm saying is that it's kind of unusual to see a popular character like this on a cereal box. The only exception I can come up with is Fred Flintstone on Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles, but I always assumed that those were specifically "Flintstones Cereal".
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Other than that, yeah, I can't think of any other examples of cartoon characters appearing on unaffiliated cereal boxes like this. Well, I drew my DBZ OC on a box of All-Bran today, but I don't think that counts.
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I wondered what was up with the picture of Piccolo on the back of the box, and it turns out that he's one of seven different characters you can find on the back of the box. Collect them all! Aw man, that Cell one looks fucking sick! I don't know how they distributed these. Maybe they roll them out in waves and Piccolo's came first. Or maybe it's random and I might have found a Cell if I'd checked more boxes at the store. Well, Piccolo's pretty good. I guess.
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All right, I just poured myself a bowl and Goku's cereal is gonna have to set course for Planet Oat. The dairy industry may not applaud my shopping choices, but I like oat milk because it doesn't spoil as quickly as cow milk, and it's got a nice oat-y flavor that compliments the cardboard taste of All-Bran.
I did not put Dawn liquid soap in my cereal. This time.
So what's the verdict here? Well, the first few bites were pretty tasty, and then I realized I was getting kind of sick of this as I made my way to the bottom of the bowl. The peanut butter flavor overwhelms everything. It has a very strong odor, so if you like Reese's peanut butter cups you can just sit this out in your room and savor the aroma. I barely registered any chocolate flavor at all. I mean, I believe they put it there, but the peanut butter is the whole story to this.
It's basically Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs from Calvin and Hobbes, only this is a special Peanut Butter variant they made. I never really appreciated the jokes about sugary cereals before. I grew up on Frosted Flakes and the like, but there were a certain class of cereals that my mom would just refuse to buy. My grandparents would have them, but I never really understood the difference between Frosted Flakes and Honey Smacks. As I got older, I ate less cereal in general, but that was mostly because I fell out of the habit of eating breakfast altogether.
But now I'm 47, and the only cereal I eat these days is bran topped with diced peaches and a couple of packets of artificial sweetener, so Reese's Puffs is way, way too sugary for my palate. It's not bad, but a little goes a long way for me.
When I was a kid, old people were always griping about all the stuff they couldn't eat anymore. I remember Isaac Asimov writing mournfully about how he couldn't have an Oreo cookie, which bummed me out because that was my favorite cookie back then, and it seemed that the fate of all humanity was to be denied the simple pleasure of enjoying them.
Now, I realize that a lot of the stuff that you liked as a kid just doesn't age up with you. Your tastes change, and you gain appreciations for new things that you wouldn't have appreciated before. That's not a bad thing. It's life. Things change, and you change along with them.
Well, you and I do, anyway. Not Goku, whose Saiyan biology keeps him looking exactly the same for sixty years so he can eat all the sweetened corn puffs he wants. But I don't envy him, is what I'm trying to say. I'm watching a wrestling show on PPV tonight, my mom took me to Cracker Barrel for lunch today, and I drew on a cereal box. I can't complain.
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 10 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 2
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T (for now, might change, might not)
Story Summary: Here
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, he is a bit of a dick though, more tags to come as the story develops
Word Count: ~1800 (literally double last chapter, lol)
A/N: Thank you to everyone who liked and commented on the first chapter! If you'd like to be added to the tag list, please don't hesitate to ask!
And thanks so much to @theradioactivespidergwen for the adorable divider!
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705
You checked your smartwatch for the time as you rushed down the sidewalk towards Daredevil. Your GPS had told you that it'd be faster to walk there from the Bulletin than take a cab given the time of day, but you were starting to wonder if maybe you should've taken your chances.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you spotted the restaurant up ahead then slowed a bit so you could catch your breath before reaching the entrance. Okay. It's fine, I'm on time, I got this.
You looked up at the restaurant. Daredevil was displayed in dark red lettering above the entranceway, with different patterns of dots underneath each letter. Huh. Interesting choice.
You reached for the door handle and pulled, only to find it locked. Shit.
You looked at the sign next to the door. 
Hours of Operation:
Sunday: 11 AM - 2 PM
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Thursday 5 PM - 10 PM
Friday - Saturday: 5 PM - 12 AM
You reached into your purse to call the restaurant… only to realize that you had left your cell phone sitting on your dresser at home.
You sighed. Great.  
"Can I help you?"
You turned as a pretty blonde-haired woman walked up and unlocked the door. "Oh, um, yeah, I hope so."
You dug a business card out of your wallet and handed it to her. "I'm with the New York Bulletin . I'm supposed to be interviewing Chef Murdock in a minute, but I left my phone at home so I'm unable to let him know I'm here."
The woman's eyebrows raised as she looked at your business card. "You're interviewing Matt?"
"Um, yes?"
The woman narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously. "Just a second, I'll be right back."
You waited as the woman went inside and locked the door behind her.
A few minutes later she returned and unlocked the door, this time with a friendly smile on her face.
She held the door open for you. "Come on in."
"Thanks." You stepped inside.
"I'm Karen," the woman said. "I run front-of-house."
"Nice to meet you," you replied.
Karen led you to a table near the right corner of the front entrance. "Matt'll be right out. Can I get you something to drink in the meantime?"
You shook your head. "Oh, no thank you, I'm fine."
"Okay, if you change your mind, let me know."
"I will, thank you."
You took your notepad and pen out of your purse, silently cursing yourself again for leaving your phone -- which was your only audio recording device -- on your dresser.
Since you couldn't even continue your brief research on Chef Murdock while you waited, you looked around instead.
The walls were all painted a soft white with the exception of the back wall, which was exposed brick with a built-in fireplace running along the middle of it. Side tables holding bottles of wine were the only choice of decor, giving the space a simplistic look.
You kind of liked it.
Ten minutes passed, then twenty… then thirty. What is the holdup, you thought to yourself. Surely he can't be that busy since they're not open for service yet .
You were just about to get up to go ask Karen if Chef Murdock had forgotten you were there when the kitchen door opened and Chef Murdock himself came strolling out.
His photo really hadn't done him justice -- his biceps strained against the sleeves of his chef's jacket and his jawline looked like it could cut glass.
Your eyes trailed up to his, which were hidden by the same red-tinted sunglasses he had been wearing in his photo. 
You swallowed and stood as he approached, sticking your hand out for him to shake as you introduced yourself. "Mr. Murdock, thank you for meeting with me. I was told that you don't do interviews."
He ignored your hand and sat. "I don't usually, but it seems like this one was… unavoidable. And it's Chef Murdock. I didn't spend three and a half years in culinary school to be called Mr. "
You hesitated before sitting and looking down at your sparse notes. "Okay, well then. Um, Chef Murdock, I'd like to start with a few questions, if you don't mind."
You took a deep breath. "Okay, so you're a Michelin star chef, correct?"
You looked up at him again. "Excuse me?"
"I'm a three Michelin star chef."
"Oh. Um, excuse me." Asshole . "As a three Michelin star chef, what made you want to open a restaurant here in Hell's Kitchen? Why not somewhere like Manhattan?"
"I was born and raised here in the Kitchen."
You smiled up at him. "Oh, so do your parents still live here? They must be very proud."
Chef Murdock raised an eyebrow. "Well they probably would be, except my mother abandoned me as an infant and my father was murdered shortly after the accident that blinded me as a child, which you would know if you had bothered to do a modicum of research."
Your eyes widened, your smile quickly falling from your face. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." That at least explained the glasses and the dots on the signage out front. It's Braille. "I had no idea, I --"
"-- didn't bother to come prepared, yes, that much is clear." Chef Murdock crossed his arms. "If this is the sort of unprofessionalism that everyone who works at the Bulletin shows, then I'm not sure I should be sitting down with one of their reporters. We're done here."
You opened your mouth to protest as Chef Murdock stood and stalked off, shocked that he had suddenly stopped the interview before it even had really started. 
You stood and put your notepad and pen in your purse, fighting back tears. What the hell just happened?
This was the first time you had ever failed at an interview -- you were known for both your professionalism and your ability to get to know your subjects on a deeper, more personal level in order to get them to open up to you.
You headed back to the lobby of the restaurant, willing yourself to not cry while you were still in the building.
Karen smiled over at you. "All done?"
"Um, yeah," you mumbled. "Could you let me out, please?"
"Sure thing." Karen unlocked the door for you, looking at you curiously. "Hey, are you okay?"
You shook your head. "Fine, fine, just gotta go."
You pushed past her and exited the restaurant, waiting until you had made it into the alley next to it before you burst into tears.
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Matt sighed as he took his glasses off and tossed them onto his desk. At least that's over . He hadn't gotten to where he was by half-assing anything and he certainly wasn't going to let anyone ruin what he had worked so hard to rebuild, especially some so-called 'journalist' who couldn't even bother to do some simple research before sitting down for an interview.
"What the hell did you do, Matt? Karen just told me that that journalist from the Bulletin just ran out of here practically in tears."
Matt looked up and crossed his arms in front of his chest as Foggy's familiar footsteps stopped in front of his office. "She came completely unprepared, Foggy. I wasn't going to waste my time sitting down with someone who couldn't even bother doing any sort of research before coming."
"That's because she hadn't had time to do any! The interview needed to happen right away because of deadlines and stuff for the paper so it got sprung on her at the last minute, just like I sprang it on you at the last minute."
He paused as Karen's footsteps approached. "Kare, do you still have Ms. Taylor's business card? Maybe we can try to salvage this."
Taylor? "Wait a minute, who?" Matt replied confusedly. 
"Kelsie Taylor? The food writer from the Bulletin ?" Foggy sighed exasperatedly. Jesus, Matt, did you even try to remember her name?"
Matt shook his head, beginning to feel bad for being so harsh towards you. "That's not who she said she was."
"Matt's right, it definitely wasn't her," Karen added. "At least, that wasn't the name on the card she gave me."
"Who was she then?"
Matt said your name. "She did say she was with the Bulletin though."
"Her card's on the front podium," Karen said. "I'll go get it."
Foggy turned back to Matt as Karen left. "You never were going to do the interview, were you?"
Matt winced. The last time he had agreed to any kind of journalistic endeavor had ended in disaster and almost complete ruination of his culinary reputation, and quite honestly he was terrified of it happening again. "I was , but --"
Foggy groaned. "Don't even give me that bullshit, Matt. Do you know how hard I had to work to even get you that interview? They were going to give the front page to Fisk , of all people!"
Wilson Fisk, who owned Kingpin's, had been suspected of being behind several popular restaurants' sudden closures (more than one being due to 'mysterious' kitchen fires), as well as having bought most, if not all, of the positive hype and accolades he and his restaurant had received. 
Matt scowled. He would be damned if he was going to let that bastard steal the spotlight out from underneath him. "Fisk? Really? He's not even a real chef! His sous comes up with most of his recipes, he just modifies it a bit and slaps his name on it."
"All the more reason for you to get that front page interview."
Matt heard Karen's footsteps approach again. "Got her card?"
"Yeah, it's right here," Karen replied.
Matt could smell the subtle scent of your perfume as Karen passed Foggy your business card -- something lightly floral with a hint of vanilla.
Foggy read your name off of your business card. "This says she's the Features writer."
Matt's brow furrowed. "Features? You said the food writer was doing the interview."
"I assumed she was but I guess since it was a front-page article they wanted someone else to do it." Foggy pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped at his screen. "Hang on, I'm gonna pull up the Bulletin staff."
Matt waited as Foggy pulled up the list of staff then tapped on your name. "Is this her?" he asked Karen, presumably showing her your picture.
"Yeah, that's who it was," Karen replied.
Matt nodded as his watch beeped with the time. "We have to get ready to open, but I'm going to go over to the Bulletin 's office in the morning to see if I can talk to her and straighten everything out."
He just hoped you accepted his apology.
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theharrowing · 2 years
🔥 this or that: bts chaotic date edition 🔥
this one isn't explicit but the first choice is about hooking up, so minors please do not interact!!! these descriptions got lengthy because my imagination went wild, so please bear with the word count, it's worth it lol.
one night stand where you quietly slide out of Taehyung's bed while he is still asleep OR one night stand where a snoring Namjoon has you pinned down with his limbs and you can't leave /// first date at a fancy restaurant where Seokjin won't stop saying he could prepare the meal better than the chefs OR first date at food cart in the middle of a busy night market with a very easily distracted Jungkook /// cooking a nice meal at Yoongi's home but he won't stop talking about the Roman Empire at length, for some reason OR dinner date with Hoseok but he won't stop snapping photos of his meal and posting them to IG and to his group chat /// a nice picnic in the park with Jimin, when suddenly, it begins to rain OR a museum date with Namjoon that takes 3 hours because he talks at length about every piece of art /// a first kiss with Jungkook that includes way more lip nibbling than you anticipated OR a sloppy make out session with Jimin in the back of the car (his driver can definitely see you) /// an amusement park date with Seokjin where he rides only the scariest rides, over and over again OR an amusement part date with Hoseok, who only wants to eat sweets and watch everyone else ride the rides /// a nice stroll with Taehyung that results in stopping to pet and speak to literally every single dog in sight OR looking over Yoongi's pet dad scrapbook while Holly lays in your lap
i'm leaving the top blank so that you can keep your answers with the original post and remove reblogs, if you'd like! feel free to tag your friends! i want to see what everyone says!!!
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Once Upon a Pixar (2026)
Hello. It's me, and this is the Pixar version of Once Upon a Studio called Once Upon a Pixar.
(The film opens with the headquarters at Pixar as the employees leave for the day.)
Pixar Intern: It's so incredible to think that George Lucas started Pixar back in 1979 until it was founded by Steve Jobs in 1986 40 years ago today. To think of all those talented animators and unforgettable characters who have been a part of the studio over the years.
Pete Docter: Yep. (as he and the intern turn around one last time) If the characters could talk to each other.
(Pete Docter and the intern leave as the door closes while the title comes up: "Once Upon a Pixar". The camera zooms into a photo picture of Woody, Jessie and Bullseye running on a record player. Woody glances back as everything seems quiet in the lobby.)
Woody: Psst! Atta. Princess Atta. You there?
(Princess Atta flies into the lobby and over to his picture.)
Woody: Is that it? They all gone?
Princess Atta: Yep, they're all gone.
Woody: Yee-haw! (he, Jessie and Bullseye leap out of the picture) Come on, Jessie, this is it.
Jessie: Let's get everyone. Yodel-ay-hee-hoo!
Joy: (gasps) There's the signal! All right, everyone! (she, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust jump out of their production cell) It's picture time!
Elio Silos: That's tonight?
Joy: That's now.
Ember Lumen: The 40-year group photo. (she and Wade jump out of their production cell as well) And the sun's going down. Come on, Wade, let's feel the burn!
Wade Ripple: Ooh, a fire pun. (chuckles) Got to like that.
(Suddenly, Arlo and Spot come out of their production cell as Wade gasps and goes against the wall.)
Arlo: (chuckles nervously) Sorry.
Woody: Picture time, gang!
Mei Lee: (chuckles) Okay, here we come!
(Mei Lee, Miriam, Abby, Priya and Tyler jump out of their production cell while they laugh.)
Abby: Wake up, everyone!
(The Oozma Kappa come out of their production cell as Squishy yells while Russell, Carl and Dug walk down the hallway.)
Russell: Whoa!
Dug: Awesome!
Russell: Oh, Mr. Lightyear! Get the folks upstairs!
Buzz Lightyear: Roger that, Russell. To infinity and beyond!
(Buzz Lightyear flies upstairs as Lightning McQueen drives happily down the hall with Mater.)
Mater: Yee-haw!
Merida: (jumps out of her production cell) It's picture time! (runs to the lobby) We're meeting at the lobby!
Flik: Okay! See you there!
(Miguel Rivera and Riley Andersen ride on Dim as Dim flies to the lobby.)
Miguel Rivera: (hollers)
(Francis gives a fun ride to Dash Parr.)
Dash Parr: Whoa! Higher! (laughs)
(Francis chuckles as Remy and Emile slide down the stairs as Luca Paguro lands on the floor and sighs as he catches Nemo.)
Nemo: Water.
Luca Paguro: (shudders and rushes to the counter)
P.T. Flea: No, no, no, there's no time for snacks!
Luca Paguro: Uh, Andy! A little help here?
Andy Davis: Oh, uh, let me see here. There we go, a nice bucket of water.
(Luca Paguro dunks Nemo to a bucket of water.)
Nemo: (grunts)
Linguini: (chuckles) Oh, waiter! There's a fish in the bucket! (laughs)
(Ernesto de la Cruz tries to get candy from the vending machine while he curses in Spanish as Mr. Incredible and Frozone walk down the hall.)
Mr. Incredible: Yikes! Do you think all the villains might catch up?
Frozone: Hmm. (freezes Syndrome in his frame) Not all.
Syndrome: (strains)
(Rex goes to the elevator with Imelda Rivera, Manticore, Ian, Barley and Laurel Lightfoot.)
Imelda Rivera: Going down?
Roz: Hold the elevator. I'm going to the lobby.
Rex: Huh? Oh, you've got to be joking.
(Joe Gardner hums to "Put On Your Sunday Clothes" while he draws Hector Rivera.)
Brook Ripple: Hey, black man. Shake a leg, will ya?
Joe Gardner: The leg won't make a difference, it's all in the wrist.
(Hector Rivera bursts out of the drawing as Joe Gardner shrieks in surprise.)
Hector Rivera: Ay! I haven't seen a fall like that since Spain. (fixes the chair) Oh! Much better.
(At the men's room, Hopper, 4*Town and Chef Skinner freshen up as Chef Skinner blows a kiss and chuckles. Suddenly, Tuck and Roll appear in front of his eyes, laughing, as Jessie opens the door.)
Jessie: Let's move it, gentlemen!
(While Lorenzo Paguro tries to free his wife Daniela Paguro from her picture, Giulia Marcovaldo walk with Buster, Mr. Mittens, Larry and Machivelli.)
Giulia Marcovaldo: Uh-huh. Meeting at the lobby. Don't eat the rats.
(Scud tries to eat Remy and Emile but Dante pops up and scares Scud away, thus saving the rats' lives. While Izzy and her team walk by, Mei Lee and her friends watch a cartoon on a TV.)
Izzy Hawthorne: Come on, everyone, you're gonna have nightmares.
(Zurg pops out of the TV and scares Mei Lee and her friends away, laughing. Back at the elevator, Roz makes it in time.)
Roz: Thanks very much for holding the elevator.
Rex: (groans)
Evelyn Deavor: I'm also going to the lobby as well.
Rex: Huh? Oh, come on!
(While M-O is being followed and annoyed by Dot, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson follow down the stairs, where Mr. Anderson is the one to drop his wallet and they laugh. Buster picks up the wallet and runs off with it.)
Mr. Anderson: Hey, Buster! Andy, get your dog!
(Woody follows up the stairs as he looks amused when he sees Underminer leading Colette Tatou with his hypnosis watch.)
Woody: Underminer? Underminer! You-- You stop that now, Underminer!
Rosie: Don't worry, Woody. (chuckles) I got this.
(Rosie hits Underminer offscreen unconsciously.)
Woody: Huh. (gasps) Wow.
(Woody looks up at photographs of John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich and Joe Ranft while he takes his hat off.)
Buzz Lightyear: Oh, Woody, where are you? We're at the lobby!
Woody: (chuckles) Got to go, but thanks. (puts his hat back on) On with the show.
(At the lobby, Woody rides on WALL-E with a fire extinguisher)
Woody: Yee-haw!
Mike Wazowski: Coast is clear, Sheriff.
Woody: Great! (holds the door open) Right this way, everybody.
(Sulley bumps into the door.)
Woody: Oh! Sulley, are you okay?
James P. Sullivan: (grunts) Never better, Eastwood. (accidentally trips the trash can)
Stinky Pete: I knew I'm surrounded by... (gets startled by Slim who rides on EVE) Idiots!
Slim: Tallyho! Whee! I'll show you the world! (laughs)
Woody: Oh, great, the ladder.
(Buzz sets the ladder while he hums.)
Mr. Dicker: Every time it gets hard. Money, money, money.
Woody: All right, everyone. Get-- Get together now. (to Tinny) Oh. After you, Tinny.
Emile: Oh. Pardon me.
Francis: (holds up a camera) Here's the camera, Lightyear.
Buzz Lightyear: (takes a camera and chuckles) Thanks, Francis. (climbs up the ladder)
Woody: Buzz, be careful!
Buzz Lightyear: (makes it to the top) All right, now where's the timer button?
Molt: Oh, oh! Three, two, one! (Randall Boggs grins)
(Buzz accidentally falls off while he screams and breaks the camera. As Buster walks to the broken camera, Buzz recognizes it.)
Andy Davis: Come on, Buster. (Buster runs back to Andy)
Buzz Lightyear: Huh? Oh, no. It's ruined.
Anger: Well, that was fun!
Sadness: Maybe we can try again in another forty years.
(The characters sigh disappointedly and are about to leave.)
Woody: Oh, no, no, wait. Come back. It-- It-- It'll be fine. It'll be...
(Just as the characters are about to leave, Randy Newman appears from nowhere while he plays "You've Got a Friend in Me" on piano with his orchestra.)
Randy Newman: ♪ You've got a friend in me ♪
♪ You've got a friend in me ♪
♪ When the road looks rough ahead ♪
♪ And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed ♪
Hopper: I knew this was gonna happen.
Randy Newman: ♪ You just remember what your old pal said ♪
♪ Boy, you've got a friend in me ♪
♪ Yeah, you've got a friend in me ♪
(While the song goes on, Mr. Incredible fixes the camera as Buzz looks excited and Sulley puts the ladder back in position. Manny and Gipsy lift Buzz to help him up as Buzz sets the camera up for the photo.)
♪ Some other folks might be ♪
♪ A little bit smarter than I am ♪
♪ Bigger and stronger too, maybe ♪
♪ But none of them will ever love you ♪
♪ The way I do, it's me and you, boy ♪
♪ And as the years go by ♪
♪ Our friendship will never die ♪
♪ You're gonna see it's our destiny ♪
All: ♪ You've got a friend in me ♪
♪ You've got a friend in me ♪
♪ You've got a friend in me ♪
(The camera flashes as the group photo in the Pixar hall is taken, and the short ends with a text "To the animators, directors and crew of Pixar who worked for 40 years on movies and short films, Thank You." and then the song ends.)
Well, I think this is the transcript. I hope you like it. I also hope Pixar does a new short film like Once Upon a Studio did. Have a Happy New Year.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Joseph Quinn x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Joseph Quinn Masterlist ♡ Confessions Masterlist
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warning: none.
Also the photo is just to show the outfit, not what I am picturing the reader to look like. Please imagine your gorgeous self in one these dresses or even in a dress you may want to wear for this event.
Summary: It is finally the day, where Joseph Quinn will be marrying his long-time girlfriend YN.
Joseph Quinn's POV:
I was standing looking over the balcony of our venue. Not believing that this day has actually arrived.
After I proposed to YN, she flew back home and I continued to tour and making appearances.
Making sure to call her each and every day. It didn't matter what time it was back home, YN always answered the phone.
We started to talk about our wedding and when and where we wanted it to be. How long we should push it off for, with my schedule and the baby coming soon.
But when she went to look at our dream venue, they only had one spot available as the couple cancelled.
The date was only a month after I proposed and when YN called and told me, I said take it. We can make it work.
Which we did.
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Our families were a massive help with getting it all prepared as well as our friends. We have one friend who owns a flower shop and they prepared everything and YN's cousin is a chef who took care of the catering.
Two of our friends were wedding planners and they worked together to make us have our dream wedding.
The whole event is taking place at the Hintze Hall at the Natual History Museum in South Kensington. We made sure to book as many galleries so our guests could have a great time.
"You ready?" My Dad asked as he pulled me from my thoughts.
"More than ready." I said back to him with a smile. I have waited my whole life for this moment and I just know that my YN is going to look gorgeous, but then again she always does to me.
"I saw YN and she looks absolutely beautiful Joe. Your Mom can't stop crying over her and neither can hers."
As I walked to my spot at the end of the aisle, I noticed everyone who is there. Our friends that always told us that we would some day be together, but we just laughed them off.
Really trying to hide our feelings for one another at the time.
The friends we have both made over the years from our jobs, which for those friends I have made, I am shocked that so many were able to come.
When I saw Joe Keery standing there with his girlfriend, it stunned me as he wasn't sure he could make it.
But when I saw him, he smiled at me and we gave each other a hug. "Glad you could make it." I said to him.
"And miss out on this? You have to be kidding me Joey." He is now sitting in the third row with a massive smile on his face.
Jamie and Jess couldn't make it for today, but YN and I had a nice dinner with them the other night.
The music changed and we all looked down the aisle to watch as the first bridesmaid started to walk.
I was trying to keep my composer as best as possible, but I knew when I saw YN I would lose it.
Once the music changed and everyone stood up and turned to watch as the love of my life walked down the aisle towards me.
YN looked absolutely gorgeous and my brother actually slapped my back a few times so I would actually breath.
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I could feel the tears streaming down my face as she got closer and closer to me.
When her hand was placed in mine, I squeezed it three times and she squeezed back. Our special way that we say we love on another when we can not talk.
I felt like I was in my own world as I looked at YN. Whatever the minister was saying just sounded like white noise in my head.
"Now Joseph and YN have written their own vows."
YN's Maid of Honour handed her the vows as did my brother for me.
"Joey, since the day I met you, I knew you were special. You made me feel welcomed on my first day at a new school and made me feel like I belonged. From that day forward I became a true believer that you do not find true love, but true love finds you."
She took a deep breath and continued.
"You, more than anyone else, know my insecurities and weaknesses and still never make me feel inadequate. You have always loved me without reservations. You praise me in a way I never thought was possible and because of you, I am the best woman I can be."
I wiped away a few of her tears.
"I cannot promise I will always be the perfect wife, but I promise to love you through the good times and bad. To choose our love every single day. I promise to always fight with you and for you, never against you. I promise to always be your biggest fan, confidant and best friend. I promise to remember we are not perfect—only perfect for each other. I promise to love you without hesitation or boundaries from this day forward, for the rest of my life."
I could hear a few sniffles from our crowd.
"Everything in me recognizes your heart as my home and your arms, my shelter. I love you Joseph Quinn, forever and always."
I wanted to kiss her right then and there. I knew YN was nervous about her vows, but they were just perfect.
"My YN, we started our journey over 18 years ago and if you told me then that we'd be standing here today celebrating our wedding in front of all of these people here today, I honestly never would have believed it. It is truly a dream come true.
Over the years, we have built the foundation of a loving relationship that I know will stand up to the test of time. Together, we have embarked on amazing adventures and overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. Ultimately, we have gained the love and acceptance of all who matter most to us and the evidence surrounds us here today.
First and foremost, we both share the belief that our family is the most important thing in the world. I cannot wait to start our new family together and I promise to always put your needs and the needs of our family before my own or anyone else's.
You have always said to me that the worth of a person is determined by their kindness and the quality of their spirit. You have also shown me what unconditional love feels like. And so I promise to treat you with kindness throughout the rest of our lives together and to always love you unconditionally.
Lastly, I am so proud of how much you and I both have accomplished in our professional lives and careers over the past few years and I am certain that none of it could be possible without the invaluable support and encouragement we provide each other. As your life partner, I promise to support you in all of your personal and professional pursuits. I will always be your biggest fan cheering you on from the sidelines. I love you very much, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
I had to stop a few times to get it out. My tears blurred the ink on the paper.
"Do you Joseph take YN to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"So you YN, take Joseph to be your lawfully wedded husband."
"I do."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
The words were barely out of his mouth and I was already kissing her. One hand cupping her cheek and the other one was resting on her stomach.
Our friends and family stood and clapped for us as we walked down the aisle. Now it is time for pictures.
The photos took a while, but we made sure our guests had plenty to do if they wished.
It was dark by the time we got to the reception and I peaked inside and my mouth almost dropped open at the sight that greeted me.
"What is it Joey?"
"Take a look YN." She peaked through the door and gasped.
"It is beautiful. They did such an amazing job."
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It was almost time for our big entrance. We are going to have our first dance and then eat.
We decided not to do speeches, but we will have a camera go around and people can speak then.
We can hear the DJ get ready to announce us. "I now present to you Mr and Mrs Joseph Quinn." And the doors were opened.
Everyone was whooping and hollering for us. Photos were being taken by everyone to catch this moment.
Our first dance as husband and wife.
I placed my hands on her waist and pulled her gently towards me, being ever mindful of her stomach. YN wrapped her arms around my neck and the music started.
The two of us became wrapped up in one another as our song played. The song that was playing in the background when I first told her I love her.
All I am, All I'll be
Everything in this world
All that I'll ever need
Is in your eyes
Shining at me
When you smile I can feel
All my passion unfolding
Your hand brushes mine
We were both humming to it but as it got to the chorus, I started to sing it.
"I do cherish you. For the rest of my life. You don't have to think twice. I will love you still. From the depths of my soul. It's beyond my control.I've waited so long to say this to you. If you're asking, do I love you this much?. I do"
"I love you Joey and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together."
"And I love you YN Quinn and I will show you every single day how much I love you."
Part 2 ♤ Final Part
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Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @cashwheelersgirl89 @choclate32 @jajqtfjplgop-obsessed67 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @cuzimacomedian @kellysimagines @eddiemunson17 @hb8301 @ajkamins
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Seungmin x Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Sum: your rich boyfriend takes you home for his birthday weekend and thing get a little hott in his childhood bedroom.
Tigger warning: COCK RING, unprotected Sex, Fingering, cock play and some more disgusting shit If you are not 18 please do not read!!
Note: this one was really fun, I hope you like reading this as much as I loved writing it. 
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"Min, you have no idea how excited I am…. I get to see the house you grew up in…. omg, I hope your mum shows me all your cute baby photos," you squeal as you pack your suitcase.
"Oh god, I hope she doesn't" Seungmin was packing the other side of the suitcase. You found it adorable that he wanted to share things with you.
 "Oh babe…did you want me to pack your face stuff?" He said, walking into the bathroom.
 "Oh yes, please" he comes out shortly after and hands you the stuff over your shoulder. "I hope your family will like me" this was going to be a big birthday celebration for Seungmin this year. His mother invited everyone she knew.
 "Hey…. stop it. My family will love you…. just like I do" he kissed your cheek.
 You had only been with Seungmin for four months but had previously met his sister, with whom you seemed to get along.
 Seungmin realises you've gone quiet and stops packing. "Y/N you, okay?" He moved his body, so he was now leaning into your face.
 "Huh? Yeah, I'm just nervous" you smile, starting to pack the clothes again. Seungmin grabs your cheeks with one hand and squashes them together, marking your lips pout. He places a soft peck on them. You close your eyes as he does Seungmin's way of easing your anxiety about everything and anything. He smiles "don't be nervous…. I've got you, okay?"
 Even though it had only been four months, it felt like a lifetime you had been with him. He was indeed your soulmate.
 You arrive at this beautiful Manson on the outskirts of the soul. "Seungmin, you didn't tell me you are rich."
 "I'm not. My parents are" he picked the suitcase up and carried it to the top of the entranceway. Seungmin rings the doorbell, and a man in a black suit answers, "Norman, long time no see" Seungmin hugs him.
 "Seungmin, welcome home, sir….and who might this stunning young lady be" Norman smiled as he opened the door wider.
 "This beautiful young girl is my girlfriend, Y/N", he smiled.
 "Well, a pleasure to meet you, Y/N…. I'm Norman Mr Kim's butler." He put out his hand for you to shake, and you return the gesture.
 "I will let your mother know you are here" Seungmin takes your hand in one hand and the suitcase in the other.
 "Tell them I'll be down in a minute. I'm just putting our stuff in my old room" he leads you up to his childhood bedroom with the biggest grin.
 "This is it", he smiles as he opens up to an enormous bedroom you've never seen—a massive king-sized bed with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city of Seoul.
 "Seungmin, this is beautiful" your eyes
 glisten in the moonlight. "You want to know something," he said as he kissed behind your ear.
 "What's that?" You blush as his arms wrap around you.
 "You are the first girl that's ever been in this room" he continues to kiss down your ear and to your neck.
 "Oooooo, I feel special" he pulls back and spins you around to face him, "let's go…. the quicker we say hello to my parents, the quicker I can bring you back up here and undress you", his cheeky little grin gets you every time.
 You both walked down to the kitchen, where Seungmin introduced you to his mother, helping the chef cook. "Hey mum", Seungmin interrupts. She spins around in shock.
 "You here…. you came" she wraps her arms around him. He pays her back. You are standing behind him, so you smile when she opens her eyes.
 "You must be Y/N" she lets go of Seungmin and hugs you next, squeezing you tight.
 "It's so nice to meet you," you said as you hugged her back.
 "Seungmin, why didn't you tell me Y/N was coming," she said, pulling away from you and turning back to Seungmin.
 "I meant to. I'm sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
 “Come sit, let’s eat…. Seungmin, your father will be here soon” she points to the table where Seungmin pulls your chair out.
“Thank you” Seungmin leans down and smiles
“You are very welcome, my love” he kisses you softly when the kitchen door opens, and Seungmin shoots straight.
“Dad”, you see Seungmin body stiffen, almost like he was scared.
“Seungmin, good to see you’ve finally come home” he slaps Seungmin’s shoulders, squeezing them.
Late Seungmin’s sister arrived.
“Ari, hi, omg”, you get up and hug her
“Hi y/n, so glad you're here” she squeezed you in excitement.
“Come come, let’s have dinner.”
You are all having a lovely dinner when Seungmin’s dad says, “so does this mean you’ll be joining the family business” Seungmin’s mum aggressively puts down her cutlery.
“You can’t go one day without bringing this up, can you,” she said, grinding her teeth.
“I’ll repeat it…..I’m happy where I am” Seungmin didn’t seem fazed by the tension.
“When will you stop this stupid Bobbie of yours” his father dug the knife deeper.
“Why can’t you just accept I’m happy” Seungmin squeezes his hands into a fist.
“When are you going to wake up from this fantasy you live in” Seungmin stand and pushes his chair back, storming off up the stairs and down the hall.
“Please excuse me” you smile as you follow Seungmin down the hall and into his room.
Seungmin is lying on his side on the bed.
“Hey…hey…look at me” you pull Seungmin’s face rolling him onto his back. You reposition yourself on the bed.
“What your dad said to you…. It’s so far from true, Min” you caress his face leading him to shed a tear. He leaned into your head as you cupped his face.
“Why can’t he just accept me” he curls into your chest, shoving his face into your breasts.
“You know what would make me feel better” was what you could make out as he sounded muffled.
You pull him up to meet your face by his hair. “What is that?” You smile. He leaps on you pushing your head down into the pillow.
“This”, he dives in, his lips moving with yours as his hand hovers over your underwear.
“Seungmin….we can’t do this at your parent's house” you try to get him off you.
“No one can hear us”, he smirked.
“How do you know….I’m the first girl you’ve ever had in here” you look at him while you rephrase the comment he made before.
“You are,” he said confidently, “but everyone is on the other side of this big house.” He starts to kiss your chest.
“Seungmin, your deflecting,” you said, doing nothing to stop him. He pulled up your shirt, revealing your stomach. Slowly and softly kissing round your stomach, raising your shirt as he worked his way up.
“Seungmin, we need to discuss this…..you can’t just defect and hope I forget about it” again, you do nothing to stop him from lifting your shirt over your head and throwing it to the floor.
“Can we talk after” he doesn’t give you the time to answer before he slides his hand down your pants.
You moan softly. Seungmin then takes that as an invite to run his index finger along your slit.
“Fine, Seungmin, you win….we will talk after” you bite your bottom lip. Seungmin starts sliding his index finger into your pussy.
“You are always so tight for me, baby”, as he starts to play with your clit.
“Ahhhhh Seungmin”, you moan, causing him to grunt at the sound of you calling his name. This made him harder than he had ever been.
“I’m gonna make you scream my name”, he grunts in your ear. You pull him into your body and start kissing behind his ear.
“You can try,” you say cheekily. Well, Seungmin took that as a challenge.
He inserted his fingers inside you and started to move his fingers, rubbing your G-spot. He uses his thumb to stimulate your clit. “Oh, Seungmin”, you moan.
He chuckled “see. You're already moaning my name” he smirked and pulled his fingers out of you.
You were so wet, and Seungmin had barely even started. Hell, your pants were still on.
He rolls over and brings you with him “ride me” he begins to raise his leg into your crotch while slowly gliding your hips back and forth.
Your clit is now rubbing against your clothes, causing you to move closer to your high.
“Seungmin, I’m gonna come”, you say as you press harder into his thigh.
“So soon, baby”, he pouts. You continue to grind on his leg until you feel your legs start to shake and this warm sensation rise in your body.
“F-fuck”, you grunt as you jolt from the intense orgasm.
“Now, let the fun begin,” he said, laying you down on the bed.
“Seungmin…Let's stop. We are going to get a court,” you said as he hovered over you again.
“Well, it’s my birthday”, he frowns. How could you say no to him on his birthday?
“Seungmin”, you frown back. Are you sure we're going to put up a fight tho?
“All I need is 15 minutes” he kissed under your chin and down your jugular.
“Seungmin,” you say in a stern voice.
“The next time you say my name Y/n it better be because I made you come again” he kneels in between your legs and starts to undo the buttons. Seungmin slid your pants off and down your legs, throwing your shorts across his room.
“Let’s see where to begin” he clicks his tongue while stroking his cock through his pants.
“Wait…I bought you a gift” you forgot that a couple of weeks back, you went into the sex shop and bought a vibrating cock, right. You get excited and get off the bed to your bag. You bought Seungmin a couple of gifts; this was the gag gift. You weren’t sure if he would want to use it, so you purchased him another gift in case this one didn’t go down well.
You turn around, and Seungmin is on the bed naked cock hard with his hand behind his head. “Is that a cock ring” he smirks. You grin from ear to ear “put it on” you heard it’s supposed to make them more sensitive and can even make them last longer. The thought of Seungmin being able to last even longer than he already does you shiver with excitement.
You practically skip over to the bed “ allow me”, Seungmin nods and grips the old bed Frame behind him. “Wait, babe, you have any lube” dumb question. You are in Seungmin’s child's bedroom. He had confused you. He used to wank 3 -4 times a day.
“Dumb question….fourth draw”, he laughed and pointed.
“Thanks” you grabbed the tube out and lubbers up the cock ring. Rolling it down his penis.
“Fuck”, he moaned, and he bit his bottom lip.
You make sure you crawl up his body and place a kiss on his lips. “So let’s get started then” you pull your undies off and sit down on the base of his shaft.
“Fuck, it feels so good already”, he cries outs. Your tech for the tiny button at the back turns on the vibrations “fuck, what Is that” he flicks his head back as you start to ride the shaft of his penis. The pulses send shivers up your spine.
“Baby, you are so fucken hot….let me take this off you,” he says, moving your freshly curled hair to the side and sliding down your back to unclip your bra. Seungmin was a boob man. He loved to suck and play with your tits during sex. You giggle as Seungmin’s face lights up as he pulls your bra down. “I missed you girls,” he said as he latched on, starting to suck and squeeze your Brest into his mouth. Seungmin rolls you over and is now on top and in control. “Can I uhh” you always found it so cute how Seungmin would ask for permission to enter you.
“Yes,” you say as you line his penis up with your entrance. He slides in easy as you are so aroused.
“Fuck”, you moan as the vibrating cock rings your clit.
“How does it feel,” you say as he pounds into you. He grunts Seungmin was usually so vocal during sex.
“You?….or the cock ring?” He had both arms lifting him, stopping his body from crushing you.
“Both”, you giggle.
“Fucking amazing”, he replied and bent down to kiss you, his hips starting to grind into your, causing the tip of the cock ring to hit your clit.
“Good because we don’t have much more time,” you say, pushing him deeper. Your vagina starts pulsing, casing Seungmin to thrust harder.
“I’m am so close, baby” can Bailey get the words out. You start to buck and grind your hips against his thrusts, causing you to cum.
“M-min”, you cry as you pulse around his cock.
“Y-Y/N, I’m cumming, god”, he cries out probably too loud, and he helps you ride out your highs. He pulls out and lies down on the bed, exhausted.
“Let’s get this off you” you roll over and take the cock ring off.
“You know I love you, right,” Seungmin said. You were shocked because even though you knew he did, he had never really said it to you.
“I love you” you kissed his swollen lips and curled up to spoon him.
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animeniacss · 4 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 14 - So Close
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.9k words
Chapter 14 - So Close
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            He has to confess to you or tell someone he’s not in a contract with that he’s an angel. He hasn’t done that yet, but since his feelings are so intense…
You felt your cheeks heat up at the memory. That entire conversation - the entire night - replayed in your mind like a bad movie that you couldn’t turn off. It was later in the evening, as with the feeling of a brush running through your locks, you should be feeling things other than guilt and nerves. Minnie, as always, was helping you get ready for dinner. You looked at yourself in the mirror as Minnie brushed your hair back. “What are you guys planning for dinner?” You asked, hoping the change of subject would help quell your growing thoughts.
“Mingyu had tons of really good meat and fish brought to the house, and a chef is going to cook everything.” She grinned. “It’ll be delicious.” Minnie then shook you a bit. “But don’t worry about us, tonight is about you and Mingyu getting all lovey-dovey!”
Her excitement made you smile a bit. “I feel kind of bad that we’re going out alone without everyone else.” You said.
“Don’t. Mingyu said when he asked everyone they were all for it.”
You pursed your lips together. Maybe you forgot about one negative memory, but another popped right into your head. Mina pointing her flash phone at you both, a sad look on her face as she promised to take photos. “Even Mina?”
You saw your friend frown from your view in the mirror. “Why do you care about Mina?” She asked. “She’s actively trying to get Mingyu for herself.”
“I thought we got along pretty well this weekend. She even helped Mingyu decorate.”
“She wants to play the role of the nice girl so she can swoop in and snag him the first chance she gets. But she backed herself into a corner by helping Mingyu. He’s totally going to confess his love to you tonight.” You felt your ears turn hot as Minnie squealed behind you, shaking your shoulder. “Oh, it’s going to be amazing. I wish I could see it.”
“Stop, you don’t know that will happen.” You said. “He’s just being nice.”
“All I got on my birthday from Mingyu was a nice plant for my apartment. I didn’t get a weekend getaway with a private dinner reservation.” You smiled at the comment as Minnie finished your hair.
“To be fair it is a nice plant.”
“It’s the only one I’ve ever had the hasn’t died because I think it would crush Mingyu’s heart.” She laughed. “There. Perfect.” You admired the little curls she put through your hair for a moment, pressing them together with your finger only to let them freely bounce upon release. “I’ll leave you to get ready, okay? It’s almost 7:30.” You watched as Minnie exited the room, leaving you to settle into your red dress from your first date. You grabbed it off the rack, looking at yourself in the mirror with a smile. You could already see the night you first wore this, the fun you both had together over dinner. The idea that it was happening again made your heart soar. You were quick to start changing, wanting enough time to hype yourself up.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu was fixing his tie in the mirror as he waited for you downstairs. Seungkwan and Hoshi were already out back, drinking and chatting with Woozi, who had much been better at integrating himself into the group. Mingyu put his hand in his pocket, where a hard, thin box brushing over his fingers. It made him smile, confident for the night ahead. He turned around, fixing his suit jacket when he saw Mina approach him. Mingyu blinked.
“Mina.” He said, before smiling. “Thank you for all of your help this weekend. It turned out better than I thought.”
Mina didn’t seem to find joy in the compliment. “Your father told me before I arrived that you were going to take me out to dinner this weekend.” Mingyu frowned, his father’s request immediately crashing into his brain like a train that lost its breaks. “I didn’t want to be pushy because it’s your friends birthday. But tomorrow’s our last day here and-.”
“Mina,” Mingyu said. “I’m sorry. I told you already that I have no intention of starting anything with you.” Mina took a shaky breath as Mingyu continued. “If I did, it would just be me lying to you and you don’t deserve that as much as I don’t. I thought you coming here was proof that was over.”
“Yes, but.” Mina sighed.
“You’re not my type,” Mingyu added simply.
“Then what is!?” Mina asked. The stamp against the floor her shoe made startled Mingyu as it echoed through the living room. “I can be that. I will be that. You deserve that.”
Mingyu smiled a bit. “Thanks, that’s sweet.” He said. “But I don’t expect you to change anything for me. I’m not one to lead women on, either. If I’ve done that at any point since you’ve arrived in Korea-.” Mingyu offered Mina a deep bow, and her eyes widened. “I’m sorry. Truly.” Mina felt her throat close a bit, and she wiped her eyes.
“Your father won’t be happy. He’ll be upset.” Mingyu, once again, had to smile.
“Don’t use my father like that.” He said, gentle in his request. “You don’t strike me as that type of person.” Without another word, he gently moved past her and went towards the back porch, sliding it open. As Mina heard the other boys cheer for Mingyu and admire his appearance, she rubbed her arms, sniffling. She tried desperately to wipe her eyes. She looked down at her bag, which was slung over her shoulder despite being inside. As she took the Sakura keychain into her hands, she remembered the gentle face Mingyu had as she gave it to her.
Thank you for being so cool with all of this. I hope we can be friends going forward.
“I’ve backed myself into a corner,” Mina whispered to herself, sinking onto the couch. She wiped her eyes and sniffled. Gripping the keychain in her hand, she felt a sharper side of the metal pinch into her skin. “I have tonight to make this right.”
She pulled out her phone, immediately pulling up the many photos she had taken of the weekend thus far. She had to do it, she needed to. If she didn’t, what was the point of wasting an entire semester in another country? But it would be worth it, right?
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
You were smoothing out your dress when there was a knock at your door. You grabbed your earrings, hurrying over to open it. “Coming.” You called. As you slipped one earring into your ear, you opened it to reveal Joshua and Jeonghan. “Oh! Hi.” You smiled. “You’re not downstairs cooking?”
“We were,” Joshua said. Immediately, their hands raised, a small pink bag spitting up tissue paper gripped in their hands. “May we?”
“Wh- What’s this?” you asked. As the duo slid in, the closed the door behind them.
“It’s your birthday,” Joshua said. “What does someone get on their birthday?”
“Gifts.” Jeonghan grinned. You felt your heart skip a bit as they motioned the bag towards you.
“What? You guys didn’t have to get me anything!” You gasped, taking the bag into your hands.
Jeonghan looked offended. “Of course, we did! You think we wouldn’t?”
“Hoshi said we weren’t doing presents until later, though.” You said. “When Mingyu and I got home.”
“Well, we had to make sure we got our present to you first,” Joshua said simply. “It will overshadow Mingyu’s, and we need to make sure he knows that.” You chuckled a bit. Jeonghan reached out, nudging the gift a bit like a cat.
“Open it,” he said. You sat on the bed, setting the little bag on your lap and removing the tissue paper. You lifted it up, seeing a little box inside. When you looked over at them, they were stunned by your wide eyes.
“Guys this looks like a ring box.” You said. “What are you-?” The duo laughed in amusement. Despite the past few days, Joshua found himself more amused than anything.
“All of our plans for eloping on the island have been a bust.” Jeonghan looked at Joshua, both jutting their lower lips in a dramatic pout. “It’s not that. Just open it.” You did just that; opening the box to see a little pin inside. You blinked as you reached down to touch it. The silver pin was designed to resemble that of angel wings, folded together. The way they were folded resembled a little heart that encircled the wings. When you looked up at them again, you couldn’t contain your smile.
“This is so cute.” You breathed out, looking back down at it. “Wow.” Both of the angels sat on either side of you, also taking a second to lean in and look at their gift once again.
“When we first learned it was your birthday, we went out and bought it,” Joshua said. He reached over and pulled it from the box, handing it to you.
“Don’t just think of it as a birthday gift,” Jeonghan said simply. “You’re helping us go home. Probably sooner than we thought if all goes well tonight.”
“Which is well.” Joshua made sure to say quickly. You watched him take your hand, placing the pin inside. “This is just our way of saying thank you.”
You held the little pin in your hands, before looking to Joshua. “You sure that you’re okay after everything, right?” Joshua nodded.
“I’m perfectly fine.” He said. “I never doubted for a second I’d go home.”
“I kind of did when you fainted yesterday.” Jeonghan made sure to say. You laughed a bit as Joshua shot daggers at Jeonghan. “What?”
“You’re ruining the moment, Yoon Jeonghan.” He sneered. You felt your eyes water, but you quickly shook your head.
“I can’t cry, Minnie just did my make-up. But now I don’t want you guys to go.” You sniffled. You immediately set the pin back into the box, before setting both it and the bag down onto the floor. You stretched both your arms around the men’s shoulders, pulling them into a little huddle-like hug that suited how you were all sitting. “I cannot believe that I thought you two were annoying stalkers at first.”
“And robbers,” Jeonghan added.
“And scammers.” Joshua grinned. You nodded.
“Thank you both for everything.” You said. “Hopefully, tonight goes well.”
“It will,” Joshua said, nodding his head. “How can it not? Mingyu’s done everything to tell you how he feels already other than actually saying it.” You nodded, dabbing under your eyes just a bit to make sure to catch any tears trying to escape before you left. Standing up, you took the bag, setting it on the little vanity. Once your hands were free, you spun around to look at the duo one more time.
“How do I look?” you asked.
The duo shared a look, before looking you over one more time and smiling. “Angelic.” They said in unison.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu had moved with his friends from the back porch to the front, drinks in hand as they waited for you. Mina had retreated to her room after their talk, and while Mingyu felt a bit bad, he couldn’t let it take over the night that he wanted to make perfect. He had to make it perfect. He took another sip of his drink- which had to be water since he was driving - as the front door opened. When he looked over, he saw Joshua and Jeonghan standing in front of you, only allowing little parts of your outfit to show. Mingyu smiled.
“It looks like they’re her parents taking her to her first dance.” Seungkwan nudged Hoshi, and they both began snickering.
“We need to take a family picture.” Hoshi agreed, clapping his hands as the duo laughed. “They’re about to interrogate the new boyfriend.”
“Knock it off,” Mingyu said to them, though he was also amused. You finally pushed past the duo, obviously now a bit flustered.
“Come on guys, cut the dramatics. It’s only dinner.” You said. You looked up at Mingyu, smiling. “Ready?”
“Absolutely, Birthday girl.” He said, offering his arm. You took it as the porch filled with the ‘ooooo’s of borderline-drunk individuals. Mingyu led you to the car that was waiting out by the front.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Hoshi called as he leaned over the railing to see you off. Mingyu laughed, covering his mouth.
“That’s not a lot of options left, Hyung.” He called back. Hoshi, already a few drinks in, looked at Woozi and Seungkwan.
“Should I be insulted?” he asked, and the duo only laughed. Jeonghan and Joshua watched Mingyu hold the car door open for you.
“Good job, opening the door!” Joshua called, and Mingyu looked over. He looked unamused, meanwhile, you were snickering in the passenger’s seat. “Pull her chair out at the restaurant too!”
“I’m gonna kill you both!” Mingyu simply called out before slipping into the car, closing the door, and heading off down the street in a matter of minutes. Jeonghan looked over at Joshua, who pressed his chin in his hands as he watched the car drift from view.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asked. Joshua glanced over, nodding his head.
“Yeah.” He assured. This time, he actually believed it.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
The drive at first, was pretty quiet, both of you just allowing the radio to fill the silence. As Mingyu lowered the volume during a commercial, he looked at you.
“I hope you’ve had fun this weekend.”
“I have. I’m sad it’s ending so soon.”
“I know. But we can always come back here. Whenever we want.” You smiled a bit, nodding your head at the thought of future weekend trips here with Mingyu. Friends included? That you had no idea about, but either way, the idea excited you.
You pursed your lips together, finally glancing over at the tall man in the driver’s seat as you took a chance to talk. “Do you remember freshman orientation?”
“Which part? When you looked too terrified to speak to me or when Seungkwan twisted his foot dancing violently to trot music?” You laughed as the memory came flooding back to you.
“I was absolutely not too scared to speak to you.”
“You looked like a deer in headlights every time I spoke to you.” You pouted, crossing your arms as you tried to remember that day, freshman year, two years prior.
The sound of your name turned your head, and a man sat beside you. On his shirt sat a name tag: Kim Mingyu. You seemed stunned, eighteen, and eyes filled with fear of being in a new environment away from your family and away from your town. However, the gentle eyes that stared at you made you feel a bit at ease. Just a bit. “I read your name off the tag.” He pointed to his own in reference.
“Are you okay? You look nervous.” You turned to the handful of seniors they had organizing this bonding event as they tried to get everyone’s attention. They were mostly half-drunk themselves, slurring their words and talking horrifically loud into the microphone. The screech caused you to cover your ears.
“I don’t think they’re supposed to be drinking.” You said, looking at Mingyu. Mingyu smiled.
“They’re not.” He said. “Campus conduct prohibits alcohol on campus for any reason, even for the staff. Promotes bad habits.”
“You must study law.” Mingyu grinned at your observation. “Nobody else memorizes the campus conduct book so quickly, if at all.”
“My father told me I should learn it.”
“Did your father go to school here?”
“Yeah.” You pursed your lips, leaning closer to Mingyu which only caused his amused smile to widen. “What?” he asked.
“Is your father Mr. Kim? The one who is always here for those big event fundraisers?” Mingyu nodded.
“The very same. It’s because of his donations we can have those, so he likes to come see them when he gets the chance.” You nodded, finally leaning back and giving him space. Mingyu looked back over to the interactions between seniors and nervous freshmen happening. “Should we join them?” You shook your head.
“Not yet.” You said, and Mingyu chuckled.
As the night went on, Mingyu and you stuck together like magnets, attracting the spunky Minnie and the energetic Seungkwan as you did so. The four of you banded together that night, hoping to make it through the rest of these bonding events alive, or at least with your dignity intact. Seungkwan failed that last part when he fell on his leg and twisted it a mid-dance battle, but you were still good.
As the both of you sat beside Seungkwan, who was lying on his back with ice on his foot, you looked at Mingyu one more time. He was passing Seungkwan water, which he thanked him for happily. When he turned back to you, his arm outstretched in your direction as well. Looking down, you were greeted with a water bottle.
“Isn’t that yours?” you asked curiously, glancing up at him. Mingyu shrugged.
“Take it. Consider it a gift.” He said.
You hesitated, but when Mingyu nudged it in your direction once again. Reaching your hand out, you took the cool bottle into your hands. “So, you’re rich, kind, funny, and generous?” you asked, making Mingyu look over in your direction. He seemed flustered by the comment, but he didn’t respond. “You’re just asking me to fall in love with you, huh?”
Now Mingyu had to laugh as his cheeks tinted pink. He looked over at you. “I guess I wouldn’t complain.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
As you returned to the car ride, you realized your cheeks were hot as you recalled that last statement. I still can’t believe I said that with my entire chest. You thought to yourself. When you felt Mingyu slow the car down, you looked over to see yet another magnificent building. This building overlooked the water, with a large patio wrapped around the sides and back to allow people to admire the crashing waves under beautiful lights and gentle music. Mingyu opened the door and helped you to your feet while you stared in awe. “This might even be better than the Italian restaurant.” Mingyu chuckled a bit.
“The food here is amazing.” He said. Tossing his keys to a valet, he thanked the man before leading you inside. He guided you by keeping his hand on the small of your back, which felt like little bolts of lightning every time his finger just slightly pressed against you. He opened the door and the two of you stepped in, allowing you to take in the interior which was just as beautiful as the exterior. High-vaulted ceilings held dangling chandeliers, and marble floors were sparkling so bright under your feet that as your heels clacked along them, you could see your reflection. The waiter led you both to a seat outside, looking over the water. “Here,” Mingyu said, quickly pulling out your chair and motioning for you to sit. “Joshua might hit me if I don’t.” he grinned.
“Nah.” You laughed, settling yourself in and putting your bag under the table, nestled between your legs. As Mingyu sat across from you, your eyes immediately turned to the ocean. “Wow. The view of the ocean is even nicer from here.”
“Yeah.” He said. You saw him shift a bit in his seat, smiling. “I hope you like it,” he said. “It’s the last big thing I had planned for your birthday.”
“It’s already incredible.” You said. After a moment, you turned to Mingyu, seeing him loosen the one button he had done on his suit as he looked down at the menu, lips pursed together as he tried to find what he wanted for the night. You leaned forward. “Mingyu.” You said, making him look up. “…Can I ask why you chose to do all of this for me?”
“What do you mean?” he smiled. “It’s your birthday.”
“I know. I’m grateful. I just feel a bit spoiled.”
“Everyone should be spoiled on their birthday.”
“Your birthday was in April.” You said. “We didn’t do all of this for you.”
Mingyu shrugged. “I don’t need all of those things.”
“Do I?” You asked. Mingyu furrowed his brows, confused by the question.
“Of course, you do.” He said gently. “Well, maybe not need, but definitely ‘deserve’.”
“What makes me so different from everyone else?” You asked softly, cheeks pink as you anticipated the answer, his last comment already leaving a warm tingling feeling in your cheeks and through your neck.
Mingyu seemed unfazed by your question, though his cheeks did start to match yours in hue. “Not different.” He began. “Special.” You smiled a bit, sitting back in your seat as you tried to calm your beating heart. “I wouldn’t have gotten you a nice gift if I didn’t want to spoil you,” Mingyu said. You looked up at him, one word hitting your goddamn Pavlov.
“Oh?” you asked, smiling. Mingyu laughed a bit at your reaction.
“You look like a kid on Christmas.” He said, leaning forward. “Did you think I didn’t get you a birthday gift or something?”
“Well, no.” you stammered, face becoming flush with embarrassment. Before you could finish your statement, the waiter approached to take your order, and you let out a sigh of relief. When both of your orders were placed, Mingyu looked at you again.
“…Go on.” He said. When you only offered him a confused expression, he grinned. “Why do you look so shocked when I mention your birthday gift?”
“Ohhh. No reason. I thought we were doing gifts tonight with everyone.” Mingyu shook his head.
“They are. I’m not.” He said.
“Well, then what is it?” you asked. Mingyu laughed as you leaned your head to each side of the table, looking for anything that resembled a present on either of his sides. Mingyu laughed a bit.
“You can’t wait?” he asked. You grinned at him as you sat upright again.
“I need to see if it’s as nice as you claim.” Your attempt at teasing made Mingyu’s mouth fall agape just a bit.
“Wow.” He gasped. He watched you cover your mouth as you attempted to hold back your laugh a bit, given your surroundings. He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “You’ll get it. And it’ll be worth it. I didn’t give you anything when I came home from Japan after all.” When he saw your laugh quickly fade, your hand dropping to reveal a stunned expression, he smiled. It was almost sad. “I’m sorry.”
“W-why are you sorry?” you asked.
“I didn’t realize what it was at first that had upset you. It took me some time, but Joshua had kind of yelled it at me without actually yelling it.” you frowned a bit. “But I’m glad he did. I didn’t know how much I hurt you by not bringing you anything.”
“But I didn’t ask. You have no obligation to bring me anything ever.” You said. “It’s not like you do for anyone else. We’re not dating, Mingyu.” That last part caused Mingyu to go quiet, and you immediately regretted it. However, Mingyu reached a hand across the table, leaving his palm open and within reaching distance for you to put your own. You stared down at him for a second, only to see his hand retract and take the base of the wine glass instead. He studied the contents inside for a quiet moment as if they would guide him in his next few words. When his eyes fell back to you, he smiled.
“Do you know why I always bring something home for you whenever I go somewhere?” he asked.
You shook your head. “I just thought it was you being nice.” Mingyu nodded.
“Yeah. It is.” He said. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a box. It was thin, velvet black, and without even looking inside, you could feel its worth from across the table. You looked up at him. “I always give you a gift when I come back because I think it will give me confidence to tell you something really important.” You blinked. “But every single time, I lost the confidence. You get so excited about the trip, wanting me to tell you about it, that I panic and lose my chance before I can even do it.” Mingyu pushed the gift box towards you, tapping it a bit. “This was supposed to be what I brought home to you. When I went to get it, they said it would take time to make. When I found out it would be ready by your birthday, I felt it was a sign.” You stared at the box quietly for a moment. “But still, I should have told you instead of keeping it a secret, especially once I knew that you felt I had forgotten. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Was all you could breathe out. Mingyu pushed the box even closer to you before you finally took it into your hands. “I didn’t want to be pushy and ask. I didn’t think it was my place.” Mingyu smiled.
“If you really can’t wait, open it,” Mingyu said. You nodded, clicking open the little handle and flipping open the top of the box. If Joshua and Jeonghan’s beautiful pin left you teary-eyed, this left you speechless. Inside the box was a stunning necklace, made of the purest silver. The little chains looping together within themselves held what looked to be little cherry blossom pendants scattered through it. In the center was a beautiful pink heart pendant, slightly bigger than the rest of them. “Flip it.” His voice was almost eager. When you did, you saw your name, followed by your birthday and the year, engraved on the back.
“Oh…oh my God.” You gasped. Finally, you allowed your fingers to really touch the necklace, picking it up in your hands. The moonlight only allowed the silver to shine more. “This is stunning.” When you heard the chair across from you get pushed out, you looked up. Mingyu walked over, gently taking the necklace from you. He quickly unhooked it, making an adorably determined face as he tried to do so, before stepping behind you.
“May I?” He asked.
“Sure.” You turned your head to look straight, before feeling Mingyu reach his hands around, laying the necklace gently on your collarbones. You felt it tug a bit as he pulled the ends together, using one finger to gently brush some strands of hair out of the way. You could only rest your hand on the little pink pendant in the middle, your hand shaking.
“I couldn’t take you to the cherry blossoms this year. So, I figured I would bring some of the blossoms back to Korea for you.” He said softly. The minute those words hit your ears, you felt your eyes well up with the tears you tried so desperately to keep away from Joshua and Jeonghan. However, now, after half a term of stressing yourself out over things that never mattered in the first place, as well as feeling the cool silver of the necklace adorning your neck, they couldn’t hold themselves back anymore. You wiped your eyes, nodding your head. When a sniffle accidentally escaped your mouth, you covered it.
Mingyu immediately knelt down at your side, eyes wide. “Hey. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asked. You watched him scramble for a napkin, handing it to you. “I’m sorry. Was that so cheesy it made you cry?” You had to laugh a bit behind the tears, shaking your head.
“No. It was so sweet.” You said, dabbing your eyes a bit. However, you sniffled. “I’m just really happy. This is such a nice gift.” Mingyu could hear people around them staring at the man on one knee looking up at the crying woman. His eyes immediately widened. “I don’t feel like I even deserve it. It must have been so expensive….”
Mingyu reached out and took your hands into his, offering a reassuring squeeze. “Of course, you deserve it…” he said gently. “…But please, stop crying. People might think I’m proposing.” He begged, getting close to your face to whisper the request. You covered your mouth with the napkin this time to hold back your laughter, shaking your head. When you finally dabbed your eyes for the last time, Mingyu allowed himself to stand up. “Are you okay?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw people go back to their meals, confused as to what just happened at their table. “Yeah.” You stood up, smoothing out your skirt. “I’m going to wash my face.” Mingyu nodded, leaning back in his seat as he watched you head back inside, heading to the bathroom. When he saw you were out of his sight, he grinned to himself, leaning forward and covering his mouth with his hand in the hope of hiding his enormous grin.
Dinner after that was pretty normal. You both ate and chatted as you normally would, talking about the memories you had all made together throughout the weekend. By the time dinner came around, Mingyu looked at you.
“Dessert?” he asked. You nodded eagerly, and Mingyu followed suit. “Glad to see we’re on the same page, then.” He turned his head, lifting his hand to get the waiter's attention. When the man approached, he seemed to already have something in his hands. “Can we get-.”
“This is from the table over there.” The waiter said. You watched as the plate, which had a little vanilla cake on it. It was topped with two little sparklers that were just about to fizzle out, and decorated with little chocolates. On the plate was ‘Congratulations!” written in English and in chocolate sauce. You both looked up at the waiter, and he smiled, before setting two forks down and walking to the next table. You both looked over to see a middle-aged couple waving to you, the man giving Mingyu a thumbs up. You both waved back, nodding your head.
“Thank you.” You both said, before looking back at the cake. Mingyu covered his mouth. “Oh God, they really did think we got engaged.” You grinned, looking at Mingyu as his eyes darted from the cake back up to you.
“Free dessert.” You both said, grabbing a fork and immediately reaching forward to take a bite of the cake. You hummed in delight at the sweet sensation in your mouth, immediately going in for another bite. “Delicious.” You mumbled, covering your mouth to hide an embarrassed giggle. Mingyu grinned as he watched you.
“The best part about people thinking we got engaged.” He muttered. After a few seconds of chewing, you looked up at Mingyu, pointing your cake-covered fork in his direction.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Is that such a bad thing, being engaged to me?” you asked playfully. Mingyu shook his head.
“Well, no. Of course, not,” he said. “But at least let me confess my feelings properly before we talk about marriage, okay?” Your hand, which held a fork in it, froze in place for a second. You watched as Mingyu reached forward, sticking his fork into the cake and taking a bite himself. “Mmm. This is good.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mingyu’s words during dessert sat in your mind. You chose to stay quiet as you both drove back to the house, allowing the music to once again act as a silence filler. You looked over at him, only to see him driving with his hands tapping the wheel to the beat of the song playing on the radio. His lips were moving to match the lyrics, but no sound was coming out.
“I’ve never heard this song.” You piped up, and Mingyu glanced at you.
“My dad listens to this music a lot.” He said simply.
“You two must be close.” You said. Mingyu shrugged.
“I guess. He can be a bit strict but…I don’t think we’ve ever really disagreed.”
“That’s good.” You smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever properly met him. Only in passing the few times I came by.”
“I can introduce you. If you want me to.” You shrugged, nodding at the idea. It was something that was far off in the future. What would your relationship with Mingyu look like when that time came? The house was coming into view, Mingyu slowed to a stop in the driveway and turned off his car. You rested your back against the passenger’s seat of the car, looking out the window. You knew once the car door opened and the lights illuminated the car, your night with Mingyu would be over. The free dessert was one thing, and the necklace was a show-stopping addition to the night. But…there was something else you were hoping for. When you looked at Mingyu, you saw him staring straight ahead, tugging his tie a bit. He seemed to be thinking of something based on the serious look on his face. You leaned forward a bit, the movement catching his attention.
“So, what are you waiting for?” you asked.
“Hm?” Mingyu asked, looking over in your direction for a second. “What do you mean?”
All of the courage you have ever had in your body at one time bubbled to the surface in this moment. “When are you going to confess to me properly?” Mingyu went quiet for a minute. Despite your heart threatening to beat out of your chest at any moment, you kept your gaze on him firmly. You put your hands on the necklace, gently cradling the pink heart pendant in the middle. “You didn’t do it after you gave me the present. I don’t want you to lose your confidence this time.”
Mingyu settled back in the seat of his car. The light above threatened to dim again due to the idle car, but Mingyu clicked it on permanently. You watched him turn himself in your direction, and you were quick to do the same. Mingyu seemed shaky when he said your name, and it made your breath hitch. “I told you this weekend would be for your birthday. But it was also for something that…might be a bit more selfish, too.” He pressed his fingers together. You mimicked him, and his nervous smile softened when he caught it. “Ahem. Uhm….y’know. Stuff like how much I value our friendship and you as a person and…” he saw your lips continue to curl in amusement. “And well…I always knew I wanted to use this moment to tell you that-.”
“I love you.” You allowed the words to come out along with his, in perfect harmony with one another as they entangled within the confines of the car. Mingyu blinked, watching as you let out a deep breath. “Fuck, I’ve been waiting forever to say that.” You breathed.
Mingyu laughed a bit. “Me too.” He said. Mingyu still seemed a bit nervous, wiping his hands on his pants as he looked at you. “Can I uhm…” he bit his lip. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” Spilled from your lips faster than you may have liked, in fear of looking desperate. Mingyu smiled a bit at how flustered you were, though he couldn’t comment, feeling his heart beating out of his chest. With a wave of temporary confidence, Mingyu took a second to brush some hair that had fallen in front of your face. Your heart was beating in your ears as you scooted a bit over in your seat. When you felt his hand lift slightly from your cheek after removing the hair, your hand immediately pressed on top of it, holding it in place. The action stunned Mingyu, but you only smiled nervously. “...Your hands warm,” you muttered.
“Ah.” Mingyu chuckled. His fingers splayed along your skin, leaving trails of warmth and tingling each place his fingers grazed. You let out a deep sigh. No summer night’s warmth would ever again match this feeling. Mingyu chewed on his lower lip as he leaned closer. He pressed one little peck onto your lips, before pulling away to study your expression. When he saw how red your face was, a cherry tomato freshly picked off the vine, he smiled.
You chuckled a bit. “Come on,” you said softly. “You’ve made me wait two years for that?”
The second kiss wasn’t long, but Lord was it passionate. Two years of waiting were thrown into that kiss. The little divider between the passenger and driver’s seat didn’t bother you as it pressed into your stomach, the desire to be as close to Mingyu in this moment ultimately canceling out any other feelings. Mingyu’s other hand found its way to your other cheek, thumb grazing your skin once again. You pulled away for just a second, the both of you taking that temporary moment to remind yourselves that you had to breathe. The little nervous squeak that escaped your lips when Mingyu’s thumb once again grazed against your skin made him giggle.
“What the hell was that?” he asked, his voice low and husky as the breath from each word tickled your lips.
“Shut up.” You mumbled. Mingyu smiled, and finally pulled himself back fully, hands slipping through yours and off your face. You saw his cheeks tinted pink as he covered his mouth, resting his elbows against the steering wheel. You leaned back in your seat, covering your mouth, but making sure that your palms didn’t touch your lips, fearing it would smear the memory you wanted to hold onto just a bit longer.
“Let’s go inside.” He finally forced out. You nodded, watching as Mingyu stepped out first. He headed around the front of the car, your eyes glued to him as he rounded to your side, opening your door and offering your hand. You took it, stepped out of the car and looking back up at him. Before the car door even closed, Mingyu leaned down and planted one more kiss on your lips. You didn’t refuse at all, instead getting on your tiptoes to return it. Mingyu’s hand steadied you by wrapping around and holding the small of your back. When you pulled away this time, Mingyu laughed nervously.
“Sorry. I didn’t ask that time.” He said softly. You could again feel his breath tickle your lips, and you shuddered at that thrilling sensation it sent through your body.
“You didn’t have to.” You assured. Mingyu laughed a bit. He finally released you, allowing you to lower onto your feet once again. He made sure your door was closed before offering his arm to you.
“Shall we?” he asked. You nodded, taking it with a smile.
As the two of you headed towards the steps of the house, a figure was watching from the balcony on the second floor. Mina set her phone down, staring at the photo of the two of you now displayed on her camera. She had stepped out from her room when she heard the car stop, and what sounded like very muffled chatter. By the time she had stepped onto the balcony, you and Mingyu had already locked lips for the second time. Mina felt her fists ball up at her sides, and she covered her mouth to hide that she was out there in the first place. She stood in silence in the cool summer air as you and Mingyu headed inside, and Mina could hear everyone who was still awake welcoming them back. Mina immediately headed back to her room.
“I messed up.” She mumbled to herself, tugging her hair in a ponytail. She walked down the hallway, passing Joshua on the way to her room. He stopped, turning his attention to Mina. Her pace was quick, phone gripped tightly in her hands. When he glanced at it, he could only make out parts of the photo still displayed on the screen. He watched as she slid into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Immediately, she sat on her bed, looking down at the photo, as well as the many others she had taken of the duo. She taped a few buttons on her phone, sending the photos before pressing it to her ear. I’m sorry. She thought to herself through tears. I can’t play nice anymore. I’ll lose him at this rate.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Back in Seoul, Mr. Kim had set his phone down. He let a deep sigh into his hands, running one of them through his slightly greying hair.
“Oh, Mingyu.” He said, looking down at a photo he had of him and his son during his freshman orientation two years prior. The duo was grinning, happy in the photo, the name of the school hung proudly behind them. His eyes then fell to his phone, where the photo of you and Mingyu kissing and staring at one another beside Mingyu’s car was displayed. “I give you an inch, and you always find a way to take the entire mile.”
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zutraeumen · 11 months
The First Course
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Adele stared at the small plate before her while the others dug in, she expected a serving of salad, and not this... this, what was that again? Something with cucumber?
Ah well, she wasn't supposed to be here for the food anyways but a small bite did seem tantalizing. It wasn't every day that you'd end up at a super-exclusive island restaurant where one evening cost about as much as a Rolex.
The sheer ridiculousness of the price!
Grabbing a fork, she carefully picked at her food, the heavy curtain of her raven hair falling in around her head, perhaps Madam Elsa would stop pinning her with icy stares for once in a while and focus on the other guests. If her hearing didn't fail her with old age, then somebody was snapping photos.
Bet you a hundred bucks it was Tyler.
Guess what, she was on point, and oh, the withering gaze Madam Elsa silently sent his way was delicious as it deserved to be. That kid should really have some basic understanding of respect for a chef's work.
The Sommelier was also someone she needed to be on the lookout for, constantly prowling behind the guests' backs to refill their wine, his smile was as fake as the candy man from her hometown neighbourhood. 
Nevertheless, she averted her attention from those two and tuned in to the conversations going on around her. 
The food critic Lillian Bloom and her editor Ted were already busy nitpicking every goddamn thing without having gotten through the very first thing on the plate! It was a different kind of torture hearing him agree to her every opinion, stupid pick-me boy. 
The movie star George and his assistant Felicity were going through a divorce here of all places, nice of them to discuss it so openly. 
The finance bros were the worst though, talking about their relationships outside of work and how they failed because they couldn't just give a flying fuck about anything else than making money. They even made a toast on it!
The Liebrandt couple was pleasantly quiet in comparison, but she guessed Tyler made up for that. Speaking of him, he seemed to be going through some spiritual journey from tasting alone.
The fiery redhead, bless that woman, seemed to be the only one not swallowing all that bullshit. If things went sour, she would be Adele's first choice of ally. The Chef seemed to also have a merit of interest for her, so she could use that to her advantage.   
Ugh, somebody shoot her out of this place.
A clap made her jerk in her seat, sounding thunderous against the soft chatter of the room that immediately got everyone's attention. Adele turned slowly to witness what was about to happen.
"Good evening." 
The Chef greeted them with a tight upturn of lips, swerving his gaze at his customers with unexpressive eyes.
"Welcome to Hawthorne. I am Julian Slowik and tonight will be our pleasure to feed you."
The diners applauded. Adele scrunched her face and played along. Lillian and Ted exchanged proud, possessive looks. 
His voice was rich and his ramrod-straight posture commanding, demanding absolute silence from the audience that were his customers, "For the next few hours you will ingest fat, salt, sugar, protein, bacteria, fungi, various plants and animals and at times entire ecosystems but... I have to beg of you one thing, it's just one... do not eat."
"Is he serious?" 
Adele scowled at George for interrupting, but the chef merely continued with a pointed raise of his brow that silenced the actor promptly. 
Smoothly, her eyes glided over to her client who held quite the unusual expression of reserved surprise on her face as if it was the first time the Chef had given such a... encapsulating speech. Her husband was very much the same, cross-armed with one good eye suspiciously narrowed at the Chef.
Something was different this time, if the regulars were raising eyebrows, or maybe she was just reading too much into it. 
"Taste. Savour. Relish. Consider every morsel that you place inside your mouth. Be mindful, but do not eat. Our menu is too precious for that. And look around you, here we are, on this island. Accept... accept all of it and... forgive... and on that note: FOOD!"
With a large smile that the assassin was supposed to be friendly enough to fool most, the Chef took a step back to allow his sous-chefs to march onwards in perfect formation, once again in pairs. This was either very well choreographed or...
Adele used the commotion to observe the Chef in the meantime as he assumed a neutral position. The customers were excited but Adele remained very much on edge. It would be impertinent not to forget that there had been an attempt at her life just about, let's check the watch, roughly two hours ago. 
The man in question was about the same height as Adele, mind you for a woman, the assassin was among the very few unconventionally tall, standing at around 5'10". He oozed the confidence and authority of a chef who would not be questioned in his own kitchen regardless of the person who asked, and possessed a gathering of incredibly loyal people. Not much could be read from his visage alone, even though his way of speaking was full of small gesticulations, but from experience, Adele knew there was something dark underneath his eloquent words and polite smiles.
A wolf that entertained the sheep before the slaughter. 
Humans were known for having a sixth sense when it came to being stared at, and it was proven to Adele when he suddenly, for the first time, locked eyes with her and the question of her killer was answered - it was him; he wanted her dead by nightfall.
"Our first course is called 'The Island'. On your plate are plants around the island placed on rocks from the shore, covered in barely frozen filtered seawater, which will flavour the dish as it melts."
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Her plate arrived just in time for her to have a reason to look away in a gorgeous, slow-motion CU product shot. Perfectly curated bits of flora and jewels of scallop meat rest artfully atop a smooth, icy rock.
Adele was as thankful as a beggar until she realized there were more rocks on that plate than edible food.
Ah, the unnecessary intricacies of fine dining: ridiculous preparations with ridiculous intellectual speeches times evil chef equalled no food.
Well, the math was clear, there would be no proper food for her at this esteemed establishment. At least none that would be enough to satisfy her hunger. And she was a relatively unfussy eater. You could throw basically anything down her throat if it wasn't anything too spicy, or had olives, or mushrooms...
Tyler in the meantime, held his phone just so and snapped a shot of his plate. Elsa clocked it. Simmering with rage. Someone get the lady butler a shot of vodka before she gutted that inconsiderate boy.
O-oh, the food critic put on some glasses, did she think it would make all the bullshit from her mouth sound more reasonable? George was spectacularly failing at grasping the basic vocabulary to describe taste and she couldn't begrudge Felicity for deciding to leave him, how did this man become a movie star was simply beyond her. It must be quite frustrating to work with such an unoriginal person.
The finance bros were so openly discussing how they showed no real interest in Slowik's food that Adele could see a small vein pop out on Madam Elsa's forehead if one looked closer, knowing that she was also listening to these kids disrespecting their Chef at his own restaurant, eating his own food - unbelievable.
The Liebrandts were discussing something but she couldn't properly hear it because she sat at the opposite side of the room, though it seemed to hardly matter as they didn't meet the eyes of the other, talk about a lovely evening. 
Tyler was blissfully silent but it did help her put things into perspective. 
Each of these guests was not here to eat the food exclusively prepared for them, but for the sole purpose of furthering their own agendas. 
Lillian and Ted were here to suck the pleasure out of cooking by using it to advance their careers. Hunting for the next scoop by inventing new words, finding minor faults and reading into everything the Chef did. 
George and Felicity used this experience to help the movie star transition to a new phase in his career as a TV presenter of a washed-up cooking show.
The finance trio were there simply for the prestige of having been there as if it would bring them extra points to their status. Embezzling money into their own pockets instead of supporting Slowik and his staff - the ones who were actually producing value.
The Liebrandts were here because they could, not eat the food. Probably to maintain their status as elites.
And Tyler, well, he might just be the Chef's biggest fanboy in the whole world. And not the healthy kind. It bordered on fanatical obsession. Using Slowik's fame to uphold his identity as a man of wealth and taste who supposedly knew everything about fine dining.
Man, to be honest, the food sucked up until now... but the customers sucked as well.
And with the Chef looking at Margot's untouched plate the Chef strode to the back of the kitchen, "I want plating in five!"
Nobody expected the collective 'Yes, Chef!' from the staff as they prepared the next course.
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lottiecrabie · 10 months
I have this idea about line cook!matty stuck in my head for a really long time and finally i got the courage to send you this
So, summer comes to an end, it's time for reader to go back to college (I don't know if it was said, but I imagine it will be in another city/state). Reader and Matty agree to end their affair and move on.
A year passes. They never got back in touch with each other other than a rare interaction on social media (like those people who send fire emoji in your dm when you post a photo in stories)
Matty overhears a member of the kitchen commenting that Reader will be back in the summer. He's never admitted it to anyone, not even himself, but deep down Matty has missed her and can't wait to get back together.
But when reader finally arrives,
Surprise Surprise, she's not alone.
She brings a friend from college. A male, attractive, talented cook, age appropriate, close friend who is also going to be working on the restaurant during the summer ( i picture him as Will Poulter because i saw he is in the new season of the bear even thought i haven't watched yet)
And Matty is absolutely fuming in jealousy but try to keep his cool-i-don't-give-a-fuck facade.
Which he fails. Miserably.
And people realize he is always moody and rude to the new guy. "if you are not jealous, then why are you acting like that? 😏🤨 The new guy is so nice to everyone and very attractive 😉🥵" his mates teasing him.
I really don't know what happens from there, I just like to see a man running after a woman and being like "if i don't fix myself i'm going to lose her" and felt the need to share.
And, in case you haven't noticed yet, your stories have a significant impact in my life. You are so talented and I am thankful for being able to access your art. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and writings to the world. We are really blessed for having you. 💖
Lots of love, from your brazilian reader - 🎭
oh this was so cute!! i absolutely love to see what you guys do and imagine with my stories. i’m so glad you sent it in! that man would absolutely be glitching if she came back with another Chef😭 like any other guy would already be Pushing it but if it’s a Cook oh he would fuming. trying to figure out if they’re friends or dating, flirting with her in front of him On Purpose.
i am so so happy to see how much my writing has impacted you!! i literally could never imagine that anyone would care about my silly little stories so this is. Super touching☹️🫶 thank You for reading
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jenniferchaulam · 1 year
/Notes: I was reading how mute/deaf people interact and noticed that most people say they "SPEAK sign", and found that really interesting. So if I ever wrote "speaking sign" or anything similar its because of that, no words where vocalized by the characters unless specificed.
Also, I not good at writing. This is just brain rot dump after reading the above fic haha- do check out for context tho
anws am thinking about alternate scenario for the fic where-
Legend felt guilty and tries to make Wild comfortable talking again.
In the only godsdamned way he knows.
If it was Legend who goaded Wild into this, then he will goad him out.
The group was hiking through Wild's Hyrule. Time is leading, discussing something on the map with Twilight. Wild is still silent, choosing to walk to the end of the group, next to Four, who is checking all the broken weapons. Champion would still smile or look up when he found a strange looking bug, laugh when Wind tells stories of his days on sea and in his New Hyrule, "There were trains and they made the funniest sounds!"- whatever a train was. Sometimes, he would run up to tap Hyrule's shoulder and point at some landmark, promising he would take him there.
Legend picked an oppoturnity when Wild is just by himself. The group chef is checking his photos, grinning silently.
"Hey Wild", Legend tapped his shoulder, "about yesterday's pumpkin soup- it tasted like shit"
Wild looked up in absolute shock. Sky turned back with an audible gasp. "Legend??"
"Yea no offence",he continued," it was under seasoned"
"Wait, why didn't you say anything yesterday?", asked the Captain
Legend lies without blinking. "Well, I was organizing my stuff and got distracted." He signed behind his back, making sure Wild wouldn't notice. "Trust."
Captain just shrugged it off.
The Vet continued. "The soup's was burnt! I don't know how the other's bowls were, but mine tasted like it was ash!". He turned to see Wild face looking scandalized.
Wild tugged his Slate to his side, and started signing aggresively. "How. Dare. You. Insult. My. Cooking." He made an effort to snap at each word he spoke in sign.
The Vet smirked. "I bet you didn't even know how to mash the pumpkins properly. My bowl still has bits of pumpkins, whole."
Wild pulled down his hood. He looks Proper Mad. "Well, at least I didn't try putting raw garlic into my soup!" Wild signed angrily.
"Well, at least I didn't try putting anything that resembles rotten flesh!" Legend snapped back.
"There is no way you tasted flesh in a pumpkin soup, it must be you who have a defective tounge" Wild signed.
"Maybe you should have checked if the pumpkins had bugs or worms, what kind of chef who doesn't check the quality of ingredients"
"Excuse me! If it was you I bet you'll give us literal twigs to eat!" Wild let out a small grunt while signing.
Everyone is looking now. While its pretty nice Wild isn't putting on his blank face he had when he was silent, the guy is stomping the ground, pointing fingers at Legend.
The Vet pretends to not notice. "Well, at least my bread wasn't under-kneaded"
Wild stared at him, yelling, "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO MAKE BREAD!"
Time and Twilight, who was busy with the maps, turned back at the familiar voice they haven't heard for so long.
No one makes a comment on Wild speaking however, and they just looked at each other. Wild didn't care. Legend just smirked. "Well, want to test out that theory?"
"Oh, its a deal alright. When we have lunch you and I are having a bake off!"
Wild stormed off to the front, asking Time how long until their next destination is. He's still speaking sign, but he added words on top, and looked a lot more cheery than before.
Captain turned to Legend smiling. "I don't know how you did that, but good job, Veteran."
Okay, but for real. Legend doesn't know how to make bread. He frowned at the thought of losing to Wild... edit: added some lines to make it flow better-ish
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