#even places online are starting to become uninhabitable
georgemiser · 11 months
X-Men Evolution sequel RP (1x1, Canons Only)
20+ rp veteran here. Does anyone else love and remember the X-Men: Evolution series from the early 00s? I know I still love it, even after all of these years. I always wondered what happened in the future in the world of that show, besides Professor X's visions, of course. To anyone who loved that show, I have an RP plot proposal. It involved the OG cast of the show, Some X-Men, Magneto and a number of the New Mutants, training 6 to 8 new mutant characters in their teens, from the comics (Basically anyone who never made it into the show for whatever reason is up for grabs), to become a version of X-Factor. The rules apply as follows:
1: Partner must be willing and, more importantly, able to write a long-term story. 2: Partner must be 19 or older. 3: Must be Literate or, at least, semi-literate. 4: Must be able and willing to play multiple canon characters at once. 5: Must be a fan of the series and have seen the ending.
6: Comic and Cartoon AU Canon characters only. Sorry. :(
With all that out of the way, let me show you the plot. Please read in full. Hope you like it. :) ___________________________________
The game's story takes place 11 years after the end of Evo. In other words, in 2014. Professor X and Jean Grey died 4 years ago during the event that came to be known as ''The Phoenix Saga.'' The old X-Mansion at Bayside, Massachusetts, has been closed ever since. During this time, Mutants, at least the more human-looking ones, are now more readily accepted by the population, thanks to Charles Xavier's sacrifice, the reformation of Magneto and the previous work of the X-Men themselves, making the need for the team's heroics seemingly un needed, leaving the team to break up and live the lives of celebrity superheroes.(All the former X-Men are now (mostly) in their late 20s/Early 30s now, obviously)
Nowadays, the Former members of the Brotherhood, now Working for S.H.I.E.L.D as their “Freedom Force” task-force and the New Mutants, now having partially gone their separate ways, are the closest things there are to them. (The former are mostly government wetwork agents and mercenaries.) Then, one day, a month before the start of the new school year in Bayside, the long-reformed Magneto, along with several others from the old cast, decide to return to their old, teenage stomping grounds, to reopen the Old School for Gifted Youngsters in the Professor and Jean's honor. Why? In response to two new threats to mutantkind and the world!
Those threats are 1:The recently established and secret ''Hellfire Academy'', An underground school and boarding house, founded to train young mutants to use their powers for the overthrow of humanity and the conquest of Earth. Led by its headmistress, the Telepathic mutant Emma Frost aka The White Queen, with its main teacher being Mystique, seeking to finally claim her revenge on the X-Men and her former Master.
2: An anti-mutant hate group calling themselves "The Friends of Humanity", who, unable to accept the growing acceptance of mutantkind in society, have banded together in order to persecute, attack and kill the ''dirty muties;'' that they believe will one day enslave Homosapien kind.
In order to protect their new students, The OG X-men have bought the old Xavier Mansion in secret under pseudonyms, maintaining the pretense of preserving and restoring the old house for prosperity while keeping it, seemingly, uninhabited. With Cerebro back online, (no longer needing a telepathic link to function due to technological enhancements,) a new class of 6 to 8 teenage mutants, all with very comparatively peaceful and normal lives up to this point, save for the anti-mutant hate they may or may not endure, will soon find those lives put on indefinite hold as they find themselves lured, recruited and, inevitably, declared humanity and mutant-kind's new hope for a peaceful world. ___________________________ Please dm me here and If you’re interested, I’ll link you to my discord.
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hopefulstarfire · 3 years
Astrarium: The Adventures Between Realms: An In-Depth Look
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What is Astrarium: The Adventures Between Realms?
Astrarium is a massive, written work of online fiction created by myself and my boyfriend Jonathan, with the art department fully manned by our best friend Tai (@cowboytai) and edited/possibly narrated by our other best friend Watta (found here at his YouTube channel).
The story follows the adventures of Artemis, or Ari as she's better known, a human girl raised by Dragons. The Dragons of are the deities of the universe, with a select group delegated to the task of Watchers, whom take the role of nurturing, shaping and recording the histories of the Seven Realms found in their universe. Ari, at age 16, is able to begin her training to become a Watcher (and the first ever human Watcher), and takes the four years of her training to explore each and every Realm, making friends and enemies along the way, and discovering more of who she is and who she wants to become.
We're currently looking at publishing it on its own website sometime in 2022. What we're looking at having done before then is the prologue, first five chapters, and the first trips to every Realm. Currently, we have the prologue and chapters 1-3 finished, with chapter 4 in progress along with the first round of trips. The prologue and chapters 1-5 will be posted together on the launch of the website. We will also have a Patreon set up for it, with some varying reward tiers!
What are the Realms?
There are Seven Realms featured in Astrarium, all named after constellations. They are Hydra (The Water Serpent), Auriga (The Charioteer), Ursa (Greater Bear), Cygnus (The Swan), Orion (The Hunter), Lepus (The Hare) and Lyra (The Lyre). Each one also features its own aesthetics, cultures, and even specialized races/species of civilized life.
Hydra takes place in a very water and island based world, with an aesthetic setting of the Age of Exploration/Golden Age of Piracy. There are seven major oceans on this world, and hundreds of islands, both inhabited and uninhabited and many filled to the brims with treasures. There are also large underwater cities that are elegantly built and homes to all sorts of academic pursuits.
Auriga is a world inspired by both the Old West and the Steampunk fashion and aesthetic. They have new inventions coming out every day, fueled not just by steam power but also by magical crystals. And they thrive off of having big communities that all rely on each other.
Ursa is a very natural world filled with gorgeous forests and lovely springs. It's world is heavily inspired by high fantasy, dungeons and dragons, and a certain other old tale that'll be evident in its cast of characters. It is filled with magics of all kinds and magical creatures left and right.
The citizens of Cygnus live on floating islands, all connected to each other by tethers, and the inhabitants fly anywhere they please. The aesthetic is based in 1920s/1930s fashion and glitz and glam, with a little bit of a seedy underbelly lurking in the city...as well as interesting horrors down in the jungles below them.
The Giantesses of Orion have kept to the simpler life, with a definite cottage core aesthetic throughout. They are an agricultural society with many settlements and even still wandering nomadic tribes that all unite for the big Games every year.
Lepus' people have been facing an endless winter for over a thousand years. The people have long forsaken and forgotten about their magic, and have relied heavily on science and technology to help rebuild their lives and try to find a way to combat the winter. It's a very sci-fi setting with some style influence from all over.
Lyra is the land of the dead and the home of an eternal party. With plenty of Halloween based influences, there is never a dull moment for those who find themselves in the built towns, and those who are stuck in the fog wander and sing their songs until they find their way to a new home.
Outside of the Realms, there is Dragons Keep, a large mountain in space that acts as the home to all Dragons. It's caves are vast and plentiful, winding all the way through from the head of the mountain, where the High Council meets, to the very bottom. And even with many areas claimed and made use of in this large mountain, there are always mysteries to be found.
Who are the characters?
Astrarium has one of the largest casts of characters we've worked with, with tons of new friends, rivals, and enemies for Ari to meet. Along with Ari, there is a main character for each Realm, with a cast of supporting characters.
Ari (she/her) acts as the main protagonist, helping guide some of the plot and seeing everything through her eyes. On Hydra, our protagonist is Gibbson "Gibbs" Cayde (he/him); on Auriga, Huxley "Huck" Holiday (he/him); on Ursa, Ronan Löx (he/him); on Cygnus, Clyde (he/him); on Orion, Fauna (she/her); on Lepus, Henrietta "Henri" Franklin (possibly she/they, still figuring it out!) ; and on Lyra, Alexei (he/him). Also on Dragons Keep, we have Aris' family, with her adopted mother/Mama, Arabella, her Uncle Killick, and her cousin, Libelle, who is a main character for Dragons Keep.
I hope to get to share more about our supporting cast with you all soon, as they all have some very interesting stories to get to share!
We also are working on art for the main characters as we speak, but we do have Ari's done and that can be found here!
More About The Team?
We're a group of friends who have all known each other since, for the most part, high school! While I'm someone that kind of wants to keep private lives private, I can say that these are the best group of friends to have and we're honestly like our own little family. We've workshopped other projects with each other since, God, like, my senior year of high school? Just about? It's been an insane ride together. We're also just a big bunch of nerds who are all really chill and fun to be around.
How Long is The Story Going To Be?
Astrarium is looking to be the longest project we'll ever do in terms of story timeline, and page count. As the Dragons are masters of time, Ari has the ability to actually mess with it slightly and create what is essentially a "Save point" for herself to go back to after she leaves a Realm. So say she leaves Hydra on a certain day. She can make that save point, go hang out in the other Realms, and come back and it'll be either that exact save point she left at or a few hours later, give or take (though, there are chances of "hiccups" in this, usually occurring when she leaves from Dragons Keep specifically, as it is considered to be outside of the normal flow of time!).
My goal is kind of a fun one of I want it to be one of the longest word count stories out there. I don't really know why I want it to be, other than I think it'd be really cool if I could beat out that Loud House fanfiction in terms of longest works in literature. That's just a nice little goal.
How Can Readers Support the Series?
Honestly, the best thing I can ask for is just getting this around! If anyone takes an interest in this series, reblogs and likes go a long way and are greatly appreciated. We also love, love, love questions!! It's a great feeling to see people want to know more and some questions can really get our thinking caps on to develop more and more! When the site launches, we will again launch the Patreon right alongside it, so if you want to financially support, there'll be reward tiers ranging from $1 a month and upwards! We may look at a Ko-Fi as well and if it looks like people are really interested in it, we may open a merch store and I do want to start releasing some of it as actual books you can have for your shelves!
Financial support is 100000% optional, though, for when that does happen, and like, everyone's situation is different, we just want to make it an option for our audience. But the best feeling in the world to us is seeing people's interest and them sharing it with their friends!
And if anyone has anymore questions, please please please feel free to ask! We're gonna be working on getting to share more updates here soon!! And thank you all for your time!!
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fatehbaz · 4 years
Sorry. This might be annoying and excessively long. Among people interested in psychogeography, ecology, folklore, bioregionalism, urban geography (and Empire, hegemony, anti-imperialism, to a lesser extent, I guess?) there is a quote that gets circulated from time to time. I’ve seen the quote in academic articles, sure, but also on the W0rdpress blogs of, like, birders, hikers, gardeners, “bioregional animists,” and “woods aesthetic” fans. But why do both academic authors and popular/mainstream writers and bloggers and such consistently remove the end of this sentence from Michel de Certeau’s memorable statement: “There is no place that is not haunted by many different spirits hidden there in silence, spirits one can “invoke” or not. Haunted places  are the only ones people can live in – and this inverts the schema of the panopticon.”
Gonna revel in the wonders of the garden, the forest, the landscape, the other-than-human lifeforms, and yet not willing to explicitly address the vulnerability, the cascading extinction, the tightening noose of imperial hegemony and carceral systems threatening it all, landscapes, lives, entire worlds? What de Certeau is referring to here is the way that imperial/dominant power structures (European modernity, Empire) try to subdue, erase, destroy smaller, alternate, and/or non-Western cosmologies, to make it seem like Empire is the only possible world that can be constructed. And so landscapes become sanitized, especially in cities, and de Certeau says that such sanitized places are “uninhabitable” because they are so cold, because Empire tries to standardize experience, rather than allowing localized connections tor regional landscape. But the alternative worldviews, the histories, have not been fully erased, and exist in the cracks and crevices of modernity, and so there are “ghosts” of alternative worlds which live on. And it is the remnants of other worlds, or the glimpses of other creatures (animals/plants/etc.) or other surviving worldviews (graffiti in the subway, which rejects order and control), or the hopes of possible better future worlds, crevices where the “failures” of modernity can be glimpsed, which make a place habitable. “Haunted geographies.”
Here’s a sentence fragment from a different author, writing about de Certeau:
“exotification and suppression, under a cloak of celebration”
This kinda thing.
This fragment comes from a criticism of early-20th-century Euro-American academia’s so-called “folklore studies” but I think it also describes much 21st-century academic interest in “ecological knowledge” and non-Western cultures. I have a feeling that this behavior is similar to what contemporary upper class careerist-academics in academic anthropology departments and those “studying the utility of traditional ecological knowledge” are doing when they superficially throw around words like “decolonial” or “Haraway’s Chthuluscene” in their article abstract for Cool Points without actually having given much through to the way they and their sponsoring institution, in their thirst for prestige or good optics or whatever, are in fact continuing to perpetuate dispossession and appropriation of Indigenous/non-Western knowledge. And on some level, it is deliberate and calculated, though not always a conscious act on the individual author/researcher’s part. Intentional power consolidation masked as passive chauvinism masked as benevolent paternalistic concern for “primitive peoples” masked as genuine respect. What’s happening is a recuperation, the subsuming of alternative cosmologies and ways of being. Hypothetical Nat/Geo article, variations of which you’ve probably seen before: “How can we utilize Indigenous knowledge? Can traditional knowledge help us battle climate change?” Empire, those in power, hegemonic institutions colonizing knowledge, thought, cosmology.
Plenty has been written, especially in recent years, of a “plurality/pluriverse of worlds in contrast to one imperial worldview/cosmology” and also the paternalistic attitudes of Euro-American anthropologists, but the mid-century work of Michel de Certeau, in my opinion, anticipated a lot of this disk horse. Here’s the fuller quote:
“In recent years, especially since 1960, scholarship in the service of popular culture has been of Marxist inspiration, or at least ‘populist’ in spirit,” de Certeau, Dominique Julia and Jacque Revel wrote in a 1980 essay, “but does the scientific operation it undertakes obey different laws than it did in the past? On the contrary, it seems to be dominated by the mechanisms of age-old excommunications…to conceal what it claims to show” (de Certeau 1986, 121). This opening statement encapsulates much of de Certeau’s thinking about the history of folklore studies. Tracing its development in successive stages from the late eighteenth century to the “heyday of folklore” in France’s Third Republic (1870-1940), the authors argue that the eighteenth century aristocratic vogue for “the popular” concealed a powerful movement toward the domination of the peasantry. This movement involved both exotification and suppression, under a cloak of celebration.“ The idealization of the “popular,” as they put it, “is made all the easier if it takes the form of a monologue. The people may not speak, but they can sing...The intent [of folklorists] is both to collect…and to reduce (de Certeau 1986, 122).[...] The governing ideologies driving the emergence of this obsession with the folk were not static, however, and therefore, in order to understand the development of the politics of culture in folklore studies, scholars must examine, at each point, its “subjacent postulates” (de Certeau 1986, 123). For instance, following the domination imbricated with the origins of folklore studies in the 18th century, by the mid-nineteenth century, the authors describe folklore as taking on a paternalist role vis-a-vis its subject. The collection of folklore by this time, embodied especially in the works of Charles Nisard (1808-1890), is not just a chronicle of its elimination by the elite, but a protective function executed by the elite on behalf of the incompetent peasant. In this view, de Certeau and his colleagues observe, “the people are children whose original purity it is befitting to preserve by guarding them against evil readings” (de Certeau 1986, 124, original emphasis). [...] This, then, is the basic outline of de Certeau’s historical critique of both the conceptualization of folklore and the discipline of folklore studies, as well as the core of his critique of cultural studies in the late 20th century. Interestingly, however, it is also the core of his larger understanding of the workings of modernity.
From: Anthony Bak Buccitelli. “Hybrid Tactics and Locative Legends: Re-reading de Certeau for the Future of Folkloristics.” Cultural Analysis, Volume 15.1. 2016.
So there is a popular quote from Michel de Certeau (French interdisciplinary scholar, 1925-1986), which seems to have been yet more popular since, like:
(1) 2010-ish with elevation of Mark Fisher’s work; “object-oriented ontology”; “dark ecology”; apparent academic elevation of ontological turn in anthropology; and the white-washed Euro-American academic language of traditional ecological knowledge, “decolonization,” etc.,
And also since (2) 2014/2015 in “popular” media, with apparent mainstream-ing or “revival” of folk horror, alongside elevation of eco-horror, Anthropocene disk horse, etc.
(In my anecdotal experience, at least, reading about geography, folklore, psychogeography, etc. in online spaces from M.S.N chatroom days onwards.)
I’m of course very wary of de Certeau’s interest in and celebration of Freud (come on, bro) and also the implications of de Certeau’s Jesuit background and early interest in missionary stuff (gross). But de Certeau did write some thoughtful and nicely-phrased stuff (in my opinion) about the importance of subverting imperialist/hegemonic cosmologies; how Euro-American academic institutionalized knowledge reinforces power; imperative for combating hegemony/carceral thinking by connecting with landscape; the “memory” of places; the “hidden” histories of landscapes, etc. And he wrote this decades before academics started stealing from Indigenous people of Latin America and getting into pluriverse stuff.
Anyway, one quote in particular seems most popular. but almost every single instance where i’ve ever seen this quote shared, it always cuts out the last few words of the statement. The quote is from what might be his most widely-read work, the “Walking in the City” chapter of his 1984 book The Practice of Everyday Life. (it’s a pretty brief chapter which is available for free online; might take 30 minutes to read, if you’re interested.) The quote as translated by Steven Rendall: “There is no place that is not haunted by many different spirits hidden there in silence, spirits one can “invoke” or not. Haunted places  are the only ones people can live in – and this inverts the schema of the panopticon.”
The “inversion of the panopticon” portion is almost always left out of the quote. even in academic writing or in the writing/blogs/whatever of people who otherwise seem like they would be down with anti-imperialism or something.
So, it comes across to me as if contemporary (2005-2020) academics and activists interested in, like, folklore or local horticulture or psychogeography will like ... take the “cute” fragments of these excerpts, but don’t want to “stir the pot” by presenting these writings in their fuller context, a fuller context which calls-out knowledge appropriation and explicitly trash-talks Empire.
And de Certeau’s not just writing about folklore or geography. He’s writing about taking action, about practicing alternative ways to relate to landscape in direct contrast to imperial cosmologies, academic/institutionalized/gatekept knowledge, and carceral thinking. (He’s famous for this; he emphasized “tactics” and “action.”)
So this guy is, of course, human, and had disagreeable and/or outright problematique associations. You can argue with his writing extensively. his publications are a mix of great, cool, iffy, “meh” and “bad take bruh.” But de Certeau was ahead of the curve in anticipating the way ambitious US academics would see “the decolonial turn” happening in academic anthropology in the 1990s/2000s and then weaponize it in a way that preserved their power dynamic and institutional power while still paying lip-service to “decolonization.”
But besides dunking on the imperialist foundations of Western institutionalized knowledge systems and the cunning employment of geographic re-worlding and re-naming in creating propaganda and imperial cosmology, and besides being ahead of the curve in anticipating re-enchantment trends and folk horror ... One thing I like about de Certeau’s writing is the emphasis on action, practice, and doing things to counter dominant/powerful cosmology’s attempt to destroy folk/non-Western worldview. Encouraging something like:
Take action. Books are cool, but books are not a substitute for action. Girl, you wanna study landscape, place-based identity, folklore, and how to escape the panopticon? Gotta put the theory texts down occasionally. Please go walk around in the forest; if you’re in the major city, don’t despair, just look at the moss growing in crevices betwixt the cobblestones. Imagine the ghosts, the histories, the stories, who died, what was lost, what’s come before. Power is trying to subsume all, but Empire gets anxious and flails because they know that there are gaps in their cosmology, cracks and breakages where other worlds seep through or can be glimpsed, retrieved, renewed. They know their cosmology can’t account for the diversity of life, the plurality of experience. There is not one world, but many. Find the crevices, the cracks, in the dominant power structures, and break them further. You can help to escape the tightening noose, the planetary-scale plantation, by using your imagination, cooking a meal, taking a walk.
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Hi Steph! How you’re doing? First of all, I wanna say that I love your lists. So, I was wondering, do you have some long Johnlock fics? Like, with a bunch of chapters and all that. Thank you!
Hey Nonny!! 
I absolutely do! And you know what?? I’m gonna be selfish: No one has ever EVER asked me for my shorter long fics, so I’m going to take this opportunity to finally release this list, because it’s been sitting in my drafts for YEARS lol. BUT you can check the list below for the links to all my longer-fics lists! Happy reading!!
See also:
Novella Length Fics: 25 to 50K (Aug. 2019)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K Pt 2 (May 2020)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. (May 2019)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. Pt 2 (Aug 2020)
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221b (E, 20,004 w., 6 Ch. || Retirement, Home Improvement, First Time, Romance) – Sherlock takes a remarkably early retirement at 47, and convinces John that a change of pace would do them both good. They buy an old cottage on the South Downs, and exchange their nonstop life in Baker Street for quiet contemplation, bee studies, and book writing. They might go completely insane, but sometimes it takes stepping outside of the life you're living to find the life you want. Part 1 of Through The Clouds
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w., 1 Ch. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John, Past Abuse, Insecure John, Reassuring / Caring Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Understanding Sherlock) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
The White Lotuses by SilentAuror (E, 20,340 w., 1 Ch. || Slow Burn, Domestic, Romance) – One day John realises that he just isn't where he belongs, which is back at Baker Street with Sherlock. So he goes back and Sherlock, in his own way, courts him. Romance.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
You're On the Air by prettysailorsoldier (M, 20,616 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock, Matchmaking, Radio, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Flirting, Bisexual John) – The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it's time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain--and notorious flirt--John Watson? Part 1 of 25 Days of Johnlock
whiskies neat by Ellipsical (E, 20,660 w., 15 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, POV Second Person Sherlock, Slow Burn, One Night Stand, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, Soldier John, Crying, Emotional Lovemaking, Switchlock) – Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
Achieving the Together-Coloured Instant by teahigh (E, 20,776 w., 1 Ch. || Est. Rel, PTSD, Codependency, Fluff & Angst, H/C, Smut, Demisexual Sherlock, Experiments) – John wonders if this is how it’s going to be: A life speaking in code, because they’re both too stupid to figure out how to say, “I love you.”
Winter's Delights by Kate_Lear (E, 21,173 w., 1 Ch. || Holmes Family, Christmas, Fake Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Bed Sharing, Domestics) – Sherlock takes John home for Christmas to meet the extended Holmes family. Part 1 of Winter's Delights
Once More, With Feeling by cellard00rs (T, 21,178 w., 7 Ch. || John’s Family, Fake Relationship, Romance, Fluff, Humour) – To put off his meddlesome, matchmaking mother, John convinces Sherlock to play the role of his significant other. Unparalleled awkwardness ensues.
Love Is by SilentAuror (E, 21,508 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, UST / URT, Post HLV, Romance) – At Mrs Hudson's urging, Sherlock finally decides to tell John how he feels about him. Part 1 of Love Is
echoes through time by chellefic (E, 21,619 w. || First Time, Romance, ACD & BBC, Epistolary) – Mummy sends a trunk from the Holmes cottage in Sussex to 221B. Its contents alter the way John and Sherlock see themselves and one another.
The Real Meaning of Idioms by feverishsea (T, 21,691 w., 1 Ch. || Texting, Humour, Post S2) - After two weeks away, John finally texts Sherlock. He doesn’t expect Sherlock to respond. He doesn’t expect Sherlock to keep texting him. And he really doesn’t expect things to spiral out of control so rapidly.
5 Times John Got the Girl (and lost her) and 1 Time John Got the Guy (and kept him) by LiviKate (M, 21,695 w., 6 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Kissing, Oblivious / Awkward Sherlock, BAMF / Sexy / Stud John, Embarassed John, John’s Scar, Hurt/Comfort, Jealous Sherlock) – John has always had good luck with the ladies. He's charming, friendly and funny, not to mention great in bed. However, his usual skill with the opposite sex is constantly being thwarted by Sherlock and his outbursts. How will John ever get a leg over when Sherlock is always cockblocking him?
Brief Conversations with the Woman by May_Shepard (E, 21,906 w., 20 Ch. || Pining, Love Fairy Irene, Filler Fic, UST/URT, Drug Use, Clueless Sherlock, Relationship Advice, Angst w/ Happy Ending) – Sherlock has a puzzle to solve, and his name is John Watson.
When to Let Go by KendylGirl (M, 22,109 w., 8 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Reverse Reichenbach, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Angst, Love, Implied Drug Use) – What if it were John who had to die to thwart Moriarty's plans? John's supposed death shatters Sherlock, and when he returns, it will challenge the pair to forge a path of forgiveness, to peace, and to find a way back to each other. Part 1 of When to Let Go
A Shipless Ocean by myswordfishmind (M, 22,135 w. 4 Ch. || Post-TRF, John has a Kid) – Ten years after the fall Sherlock goes back to London to find that John no longer lives there. Instead, he resides in a seaside town, a widower, and the father of a seven year old son. Now, Sherlock must struggle with the fact that there may no longer be a place for him in this new world.
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w., 1 Ch. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock's parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
The One With the Proposal by kim47 (E, 22,375 w., 3 Ch. || Fluff, Romance, Marriage Proposal) – Proposing shouldn't be this difficult.
Sonatina in G Minor by SilentAuror (E, 22,574 w., 1 Ch. || Case Fic, POV Sherlock, Angst, UST, Sherlock’s Violin, Post-S3, Romance) – John has come back to Baker Street, but Sherlock doesn't understand the strange tension between them, even after he begins teaching John to play the violin at John's request.
Dear John by wendymarlowe (E, 23,031 w., 64 Ch. || Post-TRF, Online Dating, Pining, Epistolary, Cybersex, Long Distance Romance) – With Sherlock dead, John eventually (under duress) makes a profile on an online dating site. And falls into a long-distance relationship with an enigmatic partner who reminds him of Sherlock in all the right ways. (Hint: it turns out to be Sherlock.) Part 1 of Dear John
Knotted by naughtyspirit (E, 23,166 w., 4 Ch. || UST/URT, Cuddling, Sharing Body Heat, Confessions, Kissing, Mastrubation, Frustration, BAMF!John) – John has to cancel a date because of Sherlock's case, which leads them to be tied up in a basement from which they have to escape. They get wet, get tied up close and John has to step up and save them. Because he's pretty. And hot. And just a little bit of a BAMF.
You Can Imagine the Christmas Dinners by ardenteurophile (T, 23,584 w., 9 Ch. || Pre-Slash, Drama, Fluff & Angst, Humour, Romance) – Sherlock takes John along for Christmas dinner with Mycroft and Mummy (And "Anthea", too). Over the course of the evening, John realises that everyone in the room - apart from him - seems to think that he and Sherlock are a couple. Part 2 of Xmas Dinners Verse
Once Upon a Beast Becoming by antietamfalls (T, 24,042 w., 6 Ch. || Beauty and the Beast AU || Magical Realism, Folklore, Celtic Mythology) – An act of pride, a druid’s curse, an enchanted leaf; Sherlock’s torment has lasted an age. Hope arrives in the form of one John Watson, a man uniquely suited to break the spell. But with a single night to win his affections, Sherlock finds his carefully laid plans disrupted by a monstrous killer whose sights are set on the only thing he has left to lose: John.
The Kepler Problem by kinklock (E, 24,270 w., 1 Ch. || Sci-Fi AU, Alien Sherlock, Space Repairman John, Alien Biology, Horny John) – Working in uncharted space exploration was not as exciting as John had hoped, especially when it turned out to be mostly bot maintenance on uninhabited planets. However, the mystery of the repeated, unexplained malfunctions on planet BAK 2212 might turn out to be exactly the kind of adventure he'd been craving.
Maintaining A Personal Life by Gingerhermit (E, 24,284 w., 6 Ch. || Alternating POV’s, Bisexuality, BAMF!John, Jealous Sherlock, Romance / Drama, Sort-of Case Fic, Peril & Angst, Love Confessions, Toplock, Soft Idiots in Love, Post S3) – Sherlock and John discover some interesting revelations about each other’s sexuality, which lead them both to question the assumptions they've made about one another for years. In the midst of their mutual discoveries, a dangerous psychopath looms on the side-lines who threatens to destroy their new beginning.
The Sexual Awakening of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson by suitesamba (M, 24,579 w., 10 Ch. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, H/C, First Kiss/Time) – Sherlock owes Mycroft a favor. Mycroft calls in that favor by offering Sherlock's consulting services in a charity auction. Sherlock and John soon find themselves at the country manor of Mrs. Ives-Patton Smarmington III - not very coincidentally a long-time friend of Sherlock's mother - where they are reluctant participants in her Murder Mystery Weekend. It's a play within a play for Sherlock and John, and their roles for the weekend event bleed over into their real lives, waking the sleeping dragons within.
Tomorrow's Song by agirlsname (M, 24,645 w., 5 Ch. || Post-TRF, POV Sherlock, Angst with a Happy Ending, Virgin / Repressed Sherlock, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Pining, Jealous Sherlock) – How can he think a relationship with me would be a good idea? I am the sort of person to take a break from my life and when I come back after two years, I expect to find it exactly as I left it. In reality I find it shattered to pieces. (I actually equate you with my life. When did I start doing that?)
State of Flux by Atiki (E, 24,655 w., 4 Ch. || Sherlock POV, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Cuddles and Snuggles, Awkwardness, Insecure/Virgin Sherlock, Romance) – John’s marriage is over and he is finally back home (i.e. at Baker Street, where he belongs). Sherlock is awfully insecure and John is awfully hesitant, and they're both awkward idiots, of course, but they figure it out. Many First Times happen.
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holocronarchive · 4 years
hi! i'm very new to the star wars fandom, i've only been a VERY casual "fan" for the last fifteen years or so if i can even call myself that. i wanted to ask something: i know that coruscant is split into over 5000 different levels, but how exactly does it work? where does the coruscant underworld begin? it's just so confusing and every source i find online just assumes i know what the underworld is exactly and what facility is present on what level of the city...
well first of all- 
welcome to the fandom, personally I like to consider myself a hermit in it myself in the sense that I watch most of the fandom from a safe distance, taking in what I need/want and then just scurrying off like Yoda back to my little hut of nerdines lol
if you’re ever unsure, remember, the force is with us all and even the most casual person is welcome simply because they enjoy the material. If its one movie- you’re in, if its one scene cause it makes you feel excited/like a child or EVEN just feel ANYTHING you’re in
gatekeeping is not allowed and anyone who gatekeeps is worse than Darth Jar Jar 
so that being said do not worry for Not knowing something, wishing for info or simply “being casual” you’re not required to meet any standards here (or anywhere for that matter) those who say otherwise are shitty people and I say don’t represent what it means to enjoy the star wars universe, they become the very things we dislike (extremists who take this pure enjoyable series and ruin it for others)
now to answer your question
I’ll be pulling a chunk of the answer from the wiki to “spark note things” since 1- with new canon still filtering in over the years since Disney took over I know there has been some changes to things and I rather not mix and match 
2- I admit I’m still waking up for the day so I don’t want my “booting up brain” to go all conspiracy theory map on ya and leave you MORE confused than you had been prior to this.
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The dense city blocks were built on top of each other, with lowest being Level 1 and the highest reaching to Level 5127. The lowest known habitable level was Level 5. At its highest level, Galactic City's skyscrapers were built with many reaching 6,000 meters into the atmosphere, with sleek, transparisteel edifices standing next to older duracrete structures.
I’d argue that levels 1-4 are uninhabitable due to SO MUCH time and over population that essentially it had a “greenhouse gas” affect, where the populations impact pollution wise and other wise just footprint on the ecology of the world made those first few areas of the planet deadly and needing to be avoided (but I could be wrong and if so any info on that from anyone would be appreciated)
This was because the planet became the central hub for civilization and that meant constant growth of urbanized areas/continuously needing to expand to accommodate more and more people coming to and settling on the world. Seeing as you can’t “download more ram” in the form of expanding your planet, the best thing to do is once you cover everything already...build up.
Coruscant’s distance from it’s sun also meant it had a climate that didn’t SUIT any one particular species (which is why the world’s weather is very strictly controlled so that everyone on world is ok climate wise) the buildings that expanded into the troposphere caused unusual and unpredictable microclimates as well (which explains why certain parts always looked the way they did)
Supposedly the birth place of humanity in star wars (again as of now, if that changes can happen) who eventually traveled and explored the rest of the galaxy (look at us- spreading like a virus even in fiction lol) Coruscant became the center of political and cultural life in the galaxy quickly. 
Old Canon stated - Following the end of the Clone Wars, an official census noted 1 trillion official permanent residents. The statistics did not include transients, temporary workers, unregistered populace, nor residents of orbital facilities. Because of these omissions, the actual population of Coruscant was estimated to be three times the official record.
Coruscant was once a world mostly covered in oceans.[24] However, all natural bodies of water were drained and stored in vast caverns beneath the city as a result of years of overpopulation. The only body of water visible was the artificial Western Sea, with many artificial islands floating on it, used by tourists on holidays.[1]
With no other bodies of water available to feed and water its trillion inhabitants, Coruscant's architects, along with many others from around the galaxy, worked together to build a self-contained eco-system in the massive buildings set all over the planet. Polar cap stations also melted ice and distributed water throughout the planet-wide city through a complex series of pipes
As stated- while its been a few years since Disney acquired star wars, and rebooted the Canon there is limited info on how the DETAILS of the many MANY levels of Coruscant work. even old canon/legends was sketchy on A LOT of details, giving broad strokes and covering only what was needed in whatever material you came across that way not to feel like TOTAL exposition dumps.
That being said, with the newly announced High Republic content starting in August I do believe we’ll be finally learning a LOT more about Coruscant proper because we’ll be setting the plot of those stories 200 years before the Skywalker saga. This meaning that we’ll see the Republic in it’s highest and hopefully purist state giving reason to learn more about the mega city world and granting us A MUCH NEEDED insight into how the world functions. Guilded as it is as a “perfect world” I doubt that even at its golden age, all of Coruscant benefited
Especially when a world has nearly a trillion lives, someone was unaccounted for and I imagine we’ll finally start seeing more and more as the NEW content releases this year 
Hopefully all this was helpful for your question. I’m sorry there isn’t more of a “here is how each level of the planet is established” but to my knowledge there isn’t really much yet in that area. At least none that I’ve consumed media wise and I’m still playing catch up (speaking just watched clone wars s7e2 last night and OOOOOOOboooooy I’m so happy we finally are getting this season!
But again hopefully this is a good “Spark note” answer and if more info is available hopefully someone can add to it OR I’ll add to it in the future ^.^
May the Force be with you
The holocron archivist 
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barnes-belle · 5 years
Beauty and the Barnes (2)
A Modern Retelling Of Beauty and The Beast. 
PAIRING - Bucky X Reader
WARNINGS - Lots of Smut, Light Hints of Non/Dub-Con, Prostitution, Swearing, Dark Bucky.
When your father falls deathly ill you fall into a lifestyle you would have could have never predicted for yourself. Selling your body as a high-class escort isn’t ideal but it’s the only way to find the money you need to help your father, until your first client offers you another way.
Bucky’s mean, coarse and gets a kick out of watching you squirm but he is willing to help your father. All you have to do is sign yourself over to The Winter Soldier, body and soul.
Trapped in The Avengers compound, serving as a PA to a man who’s an absolute beast you find yourself wondering if there’s such a thing as a happy ending?
Chapter Two
You kicked the front door open with your foot as you juggled the keys and the bags of groceries.
“Dad?” You called out, looking around the open for him.
 “Oh sweetheart, there you are. Could you *cough* pass me the *cough*…” He said, peering at you from behind a canvas.
 “The cornflower blue?” You asked, smiling sadly and passing him the paint.
 He nodded happily, choosing to save his voice.
 Once upon a time your father had been an incredible painter. He never sought riches or fame, just enough to get by and make sure you had all you needed. Beyond that, he just wanted to bring a little beauty and joy into people’s lives. These days, he painted for himself. He was to weak, too shaky to give his art the same level of detail as before and it had become a private hobby.
 “Dad, why isn’t the fireplace lit? We have a top floor apartment so you can use the chimney.” You scolded, dropping the groceries onto the countertop and hurrying over to the fireplace.
 “It dries out the paint.” He wheezed.
 “It also helps your lungs. Cold air, bad!” You said for the billionth time as you stuffed newspapers under the logs.
 He devolved into a violent coughing fit behind you and you sighed, knowing there was nothing you could do to ease it.
 “I’ll put the groceries away.” You told him and he waved you off, picking up his paintbrush again.
 You slowly put all the healthy foods into the fridge, contemplating the life changing decision you’d been given last night, pretending to ponder over it. It was your father’s health, his life you were talking about here though and you knew that ultimately, you were going to sign yourself over to Bucky Barnes. You pulled out your phone and sent a text to Mrs Pamela, telling her it just wasn’t the right lifestyle for you and promptly blocked her number. That was when you noticed the new email notification.
Subject: I think this will satisfy your father’s needs.
 You clicked open the email and nearly dropped the phone in shock at the online brochure it led you to. The out of state clinic was one of the best in the country, specialising in lung disorders. The pictures showed a sleek, clean, homely looking facility that boasted the best doctors. It was the sort of place that you couldn’t even have dreamt of sending your father.
 “I have a Job interview with Stark Industries today, if I get it my medical insurance will cover your treatments. Better, you’ll get really good care.” You said, fudging the truth.
 “Yes but *cough* do you want this job? Will you like working *cough* there?” You father asked in concern.
 “I would love to get this job!” You lied through your teeth.
 You smoothed your hands over the skirt of your dress nervously as you got out of your beat up old rickety pick-up truck and stepped inside the building, slipping the lanyard that had been given to you at the front gate over your neck. There was a reception desk, but it was unmanned and you looked around nervously.
 “Hello, is anyone there?” You called quietly.
 “Hello Miss Belle.” A woman’s voice said from nowhere and you yelped and spun round looking for the owner of the mysterious voice.
 “Hello…. Ghost?” You answered.
 “My name is Friday; I am an Artificial Intelligence system. Sergeant Barnes is expecting you, if you’ll step into the elevator, I will send you to the correct floor.” Friday said.
 “Oh, why thank you very much Friday.” You said kindly as an elevator door slid open on the other side of the room and you hurried towards it.
 As the elevator carried you up, you wondered if it would be rude of you to correct an AI about your name. You decided against it, you didn’t want to offend or embarrass her.
 “Sergeant Barnes is waiting for you in his suite. Turn left, then right and it’s the second door on the right.” Friday instructed.
 “Thankyou Friday!” You called, hurrying out of the elevator with your head down, hoping you didn’t run into anybody.
 You made your way to the correct door and raised your hand to knock but before you did it swung open and Bucky Barnes looked down at you with an unimpressed, almost bored expression.
 “You made the right choice. Sign these.” He said, tossing a pile of papers at you.
 “Can I read them?” You asked, catching them awkwardly as you crossed the threshold.
 “The point of reading a contract is to make sure you’re not signing your soul away. You are signing your soul over to me, and your body with it. Besides, those are just the standard NDA’s and privacy clauses all Stark employee’s sign.” He said, sitting down and watching you.
 “Right…” you said, looking through your bag for a pen.
 He held one up in your line of vison and you took it.
 “Does it use Ink or Blood?” You joked.
 “Why, do you have a bloodplay kink you want me to indulge?” He asked and you couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not.
 “Nope. My only kink is being completely owned and controlled by handsome 100-year-old assassins?” You offered and there was a flash of something in his eyes.
 You took a deep breath and screwed your eyes closed so you didn’t have to watch yourself sign your life away. As soon as you were done he snatched the papers away and handed you a single sheet of paper.
 “Now sign this.” He instructed.
 “This contract gives you uninhabited access to my body, whenever, wherever and however you chose. In return, you will pay for my father’s admission and stay at The Clinic and all treatments needed. That’s literally all it says.” You spluttered.
 “That’s all it needs to say.”
 “I…” You began but he was right. What more was there to be said?
 “Is it even legally binding?” You asked.
 “The law is the least of your worries if you break a contract with me. But yes. Friday serves as a witness.” He informed you.
 “What about if you break the contract?” You asked.
 “I won’t.” He stated.
 “But what if…”
 “I’m not going to.”
 “But how do I know that?”
 “I WONT!” He roared; patience spent.
 You had to believe him. It was your dads’ best chance. So nodded and scribbled your signature onto the paper. For such a monumental moment in your life, it was rather anti-climactic, and you pulled back to regard the paper with a puzzled frown.
 “What now?” He snapped.
 “I don’t know… I was expecting it to burst into flames or something.” You admitted.
 “How… why… never mind.” He sighed, looking at you like you were an idiot and grabbing your elbow and dragging you over to a door on the far side of the room.
 “This is your room. Mine is that one.” He said, pointing to the opposite side of the room.
 “So, you don’t live in Brooklyn? Wait. MY room?” You yelped.
 “Yes, your room. I want you fully moved in by tomorrow night at the latest. It’s in the contracts you just signed. The clinic is coming for your father, in about… 25 minutes.” He told you.
 “What? But… but I didn’t even get to say goodbye! I’ll never make it home on time!”
 “Not my problem. I promised to get him help, I have. You’re being given a tour of the compound and getting your security clearance by one of the on-site PA’s in a few minutes, so we don’t have a lot of time.” He said callously, pushing you into the living area.
 “But…” You objected.
 “Listen, you belong to me now. You agreed to it, so stop fucking being annoying about it and do as I damn well say.”
 You snapped your mouth closed and tried to brush aside the thought you’d made a terrible mistake and the worry for your father and nodded to him. Your new master.
 “Turn around.” He instructed.
 When you did, he quickly unzipped your dress and slipped the straps over your shoulders, pushing the dress to the floor.
 “We don't have a lot of time, but I don't want you walking around the building meeting all these superheroes without remembering who you belong too.” He told you.
 He spun you around so you were facing him and sat down in the chair. You stood there unsure exactly of what you're supposed to do until he unzipped himself and pulled his fully hard cock free. You stifled a gasp, somehow in your mind you'd managed to downplay how big it was but seeing again now you remembered how difficult it had been to fit that thing inside of you.
 “Well don't just stand there Belle, this is your job now.” He reprimanded.
You stepped forward and began to sink to your knees but he tutted at you and you sighed and leant over him instead, wrapping your hand around his cock. You couldn’t fit your fingers all the way around him as you tentatively and experimentally pumped your hand up and down his shaft.
 “Hmm. Put a little effort into it.” He said coldly.
 So you did. Your back started to burn from the awkward hunched over position quickly and your arm started to ache from the continues pumping. It was so… mundane. This was the man who ordered prostitutes to get off, not the cruel, sadistic and almost cheekily charming man who’d made you ride him.
 You strangely missed that man, at least he’d had a shade of life in him. So, you did something potentially stupid and leaned over to lick the bead of pre-cum leaking from his tip. He cocked his head curiously at you but didn’t reprimand you, so you slowly closed your lips over the very tip of him and almost teasingly sucked as you pumped your hand along his shaft, twisting your wrist and squeezing him.
 “There’s my Belle.” He praised.
 He stood up, forcing you to stand upright as he did, and you continued to jerk him off as he pulled your underwear down over your hips, leaving them about midway down your thigh. He leant forward so the head of his cock was jutting over the edge of your panties and you figured out was he was doing. He was going to make you carry a reminder of who you belonged to with you for the rest of the day and you swallowed thickly.
 His fingers hooked under your chin and forced you to look up at him. He gazed at your face with a look you couldn’t quite place for a few moments before you felt him twitch in your hand and you glanced down to watch as he spurted roped of white cum into your panties, some of it splashing off of your pussy. He groaned and you pumped him until he was done and he quickly pulled your panties back up, further than they needed to be until it was almost painful.
 You could feel his sticky, warm seed press against your most intimate parts and you shuddered at the sensation. Especially when it oozed out of your underwear and trickled down your leg. He zipped himself back up and tossed your dress at you and walked towards the door, sighing and stopping without turning when he didn’t hear you move.
 “What are you doing?” He asked.
 “I don’t want to move yet?” You said timidly.
 “Because… It’ll…. You know? It’ll squelch.” You explained.
 His shoulders shook and for a brief second you thought he might be laughing until he turned around and glared at you.
 “You’ll suffer a lot worse than wet panties while you’re here. Trust me. Fucking move.” He snarled and you hurriedly pulled your dress back on, twisting around to pull the zipper up.
 He unceremoniously pushed you out of the door and smacked you ass before the door slammed in your face.
 “I don’t know where I’m supposed to go!” You shouted.
 No response.
 “Friday?” You said hopefully.
 “Yes Miss Belle, I’m here. If you head back towards the elevator, the common room is opposite, and your escort is waiting there for you.” Friday said helpfully.
 “Thankyouu.” You whispered, walking awkwardly towards the common room.
 There was indeed squelching and though you would never, ever admit it out loud, having Bucky’s cum soaking through your underwear and coating your pussy was actually not an entirely unpleasant feeling. You gradually straightened up, getting used to the feeling.
 You wandered into the common room, looking around for your ‘escort’.
 “Who’s that?”
 “Is that her? Are you the girl?
 “I think it is. Are you Belle?”
 You stood in the doorway, dumbstruck. The two men, the two very famous men looked over you curiously, bordering on concern when you didn’t move.
 You really hoped neither Captain America nor The Falcon was your tour guide because you were not making a good impression.
 “Yes! I’m Belle.” You said without thinking.
 It was really starting to look like you were stuck with the name.
  A/N - I'm still not 100% sure about this fic so this is the decider chapter for me. I tried to make Bucky beastly but still Bucky and I wanted Belle to be sweet and innocent but still have a sassy streak.In case you would like to know... 
Lumiere - Steve Cogsworth - Sam Mrs Potts - Tony Chip - Peter Parker
@spnqueen02 @nogardsoahk @chipilerendi @jessieray98 @nochampagnesocialist @scarlettswxtch @dropthepizza346
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marylighthaus · 2 years
Simple Tips And Tricks To Help You In The Real Estate Market
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It can be smart to invest in real estate if you know what to do. It's important that you're able to do the needed research so you can have great information before spending money. These tips will help. Do not be afraid to spend money on marketing. It is easy to just focus on the numbers and get fixated on how much marketing is costing you. However, it is important to think of the marketing as an investment in and of itself. If done the right way, it will only benefit you in the end. Try not to overextend yourself. Don't get overeager. Start small and work your way up. Don't just assume that you can spend a great deal and make that money back. That's an easy way to back yourself into a corner. Wait until your smaller investments can fund some of your more ambitious ones. Look around for others who share your interest and learn from one another. Many people are interested in investing in real estate. So many people, in fact, that there are many community business groups that focus solely on this passion. If you don't have access to a local group, there are numerous online resources to pursue. Speak with people that are interested in this topic. Build a strong team that is going to work with you during the whole process. This means that you will need to get a realtor, accountant and lawyer that will help safeguard you in case anything goes wrong in the process. These people will also give you great advice while you invest. If you purchase a property and need to make repairs, be wary of any contractors who ask for money in advance. You should not have to pay before the work is done, and if you do, you run the risk of getting ripped off. At the very least, never pay the full amount ahead of time. Hire a professional inspector to come out and see the property you're thinking of putting your money into. You may think that you can just look over the property on your own to find problems, but if you're not trained you may miss some things. When problems are found, you should make sure to get some money off of the property or have the owner fix it for you. Do not immediately buy a property at or near a major road intersection just because of where it sits. While it is true that gas stations excel at making money this way, sometimes other businesses like restaurants suffer. Check a potential property out at various times of day and even throughout the week. Certain traffic patterns might make the place a pain to get in and out of, which might be why it is for sale. Consider building up a real estate rental portfolio that can continue to provide you with consistent profit for retirement purposes. While purchasing homes to sell for profit is still possible, it is less of a reality in today's world than it has been in the past. Building up rental income by purchasing the right properties is trending vs flipping homes due to the current housing market. Never give up! Real estate investing is not a simple thing to jump into. There's a lot to learn, and you should expect quite a few bumps and bruises along the way. But with patience and increased skills from playing the game, you'll become better and better at it. Don't purchase property unless you can back up the investment with extra cash. The money you put aside is useful paying for expenses pertaining to the rental property such as minor repairs. You likely won't be able to rent the property immediately, so it's important to have that cash. There are still expenses, even if no one lives there. Your rental contract should include the requirement of a security deposit. This protects your interests if your tenant leaves your property in an uninhabitable state when he moves out. The contract gives you the right to keep the security deposit in order to hire a cleaning service or a repair service to fix the problems. Learn the regulations and laws of the area you are buying property in. Legalities vary from area to area, so you should know them before you shop for real estate. Talk to officials to abide by all of the rules. Survey the market often so that you can see when trends are beginnings so that you can get in on chances like that when the opportunity for profit is the best. When you see that there is a demand for a certain type of property, then you know what types of properties you have the best chance of profiting with. You can sometimes use certain times of the year to your advantage. There are times when properties sales are at their lowest due to the time of the year. This is when you have the advantage as a buyer and can use that to your advantage to find motivated sellers who need to sell quickly. Don't expect to get rich overnight in real estate investment. On the contrary, it may take up to a decade for your investments to really pay off and many new to the business fail to realize this. With some exceptions, you need to be in the position to hold your properties before seeing any major profits. Look for distressed properties at bargain prices. You can often find these well below market value. Buying these and fixing them up can net you big profits. In the long run, you will make a lot more by following the strategy than you would by purchasing homes that need little or no work. Click on this link and learn as much as you can before making your first investment. There are a ton of books available on real estate investing. Plus there are many online (and offline) communities out there where real estate investors share their best practices. The more you learn, the better chance that you won't make any critical errors. Now it shouldn't be too bad when you get started with real estate investing. You just have to make it a point to put what you went over here into practice. When you do this will be easy for you to work with and you'll get all of the benefits that come along with this sort of thing.
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tdisenyo · 3 years
I.How SOCIAL MEDIA has helped families, social workers, and the government in discerning information during calamities.
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Now a days,almost  people living in this world are using different social media platforms as their daily habit to be updated from the current news as well as for communication. Especially when this global pandemic was started,everyone are being updated because of Social media.But not all of the news are clear but it helps to inform people.Social media has a great impact in this pandemic.Families can get more communication to each other,social workers can be more updated from their agencies and job,and the government can be get more attention to people during this pandemic and by the use social media,they can inform from their current plan.Despite this advantages, people can also explore more about social media, It depends on how people use technologies, but it is better to think first before we click or post something, we need to be more responsible for that.Lastly,social media will be the great tool or weapon people can use to gain information from the current situation despite this pandemic.
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Are you familiar with Twitter, Tumbler, and Facebook ? I know most of you have one.Social media is very important in collaboration and in communicating other people around the globe. It helped families, social workers, and government in discerning info during calamities. Through social media every family can easily communicate their relatives from other places especially those outside the country. While in social workers it can be a tool to educate them info’s during calamities. Our government  most especially can spread or disseminate information through the use of social media.
It is very obvious that social media is a big help. Do you remember the super typhoon Yolanda that hit the Tacloban, Samar, and Leyte? By using social media are able to informed other countries that we are suffering hunger, and destruction of facilities brought by Yolanda . In connection with, the countries who are  members of ASEAN, APEC, and European Union helped us in terms of financial survival. While the families of Filipinos who are living abroad used social media to communicate  their love one’s , if they are okay. Social media is a gift of modern time that is a big help if it is properly use.
In recent years, the world has been hit with a series of big natural disasters, from Hurricane Katrina in USA, earthquakes in Haiti and Asia, the tsunami in Indonesia, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, extremely cold winter in Europe. With the increase of natural disasters that have occurred in the past years it is expected their frequency will continue to increase in the coming years. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g., flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake, heatwave or landslide) .
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It leads to financial, environmental or human losses. Natural disasters come without warning and they take lives of tens, hundreds and thousands of people. The resulting loss depends on the vulnerability of the affected population to resist the hazard, also called their resilience. If these disasters continue it would be a great danger for the earth. This understanding is concentrated in the formulation that disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability. Thus a natural hazard will not result in a natural disaster in areas without vulnerability, e.g. strong earthquakes in uninhabited areas. The term natural has consequently been disputed because the events simply are not hazards or disasters without human involvement.
Due to natural disasters there is an increased communication since people seek to contact family and friends in the disasters zone, and seek information regarding food, shelter and transportation. Social media has played a significant role in disseminating information about these disasters by allowing people to share information and ask for help. Social media are also becoming vital to recovery efforts after crises, when infrastructure must be rebuilt and stress management is critical.
The extensive reach of social networks allows people who are recovering from disasters to rapidly connect with needed resources. There are all lot of groups in the most popular social networking sites, allowing individuals involved in various aspects of emergency awareness and preparedness to connect, discuss, and share knowledge in specific fields. The aim of the paper is to analyze the possibilities for the use of social media in the management of natural disasters and to propose basic guidelines for organizing communications and data exchange between the participants in such events.
Social media has re-defined communication in today’s modern world. Text messaging, the internet and social networking sites have made it possible to communicate with a large number of people anywhere on earth. It is an efficient and easy way to keep in touch and impart information, particularly in a time of crisis. The Internet has become an essential communication network during this time. With thousands displaced from their homes and many having fled the disaster zone, people turned to social networking sites to contact friends, post photos and share stories.
Social Media has become a valuable means of communication in many places affected by a natural disaster, which allows people to keep in touch with family and friends and access important information. Social media cannot and should not supersede current approaches to disaster management communication or replace existing infrastructure, but if managed strategically, they can be used to bolster current systems. Now is the time to begin deploying these innovative technologies while developing meaningful metrics of their effectiveness and of the accuracy and usefulness of the information they provide. Social media might well enhance systems of communication, thereby substantially increasing the ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from events that threaten people and infrastructure.
More than 66% of adult online users are now connected to one or more social media platforms. And it’s not just about keeping in touch with friends or following news or interests. As social media continues to play a pervasive role in the way people think, act and react to the world, it’s also changing one of the most crucial ways of actually helping the world: how people respond to emergencies and disaster.
From government agencies and other organizations, to citizens and social platforms themselves, people across the spectrum of social media are leveraging its use to respond to emergencies. According to a 2011 report of the Congressional Research Service, there are two broad categories in the way that we can conceptualize this use of social media: 1) to “somewhat passively” disseminate information and receive user feedback; and 2) to use social media more systematically as an emergency management tool.
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But what does that mean, exactly? And how have we seen this emergency response in social media so far? Here’s a look at it from the perspective of government agencies and other organizations.
We don’t have to look far to see recent examples of how large organizational bodies have been using social media for disaster response. As Mashable recently reported, both the Dallas Fort Worth Red Cross and Dallas Fort Worth International Airportused Twitter to share safety tips, give status updates on flights and tweet out specific locations where people could take cover during the recent tornadoes in the area. This reaction by the Dallas authorities falls under both of those broad categories of utilizing social media — not only were they distributing general information, but they were actively using Twitter to warn citizens.
However, “warning” or “alerting” people through social media is still in its infancy, and not everyone does it. During the recent shootout at Oikos University in Oakland, for example, the Oakland Police Department used Twitter to report on the crisis. However, the Oakland Police Department Twitter bio states that its account is not meant to be taken as a substitute for actual emergency or non-emergency responses — in other words, during that emergency, the department was using Twitter to disseminate information, not necessarily as a tool for emergency management.
Other agencies are also explicit in how they expect their users or fans to use their social media accounts. The National Weather Service’s Hurricane Center Facebook page, for example, states the purpose of the page right away in its description:
However, even with the premise of “experimenting” and “exploring,” the fact that the page has more than 125,000 likes suggests something pretty significant: People areinterested in following these large governmental bodies and organizations on social media.
So why might government agencies or other organizations not be ready yet to use social media as a platform for emergency management? Well, even though social media may be common among most people, updating social media accounts, let alone during emergencies and disasters, requires a huge amount of time, effort and understanding of social media. And with74% of social media users expecting response agencies to answer calls for help within an hour, that’s a lot of responding in a very little amount of time. And time is always precious during an emergency.
SOURCE: https://groupiesonline.wordpress.com/home/#:~:text=It%20helped%20families%2C%20social%20workers%2C%20and%20government%20in%20discerning%20info,especially%20those%20outside%20the%20country.&text=info's%20during%20calamities.-,Our%20government%20most%20especially%20can%20spread%20or%20disseminate,the%20use%20of%20social%20media.
What are the difference between traditional media and new media?
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What is traditional media?
Traditional media refers to forms of mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a targeted group of the public.
Traditional forms of media include print publications (newspapers and magazines), broadcast news (television and radio) and, in recent years, the digital version of those media outlets, such as digital newspapers and blogs.
What is social media?
The term “social media” is used a lot these days to describe a variety of different digital platforms.
For the purpose of this piece, social media refers to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
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The differences between traditional media and social media
Where traditional media generally offers a wider audience pool, social media allows for more targeted distribution
If you’re pitching correctly, your earned media hits should be reaching a more narrow target audience. However, even the best of pitches distributed to the best of media outlets are still going to hit a broader audience than you originally set out to target.
After all, that’s half the reason why traditional forms of media were so coveted in the past. If your story aired on the 6 o’clock news, you knew your impression count was going to be through the roof.
Social media on the other hand, gives PR pros the opportunity to really target their messages, selecting everything from the demographics and geography of an audience to the time of day the post will go live.
Social media is immediate, while traditional can be delayed due to press times
Every PR pro has been there: you pitched a story in mid-September that doesn’t result in a finished piece until the following March. It happens.
Traditional media tends to have a longer timeline than social media. Not only can press times slow you down, pieces for traditional media tend to take longer to put together (think of all those hours drafting and distributing a pitch, connecting reporters with sources and providing useful imagery).
Social media posts are generally shorter, usually meaning they take less time to put together, and can be published immediately.
Traditional media pieces are more final, where social media is dynamic
For the most part, once a story is published on a traditional form of media, it’s final.
If you’re lucky, the reporter you worked with on a story may be willing to make changes after the fact to an online piece, but if your story hit newsstands or went live on television or radio, chances are it’s too late.
Because social media is a form of owned media, you have the control to make updates whenever you need to.
PR pros have the freedom to issue retractions, edit posts after they’re pushed live or even delete messages entirely. And since social media happens immediately, there is absolutely no delay between the time a change is needed and when it reaches audiences.
Social media offers more control over the message than traditional media
Similar to the above, where the PR pro controls the publication date and time of a social media post, social also offers greater control over the message.
Although you can’t control how the public will respond once the message is out there, you do have the opportunity to control what is said in the first place.
Social media is a two-way conversation, and traditional is one-way
The typical flow of a traditional piece looks a lot like this: the PR pro pitches the story, the reporter publishes the story and the public reads the story.
The cycle ends there, until it begins again.
With social media, the public has the opportunity to voice their opinions, and boy do they!
SOURCE: https://muckrack.com/blog/2018/08/01/differences-between-traditional-media-and-social-media
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leyahroehl · 3 years
houston flood insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :coverage-finder.net
houston flood insurance
houston flood insurance is required in Texas. However, if you live in flood risk areas of Texas or California, or if you rely on your home for transportation, insurance provides superior protection. The average per year in the U.S. The and your own individual factors can greatly affect your policy costs. If you are wondering why a policy is a bad deal for you, there are other factors involved. In Texas, the average cost of homeowners insurance is $4,927. If you already purchased your home insurance policy, you might be asking yourself, is it a bad idea to purchase for a low amount? If you bought homeowners insurance, how much does homeowners insurance cost in Texas? According to the , the average Texas homeowner pays about $1,937 a year for home insurance, which compares favorably to in the country as a whole. It is more than $2,837 per year in the country, which is a little high! Insurance premiums vary greatly from city to city. Here. houston flood insurance. It may be affordable but also expensive. Houston area residents who don’t have access to flood protection coverage must purchase a comprehensive flood cover - which is $200 for every $5,000 in water. In Houston, home insurance costs for flooding homes are often a steep $3,000 per year higher than average due to human factors. Many people believe homeowners insurance is costly. There are several ways that Houston residents can minimize their insurance cost. For more details, check out these tips. Homeowners insurance is an optional form of protection paid for by the homeowner. However, it’s a smart policy you can buy when you need coverage. There are multiple types of homeowners insurance policies. Coverage varies by state, but generally, the level of policy coverage is the same as that of homeowner insurance policies. Homeowners insurance typically includes covered sources of living and tenant medical coverage. Homeowners can also bundle both home and auto insurance policies. Learn more by understanding different types of policies. You. houston flood insurance.  Because of flood damage with a recent hurricane from Mexico, the average cost to you can be anywhere from $40-$120 per month to compare.  For a full comparison, click . If your house is in a flood zone and you need to purchase flood insurance, we can help you find the best rates. Flood insurance can make your home in your flood zone much more costly than your neighbors, and that much makes it a big burden.  Flood insurance covers losses related to an extended or high risk evacuation as well as the damage you need to pay for if you need to stay until the emergency is over.  In case that you need to be abandoned because it is a high-risk evacuation, be sure to  to ensure it is available.  We get it.  But when you own and operate your home (in fact, it can be a great responsibility), you want homeowners insurance that is as affordable as you can possibly receive in the.
What is Flood Insurance?
What is Flood Insurance? If you don’t get your house built on a federally protected site, then you should consider renting your home or apartment. That’s a small price to be sure. If you buy one of these policies as an option on your own site with your credit card (or check out these tips for finding good ones), you might save a lot of money on your monthly expenses. There are a few different types of Flood Insurance and coverage options as they differ depending on your personal situation, the type of property you need to cover, and when you buy flood insurance as part of your homeowners policy. With a basic homeowners policy, your insured property is covered not just in the event of a flood but even in the event of some natural disasters. Flood insurance policies come bundled together and provide protection against loss in an otherwise otherwise uninhabitable area and also protect a home as a hotel. You may also have to file a separate policy. What kind of Coverage Should I Buy? The.
What Flood Insurance Covers
What Flood Insurance Covers Damages: (U.S. Federal Employees Insurance: ). The U.S. Federal Employees Insurer of America, Inc. seeks that consumers pay up to $1.25 per policy per disaster, even the cheapest policies available to an insured with the right policy in place. That is an and is an affordable and efficient way to save you more money! For more information in regards, for homeowners or other property or casualty insurance policies. We are a full-service independent insurance agency serving the Colorado Springs area. Our agency provides Colorado Springs-area families with exceptional customer service and offers a wide range of different insurance products. As another reason to protect your home, family, and your business, we work with individuals and families to help meet your needs. Our staff is very knowledgeable and friendly with friendly staff to answer your insurance questions. If.
Instant Home Insurance Quote
Instant Home Insurance Quote for Homeowners Insurance There are many homeowners insurance companies that sell policies, so we recommend that you compare prices from several insurers. We can help you do this with just just one call and 5 simple questions answered. All you need to do is enter your ZIP code into the FREE comparison tool on this page. The cheapest rates we can save you over money on your car insurance quote is to shop around. We can compare rates from up to 20 companies at one time, and you may find that it’s cheaper for your current premium to get quotes from five companies than it is for our other rates. to compare quotes that fit your budget and budget. In addition to saving money on your car insurance rate, we can help you bundle your insurance policy with other insurance products such as homeowners insurance or life insurance, all in one place. We have used some of the top providers and listed in order of least-expensive to most affordable for you and your family. When you shop for insurance,.
Is Flood Insurance Required in Texas?
Is Flood Insurance Required in Texas? Texas is the first state in the nation to require this requirement.  No. 1 written sample pricing from two major carriers states: Texas and Oklahoma.  On average you need 2 or 3 years to be covered before your insurance company will go after your assets, but you may need to get insurance coverage by the age of 50 as it will be cheaper to start looking past the basics. The best way to start is to  while applying for a policy, give your agent a call. Make sure you will have your own quotes and are working with the right person at the right time for the right coverage.  Be sure you give your agent or an insurance agent what you can see. All Texas Life Insurance Policies must contain an insurance policy attached, in essence.  Your name and your policy number will appear on the policy when necessary.  In the instance where a family member without an insurance policy is acting on your behalf, they should contact the company regarding the policies.  The company will.
Do I need flood insurance in Texas?
Do I need flood insurance in Texas? In Texas, residents must make a written commitment to buying flood insurance, which can become complicated if your property is damaged or your home is destroyed. Flood insurance protects a number of factors. The most basic types of flood insurance are called “pre-flood,” and “pre-state flood”. The flood coverages are based on the flood plain s floodplain condition—water s capacity to stand on its foundation or stand up in a flood. Pre-flood flood insurance, in Texas, must be purchased through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This program pays for the property damage and personal belongings destroyed by the flood. It does not pay for property damage incurred from flooding. It also doesn t cover floods caused by fire or natural disasters. Flood insurance in Texas is typically purchased by insurance agents licensed to sell policies in the state, either by an agent or a broker, or through a . Unlike a direct payment from an insurance company, this online option allows.
What Parts of My Structure are Covered Under Flood Insurance?
What Parts of My Structure are Covered Under Flood Insurance? If your house is damaged due to storms, flooding, or hail, you can take steps to mitigate these costs. Here are a few of the things that can help bring your house up in order: Loud s House, the biggest residential property on the ground, is just a few acres in size. This house, which it is built on a standard foundation, is one of the most expensive dwellings on the ground that is not built with the most modern roof. If there’s an insured dwelling, the house itself has to be the largest in order for the structure to have sufficient insurable value to get insured. Many lenders, regardless of the age of your home, will require you to have a mortgage with a home insured by your lender, as part of their mortgage contract. The policyholder for your home and assets in a property policy are the policyholders of the property, which is why even those who do insure a home do not always have to have this type of coverage.
What Does Flood Insurance Cover?
What Does Flood Insurance Cover? A flood insurance policy provides coverage against damages caused by flooding during low-lying areas of the country and the sea. If flood damage is severe, it may not be covered by flood insurance. However, if flood damage is covered for the region that may be prone to severe weather, the coverage will be offered by any insurance company in the flood insurance market. Is Flood Insurance Coverage Precluded by National Flood Insurance Plan? Yes and Yes. However, if you purchase a national flood insurance plan as required by law or if this plan is converted to an individual flood policy, coverage will not be provided for loss of life and family income. The Flood Insurance Policy for Flood Insurance The Flood Coverage Policy for Flood Insurance is written in the terms and conditions outlined under section 7(1)(g) of the NFIP (NFIP). The Flood Policy Policy is intended for a period of time determined by the policy’s terms and conditions, during which flood claims.
Make Sure You Have Houston, TX Flood Insurance
Make Sure You Have Houston, TX Flood Insurance We want to be sure you have the correct Flood Insurance Houston, TX. If you need assistance locating your Houston, TX Flood Insurance Houston, TX Flood Insurance plan, you can come to us at (844) 856-4343. You can find the right Houston Flood Insurance Houston, TX policy online with our online brokerage. We understand that your needs will differ from one person to another depending on the information that you provide and your personal needs. We will help you provide the necessary insurance coverage that is specifically designed for you. Whether you find yourself lost or need immediate cash immediately, we can help you save money on your Houston Flood Insurance Houston, TX Flood Insurance Plan. You are aware that flood insurance is available from FEMA for a particular city in Houston, Texas, and it can be purchased for a variety of individual or family homeowners insurance. If the location is not listed below, you may need to contact our Houston Flood Insurance Houston, TX Flood Insurance agency. Flood Insurance Houston, TX will.
Insurance Offices Texas
Insurance Offices Texas Homeowners Insurance We’re here to help you get a quote from one of the leading Texas insurance companies you can trust, by reviewing your coverage options, choosing a policy, getting the right coverage and getting notified of your new policy. The last thing you want is to see your car insurance company take you from the insurance road when you cannot get the exact amount to insure your vehicle. If you’ve been looking for cheap car insurance yet, there are some reasons for your car insurance premium to be higher than what you really need. that your insurance company may charge you based on whether or not you have more dependants to insure. After you’ve been through your assessment and purchased the auto insurance policy, you may be wondering if you really need to pay more money for your car insurance premium. We can help you determine if it’s even worth paying for car insurance if you live in , , , , ,.
What’s Covered under the National Flood Insurance Program?
What’s Covered under the National Flood Insurance Program?” For example, if you purchased a $25,000 policy for an insurance company covering 5% of the cost of the home you originally purchased the policy for, you will still need to pay $1,000 to cover 5%. If you purchased a policy to cover up to $10,500 in coverage for their policy amount, expect to pay about 75% of the total cost of their policy. You should always purchase what you need to pay for (in addition to your policy amount) or cover an additional costs that are not covered by the National Flood Insurance Program, like a homeowner’s policy. What are the types of coverages that you can purchase (in addition to your home) such as dwelling, personal belongings and liability covers? If your home is a total loss, there is the , a protection in place for you. If a vehicle you borrowed or is a gift from your bank or lease deal, there will be liability insurance in place for: As.
0 notes
celiarollins · 3 years
renters insurance new york state
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :cheapinsurancequotes1.info
renters insurance new york state
renters insurance new york state can help your local businesses make their financial decisions that way. Auto loans and other loan payments are a part of auto insurance. While lenders typically require borrowers to carry more insurance, it’s more convenient for small businesses to provide it as a payment for assets they value. Insurance is one way businesses purchase assets or are in a financial mess after an accident. Small business auto insurance is very important because most of the financial problems that result after an accident can be difficult for small businesses to solve. To get a competitive insurance company, you want to take into account your unique risks and assets, as well as your financial needs. When applying for auto insurance, you want to choose an option that’s affordable, convenient, and also gives you a smooth and hassle-free experience. When shopping for auto insurance, make sure you’re getting the best pricing you can. For this reason, it’s really hard to decide which agency is the best fit for you. You can choose. renters insurance new york state. They do not offer insurance in the state of Wisconsin, but that would depend on how the insurance policy or policy is arranged, and the information you have available to back that up. is a different company, and they have an online portal that allows you to look back at your insurance policy or check its content or find an insurance policy that meets your needs. says you can find out if your insurance company is doing something it can “take advantage of” the website and find a better deal. The online portal is not only helpful but you can also get started comparing your insurance options. With a local local agent that can handle all the insurance shopping, the team at the Good Samaritan will be able to help you find the best price on insurance for your home. Homeowners can now receive flood insurance, including flood that damages both the home and its contents. While this is an added cost to residents, it is a good. renters insurance new york state ? New york. i was told you pay what do yon ? I am just a yorkin ? I m a good insurance ? I was to a yorkin the i got a yor? It sounds so much to do with a y. The reason I was on one of those lists is yondol, he s been told not to even talk, and if you think, so you don t want to have to talk with me and they have been really a good insurance company. They get a lot of great questions. My son and I did the same thing. He has his car. She just came in with him. It is a stolen vehicle. The insurance company said it ll be paid in a month. How many were we missing or a year? This car was just totaled but the insurance for it was that she was on the list. The insurance company said that the car was just totaled but to take pictures and it had a lien on it..
Condo Unitowners insurance
Condo Unitowners insurance: You’ve been reading for a while because you have come to the same conclusion that homeowners insurance for car insurance is very high and car insurance cheap. If you’re unfamiliar for an apartment with a decent budget, it is the way you’re deciding if there are enough coverage and if you want to shop for some cheap affordable car insurance for all drivers. I am an insurance agent for a small insurance agency. After years of insurance research I recently got a job at a large auto insurance company. My research was on finding cheap car insurance. I came back to this thing called for help! My wife and I got a little bit of a chuckle from an investigator. It was so easy and it made the decision to go online and see what we could save on my car insurance. As part of our research, we found a car insurance quote through InsuranceQuotes.com and were able to obtain some data for our car insurance. We.
Average Renters Insurance Cost in New York
Average Renters Insurance Cost in New York $3.99/Month $4.29/Month $3.98/Month $4.63/Month New York residents make it to work on a different schedule, which could take the form of an annual health insurance plan. But New York residents can change this schedule between plans if they so choose, or by getting regular health insurance quotes. If you need to shop for your own health plan or need a waiver to apply for a policy from another health insurer, the best way to get more than just the minimum coverage is to call a licensed health insurance agent. An agent can ask for all the necessary information, such as your location, health history, medical history and whether you’ve been in a treatment program. They can also help you apply for the lowest or cheapest health insurance premiums. Many health insurance plans automatically renew you when you pay up the first year of coverage. Most plans can be canceled at renewal, so you should.
New York Rental Insurance Coverage
New York Rental Insurance Coverage for the Rental Car. The Rental Car Policy that will be used for the rental car in the event of an emergency. All Car Rental Insurance Policies which include Rental Car Coverage, have a deductible. The higher the deductible, the lower the monthly cost.  There is a deductible on the insurance cover and thus the more I save. So, I decided to go with the Rental Car Insurance for The Rental Car Policy that includes the Rental Rental Vehicle. I was not able to find anything to discuss a in California due to a unforeseen accident. So my car insurance was over $1000 and would have been covered by an insurance company for over $400 a month. The same goes for another car I own:  If I get behind the wheel of a car for an extremely short period, then it will be covered by my car insurance policy. I have used this policy for over 6 months.
Let’s discuss your renters insurance.
Let’s discuss your renters insurance. It is not the cheapest or the cheapest. Renters insurance protects the landlord’s place of business and pays liability for injuries and damages if you are an injured person on the premises. The renters insurance policy also protects people who live within the same home. In general, renters insurance is very limited. One cannot buy it to cover your personal property, such as jewelry, prints, etc. What happens when someone’s home, possessions or hobbies get stolen? What about items in the laundry that would be protected by a renters insurance policy? Let’s talk more about what’s covered in these areas. You can get renters insurance through your credit card. If you cannot get a rental, or a rental is not your real estate and you can’t afford to rent, you may be able to purchase a coverage that protects your personal property. The premium is the difference between the amount of the insurance policy premium, and your personal property, especially when purchased through a credit.
Best renters insurance companies in New York
Best renters insurance companies in New York. In NJ, they offer coverage of over $1500 a month for its coverage over $8500 per month, and some are listed through the website with a quote of over $500 a month for a rental. The insurance premiums on the website are more competitive than some other NY state insurers and are significantly higher than that of a local broker. The company’s quote for the NY State of New York as of 2018 was $14.49. If you are looking for a reliable provider who will cover your personal and business insurance needs, then New York State isn’t the best choice. However, if you want cheap renters insurance, you’ll find yourself paying much higher. If you’re in your 20s after a car accident, or are a high-risk driver under 20, renting out a car can be expensive. The rental insurance at its best is $150-$200 a week and discounts on the auto insurance that you purchased as a young driver and the.
Renters insurance
Renters insurance is usually more for those who are low enough income and are likely to be looking for a minimum coverage of over $3,000 in coverage. For example, if your income is 50% of $40,000 and your coverage is $4,000, the insurance companies are likely to offer you residential .
Renters insurance coverage options in New York
Renters insurance coverage options in New York: New York and Connecticut offer some of the most affordable rates for renters insurance. New York residents can take out a policy and pay only for the necessary costs associated with a renters policy. Connecticut, the , can offer the cheapest renters insurance policies in New York for home, renters, condo, homeowners, and more. Check out our guide for more information on how to reduce your expenses. Renters insurance can be useful when you need coverage for your property or your personal possessions. But where it may save you the most is by insuring the safest home you own. Find , and to help make your renters insurance a more affordable option. Renters insurance is only a policy if you’re making changes to your finances and need to file a claim. Even though renters insurance isn’t compulsory, you need a renters policy to apply for protection for property damage and personal liability. In California, for example, a policy with renters insurance can protect you from liabilities and liabilities against other drivers if.
Average cost of renters insurance in New York
Average cost of renters insurance in New York: $611 per year New York’s average cost of renters insurance is $614 for the year, but your rate can significantly lower. This is because, although renters insurance protects you against financial losses following unauthorized use, it’s designed to cover you. With a standard renters insurance policy, if your apartment becomes uninhabitable due to a covered peril, and you need to move out of the building, a liability insurance policy will be sufficient to meet your financial obligations. Learn more about the types of renters insurance coverage and how much coverage you can get if you rent an apartment or apartment from a landlord to rent a home or apartment. This makes renters insurance a great choice for renters who prefer to replace unsecured assets like savings or valuable items in a safe location. Learn more about renters insurance, which coverage is a good idea and which renters insurance is the best choice. The average cost of renters insurance nationwide is around $611 per year. This is not a cost you.
The Best Texas Renters Insurance Companies 2020
The Best Texas Renters Insurance Companies 2020 Company Rankings We wanted to present the top 10 renters insurance companies from the list, and we will take a look at the best options in Texas. We will also look at why you might want . So, let’s look at the top ten renters insurance companies in Texas. The list is composed of top 10 companies with 5% market share and  Best Company 2017. The company ranked highly on the top 10 lists, earning top 3 billing marks from several agencies for its customer service and coverage. The Best Company 2013 report (compared all the US carriers to the list in December 2013) ranked the company Best Company 2017 and ranked it number 2 on Best Company 2014. In our analysis, the company made the list for the top 10 most valuable insurance companies in Texas. We hope our  has more insurance companies which are ranked higher or lower. Now that we’ve done the research, it’s time to think ahead. You’re.
Best Renters Insurance in New Jersey
Best Renters Insurance in New Jersey If you have a policy issued by State Farm Bank®, you may be eligible for discounts: Cooler Heads Insurance Policy for the cooler heads of your house. Auto & Vehicle Repair Policy that offers a discount if you clean out the garage after a collision. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist coverage for anyone injured by you in an accident with another vehicle. This coverage needs to be in the following amounts: $10,000 property damage liability per accident. $10,000 bodily injury liability per person. $20,000 property damage liability per accident. If you want to qualify for these discounts, you must not settle for the cheapest car insurance you can get. Compare Quotes From Top Companies and Save  Secured with SHA-256 Encryption Most Insurance Companies in New Jersey A-Affordable Auto Insurance Companies If you think they are too expensive to pay for your insurance, try.
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murilloautumn · 3 years
best renters insurance oregon
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :affordableinsurancefinder.xyz
best renters insurance oregon
best renters insurance oregon, and we love saving you money! We also provide protection of renters insurance for you as well as personal and and automobile, . I am a former insurance agent and banker turned consumer advocate. My priority is to help educate individuals and families about the different types of insurance they need, and assist them in finding the best place to get it. Expert Insurance Reviews has one simple mission – to help consumers learn about insurance and get free insurance quotes online. We aim to be your first stop for insurance questions and to save you money on your insurance with our free policy quotes from the trustworthy companies in our nationwide network of insurance providers. We also specialize in auto insurance for High Risk drivers and are the only company that won’t fight to lower your auto policy. If you are a driver under 25 years old and you do not have a clean driving record, then you will probably think that this type of insurance is for your own protection. This is not what you want to hear. If you think it. best renters insurance oregon ? , Insurance Company. You have paid a lot of money to you and your neighbor. Do they have to insure to insure that? Nationwide makes it easy for you to find dependable auto insurance in Oregon. We can show you options so you can choose the coverage that s right for your needs, goals and budget. Find out which discounts can be applied to your policy by applying online for a quote or speaking with your local agent. Nationwide offers a range of car insurance discounts that can help lower your monthly premium, you may be eligible for these exclusive discounts below: When you have Nationwide as your insurance provider you can bundle your car insurance policy with home, renters, boat, and multi-car. By protecting your property with Nationwide, you can save money and simply your life. Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance. best renters insurance oregon The best renters insurance in houston and in are: . The insurance is designed to cover damages incurred from a covered loss of use.  It covers, but is not always, all-injured, personal destruction liability, property destruction, general liability, residential liability, and additional.  It also covers your belongings as well as damage that may occur if an emergency happens during the time the coverage is in effect. It’s important to use this protection if you are trying to protect yourself from dealing with an unexpected event or catastrophe. As you can see from the insurance policy, some of the coverage requirements are: The best way to protect your wealth against personal risk is to choose the best renters insurance policy for your assets. This includes an umbrella policy, commercial property, liability policy, and general liability. When you buy policies for renters insurance, you’re buying one overall policy. The policy you buy will be a unique one, and will vary depending on your assets (.
How to compare renters insurance
How to compare renters insurance rates with our ? Try comparing rates right here by entering your own information through our insurance quote comparison tool. If your renters insurance policy is up for renewal, you only have to pay for the level of coverage that it meets the state-required minimum requirements. And then you’re free to cancel your policy at any time. Renters insurance is more expensive than you might think. You need $1,500 in coverage on each policy term (not guaranteed) to protect you against some basic financial losses if your dwelling becomes uninhabitable. The best renters insurance companies offer a variety of discounts, so don’t be tempted to switch your policy, so you haven’t lost everything in the insurance marketplace. If you’re looking for and , it may be a good idea to use Compare.com. In this guide, we’ll go over how much renters insurance costs, the best renters insurance companies, and how to choose the best company when you’.
Condo Unitowners insurance
Condo Unitowners insurance company is a small, independent non-employees-only business/family insurance agency, available to you regardless of your circumstances. We offer comprehensive auto/car insurance rates. As an independent agency, we offer many insurance options, from homeowners insurance to renters insurance, to life insurance. We also offer insurance from home insurance options such as our which we also provide you with for all of your auto, home, and health insurance needs. We offer Auto Insurance, Home Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Liability Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, and Corporate Insurance. Auto Insurance is the best way to insure all of them—from auto to home….And then we have a variety of other insurance options like commercial umbrella insurance and homeowners insurance to get you the covered price for your life insurance. All our insurance agents are independent and can help you obtain independent insurance as well. Our local, independent insurance broker team can help you find the right insurance plan for you.
More about the best renters insurance companies
More about the best renters insurance companies This tool will ask you some general questions to make sure you understand what you are agreeing to. The questions include financial info and costs to rent an apartment. The questions vary from company to company. If you agree to the terms of your coverage and want your premium to be lowest, you will need to tell your insurer it is only a nominal amount and is usually less than you pay. If you don’t think they are doing you a good thing by giving you a fair return, the company can cancel your policy. If you have more questions, you can ask your insurance agent. If your roommates are insured with an ex-girlfriend, the woman should be your primary insurance provider. It is common for them to ask if there are some coverages for you. That is why if you make your apartment home a certain way that makes insurance policy even harder to come by, like a car dealership, you shouldn’t expect your insurance policy to cover you. However, it makes your.
Reasons to buy renters insurance in Portland
Reasons to buy renters insurance in Portland are as follows: When you sign up for a renters insurance policy and deposit money with the Portland Department of Financial Services you will be asked for your landlord s insurance policies. You will need to answer all required questions like: Are my roommates living with me? What does the landlord s insurance cover? Which types of insurance are adequate? Does the tenant have insurance on a residence I own? I have renters insurance coverage and can you suggest a different renters insurance policy for my family? I live with my boyfriend, do I need a renters insurance policy for each other? Any idea how to go about this question? I just got a condo insurance card I am trying to get apartment insurance. It seems like someone has sent in a question and an answer I dont know. Can a person use my policy to take out another policy ​ ​​ If you live with someone else you may be able to claim renters, landlord insurance, and car insurance under the same coverage. However, a higher level.
Understanding renters insurance quotes
Understanding renters insurance quotes or getting one from one of the companies below. There are several ways you can get auto insurance. The best way is to get a quote. Most policies are designed with auto insurance in mind. Your policy could include coverage for medical bills and auto repairs during the period of your policy. When you find this information on or when you speak to an agent then you will be more than likely have been offered a policy. However, you should never expect your premium to be higher than what your neighbors are paying. When shopping around for renters insurance, it’s advisable to do research about these ratings to get the best policy for you on the coverage you’re looking for. This section of the website gives more information on renters insurance premiums and gives information on how to obtain a renters insurance policy. The average renters insurance rate in 2015 is $1,521 and for the general area is $1,048. This means your rates will differ for both your roommates and your neighbor through.
Homeowners insurance
Homeowners insurance is expensive. So what can people do to help raise their rates? In some states, there is a simple way to lower rates on insurance. Most states have a minimum liability requirement – auto insurance covers the physical damage to your car upon which your car is parked – but most states require more coverage. What you purchase, how you drive, and of course, the type of car you choose when deciding insurance is important, but is there one that is the best place to get and keep auto insurance cheap? It’s important to do what you know well and find a policy that works for you from the start. We recommend comparing quotes to find the one that gives you the coverage you want at the best price. When you are searching for auto insurance quotes, you are also able to decide to shop around, taking into consideration each state’s specific requirements and not just state minimum requirements. Finding an insurer that treats everyone well will be your biggest priority. It’s important to note.
How we chose the best renters insurance
How we chose the best renters insurance provider for us. We also highly recommend Nationwide as well which has great insurance options for small businesses. The best insurance company for your landlord when your coverage is short term, your landlord wants you to protect their property and belongings. Nationwide has a great online shopping experience. If you can get a quote you can then decide . I was looking for good and cheap renters insurance and the best rates for us were good so cheap insurance company and easy to manage for myself and my guests, i.e and my dog, i.e, and our dog, and was informed what my insurance was as it was a very good one so cheap renters insurance. We had some issues with the insurance. We thought it would help us but we never found insurance we could get that we wasn t any good company. We used to think we could get decent insurance but after the 3 month hearing that they were taking me as a friend they were the second highest for a premium of $20 a month, a terrible idea….
The best cheap car insurance in Virginia
The best cheap car insurance in Virginia varies based on the location, the coverage you choose… I had a great experience with Petit, the auto insurance quotes were very cheap and easy and after paying for it, happy to report my car insurance quotes with them. Thank you Pets are great to pay for, but also have a benefit when the insurance premium falls. You will save money from your insurance and have the peace of mind you can afford. Some car insurance carriers don t insure pet owners that are on a pet plan. There just are not many pet insurance companies. So, who has the best deal for good pets? A local pet insurance agent can help! The state’s (SCCA) regulates the pet and pet insurance industry, which makes it tricky to figure out what policies Pet Protection Coverage should come with.  One thing that many pet insurance companies will still try to regulate is pet breeds that can be purchased through pet-breedsonline.com. These pet insurance bills usually cover medical expenses and.
Filing a home insurance claim
Filing a home insurance claim is a stress-inducing experience, but for the right mix of speed, savvy planning and the right mix of personal touch, you could save yourself the headache of calling an insurance company every few months. Compare home insurance quotes in two minutes © 2013-2020 Insurify, Inc. All rights reserved. Ensurify Insurance Agency is a insurance agency in 50 states. © 2020 Smartfinancial.com Ins LLC DBA SmartFinancial Insurance. All rights reserved. SmartFinancial Insurance Agency is a insurance agency in 50 states. Finding affordable car insurance isn’t necessarily the biggest issue when searching for a policy. While some aspects to consider might seem simple, the quality and reliability of an insurance policy can vary greatly from person to person and it is important to get the proper coverage prior to moving on to the next step. There are several factors that can impact how an insurance company is able to pay your claim, including: If the.
I use my health insurance plan to save for retirement instead of paying medical bills, and it s one of the smartest financial choices I ve made
I use my health insurance plan to save for retirement instead of paying medical bills, and it s one of the smartest financial choices I ve made as a former insurance agent and investment adviser. My financial security is based on strong faith in the ability to achieve my best interests. The loss-of-use option is a cost-effective way to increase your savings while you re on active duty, while also protecting in case you accidentally let an insurance company take away your business. To see how your credit score plays, we analyzed the numbers below: You ll notice that credit score scores aren t the only factor that plays a role in how much you pay each month for car insurance. The other four factors are your credit scoring, your monthly miles driven, your driving record, and the city, or region. If you re a high-risk driver, you may find that the other four are more manageable levels of risk. Below are the average monthly rates by credit score for three cities within New Hampshire based on data from Insurance Information Institute: New Hampshire s cheapest car insurance cities are: If you re planning to stay on the road long enough to find.
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mcintyrefrancis · 3 years
bugatti veyron insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :car4insurance.xyz
bugatti veyron insurance
bugatti veyron insurance company is very popular with young American drivers. One of the benefits of American Nationwide Insurance is that it has been rated by the Better Business Bureau and has been ranked as one of the best for online and local reviews on a number of their independent insurance agents. For drivers with a high degree of success, this company can be an excellent choice. It gives a variety of different insurance options, but they also provide affordable rates for good drivers and with average driving statistics. In addition, the company has been rated by AM Best for its ease of use and the ease of claims and claims processing. It’s not a favorite of many American insurance companies with their relatively low claim rates. That being said, the company is one of the most popular car insurance companies for drivers in the United States, and the company can prove to be of service to some of the largest car insurers in the country. There is one area where it is quite popular. American Nationwide has more than 30 insurance companies, many of which. bugatti veyron insurance office. We understand all the coverage needs which you may be willing to consider in order to make sure you will have everything it needs. At The Best Company for Best Customer Insurance We at CIGNA can help you figure out some things that you may need. This includes covering your vehicle in the event your vehicle is damaged in an accident. This could cause the vehicle to become uninhabitable or you may not be able to drive it if it is declared uninsured. When you buy car insurance it’s best to talk with us about your specific medical and other insurance need. We will be able to provide you with a quote and we will do the hard work and find you the best rate of your automobile insurance needs. We may contact you prior to the event you need us, you can choose from one of our specialists and we will work with you to help you find the best value. No one likes the idea of . Even the best state drivers can be struggling to find affordable car insurance.. bugatti veyron insurance agent. He’s been very generous with his time in business and has been available to guide me through the process. I would recommend him and encourage him to take over your insurance policies, especially if you really need to. Thank you… I am an SR-22 certified insurance agent in the state of Utah and I am also an insurance agent licensed in the state of Utah. My office does a really great job at finding and listing the best auto insurance rates, as well as many other insurance related tips! I’m looking specifically to save on my premium when saving money with an auto insurance policy that has cover. I believe that the cheapest car insurance for teenagers will be by purchasing a plan to provide for themselves and not others. I know there is no such thing as an adult child insurance company for teenagers…it’s what they call parents in states that the insurance company must pay their teenage driver and their family a monthly premium. This makes sense, as this age gap is.
Stop overpaying for South Carolina insurance
Stop overpaying for South Carolina insurance because you’re uninsured, you can drop the low liability-only policy and go for the full policy that includes collision and comprehensive coverage. The liability-only policy costs $1,532 for the minimum liability-only policy. North Carolina also requires collision coverage with a $1,500 deductible. Keep in mind, though, that the minimum coverage for this coverage is often $100,000 of bodily injury coverage for one person in an accident, up to $300,000 of bodily injury per accident, for a total of $1 million for property damage in an accident, and up to $2 million for injuries. South Carolina drivers must, however, purchase liability insurance with a limits of 100/300/50, as follows: For a driver with a recent speeding ticket, here are the cheapest insurance companies we found, ranked by average rate in South Carolina for full coverage. Your rates will be different and depends on your driving record, your age, and other factors. According to.
Find cheap car insurance for Kentucky
Find cheap car insurance for Kentucky from some of the best providers . Some of the best are: USAA, USAA , State Farm, GEICO, Progressive and American Family. If you want the first go round. You won t have to worry with the rates of others. All you have to look for is customer service. Most cars and drivers have good cars insurance. If you would like to learn more about car insurance and what factors can help you to lower your rates, call and see how a few of the best car insurance companies can lower your rate. This free tool will help you compare the cheapest car insurance available in Kentucky to get the best car insurance and premium quotes at the lowest price, no matter your situation. Enter your zip code in for free insurance quotes. The cheapest car to be sure can be taken with the help of an independent insurance agent. How easy it can be? Car insurance companies want a reason to provide car owners with . But they’ll often go a step behind insurance policy.
Stop overpaying for California insurance
Stop overpaying for California insurance may mean not having the money and it can cost you a lot in your insurance policy. I recommend shopping around to make sure that you find what you are looking for. Do you know where to find the cheapest car insurance for Arizona drivers? What is the cheapest car insurance for drivers in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Fresno, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, El Paso, San Luis Obispo, Santa Fe, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, San Bernardino,.
Find cheap car insurance for Tennessee
Find cheap car insurance for Tennessee by comparing varying insurance quotes: For some drivers, the cheapest car insurance is a one-time payment in Tennessee as this can protect them financially in the long run. There are other discounts, such as the Safe Driver discount which can include the purchase of a new car with safety features. If you get a speeding ticket, take the same driving course and record check that requires high grades and maintain a clean driving record. Some companies will offer a discount if you complete the course in a safe environment. Most companies will also offer a discount if your car is maintained by the company with safety features. If you have an accident, the driver who caused the accident can expect to pay less for insurance than drivers with similar records. It also will cost more to have a lapse in coverage. If you purchase car insurance and give the wrong address, your insurance company could drop you. Unfortunately, Tennessee is one of many areas in which accidents can affect car insurance prices. It’s also a law in the state.
Stop overpaying for Kentucky insurance
Stop overpaying for Kentucky insurance and you’ll be glad you did! If you’re a Kentucky resident looking for cheap car insurance in the Bluegrass state, you’re in the right place! Start your search for cheap car insurance by entering your ZIP code in the FREE comparison tool above. The Zebra is not an insurance company. We’re an independent, unbiased partner for consumers, on a mission to help you compare insurance options apples-to-apples, so you can make a truly informed decision. We’re proud because: The Zebra is an independent member of the Kentucky Farm Bureau and a leading partner for Kentucky insurance agents. Based in Biskup County, the GBT Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. and its affiliates was formerly known as Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company when it was originally organized to assist its customers in managing their auto insurance policies and insuring them on their families cars. At the time Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual was simply described by the General Insurance Bureau.
Bugatti Car Insurance Inclusions and Exclusions
Bugatti Car Insurance Inclusions and Exclusions Many insurers include extra insurance exclusion standards when you sign up for an LTC policy. This may include coverage for accident-related loss, as well as the loss of the car if you are at fault for an accident. Liability Insurance Coverage – If you are a lorry driver who is not at fault for an accident, the coverage is for the cost of injury. If you are at fault, then the coverage is similar to the personal injury. Liability Coverage Dedicated to Collision Injuries to drivers are covered for both property damage and non-collision damage, as well as personal injury-related loss. If you are not at fault, the coverage is identical to the personal injury coverage. Non Filing: The policy requires you to file an Filing for Property Damage and Accident Insurance if the accident is the insured, without an accident. Liability Coverage, Collision Coverage, and No Fault Coverage Lenders will require you to purchase.
Stop overpaying for Arkansas insurance
Stop overpaying for Arkansas insurance even you a low rate on a monthly payment. We can help you find the cheapest car insurance coverage on a cheap car insurance rates. We offer cheap Arkansas auto insurance. Contact us online and let us shop your insurance options. We are always happy to answer any questions you have! Arkansas requires $25,000 for bodily injury liability coverage per person, $50,000 coverage per accident, and $10,000 for property damage liability. As we work together to slow the spread of COVID-19, state insurance commissions and insurance providers are constantly changing regulations and practices surrounding monthly payments, claim payouts, and more. To stay up to date with the latest on auto.
Compare Kentucky Auto Insurance Quotes
Compare Kentucky Auto Insurance Quotes - Highest Rated Companies - Kentucky Auto Insurance, and most important, also can save you money.  We know that many people pay a fee for other services because they don t have a vehicle and drive on those streets.  But if you get  to work on some of the common vehicles these days, we can help get these costs reduced when other drivers find out that you are a good driver. So if you’re a  or a new vehicle who wants to save money on your auto insurance, we can help out!  Get started now or get the most competitive price of your auto insurance policy for yourself.  And if you own a house, you have options. And we can compare prices.  Please don’t forget you will have to pay a higher rate for your insurance policy.  We can also get you the cheapest insurance comparison rates.  You can contact us.
Bugatti CAR Insurance
Bugatti CAR Insurance Company was founded in 1957 and now serves more than 30 states. Its financial rating–aka its cash value accumulation–is A++. The company is predominantly car-rental and car insurance-focused. It offers policies for drivers that like to bundle their policies (automobile, renters, etc). They also offer discounts for vehicles that are cheap to repair or upgrade: a high quality automotive warranty, good car identification services, and more. American Auto offers full coverage auto insurance policies for high-risk drivers. They also offer low-cost liability coverage and roadside assistance. Allstate is another favorite with a wide range of coverage options, and a few of the companies that offer these types of perks also offer gap insurance. American Auto offers commercial auto insurance policies specifically designed for drivers. They offer auto umbrella insurance (covers collision/comprehensive), renters, condo, and landlord coverage, for example, as well as car insurance. A common set of coverage options include accident forgiveness, accident.
Stop overpaying for Missouri insurance
Stop overpaying for Missouri insurance? Our can help. A valid driver’s license is seen as proof of financial responsibility. With a valid Missouri auto insurance policy, the name on the policy should match the name on the name on the driver’s license. However, it should match the insurance company’s photo ID card only, not their car title or insurance info. If you are driving without a valid ID card on your car, you can get hit with state minimum car insurance. In Missouri, you’ll need your car registration and license reinstated if you’re suspended or revoked for a DUI or accident while driving without insurance. In order to get your license back and driving record look good, you’ll want to get car insurance. However, Missouri’s minimum car insurance standards are higher than the majority of states. That s because auto insurance is level term. If you get into an accident with a driver who doesn t have insurance (that s how.
0 notes
crimsonrevolt · 6 years
Tumblr media
Congratulations Cas you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Rita Skeeter!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
It’s always so intriguing to me whenever someone wants to explore the complexities of a character that might’ve been presented as one-sided in the original books, and Rita definitely deserves further exploration! From your application, it’s so clear that you see her as an entirely dynamic character, and we can’t wait to see you explore those sides to her that weren’t explored before and to develop her as an ambitious and ruthless reporter during a time of war! It’ll also be intriguing to see her in this non-canon setting, and to see how she deals with everything that’s going on in the plot drops! Welcome to the rp! 
application beneath the cut
Cas, 20, he/him or they/them, EST.  
Not sure what number this would be, but I plan to be online at LEAST once a day. So maybe a 7/10?
*removed for privacy
In the tag “hp rp”.
Definitely Remus Lupin, and I also loved Gilderoy Lockhart. I probably would’ve gone for Gilderoy if he’d been available </3
Rita Skeeter.
Carlson Young.
I’ve been rereading the Harry Potter books lately and I’ve definitely been more drawn to Rita than I have been in previous reads. I think her character is really interesting and I would like to explore her in this setting where she was still making a name for herself. I think she’s really an intelligent character but with obvious flaws which is what makes her so dynamic.
Rita is ruthless, which I think is something hinted at in the book but not fully explored. Her determination to express the stories she wants to tell makes her almost Slytherin-worthy in her ambition. Her cleverness is quite understated, I think; the ability to illegally become an Animagus without anybody finding out for years is a quality that has drawn me to her immensely.
I also think it’s really fascinating for her to be listed as a Death Eater in this RP. Though it’s common knowledge that she reported on Death Eater trials during the first wizarding war I’m really invested in exploring her involvement in Death Eater movements before this happened, and being able to hide the fact that she’s more on Voldemort’s side. I’m excited to use her mobility as a reporter to be able to interact with characters of all sides.
Rita views people as opportunities, not emotional investments. Although, if she were to become romantically involved in anyone, I don’t believe she would have a preference gender-wise. She finds attractive qualities in everyone. She identifies as a cis woman and uses she/her pronouns.
A Quill Too Far: Rita writes an article regarding something or someone that goes too far and she receives unexpected backlash. I’d like to see her experience consequences for her reporting and see how it affects (or doesn’t affect) her approach to journalism afterward.
Discovered Disguise: Even though as far as we know canonically nobody discovers Rita’s secret of being an Animagus until Hermione does in the fourth book, I would like it if at some point this information is revealed to one other character, probably by accident. (However, this character would have to keep the secret so that the canon remains the same.)
Queen of the Quills: This is a pretty standard plot, but it would be fun to have Rita work with another or multiple characters to create an article about current plot drops. It would be interesting to explore her dynamic when working with (or for) others, instead of her just going around on her own writing articles by listening all the time.
I’ve also made a Pinterest board for Rita! Link: https://pin.it/toghec5jy4mewg
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: “Well, there are very few spells that need inventing, not when you have the power of words on your side… But oh, if I must, perhaps I’d invent something that would make people unable to stop reading my work once they start, until they’ve finished it all the way through. Of course, my readers are so invested that this is usually the case, anyway….”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: “Can’t go anywhere without my camera man! Yes, he’d have to come along… Just in case we come across anything newsworthy. As for an object, I suppose my Quick-Quotes Quill will do.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? “There are no decisions, only actions! And no action is difficult to make if you’re as intelligent a woman as I. If you are not first to act, then you will be at the mercy of those who acted before you.”
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you? “The only thing no one should dare say about me is that I’m lazy. Laziness should be a classified sin––You’ll never get anywhere in life if you don’t get on your feet!”
Rita side-stepped into the narrow hallway of her home, a tiny apartment nestled so tightly between two larger houses in Muggle London that it was easy to pass by if you weren’t looking closely enough. A flick of her wand slammed the door shut behind her, plunging the corridor into darkness. Another flick and a pinprick of light sprung to the tip of her wand, illuminating the bare walls around her.
She squeezed through the foyer into the small, one room apartment. All that the room held was a cot, a desk with a typewriter and a comfortable chair, a tiny kitchen (which was really just a refrigerator, and one square foot of counter space), and numerous suitcases that lay scattered under the bed and against the walls.
Rita dropped her still-lit wand and dragon-hide handbag carelessly on the desk, removed her frilly coat and draped it over the bedspread. Despite the cramped nature of the space, it was impeccably clean, especially considering it was uninhabited most of the time. Rita spent most of her hours outside, watching, investigating, and taking notes. It was never good to stay in one place for too long these days. Now, she sat at the small desk and popped open her handbag, pulling out her notes from the day and shuffling them idly. Her eyes were pensive, focused; this was the way she usually got before she sat to write her big stories. During the investigative process, she was alive, and bright-eyed. When she was writing on her own afterwards, she was far more subdued.
Placing a loose sheet of paper in the typewriter, she scanned her notes intently and began to dictate. “You-Know-Who’s ‘Death Eaters’––Cruel Wrongdoers or Misunderstood Victims?” she said, and the typewriter magically typed out her words as they left her lips.
She was quite proud of her research on this article. Rita had pursued every possible thread in order to portray the Death Eaters as hopelessly misunderstood puppets of He Who Must Not Be Named. It was no easy task, after everything that had happened since the beginning of the war. Many people suspected certain wizards of following the Dark Lord; it was Rita’s job to find holes in their reasoning and excuses for why it would not be their faults.
Though she would likely be thanked for her work, Rita was conscious of how it would make her look to be excusing Death Eaters of their crimes. Her next article, she thought, would have to be supportive of the Order or the Ministry or some other facet of the resistance that was, in her opinion, horribly failing.
She gazed at her typewriter, which was idling patiently with a vacant hum as it awaited her next words. Dragging her mind away from the subject of her own potential incarceration, she took a deep breath and continued to recite her next big story.
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webuyhousesworld · 4 years
$1 house in Italy, then Covid-19 struck
When Italian towns began offering houses for sale for little more than $1, they inspired legions of dreamers to take a gamble on moving to a remote corner of Italy. Although spending a few thousand dollars extra on renovating the property was usually part of the deal, it was sweetened by the prospect of a new life in an idyllic spot in a beautiful country. And then the coronavirus struck, plunging the world into crisis, with Italy among the worst affected countries. So what happens when you're quarantined in a crumbling home in a remote village where you barely speak the language and can't get home to your loved ones? Does life quickly become a nightmare? Perhaps surprisingly given the hardships that followed, the answer seems to be no. Related content We bought a $1 house in Italy. Here's what happened next CNN spoke to a few people who bought some of the Italian homes being offered cheaply by towns wanting to reverse declining population trends. We found them feeling upbeat and eager to complete their property remodeling and make their Italian dream come true. Despite the unexpected turn of events, it seems being stuck in Italy hasn't been such a negative experience after all. And the virus crisis has made them appreciate even more the beauty of Italy's rural villages -- so much so that some are looking to invest in more cheap properties. Losing track
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Mussomeli is located on a hilltop in Sicily. Salvatore Catalano, Comune Mussolemi Miami-based artist Alvaro Solorzano is currently stuck in Mussomeli, a picturesque town in the southern island of Sicily where last year he purchased two cheap properties -- one of them costing just one euro, or a little over a dollar. In March he arrived with his wife, son, and son's girlfriend to start renovating the houses. The other three headed back to Miami and Solorzano was due to follow them a couple of weeks later, but then his flight was canceled. "I lost track of time. We came here together and I ended up living the quarantine in Mussomeli all by myself, without any furniture just a bed and TV, and nobody to talk to," he tells CNN. "That was the hardest thing. Had my wife or son been with me, it would have been different."
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One of Solorzano's properties in Mussomeli. Solorzano had been staying in a B&B, but when this closed because of Covid-19 restrictions, he was forced to move into the less dilapidated of his two properties, which was just about habitable. Since then, he's been killing time by watching TV, learning Italian, going to the supermarket ("the nicest part of the day") and talking on the phone with his family. Little by little, he's been making the most out of the situation by repairing and painting the walls of the house. "I did little things but it helped me use time, so when my son and his girlfriend come back their home will be ready," he says. "Luckily the hardware store in town has always been open and I'm so glad we bought two properties and not just the one euro house as it has no water nor electricity." Related content Which European countries are opening for summer. Local heroes
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Alvaro Solorzano from Miami says local residents have made his enforced stay in Mussomeli a pleasant experience. Maurizio Di Maria, Comune Mussomeli Despite an initial hardship, he says his new neighbors helped him throughout the ordeal. "The first two nights were terrible," he says. "It was cold, I slept with my jacket on top of my pajamas but then the neighbors were great. I can't complain. They gave me heaters and even offered blankets, which I had, but I could use their internet." "They kept checking in on me, brought me tons of food for Easter which took me three days to eat. I don't know what I would have done without them."
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Solorzano was brought Easter cakes by his neighbors. Mussomeli, surrounded by honeysuckle and eucalyptus trees, boasts one of Italy's most breathtaking fortresses, known as the Enchanted Castle, which clings like a spider on a pointed rock. The fertile green farmland is dotted with old sulfur mines, sanctuaries, Roman necropolises and traces of primitive settlements. The town's name means "Hill of Honey" in Latin. But to Solorzano the sweetest attractions of the place are its welcoming residents. "They're wonderful, I know everyone by name," he says. "There's Mario, the guy who delivers the bread. I've got no words to describe how grateful I am of having them and don't know how I could ever repay them for all they did." Initially tough restrictions have now eased in Italy, allowing him to walk around, but at first it was hard, he admits, as there was nothing to do. "It was terrible, just staying at home, I felt like being in jail sometimes." Related content Italian hermit living alone on an island says self-isolation is the ultimate journey Property empire Solorzano says he now knows everyone by name. Now he relishes being able to chat to locals and stroll to Mussomeli's viewpoint, where he can sit on a bench and enjoy fresh air and mountain panoramas. As a painter, Solorzano says he would've loved doing some artwork, but due to the lockdown he couldn't find a pallet or a canvas.
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Solorzano wants to buy another property in Mussomeli. Maurizio Di Maria, Comune Mussomeli "I'm working hard to try to get back home, but a flight which I recently booked has also been canceled so I really don't know when I will return to the States," he says. "I want to be back before Father's Day in June. I've already missed so many festivities I could have celebrated with my family." Solorzano's Sicilian quarantine has made him love Mussomeli even more. The ordeal, instead of having killed enthusiasm for his one euro house adventure, has fueled a desire to purchase a third abandoned building. "I love this town and the people, even if they don't know you, they help you out. It's like being in another world. You don't get this in the States". Related content What happened when I bought a hotel by mistake Trapped in Tuscany
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Brazilian Douglas Roque, pictured here with his cousin, has been stuck in Tuscany during Italy's lockdown. Douglas Roque Brazilian businessman Douglas Roque is another dilapidated home purchaser whose enthusiasm for starting a new life has been undimmed by coronavirus. Roque was in Fabbriche di Vergemoli, Tuscany, overseeing the renovation of a one euro farm dwelling when lockdown struck and his flight back home was canceled. Together with his Brazilian-Italian friend Alberto Da Lio, both from Sao Paulo, the two were also in town to oversee the potential purchase of an entire abandoned area for other Brazilian buyers. Had they not been able to stay at Da Lio's family house near Venice, with hotels in Vergemoli shut and the abandoned dwelling totally uninhabitable, they would have had nowhere to go, says Roque.
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Roque, on the right, is pictured here with Fabbriche di Vergermoli mayor, Michele Giannini. Douglas Roque Fabbriche di Vergemoli is a cluster of hamlets scattered in the UNESCO-listed protected forest of the Apuan Alps. The area is dotted with ruins of abandoned miners' dwellings overrun by vegetation. Many areas can be reached only by foot. Roque's dilapidated three-story farm, which comes with a chestnut cellar and forgotten old wine barrels, is located in the neighborhood of Dogana, where a pristine stream runs below an ancient, picturesque bridge. "I was about to start the restyle and then everything was blocked," says Roque. "It was terrible, our return flight was canceled and we had issues with the Brazilian consulate. "I came here in February to pursue the renovation of my house, all the paperwork was done, I was ready to go but couldn't move on with it. And my family is in Brazil, where virus cases have been increasing. I'm worried for them and they're worried for me." Related content You can still buy $1 homes all over Italy Piece of perfection
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Roque is also trying to purchase other houses in the villages for fellow Brazilians. Courtesy Douglas Roque The two friends also had to deal with the consequences of a prolonged stay: the hassle of credit card monthly limits and seasonal clothing changes as they arrived in winter and it is now almost spring (luckily, they found some lighter garments at Da Lio's). While he waits for global air traffic to resume, Roque's anxious to set foot again in Vergemoli as soon as Italian authorities lift restrictions on moving between regions -- a move expected in early June. "All this time I've been trying to work on my project online, contacting construction companies and liaising with other Brazilian buyers, friends, and relatives interested in buying a property in Vergemoli but who can't travel now. I hope to finalize everything soon." Roque says he picked Vergemoli of all places in Italy to buy a one euro house because, despite all that's happened, it remains a dream destination. "Tuscany is a marvelous region and major historical and artistic cities are nearby. It's the perfect spot." CONTACT INFORMATION We Buy Houses World Email: [email protected] Phone: 855-832-8394 Open Hours: Sun-Sat, 24hrs Read the full article
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muddyhippo · 4 years
Blog Post- April 3, 2020
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I’ve been informed by friends of mine who called to check on me today immediately after reading my previous blog post that it was, in a word, depressing. My response? Well, we are living through an incredibly depressing and traumatic experience. One that will go down in history as such. This landscape is incredibly scary and previously uninhabited. But since I so egregiously covered the negatives in my last post, I wanted to pick up where I left off with the upside to this whole shelter in place, socially distant, self-isolating, try not to use your hands or breathe... ever, crazy pandemic thing, if there actually is one to be found. The better world part. The part where we must do what needs to be done, what begs to be done. The part where we actually start living awake and expressive instead of sleepwalking like zombies with our face in our phones. The part where hope enters. Right now, in our homes, we are doing things we have never, ever done before. Out of boredom? Probably. Out of pure insanity? Yes! Regardless, we are doing them. Things like... baking brownies with our kids at 9 pm because bedtime is pointless right now, dancing in the living room in our pajamas after dinner because there are no ballgames, or ballet classes, or board meetings to go to. Video chatting with our adult siblings that we haven’t really talked to in years because they live so far away just to talk for hours about nothing. Singing to an onslaught of nameless Facebook members in a karaoke group at 2 am because it feels good. Reconnection. Exercising on decks in unison with strangers. Having social distance parking lot parties. Writing notes and delivering food. Helping those that need us. This isn’t an accident. This is, whether we know it or not, by grand design. I believe that. I spoke a lot in my last blog about faith. Moreover, my lack of it right now. There is a lot about what is going on that is absolutely horrible and devastating to us as a society. Just see my last blog post for more information on that. But there is a lot about what is going on right now that is miraculous and healing for our world. Isn’t the yin and yang of all things really odd and awesome at the same time? Think of a time where a bad thing happened where there wasn’t at least a silver lining. A sliver of hope. A lesson. A chance to redeem yourself. A metamorphosis. Hard to do, isn’t it? That is because it is meant to be. It is this way for a reason. It’s a fact of life. Just google the lyrics to the theme song for the 80′s TV sitcom “Facts of Life” and it will say that very thing. Even basic physics outlines this property of existence. Newton’s third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. With every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on it. It’s the premise for every movie, the outline for every story and the message in most lyrics. Good and Evil. Dark vs Light. Happy and Sad. The miracle lies in the madness, not on the other side of it. We have to learn to see the miraculous events happening right now that we often miss because we are so hyper-focused on the devastation. That is what faith is. And not just our faith in God, but also a constant reminder of His unending faith in us. All of these things we are doing right now to pass the time, they aren’t just things. They are what makes us worth saving! They are all the things we should have been doing all along but were too busy to think about. This is a cleansing. It is forcing us back to our basic human selves. Healing us one day at a time. We are all equal at this moment. No one is above or below anyone else. Everyone is vulnerable. Everyone needs someone to help them. Everyone needs to connect. It is a basic necessity. And bringing us back to basics is exactly what we need right now, regardless of how we are getting there. The world as we knew it has changed and will never be the way it was ever again. But I think it’s really important for us to examine what is changing so that we can understand where we went off the tracks so we don’t do it again. Think of all the ways we have had to adapt in light of shutdowns, self-isolation, social-distancing, online learning, working from home and the list goes on. Isn’t it funny how these restrictions have freed us up to do so many of the things we made excuses for not having time to do before? And on the other hand, isn’t it just enraging how our current situation has exposed the open wound of inequity that our leadership, our government and our society as a whole, has tried to band aid for centuries...??? See, yin and yang. Think about it! In our current educational system, for starters, our school teachers are being forced by their districts and states, in many cases, to teach on a platform they weren’t trained on, with devices they aren’t skilled with, to students with colossal variances in ability level, who may or may not even have access to those devices or the ability to comprehend the online curriculum, by untrained parents who are now being forced to work from home, not work at all, or sacrifice their health at low paying jobs because they are now considered essential, when 2 months ago they couldn’t even get a decent wage and still can’t, even though their lives are on the line every day, only to then come home and have to set up classrooms in their homes, in order to keep their children from regressing in their education, all while trying to maintain some semblance of order and structure, not to mention, safety, while attempting to care for the social-emotional and physical well-beings of those children. And, since schools have become more about feeding hungry children then providing them with a quality education that prepares them for the 21st century, teachers, parents and volunteers are also being asked to provide meals to those students for free so that they don’t starve to death during this shutdown, further jeopardizing their health and taking away from their own familial obligations.  Oh and let us not forget where our students with special needs fit into all this. Oh, that’s right. Their rights are being “waived” away like a fly on a sandwich because they just don’t matter enough to anybody. And that, my friends, is just one system currently in place where the cracks are beginning to crevasse. Now, tell me... is there anyone that wants things to keep going the way they are??? Not convinced yet that this is the time to start doing something? Let’s take on healthcare then, shall we? Admittedly, this is not my area of expertise but I’ll take a stab at it. In our current healthcare system, people are getting sick by the thousands per day, going to doctors they can’t afford, because of health coverage they don’t have because that health insurance is tied to employment that they are losing due to being considered nonessential,  to get medicine they also can’t afford, or being put in hospitals completely overrun with patients, to be put on a waitlist if they’re lucky, for equipment that isn’t available, by doctors that are substantially overworked, or being sent home to get worse and die, or die in the hospital,quarantined from loved ones who, may or may not, also get sick due to lack of PPE. Oh, I’m sorry, almost forgot about the policies in place at some, if not all, hospitals, outlining which patients are more important and should be the first in line to receive said medical equipment should it arrive in time. Still not convinced? Ok, let’s talk politics. We watch news programs influenced by the powers that be to use scare tactics to get the general public to panic buy in order to generate more money into the economy, and more fear in the impoverished American people, while the President tweets about winning and barks orders at companies, while generating hatred and racist actions against every minority you can think of, all while lying to the general public about the status of the virus and using hope as a weapon of mass destruction in every press conference just to get your vote in November. And don’t even get me started on Pelosi and Devos. Not sold yet???? Ok, employment. Tied to healthcare, first of all. Which as a person with a disability, I find that to be terrifying. What am I going to do when I can no longer work? Go on SSI Disability and barely make enough to feed myself? No thanks, I’ll pass. But that is the reality. I keep going and I keep working despite my health setbacks or I don’t have anything. Millions of Americans are in the same boat.Teachers who are right now busting their collective asses to save our educational system barely make enough to get by in a system monitored by administrators and school officials who have barely spent ten minutes in a real classroom with a real child. Being forced to teach to standards that have nothing to do with how children learn but more to do with the bubbles on a spreadsheet in May which scores count toward school funding and teacher evaluations. One guess which schools get most of that money....????  People who have lost their jobs because of this pandemic are being forced to go on unemployment. Doctors and nurses on the frontlines are being asked to put their lives on the line. Why? Because, at the tender age of 18, they chose that career  and we let ourselves think that that is a good enough justification for their sacrifice, while the rest of us sit at home and complain about having to stay indoors. Essential business owners and employees are also putting their lives at risk for minimum wage or lower. Why? Because we, as a society, have a skewed view of who is more important. We pay celebrities millions and millions of dollars and where are most of them right now?... on YouTube and TikTok!!!!  Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying the arts are not important. I am not saying entertainment and creativity is not essential to survival. As a singer and performer myself, I know it is. I am simply pointing out the imbalance of our thinking. And last but certainly not least, how about our system of security/law enforcement? No injustice there, right? You cannot watch a video thread from the past 5 years without seeing some blurry, shaky footage of cops allegedly doing something to someone illegally or of someone saying that cops are being racist, or profiling or groups of people resisting law enforcement. And while we are on the subject of police, do I need to address ICE and the situation at the border??? If that is not enough evidence for you to see that God is trying to tell us that we need to change things, then I don’t know what will convince you. No wonder people are absolutely panicked at the thought of a virus... all of our systems set up to make us feel safe and secure are just mirages. Smoke and mirrors. Put in place and operated by people who, for centuries, have worked tirelessly to promote one simple lie... I am better than you. More worthy than you. More deserving than you. These mantras have been embedded in every single person on this planet at some level. These learned falsehoods, these biases, motivate and drive every decision we make. Don’t think so? Go check your refrigerator right now and see what is in there. Is it name brand or store brand? Go check your closet... High end or thrift or somewhere in between? What about toilet paper? Soap? Those priceless essentials that everyone is hoarding right now. Why do name brand products cost more? Why do they taste better, feel better, work better? Why can I get a coke cheaper than a water? Or a burger cheaper than a salad? Why does my wheelchair cost 13,000 dollars but I can’t even use the bathroom on a plane and probably wouldn’t get a chance at a ventilator should I need one? Do you have the latest iphone? So do I. Does it work better? Probably... sure does cost more too, but I can call and text the same on a much cheaper phone, but I chose this one. Why? Because it’s better. I’m just as guilty as anyone. Our entire infrastructure is set up to promote certain groups of people to succeed and others to fail. Everything is tied to money. The scriptures say... For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10). To be clear, having money is not bad, loving it is. Obsessing over it is, and judging and keeping others from prospering is... and that is the problem that needs fixing. You think things are bad right now? Things have been bad for a while. We just were too busy to care. Now we aren’t, so what are we going to do about it? If we do nothing, then all of this was for nothing. Here is our chance to take a collective breath, indoors, under a mask of course, and push the reset button on these policies and procedures that are set up to keep people down. With all of this going on, God still has faith in us that we can fix this. Don’t believe me? You know as well as I do that God could snap his fingers just like Avengers Endgame and all of us would be gone just like that. So yeah, I still have faith. However broken my hallelujah is at the moment, I still sing it. Because I know He is there. I know we can do better. And I know He wants us to figure this out before it really is too late. So... How do we make a better world? How do we actually do that? What does that look like? Is it possible? Yes, I believe it is. I have based my entire career on it. I live my life by it. And I believe we can achieve it in one word... EQUITY! Stay tuned, in my next post we will dissect this word, what it means, and how it can fix everything. Stay well! Keep the faith and love one another!
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