#even our support and solidarity is doubtful to you.
flameswallower · 3 months
Sometimes one has a naive assumption that other disabled/neurodivergent/mad people are not going to judge you for the things you can't do, can't do well, can't do consistently, or can't stop doing even though they are very annoying, disruptive, upsetting, dangerous, etc. Sometimes one also has a naive assumption that because one has struggles along these lines, one will automatically be able to empathize well with others in a similar boat and not become upset or disappointed with them.
I am here to tell you these assumptions are baloney.
On one hand, it's true that kinds of empathy and solidarity can exist within these categories that it's hard to find outside of them. On the other hand, most of us also have less capacity, time, and energy to help others in our lives, especially if they have intense or extremely specific support needs, than non-disabled people. And many of us have more trouble than average with things like concealing and controlling anger/frustration, not becoming anxious when other people don't do things exactly the way we were hoping or expecting, understanding that other people have different perspectives than we do, and even just, like...perceiving reality and remembering things accurately.
Do your best, apologize to people when it's called for, and try to give others a lot of grace/benefit of the doubt. Also, remember that when you start having thoughts like "I bet that person's problems aren't really that bad, I bet they're just lazy. Why do they feel entitled to all this help when no one is helping me? I work a lot harder than they do, and I feel like shit all the fucking time," that's a sign that you're operating way past your limits and are on the edge of burnout, and the fact that no one IS helping you is an indictment of your environment's (lack of) social safety nets, not of your also-disabled friends' laziness, selfishness or lack of care.
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how do you keep your faith even while such horrific things are going on in palestine? i've been a christian all my life and i understand that the question of why god allows suffering is one that people have always been asking, that we can never really know the answer to, but it's just so hard for me to see things like this, all of these innocent people being terrorized and murdered in such evil ways, and understand why god can't stop it from happening. in church we pray for both israel and palestine and it feels so pointless, and just makes me frustrated that i can't actually do anything to stop this. especially knowing that even bethlehem, the place of jesus's birth and home to many palestinian christians, is being attacked and churches are being bombed. it seems pretty clear that the people committing these atrocities are never going to open their hearts and stop, and the world leaders who would have the power to make them stop either don't care or directly support them. i do not want to believe that god doesn't exist, or that god would just sit by and watch all of this happen if it were possible to stop it, but it's such a struggle at times like this. i feel like it shouldn't be and like i should've had this figured out by now. it's okay if you don't answer this, i just love your blog and have learned a lot from it over the years, and am incredibly saddened by the state of the world right now.
Hey there, anon. I feel with you and stand with you in your struggle. I also gently suggest you work on letting go of the sense that you "should" have this figured out by now. Firstly because learning to release myself from "shoulds" is something my therapist taught me and it's been super helpful for showing myself love; secondly because I believe it is deeply, deeply faithful to ask these questions, to demand to know where God is in the face of evil — not just once, but continuously across our lives.
If at any point we think we have it "all figured out," if we think we've reached a fully satisfying solution to the problem of how a good God could "let" evil things happen, we're more likely to be numbed by fatalism or become complacent in the face of injustice. As Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (may his memory be a blessing) put it when asked why God lets bad things happen to good people,
“God does not want us to understand, because if we ever understood, we would be forced to accept that bad things happen to good people, and God does not want us to accept those bad things. He wants us not to understand, so that we will fight against the bad and the injustices of this world, and that is why there is no answer to that question.”
Ask the questions. Bring all that you feel — your grief, your confusion, your frustration, your doubt, your fear — to God. Study and pray and converse with others.
And while you're doing all that, and accepting that it'll be a lifelong exploration, act.
Let your love, your words, your actions be the divine response to injustice — because for whatever mysterious reason, God chooses to act through us, through all who follow Their call to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly" (Micah 6:8).
So yeah, I can't tell you why God doesn't just jump in and stop the evil, why God seems to limit Their own power to intervene (or even to lack that power to begin with), why God respects our free will even when we misuse it to such great harm (though you can see the bottom of this post for places to explore all those questions).
But I can tell you where I believe God is in the midst of all the questions, all the loss, all the suffering — and that's not on some lofty throne indifferently observing our pain; God is right there in the midst of that pain.
Where is God in the face of hate, violence, death? God is co-suffering with us, shouldering the burden with us.
In Exodus 3:7, God says They don't only see the enslaved Hebrews' misery, don't only hear their cries, but that They know the people's suffering — an intimate knowing, as of one who experiences it themself.
In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us that when humanity fails to welcome the stranger, visit the prisoner, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the oppressed, we fail to do those things for him — for he identifies so intimately with all whom the world calls "least" that he is one with each and every one of them.
So I don't know why God doesn't just fix everything, dammit! — it's the first question I'll be asking Xir when I die, because wtf!!
But I do believe, and I do draw some comfort knowing, that God does not leave us to suffer alone. God is one with the oppressed; God shows ultimate solidarity to the oppressed; and God acts with each of us who act for and with and as the oppressed.
And the good news in the midst in this horror is that there are things that all of us can be doing to act in solidarity with the oppressed!
Our efforts truly are making a difference. Politicians and whole governments across the globe have been startled by the resistance to pro-Israeli propaganda and solidarity with Palestine. The change is slow, but our protests are making an impact. Palestinians have been asking that we keep protesting, boycotting, educating, spreading the word. Because it is helping, slowly but surely.
As long as Palestinians refuse to give in to despair, we too must continue to fight. Palestine will be free. We will not stand silent as genocide occurs.
Boycott as many of the companies named by BDS as you can. Notice that they're focusing on a narrower, more targeted group of companies than some of the enormous lists people keep sharing — that's to help us avoid becoming overwhelmed! So boycott what you can from their list; these are the companies directly contributing to Israel's violence. And spread their list to anyone you can.
If you live in a country with a government that has yet to join the call for a ceasefire — and especially if you, like me here in the US, live in a country that is actively funding/otherwise supporting Israel's violence — call or email your representatives to demand a ceasefire.
Resistbot can help make that easy, in the US at least.
Educate yourself about the history of Palestine and Israel. It's important so that you can recognize lies and propaganda, and also so you can speak knowledgeably about the issue with others. It's also important because understanding and simply bearing witness are two big things Palestinians ask of us. You don't need to know everything, but know enough to bear witness, to remember the loss, and to debunk bullshit when you see it.
Here are some places you can get educated — link to free ebooks; article on current events; article with current perspectives from Gaza; and I've been reblogging news & resources as I see them over on @a-queer-seminarian
Post about what Gaza is going through on social media!! Don't let the fight die down! Talk about it with friends or others you think might be swayed to join the fight if they had the information that most media stations are failing to report on.
Stand up against Islamophobia in all forms.
Stand up against antisemitism in all forms. As Christians, this includes recognizing and uprooting supersessionism in our biblical interpretation, our liturgy, our hymns, etc. It also means learning about Christian Zionism.
One of Israel's primary arguments for the "necessity" of its oppression of Palestine is that Israel is necessary because nowhere else on earth is safe for Jews. They're right that nowhere else is safe for Jews; but they're wrong that Israel is safe for Jews — an settler-colonialist state, a war zone, a state that requires every civilian to serve some time in the military, is not safe for Jews either. But as long as they can point to the antisemitism rampant across the globe, they can use that as an argument. So to counter Israel, and much more importantly to stand in solidarity with Jewish people across the world, don't let antisemitism go unchecked.
Join in protests in your area. Follow Jewish Voices for Peace or Jews Against White Supremacy for info on such events.
Link to places to offer fin.ancial support
Want more ways to act? Check out https://www.palestineaction.org/
There is no easy answer to the question of suffering — but even so, it can be helpful to explore it deeper, to examine what conclusions others have drawn over the eras. If you want some resources for your wrestling, here are some:
This post goes into the basics of theodicy, the "the intellectual effort to jerry-rig three mutually exclusive terms into harmony: divine power, goodness, and the experiences of evil"
Then there's my #theodicy tag where I put all posts / links about this issue
I also have a long-ass YouTube video diving deep into "the problem of suffering"!
I hope this response brings you comfort and courage, friend. Don't be afraid of questions, of grief, of concern — let them galvanize you for the struggle. Solidarity forever <3
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azhdakha · 4 months
Foreign communists, socialists, marxist, anarcho-communists, tell me, why are you so ignorant, cruel and denying every time it comes to people who's oppressors aren't the west, USA and NATO? Why is it that you are so radical and so fierce to the oppressors, why do you talk about the solidarity of oppressed people, but you are ready to deny or normalize, ignore the thousands, millions of people who had their lives broken and poisoned, their homes stolen, their identity destroyed, their dear ones killed, just because those who perpetuated it called themselves communist? Are you really that dumb so you cannot fathom that there can be more than one oppressor? That just because your people suffered from USA and USA is fighting against USSR, the second one is automatically good and never done nothing wrong throughput their existence? Why is your world so binary and simplified, stupid and unrealistic? Why are you ready to support and be an apologet for someone who did terrible things, why are you ready to be cold to human beings facing atrocities just to support your damn narrative? Or just because it's not you suffering and someone else, not your people, it's fine to butcher and humiliate someone? We live through this on a daily basis. Our parents lived through this. Our grandparents live through this. This is something we keep as a family history and tell each other on family meetings. Something that your grandma will tell you while you fall asleep. Something we don't even doubt regardless of our political stances, even if you're communist yourself, because it's our reality. It doesn't happen in a far away country. It happened here. But there come you, who have never fucking been here accusing us of lying and being an America's pet. Do you think that because we don't want to be oppressed and we don't want our oppression to be silenced and denied, we are America's puppets? If we want to live freely and not undert the boot of the regime that didn't see us as humans, if we want a normal life and human rights, we are filthy reactionists? Where is your love for human rights? We are you so ready to betray us and wish us to be killed by our oppressive government because our existence doesn't align with your narrative? Where is your radical stance against oppression?
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matan4il · 6 months
Just wanted to send some love your way 🩵 Im a left-ish diaspora Jew who had, up until really recently, taken the stance that the conflict between Israel and Palestine was too complex for me to fully understand. I appreciate blogs like yours because they have genuinely helped me understand and see through the narratives that both sides are equally at fault, or that Israel is some colonialist war machine bent on gobbling up all available territory at the expense of everyone else’s lives.
It’s kind of frightening for me to have a stance at all, when the people around me were all silent on October 7th but have no issue hanging Palestinian flags outside their homes and filling their social media with slogans that they claim are simply “anti Zionist” but are absolutely anti-Semitic.
I don’t know how to explain to them that YES my heart bleeds for every average human in Gaza who genuinely does want to just exist, but that doesn’t meant that I think the onus for peace lays exclusively on Israel’s shoulders, and I don’t support disbanding Israel as a country. I worry a lot about being too one-sided or simplifying things too much; I still feel very much like I’m sitting in a middle position, due to those concerns. And it’s scary that it still wouldn’t be enough for people — FRIENDS, even — around me.
Sorry for the ramble. Thank you for your informative posts. Speaking as someone who finds a lot of joy in fandom stuff, I really hope the tides turn so that kind of thing can occupy more space in your mind than worrying does 🩵
Awww, Nonnie! I am hugging you SO MUCH!
My heart aches, because you're absolutely right. It doesn't matter how much we'll denounce racism, they will still call us racist. It doesn't matter how often we state that we want life and dignity for both Jews AND Palestinians, they'll still accuse us of supporting genocide. It doesn't matter if we'll criticize the government, they'll still claim we're brainwashed to silence our voices.
So if it's not about our actual beliefs and positions, what's it about?
It's about the fact that we're Jews. And we're told that we can only be "good" Jews if we throw our fellow Jewish people under the bus, even though for every other minority, solidarity is encouraged and celebrated. We're only "good" Jews if we give up our native rights by adhering to a narrative that paints us as colonizers of our own ancestral land, even as native rights are upheld as vital for every other indigenous group. We're only "good" Jews by doubting the multiple testimonies of rape and baby beheadings, even though every victim is supposed to be heard and believed. We're only "good" Jews if we agree to give up the right to self defense, which means we give up the right to live safely, to live peacefully... really, if we give up the right to live, period. All while telling us this is due to the value of all human life. They're literally gaslighting us with "All Lives Matter," and it's the same crowd who could recognize the issue with that slogan, when it was used to silence black people demanding that very same right.
We do not have to go along with this modern "witch test," where they try us by dunking us into water, and the only way to be "innocent" is to die drowning, so if we didn't, then we're witches, and we die still, because they burn us at the stake. I refuse to collaborate with the erasure of Jewish identity, history and rights, which leaves all Jews stripped of protection, vulnerable to abuse, and I will keep speaking, even if they call me every dirty name they can think of for recognizing the Jewish right to live, and to live in our historic homeland, especially as we have always been willing to live here side by side with others. Whatever they say about me, at least I won't be a tokenized Jew, that they can use to bully other Jews into silence.
We absolutely can be pro-Israeli AND pro-Palestinian, rather than turning anti-Israeli to "prove" we're good, pro-Palestinian Jews.
I'm sorry, IDK if I'm actually helping here! Just know that you're not alone in feeling this way. Actually, the fantastic Mayim Bialik also talked about this recently, so I'll give you her eloquent words:
(this is just a part of the vid, you can find the whole thing here)
Thank YOU for the kind words! And may we all get back to just being able to enjoy fandom as the fun, escapist hobby it should be. Sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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pommunist · 6 days
i admire you for continuing to be somehow positive about this whole situation, cuz i cant anymore. i gave quackity the benefit of the doubt after his first stream but after the contradictions and the admins speaking out i can't, i'm just too dissapointed and also a bit mad. i understand people trying to be positive but at the same time it kinda feels like they're choosing to be ignorant about the whole situation. i guess there's a chance of things getting better but i don't see how. the fandom has been divided by the people that believe in quackity blindly and the people that want proof things are actually better. im tired of waiting. i want proof that the admins are actually being treated with respect. i want proof that the labor laws are being respected. and even if we get that proof i dont think this fandom will ever be how it used to be. i don't know if its because of the fact that the labor laws are pretty similar in brazil and france so this two fandoms can understand each other pretty well, or because of the xenophobia that they both went through, but it kinda feels like they're the only one's having each other backs. from what i've seen the last few weeks the brazilians dont want to watch it anymore or support qsmp because it just feels wrong. we might watch our streamer if they decide to play in the server but i dont see anyone excited or wanting to interact with the fandom anymore and its sad.
thank you anon but idk if i would call it being positive 🥹 more like trying to see how things can still improve and focusing on that rather than on my personal feelings of doom regarding it ahahaha /hj
it’s either "i believe the project can still goes on and the admins can have the respect they deserve" or "this is doomed to never get better, server will fail and admins will eat dirt" so the choice is easy for me ! maybe i’ll have to put my clown makeup on because of that but oh well
tbh there are things that parts of the fandom have said and done regarding this that will forever irk me but lets focus on all the cool aspects instead ! the way everyone was able to interact with people from all over the world who love the same thing they do, share languages and culture.
i love the solidarity between french speaking and brazilian communities so much. Maybe it’s because we share some similarities on the way we view these kind of things, maybe it’s a "you and me against the world" thing after we both got a lot of shit and maybe it’s both ! so thankful for it in any case. it’s sad to see these two communities who were so active both leaving one after another though, what a waste…
and i still can’t believe i went from no knowledge of portuguese to being able to read and understand it pretty well in a matter of months just by watching brasilian streamers and reading tweets from the brasilian fandom 😭🫶 impeccable sense of humour from you guys btw i saved so many memes….
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
If fandom was actual community, everyone would get the benefit of the doubt that whatever weird dark art they're making is part of their own healing journey and absolutely none of our fucking business unless we're offering support and solidarity. Artists don't owe you anything, not even fan artists.
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inkie80 · 1 day
”we are and were just always friends, only shippers and the media interpreted something in that whole thing‘.”
anon again who posted the first one. I wouldn’t doubt it knowing his team lurks on SM for ideas to use. If (and when) they try to use that gaslighting narrative (if the interviews questions weren’t prescreened) someone should ask him “do you strangle the necks of all your female friends as you did with TR in Vegas?” They should had just chosen a narrative and stuck with it throughout the whole contract. For instance when Taylor wanted to “focus on her work as that’s so important to her” when they brought up Tarry, she should just did like kendall and did the friendship route saying “he’s become a very supportive friend to have since I’m alone in London. Seeing London through the eyes of someone who was born here has made me appreciate this country more than before.” Blah blah blah. For him when promo starts he could had been all, “At the end of the last tour (you got insert TR somewhere) and since turning 30, I met someone who helped me realize the importance of friendship like never before. I realized the ministry of presence and protecting each other solidarity is something I lacked in relationships and she helped restored that understanding”….yada, yada, yada.
Throw a picture of root somewhere in the bts album pictures to excite the gf harries and Tayrry could had been something. No offense, but for people who vomit deep quotes to sound so smart they really are common sense stupid.
I said the same about Olivia. They should have just stick with the friendship narrative.
But they didn’t even wait a day, to push the romantic so in love narrative down our throats….
They should have just stuck with Harry helps director Olivia Wilde after her “divorce” and developed a strong friendship…..
And they made mistake and they know it, but they thought it would help with the movie.
Here they choose wrong again, since all the holivians changed their pfp the minute Taylor was confirmed to be with them, and thought it was a good idea 🤣🤣🤣
I say learn from your mistakes but apparently they love it on the shipper side 🤣
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pxnsneverland · 8 days
Autumn Roses | Young Ian x OC (part 2)
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plot summary: As a half black half white slave in colonial North Carolina, Rose has struggled with her place in the world. After her mother's death in childbirth and finding out that the recently deceased River Run plantation master was her father, the mistress of River Run, Jocasta Cameron, took her in treating her as more of a daughter than a slave. Jocasta educated and raised Rose with no one outside the house ever being the wiser. But the arrival of Jocasta's nephew Jamie Fraser and his wife Clare threaten to turn Rose's world upside down especially when they bring along their bright haired, blue eyed nephew Ian Murray.
Part 1
pairings: Young Ian x OC
fandom: Outlander
word count: 1426
warnings/notes: Hey guys! I know it's been forever since updating this fanfic and I almost shelved it but I decided to write a few more parts and see how it goes. Hope you enjoy :)
Chapter 2
We all sat in the parlor in silence after Mistress Cameron explained everything to her family. I held my breath waiting for the storm I was sure was about to come. Mistress Cameron guided us to a sitting room adorned with plush velvet chairs and intricately woven tapestries that told stories of battles fought and loves lost. We gathered around a crackling fire, its flames casting a comforting warmth upon us all.
Seated in a high-backed chair, Mistress Jocasta fixed her gaze upon each of us in turn, her expression grave yet resolute. "There are secrets buried deep within these walls," she began, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "Secrets I’ve been keeping for decades, I’m afraid. Rose is my late husband’s bastard.” She stole a glance at me as if it pained her to say the word. “I was furious at first, ashamed even. But her mother died and she was such a sweet child and I had lost my own daughter years ago, ye see…” Mistress Jocasta swallowed the clear lump in her throat. She dabbed unshed tears from her glassy eyes.
Claire put a hand on Jocasta’s shoulder bending down so she could smile at her with the sweetest expression. “It’s very admirable what you have done for Rose.”
“And never mind nothin’, Auntie.” Jamie tipped his head towards her. “We will keep your secret during our time at River Run. After all, Rose is family.” He smiled at me and I felt a warmth in my heart I didn’t quite know what to make of.
To not have to hide and duck around corners for the months Jamie, Claire and Ian were visiting was a relief. I watched the scene unfold before me, a whirlwind of emotions churning within my chest. My mind struggled to process the weight of it all. Jamie and Claire's unwavering support only added to the mix of gratitude and confusion swirling inside me.
As the fire crackled in the hearth, casting flickering shadows around the room, I felt a sense of belonging I hadn't experienced before. To be acknowledged and accepted by these newfound relatives was both overwhelming and comforting in equal measure. Ian, ever the kind soul, reached out a hand to squeeze mine in silent solidarity. His gesture left me blushing and I quickly pulled my hand away from his. I tried to smile to show him I was grateful, just hesitant, but I don’t know how well I did. Even as I tried not to look at him, I could feel his eyes still on me. My heart was beating so loud I was sure the whole room could hear it.
“Ye’re a true Mackenzie no doubt,” he said with a slight smile, “Always gettin’ into trouble for the sake of others.”
Claire placed a hand over her heart, seeming warmed by the news. “In this day and age, with how people feel about slaves, especially the mixed children being produced…I admire you.”
Mistress Cameron let out a relieved sigh. “Well, I am glad of that. I would much rather have ye sayin’ here without lookin’ at me with contempt everyday.” 
“We’re in no place to judge, Auntie,” Ian said, “What people around here think about slaves and the Indians are no different than what the English think about Scots. After all, look at what happened on the river wit’ us bein’ mugged.”
Jocasta smiled, nodding her approval of the young lad. Even I had to crack a smile. When the mugging was mentioned I was suddenly over concerned. “Mugged.”
“Aye,” Jamie confirmed from his place by the window, a china tea cup in his hands. “Mugged by a criminal I helped escape the noose. Thought I was doin’ him a kindness, trustin’ my gut. They stole our coin and gem stone. Left us with little more than the clothes on our back.”
Jocasta huffed. “Wicked! Just wicked. To repay your kindness in such fashion. Bonnet and his men should be hangit.”
“He woulda been were it not for me.”
“You sought the goodness in him, and there was none to be found.” I felt bad for Jamie for I could see the turmoil in his eyes from his decision. Regardless, I admired him for it. Being able to see the good where others saw none was a habit of mine as well. And I had equal reason as Jamie not to trust the masses.
“Pray think on it no more,” Jocasta continued in her quest to calm Jamie’s worries, “Ye’re welcome to stay here as long as ye need.”
I felt Ian’s eyes on me at Mistress Cameron’s invitation. I allowed myself to glance at him as well and our eyes met making my chest flutter once again. He smiled brightly as if just getting me to look at him was the highlight of his day. I looked away feeling myself blush. As curious as I was to learn more about Ian, it was dangerous territory to walk into. 
“I’ll not be a burden to you,” Jamie continued, taking a seat next to Jocasta.
“No, we don’t intend to stay that long,” Claire said.
Mistress Cameron just gave them a warm smile. “Bless ye, dears, ye’re kin. Twill not be a burden to have a man of such strength and mind for business at my disposal. Why the good women and men of Cape Fear will be clamorin’ to engage with ye, especially once they’ve had the pleasure of making yer acquaintance at a wee gatherin’ I intend to hold in yer honor.”
A breathy laugh came out of Jamie’s mouth followed by a crooked smile. “Ye’re familiar wi’ my business dealings.”
“Mistress Cameron has kept up wi’ ye over the years, Master Fraser,” I said, finding some confidence amidst the casual atmosphere. I had rarely ever talked to anyone outside River Run, but Jamie and Claire made everything seem so comfortable and approachable. “She’s had me read her resources for her, letters and such. Like when you were in Paris and Edinburgh.”
“Ye flatter me, Rose. And call me Jamie, please.”
Jocasta sighed with amusement on her lips. “You’re no fond of flattery. Well, ‘tis her right to do so as well as mine. I have no sons of my own. Besides Rose, who else am I to lavish my attentions upon?”
Jamie smiled so appreciatively at her I wished she could have seen it. It was clear that no matter how long it had been, he still loved his aunt just as much as he did when they were both back in Scotland. I felt a little envious. I longed for a family such as that, a place to belong, a place where I didn’t have to hide in fear. I sipped my tea hoping no one noticed the slight disappointment on my face. Thankfully, I was saved by Rollo barging into the room through the front door. Immediately, a foul stench filled up the room forcing me to use my skirts to cover my nose.
Ian walked over to his dog who was whining terribly. “Dear God, Rollo, what happened to ye?”
The slave attendant holding onto Rollo’s tether dipped his head. “I’m sorry, Mistress Cameron. The beast ran after a skunk and got sprayed in the process.” 
“What in the devil is a skunk?”
Claire sat her tea cup down on a nearby table using her now free hand to cover her nose. “It’s an animal quite common around here. It sprays a foul liquid when it gets scared to ward off predators.”
Jamie looked as if he were about to gag. “Is it venomous?”
“No. Just malodorous.” Claire started to shoo Ian and Rollo out of the room. 
Mistress Cameron composed herself long enough to say, “It just so happens that my friend John Quincy Myers is visiting. He’s a man of the wild who can rid your mongrel of the stench.”
Ian sighed in relief. “Thank you, great-aunt.”
“Rose, why don’t you go show Ian the way? I’m such John Quincy is where he always is, by the riverbank.”
I nodded feeling my heart drop into my stomach. Standing near Ian had been enough to send my breathing into a panic. Now I was going to practically be alone with him. I wanted to reject her request, but I knew how impolite that would be. It would also spark many questions that I was not even sure how to answer. So I stood up from the couch and followed Ian and Rollo out the door. 
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hey reid!
I have a question for you: I am currently employed by my university as student assistant in the department of ancient history and there is a union (that one of my friends/colleagues is a part of) that is planning a strike for better wages and general working conditions in autumn (across the country).
The thing is, I'd love to participate but I am scared that if not all student assistants in the DoAH will participate, this will reflect badly on me as a worker. Since our department is very small, we all know each other and part of getting a job (or keeping it for that matter) is being noticed by the teachers/professors. One of them is the teacher that I would like to write my BA thesis under (she's also my boss and got me this job because she noticed me in one of her classes)
I am afraid that if my friend and I are the only ones going on strike in our department we won't be considered for another job/get our contracts renewed because the professors will remember us as 'causing trouble'
So basically, I guess what I wanted to ask was how to get over this fear because I would really like to keep this job/maybe get offered another/more jobs later on?
First things first, I can't tell you what to do here. At the end of the day, you're the one who will have to live with those consequences.
What I will say is this: all of the doubts you're having are 1) valid, and 2) what institutions are banking on to keep you from unionizing. The last 12 months have shown huge successes for large scale education unions. That only happened because people were willing to participate. Yes, sometimes that means putting your neck on the line.
You know what you can do to make sure you and your friend aren't the only ones in your department to strike? Unionize the other workers in your department!
If you decide to strike, make sure that you are actually part of the union that is doing so. Does it cover undergraduate student assistants, or is this a grad student thing? If you qualify, great, join up, pay your dues, and go on strike. If you can't join this union, you don't have to strike but you shouldn't cross picket lines. You can and should also donate to the union's strike fund to support striking workers.
The Institution is your enemy here, not the department or individual professors. I've worked for profs who would be understanding if I told them I was going on strike. (Honestly, I'm not sure I'd want to work for someone who insisted I work through a strike, but that's my own personal preference.) This professor has noticed you, and hopefully that positive opinion will remain even if you strike.
It sounds like you're aware of both the risks and benefits of striking in this scenario, and now you have to make a difficult decision. I'll close this by saying a little solidarity goes a long way.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
I'm thinking about an ask that went up that if you want to ask someone if they want to be in a qpr with you to shoot your shot.
I'll be honest in saying that right now, I'm trying to keep my hands from shaking and holding back some tears because I want to ask a friend about it. I really, truly want to. I've written in about this before asking for advice on doing this, actually.
There's a friend that I've gotten close to over the last year and I can say with all my chest that I haven't felt so safe with another person in a long time. Whenever I'd be fighting a panic attack, my intrusive thoughts or my paranoia, she'd be the one person to instantly make me feel like everything would be okay. It's like her very presence is healing. I don't know how she does it and whenever I'd ask her about it, like poetically saying I'll never understand how the universe came together to form her so effortlessly, she'd say I made her blush. We're both queer and have found so much comfort and solidarity in that, along with supporting each other with our mutual love of music and art.
We've both come so far, both with personal growth and finding the courage to heal from our past and active trauma. A day doesn't go by where I'm not stupidly proud of her and how far she's come and I do my best to remind her of that so she doesn't forget how much she's loved by others. Those we know have said we're like a married couple and we've just run with it since then, calling each other (platonic) husband and wife. She has something similar going on with a friend she has feelings for as well, where she's said they both have referred to one another as the other person's wife and I think people have mistaken them as a married couple. It's so pure. I still remember when she told her about me when a certain artist she likes came up, joking that her two worlds have collided now that her husband and wife know about each other. It was too pure.
But now, here I am. I feel like a shy pangolin when I'm with her, even if we're hundreds of miles apart. I feel so safe and that nothing bad can happen, even if the apocalypse is taking place outside. It's like all my problems just wash away, even if we only get to have a few minutes to talk to each other. She's someone I'd love to be part of my life for the long run and I'd love to be that for her if she's okay with it. It's hard to not turn five shades of red with how full of light I feel, like a damn school boy sometimes as childish as it sounds.
I know after saying all of that and how much I've gushed about how close we are and that we both have a ton of mutual love and care for one another, I'm absolutely terrified of talking to her about it even though we have great communication when it comes to having serious conversations and addressing things like boundaries. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or ever plant a seed of doubt that our friendship had hidden, sleazy ulterior motives behind them. I think that would break my heart the most knowing I hurt someone I care about so much. I know the worst that could happen is that she says she likes our bond the way it is and not being in a QPR or putting a specific label on it will change that. But still, losing her and this irreplaceable connection would just be devastating.
I guess all of this, the TLDR, is that I have someone special to me who I'd absolutely be in a QPR with...but maybe if she made the first move. I'm way too scared to do it myself and risk losing someone who means the world to me. I know QPRs can be anything all involved want it to be, but still. It's scary. Terrifying, even. Being so vulnerable with someone you trust is frightening and I don't know if it's worth it. I want to be honest, but I want to protect my heart... I feel so lost.
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the-al-chemist · 2 years
The Beginning of a Symphony - Chapter 16
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Summary: Ethel and Selene become Suffragettes.
OCs featured: Professor Lavinia MacMillan @kc-and-co, Selene Fraser and Carolyn Nyberg @lifeofkaze, Adelia Selwyn @thatravenpuffwitch.
OCs mentioned: Victoria Summer @whatwouldvalerydo, Lottie Gallagher and Lysander Mercury @slytherindisaster, Winona Rosewood @usernoneexistent, Marigold Sterling @that-scouse-wizard, Siobhan Llewelyn @kc-and-co.
Warnings: discussion of misogyny.
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April 1896
“Miss Hexley, what are you doing there?” Professor Macmillan, the Herbology teacher, asked Ethel, one eyebrow raised at the ropes that were currently binding her wrists to the banister of the grand staircase.
“I’m campaigning, professor,” Ethel informed her. “Professor, did you know that Muggle women are not legally permitted to partake in political discourse or even to vote?”
“I was already aware of that fact, yes.”
“Well, do you not think that this is a dastardly miscarriage of justice? I certainly do. That is why Selene and I have tied ourselves to the banisters. We are showing our solidarity with the poor souls, and raising awareness about their plight.”
“I see,” Professor Macmillan frowned. “And where is Miss Fraser?”
“Over there,” unable to point, Ethel jerked her head in the direction of the flight of stairs where Selene was tied to another banister, deep in conversation with a group of Ravenclaw girls from their own year. “We thought that we might cover more ground if we worked the stairs separately. We are hoping to recruit more members for our society.”
“Yes, the Society for Witches in Support of Women’s Suffrage. Or, S.W.S.W.S. for short. So far, it is Selene, Victoria, Lottie, Winona, and me. Would you like to join, too? We are hoping to have our first meeting this evening, and yours really would be a very welcome presence.”
“I appreciate the offer, Miss Hexley, but I’m afraid that I am off schoolgrounds this evening,” said Professor Macmillan. “But I am glad that you are spending your time focussing on such a worthwhile cause, rather than making trouble.” She smiled and nodded her head at the Slytherin girls walking down the flight of stairs towards them, “Perhaps you shall have more luck with these young ladies.”
“I sincerely doubt that,” Ethel muttered as Professor Macmillan walked away, but she raised her voice and greeted the girls with a wide and winning smile anyway. “Carolyn, Adelia, Marigold! You are all strong, independent witches.”
“What do you want, Hexley?” Carolyn Nyberg asked, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“Well, seeing as you asked, I dare say that I should rather like your help. You see, my dear sister Selene and I are attempting to bring about a great societal shift that will benefit the Muggle members of our sex to no end.”
“Are you now?” Adelia Selwyn raised one eyebrow.
“Yes. You may not be aware, Pureblooded as you are, that Muggle women are not privy to the same rights that are afforded to their male counterparts in regard to matters of a political nature,” said Ethel. “Naturally, this is most unjust, and it is this injustice that the Society for Witches in Support of Women’s Suffrage wishes to correct. We are currently looking to recruit new members to the society and-”
“Are you in charge of this society?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Then we are not interested,” Carolyn gave Ethel tight-lipped and insincere smile.
“But Carolyn, do you not care that Muggle women are not allowed to vote?”
“Not enough to want to spend time with you, Ethel.”
“Well, there is no need to be rude,” Ethel pouted, and the Slytherin girls began to walk away. She attempted to appeal to the better nature of the one bringing up the rear. “Ophelia, what say you? Do you wish to join the society?”
“No,” Ophelia Burke shook her head, frowning as if confused. “I don’t see the point. Why would a woman want to vote when she could have her husband do it for her?”
Ethel’s jaw dropped, and she was about to launch into a lengthy explanation as to exactly what the point was, when the staircase moved, carrying her away from the Slytherins, settling so that her flight of stairs was directly adjacent to Selene’s.
“Hello!” Ethel called out.
“Hello,” replied Selene. “How’s the recruitment going for you?”
“I’m afraid that it could be better,” Ethel admitted. “No new members yet, but Professor Macmillan did say that we could use her greenhouse to hold the meeting tonight.”
“Did she? How wonderful. I shall have to tell that Shiv that is where we will be meeting.”
“Shiv’s decided to join?”
“Yes, I was speaking to all of the girls from their dormitory. They said that they’d all be delighted to join us.”
“Even Héloïse Perrault ?”
“Well, she did not say so in quite so many words, of course,” said Selene. “But she nodded her head. So I assume she will be joining. Though I’m not certain that she understood what it was that she was joining, precisely.”
“That is no matter, we can tell her later if necessary,” Ethel told Selene, whose staircase began to move. “Farewell, Selly!”
“Goodbye, Effy!” Selene called out, as she was carried away by the moving staircase. “And good luck!”
Selene’s well-wishing must have worked, because no sooner had she departed than Ethel was approached by her brother.
“Ah, Jimmy. Just the person.”
“Oh, um… Er, Effy, what are you… That is to say, why are you… Did you tie yourself to the staircase or was this one of Lysander’s pranks?”
“You know as well as I do that I would never fall prey to such a jape as this,” Ethel said, offended by the very insinuation. “No, this is no jape at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. I am partaking in a vital humanitarian campaign. One in which I am most in need of the assistance of my dear little brother.”
“I am less than one hour younger than you!”
“Even so, I am the elder, and so you must assist me when I ask you.”
“Must I?”
“Yes. That is how families work, Jimmy.”
Jim sighed, deeply and almost crossly. “What assistance… Why me? What is that you want from me?”
“Well, as you are so interested, I shall tell you,” Ethel beamed, “Selene and I are setting up a political movement, and require campaign posters. You are always doodling away, I thought that you might like to lend your artistic talent to our noble cause.”
“No,” Jim said quickly. “No, I do not wish… You know my drawings - drawings, not doodles - are private. I don’t like to…”
“What is the point in you doing all your sketching if you ever intend on letting anyone see the finished results?”
“That is not… They are not for others, just for me.”
“Jimmy, please! We are in desperate need of an artist!”
“There are others who fit that description. Lysander might-”
“We are not that desperate,” Ethel scowled at the very idea of Lysander Mercury being a part of her society. “Oh, don’t be such a downer, Jim! Be a good, supportive brother and come to my incredibly important meeting.” She sighed, before smirking and changing tack, “You know, Héloïse will be there.”
“And why… That is not… Um, really?” Ethel nodded, and Jim took a breath before nodding his head. “Very well, Effy. But, er, this is only because you are my sister, you understand?”
Ethel’s smile widened, and she tilted her head at her brother, who averted his eyes.
“Oh, I understand perfectly, Jimmy.”
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diaperalex · 2 years
An important message from Alex (DiaperAlex)
Dear friends,
due to exceptional circumstances, I must take a time out from social networks and my blogs. I will post much less content and might take unsusual time to answer every messages.
Too many things are happening at the same time for me, and I have reached my breaking point where I can no longer keep going the same way without making major changes in my life.
My ME/CFS condition is greatly deteriorating, which is affecting my muscles, brain, heart and lungs. My seizures are coming back, I failed finding any fast alternative to maintain my essential physical therapies and treatments. My ressources are very limited at the moment, inflation, increase of cost for diapers, and extreme abnormal weather damages recently in our area have made things worse for me.
My GoFundMe campaign is unfortunately an unsuccessful one. Other options like selling gears were temporary and didn’t last, because things didn’t go better for me and my health issues like I wished.
I can hold up until August 2022. I will have to suspend indefinitely my essential treatments and physical therapies that our government, healthcare system and insurance will not cover. This means that my health will dangerously deteriorate, and there is a serious threat of life or death situation upcoming by the end of this year.
I am doing everything I can to get the proper services from hospitals asap, but the wait lists are getting worse since the staff is missing everywhere in our local hospitals and outside my area.
Please, don’t hate me for not being perfect and unhealthy. I have to make tuff choices in the next days to literally stay alive. I will not give up. I don’t want to give up. I am also fighting against imminent signs of depression because of all this.
This is exceptional situation, and I apologize for annoying everyone with that. My parents are having serious health issues themselves, but they will help me while I am helping them. What I need is courage, indeed. Support, absolutely! Time to take care of myself very seriously, without any doubt!
What I need? I can’t hide the obvious fact that money rules the world, and it’s even more true when it comes to private healthcare system in an emergency situation. I need donations, solidarity, fast help to maintain essential treatments and physical therapies and medications fees past August 2022.
I know that GoFundMe is not the best fundraising platform. But my campaign is still active.
Another alternative to help me is sending me a PM to ask for my PayPal address for donations only.
I will need time, support, true understanding from all my followers, my friends, my family and acquaintances from all of my social networks at the same time I do what I need to do with my doctors and specialists.
I hope you will understand that this is serious for me, and it could happen to anyone at any age.
Alex (DiaperAlex on Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Diaper-Bois) (Spokesperson for autism awareness)
Spokesperson for ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue syndrome)
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
I would like to leave kudos for your tags on the queer post, especially for your take on solidarity. 'we are all we have' not only hits right in the feels it also helps me reorganise my thoughts on solidarity and being part of a group/community/coalition, how it's about showing up and being there for others and not leaving people alone to fend for themselves.
I've been thinking a lot lately that the best contribution I can make to a group is my absence or even that nothing i could give can outweight the burden I am to others (it's something i learned in school and it resurfaced during the pandemic). So, calls for solidarity felt somewhat painful, like rejection.
Thank you for helping me changing this perspective!
oh dear anon. can i give you a hug?
you are not alone in feeling like you have nothing to contribute. that's something I struggle with as well; just not reaching out because what do I have to offer anyway? who would want me there?
but let me tell you. that's a lie. a lie that people have told you who wanted to hurt you, who wanted to make you feel lacking, who wanted to make you doubt your own value, for whatever reason. you DO have things to offer and there ARE people who will be so glad to have you.
you belong.
you belong!
you can contribute, or maybe you're the one who needs support right now, and that's fine too, that's amazing, people love to be there for others, to be the hero they themselves needed at some point. reaching out is terrifying but i promise you it will be worth it. solidarity goes both ways; YOU deserve acceptance and support as well. and it's not like anyone is keeping score anyway, just you being there is enough. just existing as a queer person in this world, just showing you're here, showing other queer people they aren't alone: that's enough.
making someone smile because hey! I'm like you, we both exist on this bus (or where ever).
don't let the people who want you to hate yourself win. that's how they divide and conquer; by making us believe that we are worthless and powerless and alone.
but we aren't. we have never been. there's a lot of us, everywhere, and people who have our backs, even if it doesn't feel like it.
never doubt your own value.
reach out to others. i know it's scary (believe me i know). but look at you! reaching out to me, and I haven't even thanked you for it. thank you <3
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phezii · 29 days
Journey's End: Lessons Learned in Community Engagement
As I sit down to write my final thoughts on this transformative journey of community engagement, I am struck by a whirlwind of emotions - a tapestry made up of moments of satisfaction, apprehension, and a touch of melancholy. This experience's conclusion marks not only the end, but also a new beginning, as I prepare to hand over the torch to those who will carry on this critical work. In this reflective blog, I invite you to join me as I explore the profound lessons - both professional and personal - that have shaped my understanding of community service and chart a path forward into the world of social impact. People say all good things come to an end.
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(Redirect Notice, 2017)
Closure is more than just an endpoint; it is a process of culmination and transition. It includes acknowledging accomplishments, evaluating failures, and recognising one's own evolution within a specific stage of life or endeavour. Philosophically, closure encourages introspection, requiring people to confront their own growth, values, and identity. Throughout this journey, one overarching realisation has emerged, growth happens amid discomfort (Fluks & Naidoo, 2019). Initially, the prospect of stepping out of my comfort zone to engage with the community and lead initiatives was intimidating and uncertain. However, it is precisely in these times of discomfort that I have discovered the deepest sense of fulfilment. By embracing the unknown and pushing beyond the boundaries of familiarity, I have opened new realms of possibility and discovered hidden reservoirs of resilience within myself.
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(The Critical Importance of Community Engagement in Schools | Charleston Promise Neighborhood, n.d.)
The opportunity to work closely with children and adolescents through paediatric assessments and interventions has been nothing short of eye-opening for me. Beyond honing clinical skills, this experience has given me the opportunity to provide support and guidance to those navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence. It's as if I'm reaching out to my younger self, imparting wisdom gained through life experiences and comforting those in need. Through these interactions, I've come to understand the importance of mentorship and human connection in promoting growth and adaptability. Working at the clinic had a good impact on me because I got to engage effectively with the multidisciplinary team, and this made me think more about other occupations and their scope of practice, and how we all work together to ensure the needs of the clients are met for them to be functional when engaging in their everyday tasks.
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Despite its benefits, the path of community engagement is not without challenges. The weight of responsibility, combined with moments of intense pressure, has threatened to engulf me. There have been times when the task of effecting change felt impossible to overcome, casting shadows of doubt and isolation. Nonetheless, in the face of adversity, I have witnessed the indomitable spirit of community - a collective force capable of overcoming even the most formidable challenges. Collaboration, solidarity, and shared purpose are essential for navigating the complexities of social change and paving the way for a brighter future. Also, as much as we will hand over to other students, we will however lose contact with community and the people we have met during this time, which is going to a be a downfall for us who have attachment issues (Fluks & Naidoo, 2019).
Furthermore, my interactions with community stakeholders have demonstrated the value of collaboration in driving long-term change. We can overcome individual limitations and effect systemic change by forming partnerships and leveraging the collective wisdom of diverse voices. These collaborative principles increase our impact and foster a sense of ownership and empowerment in the community, laying the groundwork for long-term change. The article emphasizes the significance of community engagement in enriching students' understanding of societal needs and fostering collaboration with community stakeholders (Irvine-Brown et al., 2020). It examines how partnerships with community organizations and stakeholders enrich students' learning experiences, foster collaboration, and promote a deeper understanding of societal needs and issues (Irvine-Brown et al., 2020). Being exposed to what is an actual community and how people engage in occupations and ensure they reach their best optimum function with the little they have.
As I reflect on the lessons learned from this experience, I am reminded of the incredible power we must shape our own reality. While the path ahead may be difficult, it is also full of opportunities for growth, innovation, and renewal. As I begin the next phase of my community service journey, I am motivated by a renewed sense of purpose and a desire to effect positive change. Armed with the lessons learned and strengthened by the support of my community, I am ready to face the challenges that lie ahead and work towards a more just, equitable, and compassionate society. However, we as people need to understand that some of us will thrive in community while others face burnout and stress, we just need to remember to seek support from our loved ones and putting the extra work (van Stormbroek & Buchanan, 2016).
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In closing, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has helped me on this journey, including mentors, colleagues, community members, and readers. May our combined efforts shine as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys of discovery and transformation in the pursuit of a better tomorrow. The findings indicated that community service plays a pivotal role in shaping the professional identity of occupational therapists (OTs) and underscores the importance of providing adequate supervision and mentorship for OTs engaged in community service roles (van Stormbroek & Buchanan, 2016).
Fluks, L. L., & Naidoo, A. V. (2019). “We can’t be here forever”: University students’ reflections on terminating community-engagement relationships. Social Work , 55(4), 468–485. https://doi.org/10.15270/52-2-764
Irvine-Brown, L., Di Tommaso, A., Paula, A., Malfitano, S., & Molineux, M. (2020). Experiences of occupational therapy education: contexts, communities and social occupational therapy Experiências de formação em terapia ocupacional: contextos, comunidades e terapia ocupacional social. 28(1), 330–342. https://www.scielo.br/j/cadbto/a/yyg5LwCnC4dhWVnVC4KSKCL/?lang=en&format=pdf  
Redirect Notice. (2017). Google.com. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgetcreativecom.wordpress.com%2F2017%2F06%2F02%2Flast-week-of-school-time-to-say-goodbye%2F&psig=AOvVaw31Raay7INicSYqD8eSzml0&ust=1711827492912000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCICKpsScmoUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAH
The Critical Importance of Community Engagement in Schools | Charleston Promise Neighborhood. (n.d.). https://charlestonpromise.org/the-critical-importance-of-community-engagement-in-schools/
van Stormbroek, K., & Buchanan, H. (2016). Community Service Occupational Therapists: thriving or just surviving? South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 46(3). https://doi.org/10.17159/23103833/2016/v46n3a11
(2024). Depositphotos.com. https://st2.depositphotos.com/3837271/6942/i/450/depositphotos_69422217-stock-photo-gratitude-is-the-best-attitude.jpg
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sweetestbaby · 2 months
i do wish and hope that brasil would break relations with the occupation in palestine and in my ideal world nobody would defend the existence of the occupation as a nation BUT theres no use in pretending like i dont know my president and my party in particular. brasil is a non-litigious country with some of the greatest diplomatic strengths in the world point blank period, and to break diplomatic relations with any nation to us would be pretty much the most aggressive and last-resort solution to any conflict. we dont even sanction nobody. thats the kind of state that is the brazilian state. so theres no use in spreading fake stories abt expelling embassadors or shit like that bc once ppl find out it isnt true then itll make it look like we're not doing anything when in reality president lula and pretty much all high members of our party including president dilma in the past have been categorically pro-palestine. as ive mentioned in another post lula called for the end of the war against the palestinian ppl and for the installment of a sovereign and free palestine in a speech given IN THE OCCUPATIONS CHAMBER OF PARLIAMENT literally right in front of netanyahu after he said brasil needed to break relations with arab nations (namely iran) back in 2010. dilma petitioned the united nations in 2011 for it to intervene in favor of palestine. our party has always been involved and supportive of the palestinian cause, ALWAYS, and you better be damn fucking sure that once palestine is free and sovereign we are going to lay our every resource into not only humanitarian aid but also diplomatic and political aid (printscreen this post and remember me when palestine joins BRICS in the near future)
but i know my party and only an extreme direct attack on brasil would make us break relations not only with the occupation but with any country whatsoever. that aint us. it is wayyyy more likely that the occupation would break relations with us first, but i doubt that will happen considering that like i said we are the feeders of the world. we lose nothing by not having diplomatic relations with them but best believe they stand to lose a lot by breaking ties with us, especially if this developed into a situation where other latin american or BRICS countries decided to cut ties with them in solidarity to us. thats why theyre playing into this "persona non grata" performance, bc they know they have a lot to lose by framing us as an enemy, which is the same reason why not even the united states denounced president lula for his latest comments on it. u cant fight with the ppl who produce ur food baby
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cuetzpalin1234 · 3 months
Chicano report back on the Puro Pinche Palestina! Show and Night Market
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It was a very cold Saturday evening January 20th, 2024. My partner and I arrived at the event about an hour or 2 after it started. We thought when we showed up it would be over. When we got closer to the location, it looked like a full house with cars lined up on both sides of the road. So, as we tried to find a space to park, we finally entered the event, and it was still very active. The 6pm show and night market was organized by Red Star and Bimbos for Liberation in coordination with Tandem, located at 310 Riverside Dr. San Anto, Tx.  The purpose of the event was to benefit San Antonio for Justice in Palestine. There was a very diverse crowd in the lot outside socializing and walking around looking at the 25+ vendors and local artists that were out there in solidarity and calling for a ceasefire.
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There were several groups huddled around the different log fires they had set up for the cold winter evening. There was also food for sale by Saha, Gorda Bakes, Angel Numb, El Puño y La Mano, WRLD 8, and Slumber Party World created by Callie. You could also hear music coming from the DJ and live bands such as Vintage Pictures, Sacred Games, Optic Arrest, Bitter Critter, Powdered Wig Machine, and RoshII. We got a chance to check out the inside for some food and water. They also sell coffee, beer, and wine. It was comfortable. They had tables, chairs, and couches. They also had picnic tables outside as well. After attending the event it really motivated me to continue to organize. I promised myself I would try to be around more justice seeking people interested in making a positive impact in the world. So, this event was very uplifting because lately I had been feeling isolated. There were some myths or lies that I believe were challenged at the event: 1: No one in San Antonio cares about what is happening in Palestine. Clearly, there were many folks out there in support of the Palestinian people. 2: Chicanos and Africans have no connection to Palestinians.
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Statement in solidarity with Palestine!
"So similar are the struggles of Palestinians and Chicanos that in 1980 El Partido Nacional de La Raza Unida sent a delegation to a historic meeting with Palestinian Liberation Organization founder Yasser Arafat. The meeting took place in Lebanon as it was impossible to enter Palestine at that moment. We must recall this meeting and the continued solidarity PNLRU has expressed to our sister and brothers of Palestine who despite facing the advance US funded weaponry and military might of the Zionist occupation nothing can break the iron will and national pride of the Palestinian people, and we see this in the relentless pride Palestinians express from the youngest child to the elderly they all know without a doubt that first and foremost they are Palestinian!
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This is an example we cannot ignore here in Aztlan in the “Belly of the Beast” our national unity is challenged relentlessly with so many labels placed on us by this colonizer. The struggles of Palestine and Aztlan are deeply connected in fact the US imposed colonial border separating Aztlan and Mexico has Israeli contractors written all over it. Companies like Elbit, NICE, and Verint Systems have entrenched themselves within the border enforcement industry, which carries significant implications for La Raza. The introduction of drones, surveillance cameras, and sensor systems further militarizes La Frontera Falsa. PNLRU demands a thorough and critical evaluation of the involvement of Israeli security companies in US Mexico border security. This collaboration raises valid concerns about the continued militarization of our border and the potential infringement on human rights. Our stance on this issue doubles down on our support for the Palestinian people’s struggle for self-determination. Both struggles, for Chicano liberation and Palestinian liberation, deserve recognition and steadfast advocacy in the shared fight against oppression and imperialism."
“We felt we both had the same fight. They learned about our struggle that Chicanos were being thrown out of their homeland. So, they invited us on a fact finding mission so we could come back and tell the world that there are two sides to every story.” Rebecca Hill PNLRU-NM
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There has been a lot of bad information being spread so it is hard to understand what is happening if you are just following the capitalist media and/or social media and relying on those sources to understand the root/s of the problem/s. Work collectively and do your research. Check out the following:
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USA Foriegn Policy/Imperialism 
La Raza Unida takes these positions against the Imperialism of the United States of America. 
La Raza Unida believes in the self-determination of all people. 
La Raza Unida believes in peaceful coexistence. 
Indigenous peoples and developing nations must be self-sufficient and not exploited or manipulated. 
La Raza Unida believes in international worker solidarity, which Imperialism prevents through competition between countries. 
La Raza Unida stands for social change. Imperialism creates dictatorships that repress dissent, social change and self-determination. 
USA Occupation Forces International and Domestic (Militant/Police/ICE) 
La Raza Unida recognizes the US Military and its police forces as the armed wing of the settler colonizer. We stand in solidarity with all liberation struggles. 
The USA armed forces are designed to keep our people terrorized, exploited and controlled. 
The USA armed forces take advantage of the dire economic realities of our people with false promises. 
USA Veterans experience trauma and betrayal. La Raza Unida supports them in their healing. Their experience can be an asset to the true liberation of our people. 
Technology used abroad by the USA military today will be used against Raza tomorrow. 
La Raza Unida supports the right for our own people to develop a force to “serve, observe and protect” ourselves.
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 La Frontera Falsa 
La Raza Unida does not recognize the “USA/Mexico” border as legitimate. It was imposed by military invasion and held by occupational forces. Therefore: 
No Human being is illegal. 
La Raza Unida opposes any militarization of la frontera falsa. 
USA immigration policy is designed to enrich the elite through the suffering of Raza and as a weapon against the Chicano people. 
The construction or expansion of any physical barrier at la frontera falsa must be opposed. 
We oppose the separation of families and the caging of children. 
Our Raza, whether Mexicano or CentroAmericano, must be allowed to migrate on their own continent in search of a better life for themselves and their children. 
As social workers we also have principles and values we must practice. We must value social, economic, and political justice and never compromise our principle of challenging injustice. Join an organization working for justice today!
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