mymiraclebox · 2 months
i have 2 questions; 1. so we know that tikki and plagg form gimmi(the kwami of reality) when they are merged, could you please tell us what happens when the other alphas are merged with there duo. 2. what happens to the mergence when the due that forms it is currently not merged. does it like just soughta sit in a magical kwami realm and wait or somthing.
Beings like Gimmi I call "essents" in my AU, just to make them more distinct from the kwamis.
-When Vitaa and Shii merge they become Dessar, the essent of Existence. -When Graay and Prrysm merge they become Sikeen, the essent of Balance. -When Stellar and Koree merge they become Reequa, the essent of Infinity. -When all Timekeepers unite they become Eeterna, the Elemental kwami of Time. -When Tikki, Vitaa, Graay, and Stellar are merged they become Evree, an essent of pure positive energy. -When Plagg, Shii, Prrysm, and Koree merge they become Null, an essent of pure negative energy. -When all Elemental kwamis merge they become Leebra, the essent of pure neutral energy. -When all the Alphas merge they become Omnii, the transcendent of the Universe.
Their name origins are: Dessar being based on the word "desire", Sikeen on "seeking", Reequa on "request", Eeterna is based on "eternal", Evree on "every", Null is literally "null", and Leebra is based on "libra". Omnii is based on the prefix "-omni" (credit to @silverslate221 for the name!).
The thing is the essent and the Alpha Duo are all the same being. Different individuals, yes, but they are all One at the same time. Gimmi doesn't go to any other realm, as they simply become Tikki and Plagg when the mergence no longer takes place, Gimmi dividing into two.
Gimmi is Tikki and Plagg. Plagg and Tikki are Gimmi.
When a mergence isn't in place, Gimmi does not experience existence. Their essence is split into two separate beings, who are the ones in existence. It is the same but opposite for the kwamis too, when they are merged Tikki and Plagg do not experience their own existence, as a completely different individual is experiencing their reality. They are all tied to the same essence, Tikki and Plagg being two different halves, and Gimmi being their whole. They are themselves, but what makes up their existence is tied together as one.
The only thing that can carry over between mergence and unmerging is memories. Gimmi call recall all that Tikki and Plagg experienced with ease, but they do not view the world the same as Tikki and Plagg because they have their own perspective, thoughts, and feelings on things. Tikki and Plagg can also recalls small bits of Gimmi's memory, but it is more fractured since its divided between the two of them.
Gimmi could look at Marinette and Adrien and have full awareness of who they are, what lives they are living, and what their names are; as Tikki and Plagg know them well. However Gimmi would feel no affection or connection to Marinette and Adrien as Gimmi themself has never personally gotten to know them. Plagg and Tikki would be well aware of a Wish Gimmi has granted, but would probably never agree with the fact that Gimmi actually granted it, while Gimmi is mostly very accepting with the reality of granting Wishes.
Gimmi is very different from Tikki and Plagg in personality. Gimmi acts a lot like a young child as their time being aware as been so limited compared to the billions of years Tikki and Plagg have been continuously aware and active in the universe. Gimmi understands the universe from the memories of the kwamis they merged from, but they have not truly experienced it for themselves at the same time.
In short, it is very complicated and hard for humans to perceive the existence of an Alpha Duo and their essent with full understanding: but they are all one being, simply divided or merged into different individuals at different times.
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digenerate-trash · 8 months
Hey sluts! Just a reminder that if you're gonna do some hard-core shit (or any sexual activity let's be real) and the person you're about to have sex with tells you that "you don't need a safeword"
Don't have sex with them. Safewords are a safety net. Ment to make sure you can withdraw consent at any time
If they refuse to let you have one they do not respect you or your potential limits!! Even if you were going to have the most vanilla missionary 10 second sex always have a safeword!!! You never know what could happen!!
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hitmeupaep · 6 months
destiel angst but imagine a world where when cas tells dean there real dean replies screaming and sobbing “really cas? an angel of the lord sent down here to put gods chess pieces into place? how do i know your not just another false hope your dad made to destroy me?”
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wellofdean · 2 months
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elle-p · 2 months
Edogawa's supplimentary lessons ripped from Persons 3 Reload.
Mr. Edogawa: What brings you to the nurse's office? Eeeheehee… Ahhh, you've come for a supplementary lesson…? You're quite the promising pupil. Perhaps this one may even… Ah, pay no mind to the mutterings of a kindly nurse… Eeeheehee…
Mr. Edogawa: I must ask… You wouldn't happen to have your own deck of tarot cards? Don't lie… I can smell them on you. Do you consult them regularly? If you own a deck and you don't use it, it's a shameful waste! …Though while we're on the subject, how about a detailed lesson on the use of the tarot? I warn you, it's a complicated subject, and will take some time… Do you want to hear it?
{I'd like to hear it.}
{No thanks.}
Mr. Edogawa: Very well, then. Your fate is sealed… Eeeheehee… Today we will examine the most common use of the tarot, reading one's fate… Or as it's more commonly known, fortune telling. For now, let's keep to the simple one-card spread, where you draw and interpret a single card. It will suffice for learning the basic methods of the tarot.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, a quick word on the deck… For the best results, you'll want to use all 78 cards. But for today's explanation, we'll limit ourselves to the 22 Major Arcana. The procedure for telling fortunes via the tarot goes like so: shuffle, cut, spread, and read. That means mixing them all up, putting them in a pile, lining up the drawn cards, and examining them. When I say "spread," I refer to how they will be presented. It's a concept I'll come back to several times.
Mr. Edogawa: …Ah, I nearly forgot about the necessary preparation before handling the cards. Before one begins a tarot reading, one's mind must be calm. Try to simultaneously unify and relax your consciousness. You must also stay focused on the goal of your reading, to avoid wishful thinking clouding the result.
Mr. Edogawa: Once you're relaxed, we'll begin. Place the cards facedown on the table to hide their images… Then the client of the reading will shuffle, or mix, the cards. If you're reading your own fortune, then you perform this step yourself. The most common method is to spread them on the table, mixing them in a circular motion with your left hand. The left hand is the agent of the subconscious mind, you see. Eeeheehee… Though if you're clumsy, or have lost a hand, or what have you, you can use either or both hands. It all depends. When the client is satisfied, make a single pile, and thus complete the shuffling phase. …And by "pile," I mean a neat, orderly stack.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, on to cutting the deck. Split the stack you've made into three piles, each roughly the same height. Normally the client also performs the cut, but the fortune-teller is free to perform this step as well. Just allow the spirit to move you. It may be your own feelings, and it may be occult inspiration… Reorganize the three piles in the order of your choosing, and combine them into one pile again. Once this is complete, the reader should take the pile. Be very careful during this step. You must preserve the direction the cards originally faced. If the client is someone else, turn the pile so the cards face the same direction that they were to you.
Mr. Edogawa: And now, it's finally time to draw a card. This is the spread phase. We're doing a one-card spread, so turn over the top card, and place it on the field to the side. In some methods, you specify which card from the top… But that's a topic for another time. The card on the field provides the answer to the client's question. Now, at last, the reading phase. First, we must understand the card's meaning. What the card represents depends on if it's reversed or not… You do remember that much, yes? There are a few exceptions, but in general, a reversed card is negative, and has a different meaning. Once you understand the meaning of the card drawn, apply it to your question… Let inspiration rise to the surface of your mind, and… well… Form a story around it! I'll say it once more: develop your story around it! A story, I say! A story! Your story! Our€ *ahem* *ahem* Excuse me… I went too far.
Mr. Edogawa: Regardless, simply telling the client the card's meaning isn't considered a true reading. Using the clue derived from the card, the reader must use their inspiration to look into the client's future. It's important to converse with the client as well, to assist with your divinations. Tarot is both a skill of reading the cards and reading people… Hmm, perhaps I should save this for posterity. …What's that? Each card's meaning? Didn't I hand out notes on that before? If you've lost them, you're on your own… Research that information on your own time.
Mr. Edogawa: Well, I think that's enough of an explanation for today… Oh yes, one more thing. Always seal your inspiration after the fortune has been told. Say farewell to the cards, for instance, or imagine cocooning yourself in a sleeping bag. If you don't seal your inspiration, it may draw unwanted attention…
Mr. Edogawa: Whew… Talking so much at once is quite draining. Since you've been taking your studies so seriously, here's a little something. Take it, and off you go.
Mr. Edogawa: Well then… Shall we continue where we left off last time? I have a lot to cover, so I hope you're prepared.
{I'm prepared.}
{No thanks.}
Mr. Edogawa: I like your spirit! We've covered the fundamentals, so now I'll teach you how to use all 78 Major and Minor Arcana… Let's talk about the basic spread, shall we? To review, the tarot is made of 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana… For a total of 78 cards. Is that clear? Each card has its own inherent meaning. Many are daunted by the full deck, because of the sheer amount of cards… but take heart! It is difficult to learn all the meanings, but having them all actually makes your reading easier. The more details one has available, the easier it is to craft a story…
Mr. Edogawa: I already explained the Major Arcana, so let me give you an outline of the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana are divided into four classes, called suits. Do you recall when I told you that this is what common playing cards were modeled after? The Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins correspond to Clubs, Hearts, Spades, and Diamonds. Each suit has 10 numbered cards, ranging from Ace to 10… As well as four face cards €King, Queen, Knight, and Page€ unlike the three face cards in common decks. The Page is sometimes called Prince, though he's essentially a knight in training. The four face cards are called court cards. That term will come up again, so remember it well. There are 14 types in total, between the pip cards or number cards, and the face or court cards. These 14 types have four cards each, for a total of 56 cards in the Minor Arcana.
Mr. Edogawa: And now you know the makeup of the Minor Arcana. As for how to use them in a reading… It's actually the same as the Major Arcana. Keep in mind the meaning of each card and the direction it faces, and use your inspiration to create a story. In the Minor Arcana, each suit, number, and court type has its own meaning. One of the best ways to memorize these is to imagine them in a 4-by-14 grid.
Mr. Edogawa: And now, each of the four suits' meanings, in brief… Wands for planning and growth, Cups for love and sentiment, Swords for trials, and Coins for wealth. As for the basic meaning of each of the numbered cards… Ace is the beginning, 2 is balance, 3 is growth, 4 is stability, 5 is change, 6 is balance again… 7 is a new start, 8 is success, 9 is attainment, and 10 marks a terminus, or the end. Court cards represent people and their strengths. It could be the client, or other people involved. The Page represents children, and the offering of knowledge. The Knight is youth and boundless energy. The Queen represents adult women, while the King represents mature men. It's said that to grasp the meaning of the cards, it's important to communicate with them…
Mr. Edogawa: Now then, let's move on to the method of using the full Arcana to tell fortunes. The basic procedure is the same… You'll just be using more cards. Even with the full deck of 78, you must first shuffle, then cut, spread, and read. The type of spread you use affects the procedure more than the number of cards in use. Don't get me wrong… The spread I'll be covering is done with this procedure, too.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, for a change of subject… I'll explain the various types of spreads. Last time we used the one-card spread, so today we'll examine the other typical spreads. First, remember that the spread is chosen according to the nature of the question. Do you want an answer to a single question? Or maybe an overview of the general future? Use the spread that best fits the request you have in mind. For example, if you want to tell the client's past, present, and future… Why not use a three-card spread, where you simply lay out three cards? Adding a card produces the four-card spread, identifying the past, present, nature of the problem, and future. If you use the seven-card hexagram spread, with a single card placed in the center of a hexagon… You can read both the nature of the problem and a countermeasure against it.
Mr. Edogawa: There is also a spread called Question and Answer, involving two choices. This reading is done by setting two countermeasures against the question.
Mr. Edogawa: Finally, the most well-known spread is the classic Celtic Cross. It's suited to telling fortunes with only the Major Arcana, and is used often by both beginners and experts. Arrange two cards crossing each other in the center, then one more on all four sides of the cross… Then, place a pillar of four cards, known as the Spear of Destiny, next to it to the right. The cross of six cards represents the overall situation, with the four to the right making it concrete. gain, this forms the 10-card spread known as the Celtic Cross.
Mr. Edogawa: There are other spreads, like the Horseshoe, Witch's Diamond, or the Seven Candles of Life… And I've also heard rumors of so-called normal, triangle, and cross spreads. There are far too many for me to teach you, so you can look into it yourself if you're interested.
Mr. Edogawa: Whew… I believe it's time for my afternoon tea. That's it for today. Here, take this and off you go.
Mr. Edogawa: Hmm, I feel like killing some time with a nice, meaty lecture about the tarot… How about it? Up for another mammoth lecture? Eeeheehee…
{I'm up for it.}
{No thanks.}
Mr. Edogawa: Then you're an uncommonly bored student! It's a wise use of your time, though. Eeeheehee… Today, we'll talk about a slightly advanced way of reading the tarot.
Mr. Edogawa: I want to explain how to lower the probability of external factors, while being able to foresee a more solid future. Basically, it's a way to combine the power of tarot with other precognitive methods.
Mr. Edogawa: The result is kind of a compound method of telling fortunes. The most well-known fusion with tarot is astrology. For example, there's the almost self-explanatory Horoscope Spread.
Mr. Edogawa: After shuffling and cutting the full deck of 78… Spread them in a circle consisting of 12 cards, then place one more in the center. The 12 in the outer circle correspond directly to the 12 signs of the zodiac, also known as Houses. Each House shows an answer to a different problem, such as family and work, marriage, friendship, and money. The card in the center represents your overall fortune. This spread has a variety of uses, since you can gain an overall understanding of life.
Mr. Edogawa: Ah, yes€: I forgot to mention the significator. It's used by those more accustomed to reading the tarot, but… Before shuffling, you choose one card that best fits the client's image and place it on the field. This is the significator. It's very effective in heightening the client's inspiration. Do you remember the court, or face, cards? The significator is selected from the Minor Arcana face cards. For a high schooler, the Page card would be best. For an adult, the Knight, King, or Queen would do it. More experienced readers may use one of the Major Arcana, but the court cards are suitable most of the time.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, back to ways of fusing the tarot with other fortune-telling methods… An even more advanced application would be to use it in conjunction with dowsing. That would be using a pendulum to find what you're looking for. Make a number of piles, with the cards facedown of course, and perform the dowsing ritual on them. If the client's significator is found in the selected pile, you continue with the reading. If not, try again until you do. This is to confirm that your inspiration has been heightened.
Mr. Edogawa: Let's see, what else…? Some elementary understanding of Hermetic Qabalah may be in order first. The spread based on the shape of the Qabalistic tree of life is another well-known method. It's a spread where you distribute the cards according to the ten trees of life, or the Sefirot. However, to actually put this method into practice, one needs a deep understanding of Qabalah. Not only do the positions of the cards have meaning, but the lines or paths connecting them do as well.
Mr. Edogawa: For example, Chokmah, Chesed, and Netzach on the right represent the conscious… While Binah, Gevurah, and Hod on the left represent the unconscious. The balance in between them is represented by the paths of Keter, Tiferet, Yesod, and Malkuth. Proximity to Keter at the top reveals the spiritual side, with Malkuth on the bottom showing the bodily side.
Mr. Edogawa: Hmm… Yes, I'm afraid it's much too esoteric to fully explain. It has depths one cannot begin to guess at. I, too, have learned something by telling you all this€: bringing out hidden knowledge is not easy.
Mr. Edogawa: Thus, that concludes the lecture. Thanks for paying attention. Well, if you ever want to hear it again, I won't mind giving you a little refresher course next time. Eeeheehee… Here's the usual€ gift for you, O studious one.
Mr. Edogawa: I see… Then let's not waste one another's time, hmm? I don't need ditching students in my office. Out you go, shoo!
Mr. Edogawa: What brings you to the nurse's office? Eeeheehee… My, you want another of my supplementary lessons? You are the quintessential student… Or, could it be…? Ah, don't worry, I was just talking to myself. So, what do you want to review?
{Tarot procedure}
Mr. Edogawa: Well then, I'll tell you once again about the procedure for a standard tarot reading. For now, let's keep to the simple one-card spread, where you draw and interpret a single card. It will suffice for learning the basic methods of the tarot.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, a quick word on the deck… For the best results, you'll want to use all 78 cards. But for this explanation, we'll limit ourselves to the 22 Major Arcana. The procedure for telling fortunes via the tarot goes like so: shuffle, cut, spread, and read. That means mixing them all up, putting them in a pile, lining up the drawn cards, and examining them.
Mr. Edogawa: When I say "spread," I refer to how they will be presented. It's a concept I'll come back to several times. …Ah, I nearly forgot about the necessary preparation before handling the cards. Before one begins a tarot reading, one's mind must be calm. Try to simultaneously unify and relax your consciousness.
Mr. Edogawa: You must also stay focused on the goal of your reading, to avoid wishful thinking clouding the result. Once you're relaxed, we'll begin. Place the cards facedown on the table to hide their images… Then the client of the reading will shuffle, or mix, the cards. If you're reading your own fortune, then you perform this step yourself.
Mr. Edogawa: The most common method is to spread them on the table, mixing them in a circular motion with your left hand. The left hand is the agent of the subconscious mind, you see. Eeeheehee… Though if you're clumsy, or have lost a hand, or what have you, you can use either or both hands. It all depends. When the client is satisfied, make a single pile, and thus complete the shuffling phase. A "pile" meaning a neat, orderly stack. You remember this, don't you?
Mr. Edogawa: Now, on to cutting the deck. Split the stack you've made into three piles, each roughly the same height. Normally the client also performs the cut, but the fortune-teller is free to perform this step as well. Just allow the spirit to move you. It may be your own feelings, and it may be occult inspiration…
Mr. Edogawa: Reorganize the three piles in the order of your choosing, and combine them into one pile again. Once this is complete, the reader should take the pile. Be very careful during this step. You must preserve the direction the cards originally faced. If the client is someone else, turn the pile so the cards face the same direction that they were to you.
Mr. Edogawa: And now, it's finally time to draw a card. This is the spread phase. We're doing a one-card spread, so turn over the top card, and place it on the field to the side. In some methods, you specify which card from the top… But that's a topic for another time. The card on the field provides the answer to the client's question. Now, at last, the reading phase.
Mr. Edogawa: First, we must understand the card's meaning. What the card represents depends on if it's reversed or not… You do remember that much, yes? There are a few exceptions, but in general, a reversed card is negative, and has a different meaning.
Mr. Edogawa: Once you understand the meaning of the card drawn, apply it to your question… Let inspiration rise to the surface of your mind, and… well… Form a story around it! Regardless, simply telling the client the card's meaning isn't considered a true reading. Using the clue derived from the card, the reader must use their inspiration to look into the client's future.
Mr. Edogawa: It's important to converse with the client as well, to assist with your divinations. Tarot is about both reading the cards and reading people. As for the meaning of each card, look them up on your own time. Eeeheehee… And that's all we covered on the basic procedures of tarot readings.
Mr. Edogawa: My throat's starting to hurt, so come back later if you want to hear about another subject.
{The Arcana and basic spread}
Mr. Edogawa: I'll tell you again about how to use all 78 Major and Minor Arcana, as well as the basic spread. To review, the tarot is made of 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana… For a total of 78 cards. Is that clear? Each card has its own inherent meaning.
Mr. Edogawa: Many are daunted by the full deck, because of the sheer amount of cards… but take heart! It is difficult to learn all the meanings, but having them all actually makes your reading easier. The more details one has available, the easier it is to craft a story…
Mr. Edogawa: I already explained the Major Arcana, so let me give you an outline of the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana are divided into four classes, called suits. Do you recall when I told you that this is what common playing cards were modeled after? The Wands, Cups, Swords, and Coins correspond to Clubs, Hearts, Spades, and Diamonds.
Mr. Edogawa: Each suit has 10 numbered cards, ranging from Ace to 10… As well as four face cards€ King, Queen, Knight, and Page€ unlike the three face cards in common decks. The Page is sometimes called Prince, though he's essentially a knight in training. The four face cards are called court cards. That term will come up again, so remember it well.
Mr. Edogawa: There are 14 types in total, between the pip cards or number cards, and the face or court cards. These 14 types have four cards each, for a total of 56 cards in the Minor Arcana. And now you know the makeup of the Minor Arcana. As for how to use them in a reading…
Mr. Edogawa: It's actually the same as the Major Arcana. Keep in mind the meaning of each card and the direction it faces, and use your inspiration to create a story. In the Minor Arcana, each suit, number, and court type has its own meaning. One of the best ways to memorize these is to imagine them in a 4-by-14 grid.
Mr. Edogawa: And now, each of the four suits' meanings, in brief… Wands for planning and growth, Cups for love and sentiment, Swords for trials, and Coins for wealth. As for the basic meaning of each of the numbered cards… Ace is the beginning, 2 is balance, 3 is growth, 4 is stability, 5 is change, 6 is balance again… 7 is a new start, 8 is success, 9 is attainment, and 10 marks a terminus, or the end.
Mr. Edogawa: Court cards represent people and their strengths. It could be the client, or other people involved. The Page represents children, and the offering of knowledge. The Knight is youth and boundless energy. The Queen represents adult women, while the King represents mature men. It's said that to grasp the meaning of the cards, it's important to communicate with them…
Mr. Edogawa: Now then, let's move on to the method of using the full Arcana to tell fortunes. The basic procedure is the same… You'll just be using more cards. Even with the full deck of 78, you must first shuffle, then cut, spread, and read. The type of spread you use affects the procedure more than the number of cards in use.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, for a change of subject… I'll explain the various types of spreads. First, remember that the spread is chosen according to the nature of the question. Do you want an answer to a single question? Or maybe an overview of the general future? Use the spread that best fits the request you have in mind.
Mr. Edogawa: For example, if you want to tell the client's past, present, and future… Why not use a three-card spread, where you simply lay out three cards? Adding a card produces the four-card spread, identifying the past, present, nature of the problem, and future. If you use the seven-card hexagram spread, with a single card placed in the center of a hexagon… You can read both the nature of the problem and a countermeasure against it.
Mr. Edogawa: There is also a spread called Question and Answer, involving two choices. This reading is done by setting two countermeasures against the question. Finally, the most well-known spread is the classic Celtic Cross. It's suited to telling fortunes with only the Major Arcana, and is used often by both beginners and experts.
Mr. Edogawa: Arrange two cards crossing each other in the center, then one more on all four sides of the cross… Then, place a pillar of four cards, known as the Spear of Destiny, next to it to the right. The cross of six cards represents the overall situation, with the four to the right making it concrete. Again, this forms the 10-card spread known as the Celtic Cross.
Mr. Edogawa: There are other spreads, like the Horseshoe, Witch's Diamond, or the Seven Candles of Life… And also the normal, triangle, and cross spreads. I remember telling you there were far too many types of spreads to go into detail on all of them. And that concludes my lecture on the Major and Minor Arcana, plus the basic types of spreads.
Mr. Edogawa: Pluto calls, so you'll have to ask me about the other lectures next time.
{Advanced readings}
Mr. Edogawa: Since you seem interested in hearing it again, we'll go over advanced tarot readings. Remember, it's about combining other forms of fortune telling with the tarot deck. The most well-known fusion with tarot is astrology. For example, there's the almost self-explanatory Horoscope Spread.
Mr. Edogawa: After shuffling and cutting the full deck of 78… Spread them in a circle consisting of 12 cards, then place one more in the center. The 12 in the outer circle correspond directly to the 12 signs of the zodiac, also known as Houses.
Mr. Edogawa: Each House shows an answer to a different problem, such as family and work, marriage, friendship, and money. The card in the center represents your overall fortune. This spread has a variety of uses, since you can gain an overall understanding of life.
Mr. Edogawa: Why don't we review the significator once again, too? It's used by those more accustomed to reading the tarot, but… Before shuffling, you choose one card that best fits the client's image and place it on the field. This is the significator.
Mr. Edogawa: It's very effective in heightening the client's inspiration. Do you remember the court, or face, cards? The significator is selected from the Minor Arcana face cards. For a high schooler, the Page card would be best. For an adult, the Knight, King, or Queen would do it. More experienced readers may use one of the Major Arcana, but the court cards are suitable most of the time.
Mr. Edogawa: Now, back to ways of fusing the tarot with other fortune-telling methods… An even more advanced application would be to use it in conjunction with dowsing. That would be using a pendulum to find what you're looking for.
Mr. Edogawa: Make a number of piles, with the cards facedown of course, and perform the dowsing ritual on them. If the client's significator is found in the selected pile, you continue with the reading. If not, try again until you do. This is to confirm that your inspiration has been heightened.
Mr. Edogawa: Next, some elementary understanding of the Hermetic Qabalah. The spread based on the shape of the Qabalistic tree of life is another well-known method. It's a spread where you distribute the cards according to the ten trees of life, or the Sefirot. However, to actually put this method into practice, one needs a deep understanding of Qabalah. Not only do the positions of the cards have meaning, but the lines or paths connecting them do as well.
Mr. Edogawa: For example, Chokmah, Chesed, and Netzach on the right represent the conscious… While Binah, Gevurah, and Hod on the left represent the unconscious. The balance in between them is represented by the paths of Keter, Tiferet, Yesod, and Malkuth.
Mr. Edogawa: Proximity to Keter at the top reveals the spiritual side, with Malkuth on the bottom showing the bodily side. I believe that's all we went over… And so ends our review on advanced tarot readings.
Mr. Edogawa: I have exciting business to take care of today, so ask me about the other lectures some other time.
{Never mind}
Mr. Edogawa: Ah, is that so? Then please scurry on home. I don't need ditching students in my office. Out you go, shoo!
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nhskdmms1662 · 5 months
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A Fan Art For @essentionesque Here!
The picture is green!
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lucysparks2468 · 1 year
Noodle Ninja Au : Name
So In one of my previous posts I mentioned how Ray and Maya renamed Kai, Implying that Kai isn't his real name. I have two names in mind for Kai birth given name. If I choose the first one I have in mind, the au goes in a different path than If I choose the other one. What are the names I have in mind? Huǒ háizi (which means fire child) and Hóuzi ( which means Monkey son). I might do a poll getting you guys to decide but If I'm being honest I feel like Hóuzi is the better option.
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ellisimis · 1 month
Can't sleep,,, too busy thinking about Him.
Giving him trauma, specifically.
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cantarella · 8 months
y'know thinking back on it childe always referring to himself as a knight to his siblings and making up stories for them fits really well with fontaine's theme of fables and playing a role in a story, makes me wonder if his involvement with fontaine's main shitstorm was planned from the start. it probably was bc the whale business has to have been planned ahead but it's surprising how well he fits thematically in the nation, he's such an honest character always surrounded by trickery and unreality
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commissionsdarian · 4 months
Ill give the hamlet one a try
Just like rule 1 of fight club, don't talk about it
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
1. Could explain the essents more
2 is it just the ones you’ve listed or would say tikki and vitaa or shii and tikki be able to merge for example. Like can any alpha Kwami merge with any other alpha Kwami?
Okay long post time! There's a TL;DR at the bottom because... long. xD
So, there are three levels of entities that make up the universe. The first is a Transcendent, who can then further divide into Essents, who from there can divide into Kwamis. Kwamis can either split their concept further into more kwamis, or can create new Kwamis that are aspects of their concepts without further dividing. Each level of division creates a being whose concept/domain/embodiment is more intricate than what came before.
The one and only Transcendent is a being that the kwamis call Omnii, who embodies the Universe as a whole. Omnii did not have a name in its time, as Omni did not have a conscious or a sense of self. At this point Memories, Psyche, or even Time did not exist. Kwamis themselves barely understand the full concept of Omnii, and have more of a vague awareness that it once existed.
Omnii divided and reformed many times when it was, and this was when Essents came to be. Like Omnii, at this point Essents did not have any sense of self. There were just vast forces of raw power and energy. Essents embody very vast domains, which often changed depending on how Omnii divided its form. At times it was divided into Negative and Positive energy, other times it became things that embodied other aspects. Being and Matter. Existence, Reality, Balance, Infinity. Sometimes it would only divide a part from itself, creating an Essent that could not remain for long. All that came with these Essents were never stable, and it always collapsed back into Omnii.
This changed when the Essents themselves divided, creating beings that represented more fine concepts; which is what created the Kwamis. The Essents themselves were too vast, but by dividing further they created two opposite forces that were once one Essent. Forces of a whole that could act on their own, and create a stability that wasn't there before.
From Existence came Life and Death. From Reality came Creation and Destruction. From Balance came Order and Chaos. From Infinity came Space and Void. And from them came the foundation of the known universe, this splitting of the Essents into Kwamis creating the event that humans would came to call the Big Bang.
Omnii at one point split into Positive and Negative energy Essents, but they were not stable. Instead it split into Essents that encompassed both of this energies (these being Existence, Reality, Balance, and Infinity), and then when they divided they split into more refined concepts with one made from pure negative and one pure positive energy, each of these halves creating the Alpha Duos.
This splitting however resulted with a release of pure neutral energy spreading out into the universe, which formed the youngest Essent, Leebra, Essent of Neutral Energy. Like other Essents however Leebra was not stable, and soon divided into Kwamis as well. Kwamis like Eeterna, the Kwami of Time; and Uunice Kwami of Magic; Leebra becoming all of the Elemental Kwamis.
At this point only the Alpha Kwamis and Elemental Kwamis existed in the universe, and like the Essents that came before them they were raw forces of power and not individual beings with thoughts and personalities. They too did not have their names at this point, as these would come billions of years later.
The only Kwami with any form of awareness at this point would be Eeterna, the Elemental Kwami of Time. They did not have an awareness of self or anything like the life seen in the universe today, but Eeterna embodied all aspects of Time. It was likely every single moment ever to exist in the universe was their reality all at once, meaning this being had a full awareness of all that would happen in existence. Because of this they were... aware, for lack of a better word, that the Kwami of Time would not exist for long. So like the Essents they came from Eeterna too divided (being the only kwami to do so), creating all the Timekeepers, who embody finer aspects of Time.
From this point on the universe, and thus the Kwamis themselves, became more complex. These kwamis however, did not divide like Eeterna or Essents, but new concepts were still being formed as the universe grew, and thus new forces for these concepts came into existence. Instead of being new beings divided from higher ones, they were beings that branched off from the Alphas Kwamis. The Alphas still existed, but had finer aspects of their domain representing these new concepts, thus creating the Delta Kwamis. And of course as new concepts came, so did traits like individuality and consciousness, leading to the kwamis we know today. Delta kwamis can also have younger kwamis be branches of their concepts (like the Kwamis of Love, Sorrow, Hope, etc being aspects of the Kwami of Emotion, who is an aspect of the kwami of Life).
While when Essents first existed they had no consciousness of any kind, they have been able to experience awareness when the Alpha kwamis do merge together, by drawing on the memories of the kwamis that merged. This leads to a strange instance where Essents are technically the older and more powerful being, but act much younger and more naive of living with such a complex understanding as they've spent little time in this state. And they cannot spend much time like this, as they are still very unstable compared to kwamis and can only stay merged for a limited amount of time.
In theory any Alpha kwami can merge with any Alpha, but its vary rare that they do so outside of their Alpha Duo. The most common mergance outside of the Duo would be with Alphas of the same energy as them. The only combos that will get names are Alpha Duos merging, all Alphas of the same energy merging, and I also do have names for the physical Alpha Duos (Creation, Destruction, Space, and Void) merging along the spiritual Alpha Duos (Life, Death, Order, Chaos), but honestly I don't think those mergences will have any role in this AU story wise or lore wise. (If you are curious though their names are Ress the Essent of Matter for the Alphas that embody physical aspects and then Ibbi the Essent of Being for the Alphas that embody spiritual aspects.)
The only other kwamis that can merge are the Elementals, but only with each other and if all the Elementals are there... which they aren't because Eeterna divided into the Timekeepers. It is currently unknown if the Timekeepers can undergo a mergence themselves to become Eeterna again, since Eeterna was a kwami and not an Essent, and therefore a stable being.
TL;DR: A Transcendent named Omnii kept dividing into beings called Essents were who unstable and would collapse back into Omnii. One day four of the Essents divided into the Alpha Kwamis, who were stable beings that created the Big Bang and one more Essent who divided into the Elemental kwamis. One Elemental of Time divided into the Timekeepers, then new kwamis started popping up as the universe grew giving us the Delta Kwamis.
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essentionesque · 8 months
I may have just used my nervousness to my advantage and got a bit in character when I got on stream...........
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salstray · 1 year
I am asking for any Ronin info you may have🤠 (also hope you’re having a good day!!) ✨
okay, okay, listen to me. listen.
So- Ronin?
He exists.
Thats kinda all I got. I know how he looks and how he acts and that he would be VERY easy to use as a werewolf and thats IT bestie.
He's an older man, somewhere in his 40s, with totally white hair (poor man went gray real early, but to be fair, one of his staples is that his life has Sucked and he's Very Stressed), dark eyes, and a handful of facial scars.
Since I said in the tags he's my OC answer to Ghost, he is built the way i figure Ghost would be built. Tall, beefy, big. Can and will snap you in half.
I also hope YOU are having a good day!! <3
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lobstermatriarch · 1 year
So my book club is reading Ir*n Wid*w for our meeting this weekend and I was.
so excited.
Nonbinary author, main character in a poly relationship, rooted in Chinese mythology and folklore, reportedly feminist and queer perspective, 4+ stars on Goodreads. It’s perfect on paper.
I’m now almost 2/3 of the way through and giving up, I’m just disappointed and angry. How do you pretend to be a feminist book when for 200 pages the MC is the only named character who’s not a dude? It’s this hugely misogynistic setting and yet the MC is the only girl who is Super Special enough to have an Opinion about what’s going on, all the other women are docile/obedient or treacherous. And even then, MC’s agency is pretty limited! She spends a lot of time thinking angry, rebellious thoughts or spitting badass one-liners, but for the most part the narrative is relying on her boyfriends and luck to actually move the plot forward. She has no friends, no interests except love interests, no complexity or personality besides being angry and reacting to the things men do. I also understand that there’s some big twist and government overthrow coming up too (and I can only hope that it’s the MCs idea), but again, I’m almost 2/3 of the way in!!! I can’t wait forever for this super special Strong Female Character to start having some agency again!!!!! It would help if the writing itself was better, but I mean... it’s serviceable. It’s fine. I’ve enjoyed books that have had worse technical writing, but that’s not a huge point in anyone’s favor.
Love that a nonbinary author of color is getting so much attention and popularity, but, like... this is not the revolutionary work I was sold on. This is barely beyond the H*nger Gam*s, and at least in the H*nger Gam*s the sister that MC wanted to protect/avenge had a personality!! I can’t get invested in a book that hasn’t really passed the Bechdel test halfway through despite having a female MC, especially when said MC barely has an inner life of her own. We don’t even know where the anger comes from! It’s this horrible misogynistic world and without any in-universe explanation for how she learned this stuff she is operating on our morality system. Do you think that maybe, maybe there could have been a series of smart women who figured this out over time and taught it to her? Nah, as said above, all other women in this world are meek and submissive and she's just smart and special enough to figure this all out on her own.
(Even worse, her boyfriends have figured this out before the other women, so they are the only people she has had any positive interactions with at this point. It just helps to drive home the message that you can’t trust or rely on other women, only the hot guys! Great stuff for “feminist” YA!!!)
Another quick aside, the fact that this was pitched to me as a queer book makes me wanna scream. I’m bi! I like dudes! I like that she has multiple men interested in her and each other!! But this is a fictional society that has been maiming and killing women for centuries and you can’t be assed to actually, I don’t know... include some women?? Plus it is so clearly not written for gay/bi men, so having the big queer relationship being a flimsy romantic interest between the MCs two boyfriends feels more like old school yaoi voyeurism than queer lit to me.
I can’t help but feel like this book’s popularity is just an influencer following at this point. I don’t think I’d be so viscerally angry if it wasn’t held up as this new YA standard for feminist, queer lit, and if the author themself wasn’t making such a huge deal about “breaking down barriers.” I’m frustrated and sad that this is what we’re holding up as the future, when in so many ways it’s taking a few steps backwards.
tl;dr read a book that was pitched over and over across various platforms as this big breakthrough in YA fiction and found it less compelling/progressive than a lot of 90s shoujo anime
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nhskdmms1662 · 5 months
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Oh Here @essentionesque Here Like Orpheus That Hug Here
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eltjedoddema · 14 days
Essent en zo……
Eltje Doddema
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