#esos están build different
bluemings · 1 year
👶 👶 👶 👶 👶
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name suggestions: jihoon, eunsik physical features they took from my muse: la altura de jiho, por supuesto physical features they took from your muse: más que alguna apariencia física sacó los modismos de euisik, como arrugar su nariz cuando algo no le parece. which parent do they act more like?: actúa como jiho cuando no sabe manejar situaciones de estrés y se encierra en su habitación pero es muy cercano a sus raíces y a la familia, cosa que aprendió de euisik. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: cuando tenía cinco años se lo llevaron a japón, donde euisik creció. vieron el mar y pasaron unas semanas recorriendo todo el lugar guiados por el mismo euisik.
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name suggestions: olivia, jade, lily physical features they took from my muse: los cachetitos de ollie, también su carita redonda y sonrisita physical features they took from your muse: los ojitos claros y cabello claro de eungi. which parent do they act more like?: definitivamente como eungi, es tímida y no tiene muchos amigos. ama viajar, ayuda en la tienda de vez en cuando y prefiere tener un buen amigo que muchos que no signifiquen nada. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: viajar a casa del padre de eungi los tres, donde jugaron hasta que se cansaron, rieron un montón y terminaros acurrucándose los tres en la cama de infancia de eungi. ollie terminó en el piso por elección propia, dándoles a los dos un besito en la frente antes de irse a dormir.
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name suggestions: heedo, minhee physical features they took from my muse: los ojitos de gatitos y la naricita de botoncito de gyul physical features they took from your muse: cabello naturalmente rizado y los ojos expresivos de hochul, también cuando sonríe tiene el mismo hoyuelo. which parent do they act more like?: como hochul. muy decida, segura de sí misma y quiere entrar en el negocio familiar de detectives. también tiene apariencia intimidante hasta que se le conoce, es un pan dulce que ama ser nerd de los videojuegos junto a gyul. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: probablemente el día que llegó a sus vidas, gyul no pensó en amar a nadie como ama a hochul y, sin embargo, la pequeña llegó a su relación como un rayo de sol que ilumina su vida. definitivamente, no pensó que alguna vez sería padre y apenas llegó la pequeña gyul supo que estaba listo para serlo y amarla con cada fibra de su ser.
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name suggestions: minah, dohee physical features they took from my muse: el lunar debajo de su ojo, cachetes redondos y estructura facial ovalada. physical features they took from your muse: nariz alta, lunar en la mejilla en el mismo lugar que pilsuk y mismos ojitos. which parent do they act more like?: un poco más como dam, algo fría y bastante centrada con ambos pies sobre la tierra. usualmente es la que no se deja llevar por los demás, la que prefiere sonar cruel antes que idealizar una idea imposible de alcanzar. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: el día que decidió seguir los pasos de pilsuk y ser cantante, al principio consideró también tener vida en el mundo de la medicina pero el canto es su verdadera pasión. su memoria favorita es cuando pilsuk y ella cantaron juntos su primera canción en el piano, era temprano en la mañana y se despertó con la voz de los dos armonizando en una hermosa canción que no había sido sacada todavía al público general.
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name suggestions: ryung, seungmin physical features they took from my muse: quisiera decir que la estatura y misma complexión muscular que hanbin. muscular pero no necesariamente en exceso, hacen una rutina de entrenamiento parecida. physical features they took from your muse: estructura facial, tono de voz suave y la misma sonrisa.which parent do they act more like?: creeeo que se parece más a jaemin en el sentido que quiere manejar los hoteles, no ha luchado tanto como la familia de jaemin pero sí ha escuchado historias al respecto. de hecho, está estudiando hospitalidad con especialización en hotelería para ser el futuro heredero de la cadena de hoteles. my muse’s favourite memory with their child: cuando estaban en estados unidos y jaemin se les perdió por un segundo, ninguno de los dos sabía inglés y tuvieron que llamar a jaemin por altavoz para que se comunicara con las personas a través de teléfono al mismo tiempo que los buscaba entre la multitud. un desastre, pero fue tan impredecible y estresante que después de reencontrarse estalló a carcajadas junto a su hijo.
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anasui-at-disneyland · 11 months
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Concepto Tymador/ Roublard Concept:
En el lore tanto de Dofus como en Wakfu se nos habla sobre el como tanto Tymadores como Sram veneran a un mismo dios, solo que tienen versiones distintas sobre la naturaleza de este, por lo que en base a eso quise hacer un concepto de Tymador haciendolo el completo opuesto de los asesinos silenciosos que son los Srams.
Los Tymadores resaltan principalmente por su astucia permitiéndoles salir de situaciones en las cuales están aparentemente acorralados, y por sus bombas, por lo que a diferencia de su prima Sram que golpea y sale de ahí sin que nadie sepa a donde fueron a parar, ella llama la atención lo mas posible, para que su rival caiga exactamente donde quiere y poder ejecutar su plan.
Ella cuenta principalmente con 3 armas:
Una pistola la cual tiene dos modalidades de disparo, pudiendo ser cargada con una bomba para dispararla a mayor velocidad y distancia (juego menos táctico) o usar la pólvora de las bombas para dotar de daño elemental a un disparo.
Bombas elementales las cuales se van cargando con el tiempo para causar mas daños y aumentar el radio de su explosión.
Una arma multiusos la cual base en una navaja suiza, teniendo distintas modalidades con partes intercambiables que le permite funcionar como cualquier clase de arma.
(Esta ultima tiene como función representar las habilidades del Tymador a manera de "adepto de todo y maestro de nada" en el combate con armas convencionales, si bien no esta tan buena en el uso de una espada como una Yopuka o con el arco como una Ocra, pero si le das una de estas, ciertamente sabrá que hacer con ellas).
En cuanto a su vestimenta quise que resaltara, que fuese fácil de verla y los enemigos no puedan perderla de vista por lo ya mencionado sobre posicionarlos donde ella los necesita, principalmente su cabello, que además de ser de un color rojo bastante llamativo, esta tinturado con mechones rosa brillantes para hacer la forma de una cara riéndose, sus lentes los cuales no cumplen ninguna función, pero se le ven bien y finalmente posiblemente una de las cosas mas importantes de su arsenal, la capa:
Inspirado un poco en Batman que siempre parece tener la herramienta indicada para cualquier situación, quise que tuviese acceso a muchas mas herramientas en pelea, pero sin recaer en un baticinturon para herramientas mas grandes, por lo que adecuo un Merkasako usando su tela y magia para crear su capa, la cual conecta con una clase de bodega donde tiene mas armas desde mas bombas hasta enormes como cañones, y un pequeño escuadrón de tymobots los cuales funcionan como sus pequeños ayudantes para coordinar un ataque.
(Por ejemplo haciendo énfasis en los cañones, encuentro gracioso que ella abra la cremallera de su capa y lo primero que ve su enemigo que esta cuerpo a cuerpo contra ella es un cañón cargado apuntándole y listo para disparar, eso no se lo esperaría).
Lorewise, both in Dofus and Wakfu, Roublards and Srams worship the same God, but they have different versions of it´s nature, so I based my Roublard concept making her the complete opposite of the Srams, quiet assasins.
Roublards main highlight is their ruse, letting them get out of situations where they´re seemingly cornered, and their bombs, so opposite to her Sram cousin which strikes and gets out without a trace, she draws as much attention as possible, so her enemy lands exactly where she wants and put her plan into fruition.
She has mainly 3 weapons:
A gun which has 2 fire modes, which can be loaded with a bomb to throw it with even more speed and distance (less tactical game) or use it´s powder to give elemental damage to the blasts.
Elemental bombs which build up over time to deal even more damages and increase their explosion radius.
A multipurpouse weapon based on a swiss knife, which has multiple uses and parts so it can work as any weapon type.
(The last one´s point is to showcase the Roublard´s skils in the sense of a "jack of all trades" on a fight with common weapons, yeah, she´s not as good using a sword like a Iop or with a bow like a Cra, but if you give her one of these, she´ll know what to do with them).
As for her looks, I wanted her to stick out, make her easy to spot so her enemies can trace her so she can place them right where she needs them to be, mainly her hair which is a vibrant red with some bright pink streaks to make a laughing face, her shades, which serves no real function, but they look cool, and last and probably the most important part of her arsenal, the cape:
Inspired a bit by Batman who seems to have a tool for almost any situation, I wanted to let her have access to a lot of tools during a fight, without falling on a batbelt for bigger weapons, so she repurpoused a Haven Bag using it´s fabric and magic to craft it, which connects to a sort of warehouse where she keeps all kinds of weapons, like more bombs or even bigger ones like cannons and a small squad of Boombots which work as minions to coordinate her attacks.
(As an example emphasising on the cannons, I find it funny if she unzips her cape, and the first thing her enemy wich is at melee range is a loaded cannon aiming at them and ready to blast them, they wont see that one coming).
Su diseño esta basado tanto en mis Tymadoras Happy-Trigger (Dofus) y Sparkling-Fireworks (Wakfu), teniendo un diseño "bombastico" para una ladrona.
Her design is based both on my Roublards Happy-Trigger (Dofus) and Sparkling-Fireworks (Wakfu), with a "bombastic" design for a thief.
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choconat67 · 3 years
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Finalmente la gran pelea llegó 📢 no se aquí sería un reencuentro después de años??, Cuáles son las intenciones de las chicas Punk, eso es algo desconocido para las chicas. Si ellas solo están aquí para causar caos es hora de que las PUFF pelen enserio. No se me imagino que al ser lo mismo pero opuesto su poder no tiene gran diferencia, solo que las PUNK nunca se han restringido y por ello tienen la confianza de golpear al 100%, mientras que las chicas PUFF después de lo sucedió en sus primeros días de vida bueno aprendieron que ellas son mortales y tienen que controlarse además de los ciudadanos y la ciudad evitando el daño, por ello su cautela al pelear. Eso le daría ventaja a las PUNK pues irían tras ellas sin importar la gente o edificios cosa que las PUFF tendrían que cuidar en toda la batalla o trataría de ir a lugares donde será menor el daño ya sea lejos de la ciudad o el cielo. Que piensan ustedes?👀
PUFF 💗 vs PUNK 🖤
Finally the big fight came 📢 I don't know here it would be a reunion after years ??, What are the intentions of the Punk girls, that is something unknown to the girls. If they're only here to wreak havoc, it's time for the PUFFs to really fight. I do not imagine that being the same but opposite their power does not have much difference, only that the PUNK have never been restricted and therefore have the confidence to hit 100%, while the PUFF girls after what happened in their first days of good life they learned that they are mortal and have to control themselves in addition to the citizen and the city avoiding damage, hence their caution when fighting. That would give the PUNK an advantage as they would go after them regardless of the people or buildings that the PUFF would have to take care of throughout the battle or they would try to go to places where the damage will be less, be it far from the city or the sky. What do you guys think? 👀
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cncofantasias · 4 years
Justice - With Christopher Velez
Chapter 1: Everything
Hey guys! I really hope you enjoy this imagine because I’m hoping to turn it into a series. Let me know what you think, it’s a lot different from what you’re used to reading because I don’t involve their singing careers in this but it’s more of a mystery. I got the idea from watching a ton of Law & Order: SVU but it’s not based off one specific episode. If I turn it into a series I do plan on including all of the cast members into the story one way or another. Anyways hope you enjoy it!
Summary: You’ve dated your boyfriend Christopher Velez for 2 years and even now that you guys have been together for so long, there was still so much stuff Christopher refused to tell you. That is until Christopher gets arrested for the murder of a man named Zabdiel de Jesus. As the trial against Christopher goes on you learn things about him that you never thought he was capable of. Y/n is fighting between the Christopher who was her loving and adoring boyfriend and the man who’s committed so many awful crimes.
Chapter 2
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“Christopher Velez you are under arrest for the murder of Zabdiel de Jesus. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law—“
My head was spinning and for a second I thought I was dreaming but it wasn’t until I heard him yelling my name that I snapped out of it. “Y/n! Y/n! Llame mi abogado! Call him him and tell him to meet me at the precinct bebe!”
I quickly nodded barely able wrap my head around what was happening as I followed behind the police who were escorting mi bebe, Christopher, out of our house. As soon as they put him in the backseat of the cop car I took out my phone with shaky hands and began dialing our lawyer, Joel Pimentel. The only reason I knew who he was because one night a couple months ago Christopher gave me his number. He said in case something ever happened to him I needed to know who to call. I didn’t understand at the time what he was referring to, but I guess I do now. 
As I sat in the lobby of the precinct waiting for our lawyer to show up, my mind was racing. I didn’t know if I could believe Christopher as a murderer. He was always the sweetest boyfriend to me: he showered me in affection, always kept his promises to me, and never once had I been scared he’d be violent towards me. I wanted to believe he was innocent, but deep down it made sense... Since we first started dating he always was sketchy about telling me personal information about him.
2 years ago
“So tell me Mr. Velez what do you do for a living that you can afford to take me out to a restaurant so expensive they charge you for the water?” I teasingly emphasized his name as I studied him, enamored with who I saw when I looked at him. 
“No te preocupes por eso mi amor. Todo lo que necesitas saber es que hago negocio.” He reached over the table and held onto my hand as he sent a wink my way.
I stared at him for a bit furrowing my eyebrows trying to get any indication of what he was really meant with his response. He held a stone face as he looked into my eyes and I slowly nodded my head and went back to eating.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” “hello, Miss. Y/L/N.”
I snapped out of my thoughts to see our lawyer in front of me. “Perdóname, I was just thinking.”
“It’s okay Miss. Y/L/N, I understand how difficult this situation must be on you. Why don’t you wait here while I go talk to the investigating officers and get as much information as I can about the situation?”
I nodded my head at him unable to find the correct words to say to him at the moment. He gave me quick nod as I watched him disappear. I knew that I was very little of a help, but Christopher had prepared me that way. He never gave me too much information about him and at the moment I was conflicted; I couldn’t believe the man I choose to lay in bed with, could be a murderer and who knows what else.
Half an hour had passed as I waited for Mr. Pimentel to get back with the information he promised. A part of me didn’t want him to come back, if he never came back and he never told me the horrible details then maybe it wouldn’t be real. But of course that wasn’t reality, no matter what we were still stuck in this situation.
“Okay Miss. Y/L/N, Christopher is being charged on first degree murder as well as multiple counts of arson, burglary. It looks as thought they’ve been investigating Christopher for some time now for distribution of narcotics-“
“Wait, wait, wait distribution of narcotics? I don’t understand. Christopher doesn’t do drugs and I’ve never in the 2 years we’ve been together found any illegal drugs in his possession.”
Mr. Pimentel looked at me shocked for a second, his face conflicted as he began deciding if he should be the one to break the news to you.
“Miss. Y/L/N, I cannot divulge too much information about the case but I want you to know that Mr. Velez isn’t who you think he is. This case runs so deep that even the Federal Bureau of Narcotics is involved and they’ve done much investigating until they presumed that your boyfriend is the leader of the largest gang in New York.”
My heart dropped, my brain buzzed. I didn’t know what was going on and all I could do was stare at him. “Did he ever tell you anything to lead you to believe that he held that position?”
I shook my head a no in response, “I- I- need some air.” I escaped out from his stare as fast as I could and walked out of the front door feeling the crisp hair hit me. I stood on the sidewalk hunched over with my hands on my knees. Everything was a lie, he was a lie. The life we had begun to build together wasn’t real and now I didn’t know if the man that I shared 5 years of memories worth, was real or fake.
1 year ago
We were parked on a cliff overlooking the ocean. There was no car in sight for miles and a soft rhythm was playing on the radio adding to our romantic evening together. The sun was beginning to go down as the salty fresh air filled my nostrils. I was admiring the view with my hand interlocked with Christopher’s.
“Eres tan bella.”
A light blush filled my checks as I teared my eyes away from the scenery to look into his.
“Nomás dices eso porque me miras con ojos de corazón.”
“No, eres tan bella y/n que cuando salgo contigo los otros muchachos están celosos que ya tienes alguien. And I don’t know how I got so lucky.”
I felt my heart clench a little at his beautiful words. I stared into his eyes and just staring into them made me believe him. He wasn’t afraid to let his eyes show the amount of passion he held for me.
“Do you see a future for us Christopher?”
“Of course I do, I see us moving somewhere far away from here one day. Living in our own house, in one of those neighborhoods where it’s so safe nobody is scared to leave there doors unlocked and the kids ride their bikes around.”
“Do you want kids mi amor?”
“I want as many kids as you’ll give me cariño and I want them to look exactly like you with your beautiful hair, tu sonrisa, tus ojos bonitos. And by that time you’ll have graduated with your degree and have your career. Tal vez puedo ser un stay at home dad while you work like an independent boss woman and bring in the money,” he gave me a wink and I playfully hit his chest laughing.
“You wouldn’t be a machista that I’m the woman of the house and bringing in the money?”
“Claro que no. You’ve worked so hard studying all the time it’s only fair that I let you live your dream career.”
My heart melted hearing him say that, because he understood my struggle to be where I was. With Christopher I never had to worry if I didn’t have enough money to pay for my rent or my school tuition or anything else really because he always took care of it. I didn’t even have to embarrass myself by asking him for the money to pay the bill that I couldn’t afford. He’d already know because of how open I was with him and he’d just do it because he wanted to help me. I knew that no matter what your future held: whether it was me working and he wasn’t or both of us working. I knew that I’d always be okay with him and that I could always depend on him because it was never about whose money it was and he wasn’t so traditional that he felt the need to overpower me just because he was a man.
I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him in crashing my lips onto his. Our lips moved together perfectly without too much effort and his hands gripped onto my waist. In that one kiss.. it was everything.
I pulled away from him and leaned my forehead on his as we both sat breathing for air. “Quiero todo eso y más contigo mi amor.”
“Yo también bebecita.”
I was still outside the precinct hunched over fighting for a breath I’d been holding and before I knew it... I was crying.
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levieuxquartier · 4 years
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Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy? Muy alta (ronda el 1'80) y delgada.
2. How old is he? 18 años, cumplidos el 28 de febrero.
3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch? Al ser tan alta suele tener que encorvarse un poco para acercarse a la gente, quitando a su padre y a Suzie, su mejor amiga.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? Tiene buena salud. Sin embargo, toma medicación de forma habitual (hormonas femeninas).
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid? Siendo alta y delgada ha tenido una adolescencia un poco torpe. Pero se ha pasado unas pocas horas ante el espejo para darle gracia y feminidad a sus movimientos y no le ha quedado nada mal. Es muy flexible, lo que siempre ayuda.
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror? Tiene una relación complicada con su cuerpo, aunque cada vez se gusta más, y no sólo porque la transición avanza sino porque va sintiéndose algo más segura de sí misma. No se considera guapísima, pero reconoce que tiene su punto.
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? Muy pálida. En eso sale a su madre.
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style. Largo, liso y muy rubio. El secreto es que es teñido, su color natural es castaño.
9. What color are his eyes? Azules.
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features? Es muy esbelta, de aspecto casi frágil.
11. What are his chief tension centers? Cuando se estresa mucho, tiene migrañas. Culpa de las hormonas, en parte.
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit? Le gusta mucho la moda, así que tiene cosas de mil estilos, aunque luego siempre lleva lo mismo, sudaderas, shorts, y vestidos en verano. Le gustan las prendas coloridas o de colores claros. Alguna vez lleva negro, pero no muy a menudo.
13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them? Eso espera ella.
14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences? Se viste más o menos igual para ir a clase que en su tiempo libre, excepto alguna noche que se arregle más para salir.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? Normalmente usa ropa interior deportiva. Tiene algún conjunto más mono, de los típicos que están ahí esperando una ocasión para usarlos.
1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse? Su voz es un poco más grave de lo usual, aunque gracias a la terapia ha conseguido modularla bastante.
2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate? Habla rápido y con incisos, volviendo adelante y atrás en la conversación, porque su cabeza suele ir más deprisa que su boca. Menos mal que la gente a su alrededor está acostumbrada y sabe seguirle el hilo.
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? Tiene un pelín de acento sureño.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency? Inglés y algo de francés. No tanto como le gustaría.
5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations? No, pero cambia muy bien los tonos de voz según el efecto que quiera conseguir.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words? Estallar en palabras se le da estupendamente. Otra cosa es que tenga sentido o que sea lo que realmente quería decir, por eso prefiere pensarlo antes, y si es posible, incluso comunicarse escribiendo.
7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change? Habla por los codos, a menos que sea de algo muy importante para ella.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
Mitad y mitad. Tiene buena cabeza y es analítica, así que las ciencias y la tecnología se le dan muy bien, pero también sabe manejarse con la gente porque se ha endurecido a base de aguantar capullos gran parte de su vida.
2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate? En el momento. No suele arrepentirse... no mucho.
3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical? Tiene una capacidad intuitiva para la lógica. Es la clase de persona que ve un puzzle o una fórmula y sabe cómo resolverla, cosa que intenta aplicar en su vida y funciona, excepto para lo emocional. Es idealista, tiene muchos sueños y planes, pero práctica en el sentido de que sabe que a menudo no es fácil que se cumplan.
4. What kind of education has the character had? Está en puertas de acabar el instituto y quiere estudiar informática en la universidad. Su sueño es acceder a una plaza en Tulane, pero sabe que es muy caro.
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about? La moda, la cultura LGTBI y los ordenadores.
6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert? Es extrovertida, pero sabe que no puede serlo con todo el mundo.
7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven? Cabezona y generalmente alegre, aunque tiene momentos bajos. En cuanto a los cambios de humor, sigue siendo una adolescente, así que es lo que hay.
8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic? Es muy cautelosa. A base, como ya hemos dicho, de haberse cruzado un par de gilipollas, o más.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react? Reaccionar. Examina la situación y luego la lía.
10. Which is his default: fight or flight? No es que adore el enfrentamiento pero odia más huir, así que...
11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks? Le gustan los memes y toda clase de humor que no sea ofensivo. Las bromas internas con Suzie son sus favoritas.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them? Teniendo en cuenta que la disforia de género no es una enfermedad mental, no.
13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person? Crecer sin su madre. El momento en que entendió y logró decirle a su padre que era una chica.
14. What does he fear? Perder a la gente que quiere. No llegar a ser quien realmente es.
15. What are his hopes or aspirations? Acabar los estudios, trabajar en lo que le gusta, y realizarse la operación de cambio de sexo. También tener un buen círculo social.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him? Que es más insegura de lo que aparenta.
1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents. Su padre es su mundo, lo adora. Con su madre se lleva bien, pero no hay intimidad porque no han tenido mucho contacto.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like? Es hija única.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand? Tiene abuelos en Florida y una tía que anda por ahí, pero no se llevan mucho.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them? Roxanne, la hija del mejor amigo de su padre, es como su hermana mayor/tía guay.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet? Suzie. Se conocieron en el instituto y son uña y carne.
6. Does he have other close friends? Un par de amigos más de clase y de club de informática.
7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people? Mantiene algo de distancias al principio, pero normalmente se mete a la gente en el bolsillo fácil.
8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends? Sería incapaz de elegir entre Suzie y su padre.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once? Soltera, para su desgracia.
10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse? No está con nadie. Otra vez, para su desgracia.
11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest? Su primer crush fue un niño de su clase de primaria con el que quería ir a la fiesta de fin de curso. El último Suzie, aunque siendo también su mejor amiga, es todo un poco complicado.
12. What does he look for in a romantic partner? Alguien que la quiera tal como es, con quien compartir gustos, reírse, que le mande mensajes de buenos días y buenas noches... y con quien tener algo de experiencia sexual, que lo tiene pendiente.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any? Es muy joven, aunque un día le gustaría, tal vez...
14. Does he have any rivals or enemies? Todos los lerdos homófobos y tránsfobos y estaría dispuesta a luchar con ellos.
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale? Es bisexual.
16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him? Es virgen, así que por un lado le intimida un poco y por otro tiene mucha curiosidad.
17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits? Eso aún tiene que descubrirlo.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type? Es Piscis, y le pega a medias.
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life? No es religiosa, aparte de que mucha gente usa la religión como excusa para ir en su contra así que no, gracias. Espiritual, más o menos.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it? Respetar a quien se lo merezca y hacer el bien siempre que sea posible. Cree en un mundo mejor.
4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent? Creencias diferentes, bien. Mientras no desprecien a nadie. Si no, puedes hacerla saltar pero bien.
5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them? Intenta conocer a todo el mundo antes de opinar. Pero hay idiotas a los que se les huele a dos kilómetros de distancia.
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt? Tiene una vida modesta y está cómoda así, aunque para algunas cosas que quiere sabe que necesitaría más dinero.
2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him? Nunca ha destacado y no le importa.
3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others? Vive en un apartamento con su padre, y ahora también con su madre. Se siente cómoda allí, aunque a veces el ambiente se pone raro y huye a casa de Suzie.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on? Ropa y chorradas electrónicas.
5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else? Es estudiante. Cogería un trabajo de fin de semana, pero su padre no quiere.
6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time? Le gusta la informática y hace de todo con ordenadores. Montarlos, programarlos, lo que se te ocurra. Le gusta leer (literatura y no ficción, sobre todo sobre la comunidad LGTB) e ir de compras.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods? Le gusta comer marranadas, básicamente, aunque come todo lo que le pone su padre, excepto las veces que se olvida. Alguna vez bebe un poquito, pero es un secreto.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:
1. Color? Blanco 2. Smell? Colonia fresca 3. Time of day? Atardecer 4. Season? Otoño 5. Book? Cualquiera de Sarah Waters 6. Music? Agnes Obel 7. Place? El río 8. Substance? Chocolate 9. Plant? Margaritas 10. Animal? Mariposa
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architectnews · 3 years
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais: Sabrab
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais Portugal, Dentist Facility, Portuguese Interior Architecture Photos
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais Building
20 Jun 2021
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais by Sabrab – Dental Clinic
Architects: Sabrab
Location: Cascais, Lisbon District, Portugal
Photos by Ivo Tavares Studio
English text – scroll down for Spanish + Portuguese texts:
The Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais project is developed in a building with three floors with about 1250m2 of construction area and parking in the basement.
The framing for the Serra de Sintra was one of the assumptions in the layout distribution allowing the waiting areas to also become spaces for visual contemplation.
The layout of the Clinic’s interior spaces started from the maximum use of natural light for the work areas, thus reducing the environmental footprint in the building.
The clinic has a set of dental specialties, separated by specific wings, in a total of eighteen offices, including a recovery room with a special setting for the Sintra mountains in a reserved area on the 1st floor of the building.
The building has a central area that allows the separation in different wings either on the 0 floor or on the 1 floor.
Thus, in the left wing of floor 0 there are concentrated areas for reception, service and waiting room, offices for patient managers, as well as health support facilities.
The right wing of the 0 floor was reserved for the children’s waiting room with access to the outside garden, Pediatric Dentistry area and emergency rooms with a total of six offices, four of which have interior glass facades allowing natural light to provide interior areas. of space with the same spatial quality as others that are in direct contact with the outside.
On the 1st floor, two more wings, with the left wing affecting more complex surgical specialties with five offices and the right wing with seven more offices. In the connection of the two wings, centrally in the space and overlooking the Serra de Sintra, the main waiting room of the Clinic and even sanitary facilities.
In addition to the eighteen offices, the Clinic also has a prosthesis laboratory to support the activity and a training room that occupies the entire 2nd floor of the building, also enjoying a wide view of the mountains.
With regard to the materiality of the space, the concept included the placement of glass panels in specific areas of the space, namely service areas and Pediatric Dentistry that allow the passage of natural light to almost the entire area of these wards of the Clinic.
A visual balance was sought with regard to materials and colors, which is why white and gray mark all space. We opted for the existence of only two flooring solutions, in the clinical areas, gray vinyl that characterizes the Clinic’s image in the last few years and a white floor with marbled gray tones in the remaining areas.
In the ceilings, in addition to the white areas that fill the space, there are others with gray painted concrete in the three clinical corridors and in the waiting rooms.
In the corridors all lighting is done with vertical LED lines on the walls, which gives these corridors a different scale from the rest of the clinic and the waiting rooms punctuated in the concrete ceilings with suspended lighting.
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais – Spanish
El proyecto se desarrolla en un edificio de tres pisos con aproximadamente 1250m2 de área de construcción y estacionamiento en el sótano.
El encuadre de la Serra de Sintra fue uno de los supuestos en la distribución del trazado permitiendo que las zonas de espera se convirtieran también en espacios de contemplación visual.
La distribución de los espacios interiores de la Clínica partió del máximo aprovechamiento de la luz natural para las áreas de trabajo, reduciendo así la huella ambiental en el edificio.
La clínica cuenta con un conjunto de especialidades dentales, separadas por alas específicas, en un total de dieciocho consultorios, incluida una sala de recuperación con un marco especial para las montañas de Sintra en un área reservada en el 1er piso del edificio.
El edificio cuenta con un área central que permite la separación en diferentes alas, ya sea en el piso 0 o en el piso 1.
Así, en el ala izquierda de la planta baja, se encuentran las áreas de recepción, servicio y espera, oficinas de atención de pacientes, así como instalaciones de apoyo a la salud.
El ala derecha del piso 0 se reservó para la sala de espera de los niños con acceso al jardín exterior, área de Odontopediatría y salas de emergencia con un total de seis consultorios, cuatro de los cuales tienen fachadas interiores de vidrio que permiten que la luz natural brinde las áreas interiores. de espacio con la misma calidad espacial que otros que están en contacto directo con el exterior.
En el 1er piso, dos alas más, con el ala izquierda afectando especialidades quirúrgicas más complejas con cinco consultorios y el ala derecha con siete consultorios más.
En la conexión de las dos alas, de forma centralizada en el espacio y con vistas a la Serra de Sintra, sala de espera principal de la Clínica y también instalaciones sanitarias.
Además de los dieciocho despachos, la Clínica también cuenta con un laboratorio de prótesis de apoyo a la actividad y una sala de formación que ocupa todo el 2º piso del edificio, disfrutando también de una amplia vista a la montaña.
En cuanto a la materialidad del espacio, el concepto incluyó la colocación de paneles de vidrio en áreas específicas del espacio, es decir, áreas de servicio y el área de Odontopediatría que permiten el paso de la luz natural a casi toda el área de estas salas de la Clínica.
Se buscó un equilibrio visual en cuanto a materiales y colores, por eso el blanco y el gris marcan todo el espacio. Optamos por la existencia de solo dos soluciones de pavimentos, en las áreas clínicas, el vinilo gris que caracteriza la imagen de la Clínica en los últimos años y un piso blanco con tonos grises jaspeados en el resto de áreas.
En los techos, además de las zonas blancas que llenan el espacio, existen otras con hormigón pintado de gris en los tres pasillos clínicos y en las salas de espera.
En los pasillos toda la iluminación se realiza con líneas verticales de LED en las paredes, lo que le da a estos pasillos una escala diferente al resto de la clínica y las salas de espera puntuadas en los techos de hormigón con iluminación suspendida.
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais – Portuguese
O projecto desenvolve-se num edifício com três pisos com cerca de 1250m2 de área de construção e ainda estacionamento em cave.
O enquadramento para a serra de Sintra foi um dos pressupostos na distribuição do layout permitindo que as áreas de espera se tornassem também em espaços de contemplação visual.
O layout dos espaços interiores da Clínica partiu do máximo aproveitamento de luz natural para as áreas de trabalho reduzindo assim a pegada ambiental no edifício.
A clínica apresenta um conjunto de especialidades dentárias, separadas por alas específicas, num total de dezoito gabinetes, incluído uma sala de recobro com um enquadramento particular para a serra de Sintra em área reservada do espaço no piso 1 do edifício.
O edifício apresenta uma área central que permite a separação em diferentes alas quer no piso 0, quer no piso 1.
Assim na ala esquerda do piso 0 estão concentradas as áreas de recepcção, atendimento e sala de espera, gabinetes de gestores de pacientes, assim como instalações sanitárias de apoio.
A ala direita do piso 0 foi reservada para a sala de espera infantil com acesso a jardim exterior, área de Odontopediatria e urgências com um total de seis gabinetes, dos quais quatro apresentam as fachadas interiores em vidro permitindo que a luz natural possa dotar áreas interiores do espaço com a mesma qualidade espacial de outras que se apresentam em contacto directo com o exterior.
No piso 1 mais duas alas, estando a ala esquerda afecta a especialidades cirúrgicas de maior complexidade com cinco gabinetes e ala direita com mais sete gabinetes.
Na ligação das duas alas, centralmente no espaço e com vista para a serra de Sintra, a sala de espera principal da Clínica e ainda instalações sanitárias. A Clínica para além dos dezoito gabinetes está ainda dotada de laboratório de próteses de apoio à actividade e ainda sala de formação ocupando esta todo o piso 2 do edifício, disfrutando também de uma vista ampla para a serra.
No que diz respeito à materialidade do espaço, o conceito passou pela colocação de painéis de vidro em áreas especificas do espaço, nomeadamente áreas de atendimento e área de Odontopediatria que permitem a passagem de luz natural para a quase totalidade da área destas alas da Clínica.
Pretendeu-se um equilíbrio visual no que diz respeito aos materiais e cores, razão pala qual o branco e o cinzento marcam todo espaço. Optou-se pela existência de apenas duas soluções de pavimentos, nas áreas clínicas vinil cinzento que carateriza a imagem da Clínica nos últimos a anos e um pavimento branco com marmoreado em tons de cinzento nas restantes áreas.
Nos tectos para além das áreas brancas que preenchem o espaço, surgem outras com betão aparente pintado de cinzento nos três corredores clínicos e nas salas de espera.
Nos corredores toda a iluminação é efectuada com linhas LED verticais nas paredes que confere a estes corredores uma escala distinta do resto da clínica e as salas de espera pontuadas nos tectos de betão com iluminação suspensa.
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais, Portugal – Building Information
Project Name: Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais Architecture Firm: Sabrab Website: www.Sabrab.com Contact e-mail: [email protected] Instagram: @sabrab_sa Firm Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Completion Year: 2020 Gross Built Area: 2000 sqm Project location: Cascais, Portugal
Lead Architects: [email protected] Lead Architects e-mail: [email protected]
Photo credits: Ivo Tavares Studio
Clinica Santa Madalena Cascais: Sabrab images / information received 190621
Location: Cascais, Portugal
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johnlharrisr-blog · 4 years
I have a food for thought question based on the following factors none has been capable of fully answering whether layman or clergy; and, that is ”what is the difference between the church of the Living God and humanity’s church? There is a distinct difference even as there is not so great a difference as believed between the fundamentals of Judaism and Christianity; if, the historical background were known.
The synoptic gospels are corroborated by the Epistles or letters of Paul based on the simple fact that Paul wrote his letters or Epistles during his lifetime while the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) along with the spiritual Gospel of John were written much later.
Some allege to have heard the voice of or from the Lord and can support that with visible facts (as can I) while others claiming something simply to be apart thereof whatever that may be; in other words to belong or be seen with positions, power and prestige, which is only beneficial in this life and then only temporarily. (Matthew 6:5; 23:5 & 1 Samuel 16:7)
Paul, a Jew, wrote to the Jews living in Rome:
"...Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren, that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. Nevertheless, brethren, I have written more boldly to you on some points, as reminding you, because of the grace given to me by God, that I might be a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Therefore I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God. For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient—in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation, but as it is written:
“To whom He was not announced, they shall see;
And those who have not heard shall understand.”..." (Romans 15:14–21 (NKJV))
The three (3) "..." Before and after implies these is something before and after but oftentimes the gospels and Paul's writing are taken out of context, why? The scrolls and codex we're not initially written in chapter and verse. Herein again 2 Timothy 2:15 is applicable.
It has be said in true consideration that "The apostle was persuaded that the Roman Christians were filled with a kind and affectionate spirit, as well as with knowledge. He had written to remind them of their duties and their dangers, because God had appointed him the minister of Christ to the Gentiles. Paul preached to them; but what made them sacrifices to God, was, their sanctification; not his work, but the work of the Holy Ghost: unholy things can never be pleasing to the holy God. The conversion of souls pertains unto God; therefore it is the matter of Paul’s glorying, not the things of the flesh. But though a great preacher, he could not make one soul obedient, further than the Spirit of God accompanied his labors. He principally sought the good of those that sat in darkness. Whatever good we do, it is Christ who does it by us."
But, what is a Christian or Christianity? Even the dictionary definition is wrong because Christian does not mean "relating to or professing Christianity or its teachings." Neither does Christianity mean "the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices." Being a Christian or Christianity is far more than simply a religion; to be a Christian or Christianity is a way of life as lead by and with the assistance of the indwelling Power of the Holy Spirit. Who helps differentiate between the three voices heard constantly. That is the voice of God through the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), the voice of the individual (Psalm 77:6) or the voice of Satan (Genesis 3:4). All three are constants nevertheless discernment is another matter (1 John 4:1-21).
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Tengo una pregunta para reflexionar basada en los siguientes factores, ninguno ha sido capaz de responder completamente, ya sea laico o clérigo; y esa es "¿cuál es la diferencia entre la iglesia del Dios vivo y la iglesia de la humanidad? Hay una diferencia clara, incluso cuando no hay una diferencia tan grande como la que se cree entre los fundamentos del judaísmo y el cristianismo; si, se conocieran los antecedentes históricos.
Los evangelios sinópticos son corroborados por las Epístolas o cartas de Pablo basadas en el simple hecho de que Pablo escribió sus cartas o Epístolas durante su vida, mientras que los evangelios sinópticos (Mateo, Marcos y Lucas) junto con el Evangelio espiritual de Juan fueron escritos mucho más tarde. .
Algunos alegan haber escuchado la voz de o del Señor y pueden apoyar eso con hechos visibles (como yo), mientras que otros afirman que algo simplemente está separado de lo que sea; en otras palabras, pertenecer o ser visto con posiciones, poder y prestigio, lo que solo es beneficioso en esta vida y luego solo temporalmente. (Mateo 6: 5; 23: 5 y 1 Samuel 16: 7)
Pablo, un judío, escribió a los judíos que vivían en Roma:
"... Ahora, yo mismo, confío en ustedes, mis hermanos, que ustedes también están llenos de bondad, llenos de todo conocimiento, capaces también de amonestarse unos a otros. Sin embargo, hermanos, les he escrito con más valentía en algunos puntos, como recordatorio, por la gracia que Dios me dio, para que yo pueda ser ministro de Jesucristo a los gentiles, ministrando el evangelio de Dios, para que la ofrenda de los gentiles sea aceptable, santificada por el Espíritu Santo. Tengo razones para glorificarme en Cristo Jesús en las cosas que pertenecen a Dios, porque no me atreveré a hablar de ninguna de las cosas que Cristo no ha logrado a través de mí, de palabra y obra, para hacer que los gentiles sean obedientes, en poderosos signos. y se pregunta, por el poder del Espíritu de Dios, de modo que desde Jerusalén y alrededor de Illyricum he predicado por completo el evangelio de Cristo. Y por eso he apuntado a predicar el evangelio, no donde Cristo fue nombrado, para que Debería construir sobre la base de otro hombre, pero como está escrito: "A quien no fue anunciado, verán; Y los que no han oído entenderán. ”..." (Romanos 15: 14–21 (NKJV))
Los tres (3) "..." Antes y después implican que esto es algo antes y después, pero a menudo los evangelios y los escritos de Pablo están fuera de contexto, ¿por qué? Los pergaminos y el códice no estamos escritos inicialmente en capítulos y versículos. Aquí de nuevo 2 Timoteo 2:15 es aplicable.
Se ha dicho con verdadera consideración que "el apóstol estaba persuadido de que los cristianos romanos estaban llenos de un espíritu amable y cariñoso, así como de conocimiento. Había escrito para recordarles sus deberes y sus peligros, porque Dios lo había designado". el ministro de Cristo a los gentiles. Pablo les predicó; pero lo que los hizo sacrificios a Dios fue su santificación; no su obra, sino la obra del Espíritu Santo: las cosas impías nunca pueden agradar al Dios santo. la conversión de las almas pertenece a Dios, por lo tanto, es cuestión de la gloria de Pablo, no de las cosas de la carne. Pero aunque era un gran predicador, no podía hacer que una sola alma fuera obediente, más allá de que el Espíritu de Dios acompañara sus labores. el bien de los que se sentaron en la oscuridad. Cualquier bien que hagamos, es Cristo quien lo hace por nosotros ".
Pero, ¿qué es un cristiano o cristianismo? Incluso la definición del diccionario es incorrecta porque cristiano no significa "relacionarse o profesar el cristianismo o sus enseñanzas". El cristianismo tampoco significa "la religión basada en la persona y las enseñanzas de Jesús de Nazaret, o sus creencias y prácticas". Ser cristiano o cristianismo es mucho más que una simple religión; ser cristiano o cristianismo es una forma de vida dirigida por y con la ayuda del Poder interno del Espíritu Santo. Quien ayuda a diferenciar entre las tres voces escuchadas constantemente. Esa es la voz de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo (Juan 14:26), la voz del individuo (Salmo 77: 6) o la voz de Satanás (Génesis 3: 4). Los tres son constantes, sin embargo, el discernimiento es otro asunto (1 Juan 4: 1-21).
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saf-unite · 5 years
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We drive down a road made of red clay with bumps, cracks and bus tracks. It is surrounded by tiny trees weighed down by bright peaches speckled pink and orange. The afternoon sun is hot, and the AC is on full blast as the car bounces down the path, hoping that another camp will be at the end of this winding journey…because in all honesty, all we can see is the clay and the sea of peach trees. After passing railroad tracks and making the decision between one red clay path or another, we start to see the tops of white, cinderblock buildings. They look out of place in the middle of a peach field lined with screened doors and work boots resting tiredly on the cement sidewalks that border each of the buildings. From here, we can hear the reggaeton and the cumbias blasting from the car with its windows rolled down sitting proudly in the middle of the make-shift parking lot.
We pass farmworkers with their ears to their phones, looking as if they tried hard enough, they could bring their loved ones to that very spot with enough ache in their heart from missing them. Others are scattered about the camp engaged in one thing or another—a barbecue, a conversation, a restful moment. Some are sitting in foldable chairs outside of their doors, resting their cracked hands and sun-scorched faces. Some are working away in the blazing kitchen air, preparing fresh meat and cutting up the very vegetables they may have been picking just a few hours prior. We park our car as if we belong there, stepping out with calm confidence and yet, as always, with some nerves about how we will be received. Immediately, we open with a smiley “Buenas tardes” and a “Cómo están?” We do not waste time as we introduce ourselves and explain our very purpose to be intruding on their little to no rest time—their time to shower, eat, and sleep before another heat-soaked day comes to pass. Usually the question follows, “Y ella habla español también?” And with a grin, I respond, “Sí, hablo español. Por eso, ten cuidado porque puedo entender todo!” That usually incites some laughter, and just like that, our adventure of meeting new farmworkers and getting to know another camp begins.
While this pattern of events has become our new normal, each English class looks a little different. My absolute favorite class went a little like this. Once we had arrived, we instantly recognized the students we had signed up for English classes an entire month before, and they remembered us! We were greeted with smiles, and upon reciting our purpose of providing free English classes, they went to work immediately, rounding up their friends, ensuring that they would be a part of our class. Within minutes, we created a classroom. This “classroom” consisted of three sticky pad papers covered in large, brightly colored English words pressed onto the outside of their kitchen wall…some were on windows, others on the rafters to ensure they would stay put. The desks consisted of a bench moved into the dirt in front of the large posters, foldable chairs and standing room like it was a concert. Boom—a classroom was created. Before we knew it, we had 20 farmworkers standing before us…by far, the largest class we had ever had! They all listened intently as we introduced ourselves and what we were there to do. Despite a little bit of nerves and hesitation to avoid embarrassment, they slowly but surely participated in our exercises, introducing themselves in a language that was not their first—a scary feeling as anyone who has ever learned a second language knows! It was inspiring to see them try in front of all their friends, practicing and learning together. We were there for an hour and half, talking, practicing, and answering questions. We left the camp that day having made a connection with those 20 farmworkers and feeling sure that at least some of the English phrases we covered stuck with them.
I have had many encouraging moments and many discouraging moments during this internship, but these classes and even the little conversations we have shared with farmworkers make every mile driven worth it. Each day has encouraged reflection on what we are doing, the reality of the farmworker experience, and what more can be done. I am looking forward to another half of the summer to grow even more as a advocate for farmworkers and to better understand how this summer fits into my future. So, here’s to more red clay roads, learning moments, encouraging discussions and making connections.
–  Madison Crow, 2019 SAF intern SC Migrant Education Program
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colaborativa · 4 years
Bitácora de Viaje
El último elemento que señale cuando me preguntaron ¿Cómo llegaste al punto donde estás hoy? La respuesta fue “Los viajes al extranjero que hice para participar como alumno en workshops”. Pues eso es justamente lo que trataré de resumir en estas líneas.
Nueva York parte 1
Corría el 1 de agosto de 2015, a mis 44 años aterrizo por primera vez en Nueva York (NYC). Llegué allá porque me inscribí en un workshop de Creatividad y Branding en la School of Visual Arts, destinado a alumnos, ex alumnos y profesores de Duoc UC. Comprenderán que junto con los profesores del workshop, yo era uno de los más viejos del curso, por tanto esto hizo que la aventura fuera más entretenida aún.
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Dos motivaciones me empujaron a tomar la decisión de tomar este workshop:
1.     Siempre quise conocer NYC y esta era una de las formas más baratas de hacerlo, dado los valores y facilidades de pago que nos entregaron ambas instituciones.
2.     Quería aprender, pero también validar mis prácticas como profesor, para ver si iba bien encaminado o no en mi metodología de hacer clases en áreas vinculadas al marketing y la comunicación.
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Pues bien, ambos objetivos se cumplieron muy por encima de mis expectativas, ya que NYC no solo es una ciudad increíble (para quienes gustan de lo urbano), sino que también desde mi punto de vista es la meca de la publicidad y el marketing. Las luces, los letreros, las tendencias, su gente, su forma de vida, sus espacios, su cultura, sus edificios, museos y toda la actividad que tiene la ciudad que nunca duerme. Tal como dice Jay-Z en su canción “Empire State of Mind” “En NY jungla de cemento donde se cumplen los sueños, no hay nada que no puedas hacer … estas calles te harán sentir como nuevo, las luces te inspirarán …..” . Que quieren que les diga, fue tal cual, me sentí como si siempre hubiera pertenecido a esa ciudad. Una aventura y aprendizaje increíbles, donde hice amigos, entre ellos a dos excelentes profesores Leslie Singer y Eric Baker, mi compañero de habitación Mario Alarcón, mi colega Marcelo Pérez y tantos otros buenos chicos y chicas que conocí en este increíble viaje.
Raya para la suma, durante las dos semanas que duró esta aventura pude cumplir ambos objetivos y se validaron las hipótesis que tenía. Un viaje inolvidable, inspirador y que me cambio la forma de ver la cosas en términos profesionales, pero también en términos personales y humanos, sin duda una experiencia que había que repetir.
I’ll Be Back
Así con esta frase que se despachó el T800 interpretado por Arnold Schwarzenegger en una estación de policía en la película Terminator es que en agosto 2016, con 45 años volví a NYC. Nuevamente a un workshop al School of Visual Arts a través de Duoc UC, esta vez me anote en un curso de fotografía, de manera de aprender cosas nuevas y no repetirme el plato del año anterior.
Esta vez fue más entretenido aún, porque pude aprovechar mejor el tiempo, conocer cosas que el año anterior no había visto y repetir experiencias anteriores memorables, como ver en una segunda oportunidad la obra “Fuerza Bruta” una pieza de artes escénicas voladora de cabeza.
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Lo interesante de los workshops es que cuando están bien diseñados y orientados a la creatividad te permite conocer la ciudad de otra forma, porque tienes que resolver cosas vinculándote con la ciudad y sus habitantes, lo que hace que no seas un turista visitando una capital mundial, sino involucrarte en su diario vivir.
En esta oportunidad también conocí gente extraordinario, como el profesor Marco Scozaro, mi compañero de pieza Harold Rodríguez, mis grupo de trabajo, con los cuales tuvimos que desarrollar una portada y una historia para una revista de moda, todo un desafío, lleno de mucha pega, nuevas ideas para trabajar y en un formato de trabajo real más que de aula de clases.
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Sin duda valió la pena repetir esta experiencia y ratificar la vibra que me generaba esta ciudad, la capacidad de inspirarme y de querer volver nuevamente, porque dos semanas que bajo ese ritmo se hacen nada.
Esta segunda experiencia fue muy enriquecedora también y me sumo nuevas habilidades para mi desarrollo profesional, como también nuevas redes y fortalecer otras ya existentes, pero me dejo a NYC grabado en mi corazón y cabeza.
La Puerta de Europa
Así le llamaba García Márquez a Barcelona, donde en julio del 2017 y con 46 años me apunte para otro Workshop gracias a Duoc UC. Esta vez a algo que venía leyendo hace un buen rato y que quería incorporar a mis procesos de trabajos creativos, el Design Thinking.
¿Qué es Design Thinking? Es poner a las personas primero, buscar resolver sus problemas, entender el aspecto emocional de las necesidades y problemas de las personas, es imaginar positivamente escenarios futuros, es pensar visualmente, experimentar para aprender, es fallar rápido, es convivir con la incertidumbre ….
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Todo lo aprendido en este workshop fue tremendamente provechoso y nuevo para mi, nuevamente fue una sacudida importante, un impulso y una nueva inspiración para evolucionar en mi vida profesional. Acá es donde consolidé el sentido de la colaboración, del trabajo en equipo, del entender al otro, de empatizar, del que todos somos distintos, pero con nuestros saberes y formas nos podemos potenciar.
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Si a todo lo anterior, le agregamos la magia y hermosura de Barcelona y todo lo entretenida que es la ciudad, se transforma en uno de los lugares ideales para vivir. Donde la ciudad, su gente, el clima y el mediterráneo de fondo, arman el lugar perfecto para crear. De hecho, una de las muchas cosas que descubrí en Barcelona es la cantidad de emprendimientos y startups que hay en el lugar, es un verdadero hub de emprendimiento, lo cual le da una energía muy especial a la ciudad, si además lo mezclas con su arte, su comida y su modo de vida. Sin duda un lugar para repetir y que también inspira una enormidad.
Es así cómo estos tres viajes que conectan el estudio, la inspiración y la creatividad, fueron construyendo quien soy y donde estoy hoy por hoy y siendo el motor para seguir buscando y aprendiendo. Los viajes son transformadores ¿ o no?
 Travel Log
The last item I pointed out when asked how did you get to the point where you are today? The answer was “The trips abroad that I made to participate as a student in workshops”. Well, that is exactly what I will try to summarize in these lines.
New York City part 1
I was running on August 1, 2015, at 44 years old I landed for the first time in New York (NYC). I got there because I signed up for a Creativity and Branding workshop at the School of Visual Arts, aimed at Duoc UC students, alumni, and teachers. You will understand that together with the workshop teachers, I was one of the oldest of the course, so this made the adventure even more entertaining.
Two motivations pushed me to decide to take this workshop:
1. I always wanted to know NYC and this was one of the cheapest ways to do it, given the values ​​and payment facilities that both institutions gave us.
2. I wanted to learn, but also to validate my practices as a teacher, to see if I was on the right track or not in my methodology of doing classes in areas related to marketing and communication.
Well, both objectives were met well above my expectations, since NYC is not only an incredible city (for those who like urban cities) but also from my point of view NYC is the mecca of advertising and marketing. The lights, the signs, the trends, its people, the way of life, its spaces, its culture, its buildings, museums and all the activity that the city that never sleeps has. As Jay-Z says in his song "Empire State of Mind" "In NY concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there is nothing you can’t do ... these streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you ... .. " What do you want me to tell you? it was as it was, I felt like I had always belonged to that city. An incredible adventure and learning, where I made friends, including two excellent teachers Leslie Singer and Eric Baker, my roommate Mario Alarcón, my colleague Marcelo Pérez and so many other good boys and girls that I met on this incredible trip.
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Striking for the sum, during the two weeks that this adventure lasted I was able to fulfill both objectives and the hypotheses that I had were validated. An unforgettable, inspiring trip that changed my way of seeing things in professional terms, but also in personal and human terms, without a doubt an experience that had to be repeated.
I’ll Be Back
So with this phrase that the T800 interpreted by Arnold Schwarzenegger was dispatched to a police station in the movie Terminator, it is that in August 2016, when I was 45, I returned to NYC. Again to a workshop at the School of Visual Arts through Duoc UC, this time I signed up for a photography course, to learn new things and not repeat the dish from the previous year.
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This time it was even more entertaining because I was able to take better advantage of the time, learn about things that I had not seen the previous year, and repeat memorable previous experiences, such as seeing the play "Fuerza Bruta" a great piece of performing arts in a second time.
The interesting thing about the workshops is that when they are well designed and oriented towards creativity, it allows you to get to know the city differently because you have to solve things by linking with the city and its citizens, which means that you are not a tourist visiting a world capital, but get involved in their daily living.
On this occasion, I also met extraordinary people, such as Professor Marco Scozaro, my roommate Harold Rodríguez, my workgroups, with whom we had to develop a cover and a story for a fashion magazine, quite a challenge, full of much paste, new ideas for work and in a real work format rather than the classroom.
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Without a doubt, it was worth repeating this experience and ratifying the vibe that this city generated in me, the ability to inspire myself and to want to return, because two weeks it’s too short time for NYC.
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This second experience was also very enriching and I added new skills for my professional development, as well as new networks and strengthening existing ones, but it left NYC engraved in my heart and head.
The Door of Europe
That's what García Márquez called Barcelona, ​​where in July 2017 and at 46 years old, i signed me up for another Workshop thanks to Duoc UC. This time to something that I had been reading for a long time and that I wanted to incorporate into my creative work processes, Design Thinking.
What is Design Thinking? It is putting people first, seeking to solve their problems, understanding the emotional aspect of people's needs and problems, it is positively imagining future scenarios, it is visual thinking, experimenting to learn, it is failing quickly, it is living with uncertainty….
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Everything learned in this workshop was tremendously profitable and new for me, again it was an important shake, an impulse, and a new inspiration to evolve in my professional life. This is where I consolidated the sense of collaboration, teamwork, understanding the other, empathizing, from which we are all different, but with our knowledge and ways we can empower ourselves.
If to all of the above, we add the magic and beauty of Barcelona and all the fun that the city is, it becomes one of the ideal places to live. Where the city, its people, the climate, and the Mediterranean in the background, create the perfect place to create. One of the many things I discovered in Barcelona is the number of startups there are, it is a true hub of entrepreneurship, which gives a very special energy to the city if you also mix it with its art, its food, and its way of life. A place to repeat and that also inspires a huge amount.
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This is how these three trips that connect study, inspiration, and creativity, were building who I am and where I am today and being the engine to continue searching and learning. Travel is transformative, isn't it?
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theblairfriends · 4 years
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Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy? Estatura media, ronda el 1,70 y pico. Más bien delgado pero fibroso.
2. How old is he? 37. Cumple 38 en noviembre.
3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch? Relajada, pero cuidada.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? Teniendo una profesión física como es actuar, tiene que estar en forma. El lado negativo es que el uso de la voz hace que la garganta sea su punto débil. Es alérgico a las picaduras de abeja.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid? Se mueve cómodamente y con fluidez. La expresión corporal es totalmente lo suyo.
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror? Atractivo de una forma poco convencional. Él no se ve mal.
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? Moreno, por su ascendencia iraní.
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style. Oscuro y espeso.
9. What color are his eyes? Marrón oscuro.
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features? Suele llevar barba.
11. What are his chief tension centers? Se tensa entero si está muy nervioso y tiene que moverse para desentumecerse.
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit? Casual siempre que la ocasión se lo permite. Usa traje si tiene que hacerlo y le quedan bien, pero no le gustan.
13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them? Es muy personal para esas cosas (y un poco presumido) así que si no le convence del todo, no lo lleva.
14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences? En su trabajo, se tiene que ceñir a lo que pida el personaje. A menos que se trate de hacer reuniones y demás.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? Boxers, aunque aprecia la libertad de forma ocasional, sobre todo cuando está en casa.
1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse? Grave, un poco nasal.
2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate? Con calma y facilidad para atraer la atención.
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? Ya casi lo ha perdido todo gracias a las clases de dicción, pero solía pronunciar algunas palabras con el acento persa de su padre.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency? Inglés y farsi. Son los dos idiomas que ha crecido escuchando en casa.
5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations? Habla farsi con su padre.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words? Es buen improvisador y sabe sacar conversación debajo de las piedras. No siempre es una ventaja, pensar antes de abrir la boca también tiene su punto.
7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change? Elocuente. Habla por los codos, a menos que algo lo deje sin palabras o que se sienta cortado por la situación.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart? Se le dan mejor la gente y el mundo exterior que los libros. De estudiante era de los que lo sacaba todo más o menos justo, aunque más por falta de interés que de capacidad. Luego es capaz de aprenderse el texto de una obra en pocos días.
2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate? Es impulsivo, lo cual, como hemos dicho antes, no es siempre una ventaja.
3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical? Intuitivo, pero no exactamente idealista. Tiene muchos proyectos y siempre piensa lo mejor de ellos, pero la vida le ha enseñado que hay que ser práctico porque los proyectos no se sostienen del aire.
4. What kind of education has the character had? Escuela pública en Nueva York y después arte dramático. Consiguió hacer un curso en Juilliard a base de darlo todo y trabajar muchos turnos dobles de camarero. En casa creció en un ambiente relativamente liberal, pero su padre siempre ha sido un tanto estricto con él.
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about? El teatro y la literatura.
6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovertido. Necesita expresarse y si está en una sala de espera con otra persona, siempre le sacará conversación.
7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven? Un poco intenso, tal vez. Ambicioso en cuanto a sus proyectos y apasionado en todo lo que hace, lo cual puede llevarle a tener cambios de humor en el sentido de que lo bueno es muy bueno y lo malo, muy malo.
8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic? Recibe encantado a todo el mundo, lo cual no implica necesariamente que confíe en ellos.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react? Actuar. El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta, o eso dicen.
10. Which is his default: fight or flight? Enfrentarse. Aunque luego, a menudo, se arrepienta.
11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks? Es sarcástico, pero realmente todo lo que sea echarse un buen rato, mientras sea con respeto, le viene bien.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them? No.
13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person? Cuando decidió que quería ser actor. Conocer a Maxie.
14. What does he fear? El fracaso, personal y profesional.
15. What are his hopes or aspirations? Poder vivir bien de su profesión y formar una familia.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him? Probablemente sus primeros trabajos, que dan vergüenza propia y ajena.
1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents. Buena. No es que se vean todos los días pero mantienen contacto a menudo y siempre le han apoyado, incluso en lo de dedicarse a algo tan inseguro como actuar, si es lo que él quería. Eso sí, le enseñaron que para todo en la vida había que trabajar y ganárselo.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like? Es hijo único.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand? Su familia paterna está en Irán, la materna no aceptaba precisamente el matrimonio de sus padres, así que... no.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them? Sus amigos de la compañía de teatro. Son muchos años juntos.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet? Julian, a quien conoció en el curso de verano de Juilliard y cofundador de la compañía. Es un desastre y una pésima influencia, pero se quieren mucho.
6. Does he have other close friends? Éric, uno de los mejores amigos de su mujer. Quizá porque es con quien ha tenido más contacto (hay poca distancia de Toronto a Nueva York) o porque es con quien mejor congenia de ellos.
7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people? Tiene muchos amigos, aunque íntimos lo cierto es que menos. De fiesta y buen rollo sobre todo, es un animal social.
8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends? La familia, contando a su mujer como tal, y sus padres. Los amigos más íntimos son casi familia también.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once? Casado, aunque han estado pendientes de un hilo.
10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse? Nunca se le habría ocurrido, ni siquiera en los peores momentos de la relación.
11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest? Su coprotagonista en la producción de Grease del instituto, que hacía de Rizzo, fue la primera. Su mujer, Max, es el último.
12. What does he look for in a romantic partner? Confianza, que le hagan reír, disfrutar de las mismas cosas. Diría que una mujer guapa, pero encontrar el atractivo de alguien que te gusta es fácil.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any? Con Max están intentando con todas sus fuerzas tener hijos. No está siendo fácil.
14. Does he have any rivals or enemies? Es estúpido sentirte intimidado por el ex de la adolescencia de tu mujer, pero no lo puede evitar (aunque no le dé motivos y quien más le juzgue no sea él, precisamente).
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale? Heterosexual.
16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him? Le gustan los placeres de la vida, así que sí, es importante para él. Es divertido, delicioso y te permite olvidarte de todo.
17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits? Es muy importante que la persona con la que está esté en el mismo plano que él, ir despacio, disfrutando de cada segundo. Nunca se metería en roleplaying, sería como estar trabajando.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type? Sagitario, bastante típico.
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life? Le criaron como musulmán, pero de una forma muy liviana (su padre estaba escapando de un país fundamentalista, de hecho) y la verdad es que a día de hoy no piensa mucho en ello.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it? Lo habitual de no joder a la gente y poco más.
4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent? Mientras sea desde el respeto, le parece bien todo. Pero una buena discusión dialéctica también le gusta.
5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them? Juzga a la gente rica y poderosa, ¿pero quién no lo hace?
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt? No vive con estrecheces, pero tampoco le sobra el dinero, ya que el suyo es un negocio muy cambiante y encima es autónomo. Pueden mantener una casa y una familia sin dificultades (y los tratamientos de fertilidad) gracias a que entran dos sueldos.
2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him? Creció en clase media, sin lujos. Ahora quizá esté un poco mejor, pero tampoco ha cambiado mucho.
3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others? Vivía en un apartamento en Nueva York con Max, su mujer, y sinceramente, pasaba poco tiempo en casa. Es de los que les gusta salir, aunque se sienta cómodo allí. Ahora están instalados temporalmente en otro apartamento más pequeño en Pasadena, pero pronto, sobre todo si aumenta la familia, tendrán que buscar otra cosa.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on? En ropa, en salir, viajar... no es muy de guardar para mañana aunque ha tenido que aprender a la fuerza.
5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else? Es actor / director / fundador de una compañía de teatro. Totalmente vocacional. No son muy famosos, aunque la crítica no les trata mal y venden entradas, así que razonablemente buenos, al menos.
6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time? Le gusta salir al aire libre y el cine.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods? Cuando está trabajando, suele comer fuera a menudo, es imposible volver a cenar a casa antes de la función. Bebe ocasionalmente y por lo demás tiene buena boca, hay pocas cosas que no le gusten.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:
1. Color? Verde 2. Smell? Tierra mojada 3. Time of day? Noche 4. Season? Verano 5. Book? Cualquier obra de Tennesee Williams 6. Music? Pop, rock, jazz... cualquier cosa, realmente. 7. Place? El mar y las grandes ciudades 8. Substance? Tabaco (pero que Max no lo sepa, lleva dejándolo intermitentemente cinco años) 9. Plant? Rosas 10. Animal? Mono.
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boysoverroses-blog · 5 years
Delirium (3)
The night of the gig fastly arrived. The boys made sure everything is set and ready. They had gathered every last bit of information about the girls and had gone through it. They had gone over the plan at least a dozen times. The security guards had orders not to let anyone who's working to leave the building. 
The club was full. People with fancy dresses and expensive suits were filling the space. Chatter, low music and glass clinking were echoing in the big room.
The first step of their plan was to blend in. The men fitted in with their limited edition suits. Golden watches and pricey neckties were serving as their accessories. All nine of them had lavish hairstyles and fancy formal shoes. They looked like rich men who were bored with their lives and came to have some fun.
Extendidos, necesitamos encontrarlos,” (Spread out, we need to find them) Junmyeon instructed. They nodded and walked in different directions. The club was crowded, which meant that spotting the females would take some time.
After ten minutes or so two of the girls were spotted near the poker tables. Each one of them was dealing cards at a different table. Both Minseok and Jongin took a seat at those tables.
"Dos abajo." (Two down)
Not long after that, they saw two more girls on the dance floor. Yixing and Jongdae made their way towards them. The girls were dancing with each other which made the boys look around uncomfortable. Dancing together was not in the plan. Swallowing their pride, they started to move their bodies slowly to the rhythm. Both of them were preparing for all the mocking they were going to receive later.
"Cruzar dos más de la lista." (Cross two more from the list.)
"Encontramos dos más," (We found two more.) Baekhyun said as he and Kyungsoo made their way to the side, their eyes never leaving the two girls dressed as waitresses.
"Eso significa que todos los nueve están presentes. Tenemos visual en las otras tres chicas." (That means that all nine are present. We have visual on the other three girls.)Chanyeol said as he looked at the two girls behind the bar.
"Está bien, vamos a movernos." (Okay, let's move.) Kyungsoo signaled.
Back at the poker tables, the guys joined the game. To anyone else, it wouldn't seem suspicious, but to the girls it did. The way they sat and glanced at each other's' way from time to time was enough to tell the girls that something was wrong.
"Я думаю у нас проблема." (I think we have a problem.) Yong Sang whispered not giving away her worries.
Jongin looked from his cards and let his eyes to roam the crowd. "Hazlo." (Do it.) His posture was calm as he looked at the girl, waiting for her reaction. A second later she winced and reached towards her ear, removing the earpiece. The look on her face was all he needed to know that the next step of the plan was executed. the signal jammer worked.
"¿Pueden comunicarse entre sí?" (Can they communicate with each other?) Junmyeon asked after he saw the look of confusion on the girls' faces.
"No, no pueden. La conexión se termina."  (No, they can't. The connection is terminated.) Jongdae replied.
"Esto se está poniendo divertido" (This is getting fun) Jongin smirked.
The girls did not remove their earpieces in hopes they would work again but as of now they could no longer use them. They knew something was wrong. Everyone stayed where they were. They didn't want to blow the mission, so they continued with the assigned roles.
Je Ki looked around her table while dealing another set of cards. There was one person who caught her eye. She leaned forward to hand him his cards and to get a better look at him. He looked familiar.
“Thank you.” he smiled and her eyes widened. It was the guy from the other night who ordered the blue martini.
"Ellos saben que estamos aquí," (They know we are here) Jongin whispered as he saw the look on Je Ki's face. The second Yong Sang saw Jongin murmuring, she stood up and motioned for someone else to take her place. Je Ki did the same and made her way towards the back, where  Rae Jae is supposed to be.
"Ellos están en movimiento." (They are moving) Minseok informed the group.
"No los pierdas. Ellos no saben cómo nos vemos."  (Do not lose them. They do not know how we look.) Baekhyun instructs.
"No te preocupes" (Don't worry.) Sehun reassured.
From the back, Rae Jae could see Je Ki and Yong Sang leaving their positions and making their way through the crowd. The only problem was that two guys were following them. She knew something was wrong the minute the communicators died and had a feeling those guys were responsible.
"Мы должны двигаться. Кто-то здесь для нас." (We have to move. Someone is here for us.) Soo Mi said to Sang Hee.
"Что они хотят от нас?" (What do they want from us?) Sang Hee questioned worriedly.
"Я не знаю, и я не хочу, чтобы это выяснить." (I don't know and I don't want to find out.) Soo Mi responded. With that Sang Hee stopped dancing and made her way towards the bar. She sat on a stool and ordered a drink. A minute later the seat next to her was taken by Yixing.  
Yixing kept his attention on Sang Hee, who was now dancing alone. He decided to keep her company, so he went up to her and started to move his body in rhythm with hers. He tried to make small talk but Sang Hee was not having it. She was thinking of ways to get out of there. Her hand went over his and tried to remove it from her hip but he only tightened his hold on her.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” He said against her ear in a quiet tone. She understood that he wasn't going to let her go anytime soon. Her eyes darted to his and glared him. "I just want to talk. Don't make it worse for yourself." His voice was soft and the opposite of his grip on your hips. She looked around the room and saw other men trailing after her friends like shadows. She realised that the chances of them getting out without making a scene are none. Her eyes locked with the floor. That was all Yixing needed and he nudged the girl to start moving.
“Yo tengo uno.” (I have one.) Yixing informed the others.
Jongdae felt Soo Mi tensing as she saw her friend leaving the dance floor with some guy. He took out his pocket knife and pointed it to her stomach. "Don't do anything stupid. Come with me."   
“You don't strike me as a professional criminal” She hissed his way.
“That's what makes me so good.” His smirk sent shivers down her spine.
“You'll stay with me until we go, alright?” He continued but when he got no response he pressed the knife a little harder. She nodded.
“Es necesario para amenazarla?” (Is it necessary to threaten her?) Junmyeon sighed shaking his head as he watched from his table. Jongdae’s only reply was a smile towards Soo Mi.
"Yo también tengo uno." (I have one, too.) Jongdae said quietly.
Ji Mi and Hyun Jin were manoeuvring between tables doing their jobs as waitresses. The coms were dead and they had no connection with the other girls. As Hyun Jin was cleaning a table, Sang Hee walked past her followed by some guy. She put two and two together and tried to catch Ji Mi's eyes. When they made eye contact she pointed towards Sang Hee and the other girl immediately knew what the problem is. They both took their serving trays and placed them at an empty table in the back. Without another glance, they took off towards different exits.
Hyun Jin found an exit. A security guard stood there surveying the floor. She showed him her badge but before she could make a step forward the guard put his hand up and spoke, “Employees can't leave the club until the end of the night.” With that, a huff left her lips and her body turned around. She spotted Ji Mi standing on the side, looking at someone. All of a sudden she started walking and that scared her, so she made her way through the crowd and in the direction of a hallway by the bar. When she looked to where she saw Ji Mi walked, she saw a guy behind her.  But she had no time to react as she felt a hand around her waist.
“I advise you to not make a noise.” The guy behind her murmured in her ear as he leads her towards the back door.
“¿Tenemos todos ellos?” (Do we have all of them?) Jongdae asked.
“No,” Sehun answered.
"Hay tres más." (There are three more.) Chanyeol spoke as he watched Sang-Soo, serving a customer. "Dos de ellos están detrás de la barra. El otro está en algún lugar en la espalda." (Two of them are behind the bar. The other is somewhere in the back.)
Junmyeon made his way to the back. He saw the girl and informed the others.
“Yong Sang y Je Ki están con nosotros.” (Yong Sang and Je Ki are with us.) Jongin’s voice confirmed.
“Danos un minuto y te acompañaremos en la parte posterior.” (Give us a minute and we'll accompany you in the back.) Chanyeol said and with that, made his way to the bar.
“What would you like to drink?” Sang-Soo asked the red-head.
“Spirytus Rektyfikowany” he ordered. Sang-Soo knew that the man before her was someone bad because that cocktail was a code for "you don't belong here".  
“Not bad,” she mused, raising an eyebrow as she moved to get his drink done. She passed Hyo Gun, who was feigning interest in the blonde guy in front of her.
"Он с синим парнем мартини." (He's with the blue martini guy.) Sang-Soo whispered in Hyo Gun’s ear while going to the fridge.  
She poured the drink and give it to the guy. “Enjoy the kiss of death” he smirked at her comment. She leaned back and surveyed the scene beyond the bar, she could no longer see any of the girls in their posts. A minute or so after that, their shift was over. Once they were out from behind the bar, the two men latched themselves to their side, escorting the girls to the back alley. Once they were outside they saw that everyone was there.
"What do you guys want?" Hyo Gun asked while she was escorted to a spacious van alongside the other girls.
“We need you to help us transfer a deal,” Junmyeon stated. Soon automobile was full and the engine started. Not long after that, they arrived at their destination.  When the door to the van opened and the girls started filling out Sang-Soo finally broke free and started throwing punches at Chanyeol. Ji Mi didn't waste time to do the same, which kick-started the others to start their escape plans.
“You know you're not very effective kidnappers if you let the victims see where they're going,” Soo Mi pointed out as she tried to kick Jongdae away.
“You know, when I said ‘any means necessary,’ I thought that we were going to stick to our no abduction policy” Wonbin’s voice halted the girl’s attack.
“ WONBIN!!???” the girls shouted, to which he winced.
“God, have some respect! Some people are nursing a hangover.” he scolded as he rubbed his temple.
“Oh, you're going to suffer a lot more than that.” Sang-Soo’s threat fell deaf to his ears as Chanyeol held her back from kicking his ass. She winced as he pressed against a bruise that has not yet healed from the last time she successfully won a fight.
“Shit sorry.” Chanyeol apologized.
“Let's go inside and get icepacks” Jongin suggested while rubbing his cheek which made Yong Sang grin because she was responsible for his pain. They made their way inside the house and everyone found a place to sit.
“So, there are important people coming from China and are going to our rival's club. We want to get in, so we want to hire you to...distract the opposing side.” Yixing started, seeing no use in waiting.
“They're called Neo-Tech,” Junmyeon added.
“Why don't you just send someone else?” Nat responded rolling her eyes.
“We have to go meet with the suppliers ourselves because...” Sehun started but was cut off.
“They need you to sneak into the club and talk to Junmyeon’s best friend from China,” Daehyun announced as he walked into the room. Everyone's heads turned to the boy, Ji Mi's eyes widening.  Jongdae noticed that and signalled Kyungsoo to restrain her, just in case she decided to kill all of them.
“Before you kill me, know that this was not my idea, it was his” he pointed at Minseok, who then rolled his eyes at the accusation.
“And technically it was her fault,” Minseok pointed at Sang-Soo who was looking at both Wonbin and Daehyun like they’re traitors.
“You just had to fight, couldn't let the security to handle it,” Hyun-Jin said huffing. Sang-Soo growled and crossed her arms.
“All right! this is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea.” Ji Mi paused, letting out a breath, “We’ll help you.”The girl's heads snapped towards her. Before she looked straight at them, “We depended on Delirium to give us the money we need to repair the damages that happened in Alyiun. We still need the money.” she explained, before looking at Junmyeon and adding “Let's do it and see what happens” Sang-Soo groaned.
“I hate this, I hate you” she turned to Daehyun.
“What did I do?” he sounded offended.
“You always do something stupid."
“Are you sure you're not talking about Wonbin?” he replied.
“Hey!” the other boy whined.
“So do we have a deal?” Junmyeon cut in.
“Yes, but you'll have to give us money and pay for the collateral damage whenever Sang-Soo is around” Ji Mi responded. Junmyeon shook her hand to seal the deal. Once Chanyeol released the previously talked about girl, she quickly kicked him the gut and turned to Wonbin to punch his nose.  Both men groaned, causing her to smile cheerfully.
“Can we go home now?” Soo-Mi asked rubbing her wrists.
“About that… we have to train you, so you’ll have to stay here until the mission is over,” Jongdae said.
“We already had your things moved here.” Sehun continued.
“Make yourself at home for the next few months,” Chanyeol added.
Sang-Soo groaned out loud and turned to punch Chanyeol but he was ready and caught her fist.
“You’re going to stop doing that,” he told her, as she struggled in his grip.  
“Lord, give me patience or an untraceable gun.” Rae-Jae murmured before heading out of the room.
0 notes
casaabyayala · 5 years
Cortar y dejar / Chop and Drop
Wow, pasamos mucho tiempo macheteando por aquí. Dando los “cortes de pelo” a los voluntarios que llenan cada centímetro de tierra (y mucho del concreto también) puede ser un trabajo de tiempo completo. También se puede frustrar a uno, viendo que el resultado de tanto sudor (y en mi caso dolor de espalda), tan bonito en el momento que se hizo, desaparece casi completamente dentro de unos pocos días.
Wow we spend a lot of time using machetes around here. Giving the volunteer plants that fill every inch of available soil (and a fair amount of the concrete too) “haircuts” could be a full time job. And it can be frustrating, because the result of so much sweat (and back pain, in my case), which is so satisfying in the moment disappears almost completely in just a couple of days during the rainy season.
Si fuera nada más para la estética tal vez la frustración le ganaría a nuestra motivación, pero cortar (sin arrancar) los voluntarios regularmente también es una manera de alimentar el suelo y aumentar el humus, lo cual prepara el terreno para siembras futuras. El “chop and drop”, o cortar y dejar, es una técnica fundamental de permacultura, y es particularmente importante en los trópicos donde la gran parte de la fertilidad reside no en la tierra sino en las plantas que no se detienen de crecer durante un descanso de 3-4 meses cada año como existe en climas templados. Cortar y dejar ayuda devolver algo de esa fertilidad al suelo sin dejarlo desnudo y sin raíces, lo cual le quitaría vida y daría al traste con la meta. Dejamos que los voluntarios prosperen (con los cortes regulares) hasta el momento en que vamos a sembrar el espacio con algo más—la naturaleza odia las tierras desnudas.
If we did it only for aesthetics I think the frustration would win out over our motivation, frankly, but regularly cutting (without pulling up) volunteers is also a great way to feed and build up the soil in preparation for future plantings. Ye olde “chop and drop” of permaculture fame is particularly important in the tropics where most of the available fertility resides not in the soil but in the plants which don’t stop growing for a 3-4 month winter break every year like they do in temperate climates. Chopping and dropping helps return some of that fertility to the soil in a way that happens naturally where there’s winter, here not so much, but without leaving the soil bare and without living root structures, which would starve the microbiota that depend on those roots, impoverish the soil and defeat the purpose. We allow volunteers to flourish (with regular haircuts) until the day we’re going to plant something else in their place—nature abhors bare soil.
Parentéticamente, en muchos casos se usan una siembra de cobertura, o sea, se siembra una planta o una mezcla de plantas que pueden beneficiar al suelo con el fin de cortarlas y dejarlas como mulch en preparación de una siembra de hortalizas o algo. Yo había llegado hasta a revisar varias mezclas de semillas para una siembra de cobertura que se venden cuando me di cuenta de que lo que ya tenemos de voluntarios es más o menos una variación local de exactamente lo que contienen esos paquetes de semillas. La diferencias son que 1) los voluntarios son gratuitos 2) los voluntarios se siembran solos 3) los voluntarios son indígenas al sitio y así ya bien adaptados a ello. Tuve que reírme un poco a la estupidez de pensar que hay que reemplazar con mucho esfuerzo mío lo que la naturaleza ya está haciendo y mucho mejor de lo que lo podría hacer yo. Hablemos del contrario de los principios de permacultura!
Parenthetically, people often use a cover crop of one or several beneficial plants to prepare soil for planting veggies or whatever. I’d actually come to the point of investigating possible cover crop seed mixes I could buy when I realized that the volunteers we have are more or less a local variation of what those seed mixes might contain. The differences are that 1) volunteers are free 2) volunteers are volunteers, as in, they plant themselves 3) volunteers are indigenous to this place and therefore are pretty much guaranteed to do well here and 4) volunteers are free—did I already say that? I had to laugh at the stupidity of thinking that I might, with quite a bit of my own effort, replace what nature was doing on her own and way better than I could hope to do it. Talk about the exact opposite of permaculture principles. At least I caught it in time.
Y por cierto con pocas excepciones nuestros voluntarios son un grupo amigable, con unas flores muy bonitas, siempre vivo con millones de polinizadores y mariposas de todo tipo. De hecho me da cosa cortarlos mientras las abejas y los demás abundan tanto pero me consuelo con el hecho de que jamás pudiera tener cortado ni siquiera la mitad de los voluntarios a la vez mucho menos todos, así que, no importa cuánto corte yo, siempre habrá bastante florecitas salvajes en alguna parte para todos los que se aprovechan de ellas.
With few exceptions our volunteers are a pleasant bunch, with some really pretty flowers, always absolutely teeming with butterflies and pollinators of every stripe. I actually always feel bad cutting them back while the pollinators are chowing down, but I console myself with the fact that we couldn’t have even half, much less all, of the volunteers on our property cut back at any given time, so no matter how much we cut there are always plenty of wild flowers nearby for those who want them.
Ya estamos saliendo de la época de lluvias. Eso quiere decir que los voluntarios no crecen de nuevo tan rápido y los cortes serán de menos frecuencia. También significa que tendremos que irrigar el conuco, y árboles que sembramos durante las lluvias que no están listos para aguantar la sequía sin ayuda. Así que el machete se cambia por una manguera y tobos de agua. Lo bueno de la sequía es la reducción de hongos que atacan las siembras. Ya tenemos unos tomates y berenjenas que no están sufriendo como los primeros que sembramos durante las lluvias—dedos cruzados por unas buenas cosechas!
We’re now coming to the end of the rainy season. That means that the volunteers don’t grow as fast and we’ll be doing haircuts much less frequently for a few months. It also means that we’ll have to be irrigating the garden and the trees we planted out during the rains which aren’t ready to survive a dry season without some help. So we trade the machetes for the hose and buckets of water. The good thing about the dry season is that fungal pressures diminish quite a bit. We already have tomatoes, eggplants and ajís that are much healthier than the first of those planted during the rains—fingers crossed for some good harvests to come!
Unas fotos de hoy: / Some pics from today:
Cómo me encanta un buen tomate! Este es el primero que cosechamos de la variedad Malakhitovaya Shkatulka, lo cual es ruso por caja de malaquita. Es tan delicioso como es hermoso! Y se madura verde así que los pájaros no lo atacan.
I so love a good tomato. This is the first Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (Russian for malachite box) we harvested and it’s as delicious as it is gorgeous. And it matures green so the birds don’t go after it.
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El mango Venus por fin se ve sano y tiene nuevas hojas bonitas. Puedes ver las viejas con todo tipo de aflicción, así estuvo durante todo su tiempo en bolsa, y luego de ser sembrado en el suelo su primer brote de nuevas hojas fue comido en cuestión de minutos por hormigas cortadoras! Pensé que el pobre se me iba a desmayar pero surgió una vez más (esta vez protegido por Tanglefoot, un pegamento que bloquea las hormigas) y ya está bello.
Our Venus mango, finally looking happy and healthy. You can see the old leaves with every possible affliction, the plant looked like that the whole time it was in a bag. When we planted it out, its first flush of new growth was eaten within minutes by cutter ants. I thought it might give up the ghost but, now protected by Tanglefoot, it flushed again and now look how lovely it is!
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Aquí se ve los voluntarios como crecen antes de un corte, en la primera alrededor de varios mangos esperando ser injertado algún día. La segunda desde cerca una mezcla de los voluntarios nuestra “siembra de cobertura”. La tercera es un voluntario no tan amable-ves esas espinas? No son de broma. Y la cuarta es una flor favorita mía, no la corto si lo puedo evitar.
Here some views of our volunteer cover crop. First getting pretty tall, in this case around several rootstock mangos awaiting grafts. Then a closer look at some of the mix that grows here. Then, one of the not so friendly volunteers - those thorns are no joke. Finally one of my favorite flowers - love that color. I try not to cut those if I can help it.
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Este brócoli es una maravilla. No da una sola cabeza sino muchas cabecitas pequeñas, puedes cosechar por mucho tiempo y no se pone amargo en el calor! Además las hojas son deliciosas también. Y si eso fuera poco, sus flores son espectaculares y a los polinizadores les encantan-valdría la pena sembrarlo en un jardín solo por las flores. Espero para cosechar las semillas y sembrar mucho más.
This broccoli is amazing. Instead of one head it makes tons of small florets you can harvest over and over, the leaves are also delish, and it doesn’t turn bitter in the heat! It’s called Piracicaba and it’s available from Open Circle Seeds in California. These are the spectacular flowers which are always teeming with pollinators. I’d grow it just for the flowers even if I didn’t eat it! Waiting impatiently to harvest the seeds and plant a ton of it.
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Calabacín/auyama Rampicante. Se puede comer tierno como calabacín o maduro como auyama.
Rampicante squash. You can eat it green like summer squash or mature like winter squash. Supposed to be super productive.
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0 notes
keinart · 5 years
New language and bugs being obliterated
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The first big news is Russian translation confirmed. The demo will release with it (it's already translated!) and the main game will most likely come too with it although later than the main game.
Then, remember that entry about bugs I did a while ago? Now it's time to payback about what's done and more: clicking functionality for units has not only been fixed but improved, there's new hotkeys added too with a new system about how to move units through the map or select options of the menu that is REALLY NICE and fast.
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You will be able to play with your controller too which needed to include a new system to the order of how the different commands are introduced but all that is done.
Improved visibility of units movement (and removed the enemies ones), fixed and improved one bazillion AI issues, the special attack functionality has been completed, new screens for all the menus like pause, game over, winning, turn counter, and its connection with the VN. Now you can even save in the middle of battle and leave if needed which is really important and I kinda forgot about it huh...
The localization functionality has also been finished fully for the battle system, but I still have to translate it and proofread it. Since we have the game in four languages it is a bit hard to get it all well done so Japanese and Russian may take a bit longer (won't delay it release for it though).
Meaning that the battle system is practically fully finished. I'll try to use this week for a final testing and then release first builds. I'm afraid that no matter how much I try to clean it and improve it there's always more and more bugs though. Welcome to game dev.
But that's not all!
I've been improving and fixing also all the issues with with the VN programming. Mainly focusing on how it works together with the battle system. Jumping from one to another and other million things. Here's a quick list:
Title menu now has some... secrets. Only for the main game, you will see it when it comes out.
Added a crossfade functionality so during cool scenes the music adapts to the context crossfading between different versions of the same song. This translates as really cool transitions that you won't even notice.
When the narrator speaks the color of the text changes. This is a really small thing but it improves so much the reading actually.
New functionalities for different fonts and formatting for different languages and displays. Quite important actually even if it looks minor. You may also input your own text ingame... where or how? Who knows!
Finished the saving functionalities. Auto-save, saving during battle as I mentioned before, 99 normal slots for those of you who want to save every 20 seconds, and it shows what was the last save data you used.
Added all the functionalities for the settings menu: screen display, skip text, language, to stop the skip text when selection comes or not, transparency of the windows, auto-read speed and text speed, volume bars for master sound, sound, and bgm. Also an option for reset it all (except language) and a cool menu to show all the controls of the game that adapts depending if you are using keyboard or controller. Missing anything? Let me know.
Added all the Diary menus functionalities. It will add entries as you play the game and it includes all the info of Cinque memories as she remembers them or make new ones.
Added an extras menu called Museum with all its functionalities: you will see all the CGs you unlock as you play, replay certain scenes, play the music of the game, and a dev room of sorts.
And all of this adding hotkeys and controller functionalities too so you can play from your bed while eating doritos. The only correct way to play visual novels.
That's a lot of stuff right? That's not all! Scripting is now at 39 out of 50 scenes done, the english translation of the introductory chapters is finished (editing in process) and Japanese translation of it is around 30% done while Russian is 10% more or less.
Thanks to everyone for waiting but trying to get the best out there. I have hellish work week this time around again but there's not much left. Until next update!
Las noticias más importantes de la semana es la traducción al ruso confirmada. La demo saldrá con dicha traducción de base (que ya está hecho) y el juego principal también aunque probablemente con cierto retraso.
¿Os acordáis además de aquella entrada que hice sobre bugs del juego hace un tiempo? Ahora toca el turno de ir tachando cosas de la lista e incluso cosas que se salen de ella.
Para empezar todos los problemas al seleccionar unidades están solucionados y mejorados, incluyendo también nuevas teclas para acceder a ellos y mover unidades por el mapa mejor que nunca y más rápido.
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Ahora puedes jugar con un mando también lo que conllevaba añadir un nuevo sistema respecto al orden en el que puedes introducir las acciones.
Se ha mejorado la visibilidad del movimiento de las unidades (y se ha quitado las de los enemigos que eran un poco spoiler), arreglado y mejorado problemas con la IA, la funcionalidad del ataque especial está completada al fin, nuevas pantallas para todos los menús de combate como la pausa, el fin de la partida, ganar, la transición entre turnos, y toda la conexión con la parte de la NV. Ahora puedes también guardar en mitad de un combate si quieres que es algo bastante importante y me había olvidado eh...
La funcionalidad de localización está implementada también dentro del sistema de combate, pero tengo que hacer las traducciones y su edición. Esto puede llevar un tiempo ya que tenemos tantos idiomas por lo que japonés y ruso igual se retrasan un poco pero no debería afectar al resto.
Todo esto significa que el sistema de combate está acabado del todo casi. Esta semana la utilizaré para hacer algo más de testeo y limpiarlo antes de sacar las primeras versiones. Siempre temo que da igual cuánto trabajo siempre quedan más bugs y trabajo pero bueno. Es lo que tiene.
¡Pero ahí no se acaba la cosa!
He estado mejorando también toda clase de cosas con la programación de la novela visual. Principalmente respecto a cómo funcionan los dos sistemas juntos, el de novela visual y el combate. Saltar entre uno y otro entre otras cosas. Aquí hay una lista rápida:
El menú principal trae ciertos... secretos. Solo en el juego principal, ya lo veréis cuando llegue el momento.
Añadida una funcionalidad de crossfade de la banda sonora. Básicamente hace transiciones mucho más suaves entre canciones en ciertas escenas dando el efecto de que las canciones se adaptan al texto sin que ni te des cuenta.
Cuando el narrador habla el color de su texto se adapta. Esto es una chorradita pero mejora mucho la lectura en realidad. Ahora ando probando colores...
Nuevas funcionalidades respecto a las fuentes y el formato de los diferentes idiomas. Bastante importante por muy menor que parezca. Ahora puedes incluso introducir tu propio texto en el juego... ¿aunque cuándo y cómo se usa eso? Quién sabe.
Todas las funcionalidades de guardar la partida acabadas. Auto-guardado, guardar durante batallas como he mencionado antes, 99 casillas para grabar para esos que quieren grabar cada 20 segundos, y también muestra la última casilla en la que guardaste.
Añadidas todas las funcionalidades del menú de configuración: tipo de pantalla, saltar texto, idiomas, parar el salto de texto tras decisiones, cambiar la transparencia de la ventana, la velocidad de la lectura automática y la del texto, barras de volumen principales, de sonido y de música. Incluso una opción para resetear todas esas opciones (excepto por idioma) y un menú molón para mostrar todos los controles del juego que se adapta a si estás usando teclado o un mando. ¿Falta algo? Házmelo saber que todavía estamos a tiempo.
Añadido todas las funcionalidades del Diario. Este menú añade entradas nuevas mientras juegas incluyendo todas las memorias de Cinque tal como las recuerde o añade nuevas.
Añadido un menú de extras llamado el Museo que te permite ver las diferentes ilustraciones únicas del juego, ver de nuevo algunas escenas importantes, escuchas música, y una pequeña sala del desarrollador con otros detalles.
Y todo esto funciona con sus respectivos accesos rápidos y con un mando también para que puedas jugar desde la cama mientras te hinchas a doritos. La única forma correcta de jugar a novelas visuales.
¿Son muchas cosas no? ¡Pues sigue sin ser todo!
El scripting ya va en 39 de 50 escenas, la traducción al inglés de los capítulos de introducción están acabados (ahora se están editando) y la traducción de los mismos al japonés está al 30% mientras que el ruso al 10% más o menos.
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra paciencia, estoy intentando sacar el producto lo más depurado posible. Esta semana vuelvo a tener una cantidad de trabajo abrumadora pero ya no queda mucho. Hasta la próxima.
0 notes
messagetovoyager · 7 years
Desde este lejano punto de vista, la Tierra puede no parecer muy interesante. Pero para nosotros es diferente. Considera de nuevo ese punto. Eso es aquí. Eso es nuestra casa. Eso somos nosotros. Todas las personas que has amado, conocido, de las que alguna vez oíste hablar, todos los seres humanos que han existido, han vivido en él. La suma de todas nuestras alegrías y sufrimientos, miles de ideologías, doctrinas económicas y religiones seguras de sí mismas, cada cazador y recolector, cada héroe y cobarde, cada creador y destructor de civilizaciones, cada rey y campesino, cada joven pareja enamorada, cada madre y padre, cada niño esperanzado, cada inventor y explorador, cada profesor de moral, cada político corrupto, cada “superestrella”, cada “líder supremo”, cada santo y pecador en la historia de nuestra especie ha vivido ahí —en una mota de polvo suspendida en un rayo de sol.
La Tierra es un escenario muy pequeño en la vasta arena cósmica. Piensa en los ríos de sangre vertida por todos esos generales y emperadores, para que, en gloria y triunfo, pudieran convertirse en amos momentáneos de una fracción de un punto. Piensa en las interminables crueldades cometidas por los habitantes de una esquina de este píxel sobre los apenas distinguibles habitantes de alguna otra esquina. Cuán frecuentes sus malentendidos, cuán ávidos están de matarse los unos a los otros, cómo de fervientes son sus odios. Nuestras posturas, nuestra importancia imaginaria, la ilusión de que ocupamos una posición privilegiada en el Universo... Todo eso es desafiado por este punto de luz pálida. Nuestro planeta es un solitario grano en la gran y envolvente penumbra cósmica. En nuestra oscuridad —en toda esta vastedad—, no hay ni un indicio de que vaya a llegar ayuda desde algún otro lugar para salvarnos de nosotros mismos.
La Tierra es el único mundo conocido hasta ahora que alberga vida. No hay ningún otro lugar, al menos en el futuro próximo, al cual nuestra especie pudiera migrar. Visitar, sí. Colonizar, aún no. Nos guste o no, por el momento la Tierra es donde tenemos que quedarnos. Se ha dicho que la astronomía es una experiencia de humildad, y formadora del carácter. Tal vez no hay mejor demostración de la locura de la soberbia humana que esta distante imagen de nuestro minúsculo mundo. Para mí, subraya nuestra responsabilidad de tratarnos los unos a los otros más amable y compasivamente, y de preservar y querer ese punto azul pálido, el único hogar que siempre hemos conocido.
From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.
— Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space, 1997 reprint, pp. xv–xvi
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levieuxquartier · 4 years
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Body and Appearance 1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
Muy alto y delgado, aunque bastante fuerte. Es básicamente todo fibra. 2. How old is he?
40 3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?
Siempre le han hecho la coña de si llevaba un palo metido por el culo. Con los años ha aprendido a relajarse pero no mucho. 4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Es delgado y fibroso. Puro músculo. Hace ejercicio regularmente a pesar de llevar una vida relativamente tranquila.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
Tenso. La mayoría de las veces como si todo lo que le rodea fuera una amenaza. 6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
Tiene una belleza particular... por llamarlo de alguna manera. Él sabe que no es guapo, pero tiene un atractivo sexual que desaprovecha completamente. 7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Es paliducho aunque tampoco le cuesta coger color si le da el aire. 8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
Su pelo es entre castaño claro y rubio oscuro, ahora con alguna cana que otra.
9. What color are his eyes?
Marrones. 10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
Ninguna reseñable. 11. What are his chief tension centers?
El estómago y el cuello.
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?
Vaqueros, camisetas, prendas cómodas y funcionales prácticamente monocromas. 13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?
No es algo en lo que suela fijarse, la verdad, le da bastante igual. Supone que sí porque si no ya le habrían dicho algo. 14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
Usa la misma. El el dueño de un bar que está justo debajo de su casa, no se calienta mucho la cabeza en esto del vestir.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxers. Nunca ha sido de ir sin ropa interior y con su hija ni de coña se le pasaría por la cabeza. Speech 1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
Tiene la voz grave y seca, de las que parece que te están echando la bronca aunque solo sea un simple “hola”. 2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?
No es un hombre de muchas palabras, suele ir directo al grano y ya. Tampoco habla muy alto, solo si está muy cabreado. 3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
Solo su acento de Nueva Orleans, nada del otro mundo.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
Habla inglés y francés fluido. Las ventajas de vivir en el French Quarter. 5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
Con los clientes del bar, todo depende del idioma que usen.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
Como he comentado antes, es un hombre de pocas palabras. Suele pensar las cosas antes de decirlas, pero siempre de una manera directa y sin rodeos. O al menos en la mayoría de las ocasiones. 7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Elocuente. Al menos eso es lo que él cree. Mental and Emotional 1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
Un poco de ambas cosas. Para llegar a trabajar en el FBI tuvo que currárselo mucho, pero gran parte de lo que sabe lo aprendió en la calle, con curros de poca monta y buscándose la vida como pudo. 2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
Depende de la situación. En circunstancias normales piensa las cosas, pero cuando está muy cabreado tiende a pensar con los pies. 3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Es lógico y práctico. A veces se deja llevar por la intuición, cuesta dejar atrás las costumbres de cuando era agente, pero son las menos. 4. What kind of education has the character had?
Un poco de todo. En los estudios no era un genio, la verdad, le costó mucho terminar el instituto y no fue hasta que logró entrar en Quantico que se lo tomó en serio. Todo lo demás lo aprendió en la calle, sus padres tenían un bar cuando él era pequeño así que se pasaba más tiempo allí entre los clientes que en su casa estudiando. 5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?
Es un ex agente del FBI y, por mucho que quiera no pensar en ello, siempre lo llevará en la sangre. Lo que se le da bien es eso... ser un agente. 6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvertido. Lo de socializar lo lleva un poco mal. 7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
Es seco con todo el mundo menos con su hija. También tiene prontos de mala leche, aunque solo si le tocan mucho las narices en el bar. 8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
Para él todo el mundo es sospechoso hasta que se demuestre lo contrario. No es muy fanático de hacer amigos, y menos con la gente que se pasea por el bar. Aunque tenerlos los tiene, pero se cuentan con los dedos de una mano.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
De los que actúan. Siempre. 10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
Nuna huye de ninguna situación. Aunque algunas veces no esté nada de acuerdo con ella. 11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Decir que tiene sentido del humor sería mucho decir. Puede tolerar alguna broma, si viene de su hija, y se aguanta las ganas de mandar a la mierda a algún cliente si se pasa de gracioso. No se le dan bien las risas. 12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?
No que él sepa. Tiene ratos en los que quizá tenga un poco de ansiedad, pero nada destacable. 13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
Cuando entró en el FBI. Tener a Stevie y acabar siendo padre soltero. 14. What does he fear?
Que le pase algo a su hija. 15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
Ahora mismo no le pide mucho a la vida. Vivir de su negocio y que Stevie sea feliz.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
Que por mucho que grite a los cuatro vientos que guarda rencor a Deirdre por haberle abandonado a él y a su hija, sigue enamorado de ella. Relationships 1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Su relación siempre ha sido normal, ni mala ni maravillosa. Ahora mismo están en Florida disfrutando de su jubilación. 2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
Tiene una hermana que vive en Texas a la que solo ve por skype en cumpleaños y cuando se acuerda. 3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
Su hija, Stevie. 4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?
Roxanne, la hija de su mejor amigo. La considera una hermana pequeña.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
Su mejor amigo se llamaba Horace. Se conocieron a la vez que Deirdre y él, en una colaboración de la agencia con el ejército. Desde entonces fueron inseparables, hasta su muerte.
6. Does he have other close friends?
Otis, supone, la pareja de Roxanne. Más por ser novio de ella que por méritos propios. 7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
No le gusta hacer amigos. Y menos desde que murió Horace. 8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Su hija es lo más importante en su vida. 9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
Soltero, y sin ganas de cambiar de estado. 10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
No tiene relación con nadie así que no. Algún rollo casual, porque no es un monje, pero ya. 11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
La primera Jeannie, su novia del instituto. La última, Deirdre. Después ha tenido rollos pero no como para catalogarlos de crush. 12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
A estas alturas, que le interese algo más que para un par de polvos. 13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?
Tiene una hija de 18 años, Stevie. A pesar de que tienen sus diferencias a veces, su relación es bastante estrecha. 14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
Probablemente. Ahora mismo los Loring, aunque ellos no lo sepan. 15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?
Es heterosexual. 16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
Para él es un desahogo. No le da mayor importancia. 17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
No es muy exigente. Cuando intima con una mujer suele ser algo rápido y satisfactorio para ambos. Lo que le echa para atrás es cuando quieren pasar la noche con él, eso está totalmente fuera de su mente. Beliefs 1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
Es sagitario aunque los temas astrológicos le dan bastante igual. 2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
Es ateo. Sus padres le intentaron inculcar el catolicismo pero le daba mucha pereza. 3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Su moral a veces es algo laxa, sobre todo cuando choca con la justicia. No tiene reparos en hacer ciertas cosas que serían moralmente reprobables. 4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
El respeta las creencias de cada uno, mientras no le involucren a él que piensen y hagan lo que quieran. 5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
La gente que no respeta a los demás por el hecho de ser diferente. Tiene tolerancia cero. Daily Life 1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
No le sobra el dinero. El bar no da grandes ganancias y tiene facturas que pagar. Aunque tiene una buena vida, o eso cree. 2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?
De lo último en la cadena alimentaria, pero no le quita el sueño. 3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?
Vive en un apartamento encima de su bar. No es la gran cosa, pero para Stevie y él es más que suficiente. 4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Ahora mismo, en pagar las facturas médicas de Stevie. 5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?
Tiene un bar. Lo lleva bien, tampoco es que haga falta tener un máster para servir cervezas.
6.What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
Le gustan las pelis de terror y leer biografías. Cuando puede también sale a correr y a entrenarse en el campo de tiro.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Come lo que puede. No es un gran cocinero pero se mantiene en buena forma... algo bueno tiene que estar haciendo, supone. Associations Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite: 1. Color? Verde caqui. 2. Smell? Café 3. Time of day? Noche 4. Season? Invierno. 5. Book? Cualquier biografía que caiga en su mano. 6. Music? Dire Straits 7. Place? El campo de tiro 8. Substance? Whisky 9. Plant? Cactus 10. Animal? Zorro.
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eltalivanmx-blog · 7 years
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Mixing Tips 109 – pistas de referencias para mezclar – mixing reference tracks
El Talivan – Mixing Tips 109 – pistas de referencias para mezclar
Las pistas de referencias para mezclar son una de las herramientas más importantes para un estudio casero. El uso de mezclas profesionales como pistas de referencia es una gran manera de obtener una mezcla de muy buen sonido, si las escuchamos al mezclar y comparamos con nuestra producción obtendremos una idea de cómo debería sonar nuestra mezcla.
Si al trabajar tenemos problemas mezclando en nuestro estudio casero, esto puede hacer la producción difícil y frustrante pero el uso de pistas de referencia puede resolver casi todos estos problemas.
Estos son algunos de los problemas que tenemos en nuestro estudio casero:
Te acostumbras a tu mezcla
Tus sonidos bajos están demasiado fuerte
las voces suenan demasiado bajas
Tu mezcla suena sin cuerpo
Tu cerebro pierde la referencia de cómo las cosas deben sonar
Después de una horas de mezclar nuestros oídos se acostumbran a lo que escuchan, te acostumbras a los problemas de tu mezcla y los ignoras, pero cuando traes una pista de referencia a tu sesión, inmediatamente refrescas tus oídos y expone los problemas de tu mezcla, también oirás cómo un buen sonido deberá sonar en tu estudio, si tu cuarto tiene una acumulación de frecuencias o tus monitores son demasiado brillantes, la pista de referencia tendrá ese problema también, pero es porque así es como suena tu cuarto.
Si tu canción favorita suena bien en tu estudio no hay razón para que tu canción no suene bien también, es sólo cuestión de habilidad y práctica.
Tal vez es difícil pasar esa frustración y sensación de decepción que tenemos cuando escuchamos las pistas de referencia junto a nuestra mezcla, pero lo mas pronto que puedas superarlo y empezar a utilizar estas pistas como objetivos y guías, tus mezclas van a mejorar. lo que tienes que hacer es tomar un descanso de vez en cuando, escuchar la pista de referencia que eligistes y comparar los dos sonidos, trabaja para que tu mezcla suene parecido a ese sonido porque sabes que ese es el sonido de una gran mezcla, y asi es como se escucha en tu estudio, no importa lo extraño que pueda sonar para ti en este momento.
Al elegir una pista de referencia tienes que asegurarte de que sea una pista que se adapte a la producción en la cual estas trabajando.
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El Talivan Mixing Tips 109 – Pistas De Referencias Para Mezclar
Elige una pista del mismo género, que tenga una instrumentación similar y tenga el mismo estilo en general. No tiene por qué ser exactamente igual, pero si lo suficientemente cerca a como deseas que suene la canción en la que estás trabajando, debes de bajar el volumen de las pistas de referencia al volumen similar de tu mezcla, ya que la pista de referencia sonará mucho más fuerte por que esta masterizado y eso te dará una percepción errónea en tu comparación, lo importante es tratar de obtener tu canción lo más cerca posible sonicamente hablando. Debes escuchar con un enfoque definido y analizar e imitar todo, hacer notas sobre las diferencias entre ellos, y volver a hacer otra ronda de ajustes y mejoras. Debes de escuchar el equilibrio de las frecuencias altas, bajas y medias, los niveles relativos entre las partes de la mezcla, recuerda que una buena mezcla cumplirá ciertos estándares en claridad y potencia, con un equilibrio en todas las frecuencias y por lo tando debería sonar bien en casi cualquier sistema de reproducción, desde los monitores de estudio, en el coche y hasta en el iPhone, es por eso la importancia de tratar de asimilar este sonido. Los estilos de producción y los estándares cambian y mejoran con el tiempo, así que debes elegir pistas de referencia recientes.
Si utilizas pista que tiene muchos cambios y diferencias entre las secciones, aprenderás más sobre la construcción de la pista a medida que avanzas, es como tener dos o tres pistas de referencia en uno.
Así que empieza a trabajar usando pistas de referencias y disfruta tu trabajo.
El Talivan Mixing Tips 109 – Pistas De Referencias Para Mezclar
Mixing reference tracks
Reference tracks for mixing is one of the most important tools for a home recording studio. The use of professional mixes as reference tracks is the only way to get a great sound mix, if we listen to them when mixing and compare with our production we will get an idea of how our mix should sound.
If we have problems mixing in our home studio, this can be difficult and frustrating but the use of reference tracks can solve almost all of these problems.
These are some of the problems we have in a home recording studio:
You get used to your mix
Your bass sounds are too loud
The voices sound too low
Your mix sounds without a body
Your brain loses the reference of how things should sound
After a few hours of mixing our ears they get used to what they hear, you get used to the problems of your mix and ignore them, but when you bring a reference track to your session, it immediately refreshes your ears and exposes the problems of your mix, You will also hear how a good sound will sound in your studio, if your room has an accumulation of frequencies or your monitors are too bright, the reference track will have that problem too, but that’s because that’s how you studio sounds.
If your favorite song sounds good in your studio there is no reason why your song does not sound good too, it is just a matter of skill and practice.
El Talivan Mixing Tips 109 – Pistas De Referencias Para Mezclar
It’s hard to pass on the frustration feeling of disappointment that we have when we hear the reference tracks next to our mix, but as soon as you can do it and start using these tracks as goals and guides, your mixes will get better. What you have to do is take a break from time to time, listen to the reference track you chose and compare the two sounds, work on your mix and try to copy that sound because you know that is the sound of a great mix in your studio , No matter how strange it may sound to you right now.
When choosing a reference track you have to make sure that it is a track that suits the production in which you are working.
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Choose a track of the same genre, have similar instrumentation and have the same style. It does not have to be exactly the same, but close enough to how you want the song you are working to sound, you should turn down the volume of the reference tracks to the similar volume of your mix, since the reference track will sound louder because it is mastered and that will give you an erroneous perception of your comparison, the important thing is to try to get your song as close as possible sonically speaking. You must listen, analyze and imitate everything, make some notes about the differences between them, and make adjustments and improvements. You must listen to the balance of the high, low and middle frequencies, the relative levels between the parts of the mix, remember that a good mix will meet certain standards in clarity and power, with a balance in all frequencies and therefore should sound Well in almost any playback system, from studio monitors,the car or the iPhone, that’s why the importance of trying to assimilate that sound.
El Talivan Mixing Tips 109 – Pistas De Referencias Para Mezclar
Production standards and styles change and improve over time, so you should choose recent reference tracks, and if you use track that has many changes and differences between sections, you will learn more about building the track as you go, It’s like having two or three reference tracks in one.
So start working with reference tracks and enjoy your work.
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