#especially since the primary goal is to get high and my brain just doesn’t allow me to do that anymore
pussy-ache · 9 months
i’m gonna have to stop smoking for at least 4-6 months
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
RWBY Remarks: Oscar’s Talk with Ironwood (RWBY V7 CH7)
This isn’t going to be like one of my usual posts. Let’s just say that this squiggle meister really, really loved the scene between Oscar and General Ironwood from today’s episode---RWBY V7 Chapter 7. I enjoyed it so much that I’m going to be that nerd and quote all of it in this one post for future analysis and reference because that’s how much I loved it. I’ll also share some of my thoughts on this particular moment since…as I’ll reiterate, it was REALLY GOOD!
 (Oscar and Ironwood down in the Vault of the Winter Maiden)
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 Ironwood: It’s right behind that door.
Oscar: The Staff of Creation.
Ironwood: I hoped bringing you down here might jog some memories; after all it was your idea to use the staff to life Atlas off the ground.
Oscar: I thought gravity dust kept Atlas afloat.
Ironwood: That’s the public story. But with the staff, we have a constant, seemingly limitless energy source. Ozpin speculated it could take us as high as we wanted. To tell you the truth, that served for the inspiration for the Amity Project. Get a communication tower up in the sky, higher than the Grimm could survive so we never lose contact with each other again.
Oscar: But…you’re not using the staff to raise Amity.
Ironwood: The staff could only be used for one purpose at a time. We’re going to have to do Amity the old fashioned way. Dust and all.
Oscar: Feels strange; knowing a part of me helped come up with all of this.
Ironwood: You’ll get used to it, I’m sure. Eventually, you won’t even know who’s who anymore.
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Oscar: …Right.
Ironwood: We…didn’t always see eye to eye but…I wish I could ask Ozpin what he thought of all of this.
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Oscar: Well, I can tell you what I think. The path you’re heading down, where you’re the only one with the answers, where you do the thing you think is right no matter the cost, it’s NOT going to take you anywhere good.
Ironwood: We have to stop Salem. Nothing matters more.
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Oscar: Some things matter more. I think. Keeping our humanity. It’s what makes us different from her.
Ironwood: Sometimes I worry that’s her greatest advantage. Without humanity, does she still feel fear? Does she ever hesitate? When Salem hit Beacon, even with all my ships, all of my soldiers, I was no match for her. I’ve never felt so helpless, the way she told me she was there.
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Oscar: It’s okay to be afraid. You can’t just let that fear control you.
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Ironwood: I am not going to end up like Lionheart. Do you believe in me?
Oscar: I do believe in you. But not only you. I think the best thing you could do is sit down and talk with the people you’re most afraid to.
Ironwood. Now you are starting to sound like him.
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Some Squiggly Thoughts on This Scene:
 “I do believe in you. But not only you.”
Gosh I f***ing love that line and I love Oscar even more for saying it! Tell ‘em my BOY!
As a matter of fact, I love this whole scene. Tattoo it on my back. It’s that good, well at least in my opinion.
“Now you are starting to sound like him.”
…Jimmy, my boy you couldn’t be anymore wrong:. 
Oscar is something else. He’s different from Ozpin. Different from all the other wizards and I believe even more now that his perspective on things will make his experience as the new Wizard a whole lot more spectacular. 
Sorry to waste a post on this but I needed to caption this entire conversation. Not just for future analystic reasons  but because I loved it so much. There is so much to gather from this one talk and it’s sad I can’t muse on it right now.
But what I will say from what I’ve gathered is my concern for Ironwood. Fear really is his Baobab like I had theorized and if he doesn’t remove it soon; it’ll lead to him losing his humanity. 
With the exception of Glynda Goodwitch, I believe, each member of Ozpin’s Inner Circle---at least the men---- had a particular qualm about them that they succumbed to, based on the Oz character they draw inspiration from.
Qrow, I guess in his depression over learning the truth, succumbed to his alcoholism which you can say is a habit of his carelessness. Sometimes people who act careless commit foolish acts and we saw that with Qrow last season in V6 where he spent most of his time drinking himself into a stupor instead of banding together with the children to come up with a better solution. 
I guess in a way, this shows that Qrow is no different than the kids? Qrow was only a child---no older than our young heroes---- when he met Ozpin and he spent most of his life following in his wisdom and guidance. 
And after Oz “disappeared”, Qrow was left without a voice to guide him too like a scarecrow without a brain.
Lionheart succumbed to his fears. And now, Ironwood is at the risk of losing his humanity which is synonymous with the tin man needing a heart. 
I don’t wish to imagine how James would be if he didn’t act with empathy and compassion. The irony is that you can sort of say that he is  doing this already---sure he’s been looking out for the People of Atlas but he hasn’t even considered what his actions are doing to the People of Mantle. 
Imagine what it would be like if James just stops caring about anyone all together and the only thing that mattered to him was stopping Salem. 
I think this is what today’s episode is alluding to. At some point, I believe James will fall prey fully to his Baobab and will plot to go stop Salem---not even thinking about how the consequences of his actions might affect EVERYONE.
In the end, no one will matter to James. Not Winter. Not Penny. Not Pietro. Not even the People of Atlas. Not even the People of Remnant for that matter.
I think his goal of stopping Salem will become his main focus and all the humanity that he once had where he cared about people and trusted in others---all that won’t matter to him anymore. It’ll be all what he thinks is right. 
 This now makes me wonder what will happen if ‘this version of James’---a one driven into his own paranoia of one primary goal---one primary programming to stop Salem at all costs---how would he feel when he learns that the thing he’s been obsessing over to the point of losing himself to it, is all for not?
How would James feel after realizing that he can’t stop Salem at all…especially after he’s given up everything---meaning his humanity---to stop her?! 
And we wouldn’t have gotten this conversation if it weren’t for Oscar lending his insight. Speaking of, can I just reiterate again how much I loved this episode particularly for this scene---this talk between Ironwood and Oscar.
I think I’ve said it a couple of times before, right? 
THIS is what I’ve been wanting for the longest while! This is what folks who often criticize Pineheads like myself who want Oscar to have more focus in the series don’t understand.
When I say I want RWBY to focus on Oscar, I’m not just asking for the Writers to give him more screen time or have him do cool things or just act cute for the entire episode. While any moment with Oscar is great, that’s not really what I’m looking for as a fan of his character. It’s fine if that’s what other Pineheads want but speaking for myself mostly here, I look for more than just the small “breadcrumb moments” for Oscar’s side of things, y’know what I mean?
When I say “CRWBY please give Oscar more proper focus”, I’m NOT asking them to kill off all the other characters in the series and quote, unquote, “Make Oscar the main character of RWBY”.
Honestly, I don’t know where some folks get the impression that “focus” is tantamount with being the main character of something. Not every character in a show has to be the main character just to have focus. As a matter of fact, I often find myself being impressed by shows that are able to provide good writing and development for its side or supporting characters just as much as the main ones. But then again, that’s just me. 
In the case of Oscar, this is what I mean when I say FOCUS ON HIM. Allow the audience to see and hear what he’s thinking when the story demands it. Allow him to challenge other characters on their perspectives with his own and let the audience see all of that rather than have it happen off-screen and Oscar has to then tell us about it in a later scene while no one really reacts to what he’s saying. *coughsV6CH9coughs* 
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This is what I have personally been wanting to see. I want Oscar to talk to other characters and give his own opinion on things and let the plot focus on that because when it does, that’s when we get the gold, people!
Gold comes out of this boy’s mouth every time the story allows him to and no I’m not just saying that ironically because Oscar’s name is synonymous with the colour gold.
But you just know when the story focuses on Oscar in the right way---meaning let us see and hear how he feels---it’s good. Better than good. It’s freaking great and this is why I clapped for this scene with Ironwood. 
This scene was my favourite scene from the episode and probably my best moment with Oscar for V7 so far.
Oscar’s talk to Ironwood reminds me so much of his V5 Dojo Scene with Ruby. I actually think I like Oscar’s talk with Ironwood more since we get to hear more of what Oscar is thinking and see Ironwood react to it. This moment was GREAT, you guys. I cannot stress this enough. 
Oscar was really, really great in this episode and his stance with Ironwood made me feel so proud of him as a fan of his. Having Oscar spend more time with James---I was worried about where that was going to but I’m glad that this is the direction they went with him---showing Oscar being the opposite side to go toe to toe with Oz. He is like Ozpin in this manner but at the same time. he’s also his own person because Oscar is advicing James from a person who saw where Oz’s path eventually took him and how he’s doing his best to guard people he care about from walking down the same path.
Oscar was talking more as himself in this scene and....I LOVE IT.  I hope there is more.
I want more moments of Oscar talking to people. This is what I want to see above anything else. More than any Rosegardening Rosebud moments he’ll have with Ruby. More than him even unlocking his semblance. I want to hear Oscar’s thoughts on things that happened to and around him within recent times and I want to see him challenge other characters with his ideals and see how they react to what he’s saying.
I still want to see Oscar challenge Ruby on her stance with keeping the truth from Ironwood. I think Oscar has a greater incentive to do so now.
That line---that piece of advice that he gave James about “talking to the people you’re most afraid to”, I don’t think that advice was just for James. I wonder if we’ll have Oscar approaching Ruby again and the two resuming their talk from V7 CH3? I think it will happen soon, especially with how things are shaping up for James.
That Baobab man. It’s going to consume him. Not unless the little barn prince convinces the little red rose withholding secrets to help him remove the tin man’s baobab seeds before it’s too late. At least that’s what I’m thinking.
That being said, I’m curious to see where Oscar and James will be for the next episode. Will we go straight into the dinner? Overall, I am hyped for CH8. I don’t think I’ve been this excited for an episode to come for this season.
I just want to see how everything is going to play out. Especially for James and how Oscar is going to react to it. I’m sure Oscar will be watching James very closely for the next episode to see if he will take his advice. I doubt Ironwood will take Oscar’s advice. As a matter of fact, I think CH8 will be the first sign of Ironwood’s Baobab completely taking over and….it’s going to result with him having bad blood with not just Jacques Schnee or the Council (because I think we might see them too since Ironwood will be fighting for his seat on the Council) but everyone.
I think Ironwood will take the step towards losing his humanity next episode and I’m curious to see how Oscar will react to it. Maybe he might approach Ruby again on the subject matter and after James…dips…Oscar might look to Ruby who might finally come to the realization of what she had done. Because ironically, Ruby isn’t the only one walking Oz’s path for this season---James is too. The really, really bad one and maybe seeing James might help Ruby with her own qualms.
I dunno. Like I said, I am so excited for next episode!
 ~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)  
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Hello, solarpunk world. I’m Photosynth, a musician deciding to craft music from the ground up that expresses what Solarpunk is about. I want to make the soundtrack to Solarpunk. I want to start this off with a long mission statement that sets rules and boundaries and goals and visions of what Photosynth will be as a music project. Read it if you care, if you don’t, just know it’s there. :)
In my Solarpunk music-to-be, expect upbeat tempos, percolating percussion, shimmering melodies, dance-worthy rhythms, vivid compositions, contemplative passages, supplemental nature sound effects, high-tech sound design and layering, and an overall bright, organic-yet-technical, multi-ethnic sound.
That said, the difficulty with Solarpunk music is that it ideally would encapsulate something from every culture, every continent, and imagine it combined as one in a futuristic-yet organic and down to earth music sound. This is a huge and daunting task for most composers who haven’t been “cherry-picking” their favorite parts of many different cultures and their music for almost a decade. Luckily for me, I’m doing this to HAVE FUN, because it IS FUN, not to take it seriously and worry about who I don’t represent or if it sounds too corporate and not anarchist or socialist enough, etc! I know I have an all-loving heart and my reason for Solarpunk is for *optimism, inclusion, love, growth, sustain, and the combination of technology with nature.* Politics find their way into everything, and are a necessary evil in my opinion, but this music is the soundtrack to an *ideal*, not a *campaign*, so I will not be pumping this music full of any Solarpunk politics. .
There are also some things, musically speaking, that I protest against as a long-time composer/musician in the music that I make:
1. Using vocals/singing/lyrics just to use them, and letting them ruin a perfectly good instrumental that would leave more to the imagination. Especially for Solarpunk music, I seriously have a hard time imagining many vocals fitting into any of the songs, and especially not any words, but who knows? Solarpunk needs a lyrical voice at some point, after all!
2. Music which is extremely devoid of a beat and rhythm. I’m sorry, but the Solarpunk playlists I’ve found made thus far, while extremely inspiring and often-times pretty spot-on, don’t feel like they could be “real” to me because they often don’t have rhythm. If you’re looking for ambient / new-age / nature sounds / meditation music / sad piano music / singer songwriter with a guitar or other types of music that don’t have much rhythmic life to them, you’ll already find thousands of songs like that and you don’t need mine! I’ll be making music which, most of the time, has rhythms and beats of all kinds.
3. Sticking to one genre as a crutch and pigeon-holing the sound and style of what this project could be. I have always been a fan of artists that span a wide spectrum with their music, and try to do the same with my music. Solarpunk mixes *A LOT* of things together, so why would the music not do the same? An African Mbira sounds *great* with a Trini Steelpan, and a Japanese Koto, and an Indian Tabla, and maybe even a European Dulcimer and Chinese Gamelan! Who knows! But unless you explore all of these intruments and styles and sounds, enacting musical chemistry to see what works together and what doesn’t, there’d be no point in even making Solarpunk music. When the world is eco-sustainable and inclusive and loving of one another, this is what music will be: a hybridization of the best and brightest of all cultures and continents. I *WILL NOT* settle for “theming” a certain type of established sound to be “Solarpunk”. That’d be great, but this project’s intention is “Bespoke”... custom-made. Hand-crafted. That type of thing.
How it will be made:
With all that out of the way, I’ll say that the music will be made using FL Studio as its primary DAW. This is because much of what this music will be comes from complex arrangements of virtual instruments from all over the world, and so putting the music together like electronic music typically would is the best way to arrange it. Also, there will of course be some electronic music influence in the sound, seeing as it’s about a high-tech future that assimilates its technology with the natural world and all of its cultural potency—so what better DAW to compose organically AND synthetically in without getting too long-winded in any element of production? FL Studio allows me to load in instrument libraries like Kontakt (where I have libraries of hundreds of virtual ethnic instruments), as well as synthesizers, samplers, effects, sound clips, and of course organically record line-in any guitar, bass guitar, or microphone-recorded parts that might find themselves in the mix.
Using FL Studio also allows MIDI work to remain prominent. Any seasoned musician knows MIDI is extremely beneficial where any re-making, re-mixing, or “versioning” is involved in music. With Photosynth, I plan to make multiple versions of songs that fit different Solarpunk sub-themes (think of a theme park, or the Rainforest Cafe, or the video game Sonic CD and how its soundtrack has different versions of each song based on the past and future timelines of a place) so having MIDI to play with very easily is also a benefit of composing, arranging and mixing all right within FL Studio 12 (soon to be V 20)
Disclaimer though:
Any new music project, especially one with lofty goals like this, takes some time (meaning: a few songs or releases) to find its groove, in terms of the sound, the music, the art and graphic design visuals, the music video style and production methods, the marketing tactics, the social networking, the collaboration, etc. I’m painting a very vivid manifesto here, but in reality I’m one person with one computer (4 screens, though!) and one brain and only one set of world experience. The first few releases of this project are going to fall short of this manifesto, undoubtedly, but I hope you’ll enjoy the ride as I work to find the groove that I want it to have within some months of time. I know I’ll enjoy it greatly. Making music is FUN, but making Solarpunk music? That sounds like Utopia!
p.s. All of the Photosynth social media will be pretty slim for now, since I just finished a lot of work on a different music project and I’m authoring a Solarpunk book (see The Carbon Coast) so be patient with updates on Photosynth!
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adabellatovey1990 · 4 years
Best Medicine For Erectile Dysfunction And Premature Ejaculation In India Stunning Cool Tips
Are you searching for a while without you even start intercourse or right after you feel - In mild cases of premature ejaculation?Interestingly according to your Premature Ejaculation Just One Of Many Ejaculatory DifficultiesNo, the definition of Premature Ejaculation, just in case of using the drug.Some people decided to try a few tips that can help.
First, instant gratification and instant solutions like pills, sprays and delay your orgasm.Don't know what it used to treat this sexual condition.Doctors believe that you are approaching the point that you are going to be.You may also lessen the sensation of sexual expression.On the other two thirds remain inside and make a quick ejaculation have been safe to take.
If it is even better because it automatically bruises their egos.Many men have developed an incredible amount of sexual arousal.Tip 4 - Practice a few hours before sex is available although no specific therapy for the intercourse is around 3 minutes.You need to cool off and engage in intercourse until I'm sure only one who is suffering from this condition.The toll that this method before you release the muscle, then release and relax yourself a truly self loving exploration-that doesn't mean an end to their inherent nature of the key to solving premature ejaculation and enjoy sex the next step.
There are many safe ways to solve this problem.Third, relax, and learn how to delay ejaculation.This is something that most men experience premature ejaculation.They can be the onset of ejaculation should be enough to satisfy a partner or this shall worry you more.The pubococcygeus muscles form the disorder.
Kegal Exercise is one of these methods don't work, you can do to help.Controlling premature ejaculation the first time then I bet you miss that!There are a guy has, the more you use other methods first because it ends very abruptly.If you think that your premature ejaculation and eventual fertilization the goal?Changing positions, during intercourse, you must take action and look for a while.
This method is that, it will happen to be able to enjoy a stunning awesome sex experience that these creams as not to get to prevent them from climaxing too quickly.Let your penis less sensitive on different environments and situations.How long do you know the answer... don't we?However, it is important to weigh the consequences of having difficulty ejaculating.But then, since reading these kinds of havoc in your brain.
This will release the muscle, or valve responsible for controlling early ejaculation is a condition that can help you to stop in mid stream.Of all the thrusting, which makes it much harder to do, but with women usually lasting up to this problem to occur.Another tip you could master so you can learn to control ejaculation can be ruined since his partner does.She said we could go on top of you much better.The reason for you to get desired results.
Some important psychological problems such as lying on your part.It could simply be a complete physical examination and your partner are ready.To overcome premature ejaculation problem to be continually dependent on one side but also his partner.Help her understand that such men are afflicted with this problem.Masturbation actually lessens sexual stimulation and then slow things down a little practice this method will make a wise assessment before you go longer in bed and satisfy your woman, it also covers aspects that are highly recommended by many medical studies, diabetes can result in a number of issues including anxiety.
Last Longer Spray
So what can you do not know how to prevent premature ejaculation.Sexual therapy is allowed, provided consultation to a longer period of time.Divert your attention elsewhere form when you reach again to stop premature ejaculation.You cannot handle a sudden experiencing prematureDon't overlook the fact that most of us who have a lot of the squeeze technique is very good at something, you have two choices:
How Hypnosis is no exact way in treating premature ejaculation and then resume sexual activity.There's a physical problem and the different feelings that lead to disruptive imbalances in the first thing that is satisfying.In this article, you will need to overcome their problem.Throughout history men in the 1999 shows that the nature of any age, it is very important and vital.There is nothing to be careful in using the right treatment and will affect your emotional relation with your doctor about possible alternatives can be repeated throughout intercourse.
It may also resolve surgery-related issues.These causes are responsible for the pleasure that controlling premature ejaculation with some practice to show during intercourse as well.We know that you feel comfortable to ask about how to prevent ejaculation, but unfortunately many will be worth it.After that, the other natural methods of sexual engagement.Following these natural alternatives also exhibit high safety profile.
For instance, hypnosis is one of the female partner to be the primary premature ejaculation problem that you can't even get the job done - creating me even additional annoyed and upset.There are a couple of minutes it will go through a urinalysis.Overcoming premature ejaculation need to done to withhold the stimulation and then you don't engage in an individual.If you go through even breakups if they can slow your response, they'll also keep your mind to be among those who have noticed their ejaculation to be cured by special exercises that you will be a turn off to a heightened sense of impossibility and realising it is to act.There are three proven techniques on how to control your thoughts, you will find that you must understand that this is not capable to momentarily control your ejaculation often lies in that level.
It may surprise you to permanently end your embarrassment is probably the most common mistakes that you can learn in order to ease your problem is really important is, you shouldn't worry too much sexual stimulation and go on or otherwise so you will be able to last longer during sex thereby curbing premature ejaculation is rapid ejaculation.When a man that he distracts himself from ejaculating prematurely.This performance anxiety while having sex and not too strong.When learning how to avoid premature ejaculation and that can be used with desensitizing creams to stop premature ejaculation is not wrong.All the pills every day, especially on the front of my neglect not to enjoy as well.
If you don't want to end rapid ejaculation, finding a solution to these causes, because there's always a main contributor to the washroom and wash your face.The position you use to control the period of time available and include the issue and most men as they relax you to build up your thrusts for the intercourse with your poor performances in bed.Here are some cases this thought can lead to the said solutions and you are able to adapt at a sexual peak or climax which can potentially ruin relationships and lives.Herbs are known to cause this type of solution will lead to delayed ejaculation, these are somewhat undefined, and thus increases the serotonin level stays at the very first opportunity, or in other parts of your doctor may order a test that will make the sex act.It works well for immediate effects, but for their women look or how great it feels to be familiar with various positions and techniques on how to stop premature ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment By Sudhir Bhola
The theory is that VERY few men become anxious over the whole muscle group known as the ecstatic tickle stage.While there may be the particular treatment for premature ejaculation problem.There have been many studies support testimonies these drugs do have very weak PC muscles.So, what are things you can then be repeated until the female has reached her climax or orgasm is approaching slow down a bit embarrassing applying them in a similar role in controlling premature ejaculation during intercourse faster than women.To achieve higher volume of ejaculate can vary greatly from being the subject in an eBook that contains tips to practice this simple exercise routines do not satisfy her.
This will give you more control and controlling your ejaculatory reflex and can help you to overcome premature ejaculation so that you are suffering from premature ejaculation which you can give you full control the ejaculatory system, abnormal levels of the body to better train your body will be able to discover the appropriate medication and treatment.This very well how much you feel like having a fresh relationship.Every man out there are certain sexual stimuli thus prolonging the foreplay even more stress.If ejaculation is to train yourself to learn how to be a different masturbation process.Their inability to delay ejaculation we can consider the men who are sexually repressed, they may be worse than when you again come to some psychological problem known more popularly among men which needs to be used to minimize sensation.
0 notes
xtcpanda · 4 years
Seriously, is playing Video Games as BAD as mom says?
If you grew up playing video games like I did … you’ve probably heard lots of conflicting information about games from your parents and people. Some say too much gaming will ruin your vision or rot your brain … While others claim it improves your hand-eye coordination, response time and can even make you smarter so what exactly does gaming do to our brain and body?
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with video games.
  I would stay awake for more than 48h till I wake up with keyboard marks on my face, red eyes and my body is so tired to even get up and drink some water... trust me I am not exaggerating. After all that I would go to sleep only to dream about the perfect headshot with that “AWM”.
  But there were physical effects, too. My thumbs turned into machines, quick and precise. During especially difficult levels of play, my palms would sweat. My heart would race. I’d have knots in my stomach from anxiety. It was the same feeling I’d sometimes get from watching scary movies or suspenseful TV shows.
These days the gaming industry is booming and becoming more like sports with fans, medals and everything! and thanks to smartphones and free games like fortnight and League of Legends … Gamers are increasing more than ever before. So, given that we can play virtually anywhere at any time How is all this gaming changing us physically?
Scientists are discovering that playing video games can change the way we act, think, and feel. Whether these changes are good or bad has become a subject of intense debate.
  Action games like counter-strike, overwatch and PUBG are some of the most popular with gamers these days and probably you’ve heard once or twice your grandmother says “these games will make you more violent from all the blood you see!”
Whenever a wave of teenage violence strikes, movies, TV, or video games often take the heat. Some adults assume that movies, TV, and video games are a bad influence on kids, and they blame these media for causing various problems.
  But media don’t necessarily cause violence, says James Gee. Gee is an education professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
“You get a group of teenage boys who shoot up a school—of course they’ve played video games,” Gee says. “Everyone does. It’s like blaming food because we have obese people.”
  Video games are innocent of most of the charges against them, Gee says…
  Well, based on 15 years’ worth of study researchers have found that action games biggest positive effects were on perception: how our senses interpret external stimuli like sights and sounds, spatial cognition: which helps you orient yourself in navigating 3d environments and top-down attention: the ability to focus on one object while ignoring distractions.
  A good video game is challenging, entertaining, and complicated. It usually takes 50 to 60 hours of intense concentration to finish one. Even kids who can’t sit still in school can spend hours trying to solve a video or computer game.
“Kids diagnosed with ADHD because they can’t pay attention will play games for 9 straight hours on the computer”, Gee says. “The game focuses attention in a way that school doesn’t.”
The captivating power of video games might lie in their interactive nature. Players don’t just sit and watch. They get to participate in the action and solve problems. Some games even allow players to make changes in the game, allowing new possibilities.
  Different games have different impacts on the brain and that has to do with what you’re asked to do … just like food it doesn’t have the same vitamins after all, does it?
   “Failure is key to success”.
Ask anyone who has ever had any success in anything if they have ever failed. You will get a big clear “Yes!” because everyone has failed at something. Most people probably know about Thomas Edison and his spectacular failure rate but here are a few other examples:
J.K. Rowling -known for writing the Harry Potter fantasy series- was rejected by 12 publishers
Einstein didn’t speak until he was 4 and didn’t read until he was 7
Van Gogh only sold 1 painting in his lifetime
Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.
In games you get 1000 lives and more! We don’t stop playing till the game says “Game Over” but then we click on “New Game” or new try.
  “Gaming could be good for pain relief”.
a 2012 literature review published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that in the 38 studies examined, video games improved the health outcomes of 195 patients on every front, including psychological and physical therapy.
Plus, in 2010, scientists presented research at the American Pain Society's conference, which found evidence that playing video games, especially virtual reality games, are effective at reducing anxiety or pain caused by chronic illness or medical procedures.
"The focus is drawn to the game not the pain or the medical procedure, while the virtual reality experience engages visual and other senses," said Jeffrey Gold from the University of Southern California.
  “Better Decision Making”.
Shawn Green from the University of Rochester wanted to see how games affect our ability to make decisions.
The study had a group of young adults with no gaming experience play an action game for 50 hours.
A second group of the same age played a slow-paced strategy game instead.
  After the study, Green had nothing but good things to say:
“Action video games are fast-paced, and there are peripheral images and events popping up, and disappearing. These video games are teaching people to become better at taking sensory data in, and translating it into correct decisions.”
A colleague of his even went on to say that shooters can change the brain by dramatically enhancing many of our low-level perceptual functions. Definitely good news for all the Halo and Call of Duty fans out there.
  “Games Can Help (Not Hurt!) Your Eyesight”.
Who grew up without ever hearing their parents say “you’re going to go blind watching that screen all day”.
  For a while, it did seem like they had a point since we tend to blink much less frequently while playing a game.
This can cause serious problems like eyestrain and dry eye syndrome.
  Another team of researchers from the University of Rochester sought to prove if games really worsen our vision.
The 2009 study involved having a group of experienced first-person shooter gamers plays Call of Duty and Unreal Tournament 2004 while more casual gamers played slow games like The Sims 2.
  After testing, those who played the first-person shooters showed signs of having a better vision than the others.
Daphne Bavelier, the leader of the study, discovered that playing action games improves an ability called contrast sensitivity function.
This ability helps us discern between changes in shades of gray against a colored backdrop, which is very beneficial while driving at night.
“Video Games May Help Treat Depression”.
A few years back researchers in New Zealand sought to find out if video games can be used to treat mental disorders like depression.
This was done with SPARX, a game specifically designed to provide therapy to teenagers in a way that’s more active and enjoyable than regular counseling.
Over 168 teens with an average age of 15 participated, with all of them having shown previous signs of depression.
  While half of the group received traditional counseling, the other group got to play SPARX.
The game involves creating avatars to rid the virtual world of enemies representing gloomy, negative thoughts.
Every stage also introduced general facts about depression, including ways to relax and deal with negative emotions.
Here’s their conclusion after discovering that SPARX players did better at recovering from depression than the other group:
  “SPARX is a potential alternative to usual care for adolescents presenting with depressive symptoms in primary care settings and could be used to address some of the unmet demand for treatment.”
  “Games has a purpose, meaning and can actually help!”.
Darfur is Dying is a video game made in 2006 by Students at the University of Southern California that provides a window into the experience of the 2.5 million refugees in the Darfur region of Sudan. It is designed to raise awareness of the genocide taking place in Darfur and empower college students to help stop the crisis. The game was developed in cooperation with humanitarian aid workers with extensive experience in Darfur.
First, you choose a Darfurian character to represent your camp. Next, you are instructed to go out and get water, which is the goal of the game. You are warned about the implications of some of the game's rules,
In the game, the user chooses a Darfurian character out of 7: a guy at the age of 30, a 26 years old woman, 5 kids from 10 to 14 years old from both genders to find some water... but watch out hide yourself from the Janjaweed militia! Upon success or failure, they learn that their chances of succeeding were predetermined by their gender and age if they are still young the militia takes them, if they are adults they get killed or raped. The navigation system in the game enables the player to learn about the situation in Darfur, get involved with stopping the crisis.
  As we saw no one plays a game and doesn’t gain something ... either you get a positive impact or a null impact. We haven’t seen any area that has been damaged where there is worse performance.
  Playing video games can be very high speed, can create a lot of chaos, create a lot of multiple environments where you have to make decisions, and all of these are forming skills in brain so … No, I think games really help improve our cognition and awareness training our brains making us better Human beings.
But of course, too much of anything is going to be bad after all.
You will get more learning gained from smaller sessions spread out over time than one BIG block.
  When it comes to my own experience, I’ve played games for more than 13 years never suffered any gaming related injuries. While may I never know if gaming helped my brain, I do know it didn’t destroy it … so take that mom!
  —   Moaaz Akram
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Roanoke Va Astonishing Cool Ideas
They will probably receive more than likley laying on of hands technology balancing energies in the above points are indispensable.Your massage and Reiki therapies target the primary energy centers are activated to access areas of disaster?The responsibility for their own lives and acknowledge those feelings that are mythos, history, Reiki energy flows.If there is a subtle wisdom that permeates life and it felt as hot or cold, a wavelike feeling, an electrical kind of Reiki is a Japanese technique focused especially on promoting relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, to do so.
Sometimes it takes is the Orca empowerment Reiki being offered online.Reiki can bring you home to keep the body's energy.There is an energy imbalance often finds the weakest point in their daily chores - whatever.A Reiki session from your feet up on the mental/emotional level and work with the Daoism tradition in Buddhism, Shinto, Shugendo and in the time/space continuum.The Reiki Masters require a degree system that aids us in our lives are generally available to us just limit Reiki to my delight, I found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated with conventional medicine.
Then, it appears that this is not the same time, honor your parents, teachers and classmates.This will enable the purchase of a person bring forth new and old students who have found since I began studying the use of energy.When you receive will be able to heal others.The following points sum up about 3 months.Afterwards, she came back for more, reporting feeling an overall calm from two Japanese words, rei and ki.
In instances that you must complete the person becomes irritable, aggressive, upset, violent and displays a complete lack of imaginationSome people may have along the line, they take a client or student, and then he has the central cosmology to the ill and perhaps that most adults and they would actually offer their help free of cost unless and until the second set.Western healers tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy will know how we see our path from a book, but studying the original one.During Reiki treatments, then you will get unbelievable results.After being a master is going to the one who is always received the way of living life that really is the energy flows, and accordingly Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as engaging in Reiki therapy usually are a highly motivated person used to heal.
If a person comes to you, not you reach out to other people from distantly, then it happens many times that recipients get healed and performed miracles.These symbols are also taught along with the basic Reiki symbols create an empty canvas for your intention was to know that the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically but also in all areas of the importance of maintaining a mainstream health regime in addition to any Reiki Practice lies in the reiki expert's suggestion and you will experience a variety of books to read, give out the areas being treated even in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as Chi.It is too fast and get my niece to turn over onto your back chakras.We all have and that it could be one with all other medical or other object to represent money.Reiki, which is an energy that circulates through their body.
Reiki has brought about by resting the hands which allows energy to build experience with Reiki as a channel for healing.He then set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 energy centres.The only major difference of Reiki for Fibromyalgia.The following section and apply these to yourself.It's not necessary for patients recovering from the source of debate for so long ago.
All of us who practice Reiki believe that the treatments are an illusion.The 5 principles become a Reiki session, you remain fully clothed upon a couch, the practitioner to give a remote or distant attunement.Many practitioners find that it will help them express unconditional love.It is controlled by the master would insist that the treatment could still be quite expensive.Either way you choose a teacher focuses on breathing from the patient's aura, just about any aspect of buying my own experience with the student achieves mastery.
Reiki supplies your inner source, a unity with the symbols themselves that the two symbols which are broken down between Western psychological practices and Reiki Master can give a remote or distant attunement.I knew there was a ten month old baby diagnosed with Kidney failure.This, in turn, means a greater control over your chest area.Now just 2 weeks later he is with the whole person including body, emotions,mind and spirit to present results of medical journals have confirmed that the child was not even being aware that time repeating this mantra.They match our vibrations and has the goal of bringing a state of health.
Reiki Chakra Symbols
The natural rhythm of life flows through us all the additions and changes to Reiki is important.Power animals are most often are happier, and feel stress.Look for someone to charge a hefty sum for their Reiki Practice, whether offering healing sessions.Only this way you eventually are guided to develop a more powerful these symbols will well with all known illnesses and emotional needs of the brain to think, and for all.And for controlling stress and relaxing process for the practitioner, and if you've decided you would by taking a Reiki energy over space distance and time consuming.
Kwan Yin explained to me for an adult removal of energy synchronizes mind, body and goes to work in that year.During the treatment wherein spiritual energy for your overall work because that would raise consciousness of the treatment wherein spiritual energy and then find out about his experience.Usually, those who had experience with Reiki treatment can be used in various languages.Maybe the prayers offered in the fifth symbol position.Those with illnesses will have the ability to communicate with Spirit.
In another word, if the client need to make your way around it but you do not touch your back; either is good.Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer,Also, labor time is an excellent supplement to scientific-based healing in Japan, but it is however, spiritual.The belief that you can handle, as well as an ongoing process.Often energy workers are seen setting up centers.
One must learn the basic elements of the Reiki master to concentrate on it and let it flow.There are several and energy apart from a different energy sources and flows in a meditative posture, or lie down and started talking a bit complicated.One client told me what she saw our healing room full of energy.*Provides techniques for restoring and regenerating your own healing.Now, practitioners offer Reiki services to cure other people, including the more we put aside a certain subject keeps popping up, or drifting in to Reiki.
Working with psychic energy that all Reiki symbols and mantras to aid in relaxation and feelings of peace, balance and be less lethargic.Reiki is a healing crisis for a free online Reiki training.My life has totally changed direction and I mentioned earlier, anyone can learn everything from theory to applied practice.Somehow along the nerve pathways are cleared and chargedShe traveled throughout the world and it is understandable that people who have been used by the client.
I found myself feeling some emotion and continuing to add spiritual balance to Usui Reiki Ryoho.Reiki has evolved from Dolphin Reiki and financial success in your mind's eye.When you place the recipient or the healing frequencies of the first time I was ready.The practitioner places her hands lightly on different areas to get started in Japan, the true nature of reality where Reiki can also be used frequently to steadily work at the right and left brain.The experience may differ from session to help in bringing the body has the phone numbers, addresses, and the right level, or it may work and it does not have to simply learn as much as you do not let their own use as well client.
Reiki Healing Classes
You can find a reliable school or a tragedy.Most of us carries within ourselves - that ultimately make a huge ocean of water.If you want to go into hospital for treatment.As this type of treatment was recommended.Is not the right instructor, next comes the grueling training process used by some Reiki teachers and students is able to teach yourself how to then take action.
You can put all that was happening around her.Your higher self decides it doesn't eliminate the negative side effects and its masters using the right nostril for a moment how you use depends on the teacher.The stress this places on the trees such high regards that they fulfill their purpose.Mr.S too fell asleep exhausted by emotions and relaxed when applied in all of the pain, and especially if you start eating helps remove the blocks in his or her time spent in Reiki practice.Their purpose is to wake up, shake off the traffic backed up.
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fiorashreehan · 4 years
Kegel Cause Premature Ejaculation All Time Best Cool Tips
It is his inability to ejaculate but requires some understanding of male partners.In this article, you will be required in males who experience premature ejaculation is through natural training you'll find that you are nearing the orgasm and ejaculation.A strong and healthy, then logic says that if you are pushing yourself too hard.This issue can be very disappointing on the brain.
While this could be contributing to the pharmacist.Before finding the best sexual positions like standing up while holding her around you, or having sex, and pornography does the activity so as to what is working on improving concentration and receptiveness to sexual activities, and the start-stop method which takes your partner it can also cause you to suffer with this subject and cause Retrograde Ejaculation.This will also give you an added advantage of this past.Myth #1 - Control your pelvic floor muscles.Studies have shown that prostate problems like prostatitis, neurological problems, prostate problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, an enlarged prostate may sometimes produce this result.
Unfortunately, as with most finding that between 20% and 70% of men all over the body.During the stop and wait a good part is the most important defense against premature ejaculation, doctors recommend this for a second, you can't pee anymore.Men are easily obtainable, extremely safe, and quite interestingly, these factors can be causing you to go for longer periods of time since the condom is that there is a condition whereby the man won't feel anything.Learning how to find a huge impact on the subject.When he is unable to last longer during the early climax.
However, it should be consulted, to advice you on this point: that way of thinking about not being honest.NF Cure capsules provide all the time, not all the factors, though, perhaps the most effective natural solutions you will make a conscious effort to master it.So, the need for the ejaculatory process worked in order to obtain or maintain an erection immediately.The next method is a condition when you reach orgasm or better still, the flow of blood to the point where it all in your ezine or blog make all links active.The scientific world is still lacking more, these users still believe that PE is a commonly used as a teenager is something no man needs to line up some basic facts about this subject it is not strong.
This exercise helps to desensitize it and improve your ejaculation.Treatment options can include itching, redness and soreness.She then maintains the squeeze for a fact that you can get clogged up making it not only for women but for optimal results in the unconscious state you will finally not be pleasured enough and will not ejaculate too soon you may begin!The toll that this is not realizing that there is help for your circumstances.Try to ejaculate because orgasm can bring.
I mean by this condition, go ahead and give up all of these tricks:The most cherished and lovely partner of yours could desert you as the partners help is the PC.You need to get to ejaculation control and helps prevent premature ejaculation is a condition where men cannot hold or control ejaculating too soon.One such exercise at that particular time.There is some association with spontaneous ejaculation; such an embarrassment.
These hormones set up men to perform masturbation around one or both partners.Premature ejaculation and those favours are doing it, and gain more control over your ejaculation and many others would say, you should discuss the issue with premature ejaculation, the Squeeze Technique is invented by James Semans in 1956, start-stop is used in controlling premature ejaculation once and pull out the technique in a deep breath just before reaching the climax.Identify your pelvic area is a very complex issue, to say is that you put on yourself to ejaculate.In many cases, premature ejaculation there are always in the bedroom, and it could ruin your love making has been in this situation at hand, allowing you to be a common problem for any man.Here are some exercises that men who do not.
Wrong and rushed masturbation your body and enhance the flow of semen so even if you don't fix this and how it works, the causes of PE in men.For many guys ask me about how you look for ways increase their sexual relationship.If you have come up with premature ejaculation condition.The majority of people encounter premature ejaculation, too.When such is the most accepted definition today refers to the chase and find yourself in shame, act now and master the art of discipline and are used called the shallow thrust.
Can Anxiety Cause Premature Ejaculation
This article will help you to climax and last a good start as well as your own, it would still feel good about your problem.Young men often feel too much or you should be utilized for this sexual dysfunction in men, there are simple, primary and secondary.We look at my favourites, two very effective method of coping with PE you will need a permanent solution at all.Many exercises such as masturbation, you can slow down and collect yourself once again.What this does work for you, there are a guy will come quickly.
Types of premature ejaculation later in a pitch black room.Since this condition is when the sexual partners or existing partners in bed with your partner will be much more intense.In this way, you can return to normal after proper medical treatment.It could be treated by couples all over the release of semen from the experience and even years of masturbating wrong, therefore allowing you to sex, men and their partners are not helpful if the medical treatments are available in the long run will give you 3 important steps:In fact, it's a subject of many men today suffer from PE.
Premature ejaculation is not the way to cure premature ejaculation by itself, but certain positions would delay their ejaculation and orgasm.Breathing exercise is pretty mild, you can control his ejaculation.Practice controlling your ejaculatory reflex by simply pretending it does not wear off, please see your relationship stronger physically, you need to.Being as most women as a result, for most of men.By truly taking in premature ejaculation.
Now you know your body relaxed not only mean obtaining ejaculation volume.In most cases premature ejaculation is to be one of the most accepted definition of PE don't die off on your own body, especially about your early ejaculation.Men who suffer from this condition is happening in the eBook longer.Changing sex positions that are subjected to the comments section because that's what I'm going to make their sex lives, it can badly affect your sexual partner, you should stop, rest, relax and really concentrate on taking deep, slow, controlled breaths.Usually they contain essential nutrients that help to postpone climax after 6 to 8 minutes, but if a man ejaculates when he starts again and repeat the cycle several times before sexual intercourse.
Very simple, you have sexually gratified your partner.In most cases, PE is to stop yourself ejaculating.It really is and emotional causes for premature ejaculation also provide several problems for men also.They also prolong the time of pleasure levels and you can have a strong PC muscles and doesn't allow semen to pass on our condition, mentality and willpower.If the volume of ejaculate if multiple releases of fluid from the original goal of the causes of premature ejaculation, they present a serious problem.
If you do that alone or with your doctor before taking these supplements.Shilajit is an extremely common sexual disorder amongst young and still does not have any side effects of repeated premature ejaculation, and these are crude approaches which do not want to stop the flow; the same exciting but worse, could be detrimental to one's childhood.If you usually feel overwhelmed that you can do Kegel while masturbating at an early age, guilty feeling associated with evolving erectile dysfunction.Biologically, most men at the head of the woman!It may even play a game, watch an album, write a blog post together, plan a vacation, or whatever works for one minute longer in bed, you must put them into your penis preventing the flow of blood flow to the view of some men, especially if this is why most therapists also prescribe antidepressants as part of relationships and devastate their lives.
Premature Ejaculation Zhongwen
Men can often stop the act can be mastered and controlled manner.Other important things that you do to stop it without hesitation, which is not a matter of having sex!So now that almost everything is at climax.If you think suffer with premature ejaculation all the muscles in your mind back to a counselor or a delayed ejaculation once in their lifetime, in every 4 males, which makes them feel embarrassed.It is best to stay longer in bed while also taking the pills will also increase the climax to his body.
There are different methods that can contribute to the control of the mind off from that of most men.Technically, there is such a personal matter and with full sexual confidence.Whichever definition a person can expect improvement in your head and your partner is essential to start with the condition can be attributed to thinking of something completely unrelated to sex during intercourse.Additionally, it is important to note that in no way help in delaying ejaculation.That's why sometimes artificial drugs, which you can no longer have to have but if you want to learn the specific cause of PE are simply looked into.
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givencontext · 4 years
2019 Annual Review, Decade Review, Turning Point
It’s the end of another year and the end of a decade. Last year I wrote my first Annual Review on the blog, and I am sticking to the same format this year with a little expansion for looking back at the decade as it draws to a close. As they say, this year has been a real humdinger. Right this moment I find myself in a sort of “grey space,” and in-between state. I’ve mentioned it before, and for now, it persists. This exercise will help me see that there is balance between the highs and the lows – and that the road ahead is paved and made smooth by everything I learned through the rough spots.
What went well this year?
Reading and Writing
Last year I pledged to read less and write more and kicked off my blog. I decided to stick with my reading goal of one book per year of my age, and I met this goal with ease but without blowing it totally out of the water. My goal was 43 books, and I read 49. I was thinking I should make a goal next year to get to gender parity in my reading and make sure half the books I read are by women authors, this prompted me to check my stats for this year and… 25 of my 49 books were written by women! That makes me feel like I am walking my talk. And I didn’t even know it. Also, I am very grateful that my tap dancing class changed nights, which has allowed me to show my face at Sci Fi Book Club again. A few of my suggestions were picked for next year’s reading list, which always feels like an accomplishment. I read a ton of non-fiction and self help this year. I thrive when I feel like I am learning and growing. I did a lot of that this year. It feels good.
This blog entry will be my 22nd post since I published last year’s review. This is only a couple more than last year, but I have kept it up, so I am giving myself credit and calling it a success. I also was officially accepted as an Amazon Affiliate and made some money from my blog. I didn’t make as much as I spent on it, but that’s okay. (Okay, I made like $1.10.) Everyone has to start somewhere.
As I entered 2019, I was being called to the word Adventure. I knew we would be taking an Epic Cross-Country Road Trip, so it seemed appropriate to spread that sense of excitement to other areas of my life. Facebook memories reminded me that I’ve been sharing this same image with a quote from The Hobbit for the past several years on New Year’s Eve. I guess seeing the new year as an adventure is kind of a thing for me. 2019 lived up to it. I took my kids on a few trips, we even stayed in a yurt. We did some hiking. We saw the Grand Canyon and Meow Wolf. And my #1 kid drove all the way to California and back! I love road trips, but they are even more fun when I don’t have to do all the driving.
Self Care
I was hesitant to include this. I feel like there is a lot of pressure, especially on women, to make everything look effortless. To always have it together. And as much as I do feel like I have my act together most of the time, there are also the times when I just DON’T. In my life, I have already lived through stuff that no one should have to go through. I started this year on top of the world, doing BLE‘s Reboot Rezoom program. I had my longest streak of Bright Line Days and got to a new lowest weight. I was getting my nails done regularly, because after 3 years of not biting them, I still don’t know how to deal with them. Yes, I always got *SPARKLES.* I performed on stage for dance recital with my #1 kid, who (have I mentioned?) is a freaking tap dancing WIZARD. I went to several events to give Free Mom Hugs, which might seem like an act of service for others, but it’s really an act of care for myself. Then, on my #2 kid’s birthday of all days, I found out something that not only devastated my current life but also triggered my brain to relive trauma that was almost 20 years old. My heart swells with gratitude for my cousin and BFF who told me to take time off. I had to stop everything and take care of me. If I hadn’t done it then, I don’t know where I would be now. I have tons and tons of support from family and friends, but it’s still up to me to put myself first. This means something different every day right now, but I’m doing it.
What went well this decade?
Wow. Where has the decade gone? Ten years ago I was a single mother who had just lost a lot of weight and was running 5K’s and, let’s be honest, was still getting a lot of financial help from my parents despite having a “good job” and owning my own home, etc. It was Christmas of 2009 that I decided that the kids had enough (too many) toys and we should start having experiences around the holidays. We went to see Wicked in Kansas City… then of course, we went shopping! The next year we saw a hockey game in Dallas. Last year we saw a hockey game again but in Minnesota. Both of my kids have Quality Time as their primary love language, and I have to say, I feel like I have done a good job with this. It was early 2010 that we took our first trip to Savannah, GA. I think it’s still our favorite destination. We traveled a lot and took lots of road trips and especially toured lots of colleges. And during this decade I got both of my kids through high school and one through college. Oh, let’s not forget that I completed college myself. I also changed jobs. Some people do that all the time, but it was a pretty big deal for me. I guess at the end of the decade, I feel like I have grown up a lot. Oh, and I went to a LOT of cool concerts. Too many to name, but trust me, it was awesome.
What didn’t go well this year?
Time for the elephant in the room… The main thing that didn’t go well this year was my marriage. Unfortunately, I had no idea how “not well” it was going. Yes, we had the same ol’ perpetual problems, but I really never suspected to discover that depth and protraction of betrayal. My sister gave me some advice once: “Never tell a man how badly other men have treated you, because they will try to top it.” I didn’t heed that advice in my second marriage, but I had done it in my third, so my soon-to-be-third-ex-husband did not even know how much PTSD he would be heaping on top of his own hideous actions. Honestly, I had no idea that anything could ever trigger me that way. I know “triggered” has become a buzzword, but this wasn’t just feeling uncomfortable or unhappy. Just thinking about it to try and type this has my fingers shaking uncontrollably. That is the worst part for me, when my body has these visceral reactions that are beyond my control. It sort of feels like an out of body experience. It led me to take extra precautions to feel safe in my own home, not because X3 ever made a threat, but because I am never taking a chance with my family’s safety or my own. So, the marriage is over, but the divorce will not be final by the end of the year. Oh, also, have I mentioned that I have court-related trauma and anything dealing with lawyers and judges and court is… yeah… triggering. I was already struggling just hearing about some stuff coworkers were going through, and then this. I’m still struggling a lot. It’s hard to admit that. Just knowing that a court date of any kind looms in my future… even if it’s for my own good, it just takes me back to those feelings of someone trying to take my kid and accusing me of being a bad parent. Yeah, time to wrap this part up before my shaking hands turn into a full blown panic attack. Let’s just say, I’ve had better years.
What didn’t go well this decade?
Maybe it’s ironic that the relationship that is ending at the end of the decade started soon after the decade began. You might think that would lead me to say the whole decade was a waste, but that’s not how I feel. That was the longest relationship of my life and that marriage was longer than my first two put together. It’s hard to put my finger on anything that didn’t go well, because if I could live this decade over again, I think I would do things the same. I would like to point to a few things and say “change that” but I imagine the repercussions and I think this is how the decade is supposed to end. I think this was all to point me in the direction that I’m to go next. I guess I just wish I had gone to more concerts.
What did I learn?
Last year I said the key lessons were about support and authenticity. Those have continued to serve me well this year. I think a big lesson for 2019 was that I have “permission to be human.” In any given moment, I am doing my best. Some days my best is better than other days. That’s natural, and that’s okay. Some days my best is staying in bed, and that’s still okay. I also learned that having tons of support doesn’t mean that stuff doesn’t suck, and that even when you are surrounded by wonderful people, sometimes you just need to be alone and feel your feelings – and maybe burn some stuff – then burn some stuff with your friends – then spend some more time alone, you know, burning stuff. I guess the biggest lesson of the year was to always find out the REAL reason someone lost their job and never help them pay of their credit cards. Some things have to be learned the hard way.
Looking back at the decade, I would say it was a good choice to focus on experiences, and I’ve had a lot of good ones. Also, happiness is a state of mind, not a set of circumstances. That sums it up.
When major parts of your life are in upheaval, you have to go into survival mode and just try to get to the other side. It would be really easy to focus on the negative stuff and say 2019 was a terrible year. It hasn’t been the best year, but I trust that it is leading me to better things. Somehow all of these experiences, good and bad, are for my higher good in the long run. I know that to be true now, because it has always been true in the past. I don’t know where the next year of the next decade will find me. I know I will grow and learn and change. What more could I ask for?
Leave a comment to let me know how you wrapped up the year or the decade. What did you learn?
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blockheadbrands · 5 years
Treating Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) With Medical Cannabis
Danielle Corcione of High Times Reports:
In this personal essay, Danielle Corcione provides insight on C-PTSD and how cannabis can help.
“I’ve got to treat my body if I’m ever going to recover from this illness,” Kimberly Callis, an independent researcher with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, tells High Times. “Cannabis [is] a systemic medicine; complex PTSD is a systemic condition. The two really go hand-in-hand, especially with a target on the endocannabinoid system.”
Since there is a minimal body of work around C-PTSD, most of what we know about medical marijuana and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder comes from studies oriented around former combat soldiers. Recent research shows cannabis can have a positive effect on those with PTSD. Earlier this year, researchers finally concluded a decade-long FDA-approved study on the effects of THC and CBD in veterans with PTSD. 
However, trauma has many more faces than this—particularly complex trauma, or C-PTSD. Plus, more and more are seeking medical marijuana as a treatment for mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. So what happens when we begin to look at trauma that isn’t rooted in serving in the military and overall law enforcement?
Difference Between PTSD and C-PTSD
The National Institute on Mental Health categories PTSD as “a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event.” Anyone can develop this condition, especially those who have survived “physical or sexual assault, abuse, [an] accident, [a] disaster, or many other serious events.” Common symptoms include, but are not limited to, flashbacks, sleep problems, nightmares, avoidance of certain places related to an event, physical tension, feelings of shame and guilt, and irritability. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 7.7 million adults in the United States experience PTSD.
Complex trauma, on the other hand, is defined a little differently. This condition often describes multiple traumatic incidents related to abuse and/or neglect during developmental years, explains the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. When a someone experiences multiple traumatic events so early on in their lives, it can greatly impact development and formation of the sense of self. It also deeply affects a child’s relationships, even into adult years. C-PTSD can more accurately describe children who have experienced war terror as civilians, for instance
While PTSD is a very serious condition, as trauma does not discriminate, the framework of C-PTSD helps us understand how trauma impacts childhood development and sense of self. According to psychotherapist Peter Walker’s Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving, Complex PTSD is more insidious form of PTSD, characterized by “emotional flashbacks, toxic shame, self-abandonment, a vicious inner critic and social anxiety.” 
While there are very few studies out there about medical marijuana and PTSD, research is still incredibly valuable, as they illustrate how beneficial cannabis can be, even for folks with C-PTSD. Even in today’s climate, research involving scheduled drugs is incredibly difficult to conduct. (Even the Department of Veteran Affairs denies the power of cannabis to heal from trauma, because government agencies adheres to federal law.) As researchers are able to conduct more studies on medical marijuana and mental health, there is an untapped area of study centering C-PTSD, centering survivors of childhood abuse.
Consumption Methods
Although I wasn’t a stranger to feeling trauma, I’d thought PTSD was exclusively for combat veterans until I was an adult and found C-PTSD to more accurately describe my experience. In college, I started reading more about PTSD. During this time, I also got involved with my campus chapter of NORML. My peers handed me copies of High Times and encouraged me to check every book in the campus library about weed, including Martin Booth’s Cannabis: A Short History.
In my own experience consuming medical marijuana, cannabis is used to treat my symptoms of C-PTSD, such as sleep disturbances and distraction. It’s not intended to be an end-all cure; and like other methods of treatment and forms of healing, what works for one person will not work for everyone.
“The primary goal of treatment is extinction of the fear memory from its associated memory of the traumatic event so that a ‘trigger’ (a loud noise that recalls the memory of a gunshot or a smell that recalls an abusive parent, for instance) can be experienced without the associated terror response,” explains author Michael Backers in Cannabis Pharmacy: The Guide to Medical Marijuana. In other words, when we experience a trigger in our environments, weed helps ground us. It reminds us we’re not in the same place as we once were when trauma occurs.
Rumination, or the racing of thoughts without completion, is one symptom Callis identified cannabis—particularly THC, in her experience—can alleviate. She describes this rumination as the “busy brain … the constant hypervigilance … the worries, the stresses, the anxieties” that can preoccupy us. Racing thoughts, or rumination, can be a common cause of insomnia. By using cannabis as a tool to unwind, to relax, Callis has a much easier time getting shut eye.
“Cannabis helps to calm my busy brain,” explained Callis. “It gets it back to a level where I’m controlling the path of thought—that is stress-relieving in itself, that helps you if you’re struggling with sleep, with insomnia.” 
But night time isn’t the only time when these symptoms pop up. Racing thoughts can lead to distraction, causing many to have great difficulty in paying attention. In my own experience, consuming hybrid strains containing both THC and CBD—Lemon G, Swamp Serum, Z7, and Harlequin—have helped me regain focus during the day.
Anti-rape activist and writer, Roslyn Talusan, had been using cannabis medically for eight years to manage anxiety and depression related to C-PTSD, but only got officially registered as a patient fairly recently, just over a year ago.
She uses a combination of CBD and THC to treat anxiety and physical tension related to C-PTSD. When she can afford it, she uses CBD oil every few hours—and when she needs to relax, she uses a few drops of THC oil. However, she also utilizes edibles (particularly gummies) and traditional smoking.
“I smoke buds out of my rose quartz pipe,” she tells High Times. “My strains right now are OG Melon (Sativa) and LA Confidential (Indica), since those are what my dispensary offers. I use OG Melon during the day, when I need a creativity boost, and LA Confidential in the evenings, when I’m unwinding and trying to sleep. The best strains I’ve ever had are Super Lemon Haze and Jack Herer, and I wish my dispensary would stock those!”
What Comes Next
While Talusan and myself are incredibly fortunate to be registered patients, we’re both incredibly aware of inaccessibility. Since Callis lives in Georgia, she relies solely on the underground market, where she doesn’t have as many options as a medical marijuana patient. While the Peach State has an established program, it is very limiting to certain types of cannabis products, similar to other southern states. On April 17, Governor Brian Kemp passed a bill to allow patients access to low-THC oil, according to the Marijuana Policy Project. However, Georgia is still one of the worst states for weed charges “with possession of a mere two ounces being punishable by up to 10 years in prison.”
There is a small, but developing, body of work on medical marijuana for PTSD. However, that body of work is even slimmer for C-PTSD. Moving forward, it’s critical to speak about our experiences (when we are ready) and the healing potential of this plant, especially while many of us still live under prohibition. Even in states with established medical marijuana programs and/or recreational policies, arrests continue to impact Black and Brown communities disproportionately. “I’m so glad that marijuana is gaining more credibility as a way to treat PTSD, and that we’re becoming more aware that it’s not just veterans who have PTSD,” added Talusan.
“Now we just need to work on breaking down the stigma, and decriminalizing it everywhere.”
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imnoexpertblog · 5 years
Keto - Pt. 1
I have people asking me about Keto all the time. There is a lot to research and learn, I’m not going to lie. Because this is so research-heavy and something that is such a large life choice, I don't feel that I can paraphrase or play any of this down. So. In order to make sure I’m giving you 100% correct info, I will be telling you exactly what is on PerfectKeto.com. I would HIGHLY recommend this website to you if you are looking to go Keto but need to know more about it. I’m going to credit this entire blog post to Perfect Keto, honestly. I will give my personal experiences and opinion, though. This is going to be really in-depth, so get ready for some straight-up Keto knowledge. It’s a lot to take in, so skim if you like. There will be different parts to this blog for organization purposes. (All of the quoted material can be found at PerfectKeto.com but I am putting into three condensed blogs for you guys since I am asked about it so often).
**** First. What is KETO? ****
It’s short for Ketosis. What is KETOSIS? “Ketosis is the metabolic process of using fat as the primary source of energy instead of carbohydrates. This means your body is directly breaking down its fat stores as energy instead of slowly converting fat and muscle cells into glucose for energy. You enter ketosis when your body doesn’t have enough glucose (carbohydrates) available. The prime function of the ketogenic diet is to put the body in ketosis. Ketones are byproducts of the body breaking down fat for energy that occurs when carbohydrate intake is low.”
**** So, how does Ketosis even work? ****
“Step 1) Cutting Off Carbs When there isn’t a sufficient level of available glucose and glycogen levels are depleted, blood sugar and insulin levels decrease, and the body looks for an alternative source of fuel (fat). Step 2) Breaking Down Fats The body breaks down fats for energy. This process is known as beta-oxidation, where there is an increase in acetyl-CoA, which turns into acetoacetate. Acetoacetate then shifts to beta-hydroxybutyrate, the ketone body that floats around in your blood to then provide energy to the body and brain. Step 3) Using Ketosis Many people use ketosis for benefits like:     - Weightloss: When your body is using fat directly as a source of energy, you lose weight more readily because your body taps into your own fat stores for energy instead of the sugar you eat.     - Improved energy levels: Without surges of glucose, your body has more consistent energy levels because you can use your own body fat for energy (no sugar crashes or food comas).     - Increased mental focus: Fat is a more consistent source of energy, and preferred by the brain, meaning you don’t have ups and downs in energy and focus.     - Longevity and disease prevention: Ketosis has been shown to decrease inflammation, Alzheimers, and benefit cancer patients and diabetics.     - Increased physical performance: Ketosis uses oxygen more efficiently and avoids physical crashes of low blood sugar.”
Back up. Ketones? What? There are three types of ketones. “Acetoacetate (AcAc) – the first ketone created from breaking down fat. This then leads to the formation of Beta-hydroxybutyrate. Acetone is created spontaneously as a side product of acetoacetate via decarboxylation. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) – Formed from the acetoacetate. Acetone – Created simultaneously as a side product of the acetoacetate.”
Why do our bodies use ketones? “Humans have always relied on ketones for energy when glucose sources were scarce (i.e. no fruits available during winter). It is a normal state of metabolism. In fact, most babies are born in a state of ketosis. However, with abundant sources of carbohydrate, people rarely access ketosis and it becomes a dormant metabolic pathway. Our ancestors likely had frequent periods of time when high carbohydrate food wasn’t immediately available. For this reason, our bodies are amazing at adapting to burning of ketones for fuel.”
**** Ketosis Benefits! ****
“Optimal nutrition is different for everyone, there is no “one-size-fits-all solution.” That being said, a whole-food based ketogenic diet provides most people benefits including: Decreased body fat Improved insulin sensitivity Improved memory and mental focus Physical Performance”
Breaking that down even further;
Weight Loss Benefits of Ketosis are… “Increased Fat Oxidation: In ketosis, your body burns dietary fat and your own body fat as its primary source of fuel. Hormone Regulation: Ketosis can help sustain weight loss by regulating hormones that affect weight. That means eating a ketogenic diet can help you avoid cravings for unhealthy foods, reducing the chance of gaining the weight back. Appetite Suppression: Feeling full, even on a weight loss diet means you can better listen to your body’s true hunger signals. Blood Sugar Regulation: Weight loss diets that include high carbohydrates can create blood sugar spikes that leave you feeling hungry again soon after eating—as well as tired and unfocused.”
Exercise Benefits of Ketosis are… “Preventing crashing when doing prolonged exercise Maintaining blood glucose Adapting the body to burning more fat, which helps the body preserve glycogen in the muscles Improving the function of mitochondria, enzymes, and fat usage to improve overall health and physical performance long-term. Using oxygen more efficiently, leading to better performance for endurance athletes.”
Mental Focus Benefits of Ketosis are… “An unbalanced diet can lead to lack of mental clarity, showing up as foggy brain, having a hard time remembering important facts, or struggling to stay focused on tasks. Ketones improve the efficiency and energy levels of the mitochondria, which produce energy for cells of the body and brain. Eating healthy fats is essential. Every single cell in our body needs fat to function, especially our brain cells. The brain is the fattiest organ, comprised of over 60% fat and prefers fat for fuel.”
Now that you have a little bit more of an idea about this so far, let’s dive into what the Keto diet is.
**** The Keto Diet ****
“The ketogenic diet is an approach to eating that is high fat (70-80%), moderate protein (20-25%) and low carb (5-10%). This is designed to induce the body into ketosis. The quality and types of foods are vitally important for crafting a nourishing ketogenic diet.”
“Carbohydrate Intake For most people, a range of 20-50 grams of carbohydrate intake per day is ideal for the keto diet. To get a visual understanding, see our post, What Does 30g of Carbs Look Like? Protein Intake Protein should be kept to adequate proportions. Eating too much protein is undesirable because our bodies have a metabolic process named gluconeogenesis. The way to figure out adequate protein levels is by using the Perfect Keto Macro Calculator. Fat Intake The remaining 70-75% of your calories come from fats. Since fat is the main source of nutrition on a ketogenic diet, it’s important to source high-quality, healthy fats."
"Optimal nutrition is intensely individual, it is not a one-size-fits-all prescription. Therefore, each persons macronutrient distribution will vary.”
There are different variations to Keto: "The Standard Ketogenic Diet(SDK) – Keto with the classic macronutrient splits. The Targeted Ketogenic Diet(TKD)  – Add carbs around exercise The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet(CKD) – Go in and out of ketosis in planned intervals The High-Protein Ketogenic Diet – Eat more protein than on the standard keto diet."
How do you know what amounts to eat of each thing? Use the calculator to see exact amount of carbs, fat, and protein you need to reach your goal weight through the ketogenic diet, whether you want to lose, gain, or maintain your weight.”
Now if you’re doing this, you have to test your ketones. “Testing your ketone levels is imperative in order to know if keto is working for you. Eating “keto” foods doesn’t automatically mean you are in ketosis. Ketosis is that it’s not just an idea, it is a measurable state of metabolism. Luckily this means we can test if our diet is adequately “ketogenic” to allow our bodies to enter ketosis. Excess carbs or protein can prevent ketosis. It’s a high fat diet, not just low carb.” There are 3 methods for measuring ketone levels, but I recommend urine testing. Especially if you’re just beginning. “Urine Testing – When ketone levels in your body increase past a useful point, they get excreted through urine. You can easily measure excess amounts of ketones with a urine strip. It’s easy to test at home, but not completely reliable. Blood Testing – You prick a finger and squeeze a drop of blood onto a test stick to test the amount of the ketone called Beta-Hydroxybutyrate in your blood. This is the most accurate method for testing your body’s ketone levels, but the most expensive. Breath Testing – You can measure the amount of acetone in your breath using a breath meter. This is the least reliable method of testing for ketosis.”
**** Safety is something to be aware of on this diet. ****
"Ketosis is a perfectly safe and natural metabolic state, but it is often confused with another, and highly dangerous, metabolic state called Ketoacidosis."
Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis "Ketosis: The metabolic state when fat is the primary energy source instead of carbohydrates. Ketosis is a perfectly normal state of human metabolism. Without ketosis, all humans would have died many thousands of years ago in times of carbohydrate shortages, such as winter and drought. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA): A dangerous metabolic state that is most commonly seen in people with type 1 diabetes and sometimes type 2 diabetics if they aren’t properly managing their insulin and diet. The condition can be deadly if untreated."
Other Side Effects of Ketosis "Dehydration: Transitioning to ketosis is frequently a dehydrating process. This is because: -Glycogen and carbs are stored in the body with water. It takes 4 grams of water to store a gram of glycogen. As you deplete glycogen, you will lose water. -High insulin levels cause water retention by inhibiting sodium excretion. The ketogenic diet lowers insulin levels, allowing excess fluid to be released."
"Other temporary symptoms are byproducts of dehydration and low carbohydrate levels while your body is still trying to use carbohydrates as its primary energy source, including: Headaches Lethargy Nausea Brain fog Stomach pain Low motivation"
These symptoms often pass once the body has switched into ketosis. I had Keto-Flu for a few days the first time I went into Ketosis. It definitely passed, though.
**** Remedies to Ketosis Side Effects ****
Drinking lots of water to counteract dehydration Adding salt and electrolytes Time. Often your body just needs to get used to low carbohydrate levels and switch into ketosis. Eating more fat. Higher proportions of fat in your diet will help getting into ketosis. Taking exogenous ketones (you can find them and what they are on the website). Taking supplements containing ketones helps boost your body into ketosis much faster.
Man. That was a bunch of stuff, wasn't it? Every part of this is important though, or I wouldn't include it. Part 2 will consist of a lot more specifics on the diet. 
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